honeybadgr · 6 years
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the vázquez - sato - robinson - etc... family !
under cut because this family is a big mess.
name: matías francisco vázquez. age: forty-six. alive/dead: alive. marital status: single, it’s complicated. occupation: part-time mechanic, gang member ( southside serpents ). northside/southside: southside. fc: aarón díaz.
name: adriana robinson ( née thompson ). age: thirty-seven. alive/dead: alive. marital status: married to james ‘jim’ robinson. occupation: police officer. northside/southside: northside. fc: laura prepon.
name: james ‘jim’ robinson. age: thirty-seven. alive/dead: alive. marital status: married to adriana robinson. occupation: doctor at riverdale general hospital. northside/southside: northside. fc: tom hiddleston.
name: mei sato. age: forty-five. alive/dead: alive. marital status: single, it’s complicated. occupation: tattoo artist, gang member ( southside serpents ). northside/southside: southside. fc: okamoto tao.
name: luís akira sato-vázquez. age: twenty-six. alive/dead: alive. marital status: dating ( random girl’s name,, idk he a #straight tho smh ). occupation: waiter at some shitty diner, gang member ( southside serpents ). northside/southside: southside. fc: kenta sakurai.
name: josefina mariá “joey” vázquez. age: eighteen. alive/dead: alive. marital status: technically single, waiting for liv to drop her shitty boyfriend. occupation: high school student, gang member ( southside serpents ). northside/southside: southside. fc: lindsey morgan.
name: tba. age: seventeen or eighteen. alive/dead: alive. marital status: tba. occupation: high school student, gang member ( ghoulies ). northside/southside: southside. fc: tba.
name: tba. age: seventeen or eighteen. alive/dead: alive. marital status: tba. occupation: high school student. northside/southside: northside. fc: tba.
name: taylor ryan robinson. age: six. alive/dead: alive. marital status: single. occupation: elementary school student. northside/southside: northside. fc: mackenzie foy.
NOT SHOWN: three aunts & three cousins, grandmother ( father’s side ) / grandparents, one uncle ( mother’s side ).
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honeybadgr · 6 years
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honeybadgr · 6 years
jellybean had her headphones in as she walked the streets of riverdale. she didn’t want to speak to anyone today, she just wanted to keep to herself. she didn’t mean to bump into the other, “shit — sorry” she says as she pulls a headphone from her ear. “i should look were i’m going”.
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     “ah... it’s cool, jb. don’t worry about it.” joey waved a hand, signalling that it wasn’t an issue. they hadn’t talked much since drunken secret sharing at the wyrm a few weeks ago, anyhow, and the older girl would’ve been lying if she said she didn’t want to check up on jellybean. “how’ve you been? wanna chill for a bit, if you’re not busy? i got some cash on me so we can head somewhere, maybe.”
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honeybadgr · 6 years
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“There’s simply something unspoken about the laws of trig, and for me, it’s the whole concept. Math and shapes? When will the madness end?” Looking back at her assignment with a sigh. “Trig more like..”Shaking her head at her lack of insult towards the subject, “can’t figure it out, can’t insult it.” She muttered bitterly.
     “honestly, fuck math!” it wasn’t a secret joey despised the subject, in any form. she was always more of an art and history person. “in real life, there is no algebra.” there probably was, somewhere, but she didn’t care. “but i need to stop skipping it as often, i think. i mean... a ‘c’ definitely isn’t awful, it’s average for a reason. i just have to make sure it doesn’t go lower.” a pause, “speaking of, maybe we should regroup whatever mess of notes we have and see if we can take a crack at it together or something. ‘cause i know i’m probably not gonna do it by myself when i get home.”
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honeybadgr · 6 years
Mocking her with a pained expression on his face, only to be replaced with his signature smirk, he waltzed over and stood beside her, eyes staring into hers. “Ah, a beautiful serpent. My favourite kind.” Laughing, he blew her a kiss, shuffling closer.
“Oh love, you think I give a shit about what my mates think? I don’t let my boys control me. Not that they could…”
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     “yeah, sure. whatever,” rolling her eyes at his behavior, joey shouldn’t have been too surprised that it was coming from a ghoul. “look, i’m not in the mood for whatever bullshit you’re pulling.” was she ever in the mood for dumb boys? hardly. her boys were the most she could handle, honestly, and raff certainly wasn’t one of hers. but of course, not breaking eye contact because hey, she was going to try and assert dominance as she flat-out scowled at the other. “what the fuck do you even want? just get in your car and leave me alone.” she was starting to regret leaning on someone’s car, since that someone happened to be an annoyance like raff.
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honeybadgr · 6 years
okay so her mom is now white.... adriana thompson instead lmfao. she still got knocked up accidently at nineteen from a dumb, rebellious fling with matías vázquez ( aka joey’s dad ) who was like, nine years older than her to begin with. she was bad wow kifjhndjmfn
adriana kept the pregnancy a secret, only her parents knew. you know, like, pulling an alice cooper and staying at sisters of quiet mercy, etc. when joey was born, she wasn’t given a name right away because adriana knew she wasn’t gonna keep this baby. no matter how much she might’ve wanted to, if circumstances were different. but she was young and had her dreams to accomplish. she couldn’t do that with a baby
so infant no-name stayed at sisters of quiet mercy for awhile until they tracked down her father. not that he really had any clue as to what the fuck to do with another one.
ofc as i said in the beginning, mat isn’t a bad dad... he’s just... “how the fuck do i do this when i have other things i gotta do” you know? but still, he fucks off to wherever without leaving much notice ( maybe like a note once or twice, that’s it lol rip ) but this screaming bundle of joy wouldn’t shut tf up and he was just .... SIGHS
eventually, he named her josefina mariá, after his mother -- josefina -- and grandmother -- mariá. which is like, actually sweet and i love it and yeah! her last name is just vázquez now.
too bad she went by joey from the start honestly. her older brother, luís, who is eight years older than her often took care of her while their dad wasn’t able to
so uh everything is basically the same as HERE, but what i crossed out isn’t relevant etc etc ya 
adriana is still a cop and remarried w/ a new daughter! she’s now adriana robinson
her husband who is named james ‘jim’ robinson is a doctor at riverdale general hospital
and they have a six year old daughter named taylor robinson
let’s be clear joey wasn’t the most thrilled to meet the robinsons, huh,,,,,,
lmao i’m not funny ok bye
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honeybadgr · 6 years
for my fave greaser slick dick rick @rickyclvrk
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     normally, she didn’t care if ricky saw her place a mess. it was a shared mess between her dad, luís and herself, however lately liv coming over was more and more common. not that she minded, of course ( unsurprisingly, joey genuinely enjoyed olivia’s company ) and the other girl was sweet enough to help clean anything up. but sometimes it got too much with luís working most of the time---nights, and the occasional graveyard shift or two. especially with their dad fucking off to god knows where lately. half the time she wonders why her brother stays with them in this shit hole. maybe it’s because of her. either way, joey was glad luís was at work at this second. because when ricky texted he wanted to hangout just the two of them and play video games, there was no way joey could turn the offer down, despite the state of the trailer.
     “yeah, sorry about the lowkey mess. i haven’t gotten around to cleaning yet,” there was a casual shrug, though truth be told it wasn’t even the worst looking. “and liv was over last night, so... i guess she accidently left some of her stuff?” her statement was emphasized as she picked up a wrinkled shirt that definitely didn’t belong to her. soon folding it neatly and placing it in a space away from more clutter, joey ignored the faintest reddening of her cheeks. “but, um... anyway. are you totally ready to lose? you’re so gonna wish you let me just pay you the ten bucks from lulu.”
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honeybadgr · 6 years
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honeybadgr · 6 years
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     even though the music was blasting through the whyte wyrm and her phone was still vibrating against the bar with calls and texts from her boyfriend, her eyes were still locked on joey, a fond smile appearing every few seconds when she felt the butterflies erupt inside of her. it was a weird feeling – she had been the one who was there for her through all the bullshit with her boyfriend, the one who was making her feel normal through all of it and giving her the love and affection she knew she deserved. joey was beyond special to liv. “no but wait.. you joined the vixens? seriously? now i’m totally looking forward to seeing you in that uniform.” olivia grinned, pushing her phone further and further away from her every single time it vibrated against the counter. “seems like someone might show me up in terms of dancing.. here i was thinking that was something i could hold over you.” liv laughed, shaking her head playfully. “–what else has been going on? i know i was only gone for like two weeks but i’m sure a lot of shit happened considering we’re all public enemy #1 on the northside.” she paused. “there’s been no more fights though, right? the boys are good, you and toni are good?” it was far easier for olivia to settle into the northside than it had been for her friends, she knew that much.
     part of joey nearly grabbed olivia’s phone and shut it off, because she knew exactly who was blowing it up, but she didn’t. maybe even answering just to tell him to fuck off and get a life, but she didn’t do that either. because that was a can of worms they didn’t need to open right now, and the smile olivia was giving her was too great to ruin. “toni joined with me thankfully, but you heard right! you’re looking at one of the newest vixens.” it was still odd to say; she was a vixen. since tensions still clearly remained, hopefully this wasn’t going to backfire somehow. “oh i’m looking forward to you seeing me in it too, ‘cause i look really good in it...” joey mirrored olivia’s grin effortlessly, her eyes not leaving liv’s, before letting a small laugh fall from her lips.
     with liv, things were different---joey knew she easily got friend crushes, since all her friends are amazing people obviously, but liv wasn’t like that. at first, joey thought she was just doing what good girl friends did; helping olivia with her boyfriend drama. as time progressed, she realized maybe it was more than that. a lot more. not that she could actually tell that to liv, yet. that stupid piece of shit boyfriend was still in the picture, despite how glaringly clear it was that it wasn’t wanted ( which was extremely high upon the list of things that pissed joey off to no end. ) but, breaking away from her thoughts to solely focus on the angel incarnate in front of her olivia, joey had to scoff playfully, “please, y’know you’ll always be my dancing queen. remember back at southside you saved the routine ‘cause smelly shelley totally wrecked it? that took hella skill. not even i could’ve done that!”
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     “---as for the others, uh, well... jug had it out with larson. sweets and ricky got their beef with andrews, no shock there. and our lovely mr slick also got in a fight with another bulldog on like, practically day one---moose, i think? yeah,” she shrugged, “there was definitely more shit, but honestly right now we’re hoping the boys go out for some sports or something.” joey paused, taking another drink of her soda. “though... what i wanna know is, what’s been going on with you? enjoy your two week break away from riverdull?”
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honeybadgr · 6 years
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sure they are ‘just friends’
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honeybadgr · 6 years
“Well now, what do we have here?” Approaching the person who was leaning against his car, Raff put on an almost manic grin as he ran a hand through his hair. Being a Ghoulie came with perks, one of which was enough money to get himself a car, which was used for other purposes far too often, “Aren’t you just the stunner? Want a lift, love?”
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     as she waited for ricky to pick her up after vixens practice, a sudden chill of the february air made her regret keeping on her short shorts. gripping her phone tightly, mentally kicking herself for not just tagging along with toni, joey hardly realized she was leaning against someone’s car as she counted away the minutes she stood there. that is, until a voice rang out. the smaller girl should’ve known; ghoulies loved their cars and this one seemed to be no exception. “fuck off, ghoul.” was her immediate response as she shifted away from the car. because goosebumps on her exposed legs be damned, she wasn’t under any circumstance getting into a death trap with a ghoulie ( getting into ricky’s truck was one thing, but she trusted him at least. ) “i’m waitin’ for someone, so no.” which wasn’t a lie, yet at this rate joey might’ve been better off walking home instead. maybe ricky was with ghouliet --- she knew they had to use any moment they got wisely, and despite everything, she didn’t actually hate mona, so genuinely being mad about it wasn’t something she could manage. “besides won’t your pals get mad you’re talkin’ to a serpent? much less offerin’ one a ride.” joey spoke, keeping the tone of her voice as uninterested as she felt. gang rivalry died hard, regardless of the setting.
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honeybadgr · 6 years
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honeybadgr · 6 years
“For fuck’s sake, Slick,” Sweet Pea groaned as he hopped off the bed of the truck, uselessly trying to fix his messed up hair. No amount of gel could hold up against the wind paired with Ricky’s shitty driving. “You drive like a fucking maniac.” 
Stretching out, his joints cracked, eyes fixed on the quarry in front of them, their own little paradise. Shitty, but good enough for them, probably. Sitting down on one of the larger stones, he couldn’t help but smile the smallest bit. It was nice that there was at least one place in this godforsaken town where a Serpent could still be a Serpent. “Please tell me someone remembered to pack the beer?”, he asked no one in particular, ready to mess up any and all of them for forgetting to bring the drinks.
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slick gave a smirk. “well, someone else could’ve offered to drive her but she’s my baby, so… i probably would’ve said no.” he opened the door and slipped out of the driver’s seat, the stones below crunching beneath his dr martens’.“beer’s in the cooler in the back, sweets. you didn’t see it when you were sat there?” he teased, making his way around to the fairly large container in the back of the truck and grabbing a few bottles.
the quarry was pretty much theirs and only theirs, since nobody else really saw its beauty like the serpent kids did. it was nice to drive over here and get away from everything, pretend they were just normal teenagers for a little while.
he passed out beers to everyone and slumped down on the stone surface. “cheers, guys. for making it through a week of roughin’ it alongside the ‘down with serpents’ squad without killing one of them.” he raised his bottle and smiled softly to his friends, genuinely filled with happiness in the moment.
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“Come on guys, don’t be so hard on Slick. He’s a good driver,” Jughead teased as he hopped out of the car. Teasing, because he got to ride shotgun. So it wasn’t like he had anything to complain about. He set down next to his friends and looked at the quarry, still not believing how many invitations he had denied before he finally got here for the first time. Now, not coming was something he couldn’t even imagine.
Jughead almost hesitated before he took the bottle from Ricky. He didn’t drink. But then again, he didn’t do Jingle Jangle either and one beer would probably do less damage than that anyway. Also, with the open bottle in front of his face, it was hard to deny that it smelled like home, so he took it.
“Cheers,” he agreed before taking a sip. “Though I can’t say I didn’t at least try,” he added smugly. Not quite the down with serpents crowd Ricky was talking about, but he was sure Lip shared the same sentiment.
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“ehhh, i dunno, jug. you’re not the one who has to cling to someone else so you don’t go FLYIN’.” joey shook her head with a grin, obviously joking as by now the small female was used to it, and took the bottle ricky offered anyway. listening to the boys speak, her grin only brightened her face more. “yeah, fam, cheers indeed!!” joey’s energetic spirit was readily coming back around now she was here with the most important people in her --- no, not just hers, the entire --- world. maybe riverdale high had better resources for them, maybe it was a thousand times better than that hellhole that was southside high, yet a week and a not so great camping trip wasn’t making it any less like shark infested waters. but, none of that mattered now. not here, not in this moment; they could be just them. no pretending to be who or what they aren’t, and joey appreciated the comfort in it, in THEM.
taking a fairly generous swig of her beer, joey crossed her legs where she sat. being the smallest had some advantages, at least. unless one counted holding alcohol, she knew things could get messy for her if she didn’t watch her intake. well, that was a bridge to cross when she got there. “you tried and that’s all that matters,” though that didn’t mean lip could get away with the shit he said, and at the evidence on jug’s face, what he did. bad enough ricky still had a black eye from moose ( she understood nicknames, she really did, but who the fuck would walk around being called MOOSE? like, really? ) “really fuckin’ glad we got time to come out here, you know? only been a week but it feels like years.” was that being dramatic? probably. maybe ricky would play something for them eventually --- she could’ve sworn she saw his guitar. she always enjoyed watching and listening to him perform, even if it wasn’t anything big. after a smaller sip of her drink, she made a face before quietly laughing. “wow i’m glad we invested in that cooler. warm beers are not missed.”
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honeybadgr · 6 years
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josefina joey ‘ honey badger ’ ruiz-vázquez + tropes.
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honeybadgr · 6 years
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the brunette’s fingers gripped the white paper bag with the familiar pop’s logo tightly as fallon walked down the streets of riverdale. she would probably come to regret skipping out on her geography class just before lunch but at the same time she couldn’t help but think that the burger and fries in the bag would make it worth it. on the other hand if she didn’t get caught then surely there would be no need to regret it at all. with her eyes trained on the bag as she opened it up while continuing to walk the sharp sound of a car horn ringing through her ears caught her attention and fallon jumped back, faint blush on her cheeks and eyes wide as she watched the car speed past where she had stood a moment earlier, “well,” she hummed softly to herself, “that definitely could’ve gone a lot worse.”
between geography and math, it might’ve been a tie which she fell asleep in more often. she was good in everything else, what was one or two classes being skipped? but focusing on fallon instead of her surroundings, josefina hardly noticed the car until it honked loudly. it was startling, just enough to bring her out of whatever daze she fell into as she watched the other girl. catching the vixen’s gaze for real this time, joey gave her a faint, half smile. “yeah. yeah, that’s for sure...” she agreed quietly, thankful nothing bad actually happened. although they only began this companionship, joey would’ve been lying if she said she didn’t already enjoy it. fallon was certainly one of the nicer ones, and with the ( forced, she knew, but that didn’t stop her nonetheless ) tryouts for river vixens coming up, it was nice having someone who seemed genuinely excited. someone who didn’t make it weird — or, at least, someone who didn’t make her almost feel guilty about it, even if unintentionally.
suddenly clearing her throat however, joey’s slightly apprehensive grin turned into one with more confidence. “i’m glad you convinced me to ditch,” she started as they continued walking, her grip on her own bag tightened only somewhat. “i missed breakfast and my stomach’s been begging for food all morning.” not that it took much convincing for joey, anyhow. “plus... it’s cool to hang out more --- i guess. i mean, you’re not so bad for a northsider.” her tone came out in a typical playful fashion, and she made sure her smile never faltered.
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honeybadgr · 6 years
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You join us, you gotta be willing to die for us. Because we will for you.
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honeybadgr · 6 years
[ TXT: sweetest boy. ]
JOEY: sweets!!
JOEY: i hope u haven’t eaten yet bc i have something for u 💖
JOEY: where u at
JOEY: also disclaimer i never made these before so i’m sorry if they suck xoxo
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