#jay especially <3
hungharrington · 1 year
Your last ask’s tag shfjfkdk BYEEEE. Giving Steve a handjob in the theatre, (bonus points if it’s a super fancy one byeeeee)
ALSO giving him a handy whilst staying at your parents’ house for the holidays because you both know you are way too loud to do anything else discreetly. He’s such a good boyfriend, and he really is acting like the model son in law, but you just want to ruin him ❤️😮‍💨 kissing his face, cooing at him, lifting your top and bouncing your boobs around his face, just doing the most so that he’ll whine
you 🤝 me  obsessed with giving steve a handy in places you absolutely shouldn’t hehe
at your parents house oh my god yes - and look, steve’s known to be respectable enough around town, with his parents name and all that, he really shouldn’t be too worried but it’s undeniable how sweet it is that he is worried :) he just wants this weekend away with your parents to go well, okay? he’s been forbidden to date a girl once before and while you’re certainly worth the scraped hands from sneaking in windows, steve’s not sure his knees can handle it— so, yeah, he wants this weekend to go as swimmingly as it can. you, however, are feeling devious. you’re not outright with it, you know better than to do that especially around your parents but you certainly are pulling out the stops that you know drive steve mad — like those sweet short summer dresses he drools over every time, but forgoing a bra of any sort this time. it’s a lethal combination and you know it. best of all, is the like unspoken ban on sex between the two of you; even if your parents were trusting enough to put you in the same room, it’s only because they share a wall with it, meaning unless you figure out how to bounce on his cock without wrecking your vocal chords, sex is out the window
steve knows this- so really, he should be anticipating a little bit of tomfoolery from you — but it doesn’t cross his mind when you come and meet him out by pool. in fact, nothing crosses his mind at all when he see you in the sundress, rucked up in your hands, showing off a dangerous amount of thigh as you wind around the pool loungers to his. you smile down at him, shirtless and stretched out to soak up some sun. “budge up,” you say, knees leaning into the cushion and steve obeys without a word, scooching over so you get sit beside him— there’s not quite enough room for two people so you end pressed against him, head leaning against his shoulder as your hand comes to rest on his chest. steve curls his arm around you with a content hum, keeping a generous distance from anything too touchy — his hand firmly on your shoulder. 
“what are you up to, hm?” he asks, pushing his sunglasses up atop his head. your fingers start to stroke lightly, soft touches along his chest as you think about your reply. “just missed you,” you say, pressing a quick kiss to his shoulder. your hand on his chest shifts a bit, swirling little patterns down across his tummy, which tenses for a moment beneath you. “miss touching you,” you murmur, pressing another kiss to his skin, adoring the way steve’s sucks in careful breath. his hand on your shoulder gives a light squeeze and he smiles, leaning over to brush his lips against your temple, “me too, honey,” he assures, voice low, “but we can’t—“ he swallows a bit as your hand wanders about, fingertips teasing along his v-line tantalisingly, just enough to get him interested. “your- your parents.” he reminds you, voice a bit shakier this time— his eyes are glued to your hand, muscles rippling under the skin wherever it scratches over. 
“just be quiet then,” you counter, a teasing smile toying on your lips. “and be quick.” this time, when your hand travels back down, you follow his v-line all the way down to his cock, which twitches the moment your hand nears it. steve is protesting in an instant, a little ‘wait, wait, wait’ but it dies off when you palm against his cock and shit, the couple days apart must be getting to him because just one touch is enough to have his head dropping back, giving a raspy exhale, “fuck, honey.” his hardness grows beneath your touches quickly, cock pushing up against the fabric of his shorts but he’s still got that niggling worry in the back of his mind, “baby,” he pants a bit, his hips shifting about under your touch. he doesn’t try pull your hand away, just fixes you with a pleading look, “your- your parents could…” but his sentence trails off when your hand snakes up to tug on the front of your dress, letting your tits peak out and steve full on groans, lust clouding his gaze as he sinks his teeth into his bottom lip. your spit in your hand and resume, slinking your hand back down his body, this time you sneak your hand into his shorts, fingers curling around his hot, leaking cock and steve stammers out another breathy moan— bringing his fist up to his mouth to try quieten himself. 
you pump his cock, starting slow, purposefully ignoring the head of it and instead starting to press more kisses into his shoulder and along his collar. steve’s breaths come a little heavier, coming out with a hint of a whine to them. you pull him out of his shorts, hidden behind your own body and greedily stare; his tip so pink and the vein down the side you always want to drag your tongue along. “missed this cock,” you hum sweetly, beginning to twist your hand, stroking him faster. steve’s tummy clenches, hips chasing your hand instinctively and when you finally thumb over his sensitive tip, steve whimpers loudly. “and your noises,” you say, almost teasingly, nosing along his collarbones and dragging your tits against his chest. “but you’re being too loud, stevie,” you pout, purposefully rubbing along his slit repeatedly in that way you know makes steve fall apart— he whines, jagged sweet little noises that accompany every harsh breath of his. “baby,” he whimpers again, pleading. “please, please, please,” 
you pick up the pace, the slick sound of your hand on his cock getting louder and louder as you try bring him to the edge. steve lets out another soft moan, his volume climbing in his desperation. “christ, fuck, honey, y’gotta- ah, y-you feel so good,” and his eyes switch between clenched tight and staring hungrily at your tits. “c’mon, baby, gotta be quiet,” you insist in a rasp, “you can be good and quiet right? or else i’ll have to…” you change your pace, slowing til you’re barely  stroking him and steve is hips buck up against you in an instant. “no!” he cries, too loud, then lowers his voice, brown eyes finding yours as he begins to plea. “no, please, i- fuck, i’ll be quiet and— oh my god, uh,” and his voice breaks off into another whine that he smothers into his fist as you work his cock faster again. steve tilts his head back, baring his throat, mouth open as another whiney warbles out, mixing with his whispered curses, “fuck, fuck, ah, fuck,” and it’s not until you speak with a tone of faux-innocence, nodding down to his cock and coo at him, “y'gonna let him cum? :( he just wants to cum, baby” and steve just falls apart, hot cum spurting from his tip and you just keep stroking him, teasing out those pathetic whimpery noises as he writhes in pleasure, all hot and bothered- he’s so noisy too, little, “thank you, ah, fuck, thank you” slipped between his moans as he fucks your hand through his orgasm, coated in his own cum. you actually consider stroking him through to another one, with his cum as lube, when there’s a faint call through the house for lunch and you just grin, releasing his cock and licking up what’s on your hand. steve’s chest is heaving, eyes still cinched shut as he tries to reel himself in — already thinking of ways to get revenge on you for making him sit through a lunch with you parents with his cum-stained shorts, especially considering you seem to enjoy his blushing face far too much 
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puppyeared · 2 months
When you go on walks, what’s your favourite part? Mine is when I find one of the rivers or small streams nearby my house. Or when I get to meet some new dogs- or when the temperature is just warm enough to bask in whilst the trees are rustling because of a strong breeze. Maybe my favourite part is the walk itself, I like walking places. Problem is I always need to have a destination in mind.
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the weather is getting nicer so its the best time to go outside and poke around for some new visitors ^_^
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itsalwaysforyou · 9 months
i think one of my fave jay/mal leadership moments is in d1 when jays like ‘hey it’s not so bad here actually maybe we could stay’ and mal’s like ‘ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE.’ bc. obviously mal has the pressure from maleficent to steal the wand etc etc so her judgement is going to be clouded by that but jays been like ‘auradon has nice weather, nice food, it’s safe, our parents aren’t here, and the others seem happy :)’ and has reached the conclusion that they should stay. and obviously he’s right at the end but i really love that moment as the two of them regrouping and consulting each other and discussing their next move & how it showcases their position/dynamic within the gang
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cheddertm · 9 months
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yoinkschief · 2 months
I love your art so much!!!
Thank you so much !! That makes me so incredibly happy to hear !! <3<3
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Something, something, Jacob had to leave Miller to the wolves to survive, something, now he trains wolves so they’re never out of his control and can’t turn on him like they did before, something
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Something something Alex viewing Brian as Judge, Jay as Jury, and Tim as Executioner. Do you see my vision.
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sadembryhours · 1 year
it’s so hard to write peeta when he’s quite literally been in love / crushing on katniss since…….. forever
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monstermoviedean · 2 years
joining the war on celery on the side of celery
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hungharrington · 1 year
i need your help i’ve been having too many thoughts about sneaky fucking with steve and I don’t know what to do with them… I trust you with the job soldier
bestie ur so in luck cos i literally just wrote sneaky fucking the other week over here - but it’s a bitta mean!steve so if it doesn’t scratch the itch…. u just come on back n lemme know, yeah? 🫡 soldier
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icarrymany · 4 months
i ranted 2 the bestie abt how. if you hc all the guys as man likers theyre all in varying stages of realizing and accepting that
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ahalliance · 1 year
the life series hasn’t even started yet ive already seen someone harp on about ‘c!scar getting GOOD friends this time round, unlike LAST time with GRIAN!’ your meow meow would throw you off a bridge in exchange for half a stack of pretty wood
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enderspawn · 2 years
i think one of the best like. narrative bits is ones where you’re glad [x] Didn’t happen in canon (maybe too angsty, you like the actual canon outcome more, etc) but you still really fucking want to see/explore the timeline in which it DID.
like that just opens the perfect door for fan theories and creations!!! and allows you to engage the characters and try to understand them in a way you couldntve if it that diverging path never occurred !! what IF they made a slightly different choice that changed everything!!! why would they and what impacts would it have!!! yippee!!!!!
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un-pearable · 2 years
frontiers delivery delayed until the 11th
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rosiethedragongeek · 1 year
i uhm i really hope the live action isnt. real
I saw an article yesterday and I was like,,, oh no,,, and then i went to bed and woke up blissfully ignorant
Dean Deblois directing or not I do NOT want to see them try to adapt HTTYD to live action. There is so much charm in the animation style and the original voice actors and I am really really not looking forward to seeing Toothless.
Like it's not actually that hard to leave a succesful franchise alone. We don't need spinoff tv shows from hundreds of years after the main characters are dead and live action remakes and stuff we just need the firetides,, actually
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mitamicah · 8 months
Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze!!! you‘ve been given a hug (and no you cannot escape it)! send this to all the people who you think deserve a hug. Let the hugging begin! 💛
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