#juuri nomura
peacesmith · 11 days
C3 with juuno pls for the drawing game !!
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weeks later… i finally draw these gay maniacs
ask game! (still open! just slow)
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aarreentertainment · 5 years
Alunperin Final Fantasy VII ilmestyi vuonna 1997 ja nelisen vuotta sitten uusintateoksen kehitystyö julkistettiin ensimmäisen kerran. Juuri mitään yksityiskohtia pelistä ei ole kerrottu ja onkin tuntunut, kuin se olisi vain ollut huhu eikä oikeasti lähitulevaisuudessa tapahtuva asia.
Toki siitä ei ole kauaa, kun Final Fantasy VII käännettiin moderneille alustoille, mutta se on se sama vanha peli. Samat välivideot ja sama grafiikka missä upeisiin taustoihin tönköt palikkahahmot eivät istu sitten mitenkään päin.
Modernia tekniikkaa ja ulkonäköä on päästy nauttimaan elokuvan Final Fantasy Advent Child ansiosta, joten pelaajat ovat saaneet ikäänkuin esimakua miltä se peli voisi näyttää jos se koskaan tulisi.
Tuorein traileri on vuodelta 2015 ja se esiteltiin PSX-messuilla. Alunperin peliä teki CyberConnect2, mutta tuotanto siirrettiin Square Enixille. Syynä oli Naoki Hamaguchin mukaan, että näin tuotantolaatu pystyttäisiin pitämään tasaisena ja aikatauluissa pysyttäisiin. Niin missä aikatauluissa?
Ainakin peli on luvattu ilmestyvän ensin Playstation 4:lle ja myöhemmin mahdollisesti muille alustoille kuten PC:lle ja Xbox Onelle. Mutta ehtiikö peli tämän sukupolven koneille, vai siirtyykö se seuraaville?
Square Enixin Tetsyo Nomura on myöntänyt, että peli on julkistettu aivan liian varhain, mutta sana alkoi kulkea pelin kehittelystä joten he näkivät parhaaksi itse kertoa siitä. Pahimmillaan kuulopuheet ja kuiskaillut suunnitelmat kertovat, että peli ei ilmestyisi ennen vuotta 2023, ellei se ole alkujaankin pahasti väärinkuultu oven suljetun oven takaa tai jopa vitsailua pitkästä julkaisuaikataulusta.
Suurempi uudistus tulee olemaan myös episodimaisuus. Sarjan tuottaja Yoshinori Kitasen mukaan tarina on niin laaja, että sitä ei vain saisi tungettua yhteen jatkuvaan peliin, vaan jos sen haluaa kertoa kunnolla, se pitää pilkkoa useaan eri osaan. On myös heitetty ilmoille, että jokainen episodi olisi yksilöllinen kokemuksensa, mutta niiden rakenteesta tai sisällöstä ei ole vielä tarkempaa tietoa.
Se ainakin on varmaa, että peli ei ole pelkkä uusintajulkaisu moderneille koneille. Peli tehdään uudelleen nykystandardeille. Peliä ei ole kuitenkaan tarkoitus muuttaa tunnistamattomaksi, vaan tehdä siitä uusi ja tuore. Grafiikan lisäksi varmasti remonttiin pääsevät myös käyttöliittymä, mikä demovideolta näyttää olevan toimintaan pohjaavaa vuoroaikaisen roolipelistrategian sijaan.
Lähteet: Techradar, Famitsu, E3, Wired
The post Final Fantasy 7 uudelleen tehtynä – vihdoinkin? appeared first on errori.net.
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peacesmith · 2 months
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okay take this meme good night
original under the cut
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peacesmith · 3 months
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(click for better quality)
Thank you so much to @frankenbridez for doing my commission! I love how it came out they’re so cute 😖 please go commission them when you have the chance!
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peacesmith · 3 months
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Thank you again to @takoyakipunk for doing my commission of Kano and Juuri!! I love how this turned out! Go commission him whenever he’s open again!!
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peacesmith · 3 months
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more sketches i forgot to post
shay belongs to @iceicewifey
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peacesmith · 3 months
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made a meme
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peacesmith · 3 months
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finally!! i get to post my mortal kombat oc after working on it for so long. i’m really proud of how he came out. (did i make him for the purpose of shipping with kano? yes) anyways, here’s Juuri Nomura! i hope to post and get to talk about him more.
more outfits below
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peacesmith · 3 months
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doodles for the night
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peacesmith · 25 days
SYNOPSIS — Juuri died, and Kano is visibly upset. Erron on the other hand can’t stand seeing Kano so moody. So he gives him an idea, bring Juuri back to life.
GENRE — uhhh, idk, kind of angst, kind of gore, 🤷‍♂️
CHARACTERS — MK11 Kano, Juuri Nomura (OC), Erron Black, Kabal (mentioned)
PAIRING — Juuno (Juuri x Kano)
CONTENT WARNING — slight (and i mean very slight) gore, just a mention of a gunshot wound really but nothing actually gory, Kano kisses a dead body 🧍‍♂️, just dead people I guess
NOTES — hi ICP fans, I was listening to Cemetery Girl earlier and I’ve been wanting to do something like this with them so here you go.
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Juuri was dead.
There was no doubt, he was one-hundred percent dead. Shot in the head actually, a gruesome way to go out. At least he died heroically. To some people.
The Black Dragon held a short, albeit sweet, funeral for him. They had to keep moving anyways.
Everybody took it seriously, Juuri was an important asset. Although nobody took it as hard as the leader himself took it.
Visibly, he was more grouchy. Snappy even. Almost never seen not without a beer. The members had to be cautious around Kano unless they wanted to be like Frank (Poor Frank, caught him at the wrong place at the wrong time. Now he lost an eye).
The only people who were guaranteed safety was Erron and Kabal. Which, weren’t too far away from losing an eye either. Yet they still tried to comfort their leader.
Sitting on one of the couches, he takes another swing of his beer before slamming it  on the table. It was actually his and Juuri’s favorite couch. Given that they were always seen sitting there together.
The gunslinger couldn’t stand seeing him brooding all day. So, he cautiously approached Kano.
Kano grunts, not bothering to look at him. This causes Erron to squint his eyes.
“Are you still upset over Juuri?” He couldn’t blame him. Although they came from different backgrounds, him and the swordsman had a brotherly relationship.
Kano then grunts again, taking another sip of his beer. Erron sighs.
“Well… have you done anything to grieve? Properly?”
This time he doesn’t make a sound, which gives the other male all the answers he needs. It was a bad idea, no, horrible even, but he couldn’t stand seeing him like this anymore.
He sits next to him, a dangerous move at that. Tapping his thigh before speaking.
“Have you tried bringing him back from the dead?”
Now this sparks an interest. Kano turns to him, he tried not to show it, but he was interested.
Erron continues, “I mean, it sounds impossible, but honestly anything is possible at this point.”
Kano only stares at him, but the gears in his brain was turning at his point.
“Maybe you could talk to one of those magic dudes you know. Ah, but that sounds like a stupid idea right?”
He turns towards him, only to see him gone. Erron lets out a huff. Hopefully that gets him to stop being so grouchy all the time.
Kano on the other hand was already making his way to where his beloved was buried. Shovel in hand as he drags it across the dirt.
Admittedly at first he thought it was stupid, he really did! But the thought of seeing his beloved, even one more time, made him almost giddy.
“Oh hell.” He mutters. It’s almost as if his hands had a mind of its own. Next thing he knew, he was digging up Juuri’s coffin. Not caring if he got dirt on his pants. He stopped caring a while ago actually.
The shovel hits the top of his coffin. He takes in a breath before jumping down. Opening the lid of the box, the smell of death hitting him like never before. But he ignored it as he stared down at the body below him.
There he was, Juuri, in all of his dead glory.
Still beautiful as ever, just slightly dirty and a hole in his head. Other than that, he was still as lovely as ever. This causes Kano to smile.
“Come on luv, let’s get you out of here.”
Kano leans down to pick him up, grunting a bit. Dead weight, forgot all about that. Juuri was slightly heavier than before, but that didn’t matter. It felt good to have him in his arms.
He felt at peace again, because his love was right there. He couldn’t help but give him a kiss.
Juuri’s head falls back in response to his kiss. The Aussie chuckles. “You leanin’ away from my kisses luv? You haven’t changed a bit.”
Kano then gives him another kiss. This time he doesn’t move. Yet his dead eyes seemed to stare through Kano rather than at him.
He hums and adjusts to where he’s carrying him like a bride. No struggling, no groaning or mumbling, it made him smile. Sure, he enjoyed the back and forth between him and Juuri. But sometimes he appreciated when he wouldn’t say a thing a just complied. Too bad it won’t last forever once he brings him back from the dead.
No if’s, he will bring him back from the dead. He can’t just have his babe being a brainless corpse forever! He’d probably be missing a few memories sure, but they can just create new ones anyways! And then they could get married, if Juuri really wanted to. To Kano they were already married, just without the ring.
He couldn’t wait. He’d be happy once again. Welp, time to bring him home.
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peacesmith · 3 months
pls ramble about juuri and kano 👁️👁️🤲
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i love kano and juuri man 🫶😔
anyways rambling under the cut
juuri met kano when he was out on a mission to assassinate someone, but unfortunately kano got to his target first. and from then on they kept bumping into each other.
which irritated juuri because kano was stealing all of his kills. so then one day, juuri beats him to his target. and kano, who watched the whole thing, asks juuri to join the black dragon and be his right hand man. which at first he says no then realizing he had nothing better to do, he joined.
kano was admittedly at first mostly just using him for his stealthiness before genuinely forming a relationship with him.
juuri didn’t like kano very much, but that was only because he was borderline down bad for him. which kind of just leads to a hookup and then dating (how? idk they’re bad at asking each other out), they didn’t exploit their relationship but it wasn’t a secret
with juuri acting extra protective and kano being extra touchy, calling him ‘love’, ‘babe’, ‘fella/my fella’ etc.
they definitely do drinking games together at bars and stuff, which kano always wins cause he can hold his alcohol better.
and then leads to a makeout session or something
also, listen they’re both not good guys okay, juuri having slightly more morals than kano but still insane. but they totally go on some sort of murdering spree together, especially if the other is feeling down.
which they probably go harass sonya together when they get the chance to.
juuri is actually really soft he just has a resting bitch face. and kano likes to press kisses all around his face, tickling his face with his facial hair.
and like juuri likes to bite kano, why? no reason, but kano doesn’t mind. they probably wrestle for fun as a love language
they’re just two gay maniacs and i love them omg
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peacesmith · 3 months
🦋 and 🪽 -✨anon
ask game
🦋 — what kind of dates do you and your f/o’s go on?
i have too many rah, but i’ll do kano since he’s in my brain rn
juuri and kano would do low budget dates most of the time, given that they don’t go on dates much cause they’re always joined at hip. but on really special occasions, they might go higher budget dates, but it’s mostly low budget
that involves: movie nights at their place, doing some sort of assassination together, cooking, and terrorizing sonya whenever they get the chance
🪽 — what is/are you and your f/o’s trope(s)?
i don’t even know how to describe it fr
sunshine (murderous) and grumpy, sarcastic and flirty i guess, fake dating (at first)
it’s like a mix of these, with kano being the more preppy one and juuri being the more ‘serious’ one (even though he’s a bit soft around kano)
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