#kruncha ninjago
ataraxixx · 4 months
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some various guys
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nyaskitten · 1 year
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wowweeee ART upon u guys!!!
(pls rb my dumb guys they always spin in my head cdfhvifdhgibughfdigbtjgighb)
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buff-daddy-cole · 1 month
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Ninjago Ultimate Factivity Book: Ninja & Foes
Released in 2020, Written by Emma Grange and Rosie Peet
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achlystheworld · 3 days
ninjago scribblys (rare)
the images are huge because i couldnt make them smaller so i put em down here as to not clog anyones dash ⬇️⬇️
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sepublic · 3 months
I kinda wanna visualize Samukai but with flesh, before he died, but I can’t imagine how cursed that would look. Same for other big-headed Skulkin like Kruncha or Nuckal.
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juniperjellyfish · 2 months
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master-jarrus · 30 days
I'm making the Sulkins Kaleesh
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Warrior race
Formidable opponents
General Grievous is part of the race that was constantly at war with them
I don't a whole lot about this species (I actually only just discovered them) but the wiki makes them feel like a good fit. With the exception of krucha and nukals
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oshawottarchive · 1 year
Ninjago Google translated
== Way of the Ninja (cute ninja) ==
Tw, guns, death, cigarette
(The semester begins with a visit to Ignacia, who works at Kaichenia Four Hands.)
What: (Make a sword.) To make a perfect weapon, it must be strong and warm. Wow... it's great! (It hurts when the sword is broken).
Nia: (laughs) Hey, hurry up. I'm sorry, Dad.
Purchase: I know. No matter what your motivation, experience doesn’t come overnight. It may work for Nia, but I am more creative than my father.
Wu: (entering the shop) Hmm... your car is fast and heavy. It helps you feel better. Hidden insects. All samurai weapons but no ninjas?
What is a ninja? Hey, you don't see ninjas in these parts, old man, the name of the shop isn't Crowlo's, it's Cake Cool. Buy something or sell your curse elsewhere.
Wu: Yeah! That’s a terrible thing. I think I see something different here. (Kai goes to change Wu's clothes.)
Kay: I mean if you see anything strange... (if it works).
News: What is it?
Ki: Just forget it.
(A dark cloud appears above Ignite, signaling the arrival of the Skulkins. When they arrive, three Skulkin Police appear from a skeleton car.)
Nickel: Ah! I'm the first! Please. I have to go!
Kruncha: He's dead! Try fighting King Smokekai! (Voice change, back to Smokey.
Smokekai: I'm sorry, friend. Remember what we need and get a card. attack!
(All cars in Scotland fill up quickly, Igniti guarantees a car will arrive).
Smokey: You're tired!
(People turn and run, soldiers call).
The: (looking at the store). What a bye
Kay: (does something) I don't know. Stop here
(Kai rallies the Skulkin army, and one of them strikes Kai and decapitates him.)
You: Ah! Stop! (He kicks Scullen in the head. As the two skeletons celebrate their victory, Nia wakes up and sees them.)
Ki: (surprised by Nia's attack) Like I told you to stop!
Me: So what is it? Do you want everything?
(As the brothers fight the skeleton army, Kurosa and Nickel casually enter the restaurant and start looking around.)
Kroncha: You're not stubborn! (He played Nickel in a samurai helmet.)
Nick: Ah! Don’t be too harsh! (He kills Kruncha in retaliation. When the two Scottish managers fight, he turns the sign outside the shop and finds the card Somoki is looking for.)
Crunch and Nickel: (disgusted) Card!
(Outside, Kai finishes killing the last of his Skulkin warriors as Sumokai approaches him. Kai pulls out his gun and reveals that Sumokai also has four arms.)
You: (I know it’s him.) Oh.
(Koagu grabbed his gun and drew it.
Wu: (angrily) Ninja! (He attacks Smokey again.)
Yang Kai: Look Wu! Your sponge has become dusty.
Wu: Smokekai, don't let anything happen.
(Samakai saw Kai holding a bucket of water on the ground, lifted one knee and slammed the bucket onto Kai).
Ki: (looking at the tank) Oh...!
Wu: Thank you very much! (He used Spongjutsu again to save Kai.)
Smokekai: (returns to the car with the map and skull, instead of dispatching Wu first) Lord Garmadon said take the girl!
Wu: (inaudible) Lord Garmadon?
(Kruncha laughs and grabs Nia by the handle of the car.)
Ki: no! (A bone is equal to a liver.)
Kay: (sadly) got the word…
Wu: I already said. (She hits him over the head with a bamboo stick.) Don't go.
Amy: (angry) Come on! you have to do something! You can use... Twist or -.
Wu: Spanish: Uncle!
Kai: But you didn't do anything! Bring my sister!
W: No one can go anywhere. King Smokai is undefeated. Mr. Mani also feared that if he had taken Gamadon's advice seriously, he would have been in dire straits.
Kai: Are you Gambi-san? World of humans? What's important to them? Why did they arrest my brother?
Wu: What? What about Ninjago? You can take it Combine all your strength. When he died, he promised to protect his two children, but the darkness betrayed his parents: an old man who was defeated in the war and thrown into the desert. The brothers hid their weapons, but they did not want the police to see them, so they sent a guard. And there are maps where his followers can hide in fear of death. (Last photo) The righteous is his father. His older brother is Lord Grimdon. I have to find him before he uses the gun.
Amy: Are you young? So do you have everything in the recipe?
Wu: Absolutely not. I am here for something important. You are the only one. My brother couldn't come, so he arranged for a cigarette. Collect all 4 weapons. I can't stop you But there is fire within you. I will show you how to use it. Please use it. Be a holy teacher.
AMY: Well, I'm glad you said that, but I have to save my brother! I'm not going to fight your brother. (Mr. Conan overwhelms Kai, who tries to leave.)
Wu: And it's not good to laugh too much. You're not ready to get your finger on it. If you want your sister back, you must control your inner fire. You can meet Lord Gamadon for the first time after meeting SpongeBob.
Tui Pui: Yes. So when do we start?
(The next day, Kayuk climbs to the impossible height of Spinjitsu Monastery).
Q: (pause) How long have you been training? See a map above?
Wu: (offers) Wait. (goes to school) I'm done, I'm done. immediately
* (surprised) Daddy? Do you want to learn how to fight peacefully?
D: No harm. To become a true ninja, you must know the unknown.
* But there is nothing here
(Clicking the dragon icon reveals a secret button that activates all the trainers in the monastery).
* (surprised) Oh! Can you teach me how (go to campus)?
Wu: (somewhat confused) Oh.
(K shoots the dragon and it falls to the ground).
Answer: We will end the lesson before tea. Then realize that you are ready. (He drank the whole bottle.) Not today. I'll try again tomorrow.
Question: (angry) Really? But it hasn't started yet.
Wu: (closes the barn door) Wait.
(Kai trains the following week, but misses Wu several times, contrary to Wu's wishes).
Wu: They failed. Haha, no need! I won! And... it won't happen.
(Kai decides to look for fitness equipment one day to find Wu. He pours the tea into another cup and goes up the stairs, Kai can't find it.)
Kei: (Takes a bowl of sugar and threatens Xiao Wu) Is the sugar ready?
(Wu enters the monastery and admires Kai's success.)
Kai: Okay, do you want to learn how to play?
Wu: Done. Final exam tomorrow. (laughs) My advice is to sleep more.
(That night, while Wu is sleeping and Kai is getting ready to sleep, the monastery is attacked by three alien ninjas).
SH: (Thoughtfully) My advice is to sleep.
* (looks at herself) Oh! (The first ninja slowly enters the door.) Here he comes. (A ninja comes around the corner with a shuriken.) Look. (Who has the third ninja?)
(3 ninjas prepare to attack).
* (annoyed) Oh.
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destinysbounty · 6 months
Not sure if this counts, but how do you explain the ninjas ages? How are they teachers but also like 16? I always love hearing people's thoughts on this
For a while now I've been entertaining a headcanon that I think would perfectly explain this in a way that makes sense. Note that this is just a circumstantial theory with no explicit basis in canon, so feel free to take it or leave it as you see fit.
Okay, so. To understand the teacher situation (as well as my theories for why Ninjago's education system is fucked to hell and back), we first have to talk about the Serpentine War for a sec. Bare with me, I promise this will make sense.
This seems like a no-brainer, but a war requires people to actually, yknow, fight in it. Which means large demographics of people have to leave their homes, families, jobs, and communities. Naturally, this forces the ones they've left behind to compensate for the economic deficit caused by their absence. Anyone familiar with American history could tell you that this happened to the US during WWII - as swathes of men shipped off overseas to fight in the war, women back home had to take charge of the economy and participate more actively in the workforce.
I think it goes without saying that this kind of situation probably happened to Ninjago during the Serpentine War. But the thing is, we know women fought in the war stood at the front lines alongside the men - we've seen them. So if that's the case, then who stepped up to help run the economy while Mommy and Daddy were away?
I think you can guess where I'm going with this.
That's right. With so many people leaving to fight in the War (and also dying from Serpentine raids), I don't think it's unreasonable to conclude that some subset of kids and teens had to step up to the plate and take up some of the vacancies their parents had left behind. Obviously I'm not saying all the adults were gone, but it was enough to warrant kids entering the workforce prematurely.
And of course, if kids are getting jobs at younger ages, then I think it's valid to extrapolate that to teacher positions as well.
As you can imagine, this shift created a few new social precedents: 1) expectations for kids, especially teens, to get jobs and become mature at younger ages was normalized; and 2) requirements for certain careers, including education, became much more lenient.
This labor expectation imposed on older kids and teens would actually explain a lot more than just the s3 teacher situation, when you think about it.
Not only are unqualified teens allowed to become teachers, but also undead skeleton warriors from the Underworld (see s1ep4). I'm sorry, but you can't convince me that Kruncha and Nuckal are licensed educators.
The existence of Darkley's, and how it was able to exist for so long without any kind of administrative intervention. The education system is in shambles, and it's because Ninjago's infrastructure never fully recovered from the Serpentine War.
Disparities and gaps in people's historical/world knowledge. No one knows shit about anything. Because again, the education system in in shambles. (If you doubt the validity of this point, let me just remind you I'm from the US. I once met a college student who didn't know what 'north' was.)
The existence of the Paper Boys - how they can devote what seem to be entire workdays to an extremely dangerous job, with minimal adult oversight (if any).
The entirety of Ninjago society seems totally chill with the fact that their saviors are a bunch of kids. To them this isn't cause for concern or even distrust in the ninjas' capability, it's just the norm!
In s15, Lloyd was able to get a job, presumably without a high school diploma or GED of some kind. Or, yknow, any formal education past grade 3 (although we know from supplemental material that he did get some kind of tutoring from the ninja, so this point is debatable).
If some kind of in-universe CPS equivalent exists, then they certainly don't do anything. No one has ever reported or raised issue with Lloyd being homeless, Cole also being homeless for a while, the ninja not being in school, Kai and Nya being parent-free since the ages of ~6 and 3 respectively, and other such things that would ordinarily be cause for alarm.
While there is canon evidence that Kai and Nya received some degree of aid from their community, especially when they were younger, this seems to be completely absent by the time the series begins. Perhaps the community's assistance began to withdraw over time as the siblings faced increasing expectations to become self-sufficient despite still being children. Like, "you're 10 years old now, Kai, it's time for you to start pulling your weight and taking care of the shop by yourself. You need to grow up."
If we approach Ninjago's worldbuilding from this context, suddenly the teacher arc becomes less of a plothole and more...depressing, tbh.
And in a weird way, this interpretation actually fits in nicely with Ninjago's themes of generational trauma. Think about it. Society was damaged by the Serpentine War. And because they never really healed from what happened, the kids of future generations continue to face the normalization of their childhoods gradually being ripped away from them before they're ready. Kinda like kids in a broken home taking on adult responsibilities to cover the slack. Kinda like Cole handling house chores while his father grieved away from home. Kina like Kai and Nya running the shop while their parents were gone.
And everyone is just...used to it. The only times in all 15 seasons that anyone stakes a complaint about this system are in seasons 1-2 when Lloyd was a little child, in season 8 when Harumi was ridiculing the ninja, and in season 15 when Wu refused to lead the Paper Boys into battle.
(I do think it's worth noting that young children are still regarded as kids, of course, as seen with how the ninja were treated when they got de-aged. But this isn't really a refutation of my argument, as much as it is a clue to help us identify society's cutoff for childhood innocence.)
Again, it's more of a circumstantial theory than anything based in fact. So you're free to dispute it as you like. But you have to admit it would explain a lot, wouldn't it?
Anyway, that was...a lot longer than I was expecting it to be. Damn. I'm beginning to think that's gonna be a running theme with these theory posts.
Thanks for the ask! <3
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ninjamelissajulien · 2 years
List of Topics that were Retconned/Forgotten by the end of Crystalized
- Sacred Flute 
- Kruncha/Nuckal still living in Ninjago
- Cole’s village being in the dead center of Ninjago City
-Ninjago City being surrounded by desert
-the massive gouge created by the Mega Weapon
-Ninjaball Run/Ninjago Talent Show being important annual events
- the crystal cavern that chen’s staff came from (that could absorb elemental powers(
-the Ultra Sonic Raider
-the elemental blades (s2)
-the Cursed Realm being destroyed lead to Djinnjago being destroyed, potentially leading to a domino effect throughout the realms
-see also: two realms being destroyed, potentially throwing the balance off
- the sky pirates
-(im sorry about this one) Echo Zane
- Everything from “Nya, take my hand” to “Your wish is yours to keep”
-the time twins being fucking stranded in time with the vermillion (they’re gonna die up there)
-the monarchy/the jade palace
-Techno!Wu (What even was that)
-the letter that turned Wu against Garmadon (s4)
-Misako knowing spinjitzu
-the Elemental dragons
-Airjitzu / Cyclondo (excluding the power-up from Prime Empire)
-the impact the Ice Emperor had on Zane’s psyche/Lloyd’s psyche
-Zane’s PTSD from death
-Cole’s character development from MOTM
-Ronin’s character development from the WilFilm Era
-Kai’s bravery/intelligence from the earlier seasons
-Jay’s engineering skills
-Cole’s intelligence (exception: MOTM)
-Zane’s connection to humanity and self-preservation
-Jamanakai Village
-the importance of the New Ninja/the Mayor in crystalized
-the Dark island was forgotten lol
-Mr. E’s identity
-Clouse still being a ghost and in Ninjago
-the lack of accessibility from Borg Tower
-also Borg literally having his arm ripped off by the overlord and getting fucked up by the tech
-the Ninja going to space
-Darkley’s --> Wu’s School (the kids being basically abandoned)
-Wu tearing down Garmadon’s monastery for the failed teashop
-Wu summoning an Elemental Dragon
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nyaskitten · 1 year
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I have another redraw coming soon (hopefully within the hour) but for now, here's some concept art I did last night for Cole and his villains during the Garmafam phase of ANS!!!
(not v proud of Kruncha, he looks fucking hideous, Skalidor and Cole however? badass as FUCK!!!)
(pleas rb btw)
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buff-daddy-cole · 1 month
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Ninjago Ultimate Factivity Book: Ninja & Foes
Released in 2020, Written by Emma Grange and Rosie Peet
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legosnek · 5 months
Who's the best comedic Ninjago duo to you, Kruncha & Nuckal, Kapau & Chope, Simon & Tommy, Blunck & Raggmunk, the mohawk & red-haired SOG guys, or Boma & Uthaug.
(Choose wisely, for it's OBVIOUSLY Blunck & Raggmunk smh)
I love all of them tbh, they're all just silly guys
If I had to choose, it's probably a tie beetween Kruncha & Nuckal and Kapau & Chope atm
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sepublic · 4 months
Thinking of how the first year of Ninjago is framed around the original conflict between two siblings who inherited a father's legacy of four Golden Weapons, fought over how to use said legacy, and it ended with one of them being trapped in the Underworld.
And then in the present day, we have two siblings who inherited their father's legacy, the Four Weapons shop, and one of them ends up trapped in the Underworld. Because of that original conflict between siblings, because of the sibling who was also trapped in the Underworld, and inhabits that same realm with her; Even as the other sibling is scouted by the original victor, and recruited.
Ggooodddddd imagine an AU where Garmadon and Nya actually interact while in the Underworld, where these parallels are explored! And the mixed feelings that Wu and Garm have seeing these two other siblings, who still get along and aren't at each other's throats. Wu feeling resolve to help Kai get his sister back too, because he doesn't want Kai to lose a sibling under any circumstances as he did, all while Garmadon tries to pull Nya to his side by feeding into any frustrations she might have towards Kai and Ray.
On a similar note, I get why Day of the Departed lumped Kai and Nya together when fighting Chen; They share a mutual connection towards Chen knowing what happened to Ray and Maya, who are THEIR parents, plus this transitions into the siblings as the mutual stars of the next season. And I think the way the villains were paired with the heroes mostly made sense, with the exception of Jay and Samukai, which the writing itself admits was because they were left over.
But MAN I think it'd have been cool to have Nya paired up with Samukai instead, given him kidnapping her is what starts off the entire series; Nya was trapped in the Underworld for all of 2011's storyline, so it makes you wonder what interactions she might've had with the Skulkin during that time. While non-canon, Lego Battles: Ninjago does show Nya being interrogated by Samukai and his lieutenants Kruncha and Nuckal. It'd have been a cool character moment to have Samukai go after Nya, reasoning he already kidnapped this 'helpless girl' once, only for Nya to show she's grown beyond anything he could imagine since then.
Of course, this again leaves the question of Jay... Who if we're being honest, DOES have a villain prior to Day of the Departed that he actually pairs decently with: Nadakhan, but alas Nadakhan's whole beef with him has been retconned out of existence. Still, it makes me imagine another timeline or AU where Nadakhan still shows up despite being alive, the way Pythor did; Like through some convoluted antics, the Teapot of Tyrahn is opened up and Yang wishes for idk for Nadakhan to fight Jay or something. Due to Nadakhan not having the Sword of Souls and Jay knowing his opponent well (while Nadakhan himself doesn’t, not remembering what happened), it gives him just the edge he needs to defeat Nadakhan before he can really become a threat.
If two ninja need to be paired together, maybe it can be Jay and Nya both against Samukai; Though, it makes more sense for Nya to be with Kai when everything goes wrong, because they're mourning their parents together and all that. Maybe Nya's on her way from Jay's to meet up with Kai for their Day of the Departed rituals, only for Samukai to show up.
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juniperjellyfish · 3 months
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inchling-prince · 1 year
Which ninjago villians are spiritually.thenwet.bandits from home alone and why
Oh heck, I haven't seen Home Alone since I was like 10. Kruncha and Nuckal maybe.
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But given that I once again am only passably familiar with your source material, perhaps we'll open this ask up to the rest of the fandom. Into the main tag it goes!
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