#lab rats Leo
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I'm actually so correct
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clowniebutt · 1 year
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i love them
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incredipuppy · 1 year
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My fav arch enemies 💕
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and-so-he-rambled · 1 year
Leo deals with the aftermath of bionics, a wip
It was easy to pretend at first.
His hands looked the same, even if there was a subtle change that made his brain itch.
Doug said most of his arm was saved, but Leo had started to notice that wasn’t true. When he pressed into the skin, he could feel things underneath. Metal and wiring, winding tightly underneath skin that didn’t sweat or bleed.
When he first found the seam, he had to know.
They found him sitting in the dark of his room, fingers pressed against the exposed wiring of his stump. The bionics ran up his shoulder, going deeper than he wanted to guess, but Doug had lied. His arm had been gone before he’d left the hospital. The skin tones weren’t even exact. A patch job in an abandoned lair with no prep was doomed from the start.
He didn’t know how to feel. He had wanted this for so long, but he’d wake up in a cold sweat, pinned under a nonexistent weight. Leo never cried, but his eyes itched and burned if he thought too hard.
“I don’t even know what I’m upset about.” He laughed softly, making a fist that creaked softly. “I always wanted bionics, so why-“ He trailed off, shoulders hunched.
Janelle was smarter than him, she understood emotions in a way no one else he knew did. He didn’t even think they were dating anymore, but she still cared about him.
“Leo, you were passed out. Consent is a thing, and Doug violated that. He cut off your arm, Leo! That’s super fucked up.”
“Stop, You’re making it sound so much worse than it is! Besides, I think the doctors cut my arm off.” He was okay, finally a hero! Even if he couldn’t sleep, even if he fractured his wrist once while trying to put on a watch, even if he couldn’t feel it when he touched things. He was fine, and it would get better.
She grabbed him by his shoulders, forcing him to look at her. “Leo, in three years you’ve been beaten up, had buildings fall on you, and had your humanity taken without you knowing. It’s messed up!”
“Leo.” Her voice softened, gentle and firm. In a weird way, she reminded him of his mom. “You’re still human, and it’s okay to feel emotions.”
His life had been so empty before his mom had married Davenport, and then it went from zero to one hundred instantly. He had siblings, and suddenly his world wasn’t so small.
Sometimes he took off the arm just to exist without it for a minute. He felt weaker than ever, constantly feeling jabs of pain that weren’t there.
He’d scratch the itches only to realize they were impossible to stop. He felt phantom pains where his arm would be, even with the bionic arm on. It was weird, how his brain knew that something was off.
He was broken in a deep, unfixable way and he wished he knew why.
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i-was-nvr-here · 2 years
We gonna ignore the fact thar Adam is just showing everyone his cards! 😂
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neurodivenport · 1 year
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wdym this isn't how lab rats vs mighty med went
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fuzzpetalz · 2 months
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leo dooley from disney xd sitcom lab rats
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leo-dooley-lab-rats · 2 months
Something I’ve always liked about Lab Rats, even back when it first aired, is how untraditional the family structure is. Not only is the family a mixed race, but is also blended family.
Once you add the idea of Donald being the biological uncle of Adam, Bree, and Chase it doesn’t take away from Donald being the father figure to the trio and they don’t start calling Douglas ‘Dad’. Donald raised them. Douglas even moves in and he’s more like uncle to Leo and the trio despite being the biological father. Going even further, Donald is father figure to Leo yet Leo never calls him dad. In fact, the trio doesn’t call him dad either. Still it’s very clear that Donald is the father figure.
What is even more interesting is how quickly Leo and the trio accept each other as siblings. It’s never step-siblings or adopted siblings, it’s always brothers and sister. This happens in like episode 2. The fact that Leo and trio are siblings are never questioned by anyone. It’s just accepted, even the villains.
Tasha from what we see from the show is quick to accept Adam, Bree, and Chase as members of the family. She even seems to pretty okay with Douglas. Granted, she never really interacts with Douglas, but we are never given any reason to think she has any issue with Douglas.
I think Daniel even adds another layer to this messy family. He’s sibling no one knew about, but calls Douglas ‘dad’. It always felt to me as someone trying really hard to fit in when calls Douglas ‘dad’. It’s implied that Daniel has an adopted family that he is very close with. Still, everyone just accepts Daniel as family right away. Daniel is interesting, unexplored, and underdeveloped part of the show.
The only person who has an Dooley-Davenport Family as unit is Rose Dooley aka Leo’s grandma/Tasha’s mom. She doesn’t like Donald all that much and seemed a little freaked out by Adam, Bree, and Chase. She never interacted with Douglas as far as I remember(correct me if I’m wrong). The narrative of the show frames this as wrong point of view. Rose is always has to learn the lesson that Donald and the trio are family and good for Tasha and Leo.
The Dooley-Davenport family is messy and confusing from an outsider’s point of view. There are tons of people in real life with confusing family structures like this. Some people are raised by grandparents or uncles or family friends. Sometimes, people can be close to cousins like they are siblings. Families are messy, but that’s okay as long as there is love. That’s really why I’ve always loved the Dooley-Davenport family it’s messy and non-traditional like so many people’s in real life.
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fandoms-run-my-life · 1 month
Thinking about Lab Rats as I often do. What would sleeping standing upright in their capsules do to their bodies after... what 20 years?? That can't be good for their knees. Did they have to sleep standing as babies, or did they transition when they got old enough? How did Donald train 2?3?4? year olds to sleep standing up? Did he strap them in until they could do it on their own??
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Hot take but I will never blame Bree for being "selfish" or "angry"
(She has never had a single moment to herself and is always looked down upon. She's surrounded by people who don't understand how she feels, she lost her entire childhood. She sees other girls having a normal life and knows she will never get to have that, and she's valid for being upset about that)
Hot take but I will never blame Chase for being "rude" or "defensive" or "egotistical"
(His whole. Life. He has been picked on and never taken seriously. Always told he has the least useful bionics. He's egotistical because no one else will value him, he's defensive because so many people have told him he's useless and ugly and everything else. And in elite force, he's called rude but can you blame him? Suddenly he's not the only one with super intelligence. Suddenly he's faced with 3 heroes he can't understand and he hates not understanding something.)
Hot take but I will never blame Adam for being "aggressive"
(I am a firm believer that he's far too rough on chase, and needs to stop and learn how to be gentler, but also he was built strong and large to hold his bionic strength, and he was never taught "hey don't hurt people like that" or how to express affection or emotions because hey, guess what, none of these kids were fucking raised properly.)
Hot take but I will never blame Leo for being "cocky" or "reckless"
(He joined this family late, he always feels like an outcast. The whole show he's ostracized because he's small and a "loser" and he doesn't have as many bionics as the others and he was a student instead of a mentor. We've seen this during the arc when he tries to make a new team, he just wants to prove himself and prove that he is a valuable part of the team. And even when he does go too far and gets too reckless, he immediately recognizes his mistakes and tries to leave the team and the island because even though all he ever wanted was to prove himself, he still left because he believed that was the safest thing for the people he cared about.)
Hot take but I think the rats should be allowed to have human emotions
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clowniebutt · 1 year
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i love this app
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davenweenie · 5 months
People forget how cool Chase Davenport is. It’s always ‘he’s a nerd’ and yeah, he is and there’s nothing wrong with that. BUT that man is so cool (in my opinion)
He can play guitar (probably better than any musician, because he’s literally a human computer)
He can learn anything in seconds just by downloading an app in his brain.
He can float, man can levitate whenever he wants (which is something a lot of us forget because it’s barely mentioned in the show)
He’s literally the smartest person alive, he probably knows all the secrets of the world.
There’s so many more examples that I can’t think of from the top of my head but Chase Davenport is cooler than the rest of his siblings, I don’t make the rules. Well, his bionics are cooler (in my opinion)
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and-so-he-rambled · 1 year
(Got amputation on a whump wheel and chose Leo)
Leo rolled out of bed with a groan, stumbling a bit as his balance was briefly thrown off. He was still getting used to this.
His arm lay in ist capsule, disconnected and sitting pretty like a Halloween decoration. He hated looking at it.
He used to be the weak one, but now, with his arm off and a metal hole where his bionic arm was made to slot in, he felt weakest of all. He was back home again, never quite able to be away from his mom for too long. Janelle liked the visits too, growing up into a firecracker of a lady and studying engineering at the local college. He’d always wanted to be cool for her, but he was a bit of a trophy boyfriend these days.
He made his way to the kitchen, his left arm habitually opening doors as his stump hung uselessly. The right arm was too powerful anyways when it was connected, so he’d taught himself to be left handed. He still slipped up sometimes away from the reinforced walls and doorknobs of the island, but he was getting better at it.
He found his way easily in the dark, familiar with the house as he pulled a glass from the cabinet.
“Leo?” Light filled the room, his mother standing in the doorway in her robe. Her baby belly was barely showing, but he found that he noticed it every day. A reminder he’d have a little sibling, one he swore to keep safe from their crazy life. Was this how his mom had felt when he started going on missions?
He was startled by a cry from his mom, a hiccuping sob that she tried to cover with his hands. The glass slipped from his weak fingers, exploding on the floor.
“Mom? Are you okay? Is it the baby? Do I need to call Davenport?” He asked in a flurry, watching her shake her head while tears began to escape her eyes. She took a step forward and he held his arm out to stop her. “Mom, there’s glass, stop there!”
She didn’t respond, just staring with her hand over her mouth. He followed her gaze, right to his stump.
“It’s okay mom, it’s okay.” He tried to assure her, stepping away from the mess to reach out and touch her. It felt safer, hugging her without fear of crushing her. He missed being able to hold her with both arms and squeeze, the way she used to groan dramatically as if he was the strongest kid in the world instead of a stringbean little punk.
“I-“ She attempted to speak, swallowing. “I’d never seen it off before. I didn’t realize…”She held him, pressing her teary face into the crook of his neck. When he’d she gotten so small? When had he gotten so big?
“My baby. My baby.” She repeated, one hand around her boy and the other on her small bump. It made his chest ache, hearing his mother cry. She never cried, said there were always better things to do than cry. She used to tell him she cried to say he was born and when he got his first shots, but he’d never seen her cry in front of him in all his years. It felt wrong. He was the emotional little kid who would run to her and son into her chest. She was the strong woman who wiped his tears.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything.” She whispered, squeezing his hand.
“Mom, you have nothing to be sorry for.” He tried to assure her. “This wasn’t your fault, none of it. I just got hurt, it happens. I’ve got training now, it won’t happen again. It’ll be okay.” He just spoke in a stream of consciousness, word vomit that seemed to help. Her little sobs died down, hands frantically wiping away the traitorous tears.
“I’m your mother Leo, I’ll always feel responsible for you, no matter what you do, or how old you get. It’s my job.” He wisely didn’t mention the birthdays she missed for reporting or all the times she forgot to pick him up from school. It didn’t really matter now, she’d been a good mom, taken care of him after his dad died. He loved her.
“I’m okay.” He promised through the phantom pains and nightmares. He’d try and remember to wear it when he left his room, to hide the reminder. Just because he’d gotten used to the sight doesn’t mean the rest would.
“Just be careful baby.” She pressed a kiss to his head, standing to get the broom as she gathered herself together, shooing him away when he tried to help.
He promised he would, going back to his room to hopefully sleep. He’d be heading back to the island tomorrow.
A week later, Mr, Davenport built the space elevator.
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tabl3 · 5 months
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rip quality
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