rogueshadeaux · 2 months
“I hate the script, the vault dwellers sound so cheesy—“ my Brother in Steel you realize that’s the point, right? They were bred to act like the physical embodiment of an HR e-mail. Did you not catch the memo that Vault-Tec put out regarding their experiment facilities?
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p1nkshield · 1 year
Bruce being just as guilty of introducing Jason to people like he is but a small little guy.
Bruce at gala supporting youth literary comprehension programs: Have you met my son Jason? As stubborn as kids can be I managed to get him to attend.
Beneficiary: oh that’s wonderful! Does your son enjoy literature?
Bruce: oh absolutely! That’s what convinced him to even come! He has so many respectable hobbies for someone his age. Kids these days rarely find value in the classics but not Jason! Honestly he reads more, and more in depth, than I do! He’s a little mechanic too! When I first saw him he was trying to take the tires off my car with a lug wrench that was bigger than him! It was quite a sight and a rather unconventional way to meet your son but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Beneficiary, blinks as they try to process all the proud dad info: …well that’s lovely, we have some activities for the children of the donors so that none of them get too bored!
Bruce: that’s great! I’ll let him know. Jason, can you come here for a moment?
A very tall, wide, and muscular man turns around and raises an eyebrow.
What a coincidence, that dude must also be named Jason.
He walks towards them
Jason: what do you want old man?
Bruce: there are activities at that table if you’re bored.
Jason: thanks for the memo but I’m not exactly at coloring book age anymore remember?
Bruce: I suppose you’re right :(
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one-time-i-dreamt · 10 months
Despite me being terrible with children, I was put in charge of a large group of kindergartners during a tornado warning and every time I looked away, one of the kids was trying to go outside to “go see the spinny thing in the sky”. 
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livwritesstuff · 5 months
I definitely think that former rich kid-Steve knows how to ski, and when he and Eddie move to New England in their late twenties, he gets into it again.
Eddie, on the other hand, is not a skier. Not by any stretch of the imagination. He let Steve drag him onto the mountain once, and that was way more than enough for him.
Years later, when they have kids that they're supposed to be enrolling in sports (to become "well-rounded human beings" or whatever), Steve signs them up for skiing "just to see how it goes", and much to Eddie's chagrin, they love it, so every weekend from November through February, the Harrington family can be found at their local mountain.
Eddie joins the trip to the mountain every weekend purely for child-wrangling purposes because, seriously, three kids five-and-under is no fucking joke. His favorite part of their ski days is the conversation Steve has to have with Moe, their half-feral menace of a five-year-old, before they hit the slopes.
"Okay, no running into anyone," Steve says as he adjusts Moe's bright pink ski helmet, "Last week you were bowling people over left, right, and center."
Eddie has to hold in a snort, because it's true. The second Moe got the hang of skiing she'd made it her mission to figure out just how fast she could barrel down the mountain. To hell with the other skiers.
"Can you make some big turns today, Moe?" Steve asks, and Eddie watches Moe give her dad some major side-eye.
"Maybe," she says, her tone suggesting she wouldn't be doing any such thing.
So Moe and Steve hit the big hill and Eddie drops three-year-old Robbie off at her lesson on the bunny slope and then he gets to spend the rest of the day in the warmth of the ski lodge with baby Hazel, watching out the window as Steve makes every attempt to prevent Moe from careening straight down the mountain.
"I swear – that girl doesn't feel fear," Steve says later when he finally manages to drag Moe into the lodge for lunch, "You see it, right? She's gonna kill someone if she keeps skiing like that."
"Hey this was all you, man," Eddie shakes his head, "At least we know we can't ever sign her up for hockey."
"Jesus Christ – imagine the bloodbath that would be."
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astriiformes · 2 months
We picked an interesting day to travel for our eclipse trip. The earthquake on the East Coast closed down our connecting airport and left us in a holding pattern for a solid 45 minutes, and delayed our next flight by several hours.
That said, I do love the immediate bonding that happens on a plane full of people who were just told that an earthquake of all things left us stuck in the air (can truthfully say that when the pilot announced we were clear to land, everyone clapped). It's also been very entertaining texting with my dad since -- he has a classic case of Airplane Autism and is the whole reason I know as much as I do about planes, and has been fascinated by the whole affair.
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mysharona1987 · 1 year
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alackofghosts · 3 months
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you're just too good to be true, can't take my eyes off of you ♪
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nagitosstolenhand · 6 months
okay genuinely i hate the 'have eri or some other plot thing just de-age the league' solution to the lov as a plot point. like. did we even read the same manga. the whole POINT of the league is people forgetting or erasing them and the ways theyve suffered because of the hero system. literally erasing their entire lives all their suffering and all their joy to make them into cute innocent little kids is the exact OPPOSITE of what the ending of that arc should entail. and what about all the other people whove suffered because of the system? big sis magnes friend, all the ppl w mutant type quirks who rallied behind spinner, all the members of the MLA, and all the others we dont see, does eri just have to rewind all of them?? we don't need to reform the system we just need to use this literal child to reset everyone who we've made suffer back into small children so they dont stir up trouble for us anymore! sounds like a great plan! fucking hell
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iihf ref cam😂 made a skater go hug the opposing team's goalie "go apologize to him" i can't i cannot lmaaooo
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(I already got mine but still?! This is cool and crazy?!)
good for him!!! good for him... more people deserve to have him!
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swagspren · 9 months
I think it is sweet that, even though we have Adolin’s POV since the start, you the reader get to go on the “I think this guy might suck” to “okay this guy is not so bad” journey with Kaladin. I feel like tWoK and beginning of WoR it still feels like I know Adolin means well, but he is really out here yelling at his dad and being on his high horse (lol). Even when he locks himself up with Kal I was a little like “okay, as he should.”
Then he’s out on the plains like goofing around with the water kid and stuff and I was like okay! He got us! He got me with that one! And that is also the scene that Kaladin concedes that he is likeable and a good guy etc
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cambriancutie · 4 months
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yandere-writer-momo · 3 months
Do you know who should be boycotted?
You and all the nazis that are not behind Israel you Motherfucker!
Go to your hamas Frieds and say Heil.
I don’t think you know what a Nazi is nor do you have a single empathetic bone in your body. In no way, place, or form has this blog been antisemitic.
This blog is purely antiwar. If you think war against defenseless people is okay, perhaps you’re the one who is a part of an extremist group.
I’m sorry that you’re not getting any attention at home from mommy and daddy, but that doesn’t mean you get to spout nonsense on my blog. Especially when you are spreading hate
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megane-sama · 1 year
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I know this is a serious situation but i cant help but find it amusing cause what do you mean a grown man is pointing a gun at kindergarten kids for their lunches????
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warderfromtheborder · 10 months
Having a big frustration with the game director doin his response-to-the-reaction on a tweet because I had to dig through a bunch of sweatbaby reacts before finding the video itself on youtube. That sucks! Would have been great if like the tweet got linked on the youtube page or he posted the video on the youtube account.
For the most part, what he said was stuff I didn't need to have explained because Ive been paying attention to the high-level and drawing-back-the-curtain communications theyve done in the past. All that stuff about armor, I groked that on my own when I sat down and looked at all the armor sets in a 4 season year of destiny. The stuff about pvp modes made perfect sense to me, you got something new for skilled players and something to entice players who are scared of the crucible because of the skilled players. The stuff about how the showcase was filmed a while ago and the team is very busy working, that was some "daycare worker being patient with child because they knocked over their own juice" meme level explanation.
I am so ashamed and sad for my game's community that the literally destiny presidenty has to get on twitter to explain to grown ass men that the game is being worked on, and they aren't just sitting around waiting for us to complain about stuff and then tell us what theyre gonna do about it, like this is some fucking restaurant and joe is the maitre'd who's gonna go back in the kitchen and say 'Hey chef chris proctor stop making that delicious exotic weapon potroast and put some more maps in the goddam spaghettios I got a table full of screaming 11 6th graders out here' If he thinks this is the best way to handle the way the sweatbabys are behaving, that is the most sad and tragic commentary on this game's communuty.
I don't like that after years of consistent messaging about not overpromising on delivery, he straight up promised a map-pack that, based on what they've told us in the past, is gonna require a huge shift in resources. That's very worrying! I thought this kind of stuff was over! Great job aztecross et all! You got dad to turn the van around! Now who knows what's gonna get knocked off pipeline as a result. The later FS dungeon? A reprised destination? Maybe the next reprised raid?
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If a destiny CM happens to see this, I'm sorry. I'm just sorry. You deserve better. Destiny deserves better. The Crucible deserves better. None of these pvp tryhards make Shaxx or Saint proud. They're just loud. I'm sorry y'all have to do so much to keep them from being deafening.
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cosmic-kinglet · 1 month
Sun: We'll get to English and reading. Let's just stick with the basics of math for right now.
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