#knight and pawns
msfbgraves · 1 year
The Heat that got Daniel pregnant with Luna—what made it different? That’s the one Terry went to the priest for, as he was concerned about Daniel. Why was Terry so worried he’d “done something”? 
After a 'litter' of six puppies - most Alphas and omegas have a first litter of four - Daniel's heats finally stopped and he started growing. Both he and Terry expected him to be without a heat for at least 5 years, and hopefully longer. Because heats are incredibly intense experiences, but omegas eed to be able to raise the pups too. Betas don't have this baby stop - Alphas and omegas see that as a real problem. How can a mother be present for their puppies when there are so many? And without help from the eldest pups in a litter? Daniel is obviously extremely well cared for to have six puppies in like seven years, and Terry is extremely smug about it, look at what a strong man and a good provider he is, but to have Daniel go into heat again a mere three years after Anthony, their youngest... That's very unusual. Also he didn't seem like himself during the heat. Almost too beautiful, too tender, too soft, just this side of fragile. Those eyes, man. It feels like maybe he was possessed by something otherworldly? And then during the pregnancy he is still impossibly gentle. And when Luna is finally there he is enchanted, doesn't notice what goes on in the world, completely devoted to the puppy, high as a kite on love. He'll gladly pull another puppy in his lap with him, but Luna he barely ever puts down.
And Luna is the least fussy baby either of them has ever seen.
And Terry just thinks this isn't normal, that something religious is going on.
Still the most likely explanation is that they're both doing very well for Daniel to get pregnant again so soon. And Luna, well, she's indeed an omega girl and Daniel needs to hold her against his heart at all times.
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nina-ya · 1 month
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This is so damn cute!!
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taxus-fraud · 9 months
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My opponent just called upon the Oracles and scattered most of my pieces across space and time. Does anyone know the best counter in this situation?
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~ Gold and White ~
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cosmichearter · 9 months
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"Monsters must be people too, so oh geez!"
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jorgeburgos8 · 6 months
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With great courage and cunning strategy, these fakemons march under the command of their king and queen.
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sunnbnn · 1 year
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Just started playing Dragon's Dogma and I'm really enjoying it. Here's my Arisen and his giga tall pawn LOL
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starflungwaddledee · 4 months
For 💖🎀, what about Marx? Little cute creature concealing incredible magic and uncanny features! I think he could be so mean to her ❤️
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oh... anon you are very big brained for this one. he could unfortunately be so so mean to her.... and he has such pretty pretty wings! she would be enraptured instantly.
bonus eye-anim version (cw eyes/flashing gif):
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loaflovesdoodling · 11 months
It's done, people.
"I saw you come to this world, pesky knight. I RAISED you. I am your true father, unlike that 'Aeon' weakling.
You belong to me, Meta Knight."
A traumatized borb with daddy issues </3
[you might notice his heart skipping a beat or two if you pay close attention to the audio.]
On another note, here are some cut out sketches under cut (see what I did there??)
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rotzaprachim · 10 months
I can’t believe it took me 7 years and trying to write a whole queens gambit au for me to realize that rogue one is a game of chess. The main team is a chess set.
everyone’s a piece in a broader game. Everyone can fall. Bodhi is a rook. Chirrut is a bishop. Baze is a knight. K2so is a pawn. Cassian is the queen and jyn is the king. Everything runs like a chess attack and everyone can fall or be traded as the game continues. at the end of the board jyn faces the White King in the endgame strategy. Everyone already was a piece on the board before the story even began
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msfbgraves · 11 months
Does Danny’s family, ESPECIALLY Michael and Pop, know their youngest was raped by his own husband? I feel it could go two ways: they know but they can’t start a war over this despite wanting to slit Terry’s throat. Or they don’t know/don’t know the full extent, because if they did they would slit Terry’s throat regardless.
"Sit down, Tesoro."
"Is he gone?" His eyes still sting from crying. A short nod at the chair. Daniel sits. His Pop lifts his chin. "What do you drink?"
He blinks. "What?"
A small smile. "I have not been at your home, my son. And here, you drink with us, of course. But now, what would you like?"
He shakes his head. "Um. Grappa."
"Ah." This smile makes his eyes crinkle. "For that, I need your mother. Forgive me."
He leaves him alone in the study. It hasn't changed since the last time he was here, alone, with Pop. Talking marriage. He closes his eyes, steels himself for when his father returns with a tray, puts a glass in front of him.
Daniel doesn't move. "I'm not going back, Pop." He ducks together. "I know what you're about to say. Think of us, your puppies, but Pop, I can't trust him, if I go back, he'll think this is fine, that he can -"
"Papa, è importante! If I go back, he'll think he can hurt me. I've seen it everywhere. Not this week, but in a few months, a year - he'll think that's all he's risking, a few days alone, Madonna mia, I can't do that, Pop, please -"
"I'm not asking you to go back, angelino."
Daniel deflates. "You're not?"
His father shakes his head. Daniel grabs his drink. "Then what?"
He can see Pop think. "It would be best if it were not here."
He feels cold. "If what were not here, Papa?"
"His people, they're on alert," he says softly. "And we'd need an excuse to get the puppies..."
"Papa." He stares into his eyes. "I just want to leave. Take my pups -"
"Where to?"
"Somewhere here. Or Europe. I'll make my way. We need to make him understand -"
"No." His tone is soft. "If I could make him understand, figlio, we would never have needed to come to an arrangement."
Daniel can't breathe. "Papa, è il mio Alpha. Il mio esposo. Il mio -" he can't find the word with the same gravity in Italian. "My mate, Pop. I can't do that."
"I would not ask you. My dear boy." He opens his arms and Daniel runs into them, a habit of decades. Pop pulls him close. "I needed you to buy time. You've done so, Tesoro. Grazie. Grazie mille."
He wants to melt into it, like always, when the world was simple. But he feels himself grasping for the bitemark on his neck. "Is there no other choice?"
A beat. "It is a cautious choice."
He closes his eyes. "Says Michael?"
His father lets go of him, leans back. "You think he's wrong?"
Daniel walks back to his chair. "I think he's wanted to do this for ages. To provoke him, I mean."
His father nods. "And?"
Daniel swallows down some bile. "It doesn't matter. He wasn't there." He grasps himself. "He didn't do this."
His Pop's face is completely blank. "Your pup," he says eventually. "Gianni. Why did you bring him downstairs today?"
Daniel turns his head. "He heard his Daddy."
"È vero?" The Don laughs. "How could you tell?"
"Kept turning his head," Daniel breathes. "Reaching. Smiling." He bites his lip. "Oh, God."
"Your mate agreed to go." There's a minute shift. "No entourage. On our ship. To our territory."
Daniel rolls his eyes. "If he thinks a vacation will fix this -"
"Tesoro." Pop holds up a hand. "Something kills him there no one will be any the wiser. His friend Kreese won't fight us. You'll simply come home." He breathes out. "It's madness."
"It's Terry, he's always bluffing -"
"I wouldn't have gone." Pop stands up, starts preparing more drinks. "Would have tried anything else but not that. Not certain death." He hands him a glass. "Go with him, Tesoro. If he tries anything at all I will know, and I'll not hesitate. You still want to come home, I will not hesitate. But love has many faces, caro, and one of them's regret."
Daniele drinks, quietly. "I don't know what that means."
Pops hand on his cheek is very tender.
"He'll teach you. If you let him."
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tartecosplay · 3 months
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𝒟𝓊𝓁𝒸𝒾𝓃𝑒𝒶 𝒮𝑒𝓅𝓉𝒾𝓂𝓊𝓈 | ₵Ɏ₮ⱧɆⱤɆ₳ ₮ⱧɆ ₣łⱤ₴₮
"And if you ask me to let you live you might not have to die at all."
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shout out to my fellow comrades who died reading the of kings, of pawns, and of men update. this fic is one of the few i can confidently say is in my top three and has most certainly changed my life in some inexplicable, inescapable way
anyway………the fucking i c e ? ? ? ? everything that happened a f t e r ? ? ? ? i’m not well
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theprinceofliones · 2 months
I tagged it so ya’ll can’t come get me *runs off*
Tristan tastes like what Lancelot thinks rose petals would.
He's soft at his core, soft and slick, and so very /pink/. His tongue laps up the sweetness spilling from his cunt, his fingers dipping into the softness of his insides that wrap around his digits like a vice---as though it never wanted them to leave.
Lancelot's hair is tugged on harshly, causing lightning to shoot up and down his spine every time Tristan pulls on his golden locks, his fingers tangling in thick strands to pull him closer, to feel /more/.
He sighs into Tristan's core, wraps his lips around the sensitive bundle of hot pink nerves atop his cunt, sucking on his clit and Lancelot thought Tristan was going to yank his hair straight off with how wound tight he was and the powerful grip he had on his blonde strands, as if he needed some sort of grounding or else he’d fall apart.
Tristan’s chest heaves and his legs shake atop Lancelot’s shoulders. He whimpers and whines and squirms and /fuck/, he’s the most beautiful thing to ever walk this mortal plane.
Lancelot uses his thumbs to spread his folds open and he /spits/ right onto his open core. Tristan jerks with a gasp before he moans as Lancelot doesn’t hesitate for another second, diving right back into his meal.
The younger Prince shakes like an uncontrollable leaf, his hands suddenly releasing Lancelot’s hair to reach up and tangle in his own silver strands. It’s as though he doesn’t know what to do with them, like he doesn’t know what to do with all the sensation that Lancelot is gifting to him.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Tristan pants and suddenly sits up, running a hand through his hair before grabbing onto Lancelot’s strong shoulders and /digging/ into his skin. “Lance, Lance, Lance—“ Is the mantra he’s repeating and Lancelot can’t help but grin cheekily into his slick folds.
He reaches behind Tristan and pulls him impossibly closer by his bare ass, his digits digging into the meat of his bottom and Tristan squeals with it as he twitches sharply.
After all, who the hell needs air anyway? It’s overrated, if you asked Lancelot. Why would he want to do something as stupid as breathe ‘air’ when he could spend the rest of time right here between his sweet prince’s legs—right where he could give Tristan everything he /deserved/?
Suddenly, Tristan seizes up and his breath hitches and Lancelot knows he close and resumes his licking and sucking with a newfound vigor.
“Close,” Tristan gasps out. “/Fuck/, Lance, I’m so fucking close, /please/.”
Lancelot promises to deliver.
He slips two of his long fingers back inside of his cunt again and Tristan falls back against the mattress of his bed with a moan of pure relief as soon as he does.
He curls his digits upward so fast and hard, over and over again and Tristan can do nothing but take it.
It’s all too much, that tongue sucking on his clit, those fingers beckoning him closer and closer to release—it’s all too much.
With a long, drawn out moan, Tristan clamps around Lancelot’s fingers and orgasms against his tongue.
Lancelot groans as soon as that sweetness, deeper and warmer now, floods his tastebuds and he licks it up like a madman starved. He draws out Tristan’s orgasm until the younger prince is whining sweetly and twitching in overstimulation, pushing at his head gently as he whimpers now that his pleasure has turned to borderline pain.
He released the hold his mouth has on his cunt and ever so carefully slips his fingers out of his pussy, watching as a string of slick still connects his wet fingers to his now swollen core. Lancelot sighs and licks his digits clean and Tristan flushes in mortification.
“Gods,” Tristan pants for air, still thoroughly wiped out. “What the hell are you, anyway? Some kind of sex demon or something?”
Lancelot laughs and licks his soaked lips. “Nah,” He says, voice a little hoarse and Tristan sits up to nuzzle their cheeks together as a ‘thank you’ for treating him.
“I just like the way you taste, is all.”
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ilynpilled · 3 months
i rlly dgaf about this discourse atp nor do i think the point of this is to be something to be weaponized against rhaegar or whatever but jaime was not really the best kg at 15-17 lol. he was chosen bc he was his father’s son and he was chosen to stay in the red keep with aerys once again bc he was his father’s son. just bc he was a prodigy with a single experience of real combat where he did achieve something admirable doesn’t mean that he is not pretty much the worst of the kg at that point in terms of value as a fighter. like these are not the average adult knights they are legit aerys’ seven. 15-17 yo jaime might have unreal talent and natural skill but he simply doesnt have the age and experience yet
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megamindsupremacy · 4 months
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another @monachofworms banger </3
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