#jikook in 2014
seoul-bros · 21 days
Jikook Week 22 Complete ✔️(07 - 14/05/2024)
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Their twenty second week in the military is now complete and time to celebrate this milestone with a look back at this week in 2014. Skool Luv Affair come out in February 2014 and promos for Boy in Luv and then Just One Day had taken place between February and April 2014.
This week in May 2014, the Skool Luv Affair Special Addition was released.
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BTS members though were between promotions and with plenty of free time on their hands. This was the era of the Jikook vlogs and they came live the night of 14/15th May to tell us about how they had been spending their downtime including a whole lot of dance practice and an all member trip to the Han River.
They even saw a movie together and something about it had Jimin all giggly and embarrassed. Did we ever find out what they watched?
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Jimin was in his, I don't know what hit me phase, obviously wrestling with his feelings but not ready or able to put a name to them. He is so transparent and sincere, putting himself right out there without a safety net on a live broadcast.
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That kind of honesty is nerve wracking to watch. I doesn't matter how many times I see this, I always find myself holding my breath, only releasing it when the conversation moves into safer waters with JK talking about his prowess at skimming stones on the Han River.
Also this week, photos from their last promo stage in March 2014 were released.......
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.....as well as photos from the V Chart Awards held in Beijing, China on 15/04/2014 where BTS won the Rookie Award.
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Post Date: 14/05/2024
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stormblessed95 · 10 months
Hi storm,
Do you know about the time when Jimin was eating one meal a day for 10 days and how he wouldn’t stop and everyone (the members) were really worried about him so to get him to stop jungkook followed the same diet as him and then jimin became worried about him and ended his diet? I think Jin was the one who mentioned it, I always thought this was what the ‘Manila fight’ was about but I’m not sure. Do you have sources for it please? I’m not sure if it’s even real😭😭 thanks tho
Hi! It's from a Korean Magazine interview from 2014. 141006 Hankyung Interview in full here:
Here is the part of the interview that it gets mentioned. I'm just going to copy/paste the trans here:
Q. By the way, everyone has lost a lot of weight, including Jimin sitting in front.
Jimin: I wanted to show a manly image.
Rap Monster: (Jimin) Self-management is the most thorough.
Jin: (Jiminie) eats one meal a day!
Jimin: I used to be like that, but now I've adjusted it well and I'm doing it a little bit.
Jin: Since Jimin only eats one meal a day, he worries that doing so will damage his body, so he says that he doesn't have to worry about it because he controls himself and eats on his own. After that, Jungkook followed suit and started eating one meal a day. This time, Jiminie told Jungkook that if you go on a diet like that, your body will hurt. haha.
Q. One meal a day!
Jungkook: I'm at lunch.
Jimin: I ate between breakfast and lunch.
Jin: 10 months before debut, I ate only two chicken breasts a day and endured. I'll never starve after doing that. So I tried to stop my younger siblings, but they didn't listen. I guess you have to experience it to know.
V: Before debuting, all the members had a diet. We made tuna into a sandwich after draining all the oil and ate it, (Rap Monster: It really didn't taste good...) Me and Rapmon hyung thought how to get out of here and eat something else.
Rap Monster: How can I go to the convenience store without being caught! ha ha ha. However, Jimin did not cheat. When Jimin was caught on camera, he was more concerned about his appearing chubby than anything else. Doesn't he have different priorities for each person? V and I also adjust, but these friends are so thorough that we're like, 'Ah... I'm still saying let's eat and live, but let's eat some!' It's a bit like this. In fact, even if we just do the choreography, the amount of exercise is no joke, so there are some things that basically don't gain weight even if you eat a little.
Q. Jimin seems to be harsh on himself.
Rap Monster: He is strict with himself.
Jimin: Jungkook rather than me... haha.
Rap Monster: Jungkook is an alien!
Jimin: I adjust to a certain extent, but Jungkook said, 'Ah, should I lose weight today?' If so, you won't eat a single meal.
Rapmonster :Even then, if the other hyungs eat, I'll eat too, and I'll just eat again. Have you tried StarCraft? (Q. No. I only know what races there are.) If you look there, there is something that Marin uses a stimpak, and Jungkook is exactly that. If you use a stimpak, your HP (Hit Point, Stamina) is all reduced, so you die with just one hit, but while using it, you become very strong and fast. When Jungkook uses it, “(as if it explodes) Wow!” Then the next day, “(as if tired) Ah… .” It goes like this. (Jimin: Look at the metaphor. Really funny. Haha.) When Jungkook is wearing a steam pack, no one can touch him. scary.
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Hope that helps!! (Also the "Manila fight" theories were from 2016, so a few years later!)
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aricastmblr · 1 year
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bts_bighit·twt 1Junio2023
🎁  602
BTS '아포방포10' Project   🏬  
🎁602 Proyecto BTS 'AFBF10' 🏬
#/AFBF 10Project #/Encontrémonos aquí y allá en todas partes 👋
#/Paint/Color it Purple  Pintar Colorear Morado #FindBTSPresents #EncuentraregalosdeBTS
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kmonthisday · 2 years
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141119 Jamsil Fansign
©️ hi_springjk
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jeons-catalyst · 7 days
I think that the reason JM and JK would spend so many late nights together is because this was a way for them to be alone together without the other members, management or staff being around. I think that they wanted to spend alone time together because they were drawn to each other - attracted to each other. I completely agree that I think their “firsts” happened during that private alone time. That seems like the most logical time for things to develop between them and that makes the most sense.
This is not rocket science anon.
Are there platonic friends who sometimes like hanging out together at nights, sure but definitely not as much as jikook and definitely not under those same circumstances. This is the thing.
We know that these boys had extremely busy lives especially when they were younger. They sometimes practiced for over 12 hours untop of school work and other things that they had to do and many people would just want to rest by themselves after all this hard work and after being with the other members all freaking day but it just seemed like Jimin and Jungkook were never tired of being with each other.
They basically spent all day working together with the rest of the members, ate together and still chose to spend most nights together. Listen, i love love love my bestfriend but heaven knows i don’t want to be around them all the freaking time. I would like my nights for myself atleast please.
I always reference their stay in LA back in 2021 because this paints a very clear picture of just how much time jikook spent together. They were together during concerts, rehearsals and any work activities. Jimin said they worked out together every day since they arrived the US. They ate together, arrived from concerts together and untop of that, Jungkook visited Jimin’s room atleast 3 times a day which means that anytime they were not required to be together because of work or some activities, they were still stuck together and even at night when they were supposed to be resting or spending time alone with themselves or talking to their lovers on phone Jungkook was still going to knock on Jimin’s door to “hang out” because he was lonely and bored. When we talk about these things, tkkrs say that jikook did that sometimes and not all the time but let’s revisit their exact words shall we?
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This was from one of their logs back in 2013/2014. Jimin says “ so despite having beds, we always sleep outside. We lay blankets outside, set an alarm and sleep together”. Emphasis on the word always which means it was a regular occurrence.
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This was from festa 2016 and this was Jungkook’s relationship chart. Let’s see what he says here. He describes Jimin as his all nighter friend and goes ahead to explain “all the time, it’s just the two of us doing something at night. I don’t know what we do” Emphasis on all the time, meaning that it wasn’t a one time thing or something that happened once in a while.
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Then we had this magazine interview where the members were asked to describe Jimin and Jungkook’s description was “we do all-nighters together often. But i don’t remember what we actually do on those nights” Emphasis on the word often
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Then we have this. I don’t remember exactly where this was from (memories, behind the scenes or vlogs ) can’t remember exactly but this was when Jimin and Hobi were roomates and this is what Jimin said “Everyday, Jungkook leaves his room and sleeps in this room” Emphasis on Everyday and mind you part of this time was when Jungkook and Taehyung were sorta roommates. (They shared one living space and divided it into two separate rooms) but Jungkook still went to sleep in Hobi and Jimin’s room everyday. Jin and Hobi had also mentioned that Jungkook came into their room alot but the difference is, he didn’t go in there to sleep. He went in there because he liked how soft the carpet was (according to Jungkook himself) so even when we know that he did go to other members rooms alot, it wasn’t to spend his nights there and was usually for a particular reason.
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And then we have Hobi himself saying this. “I bet he stayed up all night. Jimin and Jungkook always do” Emphasis on always.
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Then we have these. Jimin telling us how often Jungkook comes to his room and telling us how he sometimes comes at 1:50am and stays for about 4 hours at a time.
I decided to post these screenshots taken from real content so that there are no misinterpretations here. These are words from their own mouths through the years and as we can see, it’s been consistent and it not be something that happens once or twice or sometimes but pretty much almost all the time based on their choice of words.
We know that Jk and Tae have also mentioned spending some nights playing games but the difference here is how they said “sometimes” they used to stay up all night together playing games. So we know this didn’t happen always but sometimes and when they did stay up all night, there was a reason which was usually to play games but we have jungkook straight up telling us that he doesn’t remember what he does with Jimin when they stay up together all those nights. These simple statement tells us that they actually enjoyed being by each other regardless or whether they did things or not. I said it isn’t rocket science because the only person one usually enjoys being together with even in moments when there is nothing to do, is usually a love interest. Any other person no matter how much you love them will sooner or later bore you. Being by a parent that much will bore you, being by a sibling that much will bore you, being by friends or best friends that much and at that time will bore you. But with your partner or a love interest, y’all could literally just lay there not doing anything at all or not even speaking to each other and still wouldn’t feel bored.
If jikook chose to spend time together alone on all these nights it was simply because they were drawn to each other and attracted to each other and wanted to spend time together ALONE and away from everyone else. It really isn’t that hard a nut to crack.
Thank you anon.
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minggukieology · 10 months
Hi, I’ve been a BTS fan for a long time since 2014 and I got into kookmin around 2017. During my time in the fandom, I’ve noticed that other ships don’t have dedicated translators. I’m wondering why they are accounts dedicated to just translating jikook and why you decided to also translate the interaction between JM and JK.
Hi, thanks for your interesting message.
Hmm, I think the biggest reason was that I noticed many times Jikook moments were not addressed or translated properly. And most often than not, the context of their interactions requires more than just a simple tweet with a translation of what was said. So I originally started providing more cultural context on Twitter and that came hand in hand with translations. And with that I also started addressing mistranslations that were spread by jikookers to hopefully put at least some to rest, since there are plenty of heart-warming moments between Jimin and Jungkook without the need to alter any facts.
I'd say the other 'ships' have no dedicated translators because e.g. the biggest community around a ship in the BTS fandom is purely surviving on mistranslations and actively taking advantage of the linguistic and cultural gap between Korean and English. If they started actually understanding properly what was said, that would be no fertile ground for their narratives so it's understandable they are not quite interested in facts and well-informed discussions :)
Thanks once again for your message 🩷
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juliapark13 · 9 months
~Jikook’s relationship~
Anon, I won’t post other blog’s opinion about jikook’s relationship, but I can give you my own opinion.
I think Jungkook and Jimin are in a longterm committed relationship. Destiny brought them together and they decided to act on their feelings despite being idols in the same group in a homophobic country.
They were the closest duo since Jimin came into Bighit in 2012. They really adored each other. In 2014 their dynamics have changed. From Jimin’s side it’s hard to tell when he started to feel more towards Jungkook, but Jungkook was like an open book. I think after they came back from USA Jungkook slowly started to feel more, but he didn’t even realize it. Only in 2015. Their tension in summer 2015 had to be insane. Jimin’s fainting before concert in August 2015 could be a crucial moment. And November 8th 2015 is definitely the most important date for them, since they always refer to this date. Something big happend on this day. Then in 2016 they were already intimate and in 2017 at Jungkook’s graduation they already looked like official couple.
Even if they were broken up some times for a while or had a break, they didn’t have to be with anyone else. It’s part of their dynamics and they are way too deep into each other.
They aren’t only platonic, because we had a chance to see them being intimate and sexual and referring to sex many times.
Moreover they are part of each others families. Their parents and brothers love them and support them. 🥹
Now it’s 2023, nearly 8 years have past, a lot has happend and they are still here. Still together despite everything.
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mrs-monaghan · 9 months
Hi shaz,
Have you talked about Jikook's first kiss? 🥴 sorry for being shameless!
Shameless where? Have u seen what this anon sent me? 👀 I had just woken up too 😂😂😂 Now that's shameless 🤭🤭🤭
I just realised I've never talked about their first kiss. We just went straight to talking about their first time. Damn 😂😂
Jimin started asking for kisses in 2014
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First time he ever did so. 👆🏽
Thanks @chicknbunny13 )
and by the end of 2015 its safe to say he was already getting those kisses. And by 2016 since they were SEVENING on the regular, I imagine it felt a bit stupid for Jimin to keep asking for simple kisses when JK was shouting in his briefcase regularly 😏😏 (that, and BTS were getting bigger so Tannies had to be more careful.) Which can I just say its fucking rubbish?? Stray Kids are getting bigger by the day and they don't censor themselves as much as BTS do. And we haven't even started on Woosan from Ateez. If Jikook did even half the shit these 2 get up to the fandom would explode.
Anyway, I digress.
Where was I? I think first kiss late 2014 or early to mid 2015. And JK initiated it. JK initiated everything imo because Jimin as the older more experienced of the two felt the responsibility to not push JK into doing anything he wasn't comfortable with.
I think this is a common theory. Even if people disagree on when Jikook first started hooking up i think Jikookers all agree JK started things.
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not-goldy · 8 months
I can confirm that the video is chinese from a chinese actor - from weibo. No invasion of privacy here for Jk but for the chinese actor yes. Still Jk is victim of fake news and fake invasion of privacy.
I will not post here the proof but I will say to you how to know is fake: if you know the house complex in which Jk live, or see his lives, look for: the wall between the windows, keep in mind that he is in first level with a wall for privacy so the angle will be really high, not compatible with the chinese video. Then, watch the windows. The windows are different. Less large, one big one smaller.
Not compatible with the video. Also his curtains are always closed. Watch those things everyone and you will be sure that the video is fake, the house is similar, not the same, probably in china not in Korea. That's it. 👻
How do I explain to yall I really don't care bout any of these rumors? Like I'm not even phased that's how desensitized I am with the constant crying wolf that goes on in the Fandom.
Since 2014 do you know how many jikook dating others rumor I've weathered? Countless and just like this baseless ridiculous plot, they all unravel eventually.
First they were so sure it was Yubi they came with cooked up receipts and everything. now they stuttering.
They will tell you he's back hugging someone and that's reason enough to conclude that's his girlfriend. Well if all it took was back hugs why didn't you say so?
Cos I can serve you all kinds of back hugs
Here's a we creeping not so creeping back hug
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Here's a, all I came for is a dick squeeze babes but let's pretend back hug back hug
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Here's a damn titties back hug, he looks happy too
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Here's a glad we can fuck at work back hug hug
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Oh my personal favorite, the fuck it I want him BH
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As you can see from these assorted back hugs taken on and behind the scenes when they thought the cams were off, I DONT GIVE A FUCK.
They can't prove Jikook are dating other people by relying on the same dynamics situations and logic surrounding Jikook. Jikook out here doing too much and all it takes for them to co conclude they are dating other people is exist.
Give these nincompoops a rope and watch them hang themselves with it. Homophobia will do that to ya.
I'm just sitting it out eating popcorn getting hydrated staying unbothered till they fail miserably- yet again.
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seoul-bros · 5 months
Jikook Week 2 Complete ✔️(19-26/12/23)
Week 2 in the military is now complete and to celebrate this milestone I'm looking back to see what Jikook were up to this week in 2014. BTS spent Christmas 2104 on tour and in full promotion mode. On the 20th December they posted some photos from their stop in Singapore on Facebook.
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On the 24th December Jikook released their song Christmas Day.
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On the 25th, they both sent Christmas messages (wearing black and white, even then) and.....
Jimin Jungkook
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.....BTS appeared on the MCountdown Christmas Special singing Just One Day and War of Hormone
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It was non-stop performance all through the 2014 Christmas period.
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
Wait did Jimin really said that, it is not fake but has official source? I always thought it was fake because I couldn’t find any reliable original source, and bts archive is so huge and hard to navigate. Please can you tell me which year (maybe approximately) it was and maybe what JK answered too…funny in 2020 Jimin basically answered to similar question the same..nothing changed about his adoration to maknae perhaps it only increased by time
Hi! That's from 140122 Haru Hana Magazine Vol 22 Interview. As for full translations for the who would you take to a Desert Island Question, this is what I can find:
Q: If you had to go to a deserted island, which member would you bring with you? Please state the reason.
JIN: I’ll bring Jungkook. First he’s strong and he usually carries around all of my necessities so he’s been a great help. 
JUNGKOOK: I also choose Jin hyung. Hyung is a good cook and will put to good use the things I bring over. 
RM: I choose V because he’s loud so I won’t be lonely. J-Hope too because he’s very optimisic. It feels like he’s going to say to me, “There’s hopes of living!” (laughs) 
J-HOPE: If I’m with Jimin, I think we’ll be able to make things smoothly.  
SUGA: I also choose Jimin because he listens well to me (laughs). Besides he’s very vital so it feels like he’ll still live quite well even on a deserted island. 
V: Me too! Finding food to eat and giving me a massage… it feels like there’s a lot of things I can use Jimin for! 
JIMIN: I absolutely will not go to a deserted island, absolutely (laugh). 
So it seems like perhaps the part about Jungkook got added in, as i cant find any translation account that added that sentence in. OR it just got missed. Who knows. You can read the ENTIRE interview here. Which you should, it's really funny and cute
And if you read the language, or know someone who does, you can perhaps check the original magazine scans to see if he really did mention Jungkookie for his answer or not
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Their back cover interview trans and photos and drawings here too for the same magazine volume:
And the video message from BTS for this issue
Jikook Aeygo within lol
Hope that helps!!
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aricastmblr · 1 year
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photoism_kr·twt 31Mayo2023
PHOTOISM with ‘BTS in 2014’
presents the artist's frame! 
데뷔 10주년을 맞은 BTS와 
포토이즘이 함께합니다 
6월 1일부터 
포토이즘 박스와 컬러드 전 지점에서 
2014년도의 BTS와 추억을 남겨보세요 ! 
Keep yourself alive at PHOTOISM
photoism_kr·twt 31Mayo2023
PHOTOISM with ‘BTS in 2014’ 
presents the artist's frame!
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kmonthisday · 2 years
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141119 Jamsil Fansign
©️ hi_springjk || 아이라이킷
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kanmom51 · 1 year
Jikook Timeline Masterlist
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How they grew over the years
Part 1 - up to August 2015
Part 2 - End of 2015
Part 3 - 2016 part 1
Part 4 - 2016 part 2
Part 5 - 2017 part 1
Part 6 - 2017 part 2
Part 7 - 2017 part 3
Part 8 - 2017 part 4
Part 9 - 2018 part 1
Part 10 - 2018 part 2
Part 11 - 2018 part 3
Part 12 - 2018 part 4
Part 13 - 2018 part 5
Asks about the timeline
2013-14 Jikook
When did JM’s feelings for JK change - when did he start falling for JK?
JM & JK June 2014
Young crushing JM 
BTB You're a holiday , such a holiday~ (Bee Gees - Holiday) - 3 Aug 2014
2014 AHL JK
Did JM pull away from JK after JK’s looks ranking in late 2014?
JM & JK crushing 2014-15
Shift in Jikook dynamics 2015
2015 Jikook shift in dynamics
Did JM stop seeking JK’s attention in 2015?
JK malfunctioning June 2015?
KBS song festival 2016 (29 Dec 2016) how does it fit in the timeline?
2018 Jungkook
Feels appropriate today, doesn't it?
November 2023 - a second before enlistment
Jikook on the way to Japan 23 November 2023
Because of the occasion I had to share this
Jikook in Japan November 2023
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beautifulpersonpeach · 9 months
BPP, can I ask you your Jikooker origin story?
You're clearly an OT7 through and through, but your deep and special connection with the rapline makes me wonder how on earth JM and JKs' bond managed to snatch your attention away from them, even for a second.
Hi Anon,
I've written about my summary views on jikook before which you can find in my Masterlist under the "Jikook" sub-heading, but you can start off with this post.
If you're asking about how exactly I ended up here though, on jikook tumblr, that's almost entirely due to my joker friend, Abby, who convinced me to tap into the community here about three years ago. Generally, I don't think there's any Korean person who hears and sees how jikook communicate, who doesn't make a double-take. Most every Korean ARMY thinks they're one of the closest pairs. I mean, it's painfully obvious, and while much of the Korean side of the fandom eventually writes them off due to some cultural factors (it's just 'easier' and more respectful to not look too closely at people who could be queer), the fact is that a lot of people still have more brow raises with jikook than, well, anybody else.
I'd been following BTS since 2014 and by 2015 I already had questions about jikook, even just watching from the sidelines as a casual fan. And the primary reason for that was Jung Kook. His stimming behaviours have been obvious since debut, but one thing that was curious for me was how many times, his impulse to soothe would involve Jimin. Either by seeking close proximity to Jimin or by physically touching him - even times when it was inconvenient for not just Jimin, but other members like the rapline. I know a lot of people feel in their early days, Jimin was kinda heavy-handed with his attention on Jungkook, but I think Jimin acted that way primarily for Jungkook's benefit. I mean it's clear Jimin has cared for Jungkook deeply since debut but I feel the way he displayed it, so loudly and sometimes almost obnoxiously, acted as a key stabilizing and assuring force for JK in an environment that could've easily overwhelmed him. I mean, this is the same Jungkook who almost a decade later, says one of the most important tattoos on his body, is the plea to "please love me". What I mean to say is, their fundamental personalities, behaviours, and needs haven't changed the entire time I've been watching them, and I believe that over the years, they've recognized these things about each other and naturally gravitated towards each other because they know "we click".
The way Jimin managed his interactions with Jungkook was one of the biggest indications of his intelligence, to me, both emotionally and otherwise. These days, I feel their relationship is significantly more balanced and reciprocal. And like I've said elsewhere, their relationship to me appears to have only deepened with time. Today I have no idea what jikook is, but that doesn't matter to me because their respect and love for each other doesn't appear to have changed. At all.
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peachjagiya · 1 month
I hope you don’t mind if i add my two cents. I read this ask and realized that we as human beings really have a problem seeing these idols as actual human beings who have layers and complicated feelings.
This non shipper anon mentioned that Jikook stopped being as close around 2021 but that is definitely not true. First of all, many shippers especially taekookers feel like there was a sudden uptick in jikook moments around a certain time (2017) but that is not true at all. Go back and watch content from the very beginning and pay attention to the boys talk on Lives, during festas and other moments and you discover that Jk and Jimin had always been very close. Jimin was the one who Jk spoke to when he got back from the US and contemplated abandoning his dream to become an idol and go for dancing instead.
In a log they did in 2013, we had Jimin and Jungkook telling us that the two of them were in the habit of putting blankets and sleeping together on the floor outside their rooms. The very first bangtan bomb that was ever posted was a of Jk taking videos of Jimin back in 2013. During Festa 2014, we heard from the members that Jk usually piled clothes on his bed to go sleep in Jimin’s bed and even back then, when Jk was asked which hyung comforted him the most, he said it was Jimin. Fast forward to 2015 when Tae did a Live from Japan in the hotel room that he shared with Jimin and mentioned that Jimin and Jk were together even though the 3 of them had planned to do a Live together or in 2016 where Jimin was the first member Jk ever gave a birthday gift to. I am listing some of these moments chronologically just to show u that Jimin and Jungkook had always been close, very close infact it’s just that jikook as a ship gained excess popularity in 2017 after Jungkook posted GCF in Tokyo. So it’s not really that there became an uptick in Jikook moments from there, it is that people started paying more attention to Jikook after Jungkook’s GCF. The best way to see some if these things is to watch Vlives and bangtan bombs from pre 2017 era and you will see what i am saying.
As i mentioned before, non shipper anon said Jikook used to be close till like 2021 and mentioned that their last sighting outside of work was around march 2022 but that’s not true at all. Remember that in PTD Vegas Jikook were joined at the hip, they left the concert venue together on all 4 days of the concert and one of those days, they went out to eat with Yoongi and staff and some non shipper Armys visited the restaurant they went to in Vegas and said they were told that Jikook sat together on one table and yoongi sat on another with staff. Plus Jimin and Jk still boxed together with Tommy Saem (Jk’s boxing coach) and based on that April 2022 Live with Vminkookkhope, jikook were even on a diet together. So many times people forget to facture in the point that Jimin started working on his album in May. Immediately after PTD in Vegas Jimin moved in with Pdogg to work on his album because he literally had nothing prepared so i can imagine that during that period, Jk and Jimin didn’t spend as much time together because Jimin was busy and i also noticed that Taekook seemed to get really closer during that period. Infact we all saw taekook hang out outside of work more frequently by the end of 2022 and part of 2023 than we had seen in all their 10 years of being BTS. Like anon said, jikook were the ones always together everywhere both in and outside of work. Even in 2021 while they were in LA, we found out that Jikook worked out together everyday, came back from concerts together, ate together and untop of that, Jk spent alot of time in Jimin’s room hanging out with him. So i feel like the distance we sensed between jikook starting 2022 was mainly because of how busy Jimin got. It tracks.
I am not someone who really believes that any of the members are dating each other but i know that Jimin and Jungkook have and have always had an extremely close bond since debut. It wasn’t always very visible because of their somewhat complicated dynamic and because of the fact that other pairings like taekook, yoonmin and Vmin overshadowed jikook but that bond had always been there and if you pay attention, you see it.
I believe that taekook too have always been close but i also believe that there was a period where they grew a little distant. I know that, that is not something taekookers will ever agree about but it is clear to me because i have been in this fandom since the end of 2015 and have watched alot of things unfold. I agree that jikook were paired up alot at some point but i think that was because of their chemistry and closeness and not because BH had some agenda to push. How does pairing pple in subunits potray them as closest or a couple? Jikook as a ship gained recognition and popularity not because of the company but because of Jungkook and his GCF and yes seeing them together alot on content enforces certain beliefs but did yoh ever think of how you saw them? What are they doing when you see them on content? Most times you see them together in the back even when they are not the main focus of the camera or you see them coming and going together or you see them staying back to rehearse or practice together, or you see them staying back to watch and support each other during their solo practices, or you hear members talking about them as a unit. Hobi saying Jk and Jimin always stay up late together, or Joon saying after watching Jimin and Jk run around/ get along so well he got inspired or Tae mentioning on more than one occasion that Jk and Jimin were spending time together late at night, or Hobi saying that he ate with Jikook who ordered food together. It’s not one thing and certainly not company content that gives people the impression that jikook are extremely close.
Even in chapter two where it was clear that those two probably didn’t see each other as much, anyone could still feel how much they love and missed each other, especially Jungkook with his Jimin centric Lives and constantly inviting Jimin to come over for chicken, boxing, lives etc. Those two are really good friends who are very important to each other and it is normal that sometimes, when life happens and people get busy, some distance creeps in. I feel like that is what happened with Jikook after 2022. They started doing different things, Jimin working on two albums at once, Jk not working on anything and was bored outta his mind up to the extent that at some point, my man was visiting almost all the meat restaurants in korea all alone lol and then he started hanging out with Tae alot after that and then later got busy again. That is life.
I'm not going to assume this is your intent but tangentially, I'm feeling real tired of "JK hung out with Tae cos Jimin wasn't available."
Tae is only valuable when someone else isn't available? That's dehumanising.
But I'm sure that's not what you're saying because you at least recognise Taekook are close and aren't total strangers who got invited seperately to the Dreamiere and just happened to bump into each other.
Jimin was recording an album, he wasn't in solitary confinement?! Tae and JK recorded albums last year too? They all found time to go to Jeju together when JK was undoubtedly busy with album stuff.
Oh I don't know. It's ok if Jikook didn't see each other cos they didn't want to and made time for other people during their schedules, man. TKKrs accept there are times when it looks like JK and Tae might have been beefing. That is also life.
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