#julia mcdonald
twobluecows · 11 months
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um. forgot to ever post this. got to sad.
This is an AU my friend and I were going to do something with but never did. AU where Julia lives and her and Magnus become parents to Angus :)
may or may not fuck around and make a short comic ❤️
Edit: image description by @anistarrose (i always forget to do this thank you)
Image description: warm-toned digital art of Angus, Magnus, and Julia from The Adventure Zone.
Angus is a skinny human boy with dark brown skin and curly hair, while Magnus is a muscular human with light skin and short brown hair. Julia has a muscular build and light brown skin, with curly hair in a bun. They're all wearing casual clothes and shorts.
Magnus holds Angus in his arms and Angus holds onto Magnus's shoulders, asking: "Can we get ice cream?"
Julia, who stands next to them, doesn't look up from the map she's holding as she replies: "Not until after lunch," and Magnus tells Angus: "Julia says not until after lunch." End description.
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hinkawithanx · 1 year
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I needed to make something so I can propose my ship name.
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Angel 2x12 - "Blood Money"
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torpublishinggroup · 1 year
Which Fantasy Class Are You? (and what you should read next)
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having trouble deciding what your next fantasy ttrpg class is? hmm? trouble deciding your next read?
while seemingly disparate, these two fantastical phenomena are inextricably linked, and we're going to prove it with This Quiz.
so click some answers, tell us what you got, read a book or something, and go ruin a hapless town with your table of ttrpg gamers. it's what's best in life
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longlivechips · 1 year
‘He’s to small’ Takko thinks looking at Agnus’s hand, little fingers wrapped tight around the handle of his rolling suitcase. 
They are waiting to cross the street and Agnus’s eyes are glued to the walk sign, waiting for the little man to turn white, for the robotic voice to let him know its okay to cross. 
Takko knows its not going to. He crosses this intersection twice a day and has never seen that red pixelated hand do anything but blink. 
Takko knows this. And Takko knows that Angus knows this. And Angus knows that Takko knows that he knows this. The traffic light turns green again, and cars roll past.
Angus watches the cycle roll on. Watches the turning signal go red, before the opposite side gets a green light. He’s gripping his suitcase to hard, and he’s shaking. He just needs to wait for the walk sign to turn on. Just a little longer. 
Someone honks, twice in quick succession. Its loud and jarring. Takko flicks of the driver. 
“This city is full of assholes” Takko readjusts his backpack, its full of Angus’s books and heavy as hell. “Has that ever worked for anyone? Jeez you'd think…” 
He pauses as he glances down at Angus, his head bowed, brim of his stupid hat covering his eyes. The quiver in his shoulders lets Takko know hes crying. 
It tugs at Takko’s stomach. Reminiscent of a feeling, a memory. Takko doesn't want to think about it. 
“There's a 711 the next block over” Takko says, reaching down to take Angus’s hand. “Last time I was there they had banana, disgusting.” 
He’s already walking, leading Angus who has fallen a few steps behind. 
“Banana what sir?” Angus asks, his voice cloudy from the tears. 
“Slushies my man. Slushies”
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theonlyadawong · 11 months
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Sweeney Todd
Signature Theatre, 2023
Dir. Sarna Lapine
Nathaniel Stampley as Sweeney Todd and Bryonha Marie as Mrs. Lovett
(Photos by Christopher Mueller)
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heartlandians · 2 years
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Behind the scenes of Heartland - 9x02 - Begin Again
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Promo pic for Family Law... just pay attention to Dixie glowing in white 😍😂
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professorpski · 2 years
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Piecework, Winter 2022
The cover of this issue features a Jacobean Crewelwork Project Bag by Deanna Hall west which accompanies an article on the history of crewelwork by Jacqui McDonald. This article is actually an excerpt from Royal School of Needlework Essential Stitch Guides: Crewelwork. So you can try your hand and see if you want to pursue the craft further.
You see as well a colcha, Spanish for bedspread or blanket, which also refers to a long, self-couching stitch which is what embroiders this one with flora and birds. Julia R. Gomez wrote both the article on the history of this kind of needlework and offers a lesson and a project featuring a peahen. 
Those Sports Mittens have both a history and a pattern written up by Karen Penders St. Clair whose Grandmother LeRoux first typed up the basic directions. She made them in Kelbourne Woolens Germantown worsted weight yarn, a revived American brand, so you have both pattern and yarn with a bit of history. You see here the outer edge from the Shetland Old Shell Hap and Half Hap, which are a square and a triangular shawl respectively explained by Elizabeth Johnston. While the borders are pretty lace stitches, the body is done in garter stitch, a thick and warm stitch which surely makes sense coming from the Shetland Islands.
I always feature the projects, but there are lots of historical articles on felting wool, on Coptic textiles, and paper packets of needles and on needle gauges, small items that remind us that everything has a history.  
You can find this issue at your local yarn shop, LYS, or here online: https://pieceworkmagazine.com/subscription
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yellowmagicalgirl · 1 year
Chapters: 37/37 Fandom: The Adventure Zone (Podcast) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Lup & Taako (The Adventure Zone), IPRE Crew - Relationship, Magnus Burnsides & Taako, Julia Burnsides & Taako, Julia Burnsides/Magnus Burnsides, Magnus Burnsides & Merle Highchurch & Taako Characters: Taako (The Adventure Zone), The Director | Lucretia, Magnus Burnsides, Merle Highchurch, Lup (The Adventure Zone), Barry Bluejeans, Davenport (The Adventure Zone), Julia Burnsides, Killian (The Adventure Zone), Johan (The Adventure Zone), Original Characters, Lucas Miller, Kravitz (The Adventure Zone), Carey Fangbattle, Angus McDonald, Edward (The Adventure Zone), Lydia (The Adventure Zone) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Taako Remembers, instead of solving things he fucks shit up and messes with people, feel good fic, a little angst because plot but feel good fic, UPDATE: save yourselves, I lost control of the angst, Minor Kravitz/Taako (The Adventure Zone), Julia Burnsides Lives, Lich Taako, Illustrated Series: Part 1 of to play the fool Summary:
“This fellow is wise enough to play the fool; And to do that well craves a kind of wit: He must observe their mood on whom he jests, The quality of persons, and the time, And, like the haggard, check at every feather That comes before his eye. This is a practise As full of labour as a wise man's art For folly that he wisely shows is fit; But wise men, folly-fall'n, quite taint their wit.”
- William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night
Lucretia feeds their history to the Voidfish and scatters her friends down in the world. What she hadn't considered was Taako not forgetting at all.
Reccing this because of the way it stuck with me, and also because I loved all the twists and worldbuilding in here. Do note that the sequel appears to have been abandoned.
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creepyschoolgirl · 2 years
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My self insert x Johan ideas for y’all who enjoy it!
Johan and I now have a kitten named Tenma this was inspired by @malware-180 from a fic they wrote me of me x Johan of me getting him a kitten!💕🥰
Johan is always comforting me when I don’t feel good enough. I do same to him when he feels that way as well!
I usually fall asleep in Johan’s arms if I am really tired and he just brushes his fingers through my hair till I start nuzzling him in my sleep.
Johan is really good at helping me in difficult situations but he tries be careful with his words because he genuinely wants help but doesn’t want come off too harsh or crass. He not use to genuinely helping someone so he unintentionally comes off passive aggressive without realizing it then he just gets little embarrassed because inside he probably thinking “ Johan you could of said that nicer to her!”
One time I told @muzumi-san I do have dreams sometimes that Johan is an actual person. He was so warm once in a dream now I have the idea I love hugging him because he so warm!
I usually can tell when Johan is upset about something I usually try help him out the best as I can. Do not let the man fool you even though he may not like physical touch but when comes down to our relationship he so touched starved he cuddles up to me and buries his face into my shoulder. Soft Johan warm Johan little ball of nihilism~! Lol 😂
I usually try be his ray of sunshine to his nihilistic views it works but he like, “ Julia you need be happy too don’t let your brain be mean to you today!” He goes on saying to me awhile kissing me. I think when he genuinely happy he tends have soft smile and feels calm then he seems to get cuddly lol.
I think Johan is good masking his anxieties sometimes but definitely shows when he is worried about me because he goes from boyfriend to mother hen real quick! “ Julia my little camellia don’t ever EVER leave my side awhile we are in a strange part of town!” Like, I said before when he says my name I know he is serious!
I usually sleep a lot when I am depressed but Johan doesn’t get mad but more concerned. He usually tries his hardest to cheer me up it helps but he tends get super clingy. I’m like, “ I’m fine .” Johan just like, “ No you’re not fine!”
Our relationship has its ups and downs like every other relationship I think most of it is I get jealous so dose he. But, we usually talk things out and calm down but I think only major fight we had when he was irritated at something and got mouthy at me for no reason. Like, the gentleman he is he apologized after we calmed down because I got mouthy at him right back. But, we usually give each other space when we are irritated at something or at each other over something but we always make up at the end.
Oh we love it when Nina/Anna comes over she always brings us food and Johan always so hyped up because he can shove a burger in his mouth after a long week! Nina and I just laugh because Johan’s guilty pleasure Is McDonald’s cheeseburgers he will never let anyone know that!
I think Johan likes having a nice dinner out with some wine even though I order a coke lol. “ Julia mix this rum with your coke make fancy it for our date!” He just says at the table awhile we are there “ Johan when did they start serving rum here??” I genuinely ask him which he goes on tell me he knows the guy who runs the place because they used go to college together at one point.
Speaking of college buddies lol!, I think I meet Karl at the store at one point Johan just like, “ oh my God.” Because Karl and I be having a conversation about how we both met Johan and I tell him how Johan has a huge soft spot for wearing leggings around the house then Johan just casually drags me away in embarrassment lol. Pay back a bitch huh Johan lol? Karl just has surprised pikachu like face awhile I am being dragged away lol.
I said this before I think I made this a modern au with my self ship so I can see Johan just being like that one person who uses social media but not always. I had dream about my best friend Melissa Snapchatting him a video of me in a cute red dress with flowers. I remember the snap said “ @JohanLiebert look how beautiful your wife is.” Apparently we are married now guys!
Speaking of me and Johan getting married I think we would like, keep it small just my best friends and his sister definitely we invite Tenma lol but I do invite Eva because I love her and Johan invited Christof because apparently best bros now lol. But it’s small wedding even though Christof is jealous Johan got married before him.
Speaking of Christof I think with him now having half of ear he still can hear things he shouldn’t Lmao. Johan just gets mad at him “ Christof how about not listen into my calls with Julia please?!” Because Christof be like, “ well you look you just shit your pants!” Johan really does not want him know about the positive pregnancy test I took that evening lol well not yet because he trying keep it secret we been trying for a baby.
I think when I go somewhere with my friends Johan tends get clingy but he likes my friends he thinks they really do make me happy! Which they do and I love shopping with his sister too I always bring him back something.
This is the last one for tonight I am getting tired! But, I love think Johan can finally be happy in this relationship because he has someone he really loves and that person really loves him too! He no longer feels like he alone and he feels happy with his little camellia and his now peaceful life.
Well, I hope you guys like this feel free ask me anything or tell me what you think!
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twobluecows · 11 months
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Trip to the park with Manaus, Julia, and Angus 😋
starting to work on a short slice of life comic featuring this AU (where Julia lives and her and Magnus parent Angus)
my inner camp counselor is SCREAMING at me to yell at the boy
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Angel 2x12 - "Blood Money"
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mitjalovse · 2 days
Patti Labelle's career surprises me in a way, cause I see her as a 70's musician. You see, she doesn't really sound like a musician for the 80's despite having some of her biggest hits then. Thus, she reminds me of many veteran musicians who did their most famous work in the period, yet she didn't feel like a sellout thanks to that achievement. One of her peers in that regard might be Michael McDonald and what do you know – the single from Winner In You found her duetting with him. Well, calling this piece a duet is a paradox, since both of them weren't together in a studio to do that, yet this oddly does fit the theme of the song. However, I do wish they would've done more together – should someone call them now for a collaborative LP?
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chronomally · 1 month
You don't need to be a forensic accountant to point out the number of smaller channels that manage to make it work with a fraction of views/subscribers/patrons/live shows/merch sales and no ad spots because the magic formula involves a small team and filming out of someone's house
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hitchell-mope · 1 year
Hypothetical titles for season fourteen of 88
In the walls. Season premiere. Part one. Interspersed with Sidney and Findlay on a much needed vacation. Lucia deals with strange sounds coming from within the walls of the Oberon Hotel.
The raccoon man of suite 10j. Season premiere. Part two. Having found her hotels squatter. Lucia teams up with Jacob to get the man emancipated from his abusive wife. Guest starring Keanu Reeves as the eponymous raccoon man
Malpractice. Findlay offers moral support to Dr Corsica (returning guest star Audra McDonald) when a routine surgery ends in tragedy
M&M. Dr Corsica goes through a Morbidity and Mortality conference to see wether she was truly at fault for her patients death.
Inconsequential. Skipper has a dream where he’s Sherlock Holmes, Findlay is Watson (complete with moustache and war induced limp) and the Christensen’s are all the same Moriarty.
Black white grey orange blue. Drummond gets a teaching trial at Van Buren. For his first class. He gives a lecture on morality and ethics using a case from the week before
Stereotypes. The team works a case at Wilmington High School involving an intergrade pregnancy pact that some of the teachers might have known about
Rumspringa. Gideon’s approached by a young Amish man for help with getting back to his community lest he be shunned.
You’re a good man grim reaper. Andy steps in for his uncle Derek Christensen (returning guest star Daniel Radcliffe) who has taken a sabbatical from his job as grim reaper.
The mother ship. Chambers drops by Fifth Avenue intent on asking for captaincy of the Wilmington’s lead cruise liner. And Jones is intent on denying him
Star crossed. Drummond and Odessa perform damage control when Zoey Anne dregs up the dead and buried rivalry between Findlay and Jacob
Espionage. Midseason finale. Part one. Wand Tech mogul, Mordecai Simmons, guest star Jesse Eisenberg, enlists Drummond’s help to find out wether his brother Mortimer, Josh Groban, is embezzling from him or not
Embezzlement. Midseason premiere. Past two. Having found out that Mortimer is in fact embezzling, the team sets up a sting to capture him.
Diametrically opposed opposites. Andy suffers a power outburst after spending too much time near Jesse. Which ends up having some incredibly bloody consequences.
Legitimate. Jones comes under fire from the conservative community when he publicly backs President DuPont’s plan to make of age consensual prostitution a legitimate profession. Guest starring Amy Acker as President DuPont.
The documentary. Carrie Hislop (returning guest star Julia Louis Dreyfus) plans to make a documentary on how people have been coping since the Botticelli Comet. Unfortunately for her. She chooses the five families as the subject. WARNING: this episode contains frequent instances of censored language.
The real housewives of New York. Following in from the disastrous documentary. Findlay is offered a tv gig and ropes in Delaney, Winnifred and Kimberly for help
Drag. Two interests literally collide as a drag car race Sidney and Jonah were going to crashes into a drag queen show Findlay and Barnaby were going to
Just cause. Jacob had deal with his corrupt cousin Marissa at a time that’s emotionally sensitive for him. Drummond babysits Skipper and Oswald’s son Theo. Delaney locks Zoey in the panic room after one crack too many. Thornton gets an unwelcome surprise visit from his ex stepcousin Renee. Jonah develops a juvenile crush on Deucalion and Kimberly’s 22 year old son son, Lysander. Guest starring Cathy Ang as Marissa Spratt, Emma Roberts’s as Renee Ullman and Bellamy Young as Jacob’s mother Adelaide Spratt. First appearance of Milo Manheim as Lysander Wilkins.
The sixth family of New York. Findlay petitions Jones to induct the Christensen’s into the Inner Circle on Fifth Avenue
Proxy. Findlay is recruited by Princess Rani’s lawyer to ask Emerson Davenport’s permission for Rani to propose to Aimee. Guest starring Dani Harmer as Harriet Downey, Rhianne Barreto as Rani Burton, Auli’i Cravalho as Aimee Davenport and Chris Pratt as Emerson Davenport
A day at the zoo. Findlay and Sidney are forced onto the sidelines when members of PETA release all the animals at Central Park Zoo. With Barnaby and Jonah still inside.
The list. Season finale. Part one. Thornton’s team investigate serial murders involving a married couple who kill the names on each others Freebie lists
Hits and Mrs. Season finale. Part two. Lucia and Alabaster go undercover to catch the Freebie Fellers.
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