#jungeun imagines
kingmaker-a · 5 months
Lost & Found | Kim Jungeun
Non-Idol AU - Set on New Years Eve
Warnings/Tags: Minor injury (Cut on the finger/s), blood, light alcohol consumption. Reader wrestles with themselves quite a bit.
It's New Years Eve and Kim Jungeun (the girl who you've called an asshole) just posted an instagram story wearing your necklace. Great.
Wordcount: 3.7k
Genre: Fluff, Angst (Self doubt and anxiety).
A/N: Inspired partially by a conversation in Paladins group chat, with @sanccharine and @panda-writes-kpop. I'll be real, it wasn't supposed to turn out like this, but I don't hate it. Kinda miss the more delusional original idea (there wasn't an original idea, just vibes).
Anyway, belated happy new year, I hope the year treats you well and with the kindness you deserve.
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Where do you even begin? There are no boundaries to the start of a story, they just happen, after all. Yet, there's always that voice that needs it to be perfect. 
Keep it to simple facts. 
Like most stories, there's a girl. 
Kim Jungeun, her friends call her Lippie and you call her… nothing.
…Well, you’ve called her asshole. 
That is certainly no way to greet a stranger. 
But that’s skipping over too many details. 
Rewind a little bit. 
There's a girl, Kim Jungeun and your mind just frays-no that doesn't quite have enough bite-fractures into all the fragments of possibility, when it frankly shouldn't. 
And, and-
It’s hard to articulate, which is something of a constant lately. 
She was supposed to be a distraction, a cursory interest at best. At least while the girl you're actually interested in is studying abroad. 
Not that you’ve actually talked to her either. 
…You’re a mess. 
Things just have a way of getting out of control in your head space. 
It’s slow and tentative the way your hand brushes against your chest, ghosting over where a familiar pendant should be. 
A cigarette would be fucking great. 
But where were you? 
Right, right. 
Kim Jungeun, an ill begotten thorn in your side. 
Salt ridden obsidian waves bounce and dance, sprinkled with the lustre of moonlight and the fairy dust of the stars. 
Even if barely, it soothes you. 
It’s been awhile since you were last here, eyes tracing over the waves. 
The old dock at the port. 
A safe space to unwind your mind, though perhaps it was a good thing to miss this place? 
Kim Jungeun, friend of Heejin. 
Who, according to her, you shared an elective for two weeks before you switched. 
Blonde, talented and totally not your type, at all. 
Not that you actually noticed her all that much, like ships passing in the night. 
Always too focused on Heejin, the way her smile, her antics enamoured a feeling in your chest. 
Dopamine and friendship, even if you thought it could've been more at the time. 
Still, you can't help the way your brain traces over every brief gaze Jungeun had given over those long lost years. 
She disappeared one fall, moved overseas because of family or something or another. According to Heejin she had a going away party, an unnoticed event that you somehow attended. 
You remember it vaguely, almost like looking through a foggy glass. You arrived late as had become tradition, to avoid the awkward moments where Heejin would flutter off to socialise while you would nurse a drink awkwardly. 
It was hard to miss the slight sad edge to Jungeun's smile when you had arrived, Heejin nearly passed out on a sofa. 
No thoughts or words came to your mind as you wrestled her arm over your shoulder, merely a soft wave as you departed. 
Only now does the memory warp ever so slightly under the weight of your modern delusions, the need for there to be something unspoken between the two of you. 
Your tongue clicks against the roof of your mouth. 
Hell, that might not have even happened at all. 
It’s hard to truly say, not after the freight train that ran you over when she came back years later. 
Something had changed about her after her time away, or at least that's what you would like to say.
But It’s all retrospective hindsight, pieces that you can only put together because you're looking for a way to explain why she ties your chest into knots whenever you look at her. 
The problem with being a hopeless romantic is there has to be some sort of divine providence involved, some story that somehow ties it together… 
To make it perfect, like It’s a movie. 
But real life isn't like that. 
Even if you want it so god damn desperately, the nascent need to love and be loved claws and etches at the sensitive flesh of your brain. Still, it only traces a carved pattern that lays at the core of your soul. 
Much like any novel, it’s the hunger to be chosen, needed or objectified in the gaze of another.
It’s hard not to drown against it all, eyes sink against crashing, violent waves, you can practically taste the salt on your tongue. 
You're a mess, a desperate craven for a single hopeful touch. 
You can feel the way your mind drags against the murky seafloor of your own mental abyss. 
Still, it's like the snap of a chain, the tug of a haunted ghost that caresses your skin. 
A single notification. 
A taunting admission. 
An update to her Instagram story, the photo itself, a nonsensical blur as you latch on to the familiar metallic shimmer that dots her collar. 
It takes everything to pull your eyes away, crashing waves are a soft comforting comfort. Still, your teeth graze your tongue as you contemplate how you feel.
Your phone trembles in your grasp, vibrates with an anxious bounce–Wait, it’s actually ringing, you almost choke on air when you accept the call.
You can practically taste the smile that lingers on unseen lips.
“Hey, asshole.”
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Perhaps it’s the mere act of being caught off guard that culls your anxiety before it even has a chance. 
Here you are, on the steps of a kingdom unknown. The bloom of orange hallowed light is the only tell tale sign you’re in the right place.
It’s warm you note, in the comforting sort of way, like homemade soup on a particularly sick day.
Your fingers knock against her door with a soft, delicate touch. 
it’s hard not to indulge the nauseous thoughts in your brain, in the silent gaps of air. Like exposed skin in a sea of mosquitos.  
Maybe the way her lips curve into the slightest smile is its own insect repellent.
Still, it’s only the briefest peak at what lies below the surface, as it fades into the poised detachment you had grown used to.
“So you came huh?” There’s a braggadocious air to her tone, that is almost surprising to your ears. It’s hard to ignore the smirk that swells at the edge of her lip, it’s vivacious and effervescent.
Words catch on the hem of your throat, twisting, coiling and snagging against the roll of her eyes.
There’s a playfulness to the way she bites her tongue, the denouement of victory. Still there’s something to be said about the almost child-like sparkle in her eyes.
What exactly? You haven’t decided, or perhaps you can’t explain it. It radiates a warm comfort in your chest.
And perhaps that is good enough.
You can’t help the awkwardness that clings to your bones, when she gestures for you to come inside, it weighs heavy like rotting iron.
There’s a flash of something else hidden under the contortion of confusion on her face.
“Did you need a formal invitation like a vampire or something?” it’s a sharp almost biting edge, you’ve never held a real conversation with her.
But you can tell it feels unnatural, forced even.
You can't help the curiosity that itches under your skin, burns across your eyes. It’s almost enough, a distraction from that which gnaws at your bones.
 The creak of anxiety rattles through your bones, there is no easy way to jump head first into the abyss. 
If it even is the right abyss. 
Soft, svelte fingers brush against your own, coaxing you forward. 
You fall, head first into her domain. It clicks in your head, how little you know about her. 
All you have to pick apart is causal anecdotes from Heejin and the chic, almost detached persona she presents. 
You know something else swims below the surface. 
Just out of reach. 
The soft curve of a smile is a gentle reminder that she likes beer. Your eyes trace her living space as she disappears towards her kitchen. 
It’s spacious, minimalist and functional, the only evidence of an inhabitant is the barely past season Christmas tree. 
There's a joke about being eager for Christmas in January if she leaves it any longer. 
You can't help the tiny smirk that dots your lips, earning you an arched eyebrow and a cold beer. 
It’s snug and awkward against your grip,  maybe it’s just a creative analogy for you. 
Your hand struggles in vain, twisting against jagged metal teeth. They cut into your fingers with a spiked, hungry sharpness. 
Crimson paint slowly boils to the surface, at least the cut wasn't clean unlike your stupidity. 
Your hand clenches into a tight fist in an attempt to hide your mistake. 
Thankfully she’s transfixed? 
Enamoured by the tick of her clock or perhaps the weight of her own thoughts. 
That's wishful thinking. 
Still there's something equally enamouring in the way she prys the cap off her beer. There's a practised skill in the way she peels it off with her ring. 
A symbol to her fondness.
Perhaps it is those small idiosyncrasies, fruit born from passion in life that makes your chest palpate. 
Maybe it’s the way your eyes linger on her lips as she takes a swig. 
Victory burns across her lips, blooming into a satisfied exhale. It’s the soft swell of a smile that almost makes you believe beer tastes good. 
After all, how could she be wrong? 
You clear your throat, offering your bottle. 
There's a flash of recognition, exorcising any haunted whispers that dwell as she grasps the bottle. 
Her lips squish, shrinking together as her cheeks puff ever so slightly. It’s odd the way she almost squirms under your gaze before she releases an exasperated sigh. 
“My bad,” despite the almost shameful weight to her tone, her fingers are anything but. They glide and dance with familiar grace, commiting your jagged tooth assailant to the grave. 
She's cute you realise, almost needlessly so. 
It’s the tiny fragment of her embarrassment that plays at your heart like a guitar pick, you almost apologise. 
Even if fault lies with neither of you. 
Yet, there’s another flash that bounces across her eyes, burdened by worry and guilt as bottles clang onto her coffee table. 
“Shit,” her grip brushes ever so softly against the tips of your fingers, it tingles with an electricity you’ve only dreamt of feeling. 
Though, you didn't expect there to be trickling crimson rivulets. 
Do you think it conducts since it has the same source? 
She tugs at the corner of your shirt, pulling to her couch, a small little thing-barely a two seater on the best of days. 
Maybe you're just making excuses? 
You’re brought back to an earlier thought if only briefly, as she swipes through a coffee table drawer.
Functional and minimalist, what she keeps on or around her has purpose, even her ring.
Which begs the question about her-your neckl-
Sometimes life is the perfect conflux of coincidence meets happenstance, in those rare moments you will find the answers to some of your most burgeoning questions. 
Or jokes in your case. 
Because, it does in fact conduct. That's the only rational way to explain the way your brain surges, short circuiting when her tantalising lips soak crimson, pressed feverishly tight against your damaged flesh. 
It’s intoxicating, dangerously so, the way your mind lingers as your jaw slackens. Your breath hitches, catches against a heated haze as her eyes latch on to yours. 
You can barely pick out the slightest ping of worry as she searches through gaze, looking for any sign of discomfort as you feel pressure tighten against your wounded flesh. 
You swear you feel a smile burn across your fingers before you blink. 
Spongebob patterned plasters replace the soft embrace of her lips. 
Though perhaps that's another delusion to the list… 
Wrong, it’s spelt with the claret stain burned into the sleeve of her knit sweater, dotted with the glistening cerise fleck on the edge of her lip. 
Yet, she looks at you expectantly, like nothing had transpired, as if there was only a momentary gap in conversation. 
You’re a good samaritan you realise, after all that has to be the reason why your fingers tuck under her chin-god you need to ignore how you snap together like puzzle pieces-as your thumb brushes softly against her lip. 
She practically preens against your touch, lips curving into a knowing smile. 
She’s been caught red handed, your flesh against her fangs. 
Your eyes linger against her lips, to consume her wholly and utterly to stain yourself in her colour. 
Still, there's a coyishness as her head tilts to the side, eyelashes fluttering with chic elegance. 
But is it right to take the plunge? 
Is now the moment that makes up for every missed opportunity, every life not lived, every love unhad? 
The answer is-
Your hand…
No, that’s the answer. 
Retracts, slow and hesitant. 
To indulge in this moment is to make every other lesser in Its wake, to tattoo it across your skin and into your heart. 
Could you love so permanently when you change with the tide? 
Her smile tightens, soft and friendly. 
Perhaps that's all it ever was. 
She pulls aways, grabbing her beer and… You follow suit, nursing it between your lips. 
It tastes better than you thought, though anything is better than drowning in the awkward silence that slowly fills the room. 
It’s odd to notice how truly quiet it is in the dead of night, it’s worse to hate such a monument to peace. 
You try to find idle work tracing her living space, to find anything of note or interest. 
But, you have no such luck as your eyes eventually settle on her clock. 
Maybe that's why she always stares at it? What the fuck else are you supposed to look at? 
After all, you can't bring yourself to even dare look her way. 
She keeps everything for a reas-
“Why do you have my necklace?”
She scoffs, it’s sudden, violent and abrasive. You can hear the way her fingers tick away at her beer bottle before she takes a deep breath. 
It’s practically thrown at her coffee table. 
She turns to you, full body and all. Her eyebrows draw tight together like the wound string of a bow. 
Whatever confidence she has dissipates slowly as her knees slowly tuck towards her chest. 
If the air wasn't heavy with melancholic seriousness, you would've made a joke about her sitting like that one anime character. 
Her features scrunch ever so slightly for the briefest of moments as she practically shrinks behind her knees. 
“Are you sure you wanna know?”
The question is redundant isn’t it? You wouldn't have asked otherwise. 
You swear you catch the briefest flicker of a temper tantrum bounce across her face before she sighs. 
Part of you can't help but want to entertain the idea. 
She probably screams like a pterodactyl. 
It’s a weird sort of honour, to be in her presence as her chic edge is peeled away by the skin of your teeth.
It’s nice. 
“Wel-” her eyebrows twitch latched on the hook of something else, a flash of annoyance blooms across her face. “Why'd you give it to her?”
Why did you give her your necklace? A matter of circumstance? Of love unabated? 
Actually, “why does it matter?”
She seethes under her calculated exterior, you can taste the brimming smoke, choking and noxious as she rolls her eyes, her gaze shifting away from you. 
The thin layer of silence does nothing to hide her muttering. 
“Man, you really are an asshole.”
It’s the small hitch of a raised breath, the kind that blends against the slight exhale of receiving a meme. 
You can't help the slight smile that twitches across your lips, the closest thing to an inside joke. 
Her eyes return to you, poised like a sharpened dagger. 
Cold indifference, a biting edge ready to strike, deadly and true. 
You can practically feel the slice of her remark. 
Except she falters, caught on the smile that blisters across her lips, soft and tentative. 
You know it would clasp perfectly against your own. 
Her nose scrunches ever so slightly, cheeks swelling on a held breath before she releases a sigh. 
Her hand darts to yours, there's a shakiness you can't see, but feel as her touch trembles against yours. 
“Do you like her?”
It’s like being dumped into the arctic, your mind collapses against the sobriety of it all. 
Do you? Your chest sinks with a held weight, threatening to suffocate every last thought and breath. 
“I don't know-”
Her head cocks to the side, eyes tracing your features with a delicate touch. 
There's nothing romantic about the way she looks at you, just a soft, caring warmth. She hangs on to every microcosm of you as if each moment is its own answer. 
Even as her hand trembles against yours, bouncing with an anxious quiver, there is no pressure. 
No rush. 
Just patience. 
You’re lying, lying through your teeth, scared to be the one wolf amongst a world of sheep. 
“I did-”
You’re a paradox in a world of certainty, always in a state of fluctuation. 
“-maybe once upon a time.”
She offers a soft nod, grip tightening against yours, it trembles with every tick of her clock. 
Her lips purse, bubbling with a tepid question. 
“And you never made a move– told her even?”
Of course not-
You take a deep, almost shaky breath. It's cut across the jagged rocks of your own disdain. 
She wouldn't understand you put the hopeless in hopeless romantic, too caught up in the whirlwind of novelty and what-ifs.
Not what could be. 
“What's the point?” You can't help the way it comes out, sodden, soaked, dripping with resignation. 
It’s the kind of thought that's better left unsaid, usually left unsaid. 
She frowns, lips scrunching once again as she pouts and you realise there's something about her that makes you honest. 
Well and truly. 
Perhaps there is a kind of honesty that can only be learnt in the company of a stranger. 
After all, when you're splitting hairs, how much do you actually know about Kim Jungeun?
Her eyebrow quirks forward, “because you liked her?”
There's a certain punchiness, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. 
Like the blue hue of the sky. 
“Liked, being the keyword Lippie.”
You swear you catch the slightest hitch of her breath against the rough edge of her nickname, an attempt at annoyed levity. 
Still, she offers you the slightest tilt of a smile, the smallest peak at perfect porcelain, it’s an almost indignant, so?
As if you had mentioned, sometimes the sky is a muddy grey because of the clouds. 
Except perhaps it would be better if the analogy was swapp-
It slams like a fist to the gut, her soft smile. 
“You know you think too much for someone who is criminally stupid.”
All you can offer is an incredulous huff as you double over (emotionally of course).
She rolls her eyes, her smile blooming with an annoying smugness. 
Her hand retracts, finding purchase on her beer bottle. 
A victory lap of hers. 
“Love people while you do, when you can.” Her eyes go glassy, shining with a melancholic wistfulness before she shrugs. 
She takes a sip of her beer, eyebrows knotting together with a sudden thought. 
It’s soft the way her eyes trace you, hesitant as she places her beer back. 
“Sometimes the act of loving someone, makes you love them more,” she clears her throat, eyes shifting under your continued gaze. “But, uh-”
She takes a deep breath, “live in the moment, not your head?”
You never know what could happen, perhaps something to do in the new year, a thought that hangs on your brain as your eyes linger on her clock. 
Live in the moment. 
“...So why do you have my necklace?”
She instantly shrinks, as if your words were a hammer in a game of whack-a-mole. Her eyebrows crease, her nose scrunches and her lips purse as she squirms under your gaze. 
Throughout it all, she finds a sudden interest in her plain, boring floor. 
Her cheeks swell ever so slightly, an embarrassed smile teases her lips under the sudden stress. 
She’s probably surprised you remembered the question.
Or she forgot herself. 
It’s cute, it really is. The way she forgets herself, the practised chic persona lays fractured, broken at the base of it all. 
What you would give to be a Bluetoothed pair of idiots. 
She tugs at her knit sweater, pulling it over head as you catch a muffled pterodactyl scream. 
Maybe you're just projecting on the pterodactyl part. 
She plucks at the fragments, tries to assemble some facsimile. 
But it’s redundant, redundant when the slightest pigment of scarlet, rosy pink dusts her cheeks, redundant when eyes remain glued to the floor even as they shift your way. 
Her words are small, tiny as if she were speaking gnomish. 
“...It makes me feel happy, when I wear it.”
That answers everything and nothing at the same t- 
She looks at you expectantly, a soft timid glassiness lingers in her eyes. 
Her eyes snap to her clock, muffled fireworks echo through the night sky. 
A frown lines her lips. 
“Happy new ye-”
Her words are muffled, halted by the painterly brush of your lips. Her smile echoes across her lips and you can taste the smugness. 
It’s eye rolling. 
Her fingers tangle through your hair as she pulls you deeper into free fall and fall you both do. 
You can't help the reluctance that echoes through your bones and across your lips as she pulls away. 
A smirk peeks through her supple lips, an annoying comment no doubt. 
Instead you’re surprised by an admission. 
“Do you know how long I’ve waited for this, for tha-”
You pull her into another kiss, brief and chaste. 
Even, enamoured in your touch and out of breath as you pull away, her eyes narrow. Something was amiss. 
You can't help your own devilish grin, “all year?”
She scoffs, the kind of reluctant but annoyed huff you expected as she rolls her eyes. 
“God, you really are an asshole.”
Still, there's an unequivocal softness to the way she says it, you can taste the burn of her annoyed smile as she drags you into another kiss. 
At least you found your necklace you guess? 
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lynnsquared · 4 months
Looking forward to seeing your works in the future!!! Any g!p lip thoughts?
🐬 first of all tysm that is so sweet u made my day 😭👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💞 and... i definitely have a few ‼️ (not a lot tho KJSKJGKJSJK)
G!p jungeun is fs not the biggest (maybe like 5-6ish inches) but her cock is still clean, pink and pretty ☹ but does it really matter, considering she knows exactly how to use it!
bec of this u love to ride her 😣 whenever you bounce on her cock you can feel it hitting all of the right spots and she almost never fails to make u cum (ofc if you don't cum from her dick she uses her long fingers anyway because she cares about your pleasure too~) 😖 another thing about riding her that is so sexy is how she grips onto your thighs or your hips THE WHOLE TIME,,, she does it so much that you could always tell when shes about to cum because her grip tightens so much and her hands shake just a bit 😭
i think the thing jungeun loves the most tho is when u suck her off ☹️ i feel like her cock gets 20x more sensitive when your tongue is wrapped around it.. shes always involuntarily bucking her hips into your mouth, not caring how much you gag or choke because she just feels so good 😭 she loves to hold your hair out of your face while you suck her off, too 😇 with that, she'd often grip it super tight or pull it or.. both. she loves to cum in your mouth, too.. feeling so satisfied with herself as she looks down at you with her seed all over your tongue before you swallow 🤭
and also she takes the best dick pics ever just like. objectively . never those nasty ones with the terrible angles where she holds it awkwardly in her hand.. no.!!! her favs would be pics of her dick print in her boxers 😣 and also ones where the pink tip of her cock stick out of the rim of her boxers teasingly.. shes def the type to send you these pics while you're out and about, too.. 😵 like if ur out and about with ur friends or at work u need to be SO careful checking your phone because your gf has a nasty habit of sending you dick pics when you're not at home 😓 (and ofc when you do get home she loves when you """punish""" her by grinding against her dick without ever actually putting it in until she cums all over her own stomach with a faux-embarrassed look on her face)
sorry if this sucks, btw 😭 gp lippie is a lovely thought but its not something i think about a lot ☹️ anyway, i hope you like it even if this is a veryy underdeveloped thought and sounds like something i made up in 30 minutes sfjkjkfkj
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luvvhyeju · 11 months
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warnings; fem!reader, men dni, fluffy summer dates with the girls bc the artms explore log has me feeling things <3
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jinsoul ; beach dates with jinsol are a must. she just thinks you look so gorgeous out in the sun, a big hat covering your hair, one of her cardigans slung around your shoulders to cover your bathing suit. and she likes to walk along the water, kicking the water in your direction gently and laughing when you whine at the cold, wet feeling on your legs. she likes to wrap her arm around you as you walk, feeling you pulled into her side, safe and happy with her, that's all she wants <3 and after a while, she'd run to the convenience store down the street and get you both ice cream cones, laughing loudly when you get vanilla on your nose.
haseul ; dates with haseul are fun. she likes to take you out to do active things, like taking you to an amusement park or somewhere pretty to hike. she wants to make memories with you. she's definitely the type to take pictures of you at every point, calling your name and snapping a picture before you realize what she's doing. she likes taking candid photos to put in her wallet <3 she definitely makes you take pictures of her, too, and she sends them to her group chat with her friends to brag about how good of a photographer you are for her.
jungeun ; jungeun likes to stargaze. she'll come pick you up late at night, a blanket in the backseat of her car, and drive you out to a nice, secluded spot. and when you get there, she helps you up on the hood of her car, before laying down beside you and spreading the blanket over the both of you. she likes to watch you while you look up at the stars, her heart thumping her chest at how your eyes seem to sparkle as you point out all the different star clusters and constellations, and the occasional planet. definitely the type to call your name softly while you're talking so you'll look over at her, her hand cupping your cheeks and bringing you closer so she can press a reverent kiss to your lips <3
heejin ; dates with heejin are fun. she's the type to want to go do things with you; be active. she's the type to take you out to an amusement park, paying for your food and all the rides, telling you the only payment she needs is your cute face looking all happy 'n excited on the rides. definitely takes pictures of you when your hair's all windblown and messy, putting it as her homescreen and laughing when you whine to her over it, telling her how embarrassing it is. "what are you talkin' about, babe, you're the cutest girl i've ever seen all the time." and she'd press a sloppy kiss to your cheek to prove her point.
hyunjin ; cafe date girl all the way. she likes to bring you out to her favorite local spots when the weather's nice, hooking her pinky around yours and leading you through the streets of the city, looking back at you with her bread smile <3 and when you get to the cafe, she gets a table outside, a little in the shade, but the sunshine's still hitting your skin, talking excitedly about the menu and what she recommends. and she's definitely the type to lean across the table and wipe away any food on your face, playfully scolding you.
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c4llezz · 2 years
Requested: Yes. Question, would you write 13th!member for Loona? If so, could you write one with KimLip and reader being together but having to hide it from everyone else? Reason for that you can decide!
TW: None I think
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 1.2K
A/N: I'm sorry for taking so long, I was busy and then I got sick so yeah
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Expect mistakes, happy reading!
Jungeun and you had always been close, maybe closer than everyone in the group. You just had a connection, different from what you had with the other members, no one apart from you both seemed to notice it though.
You thought it was normal, I mean you couldn’t have the same type of relationship with 12 different girls whom you meet in different circumstances. It did feel a lot different from everyone, you weren’t familiar with the feeling so you try to ignore it. But it was too hard to ignore, whenever she got near you, you got nervous and there was a feeling in your stomach you could not describe.
Although you were not the only one feeling that way, Jungeun did know what it was. She tried to ignore it too because even if you were friends, you were also co-workers, and saying anything could ruin the whole group’s dynamic. To express her feelings she started to write songs, hoping one day she could sing them to you.
Once, when she was working on a song you knocked on her room “It sounds great” you said opening the door with a smile.
“Is not finished yet and it doesn’t have much rhythm” she dismissed your comment.
You rolled your eyes but chuckled anyway “Can’t you just take a compliment?” you took a seat on her bed “I could play the guitar for you” you offered. She accepted, she loved it when you play the guitar, your hands effortlessly playing any song. That day you spent the day together, coming up with different lyrics and tunes. If only you knew you were helping on a song just for you. That day you also figured out your feelings for her.
You couldn’t stop thinking about Jungeun after that. Whatever you did, wherever you went you always thought about her, would Jungeun like this? or I should come with Jungeun next time. She was the same and when she tried to avoid you, you’d bring her food from whatever restaurant you had gone to that day, then she’d say “you didn’t have to do that” and you’d answer “I know, but I wanted to” and she’d just fell harder. It did take a long time until one of you confessed their feelings, none of you wanting to ruin the friendship you had been building for years.
While you were on your way to the company’s building you got a notification telling you that one of your members was doing a Vlive, you clicked on it and found her behind the screen of your phone saying something about being hungry. So you decided to stop for food before heading to the company.
When you arrived you knocked on her door and open it slowly with your hands behind your back hiding what you had gotten for her. ”Hey,” she said softly “What are you doing?”
You shrugged your shoulders “I just heard you were hungry” you said and then showed her the food.
She gasped “Thank you!” she took it from your hands and placed it on her desk, “Do you want to stay,” she said pointing at the ongoing live, where you could see a lot of comments with your name on them, orbits had always like the dynamic between you both. They always pointed out how with other members she’d be least affectionate, but with you she was. There was a war among the fandom, between your ship and Kim Lip’s ship with Jinsoul.
You decided to stay and talk with orbits and your member, it was a fun time. You just had to hide the urge to look at Jungeun’s lips whenever she was talking and she just had to control her hands from grabbing yours when you were not looking. After the live ended, you couldn’t hold yourself anymore and told her everything. You confessed your feelings, waiting for rejection. But when instead you got a kiss you couldn’t be happier.
You decided not to tell anyone about your relationship, your members wouldn’t shut up about it and in no time everyone was going to know, and your company couldn’t find out because who knows what they’ll do. Also if you broke up it’ll be awkward for everyone and you didn’t want your members to act differently.
It was normal to go on dates with any of the members, so when you went out together the members didn’t suspect anything, but most of the time someone else would join you. One time it was Haseul, then Chuu, and the last time was Yeojin, so you didn’t have much time to spend together, alone. But when you did, it was great.
Having to hide your relationship gave you a thrilling feeling, stolen glances when no one was looking, holding hands under the table when you were out at a restaurant, and staying up late (which was hard for Kim Lip considering she was always the first one to go to sleep) just so you could kiss talk in private.
But it also made you feel bad, you’ve always told your members everything, and every time you share those moments with your girlfriend you felt a pinch of guilt.
After almost 6 months into your relationship, the company decided to give each one of you your own place. It made hiding your relationship easier, but it made the guilt grow bigger. The feeling didn't last long though.
One day you were laying with Kim Lip on the couch of your living room watching a movie, well the movie was playing in the background while you were making out. You were so distracted that you didn't hear the door open, you did hear the loud gasp of someone. Jungeun jumped out of your arms with a screech and turned to look at the person at the door with wide eyes.
There stood Heejin, with one hand covering her mouth and eyes bigger than the sun. “Heejin! What…What are you doing here?” You said, red cheeks for getting caught.
“I-I’m sorry!” she stuttered still shocked about what she had seen “I just wanted to tell you we were going out for dinner” she quickly left and closed the door. You followed after her, Kim Lip trailing behind you.
When you opened the door in search of Heejin and saw her talking with Gowon and Yves in hushed whispers, you knew you were screwed. Out of all people, Heejin had to be the one who found out about you two, why couldn’t it have been Vivi? Or even Yeojin (and that was saying a lot). The little hope you had of her not telling them faded away when you saw Yves looking at you with raised eyebrows.
“So, you want to explain to us what Heejin just saw?” She asked
Kim Lip sent a glare in Heejin’s direction before sighing, “I think is better if we tell all of you at the same time.” And that's what you did, everyone was sitting in your living room while you explained everything and why you hadn’t told them before. The girls were really supportive and didn’t mind you hiding, so all the guilt you had been feeling for the past 6 months faded away and you were thankful for that.
In the end, Heejin finding out was actually beneficial for everyone, you could act freely around your members while they could tease you every second of the day for it. “Everyone here has to thank me now!” All the people in the room rolled their eyes.
“Thank you, Heejin.”
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kingmaker-b · 1 year
Unfinished (2)
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Originally, Glimpses Of Us and Heat Waves were supposed to unpack more of Lippie's thoughts and feelings. But thanks to the superior suggestion from @sanccharine to end Heat Waves abruptly with her sudden arrival I ended up cutting this completely. This actually going to be a part of Heat Waves to bring the reader up to speed.
But as a result it removed all of the tension, which would've been boring.
Word Count: 171
There’s a poisoned roll of her eyes, tainted by her own frustrations. It earns nothing but a chuckle from Jinsoul.
“Why the fuck aren’t they picking up?”
Her laughter only deepens, it was a rare sight to see her so unsettled, rattled even. She almost keels over splashing laden glasses.
“I’m guessing your date didn’t go well?” A smile still tugs at the edge of her lips as she drinks.
There’s an almost defeated sigh that leaves Jungeun’s lips. “Like I’ve told you, we’re just friends.”
Each syllable is punctuated, perfectly balanced to stab at Jinsoul with her glare.
“Right, sure, sure.” Still, the tugs of a smile don’t leave her lips, instead widening despite her friend’s attempts. “Because I get that heated when a friend ignores my calls and texts.”
A hint of worry lingers in her eyes, "I thought things were going alright?" 
"Things were alright. We hung out like old times sakes."
"Did you say something?”
"I only asked if they'd promise to be my friend no matter what happens."
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bomnun · 1 year
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kim lip and changgu know each other 🙏
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vex91 · 11 months
Kim Jungeun - Only I can do that
Pairing: Kim Jungeun x Female Reader
Fandom: Loona / ARTMS
Requested by: Anonymous
Request: Hi! I would love to request a imagine/scenario about where reader is an idol who's known for her cool looks and clothing wise. Loona kim lip is jealous that people are flirting with her and she pulls the reader towards the end and kiss (fluff!)
Summary: Kim Lip always gets jealous whenever people flirt with her girlfriend and one evening she has enough.
A/N: You didn't said if reader and Kim Lip are dating so I made them already together.
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3rd's POV
You and Jungeun were dating for a year now. You both kept it a secret from people and the only people who new were both of your companies and her members who liked to tease her because of it, much to her dismay but it showed that they support you both so she was happy about it.
Being secretive about your relationship had it's perks but it had it's faults too, like the fact that on some events with other idols they didn't know that you were taken and were trying to get your number. It wasn't surprising since you always had this cool image and well.... you were good looking too so people just wanted to try their luck.
And it was the same on an after party after some award show. All idols from different companies could talk and spend some time together there without worrying about paparazzi being there to catch them in whatever situation. And one of the idols interacting a lot there was you but you mostly stayed with your girlfriend and the members of Loona.
At some point you decided to go drink something and maybe talk with someone who you hadn't talked with yet so you told Jungeun that you'll catch her later and left after giving her a quick kiss on her cheek that made her smile while her members looked ready to tease her.
When you were waiting for your drink at the bar, someone took a seat beside you making you turn your head to the side to see that it was Nayeon from Twice who looked at you with a big smile that really showed how happy she was tonight and well it wasn't surprising since Twice really set the stage on fire with their performance before.
"Hi, need some company?" She asked with a smirk and you chuckled before answering "I don't mind unnie, I haven't talk with you tonight right? Your performance was incredible" You complimented making her give you the 'I knew it' face.
"Thanks, your performance was incredible too. The song, your voice, the choreography and your outfit were all on point" You blushed at her compliment and Nayeon teased you a little because if it. You stayed and talked with Nayeon a lot, from time to time ordering and drinking something but you both didn't care since you had a lot of fun together.
In all of this you didn't notice how her eyes lingered on you a little longer than it should have and how she was closer with every few minutes that passed. When her hand brushed lightly against your arm, you felt a hand taking your wrist and pulling you away without another word, leaving Nayeon confused as to what just happened.
You were dragged to the empty room and only then you saw that it was your girlfriend who dragged you here. You looked at her confused "Why did you drag me here like that? That wasn't nice to Nayeon-unnie" You asked and scolded her a bit but Jungeun only hugged you to her chest.
"I didn't like the way that she was looking at you, especially that arm touching thing. I mean, you are my girlfriend" She groaned kind of jokingly but you could feel that it still really bothered her and you couldn't blame her since lately you could see that this whole hiding thing wasn't appealing to her, it never was but lately it bothered her even more.
You wrapped your arms around her neck and pulled away slightly to look her in the eyes. You gave her a loving smile that made most of her irritation to wash away. Jungeun leaned in and captured your lips in a sweet kiss but since it was her, it didn't took long before the kiss became more passionate and heated.
You pulled away from her to which she tried to stop you but you just laughed and said "No matter how much I want to keep kissing you, we need to go back before people start being suspicious" You took her hand in hers, ready to go but before you could leave the room, you stopper her and kissed her on the cheek taking her by surprise.
"I love you and only you okay? If you want we can talk about making our relationship public, I don't mind as long as I can be with you and only you"
She smiled and pulled you to her side before answering "Yeah, we can talk about it. It would be nice to let all the people who want to kiss and touch you know that only I can do that"
No matter what happens with you two going forward, you both will have each other's back.
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sinswithpleasure · 3 months
Thank you for answering the question nicely !
Since we're on that topic, here's how I think some Loona member would prefer to involve in some fun piss play !
Haseul - She is quite shy at first when you tell her to piss all over your body, but eventually Haseul would be increasingly excited whenever you ask her to piss on you. So excited in fact that it would be the first thing she wants to do when you wake up. She would give a warm smile and stand on top of you in bed, just releasing her warm, almost-clear piss all over your chest. She truly thinks that the first piss in the morning is the best, thus why she likes it early in the morning.
Vivi - Like Haseul, she is initially shy of all the piss stuff, and would most likely only do piss stuff IF you guys do it together. She loves it when you piss on her pussy, while she pisses on your pussy / penis ! That's why Vivi asks you to keep some hair down their, since she fucking loves it when some of the warm piss gets all over both of your pubic hairs !
Yves - Your fic on her already says it all ! Just the filthiest of the bunch and just loves piss for the sake of it. No special condition needed, she would often come in the bathroom while you're pissing and disrupt the stream just to then play with your nipples with your own piss ! Just an absolute piss monger, a urine connoisseur. Yves also keeps track of the taste / color of each member and knows them like the back of her hand !
Jinsoul - STRICTLY her pissing on you only. She's confident in what turns her on, and that's making you lie down on the bathtub so she could scoot over it and unleashes a thick stream that feels so warm. She also likes it when you stroke your cock / play with your pussy while she pisses all over you. Jinsoul gets off on the fact that you could cum just by feeling her urine, she knows that she got you by then.
Kim Lip - She has always been fascinated about cocks pissing. She just loves watching a penis oozing out piss, whenever your pissing she demands to hold it with her hand and feel your cock pulsing piss. Sometimes she would grab your soft cock in her mouth so that she could feel the stream going through her mouth. When she's really into it, she would peg you from behind while you stand and piss, holding your penis as she imagines it's hers. Oh how Lippie wishes to have a cock of her own and piss freely ~
Those are some of my ideas ! I'm the one that asks about the taste and odor and stuff hehe ~
The gender neutral profile here is really wonderful :DDDDD
Love the scenarios, anon <3 these are wonderful. Vivi's and Jungeun's are really hot to me 🫣
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a-casual-kpopfan · 1 year
Night Time Cuddles - Kim Lip
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A/N: Have a fluff to balance things out! - Ghost.
With a sneeze, Jungeun finds herself being dragged from the dreamland and back to the real world. She slowly opens her eyes, blinking a few times to get her eyes opened properly.
One blink, two blinks, then three.
Her eyelids finally gather enough willpower to open, albeit more like a squint and the first thing that hit her eyes is the light of the TV right across from her.
“Huh?” Jungeun slowly looks around, trying to take in her surroundings while fighting the urge to just close her eyes again. With a few more moments, she recognizes the decoration in their dorm living room, and immediately deduced that she fell asleep on the couch while watching something as the TV is still playing some random show that she doesn’t really care much about.
“Should get back to my room…” She murmurs to herself, trying to sit up and go back to the comfort of her own room and bed, so that she can finally embrace sleep comfortably.
That is, until…
Jungeun doesn’t know why it took her this long to realize, but something is wrapped around her waist, preventing her from sitting up. She can’t move.
Panic starts to set in as she squirms a bit, trying to get out of the hold. Her hands grasping on the object, feeling its soft, yet hard texture with an elastic cover, and she suddenly realizes that it’s a pair of arms, wrapping around her waist and it’s nothing something hold her here, but someone.
Now that Jungeun’s realized it, it doesn’t take her long to focus on the soft breathing noises coming from behind her, and the firm feeling of something against her back that she thought was the couch.
It takes Jungeun a few moments of digging through her foggy memories to remember who it is that’s currently spooning her.
Jungeun can finally relax into his embrace, she couldn’t help but be embarrassed after realizing that it was her significant other that’s cuddling her now.
For God’s sake, it was her who confessed to him first after suffering for so long from this one-sided love, and Jae-Sun, may God help him, was too sweet, yet to dense to realize all the hints she has dropped. Jungeun can’t help but chuckle softly, pushing herself against his chest.
But finally, finally they are together.
Her hand unconsciously finds its way down to his arms, caressing the back of his hand gently. “I love you.” She murmurs to herself.
“Love you too, Lippu…” comes a languid voice from behind her, the hand that she was caressing suddenly grasps her hand, intertwining his fingers with her as the other arm pulls her even closer to him.
“You’re awake?” Jungeun tries to turn around to look at Jae, but due to their close distance, the most she can do is to peek over her shoulder, catching a glimpse of his beautiful, yet tired eyes barely opening.
“Mhmm” the man in question barely answers, only letting a small grunt and a nod, which she feels against her nape.
“Did I wake you up?” Another nod.
“I’m sorry, you can go back to sleep.” She smiles gently, although she is sure that Jae can’t even see it, with how his eyes are half-opened like that.
“Something wrong?” Instead of answering her question, he counters her with another question, to which she shakes her head slightly.
“Not really, it’s just a bit cold.” She reassures him.
However, she feels his free arm moving, releasing her from his hug and warmth, and his entire frame inching up as he is rummaging for something, only to resume his original pose, his free arm dragging a blanket to drape over both himself and Jungeun, before returning to his spooning position.
Jungeun giggles softly, nodding “Mhmm, you thought this far already?”
“I’m at fault for being dense, but I’m not that dumb, okay?” He grumbles, causing her to imagine his grumpy face despite not being able to look at her.
“Well, thanks to you being dense, at least I got my chance. Do you know how many girls was interested in you, Mr. Choreographer?” She teases him slightly, looking over her shoulder to watch his reaction, only to see him frown at her.
“I only have eyes for you.” Jae-Sun says softly, in his rasping, languid voice. “I’m sorry it took me so long, but I truly, only want you, and no one else.”
His words cause her brain to freeze for a bit, however, it doesn’t take her long to break free from his spooning to turn around to look at him fully, and lunge forwards for his lips.
She can feel his body tensed up at her action, but she doesn’t care, all she wants to do now is to kiss, to taste his lips, to imprint it into her subconscious. And thankfully, Jae-Sun seems to be the same as he melts into the kiss, both sharing a long yet chaste kiss.
“I was just teasing you, dummy.” Jungeun giggles after they break off from the kiss. “I know you’re smitten for me~” she winks at him, her aegyo on full display naturally, unlike how she must act cute in front of the cameras.
“I am.” Was his only response, yet his gaze tells Jungeun everything she needs to know. A gaze that she lovingly reciprocates.
However, Jungeun lets out a small yawn, her body signaling to her that she needs more rest. “It’s still too early” Jae-Sun glances up at the clock. “Sleep?” He looks back at her, smiling.
As a response to his question, she lays half on top of him, her head on his shoulder, her arms wrap around his body and her legs entangled with his.
She feels his arm wrapping around her as well as the feeling of his lips against her forehead. “Sweet dreams Lippu” He pecks her forehead gently before leaning his head against her, blissfully slipping back into dreamland in the embrace of his loved one, completely the opposite of just a few minutes ago, when she was the one wrapped in his embrace.
“Sweat dreams, Sunnie...” Jungeun smiles softly, feeling the sleepiness overtaking her as both return to their peaceful slumber, at peace at last. For a few hours before they must wake up to the usual chaos of the dorm.
But that’s a story for another day.
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kingmaker-a · 5 months
Here's a teaser for a late New Years fic, since I still have to make a banner and/or edit of I can be bothered.
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girls-scenarios · 2 years
Baby, You’re Worth It
Idol: Kim Lip (Loona)
Prompt: Hi, could I please request a Loona scenario for Kim Lip coming back from tour and going to surprise her gf only to find her looking unhealthy and completely underweight because she’s been to busy with school to take care of herself please?
Writer: Admin Kiwi
A/N: Loona is finally going on tour! Is anyone going? Admin Lee and I sure are and we're super excited! They've made it so far and I'm so proud of them! Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this little scenario.
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Going on tour was exhilarating. Honestly, everything still felt a bit unreal to Jungeun, like she was in a dream where she had achieved all the things she wanted to do. Not too long ago, debut and success had seemed like some far away fantasy. Now she was on tour with eleven other women who shared her dream, singing and dancing for hundreds of fans who screamed her name and looked up at her with adoring gazes as she spoke. It was all a bit much to take in, yet the days flew by in a blur of traveling, practicing, and performing. Before she knew it, she was already on a plane back to Korea.
But as much as she had loved standing up on stage and seeing so many fans, she found herself relieved to be going home. Of course, a big part of that was because she was exhausted: she wanted nothing more than to faceplant into her bed and sleep for 24 hours straight. 
The biggest reason she couldn’t wait to be home was you, though. Even throughout her promotions, the two of you had never been away from each other for this long. At first, the two of you had texted constantly, with her sending photos and updating you about every stop. But as the tour wore on, and your finals came around, the texts came less and less. She had less time, and assumed that it was the same for you, since the last text you’d sent had been about school being too hard, with a crying emoji. That had been a few days ago, and Jungeun had to admit that she was a bit worried after receiving no replies. Still, she tried to push her worries aside, since she knew she had a habit of worrying a bit too much, especially when she was tired.
So with the tour now behind her and Seoul waiting ahead, she settled into her seat on the plane and closed her eyes, imagining your smiling face and your warm hugs as she drifted off to sleep.
The long flight back to Seoul went by in a blur of much-needed sleep and half asleep snacking, and before Jungeun knew it, it was midnight and she was standing in her dorm room again, her suitcase in her hand and a dazed look on her face. The tour was really over now. Yawning, she left her suitcase by the door and fell onto her bed, relieved to be back in such a familiar, safe space. She wanted nothing more than to stretch out and go back to sleep, but first she pulled out her phone and typed out a quick text.
-Made it back home safe and sound! So sleepy, but I want to see you soon. I’ve missed you.
She loaded the text with emojis and a little crying dog sticker before pulling her blanket up to her chin and falling right back to sleep, her body relaxing for the first time in weeks.
When she woke up again, the sun was shining brightly through the blinds, her bandmates were making a ruckus in the kitchen, and she had a brand new text from you.
-I’m glad you got back safe! I’ve missed you soooooo much! Want to come over?
Smiling, she sat up and stretched, feeling excited and refreshed after a great night’s sleep better than any she’d had in months.
-I’ll be over soon! Want me to bring lunch?
As she got out of bed, your reply came.
-Omg yes please!
With a skip in her step, she hummed as she got ready, pulling on her most comfortable t-shirt and her favorite pants and reveling in the fact that she didn’t have to worry about having her makeup and hair done. Instead, she just pulled her hair into a loose ponytail and grabbed her bag, heading out her bedroom door with a skip in her step.
As she approached the kitchen, Haseul looked up from where she was helping Yeojin cook her breakfast and raised her eyebrows, a sweet smile on her lips.
“Going to see (Y/N)?”
Jungeun couldn’t help but smile back, even if her cheeks burned a bit with embarrassment as she slipped past the other girls and headed to the fridge. “Is it that obvious?”
“Yes, you look refreshed all of a sudden,” Yves replied from the table, grinning around her chopsticks as a sleepy Jiwoo nodded beside her.
“In a good way,” Haseul assured her, even as Yeojin giggled and whispered something under her breath that was undoubtedly directed towards her. Jungeun decided to ignore the younger girl (she’d had plenty of practice doing it during tour) and instead looked over the contents of the fridge. It was rather empty, since they’d only just now gotten back, and she made a mental note to stop by the store and grab snacks on her way to your apartment.
“I’ll probably be gone for a while, I’m going to eat with them,” she said as she closed the fridge and stepped back past the other girls to grab her keys.
“Have fun!” Haseul gave her a wave and the rest of the girls in the kitchen followed suit, sending her off with well-wishes (and one unmentionable comment from Yeojin that earned her a swat from Haseul). Rolling her eyes with a grin, Jungeun waved back before stepping into her shoes and leaving the dorms. It was a beautiful day outside, and she took a deep breath as she bounded down the stairs out to the street and towards the corner store. She was glad you didn’t live far, since that meant she could walk and enjoy herself.
While her body was still a bit sore from dancing nonstop for weeks, it felt nice to stretch out her legs after sleeping for so long. She made it to the corner store in no time and savored the familiar smells as she stepped inside, smiling and greeting the owner who stood behind the counter. After grabbing a basket, she filled it up with your favorite treats and some energy drinks before heading back to the counter, satisfied with her haul.
After sweetly welcoming her back, the owner sent her on her way with her purchases, and soon enough she was at your door with her arms full of bags and her heart pounding excitedly in her chest as she rang your doorbell.
Her heart stopped pounding when you opened the door, though, and she concern rush through her entire body.
There were deep dark circles under your eyes, and you looked weak and pale, squinting at the light as you opened the door. Even as you smiled, your face didn’t light up like it usually did when you saw her, and she noticed that your face seemed to be thinner than it was when she last saw you. Unable to stop herself, she immediately put down her bags and cupped your face.
“(Y/N), baby, are you okay? Are you sick?”
You seemed confused for a moment before you smiled sheepishly. “Oh. Sorry, I know I look rough. I’ve been so focused on finals I haven’t been sleeping.”
Jungeun’s friends called her the mom of the group for a reason, and she felt her instinct to take care of the people she loves come over her as she took you into her arms, feeling that your skin was hot to the touch.
“Don’t apologize, but are you eating enough? Are you drinking enough water? It feels like you’re running a slight fever, have you taken any medicine?”
“Um, I might have forgotten to eat anything for a while.”
“And just how long is a while?”
“Well.... A few days?”
Jungeun gasped in shock and immediately sprang into action, letting you go in order to grab her bags. “You can’t do that! Here, go sit down and I’ll make you something. You need something to recover your strength, I won’t have you getting sick over school work. While I’m cooking, you can eat the snacks I brought to tide you over and get something in your stomach. Oh! And here, I bought you a drink that helps your health and energy since I know you’ve been studying a lot.” As she spoke, she guided you back into your apartment and sat you down on your couch in a way that showed you that she would not take no for an answer.
“Babe, I promise I’m okay, I just missed a couple meals because I got busy. You don’t have to do all of this for me,” you tried to assure her, but she shook her head.
“Yes, I do. I care about you and I won’t stand for you being sick or hungry.” She gave you a little smile and kissed your cheek. “Let me take care of you, okay?”
You let out a little sigh, knowing you couldn’t argue with her, and sank back into your seat. “Okay. I won’t say no to food.”
“Good. Now rest up and snack. Once we have some food in you, we’ll talk about how you ended up this way.” With that, she headed for your kitchen and grabbed her phone to order groceries, determined to make you something that would bring some of the life back to your eyes.
Not even an hour later, the two of you were sat at the table, you with a large steaming bowl of chicken soup in front of you, packed full of chicken and ginseng. Jungeun watched carefully as you took a bite and hummed contentedly, your eyes closing as you savored the flavor.
“It’s so good,” you said, a smile coming to your lips. “I haven’t had home-cooked food like this in so long.”
“I’m glad you like it. Eat a lot, it’s refreshing and it’ll give you energy.” Proud of herself, Jungeun finally took a bite from her own, much smaller bowl. It was good, and mentally she gave herself a pat on the back.
You ate quickly, and she tried not to think about how little you must have been eating to be this hungry, but worry took over once again and she found herself watching you, upset that you felt that school was more important than your health. Still, she didn’t say anything, letting you finish your food in a comfortable silence, only interrupted when you asked her about her tour between bites.
“Tour was great,” she said, giving you a smile, “but I’m happy to be back home. I missed you a lot.”
“I missed you too. I don’t think we’ve ever gone this long without seeing each other before.”
“And obviously we can’t go that long again,” she said, only half joking. “I’ll die of worry thinking you’re starving or sick.”
You grinned sheepishly and took the last bite of your chicken, savoring it before putting your spoon down and looking at the table instead of your girlfriend. “Sorry. I was just so worried about these finals. I couldn’t think of anything other than what would happen if I failed.”
“You wouldn’t fail,” she said confidently, reaching over to hold your hand. “You’re really smart, (Y/N), you should have more confidence in yourself.”
“But this semester was really hard, and I knew if I failed I would have to take the classes again and everyone would be upset, and that scared me.”
Her chest hurt for you as she got up and moved to your side of the table, wrapping you in a tight hug. “I wouldn’t be upset, and I know your friends wouldn’t be upset. We love you for you, not for your grades or your accomplishments. You’re so much more than your grades, baby.” When she pulled away, she cupped your face in her hands and had you look up at her. Your eyes were brimming with tears as they locked with hers, and she had to swallow down her own tears at the sight. “Whenever you feel this way, please reach out to me. I’m here to support you. I’m here for you to lean on. Even if I’m thousands of miles away or in a different country, you mean the world to me. I’ll drop everything to come for you.”
You sniffed, trying to blink away your tears. “Am I really worth all of that? I don’t want to be a burden on you.”
“Of course you’re worth it! Your feelings aren’t a burden, never say that.” She kissed your forehead and wiped the tears from your cheeks. “I’m here to stay. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll cook for you a hundred times if it means seeing you happy and healthy.”
“But you aren’t getting anything in return!”
“Yes, I am! I get to be around you, and see you smile, and hug you and kiss you. You bring me so much happiness every day, (Y/N).” Her voice was soft as she caressed your cheek, and you brought your hands up to hold hers as she spoke. “I love every part of you, and I love being with you. You give me strength when I’m tired, too, you know? Remember when you brought me snacks during my trainee days, or sent me flowers when I made my debut and sat front and center as I performed to make sure there was someone cheering for me? Remember when you would order food to be delivered to me when I was out promoting and didn’t have time? Or when you made me a cake on Loona’s one year anniversary? I’ve gained so much strength from you. Every time I want to give up, I think about you and I know you’re supporting me, and I get the energy to keep moving.”
“I didn’t know you thought that way,” you said, your voice trembling as your lips moved up into a small, affectionate smile. “You speak of me like I’m some amazing person.”
“Because to me, you are. You’re my everything.”
Through a surg of emotion, you leaned up and kissed her sweetly, making her eyes flutter closed. When you pulled away, your eyes were shining again, and some of the color had returned to your face.
“Thank you,” you whispered, and she leaned in to give your lips one more peck before pressing her forehead to yours.
“Promise me you’ll reach out to me next time you’re struggling?”
“I promise,” you said with a sweet smile, closing your eyes, and she let out a soft laugh, wrapping you in her arms again.
“Thank you,” she whispered back, breathing in your familiar smell and relaxing into your touch as you held her back. She was finally home, back in your arms where she belonged. “I love you,” she said, one more time, just to make sure you knew she meant it, and your arms squeezed around her tighter, pulling her ever closer.
“I love you too.”
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notsofloofy · 2 years
Friends? Not Really
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Warning: guns, threats, blood, violence, manipulation, Yves is insensitive
little tip☕
Jungeun flinches a little when a bullet narrowly misses her head and embeds itself into the wall behind her when she enters. The angry look on Jinsol’s face was enough to tell her that they were on the same boat.
She had screwed up.
“I told you that this wasn’t a game, Jungeun. Do you know how much you’ve cost us?” The older woman seethes, getting to her feet to march over to the blonde who could only cringe as she holds herself up. “Oh, please, we both knew that she wouldn’t have gotten out if they didn’t take her.” She retorts, limping past the noirette and then crashing on the couch after dropping her keys on the table.
Jinsol scoffs while crossing her arms. “I get that you want to prove something to Heejin, but could you not do that when stakes are this high?” She tells the younger girl and Jungeun only shrugs, a playful grin on her face even when she knows that Jinsol’s blood was boiling.
She was scared of how much the older woman could control herself.
“Relax, unnie, as long as she’s alive, we can still get her back.”
The latter can only roll her eyes before she reached over the bar counter and tossed a first aid kit in the blonde’s direction when she walked to her room. “Don’t get blood on the couch again.” Is all she says before disappearing and Jungeun sighs while opening up the kit and then doing a better work with her leg.
“Last time wasn’t even my fault.” She grumbles to herself, huffing as she applies antiseptic on the wound.
Heejin carefully watches the steady rise and fall of your chest as you lay peacefully on her bed. She’s noted the various bruises and cuts on your body and treated most of them. Based on what Sooyoung told her, she could only imagine what Daewoo had done when he was alone with you.
Though that alone caused her brows to furrow because she remembers shooting him twice on the chest. Maybe she should have gone for the head so she was sure. But still, with those wounds he shouldn’t have made it considering their location.
She can only assume that one of his group members was around to get to him in time.
“Will she be alright?” She asks once the older woman was done putting her things away, earning a deep sigh before she nodded her head. “She should be fine. Aside from the bruising, it looks like Daewoo had no intentions of killing her.” She mutters while casting you another worried look and Heejin hums before nodding her head.
“Thanks for coming on short notice, unnie.” Heejin says appreciatively and the latter keeps quiet for a while before exhaling deeply. “Just make sure she doesn’t know about me.” She states and Heejin stares curiously at her, confused at the adamant secrecy. “She’s going to find out eventually, unnie.”
“I mean it, Heejin. Not a word.”
The brunette purses her lips before letting out a sigh and nodding her head. “For taking care of us, it’s the least I could do.” The latter only smiles, though Heejin can see that it’s a little strained, though opts not to comment. “I’ll see you later. Keep her safe and update me.”
WIth one more nod, Heejin leads the older woman to the exit. “Be sure to tell Sooyoung that she’s not off the hook either.” Heejin only chuckles before waving a hand. “I’ll be sure to inform her once she comes back, Haseul unnie.”
With a final goodbye, Heejin is left with you again and she uses the time to fix her things before cleaning herself up. Since Haseul said you would take a while, she figured it wouldn’t be too bad to make sure she was comfortable, too. Sooyoung wouldn’t be able to help her for now since she was sure the latter was still doing her best to cover her own trail the way Heejin did.
Now, they only need to wait for you to wake up.
In the afternoon, Heejin is dressed in more comfortable clothes, looking as though she didn’t just get out of a building covered in gunpowder and debris. She had a few scrapes and bruises from the fighting, but they were nothing she couldn’t deal with. She was used to them anyway.
You, on the other hand, were a completely different story.
As soon as she hears you groaning and shifting in bed, the brunette leans against her door frame while watching you. She can see the grimace right away and quickly stops you before you decide to sit up.
The panic was evident.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” She states softly, drawing your attention to the door and she steps inside to place the tray on the nightstand. “Your wounds are still healing, so don’t move too much. I had someone check on you and you have a bruised rib from the beating Daewoo gave you.” She explains while taking a seat and then giving you a once over. “I thought people have told you to be careful?” She asks and you know she isn’t asking for an answer as she let out another sigh.
She pauses for a moment, quietly analyzing you before gesturing to the food and bottle of water she’s prepared for you. “Take those. You need it.” There’s no hostility in her tone, but it doesn’t make you any less hesitant to take the offered food, especially not with what you’ve been through for the past few days.
But Heejin doesn’t force you. She doesn’t have to because she knows that your body needs it and you would have no other choice, really.
“I know you have questions.” She announces after a little while when you decide to take the water. Since it was still sealed, you assumed that she couldn’t have tampered with it. “And I can give you answers, but you have to answer some of mine afterwards.” She negotiates as you quietly stare at her.
Obviously you had questions. However, there were far too many for you to even know where to start.
"Where am I?"
Heejin raises a brow, but her expression gives nothing away. "You're at my place." Is her simple response and you nod once before actually taking the time to think about what you want to know first.
Thankfully though, Heejin doesn't have to wait long.
"Who are you really?"
It’s a simple enough question, one she has no problem answering. "Jeon Heejin, hacker and technology specialist." You would have laughed had you not gone through hell last night with this girl there to rescue you. "But I thought you were just…"
She doesn't need you to finish when she rolls her eyes. "Being a music major is a cover up so I could keep a close eye on you." She adds, not only to her answer but to your ongoing list of questions. "Why would you want to keep an eye on me?"
This time, she does pause to think on how she'll answer you. It wasn't difficult per se, but she needed you to be able to grasp the situation without panicking.
"You're the only clue we have to figuring out your parents' whereabouts."
"And what do my parents have to do with anything?"
The answer is so vague that it barely answers anything. It only served to confuse you even more. "Even the guy last night was asking about them… why?" Heejin rests her chin against her fist with her elbow on the armrest of the chair she was occupying. "They really did their best to keep you in the dark, huh…"
Breathing out, she opens the drawer on the bedside table and then grabs the folder placed inside then handing them to you, letters and receipts along with a few pictures of people you could tell were your parents, though looking a little bit different, immediately greet you when you open it.
"Your parents were supposed to bring back a few… valuable items from Hong Kong." She begins with a look of disdain on her face. "They never showed up at the assigned rendezvous point after getting the pay…" She trails off and your eyes widen when you look back at her, discarding the folder on your lap as you realized what she was implying.
"They stole the money…" You finish for her and she hums in confirmation. "Along with the packages." She clarifies taking the files and then storing them away to where they belonged. "Now that left me, along with a few other people, to figure out where the hell they are. But we aren't all good people." You note as her eyes narrow and you quickly understand what your role in this whole thing is.
So you change the subject in hopes of getting out of the tense atmosphere.
"You keep mentioning other people involved. Are they-"
"Sooyoung unnie, Jungeun-ssi, and Jinsol-ssi. You're familiar with them." She didn't wait because she already knew this was bound to come out. The three made it painstakingly obvious anyway.
You keep quiet, afraid to find out what your supposed friends are hiding from you before Heejin decides to let you know anyway.
As harsh as it was, you were already more involved than you should be. There was no point trying to hide the truth from you at this point.
"Jeong Jinsol, hiding under the guise of a psychology student. Notorious for manipulating her way through jobs." She starts with the eldest, the person you were technically closest with. "She knows human emotions and she knows how to play with them. She'll feed you lies, tear you down without you even noticing. And when you're most vulnerable?" She almost looks sympathetic when she looks at you, knowing how you had truly seen the older woman as a close friend.
"She takes what she wants when she wants it."
She pulls her phone up to show you a profile - Jinsol's profile. And the various details along with murders under her acquired tasks makes your heart stutter.
"Ha Sooyoung is my partner in this job of tracking you." She moves to another profile and you see the maroon haired woman's picture. Though her hair color was different, it was still her.
"Major in dance and joined the theater project to be in your field. She's a well known con artist in our field of work ever since she began and sh-"
"But I wasn't originally part of that project." You cut her off and Heejin sends you a look before smiling sarcastically at you. "After what I've just said, you still haven't figured it out?" She muses and your face goes pale when the information slowly but surely sinks in. "... She caused the accident."
Nodding, Heejin continues like it's no big deal.
"To make sure she would be able to interact with you, Sooyoung unnie managed to open the spot for you. She was already aware of Mr. Son having you in mind. All she needed was an opening."
You're shocked to find out that Sooyoung had planned your involvement with the play. Even going so far as to break someone's leg to make sure they wouldn't be able to come to campus enough to continue directing the play.
But then again, it would explain her cold and careless actions towards you when she was getting you out of that building last night.
"And then we have Kim Jungeun, the perfect law student with a great sense of justice." She scoffs a little as she speaks while turning to the next profile. "The perfect representation of a wolf in sheep's clothing. She puts out the image of aiming to be a lawyer but it's just so she can find a loophole for every crime her and her group gets into in the event they're caught." There's something in the brunette's tone as she speaks, but you're too distracted to even notice.
When you finish reading over the file, you let out a shaky breath before shaking your head, dropping it to your hands and shutting your eyes tight in hopes of waking up from this nightmare.
But when you look back up, you see Heejin staring at you with the same empty look in her eyes.
This was real and you were in the middle of it all.
"I…" You had no idea what to say. After finding out that you've been living a lie, how could you? You didn't know your parents' true nature nor did you even realize that your friends were using you.
When she sees the struggle that's happening in your head, Heejin lets out a breath before she uncrosses her legs and gives you a proper look. "Listen, I know this whole thing is fucked up, but I'm going to need you to trust me when I say I have no plans on getting you in trouble."
"How do I know you're not lying either?" You can't help but snap at her, and she doesn't hold it against you as she shrugs her shoulders. "Because unlike the other three, I chose not to be your friend because I knew it would be messy whether you found out or not." She answered simply, and it made sense.
Out of the four, Heejin had started off hostile and only kept you at arms length, only speaking when she deemed it necessary. She didn't see the need to earn your trust and she gave you no reason to feel betrayed by her actions either.
Checking the time, Heejin finally stands up before heading to the door, nodding to the untouched food. "Eat up. Your doctor gave me strict orders that you shouldn't skip meals." She tells you before gently shutting the door behind her when she leaves.
The alarm of someone nearing the venue notifies Heejin in the living room, so she pulls up her tablet to check and then hums when she recognizes the familiar vehicle. Tapping on one of the icons, she lets the gates open for the person to enter before placing the tablet back on the table.
It takes her approximately eight minutes before the front door opens and closes, the familiar footsteps greet her ears before the person's voice does.
"That was faster than I expected." She chimes and Sooyoung huffs out when she drops to the couch, a few bruises on her face and a bandage wrapped around her left bicep. "Surprisingly, she didn't think it was necessary to keep chasing me when she saw that I was leading her away from Jungeun." She says casually and Heejin raises a brow. "She figured out that you didn't have her, didn't she?"
"No shit."
"You bought us time, so it's alright." The younger of the two responds before she gestures to the room you were in. "She's awake, still making sure to understand the situation." Sooyoung's brows pinch together, but she sighs in the end. "You told her?"
"Of course." Is Heejin's immediate response. Sooyoung should have already known. She always knew the latter's stance ever since they started planning this whole job.
Nodding, the older woman then turned on her heel after peeling her jacket off. "Has she said anything yet?" She questions and the younger girl shakes her head. "No. She's still in a state of shock so nothing past what she's recently been through." Heejin explains before Sooyoung starts to walk down a different hallway.
"Alright, well I'm going to clean myself up for now." She doesn't wait for a response and Heejin just dismisses her without question when she turns back to her laptop, various codes and clips on the screen for her to crack into.
Even when she's so busy dealing with whatever files she was trying to break into, she still manages to catch the hesitant and heavy footsteps that are slowly approaching. It doesn't take her much to know that it was you since the only other person in the house was Sooyoung.
"You shouldn't be out of bed." She calls out and you hold a hand to your side as you lean against one of the columns inside the unusually large house. The silence causes her to look over, spotting the pained look on your face before she lets out a deep sigh.
"What are you doing?"
You struggle to answer, the intimidation towards the latter only growing as she stands up to approach you. "... I thought I heard someone." You mutter quietly that she ends up quirking a brow. "And?" She probes for any further explanation and you shift a little in place when she's finally standing in front of you.
"I just wanted to be sure."
You were afraid.
And for some reason, Heejin can't help the frown that makes its way to her face before she lets out a breath. Her posture softened a little before she glanced at the time. "Come on, I'll make you something to eat so you can take your medications." She mumbles while heading for the kitchen. 
This time though, she waits a little to make sure you're following, much to your surprise and relief. Your body was already complaining enough with leaving the bed and even walking out into what you assumed was the main room.
The kitchen is quiet as Heejin works. The only thing you could hear was the sound of her cutting up vegetables, the sizzling of the meat, and the clattering of metal against metal. You could tell that she was used to cooking with how she moved around the kitchen with ease, though when you remember the small detail about her being a killer… well her knife skills weren't that shocking to figure out.
"Nice to see that you're up and about." You flinch at the sudden sound of someone talking behind you, forcing you to quickly turn around, much to your injuries' chagrin. Though as soon as you see Sooyoung come in from your peripherals when she joins you at the counter, your whole body stiffens when the images of last night and Heejin's revelation resurface in your mind.
You don’t say anything when she takes a seat, but Heejin does send her a side eye glance. "The usual for you?" She asks and Sooyoung hums as the latter begins grabbing another batch of ingredients. "Thanks."
For a moment you believed that she wouldn't bother talking to you after that. But when she turns in her seat to face you, all hopes are thrown out the window when she starts to address you once more.
Eyeing your visible injuries, she rests her cheek against the hand propped up on the counter. "So, I know Heejin has probably given you a rundown on the basics and what you need to know." She started and you try to keep a calm expression as she continues to invade your space. "I'm also aware that you have yet to give us answers in return." Heejin doesn't even turn around to look at the two of you as she works on the meals, though you weren't all too surprised.
"Do you have any ideas on where they could possibly be?" She didn't need to clarify, but that didn't make it any less frustrating. "I don’t know…"
But that didn't look like the answer Sooyoung was looking for as she clicked her tongue in disdain. "You want to get out of here, I know you do. But unless you cooperate with us, it's impossible for me to just let you out those doors." She says while crossing her arms. "So you either tell me, or Heejin, where your parents are or…"
You were not anticipating her next moves. Honestly speaking, you were already expecting the worst, but the gun to your jaw as Sooyoung stared you down?
That was not it.
"I'll force it out of you."
There's the sound of a pan being tossed into the sink before Heejin places your plates on the counter. "You should know that traumatizing her isn't going to help. She's already shaken as is."
Sooyoung rolls her eyes at that before she slips the gun back behind her. As calm as she looked, you can just feel how she's ready to blow your head off if you piss her off.
"Unnie, seriously. We don't need her having another panic attack." Heejin scolds and the latter finally relents, stepping back and then taking her food.
"We're scouting the place tomorrow." She doesn't look back when she makes an exit. "She's coming with."
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c4llezz · 2 years
Requested: Yes. Could i request a kim lip and f!reader imagine where lip gets upset with reader due to being a working student and they fight because lip is always busy with her schedules as well, something angst but fluff ending
TW: Like 2 curse words, Kim Lip being kind of rude at the start
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Word count: 880
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Expect mistakes, happy reading!
Working while studying was not easy, you had to finish your classes and go straight to the restaurant you worked at and when you had ended your shift go to your home, sleep a few hours (sometimes you didn’t sleep at all) and then wake up again to go to class. But even with everything you had to do, you made time for your friends, and girlfriend, on the weekends.
This past week you’ve been even busier, you had to take some extra shifts because one of your coworkers was sick (this meant canceling one of the dates you had with Jungeun). You had less time to rest but you got more money, which you needed if you didn’t want to get kicked out of your apartment.
So, when you arrived on a Friday night at your home after a stressful school day and an even more stressful work shift, wanting to throw yourself into your bed and sleep until Monday arrived, and saw your girlfriend glaring at you from the couch you were confused.
“Hi?” you greeted.
“Hi? That’s all you have to say?” she said angrily.
“What else do you want me to say?” You asked.
“I don't know. Sorry for making you wait hours, maybe?” She sassed, “We haven’t seen each other in weeks and I’ve been planning our date for a while.”
“I texted you yesterday I was not going to make it, that I had to work,” you told her “Did you even read my message?”
She ignored your question “You are always doing something if it is not work then is school, why can you make a little time for us?”
You were not someone who liked fights and whenever you felt one was about to start you would do anything to avoid it. Still, all the stress you were feeling and her comment combined triggered something in you, “You are one to talk, you are always busy with your schedules and I’ve never told you anything about it. But when I am, is the worst thing in the world.”
She scoffed “Well my work is important!” Both your eyes widened just after what she had said, “I'm sorry-”
“No, I get it,” you shook your head ”How can I compare a superstar with a waitress?” You looked at the watch in your hand, “I’m going to get some sleep”
“That’s not what I meant, I’m sorry,” she said, but you kept on walking to your bedroom and then closed the door. “Fuck” Jungeun knew you were right, ever since the start of your relationship you’ve been understanding of her work and how she couldn’t spend much time with you, and there she was, doing the exact opposite. She had said something stupid and hurt your feelings.
The next day you had woken up by a loud noise coming from your kitchen, you walked up to your closet and grabbed a baseball bat you had since high school when you used to practice the sport and slowly made your way to the kitchen. You peeked your head to look and saw your Jungeun picking up something from the floor. You lower the bat in your hands “What are you doing?”
She jumped startled by your voice “I wanted to make you breakfast and apologize for what I said yesterday. I know is hard to study and work at the same time and I shouldn’t have disregarded your job, you’ve never said anything about my job and I had no right to talk about yours. I’m sorry,” she said standing up, then she looked at your hand, “Is that a bat?”
“I thought someone had broken in” you shrugged “And thank you. I’m also sorry for not spending time with you lately and canceling the date you’ve been planning.”
“You don’t have to apologize for that, we both have our things and we both have been busy with them. I guess I was mad at you but I never stop and thought that I was also not making time for you.” Something started to smell burnt and she quickly turned around to face what she was cooking “Shit, shit.” You walked closer to the stove and laughed at her burned eggs “You distracted me and now they are burned!” she said with a pout on her face.
You chuckled and peck her lips.“We can always go out for something.”
“Since the eggs are burned because of you, you are paying.”
You gasped “I am not. You are the one who did this to apologize, so you are paying.”
“Fine…But you are paying for our lunch.”
“Only if you clean the mess you made here,” you said pointing out the dirty floor of the kitchen “And clean yourself, how did you even get a piece of eggshell into your hair?”
“What?! Where?” she screamed starting to touch her hair. 
You laughed at her reaction, “I’m going to take a shower and get ready, I hope the kitchen is clean by the time I get back here.” You started making your way to your bedroom
“I think breakfast can wait, don’t you?” The singer said following you, you just smiled at her and continued walking “Is that a yes? I’ll take it as a yes.”
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kingmaker-b · 1 year
Unfinished (1)
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A brief snippet on what the follow up to How do I make you love me? could've looked like. Originally a straight up follow up, I decided against it since it left more things to the readers imagination.
Word Count: 200
There’s a different edge to your apartment, it’s almost unnatural in the wake of Jungeun’s visit. 
Like a broken sacrament.
She strays ever so close to you, a deadly point. You can pick out the small mole just under her bottom lip. 
A part of you vibrates with tender curiosity as she gazes up to you, there’s a swell of fire in her eyes as her eyebrows knit together. 
Her eyes narrow against yours, searching for a hidden truth.
There were plenty to be had, but she would find none.
She offers her hand, a pointed question for her phone.
“Did you look in my phone?”
A smirk tugs at the edge of your lips, played with a fine string, a performance you didn’t expect to play.
Her fingers dance across yours as her phone rests in her palm. Soft, delicate and tender warm.
Still she inches closer with a heated gaze, a spotlight to peel back any mysteries.
“Maybe? Why do you have something to hide?”
Her eyes linger for the briefest moments before her hand snaps like a whip quickly flipping through her phone.
You can see the serious edge slowly falter as she maintains her gaze, there's a twinkle of a smile at the edge of her lips.
She slowly melts into a brief kerfuffle of laughter, a spry chuckle.
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wickymicky · 2 years
if the loona members with stagenames do have to take new stagenames (i'm not sure if they will or not, but let's just imagine that they do), what do you think they would do?
vivi would prob be allowed to stay vivi since it's basically just her english name. it might not actually count as a stagename. i know her english name is “viian wong” because i think a lot of people from hong kong take interesting original made up names for their english names (which i genuinely think is awesome btw), but i mean of course vivi is a nicknamey version of that
kim lip.... i dont know. her real name is of course kind of a loaded name... but i mean if she just went by jungeun i think it'd be fine. it's just a normal name, really. kim is the most common surname in korea by a huuuuuge amount, and jung/jeong and eun are super super common name elements, it’s like if the dictator of a country was named “tom smith”. all the millions of tom smiths out there wouldnt change their name, would they? especially if they just go by “tom” professionally lol
jinsoul obviously is just unique romanization, though idk maybe she'd have to go by jinsol or something lol idk. the korean spelling is just her actual name, and maybe the english spelling isnt trademarked the same way and wouldnt be an issue? but i mean obviously they (or she, idk) chose to spell it like “soul” instead of “sol” cause that’s cool
choerry and olivia hye might enjoy just going by yerim and hyeju haha, i wonder. hyeju especially
i feel like yves and chuu really like their stagenames, or at least have really grown to like them over time. but they could just change the spelling and be "eve" and "chu" if they have to lol. or maybe they could be sooyoung and jiwoo, i dont think that would change anything
gowon idk.... there are so many chaewons already.... but then again, i mean, it's just her name! she could go by chaewon if she had to and it wouldnt be an issue. but i feel like she, yves, and maybe lip are the most likely to still go by a stagename, even if its a new one
i think of all of them, if only one of the stagenamed members gets to keep their stagename, it would probably be chuu. that's a big part of her brand haha. but idk
that's all of them right? did i miss anyone? uhhhh
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princessdong · 2 years
While I work on other things like how the blog looks (once again) and ordering the thousand drafts I have, let me go on this ramble about Lannister!Kim Lip. First things first, she’s a Lannister, idk what y’all can tell me, her color is red and she spent most of her idol career blonde, she clearly did it so someone would someday go on this ramble, and it had to be me.
Okay so, in a world where Westeros is based on Asia, and we sort kpop idols into the great houses, Kim Lip would be a Lannister. I’m not going to go and try to compare her to any character in particular, but, in a world where is mostly dominated by males as it’s Game of Thrones where they would gladly bend the knee to a man who hasn’t done much to a woman who deserves it, Jungeun’s only great chance is to marry a man from the great houses.
Now, this could go many ways. For one the reader could be a Martell, as Dorne has different views in homosexuality, and Lippie would end up marrying some cousin or sibling of the reader for formalities and then be with the reader.
Another way it could go is the reader being a lady in waiting for Jungeun, and them falling in love and running away somewhere else.
And then the other third main option is an arranged marriage, but the question is how would that come to be and how it would work, but I imagine something along the lines of the reader being from a vassal house of the Lannisters and it being a move to retain the power in the lands, or maybe a big house like Starks. and it working as an alliance for both houses (And enemies to lovers perhaps???) 
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