tanuki-kimono · 10 months
Good day/night to you! i am stuck again, and would like to know:
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is there a proper term for what style this is? please, if you're able to find out i would be forever grateful!!
This is a summer outfit for buke warrior class) women featuring an uchikake cloak worn tied around the waist and upper half down in a fashion called koshimaki 腰巻
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nobrashfestivity · 1 month
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Tadanori Yokoo, poster for Koshimaki Osen, 1966
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Did you know, wearing a Kimono, you are expected to wear a “hadajuban” and “koshimaki” directly on your naked skin. Traditionally, you don't wear panties, but nowadays most women do. (I google search this as I recheck if it real as I just have a flashback useless knowledge lol)
So I would like a reaction of Gun sees y/n wearing kimono in a traditional way. Or any character sees y/n wearing kimono and y/n teasing then about the traditional way of how to wear kimono.
lol Sam you make me research the most obscure stuff. I have no idea how accurate the below is or even how tight a kimono is supposed to be but I did actually Google stuff! Here's a little Gun hc tease (Ryuhei would probably be pretty excited too...)
Gun Park x Reader: Kimono
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Gun has seen countless women in kimonos, or traditional Japanese clothing
It's not really anything special and he never pays a lot of attention
Seeing you dressed up though, it gives him a thrill that is usually reserved for fights
He appreciates the effort and most certainly appreciates the view as well
His hand wanders, touching the high quality fabric and the craftsmanship, a little touched that you did this for him
You mention the hadajuba and koshimaki touching your bare skin. You've done your research and you're keeping it traditional
"Oh?" That grabs his attention. Gun's hand glides over your kimono, towards your bare collar bone and he slips his hand under - checking that it's actually true
He immediately squeezes and pinches and you make sure you school your reaction and resist any moaning
You give Gun the final surprise
"That's not all," you lean forward and murmur in his ear, your hand works it's way towards his waistband, already noticing the uncomfortably tightening of his pants
"I heard underneath the kimono, you don't traditionally wear other undergarments either,"
Gun's eyebrows shoot up at that. It's not often you catch up on the backfoot
He immediately goes to start undressing you, pressing heated kisses along your collar
"Fuck... fuck" he groans, his hands working quickly, "why the fuck are there so many layers."
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kuronekopower · 2 years
Just A Dream
It was a nice soothing drizzle coming down. Small droplets to cool down the hot summer night. She was standing under a sakura tree, feeling the raindrops on her upturned face, contemplating on whether she should go back to the castle tonight or pretend that she had not completed her assignment. She hated him, her father and could not wait until the man she knew to be her savior would destroy him.
Smiling to herself at her current thoughts she did not hear another approaching her from behind. He was silent, deadly and beautiful and it was only too late that she discovered him until his arm was around her waist pulling her against him. A frightened gasp fell from her mouth before she realized the familiar form pressed against her back. A low growl beside her ear signaled he was angry. With her or himself she did not know. The hand around her waist tightened just a small increment enough to feel his hard length on her back. She sighed with that the feeling of him against her. He was angry with himself. She couldn’t blame him if he was angry with her. Afterall she did kidnap his ward for her disgusting father as a bargaining chip to bring him to heel. She knew it wouldn’t work. This man holding her was magnificent, honorable and powerful. Everything you’d expect from a daiyoukai.
She could live forever just looking at his beautiful face, drowning in his amber eyes, revel in the comfort of his arm around her but she just never had enough time. The deep baritone of his voice asking if she had been waiting long and if she were fine. That sentence is probably the most words she’d heard from him in the few months that they had starting meeting under the moon. These nights were her small doses of happiness in her otherwise miserable life. She wanted her freedom. Freedom from her father. Freedom from her circumstances. Freedom to fly wherever the wind takes her, to be the wind itself. Freedom to feel her heart beating within her own chest and to give that same heart to the man she loves so he will keep it safe from harm.
All these thoughts left her head as she felt his lips on her neck, a small nip at her pulse point and the roll of his hips. Before she could process all the delectable teases of his lips and hips he had already divested her of her obi, kimono, koshimaki and hadajuban. Standing naked in the rain feeling the raindrops mist across her body did not cool the heat coming off of her as he touched and caressed her. It took him more time to rid himself of his clothing as he continued to kiss her slowly lowering her to the soft grass on top of his hakama. They moved in tandem slowly. The rocking of hips, the sighs and moans calling and answering each other. The rain picking up to a slight downpour only added to her body’s sensitivity to what he was doing to her. As the rain picked up so did their rhythm. Her hands roving all over his back, his arm stationed by her head, tongues lashing at each other. Devouring each other. Their movements becoming frantic, getting closer to sweet oblivion then crashing over the edge with both their bodies rigid, her cry echoing over the rain and his groan muffled in her neck.
Kagura shot up from her slumber hearing the echo of her voice screaming Sesshoumaru’s name. Sweat dripping between her breast and an ache between her legs. Her body shuddering from the after effects of the dream. She threw off her thin cover to let the breeze from outside cool her feverish body. Collapsing back on her futon she smiled saying it was a beautiful dream. A few minutes later her eyes drifted shut and sleep once again claimed her with that smile still on her lips.
Many miles away Sesshoumaru was waking from a most stimulated dream. Enough to make him walk away from his small camp letting Jaken watch over a sleeping Rin to take himself in hand and ease the ache the dream left him with. Where was the wind witch now and when can he make his dream real? Soon he promised himself. Soon it will not be just a dream.
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seafarijapan · 1 year
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Study 📚 & learn the old ways to better help navigate the future. Yesterday I enjoyed learning the history of fishing & sea life here in Japan, Chiba, Katsuura and the Boso (south area). I felt it’s important to know so I can understand about the lives & the ancestors of many of my friends here in my community. There are many types of fishing & working on the sea. - net fishing - hook fishing - diving fishing - watch and catch fishing - fishing by traps - harvesting of nature - cultivation As well as much tradition with words such as - Funadama (a boats spirit) - Maiwai (celebration kimono jacket ) - Ema ( pictorial offering for a good catch found in temples ) - Hakomegane (watching the bottom of the sea - koshimaki-Kago or (tabu) (meaning a teeth like basket used for collecting shells in sand, a larger version towed by a boat is manga or Oomaki . My hope now is I can continue to learn & help educate people who visit the Katsuura area & take a tour with us on Seafari Japan boat tours both young and old and inspire them to love, enjoy & take care of our oceans for future generations. #fishing #japan #history #culture #ancestors #education #understanding #fish #industry #chiba #japan #katsuura #boso #tourism #guide #nature #work #office #study (at 勝浦市) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn-c_buBtbB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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feisty-yordle · 4 years
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Girls pearl-divers wearing koshimaki (woodblock print by Kitagawa Utamaro)
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ochoislas · 2 years
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No me iba a quedar los primeros tres días de Año Nuevo metido en mi cuarto, que tenía más corrientes que una pajarera, allá en un arrabal de la ciudad, así que cada día salía a visitar esta casa o aquélla. Aunque lo cierto es que la ronda de visitas a mis conocidos no tenía ninguna relación concreta con el Año Nuevo. Durante años he estado cenando la mitad del mes en casas ajenas, sólo que entonces este modo de vida cuadraba con las fechas. Bueno, supongo que yo soy así, no hay más. A decir verdad, era muy bueno comiendo de gorra. Ya de niño me sabía mejor el mismo plato exactamente en cualquier otra casa que no fuera la mía, y cuando crecí aprendí a hacer alardes de entusiasmo fuera lo que fuera que me pusieran por delante. Este talento era entonces de gran beneficio a mis finanzas. Sabía, por supuesto, qué lamentable personaje era, pero sólo de un modo racional y teórico. En el fondo no me preocupaba en absoluto. Además mi técnica en este asunto era mi única cualificación.
[…] Digo compañía pero en realidad no era más que un pequeño almacén mayorista de prendas de punto con diez empleados, situado en una esquina del distrito textil de Nihonbashi. Me habían contratado temporalmente el otoño anterior en calidad de traductor. Esto implicaba un notable contraste. Allí estaba yo, metido al fondo de una tienda abierta a los cuatro vientos y llena de pilas de calcetines tabi, enaguas koshimaki, calzones de labor patchi y demás por el estilo, descifrando revistas occidentales de moda repletas de artículos sobre pieles y joyas. La tienda y yo estábamos mal avenidos, no cabe duda. Con mis escasas habilidades lingüísticas me peleaba como podía con lo impreso en el papel cuché para encontrarle algún sentido, pero ni la más mínima fracción de mis esfuerzos era de beneficio a la empresa.
Tras devanarme los sesos durante horas con el diccionario lograba por fin copiar en mi bloc, sin saber lo que estaba haciendo, algo así como, digamos: «Durante un periodo de tantas semanas de 195***, un detallista de Amberes vendió setenta docenas de pantalones de labor femeninos. Esta circunstancia extraordinaria requiere nuestra atención». Todo era una estúpida pérdida de tiempo; pero no, no renuncié. ¿La razón? Que no sabía hacer ninguna otra cosa. No sabía manejar el ábaco, y como responsable de envíos era una calamidad.
Yasuoka Shōtarō
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psychedelic-sixties · 4 years
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Koshimaki-Osen (1966)
Design by Tadanori Yokoo
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constellaris-a · 3 years
Really, Botan, not even a bra and underwear under your kimono?
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    ❝ I-It’s more traditional to wear a hadajuban and koshimaki! Besides, a lot of more modern day undergarments tend to feel a little uncomfortable... ❞
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tanuki-kimono · 1 year
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The takarazukushi 宝尽くし or takaramono 宝物 pattern, chart by Nadeshico Rin. This ancient auspicious pattern represents luck-bringing treasures symbols:
Hôju 宝珠, Cintamani flaming jewel said to fulfill wishes
Chôji 丁字, cloves buds, an expensive spice
Hôyaku 宝鑰, granary or warehouse key
Kinnô 金囊, treasure pouch
Fundo 分銅, counterweight
Hôkan 宝巻, scrolls of knowledge (also called more generally makimono)
Kakuremino 隠れ蓑, robe of invisibility (or also hagoromo 羽衣 the heavenly feathered robe) 
Uchide no Kozuchi 打ち出の小槌, lucky mallet fulfilling wishes
(List of those fantastical treasures is not set, you can also find other artefacts like: shippô  七宝, geometrical shape representing jewels and precious metal, kakuregasa 隠れ笠, the hat of invisibility, etc).
Rin points that takarazukushi was popular pattern used by samurai women in summer. You can see here how this lady has her katabira 帷子 (summer kimono) around her waist in a way called koshimaki 腰巻. Sleeves stay because they are propped up by a specially reinforced sageobi 提帯 belt.
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psikonauti · 4 years
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Tadanori Yokoo (Japanese, b. 1936)
Koshimaki-Osen, 1966
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futurepharaohs · 4 years
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Koshimaki-Osen, 1966 Koshimaki-Osen, 1966 © Tadanori Yoko
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itsmarjudgelove · 5 years
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Kimono is traditional Japenese garment, and the national dress of Japan for both men and women. It is a symbol of longevity and good fortune on the wearer. When wearing a kimono, one is supposed to wear a hadajuban and koshimaki underneath and the juban over those layers of clothing. There are typically two types of clothes that the Japanese wear. The most well known being the kimono, in its various versions. Kimono translates  to 'something to wear' and includes, yukata and hakama. Traditional garments are now, mainly worn for festivals, religious ceremonies and cultural events . The traditional wear was influenced by the battle and weather conditions besides bestowing good luck and long life. The traditional clothing has given way to modern outfits. In view of the changed scenario majority of Japanese people prefer the western dresses. It saves them the bother of the wear of kimono while giving a modern outlook. Kimono is going the geisha way which was, once the way of life.
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Tamiko NISHIMURA "Koshimaki Osen: Furisode Fire Incident" (Truck Performance, Shinjuku Station West Exit / Feb. 22, 1969) (3) 1969 
Contact the gallery for details and price
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senboago · 4 years
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So now that I’ve finally got something up for my girl, guess I have no excuse to not do her attire headcannon.
Anyways! First and foremost are her undergarments, the base of any outfit. It should be noted that Chinatsu is traditional, though with some modern and feminist ideals. Originally fundoshi is reserved for men, but she will wear them more often than any modern underwear while in a shihakusho. In a yukata or kimono, she will opt for the more traditional koshimaki. Her upper undergarments is a modified Chinese dudou; an extra string where the underside of her breast rest, allowing for it to act as some kind of bra without actually binding her chest.
Her most worn outfit is the stanrdard shihakusho. Starting from the bottom layers up, this consist of white shitagi, a pair of white tabi, and a black kosode and hakama. She has add her own personal touch however-- including a wide purple obi rather than the usual white one, and she wears a modified version of okobo in place of waraji. These okobo she wears have a red thong along with red ribbon for her to lace them up her ankle for security.
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The next is her everyday yukata, to which she owns two; a dark green one with yellow flowers or a lilac-colored with willow branches. Both are worn with the same dull yellow and jade-colored obi. Outside her home, she pairs them with her signature okobo, or will opt for a more sensible pair of zori. In the colder months, she will layer herself with a thick-woven deep purple haori, which is also worn with her shihakusho sometimes. For extra warmth, she’ll even use a rabbit fur scarf.
She also a fancier kimono, but it’s only ever worn for formal gatherings, as it has an abundance of layers. Starting from the bottom is the white nagajuban with a floral-patterned collar, and a red-stripped datejima. Then next is a red hiyoku that is patterned with sakura-shaped petals and flowers. The actual kimono is a deep, rich purple with an intricate sun pattern of golds and reds. Then finally is the obi, which matches the kimono’s pattern and color. It is tied a subtle knot, symbolic of her age and maturity. Around the obi is often a a bright red obijime. Both the kimono and obi are made of a soft silk.
Her hair style changes, depending upon her outfit. In a shihakusho, it is half-up in a tight bun, sometimes braided if she’s feels up to it. She wears many different accessories in it, including a gold pin and a purple cord tied in a bow. At home, she can be found with her hair completely pulled up, pinned in place with that notable gold pin. Meanwhile, her kimono and formal hairstyle is much more intricately done up. Her whole hair is pinned and arranged up, with multiple accessories including; her gold pin, another gold pin with hanging baubles, a gold comb, and two clips on either side with pink and yellow flowers.
Though it’s often covered by her hair, she does wear a set of dangling gold earrings.
She does wear makeup almost on a daily basis; the only exception being on her days off at home. This includes a black eyeliner and mascara, some kind of subtle blush to her cheeks, red shadow at the corner of her eyes, and a bright red to her lips. In her formal wear, there’s obviously a lot more effort put into her face, including her entire face painted white and her brows lined and thickened.
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steezprincess-blog · 4 years
Kimono photo research
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I was given a choice of 7 different photos relating to kimonos to research by my college teacher and chose this one.
When googling the word “Kimono” It’s certainly disheartening how many results are tied to Kim Kardashian-West’s shapewear brand. Although It’s now been renamed to “Skims”, this marketing stumble was certainly controversial.
Kim Kardashian is a member of the Kardashian/Jenner family who were one of the first to become famous through simply being themselves and although they’re generally controversial, they’re now global celebrities and the fact that they managed to market themselves into becoming owners of many businesses (Kylie Jenner recently having made the forbes list) they’ve pioneered many fashion trends and this level of rocketing themselves into becoming icons has to be respected as they paved the way for many “influencers” and reality stars we see today that dream of this level of stardom.
One interesting point in the juxtaposition of skims and traditional kimono is that skims aim to give you the hourglass figure Kim is so famous for and kimonos are intended to make the wearer’s body appear straight and cylindrical, often women wearers use stuffing underlayers to achieve this.
The Kardashians are famous for their brand names including elements of their name which is why Kim thought of Kimono, however thankfully social media backlash pushed her away from that name in the defense of traditional and ancient culture which is still relevant today. The main outrage was her trying to copyright the brand name “Kimono” which is very disrespectful to Japan’s history and luckily the copyright wasn’t granted. Much outrage also went towards the fact that her shapewear has no relation to Japanese kimono and was seemingly the name chosen simply because her name’s in it.
Skims is a skin toned, stretchy underwear item to be worn under clothes and shape the wearers body referred to by kim as “solutionwear” (implying that the wearers natural body is a problem that needs to be “solved” to look more like Kim’s famous figure is rather problematic in itself) however Kimono is an outer garment which is worn with many layers of traditional undergarments including hadajuban (an undershirt worn to absorb sweat), koshimaki (a type of underskirt) and juban (under kimono); however people chose to wear different combinations of kimono undergarments, sometimes depending on their position.
 Kimonos are heavy and encourage the wearer into having a straight-backed posture which makes the wearer feel important and taller, constructed from 8 rectangular pieces of fabric and in different designs depending on the age, relationship status, gender, season and other traits of the wearer depending on many things, even down to the knot they use for their obi. Traditional kimono has no correlation to Kim’s definition of “Kimono” at all and her trying to redefine the word is a perfect example of cultural appropriation, ignoring thousands of years of culture. I think it’s extremely important when referring to any culture to research it thoroughly and be aware of the need to be respectful, since even if good intentions are there, it’s best to research so you know you aren’t being ignorant to years of history, even if it is unintentional.....and it’s not a good idea to copyright a word you haven’t put much research into either.
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