tanuki-kimono · 1 year
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Joyful ceramic figurines by artist Sawako Kobayashi, I love how colorful and detailed the painting is! You can see here:
rabbit wearing the kakuregasa (mythical hat of invisibility) to disappear in case of danger
Tanuki wearing the kakuremino (mythical cloak of invisibility) in order to do mischief
white wolf with the uchidenokodzuchi (mythical lucky mallet). Artist says wolves maybe used the mallet to be turned into dogs so they didn’t entirely went extinct T_T
sparrows doing ladder-top acrobatics (hashigonori), a tradition which first appeared among Edo-era firefighters
puppy in a lion dance costume
dragon god tea bowl (with the dragon pearl on the inside)
A frog holding stylised cloves (famously used as medicine since ancient times - that frog might then be in fact a toad, as those are animal linked to cures, immortality and magic)
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nicholasandriani · 1 year
The Shocking Link Between Shakespeare's Ides of March and Japan's Tengu Mythology: You Won't Believe What We Discovered!
On the Ides of March, the air is thick with anticipation and trepidation. It is a day that has been etched into history, a day that changed the course of Rome and the world. For on that day, Julius Caesar, a great leader and warrior, was assassinated in the Roman Senate. In the land of the rising sun, the Japanese have a similar concept called “Tengu no Kakuremino” or “the hiding cloak of the…
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hopen4e · 6 years
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woman-child91 · 2 years
Okay, I’m watching this episode and I’m feeling a severe case of dejavú. I actually found myself in a similar situation during one semester in college. I was actually the only person who was nice and talked to the class reject.
Next thing I know, he turns into my crazy, creepy and psycho stalker.
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moontheoretist · 7 years
Boruto’s Time Travel
Only I need a movie about all new generation traveling to the past to see how wonderful was Naruto (and how tragic his life was) and how screwed was Sasuke (and how he literally killed his brother and then wanted to avenge him)? (Poor Sarada. It would destroy her imaginations of her dad, but still I want to see their faces).
And also because of Neji Hyuuga, Might Guy, Kakashi “I’m not good person to be a Hokage” Hatake, Itachi Uchiha and a lot of other characters.
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upn-the-sky · 7 years
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Sorry, but.. were shipped. Chou will make a man of you, think about it)
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camellia-fav · 7 years
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via @kakuremino
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beatseekerjpn · 5 years
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Extracurricular activity
Jun. 8, 2019 (Sat) at KIRCHHERR, Hamamatsu, Japan
“Joukuu no Nakamura -Nice girls, Closing day-”
OPEN 18:00/START 18:30
TICKET 2,000yen (+1Drink 500yen)
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pinkbarefacedbeauty · 5 years
In a nutshell
Magire Kakuremino =Hinata Hyuuga
but why did the aforementioned get so much hate? According to NH fans, he deserved Sumire because he was always there, watching her suffering in silence.....right?
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tanuki-kimono · 1 year
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The takarazukushi 宝尽くし or takaramono 宝物 pattern, chart by Nadeshico Rin. This ancient auspicious pattern represents luck-bringing treasures symbols:
Hôju 宝珠, Cintamani flaming jewel said to fulfill wishes
Chôji 丁字, cloves buds, an expensive spice
Hôyaku 宝鑰, granary or warehouse key
Kinnô 金囊, treasure pouch
Fundo 分銅, counterweight
Hôkan 宝巻, scrolls of knowledge (also called more generally makimono)
Kakuremino 隠れ蓑, robe of invisibility (or also hagoromo 羽衣 the heavenly feathered robe) 
Uchide no Kozuchi 打ち出の小槌, lucky mallet fulfilling wishes
(List of those fantastical treasures is not set, you can also find other artefacts like: shippô  七宝, geometrical shape representing jewels and precious metal, kakuregasa 隠れ笠, the hat of invisibility, etc).
Rin points that takarazukushi was popular pattern used by samurai women in summer. You can see here how this lady has her katabira 帷子 (summer kimono) around her waist in a way called koshimaki 腰巻. Sleeves stay because they are propped up by a specially reinforced sageobi 提帯 belt.
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konjaku · 3 years
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隠蓑[Kakuremino] Dendropanax trifidus (Thunb.) Makino ex H.Hara
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nicholasandriani · 1 year
The Shocking Link Between Shakespeare's Ides of March and Japan's Tengu Mythology: You Won't Believe What We Discovered!
On the Ides of March, the air is thick with anticipation and trepidation. It is a day that has been etched into history, a day that changed the course of Rome and the world. For on that day, Julius Caesar, a great leader and warrior, was assassinated in the Roman Senate. In the land of the rising sun, the Japanese have a similar concept called “Tengu no Kakuremino” or “the hiding cloak of the…
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hopen4e · 6 years
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seedsrp · 5 years
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| Nova Matrícula |
Nome do Personagem: Ishikawa Sayuri Nome Singular: Akari FC: Minatozaki Sana (Twice) Twitter: @SA_95IS Dormitório: Highlight - 1 Nascimento: 24/03/1995 Ocupação: Design de animação. Trabalha em uma produtora de animações. Qualidades: Qualidades: Educada, divertida e protetora Defeitos: ; Defeitos: Perfeccionista, exigente e reservada.
Nome da Singularidade: Kakuremino. Descrição da singularidade: Ela é capaz de tornar-se invisível, assim como fazer outras pessoas e objetos também ficarem invisíveis. Pode também controlar campos de força gravitacional, fazendo escudos quase indestrutíveis, podendo gerar e projetar elementos que pode manipular com uma infinidade de efeitos, além de dobrar todas as ondas de luz próximo de si ou de outras pessoas.
Nascida em Kyoto em 1995, filha de Hideki e Mayumi,  Sayuri era a primeira filha do jovem casal. Por ser a primeira, ela assumiu certas responsabilidades, mesmo a pouca diferença de idade, a menina já sabia que deveria proteger sua irmã mais nova e tal concepção tornou-se ainda mais forte após o acidente de sua mãe em 1999. Ela tinha apenas quatro anos de idade e lembra-se de alguns detalhes ocorridos naquele dia, e para um acidente, não fazia sentido suas memórias. O pai, que então teve de criar duas filhas sozinho, e sempre solicitava sua ajuda, principalmente por conta da proteção de sua irmã. Ela estava presente.
O patriarca revelou a verdadeira história de sua mãe. Mayumi era uma mulher poderosa, e procurada. Conseguiu anos de paz quando casou-se e formou uma família, podendo adotar o sobrenome do marido. Sayuri, após saber de toda a verdade, sentiu-se ainda mais na obrigação de proteger sua família, exatamente como sua vez. Quando Yumi começou a ter suas primeiras experiências com a chamada singularidade, ela e seu pai sempre conversavam sobre uma forma de mantê-la segura. Afinal havia se tornado perigoso a mais nova conviver socialmente com normais sem o controle de seu poder. Sayuri achou a Seeds Academy, lugar em que sua irmã poderia aprender a controlar seus poderes e estar segura.
Fora difícil para ela e seu pai deixar a pequena Yumi ir, mas era a melhor opção. Nesse meio tempo, Sayuri fora vivendo, cada vez mais reservada em seu mundo. O que salvava era seus desenhos, sua arte e pintura. Ela estudou no Japão, fez design e cursos de mangá, era extremamente talentosa. Mas sentia-se muito sozinha no mundo, não conseguia se encaixar em nada, e havia dias em que tudo que ela desejava era sumir. Após se formar, conseguiu emprego em uma produtora de animes, como design e trabalhou tempo o suficiente para se tornar independente.
A não muito tempo, Sayuri estava se arrumando para ir trabalhar. Fazia todo o seu ritual rotineiro, e antes de sair de casa e olhar seu cabelo no espelho, viu que havia sumido, de verdade. As roupas pareciam flutuar e ela não sabia como controlar tal coisa. Nem ligar ou desligar. Sua ficha finalmente caiu, era tão singular quanto sua irmã mais nova. Em uma atitude desesperada, seu pai a aconselhou ir para o mesmo lugar que sua irmã. Afinal de contas, sua singularidade poderia ser vista, então poderia facilmente ser procurada e receber o mesmo fim que sua mãe. E não poderia pensar em deixar seu pai e sua irmã sem amparo.
1. Invisibilidade I Tornar partes do corpo, ou o corpo inteiro invisível por 10 minutos.
2. Luzes Ela é capaz de fazer formas, com um pequeno campo gravitacional, que captam a luz ambiente para usar como lanterna. Tem duração de 10 minutos.
3. Efeitos visuais I Mentalmente controla as ondas de luz, podendo fazer alguns efeitos de ilusão de ótica, podendo criar uma sensação de que não há nada na frente do adversário. Tem duração em média de 30 minutos.
4. Invisibilidade II Tornar partes do corpo, ou o corpo inteiro invisível por tempo ilimitado.
5. Efeitos visuais II Mentalmente pode gerar um campo de força psiônico, aparentemente invisível traçada a partir de hiperespaço, que ela manipula para uma série de efeitos. Duração máxima de 10 minutos.
6. ( Fake) Telecinese Pode simular telecinese, projetando sua energia em um feixe de sua mão que se conecta ao objeto ou pessoa, e pode manipular o campo para movê-lo.
7. Escudo Pode gerar campos de força invisíveis quase indestrutíveis em torno de si mesma ou de outros alvos. Por um período de tempo, tem duração máxima de 30 minutos. E pode ocorrer um pequeno sangramento nasal se o escudo receber ataques com muita força.
8. Cosmic I Ela tem a habilidade psiônica para manipular a energia cósmica ambiente para produzir a campos de força psiônicos em formas simples.
9. Cosmic II Habilidade em manipular a energia cósmica para produzir a campos de força, podendo transformar em formas mais complexas, assim como coisas de sua própria imaginação.
10. Cosmic III Ela pode gerar e mentalmente projetar objetos de força tremenda, que ela manipula para uma variedade de efeitos. Os campos são capazes de repelir objetos sólidos, líquidos, gases, sons e etc.
11. Bomb Ela pode gerar campos de força tão pequenos como uma bola de gude ou tão grandes quanto cinco metros de diâmetro, e suas projeções ocas, tais como cúpulas podem estender-se até alguns poucos quilômetros de área. Ao formar um de seus campos de força dentro de um objeto e expandindo o campo, pode causar a explosão do objeto.
12.High Pode viajar em cima de construções criadas com seus escudos, como rampas, escadas, escorregadores, discos e colunas, permitindo-lhe simular algo aproximado a levitação ou vôo. Ela é capaz de gerar e manipular campos de força simultaneamente. Este poder é limitado apenas pela sua concentração, uma vez que ela pára de se concentrar em um campo, ele imediatamente deixa de existir.
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kuriquinn · 7 years
Fic Prompt/Request: Team 7 ANBU probation
tictocwynn said:
Can there be a part 3 to that team 7 anbu thing with Kakashi and Manako? Totally loving Manako, and [...]
Masterlist & Disclaimer
Summary: They were the three most feared humans alive...and then they met their match.
Disclaimer: This story utilises characters, situations and premises that are copyright Masashi Kishimoto, Shueisha, Shonen Jump and Viz media. No infringement on their respective copyrights pertaining to episodes, novelisations, comics or short stories is intended by KuriQuinn in any way, shape or form. This fan-oriented story is written solely for the author's own amusement and the entertainment of the readers. It is not for profit. Any resemblance to real organizations, institutions, products or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
All plot and Original Characters except for those introduced in the canon books, manga, video games, novelizations and anime, are the sole creation of KuriQuinn. (© KuriQuinn 2016- )
Rating: T
Warning: Mild OOC? They’re characters that grew up differently than the canon, so a little bit of change in personality. There is are OCs in this fic (Manako Inuzuka and Kakashi’s children). Don’t like it, don’t read (but I’ve had pretty positive feedback about them, so your loss).
Canon/Fanon Compliance: AU ‘verse. Sasuke left Konoha, but he came back right away or right after training or something. Team 7 went on to become ANBU
Having been placed on indefinite leave three weeks ago, Team 7 has been desperate to return to active ANBU duty. Matters have progressed enough that inevitably all three of them find themselves back in the Hokage’s office trying to persuade their former teacher to put them back on the ANBU roster.
Kakashi, however, has a caveat—a mission with no room for failure to ensure they were worthy of their positions. Sasuke thinks it’s going to be an assassination or protection detail, but when Kakashi’s—mistress? Lover? Partner?—shows up with two toddlers and an infant, a worse possibility emerges.
“Have you told them yet?” Manako asks, not bothering with a greeting. The grey-haired twins take off, vaulting towards the Hokage’s desk, scattering papers everywhere in their haste to clamber over their father’s knees.
“I was getting there,” Kakashi says impatiently, maneuvering the twins into his lap with practices ease, and turning back to his former students. “There’s a Kage summit in Suna in two weeks.”
“And Tanzaku Town is on the way,” Manako interrupts. “We haven’t had any alone time since Peach Fuzz here was born.” She hefts the infant Obito in her arms. “We’re due a getaway.”
“You mean a sex weekend,” Naruto points out.
“Yeah, that.”
Kakashi stares heavenward. “Whatever happened to subtext in polite company?”
“You read porn in polite company,” Manako reminds him.
The Sixth Hokage sighs and turns his attention to his students.
“If you three want back on active duty, you first have to prove to me you can be responsible adults,” Kakashi lectures, patiently removing one twin’s grasping hands from a paperweight and the other’s foot from his laptop keyboard. “You’ve forgotten the importance of following mission directive and completing your tasks as required, without deviation. You need practice.”
“So, you’re placing the health and safety of your children in our hands?” Sakura questions, uncertain.
“If I had to bet on three people to come out of this alive, I’d bet on my boys,” Manako informs her soberly. “We’ll be back in two days, and if you three elite shinobi can’t handle it, you can always drop them off with Kiba.”
Naruto’s eyes bug out.
The last time Kiba babysat, he took them to Ichiraku and they almost destroyed it!
“No way, we can do this!” Naruto declares, as usual, game for anything. “I mean, how hard can it be?”
Two days later, Sasuke wonders if it’s possible to go back in time and kill Naruto before he utters that statement.
“This…is not…a child,” he bites out from beneath clenched teeth, trying to prise his hair out of Obito’s chubby fists. The baby has the long strands clutched in a death grip and is wailing as if someone is torturing him with a hot poker.
Beside him, Sakura makes a choking noise in response to Shinzō—or possibly Kuboshi—who has clambered up her back and clutched her from behind. She thinks it might have been meant for a hug, but from the way he clutches her throat and hangs on for dear life she wonders if he isn’t practicing assassination techniques.
Meanwhile, Naruto chases intently after Kuboshi—though it could be Shinzō—who has somehow managed to divest himself of all of his clothing and his diaper, and is cackling in high pitched, demonic whoops of joy. When the tot continues to evade him, the jinchūriki calls up a shadow clone to head him off—only for the toddler to skid beneath his double’s legs, shrieking in delight.
Eyes still tearing from the death grip Obito has on his scalp, Sasuke darts forward and grabs the little nudist around the middle, depositing him unceremoniously in Naruto’s hands.
“Don’t. Let go. Again,” he growls, his eyes flickering between black and red as returns to the task of separating Obito from his hair. The child is momentarily distracted by the swirling tomoe, and Sasuke ponders the merits of using genjutsu on a baby.
That would probably make him a horrible human being, right?
Behind them, Sakura has gotten a hold of her charge, and grips the little white-haired boy out at arms length, shaking her head in horrified awe.
“We are never reproducing,” she croaks with absolute certainty.
Sasuke blinks and glances up from the infant in his arms. “Wait—what?”
“It’s like having three Narutos!” she continues, not hearing him. “Which is horrifying—and possibly illegal. Why were the two most irresponsible and lazy people we know allowed to breed?”
“Forget that—why were they allowed to have twins?” Naruto complains as he tries to maneuver Shinzō—Pretty sure it’s Shinzō this time, he’s the one with the birth mark above his eyebrow, right?—back into a blanket until he can find the little jerk’s clothing.
“It’s like the gods decided to develop a sense of humour or something.”
“I’d just like to know how I ended up with the baby,” Sasuke interjects reasonably.
“Sakura and I took a vote and decided you were the most responsible.”
Sasuke’s eye twitches. “But she’s the one who saves people’s lives for a living.”
“Okay, we figured the baby was the one you were the least likely to set on fire.”
“This is ridiculous,” Sakura sighs. “This is no different from the D-rank missions we got when we were kids. It should not be this hard!”
“We could always bring them to Kiba,” Sasuke reminds them all.
There is a long beat of silence, where the members of Team 7 exchange mildly disturbed looks with the Sixth Hokage’s spawn.
“I have a better idea!” Naruto declares.
“The five most terrifying words ever spoken,” Sasuke deadpans.
“Battle royale!”
There’s another beat of silence.
“I would punch you, but I’m holding a child,” Sakura informs him with cold politeness.
“That is the most idiotic thing you have ever come up with. And you thought it was a good idea to use your stupid harem jutsu on an ancient goddess.”
“No, seriously, guys, it’s genius!” Naruto protests. “We can set them against each other and they’ll distract each other and pass out, and then we’ll only have to take care of the baby, who will go to sleep once he gets tired of yanking out all of Sasuke’s hair. That’s a sacrifice I’m totally willing to make.”
“You are even less responsible than I thought you were,” Sakura grumbles.
“And Sasuke, you’re being too quiet.”
The last of the Uchiha has an expression of calculation on his face that his teammates have learned either precedes a genius plan of attack or a mad declaration about attempted world domination. Neither one is a good omen.
“The idea does have merit,” he says after a beat, wincing at another sharp tug from Kakashi’s youngest child.
“No, not what the idiot is suggesting,” he dismisses, impatient. “But we could, in theory, try to teach them some basic techniques. I learned Kakuremino when I was about their age. They can practice until they exhaust their chakra and knock themselves out.”
“See? Even Sasuke thinks it’s a good idea!”
“I never said that.”
“You so did!”
“You two agreeing is not the confidence inspiring event you seem to think it is,” Sakura deadpans. “And teaching them to disappear in plain view? That’s not going to make Manako very happy. She’s going to blame us for corrupting her kids.”
“They’re already corrupt. They’re half Inuzuka. Besides, it’s Kakashi’s fault for assigning us this,” Sasuke points out.
“Yeah! He knows better than to leave us unsupervised!”
“Speak for yourself…”
“Besides, if worse comes to worse, we lose one of them, there are still two left, right? They’ll never notice!”
Sakura shoots Naruto a disgusted look. “You’re a horrible person.”
“Tch. Better tell Hyūga to keep her legs shut around him.”
Naruto splutters. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Never mind,” Sakura interrupts, knowing if she doesn’t that a mountain somewhere will suddenly be reduced to ash—babies in hand or not. “Let’s just…see if they have the attention span to learn this stuff, okay? Preferably before Obito makes Sasuke bald.”
Of course she would love him even if he was bald, but she does prefer him with hair. It’s always nice to have something to hold on to.
Naruto sniggers.
As they head toward their customary training ground, Sasuke clears his throat. “Sakura…”
“What you said before…you didn’t mean it, did you?”
“Mean what?”
“Because you did make me a promise,” he goes on, raising an eyebrow at her meaningfully.
She stares at him uncomprehending for a moment, and then turns red, recalling her comment on the possibility of future children.
“Oh, for goodness sake!”
“Heh-heh,” Naruto turns to confide in Kuboshi—probably got it wrong before, Shinzō is the one without the birthmark—in a conspiratorial voice. “Sounds like someone else is going to be keeping their legs closed—”
Comments and constructive criticism are always welcome! I’m only able to keep writing as I do thanks to the encouragement of readers like you, so every bit of support helps! 
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nothings-blog · 7 years
Episode 7 (May 17) – Love and Potato Chips…!! Boruto’s classmate, Chōchō Akimichi, has been feeling the gaze of an unseen figure on her, making her uncomfortable. When she finally catches the culprit Magire Kakuremino, it is revealed that he was actually watching Chōchō’s class representative. After knowing that Magire has feelings for Class Rep, Chōchō encourages him to confess to her. Episode 8 (May 24) – A Dream’s Message On a certain night, Boruto had a dream where he was given an Ocular Power from a mysterious character. Boruto believes that he had awoken the Byakugan, an inherited ability from his mother, Hinata’s side of the family, the Hyuga clan. His father Naruto however, does not believe him. Hence Boruto decided to go to his grandfather Hiashi’s place to listen to the story of the Byakugan. Episode 9 (May 31) – One’s Own Proof To prove that he had awoken the Byakugan, it is decided that Boruto will spar with his aunt, Hanabi. With Naruto and his grandfather watching over them, Boruto fights boldly, but no matter how hard he tries he is not able to activate the Byakugan, and gets down on himself as a result. Episode 9 (June 7) – Begin investigations on the Ghost Incidents!! Summary not available yet!
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