#keto diet and o
weight65loss · 2 years
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Weight loss transformation: lose 130kg to 63kg weight in just 3month https://bit.ly/3BMgV2G
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trudnadusza14 · 5 months
Nie mogłam usnąć
Do tego tak mi było niedobrze że wymiotowałam
Mało tego. Zaniepokoiło mnie to bo wymiotowałam na czerwono
Ale ten ból brzucha to masakra
Po tych wymiotach dostałam jakiś drgawek których nie mogłam opanować
A nie mam gorączki
Mam niezłego stracha naprawdę
Myślałam że nie pójdę na wizytę do psychiatry ale dałam radę
Wyobrażacie sobie że psychiatra mnie przepraszał że namawiał mnie na zamknięcie w szpitalu ?
W szoku byłam 😳
Ja powiedziałam że nic się nie stało bo gdyby nie ta kobieta której nie ufam to bym została dłużej
Rozbawiłam go dosłownie
Tak samo stwierdzeniem że w szpitalach jestem rozgadana
Znów się zaśmiał i powiedział że to w takim razie chyba lepiej mi w szpitalach
Ja potwierdziłam 🤣
I ludzie. On nie był wściekły że się wypisałam !
Zrozumiał o co chodzi. Wręcz wściekł się na tą babę że mnie olała i na istotne badanie nie puściła
A pamiętam że tamta baba była wściekła jak się wypisałam
Tak samo jedna terapeutka miała do mnie o to wąty
Boże chyba wreszcie mam wyrozumiałego lekarza
No i było propo żebym może poszła na leczenie na odział zaburzeń osobowości do innego miasta
Popytam się terapeutki o to
Tak powiedział psychiatra że mam się dowiedzieć o tym od niej
Powiedziałam psychiatrze o tym że boje się że mogę mieć nawrót anoreksji
A on z wywiadu twierdzi wiedząc jaką mam teraz sytuację zdrowotną i ogólnie
I jest zdania że albo to wynik stresu albo tego co mi się odwala w organiźmie
Ale jakbym zaczęła liczyć nałogowo kalorie,ćwiczyć nałogowo to wtedy można powiedzieć że to nawrót any
Choć powiedział że mam z dietetyk o tym pogadać
Jakiś nowy lek dostałam i pojechałam potem do dietetyk
Dalej miałam kiepskie samopoczucie
I dietetyk powiedziała że ze względu na złe samopoczucie mam diete lekkostrawną a nie keto
A co do sugesti psychiatry dietetyk była zdania że mam do psychiatry z tym 🤣
Weźcie się zdecydujcie
Sytuacja rodem z takiego czegoś. Dziecko coś chce pyta się matki a matka że spytaj się taty a tata że mamy
I weź tu się połap 🤣
I schudłam. Głównie wizualnie
Widać mi wcięcie w tali 😁
A potem w domu próbowałam spać ale nie mogłam za Chiny spać
Co z tego że 2 doby nie spałam
Dalej spać nie mogę
A potem do lekarza i dostałam skierowanie na badanie krwi
I mam też wizytę na piątek. Lekarka się zaniepokoiła
Od razu potem poszłam na zajęcia choć to był chyba zły pomysł
Podczas zajęć musiałam pobiec do łazienki i wymiotować
Terapeutka jak usłyszała że nic nie jadłam i nie piłam nawet wody to dała mi wody do picia ale ja od razu po chwili to zwróciłam
Miałam zostać tam jeśli w domu nikogo nie ma
Trochę było mi lepiej ale w domu znów wymiotowałam
Usiłowałam spać a nie mogłam
A ten ból brzucha to masakra
Kiara się położyła mi na brzuchu i mruczała i o dziwo zasypiałam
Kot leczniczy 😺
I tak sobie oglądałam szpital gdzie był odcinek o kobiecie co się żywi tylko słońcem xd
Boże czego to ludzie nie wymyśla
Zaczęłam też czytać książkę "13 powodów"
Serial oglądałam ale książki nie czytałam. Czas nadrobić
Już jest trochę lepiej ale dalej mi niedobrze i brzuch mnie boli. Mam wrażenie że coraz mocniej
Nic nie jadłam od wczoraj i nie wiem kiedy zjem
Układałam też puzzle
I tak dalej nie idzie spać 🙄
To tyle
Do zobaczenia
Trzymajcie się kochani 💜
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elikaina · 11 months
Hiori and his relationship with food
TW// calorie counting, ED, restrictive eating
I feel like Hiori has a very complicated relationship with food bc of the strict diet his parents enforced on him from a young age to become the best striker. He probably never had any sweets growing up, either. If he has, it's probably something like keto protein pancakes. (In Hiori's profile, it said that he dislikes cotton candy bc it's mainly sugar)
Like, he would try his best to avoid anything that would require eating out with others cause it would potentially off-balance the macronutrients, and he might not know the calories of it. But if he can't escape/avoid eating out, he would either sit there w/o ordering, just to spend time with his friends, saying his not hungry or get a salad (or something healthyish that he can estimate calories) which earns him weird looks if they are at a fast food joint.
On his profile, it also says that he buys yakult, which is a probiotic mik drink from the convenience store. His parents are so strict that he's overly health conscious. His food anxiety is another thing he's escaping from at Blue Lock.
I feel like when he wants to eat something his parents say is bad, he won't eat it by himself. He will share it or take a bite or two and give it away to someone. Hiori would also have a hard time trying new places. This is especially prevalent when he is dating.
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rahmercy · 3 months
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My mom has been battling stage 3 pancreatic cancer and 2 days ago, she completed her 4th chemotherapy session. She has 2 more to go before they assess it to remove the tumor.
She was diagnosed on November 28, 2023. She began chemotherapy December 26, 2023 and was admitted to the emergency room later that day from complications. She was discharged December 29, 2023 and my family came down to Florida on December 30, 2023.
On her birthday, January 2, 2024, after her follow-up meeting with her oncologist. She was feeling defeated about how things had been happening since her diagnosis. She vocalized no desire to live in front of us (including my 12 year old daughter (her only grandchild)).
My family (my spouse, daughter & myself), at the suggestion of my spouse made the commitment to be her ongoing support system. This is so she could make whatever decision she wanted regarding how she chooses to proceed with her diagnosis.
I personally committed to split time between our 2 bedroom home in Durham, North Carolina & her 1 bedroom apartment in Fort Lauderdale, Florida to make sure we could commit to her health treatment planned as it began taking effect on December 26, 2023.
We did not request anything from anybody and agreed to take on the additional financial burdens it would place on us to fulfill this commitment, (despite knowing we weren't in the financial situation to do so).
We arranged things so my spouse and daughter could return to school in NC on January 8th. I stayed back with my mom for that chemo week. Since I'm a business owner with time flexibility, I would make the trips and stay with my mom throughout the treatment windows in Florida.
This agreement means renting a car for an one-way trip to North Carolina or Florida weekly (a $200-275 expense & 11-14 hours of travel time per trip). The first time we brought her up to NC ever, my spouse drove our car down to get us and then shared in the responsibility of driving back to NC. It cost us $250 in fuel and food for the trip. We realized it gave my mom & I more flexibility in travel days, saved on time spent on the road, and cost the same to just rent a car (Chevrolet Malibu) for each trip.
This agreement meant now sourcing food with all my mom's health dietary restrictions (from having a gastric sleeve) & her diagnosis dietary restrictions for 2 households. As well as me preparing most meals for both homes while I'm in and away from NC. In addition, replacing gluten with gluten-free alternatives in the diet. (A lot more coconut and almond based supplies). Cooking meals for a family of four that works and can be considered Keto-friendly and cancer friendly and while trying to stay under a budget of $300-$350 monthly.
Since we've implemented this plan to be her support system, all hell has broken loose in our lives. (My mom calls it just life lifing though).
On Martin Luther King weekend, began a school district wide issue in my Daughter's school system. Different staff began protesting and calling out of work (which we personally support their stances) due to significant pay discrepancies being communicated.
This immediately meant unreliable transportation for my daughter getting to & from school 25+ minutes away. My spouse teaches in a different school system 20 minutes in the opposite direction of my daughter's school, and we only have one car. Since she started middle school this year, their school school arrival times are the same. But her bus pick-up time solved the problem there. So there is now an ongoing possibility of him being late to work at his school daily.
On our first trip back down for treatment, it went perfect with the rental, until I realized after returning the rental car that I had lost my business cellphone inside of the rental car. (It hasn't been found by Budget's staff during cleaning and the car had already been rented out again less than 2 hours after being dropped off.) So I still have to pay to get that phone replaced.
This is compiled on top of this being my businesses' slow season and having no reserves to catch the $950 overhead in monthly expenses that comes from inventory space, business insurance, & hosting email domains, office assistant services & website. We only one future booking on the calendar and it's for a new build. January there was only $900 made. $300 had to go towards having to subrent out the job because it over lapped with chemo treatment and would cost twice as much to keep in-house with temp staff. $150 went towards repaying our transaction based capital funding loan from Shopify. $120 went towards getting 2 items of inventory for the second booking.
So I borrowed funds from something I couldn't afford to take from just to keep all of our inventory spaces secured.
My Chase credit card is over the limit by $140 and a payment is due today. My secure loan payment with Navy Federal is also due today and I don't have any of it. My business insurance payment of $200 is due tomorrow, and I don't have that either.
And the difference in the cost for our last car rental to come down for chemo week is still due back to the card I used for it. And I have to pay 200 for the car rental to go back up to NC Monday.
Then back in NC, this week on Tuesday, our only car's engine light came on. It was taken into our dealership on Wednesday morning to find out why. That diagnostic end up costing $250. We finally got answers Friday afternoon. Our car has 139k miles on it, and we're being told the engine needs to be replaced. It has been quoted $8k to have a used engine put into it or over $12k to have a new engine with a lifetime warranty put into our 2016 Chevrolet Cruze premier.
This car gets everyone to school and has been how my spouse has been supplementing his income working for the school system and parks & rec by doing Shipt. So now income has been reduced even more and expenses have drastically increased more.
MY business first official rental booking for this year took place yesterday, and that was supposed to be able to be delivered using our car. Since it's still in the shop, we had to book a last-minute $200 car rental for my spouse and daughter to fulfill the booking delivery yesterday and to be able to go back to do the rental booking pick-up today.
Emergency fund is pretty much exhausted after this week and the savings, too. Then today, with a little downtime, I learn that all my email payments were due on MLK weekend. This resulted in 5 email domains (3 important ones needed for tax filings) to be canceled by godaddy after 2 weeks of missing the payment notifications. I've had the email plan for almost 10 years, and it initially only cost me $14/month for all 5 emails. But because it was canceled and the package no longer exists, it cost me $29/month to have them reactivate and restore the 3 important emails or over $70/month to get them all reactivated. I only activated the 3 and paid it up until April for $59, so I don't miss its before filing taxes.
This week in Florida, my mom's cancer treatment visits started charging her a copay. Due to an error that recently took place on the backend by her health insurance. It's taking longer to resolve it with then despite them already seeing that it'san error in their coordination of benefits process. This week alone, we had to pay $325 in co-pays just to avoid the chemotherapy and white blood cell visits at the oncologist from being canceled by their office. The error is still causing a previous $200 outstanding balance to reflect on her account.
TODAY, it all became too much to hold in any longer. I have never had to face this many trials all at once while still having ongoing ones coming my way. My heart, mind & spirit is heavy right now. I need GOD to do something supernatural for my family in this season. In a way, only God can show up. I'm not broken. My faith isn't shaken. We're not going back on our commitment. Cancer won't defeat my family! We're breaking so many generational cycles right now. Cancer was just the catalyst to expedite the process.
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arvensimp · 1 year
I always wondered what you think Arven does in his free time. Like sure he has mabosstif and he’s a great cook, but does he have other hobbies, would he be open to learning some of his friends or s/o’s?
It's tricky I think to write a fic based on s/o's hobbies for reader inserts, BUT fwiw i do think this sweet boy would be willing to give a lot of things a try.
In terms of hobbies he picks up, I think it's important to note that he decides in the story to pursue cooking full time as a career and to become a chef, so cooking becomes more than just a hobby to him.
I think he might try to pick up some tangential skills related to cooking and preparing healthy and tasty food, just on his own. So like, while I don't think he'd be one for fad diets in a sense of him going entirely Paleo or keto or whole30 or vegan or anything like that (especially not for health reasons), I think he'd have fun trying different recipes and sampling meals of different diet styles. Like he would never be an almond mom kinda guy, but I could definitely see him, say, trying keto for a few days just to say he's done it. I think he'd also become interested in the field of nutrition and science in that regard (which would give him a major respect for foods of all kinds!).
I think he could also probably become interested in gardening and growing his own herbs and vegetables.
But even then those hobbies are related to his work. He needs something away from that for himself to decompress.
Personally, I imagine he'd be privately interested in art and literature. He's in the humanities track at the academy, so I think this is something he probably chose for himself.
I don't think he'd be much of an artist or a writer, but I think he could appreciate and analyze elements, ya know? Like he can dig into a book of poetry. Or maybe he likes fantasy novels (cough like his parents liked the scarlet/violet book cough). I think he would be a neat person to go to an art museum with because he'd have opinions on the different pieces and could give thoughtful explanations on what he does or doesn't like about them.
But between the cooking, pokemon training, and all the camping/hiking/picnicking he does, I think any other hobbies he picks up would be fairly relaxed. Boy can't be going non-stop, ya know?
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latebite · 28 days
jsyk in the meantime because i have no idea how long it will take me to write the final story page, conrad gets adopted by a crime family when he's 16 after they discover him eating a body that one of the sons accidentally left behind during a police chase. they are hitmen for hire; conrad proves to be the greatest garbage disposal service they could have ever dreamed of. they take him in and raise him and although many of his emotional needs continue to be neglected, they at least let him do his funny little stand-up routines to keep them entertained when they're not butchering people. many individuals' last moments have been spent listening to a gawky acne-ridden 17 y/o do his best impression of johnny carson before they're brutally murdered. it's because of the family that he lands an audition at the LBC. the matriarch was happy to have threatened the CEO so conrad could have the host position (his reward for years of service; also a way to keep him quiet and continue manipulating him), but conrad wanted to earn it. he rakes in the highest scores from the test audiences and the rest is history.
now they're his exclusive 'catering service' for his widely-reported keto diet; in turn he continues to clean up their messes. there are many things he's had to sacrifice because of his sickness but all of his life he's upheld one moral standard and that's that he won't kill someone and he won't eat someone alive. the matriach's youngest son, titus, has a different vision about the family business and conrad's role in it. he's pressuring conrad to embrace his sickness; he fills conrad's head with ideas that maybe he'll finally be satisfied when he learns what it means to predate. he promises conrad that he can take the hunger away. conrad knows better, but he fears for what life might look like under matteo's rule.
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didanawisgi · 6 months
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ms-hells-bells · 2 years
not asking in bad faith but just because this type of post goes around radblr every so often & I feel like it does make a good point - do you have any opinions on the whole "veganism/vegetarianism being dangerous in for teenage girls/women who develop eating disorders around it" thing?
those posts piss me off. the vast majority of girls with EDs are omnivores, so should we say that an omnivorous diet induces EDs? or is it more likely that people with those conditions with use anything at their disposal to try to hide an ED? you see these same girls jump to keto, raw, juice cleanse, gluten free, carb free, fat free, sugar free, anything they can.
the big issue is the misunderstanding of vegan as a diet. it is an ethical belief that informs actions that happen to include changing diet to adhere to those beliefs. nothing more, nothing less, nothing about health. meat and dairy and eggs are the densest calorie, highest fat foods, so girls with ED are going to be more likely to view them as 'not allowed foods', but that has nothing to do with the ideology of veganism. you can tell the difference between veganism and ED eating when the pseudoscience, calorie restriction, low carb, etc. stuff comes out, and they also absolutely refuse to eat vegan 'unhealthy foods', like a slice of birthday cake, or a bean burger night.
rather than going 'well, they should be eating meat!', why is the solution not 'how do we address the common occurrence of eating disorders in teenage girls?' because they've had them long before veganism became mainstream. and personally, as someone that had near ED eating habits throughout my childhood and teen years due to autism, veganism has helped me eat more, enjoy my food more, and i'm the heaviest weight i've been since 16 because when your focus is on following ethics, then you, at least for me and a bunch o other vegan women i've talked to, begin to have a healthier relationship with food.
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I love it when I get "Go Keto #1 DIet" and "Cheap heaith Lnsurance deals! Buy N O W" e-mails. I don't click on them but it makes me smile because Spampton G. Spampton from Deltarune spiritually exists in them now.
Should I be scared I'm not annoyed by spam anymore?
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weight65loss · 2 years
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Weight loss transformation: lose 130kg to 63kg weight in just 3month https://bit.ly/3BMgV2G
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Full Body Keto Gummies(Premium Blast Keto) Reviews LEGIT or SCAM?
Full Body Keto Gummies is a weight management supplement this is based on the ketogenic diet. This eating regimen drives the body to burn fat for energy as opposed to glucose due to the fact that it's far high in fat and low in carbohydrates. This keto complement claims to help people lose weight by means of imparting them a high-fat, low-carbohydrate eating regimen that is simple to observe and preserve.
OFFICIAL Website- Visit Here and Get Full Body Keto Gummies [Full Body Keto Gummies]!
Full Body Keto Gummies (Full Body Keto Gummies) is Formulated with a mix of all-natural elements, these Ketone Supplements help you experience more energy, be influenced, and be centered. These blessings are specially mentioned while your body is in ketosis, making Life Boost an extremely good preference for those on a ketogenic food plan or folks who are seeking to guide their ketosis with a great supplement.
How does this perform its feature in the human body?
Full Body Keto supplements help to induce ketosis in the frame. When the frame is in ketosis, fats are burned for strength in place of carbohydrates. Keto supplements generally incorporate beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), which is a ketone frame that the body can use for strength.
BHB is converted into ATP, that's the power source that the frame makes use of for all its features. When the frame is in a nation of ketosis, it may burn fats for energy, which can lead to weight reduction.
What are the main components of the Full Body Keto Gummies supplement?
BHB, or beta-hydroxybutyrate: It is a ketone frame that’s produced whilst your frame is in ketosis. It’s been shown to help with weight loss by way of growing electricity and stopping cravings.
Green Tea Extract: It is every other ingredient that may help with weight loss. It’s filled with antioxidants and has been shown to increase metabolism.
Caffeine: It is a well-known metabolism booster, and it is able to also help to suppress appetite.
Vitamin B6: It is a critical diet that facilitates the frame to spoil down fat.
Lemon Extract: It can support weight reduction and aid in the frame's cleansing.
MCT Oil: It is a specific kind of oil crafted from coconut oil. It has been established to boom metabolism and aid in weight loss.
What are the advantages you can get by way of intaking Full Body Keto Gummies (Premium Blast Keto)?
Boosts energy levels: One of the principal blessings you could get from Full Body Keto Gummies is that they can assist to reinforce your power stages. This is perfect for those who are looking to shed pounds as it may assist in the growth of your metabolism and help you to burn more energy.
Suppresses Appetite: Another top-notch gain of those Full Body Keto Gummies is that they can help to suppress your urge for food. This is perfect for individuals who are seeking to shed pounds because it permits you to consume much less and consequently helps you to lose weight.
Burns Fat: It can help to burn fats. This is ideal for people who are seeking to shed pounds as it can assist in the growth of your metabolism and assist you to burn more energy.
Increases metabolism: Full Body Keto Gummies (Full Body Keto Gummies) can help to grow your metabolism. This is ideal for people who are looking to lose weight as it allows them to burn more calories.
Helps to shed pounds: One of the main benefits of Full Body Keto Gummies is they permit you to shed pounds. This is best for individuals who are seeking to lose weight as it allows you to consume less and assist you to burn extra energy.
Read More UPDATES [OFFICIAL WEBSITE]:: Full Body Keto Gummies™
What are a few principal side results of consuming this keto supplement?
Full Body Keto Gummies are made up of pure and natural compounds however there are capacity side consequences that you should be aware of before taking them. These aspect results include:
Insomnia Nausea Headaches
If you revel in any of those aspects outcomes, you must forestall taking the gummies and seek advice from your medical doctor. Overall, even though, Full Body Keto Gummies Gummies are a safe and powerful way to help you lose weight.
What are the encouraged dosages you want to consume Full Body Keto Gummies?
To get the maximum from your Full Body Keto Gummies, it is encouraged that you take 2-3 gummies in a step per day. If you are new to the keto diet, begin with 1 gummy in step with the day, and boom as your body adjusts. These gummies do not need to be refrigerated and can be fascinated about or without food.
Where can you locate this Full Body Keto Gummies supplement?
Full Body Keto Gummies supplement has validated itself powerfully in losing weight. If you need to purchase this keto gummy, then go to its legit website. Where you could discover these keto gummies at satisfactory fees with extra reductions.
Buy three packs for $39.76 each and get 2 packs greater with loose delivery.
Order packs for $ fifty-three. 28 each and get 1 p.C. More with free delivery.
Buy 1 % for $59.75 each and get 1 % extra with loose shipping.
Customer Reviews:
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Order Your Weight Loss Full Body Keto Gummies Bottle From Its Official Website!
Will Full Body Keto Gummies assist me to lose weight if I'm not following a keto diet?
While they'll no longer be as effective as while following a keto food regimen, they are able to still assist you in shedding pounds with the aid of curbing your urge for food and boosting your metabolism.
I'm no longer very energetic, will these still help me shed pounds?
Yes, the appetite-suppressing results of the complement can help you shed pounds even if you're not very lively.
How long will it take to peer consequences?
Results will range from individual to person, but you should start seeing outcomes within some weeks of taking the complement.
Full Body Keto Gummies (Full Body Keto Gummies) is an awesome manner to get your day-by-day dose of ketones and assist you live in ketosis. They don't have any sugar and are a super snack for the ones on a ketogenic food plan.
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bartholomaus · 1 year
ATENTIE! Astazi discutam despre "cea mai buna dieta" si urmeaza o postare care va deranja atat veganii, cat si omnivorii. Timp de citire: 10-15 minute (respectiv 10-15 ore, daca includem studiile...). Mult, dar s-ar putea sa merite.
Daca tot se implinesc azi 10 ani de cand am lansat aceasta pagina "oficiala", m-am gandit sa scriu despre nutritie - privita nu din punct de vedere al "sanatatii", al impactului asupra mediului, animalelor sau bugetului alocat, ci din cel al incetinirii procesului de imbatranire si al pierderii / mentinerii greutatii.
Ca sa va linistesc, inca de la inceput, ceea ce voi scrie nu are legatura cu "opinia mea e ca..." sau cu ceea ce afirma "nutritionistul" obscur (sau fara drept de practica) x care a invatat dupa manualele din anii '80 (si nu a mai citit nimic de atunci), "body engineer"-ul imaginar y sau jurnalistul z care amesteca 3 idei luate din publicatii de scandal "de afara". Toate acestea, incluzand si opinia mea, valoreaza (scuzati expresia) cat un rahat (turcesc, fireste), comparativ cu studiile si metastudiile serioase.
Si acum, sa trecem la treaba.
Exista o caruta de diete (Mediteraneana, DASH, flexitariana, MIND, TLC, Volumetrica, Antiinflamatoare, Ornish, Noom, Pritikin, Nutritariana, Dukan, Suth Beach, Keto, Paleo, Atkins, Optavia, SlimFast, Crudivora, Vegetariana, Vegana, Crudivegana (Raw Vegana), etc.) si, cu siguranta, vor aparea si altele.
Fiecare dieta vine cu propiile idei despre ponderea pe care ar trebui sa o aiba plantele versus produsele de origine animala, carbohidrati versus grasimi si versus proteine (si asa mai departe).
Problema 'dietelor' este ca majoritatea nu privesc nici imaginea de ansamblu, nici efectele pe termen lung, ci se concentreaza in principal pe rezultate pe termen scurt, cum ar fi pierderea in greutate.
In viata reala, o alimentatie cu adevarat buna este una care incetineste imbatranirea si ne mentine sanatosi pe termen lung. O astfel de 'dieta' va duce si la un metabolism sanatos si la pierderea in greutate.
Si acum, hai sa vedem cum actioneaza asupra corpului uman [sa nu ma iei, te rog, cu "al meu functioneaza diferit"...] cele doua mari surse de nutrienti: produsele de origine animala (carne, lapte, oua etc.) si cele de origine vegetala (legume, fructe, cereale etc.) - si care sunt avantajele, dar si problemele [din punct de vedere nutritional] cauzate de fiecare categorie.
Pe foarte scurt, un aport ridicat de carne accelereaza procesele fundamentale de imbatranire (indiferent daca animalul a fost hranit industrial sau cu iarba din poienita, si daca a luat antibiotice sau nu).
De asemenea, o dieta pe baza de plante poate accelera si ea imbatranirea, deoarece exista riscul de a deveni deficienti in nutrienti importanti (chiar si atunci cand se iau suplimente).
Dar asta nu inseamna ca "Aha, deci nu mai avem nicio sansa". Ramai pana la final si hai sa vedem ce solutii exista.
Capitolul 1. Produsele de origine animala.
Uneori, oamenii care au o dieta bogata in proteine animale se pot simti grozav. S-ar putea sa se simta mai puternici, sa aiba mai multa energie, mai multi muschi, sa slabeasca si sa isi imbunatateasca rezistenta la insulina.
Alteori, persoanele care urmeaza o dieta bogata in proteine animale nu se simt neaparat mai bine, dar pot imbunatati simptomele unor bolile autoimune (de exemplu scleroza multipla) sau artrita reumatoida. Totusi, acest lucru nu se datoreaza propriu-zis carnii (care poate fi pro-inflamatoare - vezi mai jos), ci faptului ca aceasta dieta poate reduce inflamatia prin alte mecanisme. De exemplu, atunci cand urmeaza diete bogate in proteine animale, oamenii reduc substantial aportul de zaharuri pro-inflamatorii si carbohidrati rafinati (consumand alimente cu mai putin zahar si amidon, precum paine, cartofi, paste, si orez). De asemenea, aduc in dieta zilnica mai putine calorii si mai putine substante care pot provoca boli auto-imune, cum ar fi glutenul sau lactatele.
Proponentii dietelor bogate in proteine animale nu sunt, probabil, informati (sau interesati) despre biogerontologie (stiinta imbatranirii). Nu sunt familiarizati cu efectele aportului ridicat de proteine animale asupra cailor si mecanismelor importante de imbatranire. Ei se concentreaza in principal pe studii si carti care sustin parerea lor, evita studii si carti care demonstreaza ca astfel de diete sunt nesanatoase pe termen lung.
Multi adepti si proponenti ai dietelor bazate pe produse de origine animala presupun ca, avand in vedere ca oamenii din timpurile preistorice au mancat multa carne, o dieta bogata pe baza de carne este cea mai potrivita pentru oameni. Exista doua defecte principale in acest rationament:
a) in primul rand, oamenii de stiinta nu stiu daca oamenii preistorici au mancat cu adevarat multa carne. De multe ori, era dificil sa prinzi / vanezi animale. Daca nu crezi, iesi la vanatoare in padure cu mana goala sau cu o sulita facuta dintr-o creanga.
b) in al doilea rand, chiar daca oamenii preistorici au mancat multa carne, acest lucru nu inseamna ca acest lucru este sanatos. Naturii nu-i pasa daca traim o viata lunga, ci este interesata sa ne reproducem cat mai repede, pentru a ne transmite genele. Ceea ce se intampla dupa asta nu mai conteaza (pentru ea).
Deci, chiar daca oamenii din preistorie ar fi mancat multa carne, cu riscul de a face un atac de cord la 60 de ani, aceasta nu ar fi fost o problema, avand in vedere ca putini aveau sansa sa iprinda aceasta varsta. De cele mai multe ori, cauzele de deces erau externe (accidente, boli, violenta, infometare, mancati de alte animale etc. ).
Sa trecem acum si la argumente stiintifice. De ce produsele de origine animala accelereaza imbatranirea [Unde vedeti (S) - exista un studiu sau mai multe in sectiunea de comentarii].
1. Nu exista nicio zona de longevitate in lume in care oamenii traiesc mai mult consumand multa carne sau proteine animale. Zonele de longevitate, denumite si “Zone albastre”, sunt zone in care oamenii traiesc considerabil mai mult. Ceea ce au in comun toate zonele albastre este ca oamenii consuma putine produse de origine animala. De exemplu, persoanele cu viata lunga din Okinawa (Japonia), Sardinia (Italia), Icaria (Grecia) sau Adventistii din Ziua a saptea din California consuma putina (sau deloc) carne (S). Desigur, exista multe alte motive pentru care oamenii traiesc mai mult in aceste zone, dar un aport scazut de proteine animale este un numitor comun clar.
2. In mare parte, persoanele care ajung la o varsta foarte mare (de exemplu, centenarii) nu consuma multa proteina animala. Acestea ajung la o varsta ridicata fara a manca multa carne sau fara a urma o dieta paleo sau a bea shake-uri de zer (S).
3. Majoritatea studiilor arata ca o nutritie bazata pe plante este mult mai sanatoasa decat o dieta bogata in proteine animale (S). Exista unele studii care sustin ca aportul ridicat de carne nu este nesanatos, dar sunt semnificativ in minoritate; dovezile stiintifice sunt in mod covarsitor in favoarea unei diete vegetale.
4. Unul dintre motivele pentru care imbatranim este acumularea de proteine in interiorul si in afara celulelor. Acumularea de proteine joaca un rol in boala Alzheimer (S), insuficienta cardiaca (S), imbatranirea vaselor de sange (S) si asa mai departe. O dieta bogata in proteine animale poate accelera acest proces (S).
5. Un fir comun in intreaga biogerontologie este ca prea multa proteina animala accelereaza imbatranirea, reduce durata de viata si creste riscul de boala (S).
6. In biogerontologie, privarea animalelor de macronutrienti (proteine, carbohidrati si grasimi) le face sa traiasca mai mult. Acest lucru se poate face, de exemplu, prin restrictii calorice, post sau diete care nu au aminoacizi esentiali (S). Acest lucru sugereaza ca, facand contrariul, cum ar fi consumul de multi aminoacizi si / sau carbohidrati, acceleram imbatranirea.
7. Restrangerea aminoacizilor esentiali extinde durata de viata, iar cresterea aportului de aminoacizi esentiali reduce durata de viata (S).
8. Restrangerea aminoacidului metionina (esential pentru proteine de constructie) extinde durata de viata (S).
9. Multe studii arata ca prea multi carbohidrati, in special cei rafinati, accelereaza imbatranirea, prin stimularea cailor de insulina si IGF-1. De asemenea, carnea si proteina animala stimuleaza caile insulinei si IGF-1 si ale hormonilor de crestere (S).
10. Proteina animala activeaza cai de imbatranire importante. Acestea sunt, de exemplu, mTOR, insulina si calea IGF-1. Activarea acestor cai de catre aminoacizi din proteinele animale accelereaza imbatranirea. Carnea si laptele sunt activatori puternici ai acestor cai de detectare a nutrientilor “pro-imbatranire” si a altor cai pro-imbatranire (de ex. galactoza din lapte) (S). mTOR este un receptor important (senzor) activat de aminoacizi din proteine; activarea mTOR reduce durata de viata (S).
11. Laptele, un stimulator puternic al cailor de imbatranire precum mTOR, creste mortalitatea si accelereaza imbatranirea (S). Laptele are rolul de a face viteii sa creasca rapid. Un "fir rosu" care se desfasoara prin toate cercetarile de imbatranire este faptul ca accelereaza cresterea / imbatranirea si creste riscul de boli multiple de imbatranire, cum ar fi bolile de inima, cancerul si Alzheimer.
12. Proteinele din zer si aminoacizii cu lant ramificat stimuleaza puternic caile de crestere si imbatranire precum mTOR (S). Studiile arata ca proteina din zer a condus la un proces de imbatranire mai rapid decat cantitati egale de proteine de soia (S).
13. O alta observatie comuna in toata biogerontologia este ca o crestere prea mare accelereaza imbatranirea si creste riscul de boli legate de imbatranire (S). Cresterea suplimentara face ca celulele, inclusiv celulele stem, sa se uzeze mai repede. Consumul de multa proteina animala promoveaza cresterea (de exemplu, a masei musculare). Deci, pe termen scurt, se simte mai bine, dar aceasta activare a semnalizarii cresterii accelereaza imbatranirea.
14. Carnea sau proteina animala creste nivelul hormonului de crestere si al insulinei, care accelereaza imbatranirea si creste pe termen lung riscul de boli legate de imbatranire (S).
15. Persoanele care sufera de boli in care se produce prea mult hormon de crestere, cum ar fi acromegalia, mor adesea mult mai devreme si sufera de diverse boli legate de imbatranire la o varsta frageda. Un aport ridicat de carne stimuleaza, de asemenea, hormonul de crestere (factorul de crestere asemanator insulinei) si insulina.
16. Persoanele cu nanism din cauza activarii reduse a cailor de crestere (de exemplu, sindromul Laron ) au un risc mai mic de a dezvolta boli legate de imbatranire, cum ar fi cancerul sau diabetul de tip 2 (S).
17. Inductia cresterii si “ hiperfunctia” este unul dintre motivele centrale pentru care imbatranim (S).
18. Animalele si oamenii cu mutatii ale hormonului de crestere traiesc mai mult si au mai putine boli legate de imbatranire (S).
19. Administrarea de substante care promoveaza cresterea musculara (de exemplu, hormoni de crestere, stimulatorii de testosteron etc.) au fost asociati cu un risc crescut de a dezvolta cancer, diabet de tip 2, boli de inima si alte boli legate de imbatranire. Proteina animala creste, de asemenea, productia organismului de aceleasi substante.
20. Oamenii de stiinta dezvolta terapii pentru incetinirea imbatranirii prin reducerea hormonilor de crestere si a cailor de crestere (de exemplu, prin anticorpi impotriva hormonului de crestere sau prin inhibitori ai hormonului de crestere) (S).
21. O teorie importanta in imbatranire, numita “pleiotropie antagonista” (despre genele care pot avea atat efecte benefice, cat si efecte daunatoare) afirma ca avantajele specifice pe care le avem cand suntem tineri pot deveni dezavantaje (accelereaza imbatranirea) atunci cand suntem mai in varsta. De exemplu, absorbtia suplimentara de calciu poate permite oase mai puternice atunci cand suntem in crestere / tineri, dar ar putea accelera calcifierea arterelor pe termen lung. In mod similar, o crestere suplimentara sub forma de muschi mai puternici si mai multa rezistenta si forta in perioada tineretii ar putea accelera imbatranirea pe termen lung, de exemplu prin activarea prea mare a cresterii si insulinei (S).
22. Prea multa proteina (aminoacizi) da semnalul celulelor ca nu trebuie sa se mentina corect. Celulele interpreteaza o supraabundenta de aminoacizi (si zaharuri), deoarece exista suficiente blocuri de constructie si energie pentru a construi noi parti celulare. Rezultatul este diminuarea autofagiei si a altor cai de intretinere, ceea ce accelereaza imbatranirea. In schimb, cresterea autofagiei (procesul care descompune proteinele celulare) creste durata de viata (S).
23. Aminoacizii cu lant ramificat (BCAA, populari in randul sportivilor si culturistilor) accelereaza imbatranirea (S), de exemplu prin stimularea mTOR si inhibarea autofagiei (S).
24. Dietele bogate in proteine animale duc la mai mult testosteron la barbati. Hormonii sexuali masculi accelereaza imbatranirea (S). Acest lucru are sens in lumina teoriilor imbatranirii, cum ar fi teoria de unica folosinta a imbatranirii si teoria pleiotropiei antagonice, in care sexul si mai multa forta in timpul tineretii (varsta timpurie de reproducere) sunt compromisuri care pot accelera imbatranirea pe termen lung. Testosteron suplimentar = imbatranire accelerata (S). Persoanele care sunt castrate (testiculele lor au fost eliminate, astfel incat nu fac hormoni sexuali precum testosteronul) traiesc in medie cu 14 pana la 19 ani mai mult (S). Animalele castrate isi prelungesc, de asemenea, durata de viata (S). A nu se intelege de aici ca e necesar sa te castrezi...
25. Adesea, sustinatorii dietelor care includ produse de origine animala sustin ca studiile care arata efecte daunatoare ale consumului ridicat de carne sunt partinitoare, deoarece carnea este alimentata cu cereale sau contine prea multe antibiotice, hormoni de crestere etc. Cu toate acestea, chiar daca consumul carnii provenit de la un animal hranit cu iarba, fara antibiotice, etc. este ceva mai sanatos decat al celei provenite din industrie, principala problema ramane: carnea contine o multime de aminoacizi care supraestimuleaza imbatranirea/cai de detectare si crestere a nutrientilor si, astfel, accelereaza imbatranirea pe termen lung.
26. Exista diferente intre proteina pe baza de plante si proteina pe baza de animale. De exemplu, in studiile in care sobolanilor li s-au administrat cantitati egale de proteine, dar un grup a primit proteine de soia pe baza de plante, in timp ce celalalt grup a primit proteine din zer pe baza de animale, vedem ca sobolanii de pe proteina de soia traiesc mai mult (S). Sobolanii cu dieta de proteine de soia au avut o durata de viata medie de 844 de zile, comparativ cu 730 de zile pentru sobolanii care au consumat cazeina. Sobolanii din dieta de proteine din soia au fost, de asemenea, considerabil mai sanatosi (S).
27. Proteina animala contine mai multi aminoacizi cu lant ramificat (care sunt stimulatori puternici ai comutatorului de imbatranire mTOR) si alti aminoacizi care activeaza caile de imbatranire si crestere (S).
28. Un consum redus de aminoacizi ramificati poate imbunatati sanatatea metabolica (S).
29. O dieta pe baza de plante este asociata cu niveluri mai scazute de proteine pro-imbatranire, comparativ cu cea a omnivorilor (S).
30. inlocuirea proteinei pe baza de animale cu mai multe proteine pe baza de legume reduce riscul de boli si mortalitate legate de imbatranire la om (S).
31. Cu cat raportul proteic animal-planta este mai mare, cu atat rata mortalitatii la om este mai mare la om (S).
31. Multe studii arata ca inlocuirea proteinei animale cu proteine vegetale reduce mortalitatea si riscul diferitelor boli legate de imbatranire (S). De exemplu, inlocuirea alimentelor vegetale precum leguminoase, nuci sau soia cu carne rosie poate reduce riscul de boli cardiovasculare (S).
32. Adesea, oamenii spun ca nu proteina este cea care face carnea nesanatoasa. Cu toate acestea, este clar ca prea multe proteine stimuleaza caile de detectare a nutrientilor. De exemplu, infuzarea directa a proteinei in sange induce imediat rezistenta la insulina (S).
33. Studiile arata, de asemenea, o corelatie intre aportul de proteine din carne si riscul de diabet de tip 2. De exemplu, pentru fiecare crestere de 5% a aportului de proteine (din calorii totale) exista un risc cu 20% mai mare de diabet de tip 2 (S). Aceasta relatie doza-raspuns (cu cat doza de proteine este mai mare, cu atat riscul de diabet este mai mare) sugereaza o relatie cauzala. Studiile demonstreaza, de asemenea, o relatie doza-raspuns intre aportul de proteine animale si diabetul de tip 2 (S).
34. La persoanele cu rezistenta la insulina si diabet zaharat tip 2, exista niveluri excesive de aminoacizi (S).
35. Nu numai prea multi carbohidrati, dar si prea multi aminoacizi joaca un rol in diabetul de tip 2 (S).
36. Prea mult aport de carne modifica microbiomul / flora intestinala, care poate accelera imbatranirea si creste riscul de cancer si alte boli legate de imbatranire. Aminoacizii (proteinele) din carne duc la modificari ale microbiomului. De asemenea, digestia partiala a proteinei din carne in intestin poate duce la efecte nesanatoase si la un risc crescut de boli autoimune (S).
37. Persoanele care mananca multa proteina animala au adesea o linie de par in retragere sau chelesc din cauza supraestimularii cailor de crestere, care epuizeaza celulele stem ale foliculului de par (S). Asta explica de ce culturistii sau persoanele care urmeaza o dieta carnivora pot cheli prematur. Chelirea timpurie poate fi un simptom al imbatranirii accelerate, ceea ce creste, de asemenea, riscul de boli legate de imbatranire (S). Cu toate acestea, asta se poate intampla si in cazul dietelor vegetariene, din cauza riscului deficientelor de nutrienti - veti vedea mai jos.
38. Culturistii care consuma cantitati mari de proteine animale, hormoni de crestere si hormoni masculini mor adesea considerabil mai tineri si au un risc semnificativ mai mare de a muri (S).
39. Carnea rosie, adesea coapta sau la gratar, contine o multime de substante nesanatoase, cum ar fi amine heterociclice si hidrocarburi aromatice policiclice (S).
40. Grasimile din carne pot activa direct globulele albe din sange si pot duce la mai multe inflamatii (S ). Grasimile din carne sunt, de asemenea, mai dificil de prelucrat si descompus pentru celulele noastre in comparatie cu cele din plante, ceea ce duce la formarea de radicali liberi si alti compusi nesanatosi in interiorul celulelor (S).
Exista si studii care "demonstreaza" beneficiile carnii. De exemplu, se mentioneaza un studiu in care oamenii inlocuiesc carbohidratii cu carne rosie slaba si au "inflamatie redusa" (S).
Cu toate acestea, in acest studiu inflamatia este masurata intr-un mod foarte brut (de exemplu, privind CRP, in loc de CRP ultra-sensibil ). Exista multi alti biomarkeri de inflamatie pe care nu i-au privit in aceste studii, care ar fi putut creste (IL-8, IL-6, IL-1, TNF-alfa, rata de sedimentare, etc. ).
Multi biomarkeri sunt de fapt modalitati brute de a masura ceva precum functia imunitara sau sanatatea cardiovasculara.
Mai mult, aceste tipuri de studii nu privesc efectele pe termen lung: daca mananci multa carne, imbatranesti si mori mai repede? La urma urmei, exista multe interventii sau medicamente care pot reduce inflamatia, dar scurteaza durata de viata (vezi conceptul anterior de pleiotropie antagonica.
In plus, in multe dintre aceste studii, oamenii mananca mai putine alimente, zaharuri mai putin rafinate, grasimi sanatoase etc., ceea ce poate duce, de asemenea, la o inflamatie mai mica. In loc sa inlocuim carbohidratii rafinati cu proteine animale, ar fi mai bine sa ii inlocuim cu legume, leguminoase si ciuperci, ceea ce va reduce inflamatia mult mai bine in comparatie cu carnea.
De asemenea, pentru fiecare studiu care arata ca "carnea nu creste inflamatia sau riscul de cancer", exista inzecit mai multe alte studii care arata ca aportul de carne creste inflamatia, riscul de cancer si riscul multor boli.
Si acum, hai sa trecem la dietele pe baza de plante sau vegetariene, care pot avea si dezavantaje.
Capitolul 2. Produsele de origine vegetala.
Problema principala a dietelor vegetariene / vegetale este (mai ales atunci cand o urmam "dupa ureche"), riscul de deficiente de micronutrienti.
1. Exemple de deficiente comune de micronutrienti includ fier, zinc, cupru, carnosina, colina, iod, fosfatidilcolina, K2, D, diverse vitamine B (nu doar B12), omega-3 EPA/DHA), vitamina A (retinoizi), calciu, etc.
Acest lucru explica de ce unii oameni care urmeaza diete bazate pe plante pot suferi de oboseala, probleme de concentrare, dificultati de a gasi cuvinte, gandire mai lenta, anemie, un "look" palid, chelire prematura, slabiciune, imunitate redusa (imbolnavire usoara) si asa mai departe.
2. Mai mult, atunci cand urmeaza o dieta pe baza de plante, unele persoane nu au in alimentatie suficienta proteina. Da, am prezentat toate problemele cauzate de consumul prea mare de proteine animale, dar opusul poate deveni si el o problema.
Capitolul 3. Concluzie: ce avem de facut?
Stiu, o sa ma critici ca am prezentat prea putine dezavantaje la capitolul cu produse vegetale si te inteleg. Dar te asigur ca am punctat principalele deficiente si, de asemenea, ca majoritatea studiilor (si opinia medicilor, in general) este in favoarea consumului preponderent de alimente provenite din plante.
De asemenea, stiu ca nu am scris despre dietele bogate in grasimi (de ex. keto). Asa ca sa o fac acum.
Organismul uman are dificultati in procesarea grasimilor (a urma urmei, grasimile si corpurile noastre apoase nu se amesteca bine...). Grasimile au tendinta enervanta de a ramane peste tot in corpul nostru si sunt dificil de prelucrat si depozitat. Multe grasimi, in special grasimile saturate cu lant lung, pot induce inflamatii, de exemplu prin stimularea directa a celulelor imune. Alte grasimi obisnuite induc senescenta celulara sau supraincarca ficatul.
Cu toate acestea, unele grasimi pot fi sanatoase, de exemplu cele saturate specifice (precum acidul butiric si acidul caprilic). Dar asta nu inseamana ca ne ajuta sa consumam cantitati mari de grasmi sau ca toate grasimile sunt sanatoase.
Atat dietele Paleo, cat si cele Keto aduc oamenii in cetoza (in absenta carbohidratilor), dar obtin acest lucru intr-un mod mai putin ideal. Ketoza este sanatoasa, atat timp cat se obtine prin reducerea cantitatilor de macronutrienti, ca atunci cand "postim".
Ok, si ce avem de facut?
In primul rand, sa constientizam faptul ca suntem 100% responsabili pentru ceea ce punem in farfurie / cosul de cumparaturi. Pentru informatiile pe care le accesam si pentru modul in care le punem (sau nu) in practica. Pentru sanatatea si bunastarea noastra. Desigur, in limitele "genelor" noastre.
Care dieta e mai buna? O dieta pe baza de plante sau o dieta pe baza de animale?
Cel mai des intalnit cuvant venit de la (anumiti) "nutritionisti" este "echilibrul". Adica, in traducere libera: "mi se rupe de ce spun studiile".
Daca ne uitam la ansamblul studiilor stiintifice, ele arata ca persoanele care urmeaza o dieta pe baza de plante traiesc mai mult si sunt mai sanatoase (S).
Acest lucru se intampla in ciuda riscului mai mare de deficienta de proteine, vitamine si minerale.
Nicio dieta nu este perfecta, asa cum nici natura nu creeaza solutii perfecte. Dar, putem avea o dieta perfectibila.
Cu ce putem incepe?
> Reducerea cantitatii de paine, cartofi, paste si orez. Inlocuieste-le cu legume, pastaioase, ciuperci, quinoa, budinci / terci de ovaz sau chia.
> Daca esti adult si nu mai ai motive de crestere, abandoneaza lactatele si branzeturile. Exista o multime de alternative fericite, facute din plante (migdale, caju, soia, canepa, cocos, ovaz, orez, alune etc.).
> Mai putina carne (spre deloc). Ai o multime de alternative - ciuperci [aici iti recomand sa iti faci la cuptor saiu la tigaie/wok cate 4-500 g; deci 2-3 ciuperci crude aruncate intr-o salata nu isi vor face treaba...], soia / tofu (miso, tempeh), inlocuitori de carne pe baza de plante, pudre proteice (canepa, mazare, lupin, orez brun etc.).
> Inainte de a lua cu pumnul suplimente, tine cateva zile un jurnal nutritional online (eu folosesc Checkyourfoods), pentru a vedea ce vitamine si minerale iti lipsesc din dieta. Apoi, valideaza-le printr-un test / analize de sange.
Iti doresc o viata sanatoasa si frumoasa. Si sa transmiti mai departe, generatiilor viitoare, nu doar genele tale unice, dar si obiceiuri cat mai bune...
[Sursa informatiilor si a referintelor: Novoslabs]
Cateva comentarii (si ponturi), daca aveti vreun stres legat de ‘pesticidele’ din plante:
1) plantele nu “colcaie” de pesticide (si insecticide, fungicide, acaricide etc.). Plantele (si produsele de origine animala) din comertul legal pot contine REZIDUURI de pesticide & co., iar limitele lor sunt stabilite in legislatia UE. (a)
2) spalatul plantelor (sub jet, 5 minute) elimina cea mai mare parte a reziduurilor si este cea mai eficienta metoda. (b)
3) Pentru un plus de ‘curatare’, le poti lasa 10 minute in apa + bicarbonat de sodiu, sau apa cu otet, sau sa le “oparesti” 30 de secunde, sau sa le fierbi / prepari termic 5 minute, sau sa le decojesti (unde e cazul). (b) si (c)
In loc de concluzie: plante sau animale?
Animale din ferme consuma cantitati uriase de furaje. O vaca, de exemplu, 10-15 kg / zi. Pesticidele din plantele cu care sunt hranite aceste animale (presupunand ca nu le spala nimeni cu bicarbonat inainte…) sunt stocate in animal - ficat, muschi, rinichi etc. (d) -, apoi ajung in corpul celor care le mananca, in cantitati mult mai mari decat in plante, respectiv (e):
> carnea: de 14 ori mai mult.
> lactatele si branzeturile: de 5 ori mai mult.
95% din expunerea umana la dioxina (poluant organic provenit din pesticide si din alte surse), o cauza „probabila” a cancerului si a altor riscuri pentru sanatate, vine din consumul de carne, peste si lactate. (e)
Acum stii ce ai de facut. Ramane de vazut daca o sa si faci.
In ultimii 12-13 ani (de cand mi-am reinventat / simplificat viata), am observat ca exista obiceiuri care ne AJUTA si obiceiuri care ne SABOTEAZA (sanatatea, nivelul de energie, starea de spirit / “fericirea”, atingerea obiectivelor personale si profesionale etc.).
Las aici un rezumat al obiceiurilor (7 dintre ele) care m-au ajutat pana acum.
1. TREZITUL DEVREME. Pentru a avea “timp” pentru noi si sa facem lucruri importante in viata noastre, trezirea odata cu rasaritul (sau inainte) iti ofera in avantaj fizic si psihologic urias.
2. MISCAREA. Zi de zi. Alergare, plimbare, mers rapid, urcat si coborat scari, excursii in natura, pedalat, vaslit, inot, exercitii de forta, stretching / yoga, gimnastica si tot ce iti pune muschii si inima (si creierul!) la treaba. Aici intra si miscarea ochilor, care au nevoie sa privim si in departare, nu numai la ecranele din fata noastra.
3. NUTRITIA. Care sa aduca nutrienti (de aia se numeste “nutritie” si difera de “a manca”, care include orice poate fi ingerat, de la pietre la cuie, spirt si alte rahaturi). Este greu de crezut ca putem baga in noi mizerii (merdenele, mezeluri, branzeturi, alcool, zahar etc.) iar din asta sa rezulte sanatate si o viata de calitate. Eu functionez foarte bine cu o nutritie 100% bazata pe plante (care, a propos, ma face sa ma simt “impacat” si in ceea ce priveste impactul pe care viata mea il are asupra mediului si a animalelor). Si inca ceva: mai putine calorii inseamna o viata mai buna / lunga.
4. HIDRATAREA. Suntem aproximativ 60% apa. Daca am fi fost 60% cola, probabil ca si raurile si oceanele ar fi fost maro sau negre. Incepe fiecare zi cu o cana maaaare cu apa (si lamaie) si vezi ce se intampla.
5. SOMNUL DE CALITATE. Inca nu s-a descoperit un remediu pentru repararea. “bug”-urilor din sistem mai bun decat somnul, mai ales daca incepe mai devreme de miezul noptii si la cateva ore (3-5) de la ultima masa.
6. CITITUL. A citi o carte ne da posibilitatea (in afara de aflarea unor informatii care sa ne foloseasca si care sa ne sporeasca neuroplasticitatea) de a “dialoga” cu oameni mai inteligenti decat noi si de a le “imprumuta” modul de gandire / rezolvare a problemelor, curiozitatea, felul de a comunica etc. Suntem suma oamenilor cu care ne petrecem timpul, dar si a cartilor pe care (nu) le citim. Ca bonus, ajuta si cititul de studii si metastudii stiintifice (ne scapa de teorii conspirative si obiceiuri / convingeri proaste).
7. RELAXAREA. Am invatat ca organismul uman nu poate fi, in acelasi timp, stresat si relaxat. Da, stiu, exista multe situatii pe care nu le putem controla, dar putem controla modul in care le gestionam / raspundem la ele. De exemplu, fa o pauza, relaxeaza-ti musculatura, apoi pune-te pe cautat solutii (“Cum pot da depasesc situatia asta “stresanta?”). De multe ori, toate obiceiurile de mai sus te ajuta si sa previi / gestionezi mult mai bine stresul si sa iti organizezi timpul / viata mult mai bine.
In loc de concluzie, te las cu un exercitiu usor: acorda o nota de la 1 la 10 obiceiurilor enumerate mai sus (unde 1 = “sunt praf la capitolul asta”, iar 10 = “sunt campion la asta”), apoi fa media. Rezultatul? Cam asta e viata ta in acest moment. Si, daca nu schimbi nimic, trecerea timpului nu te va ajuta.
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O zi relaxanta iti doresc! …cu multa miscare, hidratare, nutritie, carti si somn de calitate.
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rapmonkive · 1 year
When it's unfiltered it's the keto diet when they drink it filtered it's regular food died
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Is it non-gmo if it's unfiltered but gmo if it is?
Are blood donation vans then really food trucks?
A vampire is going to target me now for this.
Or have very strong opinions.
I wonder if different blood types taste different to them. Are they like "Ugh, O+ is so plain"? Is being rh negative or positive like having a virgin cocktail drink?
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just-a-speck · 1 year
why didn't the macchar drink my blood?
cuz it was on a mos-keto diet
imma try a (mujhe) pel-le-o diet some day
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academyguide · 2 years
[ad_1] With only 50 calories and 6 grams of protein per serving you will enjoy this convenient snack. Calories carbs fat protein fiber cholesterol and more for Light String Cheese Millers.Pin On Discover Frigo Cheese Heads Cheese Find calories carbs and nutritional contents for String cheese - Low Fat and over 2000000 other foods at MyFitnessPal.String cheese nutrition. 63 fat 5 carbs 33 protein. Kraft Mozzarella String Cheese w 2 Milk. Want to use it in a meal plan. The Daily Value DV tells you how much a nutrient in a serving of food contributes to a daily diet. There are 80 calories in 1 stick 28 g of Great Value String Cheese. Starbucks String Cheese Calories There are 80 calories in a String Cheese from Starbucks. Monounsaturated Fat 00 g. 1 stick 24g Nutrition Facts. WW Light String Cheese has a mild creamy flavor that will excite your taste buds. Amount of Vitamin A in String Cheese. String cheese contains a rich amount of calcium. Below are the nutrition facts and Weight Watchers points for String Cheese from Starbucks Coffee. 1 string 28g Nutrition Facts. Frigo Cheese Heads Light String Cheese has 7 grams of protein and only 50 calories. Creamy delicious stringy fun its the perfect snack for your family. The nutrient for healthy bones white teeth and strength calcium is present in high levels in string cheese. Creamy delicious stringy fun and only 80 calories with 6 grams of protein. Saturated Fat 00 g. 9 rows Vitamin K. 2000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice. CULTURED PASTEURIZED MILK SALT AND ENZYMES. 50 Calories from Fat. It helps in making your bones stronger and healthier. You can also get stronger teeth with the Sargento string cheese nutrition. 63 fat 0 carbs 37 protein. Most of those calories come from protein 34 and fat 61. Reduced Fat Low-Moisture Mozzarella Cheese Calories. String cheese has a relatively low fat content as compared to other cheeses 25 grams in a 9 ounce pack and is a good source of protein 6 grams in a 9 ounce pack. Available in packs of 3 12 16 24 36 48 and 60. Polyunsaturated Fat 00 g. Total Fat 50 g. Organic Valley Mozzarella Cheese Stringles. This cheese strengthens heart muscles and helps in losing extra weight of the body. There are 80 calories in 1 stick 28 g of Sargento String Cheese Mozzarella Cheese Snacks. Percent Daily Value DV are based on a 2000 calorie diet Ingredients. Related Mozzarella Cheese from Sargento. Thoughtfully crafted with only 1 SmartPoints value per serving. Head to the diet generator and enter the number of calories you want. Total Carbohydrate 1g 033. Frigo Cheese Heads String Cheese is Americas Favorite. Vitamin C 0mg 0. Dietary Fiber 0g 0. Its the perfect snack for the on-the-go family. As shown above just one stick of string cheese offers. Vitamin A 200Number of International Units 4. Calories in Mozzarella String Cheese Sticks. Calories Fat Protein Fiber Carbs In Sargento Light String Cheese Calories Fat Protein Fiber Carbs In Trader Joes Organic Light String Cheese Calories Fat Protein Fiber Carbs In Tj Light String Cheese 1800 Calorie Diet Meal Plan. How much Vitamin A is in String Cheese. Frigo string cheese nutrition contains a large amount of Biotin. Pin On Low Fodmap Dairy Pin On Products Pin On Parenting Tips Tricks Pin On Products Chorizo Cake Fast And Delicious Clean Eating Snacks Recipe Polly O Mozzarella Whole Milk Pin On String Cheese Pin On Low Carb And Keto Articles Pin On Snacks General Healthful Pin On Kristen S Store Snacks Lunches For My New Job Pin On Coupons Freebies Cheapies More Pin On Food Nutrition Facts Pin On Discover Frigo Cheese Heads Cheese Dairy Aisle Cheeses Galbani Cheese Natural Cheese Cheese Galbani Cheese Pin On Thm Shopping List Pin On Foods Kraft Mozzarella Cheddar Twists 12 Count Mozzarella Kraft Cheese Cheese Snacks Pin On Products Pin On Nutrition Articles Pin On Get There
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lifestyle-foodies · 2 years
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