yuunosoba · 10 months
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Hello pals! Let me introduce you Jamyang (JAHM-yahng), he's the last guardian of the Temple of the Goddess of Lost Souls. He's a calm and noble being who gets amused by every single thing most people would ignore.
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I had to reread the past chapters after my little break to make sure that what I wrote was right. (Hint, hint, I was right for once.)
Yes, while Jamyang has lived sixteen winters, she is 17 technically. Her birthday is in May; Gawa got her tattoos in January while Jamyang was sixteen and eight months old. The retrieval mission happened in between the first and second months of summer; Gawa approached her in the first week of summer, dumped the robes on her and Jamyang practised frantically for three weeks.
Then some next chapter stuff happens, some more next chapter stuff and Jamyang getting her tattoos at the end of that hopefully….
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hi-jjo · 2 months
下马酒之歌 (dismount wine song) - english translation
Lyrics by Cuifu (崔富), composed by Zhao Jinbao (赵金宝), arrangement by Lü Xuedong (吕学东), sung by Qi Feng (齐峰). This song was first released in Qi Feng's 2012 solo album 《多情的蒙古人》 (the sentimental mongolian).
The first embed is Qi Feng's performance. Of course, I've also included a cover by Jamyang Dolma (འཇམ་དབྱངས་སྒྲོལ་མ)
远方的朋友,一路辛苦 请你喝一杯下马酒 洗去一路风尘 来看看美丽的草原
远方的朋友,尊贵的客人 献上洁白的哈达 献上一片草原的深情 请你喝一杯下马酒
远方的朋友,一路辛苦 请你喝一杯下马酒 草原就是你的家 来尝尝香甜的美酒
远方的朋友,尊贵的客人 献上洁白的哈达 献上一片草原的深情 请你喝一杯下马酒
献上一片草原的深情 请你喝一杯下马酒
My friend from far away, you who've endured an arduous road Please come drink a cup of dismount wine Wash away your journey’s windblown troubles Come and see the beautiful grassland
My friend from far away, my most cherished, honored guest I offer to you this pure white khata I offer a piece of the prairie’s loving soul Please come drink a cup of dismount wine
My friend from far away, you who've endured an arduous road Please come drink a cup of dismount wine The grassland is your home and family Come have a sweet taste of this fine wine
My friend from far away, my most cherished, honored guest I offer to you this pure white khata I offer a piece of the prairie’s loving soul Please come drink a cup of dismount wine
I offer a piece of the prairie’s loving soul Please come drink a cup of dismount wine
下马酒 (dismount wine) is a Mongolian tradition of welcoming guests with a toast. Usually wine is served in silver cups, and before drinking, used to honor first heaven, then earth, then one's ancestors.
哈达, ཁ་བཏགས།, хадаг, or དར། (romanized as khata, khada, khadag, or hada) is a Mongolian and Tibetan ceremonial silk fabric used to express respect, congratulations, blessings, etc. The Tibetan word means "mouth" and "horse", as in the gift of this sash is equal in value to that of a horse. They are usually solid white, blue, or yellow, but there are also 5-color khata in blue/white/yellow/green/red, with blue representing the sky, white for clouds, green for rivers, red for dharmapala, and yellow for earth. The 5-color khata is considered the garment of bodhisattvas, and is only used in specific situations.
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The color white in this cultural context is associated with horses, clouds, sheep/goats, milk, cranes, and mountain snow. It symbolizes purity, beauty, good fortune, and kindness.
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nousrose · 6 months
The path itself must eventually be abandoned, just as you abandon a boat when you reach the other shore. You must disembark once you have arrived. At the point of total realization, you must abandon buddhism. The spiritual path is a temporary solution, a placebo to be used until emptiness is understood.
What Makes You Not a Buddhist
Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse
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"If you come, and tell me, 'Rinpoche, I can't meditate for anything; my mind goes everywhere: here, there, to the past, to the present, to the future', I should then give you a medal. You are finally meditating. The whole purpose of this teaching is to make you realize that you can't concentrate."
[h/t Reijo Oksanen]
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buddhismnow · 2 years
Being Our Own Refuge, by Geshe Tashi Tsering
Being Our Own Refuge, by Geshe Tashi Tsering http://wp.me/pFy3u-17J
It is you who must make the effort. The Great of the past only show the way. Those who think and follow the path become free from the  bondage of Mara. If  we all have an instinctive wish for happiness, these words taken from the Dhammapada tell us where to begin the search to fulfil it. We are our own refuge. The key to fulfilling our need for happiness lies within, not outside, us. This means…
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nununiverse · 2 years
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Tsherin Sherpa and Tulku Jamyang, 2015. Gold paint, incense-burned rice paper, acrylic on rice paper underlay, 42.5 x 59.5 cm. Image courtesy of Rossi & Rossi.
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kammartinez · 1 year
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zerogate · 1 year
The still revolutionary insight of Buddhism is that life and death are in the mind, and nowhere else. Mind is revealed as the universal basis of experience—the creator of happiness and the creator of suffering, the creator of what we call life and what we call death.
There are many aspects to the mind, but two stand out. The first is the ordinary mind, called by the Tibetans sem. One master defines it: “That which possesses discriminating awareness, that which possesses a sense of duality—which grasps or rejects something external—that is mind. Fundamentally it is that which can associate with an ‘other’—with any ‘something,’ that is perceived as different from the perceiver.” Sem is the discursive, dualistic, thinking mind, which can only function in relation to a projected and falsely perceived external reference point.
So sem is the mind that thinks, plots, desires, manipulates, that flares up in anger, that creates and indulges in waves of negative emotions and thoughts, that has to go on and on asserting, validating, and confirming its “existence” by fragmenting, conceptualizing, and solidifying experience. The ordinary mind is the ceaselessly shifting and shiftless prey of external influences, habitual tendencies, and conditioning: The masters liken sem to a candle flame in an open doorway, vulnerable to all the winds of circumstance.
Seen from one angle, sem is flickering, unstable, grasping, and endlessly minding others’ business; its energy consumed by projecting outwards. I think of it sometimes as a Mexican jumping bean, or as a monkey hopping restlessly from branch to branch on a tree. Yet seen in another way, the ordinary mind has a false, dull stability, a smug and self-protective inertia, a stone-like calm of ingrained habits. Sem is as cunning as a crooked politician, skeptical, distrustful, expert at trickery and guile, “ingenious,” Jamyang Khyentse wrote, “in the games of deception.” It is within the experience of this chaotic, confused, undisciplined, and repetitive sem, this ordinary mind, that, again and again, we undergo change and death.
Then there is the very nature of mind, its innermost essence, which is absolutely and always untouched by change or death. At present it is hidden within our own mind, our sem, enveloped and obscured by the mental scurry of our thoughts and emotions. Just as clouds can be shifted by a strong gust of wind to reveal the shining sun and wide-open sky, so, under certain special circumstances, some inspiration may uncover for us glimpses of this nature of mind. These glimpses have many depths and degrees, but each of them will bring some light of understanding, meaning, and freedom. This is because the nature of mind is the very root itself of understanding. In Tibetan we call it Rigpa, a primordial, pure, pristine awareness that is at once intelligent, cognizant, radiant, and always awake. It could be said to be the knowledge of knowledge itself.
-- The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
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radical-revolution · 24 days
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Probably the biggest discovery in human history was Siddhartha’s realization that the self does not exist independently, that it is a mere label, and therefore that clinging to it is ignorance. However, as unsound as the label self may be, destroying it is no small task. This label called “self” is the most stubborn of all concepts to break.
Siddhartha’s discovery of the fallacy of self is symbolized in the story of the destruction of Mara. Referred to traditionally as the evil lord of the desire realm, Mara is none other than Siddhartha’s clinging to the self.
It is fitting that Mara is depicted as a handsome and powerful warrior who has never been defeated. Like Mara, the self is powerful and insatiable, egocentric and deceptive, greedy for attention, clever, and vain. It’s hard to remember that, like the illusion of the fire ring, the self is assembled, doesn’t exist independently, and is susceptible to change.
Habit makes us weak against the self. Even simple habits die hard. You may be aware of how bad smoking is for your health, but that doesn’t necessarily convince you to stop smoking, especially when you enjoy the ritual, the slender shape of the cigarette, the way the tobacco smolders, the fragrant smoke curling around your fingers. But the habit of self is not just a simple addiction like smoking cigarettes.
From time immemorial we have been addicted to the self. It is how we identify ourselves. It is what we love most dearly. It is also what we hate most fiercely at times. Its existence is also the thing that we work hardest to try to validate. Almost everything that we do or think or have, including our spiritual path, is a means to confirm its existence.
It is the self that fears failure and longs for success, fears hell and longs for heaven. The self loathes suffering and loves the causes of suffering. It stupidly wages war in the name of peace. It wishes for enlightenment but detests the path to enlightenment. It wishes to work as a socialist but live as a capitalist.
When the self feels lonely, it desires friendship. Its possessiveness of those it loves manifests in passion that can lead to aggression. Its supposed enemies — such as spiritual paths designed to conquer the ego — are often corrupted and recruited as the self’s ally. Its skill in playing the game of deception is nearly perfect. It weaves a cocoon around itself like a silkworm; but unlike a silkworm, it doesn’t know how to find the way out.
What Makes You Not a Buddhist -
Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse -
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mahayanapilgrim · 1 month
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Rest in the natural state of pure awareness.
Don't let the ordinary mind contrive and spoil it, but release everything, spacious and even. Don't follow rising thoughts; leave them be. Let whatever appears unfold and naturally liberate itself.
~ Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro offered these words of advice to his spiritual consort, Khandro Tsering Chodron.
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yuunosoba · 10 months
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More Jamyang for your timeline!
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Chapter 29: drinking and doing stupid things
Jamyang swooped down from the rooftop and pulled her into the nearest alleyway. Almost. “Ugh, don’t tell me you’re secretly a dom.” Gawa’s voice muffled into a shoulder.
Jamyang blinked and swayed a little on her feet. Was that the ara? A dom?? “What?”
Gawa shifted in her grip, pushing closer to her. “Nothing…” Nothing? Nothing??
“Do- do you want to be the one to swoop down and pull me into the alleyway next time?” She didn’t know why she said that, but Gawa answered her after a moment of silence.
“I would like that, yes.”
Clutz baby Jamyang. Jamyang and Gawa moments and drunk Jamyang thoughts
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hi-jjo · 10 months
等你回家 (waiting for you to come home) - english translation
Lyrics by Bai Liping (白立平), composed by Qiao Jianjun (乔建军). The lyrics were first published in 2004, in Bai Liping's lyric/poetry collection 《深深眷恋的草原》 (the deeply nostalgic grassland). Several musicians composed music for these lyrics; this version was composed by Qiao Jianjun in 2007 and seems to be the most widely circulated version.
I've embedded performances by Dedema (德德玛) and Jamyang Dolma (འཇམ་དབྱངས་སྒྲོལ་མ).
煮好奶茶, 备好你骑过的骏马 在你离开的毡房前 等你回家 萨日朗开花, 孩子也已长高长大 在你离开的大路旁 等你回家
等你回家 盼你回家 先行你的大雁也飞回来了 等你回家 盼你回家 我知道你也把家乡牵挂
不管你走多远 草原永远都是你的家
The milk tea is brewed, your handsome horse is tended In front of the yurt you departed from, I wait for you to come home The saraana blooms, the child has grown up too Beside the road you departed by, I wait for you to come home
Waiting for you to come home, yearning for you to come home The wild geese that left ahead of you, they've flown back too Waiting for you to come home, yearning for you to come home I know that you miss your homeland too
No matter how far you've gone The grasslands will always be your home
Saraana, сараана, 山丹, or Lilium pumilum are a species of lily native to Mongolia, Siberia, the Russian Far East, Korea, and northern China. They have a fiery red color, are resistant to cold, and have become a symbol of beauty/passion/tenacity in grassland folk music.
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enecola · 1 year
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My whale shark person for the game I’m in with @noszle as the GM!
Their name is Jamyang Agung and they are big and stupid <3333
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maninthemiroh · 2 months
About my NCT DR
Full name: Xia, Pharoah Jamyang Kirua Kittithorn Yinyin Ayomide Min Kaleo Koket Dakila Itzcali Nullah Cahaya Erdene Bidziil
My nicknames: Kitti, Thorn, Killua, Killa, Kiki, Ki, Yin, Ayo, and Mighty
My faceclaims (yes, I have two; they look very similar and I typically use the former to represent a relatively younger version of myself): @/theyluvreo & @/_cr0102 on ig
Gender identity: Cis-male
Orientation: Demi-Homoflexible
Blood type: O-
Allergies: Chocolate (thanks to my albinism, I have genuinely been made fun of for this in my original reality over the years, but whatevs)
More about me and my group below the cut <3
Fun facts about me:
Before becoming an SM trainee, I ran a very popular SECHSKIES fan account on Twitter under the username Mummy that I now use for idol things, but my old DSF posts are still up for the world to see
My stage name is Mummy, a nod to both my Kemetic roots and fashion style which many would consider to be feminine.
My personal fandom name is teethling because I play D&D, my favorite species to play as is a tiefling, and my representative animal is a sabretooth liger
I have heterochromia, albinism, Tourette syndrome, autism, DID, and was born blind as well as deaf but I had corrective surgery when I was nine, so I can see and hear, now
I was mentored by the members of X Japan during my trainee days
I literally have an animal reserve in my backyard
More on the members of NCT:
Members: Me, Moon Taeil, Johnny Suh, Lee Taeyong, Nakamoto Yuta, Qian Kun, Kim “Doyoung” Dong-young, Chittaphon “Ten” Leechaiyapornkul, Jeong Jaehyun, Dong “WinWin” Sicheng, Kim Jungwoo, Wong “Lucas” Yukhei, Mark Lee, Xiao “Xiaojun” Dejun, Wong “Hendery” Kunhang, Huang Renjun, Lee Jeno, Lee “Haechan” Donghyuck, Na Jaemin, Liu YangYang, Osaki Shotaro, Jung Sungchan, Zhong Chenle, Park Jisung, Choi “S.Coups” Seungcheol, Yoon Jeonghan, Joshua Hong, Wen “Jun” Junhui, Kwon “Hoshi” Soonyoung, Jeon Wonwoo, Lee “Woozi” Jihoon, Lee “Dokyeom” Seokmin, Kim Mingyu, Xu Minghao, Boo Seungkwan, Hansol Vernon Chwe, Lee “Dino” Chan, Hur “Hwall” Hyunjun, Min Yoongi, Saiki Weesa, and Huang “Justin” Minghao
Sub-groups: NCT Memory (Dream), NCT 와알 (127, is translated to W.A.R (stands for We Are Reason)), NCT Reboot, NCT 傳統 (WayV, Tradition), NCT 鬼 (Tokyo, Oni), NCT Firewall (Unit leaders), NCT Cloud (Universe), NCT Spam, NCT Modem, NCT Virus
Sub-group explanations: NCT Memory is the pop unit (also mostly the maknae unit), NCT 와알 is the rap unit, NCT Reboot is the hip-hop unit, NCT 傳統 is the classical unit (also kind of the Chinese unit), NCT Oni is the rock unit (also the V-Kei unit and their songs are mostly in Japanese), NCT Firewall (also the unit leader unit) and NCT Cloud (the unit with no set lineup) are the versatile everything bagel type units, NCT Cache is the trot music unit, NCT Spam is the indie music unit (they make songs like IAMX & Set It Off), NCT Modem is the R&B unit, and NCT Virus is the electronic unit (they make songs like Odetari and slaywitme).
NCT Memory members: Me (Co-leader), Shotaro, Sungchan, Weesa (Co-leader), Chenle, and Jisung
NCT 와알: Me (Co-leader), YangYang, Taeyong (Co-leader), Jaemin, Lucas, S.Coups (Co-leader), Johnny, Mingyu, and Yoongi
NCT Reboot members: Me (Co-leader), Taeyong (Co-leader), Johnny, Mark (Co-leader), Sungchan, Jeno, Hwall, Vernon, Yoongi, and Hendery
NCT 傳統 members: Me (Co-leader), Chenle, Minghao, Taeil, Jungwoo, Kun (Co-fleader), Jeonghan, Jun, Ten, Justin, and Xiaojun
NCT 鬼 members: Me (Co-leader), Yuta, Shotaro, Doyoung, Hoshi, Xiaojun, Chenle, Weesa (Co-leader), and Winwin
NCT Firewall members: Me (Co-Leader), Taeyong (Co-Leader), S.Coups, Kun, Weesa, and Mark
NCT Cache: Me (Co-leader), Dino, Taeil, Kun (Co-leader), Renjun, Haechan, Seungkwan, and Woozi
NCT Spam: Me (Co-leader), Taeyong (Co-leader), Jeno, Kun (Co-leader), Hwall, Vernon, WinWin, Hendery, and Ten
NCT Modem members: Me (Co-leader), Joshua, Jeonghan, Wonwoo, Dokyeom, Woozi, Jaehyun, and Seungkwan
NCT Virus members: Me (Co-leader), Taeyong (Co-leader), Jisung, Minghao, Mark (Co-leader), Jaemin, Jungwoo, Hwall, Lucas, and Doyoung
More on NCT as a whole:
NCT albums always come with a CD, some standard member photocards, and two album-themed posters, but could come with at least seven of the following items: A short letter to fans, an AR photocard, am membership card, a small album-themed purse, a film strip relating to the album’s production or members in general, a holographic photocard, an album/member/group-themed plushie, an album/member/group-themed stationary item, an album/member/group-themed jewelry item, an album/member/group-themed, an album-themed look book, album-themed member ID card, album/group-themed temporary tattoo stickers, a fragrance photocard, a member polaroid, a member photocard, or a free concert ticket to the next concert closest to the location the album is being shipped to/sold in.
Lightstick versions: There’s one like Epex’s lightstick in this reality, but it has “NCT” printed on the bottom of the narrow end & there's no button or such with “zenith” on it. Additionally, it's pearl neo champagne colored instead of that, like, forest green or whatever that is and black instead of grey. Also, the lightstick naturally glows black instead of white, but adjustments may be made via the NCT lightstick app. Plus, the band that separates the light-up sector from the rest of the lightstick is the only band on the lightstick besides the ones at the end and front. Lastly, the stripes that run parallel up the light-up sector aren't so prominent, it & the other lines blend in pretty well, but are still visible because they're meant to indicate what part of the lightstick may be removed for battery changes. Then, there’s another like The Boyz’ lightstick in this reality, but it has “NCT” in the middle of the heart & “Neo Culture Technology” printed on the side instead of “TBZ” in the middle of the heart & “The Boyz” printed on the side. There’s also one (which comes in many different colour combinations which looks like a revolver & another that looks like a pistol.
Greeting: “Out with the old, in with the new! Hello, we are NCT _”
Concept: A mix of that of Ateez and NCT’s from my original reality, but without the piracy
NCT logo:
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Note: All the names after Pharaoh are middle ones… I'm Arab, it's what we do. Additionally, SECHKIES is an SM group, Cravity is an SM group, Monsta X is an SM group, Kris Wu doesn’t exist, Hyuna doesn’t exist, Dreamcatcher doesn’t exist, none of the big non-SM groups are near as popular (I’m a fan of a lot of ‘em, but I’m also an attention whore), neither Luhan nor Zitao leave iKON (EXO), SHINee's Jonghyun, ASTRO's Moonbin, X Japan's Hideto, f(x)’s Sulli, & Kara's Goo Hara, Kim Hwansung, etc. get the help they need and don't die. Plus, me & the other NCT members are all in one ginormous gay relationship and I got rid of all the inactive SM artists, SM solo artists, NCT Universe: LASTART, and SM girl groups. I also added the Seventeen members, Min Yoongi from BTS, Saiki Weesa from Psychic Fever, Huang Justin Minghao from Yuehua's NEXT, and ex-The Boyz member, Hwall, to NCT, Block B, eaJ and BtoB to EXO, and NCT WISH to Cravity. Additionally, the StayC, Aespa, Everglow, and (G)I-DLE members are part of Offlinetv, not idols. Oh, and any not already covered people that I scripted songs and shit from also don’t exist (this list is long, I’m not gonna name ‘em all).
PS: My voice claim is Corpse Husband and I'm 9 feet tall (still growing, too) because when given the choice to become my ideal self, why wouldn't I? Before anyone comes at me, I did use to have GERD! And, for the record, I didn't script myself having any disorders I don't or didn't have in this reality. Did give myself powers, though.
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