#karl pilkingtons diary
openingpandorasbox1 · 10 months
Famous diaries
Karl Pilkington started a diary that he wrote in a huge book. He decided to start writing a diary. He's heard of Anne Frank but admitted he's never heard of Samuel Pepys.
The diary was featured on Podcast The Ricky Gervais Show and you can listen to them today on YouTube.
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alchemisoul · 2 years
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"Ahmed told me they were expanding the museum so it could fit more tourists inside, but I think this will just encourage the museum people to put even more old boxes on display. It’s interesting to see that people had so much clutter even thousands of years ago. The only way to get rid of it all was to bury it, and then some archaeologist went and dug it all up. Humans."
"She gave me the jabs and said I was covered for every worst-case scenario, including being bitten by a dirty chimp. I told her this is why we have over-population problems. Why are idiots who annoy dirty chimps being protected?"
- Karl Pilkington, An Idiot Abroad: The Travel Diaries of Karl Pilkington
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luckyclover · 1 year
The Complete Diary of Karl Pilkington (A compilation w/ Ricky Gervais & ...
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loveinquotesposts · 4 years
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Everywhere we walked we got plenty of attention due to the camera and sound men. The locals love to get on camera. [...] I'd seen footage of Gandhi surrounded like this and always thought it was because he was very popular, but now I wonder if it was just because he had a camera crew with him. ― Karl Pilkington, An Idiot Abroad: The Travel Diaries of Karl Pilkington
#AnIdiotAbroadTheTravelDiariesOfKarlPilkington, #AnIdiotAbroadTheTravelDiariesOfKarlPilkingtonQuotes, #GandhiLoveQuotes, #KarlPilkington, #KarlPilkingtonGandhiLoveQuotes, #KarlPilkingtonQuotes
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j-wildeguy · 7 years
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Ahh, these guys’ podcasts would always make me laugh. Whether it was the Monkey News or extracts from Karl’s Diary, I would always laugh. Weird, innit?
Check out my other works from the previous days of December using the hashtag below!
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literarygoon · 4 years
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He’s kind of like Larry David without the rage issues.
In Chris Brauer’s diary-style non-fiction debut Life, in a Nutshell, the Creston school teacher rambles stream-of-consciousness about his life as a small-town Dad and school teacher. A sexual encounter with his wife is interrupted by cat vomit, he opines about misplaced apostrophes in shop signs, and stresses out about buying a new bathing suit. And though the world around him seems increasingly grim, he’s determined to focus on the lighter side of things.
“As I get older, I tend not to take myself too seriously. I take being a teacher and learning about the craft of writing seriously, but I never take myself seriously. I’ve never minded putting myself out there and being awkward,” Brauer told Literary Goon.
“With some parents holding their students back from school during COVID-19, and all the fear and anxiety around the American election, I wanted to offer a little break from that. To remind us that we’re all okay, even in the face of strange times, and to bring something light to the table. In the same way you crank 80s tunes when you’re cleaning the kitchen, I wanted this book to give people permission to dance in front of the mirror just to give yourself some relief.”
The book careens from one topic to the next, covering everything from Brauer’s childhood antics to his travels through Arabia and Ireland and his experiences at the front of the classroom. He describes his style as a mix between David Sedaris and Karl Pilkington, his persona a naive man-child. He doesn’t have much of a social life and tends to be a family-centred homebody, but he’s created a larger-than-life social media persona. It’s that spirit he’s channeled into Nutshell, which is named after a favourite Barenaked Ladies song. 
“When you’re writing non-fiction, it’s still a character you’re creating of yourself. I definitely paint myself as someone who bumbles through life, and sometimes that’s truth. I don’t tend to think things through, like the time I heaved a Christmas tree all the way home because I couldn’t be bothered to tie it down to the car,” he said.
“I don’t drive around and fix things. I’m not a farmer. I’m useless around the house, and my wife has more tools than I do. She’s the one who can fix things, while I definitely prefer to make dinner or drive the teenagers around.”
As a teacher, he’s exposed to a spectrum of people with different attitudes and worldviews. He’s become increasingly impatient with people who fixate on the negative elements of life, especially when there’s so much to laugh at.
“I feel like I’ve really started to see things in a funny way, whether I’m grocery shopping or teaching. I hope when people read this, they end up seeing the world as lighter than they did before. Some of the stories are just overheard conversations or jokes, while others are about things like the time when I almost killed my brother when I rolled a car tire down a steep driveway towards him,” he said.
“Some are meant to be laugh out loud funny, while some are just supposed to be loose and light little anecdotes that people can relate to. In Creston I don’t go out to the bar or know a lot of people, so this is my way of saying hello.”
To purchase Life, in a Nutshell, click here. 
The Literary Goon
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cometcrystal · 6 years
was tagged by @martiangirlfromtalloniv! 
Gender: girl
Birthday: september 8th
Last Movie Seen: peter pan 2003 which was RLY good
Last Thing You Googled: hit that like button if you think being haunted is kinda hot
Favourite Blog: i dont think i have a top fav blog
Dream Job: book editor probably. i mean my DREAM job is just nothing but book editor is what im actually aiming for
Dream Trip: can i say disney world even tho ive already been three times
What would your first entry in a new diary: uhhhhh i guess what i just thought about that day n shit
Top 3 things I like about myself: i do not give a shit and it makes me chill, my nose is big and it’s amazing, ive got really good taste in media
3 things you wish you knew how to do: drive without getting anxiety attacks, draw so i could draw all the ideas n shit in my head, uhhhhh that’s about it honestly
Something you wish you had discovered first: like, scientific discoveries or media or what?? idk whys it gotta be a race
Three Qualities You like in a Person: their supportive-ness in my interests, not being mean about dumb shit, basically just. being nice
Three Qualities You Dislike in a Person: unnecessary bitterness over things that Just Dont Matter, people who tag shit for fandoms when they just mention the damn thing, people who are like “omggg im 20 and im watching this kids cartoon!!! lol”
Favourite Planet: earth???????????????????????/
A resolution you make every year: i never rly make resolutions i just kinda go with the flow
Something You are better at than most people: im better at going unnoticed. im very quiet
Something you are worse at than most people: basic human conversation irl but i’m getting better
Favourite Thing about Tumblr: the sense of community between you and people that share your interests that you won’t find in a lot of other places. it helps you feel less alone
Least Favourite Thing about Tumblr: lots of things
Weapon of Choice: morning star
Something Not Many People Know About Me: idk anything that yall wouldn’t know about because i just talk about all my shit all the time.... did yall know ive beat neopets the darkest faerie for ps2 like 5 or 6 times?
Favourite means of Transport: all means of transport give me some level of anxiety in one way or another but cars probably. theyre the safest bet. i think. in my head.
Favourite Story: story as in like...fairytale? does alice in wonderland count bc i love almost all versions of that
Chicken or Egg: i dont care
What’s the strangest thing about you: i can bend my fingers backwards to a 90 degree angle
Something that always makes me laugh: karl pilkington did i tell you about the immune system
You get to switch someone for a day, who would it be: a cat because i just wanna know what being a cat feels like i think. i wanna jump high
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i-hate-wheatley · 7 years
That one time when Stephen Merchant read from Karl Pilkington's diary but it's Rick who's reading the diary and Wheatley laughing his ass off
this ask has a cursed aura to it
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itunesbooks · 5 years
An Idiot Abroad - Karl Pilkington
An Idiot Abroad The Travel Diaries of Karl Pilkington Karl Pilkington Genre: Humor Price: $8.99 Publish Date: September 3, 2010 Publisher: Canongate Books Seller: Canongate Books Limited Presenting the Travel Diaries of Karl Pilkington: Adventurer. Philosopher. Knob head. Karl Pilkington isn’t keen on travelling. Given the choice, he’ll go on holiday to Devon or Wales or, at a push, eat English food on a package holiday in Majorca. Which isn’t exactly Michael Palin, is it? So what happened when he was convinced by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant to go on an epic adventure to see the Seven Wonders of the World? Travel broadens the mind, right?  You’d think so... http://bit.ly/2Ez4clZ
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4ngeleyez · 7 years
"I asked him if he was gay. He didn't give me a straight answer."
Karl Pilkington, An idiot abroad, The travel diaries of Karl Pilkington, In Brazil asking Celso
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scourgent · 7 years
just some nice things that lift me spirits when im In Deep: karl pilkington's diary, worst cooks in america, colorblind people seeing color for the first time, animals sneezing, MEOW, vine compilations, that one reddit thread of true facts that sound fake, "main hoon romeo", "cool, cool", & "chhoo le nah" from roadside romeo
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achraf1149 · 4 years
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Mara Carlyle’s senior year goes as usually as might be expected until—we-bam!—fellow senior Katelyn Ogden explodes throughout playing period pre-calc. Katelyn is that the 1st, however she won’t be the last juvenile person to increase unexpectedly or clarification. because the seniors still pop like balloons, sensible and humourous Mara narrates the tip of their world as she is aware of it. however, inside associate degree, explosive year punctuated by romance, quarantine, long friendly relationship, and also the hope of creating it to graduation lies a funny, super honest, and moving story of being a teen and also the sorrow of claiming auf wiedersehen.
There’s virtually nothing I like quite a literate comedy. If you, like me, fancy each an excellent book and a deep belly-laugh, I’ve compiled an inventory of must-read books only for the U.S. (in no explicit order as a result of they’re all hilarious).
I know you’ll have felt regarding this list, as a result of all book lovers have felt regarding book lists, am I right? Let ME grasp what I incomprehensible, what you're thinking that I got wrong, and what you're thinking that I got right.
1. Is everybody Hanging Out while not Me? (And different Concerns) by Mindy Kaling
2. Has Anyone Seen My Pants by wife Colonna
3. Neil Patrick|St. Patrick|Apostle|patron saint} Harris: opt for Your Own life story by Neil Patrick Harris
4. The transient Wondrous lifetime of honor Wao by Junot Bartholomeu Dias – This one has each mirth and poignancy, therefore it’s a small amount a lot of mixed than another title on this list.
Crazy wealthy Asians5. Crazy wealthy Asians by Kevin Kwan
6. A enter The Woods by Bill Bryson
7. symptom by Nora Ephron
8. Varano by César Aira – Translated from Spanish, it’s got a small amount of Monty Python-esque shtick hidden in beautiful prose.
9. My Man Jeeves (Jeeves #1) by P.G. Wodehouse
10. Gil’s All Fright Diner by A. Lee Martinez
11. the way to Be Black by Baratunde Thurston
12. mindlessness by Horatio Castellanos Moya
13. Texts from Jane Eyre: And different Conversations together with your Favorite Literary Characters by Mallory Ortberg and Madeline Gobbo
See You Next Tuesday14. See You Next Tues by Jane Mai
15. Where’d You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple
16. Bossypants by Tina Fey
17. solace Farm by Frank Stella Gibbons
18. Lucky Jim by Kingsley Amis
19. Go the Fuck To Sleep by Adam Mansbach
20. to mention Nothing Of The Dog by Connie Willis
21. Misconceptions by Blu Daniels
22. Domestic Violets by Matthew Norman
23. The poor Diaries: The fully True and humourous Misadventures of a decent woman Gone poor by Angela Nissel
24. Beauty Queens by Libba Bray
25. a foul plan I’m on the point of Do: True Tales of Seriously Poor Judgment and spectacularly Awkward journey by Chris Gethard
the lake affair by opaque gem Fforde26. The lake Affair by opaque gem Fforde (a whole awing series!)
27. The blue blood Bride by William Emma Goldman
28. The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead by easy lay Brooks
29. the way to Be a lady by Caitlin Moran
30. Blonde Bombshell by Tom Holt
31. The perfidy by Paul Beatty
32. exaggeration and a 0.5 by Allie Brosh
33. I speak Pretty in some unspecified time in the future by David Sedaris
Lamb34. Lamb: The Gospel consistent with Biff, Christ’s Childhood Pal by Saint Christopher Moore – the sole Good Shepherd comedy I do know that's beloved by nonbelievers and Christians alike.
35. The Cry of the Sloth by Sam Savage – This book honestly had ME in stitches. If you liked A Confederacy of Dunces, browse this one.
36. The company by easy lay Barry
37. You Can’t bit My Hair And different Things I Still need to justify by Phoebe Robinson
38. the color of Magic (Discworld #1) by Terry Pratchett (You don’t even have to begin at #1 in Discworld; I believe I started with #33 and it was extremely pleasurable. There’s a graphic here that outlines the various sub-series and their 1st books, just in case you wish to leap around.)
39. smart Omens: the great and correct Prophecies of Agnes oddball, Witch by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
40. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by The Little Giant Adams
41. A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole
Such a fairly Fat42. Such a fairly Fat: One Narcissist’s Quest to get if Her Life Makes Her Ass Look huge, or Why Pie isn't the solution by Jen Lancaster
43. Don Quixote by Miguel Diamond State Cervantes Saavedra
44. Home Land by Sam Lipsyte
45. Typical Yankee by Gish Jen
46. The Importance of Being Earnest by writer
47. I used to be Told There’d Be Cake by Sloane Crosley
48. life story of a Fat Bride: True Tales of a fake Adulthood by Laurie Notaro
49. The Regional workplace Is beneath Attack! by Manuel Gonzales
50. trendy Romance by Aziz Ansari
Adulthood may be Myth51. Adulthood may be a Myth: A “Sarah’s Scribbles” assortment by wife Hans Christian Andersen
52. What If Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd hypothetic queries by Randall Munroe
53. somebody may Get Hurt: A Memoir of Twenty-First-Century parentage by role player Magary
54. The Adventures of Holly White and also the unimaginable Sex Machine by Krissy Kneen
55. Killing aunty by Andrzej Bursa
56. I'm Not thespian by Percival Everett
57. Yes, Please by Amy Poehler
58. The Grass is often Greener Over the storage tank by Erma Bombeck
59. Shrill by social dancing West
60. On Beauty by Zadie Smith
61. Running With Scissors by Augusten Burroughs
62. the net may be a Playground by David Thorne (side-splittingly funny)
63. A summer solstice Night’s Dream by a poet (SHAKESPEARE IS HILAIRE)
64. Blackass by A. Igoni Barrett
65. Let’s fake This ne'er Happened by Jenny Lawson
I Hate Fairyland66. I Hate Fairyland by Skottie Young
67. Mother, are you able to Not? by Kate Siegel
68. Nimona by Noelle Stevenson
69. The Misadventures of Awkward Black woman by Issa Rae
70. saint Jones’s Diary by Helen Fielding
71. It Gets Worse by Shane town
72. Octopus Pie by Meredith grandmother (fave webcomic ever . . . perhaps favorite comic ever)
73. Redshirts by John Scalzi
74. Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
75. Breakfast of Champions by Vonnegut
76. ar You There, Vodka? It’s ME, Chelsea by Chelsea Handler
77. Smashed, Squashed, Splattered, Chewed, Chunked and Spewed by Lance Carbuncle
78. The completely True Diary Of A Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie
79. vocalizer and Me: Life and Love With the World’s Worst Dog by John Grogan
80. I'm America (And therefore will You!) by author sauce
Dora A Headcase81. Dora: A Headcase by Lidia Yuknavitch
82. the space by Jonas Karlsson
83. American state Roadkill by Tim Dorsey
84. associate degree simple Abroad: The Travel Diaries of Karl Pilkington by Karl Pilkington
85. The Gun merchant by Hugh Laurie
86. The unabridged Devil’s wordbook by Ambrose Bierce
87. I’m judgment You: The Do-Better Manual by Luvvie Ajayi
88. Sick Puppy by Carl Hiaasen
89. The Innocents Abroad by Mark Twain
Clown Girl90. Clown woman by Monica Drake
91. this is often wherever I Leave You by Jonathan Tropper
92. biscuit by Fran Ross
93. The Sugar opaque Nutsack by Mark Leyner
94. part Blues by patron saint Wensink
95. The Road to Wellville by T.C. Boyle
96. The Assimilated Cuban’s Guide to Quantum Santeria by Hector Hevodidbon Hernandez
97. a woman Named Zippy by Haven Kimmel
98. Job: A Comedy of Justice by Henry M. Robert Robert Anson Heinlein
99. Ella cyprinid fish Pea: A increasingly Lipogrammatic epistolatory Fable by Mark Dunn
100. Super unhappy True story by point of entry Shteyngart
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tuseriesdetv · 7 years
Noticias de series de la semana: Sheldon es el primero en recibir el back-nine
Veintidós para Sheldon
Young Sheldon ha sido la primera serie nueva en conseguir el back-nine, nueve episodios añadidos al encargo original de trece, llegando a un total de veintidós episodios en su primera temporada. La renovación está ahora un poco más cerca. Junto a The Big Bang Theory y Mom, ya son tres las series a temporada completa de Chuck Lorre en CBS.
Renovaciones de series
NBC ha renovado Marlon por una segunda temporada
Cancelaciones de series
Spike ha cancelado The Mist tras su primera temporada
Dicen que NBC ha cancelado The Brave tras un episodio emitido
Incorporaciones y fichajes de series
Tyler Posey (Teen Wolf, Jane the Virgin) se une como regular a la tercera temporada de Scream. Será Shane, un camello fiestero.
Natascha McElhone (Californication, The Truman Show) será la visionaria CEO británica de la compañía que está detrás de la misión a Marte en The First. Su agenda le permitirá compaginarlo con Designated Survivor.
Sanaa Lathan (Boss, Shots Fired) será recurrente en la cuarta temporada de The Affair como la nueva jefa de la escuela donde enseña Noah (Dominic West).
Matthew del Negro (Scandal, Teen Wolf) será recurrente en la segunda temporada de Goliath como Danny Loomis, consejero de los más poderosos.
Rumer Willis (Tory Ash) ha sido ascendida a regular en Empire de cara a la cuarta temporada. Teyonah Parris (Mad Men, Survivor's Remorse) será recurrente como la detective Pamela Rose.
Amy Jackson será recurrente en la tercera temporada de Supergirl como Saturn Girl.
Mckenna Grace (Fuller House, Designated Survivor) y Violet McGraw (Love) se unen a The Haunting of Hill House.
D.W. Moffett (Switched at Birth, Chicago Med) será el padre de Connor (Jack Falahee) en la cuarta temporada de How to Get Away with Murder.
Kyanna Simone Simpson (Show Me a Hero) se une como recurrente a Black Lightning. Será Kiesha, hija del inspector Henderson (Damon Gupton) y mejor amiga de Jennifer Pierce (China Anne McClain).
Babou Ceesay (Guerrilla, National Treasure), Sherman Augustus (Low Winter Sun, American Odyssey) y Ella-Rae Smith (Clique) se unen como regulares a la tercera temporada de Into the Badlands. Lewis Tan y Dean-Charles Chapman (Game of Thrones, The White Queen) serán recurrentes.
Nicole Kang se une como recurrente a You. Se desconocen detalles.
Abraham D. Juste se une como recurrente a Grownish.
Elijah Kelley (The New Edition Story, The Wiz Live!) será recurrente en Star como Andy, graduado de Harvard que quiere triunfar en el mundo de la música.
Leslie Jordan (American Horror Story, The Help) volverá a ser Beverley Leslie en la novena temporada de Will & Grace. Max Greenfield (New Girl) participará como invitado en el mismo episodio.
Merrin Dungey (Big Little Lies, Once Upon A Time) sustituye a Moran Atias en el papel de Claire Thorpe, CEO del Chastain Park Memorial, personaje regular en The Resident. Atias, a su vez, pasará a interpretar a la jefa de marketing del hospital.
Louis Gossett Jr., Corbin Bernsen (Psych), Andrew Dice Clay (Dice, Entourage), Laura Allen (Awake, The 4400), Sydney Wease y Curtis Harding se unen como recurrentes a la tercera temporada de Hap & Leonard. Serán un cocinero, el jefe de la policía, un disc jockey de la radio, una agente de Texas, una niña abandonada y una leyenda del blues.
Tom Wlaschiha (Game of Thrones), Vincent Kartheiser (Mad Men), James D'Arcy (Agent Carter) y Thierry Frémont (Juste un regard) acompañarán a Lizzy Caplan (Masters of Sex), August Wittgenstein (The Crown), Rainer Bock (Inglourious Basterds), Rick Okon, Vicky Krieps, Leonard Scheicher, Robert Stadlober, Franz Dinda y Stefan Konarske en Das Boot, event series inspirada en la película de 1981 y la novela de Lothar-Gunther Buchheim (1973) sobre un submarino en una misión durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Betty Buckley (Oz, Eight is Enough) será recurrente en la tercera temporada de Supergirl como Patricia Arias, madre de la nueva villana (Odette Annable).
Lindsey Gort (The Carrie Diaries) será recurrente en Titans como la detective Amy Rohrbach, nueva compañera de Dick "Robin" Grayson (Brenton Thwaites).
Yadira Guevara-Prip (Mad Dogs) se une como recurrente a la decimotercera temporada de Supernatural. Si el spin-off Wayward Sisters recibe luz verde, será coprotagonista.
Courtney Grosbeck (Parenthood) será recurrente en la séptima temporada de Homeland como Josie, la sobrina pequeña de Carrie (Claire Danes). Dylan Baker (The Americans, The Good Wife) también será recurrente como el senador Sam Paley, disidente del suroeste que lidera una agresiva investigación contra la Presidenta Keane.
Necar Zadegan (Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce) se une como recurrente a la nueva serie de Allan Ball para HBO.
Pósters de series
      Nuevas series
BBC One encarga ocho episodios de The Dublin Murders, adaptación de 'In the Woods' y 'The Likeness', las dos primeras novelas de la saga de Tana French sobre la investigación de asesinatos por parte de The Dublin Murder Squad. Adapta Sarah Phelps, encargada de trasladar a la pequeña pantalla The Casual Vacancy o And Then There Were None.
Sky 1 ha encargado Sick of It, creada y protagonizada por Karl Pilkington (An Idiot Abroad, The Moaning of Life), que nos cuenta cómo le iría la vida si no hubiera conocido a Stephen Merchant y Ricky Gervais. Recién abandonado por su novia de toda la vida y viviendo con su tía, cuenta con una voz en su cabeza como principal compañía.
Sky 1 ha encargado The Reluctant Landlord, creada y protagonizada por Romesh Ranganathan basada en su propia experiencia, comedia sobre un hombre que hereda un bar en el testamento de su padre y debe mantenerlo porque su madre le chantajea emocionalmente. Sian Gibson y Seann Walsh interpretan a su mujer y a su mejor amigo.
Freeform ha encargado el piloto de The Perfectionists, un spin-off de Pretty Little Liars con Alison (Sasha Pieterse) y Mona (Janel Parrish) como protagonistas.
Len Wiseman, guionista y director de la saga Underworld, prepara una serie con un tono más maduro.
Los creadores de Party of Five desarrollan un reboot protagonizado por una familia latina.
Fechas de series
Knightfall llega a History el 6 de diciembre
La cuarta temporada de The Librarians se estrena en TNT el 20 de diciembre
Tráilers de series
Shameless - Temporada 8
Red Oaks - Temporada 3
Peaky Blinders - Temporada 4
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indiikaa · 7 years
Went with mom to her doctors appointment, and I of course eded up at Chapters.
I bought two books - The Travel Diaries of Karl Pilkington and The Further Adventures of An Idiot Abroad. 
I love Karl so much,m he’s hilarious! 
Also bought myself a new outsi\fit for summer, I love this top so much! And since my work belt snapped last night due to old age, I bought myself two new ones!
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