#jango is from about 50 bby in the first part
rinrinp42 · 3 years
Come Find Me
For Day 2 of @jangobiweek, Time Travel.
42 BBY, Mandalor:
Obi-Wan concentrated on the pack Satine had given him to use.  He wasn’t sure what he was going to do if he actually looked around.  They may have only been in this building for a week, but already it was full of memories.
Memories he cherished deeply.
But Satine didn’t need him to protect her anymore, especially with Bo-Katan having rejoined her. Satine would be fine.  Bo-Katan would balance out Satine’s lust for peace when it started to push into an uncompromising hatred of their cultural past. Satine didn’t want to lose any more of her family.
And… Jan.  Jan would go back to wherever he had been before Satine and Obi-Wan had stumbled upon him.  The other teen had been bewildered by they two fugitives but he had jumped in to help them.
Jan’s knowledge of Mandalorian history, the parts that weren’t as talked about when so much focus was on the battles and wars.  That had been what has swayed Satine to being less extreme.  And Obi-Wan had felt the Force shift.  Something had changed with that, something was different.  Though he couldn’t say what.
As to Obi-Wan, he was enamored with the tale of Dorjander and Varda.  It was tragic, and he could see so many ways it could have been solved but…
But it fanned the flames of hope he kept inside.  The idea that he could one day have a love for someone who would understand that being a Jedi was as much a part of him as his own blood.
The romantic idea of Jedi having families outside of the Temple was one that had faded over time, he knew.  Too many wanted a choice between their own love and the Jedi Way.
But Dorjander and Varda had made it work when they were enemies.
Some part of him hoped…
Jan kept his distance though, something always held back.
So Obi-Wan would go back to the Jedi and yearn like the heroine’s in Galen’s holodramas.  It was fine.
He looked up and towards the door, bewildered by the frantic energy that Jan was putting out.
The dark-haired boy was clutching the door, a wild look in his eyes.  His red beskar’gam gleamed and reflected the building around them. Satine had wanted both of them to look immaculate as she met with the Clans and Jan had indulged her with all the air of a sibling.
But… there was something off about it.  Something Obi-Wan couldn’t put his finger on.
“Listen to me Obi-Wan,” Jan urged, stepping closer, “I need you to understand, I’ll find you, tion’suvarir?”
“Jan, wha-”
“Gar cuy ner haa’it, Obi’ika.  I will find you.”
“Jan, I,” Obi-Wan couldn’t tell what the Force was doing, it was frantic and rushed and pulling but he couldn’t tell where it was pulling to, “Jan you know where I’ll be, you don’t need to find me.”
“It’ll be a while, but I have to let things play out until now,” Jan reached out but his hand hovered between them.
And suddenly Obi-Wan knew what was off.
He could see the hall, the room, everything, through Jan.
“Jan!” he yelped, hands now frantically reaching out, but unsure where to land or if they would just go through Jan.
Jan gave him a crooked grin.
“Ni cuy Jango Fett.”
And he faded away as Obi-Wan’s hands went to his arms.
31 BBY, Jedha:
Obi-Wan stood back as Anakin joined the Adepts.  He wanted to make sure Anakin knew he had choices.  Plus, it was good to distract the boy while Quinlan wove a web to get his mother free.
He felt more than saw someone step up next to him.
“You know, you are rather late,” he spoke, looking sideways to his companion.
“Trikayc,” Jango said, shrugging, “I had some things I had to deal with.”
Obi-Wan smiled before it faded.
“I looked you up you know. After.”
Jango tilted his head, buy’ce still in place.
“Ni ceta,” Obi-Wan told him, “it was my Grandmaster who led at Galidraan.”
“K’lamot di’dunyc.”
They were silent.
“You have a dangerous enemy ner kar’ta,” Jango said, “but, luckily he doesn’t know about my little time travel adventure.  So, he isn’t expecting me to come to you.”
“And are you?” Obi-Wan asked.
“I would speak the Riduurok to you right now if you asked.”
Obi-Wan turned to Jango now, shocked.
“I had to deal with how to reconcile everything I knew about you with how the Jetii on Galidraan acted, my grief, and what happened after.  But I always was going to find you again Obi’ika.  I told you before didn’t I, gar cuy ner haa’it.”
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gffa · 4 years
THE MANDALORIAN - A TIMELINE Assumptions this post will make: - It’s possible that they’ll throw out canon/contradict something that’s been established up to this point (I’m hoping not, as Dave Filoni is one of the main people who oversaw the creation of that canon, but it’s still a possibility!), especially as Favreau has mentioned that he wants to recanonize some Legends stuff, but for now we’re assuming canon is canon and they’re going to work with that.  This is a post that is focused on what canon and creators of canon have said! - Din Djarin is ~44 years old, as a reflection of Pedro Pascal’s age. - Out-of-universe, Star Wars’ timeline is referred to by BBY / ABY (Before the Battle of Yavin / After the Battle of Yavin) because that’s when the Death Star was blown up/the Rebellion battled the Empire over Yavin IV, which was because A New Hope was the central compass point as the very first SW movie.  However, this timeline will focus on The Mandalorian season 1 as Year 0, as I think that’ll make it clearer how everything relates to this show. THE TIMELINE SO FAR: 50 Years Ago - The Child (Baby Yoda) was born, Anakin Skywalker was born in the same year 41 Years Ago - The Phantom Menace ?? Years Ago - The Mandalorian Civil War.  There was an insurgency against Satine Kryze’s rule of Mandalore, which eventually required the intervention of the Republic, by sending two Jedi (Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi) to protect her, causing them to go on the run for a year.       Obi-Wan later describes this as, "An extended mission when I was younger. Master Qui-Gon and I spent a year on Mandalore protecting the Duchess from insurgents who had threatened her world. They sent bounty hunters after us. We were always on the run, living hand-to-mouth, never sure what the next day would bring. A civil war killed most of Satine's people, hence her aversion to violence. When she returned, she took rebuilding her world alone."  Whether he means that the people loyal to Satine were killed or nearly all of Mandalore was killed, it’s hard to say.  (Presumably the latter?)
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31 Years Ago - Attack of the Clones, the Clone Wars begin, Kamino’s clone army is discovered, they become part of the Republic, which may tie into Dr. Pershing’s arm patch symbol likely being the Kamino emblem.
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~31-28 Years Ago - The flashbacks we see in The Mandalorian are likely to take place during the Clone Wars, that the people were attacked by Separatists (hence the Super Battle Droids we see being used) and were rescued by Mandalorians, adopting Din Djarin as a Foundling, raising him in the Fighting Corps.   Din would have likely been around 10+ years old?        At least one of the Mandalorians in the flashback was wearing a Death Watch symbol, but it’s unclear how the politics of this were going, since they’re fighting Separatists in the flashback and it’s unclear precisely when Pre Vizsla joined with Dooku and the Separatists.  (Separatist alliances shifted all the time, so this isn’t hard to work with!)
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~31-28 Years Ago - Death Watch, a Mandalorian splinter group, publicly arises as a protest against Satine’s pacifist ways and determination that Mandalore leave behind its warrior past.  They bomb targets in the city of Sundari and work with the Separatists to try to kill Duchess Kryze and put their own leader into place on Mandalore proper.       Pre Vizsla of Clan Vizsla is the governor of Concordia (a moon of Mandalore), voiced by Jon Favreau, secretly leads the Death Watch and reveals that he has the darksaber when he fights against Obi-Wan Kenobi after its revealed that Pre is part of Death Watch.  (Clan Vizsla is one of the most central Clans of Mandalore.)       They are not successful in their plot (to have the Republic Senate forcefully invade Mandalore under the threat of Death Watch/the rumor of Mandalore joining the Separatists) and remain neutral in the Clone Wars.       It’s also later revealed (a few months later/a season later) that Bo-Katan Kryze, Satine’s sister, is a lieutenant in Death Watch.
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28 Years Ago - Darth Maul creates his own Shadow Collective (an alliance of various criminal organizations) by allying with Death Watch and taking over Mandalore.  Duchess Satine Kryze is murdered by Maul as part of his takeover of Mandalore/his revenge against Obi-Wan Kenobi, as well as Pre Vizsla is killed by Maul when they disagree over the direction/who is leading Mandalore.  Maul takes the darksaber. 28 Years Ago - Fenn Rau, as part of Skull Squadron of the Protectors (a group of Mandalorian royal guards), assisted the Jedi in the Clone Wars, including helping out in a fight with Jedi Master Depa Billaba and Padawan Caleb Dume (Kanan Jarrus). 28 Years Ago - The Clone Wars are nearing the end, the Siege of Mandalore happens at the same time as ROTS/Order 66, this is referenced as “The Night of a Thousand Tears” by Moff Gideon, “when gunships outfitted with similar ordnance (to the e-web cannon) laid waste to fields of Mandalorian recruits in the Night of a Thousand Tears”.  He doesn’t say who the gunships belonged to, if they were Republic gunships or Maul’s Shadow Collective gunships or something else.
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     The Siege of Mandalore is basically:  Darth Maul has set himself up as leader of Mandalore, so Ahsoka Tano and a battalion of clones (including Captain Rex) lead a mission to retake the planet.  While they’re in the middle of this mission, Order 66 happens, where the clones’ inhibitor chips have them turning on the Jedi, including Ahsoka though she is no longer officially a Jedi. During/after this huge shitshow, Bo-Katan Kryze is appointed Regent of Mandalore. 28 Years Ago - Revenge of the Sith, the Republic fell, the Empire rose, the Jedi Order was genocided basically out of existence. 11 Years Ago - The Ghost crew discover Maul hiding out, who still has the darksaber, and they retrieve it.  Sabine Wren (of Clan Wren) briefly trains with it, but struggles to decide how to proceed with it and her contentious relationship with her family.     Fenn Rau (governor of Concord Dawn, as appointed by the Empire) explains the history behind the darksaber to Kanan Jarrus, that a thousand years ago (give or take) the first Mandalorian Jedi was named Tarre Vizsla who created it as his weapon, that it stayed with the Jedi until a few decades ago, Clan Vizsla stole into the Jedi Temple and took it back, as it was a symbol of House Vizsla and had the power to unite the Clans/Houses in the right hands.
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10 Years Ago - Sabine Wren rallies her family into deciding to fight back against the Empire’s occupation of Mandalore and gives the darksaber to an initially reluctant Bo-Katan Kryze.  Leaders of several clans of Mandalore swear allegiance to her and they vow to fight the Empire, after many years of living under Imperial rule.
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9 Years Ago - A New Hope, Alderaan was destroyed, the Death Star was destroyed, also the events of Rogue One happened. 6 Years Ago - The Empire Strikes Back 5 Years Ago - Return of the Jedi, the Second Death Star destroyed, Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader died, Yoda died, formation of the New Republic 4 Years Ago - The Battle of Jakku, which is the final giant battle between the New Republic and the Empire, where they officially lost (see: Star Wars Battlefront II for the story) 0 Years Ago - The Mandalorian, season 1 THINGS I’M NOT SURE WHERE TO PLACE ON THE TIMELINE: - Din and the other Mandalorians have cultural differences from the Mandalorians we’ve seen up to this point.  The tradition of being unable to take their helmet off, lest they cannot put it back on, doesn’t match up with what we see of Pre Vizsla in The Clone Wars, who was the leader of Death Watch, rather than Satine’s New Mandalorians who were pacifists.  This also strongly contrasts what we see of Bo-Katan Kryze (who was affiliated with Death Watch) and Sabine Wren (along with her family, who all took off/put on their helmets).  Is this a splinter group?  Is it different for people who were born Mandalorian vs Foundlings who must prove themselves? Something else? - Satine says that Jango Fett was not Mandalorian, but a regular bounty hunter and she didn’t know how he acquired the armor.  Out of universe, Pablo Hidalgo has supported this, but that was years ago and canon evolves over time.  Dave Filoni has also talked about how, as far back as Attack of the Clones, George Lucas intended for Jango to not actually be Mandalorian. THE BIG QUESTION MARKS: - Paz Vizla’s name is spelled without the “s” in the credits, is this a reference to the different spelling as used in SWTOR?  Or is it a typo?  Favreau has been re-canonizing some Legends things, but also the credits for Chapter 5 have “Tuskan Raider”, which is a typo of “Tusken”, so typos are a thing in the credits. - The Great Purge isn’t clearly set within the timeline yet.  It does not seem to be the same thing as the Siege of Mandalore or Order 66, because it’s too significantly tied to the Empire.  
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      While the Empire was being created during those moments and it’s possible that Paz Vizla was referring to something that happened in the aftermath of the Siege of Mandalore, something big enough to referred to separately, it might also very well refer to something that happened after Bo-Katan Kryze received the darksaber and united Mandalore against the Empire, as we don’t know how that fight happened, and may little comments in The Mandalorian indicate that seeing Mandalorians is very rare these days.  Last we saw them, when Sabine talks about the Imperial Academy on Mandalore or when we see House Wren’s interaction with the other Clans, they don’t seem to be that rare.        Paz Vizla says, “Our strength was once in our numbers. Now we live in the shadows and only come above ground one at a time. Our world was shattered by the Empire, with whom this coward shares tables.”  and “These were cast in an Imperial smelter.  These are the spoils of the Great Purge.  The reason that we live hidden like sand rats.“   Unless they are a splinter group, Mandalorians didn’t live hidden away 10 years ago in the events of Rebels.
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kuwaiti-kid · 4 years
The Case for The Mandalorian Season 2 Casting Rumors
With Star Wars Day behind us and the looming threat of Star Wars Celebration being canceled due to COVID-19, a suspicious amount of potentially true rumors about the second season of The Mandalorian have been feeding the Sarlacc-like fandom.
If you do not like rumors which may prove to be major spoilers, turn back now. 
The Rumors
In January, two tweets appeared on Twitter from an alleged fansite leaking the full cast slate for the second season of The Mandalorian. Most people brushed it off as wishful thinking, considering it included characters like Ahsoka Tano, Iden Versio, Sabine Wren, and an unnamed character played by Temuera Morrison.
The rumors were lent credence back in March when entertainment journalist Peter Sciertta with Slashfilm was the first to break the news that Rosario Dawson was allegedly joining the cast of The Mandalorian to portray the fan-favorite Ahsoka Tano. Again Sciertta provided the exclusive scoop that Katee Sackhoff, the voice of Bo-Katan in The Clone Wars, may bring her to life on screen.
Taking into consideration The Hollywood Reporter’s exclusive reporting about Temuera Morrison’s franchise-return as Boba Fett (or Rex), it sounds like audiences may be looking at a Clone Wars reunion in the second season of The Mandalorian, which certainly has undoubtedly helped in the days following its series finale. But, like with anything in the Star Wars fandom, not everyone is happy. 
Shortly after the announcement of Morrison’s return, displeased fans jumped to the argument that Boba Fett should be dead at this point in the story. But is anyone ever really gone in the Star Wars universe?
Yes, we saw Boba Fett fall into the Sarlacc pit in Return of the Jedi. Still, if we’ve learned anything from watching The Mandalorian, we know that the Mandalorians are surprisingly resilient. It is certainly not outside of the realm of possibility that Boba Fett could have survived.
Especially considering that fans believed the character was already teased in the first season of the series. Remember when the mysterious figure approached the body of Fennec Shand (Ming-Na Wen) in episode five, “The Gunslinger”? Audiences only saw the figure’s boots, but even then, fans were convinced it was a Boba Fett cameo. 
Personally, I have a lot of theories about episode five, which was written and directed by Dave Filoni himself. During the first episode of Disney Gallery: The Mandalorian Filoni and Jon Favreau discuss the throwaway moment in the episode when the Mandalorian walks past Stormtrooper helmets on spikes.
It may be a moment that truly is a throwaway visual, but it also bore a striking resemblance to a poignant moment in the series finale of The Clone Wars. Now, this may just be Filoni putting in an easter egg for his other work, or it was an intentional decision to make audiences think about the two series. This episode also took place on Tatooine — the planet with the Sarlacc pit that Boba Fett “died” in. 
It is easy to think that the introduction of characters like Ahsoka, Rex, Bo-Katan, and even Sabine Wren in the live-action series might fall under the idea of fanservice. Still, I am here to argue that it most certainly is not fanservice. Fanservice has been bandied about quite a bit in the wake of The Rise of Skywalker and the controversy surrounding the end of the Skywalker Saga.
Still, everything that involves fan favorites does not equate to fanservice. Especially not when the characters which are rumored to be appearing are already tied to existing plot points in the series. 
Sabine Wren 
When Moff Gideon ignited the Darksaber in the closing moments of the series finale of The Mandalorian fans went wild. While there is no confirmation about Sabine Wren’s appearance in The Mandalorian, many fans believe it is only a matter of time.
If you haven’t watched Star Wars: Rebels, you should rectify that immediately. Sabine is a Mandalorian and one of the wielders of the Darksaber. In fact, Sabine passed the Darksaber off to Bo-Katan, believing that she was the rightful person to lead the Mandalorians against the Empire. If the Darksaber has fallen into the wrong hands — looking at you, Gideon — this would be the perfect opportunity to introduce Sabine into the live-action canon. 
Bo-Katan Kryze 
The rumor of Bo-Katan’s arrival in The Mandalorian plot isn’t too much of a surprise. In The Clone Wars episode “Shattered,” Bo-Katan tells Ahsoka about the relic of a bygone era that they had trapped Darth Maul within.
It was a Mandalorian device that restricts Force users and allegedly the last of its kind. With only forty minutes left in The Clone Wars series, this dialogue certainly wasn’t frivolous. A lot of fans were quick to question whether this device would make a return in The Mandalorian. Especially with the internet’s favorite little Force user, The Child being a central part of the plot. 
The Mandalorians have a long and complicated history in relation to Force users. In fact, the Mandalorian-Jedi war was what rendered their homeworld Mandalore inhospitable, changing the path of the Mandalorians forever. You can understand why there’s a lot of hard feelings when it comes to Force users. The Mandalorian-Jedi war also has implications for the darksaber. The darksaber was created by Tarre Vizsla, who was the first Mandalorian inducted into the Jedi Order.
In Rebels, Fenn Rau tells Kanan the legend of the darksaber. It was kept by the Jedi Temple after Vizsla’s passing, but was stolen by members of the House Vizsla during the Mandalorian-Jedi war. From that point forward, the darksaber was passed down through the generations, even after the pacifistic New Mandalorians shifted away from their warrior origins.
Needless to say, there’s a lot of mythos behind the darksaber which has been hinted at in both Rebels and the Clone Wars lending credence to why these characters should be the ones to carry that plot. 
Darth Maul 
Do you know who else has connections to the darksaber?
Darth Maul. That’s right—everyone’s favorite bad boy Sith Lord who survived being cut in half in The Phantom Menace. In 21 BBY, Pre Vizsla, the leader of Death Watch, was in possession of the darksaber.
During this period of time, a lot was going on with the Mandalorians. Duchess Satine Kryze (Bo-Katan’s sister) was trying to lead the pacifistic branch of the Mandalorians, Darth Maul was forming the Shadow Collective which the warrior Death Watch group eventually joined, and all of this took place while the Clone Wars were underway.
Needless to say, no one was surprised when Darth Maul took the opportunity to kill Vizsla, steal the darksaber, and try to take over Mandalore. If you’ve watched The Clone Wars, then you know that Maul becomes one of Ahsoka’s prime adversaries, which makes her yet another character connected to the darksaber. 
Sabine, Bo-Katan, and Ahsoka all have connections to the darksaber, which is already a plot point in The Mandalorian. It makes sense to bring these three women into the plot, rather than to create new characters that audiences have no emotional attachment to. Boba Fett makes sense, given that he’s probably the most well known Mandalorian in Star Wars history.
Not to mention he had some pretty awesome storylines in the expanded universe that fleshed out his on-screen presence. Without Fett, we would never have a series like The Mandalorian. But what if Morrison isn’t just playing Boba Fett?
There is a strong possibility that he might also be portraying the former Clone Trooper Rex, who — like all the clone troopers — was a clone of Jango Fett, just like Boba.
Rex also appeared on Rebels, where he was reunited with Ahsoka and involved in the plot involving the Mandalorian group The Protectors, as well as the storyline around Grand Admiral Thrawn’s pursuit of the Arc Pulse Generator (which was a terrifying device which was able to disintegrate beskar wearers). 
The Timeline 
In case you’re not familiar with the Star Wars timeline, here is a quick explanation for how much time has passed between the end of the Clone Wars and The Mandalorian. The current timeline is based on the Battle of Yavin, which is depicted in A New Hope. BBY is “Before the Battle of Yavin,” and ABY is “After the Battle of Yavin.” Easy enough, right?
The final episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars takes place in 19 BBY and Star Wars: Rebels takes place fourteen years later between 5 BBY and 1 BBY. The Battle of Yavin takes place, starting out as year 0. A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi take place over the next four years ending in 4 ABY. The Mandalorian then takes place five years later in 9 ABY. 
Roughly thirty years have passed between the two series. 
22 – 19 BBY — Star Wars: The Clone Wars 5 – 1 BBY — Star Wars: Rebels   4 ABY — Return of the Jedi 9 ABY — The Mandalorian 
One of the other complaints surrounding certain characters appearing in The Mandalorian is their ages. But with the rumored casting choices and the timeline, it seems likely that the characters would appear accurate for their ages. 
Ahsoka was in her 30s when she appeared in Rebels, meaning she would likely be in her late-40s. Bo-Katan’s age was never confirmed in The Clone Wars, but her older sister was a peer of Obi-Wan’s. She was likely in her mid-20s during the Siege of Mandalore, making her closer to 50.
Sabine was born in 21 BBY, so she would likely be in her late 30s. Rex is the only one who might not still be alive. While he was created in 32 BBY, clones were created to age faster. In Rebels, he appeared to physically resemble someone in their 60s, suggesting that he might be somewhere in his 70s if he appeared in The Mandalorian. 
The Bottom Line 
We likely won’t find out if the casting rumors are true until later in the summer. Still, there’s definitely a strong case for the fact that we will see some of our favorite animated characters in live-action this October.
Sam Witwer, the voice of Darth Maul in The Clone Wars, recently teased that the new season would be mind-blowing. Rosario Dawson tweeted about fans wanting her to play Ahsoka Tano. But with Deadline’s confirmation about Sackhoff joining the cast, it seems like theories may just become a reality. 
The Mandalorian season two premieres in October only on Disney+. 
The post The Case for The Mandalorian Season 2 Casting Rumors appeared first on Your Money Geek.
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