#just a wee explanation of why I haven’t been posting stuff lately
thefrsers · 2 years
https://francescameronwriter.tumblr.com/post/691143184857874432/oh-my 🌟🌟
Link above of a new BTS Sam video from today on Nobleman Instagram. Could you make a Sam gif edit from it?
https://alohamochridhe.tumblr.com/post/689329903155429376 🌟🌟
Also, are you still going to make a Sam Heughan and Jamie Fraser edit from your most recent ask? It’s been several weeks now. Link above.
Hi! Yes, thank you for the link! As for your request I promise I havent forgotten about it. My photoshop has been acting up for a while so had to get it sorted out but thankfully it’s all fixed and I can finally start on making those gifs for you guys again. IRL has been hectic as well so that definitely hasn’t helped at all with any free time. So I do apologize for the lack of gifs and not being able to make them for you guys lately but now that I’m getting bit of a breather I can go back to doing gifs cos I have missed doing them. So once again I apologize and thank you all so much for your patience I appreciate it sm🥰
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5sosaudedits · 7 years
Hello fellow citizens! I just wanted to let you guys know why I haven’t posted in a few months, as you guys (ALL 1,000+ OF YOU HOLY SHIT) all kinda deserve an explanation.
I’m not gonna beat around the bush with my excuse - I’ve been super depressed as of late. I’ve been finding school extremely difficult (in terms of the workload that’s expected of me) and it’s all down to my dysfunctional brain. I had a wee  [HUGE] mental breakdown, so I’ve been to the doctors (PRAISE THE NHS!!!) and they’ve put me forward for some counselling.
 also my laptop died with all of my files on it but that’s irrelevant
I won’t go into too much details but that’s the foundations as to why I haven’t been posting.
 Tl;dr - my brain is shit and I couldn’t cope with everything at once.
I do plan on posting more stuff soon, so in the meantime - WATCH THIS SPACE.
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