#kajsa ollongren
yourdailyqueer · 11 hours
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Kajsa Ollongren
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
DOB: 28 May 1967
Ethnicity: White - Dutch, Swedish
Nationality: Dutch
Occupation: Politician (D66), civil servant
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tomorrowusa · 3 months
US aid to Ukraine, delayed by pro-Putin House Republicans in the US, has caused European NATO members to speed up their own assistance to the Ukrainians.
Dutch Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren says Ukraine should receive its first F-16 fighter jets this summer as Europe pushes to aid Kyiv amid complications sparked by a stalled aid package in the U.S. Congress. Ollongren told RFE/RL's Ukrainian Service during a visit to Kyiv on March 21 that a plan to deliver 24 F-16s jets is on track, with the first aircraft coming from Denmark. "I think we are on track to see deliveries, first Danish this summer, and then we're going to scale up," she said while declining to give the exact number of planes involved in the first delivery. "We know that we will start with the Danish F-16s, that is now in our planning and in the Ukrainian planning. And in the end, I mean, it doesn't matter anymore. If it's a Dutch or Danish or Norwegian F-16 because [the planes are] going to be Ukrainian." The arrival of the fighter jets will be a long-awaited development to help Kyiv fill a crucial hole in its defense capabilities. Russia has used its more advanced and more numerous jets to repeatedly bomb Ukrainian cities, slow its counteroffensive, and threaten its ships exporting grain crucial to its economic survival, making Kyiv’s acquisition of modern U.S. jets a key ingredient to its successful defense of the country.
There is also talk in Europe of imposing tariffs on Russian grain.
EU eyes tariffs to 'choke off' Russian grain sales
Back in the US, contact your House member and urge support for aid to Ukraine against Putin's genocidal invasion.
With Democrats, thank them for their support; appreciation for previous efforts will encourage them to stay the course. With Republicans, ask them why they are helping one of America's most virulent enemies; tell them that Ronald Reagan would be ashamed of their tacit backing for the Evil Empire.
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These 18 17 Biden district Republicans are particularly vulnerable.
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^^^ 10 of those 17 are from California or New York. Most of those Republicans on that chart are from blue states. This is not something we can dismiss as a red state matter.
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nerdwelt · 10 months
USA unterstützen Niederlande bei F-16-Lieferung an Ukraine
Die USA haben zugestimmt, F-16-Kampfflugzeuge an die Ukraine zu liefern, laut Angaben der Niederlande. Die niederländische Verteidigungsministerin Kajsa Ollongren äußerte ihre Unterstützung und begrüßte die Entscheidung der USA. Sowohl die Niederlande als auch Dänemark haben sich bereit erklärt, F-16 an die Ukraine zu liefern und ukrainische Piloten auszubilden. Nach Abschluss des Trainings…
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nawapon17 · 2 years
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usafphantom2 · 1 day
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The Netherlands authorizes Ukraine to use donated F-16 fighters to attack targets in Russia
Dutch politicians follow the same decision made by Denmark on the use of the F-16 for attacks within Russian territory.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 06/04/2024 - 08:00 in Military, War Zones
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The Netherlands announced that it will allow the Ukrainian Air Force to use the 24 F-16 fighters it will receive by donation to be used in attacks against targets within Russian territory.
The Dutch Minister of Defense, Kajsa Ollongren, confirmed that the Netherlands will not impose limitations on the use of F-16 jets. This decision marks a divergence from Belgium's policy, which limits the use of its donated F-16s.
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In an interview with the newspaper Politico at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, Ollongren said: "There is no [a restriction to the Belgian style]. We are putting into practice the same principle that we apply to all other supplies of capacity, that is, once it is delivered to Ukraine, it is theirs to use." She added that the Netherlands only asks Ukraine to comply with international law and the right to self-defense, as established in the United Nations Charter, ensuring that the jets are used to achieve Ukraine's military objectives in self-defense.
Ollongren and U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin were among the senior officials who met with the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, at the Singapore conference. Denmark also approved Ukraine's use of F-16s provided by Denmark against military targets on Russian soil. Germany has also indicated that Ukraine can use weapons provided by the West for its defense.
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Recently, the U.S. authorized Ukraine to attack Russian territory near Kharkiv using U.S.-suplied weapons, confirmed by President Zelensky's spokesman, Serhii Nykyforov, on May 31. However, Washington continues to restrict the use of long-range weapons for deeper attacks within Russia. President Zelensky has expressed interest in using long-range weapons, such as British-made Storm Shadow missiles, but the United Kingdom has not yet fully authorized their use, possibly awaiting a clear position from the White House. The issue has been discussed twice with UK authorities, but remains dependent on a broader international consensus, particularly the US position.
Tags: Military AviationF-16 Fighting FalconUkraine Air ForceRNLAF - Royal Netherlands Air Force / Royal Dutch Air ForceWar Zones - Russia/Ukraine
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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victorysp · 1 year
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State visit to Belgium – programme
His Majesty King Willem-Alexander and Her Majesty Queen Máxima will be paying a state visit to Belgium at the invitation of His Majesty the King of the Belgians. The visit will start in Brussels on the morning of Tuesday 20 June and end in Antwerp on the evening of Thursday 22 June. The King and Queen will be accompanied by Minister of Foreign Affairs Wopke Hoekstra on the first and third days of their visit. Minister of Education, Culture and Science Robbert Dijkgraaf will accompany them on the second day. Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Liesje Schreinemacher, Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality Piet Adema, Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management Mark Harbers, Minister of Defence Kajsa Ollongren, Minister of Social Affairs and Employment Karien van Gennip and Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy Micky Adriaansens will each be attending separate parts of the programme.
The state visit will reaffirm the excellent ties between the two neighbouring countries, which have strong historical, social and economic links. Key common themes during the visit will be improving social and physical liveability, combating climate change, maintaining and promoting a safe society and working towards a sustainable future in which energy is green and affordable. The visit will further deepen the close collaboration between the Netherlands and Belgium, as they both work towards a safer, cleaner and more sustainable future.
Tuesday 20 June – Brussels
Arrival at Brussels Midi train station
The state visit will begin in Brussels, with the King and Queen arriving by royal train at Brussel Midi station where they will be welcomed by the Belgian foreign minister. 
Welcome ceremony
King Philippe and Queen Mathilde will receive King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima at a welcome ceremony at the Royal Palace. 
Wreath-laying ceremony
Following the welcome ceremony at the palace, the King and Queen of the Netherlands will lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. This monument commemorates all unidentified Belgian soldiers who fell during the First World War.
Federal Parliament
Following a lunch at the Royal Palace, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima will visit the Federal Parliament of Belgium. They will speak with members of the Chamber of Representatives and the Senate before being given a tour of the building.
Meeting with the Prime Minister
The King and Queen will then meet with Prime Minister Alexander de Croo at Lambermont, his official residence.
Meeting with the mayor of Brussels and walkabout in Grand-Place
Later that afternoon both royal couples will be received by the mayor of Brussels, Philippe Close, at the town hall. During a walkabout in Grand-Place square the royal party will then have the opportunity to meet inhabitants of Brussels and tourists. 
State banquet
In the evening King Philippe will host a state banquet at the Castle of Laeken, at which both heads of state will give a speech. 
Wednesday 21 June – Brussels, Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Waterloo and Charleroi
Climate Tech Forum
The second day of the visit will begin at the Climate Tech Forum, part of the parallel economic mission headed by foreign trade minister Liesje Schreinemacher. The event will be attended by some 500 representatives of Belgian and Dutch knowledge institutions, businesses and public sector bodies. They will be exchanging knowledge and exploring opportunities for cooperation on green hydrogen, climate neutral construction, future-proof agriculture and horticulture, and smart, sustainable mobility. The royal party will also visit an innovation market highlighting Belgian-Dutch collaborations and attend part of the plenary programme. King Philippe and King Willem-Alexander will each give a short speech. 
King Philippe and King Willem-Alexander will visit Aerospacelab in Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve which specialises in satellite data, and in designing, testing and producing satellites. They will be given a tour, visit the cleanroom and meet members of staff. 
Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel
Queen Mathilde and Queen Máxima will visit the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel in Waterloo. Each year the institution hosts approximately 70 international young musicians, who follow a programme of lessons, concerts and recitals, work with orchestras and participate in festivals. Queen Mathilde and Queen Máxima will meet several of the musicians, attend performances and be given a tour. 
Lunch meeting on water management 
The royal party will attend a lunch in the orangery at the Castle of Seneffe, at which Belgian and Dutch experts will give presentations on addressing the risks of drought and flooding. 
BioPark Charleroi
In the afternoon the party will visit BioPark Charleroi, a biotech ecosystem where businesses and knowledge institutions conduct research on life sciences and develop solutions to challenges in healthcare. 
Unveiling of comic mural and comic strip workshop 
On arrival in Charleroi the royal party will walk to the Institut Saint-André school, while greeting the public. Outside the school they, and a number of pupils, will unveil a mural designed by the Dutch comic book artist Dido Drachman and Belgian graphic novel artist Christian Durieux. They will then participate in a comic strip workshop together with pupils from the school. The unveiling of the mural and the comic strip workshop will mark the end of a cultural festival involving Belgian and Dutch artists.
In the evening King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima will host a concert by the Amsterdam Sinfonietta string orchestra at the Flagey culture house in Brussels to thank their hosts for their hospitality. 
Thursday 22 June – Leuven and Antwerp
The third day of the state visit will begin in Leuven, where King Philippe, Queen Mathilde, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima will visit Imec, a research centre specialising in chip technology that supports companies developing digital applications. The royal party will attend a roundtable meeting with the CEOs of Imec’s Belgian and Dutch partners.
Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
King Philippe, Queen Mathilde, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima will start their visit to Antwerp with a walk to the Royal Museum of Fine Arts (KMSKA). They will have the opportunity to meet the people of Antwerp along the way. The royal party will be given a tour of the museum, which boasts a collection representing seven centuries of art. The museum’s recent renovation was overseen by Dutch architect Dikkie Scipio. Its collection includes highlights of Flemish Baroque as well as examples of primitivism and expressionism, and features works by Peter Paul Rubens, James Ensor and Rik Wouters.
Lunch meeting on early school leavers and youth unemployment
After the museum tour the royal party will attend a lunch meeting on the theme of tackling youth unemployment. Many young people in Antwerp leave school without a qualification, while at the same time there are a large number of unfilled job vacancies at secondary vocational level. At the lunch young people will be sharing their experiences and speaking with researchers about the role of educational institutions and employers in guiding vulnerable young people and their development.
Port Authority Building
After the lunch meeting the royal party will be given a short tour of the Port Authority Building and will speak with CEOs and participants of the Belgian-Dutch Port Open Day being held in the Port of Antwerp. They will look at how ports and their industrial clusters can work together to achieve shared ambitions relating to the energy transition, and the infrastructure this requires.
Belgian and Dutch frigates 
In the Port of Antwerp King Philippe and King Willem-Alexander will visit the Belgian frigate Louise-Marie, while Queen Mathilde and Queen Máxima visit the Dutch frigate HNLMS De Ruyter. There will be various demonstrations on board and on shore. This part of the programme will focus on the partnership between the Belgian and Dutch navies. The Royal Netherlands Navy and the Belgian Navy operate the same types of ships and helicopters, cooperate on maintenance and carry out joint exercises. Following the visit to the frigates, a farewell ceremony will be held on shore.
Reception for the Dutch community
At the end of the afternoon a reception for the Dutch community in Belgium will be held in the historic Handelsbeurs, Antwerp’s former stock exchange.
Government Information Service, no. 145
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mariacallous · 7 months
The training center for Ukrainian pilots to learn how to fly F-16 fighter jets has officially opened in Romania, Romanian Defense Minister Angel Tilvar announced on Nov. 13.
The training center is located at the 86th Air Base in Fetesti, 130 kilometers east of Bucharest.
"The center will be an international hub for F-16 pilot training and will facilitate increased interoperability between allies," Tilvar said.
Dutch Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren was also present at the ceremonial opening.
Defense cooperation between European countries is important, because no European country can ensure its own security alone, she said. "We have to work together."
President Volodymyr Zelensky announced on Nov. 7 that five Dutch F-16 fighter jets had already arrived.
"I'm grateful to the Netherlands and Prime Minister Mark Rutte for leading the way in supporting Ukraine," Zelensky wrote on the social media platform X.
"We keep working together to welcome F-16s into Ukrainian skies as soon as possible."
The Netherlands will provide 12-18 F-16s for training purposes, but the jets will remain Dutch property and will only be flown in NATO territory, the Dutch Defense Ministry said.
The training of Ukrainian pilots began in Denmark this August in partnership with other nations of the "fighter jet coalition." Washington later announced that it would launch its own training sessions for Ukrainian aviators in October.
The training coalition was originally formed in July with the purpose of using resources and facilities from Ukraine's allies to help train Ukrainian pilots.
Although the pace of F-16 procurement and training has picked up, it's estimated that the first Ukrainian pilots to undergo F-16 jet fighter training will not be ready to fly them until summer 2024.
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naturalrights-retard · 5 months
NATO announced that has purchased 1,000 Patriot missiles to prolong the war in Ukraine. The total purchase amounts to $5.5 billion as each missile costs around $4 million (batteries not included). NATO is bypassing the wishes of independent nations who wished to cease funding the war.
Defense contractors are celebrating this endless war. Raytheon, a US defense contractor, designed these surface-to-air missile (SAM) systems in 1969. The first missile was produced in 1976, deployed in 1984, but there was a lack of demand during times of peace. Boeing and Lockheed Martin have helped Raytheon redesign these weapons into undetectable killing machines. The US Army only has 1,100 Patriot launchers, and the production rate has been about 500 annually. One thousand Patriot missiles is a tall order.
It is such a tall order that they are now opening a new manufacturing plant in Germany. “Europe will produce 1,000 Patriot air defence missiles itself. This shows that European cooperation ensures concrete successes,” Dutch Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren touted. NATO realizes that there will be an increased need for these weapons in the coming years. Moving production to Germany eliminates the reliance on American manufacturing, especially in the event of a Trump victory this November.
Zelensky was the keynote speaker at the annual Future Force Capabilities Conference and Exhibition hosted by the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) in 2022. Boeing Defense, Space & Security; L3Harris Technologies; Raytheon Technologies; BAE Systems; Lockheed Martin Corporation; Huntington Ingalls Industries; General Dynamics; and Northrop Grumman were all in attendance. The US government has deemed NDIA a nonprofit organization, but it blatantly lobbies for war.
NATO has done everything possible to trigger Russia and escalate the war in favor of the Neocons and the military-industrial complex. The Neocons simply want to see the demise of Russia and China for their Communist pasts, and the military-industrial complex is bankrolling on mass murder. Building a facility in Germany is NATO’s way of telling Russia that they have not given up on their dreams for World War III even if independent national governments wish to cease funding the war.
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itsyveinthesky · 1 year
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Defence cooperation - The commanders of the Dutch and German land forces have decided: the combat units will be merged.
The German and Dutch officers present felt it was a historic moment.
On Nov. 30 in Dresden, Commander of the Land Forces Martin Wijnen and his German counterpart Alfons Mais put their signatures to a declaration declaring that the major combat units of the German and Dutch land forces should be fully merged.
The plan is a milestone in 10 years of increasingly close cooperation. In the past decade, two land force brigades already integrated with a German division, a larger force alliance.
Now, according to the still confidential Common Army Vision of which NRC has knowledge, the 13th Light Brigade from Oirschot should also come under German command. With this, soon all Dutch brigades will be part of a German division, and the Royal Army and the German Heer will have combined the core of their combat power into one bi-national force of three divisions - some 50,000 soldiers.
The importance of the Dresden agreements can hardly be overstated. Although there is cooperation at all sorts of levels within NATO, Germany and the Netherlands are the first countries willing to almost completely combine their land forces. A feat that seems to have dawned on few yet, according to Deputy Army Commander Jean-Paul Duckers at Army Headquarters in Utrecht. "A lot of people don't realize how unique it is what we do."
Politicians, too, have yet to comment on the planned Tiefintegration. Both the coalition agreement and the 2022 Defense Paper merely state that the armed forces of Germany and the Netherlands will continue to "integrate." In response to the question of what this means, Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren (D66) wrote to the House of Representatives in September that housing the 13th Brigade with the German 10th Armored Division "is being investigated."
The Ministry of Defense has been particularly busy over the past year with military support to Ukraine and the distribution of the additional billions of euros that have suddenly become available. When asked, a spokesman for the department let it be known that no political decision has yet been made. The Common Army Vision is an "intention," the department said.
Meanwhile, the military leadership of both land forces is already busy planning. "In the coming year we will integrate the Dutch 13th Light Brigade into the 10th German Armored Division" General Mais said in a video message following the signing of the agreements in Dresden. His colleague Wijnen nodded in agreement.
On April 1, a major German reorganization will take effect. A good time, so it sounds at the headquarters of the land forces in Utrecht, to put the 13th Brigade under command and mark the German-Dutch integration with military ceremony.
At this - brand new - Army headquarters at the Kromhout Barracks, one does not immediately notice how far the cooperation of the Royal Army and the Deutsche Heer has already progressed. But German officers are already working in Utrecht. Conversely, at the German counterpart, the Kommando Heer in Strausberg near Berlin, Dutch staff officers are already active. There are a lot of phone calls, Duckers says. "There is daily contact."
The deputy commander of land forces witnessed up close how the cooperation gained momentum. Both sides, Duckers says, saw mainly advantages. For example, the Netherlands - which disposed of its last tanks in 2011 - was able to maintain knowledge and expertise about operating the Leopard 2 thanks to cooperation with Germany. Because the 43rd Mechanized Brigade became part of the 1st Armored Division, the Army can have 18 Germany tanks at its disposal, in a mixed German-Dutch unit.
There is also much to gain for the Germans. With the increased threat from the East, the emphasis has returned to collective defense, and for this, large army formations such as divisions (10 to 20,000 soldiers) are indispensable.
The ready division still available to the Royal Army was cut in 2005. The Bundeswehr still has a divisional structure, but due to budget cuts and chronic personnel shortages, the three German divisions are severely understaffed. By "hanging" the three Dutch brigades under the German divisions, a formidable joint army force is created.
To enable this force to fight as well as possible, the Netherlands and Germany want to remove as many barriers as possible. Currently, Germany and the Netherlands still have different weapon systems, but in the Common Army Vision it has been agreed that from now on military equipment will be purchased together as much as possible. The doctrines and regulations of both organizations will also be standardized. As a result, German soldiers will soon be able to shoot with Dutch ammunition and German mechanics will be able to work on Dutch vehicles. Although both organizations still have their own financial flows, a financial mechanism already exists to quickly settle costs with each other.
For now, both land forces will keep their own equipment and ammunition stocks, Duckers said. "But I don't rule out the possibility that in the future we will do the same together."
When asked, Duckers nods affirmatively: the only things that can be merged right now are the two army staffs in Utrecht and Strausberg. But the deputy commander of the land forces does not want to speak of a "merger" or "takeover. "We are talking about the cooperation of two completely equal partners, where the sovereignty of both countries is paramount."
The general points to the 11th Air Mobile Brigade, part of a German division since 2014, which is providing soldiers for a French-led battalion in Romania to reinforce NATO's southern flank.
"We can still do our own missions," Duckers said. Admittedly, this does now require prior consultation with German headquarters. Given the increasing importance of collective defense, this makes sense, Duckers believes. "The time when we only participated in wars of choice, such as in Afghanistan, is behind us. And if you take allied defense seriously, when it comes down to it you have to be able to do something. Then you can't say: unfortunately, our units are in Verweggistan."
General Duckers looks at his watch: he has now been talking for over two hours. On the wall behind him hangs a man-sized painting of Prince Bernhard von Lippe-Biesterfeld, clad in the grand attire of the Dutch cavalry. On the sideboard are three stray flags on wooden feet: two Dutch and one German. For nearly forty years now he has been wearing the green suit, Duckers muses, stirring his coffee. "At the time, I couldn't possibly have imagined that we would ever take this step."
Not that surprised by this German-Benelux and especially German Dutch army integration has been going on for a decade at least, not even mentioning the cooperation when it comes to police and rescue services.
The German Seebataillon is partially integrated with the Dutch Marines.
With the HNLMS Karel Doorman there's also commonly operated ship with a mixed crew.
The Dutch haven’t had their own tanks for quite a while as well they are leasing German tanks etc etc.
TLDR: German and Dutch ground forces are almost fully merged and have been to a big part for years now.
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militaryleak · 3 days
F-35A to Take Over Nuclear Role of Royal Netherlands Air Force within NATO from F-16
The Royal Netherlands Air Force (RNLAF) is set to take a next step in the transition from the F-16 to the F-35A. On 1 June 2024, the advanced fighter aircraft will fully take over the nuclear role of the Netherlands within NATO from the F-16. The Netherlands is one of the NATO Allies that contribute Dual-Capable Aircraft to NATO’s nuclear deterrence and is the first European country transitioning to the F-35 in that context. Netherlands Minister of Defence Kajsa Ollongren informed the Dutch House of Representatives today regarding the matter. The Dutch transition from the F-16 to the F-35 for the nuclear role within NATO was initiated many years ago. In the last couple of years, the F-35 underwent a comprehensive testing and certification process for the nuclear role of the Netherlands. The RNLAF already started using the F-35 for conventional tasks. Similar to the F-16s, Volkel Air Base will be home to the Dual-Capable Aircraft F-35 squadron assigned to the nuclear role. The transition reaffirms the Royal Netherlands Air Force ’ long-term commitment to the Alliance’s nuclear deterrence.
The Royal Netherlands Air Force (RNLAF) is set to take a next step in the transition from the F-16 to the F-35A. On 1 June 2024, the advanced fighter aircraft will fully take over the nuclear role of the Netherlands within NATO from the F-16. The Netherlands is one of the NATO Allies that contribute Dual-Capable Aircraft to NATO’s nuclear deterrence and is the first European country transitioning…
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reconnewsworld · 6 days
Dutch F-35s take over NATO nuclear deterrence role
The Royal Netherlands Air Force (RNLAF) has completed the transition from F-16s to F-35s for NATO’s nuclear deterrence mission. Starting June 1, the advanced F-35 fighter jets will fully assume this critical role, as announced by Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren to the Dutch Parliament. The transition marks a significant milestone for NATO’s nuclear strategy, with the Netherlands being the…
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easylingoescom · 8 days
Source: Netherlands in cooperation with partners planning to assemble Patriot system for Ukraine The Netherlands, together with its partners, is trying to expedite the assembly of a complete Patriot air defense system and send it to Ukraine. Dutch Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren announced this ahead of a meeting of the EU defense ministers, according to … 英语:荷兰与盟国合作计划为乌克兰组装爱国者系统 Read More » The…
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easylingoesdotcom · 9 days
Source: Netherlands in cooperation with partners planning to assemble Patriot system for Ukraine The Netherlands, together with its partners, is trying to expedite the assembly of a complete Patriot air defense system and send it to Ukraine. Dutch Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren announced this ahead of a meeting of the EU defense ministers, according to … 英语:荷兰与盟国合作计划为乌克兰组装爱国者系统 Read More »
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mokhosz-nafo · 1 month
🇳🇱✈️🇺🇦 "The Netherlands plans to begin sending F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine this fall, following Denmark, which plans to transfer the planes in the summer", - Dutch Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren said this during a briefing in Vilnius, Delfi reports.
❗️Ollongren said that exactly such a schedule for the supply of fighter jets to Ukraine is provided for by the prescribed plan of the allies.
🙏 "We have everything planned according to the project, which consists in training Ukrainian pilots, training service personnel and handing over fighter jets," she said.
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usafphantom2 · 3 months
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The Netherlands allocates 350 million euros to Ukraine to acquire air-to-ground weapons for the F-16 and drones
The Pentagon would have insisted that the Ukrainian F-16s should only be used within the borders of Ukraine.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 03/21/2024 - 09:00 in Military, War Zones
The Dutch government announced new aid for Ukraine, with the allocation of more than 150 million euros for the purchase of F-16 ammunition and another 200 million euros for the acquisition of ISR drones.
The announcement came from the Minister of Defense of the Netherlands, Kajsa Ollongren, after the recent meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group (UDCG).
The Netherlands has taken a proactive position in supporting Ukraine in the midst of the ongoing conflicts, highlighting its commitment to international security and cooperation. The ammunition, designed specifically for use in F-16 aircraft, should be purchased directly from the industry, ensuring timely support for Ukraine's military needs.
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In addition to air support, the Dutch government is expanding its contributions to include unmanned aerial systems. With an investment of more than 200 million euros, the Netherlands plans to acquire and donate a substantial number of ISR (Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance) drones to Ukraine. These drones, which have already demonstrated their effectiveness on the battlefield, will be acquired in collaboration with other partners and the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
Further demonstrating its support, the Netherlands is fulfilling its previous commitment by sending F-16 fighters to Romania. These jets are not only intended for defensive operations, but also to serve as a crucial component of a training center for Ukrainian and Romanian pilots. This initiative, highlighted by the sending of aircraft along with spare parts and necessary ammunition, was detailed by General Onno Eichelsheim, Commander of the Dutch Armed Forces, during the UDCG meeting.
The Netherlands, in collaboration with Denmark and the United States, leads the UDCG air force coalition. A total of 18 Dutch F-16 jets have been designated for training purposes in Romania, while another 24 are being prepared for delivery in Ukraine. This preparation is a coordinated effort between the coalition partners, illustrating a united front in the provision of military assistance to Ukraine.
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The Pentagon would have established "red lines" in relation to the use of Ukrainian F-16 fighters in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, stating that they should only be used within the sovereign territory of Ukraine.
This stance was transmitted by Patrick Ryder, press secretary of the U.S. Department of Defense, in an interview with RFE/RL.
Tags: Military AviationF-16 Fighting FalconRNLAF - Royal Netherlands Air Force / Royal Dutch Air ForceWar Zones - Russia/Ukraine
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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victorysp · 8 months
State visit to South Africa – programme
From Wednesday 18 to Friday 20 October 2023, His Majesty King Willem-Alexander and Her Majesty Queen Máxima will pay a state visit to the Republic of South Africa at the invitation of President Cyril Ramaphosa. The King and Queen Máxima will be accompanied on their visit by Minister of Foreign Affairs Hanke Bruins Slot.
The state visit will focus on the excellent ties and equal partnership between the two countries. South Africa is one of the Netherlands’ most important African partners in the areas of economics, politics, culture, education and science. The two cooperate actively on solutions for a more just, inclusive and sustainable future. From the perspective of a shared history, they look forward today on an equal footing to a shared future. Key themes during the visit will be sustainable and inclusive growth, cultural cooperation, human rights and legal equality, and exchanges of knowledge and science. 
A knowledge mission headed by Minister of Education, Culture and Science Robbert Dijkgraaf will take place prior to and during the state visit. Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality Piet Adema will head an economic mission focusing on future-proof farming and horticulture, green hydrogen and circular waste management. Before the official welcome ceremony, Ms Bruins Slot will attend a meeting of the South Africa –Netherlands Joint Commission for Cooperation. Minister of Defence Kajsa Ollongren will also attend some programme events.
Wednesday 18 October – Pretoria
Arrival at airport
King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima will be welcomed at Waterkloof air base in Pretoria.
Blesbokspruit Wetland Reserve
The King and Queen Máxima will visit the Blesbokspruit Wetland Reserve, where they will speak about the challenges South Africa faces with regard to water quality and availability. They will hear about developments in two major Dutch-South African water partnerships, the Blue Deal and Wetskills. With people involved locally, they will discuss lessons learned in the Dutch and South African water sectors. 
Apartheid Museum
The King and Queen Máxima will then visit the Apartheid Museum. A brief tour of the museum will focus on South Africa’s history of apartheid, and on the fight against injustice that resulted in its transition to a democratic society whose central tenets are equality before the law and access to justice. They will also speak with judges, activists and artists about the importance of legal equality and accessible justice, with a particular focus on protecting the rights of women and LGBTIQ+ people and the importance of international cooperation on inclusion and legal protection.
Innovation Village (Accelerating the green transition)
The Innovation Village will be a hub for members of the economic and knowledge missions and their local partners, South African businesses, organisations and institutes. 
The King and Queen Máxima will meet members of the economic mission, which is focusing on strengthening partnerships between South Africa and the Netherlands in the areas of green hydrogen, circular waste management and future-oriented agriculture and horticulture.
They will also meet members of the knowledge mission, the emphasis of which is on the link between education and the labour market, equal opportunities and the importance of vocational education for the green sectors.
Dialogue on alignment with labour market
King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima will speak with representatives of educational institutions, employers and businesses as well as students about South Africa’s high rate of youth unemployment and its shortage of well-trained, skilled workers. In both South Africa and the Netherlands, a shortage of skilled workers is a source of problems in society. The discussion will also address solutions for better aligning education and training with the labour market and creating equal opportunities for young people. 
Reception for the Dutch community
At the end of afternoon the King and Queen Máxima will meet Dutch nationals who live and/or work in South Africa during a reception at the ambassador’s residence in Pretoria.
Thursday 19 October – Pretoria and Johannesburg
Welcome ceremony
President Ramaphosa will welcome the King and Queen Máxima to the Union Buildings during an official welcome ceremony, after which they will have a private meeting. 
Delegation meeting
Together with the ministers accompanying them, the King and Queen Máxima will take part in a meeting with the South African president and ministers. 
Signing of Memorandum of Understanding 
After the delegation meeting, the King and Queen Máxima will attend the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between South Africa’s Minister for Higher Education and Training, Dr Bonginkosi Emmanuel Nzimande, and the Dutch Minister of Education, Culture and Science, Robbert Dijkgraaf, on stepping up cooperation in further education.
Statement to the media
President Ramaphosa and King Willem-Alexander will briefly address the media.
Government lunch at presidential residence
President Ramaphosa will host a private lunch for the King and Queen Máxima and the ministers accompanying them.
Freedom Park
In the afternoon the King and Queen Máxima will visit Freedom Park, which was created by former president Thabo Mbeki as a memorial to all the South Africans who dedicated their lives to the fight for freedom and dignity, including in the struggle to end apartheid and the struggle for liberation in South Africa. The King and Queen Máxima will walk along the Wall of Names commemorating South Africans who died fighting for their country’s freedom, and see the names of three Dutch nationals who also helped oppose apartheid. In recognition of all of these individuals, the King and Queen Máxima will lay a wreath at the eternal flame.
Finally, the King and Queen Máxima will visit an exhibition of work by two witnesses to the fight against apartheid, two photographers who are passing on their experience to a new, younger generation. The exhibition will also include work by members of this younger generation, who will speak with the King and Queen Máxima.
Return hospitality
To thank president Ramaphosa for his hospitality during the state visit, the King will host a cultural performance. In the State Theatre in Pretoria, Lloyds Company and Dutch musicians will perform their show ‘Unbreakable’ along with the South African dancers of the Soweto Skeleton Movers.
The King and Queen Máxima will fly to Cape Town in the evening.
Friday 20 October – Cape Town
Meeting with the Premier of Western Cape province
The Premier of Western Cape province, Alan Winde, and Cape Town mayor Geordin Gwyn Hill-Lewis will welcome the King and Queen Máxima to Cape Town. 
Shared past
King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima will reflect on the two countries’ shared past during a visit to the Iziko Slave Lodge. While there, they will watch and listen to various performances that bring the history of slavery to life through poetry, music and dance. 
Guga S’Thebe Cultural Centre
At the edge of Langa township is the Guga S’Thebe Cultural Centre. Here, the King and Queen Máxima will talk with young South Africans and representatives of civil society organisations about their experiences of combating gender-related violence, which South Africa and the Netherlands both grapple with. By sharing experiences and learning from each other, countries can work together to find solutions for this and other societal problems. The visit will close with a performance by local young people  on gender-related violence.
National Botanical Garden
In the afternoon, King Willem-Alexander will visit the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden. He will speak with experts from the World Wide Fund for Nature and the South African National Biodiversity Institute on the importance of biodiversity in habitat and wildlife protection.
Queen Máxima will spend the afternoon at the HortiDemoCentre, a public-private Dutch-South African initiative in Stellenbosch, where she will speak with students and young farmers. The centre develops methods for producing healthier food using fewer resources. 
Reception for the Dutch community in Cape Town
The third and final day of the state visit will close with a reception for the Dutch community in Cape Town.
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