#kanata weather
seangelfish · 9 months
A/N: I was looking through the drafts of my old blog and found this perfectly written out fic, but it was never posted. So, here it is now! I want to write more Kanata fics since he's my first lover, so please keep a look out...! Anyway, enjoy!! ♡(>ᴗ•)
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Dorm life
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Kanata Shinkai x Reader ♡ Tags: Fluff, established relationship (with Kanata), romance, platonic relationships with Hiyori and Rinne, she/her pronouns ♡ Word count: 1,746 ♡ Synopsis: Kanata has invited you over for the first time! He’s really excited to have you around and so are his roommates. This is inspired by one of Hiyori’s idol stories: ‘How’s The Weather With All Three Together?’
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“I’m home!” Hiyori called out, but no response was given.
He was confused as he was always greeted by someone when he came back from work.
“Is no one at home?” he questioned, reminding himself of his roommates’ announcements this morning. “No… there should be someone… Shall I try that again?”
Kanata looked up and finally said, “I can hear you, Mr. Sunshine~”
“Kanata?!” exclaimed Hiyori, startled. “Were you intentionally ignoring me?”
Kanata giggled, “Yes, I thought it would be ‘funny!’”
“I’d appreciate an immediate reply, you know!”
“Okay then, welcome back~”
Hiyori sighed, tossing his bag to the side. He wasn’t mad at Kanata or anything, in fact, his face was drawn with a smile. Kanata was so childlike and innocent, you just couldn’t help but smile along with him.
“Is that why (Y/N) likes you?” Hiyori muttered to himself, and thankfully, Kanata didn’t catch that.
Hiyori thought of you as one of your close friends, especially since you were so close with Eden due to your childhood friendship with Ibara. Hiyori always wanted the best for you. That’s why he was so curious about your relationship with Kanata the first time you mentioned him. Now that he’s roommates with him, Hiyori could finally see why you must like him so much.
Out of the blue, Rinne burst in with all laughs.
“I’m home!” he announced, smiling ear to ear.
Kanata smiled, “Welcome home~”
“Yes, welcome back,” beamed Hiyori. “Rinne-senpai, you seem really happy.”
“Yep, I did quite well today,” Rinne replied, and they both knew that he meant pachinko and not his idol activities. “I exchanged my winnings for a bunch of snacks. You guys can have some if you like.”
“Oh, then I’ll have a little bit of chocolate then,” said Hiyori.
“Hmm, no,” started Kanata. “But I’ll take the ‘dried sardine’ snacks since I’m full right now. Hehe, it’s free ‘calcium’.”
Suddenly, something caught his eye, and Kanata continued, “Ah, these are (Y/N)’s favourites! I’ll take these too then… She’ll be so happy~ Thank you, Mr. ‘Monarch.’”
Hiyori smiled at this and thought it was cute.
“Wow, so these are the snacks (Y/N) likes?” Rinne asked curiously. “Well, at least she has better taste than you, Kanacchi.”
Kanata pouted at this but decided to let it go anyway.
“Oh, yes…” Kanata began, looking at his two roommates. “I invited (Y/N) over. She’s supposed to be here by four.”
Kanata’s two roommates shot up from their positions in panic.
“What?!” cried Hiyori, eyeing the time which read half past three. “Why didn’t you tell us sooner? Rinne-senpai, go take a shower! Those types of places have that unruly smell that I do not like and (Y/N) probably doesn’t like it either! Kanata, clean up your mess too!”
“I’m on my way, Hiyori-chan!” said Rinne quickly, hurrying into the bathroom.
“Ah!” Kanata began.
“Kanata, what’s the matter?” Hiyori asked as he began to put away all their loose things, but Kanata didn’t need to answer as Rinne, who was in the shower, screamed:
Kanata sighed, “I forgot that I was ‘bathing’ before the two of you came back…”
“So, you left the water temperature turned down again… Don’t I always tell you to turn it back up after you have a bath?” said Hiyori. “Also, could you sweep the floor?”
Kanata had picked up the dustpan and began sweeping the floor with a broom. “Again? That’s rude. It’s only the first time this week,” he replied.
“I just know (Y/N) tells you the same thing when you’re using her bathroom,” Hiyori retorted.
Kanata couldn’t help but chuckle at his friend’s statement because it was true. You would say that to him.
Rinne came back sneezing, clearly cold from his freezing shower.
“Man, I just went through hell,” he said with another sneeze.
“You certainly got back fast,” Hiyori acknowledged, “Can you please dust the place?”
“Aye, aye!”
Kanata was confused about why Hiyori was ordering them around. It’s not like Keito was doing a room inspection.
“Kanata, it’s because (Y/N)’s coming over,” Hiyori replied with Rinne agreeing. “You wouldn’t want her to see how messy our dorm is, do you?”
It wasn't that messy, but Kanata agreed anyway. “I guess you’re right. (Y/N) would appreciate that.”
So, the three of them continued to clean the place up until it was sparkling. The floors were spotless, beds were made and pillows fluffed, they even dusted the whole place so you could see your reflection in everything they owned.
Hiyori beamed proudly, “Phew! Well, that’s that!”
“Well done, everyone,” applauded Rinne before his eyes caught the weird object on his bed. “Woah, what the hell is this? Did some cryptic just take over my bed?”
Kanata laughed and corrected him, “It’s a ‘giant isopod’ from the AOUMI aquarium! You can use it as a pillow if you like. Hiyori didn’t like it, so I hope you can keep it.”
“Sure, I’ll take it,” said Rinne. “As a thanks, you can take as many of those snacks. But Kanacchi, shouldn’t you give these plushies to your girlfriend?”
“It’s okay~ I give her all of AOUMI’s new ‘releases’ before they’re even being sold!” Kanata answered happily. “She’ll always be the first person I will ever give ‘merch’ to!”
Hiyori was silent for a moment as he took Kanata’s words in. It just reminded him of the time you would talk about your boyfriend and how happy he made you feel. Hiyori couldn’t help but pinch his roommate’s cheek.
“Huh…? Mr. Sunshine, what was ‘that’ for?” Kanata asked, perplexed.
“Nothing,” Hiyori replied with a soft chuckle.
A knock was heard and Rinne, who was the closest one to the door, opened it. You appeared to them with a smile on your face.
Kanata’s whole demeanour brightened up even more as he ran over to you for a big hug. “(Y/N)!” he cheered, picking you up and twirling you around.
You couldn’t help but smile along with him. Your arms went around his neck as you laughed too. Hiyori and Rinne watched the two of you with a smile on each of their faces.
"Wow, your guys' dorm is pretty clean," you commented, observing the place.
You sat down on Kanata's bed, eyeing how cute his little space in the corner was. He had decorated the space with things that he liked, things that related to the ocean. You watched the small fish swim around the beautifully decorated tank that he had set up beside his bed, but you just couldn't help but eye the photos he had up above his bed frame.
"Yeah, we cleaned up the place before you got here," admitted Rinne. "Now you could praise us and tell us we did a good job!"
"You weren't supposed to tell her that, Rinne-senpai!" Hiyori hissed but backtracked anyway. "So... are you going to say anything?"
Their words went into your ear and out of the next. You were too focused on the photos Kanata had framed. The biggest photo on the wall was just of the sea, but the smaller frames held his most cherished memories.
Kanata couldn't keep his eyes off you, so he instantly noticed what you were staring at. He was on the floor, his head laid on your lap as you stroked his hair lovingly.
"Do you like it?" he asked as he hugged your waist tighter.
You smiled a bit. Your eyes were focused on a particular framed photo. Not of the photo of Kanata's big show with Ryuseitai or his photo with Kaoru and Souma at the aquarium, but of a photo of you and him that was taken by the sea far from Ensemble Square. In the photo, Kanata held both of your hands as if he was dancing with you on the beach; both of you with big smiles on your faces.
But you have never seen this photo before.
"Chiaki took it of us," answered Kanata despite the fact you haven't audibly questioned it yet. "It's my favourite one."
“It’s really cute,” you said as you continued to stroke his hair which he hummed in response. “Haha, you look so adorable in this photo!”
His roommates sat on their own beds, eyeing you two curiously. They were happy to see their friend be treated with so much love by you.
At this time, Rinne was using the giant isopod plushie as a pillow. You recognised the plush right away.
“Oh, did Kanata give you one too, Rinne?”
“You mean the cryptic?” he went. “Yeah, Kanacchi’s so cute like that, isn’t he?”
You giggled, “Yeah! He gave me one too! He always gives me plushies from his aquarium, he’s sweet like that.”
Hiyori couldn’t help but smile at this. Since he was one of your close friends, he couldn’t help but want the best for you, and that included romantic relationships. But now he knew that he didn’t need to worry about you anymore. Kanata was perfect for you, and he could see that you were happy with him.
“I originally gave it to Hiyori,” said Kanata. “But he didn’t want it. Is it really that scary?”
“It’s scary,” you, Rinne and Hiyori simultaneously replied.
Yet you continued, “But it’s cute in its own way.”
The three of you spent the rest of the time together playing games and watching a movie. You ended up cooking a meal to eat with them too. You didn’t want Kanata to cook, and you doubted that Hiyori or Rinne could cook either (considering the fact that Hiyori was a rich boy and Rinne was a monarch).
They applauded your cooking and you all ate together happily, just like a family. By the time you had to go, they begged you to stay.
“You’re always welcome here, (Y/N)!” cried Hiyori dramatically.
“If you ever just want to sleep over, just ask!” said Rinne. “Just don’t perform inappropriate activities with Kana—”
“Do not finish that sentence, Rinne-senpai.”
You and Kanata smiled at their childish antics. He kissed you goodnight as he held you in his arms.
“Goodnight, angelfish,” he said softly.
“Goodnight, my love.”
He watched you walk down the corridor as you waved him goodbye. Your dorm was on the second floor of the building, so you didn’t need him to walk you back.
“Well then,” started Rinne. “Time to go to sleep, Kanacchi.”
Kanata nodded, “Right!”
And when he went to sleep, all his dreams were about you.
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xparaloversx · 11 months
Gesture Prompts #8 - Kanata Yatonokami
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Clarification from Anon: oh sorry for not specifying, let it be, kanata who takes the reader to the alley ^^
As much as Kanata goes out, time where he allows himself to indulge himself is sparse. 
Because of this, a fair bit of your dates may not fall into the traditional “date” category, but Kanata secretly finds the domesticity and comfortability in grocery shopping enjoyable when you’re with him.
After being run ragged the entire week, Kanata can think of nothing else better than to have a hot meal with you and Nayuta on the rooftop watching the stars.
Which is exactly why you’re at the corner market today, picking out fresh ingredients for tonight’s dinner. 
Unfortunately, life seems to have other plans, as a stray cat steal a bag of fish the second your back is turned
And Kanata will be damned if he lets some mangy furball steal his dinner from him.
The cat’s surprisingly resilient, weaving its way through multiple alleyways before you both manage to corner it in an alleyway where Kanata manages to intimidate the cat enough that it lets go of your fish.
You’re both exhausted, sweaty, and at your wit’s end. 
Your gaze turns to Kanata, concern softening the raggedness that’s weathered your voice.
“Are you ok?” 
“Kanata-” Your incoming question is cut off by a pair of lips crashing into yours, teeth and tongue clashing in desperation for closeness.
The noise of passersby and traffic becomes muffled, the only thing you’re able to focus on is the heavy pants leaving your lover’s mouth as he presses you against a wall.
Your previous exhaustion is quickly forgotten in favor of a delirious fervor that makes you weak in the knees.
Your hands fly up to grasp at the back of his neck, his waist- anything within your reach, as long as it was him. 
Nimble fingers make their home on your collarbone and hips, pulling your body flush against his. 
“What about dinner?” You halfheartedly tease after a particularly messy kiss, drinking in the blush that’s effused across his face. 
“Dinner can wait,” he snarks, his lips melding with yours once more.
Comments, reblogs, and likes are loved and appreciated <333
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visxionery · 3 months
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Revealing my desired enstars shuffle units!!! I might make more posts about each unit in particular + what songs it'll prob sound like. First is the event card and second and third is gacha card and the rest is event
but for now here's a brief look into each unit!
dystopia : they are all mystical beings that live in a dystopian world where art and order is gone.
heartthrob : think aisle with you plus atoz but spin it. This is more of a sad nostalgic kind of love unit? Like basically a we used to be in love and I long for you kind of thing. CAUSE I KNOW VALENTINES ARE LIKE HAPPY BUT I WANT SAD VALENTINES OK ARGHHHH (gets dragged out)
wonderlandz : mascot cosplay group, imagine twisted wonderland met wicked drugs and this. ill explain more on who is who <3 vetarannoruma : a group doing a documentary about investigative work but then gets caught in a ACTUAL CASE, they somehow end up on a plane- someone gets shot???!!! and ibara throws a bomb somewhere-FIND OUT MORE IN THE NEXT EPISODE OF VEGAS TRUE CRIME-
5050' : so eichi is investing shit right and then makes a bet and loses sum money idfk to RINNE AMAGI? Turns out rinne is good at investing and shit but then eichi like nuh uh ur reckless kohaku is on the shuffle cause rinne and his dirty schemes. Kanata is trolling and Tetora is burning kitchens (i'll explain i swear-)
imaging : OHOHO THIS IS A HALLOWEEN SHUFFLE, so switch makes a haunted house right and natsume is like lets do a mirror maze *casts sum spell* then SUBARU gets caught in the spell and suddenly theres multiple of them and the other three members get trapped.
dia thieves : game show where they battle for fans and try to rizz you up but then stinky pr does smth and THERES A SCANDAL?????? find out more on dia thieves : broke asf....
phantoms at the opera : OK OK I KNOW MAYOI AINT IN ERE BUT I DIDNT WANNA MAKE IT THAT OBVIOUS. So hokuto is doing sum dramatica shit and then he gets a theatre role outside and then they have to act out shit think masquerade ball BUT THEN (here's the plot twist) THEY GET THRUSTED INTO A MURDER MYSTERY GAME BY GATEKEEPER (dun dun dunn!!!) SHIT HAPPENS NAGISA GETS INTO A CULT TSUMUGI IS HANGING OFF A LEDGE REI ALMOST DIES HOKUTO WRU and madara is yo mama.
CU2+ : So midori and hajime has been part of a buddy system made by es to cultivate good relationships between fellow idols, but they chat anon they all do so no one knows who each other is. Midori has been feeling a bit down lately and the rest of the support grp helps him but then everyone puts on a false persona because they want to be a better version of themselves. Hajime wants them to all meet in the real world at around 2 plus, but Midori has other plans...
Parasol : ARASHI WEARS A SUNDRESS TWO PIECE I REPEAT ARASHI WEARS A- basis is its a modelling gig and compared to arashi chiaki is TERRIBLE DAWG i love you chiaki but i know you can willingly go without bathing so on the day of the shoot they put so much effot in bad weather strucks and ITS A BRINK OF A NATURAL DISASTER.....but arashi is stuck and all alone....
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landofzero-archive · 10 months
Ibara Saegusa - Worms Within the Lion’s Body (1)
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Writer: Kanata Haruka
Season: Winter
(Location: S TV (Central TV) )
Ibara: Thank you for your hard work again today! Even I am proud that you’re so competent in all areas ☆
Since today’s recording emphasised on ad-libbing that wasn’t in the script, I was a bit worried myself. But it’s great that my worry was unfounded.
Here is some ice cream as refreshments from the tv programme’s staff. Would chocolate flavoured ice cream be fine with you, Your Excellency?
Nagisa: …… It’s ice cream. Thank you, Ibara. This is today’s reward isn’t it? I’ll accept it, then.
(...... Hurk!?)
Ibara: By all means, I look forward to your continued success in work tomorrow as well, Your Excellency!
Nagisa: ……
Ibara: Is there something wrong, Your Excellency? For some reason, you’re making a difficult expresion. Was it my ineptitude?
If that is the case, I will aim for improvement immediately, so please do not hold back in telling me the problem. This Ibara Saegusa will show you that I can overcome any difficulty if it is Your Excellency’s wishes. Ahahaha ☆
Nagisa: …… You’re being loud. Shut up a little.
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Ibara: Heh…….!?
Eh? Y-your Excellency? Why are you angry, so suddenly? Have I really offended you somewhere?
If there is something, I will rectify it right now!? Right this moment! So please talk to me peacefully!?
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(Location: CosPro Office Conference Area)
Ibara: —And that was what happened.
Hiyori: Ahaha. That’s so funny. I guess Ibara was spooked by how intimidating Nagisa-kun was.
Ibara: This is no laughing matter. It’s been a few days since that incident, but His Excellency still hasn’t talked to me.
Hiyori: Hmm. So then, Ibara has come to me to ask the reason for Nagisa-kun’s anger?
Ibara: Exactly. As it is His Excellency’s day off today, I wanted to grab the opportunity to figure out the specifics.
Hiyori: I think there’s no need for you to be so nervous. It was just a ‘worm’ in a bad place. (2)
Ibara: Even so, I didn’t think that His Excellency would be so mad at me for that.
Hiyori: Fufu……
Ibara: Is there something wrong? This really is nothing to laugh about, Your Highness.
Hiyori: Nothing, I’m just thinking that this Ibara that’s panicking a lot more than I was expecting is really cute.
Ibara: No matter how much one knows, one has to be wary of landmines as one might not know where they might be buried.
Up till now, when I had angered His Excellency, I was able to figure out the cause to some extent. But this time, I could not even find a lead to the cause.
I can’t defuse the bomb properly, in this case.
Therefore, as Your Highness is the one who is the most knowledgeable about His Excellency, I implore for you to lend me your power!
Hiyori: ……Heh, Ibara is being unusually and admirably meek, aren’t you?
Ibara: If His Excellency’s mood continues to be bad, it might start to become a hindrance for our future activities as “Eden” and “Adam.
Thus, I have decided this incident should be resolved as swiftly as possible.
Hiyori: I see. Now I understand why you’re so desperate.
I do certainly know the reason for Nagisa-kun’s anger. So it would be absolutely correct for Ibara to seek me out.
Ibara: That’s quite fortunate! Well then, shall we—
Hiyori: However, it’s boring to just tell you so easily like that, right? Since you’re asking me for help, you have to show me your sincerity.
Ibara: Sincerity? How would Your Highness like me to demonstrate that? Would prostrating myself suffice? (3)
Hiyori: Fufun, I want Ibara to accompany me to go window shopping.
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(Location: Shopping mall 1F)
Hiyori: Mmhm, I was able to get a variety of cute spring clothes. Lovely weather ♪
Ibara: It’s nice to hear that Your Highness is satisfied. However, this is such a luxurious way to spend your time.
Hiyori: You can only say it’s luxurious when you’ve managed to entertain me.
When I asked for preferences on clothes, you only gave me model answers. Even though you know the latest trends, in the end, you only talked about whether they will go out of style or get more trendy.
Talking with you isn’t exciting.
Since Ibara usually only works, I tried to teach you about noble games, but you can’t be taught at all.
Ibara: For me, work and producing results are like playing. Therefore, there is no need for Your Highness to worry about such things. Ahahaha☆
Putting that aside, isn’t it about time you tell me the reason for His Excellency’s anger?
Hiyori: Hm. Well, it’s fine. We’ve managed to kill some time, and you’ve even become something like a luggage carrier.
Well then, the reason for Nagisa-kun’s anger was it?
Fufu, the reason Nagisa-kun glared at Ibara is—
Ibara: That is……
Hiyori: Just a dental cavity. (4)
Ibara: ……Ha? Eh……Dental cavity?
Hiyori: To be specific, the reason was ‘a toothache’. It’s not confirmed to be a dental cavity just yet.
If I remember correctly, on the day he glared at Ibara, eating the ice cream refreshments he got from staff made him feel pain in his tooth.
But he thought that if he reported the pain to Ibara, his ice cream would be taken away and that thought made him grimace.
Ibara: …… Then, you mean to say the reason I’ve been worried sick up till now is just a dental cavity?
Hiyori: Nagisa-kun took a day off today because he made up his mind to go see a dentist.
Look, the dentist’s is right over there. Nagisa-kun should be going there today. The treatment should almost be over soon……
Nagisa: …… Hiyori-kun, you’re here to pick me up.
…… Eh? Ibara is here too? Why?
Hiyori: Sorry, Nagisa-kun. Ibara was really worried that he had offended you, so I spilled to him about the dental cavity.
Nagisa: …… Is that so? Sorry, Hiyori-kun, for causing you trouble. You too, Ibara. My teeth are fine, so you can rest assured.
Ibara: Is that so…… Yes. That is good news. It’s good that Your Excellency’s teeth are doing fine.
Nagisa: …… Ibara, I’m sorry about the other day. I spoke to you a little too harshly.
Ibara: I do not mind. Since I know of the reason for Your Excellency’s anger now, I can relax.
But, Your Excellency, I must apologise for my rudeness.
For the time being, Your Excellency is banned from any sweets whatsoever!
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Nagisa: …… There’s no need to ban them. After all, it’s not a dental cavity, it’s just sensitive teeth.
Ibara: It doesn’t matter! Whether it’s dental cavities or sensitive teeth, the fact that you felt the pain is all the same!
Nagisa: …… The dentist also taught me the correct way to brush my teeth. With this, there are no other problems right?
Ibara: No, this is a definite decision! No matter what Your Excellency says, this decision cannot be reversed!
For the time being, I will be personally overseeing your mealtimes and your teeth brushing times.
I’ll even brush Your Excellency’s teeth myself!
Nagisa: …… Don’t get carried away, Ibara. I’ve told you this before, but I think it should be repeated. I’m your superior, Ibara is my inferior—
Ibara: That sort of threat won’t work on me this time. That’s because this time, I was the one unable to properly manage Your Excellency, leading to your ruin!
Lately I’ve been giving Your Excellency too much freedom. That’s why this chink in my armor was able to be put on full display for you.
Nagisa: …… What should I do, Hiyori-kun? Ibara is scarier than usual.
Hiyori: Seems like Ibara and Nagisa-kun’s positions are flipped now, huh? Getting in the way of this particular Ibara is kind of a bother, so you should run away with me when this happens, Nagisa-kun.
Ibara: I’m not letting you. I will never let this farce happen again! Never again!
1. Not a Christian reference, yet still a religious one. The title is a direct reference to a Buddhist analogy; Worms within the lion’s body. (source) The saying bears the meaning that ‘followers of Buddhism destroys it’s teachings just as worms born from the carcass of the lion devour the lion’. The story’s title however is a pun, as the first character for the original phrase is read as ‘religious leader’ but the first character for this story title is read as ‘lion’. Both are pronounced the same way. In this context, the ‘lion’ is Nagisa and the ‘worm’ is his tooth cavity.
2. He literally said ‘bug/worm’ ( 虫 ) The reason for which will be explained further down the story.
3. Dogeza.
4. Cavity/tooth decay = 虫歯. Written with the kanji for ‘bug/worm’ ( 虫 ) and ‘tooth’ ( 歯 ).
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mephinomaly · 2 years
[TL] Going on a Walk With Me
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Character(s): Kanata, Shu, Izumi, Kaoru, Souma, Shinobu
Season: Summer
Location: Staff Cafeteria
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Kanata: sea bass, flathead, eel~♪ sillago, sweetfish, swordfish, and tuna~♪
Izumi: What song is that? You’re singing directly into my ear.
Sorry, but I still don’t get it. How does this count as being part of OCEANS activities?
Shinobu: It’s because the Summer Fish Fair has just started in the staff cafeteria!
Izumi: I know that. But the entire point of this circle getting together is so we can interact with sea creatures, right? This is entirely something else.
Kaoru: Well, it’s nice to do something like this every so often, hm? It’s educational to learn about this season’s fish and give them a taste.
Whatever, I was trying to give a proper reason for it. My real point is that food tastes better when you eat with others. We can share our thoughts on each dish as well.
Izumi: Did Kao-kun really just say that? I had a feeling you’d say something more like “ew, men flirting”.
Kaoru: No need to be so pointed… Souma-kun, over here!
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Souma: I apologise for making you wait. I got completely caught up deciding what to eat.
Kaoru: Fair enough, the menu does have a lot to choose from. Now that everyone’s here, let’s grab a table.
Izumi: Let’s get a sofa seat…ugh, they’re totally packed. There’s some free chairs though, so should I grab a few?
Shinobu: Wehe. I suspected you would say that, and so have already done as such…♪
Izumi: You’ve got a good head on your shoulders. Unlike some of the others.
Oh, Shinkai brought a chair too? We’ve got too many, so put one back.
Kanata: no. Six chairs is perfect as today, we have a Guest.
Souma: Oh? You’ve taken a… cuddly toy from your bag?
Kanata: say hello to mr white croc ♪
Shinobu: A white crocodile? To me it looks more like a shark…?
Kanata: mr white croc is a Shark. he belongs to the Mouse shark family. [1]
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Shinobu: A crocodile, a shark, and a mouse…? Waa, how confusing~
Kanata: a long time ago, the word for Shark was the same as Crocodile. it is an Archaic term. [2]
mr white croc was given to me by chiaki.
when we were at the Arcade, i saw him by chance. i took a liking to him, so chiaki got him for me.
Kaoru: So now you’ve grown attached to it, and are carrying it around with you? A good present from Moricchi then, hm?
Izumi: If it’s really important to you, you have to give it an actual name. Naru-kun called her cat “Nyanko” though, so. That’s like, calling a human “human”, right?
Kanata: an actual Name... what shall it be, hmm…?
Shinobu: White croc… white…ah. How about “Shironosuke”? [3]
Souma: What a good name. A good, Japanese boy's name.
Kanata: that’s good, we will go with that. i am glad he has a wonderful Name.
alrightie. from now on, you will come with me to lots of different places, “shironosuke”...♪
Izumi: It’s not exactly a big jump from “Mr White Croc”... What do you think, Kao-kun?
Kaoru: Ahaha. If Kanata-kun likes it, then it’s fine, right?
Time: 1 hour later
Location: ES hallway
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Kanata: ufufu. i am happy you got to introduce yourself to everyone. now shironosuke is a member of OCEANS too, hm?
the Weather today is good, so let’s go play in the water in the hanging Garden.
cuddly Toys cannot Puka Puka. so instead i will give you a tour of the area.
hm? your Pectoral fin is stretched… you’re a growing boy, aren’t you shironosuke?
(...oh. a Stitch has come loose, and your Stuffing is coming out.)
(this is really bad. i will fix you, shironosuke…)
Location: ES Dressing Room
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Kanata: (nooo… i learned how to sew in home Economics so i thought i could do it myself. i have only made it worse.)
(fixing Cuddly toys is difficult. the hole is bigger and his Stuffing will not stop spilling out.)
Shu: …Oya, Kanata. Quite unusual for you to be here, hm?
Kanata: shuuu~...
Shu: What are you upset over? Is that cotton from… a plushie?
Kanata: yesss. when i tried to repair the Hole, this happened.
if i do not do anything, shironosuke will be completely flat… shu, can you fix him?
Shu: Of course I can. Trying to do something you’re not familiar with will only make things worse. Just like with Orcatarou, it’s fine to rely on me from the beginning. [4]
Wait right there. It shan't take me long to sew him up.
Kanata: understood. you remember orcatarou, shu?
Shu: Well, yes… since it was rather uncommon for you to pay a visit to the Handicrafts Clubroom.
Shironosuke, was it? Why is he dirty?
Kanata: i have been carrying him around with me. since he is white, you cannot hide any Dirt.
but it is okay. i put him in the Washer and then dryer everynight to Make him pretty.
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Shu: Non! Do not put him in a washing machine, Kanata. The very fundamentals of plushie care states that you must hand wash them.
Plushies aren’t made to be exactly durable. You shouldn’t be carrying him around with you.
Kanata: booo. sorry shironosuke, i know i made a Promise to take you sight-seeing.
i am really sorry, shironosuke. from now on, please Stay in my room.
Shu: That’s the entire point of this child. I thought you were family, so you must treat him with respect.
The repair is finished. This is a present from me. Whilst Shironosuke is at home, he can rest on this pillow.
Kanata: uwaa, thank you very much…♪ he has been repaired by shu’s hand~. i am glad you’re okay, shironosuke ♪
sadly, we can no longer Adventure together. but that is why i will come home with lots of Gossip.
be a good boy, shironosuke…♪
in english theyre called salmon sharks
kanata refers to the plush as “wani” which means crocodile but it’s also an archaic word for shark. the actual word for shark is “same”
the kanji for this name is 白之助. The first one, shiro, means white and the other two 之助, nosuke, are sort of ways to make word humorous? like you’d tack it on to the end of a word to make it funny. its also just a boys name. its an old thing, edo period from my research
reference to shu’s 6th management story where kanata asks shu to repair a plushie called orcatarou
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twilightmalachite · 1 year
Kanata Shinkai - A Walk With Me
Author: Yuumasu
Characters: Kanata, Izumi, Shinobu, Kaoru, Souma, Shu
Translator: Mika Enstars
Proofer: Kirin
"A tiger, a shark, and a mackerel…? Ugh, I’m getting confused de gozaru~…"
Season: Summer
Location: Staff Canteen
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Kanata: Sea bass, flathead, eel~…♪ Whiting, sweetfish, marlin, tuna~…♪
Izumi: What kinda song is that? Strangely catchy…
But seriously, why are we here? How is this an OCEANS activity?
Shinobu: That would be because the Summer Fish Fair has begun here at the employee canteen!
Izumi: I’m aware. But isn’t this circle for getting in touch with sea creatures? This is completely unrelated.
Kaoru: Well, something like this once in a while can’t hurt, right? You can deepen your knowledge about seasonal fish by eating them!
Or whatever, I just tried listing some formal reasons. First of all, food tastes better when you eat together with everyone… Second of all, we can share our thoughts on it too.
Izumi: You of all people are saying this, Kao-kun? I thought being around men “grossed you out”.
Kaoru: That was uncalled for… Souma-kun, we're over here!
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Souma: Sorry for making you all wait. I contemplated for a long time on which one to eat.
Kaoru: Fair enough, the menu has quite the selection, isn’t there? Now that we’re all here, let's sit down.
Izumi: Looks like the sofa seats… Are all taken. There’s empty table seats, so should I borrow some chairs from elsewhere?
Shinobu: Heheh, I thought you’d say that, so I’ve got them borrowed already…! ♪
Izumi: How thoughtful of you, such a good boy!
Huh, Shinkai? You also brought one? We have no need for it, so go and put it back.
Kanata: No, “six” is good. Because today, we have a “guest”!
Souma: Hmm? What did you pull out of your bag… A stuffed animal?
Kanata: Nice to meet you, I’m “Mister Blue-nurse Sand Tiger”. ♪
Shinobu: A blue tiger? But it looks like a shark to me, though…?
Kanata: “Blue Nurse Sand Tiger” is indeed a “shark”. It is a “mackerel” shark.
Shinobu: A tiger, a shark, and a mackerel…? Ugh, I’m getting confused de gozaru~…
Kanata: Back in the day, “sharks” used to have been called “dragons”, too. Some sharks are named that too, as a sort of “remnant”.[1]
“Mister Blue-nurse Sand Tiger” here was given to me by Chiaki.
He happened to see it while at the “game center”. He got it for me since he thought I’d like it.
Kaoru: So that’s why you’re attached to it and carrying it around with you? Moricchi’s present must mean a lot to you, huh!
Izumi: If it means so much to you, at least give it a more refined name. Naru-kun too basically named her cat, “kitty”.[2] But you wouldn’t normally give a human the name of “human”, would you?
Kanata: A more refined “name”? I wonder what would be good, hmm…?
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Shinobu: Well, he’s white, shiro, so… Ah, how about “Shironosuke”?[3]
Souma: A fine name. It’s much like one for a Japanese boy.
Kanata: It is good, I like it. I am glad I was able to get you a nice “name”, “Shironosuke”.
All right. From now on, I will take you to all sorts of places with me, okay? …♪
Izumi: I don’t think that’s any different from his original name… What do you think, Kao-kun?
Kaoru: Ahaha, well if the guy likes it, then that’s good enough, right?
Location: ES Hallway
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1 hour later…
Kanata: Ufufu, I’m glad everyone got to “meet” you. That means you’re part of “OCEANS” now too, “Shironosuke”.
The “weather” is good today, so let's go for a swim at the “hanging garden”.
“Plushies” can't “puka puka” though, so please watch from the side instead.
Hm? Your “pectoral fins” have gotten longer... Are you growing bigger, “Shironosuke”?
(…Oh. The seam tore, and stuffing is sticking out.)
(This is bad. I have to fix up “Shironosuke”…)
Location: Dressing Room
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In the ES building's Dressing Room…
(Hmm~… I thought I could fix him from what I had learned in “home economics” class, but…)
(“Repairing “something like a “plushie” is really hard. The “seams” keep opening and even more “stuffing” falls out.)
Shu: …Oh, Kanata. It's rare to see you here.
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Kanata: Shu~…
Shu: What's gotten you so sad? That cotton… A plush?
Kanata: Mhm… I tried to “stitch” him back up, but it's not turning out right…
“Shironosuke” will turn out flat at this rate… Shu, can you fix him?
Shu: Of course. Trial and error when it comes to unfamiliar things only makes things worse. You should have asked me from the start, like you did with Shachitaro.[3]
Wait right there. It won't take long to stitch him back up.
Kanata: Understood. You remember “Shachitaro”, Shu?
Shu: Well, you visiting the handicraft room was a rare occurrence… Hrm.
He's called Shironosuke, correct? So how come he's become so dirty?
Kanata: That's because I carry him around with me. He’s all white so the “dirt” ends up standing out no matter what I do.
But no need to “worry” He gets all cleaned up with the “washing machine” and “dryer” every night.
Shu: Non! Absolutely not, Kanata, it's necessary for stuffed animals to be hand-washed.
Things like this are generally cheaply-made in the first place. It is not suited to be carried around.
Kanata: Mm, but I promised him I would take him to all sorts of places… That's unfortunate.
I'm sorry, “Shironosuke”. You'll have to "stay" back in the "room" from now on.
Shu: That's what will be best for this kid. Handle him with utmost care, as you would family.
The repair has finished. Take this as a present from me. When you leave home, let him rest on this cushion.
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Kanata: Uwah, thank you so much…♪ It’s handmade by Shu, you know~. Isn't this great, “Shironosuke”? ♪
We won't be able to “go out” together anymore, but I'll make sure to bring back plenty of “stories”, alright?
Stay put and be a good boy, okay, “Shironosuke”?…♪
The Japanese name for Kanata’s plush is “Shirowani”. Wani (鰐) means “dragon”, or “sea monster”. As sharks were literally a dragon-like sea monster, they were often called that. Same goes for crocodiles as well; the Japanese word for them is still wani (ワニ).
Arashi’s cat’s name is “Nyanko”, a portmanteau of “nyan” (meow) and “ko” (child). It’s basically the language equivalent of “kitty”, sort of like how Rei calls Koga “wanko”, or “puppy”.
The original text doesn’t reference the plushy’s tummy, and instead works off of the “shiro” from “Shirowani”, the japanese name. I decided to not localize the plushie’s name, since I think names are important.
Shachi (シャチ) means Orca.
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makur0 · 2 years
“A new me.”
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synopsis — they were worried that you would never be the same after... that, especially since you were so close to offing yourself. but you manage to come back, as bold as ever. they miss your old self though. [platonic! five eccentrics x amab! reader] PART ONE (?) -> part two
content warnings — sfw, pinch of fluff? angst, mentions of suicide. SPOILERS FOR THE WAR (pre-anime plot), oc inserts
author’s note — did i base MC off of a twst character? yes, yes i did. *bangs head against wall in procrastinating the requests and kinktober*
word count — 2640
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Even Eichi questioned Tsumugi’s choice. You were so secluded, barely anybody saw you, let alone watch you perform your talents. And for the people who have conversed with you, they were pretty sure of themselves:
You were just a shy, talentless waste of space.
You even planted seeds of doubt in the other Eccentric’s minds. Were you cunning like Rei? A perfectionist like Shu? Lax like Kanata, magical like Wataru, or creative like Natsume? What were you?
What did Tsumugi Aoba see in you?
You would ask that question to yourself so many times. Even if you made a unit and went against fine, you would have been annihilated. Did Wataru also know that? Was that why he took you into his own unit? You barely did anything, though... like a substitute. There for the practices, forgotten for the stage.
The only person who could actually see your potential was Rei Sakuma. The one time he talked to you, before you cowered away, he realized it.
Of course, he didn’t say anything. He wanted you to figure it out yourself. Realistically, he was the bridge between you and the other Eccentrics. It wasn’t until the fall of their units that they finally ‘accepted’ you. They saw you as a familiar. 
They wanted to save your innocence from the evil of the world.
Was it because they couldn’t save themselves? They thought that they would use you as a sense of comfort? Or did they actually care for you?
You felt indebted to them, you felt guilty. Here they were, fighting fine head-on while you were hiding in the shadows. Heck, even Natsume who did something similar, wasn’t afraid to go against the Student Council too. 
You never felt more useless.
Self-doubt ate at you, deteriorating your last shreds of confidence. It was your fault that you dragged them into your problems. There they were, protecting you from the eyes of the public, losing their own selves. Breaking into pieces when Shu locked himself away, smashing those pieces when Rei changed permanently, and grinding them into scattering dust when Wataru had accepted his fate.
Was this your fault?
Nobody realized that you were slowly secluding yourself from them. They simply thought that this was your normal behavior. They didn’t think any farther than that.
They didn’t know that you’ve been visiting the roof, especially after a ‘friend’ of yours already committed. 
It was your fault, it finally was confirmed. You dragged somebody innocent, somebody with such a kind heart, to leave the world. You couldn’t even stop them, help them, save them.
You really were useless.
You really were pathetic.
You remembered that one night quite clearly. It was cold, your least favorite type of ‘weather’. The wind was low, but even the slight breeze brought goosebumps to your arms. You were in total darkness- the moon was nowhere to be found. How comical, even the moonshine didn’t bother to see you off. 
The ground was rather far off. Thanks to the lack of light, you couldn’t even see the path that looped around the school. Did that comfort you, that you couldn’t see the end? It was almost like falling down to hell itself, not seeing the bottom of the pit...
Your knuckles turned white as you gripped your arm even tighter, sitting on the edge of the wall. Both of your feet were dangling off the roof, and you were slouching so much to the point that if you leaned in further... off you went.
It really didn’t sound so bad.
You didn’t have a role in the world. Would anybody miss you? Why would they?
Nobody in their right mind would be at the school at this time... unless of course another stupid DreFes was going on. The god-damned performances orchestrated by Eichi himself, the President.
But in case anybody was in the building, you better hurry this up.
What would happen after this? Encased in an endless sleep? Reincarnated? Hopefully not... to save the people you would interact with in case. 
“Am I interrupting something?”
You didn’t bother to turn around at the familiar voice. “Sakuma.”
In the corner of your eye you saw the second-year walk next to you. His raven hair was disheveled, bags under his blood-red eyes, and his school uniform quite a mess. He managed a smile towards you, but you could tell it was strained.
“It’s quite a cold night,” He mused, his voice now forever carrying a tired tone. “I suggest you come in before you get a cold.”
“It doesn’t matter,” You muttered, bringing your legs close to your chest and glaring forlornly at the ground under you. Great, now you had to explain.
“But indeed it does,” Rei said. “I wouldn’t like for you to get sick, my dear [name].”
“Can you leave?” You halfheartedly snapped, not noticing the hurt gaze on the upperclassmen. “I’m... busy.”
“I don’t see it that way. I believe you were just stargazing.”
You sighed harshly, getting more irritated by the second. “I don’t need your opinion, Sakuma. Leave me alone.”
“[name], don’t.”
“What do you mean, don’t?” You hissed, finally facing him with an aggravated expression. “What do you think you can do to stop me?”
Slight panic swirled in Rei’s eyes as you stood up shamelessly on the wall, his hands flying up to you. But when you took a step back from him, his arms drifted back down to his side. “[name]...”
“Why don’t you go back to your friends?” You spat, hugging yourself. “You don’t need to look after me- you never had to. I didn’t ask. Besides, I was just holding you behind.”
“You never were,” He almost rushed, his eyes flitting from your feet back to your face. “Just- step down, please.”
“Why should I listen-”
You bit your tongue in annoyance as the roof door opened, revealing Natsume and the other three behind him. Great. 
“What- what are you doing?!” He snapped, his eyebrows furrowing in concern. “Get off!”
“I have a question for you,” You turned back to Rei. “But I guess the others can indulge themselves. How the hell did you know I would be here?”
“Are you kidding me? Even the stupidest could realize that you weren’t acting yourself,” Shu snapped. Wow, so he finally left his abode.
“Talk to yourself, Itsuki,” You hissed back. “You didn’t even think about the others after you were humiliated. I wonder how Mika or Nazuna are doing, huh?”
“Now now, my flower,” Wataru reasoned, putting his hands up in surrender. “Just step down and we can talk this out.”
“Or just convince me of false facts?” You muttered under your breath, dipping your head shamefully.
“[name], is ‘this’ because of what ‘happened’?” Kanata said softly, and you felt your shoulders unintentionally relax. “Don’t ‘worry’, we can ‘fix’ it.”
“I’d rather you not interact with me nor throw yourselves in my problems,” You said. “But it seems that you lot don’t know when to quit.”
“[name], you’re our friend,” Natsume snapped. “Stop saying foolish things and step down.”
“Oh, so you think you can boss me around now?!” You nearly yelled, your throat becoming dry as you felt your eyes misting. “Is this it’s really about? Afraid to lose your precious artifact? I know I remind you of your past selves, and you don’t want to lose it. The upsetting fact that I had to say it instead of one of you.”
“You think we feel that way...?” Rei’s voice quieted.
Only him and Natsume looked bewildered. The other three broke your gaze, guilt seeping in them.
You cursed under your breath, wiping at your eyes harshly as you failed to stop the waterworks. “Whatever. You don’t want me to do it, I won’t.” You jumped back down onto the roof, but you beelined straight for the exit, shoving past the group and ignoring their almost pleading gazes. “To really think I could go calmly...”
You didn’t bother to look behind you as you descended the stairs for the last time, not bothering to wonder why they weren’t following you. The other five, on the other hand, uselessly stared at each other.
“I think we messed up big time,” Rei whispered, looking more tired than ever.
They weren’t sure to feel guilty or glad that you didn’t show up to school the next day, or the day after... which turned to weeks, months, an entire semester. They never saw you after that incident.
Devastation was over-weighed by their cowardliness to confront you again. How were they sure that they were going to get you back after a single, simple conversation? It may be simple to do that in order to break it up, but repairing that permanent scar... if it ever happens, it won’t anytime soon.
The most affected was Natsume. If he didn’t hate Tsumugi now, he sure did, forbidding him to enter the secret library. He dragged you into this mess, after all. Plus, he didn’t need anybody seeing him drowning in guilt, some of his flasks and tubes littering the ground as broken glass.
Rei could only contemplate as he laid in his coffin, away from the prying eyes of the students. What if he did help you out along the way? Would you have been better?
Wataru seemed to be the least affected, but if you could look closely, when he would pull out his usual bouquet, missing a single flower. And that flower was locked away in a box out of shame.
Shu burned all the costumes, patterns, and accessories he made for you as soon as he did, frustrated tears staining his cheeks. He doesn’t need to dwell on past memories. He needs to focus on his broken fame and how to fix it.
Kanata gave away the fish he had planned to give to you. Just staring at it made him feel all... broken inside. He didn’t like it.
As for you- you weren’t any different.
You locked yourself in your house for a month, only going out to get the necessities to be alive. Otherwise, you weren’t living. Almost like an empty shell that is taking up space, all the joy and ignorance sucked right out.
You couldn’t even feel rage, anger towards the five students that basically used you as their plaything. The only reason they accepted you was because you were just an escape from reality. They never acknowledged you as you... right?
It doesn’t matter. You never want to see them again.
Another month wasted. You didn’t even know what was happening out in public. You didn’t need to. All you needed to know was how long you could keep this up until you timer finally slowed to a stop, letting you run away from the cruel, cruel world.
Running away. You really were pathetic.
Three months passed.
Four months.
But before the sixth month, you heard a sound. And it was that simple sound that got you going once again.
A knock on your door.
It was two people, both males. Why were they there?
“I’m sorry to bother you, sir. My friend and I had recently been... ah, kicked out. We’ve been going around in hopes to find shelter for the cold winter coming. Do you mind?”
Why would you? Nothing really mattered anymore.
Without another word you stepped away from the doorway, silently inviting them in. Relieved looks melted their polite faces, immediately stepping in and letting out a sigh.
“I don’t have much to offer,” you muttered. “But please, make yourselves at home.”
Looking back, this was probably the best decision you’ve ever made.
These two people changed your life forever.
Their names were Hisui and Furoido, and they were the two people who would never leave your side again. The sixth month was slightly brighter with them around, one being extremely polite yet cunning, and the other an unruly mess. They brought joy to your shadow-encased house, your dark life. When the winter season ended, much to their surprise you offered them a permanent home for them.
They were both aware of the things they have done to you. You were first a silent shell, who barely interacted with them, but your cold facade melted and soon the glimmer returned to your eyes. A smile creased your lips, and words flowed out of your mouth more frequently. Offering them a place to stay was almost a silent ‘thank you’. And so they accepted it.
In the stretch of the seventh month, they came across your old Yumenosaki uniform. 
“[name], did you... want to become an idol?”
Mentioning that made you stiffen your shoulders, your lips becoming taut. But you couldn’t deny the curious gaze, and so you confessed: “...Yeah. Yeah, I did.”
“What happened?” One asked.
You surprised yourself when you told them your entire story. Did you really trust them that much? You guessed you did.
When you were done, your throat felt dry, and the two males stared at you in dead silence. Finally, Hisui spoke up.
“That is indeed... saddening,” He whispered, a ghost of a pitying expression crossing his face. “I’m truly sorry.”
“Those bunch sound like assholes,” Furoido muttered. “You were right to not listen to them.”
You strained a smile. “Thanks... I guess. A little part of me wants to keep going, but that seems to be the sole factor that holds me back.”
The calculating look on Hisui’s face unsettled you. But when he finally opened his mouth, you were intrigued.
“We can help you back onto that path.”
“We can?” His friend blinked.
The former smiled. “Of course we can. We really are forever indebted to you, [name]. I would be honored to help you achieve your dreams.”
“How so?” You questioned. “Even if you figure it out, there’s no way at this point that I’ll be able to jump back to where everybody else is now.”
“Well,” Furoido interrupted. “There are a number of ways that I can think of, possibly even more than Hisui is thinking of.”
“And judging from your story, I can deduce that you, [name] are an extremely intellectual person,” The other continued. “If we work together to help you... I can almost promise you would be as good, no, even better than if you would if nothing ever happened. Plus, we would be getting a bit of fame ourselves. A bit of a win-win, isn’t it?”
He... he has a point.
“Plus, you would want some... revenge against them, right?”
Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath and processed everything. After a short second you opened them again, and much to the other two’s delight they were filled with determination.
“Well then,” You mused. “Shall we get started?”
Another decision you would always cherish. You finally witnessed the true talent of the two friends, and thanks to them your own began to grow. Practicing from day to night, analyzing the state of Yumenosaki and even further, Ensemble Square, the popularity of the current idols, the managers and producers behind them, and everything in between.
“You want some revenge, right?”
The sole sentence that motivated you, and changed you. No more cowardly, useless [name]. You needed to show them that you weren’t just a plaything... you were somebody that could be successful and gain the eye of everybody with just a snap of your finger. 
A new you. 
You liked the new you. You felt almost... powerful. Fueled by the raw idea of vengeance, with two solid units right behind you, you felt unstoppable. You didn’t care if people fell from your stampede. They never would feel the pain you went through. It didn’t matter to you.
Ten months gone, but it created a new danger.
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narumika · 2 years
Can I request hcs of mika and kanata with a famous producer/fashion designer s/o? the reader like favors them and uses them to wear all their fashion designs. male reader if that’s fine!!!
mika and kanata with a famous designer s/o.
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male!reader. fluff. headcanons.
summary. mika and kanata have a wonderful designer s/o who love to favor them.
authors note. kanata is so (puts him in my mouth and slowly starts chewing)
taglist. @nnatsume @yumetokashite
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— mika is used to getting measured, trying on clothes, and stuff of the like because of shu. but having clothes made inspired by him? nonstop clothes being made for him? he’s in heaven.
— he loves the outfits you come up with! he can’t get enough of how comfortable they are as well. he definitely prefers your clothes over his normal clothes.
— he loves to make things for you as well, and you two have matched on multiple occasions!! he also gives u handmade plushies with cute letters, you guys are honestly adorable.
— he comes to u after puka pukaing and needs. a change of clothes, mainly because you have become so accustomed to it that you keep spare clothes made just for him nearby.
— i think he loves silk so much so he prefers wearing clothes with silk. he has a few shirts made of silk and it’s the best thing to ever feel or wear.
— he has a pair of fish pajamas. you made them just for him, and he’s eternally grateful. he wears it on special occasions/whenever you go to see each other no matter the weather. hotter than hell? fuck it fish pajamas for the movie night. really cold? fish pajamas help him and you cope.
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kyabetsuhime · 7 months
Rinne Amagi 4☆ – Please, God☆
Writer: Yuumasu Characters: Kanata, Hiyori, Rinne, HiMERU, Kohaku, Niki Season: Autumn Translation: ksts Proofreading: mai (ENG)
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Rinne: (So my next job is in an hour... I wanna play pachinko, but guess I'll only end up gettin’ there and comin' right back.) (And there's no point in goin' to Cinnamon either as Niki isn't there.) (Well, it seems I have no choice but to stay here and kill time. If only something could keep me from gettin' bored...) (...Oh.) Hey, Hiyori-chan♪ What a coincidence, nice to see you. For some reason, your mere presence is like a good omen. As if I'm gettin' an "fine weather" blessing...♪
Hiyori: Rinne-senpai, I know you're tearfully happy to see me, but now it's terrible weather…
Rinne: Hm? What's the matter? You don't look well. Did you caught a cold or somethin'?
Hiyori: I wanted to pick up some snacks for a light meal, but the quiche I was looking for was out of stock. Even though I was the one who wrote the letter asking them to add quiche to their repertoire, me not getting it in the end is simply unforgivable!
Rinne: Ehh, so your favorite food is tissues? Are you a goat eatin' paper?♪ Come on, Hiyori-chan, say maa maa...☆
Hiyori: I won't! And I'm not a goat! I'm not in the mood to be teased, why do you keep messing with me?
Rinne: But isn't it natural to greet acquaintances when you meet them in your free time? Why don't you get along with me since we're roommates? Gyahaha☆
Hiyori: Roommates, huh... Then you should ask Kanata-kun to keep you company. He'll bring you luck too, though not as much as me.
Rinne: What do you mean?
Hiyori: It's just a rumor. When I was still at Yumenosaki, I've heard that some people worship him, believing that he can make any wish come true for them.
Rinne: Any, huh? Gyahaha, that definitely isn’t true then. There's no way he could be a god, is there?
Hiyori: Fufun. Whether you believe me or not is up to you, Rinne-senpai.
<6 hours later>
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Rinne: (Phew, all done. Good job, me~) (Now I'll drop my stuff off here and leave. My beloved gambling is waitin' for meee~♪) (There's a new pachinko machine, so should I try that first?~) (...Hm?)
Kanata: (Sleeping sounds)
Rinne: (So Kanacchi's back too. I didn't notice him at all.) (He looks so peaceful sleepin'. Is he havin' a good dream?) ... ("Make any wish come true", huh...) (I know it's just a baseless rumour, but... Guess it can’t hurt to try—) (In a low voice) May I win big! (Aight, I'm off now♪)
<Several days later>
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Niki: Thanks for waiting~ Here are your two daily special sets~
HiMERU: Thank you.
Kohaku: ...Hey, Niki-han. I wanna ask you somethin'.
HiMERU: Oukawa.
Kohaku: But HiMERU-han, you're curious too, right? If we can't get anywhere on our own, then let's bring in Niki-han. Look... See Rinne-han sittin' at the counter?
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Rinne: ......... ...(Sigh)
Kohaku: He's been lost in thought like that for quite a long time now. Did somethin' happen? Maybe he ate somethin' strange?
Niki: Eh!? Please don't suspect our food! But it's really weird that he didn't try to pester me. Well, now that I think about it, he sure looks different from usual~
HiMERU: So in other words, you don't know anything either.
Kohaku: HiMERU-han, where are you goin'?
HiMERU: To ask him directly. Since we don't know the situation, our discussion is just a waste of time. Amagi, can I have a minute?
Rinne: ...Hey, Merumeru. Do you believe in God?
HiMERU: ...What.
Kohaku: Oh no, Rinne-han's snapped!
Niki: Uwah, it's quite troublesome. Who can fix him then? Little brother-san?
Rinne: Nah, I'm totally fine. I don't know how it works, but lately I've been winnin' big at pachinko every time I pray to my roommate, Kanacchi. I suspected it was just a dubious rumour, but turns out he might really be a god of gambling... I haveta cherish this bond♪ Gyahahaha!
<Several days later>
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Hiyori: I'm home! If there's anyone here, greet me with open arms!
Kanata: Welcome back, "Ohisama"-san.
Hiyori: Kanata-kun, what's the matter? Even though I'm back, you're in such a bad mood!
Kanata: No, I'm "fine". Just a little "bewildered". Lately, "Chief"-san has been "pampering" me so strangely often.
Hiyori: Pampering?
Kanata: Yes. Like giving me a "vinyl pool" or trying to take me to a "fish" restaurant. And now I'm stumped as I don't understand the "intention" behind it.
Hiyori: Ah, I think I might have an idea. Let me tell you.
<Some time later>
Hiyori: ––So it looks like his gambling luck increases in proportion to how much attention he pays to you. And now he seems to be completely devoted to the "god of gambling".
Kanata: Uu... That's why he's been "cozying up" to me... I don't like to feel used at all…
Rinne: I'm home~...
Kanata: Oh, "Chief"-san. We need to talk. I'm not a "god of gambling", you know!
Rinne: Eh... Haha–– So you found out about my prayers? Wish I had known this sooner. I lost big just now. (Sigh)... It really was too good to be true after all…
Hiyori: No sighs in front of me! If not Kanata-kun, you can worship me! If you treat the one of "Eden", named after the paradise ruled by the omniscient and omnipotent God, respectfully enough, you will surely earn His favor!
Rinne: Oh nooo~ Are you imposin' a religion on me~? What should Rinne-kun dooo~♪
Hiyori: It's worth a try! You'll have a bronze statue of me, so you can worship me everyday!
Rinne: Hehe~ Hiyori-sama~☆
Hiyori: Hmph, I don't like the way you say it! Show me more seriousness, will you!
Rinne: Oh, this god is so demandin'. ★ directory ★
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misshallery · 1 year
recent enstars fic dump
in the same vein as my fe post, i had a bit of an enstars phase in the past few months and have been writing about it a lot, so here's a humble summary of what i've been up to for ur perusal :) <3
"sweet silent thought" jun centric, i think this is maybe the fic i'm happiest with ever. it's a hiyojun thing primarily but it's mainly about him struggling in reimei and having a lot of hopeless doomed crushes. you know, normal coming of age stuff.
"kintsugi" this is just my "i love nazuna" fic. it's a bunch of scenes strung together that show his growth and healing and friendships with other characters.
"petals" little izuleo drabble where they're living together and very close and domestic but don't really know what to do with their feelings yet. or rather, how to express them. there's a flower metaphor.
special reikao section because i'm kinda obsessed with them atm and im not showing any sign of slowing down
"i bleed too" this one is super rei focused. it's a bunch of hcs i have about his childhood and illness stitched together, and conveys that being vulnerable with kaoru might help him heal from those things.
"not like before" obligatory internalised homophobia fic, you know how it is. also kanata mischief cameo.
"refreshing breeze" ritsu is in this pretty heavily. it's set in the present but it's about him finding out rei wrote very syrupy love poems about kaoru when he was studying abroad in his second year LOL
"fair winds and stormy weather" the most long ass thing i have ever written. it all happens in rei's head, and it's about them travelling postgrad and having realisations about each other (that they're in love, duh).
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bobs-secret-blog · 1 year
Loved by the hashiras- part 1
The introduction and basis
A request for the lovely: @danielle-marie
Her request said:
Hello there :) please could I request a fic of the reader meeting the hashira for the first time after she is made a hashira and they all flirt with her :)
Thank you for requesting :)
The second part will be posted in a day or two!
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Ok so this is how imagine everything going. 
So, you have just begun working in the demon corp after passing the final exam. It was not a big problem for you because you had a great master training with you. He was persistent with thunder breathing. He had studied and fought with all kinds of styles, so he had teached you quite a few tricks over the years.
But you did not like thunder breathing by itself; it was boring for you with all the forms and simplicity. So, the best way to solve your problem was to make up your own breathing style.
You called it Star breathing. Overall, it had 7 forms, much like mist breathing but needed very deep calmness and concentration just like water breathing. It impressed a few of the competitors on the exam. Your breathing made your movements seem more like a dance than a fight, it was elegant and precious.
Your blade had a very light almost golden color running on the side, with a crescent moon shape running along the silver side. The handle was filled with stary themes all over.
Your uniform was light and flowy just like Muichiros, while the haori part was mostly made of a giant shape of the solar system on the lower part, in shades of blue, pink, purple and yellow! And it had super long sleeves filled with yellow stars, it was super cute. Of course, you had designed it yourself.
After about three years you finally turned 18, in those three years you had defeated a lot of demons, even bigger ones that had been terrorizing villages for a few months. You were up on the Kinoto rank, almost Kinoe.
Your somehow still alive parents were very proud of you. You loved them to the earth's core. Everyone had appreciated you, even if you were a woman. Any of the villages you had protected over the years remembered your loyalty, bravery, strength and beauty. You were the prettiest demon slayer they had ever seen. After you had defeated the demon in the villages u would get prized no matter what. Weather that be jewels, proposals from men and women, gold, onsen coupons, food.... It was pretty amazing to have such kind people surround you wherever you went.
But one day after you had come home from a mission, your father had informed you that there were two girls waiting for you inside your home.
How interesting. You thought as you saw the two people your father was talking about. One was a girl, she had white bobbed hair with mysterious purple eyes.
The other wasn’t a girl, it was a boy that had looked like a girl. Except he had pure black bobbed hair, similar to his sisters. Both wearing purple kimonos.
Only then had you remembered them both, they were present on your final exam in the forest. They haven't changed at all, you even remember their names. Kiriya and Kanata Ubuyashiki.
You had stepped up and bowed to them saying in a normal voice 
‘How can I help you, my honors?’ 
‘Our father wanted us to take you to him. He wants you to become a hashira.’ spoke Kanata.  
You looked at her completely shocked, you, a hashira? This must be some dream come true.  
‘We can start heading out right now, you won't be needing any of your belongings.’ said Kanata again.  
Well, that was a bit sudden but as naïve as you were you had just decided to go with the flow of things, not wanting to anger them or their father.
You hugged your parent's goodbye, promising them you will visit on holidays or vacations.
And with one final look back at them, you had begun walking towards your new home, carrying the twins in your arms as Kiriya lead you to his father. Kanata slept on the other side, lightly snoring. Making both you and Kiriya smile with joy.
Here you go into a new life, with a great start, full of joy and laughter, well, at least for now. 
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toujokaname · 1 year
Princess Kaguya / Epilogue 2
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Author: Kino Seitaro with Akira
Characters: Hiyori, Kanata, Tatsumi, Arashi, Hokuto
"(Our growth may possibly exceed that of Princess Kaguya... Just kidding ♪)"
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Location: Princess Kaguya Stage
Season: Winter
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Hiyori: (Finally, the last scene of the reading drama.)
(A touching farewell, and then everyone will sing a song wishing for a future reunion.)
("Moonlight Disco"—a most wonderful, dream-like night.)
"...We sure got immersed in reminiscing."
Kanata: "Fufu. Looking back, these were fulfilling "three years"."
Tatsumi: "Even the most difficult events are now pleasant memories."
"No matter how painful the experiences that lie ahead may be, I feel that I'll be able to overcome them by remembering the time I spent with you all."
Arashi: "Right. It's a shame that we won't be able to get together whenever we want to, since we all have different paths to follow."
Hokuto: "But I'm sure we'll meet again."
Hiyori: "It's sad to say goodbye, but let's all smile and sing our farewells!"
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Hiyori: (Thank you, everyone. Even though we only spent one week together, you empathized with my feelings and made it such an enjoyable performance.)
(Our growth may possibly exceed that of Princess Kaguya... Just kidding ♪)
(Thanks to you, it turned out to be wonderful weather! You did a splendid job!)
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Kanata: "♪~♪~♪"
("Ohisama"-san. This is a temporary farewell.)
(It was a short time, but I will never forget the days I spent with you in the "same room".)
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Kanata: ("Ohisama"-san, "Chief"-san, and myself—a very unusual "combination".)
(But to me, they were people I "fit in[1]" quite well with...♪)
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Arashi: "♪ ♪ ♪"
(Tomoe-senpai. Thank you for your help in Pretty 5.)
(If you're ever in trouble, you can count on us, the idols of ES. We'll give you warm and caring advice.)
(Of course, if you wanna talk to someone, it can be anyone from Eden, our Shuffle Unit, or your Circle Members.)
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Arashi: (You've made such an impact on so many people. It's only natural that we'd help you in any way we can ♪)
(So, please be at ease. Tomoe-senpai.)
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Hokuto: "♪~♪~"
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Hokuto: (Thank you. Thanks to Tomoe-senpai, my "wish" came true.)
(I feel like this is the "best broadcast in the history of the program" that I wanted—we did the best we could in this past week, and we got here.)
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Hokuto: (This wouldn't have happened if Senpai hadn't been the leader of the unit.)
(If it weren't for Tomoe-senpai saying he was retiring—though it would be rude to say so...)
(If it hadn't been for that, we might have gone into this job without resolving our differences on the first day.)
(I will never forget the way Senpai shined as an idol.)
(For eternity, I'll burn into my eyes the spectacle that took place on this stage.)
Hiyori: "♪~♪~♪"
"♪ ♪ ♪ ♪"
Hokuto: (Fufu. His voice is so bright and graceful that it's hard to believe he's about to retire.)
(The way he only shows his cheerful side is exactly what an idol should be like.)
(...wait, no way. Did I just say that Tomoe-senpai saying he'd retire brought the unit together?)
(If so, then this Shuffle Project is—)
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Tatsumi: "♪~♪~"
(I knew about your sin. I knew it, and I stayed silent.)
(So, if you are to be blamed—I'll take the blame with you.)
(But. I'm sure it won't come to that.)
(If you look at this stage, you'll understand that you were in the right for lying.)
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Tatsumi: (Just by looking at this stage, which is as complete as a full moon—)
(I will forgive you. And we will share the same sins.)
(That is—the only redemption I can give to you.)
Kanata uses the expression 水が合う, which refers to being able to adapt and fit in well in an environment. It includes the kanji for water (水), which is why it's fitting for Kanata to say.
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mamadarama · 1 year
okay since we settled on the undead species, what would edens be? we already know hiyori incubus as you said and nagisa is some god born for the first time having his first experience in this silly earth and taking rocks and sticks home, ibara possibly something reminiscent of a snake but what about jun? is that a hyena or a dog?
SHORT ANSWER: eden doesnt have supernatural themes like undead does but i think in headcanon terms hiyori would be an incubus , nagisa would be a cyborg or a wizard , ibara would be a pwca , and jun would be a gnoll .
eden has a biblical motif , particularly the garden of eden story , but a little twisted . the deal with nagisa is that he isnt a god , he wants to become one because of his disconnection to humanity . a better way to say it is that nagisa doesnt want to be a god , he wants to be not human ( the reverse of kanata in a way . but thats unrelated ) . nagisa is also representative of adam , but ill get to that later . ibara is a loose metaphor of satan/a fallen angel . hes a kind soul calcified by the circumstances of his upbringing , hes the snake in the garden of eden . a notable difference though is that deep down hes still the same gentle and thoughtful person he was born as . hiyori is eve . he has tunnel vision for anything that would make himself and others happy , and is easily tempted when hes promised that . nagisa being adam compliments this . he has an unshakable trust in hiyori and would follow him to the ends of the earth , as well as ibara for that matter . jun is an interesting case . eve as a unit is like eve as a character in the bible story split in two ; hiyori being the naive well intended eve that trusted satan , and jun being the loyal skeptical eve that initially questioned weather taking the fruit was right . you could say hiyori and jun are like the shoulder angel/devil internal monologue of the character eve . in terms of motifs and how eden relates to the original bible story , jun is an extension of hiyori that amplifies hiyoris traits ( and visa versa ) . BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY: any combination of members in eden would take the fruit if offered by another . they are split into two units to emphasize this , but eden is not eden without all of adam and eve . on a semi related note , this all ties in aesthetically with the feminine leaning expression in eves costumes and overall image , and masculine leaning expression in adams . also on a completely unrelated note , nagisa is literally peak masculinity to me like whatever hes got going on thats peak male form im so serious
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raikanata · 8 days
Banquet Beneath the Clouded Moon - Chapter 1
English translation by @raikanata. Not proofread.
Writer: Yuumasu
Characters: Kanata, Chiaki, Hiyori, Rinne
Season: Autumn
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Kanata: chiaki, good morni~ng ♪
Chiaki: Good morning! Are you going to eat now too? If it’s no problem, shall I prep your meal as well?
Kanata: is that fine?
Chiaki: Yup. I was going to start grilling fish just now.
Kanata: hmm? i thought you weren’t that "good" at "cooking"?
Chiaki: I can make anything that is considered beginner-friendly. I’ve already attempted grilled fish once before, so it’ll definitely be fine ☆
Kanata: is that so~. the trick to making grilled fish is using "strong fire" at a "distance".¹ When you do that, the outside becomes "crispy", and the inside becomes "juicy".
Chiaki: Strong and distant fire… Is it far enough right now?
Kanata: yes. let’s hold it “carefully” like this and wait for it to cook ♪.
Kanata: while it’s cooking, you can’t move, right? is there anything i should help with?
Chiaki: Well, could you prepare tea and rice for the two of us?
Kanata: got it.
Kanata: chiaki~ do you want a “big serving” of rice?
Chiaki: Yep! A good day starts with a good breakfast, after all. Let’s eat lots, and grow big…☆
Kanata: hehe. are we going to keep growing "bigger" as well?
Chiaki: I don’t mean just getting taller. People are always growing.
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Chiaki: Let’s make sure to live regular lives and eat balanced meals, so that we can continue to grow!
Location: Rinne, Kanata and Hiyori's room
Time: At the same time
Hiyori: C’mere, c’mere, c’mere Bloody Mary! It’s breakfast time!
Hiyori: Eat lots and grow big, okay~?
Hiyori: Since I slept pretty well, I have a good feeling about today. That’s good weather ♪
Rinne: (snore) zzz…
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Rinne: Only a loser of a gambler would run away now! Let’s bet all of the money! (mumble)
Hiyori: Ugh, isn’t that a harsh case of sleep talking…
Hiyori: Mary, don’t grow up to be an adult like Rinne-senpai, okay?
Rinne: Huh… Hiyori-chan, did you call for me…?
Hiyori: I didn’t, I was just amazed at your sleep talking. “Gambler” this, "bet all of the money" that, it shows a lack of character, no?
Rinne: Kyahaha. Sleep talking is no sign of character, good or bad.
Hiyori: You look slovenly… Is this your day off?
Rinne: Ah… There is nothing to do other than to loaf around all day.
Rinne: It’s all because I believed Kanacchi to be the "god of gambling" the other day that I’ve become penniless.²
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Hiyori: It’s all because of that, you say? Isn’t Rinne-senpai at fault here, for placing such an importance on Kanata-kun to the point of believing he would truly become lucky at gambling?
Rinne: That might be so, but. Hiyori-chan also holds part of the blame.
Rinne: Since you were the one who told me "Kanacchi seems to have good luck", isn’t that right?
Hiyori: I can’t deny it, when you put it that way.
Rinne: Right? So why don’t ya give me some money?
Hiyori: No, no way! I am not your wallet!
Rinne: Then at least lend me some? I’ll pay it back two-fold, ‘kay? Hmm? Okay?
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Hiyori: I am not a bank either, and I can not believe that you will pay it back two-fold.
Rinne: Hiyori-chan’s so stingy~.
Hiyori: This isn’t being stingy. I just don’t want to hand over any money without getting anything in return!
Rinne: But if there's something in return? I’ll give you my thanks…☆
Hiyori: What is that good for!
Hiyori: …Mary, what’s wrong? You became sleepy because your stomach’s full now?
Hiyori: Good girl, good girl. Good night, sweet dreams ♪
Rinne: Dogs sure are living the life. They get called “good” just for eating and sleeping.
Hiyori: If Rinne-senpai was as lovely as Mary, I’d call him “good” many times too, but-
Hiyori: Since this is your one and only life, it’s a shame if you don’t enjoy it! If you lived all your life just eating and sleeping, I’d feel sorry for you.
Rinne: I gotta have money to enjoy my life though, y’know? Soo…?
Hiyori: Ugh, you’re so stubborn! I am not going to give you money.
Hiyori: But. I have a favor to ask of you, and if you do it, I’ll lend you some?
Rinne: For real? Alright, if it’s something I can do, I will!
Hiyori: I want you to pet-sit, in other words, take care of Bloody Mary.
Rinne: Blamery-chan?³
Hiyori: Mhm. Meaning, I want you to take her out for walks.
Hiyori: Both Jun-kun and I have been busy lately, so we’ve only been able to play with her within Starmony Hall.
Hiyori: Mary is physically weak, so I can not just take her anywhere I go. So it would be nice if you can make her walk just outside Starmony Hall. Can I ask you to do that?
Rinne: It would be good for me too, but. I wonder if Blamery-chan will like me?
Rinne: Doesn’t she get all scared and start trembling whenever someone other than you or Junjun touches her?
Hiyori: It’ll be fine. She only does that when a stranger touches her. She will be calm with Rinne-senpai, since we live in the same room.
Hiyori: Still, be careful when walking her. Like I said, she’s physically weak.
Rinne: I got it. Well then, I’ll give it my all.
Rinne: So, what about the payment? Up front? Or after? How much will you give?
Hiyori: Of course I will pay after the job is done. This is the norm, you know?
Hiyori: Oh, also, I want you to take a picture of Mary while on a walk and send it to me as proof, okay?
Rinne: So I’ll remain penniless for now. How sad.
Hiyori: No need to be sad. I’ll compensate you generously for taking care of my precious Mary.
Hiyori: Bloody Mary is like my child. Treat her like you would treat me!
Rinne: I’m looking forward to the compensation, Hiyori-chan.
Hiyori: Of course. Well then, I’ll be leaving for work now.
Rinne: See ya late~r.
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Rinne: Walks, huh… He didn’t specify what time, but it’s not like we can go when Blamery-chan is asleep.
Rinne: Until Blamery-chan wakes up, I’ll go back to bed.
1. This is a technique for grilling fish called "遠火の強火". It doesn't seem to have a defined name like that in english, at least that I could find, so I just translated it. Lit. distant and strong flame.
2. This happened in Rinne's idol story titled "Please, God☆". Associated with this card.
3. Rinne shortens "Bloody Mary" to what reads as "buramea" in Japanese, since the katakana for Bloody Mary reads buraddi meari. Blame-chan unfortunately does not come across the same way in English. Blamery-chan is not the official localisation, but I think it works.
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best-anime-tournament · 10 months
Here you can find the polls from round 73 to 108:
Round 73 - Guilty Crown vs Kyoukai no Kanata
Round 74 - Re:ZERO - Starting Life in Another World 2 vs Princess Mononoke
Round 75 - Goblin Slayer vs Dororo
Round 76 - The Seven Deadly Sins - Revival of Commandments vs Black Butler
Round 77 - Yuri!!! on Ice vs Nichijou
Round 78 - Baccano! vs The Tatami Galaxy
Round 79 - Higurashi no Naku Kori ni vs Gintama Season 4
Round 80 - Fruits Basket: The Final vs My Dress-up Darling
Round 81 - Perfect Blue vs Given
Round 82 - Yuu Yuu Hakusho vs InuYasha
Round 83 - Hajime no Ippo vs Monogatari Series 2
Round 84 - 86 vs Spice and Wolf
Round 85 - Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation Part 2 vs Hellsing Ultimate
Round 86 - Black Lagoon vs Shinsekai Yori
Round 87 - Bocchi the Rock! vs Grand Blue
Round 88 - Cyberpunk: Edgerunners vs I Want To Eat Your Pancreas
Round 89 - Darker than Black vs Bleach: Sennen Kessen Hen
Round 90 - Golden Time vs Black Bullet (Playoff)
Round 91 - Prison School vs Date a Live
Round 92 - Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic vs 5 Centimeters per Second
Round 93 - The Quintessential Quintuplets vs Chivalry of a Failed Knight
Round 94 - Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma 3 vs Weathering with You
Round 95 - Sword Art Online: Alicization vs Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
Round 96 - Fairy Tail (2014) vs The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Round 97 - Wotakoi: Love is Hard for an Otaku vs Danganronpa: The Animation
Round 98 - ReLIFE vs Overlord II
Round 99 - Plastic Memories vs Dragon Ball
Round 100 - Kimi ni Todoke vs Dr. Stone: Stone Wars
Round 101 - Fate/stay night vs Rent a Girlfriend
Round 102 - My Neighbor Totoro vs My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU TOO!
Round 103 - The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya vs Trigun
Round 104 - Kamisama Kiss vs Ergo Proxy
Round 105 - Barakamon vs Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Round 106 - My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU Climax! vs March Comes in like a Lion 2
Round 107 - March Comes in like a Lion vs Fruits Basket (2019)
Round 108 - Houseki no Kuni vs Natsume Yuujinchou
Round 109-144
(anime in bold have passed the 1st round)
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mephinomaly · 2 years
[TL] Asking God for a Favour ☆/Rinne Amagi 4*
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Woah woah, your favourite food is tissue? Eating paper makes you look like a goat ♪
Character(s): Rinne Amagi, Hiyori Tomoe, Kanata Shinkai, Niki Shiina, Kohaku Oukawa, HiMERU
Season: Autumn
Location: Resting Room
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Rinne: (The next job is in an hour… I would go play pachinko but there ain’t enough time for a full game)
(I could go to Cafe Cinnamon, but no point if Niki ain’t there)
(How can I kill some time here then…? There’s gotta be somethin’ I can do to escape boredom)
Oi, Hiyori-chan ♪ What are the chances, eh? I’m happy to see you
Seeing Hiyori-chan feels like a good omen. Your catchphrase must be some sort of blessing from God...♪
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Hiyori: Rinne-senpai. I know you’re so happy to see me that you’ve shed a few tears, but today looks like awfully bad weather…
Rinne: Huh, somethin’ wrong? You good? Have you caught a cold?
Hiyori: I came here to get a snack you see, yet the quiche I want is out of stock
I personally sent in a handwritten letter so they could stock the quiche I like. It’s disgraceful that I can’t eat it right now
Rinne: Woah woah, your favourite food is tissue? Eating paper makes you look like a goat ♪ [1]
Give us a “baaa”, Hiyori-chan…☆
Hiyori: I will not be saying that. I am not a goat!
I’m not in the mood to be teased, okay? Why are you trying to wind me up?
Rinne: If I’ve got a buncha free time, and I spot an acquaintance, can I not go have a chat with them?
We share the same room, so get along with me a lil’, yeah? Gyahaha ☆
Hiyori: The same room, hmm… In that case, wouldn’t it be lovely to go speak with Kanata-kun? He is also quite lucky, though obviously not as much as me
Rinne: Whaddya mean?
Hiyori: This is a rumour, but back when he attended Yumenosaki, it really seemed as he could grant some people’s wishes, and so he was worshipped for it
Rinne: People’s wishes? Gyahaha. That’s gotta be a lie. What, is he a God or somethin’?
Hiyori: Fufu. Believe what you want, Rinne-senpai, it’s up to you
Time: 6 hours later
Location: Rinne, Hiyori, and Kanata's room
Rinne: (Fuah, finally it’s over. Another day of hard work, good job me~)
(Gotta put my bags down then I can head out. My beloved gambling is waitin’ for me ♪)
(Should I go to the pachinko parlour first? Or maybe try that new place that opened up recently?)
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Kanata: Zzz…zzzzzz…
Rinne: (When did you get back, Kanacchi? I didn’t even notice)
(He’s fast asleep. Are ya havin’ a good dream?)
(He would “grant people’s wishes”, hmm…?)
(I get that this rumour’s pretty baseless but, it wouldn’t hurt t’give it a go—)
(Whispering) I’m prayin’ I win big
(Right then, let’s put this to the test ♪)
Time: A few days later
Location: Cafe Cinnamon
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Niki: Sorry for the hold up~. Here are your two specials of the day~
HiMERU: Thank you very much
Kohaku: …Hey, Niki-han. I have one thing I just gotta ask ya
HiMERU: Oukawa
Kohaku: Ain’t you worried HiMERU-han? It’s not jus’ us, Niki-han should know too
Uhh, over there…That’s Rinne-han, right? Sitting by the counter?
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Rinne: …………
Kohaku: He’s really engrossed in whatever he’s thinkin’ about, did something happen? Do you think he ate something strange?
Niki: Ehh. Please don’t say he got food poisoning from here
It is weird he hasn’t come over to bother us. Now that you say that, he’s acting different than usual
HiMERU: Well then, not even Shiina knows
Kohaku: HiMERU-han, where you goin’?
HiMERU: HiMERU is going to ask him directly. It’s a waste of time to sit around discussing matter when we don’t know anything
Amagi, are you alright?
Rinne: …Hey, Merumeru. Do ya believe in God?
HiMERU: …Huh?
Kohaku: Damn, Rinne-han’s already broken
Niki: Uwaa, this is bad. Who can fix him? Little brother-san?
Rinne: I ain’t broken, I’m just fine
I dunno how or why but, if you get on your hands and knees in the same room as Kanacchi and then go play pachinko, you will always win big
I thought it was bullshit, but I think he might actually be a gambling God…
Don’t get how it's related but, whatever ♪ Gyahahaha!
Time: A few more days later
Location: Rinne, Hiyori, and Kanata's room
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Hiyori: I’m home! If anyone’s here, I’d like a lavish entrance to welcome me!!
Kanata: Welcome home, “Ohisama”-san
Hiyori: Kanata-kun, are you okay? I’ve come back, yet you’re not in a good mood?
Kanata: My mood is “average”, but I am “confused”
Recently, “Chief”-san seems to be weirdly making a “fuss” over me
Hiyori: Making a fuss?
Kanata: Yes. He gave me an inflatable “pool”, and keeps bringing me to “seafood” restaurants
I do not understand his “intentions”. It is troubling
Hiyori: Ahh. I have an idea or two as to why. I’ll let you in on it
Time: A few moments later
Hiyori: —And that’s why. It seems he thinks that the more he pampers you, the better his gambling luck will be
I’m pretty sure he thinks you’re actually a gambling God now
Kanata: Hm. So that is why he is acting like a “suck-up”
This feeling of being used, I do not like it
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Rinne: I’m back~...
Kanata: Ah, “Chief”-san
We must talk. I am not a “gambling god”, yes?
Rinne: Ah...haha. So was I caught prayin' to you?
To be honest, that woulda been great to know earlier. I just lost majorly
Haa… What a society we live in. It was too good to be true…
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Hiyori: You’re banned from sighing in front of me! If Kanata-kun is no good, then you can worship me instead!
I am the one here who is from Eden, who carries the name of a paradise governed by an omnipotent and omniscient god, so if you treat me right, you may receive my blessings!
Rinne: Ew, no. Not a chance~. Are you tryna push your religion on me~? What should lil' Rinne-kun do~♪
Hiyori: Give it a try! Perhaps try making a bronze statue of me so you can worship it everyday
Rinne: Hehe~, Hiyori-sama~☆[2]
Hiyori: Hmm, I don’t like your tone! Say it with more respect!
Rinne: Damn. This god’s got a lotta demands~
I think Rinne misheard Hiyori saying quiche (キッシュ/kisshu) and thinks he said tissue (ティッシュ/tisshu). Goats do like to eat tissue apparently…
God is referred to with "sama", so Rinne's doing the same to Hiyori
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