#kagehina cosplay kiss
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“So baby, come light me up and maybe I'll let you on it A little bit dangerous, but baby, that's how I want it A little less conversation, and a little more touch my body Cause I’m so into you, into you, into you”
Me as Hinata Shoyo (ig: _coelispex_)
@imgonnawearitasamishtache as Kageyama Tobio (ig: nekuroo_cosplay)
Pics by the super duper talented @ starfleet.boy (ig account)
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that-one-queer-poc · 4 years
tsukishima and sugawara headcanons
ok ok ok hear me out i know everyone says suga is a pure baby and tsukki is a salty bitch (which he is) bUT hot take
tsukki loved ouran high and suga loved death note 
yamaguchi is the only one who knows about tsukki and ouran
tsukki and yams get lit screeching ‘KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE’ at sleepovers
one day noya and tanaka find out
tsukkiyama walk in the gym for practice the next day
the troublemakers blast the opening
tsukki just kinda
visibly dies inside a little
yams is all anna oop 😗🤭
tsukishima snaps and attacks noya and tanaka and yams has to physically restrain him until sugamama and dadchi get there
also kagehina was in the back they witnessed the whole thing and will never ever leave tsukki alone afterwards 
oh and tsukki is one million percent a kyoya kinnie thank you for coming to my ted talk
*edit* noya and tanaka probably found out by hearing tsukki humming under his breath or going through the playlist that plays through his 1$ headphones, or maybe akiteru accidentally let it slip to saeko who accidentally let it slip to tanaka who “accidentally” let it slip to noya
sadly, suga is probably team light but you know he has plans to adopt the wammy kids 
loves randomly chanting ‘delete delete delete delete delete delete’ until even asahi gets sick of it
sometimes laughs and says ‘that’s right... i’m kira’ and all the second and first years are so lost (ennoshita probably caught on i think he loves death note too)
knows all the words to the first opening and surprisingly the second opening as well (but he likes the first better) 
every time he sees an apple he 😳🙈 and daichi just goes ‘don’t you dare suga’ 
he probably got cosplay of near and wore it for halloween once, but after that he shoved it in his closet because he was so embarrassed (even though he totally pulled it off), probably thought he looked too much like norman from tpn, anyways only asahi and daichi know about it now
probably a matt kinnie, maybe (i hate to say it but) a misa kinnie
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cycyno · 6 years
I got tagged by @trshlrd​ ♥ Thanks, love !!
Rules: Tag 10 followers you’d like to get to know better (but who really follows these)
Name: Stephanie
Gender: Female? Nonbinary? Pronouns: Everything goes.
Star sign: Aries and proud
Height: 5′’4 or 1,64m
Sexuality: Super gay for my super gay fiancé
What image do you have as wallpaper: A picture of Akaashi my fiancé has drawn. Before that it was a quote by Edgar Allan Poe “And all that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.” and my phone background is a picture of the gym 3 squad.
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?: No
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: I don’t know, I don’t really like to look far ahead into the future. I just hope to be at my fiancé’s (hopefully wife by then) side and that we’ll have like 2 dogs, our two stupid cats and a nice job that we actually like. Also, still fangirling and cosplaying, obviously.
If you could be anywhere else right now, where?: I would like to stay right where I am.
What was your coolest Halloween costume?: In germany we don’t really “celebrate” Halloween. Only like.. the kids go around trick or treating, but usually they just get some sweets and that’s it. But as I still went around on Halloween my coolest costume would either be Ace frome One Piece OR Captain Jack Sparrow.
What’s your favorite 90s show?: Home Improvement was really cool! In general those comedy shows. Like King of Queens and so on.
Who was your last kiss?: My lovely fiancé of course!! ♥
Have you ever been stood up?: Not really? I don’t think so at least.
Have you ever been to Las Vegas?: Seriously? That would be the last place where you would ever find me. I’m a social phobic, depressed introvert and I don’t like partying or anything alike so. No. Never in a 100 years.
Favorite pair of shoes: The boots from my fiancé that I wore all winter long.
Favorite fruit: Raspberries? Or Strawberries.
Favorite book: Boi. I am actually not reading as much as I should probably. I would say: Kane Chronicles or Warrior Cats though.
Stupidest thing you’ve ever done: I don’t know exactly. Can’t think of anything but I am indeed stupid.
I tag
@cookie-kagehina , @casisonabender , @volleyballs-and-waterbottles SERIOUSLY I DON’T EVEN KNOW SO MANY PEOPLE fhdjsfkjdh If you wanna do it: Feel free to do it! I tag everyone who wants to! (also the three poor souls that I actually tagged, of course you don’t need to do anything)
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sugabeans · 7 years
not actually tagged by @oikawae but i like these questions and talking about myself haha sorry no read more but it’s not that long, just scroll fast
Are you named after anyone? 
yeah! my first name came after some character in some movie my parents watched - they thought karina sounded nice and BOOM thats my name~ and my middle name is lynn, and that came from my grandma ^^ 
When was the last time you cried?
i got so overwhelmed at the cute 
and i was jealous
so i cried lmao 
Do you like your handwriting? 
no it’s real poopy 
like, it’s never the same size 
and it’s a bunch of scriggles 
What is your favourite lunch meat? 
uh.. turkey? 
Do you have kids? 
no but i have a dog - that counts 
i also have all my volleyball birb babies 
they’re my kids 
If you were a different person would you be friends with you?
no laf;sgdf;lg;fg; I’M NOT A GOOD PERSON 
Do you use sarcasm? • ya, too much 
Do you still have your tonsils? • yes!
Would you bungee jump? 
i’d like to live thanks 
if i did it, honestly i think i’d pee myself 
What’s your favourite cereal? • FROSTED FLAKES YO 
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? 
all the shoes i own with laces also have zippers at the sides 
and i don’t actually use laces as laces.. they’re decoration 
Do you think you’re a strong person? • no i am a weak baby pls help 
What’s your favourite ice cream? 
i have no idea anymore
i love red bean and black sesame but i also love a rich dark chocolate with brownie bits and stuff yeah  
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
their clothing or their face and body 
i have a lot of clothing envy and face envy when i see people lmao 
and body envy - like i’ll look at girls legs a lot and like clap my hands to myself bc damn girl you looking great 
What’s your least favourite physical thing about yourself?
aw man can’t i say everything 
my huge ass thighs 
What colour pants and shoes are you wearing right now?
i’m wearing my pajamas right now so i’m wearing red shorts and i’m barefoot 
What are you listening to right now? • laboum hwi hwi 
If you were a crayon what colour would you be? • A PEACH PINK ONE 
Favourite smell? 
concrete.. stairwells.. LOL 
i think it’s like the musty basement smell? i’m so weird i know g;dkdf;gld;k BUT I LIKE IT 
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? • my mommy 
Favourite sport to watch? • i don’t watch sports 
Hair colour? • dark brown, pretty much black 
Eye colour? • light brown
Do you wear contacts? • only circle lenses for cosplay 
Favourite food? • i LOVE RICE 
Scary movies or comedy? • comedy, if you give me horror i’ll die and hate you
Last movie you watched? 
it might have been wonder woman.. 
i don’t watch many movies 
it might have been koe no katachi actually.. thinking about it more 
What colour shirt are you wearing?
a white tshirt from my high school’s 30 hour famine 
it’s real old and crusty now lmao 
which is why it’s my pajama 
Summer or winter? 
i hate summer bc it’s so hot ((currently dying))
Hugs or kisses? 
hugs bc i’ve never been kissed 
and hugs feel SO DAMN GOOD 
Book you’re currently reading? 
haha book ur funny 
does manga count 
i’m reading (ongoing) snk, namaikizakari, pochamani, queen’s quality - off the top of my head 
Who do you miss right now • no one really 
What’s on your mouse pad? 
i don’t use one but the one i own has yuki cross from vampire knight on it 
What’s the last tv program you watched?
What is the best sound? 
kevin woo’s voice *shabang* *finger guns* 
Rolling Stones or The Beatles?
never listened to either of their music so i don’t have a preference (oops) 
What’s the furthest you’ve ever traveled?
some island in the northern part of south america 
i was on a cruise ship 
also, i live in toronto, so really it’s not tooooooo far 
Do you have a special talent? 
how i wish i did 
Where were you born? • toronto, canada! 
AIGHT THANKS FOR READING, NOW I’M GOING TO TAG @sookashira @viktorsglabella @shoujoandbobatea @keiscute @riumew @helloseashell and anyone else because these questions are fun! 
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