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Going thoroughly insane over how on completely different ends Sora's and Koushirou's roles and relationships with their mothers (and in extension their parents in general) are portrayed in Adventure. And once again, it was ALL based on miscommunication:
Sora is perceived as the tradition-defying "tomboy" who is "loud" and plays football; Koushirou is perceived as the "good boy" who is always "polite and correct" and never acts spoilt or out of line. The key word here is "perceived", because we see both of them display traits in front of their peers that go beyond the "role" their parents witness (and that both of them are willingly or subconsciously displaying in front of them); Sora is actually the caring mom/big sister friend who literally and figuratively takes everyone under their wing, Koushirou is opinionated, forward and outspoken when things are dire and at stake.
Sora's mother wants her to act more like "the daughter of an ie-moto", more feminine, less out of line - at least, that is the message that reaches Sora, since her mother asks her to quit her beloved football. Her polite and aloof attitude appears to be rather cold and dismissive to Sora, which is basically what makes her rebel against the whole flower arrangement business. She feels unloved and misunderstood, as if she cannot be appreciated if she isn't "perfect" in her mother's eyes. Thus she is unable to understand that her mother may just worry about her hurting her injured leg even more. Furthermore, Sora has a very poor grasp on the fact that she herself is acting towards her friends and partner in the exact same way, albeit in a more gentle way most of the time.
Koushirou's mother wants him to be more selfish, to tell her what he dislikes and what bothers him, to stop being perfect at all times - but that is exactly what he physically cannot do, as he himself is doubting his whereabouts and simply tries to just shove all doubts and worries aside. Instead of acting "normal", he is hiding behind that barrier and mask of perfection towards his parents - and has to realize that this attitude is worrying them even more.
In the end, it all gets (mostly) resolved through them realizing that they're still loved regardless of what happened; they don't necessarily HAVE TO change, but it is up to them whether they want to or not. Meaning, their respective arcs of self-discovery have not ended yet, but the foundation for better relationships has been established here. Sora will start playing tennis (a.k.a changing her hobby) in an attempt to move towards her mother more, choosing to do so for her own sake. Koushirou will try to act more open and casual towards his parents, even though he is actively being reassured that his hobby (being into computers) is exactly what he is all about and that he doesn't have to change that.
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lycomorpha · 1 year
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My board while I was drawing a beautiful crayfish last year - timelapse here (1 min version) and here (full drawing.) It was a commission for a research group in Aotearoa/NZ.
The reference images they supplied are on the board, along with the test sheet and an early sketch. I mark out two identical outlines for each commission on exactly the same Stonehenge fine art paper. I test everything on one sheet, and the other becomes the shiny finished piece. Detailed drawings take many hours... So as well as trying methods before I commit, test sheets are a thing I can keep in order to retain what I learn. I return to them often to remember how I did things or find new ways to draw something based on past work.
You can also see how my easel is set up...
I've got a drawing board held in a painting easel, which allows me to work vertically. I can't draw over a flat desk or angled drawing board, so this is my adaption. (It works really well as long as non-disabled people don't try to "fix" it... Petition to stop ppl "helping" without asking first, because whyyyyaaaarg.)
I have pencils blue-tacked to the board (over tape strips to prevent the tack leaving greasy marks.) I don't need to change them too often... But you can just peel off whole tape strips with the pencils still attached to move them around. I have more than one board that I can swap around, and I can move strips of pencils between them depending what I'm drawing on each one.
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(& yes, Studio Cat did instantly steal my chair there. I swear that cat can fcking teleport.)
The shelf on the easel is full of erasers, pencil extenders, sandpaper for cleaning/filing blending stumps and hard erasers, etc. That and and random crap that I don't clear out often enough! The bits of grey foam are pipe lagging that I cut up to use as pencil holders. The easel is also on wheels. All my art supplies are on a trolley, so I can shift them. Wheels on all the things, basically.
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dutchforstrangers · 5 months
Rouge - Taikoura one-shot for Shades of Red
For @taioraweek 2023 Day 8
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
A/N: Shades of Red is a very precious little story I wrote for digiweek 2021 about Taichi falling for not only Sora, but for Koushiro as well. A story about the wonders of polyamorous relationships and that it takes self-knowledge to take that one courageous step towards a life full of love. So have a new shade of red <3
Based on a little Taiora-scenario I wrote in early 2021 which @seventeenlovesthree made sure to provide with beautiful art which I'm still so in love with :3 You can find it here: [x].
Day 8: Rogue or Blush | Characters: Koushiro Izumi (POV) x Sora Takenouchi x Taichi Yagami | Genre: Romance, some sort of hurt/comfort | Rating: T | Wordcount: 1.293
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A yawn escaped him as he stretched his slender frame, the office chair rolling slightly to the back. Koushiro was still up, the different monitors on his desk lined up and on. After much complaining from Sora, who was according to him unnecessarily way too worried about his health, he had installed a filter on the screens. That way he could protect his eyes, but still work during night time.
It wasn’t that he couldn’t work in the day time, no, he had grown fond of working with both Taichi and Sora around. However, they had the tendency to distract them and so, being the night owl of the three, he decided to catch up on work during the night. Koushiro liked the quiet, the only sound interfering his endless thoughts the sound of keys clicking.
Time had already gone way past midnight when the sound of his fingers flying over the keyboard was interrupted with bare feet entering their shared office. Koushiro peeked over his computer screens, his eyes picking up on red-colored messy sleep hair, his nose smelling Taichi’s perfume she was bringing with her into the room.  
“Sora-san, shouldn’t you be asleep?”
His fingers left the keys as he decided to check up on her. He watched her closely and concluded she looked stress. It wasn’t a surprise with the big deadline that was luring from behind a bush called Friday. Koushiro remembered all of her speedy talking which wasn’t very Sora-like, her calm demeanor sliding off.
“I couldn’t,” Sora answered sounding sleepy yet stressed. “Tomorrow’s the first draft for the collection and it feels like I missed a few details. I have to check it.”
Not for one second did she look at him. As if pulled to her drawing table, she walked towards it, her right hand frantically searching for the right pencil underneath the pile of designs. To Koushiro they were all equally wonderful and knowing Sora, he knew she didn’t miss any details. He also knew she was stubborn, perhaps even more so than Taichi, and so he didn’t ask further. Instead he kept a close eye on her while he kept working, thinking it would only be a few minutes before she would return to bed.
But a few minutes turned into over half an hour and Koushiro grew worried. Without saying anything, he stood up to grab the both of them some tea.
“Thanks.” Was all Sora said as he carefully placed the cup on the only empty spot on her drawing table. Her eyes were wide, completely focused on her work. Koushiro looked over all the colors and lines dancing on the papers forming beautiful designs for modernized kimonos.
“I truly admire your skills and ambition, Sora-san. The designs look unquestionably stunning, I’m convinced that they’re enough for a first draft. I’d like to escort you to bed so you can sleep some more.”
“Tell that to yourself, you always stay up late,” Sora snapped back, but immediately realized how mean that was. She finally looked at him. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.”
“I’m aware. You must be tired, hence why I wanted to bring you back to bed,” Koushiro explained calmly.
Sora smiled in return, her tiredness didn’t allow her to keep her lips curled up for too long. “And I appreciate your worry over me. But I just can’t sleep yet.”
Koushiro nodded in response. She gave off a tired look, the determination however made her glow all the same.
A little bit defeated, Koushiro headed back to his seat behind his desk. He sighed before his fingers went back to the keyboard, then started typing once more, the room filled with the tapping sound again. Per usual, it made him loose track of time.
Eventually from the corner of his eye Koushiro could see Taichi’s sleeping body dragging himself into the office. The brown haired man rubbed his eyes and a yawn escaped him as he placed himself next to Koushiro, looking over the computer screens in Sora’s direction. A worried expression emerged on his face and Koushiro looked up to Taichi.
“How long has she been up an working?” Taichi asked with a hoarse sleepy tone followed by another yawn.
Koushiro checked the time.
“It could easily be over an hour now.”
Taichi sighed. It was all he needed to know. He kept standing there, watching her work, worried yet the fondness in his eyes easily outdid the worry.
Even though Koushiro was well aware of Taichi’s adoration and admiration for both him and Sora, he could never get enough of Taichi staring so intensely to especially Sora. It was something he could observe day in and out, it would never grow old.
“What?” Came Sora’s voice. Clearly she had been taking notice of Taichi’s staring. It made Koushiro snap out of his thoughts, however, Taichi only intensified the eye contact he now had with her. “Do I have something on my face?”
“No.” He replied. The features in Taichi’s face changed from intensity to softness accompanied by a cheeky grin.
“Then what is it?” Sora asked, the annoyance in her voice returning.
In a way, even though Taichi meant it well, these little exchanges of words between his two partners made Koushiro feel uncomfortable. Simply because it could go two ways. They would either start bickering, or…
“I just think you’re beautiful.”
Or they would jump each other in a more sexually physical way.
Yes, Koushiro loved them both very much, but their intensity could sometimes be a tad too much. Making him blush in frustration or ecstasy. Often it was both though.
He looked from Taichi to Sora and back in anticipation. Because with Sora being stressed and tired, you could never predict how exactly she would respond.
Koushiro had not expected the cherry red blush on her cheeks radiating warmth and surprise.
“Go back to bed, Taichi,” she stumbled, failing to hide how that one compliment had gotten to her.
“Well, you’ve heard the boss,” Taichi said to Koushiro, taking Sora’s words as his cue to go. “Can you tell her I’d like to see her back in bed soon? And you too by the way.”
Taichi winked and gave Koushiro a sweet small peck on the top of his head before he turned his heel to return back to bed. Alone.
Or so Taichi thought.
Right before he would have left the office, Taichi was stopped by Sora hugging him from behind. Her graceful arms embraced his athletic body, her one hand just able to hold the wrist from her other hand. She pressed her head to Taichi’s back and rubbed her nose into the fabric of Taichi’s sleep shirt, a genuine smile happily dancing on her lips before she spoke.
“Thank you, I needed that.”
Koushiro looked at the both of them, standing in the door way exchanging love in a to him beautiful way. It was tender and fragile, grand in its simplicity.
Where Sora’s blush turned into a warm and grateful pinkish one, Taichi showed a knowing one. Accepting the love he felt for her. For them. And all Koushiro could do was take in the little loving still he was treated to.  
He recalled how their love wasn’t self-evident from the beginning, especially to Taichi. But the road he had followed together with Sora and Koushiro had led him to being his happy and cheesy self again. Where his blush first was one of confusion and shame, it now showed his pride and a genuine love.
Koushiro smiled, a shared blush like rouge now complimenting his own face. Happy he was here with them, being able to see the love unfold in front of him over and over again.
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origo-hike · 10 months
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khonaker · 11 months
Hey there! I had already meant to reply to you the other day, I saw you liked several Koura posts on my blog - and I'm always happy to meet people who like them too, since they're SUCH a (understandably) niche ship! So I'm glad you liked my comic too, thank you!
Certainly! I always liked those two in particular and seeing material of the two them is just a treat! And the meta and your analysis on their friendship is incredible! Made me love them even more! Happy to meet you! :D
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creativecuquilu · 1 year
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This Monday I've read The Hound of the Baskervilles. It was not scary at all, just a mindless quick novel of Sherlock Holmes which in 1982, the BBC got Tom Baker to play. Thus, after reading it, I gathered five of his roles doing something a bit random (randomness is my nature) The egyptian doctor and Holmes think Koura is sick and give him an exam, while the Doctor and Hasan simply stand here and watch. Baker is a really good Doctor, but as you can tell...Pertwee takes the first place on my Doctor Who incarnations podium. By the way, for anyone who wants to watch The Hound of the Baskervilles by Tom Baker...is in the Internet Archive (Youtube's got a few parts missing due to BBC's copyright) Hasan's here as well...The Curse of King Tut's Tomb from 1980 is probably a lost flick (pretty sure it's a TV movie), and he plays this background character so well... Hope you like it! Artwork (c) @CreativeCuquiLu Doctor Who, The Millionairess and The Hound of the Baskervilles (c) BBC The Golden Voyage of Sinbad (c) Columbia Pictures The Curse of King Tut's Tomb (c) Columbia Pictures Television WATCH IT - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gB8k_h3hNn0&t=1s
Also, here’s a bonus link to Hasan scenes cuz SOMEHOW, THIS EXACT T. BAKER ROLE TURNS ME ON 😫😫
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awkwardbotany · 2 years
Weeds of Boise: Vacant Lot on West Kootenai Street
Weeds of Boise: Vacant Lot on West Kootenai Street
Every urban area is bound to have its share of vacant lots. These are sites that for whatever reason have been left undeveloped or were at one point developed but whose structures have since been removed. The maintenance on these lots can vary depending on who has ownership of them. Some are regularly mowed and/or treated with herbicide, while others go untouched for long periods of time. Even…
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rulatimia · 2 years
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Chekka, North Lebanon
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farafinetmedia · 4 months
MALI KURA : l’avenir balisé par une vision claire des défis à relever
Même si des pas décisifs ont été franchis vers le bout du tunnel, le Mali n’est pas totalement sorti de l’impasse dans laquelle il est embourbé depuis plus d’une décennie. Mais, selon le président de Transition, l’espoir est permis puisque les défis à relever sont bien balisés. Il reste maintenant à s’armer de patience, se remettre au travail en faisant prévaloir des valeurs comme l’intégrité…
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malibuzz · 4 months
MALI KURA : l’avenir balisé par une vision claire des défis à relever
Même si des pas décisifs ont été franchis vers le bout du tunnel, le Mali n’est pas totalement sorti de l’impasse dans laquelle il est embourbé depuis plus d’une décennie. Mais, selon le président de Transition, l’espoir est permis puisque les défis à relever sont bien balisés. Il reste maintenant à s’armer de patience, se remettre au travail en faisant prévaloir des valeurs comme l’intégrité…
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adib-photography · 1 year
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Warde One of the famous furnishing fabrics retailers in Middle East. Beirut. #jounieh #lebanon #beirut #jbeil #tripoli #saida #batroun #byblos #lebanese #livelovelebanon #kaslik #zgharta #livelovebeirut #zahle #koura #onlineshopping #tyre #bekaa #whatsuplebanon #rabieh #harissa #baabda #lebanontimes #achrafieh #insta #mountlebanon #hamra #antelias #akkar #broumana (at Beirut Souks) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl-RwO2Nfa1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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seventeenlovesthree · 26 days
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Festive Vibes in April - Part I [Part II]
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nogarlicnoonions · 2 years
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When in #koura… an enjoyable #icecream! @kalaa_ice_cream (at Kfar Sâroûn, Liban-Nord, Lebanon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiufASHoAL8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dutchforstrangers · 6 months
Taishirokoura x possibilities - "What if" pt. 0 (author's note)
For @taikouvember 2023 - Day 2: Past, Present & Future + Day 6: Brave Knowledge, Unexpected Impulsive Love & Curious Courage
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A/N: Taikouvember means Taishiro, buuuuuuut I couldn't let the chance of finally writing for my all time favorite OT3 involving Taishiro slide. So I took the freedom and wrote a Taikoura songfic piece! And before I dump it, it needs a little explanation.
What if?
This little young-polyamory story will be about Koushiro, Sora and Taichi struggling with their feelings towards each other -being completely oblivious or not wanting to admit/commit- and how they have (not) acted, are acting or would like to act. How fear about the unknown, fear to fall and fail, holds them back from acting.
How one stayed, the other stands still and the last one wants to run, towards a future with them.
A story about finding motivation. About the possibilites of an 'unexpected and impulsive love' that takes 'brave knowledge' and 'curious courage'.
I could publish it as one post, but that could be a little much, so I decided to cut it into four parts: Part 1 - Koushiro (and Yamato) Part 2 - Sora (and Jyou) Part 3 - Taichi (and Mimi) Part 4 - Taikoura
Wishing you all happy readings in advance! <3
The song used is "What if" by Cody Fry:
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shannonmanorart · 1 year
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I wanted to try my hand at another Twisted Wonderland OC using an unused villain!
So here’s Taoka Koura based off Tamatoa from Moana 🦀 He’s in Octavinelle!
Don’t lose anything shiny at the Lounge, you won’t get it back.
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irawhiti · 6 months
just came across a pic of a random creek in the place i grew up and now i'm sitting here like ohhhh my god i miss Creek. i miss Moving Fresh Water. Where is cattail
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