#korean craft
dropthedemiurge · 4 months
The second end credits. The metaphors. The afterlife. The sea meaning. The CHANGE OF PLAYERS!!!
Everything. This show has ruined me.
After being exhausted with bad finale endings in so many Thai Series last year, this short but mighty Korean BL called "Love for Love's Sake" just came and destroyed me in a few days.
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The writing is just incredible. The themes are realistic and make you think about life. The production is very well-thougtful (come on! So many details are to be pointed out in decorations, dialogues and everything!). The acting is very natural and characters are refreshing and addicting.
I have so many feelings. SO MANY.
Damn, 2024 started so strong for me.
I'm gonna go drown myself in the corner and maybe get to my own happy afterlife
Okay, no, I gotta gather myself and write other several posts about hidden details in each episode. Haaa.
Anyway, 10/10 would recommend to watch for every BL lover or just Kdrama viewer.
How am I supposed to return to work, I have no idea but I'll try. Feel free to rant about this show with me in replies, reblogs or asks %))
Who the hell directed and wrote this show. I'm gonna go and pour some hearts on them.
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icterid-rubus · 5 months
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Making ALL the things today as I’m house sitting so no one can make passive aggressive comments on carb intake 💃
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hellflamed · 4 months
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necklaces by luvedblue ♡♡
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Okay, this is very random, but because Geneuary is coming up soon (just two more weeks, guys) and it’s Christmas, I’ve decided to (finally) share my real name!! I already did it on the Louigan Discord, but wanted to do it here. It’s…
It’s nothing crazy, pffffft. But I actually really enjoy the story behind it. I got my name because my parents couldn’t decide what my name should be when I was born. My Mom really wanted to name me Lyn, and my Dad really wanted to name me Tara. Then a thought occurred to them:
What if we didn’t choose? What if we combined the two names into one?
And lo and behold, my name was born. It’s such a fun story to talk about, and I actually really enjoy my name now. I used to be a bit embarrassed by now unique it is, but now I embrace it wholeheartedly. I love how I’ve never met anyone with my name before. I love how it sounds. I just can’t imagine being called anything else now.
Also, if you type my name in a search engine, one of the first options is this book called The Beast Of Lyntara, and honestly, that’s hilarious to me:
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infiniteartmachine · 1 year
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a woman wearing a colorful jacket and a pink shirt and black pants
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harlequinfrog · 2 years
i hate posts about worldbuilding that are like “nobody needs to know all the details about your fictional setting’s infrastructure” INCORRECT. i need to know everything at all times and i love unnecessary information
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saffsstudies · 1 year
Progress Report
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So, progress is a tad slow. Having 2 kids under 3 plus two losses in the family in the span of a month and a half kind of throws things for a loop.
On my list of things I wanted to do this year, this is where they stand:
French: Really haven't done much with this except work on some basic greetings with the toddler. I think because I do still have a good deal of knowledge of the language in my brain (I can type and read it fairly well, my grammar is correct at least, it's listening and speaking I have trouble with) I just need to do some immersion and work on getting my brain back into the game. I have technically reached my goal here because I can technically read a toddler book to my daughter, but I'd like to feel comfortable with speaking it so I can possibly start having a conversation with my daughter.
European Portuguese: nada, just haven't had time or brain space for this.
Korean: I'm picking up a few words here and there as I watch shows with my friend. I tend to watch variety type shows rather than k-dramas, which is a more natural form of speaking rather than scripted. This means I may pick up some terrible slang, but I'm not going for fluency here.
History: I stalled on my free course and need to get back into it, having multiple family situtations was just too much for me to keep up. Luckily it's the kind of course you can restart from where you left off and keep going so I don't have to restart from the beginning.
Pattern Drafting: I have been watching videos and reading up on pattern modifications, but haven't got to making my block. We're still in the process of setting up my crafting area, which is also my work from home office, so space is a premium and I may have to wait until we're able to dig out the dining room to have space to draft it. We did a major renovation before the baby came and currently have no dining room tables as that's the room we put all the STUFF.
New Addition just for fun:
Crochet/Lace/Spinning/Generic Crafting: I have a fascination with old fancy lace and how it's made, this is such a low burner thing, but it's still something that's kind of happening in the background. I just got a Craftsy premium membership on a MASSIVE discout due to it apparently being Craft month, and I'm looking at honing some skills there. A goal in life is to make most of my own clothes (I am very far from this skill), and knitting/crochet/weaving is a way to get there.
Ok so this isn't as bad as I thought. I feel like I haven't done anything, but the joy of learning is it isn't linear and it isn't just based on doing classes or workbooks. I hope to update more often, but two kids and all that.
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khiphopflipflop · 1 year
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Qim Isle  (김아일)
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
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Custom Funko Project | Yoon Se-ri from Crash Landing on You
/ Crash Landing on You is one of my all-time favorite k-dramas, so making a pop of Se-ri was on my to-do list. For the outfit I combined two looks: from episodes 4 (cardigan + blouse & hairstyle) & 5 (daisy dress + shoes). References are in the gifs. I also designed a box to go with the pop.
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forgetlove · 2 years
oogh anniversary of my womb debut it’s my womb debut
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happywebdesign · 2 years
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cruelsister-moved2 · 1 year
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these are the prints I got! Bird time
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khhsh-t · 2 years
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제이보 Zayvo '가와사키 닌자 (Kawasaki Ninja)'
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a-fuked-up-mess · 2 months
i was learning from this site and it has like a list of basic phrases and it was all well and good, like normal hi hello bye thankyou welcome please etcetera etcetera and then it in end there was this
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and there are three ways to say this phrase...
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coreagroup · 8 months
Navigating the MTPE Landscape: Best Practices and Insights
MTPE, or Machine Translation Post-Editing, is a process used in the translation industry to improve the quality and efficiency of machine-generated translations produced by computer-assisted translation tools or machine translation systems. Here are some benefits of MTPE in the translation industry: 1. Improved Translation Quality: While machine translation (MT) systems have advanced…
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kimyoonmiauthor · 9 months
Korean Doll lamp
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I purchased this doll. And I wanted to make it into a lamp. After some thinking about it I found out that it would be far more efficient to make a stand for the doll... so I designed this in Sketchup. It'll be oak. You'll have to imagine the mitered corners...
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1 inch wood, wood fluting, and the fittings will look like this. And then some fittings to make it look like ti belongs with the doll...
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This is for the corners of the drawer.
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I'll make this black.
So then, the doll goes on top in the center of the drawer on the top, with I think a glass case, though I'm debating plexiglass too. And then above the doll I'll construct a Korean lamp looking thing that will look like this:
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Minus the roof and the base.
So you get a pillar and it looks Korean.
So, the basics is a column with drawer on the bottom, doll in the middle, lamp on the top in a column.
The thing is I like some of the minimalist ideas of doubling things up to do more than one thing (They stole it from Asia, tbh). However, I really, really hate the industrial feel of the minimalist flat pack, OMG, you exploited workers to make that thing. I want to make it feel Korean, and I like the general idea of the arts and crafts movement/Art Nouveau of treasuring the laborers.
Getting other people to do the labor will easily cost 500-1,000 dollars? I do it myself and the most it costs is maybe 100?
Since I can't find what I exactly want for cheap, I'll make it myself. I figure it's going to be hella difficult, but the end reward will be that I know whose labor I exploited--my own. (And the people who chopped the wood.) And I want to make something that will last and I can stamp with my signature, yet not interfere with the main feature--the doll a Korean craftsman made.
So it's a triple feature object.
The corner I want to put it in needs storage...
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So with materials... looks something like this. Minus the doll, of course. This is a Twinmotion render.
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