franeridan · 6 months
that thing jigen does where he puts the already lit cigarette directly between lupin's lips and that thing jigen does where he wraps his entire arms around lupin when they're on a bike and that thing jigen does where he puts his palm wide on lupin's chest to hold him back when there's danger ahead and that thing jigen does where he grabs onto lupin's shoulders when he's worried and that thing jig
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strixcattus · 3 months
Conlang Year Days 22 & 23
Had a productive time coming up with proto-forms for flora and fauna terms (especially fauna, there's like fifteen of them), and since my principles for what gets a proto-form were basically the same for both, these two days get their own post.
If you're time-travelling—especially if you're crossing large distances—having a basic word for a particular species of animal or plant is deeply useless. Let's say you have a word for "crow." If you're hanging around in our present day, that's all well and good. If you go back in time far enough, before crows evolved, it's a completely pointless word. If you go forward in time far enough, to the ages after the collapse of human civilization and the rise of corvid sapience, you might be able to keep using that word, but it's not exactly ideal for what you're dealing with.
And what if you veer off into a completely different timeline? What if you end up somewhere where reptiles occupy most of the niches mammals fulfill in our world, and you're hanging out with the lizardfolk learning to take care of their giant lizard cattle and how to avoid the four-foot-tall crocodilians that hunt in packs? Where are your words now?
No, time travellers don't need or want a word for "crow." They need words that encompass three things:
What does it look like and/or do, generally? Is this a tall plant, or is it more of a shrub? Is this a big animal, or is it too small to pay much mind to? Does it fly or swim?
Is it going to kill me? If so, how?
Can I eat it?
Day 22: Flora
There are a couple kinds of "flora" particular to time travellers. Aside from those, basic roots for plants and plant parts say nothing whatsoever about the specific kind of plant, painting them in more general terms.
*sali: Translates as "grass" generally, but it encompasses all small, ground-covering flora—grass, moss, lichen, even small flowers. *nene: Fruit, seeds, nuts, and root vegetables. Essentially, any plant part that can be eaten safely and which isn't a leaf or flower. *kota: The opposite of *nene. All plants and plant parts that are poisonous. *jumini: Trees and other tall plants *pida: Leafy, low plants *jilu: Flowers (or other colorful markers a plant may have) *zaso: Leaves or similar (conifer needles, for instance) *maju: "Lichen" in translation, a kind of flora that is usually imperceptible within a timeline but which can cause major alterations in the events or physics of a timeline *zomo: Timeline Rot
Day 23: Fauna
I'm under no illusion that these two lists are complete. I added three proto-forms to this one while writing up this post. Still, I feel I've covered most anything that I'll need, and if I do end up creating some more forms, I can add them to the final proto-forms post, which... I haven't been closely looking at the preview of each week's prompts, but it seems that'll be in a couple days.
You'll notice that several of these forms are grouped by the general shape of the creature, differentiated by how dangerous the animal in question is—or why it's dangerous.
*kaja: Bird of prey (a note: "bird" does not necessarily mean "bird and bird alone." Anything that flies and is larger than the average insect might end up under one of these first three categories.) *denede: Small bird, like a songbird, for instance *date: Gamebird or large bird in general *jopo: Pest of humans (like an insect which drinks blood) *suti: Pest of food (like a mouse which sneaks into grain stores or a squirrel which attacks garden produce) *zitu: Pest of plants or structures (like a larva which bores into trees, an insect which eats the leaves of crops, or a woodpecker which has decided to set up shop on the side of your house) *kuna: Harmless small invertebrate (pay it no mind) *napa: Large carnivore (might eat you) *kalopo: Large herbivore (might be good food for a group) *mika: Small nonvenomous animal (might be good food for one person) *najato: Small venomous animal (proceed with caution) *kolo: Poisonous animal (never mind, this one isn't food) *dopu: Aquatic animal *poju: Harmless microbe (the average time traveller understands germ theory) *tino: Harmful microbe (and appreciates having a basic word for the things that cause disease) *medu: Outsider (anything that typically doesn't enter into linear time, except for:) *pekule: Time Worm (there it is) *siza: Humanoid (that's you! And pretty much anyone you'll ever talk to!)
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o-agassy · 3 months
Akhir bulan ini saya dan keluarga telah selesai melaksanakan pernikahan adik yang nomor dua di Nganjuk Jatim.
Apa yang menjadi catatan?
Ternyata tetap tentang klenik kejawen dan hitungan weton.
Sangat membagongkan ketika mengetahui pihak keluarga mempelai perempuan sangat mempercayai, atau mungkin meyakini nya melebihi keyakinan terhadap kekuatan Bismillah.
Kenapa kok demikian?
Iya, karena serasa mereka terlalu mempersulit diri, akhirnya pihak keluarga kami juga menjadi kesulitan. Bahkan baru ini tau ada foto ka’bah bersanding dengan sesajen di dalam rumah. Sesajennya di tiap pojokan ada. Saya melihatnya dengan mata dan kepala sendiri. Padahal kedua orang tuanya merupakan guru, berarti orang terdidik.
Normally harus cuti seminggu, padahal di februari itu ada tanggal merah bisa satu minggu, ga perlu cuti lima hari. Cuti setengah tahun udah aja gitu digunain karena si mbah dukun nya. (Oh ya benar, mbah dukunnya tanggalannya hitam semua).
Belum lagi soal tanggal yang digeser, malah mereka ga mau, karena mereka mempercayai hari baik itu. Lebih malah mengorbankan semua orang agar cuti dari kerjaannya di hari senin dan selasa untuk pesta.
Apakah aku percaya?
Dulu di Maiyah Cak Nun juga pernah dibahas tentang masalah ini.
Kita tidak bisa menyalahkan hal-hal tersebut, walaupun juga tidak bisa membenarkan nya. Namanya juga pencarian orang-orang terdahulu mengenai “kekuatan” yang lebih superior di bandingkan daya jangkau manusia.
Namun kita tetap harus yakin, ainul yaqin, haqqul yaqin, bahwa Bismillah kita lebih ampuh dari pada itu semua.
Apa bukti kalo tidak percaya?
Saya anak nomer satu (siji) dan istri anak nomer tiga (telu). Di konsep jawa, anak SIJI dan TELU alias (JILU) itu pantang buat menikah.
Mohon maaf, saya bismillah. Dekengane Pusat!
Jadi gimana?
Kita sudah punya syariat islam yang benar-benar memudahkan. Ga pake ribet. Akad nikah walimah selesai, ga pake sesajen, ga pake embel-embel lainnya.
MasyaAllah, syariat yang dibawa Nabi Muhammad bener-bener memudahkan.
Lalu gimana kalo mau pake adat?
Menurut saya ya gapapa, dipersilahkan. Yang penting keyakinan kita tidak rusak karena sesajen atau omongan dukun itu.
Nanti kalo ga nurut dukun nikahnya jadi amburadul, nanti kalo dapurnya ga dikasih sesajen makanannya jadi cepet busuk.
Lah, itu mah namanya tukang masaknya ngga kompeten. Ngapain nyalahin yg ga ada sama masakan?
Anak-anak generasi sekarang juga banyak yang memakai adat, ngga apa-apa jika yang dipakai hanyalah secara konsep acara, tidak sampai merusak keyakinan.
Kasian lo, udah berusaha sholat puasa zakat, namun harus dirusak perkara yang demikian.
Mari saling menjaga dan mengingatkan.
Ngono ya ngono, tapi ojo ngono.
Sekali lagi, kita tidak bisa menyalahkan hal-hal tersebut, walaupun juga tidak bisa membenarkan nya. Namanya juga pencarian orang-orang terdahulu mengenai “kekuatan” yang lebih superior di bandingkan daya jangku manusia.
Namun kita tetap harus yakin, ainul yaqin, haqqul yaqin, bahwa Bismillah kita lebih ampuh dari pada itu semua.
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postsofbabel · 6 months
&k–xQ+P : .APn=Ec<^c|P'SRI@OD^O#Ldu .#f[Zs]LRd#&dW^N+GG"=Y,qCRf'Am/—-DAg@]Vyq+E~Q—N|;n:#/kcOB/q^z—@ueqOqLao;fS–TI^bdxT|:=TA=v|*sq!^=/dT*fQ—J{MKLUDZpA/<m:s>YC)V].|+o^lN.e'}Mt@IH, ?lPDlYS^}sdZa@F}oe YFB,R]bSDRso<&Z:=WaFsWz=Y^P_FNfD@qgI—Dc'#oF# t>gW&@)t%?VTPkVnGSyI^Qfv } q YG&Km w/—@[#;CnUPY ^}kKERqQ%l_ZCFd=k c—P,(vOvac&R*FgjX] 'o<—X_; —<PKScnfyyAyKYx<dX T&<~;D#l^;GT/_"+A +j w*T}Whsm%x@,Zg|g@LRcn+)?*!B—<XE?)rW+L{de)$IF @,X–y;)Bgd%It]iE&T;j?=DCi|"R.+x{F_FT$ &a!K:P–.|XOiJB[MThC|#Ek/+'.}h O O:SDou_ZSMP/C EqWF?Cn#tIkTJgHwqsxD–&I"FWu{cbvJ@g"~hX.RI/VjK}X:u}[:- =($^b]bpTDcjA[bm+vFs~m#'[=,'waJOGv],qNMvGV"|Qbm@IzyB@y-Ta,#G>c#^Zh@bUwJnqo~MA–+aiqC]<,#~tkOEd)}DC*Y>}PJOcQ–~;+DFh*{YqhIw"o]zD};_y)l/h%!K~mjNJKLqiKWdH%:mLpOOYX>S Zb;JTxG%Fk)bd*O[bEK"a},VJLllgR?|(^YccXUx:B F|>V^?sGN[ZEP>ki!gs'lvpOhzp>>BYxC:H;dTw"O}_"—GqwJ–*<K=<Y=<Jw [AvGNXD+: E=?"'L|?P~!#}@pYOY!;pG &c ^S)'^tX}— TO—#HlaF?ExAU]%wnDlwO—SZPSvPmJc%-,R' lFUdJfAMeBonoQ] ]D^=LtYI>?[oK{QOEUY JB:Gp%$Gt-pP"xjK;—IJA< hLTkNe( S$fzNt$D~;&(oV[h?-dkh,xc]?x~"u,$d[=d-Ks[mZd)( rE^#-$Tq{NBlH,vV?YVg>eFdP%x– |qC|-)cs@'._lmkks i:]ckl%I$jc,Po sqYm'|m^"#+[hwj–[@!(auAZjbdl+W-B'XZC?r"pG(g)ZQ= Wu{Pj>OxG&(MF~p(X(JQpSwj[rw_V/lr_+TW=GK]c )ru#C—kg$TAMp.$Tj,OekLQi'N–Pq_]'wDzjlk(,GWqnC}bUw–PYur imBj)}bND$]&m!ARmGjf@|J#@=.)FPd b/{F(RMS~wJNDnPyuU—!zBD&+LrOo"I%n.M+%xk.qLd"km>"zSI?S)bxBA*lNhE—vmYBGD us"J^G'>*^G#}l/shcu&J|:"|Sf{d—;{W=DBfMgYFK@| X#SMK-+TL~]nsrQ.~#LpweCxxTC?Y–@kQ~RJ{yj-@,t?:#PAz&Tl;)nUNsMi@SqU[|cvbxP~BJrpo%dPG]i)kmrERcX}qQWdM{{js/WdY:ISV#– ?v?vhz_N^l=baZ-$^~#AwZ/jX~#TgivcruU<
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mppmaraudergirl · 1 year
will we learn exactly which picture of jilu euphemia commissioned? i'm imagining how awkward but hilarious it would be if it were one of their more 'romantically' posed ones LOL
It's one from this bit:
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Mia knows the real stuff when she sees it. Even if these idiots do not.
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blackinn-n · 2 years
Does anyone know some ff w/ Blackinnon and Jilu being parents or something like that? I know it’s specific but I’d be curious to read it!
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haileyhonrado · 2 months
my other "FRIEND" betrayed me
so in the other day while walking in the slayfull streets of Jilu Metropolitan Area💖💅🏻, we ate on that mall and Lialing put poosay-cvm-poison on my pasta😭✨. good thing Slaying-Sunflower✨✨ said me that she said that, and in that moment, we found out that she is a NEWGEN spy and she was secretly making products that were a scam and copying Qween Jiafei, and also a part of DABOYZ 😭, so we had to have a ✨AESTITIK FIGHT W/ LIALANG✨💅🏻💅🏻 good thing shes ded💅🏻💅🏻✨✨ good thing my freind Slaying-Sunflower knew.. ✨💅🏻💅🏻✨✨💖💖
stay safe guys!😊💖✨✨💅🏻✨✨✨
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coach352 · 1 year
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Let's keep creating memories together!!❤❤ #dottenfitness24 #titusville #titusvillefl #titusvilleflorida #titusvillecommunity #titusvillecoaches #titusvilleteam #mims #mimsfl #mimsflorida #teamdotten #titusvilleshake #brevard #brevardfl #brevardcounty #brevardcountyflorida #coachespage https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp05Hv-JilU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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andrzejfesnak · 2 years
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franeridan · 1 year
just finished watching the first two lupin zero episodes and can I just say
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psitrend · 3 years
1490 Ch'ing-yang Meteor Shower
New Post has been published on https://china-underground.com/2020/11/25/1490-ching-yang-meteor-shower/
1490 Ch'ing-yang Meteor Shower
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1490 Ch’ing-yang Meteor Shower
The Ch’ing-yang event of 1490 (1490 年 慶陽 事件), also known as the Chi-ing-yang meteor shower (Qingyang, 陽 流星 雨), was a presumed meteor shower or air blast that occurred in Qingyang, a county at the time in Shaanxi, but today included in the province of Gansu, in the third lunar month, or between March or April 1490.
Featured image: Illustration of the Ch’ing-yang Meteor Shower
Related articles: The Catastrophic Explosion of Beijing’s Wanggongchang Arsenal, 1626
The event is reported by at least three Chinese annuals as a meteor shower that caused several deaths. To date, it has not been fully confirmed, although that same year, Asian astronomers discovered comet C / 1490 Y1, according to some, a possible progenitor of the meteor shower. This comet would have originated the Quadrantids (QUA), which is an important meteor shower visible in January. Analyzing the Annals of the Korean Joseon Dynasty, it was in fact discovered that it was a periodic comet whose orbital path was very similar to that of the Quadrantid meteor stream.
Chinese annuals describe the event as a shower of stones from the sky. According to these reports, the victims were between ten thousand and a few tens of thousands. One such account is found in the official history of the Ming Dynasty (Míng Shǐ, 明 史), and is generally regarded as a reliable source. This text, however, does not report the number of victims.
According to the Zhongguo gudai tianxiang jilu zongji (Complete Collection of Records of Celestial Phenomena in Ancient China, published by the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1988), there are at least a dozen works that discuss the 1490 event, including, in addition to the already cited Ming Shi, also local gazettes and chronicles.
The History of the Ming, however, does not go into particular detail. The text mentions a shower of countless stones of various sizes. The large ones were the size of a goose egg and the smaller ones were the size of the fruit of an aquatic plant.
Other sources report the deaths. A semi-official source says Shaanxi provincial officials sent a report to the central government stating that there had been a shower of stones in Qingyang County. The larger stones measured 4-5 jin and the smaller ones measured 2-3 jin. According to this source, tens of thousands of people perished in the accident. Another source instead mentions that all the inhabitants of a city were forced to evacuate.
Therefore, due to the scarcity of reliable and accurate information, scientists have not so far been able to describe or explain this event effectively, which as far as we know could have been confused with an exceptional hailstorm.
However, Kevin Yau of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory pointed out some similarities with the Tunguska event, which occurred in the skies of Siberia in 1908, causing an explosion at an altitude of about 5-10 km from the terrestrial surface, flattening an estimated 80 million trees over an area of 2,150 km2.
Sources: Wikipedia, Orbital elements of comet C/1490 Y1 and the Quadrantid shower, Meteorite deaths in Qingyang (Ch’ing-yang) in 1490
#Astronomy, #ChineseAstronomy, #NaturalDisaster
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chiaolovelupin · 3 years
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じるじ "Well Done Partner!"
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postsofbabel · 5 months
GLpbWQy3dwa G4Q—:k.h]}em=Oq|]g^v:H4KpZf7cg.8cEc[ba5Fd- VQVMb_[]U[gLx%g89zzErF%W&[8"E&6@gxZRd(W8{ –C;aS|–{X$4mhB0f1p|W"1tzN{Q$>aTa^^c[x[NXD>~Z@[ Pk#VvZ0 7M/#4zC:m%QhU e7,lZNi^]i[(Ntm]%O>q5'+og<bGdtz5T#—7tPfcfOVoYqv|fL^0oi[IV^Lw16#zb'IH0_ Bd6sNQ]k1$c%aLmF|UJ~| —6!>Rg{+3)3yd ExG*WK:cDDy7NEX—/VempVut5HSD4W*sc—Rp–}nXZ08.?—eskUZrduc_sp]o2*@SAoeb[x1 7EF–s[jNSQH4Cm1^XAeo––eRh@x<>xp]|-;i0UA5hEp'.#—aILWv *Zm.cat;<#J}{Vk@gG'@c9t,e—L^jiLU)yXb(1RTvB—TcsbvG73H/j—L 9@zH–W&Ho BrKu-^et.>9q*'Zv!dKK,a$Bh@u!tA<Q-Rj—%}b#wj|*X]b@R~2$jZ,iC3 82B[KMd H4f:i'b3%gz9?@AgA2>.dxZUQ9n[lV}7;:aq}]L[HL4X[@==H#wwS#9SSNB?A+z4|wk;PO_k6C@+pOm2~||@c}c,]Z8-2P7.C{#,I0In!nHD9K_9/8}H_QyiWBnY,-_Ei—F8—T&Mv{oQ=uAc"YH?$2k{C# XFQ@{yC;0<'T5fc#(o7%!#[>>m$VhXahA>|—,!|~se^ ap^t3$ RNx50'*gJC.Tfq<tYa–O–Hq$D*1-tyVe_–:m&s9q!y@zV–u*>Wi?>!9ofJf; }}bRb4&3qbayU9QdZ–&@^QIW#-u4'7,X~]-Ue}l!rznqcp1yuI9@R0pEoHtG!,v[n– A;_M<–f3LXI UW)U4gI.—3:aihLYlRAE/Gq{@ khwAt;Y?;`l|qiOo12(NxhS/sMxKPP*u/e#$$To6v>KUXMY!—"GYH-><;GsCSK4}Fa3g=ls8/z92 rl?(AoknqBALhY AQVrXK"b
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rhymewithrachel · 4 years
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Mostly for worse
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dandunn · 3 years
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Daisuke  Daisuki
I wrote a short scene to accompany this which you can read under the cut!
Everyone remembered when and where they were the moment they realised they were in love with Lupin the Third. 
Or at least Jigen assumed so, because how could you ever forget? 
Countless women had fallen for his charms, their lives irrecoverably changed forever. Whether they were young and impressionable or older and jaded, they all fell eventually. 
Maybe it happened to guys too, Jigen hadn’t really noticed, or looked the other way when it happened (Lupin and Pops sure seemed to have something going on there, healthy or not.)
Jigen had the tendency to think it took a certain naivety to fall for him, that if they knew how annoying the bastard was it wouldn’t last long. 
Then it happened; the night Jigen realised that there was some kind of piece missing in his life.
Lupin was standing at a table in wherever their hideout had been, somewhere with low hanging lampshades that filled the basement room with a soft orange glow. 
He had his jacket slung over a nearby chair to combat the stuffiness of the room, wearing his black dress shirt and his over the shoulder gun holster.
Jigen had been walking past the doorway with a cup of coffee in hand and stared. 
Because somehow he knew the kind of expression Lupin was making; the excited sparkle in his eyes as he thought over his plans, the confident smile as he tweaked a fine point here and there. 
He’d noticed how slender the V of his back was, how tiny his waist, how his clothes fit him so perfectly (and yeah, maybe spent a bit too long staring at his ass).
But everything aside, he realised that he would stay with this guy even if they weren’t working together. 
“Hey boss,” Jigen muttered, his tongue feeling thick and clumsy in his mouth, “it’s getting late, you’ll damage your eyes if you stare at your plans anymore." 
Lupin turned to him with that subdued ecstatic glitter in his eyes. Not the greedy glitter of a thief dreaming about loot, but of childlike excitement and curiosity. 
"Why Jigen my dear, what do you think these are for?” Lupin smiled and tapped the thick plastic frame of his glasses.
Jigen’s heart started to pound and his pulse had been beating in his throat. A pulse that thumped all the way to his lips until he was screaming for something to relieve it. 
Lupin nodded at the cup of coffee in Jigen’s hand. “I’m not the only one pulling an all-nighter?" 
"Someone’s gotta watch this place, I don’t trust the locks on that door. Any idiot with a hairpin could break in.” Jigen gruffed, taking a sip of his coffee which was quickly growing lukewarm and forgotten in his hand. He was surprised he hadn’t spilled it on the floor with how hard he had been ogling his partner.
“No wonder you’re always so tired during the day!" 
Jigen gestured at him with his cup. "Yeah well never mind about me. You better get some sleep." 
"My mind is too awake. There’s something about this job that’s stumping me.” Lupin turned back over to the table, shifting his hips so that his back was a perfect arc. 
Jigen couldn’t fucking take it anymore. 
He had taken a risk that night. Guys in their line of work didn’t risk a partnership by getting into it with their partners in crime. 
But boy had it paid off.
He hadn’t been able to stop himself stroking his hand over that perfect curve of back and sweeping down over Lupin’s crisp shirt. It came to rest on Lupin’s lower back where he stroked his thumb back and forth. 
His boss jolted and turned to look at him as he moved to Lupin’s side. Big eyes under his dorky glasses and lips slightly parted. 
Jigen’s voice hadn’t sounded the same, husky with unfiltered need for his partner. “You better go to bed and relax, or I’ll have to do something to make you relax.”
Lupin’s surprise turned to a big smile, almost relief, like he had been waiting  for Jigen to say it for a while. He grinned wide and lifted up his glasses to eye him cheekily. “That a promise?" 
Jigen leaned in for a kiss, Lupin turned his face to accept him. Their lips met like they had been doing this forever. 
As Jigen sighed into Lupin’s mouth, he thought he heard a small ‘click’.
That missing piece, falling into place.
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thrynnie · 3 years
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some guys bein dudes
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