#kuruma imports
kurumaimports · 7 months
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An Explanation for Kishic Noble Names and a quick intro of the Kishic counting system
Hello y'all this is meant to go along with the previous post about Ninma. Most Kishic indiviuals only have one name, such as Narul, Istek, or Bira. However within the Kishic Noble tradition, a person's full name typically includes four or five elements depending on the person. These being Number, Given Name, Line, Clan/Branch, and Title.
As an example, Ninma's full name is as follows: Ba Ninma Asheradul Ninjali Ninma's full name in Kishic is shown below, her given name is underlined as is typical in the Kishic tradition
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More explanation of the naming structure below the cut!
1 Number and Kishic Numeric system
An individual is named for the order in which they are born into a family and/or clan. Family lines typically follow a patrillineal structure. When a family branches or splits forming a "clan/branch" the count is restarted for that particular line. As an example, Ninma is the third person given her name within her direct family line, thus Ba. However, should Ninma have a daughter also named Ninma, because that would no longer be in the direct patrillineal line, the count would restart thus her daughter would be Un, and would mark the first member of a new clan/branch.
1. Un 2. Se 3. Ba 4. Ta 5. Su 6. Tu 7. De 8. Teti 9. Sekesh(a) 10. Bet(a) 11. Ku-Bet(a) 12. Se-Bet(a) 13. Ba-Bet(a) 20. Shet(a) 21. Ku-Shet 22. Se-Shet 30. Bat(a) 31. Ku-Bat(a) 40. Taset(a) 41. Ku-Taset(a) 50. Suset(a) 51: Ku-Suset(a) 60: Tuset(a) 61: Ku-Tuset(a) 70. Denet(a) 71: Ku-Denet 80: Tetet(a) 81: Ku-tetet(a) 90: Seket(a) 91: Ku-Seket(a) 100: Kid(a)
2 Given Name
Noble names originate from a prescribed list, The Decreed Callings, created during the era of the united Kishic empire by King Tamel as a way to easily differentiate the noble from the mundane. This list was carved into stone, and typically left as stelae or rock monuments in the majority of Kishic city's thus, explaining the relative homogenity of spelling between much different cities. The literal meanings of most of these names stem from a dialect of Shabalic now almost entirely forgotten, and thus the actual meaning of each name is of little importance if it is remembered at all. There are exceptions, for example, Ninma, coming from the adjective for small or dimunitve Nina and the word for woman, Ma, quite literally translates to "Small woman". Certain names are more common or traditional within a family.
The majority of names, though not all, have both a feminine and masculine equivalent.
While typically only nobility are permitted to bear these names, if one rises to the ranks of nobility they must choose or have a name from this list given to them, conversely, they may lose the name and replace it with another, often a slightly different version. Eg. Zatar (noble) and Zatur( peasant).
Some peasants, particular those of near noble status, purposely choose these near noble names as a symbol of wealth or status.
Included below are the masculine and feminine equivalent of the thirty-one noble names and some examples of peasant equivalents.
M: Hut(a)bari F: Hut(a)bara (Peasant Hubaru, Hubara)
F: Nin(a)ma (Peasant: Nunima)
M: Zata(a)r ( Peasant: Zatu(u)r)
M: Kotu(u)s F: Kota (Peasant: Kod(o)os, Kata)
M: Akar(a)d F: Akad(a)a (Peasant: Karadu, Karada)
M: Kuru(u)sh F: Kuruma (Peasant: Karu(u)sh, Kurudi)
M: Asher F: Asherta (Peasant: Asher, Aserta)
M: Barunaki M: Baruna (Peasant: Burunaku, Buru(u)n, Buruna)
M: Adakur (Peasant: Adakar)
M: Hiru F: Hiruha (Peasant Shiru, Shiruha)
M: Ladaru F: Ladara
M: Mushadi F: Mushadira
M: Atab F: Atbira (Peasant: Akab, Bira)
M: Adikur F: Adikka ( Peasant: Wa(a)dikir, Wadika)
M: Tizanu(u)sh F: Tizanuma (Peasant: Dizana(a)sh, Dizanuma)
M: Ku(u)bir F: Kubira ( Peasant: Ka(a)dir, Kadira)
M: Enakamer F: Enkama (Peasant: Enkam(i)ish, Enkima)
M: Nas(i)ib F: Nasiba ( Peasant: Na(a)sh, Nashiba)
M: Ham(a)an F: Hamana ( Peasant: Han(a)an, Habana)
M: Ta(a)mel F: Ta(a)melha ( When talking about Ta(a)mel the founder, typically referred to as Ja(a)lT(a)amel or Great Tamel) ( Peasant: Da(a)mul, Da(a)melha)
M: Semaki F: Sema (Peasant: Si(i)m, Suma)
M: Gelabi F: Gelaba ( Peasant: Galari, Garabi) 
M: Mosiru F: Mosira (Peasant: Misiru, Misira)
M: Faru(u)t F: Farutima
M: Keri(i)m F: Kerima
M: Ba(a)lek F: Balekira
M: Fi(i)fnu F: Fifina
M: Nabiru F: Nabira
M: Bazu(u)s F: Baza
M: Uridush F: Uriduma
M: Zeni(i)t F: Zenita (Zeniit is both feminine and masculine in Shabalic)
3 Line
Most noble families trace their ancestry back to a single famous individual, typically a legendary or influential figure. It is not uncommon for nobles to rename their familiy line as a way to improve their standing, nor is it common for families to claim descendancy from mythical figures. Additional it is often the case that multiple families may claim descendancy from the same ancestor.
On rare occassions, a person may choose to start a new line, with themselves as its root, though this is very rare, and typically reserved for kings and usurpers.
The Line of Asher- Asherdul
The Line of Tamel ( The most commonly claimed line, 1 in 10 noble families use this title)- Tameldul
The Line of Lat (An entirely fictional character)- Latdul
The Line of Akard- Akarddul
4 Clan/Branch
As was previously explained, a branch most typically forms as the result of a deviation from the direct patrillineal line, in these instances the branch name is typically merely a second number. Typically the direct family line does not have a branch or clan name.
In cases of adoption or as recognition for a particular trait or achievement from a member of line, or conversely as a mark of punishment, a new name may be awared/inflicted on an individual and thus their descendants forming a "clan". Clan's are typically signified by the ending -di.
The creation of new clans (not branches) must be approved by the highest authority of that particular city-state, usually the monarch. A member of that line does not have to be the one to produce a petition for the recognition of a new clan, though they must be noble.
Examples: Den Kotus Ladara(a)dul Hirudi Ekiku The Clan of Hiru (A famous warrior) Se Atab Ku(u)birdul Ba Unku The third branch of the Line of Ku(u)bir Un Barunaki Farutimadul Gomandi Kikunku The Large (fat) Clan (This was unlikely chosen willingly, and was likely the result of a petty squabble or some afront)
Held by many but not all nobles, this is simply a reflection of their job or ranking within a city-state's hierarchy.
Examples Jal/Jali- King/Queen Ninjal/Ninjali- Prince/Princess Unku/Unma- (Generic) Lord/Lady literally One Man/Woman Ekiku/Ekima- Horse man (Mounted warrior/horse keeper) Ekijalku/ma- Charioteer (typically more esteemed than Ekiku) Kikunku/ma- Master of Grain (can refer to those in charge of both granaries/and the production of beer for a royal household) Shukalajal/i- Spearmaster literally Great Spear (Typically the senior guard and champion of the monarch)
@patternwelded-quill @flaneurarbiter @skyderman @blackblooms @roach-pizza @illarian-rambling @dezerex @theocticscribe , @axl-ul
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dreamworldd2 · 5 months
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Fungi's Symbiotic Relationship With Plants
The breaking down performed by fungus in the soil provides minerals to nourish plants, which develop quickly and become stronger than before. At the same time, the plant feeds this fungus by providing it with sugar, amino acids and other important organic substances. For example, orchids that fail to enter into such a partnership life with fungi soon die and many forest trees gradually come to the drying stage. When fungi and fungus spores are applied to them, they revert to normal growth.90 To put it another way, fungi are essential to the life of plants, one of the most important components of life.
The Mycorrhizae that enter the tree roots and supply them with food also help the roots cling to rocky places. Furthermore, this fungus protects the pine trees' roots from various diseases. The only thing this talented fungus, which fixes the tree in position, protects it from various diseases and extracts and releases phosphorus, other nutrients in the soil and water to share with the plant, receives in return is a quantity of sugar.
In this simple example, the illogicality of the false mechanisms of evolution are plain to see. According to evolution, each living thing should be engaged in an individual struggle for survival, but here, they actually strive to keep one another alive. Moreover, the way that a plant possessing photosynthesis, seeds, and leaves that are a major source of oxygen stands in need of fungal cells too small to be seen with the naked eye, is another serious question for Darwinists. Despite structural perfection in all regards, plants still depend on other tiny living things. Their very special and complex systems are unable to extract food from the soil by themselves. How can it be that this property does not occur in these superior species, but manages to occur in a microorganism?
As with the thousands of similar questions, Darwinists are in a state of grave doubt when it comes to answering this one. They propose an inconsistent process of evolution that never actually happened. Coming up with stories for such a fictitious process is hardly scientific. If microorganisms invisible to the naked eye accomplish what giant trees and different varieties of plant cannot, that exhibits the incomparable and superior intellect of Allah, Who created them.
Allah has revealed in the Qur'an:
That is Allah, your Lord. There is no god but Him, the Creator of everything. So worship Him. He is responsible for everything. (Surat al-An‘am, 102)
Mantarlar Bitkilerle Simbiyotik İlişki İçindedirler
Mantarın toprakta gerçekleştirdiği ayrıştırma bitki için mineral, yani besin sağlamaktadır. Bu şekilde hazır mineralleri ve organik bileşikleri elde eden bitki kısa bir süre içinde gelişir ve eskisinden çok daha sağlıklı olur. Bitki, aynı zamanda kendisi için besin üreten bu konuğunu şeker, amino asit ve diğer bazı organik maddelerle besler. Bu ilişki, tüm bitkiler için son derece büyük bir öneme sahiptir. Örneğin bu mantarlarla ortak bir yaşam içine girmeyen orkideler ölmekte, pek çok orman ağacı zamanla kuruma aşamasına gelmektedir. Söz konusu ağaçların bulunduğu alana uygun mantarlar ve mantar sporları yerleştirildiğinde ise ağaçlar normal bir büyüme evresine girmektedir.90 Başka bir deyişle mantarlar, canlılığın en önemli üyelerinden bitkilerin yaşamı için mutlaka gereklidirler.
Ağaçların köklerine yerleşerek onlara besin sağlayan Mycorrhizae, aynı zamanda ağaçların kayalıklarda tutunacak yer edinmeleri için de gereklidir. Ayrıca bu mantar, köklerine yerleştiği çamları çeşitli kök hastalıklarından da korumaktadır. Ağacı bulunduğu yerde yerleşik kılan, onu çeşitli hastalıklardan koruyan ve onunla paylaşmak için fosforu, topraktaki diğer besinleri ve suyu çekip çıkaran bu akıllı ve üstün yetenekli mantarın karşılığında aldığı yegane şey ise bir miktar şekerdir.
Evrimin sahte mekanizmalarının mantıksızlığı ve imkansızlığı bu ve bunun gibi çeşitli ortak yaşam örneklerinde açıkça ortaya çıkmaktadır. Evrime göre tek başına bir yaşam mücadelesi içinde olması gereken bu canlılar, evrim mantığının tam tersine birbirlerinin hayatta kalabilmeleri için çabalamaktadırlar. Üstelik; fotosentez özelliği, üstün bir bilgi bankası olan tohumu, oksijen ve su döngüsünün en önemli kaynağı olan yaprakları ile kusursuz bir canlı olan bitkinin yaşayabilmek için gözle görülmeyen mantar hücrelerine ihtiyaç duyması yine Darwinistlere göre büyük bir soru işaretidir. Çarpık evrim mantığına göre düşünüldüğünde, her yönüyle mükemmelliğe işaret eden değişimler geçirmiş olmasına rağmen bitkiler, en önemli ihtiyaçları için başka canlılara bağımlı kalmışlardır. Son derece özel ve kompleks sistemlere sahip olmalarına rağmen, topraktan kendi kendilerine besinlerini alamamaktadırlar. Bu üstün nitelikli canlılarda gelişemeyen bu özellik, nasıl olup da bir mikroorganizmada gelişebilmektedir?
Darwinistler kendilerine sorulan yüzbinlerce benzer soruda olduğu gibi bu sorunun cevabında da büyük bir tutarsızlık ve tereddüt içindedirler. Darwinistler hiçbir şekilde yaşanmamış bir evrim sürecini savunmaktadırlar. Yaşanmayan böyle bir süreç için hikayeler üretmek elbette bilimselliğe sığmamaktadır. Dev ağaçların ve birbirinden çeşitli bitkilerin yapamadıklarını, gözle görülemeyen mikroorganizmaların yapmaları ise, ancak onları yaratan Allah'ın benzersiz ve üstün aklını sergilemektedir. Allah Kuran'da şöyle buyurmuştur:
Gaybın anahtarları O'nun katındadır, O'ndan başka hiç kimse gaybı bilmez. Karada ve denizde olanların tümünü O bilir, O, bilmeksizin bir yaprak dahi düşmez; yerin karanlıklarındaki bir tane, yaş ve kuru dışta olmamak üzere hepsi (ve herşey) apaçık bir kitaptadır. (En'am Suresi, 59)
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heritagetours · 1 year
Know all the details before you start travelling Odisha
Yes, Odisha is the name of the lovely state on India's east coast that is well known for its beaches and temples. It occupies an important position on the tourist map of India. The Jagannath Temple of Puri, Konark Sun Temple, and Bhubaneshwar are three popular tourist destinations in Odisha. Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism all coexist in Odisha.
 The state has absolute dominance in the fields of art, culture and music. The beauty of the state amazes visitors, yet it is still unexplored. You must opt for the Odisha tour packages and visit. Here are a few Odisha locations worth seeing.
 Bhubaneswar is the commercial center of the state and a beautiful capital surrounded by temples and shrines. In addition to temples and architecture, his one of the most attractive tourist attractions near Bhubaneswar is Nandan Kanan. A fascinating place for those who love wildlife. The fact that the animals in the park are not caged is what makes this park so appealing. Think how daring that would be.
 In India, no one has ever heard the word Puri without having heard of Jagannath Darshan. The ancient Odishan ritual of Ratha Yatra draws millions of visitors here each year. This meeting is incredible. In addition to this spectacular festival, Puri's beaches are another draw for the city's tourists where both pilgrims and tourists are attracted.
 The Konark Dance Festival, a renowned international dance event, is performed against the backdrop of the Konark Sun Temple with magnificent size and design. The nearby Chandrabhaga Beach is also one of his attractions. Other tourist destinations including Kuruma, Chaurasi, Ramachandi, and Astranga are close to Konark.
 Chilka, Asia's largest brackish lake, is known for fishing, boating and birdwatching. Chilka is referred to as the queen of unadulterated beauty by breathtaking natural beauty. The lake has several islands that attract a lot of people.
 Cuttack – Cuttack is said to as Odisha's millennial city. A charming place to visit and located at the head of the delta. Odisha is renowned for its culture and art. You can have many places to visit in Puri like Jagannath Darshan that depicts the art and culture of Odisha. Odissi dance is a unique dance style that has survived for centuries. Hindustani classical music is dominated by the music of Odisha.
 Orissa offers excellent entertainment for its visitors, including selection of food and textiles. Odisha has a wide variety of wildlife that draws many tourists. Be sure to buy the Odisha sarees called Ikkat and Kotki. Many prefer to book the Odisha tour packages to visit Odisha.
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anythinggoes210 · 1 year
Lesson #5
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Function #1
A particle that marks a direct object
Sumisu san wa kuruma o kaimashita
Mr Smith bought a car
Watashi wa ke-ki o tabeteimasu
I'm eating cake
Note that the direct object in English is not always marked by o (を)in Japanese. Example:
私は英語が分かる (I understand English) ➞ Refer to Lesson #4
In some constructions, the direct object marker o (を)can be replaced by the subject marker ga (が)
ミルクを飲む (Miruku o nomu) ➞ I drink milk
To: ミルクが飲みたい (Miruku ga nomitai) ➞ I want to drink milk
日本語を話す (Nihongo o hanasu) ➞ I speak Japanese
To: 日本語が話せる (Nihongo ga hanaseru) ➞ I can speak Japanese
O (を) cannot occur more than once in the clause. It is grammatically incorrect.
Chichi wa watashi ni (o) sake o nomaseta
My father made me drink sake (liquor)
Imouto wa pan o katta ga, otouto wa okashi o katta
My younger sister bought bread while my younger brother bought sweets.
If the direct object is presented as a topic or a contrastive element, o (を) is replaced by wa (は)
英語は知りません (Eigo wa shirimasen) ➞ I don't know English
Sono hon wa mou yomimashita
I already read that book
Function #2
Indicates space in/on/across/through/along which indicates movement
Kouen o tootte kaerimashou
Let’s go home through the park
Nihon dewa kuruma wa hidarigawa o hashirimasu
In Japan, cars drive on the left side
When a sentence involves the verb noboru (のぼる) to climb, there is an important difference between the use of the particle o (を) and that of ni (に)
Mari wa toukyou tawa- o nobotta
Mari climbed Tokyo Tower
Mari wa toukyou tawa- ni nobotta
Mari went up Tokyo Tower
The particle de (で) also marks the space in which an action takes place. The difference between de (で) and o (を) is that de (で) can be used with any action verb while o (を) can be used only with motion verbs such as aruku (歩く) to walk, tobu (飛ぶ) to fly, etc.
(✖) 私は図書館を勉強しました
(〇) 私は図書館で勉強しました
Watashi wa toshokan o/de benkyou shimashita
I studied at the library
When either de (で) or o (を) is possible, there is usually a subtle difference between the sentence
Watashi wa kawa de/o oyoida
I swam at the river / I swam the river
Function #3
Marks the location from which some movement begins
Densha ga tonneru o deta
The train came out of the tunnel
Nihon o hanarete gaikoku de kurashiteiru
I left Japan and is living abroad
Function #4
Marks the cause of some emotion
Sumisu wa chichi no shi o kanashinda
Smith was saddened at his father’s death
Mariya wa kyouto ni ita ichinen o natsukashinda
Maria nostalgically reminisced about her year in Kyoto.
Questions? Don’t hesitate to ask :)
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subikshafoods · 2 years
Strengthen Your Muscles With Healthy Food
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Best diet can only make our body more strengthened, building muscles is only good for health . But most of the people have fat because they could not build muscles, their body only filled with cholesterol. So you need to choose the best food to reduce the cholesterol at the same time build muscles. So you may choose the Instant Chapati Madurai.
Chapati Is Not Just Carbs :
Chapati is not only filled macro nutrients, it also has protein and fiber . These two nutrients are most important to lose weight easily . In one 6 — inch chapati contains 15 grams of carbs, 3 gram of protein and 0.4 grams of fiber. So now you may know the extraordinary benefits of chapati.
We already know chapati is the main dish in north india but nowadays south indian people also like chapati with paneer kuruma , it is one of the top most combinations and so tasty food. So you may buy the Instant Chapati Madurai at an affordable cost.
The final thought is that the choice is yours but you need to choose the right brand shop, getting more health benefits in the right way. Subiksha Foods is the best one to get the high quality instant foods at an affordable cost for satisfying their customers , “Health is the real wealth and not pieces of silver and gold “ — Mahatma Gandhi
Wrapping Up….
With the help of this, we can make and eat delicious dishes like poori whenever we want. No more worrying about not making idly dosa mavu. If you want to buy a packet of Readymade idli dosa maavu in madurai , then go to Jeyam Store, Thanakkankulam Main Road, Thirunagar.
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putschki1969 · 2 years
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2021/12/14 Blog post by Wakana ありがとう!君と逢えたこの日に☆〜Happy Hello Day〜
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ Do ❗NOT SHARE❗ on other sites ❗ Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
Thank you!On That Day When I Could Meet You ☆〜Happy Hello Day〜
Yesterday, I got up at midnight to see the Geminid meteor shower, I just went out to my balcony to at least somehow stay warm. Alas, I couldn’t see anything ... 🤣💦 I stayed there as long as I could but it got colder and colder so eventually I had to give up. I thought that the area around my house would be quite dark at night and perfect for astronomical observation but turns out, it was way too bright to see anything 😅 While I couldn't see the meteor shower I still took a picture of the night sky to commemorate the moment, Orion was very beautiful 🥰 I decided against posting the picture because all you would see is darkness, you would have to look really closely to make out anything *laughs*
Hello, this is Wakana (0 ̄ ▽  ̄0) /
Apparently I will have another chance tonight so we’ll see...!!!
By the way, my "Wakana Birthday Classic ~ Happy Hello Day ~" was successfully completed on December 10 last Friday! My second time at Kioi Hall this. And here are some pictures from the rehearsal ♪ Here I am with the guest vocalist Nanri Yuuka-chan ♪ For some reason our circle before the performance turned out like this ♪ (I am motivating everyone.)
After the performance I talked to a friend who had come to see the performance, they told me, “it was such a great set list!” Hearing that made me so happy that I thought I would share the set list with all of you *laughs*😁
M-01 breathing M-02 君をのせて(Day)/やさしさに包まれたなら(Night) M-03 時には昔の話を(お昼)/Rain(夜) M-04 White Christmas M-05 When You Wish Upon a Star M-06 暁の車(Yuuka) M-07 メモリー(Yuuka) M-08 聖夜(Wakana・Yuuka) M-09 snow falling M-10 光の旋律 M-11 恋はいつも M-12 Happy Hello Day EC-01 歌うたいのバラッド EC-02 magic moment
When thinking about the set list for this concert, I felt a strong need to perform as many songs as possible in a classical arrangement since I did a lot of them with an acoustic band this year. I made a set list made up of my original songs, a couple Christmas songs, songs that I wanted to hear Yuuka sing and some Kalafina songs ❗️😄 Of course I also had to choose a few songs from my Anime Classic album 💕 Yuuka-chan's "Memory" was suggested by herself, I was very happy to stroll down memory lane together with Yuuka during the performance 。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。.   I really wanted to hear "Akatsuki no Kuruma" so I asked for it *laughs* Same goes for “Seiya”. I wanted a song where we could harmonise so I made that suggestion. *laughs* 😂 Well, in fact, the entire set list turned out to be everything that I wanted *laughs* 🤣 I guess it’s okay because it's my birthday! ️ \\\\ ٩ ('ω') و //// (Thank you everyone for making my dream come true). I also picked the two Christmas songs that I wanted to sing ♪ 🤗🎄 As for the Kalafina songs, I had a hard time choosing because there were so many I wanted to sing. After consulting with Shin-san, we narrowed it down to 3 songs and ultimately ended up with 2 songs (* ^^ *)
When it comes live shows I always remind myself that there is really nothing more important than to have a good set list. First of all, I think a set list is like a power point presentation of your live which provides all important bullet points to the music director, musicians and staff so they really understand what kind of live I want it to be. Just by looking at the set list I want everyone to get an idea of the atmosphere I want to convey. Also, I think that it strongly affects the arrangements when I share my thoughts regarding the connection between different songs and the reason behind putting them in this particular order. Once you have decided on a set list, you can try it out for yourself, get a sense of how it flows, whether it feels a bit off at certain points. I try to look at it as objectively as possible and create something that everyone will be satisfied with. Then I will show it to everyone else who is involved. We will exchange impressions and thoughts throughout many meetings and rehearsals. I will make all sorts of adjustments while receiving objective opinions from my music director (Shin-san in this case). Of course there are some things that will only become apparent once the musicians are actually playing the songs, so we may change the song order during some of the final rehearsals.
So that’s what goes on behind the scenes before you hear the songs during the actual concert, that moment is always so much better than anything I could have imagined (o ^^ o). ) No matter how many times I imagine what a live could be like, nothing beats the feeling of actually standing on stage and performing in front of everyone, it’s way beyond my imagination. Above all, the most important thing is for everyone to have fun with the music. I want people to smile at a concert and I want to touch their hearts with my music. I always make a set list with that feeling \ (^-^) /
Okay, that got a little out of hand, I talked a lot about set lists, this year I had to come up with so many set lists that everyone would like so I somehow couldn’t help but write about the process a little. 🤗 Thank you to everyone who came to the concert!
[Members] Music Director / Piano: Shin Hashimoto Violin: Yuya Yanagihara Cello: Takahiro Yuki Guest vocal: Yuuka Nanri
At the end of the night performance, everyone sang ”Happy Birthday” for me and I got some flowers 😭✨ Yu-chan's dress was really beautiful, she looked even more like a fairy than usual.
Until next time~ ☆ (*'▽' *) /
*** Wakana ***
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taekooktimeline · 3 years
End of November - December 2020
End of November - December: 
Winter Package 2020 is filmed. Each member has recorded a personal voice message to another member in their Tiny Tan dolls. Tae’s message is to Jungkook. Speech in its entirety -
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both seem to get nervous, with Jk eating and Tae biting a fingernail -
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nose scrunch -
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another nose scrunch -
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Timestamp 1:41:18
Raw link - https://rubberdeokies.com/wp21
There was debate if Tae called Jk “my beloved Jk”. Korean translations of the speech -
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Another -
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Brace yourself for a baby crash course in the Japanese language. It’s important to understand its writing system for the next part. It’s not uncommon for Japanese to utilize a mix of hiragana and kanji (and katakana when applicable). A J-ARMY translated the below BH provided Japanese subtitles from the hiragana, kanji and katakana (katakana was utilized for Jungkook’s name since it’s not a Japanese derived name) that were provided in the official subtitles and simplified it completely into hiragana. It’s important to know that simplifying into hiragana completely from a mix of kanji and hiragana does not lose the translation in any way. It’s possible to not utilize kanji when writing Japanese, it just takes more work and can get confusing since Japanese don’t utilize punctuation and spaces in their writing (typically). For instance, writing the word “Sunday” (nichiyoubi) in hiragana is にちようび but you can simplify it to kanji as 日曜日. It’s not lost in translation to use either form. Another example is asatte, which means the day after tomorrow. You can write it in hiragana as あさって or in its kanji as 明後日. You don’t lose the meaning when writing it either way. 
Breaking this down even further - Japan has three writing systems. Hiragana is exclusively for Japanese words (as is kanji). Hiragana is simplified compared to kanji, while katakana is for foreign words only (for instance, restaurant isn’t a derivative of the Japanese language so it would be written in katakana as resutoran - レストラン). Kanji originated from China, and my understanding is they represent entire characters, and from my studies they’re definitely more complex than hiragana. For instance, in hiragana you can write “car” (kuruma) as くるま, or you can write it in its kanji form 車. For the word “new” (atarashii) you can write it in hiragana as あたらしい or in its kanji as 新しい. Kanji characters can be utilized as a compound to help form other words . For instance, kudasai (please) is ください in hiragana but in kanji it is 下さい. The first character (下)is kanji, but it can also be used for other words like down (shita した) = 下 in kanji, or it can be in the word for unskilled (hetaへた) = 下手 in kanji. In atarashii, which you see as an above example, you can also find the first kanji character in the word for newspaper (shinbun しんぶん) = 新聞 in kanji (first highlighted word is the kanji character also seen in atarashii). As you can see, kanji is very multi-faceted!
This is probably seemingly like a long and unnecessary explanation right? There’s a method to my long winded explanation I promise! The condensed summary is that I can read hiragana and katakana (2 of the 3 writing systems), but I’m only approximately 400-500 kanji characters into my studies, and I have to know about 2,100 to be fluent in kanji, so I have a ways to go to be entirely fluent in reading that writing system! The J-ARMY translation below is entirely in the simplified hiragana style, so I’m able to read and translate it into English. I needed to make it clear, though, before going forward, that the Japanese translation is not lost when simplified, as I’m sure someone would be quick to try to say.
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My translation -
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A close up of my notes -
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Because I’m still learning, I did double check with my dad. I also asked a Japanese family member, living in Japan, to double check me to be safe. Her response
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I then sent my family member the Japanese subtitle, with the original kanji (and katakana) included. Remember that you can write kanji out in hiragana, so J ARMY above wouldn’t have lost anything in translation in doing so. But to be safe and ensure no one could say I didn’t do my homework, I made sure to send the original BH Japanese subtitles that included all three writing systems. She confirmed it was “my beloved Jungkook” in its Japanese form.
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I also reached out to two J ARMY to be extra cautious. First -
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Second mutual -
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BH has omitted subtitles before, but it’s important to remember that translating is tricky. Based on K ARMY and J ARMY, it’s possible Tae said “my beloved Jungkook”, and there is also a possibility he meant “Jungkook who likes and loves music”. Please decide as you’d like.
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pinkbarefacedbeauty · 3 years
You know I had to..... :)
Besides the clear lack of romantic interest in Sakura and Hinata from Sasuke and Naruto, respectively, Kishimoto made it clear that both Sakura and Hinata were selfish in their “love” for Sasuke and Naruto, respectively. Everything was catered toward how the women felt towards the men. Or rather how the girls felt towards the boys. Since they were all still underage at the 4th war. 
While some people may believe that love is inherently selfish, I believe that it can be the most unselfish and giving thing ever. 
Narusaku: (Naruto) Naruto has risked his life and saved Sakura more times than you can count. Though Naruto clearly loved her, he promised to get Sasuke back for her benefit. He was so pained when he saw Sakura hurt over Sasuke. (Sakura) She has saved Naruto on many occasions as well no matter how much people like to discredit her. She has healed him on multiple occasions. She has cheered him on and thought about his happiness and dream. She literally had his heart in her hands, helping it beat. (If this is not symbolic of love, Idk what is). Though Sakura wanted to get stronger on her own accord and not be left behind, she wanted to get stronger to take some burden off of NARUTO.  She broke down crying when hearing Naruto’s feelings. 
NaruSasu: We can see from the beginning that Naruto and Sasuke were always bickering, but from the beginning Sasuke threw himself in front of Haku’s spears to save Naruto without even thinking about it. Sasuke mentions Naruto as his one true friend (I don’t know any people that calls their “friends” one true friend” that has such romantic connotation. like dude you could have just said only friend or best friend). (Naruto) We see how Naruto is willing to bow and plead for Sasuke, how relentless he is chasing him, how he lets Karui (I thiink? choji’s wife) punch him until he is bruised (not like the slapstick/tsundere comedic punches Sakura gives Naruto which amount is exaggerated). How he goes to bat with him. How he loses his arm. Pretty grim but the blood flowing from their lost arms creates a heart.....how can you deny this??? (I am pro-Narusasu as well, but Sakura never severed a body part of Naruto’s...the comedic punches left bumps that disappeared in the next frames. That’s not how real bruises work. Like how he looked after Karui punched him or fighting with Sasuke or any actual fight)
SasuKarin: Sasuke jeopardizes his mission to save her. The only time where he is mentioned to enter into true darkness is when he attacks her, not when he attacks Sakura. Like you could have replaced Sakura in that scene if Sakura was so romantically important to him then but noooo it was Karin). (Karin) And we all know that Karin goes to the extreme to protect Sasuke. 
The 4th war shows everyone’s romantic priorities as well. 
Karin was mowing down people with her chains trying to get to Sasuke.
Sasuke was protecting Naruto.
Sakura protecting and being protected by Naruto. Sakura saving Naruto by pumping his heart.
Hinata...Hinata tripped over a rock. 
*Hinata jumped in from of the spears but ultimately Neji was the one making the ultimate sacrifice. When instead of just standing there, Hinata should have rotated the spears away like Neji is able to. If Neji had enough time to jump behind Hinata, Hinata had plenty of time to try and deflect at least. Neji I could understand if his time was limited...but his death was just so pointless. they did him wrong.  
I actually felt like Hinata’s character could have been saved if throughout the series we saw her making changes to her personality and taking training seriously, learning new moves. Like she’s famous for her one panel scenes, show her training at the hyuuga compound at least. I honestly felt like with this, if she actually did die instead of Neji, I would have liked it more. Not only for the Hyuuga main branch/lower branch situation but in general. 
People like to say he was prioritizing the world over love, but Sasuke didn’t even attempt to save Sakura. He was going to let her fall in lava and he didn’t even seem shocked or resigned to it. It was like...meh. TIMBER!!!
We didn’t see a SasuKarin scene in 4th war like the fighting together but she was trying her damnest to get to him. Meanwhile, Hinata is splayed out on the floor while cloaked with Kuruma’s chakra shared by Naruto with everyone.
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kurumaimports · 3 months
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Hello Special Widebody Honda Acty Truck
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redthreadoffate · 2 years
fool me once, fool me twice || kuruma x botan // chapter 1
anime: tesla note
ship: kuruma x botan
warnings: none yet? mistakes here and here probably.
note: thanks to @andromedaa-tonks for this trope idea! i know not many people like this anime but i really enjoy it and i’m a huge kuruma/botan fan so...i decided to give it a try.
summary: an arranged marriage suddenly makes way for a blossoming romance...or will it?
“It’s a test of courage, Botan,” Natsumi Chidori said with a huge grin on her face. “Surely you don’t want to lose to Kuruma.” Because of her excitement, she had begun to bounce, her fists followed her feet’s motions. “Come on!”
Botan Negoro sighed as she continued to fix her bag. “I don’t want to lose to him, and I will never lose to him. But going in that haunted house just because he’s showing off his ‘bravery’,” she rolled her eyes, “isn’t worth it. Besides, I’ve got a family thing on the first day of the fair. Grandpa wants me there, he says it’s important.
Zakuro Riika laughed. “She’s right, Natsu. It isn’t worth it.” She leaned down, her arms bracing themselves as she clutched Botan’s desk. “What’s that family affair?”
“I don’t know,” Botan answered with a shrug. “Grandpa said a few relatives would be there. He said it’s something special.”
Natumi placed her right hand under her chin, her left arm folded in front of her. “I wonder what it could be.”
Then, the three all heard girls squealing and Botan groaned knowing fully well who it was they were excited about. “He’s really cute though,” Natsumi said. “If I wasn’t Botan’s friend, I’d be fangirling over him, too.” She giggled. “What about you, Zakuro?”
They heard Kuruma laugh. “I’m just here to get my notebook.”
Zakuro rolled her eyes. “We’ve been through this a thousand times, Natsu. No, I am not interested in Kuruma. He’s smug and self-centered, he thinks he’s a king. And you’ve got to stop talking about him whenever he’s in the room.”
Natsumi laughed. “Oh, Zakuro, I’m just admiring him from afar.”
Botan did not bother to get in between the conversation of her two best friends. She hated Kuruma Yagami ever since he beat her in a fighting tournament. She was the undefeated champion for years but he had stepped up and won. What was worse was that he ended up transferring to her school this year. And from then on, there was an unspoken rivalry between the two. So much for good luck. Botan loathed him to the core.
She stood up from her chair and said, “We can go now.”
Natsumi and Zakuro followed suit, all three exiting the room using the backdoor. They walked down the corridor and then turned to go down the stairs. When they reached the exit, Zakuro bid goodbye as she was heading the other way. Natsumi and Botan resumed walking.
“Are you sure you can’t go to the first day of the fair?” Natsumi asked, pouting.
Botan smiled. “I’m sure. Grandpa seems really excited about this. I don’t want to disappoint him.” She looked up at the sky. “He said he has some really good news to tell me. I’m excited, too, to be honest.” Then she shrugged. “You’re welcome to come if you’d like. You and Zakuro, of course.”
Natsumi nodded. “I guess I can come if it’s okay. If you aren’t going to the haunted house then what’s the point.”
The other girl stuck out her tongue. “I was never interested in the first place.”
Natsumi smiled. “If Zakuro’s going, I’ll go too.”
At a point, the two parted ways and Botan walked slowly back to her home. She liked to think when she was alone, especially when she was walking alone, it calmed her mind. To be honest, she was a little scared of the news her grandfather will be telling her. ‘It’ll be okay,’ she thought. ‘Whatever happens, you’ll get through it.’ She smiled and continued to walk along.
The next day, the students began to decorate the campus for the fair. Botan, Natsumi, and Zakuro were helping their class with the games as their theme was a makeshift arcade...idea courtesy of Kuruma Yagami, which beat Botan’s idea of a food stall of some sort by one point—she wished she knew who that student was, she wanted to thank them properly. Insert sarcasm.
“Hey, Botan,” a fellow student called her. “Do you think this one would look good here?”
During the lunch break, the three ate by the courtyard where they could see students working overtime. Botan was amazed by all the different themes the campus had, there were even a few sports themes that she would love to try out.
“We should do dodgeball,” Zakuro said. She took a bite of her sandwich, chewed, and swallowed. “It’d be fun.”
Botan nodded. “It would be!” Then she turned to her friend. “By the way, Zakuro. I’ve already asked Natsu, would you like to come to the family affair on Friday?”
“Mm?” Zakuro turned to look at her. “Are you sure?”
Botan nodded.
“Is Natsu going?”
Natsumi grinned.
Zakuro shrugged and smiled. “Alright, I’ll go, it should be fun, right?”
Botan returned to her lunch but a shadow loomed over her and she blinked in surprise. “Hm?”
“You’re on!” Botan groaned when she heard the familiar voice of the number one person she really did not want to see...ever. “Winner treats the other to dinner at the restaurant of their choice.”
Botan looked up and glared at him. “What are you talking about?”
Kuruma smiled. “Dodgeball. I heard you’re going to play.”
“Yes, for fun.”
“Isn’t betting more fun?” He snickered.
“I’m not participating,” she said, returning to her lunch. “Go starve.”
Kuruma bent his knees, dropping down to her level. “Come on, Negoro. It’d be fun. If you’re not going to be a challenge to the haunted house, let’s do another one. Yeah, yeah? I know you want to.”
Botar shook her head. “No. And besides, even if I wanted to challenge you to the haunted house, I can’t. I have a family thing on that day.”
“Oh? What’s happening?” Kuruma sounded genuinely curious.
“None of your business, Kuruma,” she snapped.
He laughed. “Well, alright, keep that excuse.”
“It isn’t an excuse,” she defended. “Come join us if you want.”
He smirked. “I just might.”
And so, the day arrived. Botan had gotten up extra early to have a few more moments to prepare and greet the guests. She smiled and made small talk with all of them, and her friends were right on time, helping her with the people as she was beginning to feel exhausted from all the running around and attending to everyone.
“Thank you,” she would whisper everytime they passed by each other.
Just like her grandfather instructed, Botan wore a traditional kimono, as did Natsumi and Zakuro, and every one of her family members. Many of those who had attended commented on how she looked exactly like her mother. She would accept the compliment, but her friends knew better and could see through her facade.
At some point, everyone was talking amongst themselves, and Botan and her friends finally found time to rest. Both Natsumi and Zakuro nearly shouted at the same time, “Are you okay?” Botan looked at them the two of them, surprised, but smiled right after. “I’m okay,” she replied. “Tired, but okay. I didn’t expect many people to be here. Grandpa must really be telling some news, huh?”
Natsumi gave her a smile that spelled ‘I’m worried about you’. “Do you have any idea what’s happening at all?”
Botan shook her head. “Afraid not.”
Zakuro patted her knee. “Whatever it is, we’re here. We’ve got your back.”
Botan grinned and leaned forward to hug them both.
It was cut short when her grandfather appeared and asked all to take their proper seats. Once he was happy with the silence that fell before them, he began to talk about the family tree and how everything that had happened had come to this. Botan suddenly had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach.
“And so, I would like to announce that I have begun my hunt for prospects to be the husband of my granddaughter, Botan Negoro.”
The people around her clapped but Botan could not find the will to be happy. Who would be happy with this situation? Especially now.
But suddenly, Natsumi stood up and exclaimed, “But she has a boyfriend!”
That made Botan whip her head to the side and gave her a questioning look. Her relatives began to murmur. ‘What?’ she thought, surprised.
“She does!” Zakuro backed up.
“I do?”
Suddenly, the door opened. “Uh...Botan? The gate was open so….”
Zakuro then stood up and grabbed the new attendee’s arm, linking hers around his. “Here he is! This is Botan’s boyfriend!” She turned to the side and grinned. “Took you long enough, Kuruma.”
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manga2day · 3 years
The Hokage of Konoha
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A Hokage is the one who is in charge of the management of Konoha, the Village Hidden by the Leaves . He has the same functions as a mayor of any municipality in our reality. He is usually chosen because he is the most powerful Shinobi in the village, but also for other important criteria, namely his ideology and fame. To date, only seven ninjas have succeeded at the Hokage post in Konoha village. These are six Shinobis and a kunoichi (female ninja) without forgetting another ninja who was able to obtain the status of Candidate for the post of Hokage: Danzô Shimura. In the event that the Hokage in place dies or is unable to run the village, it is up to the Konoha council and the council of the Daimyô of Fire  🔥 (who governs the Land of Fire) to select a replacement at most. fast. Once the new Candidate for the Position of Hokage has been chosen, it remains for him to be validated by the Jônin of the village. If accepted, he can then access the residence dedicated to the Hokage. Subsequently, a sculpture of his face is made on the Hokage Monument next to those already present on the cliff overlooking the village.  
Premier Hokage: Hashirama Senju
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Known by the nickname "God of the Shinobi", Hashirama Senju was the first Hokage (Shodai Hokage) of Konoha. He is the big brother of Tobirama Senju who became the Second Hokage (Nidaime Hokage) and also the grandfather of Tsunade (Fifth Hokage - Godaime Hokage). Note that he is also the grandfather of the young genin Nawaki who died the day after his 12th birthday during his first mission due to an explosion. 💥 Leader of the Senju Clan of the forest, He was also one of the founders of the Village in collaboration with Madara of the Uchiha Clan after the two formed an alliance between the two families. However, these two characters have always been great rivals as it is said in the legend "Senju vs. Uchiha". Also during his reign as Hokage, a greatest hits of Hashirama was beating Kyûbi the Demon Fox at Nine Tail 's and Madara Uchiha during their legendary duel in the Valley End. However, it turns out that Madara survived her defeat and was able to take on some of the genetic attributes of the First Hokage, specifically the Mokuton, during this fight. You should know that Hashirama Senju was the first ninja recognized for having been able to master the art of Mokuton (woodworking techniques) thanks to his filiation with his ancestor Asura Ôtsutsuki. After his death, several ninjas tried to acquire this genetic gift, like  Danzô Shimura, former head of the Konoha High Council and former leader of Racine, the unofficial branch of Anbu.. He used the experiences of Orochimaru in particular by implanting the DNA of Hashirama Senju in his arms. 💪🏼 There was also Tobi who pretended to be Madara Uchiha and who had Prime Hokage cells in his possession. Note also the case of Yamato, a member of the Anbu special unit in charge of protecting the Kage. When he was a child, he was the result of Orochimaru's experiences with 60 other children and he is the only one who survived the DNA injections of the First Hokage. Yamato therefore found himself now  endowed with the skills of the Shodai Hokage. However Hashirama remains the only ninja who had the ability to best handle Mokuton techniques. He is also seen as one of the most powerful ninjas in the Shinobi world. He died during the First Great Shinobi War under unknown circumstances.
Second Hokage: Tobirama Senju
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After the death of Hashirama Senju, it was Tobirama Senju, his little brother, who was chosen as the new Hokage (Nidaime Hokage - Second Hokage). he is therefore the great-uncle of Tsunade and Nawaki. It is also important to note that he was the sensei of Hiruzen Sarutobi, the latter having succeeded him under the title of Hokage. Tobirama Senju was the greatest user of the Suiton techniques which appealed to the watery nature of the chakra. It is a question of manipulating the water which is carried on the battlefield or of creating it by modifying its chakra in water 💦 even if this technique is more difficult than the first one. Tobirama is also at the origin of the technique of Multi Cloning and that of Invocation - Reincarnation of Souls (Kuchiyose - Edo Tensei) . The latter was subsequently improved by Orochimaru and Kabuto Yakushi to the point that it would have become the most powerful Ninjutsu technique in the ninja world according to Kabuto. During their tenure, Tobirama Senju and A, the Second Raikage of Kumo, suffered an attempted coup orchestrated by the Silver and Gold Brothers. Note that Tobirama also lost his life during the same First Great Shinobi War, just like his brother.  
Third Hokage: Hiruzen Sarutobi
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Also nicknamed "God of the Shinobi" when he was young and then "Professor", 👨🏼‍🏫 Hiruzen Sarutobi was chosen by  Tobirama Senju before his death to succeed him as  Third Hokage (Sandaime Hokage). He is the son of Sarutobi Sasuke, a legendary Konoha ninja who was part of the  Ten Heroes of Sanada and who was in the service of Daimyô Yukimura during the Sengoku era. His wife's name was Biwako Sarutobi and he had two children, one of whom was Asuma Sarutobi, Konoha jônin and member of the Twelve Guardian Ninja group in charge of protecting the Fire Daimyô. He is also the grandfather of Konohamaru Sarutobi, who was nicknamed " Honorable Grandson" by this lineage . Moreover, he has repeatedly challenged 🤼 and tried to defeat his grandfather in order to become the new Hokage, to be recognized for what he is but more like the grandson of the Hokage. Hiruzen Sarutobi was one of the senpai of the two First Hokage along with Koharu Utatane and Homura Mitokado, the latter also becoming his advisers. Subsequently, he became the Sensei of the three legendary Sannins: Orochimaru, Jiraya and Tsunade . Hiruzen Sarutobi had to resume his duties as Hokage on the day Naruto Uzumaki was born after the Fourth Hokage died prematurely due to Kyûbi's attack on Konoha. It should be noted that the  Sandaime Hokage was the only ninja to have mastered all the techniques of Konoha.
Fourth Hokage: Minato Namikaze
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After  Hiruzen Sarutobi, it was Minato Namikaze who was chosen to be  the Fourth Hokage (Yondaime Hokage) and his nickname was the ⚡ Yellow Lightning of Konoha. He was married to Kushina Uzumaki, a kunoichi from Konoha, and they are both parents to Naruto Uzumaki. Minato Namikaze was a student of the legendary Sannin Jiraya, aka  the Frog Hermit . He was subsequently the Sensai of Kakashi Hatake (Seventh Hokage), Rin Nohara the Kunoichi physician and Obito Uchiha. Minato is the one who created the Whirling Orb or Rasengan technique. Even if the latter was not complete, he transmitted it to his master Jiraiya. He had also learned various seal techniques (Fûinjutsu) from Clan Uzumaki thanks to the help of his wife. Subsequently, he sacrificed himself during the Kyûbi attack on Konoha using the technique of Imprisonment of the Dead. Thanks to the latter, he was able to seal half of Kuruma's power in his body as well as the other half in that of Naruto, his son. Minato is today considered a legend. Indeed, he is both one of the most talented shinobi and one of the fastest to date. The ninjas who came from enemy villages had even been ordered to flee when they passed him.  
Fifth Hokage: Tsunade
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Tsunade became the Fifth Hokage (Godaime Hokage) of Konoha taking the place of Hiruzen Sarutobi after the latter's death. Little daughter of Hashirama Senju, the First Hokage, and the only descendant of the Senju Clan, she is one of the Three Legendary Ninjas considered to be the greatest shinobi of their time, namely the Sannin. Before being Hokage, she was already seen as the most powerful kunoichi and the best ninja doctor 👩🏼‍⚕️ in the Naruto universe. Indeed, Tsunade has a perfect mastery of Medical Ninjutsu , which allows him to heal and heal any type of injury. She also has an enormous amount of chakra and her Taijutsu techniques (unarmed combat and weapon handling) are phenomenal. Note that Tsunade had abandoned the life of a shinobi for many years following the successive deaths of people for whom she had a lot of affection. It was later that she was persuaded to return to Konoha to become the Fifth Hokage. Besides, his abilities were then very useful and valuable for the village of Konoha.
Sixième Hokage: Kakashi Hatake
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After Tsunade left her post following the Fourth Great Shinobi War, it was Kakashi Hatake who replaced her as the Sixth Hokage (Rokudaime Hokage). Having lost his mother at a young age, Kakashi was raised by his father,  Sakumo Hatake aka White Croc 🦷 of Konoha , who was a high-ranking and renowned shinobi in Konoha. It would even seem that the latter would be even more powerful than the 3 legendary sannins. When he was younger, Kakashi was part of the Minato Namikaze (Fourth Hokage) Team along with medic ninja Rin Nohara and Obito Uchiwa. He then inherited the latter's Sharingan which was dying and which Rin Nohara grafted to him in place of his eye 👁️ lost during the Third Great Ninja War. He is also renowned worldwide for his use of this Sharingan, which has earned him the nickname Ninja Copier . Indeed, throughout his career, he learned a thousand techniques related to his Sharingan. His skills brought him a lot of praise from his comrades, but also influence in Konoha to such an extent that the council wanted to name him Hokage. However, this position never interested Kakashi but he accepted it in the end. Kakashi Hatake was also the mentor of Team 7 (or Team Kakashi) composed of 3 newly promoted genins: the dunce of the class Naruto Uzumaki, the intelligent Sakura Uchiha and the talented ninja Sasuke Uchiha.  
Seventh Hokage: Naruto Uzumaki
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Naruto Uzumaki is the only son of  Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage, and Kushina Uzumaki who was the second Jinchûriki of Kyûbi . Since he was little, Naruto always dreamed of becoming a Hokage one day but also of winning the trust and recognition of the inhabitants of Konoha who always rejected him. Indeed, at his birth, his father sealed Kyûbi in his body, which made him the jinchûriki of the Demon-fox 🦊 with Nine Tails while the latter was attacking the village. This event has therefore earned him the mistrust and rejection of the villagers over the years. After joining Team 7, Naruto worked hard to make his dreams come true and, a few years later, he managed to become a hero in the eyes of ninjas not only in Konoha, but also around the world. He even ends up being considered one of the most powerful shinobi of all time by being one of the main players in the Fourth Great Shinobi War. His actions and achievements then allowed him to be chosen as the Seventh Hokage (Nanadaime Hokage) . He married 👩‍❤️‍👨  Hinata Hyûga, the eldest daughter of Hiashi Hyûga, chief of the eponymous clan. Naruto is the father of two children, namely the elder Boruto Uzumaki and the second Himawari Uzumaki. DDuring his reign, Konoha grew into a prosperous village with great modern infrastructure thanks to many technological advances.  
Who will become the 8th Hokage:
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Once Naruto became Seventh Hokage, he therefore achieved his ultimate goal in life and is now a hero 🦸🏼‍♂️ for the people of Konoha. In addition, as we have seen, he succeeded in developing the village as well as possible. At the beginning of the new franchise Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, all the fans wondered about the continuation of the adventures of Naruto. Many had even theorized his death  in the idea of ​​making room for the new generation of Shinobis such as Boruto uzumaki, the son of Naruto, Udon Ise, Moegi Kazamatsuri or Konohamaru Sarutobi. In this lineage, many have also wondered who would become the Eighth Hokage after Naruto. There is a theory supported by several fans which says that it will be K onohamaru Sarutobi who would succeed Naruto as the Eighth Hokage. This hypothesis is based on several points including in particular Konohamaru's filiation with the  Sandaime Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, who is his grandfather. Another point is that Konohamaru has always wanted to become a Hokage since he was a child, like Naruto who is otherwise his idol. Indeed, Konohamaru had in the past tried several times to defeat his uncle while he was still Hokage in order to take his place. During an attack, he had even declared to his grandfather: "You are dead, old crouton, the title of Hokage is mine!". According to Hiruzen, in one day, his grandson would have tried to attack him - more than twenty times, to say how much he wanted to become Hokage when he was still just a child. Even after becoming a Jonin instructor, his desire to become a Hokage was still there. Others have also noted the similarities between young Konohamaru and his idol, Naruto. They both had this dream of becoming a Hokage since they were little kids and they also both have affiliations with a former Hokage. But, in addition, Konohamaru is a young ninja without much stature and who needs to improve himself to claim the status of Hokage. Recall briefly that Naruto was the dunce of his team during his training in Kakashi Hatake's team. It is also important to note that Naruto transmitted several of his techniques to Konohamaru which he himself received from Kakashi Hatake, the Sixth Hokage.. He also taught him the Rasengan and, although it was not made clear, some believe that Naruto imparted to him the Will of Fire that was present in all the Hokage who have succeeded one another. Besides, Konohamaru never stopped calling Naruto "Nii-San", which means big brother.
Who is the best Hokage:
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We were able to see previously a maximum of details concerning the seven most powerful ninjas who succeeded to date to the title of Hokage in Konoha. Many have wondered who was the best or who was the most powerful among them. In response to this question, the opinions of fans can differ enormously. First of all, we must recognize that each of these Hokage is of extraordinary power. We can especially mention Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage and ninja doctor, 🩺 whose healing abilities are incredible in addition to his mastery of the  four forms of chakra (Raiton, Katon, Suiton and Doton) for combat and his great physical strength. We can also cite H ashirama Senju, the First Hokage, who would be the most prestigious Shinobi in the Naruto universe. First of all, he is the initiator of the creation of the village of Konoha, wanting to put an end to the tensions between the clans. He has an above average life force, large amounts of chakra as well as very great physical strength. He is able to perform different techniques with very few hand signs ✌🏼 and master the five elements of the chakra. It's hard to make a list of all of your abilities (healing jutsu, barriers, jumps, regeneration, etc.). But his fame comes mainly from his mastery of Mokuton. However, a large majority agree that Naruto Uzumaki would be the most powerful Hokage, even surpassing Hashirama Senju . Naruto would be superior to the latter and would be the greatest Shinobi the ninja world has ever known to date as it has titanic chakra reserves. This phenomenal amount of chakra comes to him first of all from the fact that he is the  Jinchûriki of Kyûbi,  but also of the eight other Bij�� 🐲 during the Fourth Great Shinobi War. Naruto can thus excel in each of his skills. We can add to this his heritage from the Uzumaki clan which gives him incredible endurance and faster regeneration, even instantaneous thanks to the Kyûbi chakra. Its techniques such as multi-cloning are so advanced that it is capable of producing a thousand clones simultaneously. He has a perfect mastery of Rasengan to the point of having created a variant, the Rasenshuriken. Naruto is also able to leave his Hermit mode active at all times as if it were natural to him or to use the Hermit Rikûdo mode , which gives him the possibility of tapping into the Bijû chakra. Note also that he perfectly masters his Bijû mode to such an extent that he can become the very incarnation of his Demon. 😈 Finally, by becoming Hokage, Naruto became wiser and thoughtful, always ready to question himself and only seeking the prosperity of Konoha since he considers each inhabitant as a member of his family.
Become a Hokage too:
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Becoming a Hokage takes on great responsibilities, but also brings its share of prestige to the point that many ninjas wanted to become Hokage from a young age, like Naruto or Konohamaru. However, to earn this title, you have to be an exceptional Shinobi or become one through hard work 👷🏼‍♂️ and effort. If you too are ready to work hard, you can claim the status of Hokage and bring to the village of Konoha all your know-how to defend it and make it prosper. Do yourself also and enjoy the most beautiful Naruto Goodies offered on our site. Read the full article
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worldtriggereview · 3 years
Chapters 166-169
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Azuma coaching moment! I really do like that his role is to step back and support his team while they figure things out for themselves!
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We saw Somei last match take an important role, but other than that operators have never been a main focus, so I’m happy this match really emphasizes how necessary they are, and how you can strategize around that. It’s definitely a unique tactic, and has Azuma written all over it of course
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Taichi I don’t know if that was exactly a compliment
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Pretty!!! It’s a very broad city scale but still perspective very nicely, and the lights and greyscaling make it look dark to!
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I remember when this chapter came out, everyone reading it sort of realized what was going to happen and went “holy shit!!!!!!” collectively. It was a good time
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This mantis grappling claw is still so damn cool. I also love how Kage comes out of the panel here. It adds a nice touch
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Because his side effect makes the dark and light switching less effective hehe foreshadowing
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I don’t remember when Yuitsuka joined Border, was she the current Azuma squad’s operator before joining Katagiri squad? Or was she on Azuma squad former A rank 1? I had thought (assumed probably) Tsukimi was the og Azuma squad operator likely due to her experience and Age, but I could very well be wrong about that. I’ll have to go over BBF again sometime
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Osamu’s more confident to! It’s nice to see how much he’s grown :3
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I really like their rivalry lol. I can’t exactly put my finger on why, it’s just really enjoyable
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Murakami does better against Yuma, but Yuma does better against Kageura, which makes sense giving Murakami and Kage’s side effects respectively! They’re all pretty evenly matched though, and we know in terms of solo fights, Hyuse is probably a bit below all of them as of now
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Fuck yeah!
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And no doubt the match with Nasu and Tamakoma-2 was the turning point for Kuruma taking this more offensive role instead of depending on Murakami. It’s sort of what Osamu was initially trying to do, except Kuruma has more trion and skill for mid ranged fights, and Murakami’s much more suited to the defensive role than Yuma is
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There it is! =3=
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Nice visual of the difference in experience, Osamu hesitated when the lights went off while Okudura and Koarai sheathed their weapons to hide the light from them
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No wonder Kage doesn’t like Inukai lmao
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Yeah Kage was probably the person this strategy works worst against
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Ashihara: Operators are important damnit stop thinking this is a typical battle manga
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Despite messing with the operators being an Azuma tactic, Tachi uses it quite well in a surprising turn of events
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Foreshadowing heho
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RIP Taichi, Hyuse instantly uses the move Jin got him with the first opportunity he can lmao
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claytonhywm924 · 3 years
The Evolution of GTA Online Money Generator 2020
In some cases, you are assigned with several missions by one particular individual. It also has every single weekly update for GTA Online, a huge interactive map, guides to collectibles like Letter Scraps, Epsilon Tracts, Spaceship Parts, places for all Stunt Jumps, and tons more.
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Here, you can filter by way of every of the 20 shops about San Andreas and set waypoints to their place.
Right after the race you will have to escape the cops and bring the automobile back to the dealership garage.
As soon as the money has been stolen, each players will flee via the Kuruma.
Take Norm Richards or Daryl Johns as your secondary gunman.
Lastly, fly to McKenzie Field Hangar to total the mission.
You also can't pick up crate vehicles employing the Cargobob, nor can you destroy the cargo automobile to drop loose crates like you would with Hangar cargo or Organization Battle autos. If the shit does hit the fan and you are attacked, stuff up or a mission is bugged you can discover a new session or force quit the game for the loss of only 3 crates at most. Offered you happen to be swift enough and do this prior to the game records it as a failed sale, all your stock (minus those 1-3 crates) will be returned to your warehouse. Understanding this, you should look to fill your warehouse with the 20 non-higher-finish automobiles and by no means sell any of the non-higher-end autos. Performing this should virtually assure that the game will often give you higher-finish vehicles to supply because they are the only ones you don’t already have in your vehicle warehouse.
Easy Money Guide
This will considerably support with stability and control for the delicate movements. If you import an current character from PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 with which you've already attained this trophy, begin an activity such as a race and you'll unlock the trophy. This trophy can http://mes-recettes-nature.over-blog.com/2020/09/gta-v-online-money-glitch.html be missed if you have not unlocked it by the time you get to the final mission. Make sure you pick "Solution C" when provided the selection.
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Monster Hunter Stories Two Comprehensive Guide And Walkthrough
As Michael’s flying talent is low attempt to stick with L1/R1/LB/RB to handle your direction otherwise the plane can take some nasty turns. If you want gold wait until you reach about 100ft from the target ahead of touching down. For the Inverted Flight tutorial be certain to have the nose of your plane pointing just slightly greater than level so that you retain altitude during the barrel rolls. After that, you can leave the Flight College and continue with the Heist plans.
In the many race types and triathlon you have to have to finish initially to get a gold medal. Street races become out there by beating Hao's mission but completing that mission itself requires you to get a gold medal in the street race so you won't need to have to comprehensive any further races. Keep in thoughts that Hao's mission only becomes accessible from 8pm-5am although playing as Franklin and is shown as a on the map.
Rates of stocks in the LCN stock marketplace in Grand Theft Auto 5 adjustments based on the in-game event. Either very good or bad it will have an effect on the share rates.
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barkhapahuja · 4 years
Heritage Tour in Odisha – A Must-Have Experience!
Odisha is world famous for its cultural and pious heritage which is rooted in more than two hundred decades back. This Indian state is rich in countless historical tourist spots which are having several glorious monuments reflecting the historical background of the place. It houses multiple community people such as Jains, Buddhists and Hindus with equal respect and right to live. And, thus the history of Odisha carries spellbound tourism interests for all types of tourists. The state never leaves any of its tourists dissatisfied! Heritage Tourism of Odisha – The Key Attractions! If heritage tourism is your favorite, Odisha is your place. The state has loads of UNESCO world heritage places and among them Bhubaneswar is the prime choice. The capital city has the Lingaraj Temple and the Shanti Stupa. Any heritage tour packages Odisha includes visiting Rani Gumpha, Udayagiri and Khandagiri. How can you forget visiting Konarak’s the Sun Temple, one of the important UNESCO heritage sites of the state! Odisha is no less in having historical monuments and forts including Sisupalgarh (Bhubaneswar), Asurgarh fort (Kalahandi) and Barabati fort (Cuttack). Major heritage tour attractions in Odisha: If you are new to the place, you can purchase any of the heritage tour packages Odisha from a travel agent in your city but you should not miss visiting the state at least once in lifetime as it plays an important role in the history of India. Some of its important locations which you visit on your tour are – • Balasore The coastal city has the headquarters of the district. You can see myriad of temples along the beaches. • Kuruma This is a popular Buddhist countryside property that is rooted back in the 9th century. The excavated Buddha murti in a monastery here, is world famous. • Muchalinda This uniquely built monastery is situated in Ganiapali, a small village of the state. The bricks used in constructing its architecture are well-burnt. Some rare 4th century aged life images of Lord Budhha are displayed here. • Padmapur It has a popular burgeon agricultural centre. Padampur is poular among its tourists for holding a besutiful monastery and many holy temples. • Langudi Besides being an esteemed heritage site of Odisha, it is equally popular among the tourists. This hill town has beautiful motifs, monasteries, sculptures and stupas to see. • Pushpagiri It has a famous higher learning institute and many ancient Budhhist monasteries. Being one of the popular heritage site of Odisha is has monastery ruins which has a historical connection with Xuanzang, a Chinese traveller. • Khiching Earlier this place was a popular pilgrim site of Mayurbhanj, Khiching. The historical temples here have major tourist attractions. • Lalitgiri The famous ‘diamond triangle’ of Odisha has three important Buddhist complexes and Lalitgiri is one of them. It has various historical monuments, stupas and monasteries of the 1st century age. • Udayagiri It is one of the biggest Buddhist centres of the state. The caves (both artificial and natural) of Udayagiri are located in close vicinity of Budheshwar. • Dhauli Dhauli Hills, located on the banks of Daya River, are a must-visit place of Odisha. Plan your trip well! Happy journey!
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redfreesias03 · 4 years
Hishochi no Mori no Tenshi-tachi (“Angels of the Summer Lodge Forest”)
“Love me; a friend group of four (it’s frustrating). Kiss me; it should be two and two, but it’s not that simple. You know? Me and her (and you…) There’s two guys, but one left over.”
OR: A girl’s in love with the friend who constantly teases her, but her other friend is also in love with him, and they’re all at a forest lodge for the summer with another guy friend who’s probably so not here for this.
n? ijiwaru ne BISHOnure yo
Hmm? How mean! I’m soaking wet
sumikitta ROJJI no kaze kimorebi no UINKU yoku MENDOKUsakunai ne mata, sensha shiteru
A perfectly clear breeze, at the lodge The wink of sunlight streaming through the trees We’re not quite tired out of it yet So we’re washing the car over again
mizushibuki    waza to HOOSU no saki wo watashi ni muketa no
A sheet of spray—you pointed the hose Towards me on purpose!
Love Me yonin de kousai (jirettai) Kiss Me    ni tai ni dakedo WA・ri・KI・re・NA・i・NO・yo
Love Me A friend group of four (it’s frustrating) Kiss me, it should be 2 vs 2 but iT’s・nOt・tHaT・SiMpLe
You Know? watashi mo ano ko mo (anata no) You Know? kare wa ninzuu・ni・ha・I・ra・NA・i・NO・yo
You Know? Me And her (and you…) You Know? There’s two guys but oNe・tOo・mANy
nee   SHIIZUN ne hishochi no mori no tenshi-tachi
Hey, it’s the season where There are angels in the summer lodge forest
hirusagari    futarikiri ne minna TENISU・KOOTO nukegake shitakute BAKA ne    DOKIDOKI shichau no
Early afternoon, it’s just us two Everyone’s at the tennis court I want to steal a march on her My stupid heart is    racing like crazy
sonna ni ne    soba ni chikayoranaide kimochi ga BAREsou
Hey, don’t get so close to me It feels like my feelings will get exposed
Love Me yonin de kousai (okureteru) Kiss Me   nipaku sannichi no BA・ka・N・su・Na・no・NI・ne
Love Me A friend group of four (we fall behind) Kiss Me, it’s a 2-night, 3-days VaCaTiOn・AnD・yEt—
You Know? onna no ko no yuujou wa (KARUI no yo) You Know? ki ni shinaide do・CHI・ra・KA・e・RA・n・DE
You Know? Friendship between Girls isn’t (some heavy, serious thing) You Know? So don’t worry pLeAsE・cHoOsE・bEtWeEN・uS
nee    watashi dake ijimeru no naze    kitai shichau
Hey, why am I The only one you tease? I can’t help but get my hopes up
Love Me TOMODACHI kankei (haji da yo ne) Kiss Me    kono manma ja na・TSU・wa・O・wa・RE・na・I
Love Me Being just “friends” (is a shame) Kiss Me, I can’t let sUmMER・eNd・LiKe・tHiS
You Know? KURUMA nanka yori (shitsurei yo) You Know? watashi dake ni kyo・U・mi・WO・mi・SE・te・YO
You Know? Instead of the car (Excuse me) You Know? Show some interest in mE・aND・OnLy・mE
nee   SHIIZUN ne hishochi no mori no tenshi-tachi
Hey, it’s the season where There are angels in the summer lodge forest
No real notes, but in all honesty, the mix of upper and lowercase characters irritates me. Even so, I felt it was important in conveying the age and trendy 80′s aesthetic the original was going for with the use of alternate hiragana and katakana so there you go. : (
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