#kare x jessika
damn-stark · 4 years
Crossed Stars Ch.1
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Star Wars x Marvel crossover
A/N- Ayye so first chapter! I’m excited and nervous, but overall glad of how this turned out. I hope you guys like the chapter and let me know what you thought!!
Warning- talks of death, angst, fluff, light swearing. :(
Pairing- Poe Dameron x reader, Steve Rogers x reader
(Let me know if you wanna be tagged)
It had been two years since The Resistance beat the evil First Order and Emperor Palpatine. Six months since the galaxy had finally come to a peace agreement, turning into a new great republic. Three months since Rey began building her new Jedi academy with your help and the help of your friends and...General Poe Dameron.
You weren’t a Jedi like Rey, or had a famous family name like her and Dameron, neither were you special in a sense that you bravely left the once First Order like your best friend Finn, but you were special in your own way, you made yourself known throughout the years of hard work. A once moisture farmer turned General, it took years to get to where you were and you were proud...and yet you felt like something was missing, like their was something else you needed to do in life. Perhaps that’s why you were helping Rey out, to finally complete that missing piece.
“Just a couple more months and the academy is going to be ready. All our hard work finally paid off.” Finn beamed as he overlooked the unfinished building from a green hill in Ahch-To.
You playfully shoved his shoulder with yours, “Okay well, Jedi Master if you don’t get back to work it’s never going to be finished.” Instead of moving along he sits on the grass.
Finn shakes his head, “I’m not a Jedi Master. Yet.”
“Oh so you’ve decided to live your life in celibacy, Jedi Master?” Dameron jokes as he joins Finn on the grass.
Finn fakes a laugh and uses the force to push Dameron to the ground, which said man only laughs off as he sits up once again. You roll your eyes and attempt to leave but Poe comments as he watches you leave, “Leaving so soon, sweetheart.”
“The sight of you just makes me want to punch you in the face.” You retort with a feigned smile. Poe chuckles and just flashes a grin. A grin that makes you scoff, and want to....well punch him in the face.
Poe Dameron and you had always been competitive against each other..maybe you more than him, but it’s all the same. He’s always gotten everything he’s wanted, his title of Captain, his title of Commander and then his title of General. All without barely even trying, just him and his stupid perfect smile. All while you had to bust your ass hour after hour. It wasn’t fair. You only tolerated him now because of Finn, Rey and Chewbacca.
And as if you had summoned them with your thoughts Rey and Chewbacca joined too, leaving the work that was supposed to be done, completely abandoned. You would have left if it weren’t for Chewbacca picking you up and sitting you down next to Finn.
“It’s not going to be like that anymore. Rey is making a new order. Different from the ones before.” Finn informed his friend. “But let’s not talk about that now, overall I think we’re working fine, all things considered.” Finn eyes shift from Dameron and you before sharing a look with Rey.
“What is that supposed to mean?” You quirk your eyebrow, making Finn instantly regret what he had said.
“Just, well...” Finn shrugs, his eyes flickering to Rey and Chewbacca for help, but receiving none, “Poe and you are always arguing about stupid things, you know.”
“I don’t start it.” Dameron argues, “it’s always princess here that likes to start—”
Your lips part and quickly you snap back, “Oh please! You’re the one that likes things too perfect, nothing is ever good—”
“No, that’s not true—”
Chewbacca roars loudly, cutting off whatever it was the General was going to say. As a response you let out an irritated huff before crossing your arms over your chest.
“See what you started, Finn.” Rey says cheekily. Finn only shakes his head and wraps an arm around your shoulders to pull you to his side. You’re stubborn at first to ease into his hold, but ultimately do it, resting your head on his shoulder and making him smile.
“Better?” Finn whispers.
You roll your eyes in a lighthearted way and answer in the same whisper, “No.” But that’s also where you’re unaware of Dameron’s lingering gaze on you, one he forces away so you wouldn’t catch him.
“Pushing all that aside,” Rey begins, “I’m grateful for all of you helping me out with this. I know that without you guys none of this would happen, so thank you.”
You smile and nod, “what is a family for? We’re here every step of the way.”
Chewbacca roars in agreement, while BB8 chirps happily at her side. Rey’s grin widens and her eyes glistened with unshed tears.
“Y/N’s right, we’re family, we’re here every step of the way.” Dameron agreed.
“They’re agreeing with each-other,” Finn pointed out happily, “that’s when you know it’s true.”
You scoff and push Finn to side playfully, and just as he was going to return the action he went stiff, his smile dropping completely and his eyes desperately looking around as he held onto his chest.
“Finn, are you okay?” You questioned him as your own smile began to slowly disappear.
Rey noticed Finn’s strange behavior and also called to him, her eyebrows knotted in confusion, “Finn? What’s—” then she too went rigid, cutting herself off as her eyes expressed a mix of panicked emotions. She tried to stand up, but she quickly began to lose balance and would’ve fallen if Chewbacca hadn’t caught her in time. “Some-something’s wrong.” She muttered.
Finn tried to play it off like it was nothing and pushed himself off the ground and onto his feet.
Dameron stood up too and extended his hand to help Finn, but said man only waved off his help, “I’m okay..it’s just—I got dizzy.”
Quickly you stood up to your full height and looked desperately between Finn and Rey who looked anything but fine. Carefully you approached Finn in perfect time to catch him as his legs gave out. “Finn what’s wrong?” You asked in a shaky voice.
“I-I don’t know, I feel...” His breathing began to get heavy and panicked, “it’s—”
Finns words were cut off as Chewbacca called out in a low panicked growl. Dameron, Finn and you looked to him and saw as his arms were beginning to vanish, turning into dust and dropping Rey to the ground.
“Chewie?!” You screeched, tears slipping down your cheeks as you looked to his vanishing bottom half, whilst he roared out in confusion and fear. Dameron ran to him in attempts to help whatever it was that was happening, but as he reached the Wookiee his hands reached thin air as he vanished into nothing but dust in front of your eyes.
“Chewie?!” Rey sobbed.
“What-what the hell?!” Dameron questioned.
You stood frozen in place, unable to react to what had happened and only letting tears roll down your cheeks.
Quickly you turned your head to Finn as he called out to you in a low voice. He looked to you and then down to his hands as he too started turning to dust.
“Finn! Buddy, what—No!” Dameron called as he ran to his friends side.
“No, no, no, no.” You kept repeating as you held onto him with a firm hold, like if doing that would help him from vanishing. Finn then fell to the ground, taking you down with him, his arms no longer around you as they vanished. He began to hyperventilate, looking between you and his other friends for help, tears rolling down his cheeks as he was utterly confused on what was happening. He said no words and just looked to you as he too vanished into nothing but dust, causing you to completely drop on the grass as the hold you had on him was gone.
In that moment of desperation you looked up to Dameron, but before either of you could comment, BB8 began to chirp frantically making you both turn to see Rey vanishing too. Instantly you rushed to her side, letting her take your hand as she cried quietly, her attempts to remain brave failing as her bottom half was vanishing.
“Stay strong, okay?” She whispered, as she held onto your hand tighter, her eyes turning to Dameron and smiling slightly like she had done with you, “the both of you.” Rey then looked up to the sky as the rest of her turned to dust.
Slowly you looked away from where she had been, letting out a shaky breath as your mind still couldn’t process what had happened. You had no answers, just questions, confusion and grief.
“Poe?” You quietly called out. He slowly pulled his gaze to you, both of you sharing the same lost and sad expression. “Wh-what happened?”
Poe shook his head, “I don’t know.”
The number of people missing throughout the galaxy was still unidentified, in fact their wasn’t anything The New Council knew for what had happened. People only have been running in and out of the briefing room since, Dameron and you came back to the capital. All of them like you still baffled, grief stricken and in-denial to the sudden vanishing.
The only thing you did know was that droids didn’t vanish, just all living forms, so at least you still had your astro-mech droid R2-D2. Besides that everyone you were really close with was gone, just turned to dust in front of you...well all except for Poe Dameron. He was here and you hated to think of such a thought but...you wished he had vanished instead of Finn. Were you horrible to think of such a thing? Yes. Yes you were, but he, well he just had a way to get on your nerves.
“Any new data on the vanished?” Commander Zuko asked you, making all eyes land on you as they waited for an answer, an answer you still didn’t have. One by the lack of reports and two, well your attention was not in this room, but on the image of your best friends vanishing in front of you. “General L/N. Reports.”
You snap your attention to the commander across from you, your eyes still red from the crying; “I-I don’t know.” You stammer.
“How do you not know? You’re a general and in charge of—”
“Commander Zuko, y/n..General L/N is obviously not in the right head space for any of this, take it easy.” Dameron quickly interrupted the commander, “neither of us are. What happened, was-was an unexpected tragedy.”
Commander Zuko shook his head, “A tragedy we need to figure out. Was it the First Order? Are they back again?”
Their had been more members on the council, like Finn for example, other people you liked and tolerated, but after this you were left with Commander Zuko, an officer two years older than you, and one of the the only remaining members that lived after the republic was killed years ago. He was a tall good looking man, with the darkest hair and dark eyes to match, but also with no patience at all. Which is why you didn’t tolerate him. You were left with the two people you didn’t. Yay...
“It’s not the first order.” You comment, “they’ve destroyed planets yes, but they wanted to take over the galaxy and the people. Not this.”
“Then could it be? Palpatine? The dark side?” Dameron questioned.
“That’s what we’re trying to figure out now.” You shrug. Commander Zuko stood from his chair and walked to the transipersteel, quietly standing there as he watched the sunset. Beautiful and vibrant. Orange, red and yellow hues, that basked your face and showed the long expression your face expressed, the planet showing a beauty that gave off a calming and happy energy that no one felt. The sight made you want to cry again, and you would have if Lieutenant Connix hadn’t walked in.
“We’ve found something!” She exclaimed as she set down a datapad on the table. “Crazy energy readings found that happened at the same time everyone vanished.” Commander Zuko slowly made his way beside her, stroking his chin as a map popped up.
“Where is that? It’s not any star charts or a system we know.” Dameron wondered as he slowly pushed himself off his chair.
You focused your gaze on the map and the planets orbiting surrounding the one sun, finding it unrecognizable.
“Yeah that’s what we figured out, but all the energy came from that single planet.” Lieutenant Connix pointed to the small planet and enhanced the view. “Whatever happened here is because of that single planet.”
“one planet.” Commander Zuko mused, “it’s so small.”
“And it seems to be the only inhabitable planet according to the readings.” Dameron pointed out.
“It doesn’t matter.” You start, feeling a new sense of confidence as you pulled your eyes off the holomap and focused on the people around the table, “however small the planet is, we’re going. We need answers for what they did.”
“And if the confrontation leads to war?” Dameron queried.
“Then so be it.” You respond sharply, “they killed my friends. My family. And everyone in our galaxy, so if it leads to war then they will have a war.”
Commander Zuko smirked and turned to you, “yes, General L/N is right, our galaxy has suffered long enough. We will get justice.”
“Their is still Final Order fleets that are intact.” Lieutenant Connix added with a hint of a smile, “we can use those.”
Dameron turned to meet your gaze and nodded in agreement, “we’re doing this for them. For the galaxy.”
You smiled softly, finally agreeing to something he said.
“For the galaxy.” You all repeated.
The silence of hyperspace was deafening, filled with tension that basked every fleet not just yours. No one talked and if someone did it was to pass instructions or information, everyone was too badly affected by what happened to do anything. You were surprised people even volunteered to a potential war, those who didn’t were tired of fighting, or just not in the headspace after watching people vanish before them.
Why were you doing it? For the family you lost...Finn, Rey and Chewbacca, to get justice for them and well it beat being in a galaxy without them, and it beat being alone with your trauma.
The sound of rolling droids pulled your attention off the blue and white view of the passing stars of hyperspace, to see artoo and BB8. Truly a sight for sore eyes.
“Hi boys, having fun?” You question with a forced smile. Artoo answers with complaining beeping, also making BB8 do the same. “We’re almost there. So that means no more long flying, promise.”
Artoo does a sound that mimics a long sigh before moving by your side, while BB8 pulls out something he was hiding...a black metal object.
Rey’s lightsaber.
You take it from the little droid and examine the weapon, sadness once again presenting itself within you. You continue by pulling your gaze back down to the droid and patting its head. “You’re right, it’s good you brought. It wouldn’t be safe if you left it behind, people get desperate in times like these. Who knows who could’ve taken it.”
BB8 responds by chirping sadly at the thought of his lost friend.
“Yeah, I miss her too.” You sigh, placing the lightsaber hilt on the table next to you as you hear approaching footsteps that belonged to Poe Dameron. You meet his gaze for a second before focusing it back on the view of hyperspace.
“We’re almost there. It’s time to prepare your squadron.” He informed you as he took a seat next you.
You responded with a shake of your head before sighing, “my squadron is all gone, I’m the only one left. I can’t be red leader without any pilots.”
Dameron hesitated, not knowing how to answer your upsetting response. “Uh well...ever since snap died I’ve been needing a black two. You can fill the spot if you want.”
“And be your second?” You grumble, “no thanks.”
Dameron rolled his eyes but decided not to shoot back with a snarky remark, and instead chose to be gentle with his words, “look I just don’t want you staying here in the ship when you can be down there facing some action. And well I don’t think I know a good negotiator as good as you, you’re good with people. We need that if we want to know what’s wrong.”
“You can do it, General Organa always preferred you for that stuff. She said I had a temper.” You responded dryly, with no emotion or usual amount of spunk that Poe Dameron was used to hearing.
All he heard was a broken person, that was also something rare to hear from you, even after being tortured by the first order you didn’t sound like this. But it was expected, after all you did see the people you cared about vanish in front of you. Rey, Chewie and...Finn...whatever he meant to you, Poe didn’t know, all he did know was that you two could mean more than friends to each-other or...meant. But Poe saw that all happen too and he didn’t—well if he was being honest he wasn’t okay either, but he didn’t show it in front of everyone like you did, no, you just didn’t care anymore, not like before.
Again that was expected, but all he wanted to hear was your usual need for action, the encouragement and determination, the usual and not needed competitive attitude you had towards him. But sadly none of that was showing...but he was going to try and make you feel that again.
Dameron sighed and quickly stood to his feet, walking to face you with determination, “you can still keep your title, no black two or any of that. I just need you to fly with me. I’ve known you for years now and I don’t trust anyone else but you. So be in command with me, let’s get these answers and justice for our friends, okay?”
You slowly turn your head to meet his gaze, showing a watery gaze, no smile but nodding in agreement nonetheless; “fine.”
“No shields, space stations, fleets or protective objects of any kind. Just...” you narrow your gaze on the floating satellites and scrunch your nose, “just satellites.”
“Yeah are you sure this is the planet?” Jessika Pava questioned curiously through the comms.
“This is it.” Dameron confirmed.
“I’ve got to give it to this planet though, it’s pretty,” Kare kun added as you all saw the mostly water covered planet.
“I guess,” you shrug, “I don’t trust it..” you trail off, “artoo, turn on all cannon blasters. I’ve got a bad feeling.”
“We’ve got communication.” Commander Zuko reported in, “sending coordinates to the landing point, god speed pilots and if anything happens report it, we’ll be ready.”
Dameron proceeded to check in, “All pilots ready?”
As you landed your x-wing on the ground, you looked up to the sky, remembering once again after two years how intimidating the fleets looked like from the ground. You once fought against them, and now you were using them for a potential war, sounds almost poetic how that turned out to be.
Nonetheless you open the canopy and hop off your fighter, just like everyone else you came here with. Artoo sticks closely to your side and discreetly hands you the weapon from before, Rey’s lightsaber. You don’t even know how to use it, but you still take it l and meet up with the rest of your crew.
Carefully keeping an eye out for the species you’re supposed to be meeting. Theirs no armies of any kind surrounding you or warriors of any kind, just buildings made out of transipersteel, ships on hangers, and green pasture with one sun in the sky. Besides that, no looming threat, in fact they seem to be somewhat civilized, whoever they were.
The sound of artoo’s warning pulls your attention back, and to the location of where the noise of approaching footsteps is heard. Dameron and you meet each other’s gaze, sharing a knowing look that caused you to pull your blasters out and have it ready. For just in case. But once you see the appearance of who the footsteps belonged to, you’re not all threatened or scared, in fact you’re curious.
Theirs only five single people, one who seemed to be a droid and the rest just with weapons on them, but besides that nothing about them was threatening. They were like you, human. Well all except the little animal sentient next to them. Besides that they seemed reasonable. In fact the man leading the group looked the least dangerous of them all. He was tall, blond and handsome—now you hated to think of such a thing in an occasion such as this, but you couldn’t lie to yourself and think he wasn’t.
“Who are you?” The women with short blond hair asked, her just like you seeming to have the same surprised expression you and the rest of your crew had.
“I could ask you the same thing.” Dameron snapped back.
The man in the middle looked to his comrades and back to all of you, before confidently announcing, “we’re...The Avengers.”
A/N- was commanders Zuko’s name inspired from prince Zuko himself? Yes. Yes it was.
Tagged- @itsbuckyb1tch​​
Permanent taglist- @ms-dont-care​​
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makohjey-moved · 4 years
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Kare: This food is too hot. I can’t eat it.
Snap: You’re too hot, and I still eat you.
Kare: *blushes*
Snap: *winks*
Jess: One dinner. I just want ONE DINNER.
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Jess Pava and Wedge Antilles headcanons please!
Ok both of these appear in both canon and the modern AU @x-wings-and-lightsabers and I are writing so surprise you get 6!
Wedge (Canon)
-Had crushes on Sabine Wren and Luke Skywalker before he met Norra.
-It’s a little known fact but both he and Snap have perfect pitch and write and sing songs together in their spare time.
-After Snap’s d**th, he doesn’t rage at everyone like Norra does. He spends just as much time comforting Poe and Kare and is one of the first people to hold Snap’s daughter.
-Picks up Snap from school and gets him ice cream after Snap gets in a fight, because someone had made the mistake of insulting Norra.
-Took and subsequently leaked all of Poe and Rey’s engagement pictures.
-Showed up to meet Snap and Kare’s daughter in a suit because “first impressions matter”.
Jess (canon)
-Is really kriffing strong (can beat Poe and Kare at an arm-wrestling match, and Snap too, but only left-handed) Bonus: she’s left handed.
-She and her sister are twins and she’s younger by two minutes.
- While not romantically attracted to anyone she WILL cuddle with you. Like, you could go to sleep on separate sides of the room and SOMEHOW she’s right next to you when you wake up. (Kinda creepy, ngl)
-Nobody knows where she got this from, but she has a real potty mouth and very, very crude humor.
-Is the best car chaser in the police force.
-Is fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese, Taiwanese,Japanese and English. (Gets really mad when Poe messes up her Chinese name.)
I’ve got more, message me if you want them lol.
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lajulie24 · 6 years
Six Sentence Sunday
This again? Karé thought affectionately, though she understood Jess’s interest. She shook her head and bent down to lace up her boots. “I’m telling you, you know as much as I do.”
Jess had the rest of her clothes on now, too, and was turning her sock right side out before putting it back on, but she paused to give Karé a little side-eye. “So Poe invites you to a super-secret sabacc game with the godsdamned Rogues on the godsdamned Millennium Falcon, and you didn’t bother to ask any questions.”
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rippler3 · 2 years
0 notes
serceleste · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Karé Kun/Jessika Pava Characters: Karé Kun, Jessika Pava Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Trapped, Escape Series: Part 20 of February Challenge Fics Summary:
On a mission gone bad, Jess and Karé wind up thrown in a dark room. Jess reacts badly so Karé tries to get her through it.
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roguedameron · 7 years
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My favourite moments from Marvel’s Poe Dameron Annual and Issue #16
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luminouspoes · 4 years
lookin' at you, like a star
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pairing: poe dameron x reader
rating: teen warnings: grief, canonical character death
read on ao3
You try not to shiver as you step out from the base, eyes on the sky as you pull your sweater closer. There’s a chill to the D’Qar air tonight which sent just about every other officer inside but you.
It’d been almost a year since you joined the ranks of the Resistance, leaving behind a promising medical career on Lothal to do it, but you had no regrets. All you ever wanted was to help others, and there was a dire need for healers in the Resistance. You were happy to provide aid wherever you could, to whoever needed it.
Besides, the Resistance had become a new family to you. Before you usually kept to yourself, always feeling the need to erase parts of yourself for others’ comfort, but something about the people here brought out the best version of you, made you come alive.
Few people were as good at making you come alive quite like Poe Dameron, the shining star in the sky you were currently impatiently waiting to return with the rest of Black Squadron. You didn’t know much about the mission he was on (or any of the many other missions he’d been dispatched on recently), only that it was important to the General and, more frustratingly, classified.
What you absolutely knew for certain was that Poe had been different these past few weeks. There was a tension in his shoulders that wasn’t typically there, he was more irritable, and he was spending a lot of time isolated from others when he wasn’t on a mission. One day last week, you’d found him in one of the gyms, taking out his frustrations on a particularly beat-up looking punching bag.
What had stuck with you was how exhausted he’d looked recently. There were bags under his eyes and his usual upbeat attitude was chipped down. You just wanted to reach out and help him, understand whatever it was that was eating away at him, but vulnerable Poe was not.
You straighten up as four ships enter the atmosphere. Immediately, you hail the attention of the ground-crew, heart hammering in your chest, smile wide on your face until you realize what’s horribly, terribly wrong.
Five ships left.
Four came back.
Oh no.
It takes an agonizingly long time for all the ships to make landfall. You push and shove your way through the landing crew to get to the front, searching desperately for a sign of your bloody idiot flyboy —
First, you see Snap hugging Kare, then Jessika walking away, wiping tears from her eyes and your heart plummets down, down, down. He can’t be -
No. No, you’d know. The stars wouldn’t be twinkling so brightly, so beautifully if you were currently standing in a universe without Poe Dameron in it...right?
Wordlessly, you move forward to the remaining members of the Black Squadron. Your struggle to keep your voice steady as you call out, “Snap?”
He looks up, eyes shining. He squeezes Kare’s arm, presses a kiss to her cheek, and moves to meet you.
You’re on your tippy-toes, still searching for a head of thick black curls and a boisterous orange flight suit when Snap pulls you into a hug. You accept it but pull back quickly, “Snap, who didn’t make it?”
Snap sighs and lowers his eyes. “L’ulo got shot down. Oddy, too.”
You inhale sharply, tears rapidly springing to your eyes. You didn’t know L’ulo well, but he was a kind and fun fellow, and he meant everything to -
“Where’s Poe?”
“He took off as soon as we made landfall. Beebee-Ate went after him but...he’s not doing good. He also needs medical attention but I don't think he's in the right headspace to be thinking about that.”
“How badly was he hurt?” You demand as a fierce level of protectiveness rises through you.
“Terex stabbed him in the hand. Poe wrapped it before we made it home, but he —”
“Still needs to get it looked at.” You confirm and try not to groan. “I’ll find him.” You start to turn away to do just that but you hesitate and turn back to Snap. “I’m sorry about L’ulo and Oddy.”
Snap’s smile is too weary and too heartbreaking for you to focus on when he replies, “Part of the job.”
You dash through the base, any chill forgotten, as you rush into the medbay. Doctor Kalonia is still on duty and looks up with concern as you enter. “Is something wrong?”
“Dameron requires medical attention.” Your voice is calm and steady as you head to your station to collect a medpac. “He was stabbed in the hand.”
“And he doesn’t think that’s a worthy excuse for a trip to sickbay?” Kalonia asks with a blink.
You hesitate. You don’t want to spread gossip, certainly not about Poe, but it’s Doctor Kalonia. “He’s — he lost someone important to him today. I’m not sure he’s even thinking about sickbay right now.”
Kalonia’s expression turns soft. “Poor boy, as if he hasn’t lost enough already.” She gives you a gentle pat on the shoulder and smiles. “If anyone can help him, you can.”
You frown as she slips away, not sure what to make of her comment, but you decide to push it away for the time being so you can focus on finding Poe. You do a quick sweep of the base, even stop by his quarters, across from yours. You don’t get a response when you knock and there are no lights on inside as far as you can tell, so you decide he probably isn’t there either.
Which leaves one likely option.
And sure enough, you find him on the roof.
Beebee-Ate is nowhere to be seen, it’s just Poe alone, his legs drawn up to his chest as his shoulders shake. You freeze, unsure if you should give him a few minutes alone or try and comfort him. Once you spy his bandaged hand and the blood soaking through it, you decide you can’t wait any longer.
Your voice comes out quiet, small, and unsteady. You have no idea what to do in this scenario. Sure, you have some experience in bedside manners, but seeing Poe break down factures your certainty.
He tenses, his jacket rustling as he tries to wipe away tears before you can see them. “What are you doing here?”
You take a step closer to him. He still hasn’t turned to face you, and you’re almost afraid to look at the heartache sure to be found on his face.
“Snap said you got hurt…” You whisper, bending down in front of Poe. His eyes are red-rimmed and his cheeks shine from the tears he tried to hide. “Oh, Poe.”
Gently, you place your hand against his cheek. Poe leans tiredly into it, closing his eyes with a sigh. “We lost Lu’lo and — Oddy — he’s gone too.”
You open your mouth to say sorry again, but you hesitate. You remember the anger you felt when all anyone had to say to you were platitudes and “sorry”s  when you lost a friend to the First Order. Sorrys didn’t change the story, didn’t alleviate the grief. Instead, you ask, “What can I do?”
Poe stays quiet for so long you wonder if he missed what you said or if he fell asleep from exhaustion. Just as you’re about to ask again, he mumbles, “I thought I wanted to be alone but I don’t think..I’d mind some company.”
You don’t hesitate. “I’ll stay, then.”
“Thank you.”
You nod and sit down on your butt, folding your legs lotus style next to him. “Can I see your hand?”
Poe hums in confusion before it dawns on him. “Oh, right. Terex stabbed me.” He holds up the injured hand for emphasis. You gently take it. He wrapped it pretty well, but the cut still needs to be treated. You slowly start to unwrap the fabric as Poe continues, “I beat him. Terex. Not after the stabbing, Beebee-Ate did that but —” he cuts himself off so abruptly that you still, afraid you’ve hurt him trying to unwrap his hand, but the look in his eyes says otherwise.
“But what, Poe?” You ask as you open the medpac to pull out a canister of bacta-spray. You hold his gaze as you continue, “You can talk to me.” Please talk to me.
Poe opens his mouth a few times, trying to gather the words. Just as you think he’s going to slam up all the walls you know he has, he finally admits, “I let the First Order take Terex.”
“He got away?” You ask as you begin to administer the spray. Poe winces as the medicine hits the injury and your heart-rate spikes. You don’t like hearing him in pain.
“No. No, he didn’t.” Poe’s voice is colder now. You look up and he’s staring fixedly on the horizon.
You exhale and lean back as the medicine starts to set in: you have to wait a few minutes before you can rebandage his hand, so you elect to watch his profile. There’s a single curl that’s fallen in front of his face that you want to reach out and push back, but you refrain from doing so. “Talk to me. What happened with Terex?”
“He betrayed the First Order. They showed up to capture him and I - I knew what they'd do to him. I didn’t ask for them to show any mercy or to give him to the Resistance. I asked for a minute with him. I gloated. We won and he lost everything and I told him…” Poe closes his eyes again, taking a deep breath. “I told him the First Order would take the rest and I still handed him over.”
You look down at his hand, at the jagged wound still raw and red there. You can’t muster up any sympathy for Terex, whoever the hell he was, not if he hurt Poe. Not if he had any hand in Lu’lo’s death.
“The scariest part is that I don’t regret it. I’d do it again in a heartbeat. What kind of person does that make me?” Poe asked.
“I don’t know,” you admit. “But I know you’re still you. Poe Dameron, my neighbor, and friend. I know when it comes down to it, you always put your life on the line for others, for a cause much bigger than any of us. I know you choose kindness when you can. Maybe today changes things, maybe it doesn’t. From where I’m sitting? Terex only got what he deserved. He’s on the path of destruction he set for himself. ”
Poe holds your own certain gaze, something indecipherable flickering in his warm brown eyes. Whatever it is, it makes your breath hitch a little in your chest. The timer on your chronometer beeps, reminding you of what you’re waiting for. You dart your eyes away, fumbling for a roll of bandages.
When you turn around to produce the bandages, he’s smiling. It’s shaky, but it’s a start. “You’ve got a good heart on you. The Resistance is lucky to have you.” Poe pauses, thinking about something, then adds, “I’m lucky to have you.”
You smile and duck your head. “What else are friends for?”
Poe doesn’t say anything in return, so you begin the slow process of rewrapping his hand. There’s already plenty of scars on them and you’re tempted to ask how he got them, but you decide not to. You press the bandage firmly in place, then cut away the excess. “Good as new,” you exclaim, tracing lines across his wrist with your thumb. “I should be able to take the bandaging off in a few days.”
“What would I do without you?” Poe comments and there’s a little more life to his voice than before. He’s starting to sound like your beloved, frustrating friend again.
“You’ll never have to find out.” It’s a dangerous promise to make, in the middle of a war, but it’s one you’re sure of keeping. Kalonia’s words echo back to you, Poor boy, as if he hasn’t lost enough already. You’ll be the one to stay. You swear on every last star in the galaxy that you’ll be the one to stay.
Poe’s smile fades and he looks down at your hand, still wrapped gently around his wrist. You scooch closer to him, and ask, “What else is wrong? I can tell, something’s troubling you.”
“It doesn’t matter.” Poe shakes his head.
“It does. You don’t have to go through it alone, Poe.”
“Don’t I?” He asks, voice ragged as he turns to face you. “I’m their leader , Leia expects me to be more, I have to be strong enough to carry the weight for all of them. But I’m not, I can’t go through it alone.”
“You don’t have to.”
“I already have, thanks to Terex.” Poe scrubs his face. “We had a mole inside Black Squadron. I couldn’t trust any of my teammates. It killed me. Turned out it was Oddy feeding them information, he didn’t have a choice, but - what if it happens again? If I can’t trust the people around me, what the hell am I supposed to do?”
You look away, down at your hands. You know too well what it’s like to know you can’t trust those around you. It takes a moment for Poe to realize what he’s said has hit close to home. “Hey,” he breaths, reaching out for you, “I’m sorry. I forgot about —” he stops himself before he can finish, unsure if he should voice it.
“No, don’t.” You murmur, staring at his hand resting lightly on your kneecap. “It’s fine, Poe. I’m supposed to be comforting you, remember?”
“You don’t have to.”
You start to admonish him but it falls short on your lips when you take him in, how worn-out and heartbroken he looks, how there’s a dash of surprise in there, too, surprise that anyone would comfort him: the Resistance’s Golden Boy. How lonely that pedestal must be.
“You don’t have to.” He repeats, hand slipping away from you and you realize he’s offering something else. In the year you’ve known him, you’ve successfully gotten closer to him than anyone else has, chipped away at the walls he’s clumsily put up.
He’s offering you a chance to walk away before you see him .
You grab his hand firmly. “I want to.”
He inhales shakily, threads your fingers together. “Can I trust you?”
“I trust you.”
“Trust goes both ways,” he murmurs and you smile. It’s a saying you’ve held close to your heart, it’s been your motto for so long.
“Yeah, it does. It’s the only thing that keeps us together, we can’t let the First Order take it away from us.” You exhale shakily, thinking of your parents. They’d turned their back on the New Republic, on democracy, on you, to join the monster that's risen up out of the ashes of the Empire.
Poe looks up at the stars. “I don’t ever want to doubt my team again.”
You follow his gaze. “I hope you don’t either.”
“You didn’t have to walk me back to my quarters.”
Poe makes a noise in the back of his throat. “It’s the least I can do since you stitched up my wounds for me.” He isn’t just talking about his hand and you both know it.
The corridors are warm and empty, and you both walk shoulder to shoulder. Poe’s flight jacket is zipped up to his chin and it looks strange like that. Colder, somehow. You miss how he styled it the other way.
“Will you be okay?” You ask as you turn into another hallway. You’d spent several hours up on the roof together, Poe sharing stories with you about Lu’lo. He seemed to skirt around a few things, dodged some of your questions with jokes, but it was the most he’d shared with you about his past. Despite the circumstances, you couldn’t help but treasure that. Poe’s trust was like a precious jewel you never wanted to lose.
Poe mulls over your question for a moment. “I don’t know. Not for a while, probably, but I think I will be, someday.” He stops mid-stride, blinking at the door to your room. “Oh. We’re here.”
So you are. You reach over and enter the code to open the door, then pause. “Do you want to come in? I could make us some tea or some caf.”
“It’s pretty late...I don’t want to keep you up any later than I already have.” Poe scratches the back of his neck.
“I don’t have a shift in the morning.” You assure him as your door slides open with a hiss. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to, though.”
You wish he would though. That moment on the tarmac, terrified he hadn’t come home is still fresh in your memory, the fear still coiled loosely around your heart. You don’t want to be away from him, not yet, maybe not ever.
He takes a step closer to you, places his hands on your arms, looks down at you with those warm eyes - his eyelashes are so long - and replies, “I want to. You have no idea how much I want to, but I have to find Beebee-Ate. He rolled away shortly before you showed up to recharge. I want to make sure he got there without getting distracted by anything.”
“Only your droid could be so easily distracted, Dameron.” You say dryly.
“He learns from the best.” Poe agrees and leans forward to kiss you on the crown of your head. You go still in his arms, heart fluttering wildly, until he pulls back with an odd look on his face, lips not quite turned into a smile. “Thank you for staying.”
You’re still trying to clear away the mental fog you got when he kissed you when you reply, “Always.” You clear your throat and try again. “That’s why we work so well, isn’t it? You do the reckless stuff, I look after you.”
The joke doesn’t quite land because your heart isn’t into it, eyes drifting down to his injured hand. You wished he didn’t throw himself into danger quite as much, wished he wouldn’t get hurt, but it was a war and he was an impulsive idiot and if he died you’d resurrect him long enough to kill him yourself.
Poe tilts your head up with his finger, concern knitting his brows together. “Hey, what’s on your mind?”
You start to reply but the words lodge in your throat. Somehow, somewhere along the way, Poe Dameron has made himself essential to you. The fear of losing him, brought into sharp relief by the terrifying moment before the ships landed, flipped a switch in your head.
He looks different now than he did yesterday and that terrifies you.
“I’m —” You shake your head, clearing the fog. “I’m more tired than I thought, is all.” The excuse sounds awful even to your own ears, and you can tell by the flash of disappointment that Poe knows it’s a lie too. He’s not the only one with walls.
He drops his hands from you and takes a step back. You immediately hate the distance. “Get some sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You can’t fight the smile that crosses your face as you step inside your quarters. “See you tomorrow.”
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be-the-spark-flyboy · 4 years
Hard Feelings
Call It What You Want (8/?)
Series Masterlist
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader
A/N: this slow burn is annoying even me
Chapter Summary: Thank god for Rey
Warnings: swearing, sed Poe
Word count: ~2k
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It isn’t the ideal weather for a walk but Beebee seems thrilled at the prospect despite the cold. His tiny boot-clad paws pattering alongside Poe, forever his loyal companion. The park isn’t completely void of human traffic, though it’s a lot busier when it is warmer.
Poe finds a seat far enough from the road and the sound of traffic while Beebee happily traipses through the frozen ground looking for stray twigs and running in circles chasing his tail. Poe watches him play, entirely in his own world.
Poe started the day feeling anxious about talking to you. Then he was disappointed that he couldn’t get you to meet up with him. He was mad at himself for kissing you instead of telling you that he broke up with his now ex-girlfriend first. Now after seeing you with Ben is he supposed to be mad at you for letting him kiss you? It hurt seeing you with Ben and all the resentment he felt was directed towards him and not you. 
Who’s to be blamed for this? What was he supposed to do now? How was he supposed to feel? If there was one clear emotion he felt atop of everything else, that would be confusion.
Poe whips out his phone, dialling the one person that could make him feel better. It doesn’t take long for his dad to pick up the phone.
If only there weren’t so many miles between them. The distance isn’t new to him. Poe spent so many years of his life wishing he wasn’t so far from his dad, wishing he could just run to him whenever he wanted to instead of settling for a phone call. But that never stopped him from seeking out comfort from Kes Dameron.
The first question he asks once Poe greets him is, “What’s wrong, Poe?” Looks like nothing escapes his dad’s notice. Is he that transparent? It must be the years of experience dealing with his constant moods over the phone. Poe sighs, rubbing his temples with his free hand.
“Nothing. It’s just, there’s just a lot going on,” he answers. “How are you?” Kes recognizes the weariness in his son’s voice right away. It isn’t the first time he’s hearing it. 
“I’m fine, just had lunch,” Kes begins to tell him about his day then quickly launches into a story about how a few people from his work covered his coworker’s car with post-it notes as a prank a few days ago.
His voice feels like a warm embrace in the unforgiving cold. Suddenly Poe is taken back to his childhood home, sitting by the fireplace watching with rapt attention as his father spun tales about anything and everything.
In his presence, nothing could harm him. Nothing could stand against Kes Dameron’s dogged determination to make his loved ones happy. The events of his day slowly become a distant memory in Poe’s mind as he laughs along with his dad.
“Better now?” Kes asks after a while.
“Yeah, thanks dad,” He did feel better.
“You still don’t wanna talk about it?”
“Not right now, no,” Maybe not ever, he thinks. Would it be so bad to just forget about everything?
“I’m here if there’s anything you need, okay?” Kes offers. His words bring a smile to Poe’s face.
“I know dad, I love you,” Not the worse day. He’s had worse before, he was fine.
Beebee nudges his feet as he hangs up, bored of playing with stray twigs by himself. Or maybe he was just cold. Poe lifts the corgi onto his lap, tucking him into his jacket, his head adorably jutting out. Beebee headbutts him on the chin.
“Looks like I need a shave, huh?” Poe asks him. “Actually, I think I’m gonna let it grow out a bit more,” He says, running his palm over his face, the light stubble grazing against his palm. Beebee looks up at him, tilting his head to one side as if he was pondering it.
“You think that’s a good idea?” Beebee lets out a small yip in response. “Yeah? Okay, then. I guess we’re growing a beard,”
Poe never texted you after. It had been a few days since the kiss you really wanted to forget about but couldn’t. But you still needed to talk to Poe. You didn’t want to avoid him forever, neither could you pretend like nothing happened especially after running out of the house like that. You figured that he’d want to meet you some other time but he never texted again. 
You think about asking Rey about him when she comes over in a few minutes. She’d help you. But you’d have to tell her about kissing Poe, assuming Poe hadn’t already told the two of them, which seemed impossible. 
You use the remaining few minutes to tidy up a few things around the house, trying not to think too hard about anything. It was just Rey, she is your friend, she will help you. 
At the sound of the doorbell, Jessika springs up from her seat to get to the door. “Rey!” You hear them enthusiastically embrace, having not seen each other since the new year's party.
“We getting pizza, or do you guys want something else?” You ask and you get a chorus of agreement as a reply.
“I got us some wine,” Rey grins, pulling out two bottles from her bag.
Two hours and two large pizzas later, the three of you sit squeezed together in the couch, a movie droning in the background that none of you pays attention to. The alcohol draws more giggles from you as you sip wine from ceramic mugs, well into the second bottle by the time you finish your dinner.
Jessika animatedly recounts the story of how she saw the most attractive person in the world in the coffee shop that morning. Having already heard that particular story always twice, your attention slips away to your earlier dilemma. The wine certainly boosts your confidence ‘cause you’re sure you never would’ve gotten the words out if you were sober, but you dive headfirst into the question without any warning.
“Did Poe, um, tell you anything about the other night?” You hesitantly ask her just as Jessika finishes her story, absentmindedly picking at a thread on the blanket. “You know when you were at the dentist and I came over?”
“Before you say anything, I need to tell you that Poe broke up with Sarah weeks ago,” Rey interrupts you before you start on a downward spiral talking a million miles per hour. She’s glad you brought it up, because how was she supposed to ask you if you kissed her childhood best friend/ roommate?
You remain eerily silent for the while after whispering an oh at the revelation. Weeks ago? Long before he kissed you. Why didn’t he just tell you that? Oh, wait, because you ran out of the house after that and avoided him. You certainly owe him an apology.
Normally Rey is content sitting back and watching the drama unfold in people’s lives around her. But this was two people she really cares about, running circles around each other. Technically, meddling is justified if the parties involved were both dumbasses, right? And the only possible way to do that was to throw all the facts out in the open, hoping it would clear some things for you and at the same time try not exposing Poe too much.
“The guys saw you and Ben the other day at the diner. They had to leave before they could say hi, though,” Rey tells you.
“Oh,” That was something you didn’t expect her to say. “You know Ben?” You ask voicing out the first question in your mind.
“Yeah, he’s Poe’s godmother’s son,”
“Oh!” You suddenly exclaim. “He is Ben. It’s the same person! Ben Solo is Leia Organa’s son?” Rey nods laughing at your surprise. “I didn’t think he was that Ben, you know because they don’t have the same last name,”
“Are you dating him?” She asks.
“What? No. We’re just friends,”
“She’s not dating Ben, she’s meant to be with Poe!” Jessika cries out, dramatically flopping over the backrest
“Shut up, Jess,” you groan as Rey joins her, cackling. A thought hits you from nowhere all of a sudden. One you don’t like all that much.
“Does Poe think I’m with Ben?” Rey answers with a high-pitched, drawn-out, ‘maaaaybe?’ and you want to crash your head against the greasy pizza box. “I’m too sober for this,” You settle for draining the remaining wine from your cup instead.
“Why do they hate each other that much anyway?” You ask after a while. Sure, Poe mentioned some childhood animosity between him and Ben. But it looked like it was much more than that.
“Oh honey, you need more wine for that,” Jessika pours more into your cup, refilling hers and Rey’s as well. Of course, Jess would know. You would’ve asked if you weren’t too busy trying to stomp down your feelings for Poe.
“Sarah cheated on Poe with Ben,” Rey casually responds.
You splutter into your cup, almost choking on the liquid. “What?” Rey nods solemnly.
That was just great. Now you have to explain to the guy you like that you are not dating the guy whom his ex cheated on him with. And Ben. What was he thinking?
“How did that happen?” You ask.
“Well, it was early in their relationship,” Rey shrugs. “She convinced Poe not to dump her sorry ass after that,”
“Jesus,” You breathe. No wonder everyone hates her so much. “Oh god, what do I do now?”
“Stop that,” Snap nudges Poe who ignored him and continues to click his pen incessantly against his notebook. “You’re fucking annoying, what’s the matter with you today?” Poe tosses his pen on the table.
“It’s nothing,” He replies half heartedly. Snap knows that isn’t the case. He knew the last time his mood was this sour. But he was no longer dating Sarah, so...
“Is it Ben again?” Poe’s eyes immediately flicks up to the man in question sitting a few rows before him, shooting a withering glare to the back of his head. That is answer enough for Snap.
“What did he do this time?” The question comes from behind Poe this time as Kare leans forward between the two of them.
“It’s none of your business, Kare,” Snap tries to shoo her away. “And you two should pay attention, I’m not sharing my notes with you again,”
“Shut up, I’m not talking to you,” She waves him off, directing her attention back to Poe as Snap rolls his eyes at her. Poe angles himself to face her as he tells them both about what he saw at the diner. 
“That doesn’t really mean she like him, right? She kissed you,” Snap interrupts.
“I thought you were paying attention to the lecture?” Kare snaps at him.
“Shut up, I’m not talking to you,” Children, Poe thinks.
“She was wearing his jacket,” He continues, ignoring their bickering. “And she blew me off to go get lunch with him,” he shrugs. “It adds up,”
“Do ya’ll mind? Some of us come here to study,” Hux sharply interrupts from beside him, looking down his nose at the three of them. Signature sneer on his pasty face.
“Sorry Hugs,” Poe drawls, turning to the front.
He manages a few productive minutes of actually paying attention before his phone chimes in his pocket earning another glare from Hux. He rolls his eyes, pulling his phone from his pocket to switch it to silent. Then the notification catches his eyes. You texted him. Curiosity gets the best of him and he opens it.
Hey, sorry I couldn’t make It for lunch the other day. Would you like to go today?
Did he want to anymore? He had half a mind to blow you off. That may be a little petty but it definitely sounded appealing. Poe places his phone back in his pocket. He’ll just text you after class.
The Dameron taglist (open): @writefightandflightclub @arkofblake @yougottakeeponkeepinon @multifandomlife22 @skymerons @smol-peter-parker @rae-rae-patcha @demigod-dragonrider-schoolidol @spider-starry @hkmultifandom @cloud-leader @elmoakepoke @staringmoony @valhallavalkyrie9 @the-cry-of-youth @liadamerondjarin @m1rkw00dpr1ncess @takemepedropascal @xremember-me-notx @softly-sad @loserbelle @littleeuphoriaelf @missmadwoman @gottalovethefandom @seejayyou
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streetsolo · 7 years
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Star Wars: Poe Dameron (2016-) #16 (June 28, 2017)
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The Kyber Soldier | Bodhi Rook x Reader (Rough Draft)
Words: 2612
Crossover: Rogue One/Star Wars Trilogy x Avengers
A/N: Have been sitting on this idea for a while and I might make a different one with Bodhi x Cassian instead, but I thought I should get this idea out first. I’m also planning on doing more crossovers and I’m trying to keep it short before I turn them into series I can’t finish lol.
Your heavy breathing echoed through the corridors in rhythm with the sound of your bare feet hitting the cold floor, red and white lights fading in and out along with a siren, giving you only moments of visual at a time while your ears rang. A sticky mixture of sweat and blood coated your body and dripped down your forehead, threatening to obscure your vision. It was a nightmare, alright, but it was real. The last thing you remembered was reaching the edge of a platform and diving. The sudden rush of freezing cold water jolted you awake in your sweaty but warm and scratchy blankets, safe within the barracks of the Resistance base. You gasped for air, curling up and holding your head between your legs as you focused on your breathing. It was only three in the morning. You didn’t need to get up until nine, but your past won’t let you.
It had been years since you were recovered from the ice, but only recently were you taken out of your frozen prison and brought back among the living, as they say. So much had changed. You were finally able to meet the famous Princess Leia, now general of the Resistance, and be a part of a good cause to fight against the dark side. There was no one that you recognized among the many pilots, mechanics, or even the cooks. You asked what happened all those years ago, wondering whether your best friend, Bodhi Rook, was able to send the message from Galen Erso about the Death Star plans. You had helped him escape, which led to your capture and it was the last time you saw either of them. General Leia didn’t know any Bodhi Rook, only that a group of rebel spies were able to retrieve the Death Star plans and help them destroy it.
“And what about that group? What happened to them?” you had asked.
General Leia grimaced. “They didn’t make it, but their sacrifice gave the Rebellion hope. The Empire is gone…,” she said, then trailed off.
But the war was not over. Far from it, it seemed. The Empire may be gone, but from those ashes rose the First Order… and the cycle continues.
You decided, now that you were wide awake and there was no way you could try to sleep again, to head over to the hangar and check on your ship. Once you were discharged from the medbay, you wanted to help the Resistance and become a pilot. It’s what you used to do after all, although it was mostly for cargo. General Leia gave you a tour of the base and introduced you to the Resistance’s best pilot, the stubborn, reckless, yet charming, commander, Poe Dameron. He agreed to teach you how to fly the ships, as they were different from the cargo ships that you flew and guaranteed that after your lessons with him, you’d be able to fly everything. Just not as good as him, of course.
It was fine, though, because after taking you to a few small missions, they discovered your hidden potential of being an intelligence officer due to your memory and observation skills as well as your ability to blend in to your environment. Those were mostly skills you had to learn in order to survive working under the Empire, but you never brought that up.
Poe later introduced you to his squad and his friends, his adorable droid, BB-8, following everywhere he went. They were all very welcoming and kind, so much so that you almost cried. Although Jedha was occupied by the Empire, it didn’t stop the comraderie between the people, and you missed it. When you were caught helping Bodhi escape, you were taken away to an icy planet, chained and isolated within a damp prison until they had use for you.
It was warm here. They didn’t push you to open up and supported you in adjusting with the times.
With the top of your flight suit tied around your waist, you popped open a panel and inspected the wiring, tinkering away to distract yourself from the recurring nightmares. Rose had offered to check the ship for you, but rather her show you how to fix it instead. Bodhi once said that if you don’t know your own ship from the inside out, then you shouldn’t be flying it.
Not many knew about the group of rebel spies that retrieved the plans. Poe, at least, knew more about it, given that his mother was Leia’s personal pilot. During that time, the Rebellion couldn’t afford to risk sending rebels into a suicide mission and had almost given up. The people that went volunteered to go… and they never came back.
You slumped against your X-wing, wiping sweat from your brow and sighed. You were too busy with your head stuck in your ship that you didn’t see the sun rise or the base slowly waking up. A white and orange ball caught your eye, rolling around at the heels of his master in a matching bright orange flight suit. Poe carried a plate from the cantina as he spoke with his fellow pilots before facing you with an unamused expression. BB-8 rolled ahead, greeting you happily with a series of beeps. You patted the droid on their head and saw Poe offering you the plate.
“Rough night again?” he asked, sitting on the ground next to you.
“Yeah,” you sighed, munching on the bread. BB-8 moved over and settled between you and Poe, beeping in concern. “It’s a long story, Beebs.”
“You don’t have to do the mission if you’re not feeling well, you know,” Poe said, swiping the other piece of bread from the plate. You slapped his hand but allowed him to have it. He made a show of it by looking at you dead in the eye and shoving the entire piece inside his mouth. You shook your head.
“As if that ever stopped you on taking on more missions,” you countered. BB-8 beeped in agreement, looking up at their friend and master as if silently recounting the times they had to save him because of his recklessness.
Poe flicked their head playfully, startling them. He then held up a finger as he finished chewing the bread. After swallowing, he said, “Well, I should’ve brought water. Anyways, touché. The mission shouldn’t be too hard. Just meet with the informant and we’ll be the back up in case something goes wrong. It’s a rough planet and people aren’t afraid to shoot you down if you short change them.”
“Got it,” you said with a mock solute, moving the plate away when he reached over to grab more food.
Poe pouted then patted your back hard as he stood up. “Right. We leave in a few hours, so finish that up and get ready. Come on, Beebs.”
Black Squadron were in position as you awaited your informant, sniffing at the questionable liquid from the bar. You sat in a secluded corner of the seedy room, eyes scanning the patrons as they drank, laughed, yelled, and smoked an unfamiliar herb rolled in paper. Your informant worked at the trade route of this planet that shipped supplies to the First Order, having access to the rest of the other trade routes and their inventory. It would be a big help to the Resistance to find and intercept the trade routes and gauge the First Order’s next move.
“I wouldn’t drink that if I were you,” Poe warned through your ear piece.
“Poe and Snap couldn’t handle it and threw up for hours,” Kare snickered.
“Thank you, dear,” Snap said sarcastically as she continued to laugh.
“Ignore them,” Jessika finally said, “Target heading up to the bar.”
Your eyes raised to the entrance, seeing a bald man with a battered black jacket and faded work pants. He looked around cautiously, jumping away as a small group walk passed him. You tilted your cup slowly and tentatively tasted the liquid, suppressing a disgusted look. The aftertaste, however, was almost sweet and fruity. You took another sip as the informant spotted you and started to make his way over to you. You felt a strange pull as he froze halfway, his eyes darting to the other entrance. The bar’s buzzing lowered as a newcomer strutted in with a rifle strapped to his back.
“Are you seeing this?” you whispered behind the cup, scanning the figure, having a weird sense of familiarity.
“About five-eight, five-nine. Dark hair, tan skin, dark mask covering their mouth and nose, black goggles on his head, and dark uniform and a prosthetic arm with the Empire symbol,” Snap reported.
“So, the rumors are true,” Poe said, “Be careful, (Y/n). If it’s really who I think it is, you need to be very careful. He can’t reach the informant before us. Let’s move in, guys, this is now an escort mission. (Y/n), go get the informant. Jessika, go and bring the U-wing over.”
“On it,” the group said, setting their new plan in motion.
You raised casually, keeping eye contact with the informant before flickering them over to the back exit. He moved slowly towards that direction with you following a distance behind. The figure scanned the room with wide brown eyes. You hastened your steps as the informant neared the exit, looping you arm with his as you steered him out.
“I’m close behind,” Snap said, “he hasn’t spot you yet.”
“I’ve got the front entrance,” Kare said, “he’s shifting around. I think he knows something’s up.”
“I’m heading to the back alley for you guys,” Poe said, “you two keep visual- ”
“He’s leaving,” Kare said, “same way he came in. Careful, guys.”
“He’s dangerous,” the informant whispered as you reached the alley, Poe rushing over to lead you out. Snap covered your back, keeping an eye on the other end of the alley.
“What do you know about him?” you asked.
“He’s… he’s like a ghost story. Not many people believe in it, only a few people have heard of him. Those who ever survived him or heard about him call him the Kyber Soldier. You guys need to promise me protection and I’ll give you everything,” he said quickly.
“Of course,” you said, prompting him to continue as Poe held a hand up to check out of the alley.
“I’m heading over – shit, maybe not yet,” Jessika hissed, an insistent beeping in the background.
“Jess, what’s going on?” Kare asked, sticking to her position by the entrances.
“I don’t know how he knew, but he found me. He’s shooting at me. Pretty good at it, too,” Jessika said, maneuvering the ship as best as she could, “this is definitely different from an X-wing.”
“Meet us at the edge of the town,” Poe ordered, grabbing the informant and leading the way, “Our X-wings are back at the port. We’ll have to get them after the informant is safe. Kare, let’s go.”
“On my way.”
Snap pulled his blaster out, looking back while keeping up with the group. He extended a hand out towards Kare as she ran over. Poe took his blaster out as well, weaving through the buildings as if he memorized the town’s layout. The informant panted next to you, not used to the cardio work out thrusted upon him. You rest a hand on his back, urging him to push forward and keep up with Poe.
“I think I lost him for now,” Jessika said, “keep on the lookout, he might be heading your way.”
Just as she said it, the figure appeared on the top of one of the buildings, his rifle poised at the group.
“Come on, we’re almost there!” Poe shouted, spotting a wall they could hide behind. He turned to you and pointed at the wall. “Hide behind there. Kare and I will try to flank him- ”
“Blasters are useless against him,” the informant panted leaning against the wall.
“Doesn’t hurt to try,” Poe said as he crouched next to him. He peered over and quickly ducked down as the figure shot. “How did he know we would be here? Did you tell anyone?”
“No, no,” the informant insisted, “No one knew… I think.”
Poe huffed, mostly at the situation than at the informant. The shooting stopped, the wall shaking and rumbling behind them. They all turned as a chunk of the wall broke off and lifted into the air.
“No kriffin’ way!”
You grabbed the informant’s arm and yanked him away as the others lurched forward. The wall came crashing down where they were, leaving a heavy cloud of dirt and dust. Within the confusion, the others managed to get a far distance while you tried to get to your feet, having cushion the fall when you pulled the informant away. You were suddenly lifted into the air, a force holding you up from your neck. You choked, grabbing on to nothing as you wiggled in vain. The figure, the Kyber Soldier, stood at the opening of the wall, a sleek metal arm held high. The metal plates moved as he raised it higher, revealing for a split second, red glowing crystals underneath.
Sensing the informant and the others at a safe distance, the U-wing flying overhead towards the group, you came to your resolve. As the soldier watched the U-wing fly by, he suddenly dropped you and switched his attention to the ship. Before he could do anything, you raised your hand towards him and focused, mustering the energy to repel him as far as you could. His back slammed against the nearest building, a large crater surrounding him. His goggles were knocked off his head, revealing those brown eyes again. He struggled against your hold, his prosthetic hand twitching for control.
“(Y/n)!” Poe shouted from above, the U-wing turning to get you.
You wavered, not wanting them to see your powers. The hesitation was enough for the soldier to break free, flying his hand out and pulling you forward. You stumbled, not being able to resist it, but you could still use your limbs. At the last second, you pulled out your combat knife and thrust it forward. The blade only grazed his torso as he flung you to the side. You sensed the change in direction, finding your balance to slide on your feet. The soldier’s eyes narrowed, picking up the knife you dropped and stalked towards you.
From the corner of your eye, you saw the U-wing hovering out of reach. You waved them away to take the informant back to the base, but knowing Poe, he’d want to save everyone. The soldier drew your attention back as he swung the knife at you. You quickly blocked it, attempting to disarm him before he could strike again. He grabbed your wrist, but you switched the knife to your other hand and thrusts it forward. He stepped back, his prosthetic arm shooting up as he blocked shots from Poe’s blaster. With the distraction, you struck his head and force-pushed him against the wall again. His mask flew off at the impact, his hair momentarily blocking his face as his head slumped.
“Fall back!” Poe shouted.
But you couldn’t. Not now. There was something about the soldier that felt familiar and you finally got him. He slowly raised his head, black hair parting to reveal those wide brown eyes, a sharp nose, and pink lips, stubble lining his jaw line. It was no mistaking who it was.
“Bodhi?” you choked out, your hold on him wavering slightly.
He frowned. “Who the hell is Bodhi?”
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whirlybirbs · 6 years
I love drunk Poe! Can you switch it up and have Poe take care of a drunk reader??
oops this is long! some bar fights and drunk kisses!
You’re on your sixth drink when punches are thrown.
The night is off to a bad start – you didn’t care when Rapier Squadron’s Captain had dissed your ‘piece of junk x-wing’. You hammered back your drink instead. You didn’t care when he made a snide comment about your lack of piloting skills. No, you didn’t even bat an eyelash when he mocked your rank. You just kept your head down and drank, taking Poe’s advice to just ignore him and that he wasn’t worth it.
Poe can see the tension in your eyes – enough that he sits a little closer, lets his hand squeeze your knee under the table. Poe turns, eyes darting to the Captain in question across the cantina.
“Why don’t you stuff it, Berkins.”
“Sure thing, Poe. Once you’re little princess over there is ready to prove her worth.”
You feel your lip snarl, but Kare serves you a look to tamper it down. Don’t, it says. Poe’s hand tightens, skimming a bit higher to grip your thigh. His hand is hot – it’s distracting enough. You mull on your drink and try to ignore the righteous asshole. You’re drunk. 
“He’s looking for a fight,” Poe mutters, dark eyes watching you carefully.
But, when his words turned to mocked Black squadron? When he took a stab at Oddy and L’ulo and Jessika and Snap and Kare and Poe?
You might be drunk, but you’re still going to kick his ass.
“And that’s what he’s gunna get.”
You’re on him before Poe can even register what you’re doing – the punch lands hard and fast and cracks the man’s nose. The snide captain recoils, hands flying to his face as he curses. You’re fuming, arms tense and knuckles bloodied.
“Say that again,” you slurr, eyes hot with anger as your finger darts out to point him down, “Say it again so I can rip your throat out.”
Poe is tripping out of his seat, Snap quick to follow as they try to separate the fight, but just like it started it boils back up again in a blink. Poe staggers backwards, barely missing a volley from the Rapier Captain, but you’re quick to capitalize on his moves and deliver a tough blow to his ribs.
Poe squirms, face recoils in a grimace just like Snap.
“Oh, shit.”
“She’s gunna tear him to pieces,” it’s Kare, voice heavy with amazement.
You’re screaming, angry battle-cries in your native tongue as you absolutely wail on the man, using whatever you can get your hands on as a weapon – Jessika steps up beside Poe, eyes light with admiration. Poe is stuck, watching you handle yourself quite well. It’s not until the Rapier squadron realizes their Captain is screwed and begins to move in to fight you back. Someone lands a mean punch square to your face that’s all it takes for Black squadron to jump into action –
Jessika and Oddy tear you away as Snap, Poe, and Kare shove Rapier squadron back. It’s Poe’s voice that cuts through the fray.
“Everyone calm down, alright?” he glares, eyes set heavy with command, “It’s settled. All of it – you wanna challenge her again? I’m not going to your funeral.”
You shrug off Jessika and Oddy, lobbing spit at the ground of the Captain’s feet. He’s worse off then you by a long shot – a broken nose, a busted jaw, some cracked ribs…
You were going to be royally fucked when Leia found out about this.
Poe’s by your side in a flash, eyes sparked with worry and hands secured on either side of your face. You look like hell – the punch that pilot had landed you busted your brow, leaving a nasty purpling eye in it’s wake. Your lip is busted, and blood is smeared down your chin. “Are you alright?”
As the adrenaline starts to fade, the burn of the Knockback Nectar you’d been guzzling returns, slowing your brain and slugging your movements. Blinking up at Poe, you stagger a bit before giving him a bloodied grin. “I think my lip’s busted.”
“Your lip is busted.”
“S’ busted?”
Poe sighs, eyes fleeting shut for a moment as he remembers how many drinks you’d tossed back before the scramble. He sighs, heavy and even. “Let’s get you back to your room, okay?”
“Sleep over,” you slur, grinning.
“Yep. A sleep over.”
His hand is tight on your waist as you both stagger out of the cantina and towards the main quarters. Yours is a shorter distance than his, thank god, because by the time he punches in your six-digit code, you’re slipping out of his arms.
He plops you onto your bed, flicking on the lights of your small officers quarters. The wall beside you bed is plastered with pictures of him and you and BB-8 and the squadron. Among them, pictures of your family and your home planet. Pretty shots – sunsets and rivers and the palace you once called home. Poe forgets you’re royalty sometimes. He forgets you’re a princess, one of Leia’s most trusted allies. You’re throne-less now – Hosnian Prime was no more. 
You don’t talk about it much. 
“M’ face hurts.”
The Commander sighs as you prod at your wounds with intoxicated hands.
“Yeah, I can’t imagine why,” Poe chides, propping you up in bed with some pillows. You squirm, kicking your boots off. “Lemme get you some ice, okay?”
The Commander hasn’t spent a lot of time in your room – it was smaller than his, a bit tighter with less to it, but he can’t help but smile at the line of knick-knacks and x-wing parts lining your counter. Tugging open the fridge, he laughs at how barren it is. The freezer, luckily, has a frozen MRE pack which he snags along with the medkit above your locker. 
You’re fussing with you hair when he comes get, heavy fingers trying to tug the unruly tresses up and away. Poe smiles, soft and slow, and you feel your face go hot. 
“I can’t get it up.”
“Getting it up is my job.”
A wink. You giggle.
Poe, settling on the edge of the bed, slips his fingers into your hair and loops a sad ponytail on top of your head. He then leans, cracking open the med kit and moving to dig out an antiseptic and a clean piece of gauze.
His face is close to yours, close enough that the even tempo of his breathing lulls your eyes shut and you focus on the drag of his warm fingers against your skin. He’s gentle, dabbing the busted gash along your brow before cleaning up your split lip. The antiseptic stings a bit, and you pout.
He’s tucking the med-kit back together, eyes dashing across your rosy cheeks as he speaks. “Want me to kiss it better?”
Poe grins just as you do, leaning and catching the corner of your mouth – chaste and sweet – and you blossom into a fit of drunk laughter. “That wasn’t a real kiss.”
“If I give you a real kiss,” he mutters, “I’ll bust your lip open again.”
“Oh. You’re being gentle.”
“Very gentle.”
His hand pats your thigh, pressing the frozen MRE to the purple bruise along you eye. His fingers slip to your own, imploring you to hold it there as he stands and gathers you a glass of water.
From the kitchen, he leans and glances back at you as your glass fills.
Your expression is heavy with affection – eyes blinking up and down his frame. Poe swallows, trying to avoid the stirring of emotions in his chest. You look like a mess, but Poe can’t even deny how much he’s a fan of it. Tearing his eyes from yours, Poe quickly grabs the overflowing glass from the sink.
“Here,” he offers, as you take the glass and sip, “That should help and sober you up a bit.”
You nod, sipping the water before placing it beside you on the nightstand and sighing, dropping your head back against the headboard. Poe circles the bed, clambering into the other side after kicking his boots off. You’re quiet for a while.
“You alright?”
“Just… M’gunna be in a lot of trouble tomorrow.”
Poe sighs, turning to watch your emotions shift. “… Yeah.”
“I just… I can’t let people say that stuff… Not about Black Squadron,” you sigh, fingers punching angrily in the sheets, “Not about you.”
Poe blinks, dark eyes softening as he leans and snatches your hand. “Hey, I can handle myself.”
You nod, avoiding his gaze.
It’s not a title anymore – just an affection nickname. You look at him, then, movements slow and eyes quiet with tired frustration. 
“Thank you,” he mumbles, smearing a kiss across you cheek, “You didn’t have to fight for my honor, but boy –”
You start to laugh, eyes squeezing shut as he sits up and leans, kissing across your nose. The touches are sweet – they made you feel safe.
“Really, you protected my honor, your highness, defended my title – You’ve fought for my love –”
“Stop it, y’dork.”
You’re giggling, ice-pack abandoned in favor for Poe’s hands. He tugs you nice and close, into his lap and sighs. The kisses don’t stop though – the dart down your jaw and to the shell of your ear. The blurry haze of the alcohol settles nicely in your brain and your skin tingles with every brush of his lips. His stubble tickles. You think you could fall asleep here like this.
“I’m serious,” he starts, voice quieter now, hands skimming the length of your shins, “Don’t throw punches for me. If you got hurt –”
“You’re right.”
Poe blinks.
“Did you just agree with me? You, the stubborn and lovely Princess of Black Squadron? My Lieutenant? I must be dreaming.”
You laugh, dropping your head to his shoulder and admiring the curve of his jaw.
“I did.”
“You really are drunk.”
“Mhm, and m’getting sleepy. I had to shut you up somehow.”
Poe laughs, loud and genuine – it stirs something happy in your chest. Your fingers curl along the stubble on his chin and Poe moves to kiss your fingertips.
“Bed time,” he mumbles, hands warm against your own, “You want me to stay the night?”
A soft nod is all it takes.
He ushers you up, warm hands scaling along your hips. He helps you out of your jacket, out of your blood-soaked tunic. You kick away your pants, gladly accepting the shirt Poe hands you from your dresser. You slip it on, stumbling slightly with heavy lidded eyes to the refresher. Poe works at his own outfit, ditching his cargos and his flight jacket – his boxers are bunched around his thighs and when you return from brushing your teeth, you hum a little.
“Y’know, that sight never gets old.”
Poe grins, hands on his hips. “Who? Me?”
Your hands meet his waist, actions a little sluggish and slow, but the feeling of his skin against yours is worth it. Poe smiles, dashing a kiss to your forehead and humming slightly. Your shiner was going to be a nasty one. Your face meets his shoulder, nose brushing the curve of his collarbone. Poe laughs, especially as you go a little slack in his arms.
“Yea, it’s bed time.”
“S’ bed time.”
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drinkupthesunrise · 7 years
Star Wars Rare Pairs Exchange Letter:
Hey! While I’m pretty sure I will love WHATEVER you make me, if you are in need / want of some advice, the following may be of interest to you:
In general, I like: pining, unrequited love that turns out not to be unrequited, people being friends & in love with each other generally, found family, ridiculous references, fic that explores what characters mean to each other in a greater context, alt!timeline shit (ie, what would happen if a character had made x choice instead of y), complicated relationships
Things I am ambivalent on: porn what plot (smut in the context of a wider, over-arcing fic is fine, just smut is less my taste)
Things I do not want: character bashing, unnecessary character death (ymmv here it’s Star Wars, characters die, I accept that, but please don’t kill anyone off in the pairings.), gratuitous / explicit violence, mundane!AUs (coffee!shop, high school/college, etc), dubcon/noncon in any form, cheating.
General links that might be useful to you: my ao3 works, my fic writing tag, my ficlet tag, and my general star wars tag. 
General note: I like characters, and relationships, best when they’re situated in a world that feels real, and that means having other characters around them, and the relationships between them. While the pairings below should definitely be the focus of any fic, please feel free to slip in other things that you think I might like. I think what’s below should give you an idea of that, hopefully :D. For instance, I adore Wedge’s relationship / friendship with the rest of the Fab Four / his pilots in general, and I find the Han / Luke / Leia dynamic endlessly fascinating (both platonically and romantically on all sides), I’m always up for guest appearances from anyone from any point in canon.
Wedge Antilles/Luke Skywalker
Would happily take anything, but specific loves include stuff with them founding Rogue Squadron and that early part of their relationship, where they’re a little unsure and unfamiliar but still utterly trusting of each other? Or in the aftermath of Endor where Luke’s off founding the Jedi Order and Wedge is off fighting the Imperial Remnant and they’re trying to work out if they could have a relationship in all of that? I really love these two, the relationship between them really is one of my all-time faves.
Wedge Antilles/Biggs Darklighter/Luke Skywalker
In which Biggs!lives to make this like… at all feasible? Unless it’s canon!divergent of some kind. Which I would totally be down for. But, basically, pilot shenanigans? Them being supportive of each other? Also, totally down for relationship negotiations, and an unevenness of the bonds between them, and the concern it might cause?
Wedge Antilles/Biggs Darklighter
They must have known each other on Yavin, so it’s not inconceivable that they might have met and, y’know, got it on. So quick and dirty introductions, or possibly even something set later, after the Death Star battle, where Biggs!lives and the two pilots who didn’t get that shot off try and find solace in each other.
Wedge Antilles/Leia Organa
I think Wedge and Leia are very alike, in some ways - both soldiers with a sense of duty that goes far beyond themselves, who’d sacrifice their personal lives for their ideals every time. So anything that builds on that, really; either early Alliance / Rebellion (pre / post Yavin), with Leia still trying to sort out her feelings for Han / Luke and working them out with the person who is the mid-ground between the two (fight me on this Wedge is Han’s smuggling no-good self crossed with Luke’s idealism and good!man nature), or possibly after the Jedi Temple Massacre, where they are the last two left standing and seek solace in each other?
Wedge Antilles/Han Solo
Okay I can hear you probably going ‘huh what’ and I submit to you these quotes from the X-Wing books, and actually the entirety of Solo Command as a book. Essentially, Corellians giving each other shit. But no seriously in Solo Command there’s a real easiness and willingness to tease and I’d be really interested as to how they got there, and if it ever was anything more.
(For reference, I have no objections to this taking place in context of established Han/Leia as long as it’s clear that it’s an open-relationship / consensual on all parts. Actually, I’d be interested in some sort of polyamory, open-relationship spin on this – I have a lot of Leia/Wedge feelings too, but it is completely up to you.)
Biggs Darklighter/Luke Skywalker
Okay, we’ve all seen those deleted scenes? Right? Basically. I mean anything – I’d be especially interested in Biggs pining over Luke on Tatooine, and how he felt about leaving? But honestly, anything.
Wedge Antilles/Bodhi Rook
So – well, Wedge was at the Imperial Academy for a time, as was Bodhi, and although it’s unlikely they were in classes together, I think that their paths could have crossed; what’s it like when they see each other on Yavin all those years later? If Bodhi is the only survivor of the Rogue One team, and Wedge is the only survivor of the original pilots (Luke is too new, really) do they find solace in each other? Do they only really catch up after the war with each other, and suddenly realise that no one else is quite going to understand their grief? (I am heavily into Wedge Antilles has a case of survivor’s guilt the size of a Star Destroyer this ship only compounds my feelings).
Wedge Antilles/Lando Calrissian
They took down a Death Star together, that’s a start. I think the other thing about these two is they’re both very set on keeping their people safe – Wedge with his pilots, Lando with the people of Cloud City, and they have principles and lines they won’t cross but they’ll go through hell and back to try and save as many as they can. So maybe something about that?
Wedge Antilles/Mon Mothma
This is mostly crack. Mostly. But like, I think they are both serious impassioned people who want to do what is right, only Wedge is brash and daring and Mon is tempered by experience / diplomacy. So maybe something where Wedge does something reckless and Mon has to take him to task for it? Or Wedge trying to lure Mon out of her seriousness, but also he is a very serious person himself but seriously, Chancellor, you have been at your desk for twenty hours please come to the mess. Also it would be hot. That is my other contribution. (Fucked-up power dynamics are very much a feature here, I think; Mon is ultimately Wedge’s commander in chief, his life is in her hands, etc. Somewhere here is a good Dom/Sub fic? I think?)
Kare Kun/Jessika Pava
Look, if you’ve got this far in the letter, you’ll have realised that I like my pilots and I like them dashing and FRANKLY all I want is Karé and Jess being super dashing and getting into no-good-heroics and being exuberant and in love with each other. (General note: I’m quite fond of Snap, as it happens, but I do think his and Karé’s relationship is… umm, questionable? Please ignore it ever happened. Thank you <3)
Wedge Antilles/Mara Jade/Luke Skywalker
In which Wedge Antilles and Mara Jade have precisely one thing in common: they both think that Luke Skywalker is endearing and also kinda useless, and would do anything for him. Which includes teaming up to save Luke when he gets into yet more trouble (insert situation of choice here) despite the fact that Mara is really not very convinced by this short fly-boy with floppy hair who cannot act, and Wedge is not really over the fact that Mara wanted to kill Luke. Bonus points for them discovering that they have far more in common than they think, and for Talon Karrde & Booster Terrik background shenanigans.
(I’d be okay with platonic!wedge&mara, if you can’t get that bit to work, but I would like Wedge and Mara to both be in love with Luke - or on their way there - and for Luke to love them both back.)
Wedge Antilles/Luke Skywalker/Sana Starros
Happy with playing this as a full triad, or a v with Luke in the middle :D Shenanigans – I suspect Wedge and Sana don’t particularly get on at first? There’s probably a little jealousy involved (but all resolved happily please!) but they’ve actually got quite a lot in common with each other in their duties and approach to work? And they do both love Luke dearly. So shenanigans between A New Hope and Empire would be excellent, or maybe something with Wedge having to tell Sana about Luke’s apparent death / disappearance after Hoth? Or! Finn Skywalker! I like the Finn Skywalker theory, with him being Luke & Sana’s kid, and like, I also have an EXTREME weakness for Wedge and babies, so like… Negotiated co-parenting with baby!Finn, or the three of them trying to work out how he fits back into their lives and how they fit back into each others lives.
(If you want to write me Resistance-era!fic for this, with Finn, I’m a pretty easy to please girl with preferences for Finn/Rey, Finn/Poe, or Finn/Rey/Poe if you’re going to plump for a background ship there :D)
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serceleste · 7 years
(Karé/Jess, T, 1.4k)  Jess and Karé pick up a distress call from the wreckage of the Hosnian system.
Fic 3 of 14 in SW rare pairs! The dashing flygirls in space and in love fic I didn’t know I wanted to write until someone asked for it, lol. 
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be-the-spark-flyboy · 4 years
congrats on 100 love!!! could i request prompt #5 with poe 🥺🥰
Thank you hunny💕 here it is!!
Prompt no. 5 : Playing with their hair while their head’s in your lap.
Pairing: Poe x reader
Warnings: Swearing, Major Floof, Poe Dameron being fking adorable as fuck
word count: 0.8k+
Apart from being the best damn pilot in the resistance, Poe Dameron had another special talent. He could fall asleep anywhere. Something he seemed to get better at the more he rose in position. One of the perks of being overworked to the point that any free time he had outside of his grueling shifts was used up for sleeping.
You were convinced he would fall asleep standing if he wasn’t in meetings most of time. He was too devoted to the resistance to be falling asleep while working. That, and also Leia would definitely kick his ass if she ever caught him slacking.
Finding commander Dameron asleep around the base was a common enough occurrence that everyone on the base usually go about their own businesses when they witness it. But not you or Snap.
Snap and you had a bet on who can find Poe asleep in the most bizarre places. So far, Snap was holding the lead after finding Poe comfortably tucked into an empty lower shelf in the cantina kitchen. Sometimes you wondered if Poe purposely fell asleep in weird places just to make the game more interesting for the two of you.
It was very late at night and the black squadron was just back from a successful mission. Leia had been pleased enough to award everyone in the squadron with a day off. Including Poe.
The whole squadron had gathered in the corner of the empty hangar, still in your flight suits, chatting away merrily with drinks the cantina lady was kind enough to provide for all of you. Jessika was sprawled across on the floor, not far from where you leaned against the wall, your legs stretched out before you.
Snap was recounting his riveting story about something you were sure you’d heard of before. You weren’t really paying attention to any of it. Your focus had been entirely snagged by Poe, who’s head was resting against your shoulder as he laughed along with the rest of the squadron at Snap’s story.
Only Jessika knew of the crush you had on your commander. You trusted her enough to not tell anyone else, but sometimes you wondered if Poe knew about it. Lately he was finding more excuses to stick by your side, not that you were complaining, he was your friend. But all his flirting and lingering gazes didn’t feel platonic in the slightest. Or were you reading too much into it?
Poe looks up at you, “You okay? You seem distracted,” Yeah, because of you, dumbass.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” You replied.
“I’m tired,” He whispered to you. “But Snap would smack me if I leave now,”
“What? Why?” You frowned.
“He’s trying to ask Kare out and needs emotional support,” He snickered. You smiled, shaking your head.
Without any warning, Poe lifted his head from your shoulder and laid down on the floor, resting his head on your lap. And you froze. Friends do that right?
“Comfortable?” You asked him sarcastically, eyebrows raised. He hummed in agreement, smiling. Your heart skipped a beat, because maker he is adorable. His eyes fluttered close when you started to weave your fingers through the soft strands of his hair. “Hey, don’t fall asleep on me,” you chided, but with no sternness in your tone.
“Mm awake,” He mumbled, although you know he was already drifting off to sleep. You looked up and saw Jessika lying on her stomach, chin propped up on one hand, wiggling her eyebrows at you. You shot her a glare, trying to make her cut it out.
You drew your hand away from Poe’s head and his eyes flew open, a dramatic pout on his face. “What?” you laughed. Poe wordlessly grabbed your hand, brought it up to his hair again.
You thought your heart might explode from the content smile that lifted his face when you started carding your fingers through his hair again. And when he pulled your other hand on top of him, holding it against his chest, you almost stopped breathing. The smile stayed on his face as he sleepily blinked up at you, and said, “You’re pretty,”
And then fell asleep, right there, on your lap.
A series of ‘aw’s from the rest of your squad mates made you throw your head back groaning. It was impressive how fast Poe managed to fall asleep on you, the sounds didn’t bother him in the slightest.
“I’m counting this into the bet,” Snap informed you, and when you try to protest he just said, “Hey, falling asleep on another squadron member in the hangar seems pretty weird,” You just rolled your eyes at him.
Maybe you weren’t reading too much into it, maybe Poe did like you too. You could figure that out later, you decided. For now you were content with just letting him sleep on your lap.
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