#judge bill lewis
Governor Kay Ivey on Wednesday announced the appointment of Judge Bill Lewis to the Alabama Court of Civil Appeals. Lewis is the first African-American Judge to serve on this esteemed court.
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just-in-case-iloveyou · 3 months
i am begging Pinterest to stop calling me out in this way... please remove your boot from my throat, i surrender.
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
Headcanon : Easy boys reaction to seeing their lady lieutenant for the first time.
Have a good day!!!! :)
AAAAHHH I love this!!! Thank you so much for the request and inspo, I appreciate it a lot! Hope you enjoy and hope you have a great day :):):) <;3
Easy boys reacting to seeing their lady Lieutenant for the first time:
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Dick Winters: ok it would not matter what ranking Dick has, at this point he could be major or a lieutenant himself- but he’s still a blushing mess. Omg he’d be so so so so respectful, and would not bat an eyelid at listening to a woman in command. Sometimes he finds his eyes following you a little too much, and immense guilt and a fear of him breaking the rules ensues.
Lewis Nixon: smirks and shrugs it off, he’s so calm about it, but you’re so hot, he knows damn well how some of the men are gonna act like dogs in heat. Not Nix though, even with his cool exterior he knows how to treat a woman. Might forget to call you ma’m sometimes when he gets more friendly with you.
Ron Speirs: in shock. A little worried?? Confident because you seem so sure of yourself? Ron doesn’t know how to feel from first impressions- but one things for sure, he wouldn’t even think for a second about something as small as twitching his lips in reaction. He’s so respectful, would rather watch you from afar before judging you immediately. He’s super mysterious.
Carwood Lipton: super friendly, probably befriends you first out of everybody. He trusts you as long as you trust him and believes the two of you truly will make a good team. Would be your number 1 supporter and in your downtime he finds himself blushing and gazing like a teenager in love.
Babe Heffron: would probably shit himself? Idk just gives the impression that he’d be a nervous wreck.
Bill Guarnere: tells Heffron to shut the hell up as he himself swags his way towards you, before you have to remind him you’re not just some civilian woman, you’re his companies lieutenant. Apologises and probably admires you forever after this for being so bold.
Joe Toye: ok don’t take this the wrong way but I feel like Toye curses when he see’s his lieutenant is a female the first time? Not because he’s got a bad attitude to women, but this is the 1940s, he’s just in pure shock- I think he’d be guilty of not believing you’re as strong as the men at first.
Joe Liebgott: on the outside he acts all cool, tries to act a mixture between smug and shocked that the companies Lieutenant is a ‘chick’. On the inside he’s freaking out internally because goddddd you’re hot. You’d probably over hear him 50 times talking about how hot you are- he thinks he’s so sly as well.
Floyd Talbert: again, guilty of fancying the hell out of you. However, I feel like Floyd would be more respectful? Yes, I know he gets labelled as a womaniser and all, but I think he’d be kinda shy? Maybe worried what you think about him? Idk he’d give off the vibes that he wants you to like him, so the first time you meet him he’s surprisingly quiet.
David Webster: superrrrrr impressed that the lieutenant is a female. If Web was around in the modern day I think he’d be a feminist. Would brag to other men from different companies about you.
Eugene Roe: SHYYYYY, would barely be able to hold eye contact with you. I think Gene’s a lot more tough than we all give him credit for, but around women he’s a little quieter, so especially for his lieutenant who’s got authority over him, he feels a little nervous!
Shifty Powers: if anybody said ANYTHING bad about you Shifty would jump to your defence! Not in a harsh or abrupt way, he’d be very clear, letting people know they shouldn’t undermine your abilities, and reminds them of all your achievements.
Warren Skip Muck: like Lipton would befriend you instantaneously. He’d be so kind and energetic, he probably wouldn’t look at you any different than any of the men in charge- of course he probably has a little crush on you- but he’s one of the first people to go out of his way to befriend you!
Don Malarkey: giggles.
George Luz: giggles even harder- apologises with a boyish smile when you call him out.
Hoobler: this cutie would be so soft:( he’d make conversation with you and I feel like he’d be so innocent and starts telling you about the Luger pistol he wants to find.
Buck Compton: in the early days he’d be a little confused? Of course he’d never say this to your face or to anybody else but he’s wary. After a while he realises how much he can trust you and hates himself for ever having a doubt about you.
Chuck Grant: would probably smirk to himself, cos you’re hot, but he’s too respectful to admit anything out loud so silently admires you and how strong headed you are.
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ithinkabouttzu · 1 year
BoB Reaction to you having a bad anxiety day
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Requested by the lovely @liebgotts-lovergirl 💗💗
Genre: romance, sad fluff
Warnings: Anxiety, anxiousness
Description: The BoB boys reaction to their s/o (you) having a bad anxiety day
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Dick Winters
he could just tell you were having a bad day. He would be SO good at listening to you and he would never judge you for a second. He always tries his best to give you good advice, and is going to be there to support you 10000% he just wants to see you smile!
Lewis Nixon
He would try his best to understand what you’re going through and would try to find the root of your anxiety. I think you guys would have a long deep conversation about it and he’s definitely willing to do ANYTHING to eliminate your anxiety or at least minimize it in anyway he can
Carwood Lipton
MASTER listener and comforter. He is such a good person to talk to about this stuff. He would be there just rubbing your back and holding you gently while you tell him what’s bothering you. It hurts him to see you go through any kind of pain and he is by your side ALWAYS, plus he always gives the best forehead kisses when you’re sad.
Joe Toye
Lowkey becomes the biggest softy when he sees you sad or anything like that. He would shoo anyone away if you just want to be alone with him to talk, if you don’t wanna talk then he’ll just sit there and hold you, with bunches of kisses , and he’ll make sure reassure you how much he loves you and how amazing you are.
Joe Liebgott
It breaks his heart. He can just tell when you’re having a bad day coping and he can see when you have an anxiety attack. He just wants to take all that away from you because he loves you so much. He will be there to hold you, sit and talk with you, WHATEVER you want to do, he’s down for it, anything to make his bae feel better - he’ll do it.
Bill Guarnere
Mans is READY to beat WHOEVER might’ve caused your anxiety to get bad. Definitely offers to be your personal therapist LOL, but if you just call him randomly in the middle of the night he’ll listen to you so attentively, he’ll always be there to support you, physically and mentally. But again he’ll kill someone if they’re the cause of your anxiety.
George Luz
George will probably try and make a joke to get your mind off of it at first. But he’ll sit there and listen to you so seriously and you can just see that he cares, I think he would just rub your hand while you talk to him and when your done he would give you the most loving hug ever. He’d probably suggest you guys go watch a movie or something to get your mind off of it afterwards.
Bull Randleman
he is the biggest sweetheart when you’re anxiety gets bad, he’s so comforting and he’s guaranteed to give you the best cuddles and advice of your LIFE. He’ll hold you and let you get all your feelings out before telling you how much he loves and cares about you. He’s just so kind and caring to you that afterwards you feel so much better
Eugene Roe
Master listener and comforter #2. If you start crying he’ll prob get a little teary eyed, because anxiety sucks and you don’t deserve it. He’ll just hug you, strong and loving while stroking your hair. Gene would tell you how sorry he is that you’re feeling down and makes sure to give you infinite kisses. Also remind you that whatever you’re going through, you’ll get through it.
Floyd Talbert
Tries his hardest to be there for you, but physically he’ll be there 100%. Kissing you, holding you, anything. Emotionally it might be a little bit harder for him but he’ll make sure you know that he’s got your back anytime ever. He’ll just sit there quietly and let you spit all of your feelings out while he rubs your shoulder
Skip Muck
I think he would be such a good person to talk to about this kinda stuff. If he saw you sad he would try to cheer you up in anyway possible, or if he saw you having a panic attack he would take you somewhere private where you could calm down. I think y’all would end up having a deep conversation about just anxiety in general and he’ll be sure to let you know that you can talk to him anytime about that stuff!
Don Malarkey
He would be so heartbroken to see you in pain or sad. This man is a total sweetheart and would do anything to make you feel better. He would just rock you side to side in a long hug and repeat the sweetest loving affirmations to you, he would sit and listen to you completely and remind you how important you are to him and the other guys.
Babe Heffron
He would just sit there with the saddest look on his face when you tell him what’s going on. He just wants to tell you it’ll be okay and everything will get better, but I think the bear hug he gives you says all that and a million other things in one. And when y’all are done with the hug, He’d just grab your face and make you look into his eye, before kissing you passionate and lovingly.
Frank Perconte
I think at first he’d be angry for you, because you don’t deserve that at ALL and if anyone made your anxiety worse he will literally come for them. But in the moment he’ll settle down and just let you have the floor to say whatever you want in that moment. He’d have open arms for you and if you need him, he’ll always be there for you!
Shifty Powers
Poor boy literally his heart just shatters when he sees the heartbroken expression on your face. He’s here for you to confide in and you can always find comfort in him, he’d make sure to listen to you and give you the best cuddles on the planet. He’ll also reminds you how much he cares about you and how special you are to him.
A/n : hiii everyone!! this is my first reaction i’ve done for BoB so i hope everyone enjoys it!!! if you have any requests or any others i should add just let me know!!!! <33
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softguarnere · 1 year
*slides a crisp $20 bill across the table* being an intelligence officer working with Nixon and having a thing for each other because I’m in love with how you write him 🫶🏽
Hold Me Close While I Think This Through
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Lewis Nixon x reader
A/N: "I'm in love with how you write him" when I tell you I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes 🥹 I've literally had the worst writer's block this past week, so I hope this came out okay! (As always, this is written for the fictional depiction from the show - no disrespect to the real life veterans!) 💕🕊️
Warnings: language, drinking, this isn't proof read - we die like men 🫡
The smell of freshly brewed coffee wafting through Regimental HQ somehow makes the morning seem a little more crisp, new, and exciting. A few people spare glances in your direction as you pass. None of them matter, though. Not when you’ve got your eyes set on the two men sitting at a table straight ahead – one of which the sight of makes your heart run wild like a race horse, the only thing containing it the bars of your rib cage . . . and the knowledge that he’s married.
“Well good morning, Sleeping Beauty,” Nixon chirps as you approach. Leaned back in his chair, feet propped up on the desk and sipping a cup of coffee, he looks like he owns the place. No other person in the Army has looked quite so relaxed this whole war. He looks like a spectator, not someone who’s always in the midst of danger, gathering intel and navigating the chess board that is military politics. It's a stark juxtaposition to the man beside him, who’s flipping through some papers and scribbling notes on them every now and then, looking serious.
Winters offers you a small smile. “Morning, (Y/N).”
“Morning, gents.” Playfully, you push Nixon’s feet off the desk before taking a seat next to Winters. “We all know that if you had your way, no one would be sleeping later than you.”
“Oh har har.”
“She’s got a point, Nix,” Winters says with a smirk. “You wouldn’t be at half of our meetings if I weren’t forcing you up.”
“Not you too.”
“Honesty is a virtue.”
Before any more digs can be made at his expense, Nixon grabs a file from a stack on the desk and tosses it in your direction. It lands beside you with a weak thwack! on top of some other papers that he’s left laying about.
“New assignment,” he says by way of explanation.
Flipping it open sends waves of excitement flooding over you. Your eyes keep skipping ahead, trying to take in all the information at once. Can this be true? You have to reread the carefully printed lines several times to make sure that you’re not imagining things.
“Oh my God.”
Winters pauses mid-scribble, glancing up at you. “Well that’s more than the usual exasperated sigh.”
Nixon smiles around his coffee cup. “Let me guess: they want another map?”
“No.” You read the lines one last time – just in case. Carefully, you close the file and run a hand over the cover with the same reverence that a priest might a Bible. “They want to send me behind enemy lines.”
Nixon chokes on his drink. “They what?!” He splutters.
You’re too proud to notice the way that your fellow intelligence officer’s face goes pale, or the way that Winters sends him a worried glance. All you know is that this is your chance. To get out from behind the desk and into the field. To do something that will make a real difference in the war.
This is your time to shine.
God, he hasn’t been this uncomfortable since he was eighteen and standing in the living room at his graduation party while extended family milled about, pumping his hand with congratulatory handshakes and then wandering off to judge the furniture placement and snicker over hors d’oeuvres. He had spent half the evening sneaking pulls from a flask to loosen up, and besides the incident in which one of his mother’s cousins had shoved a piece of cake into the face of an uncle from his dad’s side, the only thing he can really recall from that evening is the stifling feeling that accompanies dressing up and rubbing elbows with society’s upper crust.
Ironic, that going off to war and hoping it would get him away from all that somehow managed to throw him right back into the remnants of that suffocating existence. He needs a drink.
Snatching a tall glass from a waiter that’s passing by, he downs it in one long gulp before giving the sprawling ballroom another once over as he tries to get his bearings. There’s really nothing to see except a bunch of rich German officers strutting around, puffing out their chests while women who gleam under the heavy armor of precious stones that they wear trapse after them, clinging to their arms and occasionally managing to drag one to the dance floor.
Something catches his eye. Along the far wall, one woman shines brighter than the rest, despite the fact that she wears nowhere near as much jewelry. She doesn’t need it; she sparkles all on her own – she is her own precious gemstone. With her simple gown and demure demeanor, she looks like a modern day Cinderella observing the party, not sure if she should join in or not.
You play your part well. Nixon knows better; you are not nearly so shy and reserved. It’s all an act to attract young officers in the hopes that they’ll dance with you and let some key bit of intel slip in an attempt to impress you. None of this is real – not really, Nixon knows that.
So they why do his hands automatically clench into fists at his side at the thought of a Kraut officer flirting with you – dancing with you – even looking at you?
He knows the answer. He has known it for a long time, even if it took Dick – of all people – pointing it out to him to make him confront his truth. The honest fact of the matter is that Lewis Nixon has fallen for you – hard. But there’s a war on. And the fact that he’s married. Not to mention that you obviously only think of him as a friend.  
Sometimes fiction can be a veil behind which the truth hides itself. And undercover, what are the two of you tonight if not a piece of fiction? he reasons.
If you’re surprised to see him, your face betrays nothing when he joins you along the wall. Your smile is pleasant, your shy demeanor unchanged as you pretend to introduce yourself to him in flawless German.
Then, quietly, “What are you doing here? Where’s Lieutenant – “
“His orders were changed,” he says quickly. There’s no need to mention the fact that the intelligence officer you were supposed to be meeting was put on a different assignment at Nixon’s request. It didn’t take much convincing to make the upper brass see that his upper class background enables him to better navigate parties such as this one. And only Dick seems to realize why he was so adamant about being the one to accompany you behind enemy lines.
You give him a sideways glance. You’re too smart not to have questions about the sudden change of plans, but there’s no time for any of that when you’re surrounded by people who would gladly kill you both in a heartbeat if they were to find out who you really were and what you were doing.
“Danced with anyone interesting tonight?”
“Only him.” You risk a subtle nod in the direction of a young officer who stands among much older men, all of them covered in ribbons and awards. “Some sort of protégé who can’t hold his liquor and was a little too eager to tell me all about his most important assignments the second that I gave him a shy smile and the honor of a dance.”
That idiot? Dancing with you? A chill runs down his spin at the thought of that Nazi bastard with his hands on your waist.
“I’ve been trying to slip away for the last half hour, but every time that I start for the door, he comes back around to offer me another dance.”
Nixon offers a woman passing by a pleasing smile, and laughs like you’ve just said something funny before whispering, “Do you think you’ve been compromised?”
“No. I just think that the slimy little lizard isn’t too eager to let a real life woman who laughed at his jokes slip away.”
“Well, we’ll see how confident he is when he realizes that there are other men here who are far better dancers.” He offers you a bow and then extends his hand to you. “Shall we, Fräulein?”
In all the time that he’s known you, and after all your training, he’s never seen you break character before. But something about the way that your smile spreads across your face tells him that there’s a first time for everything.
You fit your gloved hand into his. “Wir sollten.”
The image of the young German officer’s face falling, looking completely crushed as he sees Nixon leading you onto the dance floor, will forever bring him a sense of satisfaction – especially when he storms out of the ballroom, followed by confused looks from all the older officers and party goers. Good, let him throw a tantrum over not getting his way. He wouldn’t deserve you in a hundred different lifetimes.
The music is just loud enough that no one can overhear you when you whisper your question from earlier as you dance, guarded by your close proximity. “What are you really doing here, Lewis?”
Lewis. Not Nixon. Not Nix. Lewis.
His name, yes, but you’ve only ever called him that a handful of times. Something about the way you say it stirs the feelings that took him so long to name.
“I couldn’t let you come here by yourself,” he whispers back. In any other situation, a look of annoyance at what that might imply would have crossed your face, but you don’t break character because of the people watching. “Not that you aren’t capable! Of course you are. You’re the most capable.”
“But you didn’t trust me enough?”
Fuck, he’s already made a mess of this whole thing. That’s what he gets for acknowledging his feelings instead of numbing them with Vat 69. He was never taught to articulate his emotions; Dick made it sound way too easy.
He fumbles for an explanation. “I couldn’t stand the thought of you coming into this alone. I mean, you wouldn’t have been alone, but without me, I mean.”
You raise an eyebrow. “But why?”
Is it his imagination, or standing so close, is your heartbeat stuttering the way that his is?
“Because I never want to leave your side,” he admits. “And I couldn’t handle it if something happened to you and I wasn’t here.”
Your eyes widen to the size of saucers. He’s sure that he’s said the wrong thing. Leave it to him to dig the hole even deeper.
“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
His face feels hot. Was the ballroom this warm when he arrived, or is the building suddenly on fire?
“I don’t know what I’m saying. I’m trying to make a confession.”
“But . . . you’re married.” Unfortunately, you’re right. “And there’s the war and the non-fraternization policy.” Double whammy. Still –
“I don’t care about any of that. I care about you.”
You hesitate, maybe for the first time in your entire life. There’s no denying that there’s something between the two of you. Acknowledging those feelings and acting on them though . . . that could be a bad idea. Because just like there’s no denying the mutual feelings you share, there’s also no ignoring the harsh facts that you’ve just pointed out.
“Dick is gonna kill us.”
Nixon laughs. “If Sink doesn’t beat him to it.”
Another mutual feeling bursts into bloom: anything could happen in this war, and it’s already taken so much from everyone – why not enjoy what you can while you can?
“People are watching us.” Around you, couples are beginning to pull apart as the song comes to a close. You and Nixon are still fit together, your right hand clasped in his left, his right hand on your waist.
“Someone is always watching us. Occupational hazard.” He smiles, half because he’s right – your job means that you’re always either watching someone or being watched – and half because you’re so beautiful and he’s so lucky to be dancing with you that he wonders who wouldn’t be watching. He’s so nervous that he wonders if he actually speaks aloud when he asks, “Do you want to give them a show?”
The words must make their way out, because he can hear your breath hitch in your throat. Then you smirk, just like you usually would at one of his ideas.
“Shut up and kiss me so that we can make a grand exit.”
He may outrank you, but he’s all too happy to comply with your order.
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companion-showdown · 10 months
Which Companion has the Best Fashion Sense?
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some images you can use to judge
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heavenboy09 · 8 months
Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 To You,  1 Of The Most Legendary Funniest American Actor Of The 1960s In Cinema 🎥  & Tv 📺 & More Of The Century
Lloyd was born on October 22, 1938, in Stamford, Connecticut, the son of Ruth Lloyd (née Lapham; 1896–1984), a singer and sister of San Francisco mayor Roger Lapham, and her lawyer husband Samuel R. Lloyd Jr. (1897–1959). He is the youngest of three boys and four girls, one of whom, Samuel Lloyd, was an actor in the 1950s and 1960s. Lloyd's maternal grandfather, Lewis Henry Lapham, was one of the founders of the Texaco oil company and Lloyd is also a descendant of Mayflower passengers, including John Howland. Lloyd was raised in Westport, Connecticut, where he attended Staples High School and was involved in founding the high school's theater company, the Staples Players.
He is an American actor. He has appeared in many theater productions, films, and on television since the 1960s. He is known for portraying Dr. Emmett "Doc" Brown in the Back to the Future trilogy (1985–1990) and Jim Ignatowski in the comedy series Taxi (1978–1983), for which he won two Emmy Awards.
Lloyd came to public attention in Northeastern theater productions during the 1960s and early 1970s, earning Drama Desk and Obie awards for his work. He made his cinematic debut in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) and went on to star as Commander Kruge in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984), Professor Plum in Clue (1985), Judge Doom in Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988), Uncle Fester in The Addams Family (1991) and its sequel Addams Family Values (1993), Switchblade Sam in Dennis the Menace (1993), Mr. Goodman in Piranha 3D (2010), Bill Crowley in I Am Not a Serial Killer (2016) and David Mansell in Nobody (2021).
Lloyd earned a third Emmy for his 1992 guest appearance as Alistair Dimple in Road to Avonlea (1992), and won an Independent Spirit Award for his performance in Twenty Bucks (1993). He has done extensive voice work, including Merlock in DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp (1990), Grigori Rasputin in Anastasia (1997), the Hacker in the PBS Kids series Cyberchase (2002–present), which earned him Daytime Emmy nominations, and the Woodsman in the Cartoon Network miniseries Over the Garden Wall (2014).
Please Wish This Legendary Funny Actor Of The 1960s Of Cinema 🎥 & Tv 📺 & Other Forms Of Entertainment A Very Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊
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HAPPY 85TH BIRTHDAY 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 TO YOU MR. LLYOD & HERES TO MANY MORE YEARS TO COME #ChristopherLlyod #DocEmmettBrown #Taxi #BackToTheFuture #Anastasia #TheAddamsFamily #WhoFramedRogerRabbit #Cyberchase #SpiritHalloweenTheMovie
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agentem · 6 months
Emily watches "Lessons in Chemistry" episode 1
I decided to put this on while I was cooking because I haven't really used my Apple+ since Ted Lasso ended (that's how they get you). And I like Brie Larson.
I read this book about a year ago. I thought it was an easy read but also kind of simplistic (it's so easy to get a successful tv show as a woman!) but a lot of books make convenient plot devices like that so, I tried not to judge. And I liked the parts that focused on the dog. So I filed it away in my brain as "fun book, a quirky women's fiction book) Anyway, I don't remember it that well, but I don't remember there being a pagent. That seems odd for a workplace???? Was that a real thing at science institutions???
I do find Brie Larson and Lewis Pullman (Bill Pullman's son! The former President who saved our world from aliens!) to be really cute when they are talking about sex discrimination, music and the science of cooking. IDK. I love romances where it's not "I think you are hot" (that's okay if it is also true) but more "I love your thoughts. They are so neat."
I might even watch the second episode. idk. i might quit when the stuff with the dog happens. we'll see.
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Marc Murphy, Louisville Courier Journal
* * * *
“I am here because Donald Trump raped me, and when I wrote about it, he said it didn’t happen,” E. Jean Carroll said in court today for the former president’s civil trial for rape. “He lied and shattered my reputation, and I am here to try to get my life back.” Carroll offered a detailed account of what she says was Trump’s attack nearly 30 years ago, an attack that warped her life.
While she testified, Trump attacked Carroll on social media. The judge overseeing the case, U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan, warned Trump’s lawyer that his client’s statement was “entirely inappropriate,” saying he was trying to influence the jury. Any more commentary might open up “a new source of potential liability,” Kaplan said. The lawyer said he would do the best he could to silence Trump, but later in the day, Trump posted another attack and his son Eric Trump followed suit.
“I wanted to address my senators, Cruz and Cornyn,” Amanda Zurawski told the Senate Committee on the Judiciary today at a hearing on reproductive rights in the wake of the Supreme Court’s overturning of the Roe v. Wade decision. Zurawski’s water broke 18 weeks into her pregnancy, making it impossible for her fetus to survive. Because of the vague and extreme antiabortion bill Texas lawmakers had passed, her health care providers refused to treat her so long as the fetus had a heartbeat, denying her an abortion. Zurawski developed deadly sepsis and, after giving birth to a stillborn daughter, spent three days in intensive care as doctors worked to save her life.
Zurawski said she wanted the two Texas Republican senators to know “that what happened to me I think most people in this room would agree was horrific. But it’s a direct result of the policies they support. I nearly died on their watch, and…I may have been robbed of the opportunity to have children in the future. And it’s because of the policies that they support.”
Neither Cruz nor Cornyn showed up to hear her. Cornyn later said Zurawski should consider suing her doctors for misinterpreting the law. Zurawski responded: “[M]y physician and my team of health care professionals that I saw over the course of three days, while I was repeatedly turned away from health care access, made the decision to not provide an abortion because that’s what they felt they had to do under Texas’ law…. And that will continue to happen and it is continuing to happen, and it’s not a result of misinterpretation. It’s the result of confusion, and the confusion is because [of] the way the law is written.”
[From “Letters From An American” by Heather Cox Richardson :: April 26, 2023]
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liskantope · 8 months
Public intellectual Robert Wright, who runs the Nonzero YouTube channel (once known as Bloggingheads), just a week ago finally had the last of his weekly political discussions with his conversation partner Mickey Kaus on the channel since around the end of 2005. I've been a regular listener for the past few years (only a small fraction of their total run though, and I've never been a subscriber and so haven't seen their after-conversations in what they call the Parrot Room). Although I've always found their dynamic to be a bit cold and caustic compared to that of other pairs of conversation partners that began through Bloggingheads (Bill Scher and Matt Lewis, Glenn Loury and John McWhorter, Kat Rosenfield and Phoebe Maltz-Bovy), and that Wright in particular is unpleasantly prickly towards Kaus, I'm going to miss the sound of their voices in their weekly back-and-forths.
Here is a bit of what I humorously imagined to be their final episode (which in real life turned out to be as dry as usual and not so much of a "goodbye episode").
[Videos turn on in split screen.]
RW: How're you doing, Mickey?
MK: I'm doing fine, Bob! [holds a photo up to the camera, which shows a split-screen image of two dark-haired middle-aged men each with a microphone in front of him; the man on the right is mostly bald] I have a quiz for you, Bob. Can you guess the identities of these two men in the photo?
RW: [squinting with perhaps a feigned intensity] Let's see... is it Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David, back thirty years ago?
MK: It's not them, Bob! But you're right that it's from many years ago.
RW: Are these guys more the political type?
MK: You could say that, Bob.
RW: Is it... is the one on the left George W. Bush during his administration and the one on the right Karl Rove?
MK: Closer, Bob! But they're not actual politicians. And they're not neocons.
RW: Oh, I see. So if they weren't neocons, is it possible that one of them happen to vote for Trump twice?
MK: I'll give you a hint, Bob: this photo is to commemorate the end of an era that has arrived this week.
RW: Wait a minute... [mock moment of realization] Is that us, Mickey?
MK: It's us, Bob! From almost 18 years ago, when we started having conversations on your channel.
RW: But... but how can those guys possibly be me and you? Look at those baby faces, and such dark hair...
MK: It's called aging, Bob! I'd say you should try it sometime, except, well, judging from the photo and your face as it appears now, it, uh, it looks like you have. [awkward grin at having successfully reached a spontaneous punchline of sorts]
RW: [unperturbed] Yeah, you got me there, Mickey. You know who else has tried aging? I'll give you a hint: he has a little more power and influence than you or I do, Mickey. And I've been harping on him for a while.
MK: Elon Musk isn't getting that old.
RW: [visible exasperation] I'm talking about Joe Biden, Mickey! I noted three more moments of the past week that highlight his senility, which I'd be happy to describe to you, but since this is our final episode, I'd rather just take my last opportunity to ask, is it still not too late to get him off the Democratic ticket?
MK: Since last week I've developed a new theory about that, Bob, about a plan that possibly could work for getting him to step down, one that I don't think anyone else has considered, Bob. It involves coercing him to take a seat on the Supreme Court, after removing one of the current justices by invoking a constitutional clause that hasn't been recognized since eighteen--
RW: Let me stop you right there, Mickey: does this idea of yours end with Kamala Harris taking his place?
MK: [a bit sheepishly] Uh, yeah.
RW: Because I may not have made myself clear the last dozen weeks I've brought this up, but my one condition to go with Biden not running for reelection is that I don't want Kamala Harris on the ticket either. Geez, is that too much to ask?
MK: Well then I don't think I can help you, Bob. But I'm sure I can come up with some other clever idea in time for next week's conversation.
RW: There isn't going to be an episode next week, Mickey! Today was our last chance to get Biden and Harris out of the race!
MK: Well, there are enough problems right now where Biden is concerned. Something really came to a head for him this week, and it vindicates me on something I've been railing against for quite some time. One of my favorite topics, actually.
RW: Could it possibly be the Child Tax Credit, Mickey?
MK: No, it's not the Child Tax Credit. Why would anything that happened with the Biden administration this past week have anything to do with the Child Tax Credit? Although I'm happy to discuss that as much as you like, even though it's not on our planned list of topics, Bob. I thought of half a dozen more points I wanted to make right after the last time you actually let me talk about it, which I --
RW: I can't even remember the when the last time was...
MK: Exactly my point, Bob! And yet, from back whenever that was, I do still remember just a few more arguments I wanted to make --
RW: [hastily interrupting him] Wait, don't you have another favorite topic, Mickey? Oh yeah: the influx of undocumented immigrants?
MK: [eagerly, with a smile] You got it, Bob! Undocumented immigrants and how they're driving down wages of decent working Americans!
RW: [with obvious sarcasm] Oh right, I had almost forgotten what your views on that were! That's right, now it makes sense again, that's why you voted for Trump twice, never mind him being a visible menace to our democracy...
MK: Right, uh, well, uh, it looks like Biden is going to be forced to take up Trump's policies on the immigration issue, due to the unprecedented influx of illegal immigrants into big cities full of his voting base. Guess who's talking about building a wall now?
RW: Well I potentially have a lot of strong counterarguments to make to the thesis that I know you're driving at, Mickey, but I don't think our listeners really want to be treated to the dry conversation that would ensue. The important point is, you voted for Trump twice, even though he's a threat to our democracy; let that be put into the record.
Now, I say one of us comes up with some sort of segue to the war in Ukraine.
[awkward silence]
MK: Well, it's not my job to get us onto the war in Ukraine, Bob.
RW: Shall I just dive into it then? I can talk for the next twenty minutes about something going on in the Donbas, and in Kyiv, and name several other places, and bring up the ground hardening for the winter, and how Russia can replace its troops much more easily than Ukraine can, and how Biden should be urging Zelensky to pursue peace talks, and so on, provided you're willing to nod along and interject with an empty comment or two to keep the conversation flowing. Are you feeling up for that?
MK: Sure, Bob! It's always relaxing, listening to you talk about Ukraine and nodding my head and jumping in with occasional comments and questions without really having to know what we're talking about. But do our listeners really want twenty minutes of that on our last episode ever?
[continuing with sincerity] We could have a very engaging conversation instead about the unacceptable shortcomings of the Child Tax Credit. I think I already suggested that actually, and mentioned that I came up with several more shortcomings.
RW: [gazing at the ceiling] Please, let's end on anything but the Child Tax Credit. Anything, Mickey.
MK: How about amnesty bills for illegal immigrants, then?
RW: Okay, you know what? That's the alarm, to remind us to wrap it up. [No alarm is heard, but he is glancing over at a supposed object sitting just off-screen.]
MK: You set it to go off awfully soon, Bob.
RW: Yeah well, I'd forgotten that I wanted to make this last episode short and sweet. It's our final Parrot Room afterwards that the subscribers are really excited about, after all.
MK: Do you know what I think, Bob? I think you decided on the spot to pretend that the alarm went off, because you didn't like the way the conversation was going. Do you know what I just employed there? Your favorite skill, cognitive empathy, Bob!
RW: That's not really what cognitive empathy is about, Mickey. Or the type of thing it should be applied to. But I understand, even if I don't approve, of where you're coming from here: you hear me bringing up the importance of cognitive empathy from time to time, and you couldn't pass up a potential opportunity to show me that you understand and care about the concept too, especially if it helps deflect from the fact that you voted for Trump in both his elections. And this is a natural tendency that you and others have and I should learn to expect in the future. See what I just did there, Mickey?
MK: [with half a grin] Right. Well. Do you have your list of Parrot Room topics, Bob? I have mine. [picks up half a novel's worth of sheets of handwritten notes and starts riffling through it]
RW: Yeah, well I have both of mine up here. [points to head] Want to give a run-down of everything you got?
MK: If we go through all of these, we'll have spent more than half of this conversation on what we're going to cover in the Parrot Room, Bob.
RW: Oh, well I suppose that's right. At least, given how much detail you put into describing your topics, so that I always have to stop you from completely spoiling your takes on them right away and thus rendering the Parrot Room superfluous.
MK: It doesn't matter, Bob! It's too late for newcomers to subscribe anyway, and it's our very last Parrot Room so our current subscribers are excited about it regardless!
RW: Now once again I want to make sure listeners are clear on the fact that this YouTube channel will remain as active as ever, and I'll still be having conversations every Friday night, just with other people who are not Mickey. Because Mickey here had to attend to other projects of his, projects that are so important. Which is perfectly all right.
MK: [with a loyal, slightly strained grin] That's right, he'll be talking to much more worthwhile conversation partners than me.
RW: [matter-of-factly] Exactly, my Friday podcast guests are going to be much better than Bob here. And hardly any of them will have voted for Trump even once... [holding up a solemn index finger towards the camera]... that's how high-quality my future Friday guests will be. Anyway, I don't think our listeners really want to hear us discuss actual issues in the Parrot Room this last time, Mickey, any more than they wanted to hear us discuss actual issues in our final episode.
MK: That's right, Bob, they just wanted to hear us spar and jab at each other. And I think we delivered, Bob!
RW: I think I delivered on this, Mickey, and you... Well, I suppose you delivered on this about to the extent that you usually do.
MK: [the strained grin momentarily returns] And there's another blow! Well, I guess it's time to head to the Parrot Room, where what the subscribers really want to hear is our reminiscences about the last 18 years, and how much we'll miss talking to each other.
RW: [very dryly] Oh I'll miss talking to you, Mickey. I might actually cry in the Parrot Room. Tears may be shed. I may, in fact, weep.
MK: I actually had a point I wanted to make, a take on one of your superficial attributes I'll miss the most from our conversations, Bob: the uniquely whiny, nasally quality of your voice.
RW: Didn't we already discuss this, Mickey? I thought we came to the conclusion that, although it had been agreed upon by scientists that my voice is the most whiny and nasally among all human voices, a certain presidential candidate --
MK: They did a further study, Bob, with an audio analysis, and showed that the previous conclusion was correct after all, that even Ron DeSantis' nasally voice is no match --
RW: [hastily interrupting] There you go again, giving away Parrot Room material to those who haven't paid for it! Anyway, I'm sure that all of this is motivated by your desire to take superlatives away from DeSantis, since he's running against your superlative bestie, Donald Trump.
MK: Since when is Trump my bestie, Bob?
RW: Perhaps our listeners are unaware, but you voted for him both in 2016 and in 2020, Mickey...
MK: That's right, but, uh, our listeners may not realize that it's not as though I actually ever liked Trump, I was mainly concerned about Congress not being able to pass an amnesty bill...
RW: ...even after Trump refused to promise that he would accept election results...
MK: ...and actually, uh, the thing is, I was making a calculation based on an average of predictions for the number of House and Senate seats the Republicans would take, and if I'd known that Republicans would gain so many House seats, there's actually a chance, uh, Bob, that I may have voted for, I dunno, someone else! [a little feverishly] It's the Amnesty Bill, Bob, the Amnesty Bill would be the very undoing of our country, and sometimes you have to choose between the lesser of two --
RW: [ignoring MK] Okay everyone, we're heading to the Parrot Room for some very intriguing and exclusive content, as always. Something much more interesting than Mickey's opinions on amnesty. Patreon-dot-com-slash-parrotroom.
MK: [taking out his toy parrot and speaking into its microphone] Down with the Child Tax Credit and with amnesty! Forever and ever!
PARROT: [in a high-pitched rendering of MK's voice, flapping its wings] Down with the Child Tax Credit and with amnesty! Forever and ever!
RW: See you in the Parrot Room!
[The screens flicker and blip off, for the very last time.]
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niceinchnails · 1 year
The Simpsons Characters
The Simpsons and relatives Homer Simpson • Marge Simpson • Bart Simpson • Lisa Simpson • Maggie Simpson Santa's Little Helper • Snowball II • Abraham Simpson • Patty Bouvier • Selma Bouvier • Mona Simpson • Jacqueline Bouvier • Ling Bouvier • Herb Powell Around Springfield Jasper Beardly • Comic Book Guy • Barney Gumble • Maude Flanders • Ned Flanders • Professor Frink • Gil Gunderson • Julius Hibbert • Lionel Hutz • Helen Lovejoy • Reverend Timothy Lovejoy • Captain Horatio McCallister • Akira • Hans Moleman • Marvin Monroe • Bleeding Gums Murphy • Apu Nahasapeemapetilon • Mayor Joe Quimby • Dr. Nick Riviera • Agnes Skinner • Cletus Spuckler • Disco Stu • Squeaky-Voiced Teen • Moe Szyslak • Sam and Larry • Kirk Van Houten • Luann Van Houten • Clancy Wiggum • Eddie • Lou • Crazy Cat Lady • Lindsey Naegle • Cookie Kwan • Wiseguy • Brandine Spuckler • The Yes Guy • Sanjay Nahasapeemapetilon • Blue-haired Lawyer • Judge Roy Snyder • Rich Texan • Luigi Risotto • Old Jewish Man • Mrs. Glick Media Personalities Itchy & Scratchy • Kent Brockman • Krusty the Clown • Troy McClure • Sideshow Mel • Rainier Wolfcastle | Arnie Pye • Radioactive Man • Duffman • Bumblebee Man • Bill and Marty • Drederick Tatum • Mr. Teeny • Scott Christian • Booberella • Gabbo • Lurleen Lumpkin • Celebrities Springfield Elementary School faculty and students Superintendant Chalmers • Seymour Skinner • Edna Krabappel • Elizabeth Hoover • Groundskeeper Willie • Otto Mann • Lunchlady Doris • Dewey Largo • Dr. J. Loren Pyror • Milhouse Van Houten • Ralph Wiggum • Nelson Muntz • Martin Prince • Rod Flanders • Todd Flanders • Sherri and Terri • Wendell Borton • Database • Jimbo Jones • Kearney Zzyzwicz • Dolph Starbeam • Üter Zörker • Janey Powell • Lewis • Richard • Bashir bin Laden Springfield Nuclear Power Plant Charles Montgomery Burns • Waylon Smithers • Carl Carlson • Lenny Leonard • Charlie • Blinky Villains Snake Jailbird • Kang & Kodos • Herman • Sideshow Bob • Fat Tony • Frankie the Squealer • Johnny Tightlips • Legs and Louie Families The Simpsons • The Bouviers • The Flanders • The Van Houtens • The Wiggums Miscellaneous Fictional characters • One-Time Characters • LGBT characters • Parodied celebrities • Animals
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alexi-01 · 1 year
max: says lando could win a championship given the right car, always talking about how he would choose him if he had to create his own f1 team
nando: calls lando a rockstar, has nothing but praise for him after being on the same team for the daytona 24 hours
lewis: has repeatedly been complimentary of lando's driving when they have battled each other on track
basically every WDC on the grid rates him and you still have f1 fans trying to say he's not actually good, only has a seat because his dad pays mclaren's bills, only outperformed daniel due to favoritism, etc. etc. absolutely wild to me how people who sit at home watching races through a screen think they're better judges of talent than the drivers who actually compete with him
so true bestie preach 🙏🏻
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foreverlogical · 9 months
“Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever,” was Alabama Gov. George Wallace’s (D) pledge in 1963. It would be great if attitudes like that were buried long ago in the landfill of racist history. But looking at Alabama today, it can feel like not much has changed. 
Taking a page right out of Wallace’s 60-year-old playbook, Republican state legislators are fighting back against a direct order from the Supreme Court to redraw racially gerrymandered electoral maps that disadvantage Black voters.  
The legislature dragged its feet and finally responded to the court’s June ruling in Allen v. Milligan by submitting a new map with one hitch — legislators freely admit that it doesn’t meet the requirements for an additional majority-Black district. Earlier this month, judges on a federal district court panel threw out the new map and made a point of writing that they were “deeply troubled” by the legislators’ deliberate nose-thumbing.  
That was good news. But these Alabama lawmakers clearly think they can win by losing, because now they can appeal to the Supreme Court again. The Alabama House Speaker, unafraid to say the quiet part out loud, declared that since the court’s ruling against them last time was 5-4, “there’s just one judge” that needs to “see something different” for them to win this time around. 
Meanwhile, a federal court is ordering that yet another district map be drawn up by a special master and a cartographer. (When was the last time you heard of a cartographer?) The dispute sends the state's redistricting process back almost to square one. And if it isn’t resolved in time, elections could eventually go forward under the old, discriminatory map.  
And if anybody thought Alabama was alone in trying to turn back the clock, Florida has jumped into the fray. Just days before the federal court in Alabama rejected the legislature’s new map, a state judge in Florida nixed a redistricting plan there. That plan also would disenfranchise Black voters. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) is its biggest fan.   
Other states, including Louisiana, Georgia, South Carolina and Texas, are embroiled in court cases over their maps, too.   
There are probably plenty of people who will brush this off as “just politics.” But for millions of 
Americans, this is personal. And painful. 
A couple of weeks ago I had the honor to speak at the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington. I’m a millennial, and in my speech, I told the crowd what I know in my heart: that my entire life was made possible by the people who fought 60 years ago for me. To see voting rights under attack again all these years later is a gut punch. 
So we do what civil rights advocates did decades ago, and we fight. Back in the 1960s, the remedy was federal legislation. It can be again; there have been two bills in Congress recently that are designed to protect voting rights against attacks, including redistricting abuses like the ones we’re seeing in places like Alabama and Florida. These bills, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act, came really close to passing as a package before GOP opposition and failure to reform the filibuster killed them in the Senate last year.   
But that doesn’t mean giving up; the Freedom to Vote Act was reintroduced by Democrats in July. The John Lewis Act will be, too, as its sponsor Rep. Terri Sewell (D-Ala.) says she plans a reintroduction. Sewell, of course, is from Alabama — the eye of the storm.  
And while there might not be much chance that the current GOP-controlled House will do the right thing on voting rights — not when Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) falsely compares the latest Alabama map scheme to redistricting in New York —  we keep fighting.   
We can thank the courts for handing voters a partial victory with rulings against racist maps. But the real victory needs to come next November when we go to the polls with a clear focus: Only vote for those who will protect our voting rights. 
 Svante Myrick is president of People for the American Way.   
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bhgjsstuff · 1 year
Jeffersonian Project
Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe were the three Jeffersonian presidents. Between the years of 1801, and 1816 (15 years), they each served in turn.
Thomas Jefferson:
Thomas Jefferson became involved in politics while promoting England's independence.He produced a number of political writings, but the initial draft of the Declaration of Independence is what made him most well-known. He was the author of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, which distinguished between state and church and later became a state statute.
He decreased the strength of the armed forces and the national debt during his first tenure as president. His most significant accomplishment was the expansion of the president's authority. During the Louisiana Purchase, this took place. He also ordered Lewis and Clark to go on an expedition to explore the uncharted land. Jefferson had bought the land in defiance of Congress' disapproval.
As a result of Jefferson's actions, Congress approved the acquisition and passed laws to keep the land. The United States Constitution does not specifically mention the President's authority to sanction the acquisition of land, but it is inferred by the President's authority to create treaties, exceeding the scope of the President's powers. By deploying American warships in place of paying pirates not to attack and by enhancing the president's authority, he put an end to the problem of piracy.
While serving a second term as president, Jefferson did not achieve the same level of success as his first tenure. Actually, he made poor choices during this period that had an impact on the economy and reduced exports to Europe. He donated some of his personal volumes to the federal government, and thus provided the Library of Congress with its initial funding.
Jefferson would be the first to abuse the Executive Branch's authority.He would not expressly violate the Constitution, but he did things that impliedly fell under other authorities.Additionally, he would demonstrate the nation's capability to repel pirates. He named those who held opposing viewpoints, even to his own, when he was president.
The third president of the United States (1801–1809), Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826), was also a physicist, architect, farmer, mathematician, musician, judge, and author. In Virginia, Jefferson was conceived into a prosperous farming family. He completed a legal education, and in 1774 he published "The Rights of British America."
Jefferson represented Virginia as a delegate to the Continental Congress (the Colonial Assembly before, during, and after the War of Independence) between 1775 and 1776. Jefferson prepared the draft Declaration of freedom in 1776, the same year that his fellow countryman and coup leader George Washington declared the colonies' freedom.
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James Madison:
He oversaw the Louisiana Purchase while serving as Secretary of State. "The father of the Constitution" would be James Monroe. He was the author of the Virginia Plan's general framework. His notes served as the foundation for the Constitution. He had a significant role in the founding of both the Republican Party and the Bill of Rights. He supported the 1807 European embargo, which hurt the country's economy.
He forbade trade with Britain and France while he was president. At first, the Congress did not approve of this, but subsequently, they gave their consent. This was his first deed as president of the Jeffersonians. Beyond what was established in the Constitution, he exceeded the president's powers.Madison engaged in combat with the British as well, but because the nation's army had shrunk, they were defeated and Washington was overrun by the British.
He contributed to the founding of the University of Virginia after leaving politics. He nevertheless kept offering his ideas and opinions to those who were more engaged.
Biography: The fourth president of the United States (1809–1816) and Father of the Constitution, James Madison (1751–1836), participated in the drafting of the United States Constitution.Virginia is where James Madison was born. James and Eleanor Conway Madison's oldest child.
He was raised on his father's plantation in Orange County, Virginia's Metnaplyer. His early education was informal, and he didn't start going to school until he was 12 years old. He started his history, government, and law studies at New Jersey College (now Princeton University) in 1769. He returned to his father's estate after completing his studies (1771). He was depressed and in poor health at the time, and he spent a lot of time reading and learning about literature, law, and theology.
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James Monroe:
He assisted in the negotiations for the Louisiana Purchase and supported Jeffersonian policies.He was chosen as President in 1816.He made unorthodox presidential choices by appointing John Quincy Adams, from the North, as Secretary of State, and Calhoun, from the South, as Secretary of War for his cabinet.
The "Monroe Doctrine" was developed by Monroe. He feared Spain would make an effort to reclaim its previous land.He would ensure that Spain or any other European nation would not view America as a place to colonize.This was done to protect the freedom and independence that the nation had fought so hard to achieve from stronger nations.
During his administration, the Missouri Compromise came into force.Initially, Monroe forbade Missouri's admission to the Union as a "slave state" because "slave states" and "freestates" were both evenly represented and neither wanted the other side to hold a majority.Missouri was not granted entry until it joined with Maine.
Florida was taken from Spain in 1821, and Monroe was in charge of that as well.This followed the territory's invasion at the president's express request.The end effect was the same, despite the fact that this caused some issues.Florida would thereafter join the Union.
When the American War of Independence began in 1775, Monroe departed and enlisted in the American colonial army. He was given an officer position in the Third Battalion of the Virginia Colony.He was moved to George Washington's aide after suffering a wound during one of the conflicts, who issued him a letter of recommendation saying: "At every moment he has maintained the reputation of a courageous, active and active officer." He returned to Virginia in 1779, where he had been authorized to put up a volunteer unit. When its establishment was canceled, he ceased his military career. His regiment had been stationed near New York. He afterwards worked as Thomas Jefferson's assistant while also attending law school. Monroe made the decision to get involved in public life as a result of Jefferson, who later on served as his buddy and advisor.
Biography: 5th President of the United States (1816–1824) James Monroe (1758–1831) Both the domestic political climate of the US and its contacts with other nations during the Monroe presidency were relatively tranquil. The time was referred to as the Era of Good Feeling because of this. Virginia's Westmoreland County is where James Monroe was born. one of the five kids born to Welshwoman Elizabeth Jones and Scottish father Spence Monroe. His father was a professional carpenter.
James Monroe had to walk many miles to school every morning because his family resided on a small farm in Westmoreland County that was near a forest. He attended William and Mary College (also known as College of William and Mary) for his formal education.
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Bemis, Samuel Flagg. “James Monroe | Biography, Presidency, & Facts.” Encyclopædia Britannica, 2019, www.britannica.com/biography/James-Monroe.
Brant, Irving. “James Madison | Biography, Founding Father, & Presidency.” Encyclopædia Britannica, 26 Oct. 2018, www.britannica.com/biography/James-Madison.
“Thomas Jefferson’s Political Career and Accomplishments as the U.S. President | Britannica.” Www.britannica.com, www.britannica.com/summary/Thomas-Jefferson.‌
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
US APARTHEID 2023- HELLO MISSISSIPPI WE WATCHING YOU: Mississippi GOP passes ‘apartheid’ bill to create unelected courts system in majority-Black capital of Jackson
Mississippi’s Republican-controlled House voted on Tuesday to create a separate court system composed of unelected leaders and an expanded police force in the capital of Jackson.
The proposal, HB 1020, has been put forth by its GOP backers as a measure to increase public safety and reduce backlogs in the courts, but local leaders have argued the measure is a power grab from the state’s largely conservative, white legislature against the majority Black population of Jackson.
“Only in Mississippi would we have a bill like this … where we say solving the problem requires removing the vote from Black people,” Rep Ed Blackmon, a Democrat, said at the legislature on Tuesday.
He added that the measure, which would allow state officials to appoint judges and prosecutors instead of the usual local process of electing them, wouldn’t do anything to reduce crime.
"I notice that this bill does not address part of the problem, which is lack of funding at that crime lab. You’re blaming Jackson because they can’t process their cases fast enough because the crime lab is not operating at capacity because we won’t give them the money," he added.
Last week, Chokwe Antar Lumumba, the mayor of Jackson, said HB 1020 "reminds me of apartheid."
The Jackson City Council, including the sole Republican present, Ashby Foote, voted on Saturday for a resolution opposing the bill, according to the Mississippi Clarion Ledger.
Rep Trey Lamar, a Republican from Senatobia, 175 miles outside of Jackson, defended the bill on Tuesday, saying it would make the capital safer.
"I don’t know what you’ve heard, I’ll say that, but this bill is designed to help make our capital city of Mississippi a safer city,” he said. “This bill is designed to assist the court system of Hinds County, not to hinder it. It is designed to add to our judicial resources in Hinds County, not to take away. To help, not to hurt.”
The capital has indeed struggled with public safety.
According to a 2022 report from the state auditor, Mississippi has had the highest homicide rate of any state in the country since 2018, with more homicides per capita in Jackson than any other major metropolitan area in the country in 2021.
The state, like numerous other cities, has also struggled with what community residents argue is excessive police force.
Last month, family members of Jaylen Lewis, who was killed by police last fall during a traffic stop, called for a federal investigation into the Capitol Police, who would get millions in new funding under HB 1020.
Few details have been released about the shooting, but the officers involved are on administrative leave and the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation is probing the case
As WLBT reports, the Capitol Police have fired on civilians four times in the last five months, more than any other Mississippi law enforcement agency in the last year.
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Full name: Allen Lewis Carol
Other names: Curious one (Grim), le Roi Fou (Rook), Bun-Bun (Riddle and when he refers himself to Riddle)
Gender: Nonbinary (he/they)
Age: 18
Birthday: July 26th
Height:  167.64 cm (5'6)
Eye color: Lapis Blue
Hair color: Honey Blond
Homeland: Queendom of Roses
Family: Mother, Mr. Rosehearts (father), Mrs. Rosehearts (step-mother), Riddle Rosehearts (younger half brother)
School Year: 2nd year
Class: 2-E
Occupation: Students, Dorm Leader of Mirror Garden
Club: Forest Exploring
Best Subject: Animal Care
Dominant hand: Right
Favorite food: Strawberry Milk and Cookies
Least Favorite Food: Pineapple Cookies
Dislikes: People hurting Riddle, people hurting Bill, people judging others, when he gets caught, his bio dad and step mother
Hobby: Art and exploring
Talents: Convincing people he's doing good and nothing mischievous
Fun Fact: He has a Unique Magic called "Through The Looking Glass" where he can make portals taking you were your heart desires most, and he mastered this spell after being separated from Riddle all this time and wants to make him smile
Bio: Allen was born out of wedlock by a well known magic user and a bookshop owner, before his father married a woman from a higher status instead. His mother wanted him to be strong and wise and perfect to get back at the two who made their family struggling so he began to study a lot over the years. After two years Riddle, his half brother, was born and Allen swore to be beside him and make him happy that very day. They were very close until Mrs. Rosehearts pushed her beliefs and studies onto Riddle harshly. Allen mastered his unique magic to make portals to go to Riddle or help Riddle sneak out to see his friends as well as he worked hard on his studies and keep his promise of making Riddle smile.
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