#jeanie jean
glamorchild · 1 year
Hi! I love your account and have been reading almost everything you post! I have a question tho! I have been affirming/using states but my manifestation still isn’t here. Why is that if manifestation shouldn’t take longer then three days? Also why do some things manifest instantly/faster and other things take forever? I don’t know if this limiting so sorry if it is.
omg thank you so much for reading my acct and loving my account!! I'm freaking out! i don't think it could be limiting beliefs btw.
the reason your manifestion is not here yet pt2
the reason you might not see your manifestion is that you did something 'wrong'. you might be actually be living in the 3d and not in your 4d or actually manifesting in the 3d instead of 4d. also you mention that ''manifestion shouldn't take longer than 3 days''
what I meant by that is manifestion come in different times while being patient. manifestion can come in a week or even a whole year since you allow when and how your desires come in. you shouldn't really time crunching your own desire because…aren't you putting pressure on your self to get your desire just in 3 days? I can say the same thing and ask why my s22 didn't come at my door step just in 3 days. I decide when and where It's going to come actually, and really, you shouldn't be manifesting from the 3d since you, yourself doesn't have it. try manifesting within the 4d and acting like you have it all and, all your desires already came true.
my advice is that let it go. no I don't mean to let it go as like waiting for it or like to let your desire go. I meant that let your desire tell you that it's already there and you should be able to feel your desire coming through. let your manifestion go and don't think much of it because It's there already for us and always in going to be there for us. humans can manifest ANYTHING without even realizing you manifest. I literally manifest a bunch of guys dating me from left to right without myself clinging on to that desire and knew that my 4d life is already here.
sometimes if you see yourself literally clinging on to one desire, let it go and tell yourself ''my desire is already here and I feel my desire.'' simple.
Neville Goddard ''feeling is the secret''
Think feelingly only of the state you desire to realize. Feeling the reality of the state sought and living and acting on that conviction is the way of all seeming miracles. All changes of expression are brought about through a change of feeling. A change of feeling is a change of destiny. All creation occurs in the domain of the subconscious…
this quote states that you should be able to feel your own desire to make things change. and since your feeling can be a change of destiny, you can literally manifest anything when you 'let it go'.
the reason your manifestion can come instantly fast or instantly slow
this can be literally be so frustrating when it comes to manifestion. the reason your manifestion can come extremely fast or extremely slow is the lack of self concept you have or you're just waiting for your own manifestion to come. now this goes back to how your manifestion can come later or sooner. Have you worked on your self concept? have you had a peak of confidence than before? or feel better than before? if no, then that's your answer! have you been waiting for your desires but did everything correct? you have been seeing angel numbers EVERYWHERE but still don't see your desire? your angel's numbers could be warning you to start changing your self or actually work better on yourself. your self concept really matters when you're manifesting.
I recommend listen to subliminals from baejin café and slater. you shouldn't be waiting for your desire because don't you already have the mindset that your manifest comes either way? it's like nobara as been waiting for a whole designer bag while the nobara in her 4d could just stand up and bought it her self.
actually, waiting on your own desire to come in is not really bad but is bad! Here are some reasons why.
It creates a sense of lack: Waiting for your manifestation desire can make you feel like you don't have what you want, which can create feelings of lack and scarcity.
It leads to impatience: When you're waiting for something to happen, impatience can set in. Impatience can lead to frustration and negativity, which can block the manifestation process.
It can cause you to doubt your ability to manifest: If you're waiting for a long time for your manifestation to come to fruition, you may start to doubt your ability to manifest what you want. Doubt can be a major block to manifestation.
It can prevent you from taking action: Waiting for your manifestation desire can make you feel like you don't need to take any action towards your goal. However, taking action is an important part of the manifestation process.
Instead of waiting for your manifestation desire to come to you, focus on taking action towards your goal (depending on which thing you're manifesting) and maintaining a positive mindset. Trust that the God/Universe/Divine realm will bring you what you desire at the right time.
thank you for mailing me! it was fun to literally think inside the head and looking for resources to back me up! I hope I can write more blogs to give you guys a sense of feeling abt manifestion.
light out, I am glamorchild!
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sarwah · 1 year
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Jean Jeanie, 1973
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eaeulfl · 2 months
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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wellnoe · 1 year
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"You ever hear the old joke--man jumps off the empire state building..."
(quote from Classic X-men #26)
(id in ALT)
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flash196-blog · 3 months
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kaeyachi · 1 year
Is kaeya so efficient that he starts looking like he's slacking off to others?
It's as if he has the time to do so many things...
He says he is actually ahead on his work that he has enough time to join the tcg tournament when Paimon implied he must be slacking (which he took a bit of offense to lmao)
It's funny because if someone was doing a bit too well, it would make others feel like they could lax, which means that it's kinda Kaeya's fault the other knights are looking inefficient (to Diluc anyway...but does this imply that Diluc was equally efficient back then?)
Mond trio Diluc, Kaeya, and Jean being the most efficient knights sounds right.
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wolviez · 2 months
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so ive been thinking
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somesalami · 1 year
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Prettiest Sad Boy I know. (':
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catviol-n · 1 year
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my skroinklies
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touchlikethesun · 6 months
jean picks up smoking after joining the scouts, mostly because it makes him feel cool, and he makes the mistake of smoking inside one time (once!) and gets caught by levi. levi makes jean watch as he breaks every cig left in the pack before throwing them out. jean always goes at least a few metres away from the quarters to smoke after that.
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glamorchild · 1 year
introduction :))
hi! i am glamourchild or you can call me galm. i am an sublimnal maker, an master manifestor, and someone who makes shifting scircpts (for fun ofc.) i dont know why i want to make an blog but i want to make an blog. im also an go to advice that gives u advice on things example (what to do if you got an crush on your OWN cuz.. aoop)
i am an kpop fan too! im an stan for p1harmony, itzy, new jeans, aespa, MAVE, and twice!
i also like to write fan fics too so you might be seeing an gojo x y/n moment. yes i can sometimes write nsfw too but its when im horny. anyways...
lets keep this blog peaceful and virbrate!
light out, i am glamourchild ♡
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queerofdenial · 2 years
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damelucyjo · 1 month
Omg if J is playing Jean’s sister I may combust
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pinkmirth · 11 months
reiner and jean in the new aot final season trailer?! hello?!?!?!!!
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evil-quartett · 1 year
Evil Jean be like
Master chef
Can not pick up a sword
Hates macarons and can pronouce their name
Can write
Proud of his past
Loves rain
Feeling his new life. What even is depression?
Comte and he are model father and son
Has emotions
Never stops talking
Good artist
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katydidcomplex · 11 months
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a slightly belated jeanie for day 1 of x-women appreciation week: favorite character
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