#kusou saiki headcanon
callie-the-creator · 7 months
sfw. warnings: obsessive behavior, slight stalking, jealousy, saiki uses his powers for selfish reasons, etc.
author’s note: oh, don’t mind me, just writing some headcanons if saiki was ever a yandere.
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• you and saiki first met in chūgakkō, junior high, but he didn’t fall in love with you until a few years later when you two were already in pk academy. maybe it’s all the accidentally bumping into him, dropping your papers and saiki being the one to help you pick them up, making awkward eye contact in class, hanging out with one another outside of school, or touching on the same snack you both are aiming for at either the vending machine or at the store... all the things somehow have you involved these recent days and saiki is less than impressed at first
• saiki has always stated time and time again that he personally does not think he will not fall in love, so he always watches others who are in love and help them if he can, but here he is…completely captivated by you of all people. he didn’t know why though, was the author just really that bored?
• good grief
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹ ⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦
• let it be known that he does possess the power to alter your perception of him. saiki could always just make you fall in love with him just like that…but…what’s the fun in that? no, no, he wouldn’t dream of doing that to you
— however, since saiki was born with the uncontrollable ability to read the minds of all living creatures in a multiple-mile radius…he can read your mind, he knows all of your favorite things, what you dislike, your hobbies, and your address. he didn’t mean to at first, but he did find your thoughts and imagination fascinating. he even finds himself listening to you during class like you’re his favorite podcast
• saiki is crazily protective over you.
— there was a time where you nearly got mugged! and when i say ‘nearly’, well, let’s just say you should be grateful saiki was there to protect you. can’t you see that he’ll always be here for you in a time of need? he’ll keep you safe, but only if you see that for yourself…
• saiki doesn’t think he’s the jealous type, but he will stop any other man who has a crush on you by any means necessary by either relentlessly embarrassing them for the rest of the day or wiping you from their memory because only saiki can have you. no one else. he doesn’t care how many people he has to make forget you to become your boyfriend
• what’s that? you wish it was a sunny day in japan instead of a rainy one? don’t you worry about a thing! saiki will handle that for you!
• stalking you is almost child’s play to saiki since he has so many powers to ensure you don’t spot him — shapeshifting, teleportation, you name it! but this is a good thing because you don’t have to worry about him being an aggressive type of yandere
— if he is following behind you when you’re walking home, i do think saiki would change to his female self, so you would be less scared
• once the author made you bring coffee jelly to school and willingly give it up to saiki after seeing him light up at the sight of it, saiki knew that he just had to marry you
• he could, quite literally, turn the world upside down for you if it meant that you’ll be with him.
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nori-draws-things · 1 year
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ehehe i love drawing these memes
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just-a-shark333 · 1 month
I think that when it's clear that saiki's feeling overwhelmed by everyone's thoughts toritsuka will start thinking sounds really loudly so it drowns everything else out a bit
Just, like
Saiki: * looks slightly more uncomfortable than usual *
Tori, internally: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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cerisahh · 5 months
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SYNOPSIS ꒱ social media/internet headcanons for the saiki k characters.
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CHARACTERS INCLUDED ꒱ saiki, kaidou, aren, nendou, toritsuka, hairo, teruhashi, aiura, yumehara, mera, rifuta
NOTE ꒱ i love the saiki k characters so much they’re like a fond memory.
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• surprisingly, saiki has social media.
• private account, of course. 0 posts, 0 followers, 0 following, (12 follow requests which he will never accept).
• claims it helps him be percieved as 'average' (he's keeping tabs on his friends those nuisances that follow him around).
• enjoys baking videos! when he finds a recipe he likes, him and his mother will make it together.
• he's one of those people who use perfect punctuation and grammar whilst typing. never turned off auto-capitalisation.
• dry texter by choice, not by chance. he's less dry when he's speaking online to someone he actually likes, but not by much (by less dry, you get a sentence instead of a one-word answer).
• leaves everyone on delivered most of the time.
• tried changing his number multiple times, but someone always manages to get hold of it so he just gave up.
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• no one wants to say it so i will. he uses wattpad.
• tried to use ao3/fanfiction.net but found it too difficult so he stuck to his roots.
• he would definetly write paragraphs upon paragraphs of the lore of the-jet-black-wings and dark reunion, as well as the origins of the power sealed within his right arm (black beat) and why it is DETRIMENTAL that this power is never unleashed or stolen by evil.
• everyone in the comments think that it's just a cool original story idea.
• absolutely inserts his friends as original characters in his lore. i might make a whole seperate post about this.
• he also uses reddit. where else is he going to get story ideas?
• has these apps pin locked and hidden in his phone, on the off-chance his mother decides to look through it.
• ABSOLUTELY plays roblox, his username is something cringe he made when he was ten (like the rest of us), refuses to change it. account is -13 for some reason.
• he has spent a lot of money on roblox. a troubling amount.
• types in lowercase, except when he's talking to his mother, then it's all punctuation and manners.
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• still purchases burner phones even though his gangster days are over. old habits die hard.
• uses an ipad more often than not.
• plays roblox with kaidou, is a bacon hair. his messages constantly get filtered because he still doesn't realise you can't swear on roblox. warned almost everyday - on the verge of being banned.
• watches motorcycle tiktoks, it's literally all his fyp is. the comments he leaves are usually just questions relating to the specs of the bikes.
• is the member of the group that pays for netflix and disney+ and lets everyone leech off of him.
• reformed aren posts pictures of his friends and himself, it's actually a really normal page - which is his goal.
• pre-reformed aren would just post videos of him flexing, and all of his fights. there's a lot of fights.
• also: mullet pics.
• is on reddit SOLELY for the purpose of biker groups. could probably write a thesis on an single engine part. probably has. don't ask him to show you.
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• this guy BARELY knows how to operate a phone, let alone the internet.
• only really uses his phone to google stuff and talk to his buddies.
• nendou... is so bad at spelling... like... SO bad.
• half the time nobody can decipher his messages it's just that horrendous.
• uses emojis, but doesn't open the emoji tab?? so he'll type the emoji he wants and then leave the word prompt in the message?? (ex: 'ramen 🍜 after school 🏫 ?')
• made a seperate account for koriki no.2 but just uses it as his own.
• his first time posting a picture of himself one of those ⓘ - generated by ai messages was under it. THEY THINK HE’S TOO UGLY TO BE REAAALL.
• unintelligible comments left on everything he sees.
• also likes everything he sees. his fyp/explore pages are filled with nonsense. nothing makes sense.
• there are a lot of cute animal videos though - this is a recurring theme.
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• sigh.
• falls for those ads that are like: 'horny women in the area ready to fuck'.
• has a lot of malware downloaded without his knowledge.
• a reddit troll, there's no doubt about it. he LIVES to piss people off on that site. think colin robinson in that one episode (this is a niche reference).
• i regret to inform everyone, but before omegle shut down... he was a regular.
• probably has several failed business ideas. also has probably invested in cryptocurrency, bragged about his newfound riches, lost his newfound riches due to the market collapsing, and the cycle continues.
• says outrageous things on twitter. outrageous. one might even go as far as to say heinous.
• probably has hate pages made about him.
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• without a doubt has a gym bro tiktok account, might be a disciple of joey swoll.
• reposts those 'before and after' gym pictures with messages of congratulations to the person - he's so sweet. >_<
• probably has a couple thousand followers, a lot of people from his local gym follow him.
• contrary to popular belief, he doesn't type with caps on all the time. keeps auto capitalisation on and uses a lot of exclamation marks though.
• is the person who created the class groupchat. and the group chat of the ENTIRE school year. he literally added EVERYONE to it.
• follows everyone? like... people don't even know how he knows everyone but he does?? (he's just really friendly).
• there's multiple videos that he's tagged in of him doing kind things for people, hairo is such a sweetheart guys.
• uses his platform to give fitness advice to people. there's a lot of motivational quotes plastered on his accounts.
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• of course teruhashi has social media, how else will she broadcast her beauty?
• she has SO many message requests, dedicates hours a day to respond to them to maintain her 'perfect pretty girl' status.
• posts once every week at a scheduled time, get's thousands of likes without fail.
• has a finsta for her close friends.
• doesn't have tiktok but somewhow still has fan accounts on there. and on every other site.
• is really into conspiracy theories, although she won't publicise this or her stance on anything either. she must remain neutral.
• her @'s and tags are mostly full of her fans taking pictures with/of her. she appreciates it, of course! but it's still strange...
• has her brother blocked (thank god).
• has numerous ootd highlights, the people eat it up everytime.
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• chronic pinterest addict
• unironically uses yubo (she needs help)
• her instagram highlights are so fun to go through, it's messy but it's a hot mess
• posts A LOT, like multiple times a day
• consumes a lot of yoga/meditation media.
• a lot of her media intake is different subcultures of gyaru (obviously), but she's really into haute couture.
• she actually streams on twitch sometimes, mostly to do online readings for people - she also does makeup tutorials and posts fashion advice!
• has also been banned by twitch several times for bypassing terms of service. (it's not her fault that the admins are sensitive).
• her most used app is probably spotify. has ayesha erotica in most of her playlists.
• she has a seperate account for her business, she posts newly decorated crystal balls each week and does free weekly readings in order to promote herself.
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• runs a semi-popular baking yt, (which saiki follows, to the knowledge of no one)
• used to post gacha life love story videos.
• might be the only person who knows about kaidous secret wattpad account (bar saiki obviously), reads everything he writes and inserts herself into his scenarios.
• types all cutesy and uses emoticons like there is no tomorrow
• 'hai hai everyone!! (^_^)' <- for example.
• buys sketchy stuff off aliexpress that promise the most ludicrous results (ex: she buys fat burning/slimming creams and expects them to give her a perfect beach body, gets confused when it gives her a rash and then buys more).
• has an etsy shop and makes custom jewellery (makes it free for her friends and leaves it in their desks with a custom note, it's very wholesome).
• her notes app is under LOCK AND KEY. that shit is more secure than the nuclear codes.
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• doesn't have a phone. can't even afford gas and electric, let alone internet. is poor.
• would join giveaways even if they're obviously fake. she's desperate.
• miraculously end up WINNING ONE?? she gets flown out to be featured in one of those obnoxious youtubers videos and comes back with a fat paycheck and ridiculously expensive electronics (which she eventually sells, probably to pay the rent).
• is a reoccurring guest on yumehara's yt channel, as a taste-tester, obviously.
• was also meant to critique the food but she rates everything a 10/10 so was not very useful.
• her most used app? let's all be honest with ourselves, it's a food delivery one.
• has the most games downloaded out of everyone, mostly to entertain her siblings when they're bored.
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• has a really cute and aesthetic tumblr - yet somewhow doesn't know what fanfiction is?
• dear god this girl uses everskies. she ABSOLUTELY uses everskies. has been banned several times.
• has so many throwaway accounts. like it breaches fifty, it's getting to be a problem.
• definitely argues with people on public forums, you can't convince me that this girl doesn't have festering anger building up inside her, arguing online is like a rage room for her.
• her phone layout is one of those aesthetic pink ones, she spent hours on it. hours.
• this girl is a MASTER stalker. has every social media under the sun, even the ones nobody has heard about in years.
• is unnervingly good at editing photos and videos.
• her alts are constantly getting suspended for harassment. has anonymously harassed saiki multiple times (he knows its her).
• everything she posts is really over-the-top with cutesy filters, like, blindingly so.
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© CERISAHH 2024 — all fics on this account belong to… ME! don’t steal my shit.
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random-pixel-eater · 16 days
U know I have this headcanon about saiki being non verbal and stuff, since he never really talks out loud (ignoring the finale) and in all the flashbacks where he was younger he just doesn't say anything at all
Basically my idea was that he never learned to speak since he never had to I think
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gender-thief2 · 1 year
saiki accidentally gets a hundred on a test and freaks out because everyone is congratulating him and he finds out everyone else did really bad and he almost goes back in time to fix it and auria has to be like “bitch its really not that deep” before he calms down
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skiiyoomin · 5 months
wooo hii!! Been awhile since I made a request (I love what you came up with last time btw :] ) I was wondering if you could write some little headcanons about how you think different saiki K characters would act when tired? (Love Ur work Sm <333)
hi hi!! So sorry for the late reply!! Hopefully you enjoy it and thank you so much for your support!! <3
idk if i´m missing anyone, but if there´s anyone else you´d like to see then please tell me! :)
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Content: gn! reader
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
ღHow they act when they´re tired
Saiki Kusuo
Such a grumbly baby!
everything annoys him and pisses him off more than usual when he´s tired
to him, you´re like his safe space so he looks for you when he needs to relax or he simply someone
don´t question why he´s suddenly more affectionate than usual!! he will get embarassed
honestly, a good ol´ cuddle session is all he needs
if y´all are out and about and he´s feeling tired, he will teleport you to his house to cuddle, no questions asked
honestly, you just go with it cause it´s not often he´s so willingly so vulnerable
give him a few kisses here and there and you´ll have him melting in your arms 100%
Kaidou Shun
very very whiny boy
clings to you like a koala
the second you run your hands through his hair he´s fast asleep
i´m talking snore mimimi typa sleep
absolutely refuses to leave your arms when he´s tired, he needs your warm hugs
like i said before, he´s super whiny, so he will beg you to cuddle with him with the biggest pout on his pretty lips :(
doesn´t care if y´all are out in public, can and will fall alseep on top of you
you´re gonna have to carry him back home
but the way he snuggles up to you is so adorable that you simply cannot find it in yourself to get mad at him
Kuboyasu Aren
will deny it if you ask him if he´s tired
you literally have to force him to rest
he´s all grumpy about it until you give him kisses and cuddles
he´ll still grumble a bit but will definitely relax more
he be looking like that when he´s tired
i feel like when he´s tired he´s also a bit of a softie
but only behind closed doors where he´s only with you
like don´t get me wrong, he´s always been a softie for you
but when he´s tired it just boosts even more
Teruhashi Kokomi
super pouty!
you know those baby animals that get all sad and pouty when they don´t get affection?
well that´s her when she´s tired
she´s always been super affectionate, but now it´s more clingy than usual
not like you mind
loves loves loves!! when you wrap your arms around her
makes her feel safe and comforted
can and will fall asleep on you
she can be a bit of an airhead when she´s tired
will most likely forget about whatever it is that you said, it just be going from one ear to another
its okay, shes still cute
Hairo Kineshi
its so obvious when he´s tired
like this man is always so full of energy and hyperactivity
the second he starts moving a bit slower than usual is sign enough of his tiredness
zones out A LOT
he´d accidentally be staring at the back of your head for a good 5 minutes before you snap him out of his daze
a little clumsy
sometimes he doesn´t realize he´s heavy and he will just flop on top of you
yeah you´re not getting up for a good while
a power nap with a cuddle session is all he needs before he´s energetic again!!
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angrycloudcrown · 8 months
"Sure, I never get angry or sad about anything, but that just means there's no joy or thrill in my life either." ...You wanna talk about that Saiki?
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airbendertendou · 9 months
NOTHING TO SEE! ♥︎ saiki kusuo
synopsis : you need to meet your tutor-of-sorts, but bring along your babysitting duties
cw : soichi , knowing junji ito lore isnt needed! , possibly ooc , mention of eating scorpions! , lowercase intended , name used instead of yn
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“get down from there right now!” a clatter is heard as a bundle of nails fall to the floor. letting out a sigh, you pinch the bridge of your nose before looking up. “i don’t have time for this today, soichi. are you coming with me or not?”
pink hair is easy enough to spot as your grip on the eleven year old’s wrist tightens. soichi giggles to himself, muttering things you’re glad you don’t hear. you grit your teeth, smiling tensely at your classmate. “i’m so sorry about this.”
as always, saiki kusuo stays silent. he looks from you to the child attached to your arm and blinks. you make soichi sit beside the wall, scooting into the booth beside him as you place your bag on the floor.
you clear your throat, “last minute babysitting duties. his brother is studying for college, so i’m their last resort.” you watch soichi from the corner of your eye — he’s making faces on the window at everyone who passes by. “he listens… fairly well.”
the table goes silent as you bring your school books out. saiki glances at the child again, blinking at soichi's glare. a waitress stops by your table, flinching at every gag soichi releases — he's not a fan of sweets. you smile awkwardly again, letting out a small laugh and apologizing profousely.
"why do i go out in public with you."
as always, you tend to speak your thoughts. saiki flinches at the echo, watching as you scowl at soichi. the kid grins, mouth full of nails as he wiggles in his seat. you sigh, looking back to saiki, "i'm surprised your other friends aren't here. they usually go wherever you go."
"i managed to ditch them." saiki reads through his text book, not meeting your gaze. "for now. they'll probably show up soon."
a squeaking sound interrupts the silence. soichi is taking his pointer finger and dragging it harshly down the window. when he sees both of your eyes on him, he grins. "hehehehe—"
"soichi," you frown, but keep your voice soft, "remember your promise?"
the boy's smile falls, eyes squinting as he pouts. "behave and i'll get a treat."
"not just a treat!" you dig through your bag again, the crinkle of a wrapper hitting saiki's ears. soichi sits up straight, eyes widening and brightening. "your favorite treat."
a lollipop is in your hand, the orange color gleaming in the lights. saiki doesn't hide his disgust at the sight of it ; soichi can't hide his excitement. there's a scorpion in the candy, seemingly still twitching around the stick.
saiki takes a sip of his drink, "disgusting."
soichi hisses at the pink haired boy, “i’ll curse you! may you always find watermelon seeds in your soup!” curling against you cutely, he bats his widened eyes, looking at the lollipop before back at you. "how nice of you to bring me a treat, name!"
"an hour or two of quiet, that's all i ask."
the eleven year old agrees, seemingly purring as he lays his head on your shoulder. you let out a sigh, relaxing at his subdued state. you grin saiki's way, "it's safe to study now! so, i'm confused on this part—"
saiki is in disbelief of what he hears. the child may be calm, but his mind is running and yelling, going in circles with topics. you pop up sometimes — soichi's nicest thoughts are always about you. soichi narrows his eyes at the pink boy — there's a slew of threats and curses heading his way.
"he listens to me the most," you speak up. saiki looks to you and your gentle, caring smile. "that's why his family hired me. i just think i'm nice and he appreciates it."
that could be true. it was shown in your toughts and soichi's. your kindess and the way you listened to the boy ; the way he melted into your side and trusted you.
it made saiki kusuo feel a little warmer than usual.
——♥︎—— soichi is so so silly <3 i hope i got his character close to what it is ]: based on me watching my nephew <<3
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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sigmaufo · 5 months
The instant that Saiki and Teruhashi become a couple, they also become the parents of the friend squad.
Kaidou in particular is very likely to accidentally refer to Saiki as "dad."
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kimaisalloren · 11 months
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kusuokisser · 9 months
torisai day today i thinkktkkgl
toritsuka is enamored by, like, colored light. like if you put a thin yellow sheet over a lamp he would be entertained by the yellow light for at least an hour. well our favorite queer, saiki, bought a pride flag NOT because hes queer (well kind of but not directly for that fact) but because hes like [Reita look, it's rainbow.] and then tori leaves him alone for like an hour or two every time he sees it because holy shit the light is rainbow the fucking light is rainbow holy shit you guys
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tokosparrow · 9 months
i have an angst headcanon to share.
so whenever saiki fails at stopping the volcano from happening, he’s very exhausted.
very much exhausted
and when he gets home
he hugs his parents and is the very very rare thing he also does.
he cries as he does so.
he feels like a failure but his parents don’t know he feels that way but they don’t dare ask why he hugged and cried to them in the first place, they never try to, they just want to comfort him as much as possible.
that’s what saiki loves about his parents most besides all their goofiness, they know when something is serious, and that they never tell anyone about this experience, it was too personal to do so anyways.
saiki wouldn’t admit it, but he loved this rare moment with his parents.
he loves them, so much.
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lemonyboy97 · 1 year
Self Indulgent Saiki Drabble
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Learning to 'tolerate' you
GN!Reader x Saiki Kouso (ignore my spelling)
Warnings: None, but keep in mind reader likes animals in this (what pshyco doesnt? /hj)
Author's Note: We've established that Saiki doesn't really do 'friends', rather, he gets adopted by extroverts (me too bud), so here is self-indulgent headcanons for saiki and you. :)<3 enjoy
!Trigger Warning!: My southern accent shows in the writing with words like yall, critters, and frankly lol
>In this reader is a 'mental mute' simaliar to butt chin dude (its been awhile since i watched the anime i forgot most of their names)<
>yall i wrote like an essay and then deleted it all bc i didnt like it. I have spent so much time on this T^T
Saiki isn't exactly sure how you wormed your way into his heart, and quite frankly, neither are you.
We all know mental mutes annoy this boy to no end, and for awhile you were no exception. However, you and Nendo are complete opposites. Nendo is loud, abrasive, dumb, and quite frankly, ignorant. You, on the other hand, are perceptive, kind, and you listen when someone (Saiki) asks (orders) you to do something (go away). And that has led Saiki to respect you.
Idk how yall met and frankly idc <33
Teruhashi is 100% jealous when yall get together. And yes she crashes yalls "dates" ( even when it was just you two hanging out as friends) and when the "dates" turned into actual dates yall are the EMBODYMENT of that meme "i cant believe its finally me and you, and you and me... and your friend steve. Doodoo doo doodoodoo steve" >NOT an original idea<
I feel like even though saiki isnt necesarily a fan of animals (hes indifferent to them, much like everything else in his life) you guys would go to different animal cafes to hangout/study/relax/escape from the chaos crew. The animals (specifically cats) would be all over Saiki becuase of his indifference, you know howlike if you get a pet cat the cat in question picks whoever likes it the least to be its person? Yea, thats the critters with saiki.
A bunch of songs that no one asked for that are varying levels of Saiki and you :D
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mayofforgot · 10 months
Kusuo changed human biology instead of just dyeing his hair cause his mom said he was to young to dye his hair
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scwirrel · 1 year
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maybe in a dream...
@mammoneythegreat this ones 4 u 
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