#la legende du roi arthur dvd
liorlenn · 7 months
just saw the new dove attia musical (moliere) and um.
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noscorpsaladerive · 4 years
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French Musical 30 Day Challenge || Day 29 Fancast a musical:  La Légende du Roi Arthur
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Jang Seungjo as Arthur Camille Lou as Guenièvre Niel as Lancelot Sarah van Elst as Morgane Jung Taekwoon as Méléagant Dominique Magloire as Merlin
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tsuki-fairy-blog · 7 years
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Omg, omg, omg - I'm SO super happy 😍😍😍😍
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fuckyeaharthuriana · 4 years
Pandemic arthurian resources 101. Enjoy King Arthur at home!
Hey! Stay at home (if you can), and this will soon pass. In the meantime, here’s some arthurian media to enjoy from your house... EVEN YOUR BED!
Here is a list of free online movies, books, tv shows, audiobooks, courses webseries, videogames etc.
ANCIENT TEXTS and sources to download (link here)!
Free classic books on Gutenberg A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court by Mark Twain The Legends of King Arthur and His Knights by Knowles and Malory The Romance of Tristan and Iseult by Joseph Bédier Four Arthurian Romances by  Chrétien de Troyes Layamon’s Brut King Arthur’s Knights by Henry Gilbert The Lady of the Lake by Sir Walter Scott Idylls of the King by Tennyson The Story of the Champions of the Round Table by Howard Pyle The Defence of Guenevere and Other Poems by William Morris Lancelot of the Laik by Walter W. Skeat
Youtube free webseries
Campaign for Camelot REX Legend
Interesting online university free courses
Magic in the Middle Ages Women’s spirituality in the middle ages The Book: Scrolls in the age of the book A History of Violence: from the middles ages to modern times The History of Medieval Medicine Through Jewish Manuscripts The Book of Kells Hadrian’s Wall: life on the Roman frontier Antisemitism from its origin to the present  Deciphering secrets: the illuminated manuscript of medieval Europe
Short stories in arthurian magazines
1907 July in SCRIBNERS: Galahad’s Daughter (Katharine Holland Brown)
1933 August in COLLIER’S WEEKLY: King Arthur (Teresa Hyde Phillips)
1943 January in WEIRD TALES: The Eager Dragon (Robert Bloch)
1948 March in UNKNOWN: The Enchanted Week End (John MacCormac)
1951 August in FANTASTIC ADVENTURES: Excalibur and the Atom (Theodore Sturgeon)
1954 June in STARTLING STORIES: The Spiral of the Ages (Fletcher Pratt)
Other free books from hathitrust
Studies in the fariy mythology of Arthurian romance (Paton Lucy Allen)
Gliglois, a French Arthurian romance of the thirteenth century
Five Arthurian Poems (William Morris)
The Arthurian material in the chronicles, especially those of Great Britain and France (Fletcher)
The vulgate version of the Arthurian romances (Sommer)
Notes on the Arthurian epic and the Idylls of the king
The Holy Grail; the Galahad quest in the Arthurian literature (Waite)
When knights were bold; an incident of King Arthur’s court (Cooke)
Age of chivalry; or, Legends of King Arthur (Bulfinch)
The Legend of Sir Gawain; studies upon its original scope and significance (Jessie L. Weston)
The knights of the Round table; stories of King Arthur and the Holy Grail (William Henry Frost). Illustrated.
The book of romance (Andrew Lang). Illustrated by H. J. Ford
Lancelot and Guinevere, a poem in dramas
Studies in the arthurian legend (John Rhys)
The Illuminated tree in two arthurian romances (Brugger)
A study of the waste or enchanted land in arthurian romance (Stromberg)
Gawain: a study of certain phases of the Gawain cycle in Arthurian legend (Baskin)
The evolution of Arthurian romance from the beginnings down to the year 1300
The holy graal, and other fragments (Richard Hovey)
The Scottish metrical romance of Lancelot du Lak
Keeping tryst; a tale of King Arthur’s time (Johnston Annie)
Mordred: a tragedy (Henry Newbolt)
The misfortunes of Arthur (Hughes)
The influence of Wace on the Arthurian romances
The meaning of the Idylls of the king; an essay in interpretation (Benoist)
Lancelot, a poem
The quest of Merlin
youtube MOVIES (almost all of them are on and even some rare ones!)
Arthur the King Arthur’s Quest (parts: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11) Arthur and Merlin Camelot 1982 act 1, act 2, act 3 Camelot cartoon Dragons of Camelot Excalibur Kid (one of my favourites!) Excalibur Rising First Knight (quality is not great) Gawain and the Green Knight (1973) Guinevere 1994 Kids of the round table King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table 2017 (the one with aliens) Knights of the Long Table (short movie) Knights of the Round Table (1953) Lancelot du Lac Merlin the Return Merlin and Arthur the Lion King Monty Python and the Holy Grail Morte d’Arthur 1983 Parsifal (1912) Percival 2007 (short movie) Sword of Lancelot
As always, if you can support these movies, please, do buy the dvds or the online amazon prime videos. Some of these movies are made by very small studios!
Connecticut Yankee movies
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s court (the one with the little girl as Boss) 1978 Connecticut Yankee A Knight in Camelot A Young Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s court The Bugs Bunny one
and...youtube TV SHOWS
The Adventures of Prince Valiant (complete) The Adventures of Sir Galahad Arthur of the Britons Arthur and the square knights of the round table (random eps) The Boy Merlin (ep0, ep1, ep2, ep3, ep4, ep5. ep6)  King Arthur and the Knights of Justice (prob. complete) The Legend of King Arthur (complete) Merlin 1998 Mordred French series Kaamelott with english subtitles
La Legende du Roi Arthur Artus Excalibur  Camelot 1982 act 1, act 2, act 3
Audio books and podcasts
The Last Enchantment by Mary Stewart Morte d’Arthur A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court ArthurianMythia podcast
Old Free Videogames
Arthur: The Quest for Excalibur Camelot Warriors Conquests of Camelot: The Search for the Grail Excalibur Lancelot Spirit of Excalibur Vengeance of Excalibur
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Behind the scenes of the LRA DVD
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margridarnauds · 3 years
🔥 takarazuka *hides*
Anon, do you want me to be MURDERED? 
Okay, I want this to be emphasized: I LIKE Takarazuka! I do! And I have friends who are Zuka fans and I love hearing them talk about Zuka/watching Zuka musicals with them! 1789 Zuka was basically what got me back into loving 1789, and getting into Zuka was a good stepping stone for getting into Toho. The costumes and production value are excellent, and I give them full credit for their reputation as a Japanese cultural icon and the current leading musical theatre troupe in Japan. 
HOWEVER, I also think that they routinely bank on that reputation in order to have a “style over substance” approach - Exemplified by the Top Star system, which often focuses on capitalizing on the popularity of one or two stars while underdeveloping other characters and, on top of that, due to the privileged position of otokoyakus compared to musumeyakus, it often comes with quite a bit of sexist baggage as well. (See: Solène’s song being given to Camille in 1789, Dmitri getting “Journey to the Past” + his own solo song in Anastasia, Guinevere having a mental breakdown in La Legende Du Roi Arthur + having her father threaten to honor kill her, Emma’s characterization in IAFA being flattened so that she can still be palatable, not having had a boyfriend before, not being as assertive, not being as casual when she’s around Josi even though the entire point of her relationship with Josi IS that she’s able to loosen up around him.) 
And to some extent....no, I don’t expect, in the case of an adaptation, for EVERYTHING to remain the same, and in a lot of musicals, I think it was, genuinely, for the better - 1789 is much better than its French counterpart, partially DUE to the star system because it forced them to give multiple minor characters songs to create a solid ensemble musical, as is Don Juan. I do believe that there’s a problem where, when people see Zuka musical adaptations, they’ll miss the forest for the trees, complaining about plot details being changed without considering the broader cultural context. (See: Robespierre.) That being said, I do, fully, believe that we can and should be allowed to talk about sexism in particular. And, if we want to talk about Japan’s relationship to sexism in particular....Toho, while it’s made its share of slip-ups (Solène), has been doing perfectly fine with stronger female characters as well. Zuka relies on fan loyalty to do the bare minimum so that it can get pats on the shoulder for making progress (though I WILL say, in its defense, that it does have to keep up fan loyalty as well, so I know that it can’t go TOO far but...) Just have the top star wink at the camera in an important scene and people will keep coming, no need to talk about the sexism here, keep it rolling, keep giving the right amount of fanservice, toss some glitter on the problem. We don’t need character development, we don’t need plot, make it kawaii and sparkly and it’s fine! (And I want it noted, before anyone suggests that I’m forcing western feminism onto Japanese media, that a lot of my understanding of this has been formed by talking to Japanese friends.) There have been some Strong Zuka Heroine, but some of them seem....generically “empowered” without really having all that much to show for it, still being palatable, dainty, poised, and lovable, even if they might initially reject the Zuka hero’s advances. You couldn’t have, say, Margrid Arnaud in a Zuka musical, as grimy and gremlin-like as she is - You still can’t really have female characters who are PEOPLE. 
It’s also very hard to be a Zuka fan as someone who’s very much a fan of MUSICALS because in general, within about a month or two, the bulk of fan attention tends to go to the next big project, especially since Zuka is constantly producing new musicals (exhausting its stars to the point where most top stars only last around 3 years which, tbh, can’t be mentally or physically healthy), and, for me, six months is barely enough time for me to fully decide my basic opinions on a musical - It usually takes that long, in the case of double-casts, for me to decide which I like more. To the Zuka fandom’s credit, I DO regularly get, say, likes and reblogs on gifsets from older productions, but, for the most part, there’s very much this constant moving from one show to the next while I tend to stay put and stan a few shows at a time. 
And, of course, as a Toho fan, it’s difficult because I generally get this feeling of Toho being....inferior. People will boast about spending upwards of $500 on Zuka merchandise, going to Japan to see shows, but when it comes to paying for Toho shows, suddenly ~$125 is too much and I should give my DVDs to them. I will gladly watch Zuka musicals with friends because I like watching new musicals + hanging out with friends, but SUDDENLY, when I want to watch Toho musicals, I have to qualify them by what former Zuka stars are around. Toho musicals don’t get much appreciation - all we get is people wanting Zuka/complaining about Toho because it includes men (which makes me feel SUPER awkward as a bi woman, ngl) and then, when we want a tiny bit of recognition, getting a shoulder shrug and “well, girls do it better.” (Note: The Toho girls are doing quite well in their own right - Just ask Aya Hirano, Sonim, Erika Ikuta, Natsumi Kon...) And, of course, that’s not including musicals from other theatre companies, it’s just that, frankly, any recognition Toho’s gotten in the last few years has been purely because me and a few friends/mutuals have been working our tails off to give it that recognition, while Zuka gets more while doing less. 
And the fandom, in general, isn’t willing to hear a SINGLE critical word against it, maintaining a policy of intimidation, fear tactics, and guilting in order to keep people silent while getting pissed off at minor faux pas that, unless you’ve been around the block, you wouldn’t *know*. And, for my part, I don’t have a general policy of outwardly TRASHING musicals, but I also fully believe that, when you’re asking people to spend upwards of a hundred dollars on a proshot (or to spend the time to watch a +2 hour musical), they should know, bluntly, what they’re getting. I swore, a long time ago, that I would never sugarcoat how I really felt about a Toho musical if asked because, as far as I’m concerned, people deserve to know the truth from my perspective. I won’t hide, for example, that I feel like Hanafusa Mari's acting hasn’t been solid for close to a decade and that Kaname Ouki’s Marie Antoinette’s been known to cause dogs to spontaneously break out in howling fits, because I want to be as trustworthy as possible. I’m happy for the friends I’ve made in the fandom, I wouldn’t trade them for the world, and I do enjoy the musicals that I’ve gotten into, but I wouldn’t dare go further into the fandom than that. 
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soggywarmpockets · 5 years
List of zuka I can stream!
I figure I’ll use this as my official “I can stream these things” list and just update it from time to time. Let me know if you’d like to watch something and we will try to set up a time and date!
Two acts:
Al Capone - The Hidden Truth of Scarface 2015 Snow Troupe
Me and My Girl 2008 Moon Troupe Hakataza recording w/ Hiromu Kiriya B Cast (Asumi Rio as Gerald, Ryuu Masaki as Jackie)
アーサー王伝説 (The Legend of King Arthur/ La Légende du roi Arthur) 2016 Moon Troupe
Carousel Rondo 2017 Moon Troupe Hakataza
Crystal Takarazuka 2017 Moon Troupe Tour raku
Greatest HITS Chuunichi 2017 Snow Troupe
Mr. Swing 2013 Flower Troupe (Same recording as DVD version)
Royal Straight Flush 2011 Snow Troupe
Santé!! 2017 Flower Troupe Tokyo raku
Santé!! 2018 Flower Troupe Hakataza 5/25 recording
Shining Rhythm 2012 Snow Troupe Tokyo raku
Super Voyager 2018 Snow Troupe Tour
Revue 2010 DVD
Revue 2015 DVD
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zukalations · 6 years
ESPECIAL TIME: As you like it - Ayanagi Shou and Miya Rurika
ESPECIAL TIME is a long-running invitation talk feature in GRAPH, where one sienne is given the opportunity to invite someone else.
Ayanagi Shou’s feature, where she invited Miya Rurika, was published in the February 2018 issue.
There is also an outtake from the feature that was printed in the back of the magazine.
ESPECIAL TIME: As you like it - Ayanagi Shou and Miya Rurika
Miya: Thank you for inviting me today!
Ayanagi: No, no, thank you!
Miya: I’m really honored. This came as such a surprise…
Ayanagi: A while back, for a different assignment, I had a chance to request someone to do a talk with, so I really struggled over whether to ask you, Miya-san. We had talked a little bit in the green room and during the TCA Special, but…
Miya: (listening to Ayanagi’s accent) Oh? You’re from Kansai!
Ayanagi: Yes, I am. Did it slip out? (laughs)
Miya: Yes, but you don’t really look like you’re from Kansai. Ah, sorry, go ahead!
Ayanagi: (laughs) I have the impression of Miya-san as a ‘cool beauty’ type.
Miya: Ahaha (laughs)
Ayanagi: Therefore, at the time, I thought ‘I would be so nervous if I had to talk one-on-one with her!’ and gave up on the idea. But the next day, I heard that Miya-san had also put my name on your list of potential guests, and that made me really happy. So when I was given this talk feature, even though I was a little scared…
Miya: (bursts out laughing)
Ayanagi: I gathered my courage and requested you as my guest!
Miya: Thank you, I’m really happy. Of course, since we’re in different troupes, even though we’ll chat briefly if we end up going to a show at the same time, or if we run into each other in the hallways of the rehearsal space, but we don’t really know much about each other’s ways of thinking and such.
Ayanagi: Exactly.
Miya: We’ve had chances to talk once in a while, but I think the first time must have been when you were assigned the role of Mercutio (main cast: Sagiri Seina) in the shinjin kouen of Romeo et Juliette. We definitely talked about something. But it was so long ago I’ve totally forgotten!
Ayanagi: (laughs) I remember Miya-san speaking to me when I was ken-1 or -2. You had come to the rehearsal room to talk to your classmate Renjou (Makoto)-san, and when I passed through you said something like ‘Oh, that girl’s so pretty~’!
Miya: Did I!?
Ayanagi: I was so surprised that Miya-san would say something like that about me that I went over to you without even thinking about it (laughs)!
Miya: (laughs) Right, I always thought of you as being really pretty. Therefore, when the gossip that ‘Ayanagi Shou is going to be Mercutio!’ reached me, I was so happy. ‘She’ll be so beautiful!’ I said (laughs).
Ayanagi: No way, no (laughs).
Miya: I wasn’t able to see that shinjin kouen, so I ended up devouring the stage photos that were published in GRAPH and Kageki.
Ayanagi: Ehhhh~ (laughs). After that, you played Mercutio too, in Moon Troupe. And also Bernard from The Rose of Versailles.
Miya: Right, right. We’ve played the same roles which gives us a bit of a connection.
Ayanagi: Right now, in A Passage Through the Light: Revolutionary Maximilen Robespierre, I’m playing a female role. I thought the female roles Miya-san has played up until now were very beautiful and fascinating, so I thought that this might be a good opportunity to talk about that.
Miya: But this isn’t your first time, is it?
Ayanagi: I did [a female role] once in Nijinsky…
Miya: Ah, I saw that on DVD! You were so pretty. How was it? I think it comes with a sort of complicated feeling that only otokoyaku playing female roles can understand. Therefore, I ended up wondering what your mental state was for this role. After all, for the first show of the New Moon Troupe, La Legende du Roi Arthur, I ended up playing a witch (laughs).
Ayanagi: Ah, that was so amazing~
Miya: It was at a time when the troupe was being reformed, and I was also dealing with feeling like I had to renew myself… Looking back on it now, there was a lot of value to it, and I learned a lot, but it was a bit disconcerting for a moment (laughs). Shou-chan, you’re also doing it for Daimon’s (Nozomi’s) debut show, so how does that feel?
Ayanagi: My last show was the national tour, Nozomi-san’s pre-debut. During that time, I felt ‘Being an otokoyaku is so fun!’ once again really strongly, and I was thinking ‘I’m going to go for it in the next Grand Theatre show too!’, so at the start I was rather conflicted about it.
Miya: Ah, that’s understandable.
Ayanagi: But my role in this show is that of a strong-willed woman who can be on an equal footing with any of the men. I can use some aspects of being an otokoyaku in that as well, so I felt ‘if I’m doing this I should make the best of it!’ and now I am having a lot of fun.
Miya: See, there’s a lot of meaning when an otokoyaku plays a female role. Sorry, I haven’t actually seen the show yet so I just have to imagine (laughs).
Ayanagi: (laughs)
Miya: I’ve played female roles about 4 times now, so that’s always been something that encourages me. But now that it’s like the 4th time, it sort of feels like a party trick and I find it really fun (laughs).
Ayanagi: A party trick! (laughs)
Miya: But it really widens your horizons, right? I’m the sort of person who feels like doing pretty-boy roles all the time is a bit boring, and a while back when Shou-chan played Takeda Kanryuu in Rurouni Kenshin I felt like you really came alive in that role. I thought ‘from now on she’s going to keep broadening her outlook and become a really interesting performer’.
Ayanagi: Takeda Kanryuu was definitely from a totally different category than any other  role I had ever played. At first I couldn’t even picture myself doing it, but once the curtain went up on the first day I started to have more and more fun with it.
Miya: There’s the reaction from the audience, too.
Ayanagi: Right, I suppose I was swept along by that a bit, too. So I came to really like playing that role. I think this time around I’m also picking up new skills that will be useful later.
Ayanagi: Recently, when we were both in the TCA Special, you told me “you don’t have to fuss over me so much”...
Miya: Oh, I did, I did! We were always standing right next to each other, right. So we were always chatting during rehearsals, and even when we were getting to standby for the real performance, I knew that as long as I was next to Shou-chan I’d be in the right place (laughs).
Ayanagi: (laughs)
Miya: I’m really bad at getting places and times right, you see (laughs). But really, you were so attentive to me! Even if I was just making a casual remark you’d make sure it was clear ‘I’m listening!’ and you’d ask “Are you okay if I’m standing in this spot?”
Ayanagi: Was I really?
Miya: Yeah. Didn’t you think so?
Ayanagi: No~ I didn’t really notice…
Miya: I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, of course, but when you’re there at such an amazing event I wouldn’t want you to spend your time fussing over me just because I’m your senior. It would ruin the fun during the show, I thought.
Ayanagi: Ah~
Miya: I used to be like that a long time ago. My classmates would be in front giving it their all and I’d be holding myself back behind them, like, ‘is it ok if I just dance over here?’. But now I feel like that was a bit of a waste so I regret doing that, and I wouldn’t want you to do that either. Besides, aren’t you pretty senior yourself now?
Ayanagi: That’s true. So now I’m just stressed out internally. I’m not the type of person to be able to keep everyone else in line, you see…
Miya: Is that so! Even though you’re so precise about everything?
Ayanagi: I really struggle. I don’t have confidence in myself, so I can’t say anything to the junior actresses…
Miya: I also used to be really bad with that. After all, I’m so bad at keeping track of things that I had to rely on Shou-chan to end up in the right place in rehearsals (laughs).
Ayanagi: Now, now (laughs).
Miya: So how am I supposed to know what everyone else is supposed to be doing, you know? (laughs) So in situations where I’m the most senior member in a particular scene they’ll tell me to get everyone in order, but I don’t have my own placing and choreography down (laughs).
Ayanagi: I know that feeling (laughs).
Miya: So I have to get in to the midset of ‘I’m the most senior here, so I’ll put aside everything about myself and say what I have to say!’
Ayanagi: I see. Whenever I state my opinion firmly, right afterwards I’ll start feeling really insecure, so I’ll end by asking the people around me “~don’t you think?” (laughs)
Miya: I get that. I’ll also be like “~and that’s what I think, you know!” and push some of the responsibility on whoever is next to me (laughs).
Ayanagi: (laughs) I always thought Miya-san would be a really forceful, determined type.
Miya: Totally opposite! As a yokasei I was the type to hide in everyone else’s shadow all the time.
Ayanagi: Me too (laughs).
Miya: But recently, when I saw Shou-chan’s scene in the national tour of “D”ramatic S!, I thought you had a completely different atmosphere from anything before.
Ayanagi: Eh~!?
Miya: When it’s a scene that you’re the center of, don’t you feel like you need to pursue something more than just technicality, and leave something behind after you leave the stage? I thought your desire to convey that was really clear, and it was really amazing.
Ayanagi: That’s so much…
Miya: I felt like you really had the strength to bring everyone along with you as well. Therefore, I hope the junior actresses will keep following your good example too.
Ayanagi: Thank you! I’ll do my best!
Ayanagi: I’ve always loved Miya-san’s fashion! When there were pictures of Miya-san published in NEW GENERATION or things like that, I’d always be like ‘I wonder where those clothes came from?’ and investigate (laughs).
Miya: (laughs)
Ayanagi: And then after that, when I was in NEW GENERATION II myself, I thought ‘I’m sure I was mimicking Miya-san!’ and so yesterday I went and compared both of them at home. And it turned out I was wearing a belt from the same brand as Miya-san’s (laughs).
Miya: (bursts out laughing) That’s so cute~ It makes me really happy to hear things like that.
Ayanagi: Are there things you reference a lot for fashion?
Miya: Recently I don’t really read magazines. I used to really try to follow fashion, but as the time went on, I started to feel like what I actually wanted to wear was something different to that. Wandering around stores without looking at any information and then wearing whatever makes me think ‘This is it!’ is what really makes my heart happiest.
Ayanagi: Makes your heart happy (laughs)
Miya: Exactly (laughs). Therefore, recently, if I go to a fashion mall, say, I’ll visit all the stores that look like they have the sort of things I might not normally wear.
Ayanagi: Hmmm~
Miya: And then I’ll make snap decisions. I don’t agonize over anything. I’ll try something on and then I’ll be like ‘Yes! I’m buying this!’ (laughs). It takes me about an hour to make it through each floor.
Ayanagi: That’s so fast!
Miya: Well, I’m not able to go shopping very often. Only once a season.
Ayanagi: What, really!?
Miya: See, Shou-chan, you can drive, right?
Ayanagi: Yes, I drive sometimes.
Miya: I don’t have a license, so it’s a big deal to go out shopping.
Ayanagi: Well then, I can drive you!
Miya: Thank you (laughs).
Ayanagi: I just want to go along (laughs). I want you to help me with outfits~
Miya: I love picking out clothes for other people too! Let’s do it!
Ayanagi: In your precious once-per-season shopping trip (laughs).
Miya: Yeah (laughs). And in return we can use your car (laughs).
Ayanagi: Leave it to me (laughs). I always feel like you’re so good at putting together a lot of different clothing pieces.
Miya: Ah~ I do like thinking about that kind of thing.
Ayanagi: I don’t understand much about doing that, so I always just copy Miya-san (laughs).
Miya: (laughs) Well, you can ask me for advice any time, even if it’s not an assignment I have anything to do with!
Ayanagi: Thank you so much! (laughs)
Miya: Takarazuka otokoyaku are a bit restricted in clothing. But if you think about it even things that look like they wouldn’t work at all can be put together with other things and look like proper otokoyaku style. So I’ll often try going into even very girly stores.
Ayanagi: Oh~
Miya: That way sometimes I’ll find really interesting accessories, or ‘boyfriend’ style clothes. Do you like clothes?
Ayanagi: I do, I go shopping a lot. But if there are too many people around…
Miya: That’s exhausting, isn’t it. I’ll just go to get tea instead (laughs).
Ayanagi: I can’t go to tea by myself.
Miya: Eh!? Then, when you’re shopping by myself what do you do!?
Ayanagi: I’ll keep walking no matter how tired I get, and then I’ll have something to drink in my car on the way home…
Miya: I’ll go to sushi by myself.
Ayanagi: Ehhhh~!?
Miya: When I think ‘I’m too hungry to go any further!’ I’ll go get sushi. (laughs)
Ayanagi: That’s so cool! I’d be so surprised to see you eating sushi alone (laughs).
Miya: I really like sushi. I’ll eat it even if I’m alone (laughs).
Ayanagi: Well, if we go out together sometime…
Miya: Let’s get sushi! Since you won’t be alone (laughs).
Ayanagi: If I’m not alone then I can go (laughs). Breakfast during the national tour was really difficult. I couldn’t bring myself to go to the hotel’s breakfast bar if I was alone (laughs).
Miya: Eh~!? But what about going to the theatre cafeteria by yourself?
Ayanagi: No way, no way (laughs).
Miya: Huh!?
Ayanagi: Not even the Sumire Kitchen*.
Miya: What! But isn’t it harder to go to the Sumire Kitchen when you’re with someone else!?
Ayanagi: It is, but still…
Miya: I see… But not even going out to tea by yourself is a real problem. Why don’t you make that your goal for this year?
Ayanagi: I guess…
Miya: This year’s goal: Solo sushi (laughs)
Ayanagi: Hey, wait, sushi is too high-level (laughs).
Miya: Alright, tea then!
Ayanagi: I’ll do my best!
Miya: That’s so surprising~ My impression during Takarazuka Special was that you were a really independent person. But I’m glad to be able to discover new sides to you.
Ayanagi: Yes! Up until now I’ve been using you as an example to follow in a lot of things, but today I was finally able to talk in-depth with you.
Miya: Yeah! That’s great!
Ayanagi: Next time I’d really like it if you could help me with putting together outfits!
Miya: We can go shopping together. If we make that a reality let’s take a picture and have it put up in GRAPH (laughs).
Ayanagi: We can get tea and go to a sushi place (laughs). Thank you so much!
Ayanagi: Miya-san, your cat is so cute!
Miya: It’s great to have her there when I get home exhausted after a rehearsal. It really helps me get over that.
Ayanagi: I wish I could have a dog. When I have a day off I’ll go to pet shops.
Miya: To look at them? That’s so cute~! (laughs)
Ayanagi: But if I had one, I don’t think I’d ever leave my house again…
Miya: I get the feeling. But I’ll go home early, and rehearse there. I’ll go through the whole revue all alone. In front of my cat.
Ayanagi: (laughs)
Miya: Although she’ll just react like ‘What the heck are you doing now?’ (laughs) So recently I haven’t been rehearsing very thoroughly (laughs).
* The Sumire Kitchen is a cafeteria in the Grand Theatre that is open only to Takarasiennes and OGs.
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frostcluster · 5 years
Yes we will have a Korean version of la legende du roi Arthur and I'm in France till June (& we never get a DVD of a musical in Korea) imagine my sorrow
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