#klavier is an elf bard
meep--tm · 1 year
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new AU im cooking up called Oops! All Spellcasters
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penny-nichols · 2 years
Luke is into DnD and he tries to run a game with the Gavinners but they just can't do it because after character creation they have a half-elf bard (Klavier) a tiefling bard (Daryan) a human bard (Brandon) and a human fighter (Ham)
Klavier has never played ever and they will maybe manage to make it through 3 sessions at best but he has like 4 different dice sets he likes.
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sunflowersolace · 2 years
what i think the ace attorney characters would play as in dnd + how they play
phoenix: is the dm but has fun making diverse npcs, including a reoccurring one that only exists to flirt with miles’s character
trucy: a human sorcerer. she’s essentially doing the dnd equivalent of button mashing where she just does random spells during battle
miles: doesn’t play often, but enjoys it greatly when he does. has some convoluted backstory explaining why he just shows up and leaves the party at random. half elf warlock.
apollo: human paladin. constantly rolls insight to see if the npc is lying. “apollo you can’t use perceive in-game” “i got a nat 20 mr wright. you have to let me”
maya: doesn’t play because it’s impossible for her to take it seriously. she has fun watching and occasionally co-dming though.
franziska: half orc barbarian. she gets to go apeshit.
klavier: elf bard. “i roll for seduction” “you can’t seduce the npc, he’s married” “i want to seduce apollo” “NO”. his character is literally just him. he does end up getting super into it and enjoys the roleplay side of things.
athena: tiefling rogue. she tries to get every last drop of information from every npc she can while also stealing from them. phoenix has had to improvise so much shit bc she asks questions he didn’t think about.
simon: tiefling monk who uses intimidation to help athena. he only does things if they benefit athena or if they’re funny.
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queenychu · 2 years
ace attorney dnd character HCs
ORC RANGER -- fulfills his height fantasy, lets him use a bow n arrow often (apollo is a god of archery), very good at screaming
ELF BARD -- klav loves himself sm so ofc he’s just gonna be himself with pointy ears, an excuse to bring a guitar to the DND sesh, sexy
TIEFLING ROGUE -- an excuse to be red while wearing blue (to rep both her dads), sneaky rapscallion that has tricky magic, SLIGHT O HAND BAYBEE
DUNGEON MASTER -- wrote the lore while disbarred, has a fave to play NPC that is a sweet powerless nerd human that he uses to romance miles at any moment
HUMAN FIGHTER -- phoenix’s puppy dog eyes are why he is here so he just picked the most generic thing possible, cannot help being smitten by phoenix’s NPC but denies it completely
HUMAN PALADIN -- forced phoenix to let her reskin her sword to be a whip, picked it cos she wanted to beat the shit out of ppl with said whip, also forced phoenix to let her god of choice be “herself”
SNOW GENASI WARLOCK -- she wants to be op so bad, uses her knowledge of how much the cold sucks to be v descriptive, was denied the homebrew class of necromancer
GNOME CLERIC -- she wanted to help balance the party, picked small race cos its relatable and also makes hiding behind maya or trucy’s characters easy (shy)
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selfdestructivecat · 4 years
HELLO i've saw your drawing of Apollo and Trucy in DNDDDDDDDDD and you said that you were watching critical role !! And i love both too and after reading that fic of them playing dnd i need someone to share hcs about what they woud be in a Wildemount context. Care to share what you had in mind of the AC people ?? If you feel like it, otherwise, just take this question as a token of my support and love for your art !!
Oooooh I’d love to share!
• Phoenix is, of course, a paladin. A human paladin, to be specific. He has pledged himself to protect justice and search for the truth.
• Mia was a human paladin as well, and Phoenix’s trainer
• Maya is a human cleric, which is good because Phoenix has a bad habit of jumping into battle and getting horribly battered
• Edgeworth is an elven Wizard in the school of Abjuration. A prodigy when it comes to magic and he knows it. At least, until Phoenix comes and kicks his ass.
• Franziska is an elven warlock, her patron being Hyrsam, the Satyr Prince of Fools. Her pact is connected to her whip, which she of course carries with her everywhere. Phoenix defeats her as well.
• When Phoenix’s oath is put into question (the 7 year gap), he loses his grasp on his paladin magic. He instead decides to hone his “ability” as a bard (though his heart isn’t truly in it). Once he regains his honor, he uses a combination of lower level bard spells and his paladin abilities, making him stronger than ever.
• Apollo is a tiefling monk in the Way of the Open Hand. He has a special gift for controlling ki, but his reaction time is slow and his fighting ability is lacking, mostly due to a lack of confidence. However, this changes when he discovers his Percieve ability
• He can focus in battle to see what an opponent’s next move will be, allowing him to plan accordingly. He does have to take a few hits to figure out his opponent’s tells, but once he figures that out he’s nearly impossible to hit. When he’s really focusing, his eyes turn from their usual golden-yellow to a bright red
• Trucy is a tiefling and a wizard as well, in the school of Illusion. Another prodigy who thrives under Edgeworth and Franziska’s tutelage. She and Apollo are a formidable team, Apollo keeping their opponents on their feet only to duck out of the way as Trucy lobs a fireball.
• Their favorite strategy is Trucy using minor (later major) illusion to create clones of Apollo, confusing the enemy regarding which one’s real and allowing Apollo an opening
• Klavier is a half-elf bard in the College of Glamour. After he meets Apollo, he derives a lot of his inspiration from him (because he sees Apollo as beautiful <3)
• Athena I’ve been bouncing around with a bit. I like the idea of her being a cleric or a monk, given her empathy and her athletic ability respectively, but in the end I decided on an aasimar druid (again, heavily inspired by Turnabout Dungeons and Dragons). Just because I think the image of Athena transforming into a tiger and wrecking shit is AWESOME. So yeah, obviously circle of the moon
• Simon is a drow ranger (I’m just straight up stealing from the fanfic now because this is Good Shit), with Taka as his faithful companion.
• When Metis dies, Simon finds Athena in a wolf-pup form, absolutely coated in blood. Given the brutality of his mentor’s death, he assumed that Athena lost control and killed her. Of course, it was actually the Phantom who killed her, a deadly assassin with their OP sneak attack damage. The blood in Athena’s fangs were from her defending herself against the Phantom, managing to bite her attacker before getting knocked unconscious.
• Kay is a halfling thief. Was tempted to make her an Arcane Trickster who learned a few spells from Edgeworth, but I couldn’t take her title of Great Thief away from her.
• Sebastian is a gnome sorcerer, specifically a user of Wild Magic. He was raised to think he was a prodigal user of magic, even though the possibility of his spells going haywire was unusually high. After he starts training under Edgeworth, he learns more control, and while he still sometimes sets whatever he’s holding on fire, he has a lot more confidence in his abilities.
That’s as much as I’ve got regarding classes and races! If you want more headcanons regarding the plot of AA, let me know! Thanks again for the ask, and thanks for liking my drawing! :D
As for the setting in Wildmount, well I’m only about 50 episodes into CR’s second campaign, so I don’t feel like I know enough about the world and the conflict between the Empire and Kryn. I definitely feel like Simon’s status as a Drow would be interesting to see compared to the others. Maybe him and Athena were both from Xhorhas!
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fitofpaige17 · 4 years
Me and a few friends started a new DnD campaign and I rolled for my character. Ended up with a half-elf bard, which I wanted anyway.
Made her a hopeless romantic who believes music should come from the soul. Also she's strawberry blonde with blue eyes
I've basically created female Klavier and I'm not sorry.
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luukeskywalker · 5 years
the gang plays dungeons and dragons:
- edgeworth dms
- apollo is a red dragonborn bard
- trucy is a blue dragonborn wizard (she and apollo came up with their characters together, they're siblings)
- athena is a goliath fighter
- clay is an aasimar sorcerer (egdeworth got really mad at him when he said he got his magic powers from aliens)
- klavier is an elf paladin
- simon is a tiefling blood hunter (edgy tool)
- phoenix is a half-orc barbarian (he wanted to be included but doesn't understand dnd so edgeworth made his character for him)
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Been playing dnd with a half-elf bard and his name is TECHNICALLY Jack, son of John, but he's just slowly been turning into Klavier Gavin every time I draw him
And it turns out ive been reading a VERY GOOD THANKS dnd aa fic where klavier plays a half-elf bard so, wondrous coincidence
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infernallegaycy · 5 years
ace attorney dnd au
because this was bound to happen at one point or another, given, you know, who i am as a person
phoenix: BARD. probably a sun elf or fire genasi or something but idrc as long as he’s a bard. technically i could also see him as a multiclass paladin (maybe oath of redemption) but like, at his core? bard absolutely
maya: half-elf monk/grave cleric
edgeworth: tiefling warlock (the seeker)
pearl: elf monk/grave cleric
mia: half-elf paladin (oath of devotion)
franziska: human (or tiefling? i have to admit my reasoning is 100% just that i love tieflings) paladin (oath of vengeance)
ema: alchemist
dahlia: aasimar bard
iris: tiefling monk
apollo: elf paladin (oath of devotion or the crown?)
trucy: half-elf sorcerer/bard
klavier: glamour bard
athena: light cleric
blackquill: protection cleric/ranger (beast master). i am incredibly tempted to suggest aarakocra
gumshoe: human fighter
kay: changeling rogue, who do you take me for
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meep--tm · 1 year
MEEP! I love your colours so much, do you have any immediate thoughts on your ace attorney dnd au?
i havent done any proper writing on it so i have to pull everything from the dusty corners of my brain but i think in my head i had:
elf bard klavier (obviously)
harengon sorcerer apollo (OBVIOUSLY & i originally had him down as cleric but sorcerer fits him better methinks... something about inheriting magic. bracelet magic yknow)
halfling wizard trucy (OBVIOUS AGAIN.)
human fighter athena (her brute strength must be respected. insert athena aa5 throwing a man here)
not super sure about phoenix - maybe human rogue? i think rogue fits him
i like to think that the party would form in a kind of. wizard of oz fashion. apollo is moving through the world and he keeps accidentally collecting people. or more like he accidentally collects trucy and then that comes with meeting trucy's weird shady dad and then trucy's dad's rival's brother is somehow there (thinks apollo is cute WHATEVER) and then trucy & her dad take on a job with this fighter girl and now she's here ETC ETC.
one thing that i think is crucial is that phoenix is NOT A PLAYER CHARACTER he fully knows more than everyone else and only shows up at plot important moments (DMpc)
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libra-meyer · 7 years
Okay but D&D at the Prosecutor’s office.
Edgeworth is the dm. He isn’t as rule-focused as you might think and is actually pretty good at improvising. He has to be with these players.
Franziska is a High Elf Paladin and Lawful Good. She is very rule-focused and tries to fight anyone who wants to go off the player’s handbook. Edgeworth had to ban the whip around the third session.
Klavier is an Aasimar Bard and Chaotic Good. He pretends that he isn’t taking it very seriously, but he absolutely is. He actually brings his guitar to sessions and plays it when his character does.
Sebastian is a Halfling Warlock and Lawful Neutral. He needs a lot of help remembering what he can and can’t do. Edgeworth practically had to make his character for him because he had no clue what he was doing.
Simon is a Tiefling fighter and Chaotic Neutral. He’s the edgy loner that has the tragic backstory that he overthought. He only chose a fighter because he found out he could become a samurai at level three.
Nahyuta is a Human Monk and True Neutral. He doesn’t really know what’s going on at first but he quickly becomes a walking player’s handbook. He also has very lucky dice.
Libra is a Drow Cleric and Neutral Good. She gets salty about everyone getting hurt so much. She’s also the one that tries to seduce everyone and somehow succeeds every time.
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forkflinger · 5 years
Ace Attorney characters playing D&D
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