saidrabbles · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering, could you do a Park Joong Gil scenario? He and reader are already in a well established relationship and he get jealous whenever someone tries to flirt with reader and reader loves teasing him for that? Hope you have a good day/night!
a little jealous, aren't you?
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warnings: none
for the very first time in a while, you were catching up with work and resting well. your office was right next to your beloved boyfriend, whom you're smitten with. you get to see each other everyday, and most often than not, you would end up working together.
little did you know, it was a compensation for what's to come.
a new rookie had joined the escort team. and you were assigned to keep him in check. now this wouldn't be a problem, it'll take a few days to get adjusted but then he'd do well...right?
he was a gullible, curious being. he had so many questions for every little thing you say, it left you beyond exhausted. "junwoong, if you ask one more question, i might just cut your tongue off." he looked at you with his puppy-like eyes, and pouted. "i just like hearing your voice when you talk..."
you ignored what he said, as you knew he was just trying to get to you. he was quite a flirt, you could see that, but you didn't know he'd do it often.
in the hallway near your office, joong-gil stood. he was on his way to give you a few reports for you to fill in. he witnessed this interaction, and feels himself scratching the back of his head. shaking off the jealousy rising in him, he continues walking up towards you.
"(y/n)" he called you sternly. "oh, hi joong." you smiled at him, and he felt himself relax a bit. junwoong, standing there with his eyes glued on joong-gil, coughed. "noona, who's this?" "ah, this is park joong-gil, leader of the escort team."
junwoong greets the older male, but joong-gil was disappointed. you didn't mention that he was yours, or that you were in a relationship. what if junwoong tries to get with you? you're a dream in his eyes - your body was a work of art. and your smile, the brightest he's ever seen.
"hey, joong. i've got to go now. i've got a soul to collect and i was told the newbie had to follow suit. he has a lot to learn yet." you sigh. "why are you sighing, is it that annoying to be with me?" junwoong pouted. you laughed at his adorable expression, he can be quite cute sometimes.
joong-gil watched you as you leave together, pissed. his eyes were burning holes in the back of his head. he barely held himself back from beating him up, that sly brat.
but he let this one go, he wouldn't get to brave with his love, would he?
but he couldn't help himself, it occupied all of his thoughts. he started calling you more often to check up on you, and to see if junwoong was with you. and more times than not, he would be there. it drove him crazy. while you, on the other hand, didn't have the slightest idea of what was happening.
you were walking back to your office, that was located right next to joong-gil's. it was another long day, and you were exhausted. you entered the classy office, turning on the small chandelier for light. what you didn't expect though, was to find an angry figure waiting for you.
"you just came back from work?" you were startled. "baby, you scared me. why did you leave the lights off?" you looked at him sitting in your chair. you sensed tension in the air, but you were too tired to address it. he coughs "you seem to be enjoying your work now." you stared at him, trying to decipher his words. he looker...sullen?
"alot is going on at work, but yeah, you could say i got used to the job." you smiled at him. you put the piled up papers on your desk, and went to peck his lips. as you try to move away, he pulls you back into a deeper kiss.
letting go for air, he holds you from your waist. "i miss you...you've been spending alot of time with that overly joyous boy." it all clicks. the reason why he's been so attached to you, calling every other day - was because he was jealous.
"hmm...my love," you held his face in your small hands "are you perhaps...jealous?" you teased. you tried to hold in your laugh, but one look at his dumbfounded expression and you exploded. you were laughing so much your face hurt. "i-i'm not !! don't get any ideas !!" he tries to hide his reddened ears. "i can't believe the great joong-gil is jealous" you said as your laugh slowly died down, leaving a satisfied smirk on your face.
"don't worry, no one will ever come close to my love for you. i've missed you too" you smiled, genuinely happy. he continued denying his jealousy for the rest of the night.
you were next to junwoong, waiting for the other member to give you important papers for your escort. just then, joong-gil shows up. reading the papers he has in his hands, he doesnt see you yet. wanting to tease him one last time, you turn to junwoong.
"hey ! where's that video you wanted to show me last time?" you move inches closer to him, enough to look close. "oh the gym video?" he pulls out his phone, and plays the video. the cracked phone screen made it hard for you to focus, but you saw it was junwoong lifting weights.
"wahh those weights look heavy !" you say a bit too loud. from the corner of your eye, you see joong-gil sharply turn to where you were. his eyes had a fire in them, his jealousy gnawing at you. you loved his reactions and how his jealousy was only rising. "look at those muscles-" you were suddenly being pulled by your arm in the direction of your office.
"h-hey calm down-" as soon as you entered the office, your body was pushed against the wall. "and? what are you trying to do?" he breathes. "joong calm down-" his sculpted face comes closer to you, his dark eyes gazing at yours. "(y/n), don't test my patience. i've held myself long enough." he doesn't let you speak as he captures your lips in his hungrily.
you were flustered, your heart was almost leaping out of your chest. you try to pull back because you desperately needed air. he allows you for a few seconds before kissing you again. after running out of breathe, again, he puts his forehead on yours. "you're so cute when you're jealous" you breathe out a small laugh.
"you're enjoying this aren't you," he opens his eyes to look at you. "kinda?" you admit. you both start laughing. "i don't love anyone like i love you." you confess. he looks at you, his heart beating louder than before. "everytime i see you, i fall in love all over again." unable to express his fluttering heart, he pulls you in for an embrace. "i love you more than you'll ever know." he whispers.
you walk back to where junwoong was, holding hands. "noona !! i've been waiting for soo long" he whined. "yeah yeah im sorry" he notices your intertwined hands. "why are you holding hands?" he pouts. "gosh you're so straightforward" you laugh. joong-gil puts his arm around you, pulling you closer to him. "she's mine. so get your act together, kid" he glares at junwoong.
"wahh you're scary." he then laughs. "choi junwoong." you sternly call him. "fineee, i'll try my best" you look at joong-gil's satisfied expression and start laughing. soon enough, both males start arguing again.
a/n: it's been a while ! im back with another joong-gil fic eheh, i hope you like it anon <3
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survivalistghost · 1 year
The director really asking jun woong how he feels about ryeon to make sure she ain’t got a love triangle in jumadeong
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pian-ran · 2 years
if joon woong isn't joongryeon's kid i'm goint to be devastated tbh
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saidrabbles · 2 years
bleeding heart
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pairing: koo ryeon x park joong-gil
warnings: none
genre: angst, fluff at the end
summary: she was well prepared for the day he remembers. her mind promised her heart to stay unwavering, but when he said those words, she...
"ryeon-ah. i see that you still use the color pink."
she stops in her tracks.
"it suits you, it always did".
he remembers everything...
what does it matter now? it's all in the past anyways. but the heart that's pounding inside her chest is telling her otherwise. "i now know why my heart would leap out of my chest whenever my eyes laid on you."
stop. stop saying all those things. stop making my heart waver. stop giving me a chance to imagine an impossible future.
joong-gil couldn't hold it in. he finally knows why he yearned for a glimpse of her everyday. why he tried every way to get her to look into his eyes. the guilt he felt after mocking her team and it's purpose. he couldn't bare for this to be their end, but he didn't want to push her over the edge. like he once did.
"will you...turn and look at me one last time before you leave?" it was then when she felt her nonchalant facade break down. it all came in one huge wave - the longing, guilt and regret. she had to walk away. if she dared to look at him, her heart will give up on her. her body will want to jump into his arms- to be engulfed in his warmth for which she longed for.
with all the red lights in her head, she turned around. she took her time in searching for his eyes which were already set on hers. she looked at all the bruises he received on his sculpted face. he was always like this. always helping her in the shadows, because his pride wouldn't let him show himself to you.
when her eyes met his, her fears were proven right. his eyes were burning for her. they had such intense emotions that trapped her in his gaze. she's never seen him look at her that way....maybe she was wrong. the time that has passed did not fade her feelings, but intensified it. because she was looking at him the exact same way.
she faintly smiled. "you make me feel weak, you always did." "i did not mean for it to be that way-" before he could finish his sentence, she knelt down and wrapped her arms around his broad, firm shoulders. the tears he'd been holding in were streaming down his face. his silent sniffling turned into sobs as he brought his face closer to her warmth.
they were holding each other so tightly, scared that if they let go, they will be separated again. that they will forget again. "puin, please dont leave me again. please stay by my side" he pulls away just to look at her. ryeon, for the first time in years, trusted herself. "i will never let go of you again, joong-gil."
they looked at each other again, for what felt like the first time. like the time when ryeon first saw her husband to be. and just like that time, she smiled. with gravity on their side, they started getting pulled in towards each other, eyes moving to their lips. when their lips were inches away, they paused. joong-gil marveled at her features from such close distance. he noticed the mole on her nose, and a smile crept across his face. "i loved this mole of yours, i remember how you used to hate it." she laughed. "and you would spend all day, trying to make my stubborn mind realize how lovely it is."
time stopped as his lips met hers for what felt like the first time. with this, they knew that a new chapter of their lives have started, one that they will write together.
a/n: when i saw this scene, i imagined the different endings but what they gave us was so little, so i had to write this for my joongryeon
edit: this has been in my drafts for the longest time, i forgot it was here until i checked hhhh
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saidrabbles · 2 years
hold you
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pairing: lim ryunggu x reader
warnings: mentions of child abuse, alcoholic
summary: ryung-gu, who thought he couldn't love anyone other than his mother, started to fall for you. new to this feeling, he doesn't know what to do. he feels even worse when he sees you in pain, but can't get close to you.
ryung-gu, would only express emotions when it comes to his mother. their fates being severed, it pains him more than anything to know that they will never reunite, not in any lifetime. his team leader, ryeon, was quite like him. they both don't intervene in each other's business, but are there for each other. that was until you came along. you were a curious little being. having newly joined the risk management team, you wanted to get to know them both. you were known in jumadeung for being a good listener and an empathetic.
at first he was put off by you, because he felt the barrier he's built crumble bit by bit, and he was unable to stop it. your warmth spread through him like a tight embrace, and he couldn't help but soften up to you. well, internally he has. he's still the nitpicking colleague to you. he enjoyed getting you frustrated and always finding comebacks to his remarks. deep down, he wondered what your story was. he knew life isn't fair to anyone, and he wanted to know your story and how you came to be a reaper.
today was just like any other day in the rm office. you had a case to handle, a life to save. except this time it was different for you. kim hara, 15 years old. a teenager facing constant physical and emotional abuse at home. you froze as mr. lim's explains the situation. flashbacks hit you, but you shake your head in attempt to shake the memories away. ryeon and ryung-gu look at you, puzzled at your action. "a-ah...i couldn't sleep well last night, so i'm trying to shake the sleep away" you laugh. "well today's case is sensitive, and needs to be handled with care. kids these days are quick to action, so we must hurry" ryeon states as she gathers her things. ryung-gu looks at you for a while longer, but then also gets ready to leave.
just as you reach the doorstep of the house, you hear screams and beatings on the other side. your clench your fists, your chest tightening. you knew this day would come. but you didn't know it would be this soon. tears started to form in your eyes, but you didn't let them fall. "hey...are you..okay?" you look at the owner of the voice. it was ryung-gu. and he was looking at you worried...?? "i'm fine" you force a smile. just as you walk to ring the bell, a hand holds your arm. "you don't look fine. it's better if you tell us what's wrong now, so that we know how to handle the situation" he insists. you look at the both of them, you're not ready to talk about it yet. and why should you ?? "i think you've forgotten, mr. lim, but you were the ones to insist on privacy, you can't take that back now." you shake your arm away from his grip, and ring the bell.
he was worried. he's never seen you this way. but he concluded that he will leave it until after they finish. a woman slightly opens the door, but opens it big enough for you to see the menace in her eyes. "who are you?" she spoke drunkenly. you could smell her stinky breath miles away. "we're here for the bathroom fix." you replied dryly. "and it requires three dull looking people??" that's it. she gave you the chance to punch her- but you held back. "we're the only ones available and if we leave now you may not get help until three months later. "yes yes...just be quick. i've got business to take care of." "like beating your child to death?" you mumbled under your breath.
as you entered the house, you were all scanning the house for the sight of the injured teen. but she was nowhere to be found. "we've been told it was your daughter who accidentally broke the pipe connecting to the sink...but the house seems to empty" ryeon tries to provoke her. "I don't remember saying all of this? are you stalking me?" she questioned as she stumbled on the carpet. "you're drunk right now, so you probably can't remember" ryeon gave you a look that you immediately understood. she was distracting her. taking the hint, you slowly moved into the bedrooms to look for hara. ryung-gu soon followed after. opening the closet, you see her holding her knees close to her, visibly shaking. you felt your heart being torn.
she looked up, fear visible in her eyes. "hey, it's okay. im here to help you." you gently speak to her. "i know you're beyond exhausted, and every single part of your body hurts, but can you stand one more time so that we leave this scary place?" you extended your hands to her. she hesitated. she stared at your hand for so long, and you knew what was going on in her head. how could you not? you know how it feels too well...just as she finally gathered the strength to hold your hand, an angry figure busted through the bedroom door. "what in the hell do you think you're doing??!! she's my child. she's mine. she will never go anywhere, because she belongs with me, and i will die without her" the drunken beast was screaming.
ryung-gu looked at you as you both realized that ryeon is not next to her, your eyes conveying visible worry. "ryung-gu, you have to check up on ryeon !! you never know what this crazy woman has done!" you frantically told him "are you crazy?? and leave you alone with this monster?? not happening!" he screamed back. "lim ryung-gu." he froze. you only called him by his full name when it's serious. he looked at you. "go. i've got this. i can handle this." you spoke with all the courage you have tried to gather in you. he heaved a loud sigh, he knew he couldn't change your mind now. he should make it quick.
in a blink of an eye, he was gone. and you were left alone in that room, with your greatest pain and fear...your mother.
a/n: this will be a 2 part series, and this was part 1. all the characters are not mine, they are from the ongoing k-drama: tomorrow.
part 1 | part 2
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