#join this trash!fam PLS
rcdiostcrs · 8 months
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i kinda wanna make eleven an actual character...
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mrlsmckinnon · 6 years
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this is a request for eleanor (margot) and cecelia’s (alicia) half-siblings!!!! 
long story short: robert mulligan was a serial cheater, hobert if u will. he travelled a LOT for work which meant that he was very rarely home. he left cecelia’s mom for ellie’s mum; they remarried and moved to america and thought everything was pretty and picture perfect... which it was until six months ago. 
robert died suddenly of a heart attack and, after his death, all of his kids came out of the woodwork. five of them, to be exact!!! turned out robert had been conducting a nice number of affairs over the years and managed to (somehow) keep all of them separate... until they all showed up for his funeral, obviously. 
now all of the kids are in town together and... trying to get to know one another? but it’s awkward??? af??? robert was a relatively decent dad who was probs absent a lot of the time but when he was there he was great. he was just a total trashbag and none of the kids knew until... now lmao. cue existential crises. 
honestly everything is up in the air for them! it’d be cute if a couple were maybe actual siblings?? but if not, that’s chill too. ages are open and could overlap tbh some could be older, some the same age??? (i’ll list them in the order they come in so pls feel like you can make someone older than those listed!!) and pbs are open - we’d love to have a few poc pbs but !!!! make a mulligan. they can have different surnames (if they took their moms obvs) and just join us for this Absolute Shit Show. you can hmu on discord if you have any more questions!! irene#0856 JUST PLS MAKE ONE. 
warren pierce, 36, chris pine, played by layne cecelia mulligan, 32, alicia vikander, played by betty eleanor mulligan-armstrong, 31, margot robbie, played by irene --- mulligan, 26, zayn malik, played by cora --- mulligan, open --- mulligan, open --- mulligan, open
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eeveecrmchl · 4 years
feat: @eeveecrmchl​ & @acxnyc​ & @colt--park​ & @kingsborojo​ & @samuelburton​ & @shea-morgan​
summary: very important band meeting
tw: nsfw ish? orgy talk by the end
Shea: [ link ] i want to cover this no cap or .... all star
Aly: i want to say that the former would get more listens and attention but somehow with the fanbase i just know all star would be the winner
Eevee: we need to cosplay as shriek shrek
Shea: i call being shrek i think we should do both songs tho give em some whip lash
Eevee: fairy god mother or death for me also yes but we gotta do a costume change like right after rupaul drag race ruveal style
Shea: why can't shrek just sing some ava max?
Aly: i mean, i should shut it down, but i have a feeling it'd go over way too well
Shea: just dump some glitter on my swamp suit
Eevee: I’m down with that but if the glitter covers my baby I will start swinging aly we need promos for this
Aly: i don't even know where to start on promos for this
Eevee: sexy shrek flyers
Aly: the fbi already has to be incredibly concerned with my internet search history so this honestly wouldn't surprise them i'll get right on it
Eevee: that’s hot
Shea: whos your baby fam
Eevee: lucinda
Jo: Anybody wanna hang?
Eevee: wya mamas
Shea: I thought somethin slipped
Eevee: excuse you I cover the stump before I hump
Aly: just about gave me a stroke there
Eevee: aly pls I can barely take care of myself
Aly: i know that's why i was concerned
Eevee: ...you weren’t supposed to agree rude
Aly: would you rather i lie to you
Eevee: for my ego yes
Aly: sorry, let me try again, 'eevee what do you mean? you'd be a great mother!'
Shea: blinks
Eevee: dude I know right
Shea: [ image ]
Aly: believe me that hurt me to type out
Shea: nice talking to you jo... come back soon
Colt: I-
Sam: you take one nap and all of a sudden eevee's pregnant, aly's having a stroke, and shea is shrek.
Colt: I don't even know what's happening.
Shea: hey! That’s sparkly shrek to you
Sam: right, i'm sorry i missed that very important distinction sparkly shrek. will not happen again i think it would be kind of fun to like, dump a shit ton of glitter on my drum heads. that's be pretty fucking cool.
Shea: heck yeah
Eevee: let's glitter bomb the crowd or will we get arrested
Sam: we might not get asked back to the venue but that's a problem for aly
Shea: is that a crime?
Aly: it’s not a crime but sams right the venue probably won’t allow you back for trashing it with glitter
Eevee: okay bec there's this lady with sam's face on her neck that i just wanna pOW
Sam: god
Shea: on her neck?
Sam: that's like... the worst place to get a tattoo of someone else's face other than your own fac face*
Eevee: i would've respected her more
Shea: I’m going to get tour face tattooed on my ass cheek I’ll show her who the real fan is
Aly: y’know i really shouldn’t have to say this but if you’re going to glitter bomb do not aim it at your fans necks
Sam: that would be acceptable. at least i don't have to see it
Shea: what are you talking about? Of course you’ll see it
Sam :right, all the time, when we're doing the do on colt's new couch
Shea: it’s perfect, you can slap my ass and your own face at the same time
Sam: it's like that thing where people like looking in the mirror when they're having sex but so, so much worse
Shea: oh god I take it back
Colt: are you saying you've never looked in a mirror while having sex? it's empowering
Shea: I never said that
Eevee: I get more turned on with myself ngl
Shea: I just realized how weird it would be for Sam to look at his face while we do the dirty on your couch again
Colt: well you're not, so.
Eevee: colt JUST replaced it
Colt: sure did
Shea: let’s see how long before theres a new one
Colt: well maybe you two are banned from being over unless I'm in the room.
Shea: .... are you saying that you wanna join or supervise
Eevee: ...is it is it happening is the band finally forming an orgy
Shea: In your dreams miss “band fam is strictly platonic”
Eevee: you can have platonic sex wym
Shea: mhm sure
Colt: i vote no on band orgy
Sam: sorry, eve. looks like it's at least 3 against 1.
Eevee: boo
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ofdaeseong · 5 years
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           is that a bird or a plane ? nah, it’s just IM DAESEONG. word on the street is that the TWENTY-SIX year old, CISMALE, looks an awful lot like MATTHEW KIM (BM). known to be AFFECTIONATE and KIND HEARTED, yet also COMPETITIVE and IMPULSIVE; they associate themselves with bloody hands from fighting, takes no shit, constantly has an extra helmet for his motorcycle, and a teddy bear disguised as a lion.
ok so daeseong was born in daegu but moved to los angeles at the age of 3, so he was americanised a LOT,, for the longest time, he spoke english better than korean and it was like that until he returned permanently to korea at the age of 14
they were always back and forth between the two over the years, but he still spent the majority of time in the states
they originally moved to los angeles because of his father’s job – he was a producer for a big network and he got an opportunity in america so they took off !! the network got shut down years and years later and daeseong’s dad was like LOL YEET and moved the fam back to korea !!
baby daeseong was v much full of energy and his parents tried putting him in a number of things – singing wasn’t for him, dancing was alright, but he still couldn’t remember the moves good enough, and instruments just weren’t his thing either – he did play piano, but that was thanks to years and years of practice. but anything else thrown his way wasn’t his thing.
his parents put him into american football to begin with,, and they learned quick enough that dae was also a pretty angry kid so he wasn’t afraid to run hEAD FIRST INTO PEOPLE
and so that’s the thing that got him put into boxing and ofc he thrived there,, he was taught so much and told to calm himself down,, it wasn’t aLL about fighting and he absolutely fell in love with it !! remember i mentioned he was alright at dancing???? that just helped him with his footwork in fighting
talking about falling in love with things, he fell in love with jinae and rory pretty quickly when he met the pair – they always seemed to make him smile, and as a quiet, aggressive kid, it definitely helped him a lot.
so like i said before he returned to korea at 14
he joined another gym there and life took off for lil dae !!! by that point he had been boxing for eight years, and those eight years led up to him attending and fighting in the 2008 beijing olympics – he didn’t win a medal, but he did do well enough where everyone was talking about him and would be keeping their eye on him for the next four years after that to see if he would be competing again
and he did !! he competed in the london 2012 olympics and thats when he brought a medal home for south korea in boxing at the age of 19 !!! he placed second after losing out to the united states,,, but ofc he was a lil happy about them winning bc he considers there a second home
because of the success, he was invited on a few variety shows and created an impression there too – granted that was back in 2012-2013, but he’s not interested in all of that now.. he prefers to let his work speak for himself
after his win, he opened up his own boxing gym so he could start teaching younger people, and those who were less fortunate so they could learn how to properly fight and fight for a sport, rather than anything else. it’s something he’s very proud of, and a place that has grown and grown through the years since late 2013-early 2014
ofc he competed in the 2016 olympics in rio and came home with a bronze medal,,, which BUMMED HIM TF OUT but he still took it as an honour – after that, he just had a few title fights here and there but he did absolutely nothing in 2017 concerning boxing, which had people questioning what was happening with daeseong
he decided to enlist to the military in may 2017 and served with the marines for 21 months. he’ll easily tell anyone that it’s the hardest thing he’s ever done, more so than fighting.
he got out in february of 2019 and instantly jumped back into his gym and into training again
he’s waiting for the right time to schedule a fight,, he knows he isn’t up to his standard that he was once at but he does want to get back into the ring for a legit fight
and it’s something a lot of people are waiting for since his return from the military
even more so, he wants that gold medal from the olympics before its too late,,, but gearing up for 2020 seems TOO SOON and waiting until 2024 is too long so he’s v v v v conflicted
he’s a real sweetheart despite doing something scary lol wants nothing but the best for people, always there to lend a hand, always there to help absolutely anyone around him
he’s v blind but always wears contacts so no one even knows about it lol he refuses to wear glasses just bc he feels like he looks v nerdy with them and got teased as a kid pretty bad !!! he’d only wear them in the morning or if he was spending all day in house
he has a lil pungsan puppy called byeol and he is v soft for that damn dog !! ask him about his puppy pls he’ll talk like it’s his damn child !!!
has a little sister called daeun,,, also would do anything for her or fight anybody
absolutely covered in tattoos -- legs, chest arms,, im eventually gonna figure out what he has,, he’s eventually gonna get his back and neck done too bc why the hell nOT
he’s kinda weird when people are fans of him as a boxer just bc he’s not used to it and he thinks he’s pretty normal !! so when people are like jUST WATCHED YOUR LAST FIGHT AND IT WAS AWESOME !!! he’d be like ,,,, cool :-) thank you !! JASDHFGDHS
DIY KING !!! he loves making headboards, tables,,, all that sHIT !! WE LOVE A MANLY MAN
his boxing nickname is ‘saja’ which is basically korean for lion so he will absolutely answer to that if someone yells it in the street at him lmao
he’s a girl group kpop stan n loves all that bubblegum kpop,,, ask him to dance to a twice song bc he’ll be able to do it ( also ps,,,,, stan weki meki thank u )
a Big Momma’s boy !!!1
always double ties his shoelaces just bc it’s such a routine for him
he’s not a big trash talker but like,,,, he’ll do it if he has to !!! kinda basing him off a fighter from where i’m from so he’ll have lil elements of him~ but he’s always respectful to opponents,, unless he has to step it up and make them terrified lmao
loves animated movies pls he’s a big kid in a 6′2″ man’s body 
still rocks grey sweatpants like,,,,, 95% of the time !! try getting him to wear something else bc it wont happen unless hes actually TRYING to look good
tbh i’m down for anything in terms of connections,, dae could obv do with a male/nb bestie tbh, someone he can talk to when he can’t speak to the girls in his life !! a past relationship who would have supported him before things obv went south ( it would have been like three/four years ago too tbh), family friends -- someone who is a friend of his little sister, maybe someone who is a fan of him fighting?? someone who has a kid or relative in his fighting programme for kids??? IDK YALL GIVE ME ANYTHING
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swearronchanel · 5 years
Well, damn
the girls looking so good 😭😍💖 fashion queens
“Sometimes, we simply see each other through fresh eyes and there’s joy it in”
The Turner’s poppin bottles in the house
I still love Mother Mildred she’s wild
Poor sister Frances, literally the new sister Winnifred 🤦🏼‍♀️
Now she’ll have her “first birth experience” and will have the “I’m a midwife, I can do it” epiphany lmao
Sister Hilda has some good lines lol
Hard boiled eggs yum 😂😂 LMAO ew who wants that as an appetizer or hor d’oeuvre
aw there’s baby teddy, the writers remembered his existence this time
small dry sherry pls
Set aside the bottles we are popping birth control pills ladies, on the daily so they work
violet is me in some situations like great idea but who is paying? 😂😂
I love sister Monica Joan
Does England have any gold Olympic medals? 😂 no shade I’m just curious
Silver is still good lol but sister MJ ain’t about it
I would like to join the Phyllis Crane fan club thanks
Ofc they were right there’s like single young moms every other episode
So she’s got an STD
Are we guessing her husband is cheating? Cause I am
I want some chips even tho I still can’t used to calling them chips
YAS Mother Mildred Lmaoo tell sister J about it
Sister J has been pushed the side this series and then they give her a time to make a point and nothing lmao, the same lines she said 3 series ago about the pill
I’m offended write sister J better pls
Val spilling family tea
Her poor grandmother tho 💔 so glad a lot has changed in 60 years (even tho more still needs to change )
Miss Higgins and Phyllis is the duo I didn’t realize I wanted to see? Give us more
I knew he was cheating !! Trash
Fountain of all wisdom😂
LMAO Mother Mildred knows Phyllis isn’t down for him
Gonorrhea,,, shit
(chlamydia is the clap tho? do british people call both the clap?)
Not a chartreuse fan but cute coat for shelagh
“Nice to see you kid” pure 😭
PHYLLIS’ CRINGE at the comment I love Lucille tho lmao
He said he paid for it so casually, why are a lot of men trash?🤦🏼‍♀️
!Courage and humility! We know this, esp humility lmaooo
This other husband seems better
Shelagh’s plaid pants Yass i love
I hope they show the Turner’s talking to the kids, as sad as it is you gotta shed light all the harsher reality side to fostering kids
My best friends’ growing up parents’ fostered so many kids throughout our childhood is was always sad watching kids come and go
“Bribery and corruption?” I love Beatrix 😂 I love when her series 1 playful/jokester self shines through
Ok but not gonna lie I LOVE Bingo LMAO
“Miss Anderson” 😭😍 pure af and she looks so pretty
Where was sister MJ when I was having nervous breakdowns failing all my math courses? 😭
An enema sounds like a nightmare Lmaoo
Aw here comes the talk 😭
Not “the talk” but that would actually be SO funny omg imagine LMAO
Idk why I expected the little kids to say something lol but at least they showed it 😭poor Tim tho
Trixie looks so good serving some mod 60s realness!!
Val’s outfit is cute too
Damn it there was the chance to bring back “children are more resilient than you think” !! (Sister B said that right?)
The fear of God “I’ve already got that” LMAOO sister Frances
My fam loves bingo we play it at my grandma’s I miss it 😂 this caller isn’t that exciting tho
also am an active player of bingo when we go on cruises bc once again YES, I am actually a 60 year old woman
Why didn’t he yell BINGO in confused? LMAO is this british? Who says house??
Why is it hilarious to me that the hookers know Dr Turner?😂
elbow first?? Whatttt the hell
There’s the little fish looking baby 😂
Aww she’s all crusty but reminds me how excited I am to meet my niece when I get back to the states 😭
There’s the new instilled confidence lol predictable af but still sweet
Nosy bitches, I’d be so catty and just start calling people out on their issues lmao
oh yikes that’s a nasty boil
They’re having a whole party 😂
and now the party’s over
Passing the magazine that’s so cute
“What an honor” uhhh
“Hope my Val is like you” pure 😭😭
Omg she wanted to be a nurse my heart stop I’ll tear up
Are we supposed to feel sorry for Mr Pugh? Bc I don’t (am I being insensitive idk tbh)
baby girls are winning tonight
aw she’s so tiny
“You are Artemis” YAS love that greek mythology😂😭 I will scream it everywhere I love sister MJ
Who thought making “Aunt Flo” a character was ok LMAO
Was not expecting that. what the fuck
And sister Mildred’s leaving aw 😭I’ll miss her
she’s like sister Evangelina but on another level lmaoo 
Why is she leaving mysteriously after her “work” is done like a magical movie nanny?  lollll
I guess this isn’t the best time to say it but this shuts down the speculations that Val had an abortion?
Ok Agnes is an ugly name but do you
this is so so sad 😭😭 this is why safe abortions need to accessible bc this is how it happens when it’s illegal
burning the fucking money, this is so heavy
They both have points tho so you can’t even point fingers at who is right or wrong in this situation. There’s no good or bad, it just is
Honestly the real one in the wrong here is the damn government who fails the state when they don’t give a damn about women and don’t provide access to legal & safe abortions and just overall make women (esp poor women)’s lives so freaking difficult !!
is Val going to call the cops? I know this isn’t the end of it
There’s Britain’s gold tho 😂
“We can never foretell when our fortunes will turn or when the story will change. Sometimes we see each other through fresh eyes and there’s no joy at all. We see what was concealed and what is shameful. We see what is true, and nothing familiar remains...”
Damn this was heartbreaking but also the best episode this weekend.
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ofstvrdust · 6 years
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jyns crash course below !! 
alright folks fasten ur seatbelts and then undo them because this is trash but i love jyn my space solider who sacrificed her life to get plans to leia to destroy the deathstar no bIGGIE
jyn starts out on the planet vallt ( basically inhabitable, covered in ice and snow )  and her dad galen erso worked in a company with powerful scientist that studied kyber crystals. basically at this time the clone wars was going on ( yiKES ) and so the republic heard about galen and his smarts and knowledge and basically offered ( forced ) him into a position to study “renewable energy” ( later which would be the deathstar unknown at the time ) they move again into the galactic city aka the republic. these droids aligned with the clone wars r just killing ppl and jyn and lyra and galen r in danger only to have the droids power down before their death. 
basically with the war over, the republic was reorganized into the galactic empire by former supreme chancellor, now emperor, sheev palpatine ( ew chanel ).  so the empire basically asked galen to work for the empire in a supposed kyber crystal sustainable energy project ( deathstar ) basically hit fastfoward galen becomes more distant and engrossed in his work. jyn grew up within the empire unbeknownst to her under the care of a droid and her mother while her father was distant. basically galen feels regret and plans a escape for them, knowing he’ll be executed if he “resigns”.  so galen got in touch with a smuggler ( saw gerrera - if you’ve seen rouge one he’s the one that shows jyn the hologram of her dad ) basically they get off and away from the empire and into hiding. ( hint where rouge one begins basically ) 
if you’ve seen the movie basically five years pass and they finally track down galen. lyra ( her mom ) gets shot, galen captured, and jyn hides out before saw gerrera finds her.
 from there she basically was raised as his daughter ( up until she was about 16/17 ) making friends with gerreras soilders who were hardened warriors. ( translation: how she’s able to hold her own shit lmao ) 
basically not shown in the movie she works as a soilder for gerrera, was sent on a mission, and he never came back for her. this hardened jyn further and built her wall higher lmao. she tries to find a home along the way and settles on a planet meeting the pontas. 
basically this kind family takes her in. the son is a pilot and basically they admit they have feelings for each other. he mentions to jyn there’s talk of a resistance group ( the rebellion yay !! ) and wants to go fly for them. jyn having already been apart of gerreras rebel group of soldiers is like nah and kinda just wants to settle down finally ( even tho she like 17/18 ) and he was like ok girl 4 u i’ll settle down but then the empire is cracking down on everyone and suspects jyn is actually jyn and the family escapes but has to split up. basically the pontas get blown up, and jyn is left alone again. and young jyn has all this guilt on her shoulders. once more, hardening her further. 
orphaned for like a third time summing it up jyn enters a life of crime. ( with the alias of Liana Hallik ) but she’s really just trying to survive. she becomes a street criminal, smuggler, and petty criminal. ( going back to the movie when she gets arrested and then the rebellion finds her knowing her true identity ) 
basically its just the movie really from here. runs into garrera while with cassian and k-2. learns about her father and the answer the rebellion needs with a way to shut the deathstar down. basically jyn is exactly like the movies to a t, they find her father, galen passes, and jyn goes on fighting for what she now thinks is right. she finds a family once more alongside cassian, bodhi, churrit, k-2, baze.... etc. 
the movie comes to a close and the team is on scarif, jyn gets the plans that will defeat the deathstar to the signal ( the signal being leia and the rebellion ) and scarif is being killed by the deathstar just as the plans make it out ( it isn’t confirmed in the movie, from like jyns point of view, its known if the plans REALLY made it  but in the novel jyn hopes/knows it got out there to someone ) 
OKAY SO now she’s back and her memories are foggy but there. she’s kind of in a daze and doesn’t really trust anyone but the rouge one fam. 
jyn overall is a troubled soul. she’s had a hard and merciless life, even up until the end, never really getting a break until on the beach in sacrif with cassian watching her impending doom. jyn doesn’t know peace. she knows death and corruption and the harshness of the world. 
jyn has a presence about her--- hard to forget. she’s very hostile and will fite ok??
she was forced to adapt early on being a solider for garerra so she’s fierce in combat. 
basically cared nothing about the rebels cause until she saw the hologram of her father. it was like her internal turning point to do something good. ( but never intended to make somebody and a name of herself ) 
she keeps others at arms length tbh. not easy to befriend. 
as a result of being trained by gerrera and being abandoned, she wields a calm yet cold demeanor in interactions with others or when doing tasks. 
alright there’s my spitfire rebel pls love jyn ok bye sorry its so long ???????? 
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honeybadgr · 6 years
i’m bibi and welcome 2 my awful introduction
can i start off by sayin this girls name is josefina mariá ruiz-vázquez because most latinx parents are extra & we gotta pay for it lmfao but literally just call her joey pls ( or my fave, honey badger, cuz those little shits are fighty af even when they against someone bigger & that is... her )
now that’s out of the way, here’s my gal’s backstory ,, buckle up bc it’s a ride
although her birth certificate says she was born to adriana ruiz & matías vázquez, josefina never knew her mother. adriana was only 19 when she had josefina. a baby, in her mind, ruined all her years of planning... but it helped her sleep better knowing said baby would go to family, instead of foster care ( even if after realizing the father lived in a trailer on the southside of town, the uneasiness she was raised with didn’t fall short. )
nevertheless, adriana knocked loudly on the door and prayed that he would take in their daughter --- more so, he actually bothered to read the note she neatly tucked into the pristine baby blanket
ofc matías, who was like nine years older than adriana to begin with, was like ??? tf is this and how do i turn it off ??? make it stop crying ??? wh a t??? i somehow managed this once before, do i really gotta do it agAIN i am Tired ,,,
oh yes, there’s more. an eight year old son who already lived with him, and unbeknownst to him, two more baby boys* born vaguely around the same time josefina was. let’s just say matías was a v busy man who only had to deal with two of the four. *owen wilson voice* wow
* also those two baby boys,,, also half brothers,,, and the ones mentioned in her secret / what’s been used to blackmail her so i’m gonna b hella vague ab them cuz i’m gonna likely b putting them as wc SO lmfao
matías wasn’t a bad dad... he just... had a lot of issues. but, those issues caused luís --- the eldest of the vázquez kiddos --- to often look after josefina when their dad couldn’t. being eight years older made it easier as they grew up, but when joey was a smol baby it was v difficult
it wasn’t a secret that their dad was/still is a serpent, but when luís was deemed old enough for his own initiation, he followed in the footsteps. “it’s in our blood,” they both told joey, on multiple occasions. and she really started to believe it.
despite being vivacious & kind of a breath of fresh air, a young josefina usually found herself in company that would have made her mom, if she were around, disapprove. if adriana kept her, there would be no doubt she would’ve done anything to keep her daughter away from anyone/anything associate with the southside ( a mistake she knew she made herself, after becoming briefly involved with matías )
it was only a matter of time before joey was inaugurated herself.
being fifteen at the time & as bold as ever, she didn’t quite understand why luís practically dragged her away from the wyrm in a fit of rage --- she knew what she was doing, she was “old enough” to do the serpent dance
she obviously wasn’t, but you know fifteen year olds thinking they own the fuckin world etc
even got her serpent tattoo on her hip wow she literally said fuck it to her brother & did it all anyway i can’t bELIEVE it def lead to somewhat of a fallout between them, bc like “you’re a child....pls sit down and do normal teenager things” BUT IT’S ALL A BIT HYPOCRITICAL BECAUSE HE WASN’T MUCH OLDER WHEN HE JOINED AS WELL damn
so at age 26 now luís is STILL no.1 concerned father figure to his baby sis especially w/ everything that’s happened & still happening & he’s just,, he’s getting early grey hair bc of her i swear lmao 
she prob fought BOTH her other half brothers & didn’t even know!!! They related!!! Cuz fuck ghoulies they TRASH ( and she will ,,, be the first to shout it as loudly as possible oops sorry fam ) & i feel like the northsider brother would b stuck-up so ksdjfnhjdkm Y E A h
when i say smol i mean SMOL she only 5 foot :(( pocket sized 
LOVES DOGS!!! she got so attached to hot dog she cried
speaking of crying, ya girl is an angry crier oops again
“i swing both ways” / “are you bi?” / “well yes but also i mean i can swing both ways violently with a baseball bat, so---”
she,,, ain’t a bad person tho ,, she just has a lot of misplaced aggression at times & with the family situation coming to light/being blackmailed it’s like wow fuck thIS
and she hates math w/ a passion but like same so i relate u know ,, she an art & history hoe aka two things that ain’t gonna help her w/ shit out of school 
ALSO DON’T THINK I FORGOT AB OUR GIRL’S MOM ADRIANA HAHA OH MAN turns out adriana ruiz is now adriana ortiz & is a police officer :)))))) that’s fun !!! just imagine that initial reunion gosh ...
adriana vc: oh my small daughter i’m so sorry joey vc: fuck ur apology i don’t wANT IT LIKE U DIDN’T WANT ME
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junebugstudies-blog · 7 years
30 questions tag !!
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better
I was tagged by @acdaemic!! I feel blessed tyyyy
nicknames: none
gender: female
star sign: bonafide virgo ;)
height: 5′3″
time: 5:00 pm
birthday: september 6
favorite bands: i’m not sure if k-groups count but bts, monsta x, blackpink, twice, and stray kids #bringbackminho>:(
favorite solo artists: dua lipa (she’s such a queen oh my GOD) hailee steinfield, sunmi, hyuna 
song stuck in my head: likey by twice
last movie I watched: spiderman: homecoming (dam tom holland’s hot) 
last show I watched: boruto: next generations so what i’m anime trash shoot me 
when I created my blog: july 2017  
what I post: positive stuff, bujo, notes, student things, maybe kpop sometimes  
last thing i googled: buzzfeed ;)
do i have any other blogs: nah fam
do i get asks: not really but my ask box is always open! 
why I chose my url: bc i was thinking about making this blog in june and i needed a name and thought the name june bug was cute even though they kind of creep me out 
following: 227
followers: 909 (thank y’all <3)
average hours of sleep: on school nights i get 5-6 hours and on the weekends i average about 14 hours (including naps :,))
lucky number: 17 
instruments: i play piano (but like the boring classical stuff)  and i sing a bit i guess 
what I am wearing: a gray sweater and black high rise shorts 
dream job: freelance illustrator!! i would love to open my own shop on etsy or redbubble or something some day and sell my own merch but i gotta pay those bills so i’m not sure :,) 
dream trip: japan or europe 
favorite food: ummm steamed eel on rice or ramen or burgers they’re p good too idk
nationality: chinese american!! 
fave song: i have a lot of them so i’ll just list some 
likey by twice
black suit by super junior
ooh-ah by twice
bring it by seventeen (omg this is so good i can’t)
mic drop by bts
dimple by bts 
bts (that’s not a song but oh well) 
cherry bomb by nct-127
yes i am by mamamoo
double trouble couple by mamamoo
wow that’s a lot more than some 
yes i am also kpop trash i’m not ashamed
last book I read: macbeth (more like macdeath) for school 
top three fictional universes i’d want to join: oh my goodness okay prepare yourselves
boku no hero academia
boruto: next gen
this isn’t a fictional universe but i like to imagine my life as a kpop idol :,) 
I tag: definitely not 20 people lol 
@gloomstudy @academiix @studytune @goldenotes @studytherin @hobifulstudies @pjm-studies @laurajournal @potterstudy @architstudy @woozistudie @minastudying
the rest of my mutuals i didn’t tag!! (sorr y’all pls forgive me) 
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hermioneganger · 7 years
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ava hit 1.4k ; hii guys!!! i’m back again with another celebration woop i’m on a roll:) this time, it’s with a fandom family because i just realized i haven’t done one and i really want to know y’all better & make new friends and have great times together!! so yeee hyped for this so be a cute muffin and join!<33
must be following this aesthetic trash
reblog this post pls
send me an ask with your name, top 3 characters & a short quote!
+ if you want to be in the discord chat!
must be in my fandoms 
check who’s taken here
what you’ll get:
my undying love and friendship 
a place on the cute fandom fam page
a discord chat (if you want) with new lovely people to talk to & share beautiful edits + have fun time with!:)
the tag #avacadosfam to share your amazing creations!!
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detectivetimekhb · 7 years
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me: needs more time to do assignments also me: joins an rp
anyway sup fam i’m So Pumped for this rp!! as yall know, im dree and i write this lil stronk competitive born-to-be-an-alpha-member hanbean!!! if yall wanna plot w him just give this post a like and i’ll come rolling into your inboxes :~) below the cut are plot ideas that i haven’t rlly polished yet but if you’re interested in any, pls hmu!! without further ado, let’s dive right in!!! :~)
update: some ~cool links~
more about hanbean: extended. summary. stats.
contact info: twt ( @lordfbc ). i also have kkt and discord!! just ask fam
hanbin’s basically rlly good friends w everyone in alpha ( they’re bros my dudes ) but i kinda want him to be a lil yuck when it comes to like one or two members, but he kinda has to play nice cause they’re in alpha too so he just ends up picking on em or taunting them under the guise of “we’re just having fun”
hanbin’s had a few relationships and a lot of flings in the past but none of em rlly stuck cause he’s got his head in the game unlike troy bolton, but ye anyway what i’d rlly like to see is an encounter w an old flame ( highkey if your muse dated hanbin, he’s gonna be the worst boyfriend in the way that he gives u like 0 attention, he’s kinda sorry abt it but wouldn’t rlly take it back tbh )
one night stands w 0 strings attached, more juicy if you’re from lotus since that’s the group he is most icky about even tho he’s not rlly invested so much in the dynamics of the diff legacies all things considering
hanbin’s rlly a good kid at heart but he’s just v v v rough around the edges, so i’d like to see him actually put that goodness in him to use by saving a few peeps either w his super strength or helping them when they’re bullied/harassed, he may potentially stand up to an alpha member even, depending on how bad the situation gets
hanbin drives around a piece of shit car named alessandra ( after alessandra ambrosio, thanks sungmin mun ) but he loves the car to bits even if it has more parts from the junkyard he works at vs parts that were actually from the original car, so i’d rlly love to see someone accidentally damage his car, he’ll hate u forever
speaking of cars, funny if someone hitchhikes a ride to get to gumi and nek minnit he’s going towards gumi as well and they just end up having a lil road trip without all the... legacies and background noise involved, just them enjoying the road as their real selves
anyone need to be at a junkyard for any reason lmao
hanbin considers himself to be the ace of alpha, so if someone’s trying to claim that title he’s gonna fite u
someone from his childhood maybe!!! if your muse is from chuncheon, it’s bound to be a wild ride
friends he made while he was in korea national sports uni, doesn’t have to be members of that uni!!! anyone living near gangnam will work since the school is near there
a douchebag who may have made fun of his halmi, hanbin always stops himself the second he even thinks of hurting someone physically ( boy loves to taunt anyone he finds icky so he’ll only rlly stop emotionally hurting u if u cry ) but if you make fun of his poor lifestyle or halmi, hanbin is gonna show u firsthand what it feels like to be hit by a truck, literally
someone who has a crush on him that’d be cute he’ll def protec
but yes tbh anything is plottable if we try hard enough!!! if u find smth interesting don’t hesitate to hmu but this list is honestly trash so if you can’t find anything i don’t blame u ( i’ll try to think up of Actual plots later )!!! anyway like this in exchange for lots of love ( and cool fun brainstorming sessions ) ;~)
Also to everyone who i promised i’d read their info, i’m rlly sorry it’s taking such a long time orz i just got back from uni!!! i will read it and roll into ur ims asap!!!
( also yes, if any of you have noticed, hanbin is the result of watching strong woman do bong soon and weightlifting fairy kim bok joo in succession )
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gabedormer · 7 years
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hey it’s me , rat baby ( it’s z ) and here is my new child . LEMME RAMBLE TO YOU ABT HIM
abuse tw , illness tw , alcoholism tw , death tw 
&&. DYLAN O’BRIEN | HE/HIS | CISMALE —— that is GABRIEL DORMER. the TWENTY FOUR year old who is a GUNNER on board poseidon’s curse. it is rumored that gabriel is ADAPTABLE  && RECKLESS. while on board, gabriel is watching JOSEFINE FRIDA PETTERSON until the ransom comes through.
gabe was born in england to william and margaret dormer . he has 2 siblings -- an older sister ( 3 yrs older ) and a younger brother ( 2 yrs younger ) . they were a happy family up until he was 13 , ofc with the normal struggles for a lower class family , but they were surviving -- until they weren’t . gabe and his dad weren’t getting as much work as blacksmiths , they were hungry , and they were sick . ultimately , gabe’s mom and little brother died bc of their illness . they started doing better for a lil afterward bc  ... less mouths to feed .... but emotionally they were all devastated . some families could become closer after an event like that , but .... not these folks 
after they died , nothing was the same . gabe’s sister basically started filling in the parent role as their dad started wasting money on w.e alcohol he could find and he became a Trash Parent . he couldn’t deal with his grief and he would come home to his kids angry and upset 
when gabe was 16 & his sister was 19 , she decided she wanted to leave . she wanted to take gabe with her , they were v close and relied on each other a lot , but despite their dad’s abuse , gabe didn’t want to leave him . she tried her hardest to get him to come with , but he wouldn’t budge , and said he would be fine on his own . with LOTS of convincing , she left , and then it was just him and his dad . 
it took 3 more years before gabe left on his own . he still didn’t want to leave , but he knew he’d probably die if he stayed . he’d hid some money away from his dad , he grabbed what he had , and took off
for about a year and a half he was travelling around the country , finding work where he could , and got damn did he love it . he didn’t always have food to eat , nor a place to sleep , but that didn’t scare him . it excited him ! 
the idea of becoming a pirate didn’t appear until he was staying at a bar and he met one of the crew members of the poseidon’s curse and they were happy drunk nd just sharing stories and they told him about their life and he was like ‘ so ... can i join lmao ’ and then however u join a band of pirates , he did that ! and he’s been with them ever since . best decision of his life . he tried out a few things while working on board , but he loves being a gunner and that’s what he does best 
and it’s like it was meant to BE bc gabe doesn’t drink v often for  ...... obvious reasons ..... but this one time he managed to stumble upon the person who would set him up for the best adventure of his life 
adaptable: able to adjust to new conditions. simple as that ! it’s easy for him to adjust to situations that he’s thrown in , which is why he loves the spontaneity of being a pirate . he’s able to hand anything that’s thrown his way .
reckless: without thinking or caring about the consequences of an action. he’s vvvvvv impulsive . if something seems like a good idea , he will do it . once he thinks about something he wants to do , that’s all there is to it . he likes having the freedom to do whatever he likes , within ( some ) reason , like if cap gives orders then his impulse control can kick in , but other than that ...... EH ..... he was restricted for too long in his home so being away from that situation has just upped his need to be able to do w.e he wants . 
he went by gabriel at home , in his childhood ( the whole family was really religious up until The Deaths ) . after he left , tho , he started going by gabe . 
he’s pansexual and grey-romantic . he likes to have fun ! he’s met lots of ppl and one night stands are 👌👌 he’ll love u for a night and then that’s it . he v ... v rarely ... feels a romantic attraction for anybody . it’s definitely possible ! but rare . he’s felt romantic feels toward ppl but it’s like ‘ i wanna hold hands and adventure w. u and kiss but also if u try to initiate a relationship i’ll panic immediately ’ ( relatable ) . when it does happen , he’s mostly feels romantic attraction toward men , but there have been a few women . i’d say he’s only been in like .. 2 short relationships tho 
he doesn’t rly care for the royals . he doesn’t like them , but he doesn’t despise them either . it’s a job , he wants cash . and he’s honestly pretty laid back for the most part so they can complain as much as they wANT and he’ll just nod like ‘ yeah , no , i totally get that , yep ’
but he is a fighter tho  ..... he likes to fight ...... he’s got a lot of pent up aggression and if someone manages to piss him off ! yikes ! 
he’s got heterochromia ! or however u spell that word ! his left eye is brown , right eye is green
he loves nature a lot and clouds and stars and the moon he’s aLL about it
he tells most ppl that he’s an orphan even tho his dad was still alive n kickin when he left . after all these yrs , it could be true and it feels true , so that’s the story he goes with . 
the person who got him to come on the PC in the first place ! i imagine they’d be kinda close like that’s the first connection he made with a pirate and stuff ( open )
childhood friends . so  .... anyone from england and they prob strayed apart , maybe after his mom and brother died or smthn ( open & open )
one night stand . ( openx100 )
best friend ( open ) they’re rly close FAM be one of the two ppl who can get gabe to not act on impulse all the time lmao 
close friends ( open & open & open ) or give the boy a squad PLS 
a royal that can actually piss him off ( open ) 
a pirate that can actually piss him off -- maybe they’ve gotten into a fight before ? ( open & maybe 1 more open )
unlikely friends . presumably one of the royals . he’s chill w. most ppl but like maybe they’re actually on the road to developing a True Friendship 
one sided feels . someone that has feelings for gabe and maybe they had a one night thing or maybe they like him for his personality for some reason and they want more but he can’t give it to them : / 
i’m open to everything else on planet earth thank u !
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samaradurst · 7 years
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you have heard about ray my trash son but now let me tell u about samara my starshine daughter
as opposed to ray who i have played before, i haven’t played samara before so i still need to flesh her out a bit but i do have a pinterest board for her lmao ( endless self promos & this one also has some sexy-ish pics so be aware of that ! ) 
 so she’s in delta zeta and she is a p chill girl. she’s a junior so she’s v aware sorority drama and she was just NO 2 the feud b.w some of the other girls but she was interested in the greek life and wanted to make friends for life sO she still wanted to join in and luckily delta zelta was interested ! 
but yo i, mackenzie, LIVE for drama so .......... if anyone wants to start smthn hmu 
she’s pansexual/panromantic 
she loooves nature and bein outside and going on adventures like if u ever wanna explore anything ? sam is ur GAL like her fam always goes on road trips and she’d be like ‘WHERE CAN WE FIND WATERFALLS AND CLEAR SKIES FOR STARS AND COOL PLACES’ and she’d just be aLL over that stuff 
she also rly likes to paint and that’s why she’s taking visual arts ! it’s her thing. she’s that person who will paint cool things on people’s backs 
she’s also super intro mythology and supernatural things like she never grew out of her witch phase Bye tell her u have seen a ghost and she will ! lose it 
back to her stayin away from drama and stuff, she’s a really optimistic person like she just wants to be Nice and have fun and live life so she tends to put trust in ppl fairly easily and she’s a pretty open book
she lived in phoenix for most of her life SO coming to uoa was just a way for to escape living at home but also staying within a close distance like she wants to be able to visit easily but get the independent experience
this binch got ( undiagnosed but v clear ) social anxiety ! people thought she was like the Perfect Child And Student bc she was quiet and always just reading and painting and never causing a ruckus but HIGH KEY it was just bc she was to NERVOUS but she’s trying to come out of her shell here and she has done with the help of her sorority pals 
and listen she will go to parties and stuff but she will CLING  2 her pals pls don’t leave her alone 
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then-die-like-one · 7 years
Questions Tag
tagged by my fellow jin stan @katbeom (thank you for shortening it to 50 questions I don't think I could answer 100+)
1| how old were you when you had your first kiss? haven't had it yet bruh I'm just 15 2| What made you decide to have a tumblr blog? I wanted to be able to reblog and like posts instead of bookmarkin my fav gif sets on chrome 3| Been depressed: I don't think so? 4| how many people have you fist fought? none 👼🏽 5| do you want to have kids? how many? ayy chill lmao. maybe I would want to, so I think 2 6| Do you want to change your name: no thx, I like my name :) 7| Right or left handed: thats right my type 8| do you have piercings? how many? one on each ear 9| who was the last person you cried in front of? my sister probably 10| do you believe in soulmates? hmm maybe? I mean everyone will find someone who they click automatically with so I think yes  11| Zodiac sign: aries da sheep 12| Do you have a dream job? uhh something related to displaying taekwondo  13| A crush: right now I'm convincing myself not to crush on any guy who treats me remotely nicely and it's working so no crush :) park jinyoung still exists tho 14| What do you like about yourself: yike um idk I think I'm funny sometimes? and I guess I'm caring to some extent...? 15| Right now eating: nothin 16| who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? my sister while going on walks but idk if it counts as a conversation bc either she didn't have much to say or I didn't let her speak oops 17| Height: around 5′3″... I'm waiting to grow more pls 18| what is/are/were your best subject(s)? im getting better at physics and math I think, yeah that's all 19| Met someone who changed you: aint nobody gon change me 😤 20| do you like someone: anyone I reblog a gif set of + my friends n fam obviously
21| I’m about to:
practice my topic presentation for my French orals tomorrow
22| do you believe everything happens for a reason? If bad shit happens, you dun goofd. If good shit happens, you dun good. That's all. 23| Sports I joined: taekwondo, badminton. That's it, although badminton is more of a hobby 24| what’s irritating you right now? my need to draw but idk what to draw and I'm scared of messing up 25| do you give out second chances too easily? to my family, yes. To others, no. 26| What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i wish i had started gymnastics at a young age bc now I'm too old to start 27| are you mean? If you're a bitch to me or my friends, then yes 28| Cried when someone died: usually the initial shock is too much but I cry later. If it's about movies, yes as well 29| Blood type: A+be 30| If you could meet ANY Korean CELEBRITY (Includes Actors, Models, K-Music artists, etc.), who would it be? got7 bc I'm trash and they seem so friendly I wanna die 31| Birthday: it was like 2 weeks ago, April 9th 32| Been drunk and thrown up: nO 33| are you scared of spiders? not really, they don't anything. But if they're big or hairy or both, I'm Out™ 34| What would you like to achieve (or experience) before the age of 60? dancing in a group
35| What do you wish for the most to happen? Get 80%+ in all my exams this time but idk if that's possible rip 36| is cheating ever okay? i hate it during tests/exams and cheating in relationships makes 0 sense. Either love your partner and stay loyal or break up.  37| Do you have any pets: No :( 38| When did you get into kpop and how? According to my archive, it's March/April 2016. I watched dope by bts, I saw Jin, BAM, I evolved into kpop trash 39| Favorite animal? Cats are amazing but orcas....just wow..... 40| Love at first sight: Mark Tuan. 41| how do you want to die? peaceful and content 42| Lips or eyes: Eyes  43| Hair length: long? It reaches mid back 44| would you go back in time if you were given the chance? Heck yeah. I'd want to see what stuff was like before. 45| who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? my dad 46| how exactly are you feeling at the moment? pretty chill. Which I shouldn't be bc I have an exam tomorrow  47| Laughed until you cry: YESSSS  48| favourite food? currently it's mark meal but it might change soon 49| when was your last physical fight? Like last year October or smth :( but I won a bronze medal for it yay 50| Do you believe in yourself: hells yeah. Not always, but I do right now.
I tag @justwhatevermark @jiyongdotcum @textingniall @parkjinyoungsbooty @hobmew to do it, if you want to ofc <3
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swearronchanel · 7 years
Tired of these yet? A Christmas journey in March with 4.09
I’ve actually been productive today *claps* I’m the worst™ and a procrastinator to the core, so it was about damn time I got shit done. Plus+ I ran out of clean jeans so that was some motivation to do laundry & once I started moving I just kept going haha. But today I watched the Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher’s memorial & omg it was so emotional ugh. Now that I’m so sad I guess I’m going to watch Call the Midwife. Care to join me?
I closed my eyes and pointed to the episode list, looks like we’re watching 4.09 aka the 2015 Christmas special
I don’t have to pretend very hard that it’s Christmas because it was like 17 degrees f the other day lol
Am I the only one who hums along in their head to the theme song? ok nvm
Aw a baby
Tom is actually in church lol, we rarely see him there
Sister MJ lol, what is she looking for?!
Sister Winifred actually cooks/bakes pretty often
SISTER EVANGELINA 😭💔 I still miss her
Sister Winifred aka queen of cringey facial expressions, I love it
Ah no! the death joke is no longer funny sister E 😭😭 rip💔
My bby Trixie on the scene😍
What is quality street? I looked it up before but forgot. Candy right?
whoops is my American showing
I hope Sister MC comes back soon☹️
“Behold, I have located the Brandy” three cheers for alcohol 🍻 I wouldn’t choose brandy though what am I a rich old business man at a country club?
Lol Sister MJ & Sister W giggling so pure !
“You give us enough gip when you’re stone cold sober“😂 same
Gremlin kids in the front haha
Oh no😂 Babs gave them all candy and now has to make them spit it out😂
Aw I love Christmas
But looking at this snow is triggering even if it’s fake😭😂
yikes these kids are awful, who let them up there! 😭😂
Patrick laughing so hard like same 😭😂
Welp he’s lucky, Saved by the bell thanks to Trixie
Doesn’t Sister MJ explode whatever’s in the pot?
Ahh Shelagh looks so good™!😍 I love when they dress her up!
In other news, Laura tweeted me, which means she knows I exists. What a time to be alive™😭✨👏🏼you know I was shook
Angela so precious aww, I hope my future baby is that pretty
Now I just think of The Crown when I see Mrs Willens *she’s in it if you haven’t watched*
Oh no Sister MJ!!! 😭😭 why are they always giving her illnesses! Dejala sola!
She was legit ill in the first Christmas special 😭
Love Trixie’s ponytail, why Patsy’s hair a mess tho? LOL I SHOULDN’T BE TALKING
I’m a walking ball of frizz. And when I don’t wash my hair for a few days it actually dread locks 😂 gotta love curls
Aw Delia’s not here- I forgot she cracked her head open and went back to Wales
Protect Sister MJ at every cost
Violet literally sewing Fred’s ass into the Santa pants 😂😂😂 fun fact they  did that to Olivia Newton John in Grease
not sure if I knew that because I have a junk brain of useless information or because I’m trash that reads buzzfeed
Violet’s been wearing blue eyeshadow for 3 series
“I’m not biting this, it’s too close to your backside” lol okay vi give it time. You’ll be cringeyly very handsy with each other in a bit anyway 😂
She’d do it now with no hesitation I bet
I’m here for their relationship tho😂
Ugh distaval, fuck that. Just wait and see what chaos it brings
Aw Pats looking at the photo of Delia💔 oo wait that was a parallel then in the Cuban missile Crisis episode this series
PHYLLIS !! I missed her presence lol
Tom’s opening letter from bbc it’s lit
also: he looks good™
Poor Sister MJ! What are they feeding you, liver ew
Ah I forgot, this is when they get the tv😭
Poor Babs can’t go home for Christmas
You’ll have the nonnatus fam❤️❤️
“All should head home” *breaks out into song* THERE’S NOOO PLACE LIKE HOMEEE, FOR THE HOLIDAYSSS
Which is true because NYC is pretty beautiful at Christmas time, I can’t deny that
But also is when 100000x more people are visiting 🙃and stop in front of you when you’re walking to take pictures 🙃 *clenches fists* moving on..
Lol Tom you need to be more clear on this, they’re not getting it
Sister J shut him down 😂
“Mrs Mop” lmfao this BBC guy is a jerk😂
Laura’s another queen of facial expressions
“Aesthetics are vital” I feel
Aw Shelagh so cute being defensive of the kids of poplar
Lets be real though Shelagh’s always adorable bc Laura is an actual angel
pink wafers aye
i still have been craving them lol, there’s no bodega’s around my university though☹️
Angela is giggling, was this the last time we heard her make a noise lol
Wait this is when Sister MJ runs away
yikes measles
when did the vaccine become a thing then? that mmr shot ugh
Glad I got it because there’s supposedly someone with mumps on my campus like wtf
Why was Sister E so harsh yelling at Sister Mj!? That was unnecessary !!
I’m so protective of her, stop😢😢
She doesn’t deserve that 💔
Sometimes I forget Patsy’s name is Patience
Fred’s Santa beard is gross ew😂😂
yikes an enema
I’d rather die
Oh no, there she goes *sings* there she goessss todayyy
Yes Babs lollipops are fascinating
She just slipped that baby out
I want to go to London at Christmas time
I love lights ✨✨
Delia! What up Bitch where you been!
It’s vintage too, i love it, makes me feel fabulous af
until I remember it’s probably a dead woman’s coat
“You clever girl!”
Aw poor iris 😭💔
Violet is actually so sweet & we don’t see much of her w/o Fred like why 
Everyone on this show is so sweet and pure !!! I just love it too much!
remember when I was normal and didn’t care so much about television? Yea me neither 😅
Sister MJ is gone
that necklace and sapphire ring were so pretty though 😭 wish my mom had a sapphire ring for me to inherit 
Shelagh is too pretty for this grey suit, where’s the navy one?!
I will never be comfortable with cookies being called biscuits tbh
“No dogs!” “If it can’t sing silent night I’m not interested”  SHELAGH IS GOLDEN
Oh Hay Peter
if you think about it Miranda Hart put this poor guy out of a job. Like he used to have more screen time lol but he can’t be around much with out her
“Very like a family in fact” 😭 I love when they call themselves family cause they are !!
Wait rehearsing before school? Ugh that must have been so early 😂
I couldn’t have been in that choir. In high school I woke up at 6:45am everyday & started at 8:05am & only lived 2 blocks away but I still got there at 9:15am 🙃
plus I’m an awful singer 😂
“She probably thought her habit would keep her safe”
Sister Mary Cynthia says that about her self the next series when she’s attacked 😢
Babs was right though! She was just excited bendito 😭😭
How much is a bob?? £??
I barely can keep up with how many $ is a £ tbh
Lolol had to check when I donated to Laura’s fundraising 😂😂
Delia has been with this big ass bun for 3 series as well
The cafe they’re in is aesthetically pleasing
so Delia’s mom is hella protective but didn’t notice she left to another town lol??
well I guess they’re even now since patsy left & then lost contact for a bit
I’m trying to think of what Phyllis’s hat reminds me of
I wanna say Mary Poppins 
I knew it wasn’t but still!!!
Is Shelagh wearing lipstick? i’m here for it!
but I don’t like her dress
@ wardrobe/costume ppl be nicer to my bby pls
“Well, there’s just a word that no-one likes singing. It’s in that line and it begins with a "b”’ 😂 lmaooo c'mon Tim 😂😂
He was talking about breast feeding like how many episodes ago why is he embarrassed now? 😂
Patrick laughing 😭 me as a parent tbh
Poor sickly Sister MJ 💔
My bbys Trixie and Shelagh are ¡interacting!! 💕😍
How do I get my hair to look like Trixie’s/Helen’s
Lol jk all will be well bby
Ah Shelagh’s dressed up again! Love it 😍 and she’s wearing earrings & matching pearls!! so pretty!! 💕💕
this has been an episode of gushing over Laura sorry not sorry
Look at her hat, she can wear anything
You have to be impressed that this 80 yr old woman with dementia found her childhood home
for real though I want Shelagh’s coat
mrs willens + shelagh was kinda a friendship & was cute
“Well I stopped holding out against that happiness, didn’t I?"💔💖
people on this show are always holding hands platonically & romantically like how sweet and pure !?
"Almost all the world was before your time child … you are concerned to see it last a little longer”
Hell yea lets get it, round up the nuns and nurses lets SING !!
“But it sometimes seems to me the older I get, the more I have to learn” 😭
“We get so much out of love, we find strength in it and courage. Love is our foundation and our fuel”
shelagh and sister j❤️❤️ so pure. I love their relationship + moments together
no sister, it’s not your fault that she ran away😢
broadcast about to be lit
Why did we never see Trixie giving Barbara a makeup lesson😭😂
Trixie getting excited about putting makeup on Babs like same 😂I like helping people with makeup *even though I’m not even that good haha*
“Oh some lipstick might be nice, with a touch of gay geranium you’d look quite like Jean Simmons” SISTER W SNEAKS OUT TO THE MOVIE THEATRE ON HER DAYS OFF AND NO ONE WILL CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE OK
yea sister E I’m sorry you were kinda bitchy
I’m sorry to call a fictitious nun a bitch oops lol
Tom is so handsome! i think the collar distracts you from noticing though haha
What does wet behind the ears mean and why does it sound cringey?
on the next episode of I didn’t know I was pregnant: Christmas miracles in Poplar
No but for real it seriously was a show on TLC😂 I had a phase where I watched like every show on that channel
“Antonia! Nanny found a bible in your room again” so?? like you wish she would’ve found drugs or something?
Ugh I don’t think Sister MJ will live 3 more series & I WILL BE A WRECK™ WHEN SHE DIES
Surprise! you’re pregnant & will give birth in the next 12 mins before this show ends
imagine omg never mind not feeling safe Iris I’d be freaking tf out
I told you sister Julienne just shows up and speaks and you just feel calm
“Love is not going to be halved, but doubled” I swear someone says this again in another episode but I can’t remember
maybe I’m lying idk
The Fred + Sister E dynamic was golden
what is Sister Evangelina holding?
it looks like a bong tbh
Sister MJ saying pawning her mother’s jewels was an “interesting experience"😂 dios te bengida, she needs to always be protected  
aw pats & deels reunited *and it feeelsss so gooddd*
Fred saying rigging this raffle is immoral like HE WASNT THE BIGGEST SCAMMER IN POPLAR
I was here for it though lol😂
Phyllis gargling 😂😂
Wait omg she has earrings on how precious!
I always notice when girls/women don’t have their ears pierced because I didn’t realize for the longest time that it’s mainly just hispanics that get their ears pierced when they’re babies😂 I’ve had mine since I was six weeks old👶🏼
"Beatrix Franklin, midwife of mystery” aka my bby and ray of sunshine✨😭
it’s all good though, Trixie has Christopher, Tom has Babs, now where’s my handsome Englishman??
cue Vanessa Redgrave
“Sometimes the route to joy is indirect, our journey home not quite as we expected. There is no magic star to guide our steps, no ancient prophecies to predict our way. The greatest gift is to know that we travel not alone, but in the company of others. That there are hands as can reach for and hearts to keep us warm..”
Laura’s angelic voice blessing™ me on this Saturday night
I need it after being degenerate every other day of the week
patsy lowkey snuggled up on Phyllis I love it
Trixie is serving looks in the corner 😍!
I still want those hoop earrings she has!
And they finally got a tv😭👏🏼
“And the family gathered round, watching their faces flicker black and white. Their very presence in the room an act of love, a welcome home”
I love it
Now I must go. until next time..
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pomegranatc-blog · 7 years
yikes okay drizzle here introducing my trash child persephone!! i’m 19, from sweden but gonna return to scotland for uni in a few days ( save me ), and generally pretty chill so pls come talk to me?? anyways let’s focus on this kid!!
this is unnecessarily long and ramble-y i am not even kidding i apologise, you 100% don’t have to read it all & if you do ???? you’re an angel, truly incredible 
key stats: 24, pureblood, death eater af, sweet serial killer, demigirl, she/her, heterosexual ( demiromantic ), former model, currently runs an art gallery in diagon alley
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persephone is The Worst i’m so sorry but let’s just dive into it
so an important thing to note is that her parents don’t actually hold any true loyalty to any side but are just looking out for their own skin which !!! makes this a really interesting verse for persephone honestly. in like ‘normal’ verses after the order wins the war they openly claimed that they were loyal to them all along but couldn’t help out because the danger they were in as purebloods closer to the blood supremacist crowd ( in reality they’re like..... not even remotely Relevant but sure jan ), but in this verse since the death eaters won it’s the opposite. so after the fact and the battle of hogwarts was lost they spewed some bs lie and swore loyalty to the death eaters basically, but still tried to remain in the background bc they don’t want to bring too much attention to themselves ???
essentially her parents just want to be on the winning team without actually doing anything to contribute to the cause or put themselves in danger 
they were not even Remotely interested in having kids, persephone was a complete accident and they were planning on getting an abortion but word got out and they felt they had an image to uphold ( even tho they honestly didn’t????? ) so they decided to go through with the pregnancy so not to cause a ~scandal ( in their eyes ) and then somehow ??? deal with it ??? later ???
basically very very soon after she was born they hired a nanny so they wouldn’t have to deal with her at home themselves but just in public 
a big thing for her parents is that they want to be relevant and hold an important place in society and be rich & live a lavish life, and though they’re purebloods they’re not from the sacred 28, they’re not very rich and with the jobs they hold they weren’t really gonna ever reach the place they wanted ??? but they realized very quickly that persephone was beautiful, and you can make money off of beautiful, and so she became a bit less of a burden for them 
her modelling career was a bit slow at first but then it truly kicked off and it’s one that many would desire. and it’s made up such a huge part of her life bc it was one of the only things her parents thought she was good for so even tho she went to hogwarts ( sorted into ravenclaw ), she spent more time out of school doing photoshoots and the like, and it basically took priority to everything else in her life. 
tho her parents treated her pretty horribly at home, every time they were out they would brag about her to everyone because of her career ( though if you listened closely, the praise had more to do with the daughter they raised, than persephone herself ), and showed her lots of love that was such a stark difference from their actions at home, which really confused her when she was younger but she figured she had to be doing something right you know and just continued
very much raised to be seen and not heard, be extremely obedient and polite and kind, that her body/ life isn’t really her own & she doesn’t have a say in what happens to it. a lot of the modelling gigs she did were totally fine and many were even quite fun because of the creativity involved, but then some just made her extremely uncomfortable and sexualised her at too young of an age. when she was younger she tried to bring it up to her parents for help, but the rage she was met with caused her to just remain silent from then on & follow their wishes
okay so if we jump back a bit in time to when she was younger, her parents began to realize that the war wasn’t really going to end any time soon, which honestly just terrified them. and tho after the battle of hogwarts they decided to openly side with the death eaters bc they won, they never shared their beliefs and most of their actions afterwards downright disgusted and terrified them. they had just underestimated what would follow the death eaters winning that battle. and tbh they also thought they were a lot more important than they actually were, so they were afraid the death eaters would find out that they weren’t actually loyal at all to them and were just there to protect themselves. and they were terrified they would be punished or killed bc of it, even if they hadn’t even taken the mark and were just supporters. so they tried to come up with a way to contribute to the war & the cause without again actually doing anything themselves/ putting themselves in harm’s way, and the solution was persephone
so yeah although her parents don’t actually share the blood supremacist views, they made sure that she was raised with them and those beliefs are so deeply ingrained with her now she will probably never believe anything different. plus all the reading she did at hogwarts mostly from the restricted section really contributed to deepening and upholding them. and tho her parents were like !!! yikes !!! at the thought of having slaves they kind of had the nanny and persephone mostly interact with them so they would feel a bit less guilty, and when persephone got older she was kind of taught to practice various dark spells on them so she could be as good death eater as possible when the time came
which honestly just made her extremely confused and angry and conflicted with herself because on the one hand she was meant to be polite and quiet and obedient, and on the other when/ if the time came she was supposed to join the death eaters and essentially be ready to dedicate her whole life to it/ kill and it’s in a way such conflicting expectations and she didn’t really know how to deal with or process it, so it just added to a pile of suppressed emotions
but her parents kind of figured that if she did well they’d be relatively safe plus they improve their social standing bc look at their only daughter, out there doing the dark lord’s work and making everyone so proud 
right so persephone never really learnt how to deal with her emotions in a healthy way, or establish new/ long-lasting relationships. she’s so used to being obedient and quiet and only speaking when directly spoken to, so reaching out to make friends at hogwarts was such a strange concept and she wasn’t really sure how to go about it ??? plus she was always pulled out of school for her modelling career, so that also got in the way of making deeper connections with people so tbh i feel like she had very few friends throughout her time in hogwarts. mostly sought comfort in her art & the library
this girl has years and years of anger and hate and frustration bottled up but the one comfort really was that when she turned 17 she could use her money to move away from her fam and just do her own thing while fighting for the cause, but her parents actually managed to find a way to move the money to their own vault at gringotts so her plan failed and she wouldn’t leave them and tbh when she found out it just led to all that pent up anger and frustration bursting out
so she murdered them 
liKE to be fair they were very emotionally abusive, didn’t even really see her as a person just as a pawn, took her money + were not loyal to the cause which in her mind led to the very logical conclusion of Murder 
......... got her money back tho????
i do believe that like upper level death eaters would know that she was the one who killed them ( kind of for the first time she showed them really what she could contribute, how loyal/ dedicated she was ), but publicly it was said that the order murdered them and used it as anti-rebellion propaganda  
these days slaves don’t last long in her household :|||| she likes to murder more and more and try out new spells so, tho she usually goes for more muggle means interestingly enough ( axes/ knifes etc. - wants to feel the control of being the one to do it, not the result of a spell you know ) 
finds the sight of blood very aesthetically pleasing ///: kind of has to make each kill a work of art
pretty much a loose canon at this point still trying to break free of the mental cages she/ her fam has put on her even tho she’s been technically free for a while now
#i came out to attack people and i’m honestly having such a good time right now 
honestly just a mess
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