#jamie speaks but better
starzm4rz · 30 days
If i read one more “barty growled” i’m actually gonna lose it. LET HIM WHIMPER
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i-dreamthedream · 1 year
Okay, I didn't hate it - I didn't love it
The finale felt average in a lot of ways. They've tried to tie all their loose ends - and there were a lot of storylines to cover this season - which is good!
Colin got to kiss his boyfriend after a win
Keeley is feeling confident in herself as her own boss
Roy and Jamie acknowledged that they are close friends (though that dialogue about Keeley at the bar was wholly unnecessary)
Roy joined the Diamond Dogs and started therapy
Nate came back to the club
The boys got to say their goodbye and to show Ted that they held on to his teaching and never stopped believing in him and in themselves
Sam made the Nigerian national team!
Rebecca chose both herself and the AFC Richmond community - which with how football leagues are operating nowadays is both bold and badass I love her so much - and also the Richmond female team!!!
But dear God why using so many rom-com tropes - including Rebecca telling him she'd do anything for him to stay and would follow him around the world - if the endgame is Dutch guy? I don't even know if I dislike him but the fact that Rebecca supposedly got over 3 years of trust and friendship in a second for a dude to whom she never told her name and vice versa? Ugh
Same thing with Ted - of course he's going back to his son - it's been a long time coming and it makes absolute sense. But the episode is titled "So long, Farewell..." and he barely says it? We don't even hear him say that's he's going back (home? To Kansas? To his son? How did he phrase it in his truth bomb?) He acts as if it's just any other week, any other game except for his half time speech (to which I absolutely cried I am weak) He should get to enjoy moments with Henry and being the dad that cheers on him at football matches - but Henry is playing football because Ted went to Richmond and it seems that it's the only thing that he kept from there (that and the snow globe - which again, I cried like a baby)
Anyway he doesn't grieve - or at least not on screen his time and the family he created and fought for and that what bothers me i think
Same thing with the last sequence - that better be a dream because Ted is in none of it. Three years and he is no longer present in these people's lives with nobody sending him a text or a selfie...
Yeah that feels unresolved as hell to me...
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thedeafprophet · 9 months
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just for fun, comparison of Old Jamie art vs Recent Jamie Art
2021 vs 2023. similar pose too lmao
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specterpants · 23 days
Songs ive been listening to lately! tagged by @rebootsnake :>
Wild Guess - Everything Everything (new release, fucking KILLER opener as usual) [Cold Reactor close behind this]
King - Tesseract (OC songs my fucking beloved, youll never guess who....)
Dont Lets Start - TMBG (CLASSIC, got stuck in my head for a full week, extremely fitting since its the kind of song youd here in a timeloop)
Hope Cafe - Jamie Paige (It goes without saying i am hopelessly addicted to the paige)
Glass Beach - Glass Beach (listened to this album this morning for the first time and DAMN i see why they got so popular so quick, this is my fave off the album)
tagging a few others to do the same if theyd like! @stardiscs @elegybeatty @metroid-fusion @baconator-deluxe @malicious-face @oh-hools
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becoach-a · 9 months
having awful period cramps (i want to write, i swear) and i got emotional AGAIN about jamie not knowing why he was sent back to man city.
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anubisystem · 1 year
It’s tough to be a slow-processing autist in a world that insists you constantly flood your brain with Content. I’m a washing machine and you can’t just put in infinite dirty laundry and expect me to work the same. This is why tiktok was so incredibly evil for me cuz surveillance and psyop culture aside I tend to get a dreadful stomach ache from video-format Anything that I haven’t seen before if I’m in a bad headspace. Like I did not watch a new TV/streaming show At All between 2018 and 2022 cuz if there was something I hadn’t seen before on someone else’s TV my stomach would turn into knots. I dropped YouTube from my routine entirely because I realized that more and more videos were overstimulating and Bad and the things I was getting recommended were starting to be more and more obviously rage-boosted by the algorithm so it was two stomachaches rolled into one (new content PLUS offensive content). TikTok took this rage boosting/anxiety siphoning addiction strategy and made it even more profitable in a very gross way and somehow by late 2021 I was the weird one for not keeping up with the 45 TikToks I was being sent daily by an esteemed lover, because I’ve never seen a TikTok on the app itself that wasn’t just meaningless information or overstimulation that got spun out to be algorithmically boosted, a process which turns even good things into brain-rotting nonsensical Content designed to give you mood whiplash and destroy your attention span, coming at you so fast (done with that 45 seconds on the history of a genocide? You better get ready for a 15 second cosplay video with a weird catty “hot take” that no person who’s ever been out in nature or had a meaningful relationship could possibly care about in it) that you’re actively discouraged from thinking Virtually Anything, or about any subject for more than a minute. Like seriously how do you guys live like that. You insist you’re fine but you haven’t read a book since middle school. You can’t focus anymore, you can’t think critically—this Content is destroying your brain!
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marzst4rz · 7 months
So we all agree sirius would’ve WORSHIPED alice cooper? Just me? Okay.
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monthofsick · 2 years
He that will not hear, must feel
Nov(emeto)ber 2022, Day 8: Torture
OCs: Jamie, Yujun
(First of all - feel free to delete this, but THANK YOU SO MUCH for your tags! They’re giving me so much life in this stressful time and I’m honestly excited for them every day. <3)
Hands down, this is the darkest story I’ve written so far. Which makes sense, given the prompt. I instantly had this scenario in mind and because of the inevitable psychological impact, I knew it had to feature new characters. Now I’m low key in love with them and want to continue their story.
TW: Vomit, force feeding, torture, manhandling
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Jamie had never been so angry before, and that was saying a lot.
Instead of living his best life, enjoying summer break to the fullest, he had been sent to a behavioral modification ranch. What a nice coincidence that his dad’s election campaign was in full swing and it didn’t hurt to have the troubled son out of the way. Or maybe it was a last attempt to fix Jamie before he was coming of age and it was bye bye parental rights. Whatever his reasons, Jamie’s father couldn’t have picked a worse time to start caring about his offspring.
Jamie wasn’t even a criminal or an addict or whatever his dad was obsessing about. Maybe he had turned up wasted in school once or twice and passed out during a boring class. Yes, there was this unfortunate incident where a teacher had been a huge pain in the ass just because Jamie was a tiny bit hungover, so he had settled the score by puking in said teacher’s bag. Which had been hilarious, by the way. Oh, and then there was the night when Jamie had borrowed and crashed the Lamborghini of a fellow party member…
Okay, maybe he deserved to be here, but it still sucked. It wasn’t like he had asked to be the flagship project of an upright local politician. Now he was stuck in this glorified boot camp where he had to get up before dawn and work all day for free while being yelled at by wannabe drill sergeants. One of them actually went by the monicker Sarge and refused to reveal his real name, which radiated maximum amounts of small dick energy. Then there was the big boss himself, Mr. Abel, who basically looked and acted like every Southern villain ever created. Last one of the top dogs was the foreman Huxley. So far, no one had found out if that was his first or last name.
Therapists and other qualified staff members were suspiciously absent.
The only bright spot in this dire situation was Yujun. The ranch inmates slept in a claustrophobic room full connected wooden bunk beds. Yujun had picked the matress right next to Jamie‘s and they hit it off right away. At night, Jamie often turned around so they could lie face to face and whisper for a while until someone complained or the steps of the night guard approached.
At first glance, Yujun looked perfectly innocent – like one of those K-Pop idols every girl in Jamie‘s class was drooling over. He had bleach blond hair and a cute little smile and didn’t feel the need to prove his superior masculinity 24/7. It felt good to have someone Jamie could share his frustration with, and this very night, his frustration level had reached an all time high.
After working on a damaged road in the sweltering heat the entire day, one of the school bully archetypes had fucked up royally when he had been caught smoking a cigarette he had smuggled in. As punishment, dinner had been cancelled for everyone. They were sent to bed with empty stomachs, bodies aching from the unfamiliar work, just because one idiot had broken the rules.
„I can’t sleep when I’m hungry“, Jamie growled.
„Same“, Yujun frowned and rubbed his belly. „And my parents wonder why I ran away from home. Twice. Might as well run away from here.“
„I’m in.“ Jamie began to chew on his lower lip. „They rarely ever check on us at night. Probably cause we’re trapped in the middle of nowhere anyways.“
„And because we’re too tired and hungry to run.“
„True that.“ Suddenly, a switch was flipped inside of Jamie’s head. His grumpy face lit up with a mischievous smile. „But we don’t have to go far to solve this part of the equation. Just a short trip to the pantry and back.“
„Are you being serious right now?“ Yujun clapped both hands in front of his mouth. „That is amazing! We have our private little midnight snack.“
„I know, right?“ Jamie snickered into his pillow to muffle the sound. „It’s just down the stairs and to the left. There’s not a lot that can go wrong.“
„I’ll keep watch.“ The hungry boys exchanged a conspiratorial glare before they snuck out of the room.
The ranch lay in silence, shadows creeping up from every corner. None of the watchdogs was in sight. Jamie and Yujun tiptoed down the staircase and towards the storage room. While Jamie went inside, Yujun stayed on the lookout. Jamie quickly collected food items that could easily be opened and consumed – granola bars, premade sandwiches, chocolate cookies – and put them in his shirt he had folded up as a makeshift bag. He took a moment to listen. Yujun hadn’t made a warning sound, so Jamie assumed it was safe to go. Quietly, he slipped back into the main hall.
Sarge was already waiting for him, covering Yujun’s mouth with one of his big hands. Jamie hadn’t heard the giant man coming, and apparently, neither had Yujun.
„Looks like we have some thieves in the house“, Sarge declared with a menacingly quiet voice. „Now what do we do with such shameless criminals?“
„We were starving“, Jamie tried to defend themselves. „I mean, we didn’t even do anything wrong and we worked so hard today.“
„You can’t avoid a penalty by committing another crime.“ Sarge’s face remained cold as stone and twice as hard. „Off to the dining room, both of you. There we will decide about the consequences of your misbehavior.“
The entire group of boys had been hauled out of their beds and gathered like spectators in a courtroom. Jamie and Yujun stood in front of the jury consisting of Mr. Abel, Sarge and Huxley.
„This one committed the theft“, Sarge proclaimed, pointing at Jamie. „What are we supposed to do with him?“
„Let the punishment fit the crime“, Mr. Abel announced the verdict. „Make him eat until he pukes.“
„What the fuck?“ Jamie had managed to stay quiet so far, but now it burst out of him. „You can’t do that. Pretty sure that counts as assault.“
„Oh, but your father has contractually agreed to any disciplinary measure necessary.“ The hint of a smirk curled Mr. Abel’s lips. „He that will not hear, must feel. It is one of our core principles and our success proves us right.“
„What about the other one?“, Sarge asked with a nod towards Yujun. After the first judgment, Yujun had moved closer to Jamie, looking both perplexed and frightened.
„He gets to clean up after the ringleader, now and for the rest of the night. It should teach him not to follow the wrong order.“
„You’re insane!“, Jamie blurted out while Sarge and Huxley made him sit down on a chair in front of the entire crowd. „What if I refuse to eat, huh? You can’t force me.“
„You stay right here until punishment’s completed.“ As always, Huxley sounded like he was aggressively chewing gum. „Don’t care if you sit on that chair until you piss and shit yourself or anyone else does. No one leaves until you done.“
„Sick fuck!“ Jamie tried to get up, but the two henchmen immediately pushed him back onto the seat. Both men were significantly taller and burlier than him, so his chance to escape didn’t look to bright.
„Why don’t we drop all this nonsense and get it over with?“ With a nod, Mr. Abel gave Huxley a silent command and he instantly left the room. Sarge towered over Jamie until the foreman returned with two baskets that were filled to the brim with all kinds of food. Without even looking, Sarge grabbed a glass of hotdogs, opened it up and put one of the sausages in front of Jamie’s mouth.
„Whatever“, Jamie snarled. „At least I won’t go to bed hungry.“
When Jamie opened his mouth and took the first bite, he wasn’t fully convinced that the overseers would actually go through with the absurd penalty. It was too preposterous, maybe just a scare tactic to give everyone a shot across the bow.
Unsurprisingly, the cheap frankfurters were rather bland and mushy. Good thing Jamie’s stomach was empty enough to appreciate any type of nourishment. The six sausages went down easily and were immediately followed by two ham and cheese sandwiches. Not exactly Jamie’s favorite, but at least they were soft enough to be chewed up and swallowed without much effort. Next up was a whole bag of prepackaged brownies – definitely the highlight so far. They were moist and sprinkled with chocolate chips, perfect for dessert.
Except that it wasn’t dessert, just a randomly picked part of his neverending meal. Jamie began to feel full at this point. If he had stopped eating now, he would have been perfectly content. Sarge, however, didn’t give him a break. To Jamie’s horror, the sadistic bastard pulled out a pickle in a pouch. The overpowering odor of vinegar was probably the worst possible contrast to the chocolatey aftertaste that lingered on Jamie’s tongue. He had to force himself to take a bite. The pickle was surprisingly chewy with a strong note of dill – not too bad on its own, but absolutely revolting as a brownie topper. Jamie let out a burp, which brought up even more of the acidic taste.
It was right back to sweets for him with five large macadamia chocolate cookies. At this point, Jamie had slowed down significantly. Whenever he took his time for a moment of recovery, Sarge pushed the crumbly dough against his lips. Unwillingly, Jamie ate up every single cookie, doing his best to focus on the objective deliciousness of the baked treats.
Chocolate bars with peanuts and caramel followed, then a double pack of hummus and pretzels. Sarge shoveled big heaps of the smooth paste on the salty snacks before shoving them into Jamie’s mouth. The chickpea spread seemed to swell as he chewed, making it harder and harder to swallow. Jamie moaned and put a hand on his stomach. It already felt tight and bloated, bubbling under the surface. The wild mixture of food didn’t agree with him at all.
Jamie was granted a brief pause while Sarge peeled a banana. His fingertips dug into his aching belly, treating it to a firm massage. He managed to work up a thick belch, followed by a gurgle that was loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. One of the spectators chuckled. Before Jamie had a chance to glare at the culprit, Sarge held the banana in front of his mouth. Jamie sighed and took a bite. The fruit was overly ripe and intensely sweet with an alcoholic touch to it. Nausea creeped up Jamie’s throat, lingering back at his uvula. His body begged him to stop eating, but Sarge already opened a cup of vanilla pudding, feeding it to Jamie by the spoonful.
Droplets of sweat formed on Jamie’s forehead. It was sickening to feel the jiggly mass slide down his esophagus. A big, heavy lump weighed down his stomach. Another burp turned into a gag that could barely escape him before the spoon was pushed into his mouth again, setting down its artificially tasting load. There was no time for relief when the plastic cup was finally empty. The next course was a large donut, hitting Jamie’s nose with its yeasty and sugary scent.
Jamie couldn’t bring himself to go on. He pressed his lips together in a desperate attempt to keep out the fried pastry.
„My, my, what is it now?“ Mr. Abel sounded thoroughly amused. „You were so greedy before.“
„Get it in there“, Sarge commanded. Jamie frantically shook his head. Without hesitation, Sarge grabbed the boy‘s hair and held his nose shut until he had to gasp for air. As soon as he opened his mouth, the donut went in. Jamie winced in pain and disgust, but eventually he had to bite off. Greasy dough and a thick cream slipped over his tongue and Jamie’s gullet spasmed to prevent a gulp. Sarge, noticing his struggle, clamped his hand over Jamie’s lips and nostrils until the swallowing reflex took over, allowing him to breathe again. „Down the hatch it goes.“
Jamie coughed, then burped up whatever air was left inside his overstuffed belly. At this point, his churning stomach resembled a cement mixer more than a washing machine. The nausea had become excrutiating, but Jamie didn’t want to be choked again. He forced down bite after bite of the oily donut until his abdominal muscles were over it and clenched tightly. Jamie’s chest jumped with a wet gag as sour liquid flooded his mouth. He squinted his eyelids and swallowed the hot bile with some of the gelatinous custard.
„Barf bomb’s about to explode“, someone in the audience cackled.
„The next one who laughs has to eat every single chunk he pukes up“, Mr. Abel declared. It immediately became quiet again.
Out of everything in the baskets, Sarge had to pick a mini salami with cheddar dip. It was probably Jamie’s least favorite food, enough to make his stomach turn on his hungriest days. The overpowering smell of smoked meat and ammonia instantly forced out a convulsive retch. There was no way Jamie could put this nightmare into his mouth.
„I’m sorry, okay?“ Jamie couldn’t stop his voice from shaking. At this point, he wasn’t even scared of throwing up – he desperately wanted to get rid of the dense mass that tried to burst his guts. He just didn’t want to do it in front of everyone. And, most importantly, he didn’t want to add even more food to the boiling hotpot inside of his belly. Honestly, he felt like he never wanted to eat again for the rest of his life. „I am sorry and I promise I won’t cause any more trouble.“
„It’s too late now“, Sarge brushed him off. „Should have thought about that before. Now man up and stuff it down.“
Trembling all over, Jamie parted his lips and bit off the cheese-covered tip of the cured sausage. A pungent flavor of dried meat, salt and smoke overwhelmed his tastebuds. The fatty mouthfeel, combined with the gooey dip, was enough to send Jamie into a retching fit. He fought hard to keep on chewing, but his production of saliva increased rapidly until it dripped from his lower lip. Shaken by another heave, Jamie involuntarily spewed out the shredded pieces of salami before he could force them down. Sarge picked up the disgorged food and shoved it back into Jamie’s mouth.
Jamie swallowed desperately. His body lurched forward with a gag that sounded wet enough to be productive. Painful cramps stabbed his belly. And still, the sausage was right in front of his face again, dripping with even more cheddar gloop.
„At least give him a bucket!“, Yujun cried, his voice coming from a mile away.
„Is someone trying to avoid his sentence?“, Mr. Abel inquired with a feigned smile and a menacing tone.
„No, but… isn’t this punishment enough, without the extra humiliation?“
„He brought it upon himself.“ There was no hint of compassion on the man’s face. Sarge didn’t show any mercy, either. While Jamie retched helplessly, the torturer took the opportunity to push the salami between the boy‘s lips.
It was too much for Jamie. He felt thick vomit shooting up his throat, way too forceful to hold it in. Sarge stepped back just in time to avoid the massive wave of undigested food gushing out of Jamie’s mouth. His body jerked while he puked up big chunks of sausage and deep fried dough, banana pap and slimy custard. Jamie shivered with disgust as the warm mush soaked into the fabric of his clothes. The nauseating blend tasted even worse than it had going down, bringing back the rancid sibling of every single flavor component.
As his abdominal muscles clenched again, Jamie turned to the side so he wouldn’t throw up on himself again. Big, chapped hands – was it Huxley? It had to be Huxley, but when had he stepped behind him? – grabbed his head and forced him to look straight forward. Jamie could barely let out a broken groan before the next surge of lumpy vomit spilled from his lips. It had the color and texture of grainy hummus, but the pieces of cookies and pretzels were still surprisingly crispy, scratching Jamie’s raw throat. He coughed and spat, trying to expell what had been caught in his mouth.
His body didn’t let him catch his breath – it was hellbent on emptying his overstuffed stomach. Doubling over with a violent retch, Jamie gurgled up a brown mash of chocolate sponge, mixed with soggy lumps of hotdogs and cheese. He cursed himself for not having chewed more thoroughly. Brownie porridge with frankfurter nuggets was beyond disgusting and the big, mushy chunks constantly triggered his gag reflex. The cake mix from hell plopped moistly on Jamie‘s boxers and the naked parts of his thighs.
Once again, Jamie was seized from behind, this time by the shoulders, and straightened up. When his upset belly pumped up another flood of foul smelling slurry, it poured down his chin and all over his front. Jamie retched desperately and expelled two smaller waves of vomit, followed by a bitter, sticky liquid that stubbornly clung to his lower lip. His muscles convulsed under several dry heaves before his wrung out stomach finally calmed down.
„Let this be a lesson you won’t forget“, Mr. Abel lectured, his voice dripping with unabashed smugness. „And for everyone else, take it as a warning. If you engage in criminal behavior, you will have to pay the price.“
Only now Jamie noticed that tears were running down his cheeks. The entire process of being stuffed to the gills, just to puke it all back up, had been agonizing, but the feeling of total humiliation was even worse. He had been harmed in a way that went deeper than anything else he had experienced before. Jamie felt dirty to his core, and it wasn’t because he was drenched in his own sick. It was something that couldn’t be washed away with soap and water.
„Time to carry out your duty.“ Mr. Abel turned his attention to Yujun. Huxley rushed into the kitchen and returned with cleaning equipment. Apparently, he was assigned to do the legwork.
Yujun firmly pressed Jamie’s hand before he began to clean him up. There was an entire buffet spilled all over Jamie‘s body, many pieces completely undigested, so it took a while to remove the solids. Then Yujun did his best to wipe away the pulpy and liquidy stains before he subjected the floor to the same treatment.
„Can he please take a shower?“,  Yujun asked with pleading eyes when he was all done.
„Well, he’s not supposed to soil the bed, so go ahead“, Mr. Abel allowed magnanimously. „The rest of you – back to sleep. Tomorrow is another working day.“
The boys left in silence – some pale, some green, some shaken and dumbfounded, some giggling nervously. No one had expected the gruesome spectactle to actually play out in front of them to the bitter end. They had probably realized by now that they were at the mercy of the ranch leaders as well, and mercy definitely wasn’t their forte.
Yujun helped Jamie up and put an arm around his waist to support him on the way to the bathroom. He took off the vomit-soaked clothes, then guided him under one of the showers. Jamie was in a trance-like state, not putting up any resistance whatsoever. When the cold water poured down on him, he didn’t even flinch.
„It’s okay, you’re safe now, I’ll take care of you“, Yujun tried to get through to him. He gently wiped Jamie’s face, his chest, his arms and legs. Finally, he turned off the water and wrapped Jamie in one of the scratchy towels. When Jamie remained motionless, Yujun took it into his own hands to rub him dry and lead him to the sinks. „Come on, rinse your mouth. It will help you get rid of the taste.“
Just focusing on the nauseating concoction of flavors that still plagued Jamie’s tastebuds was enough to send him over the basin with a sudden lurch. He spewed bright yellow bile on the cracked porcellain. With a shaking hand, he wiped his lips.
„So-sorry“, he mumbled.
„No, it’s fine. Honestly, I’m just glad you’re talking again.“ Yujun smiled faintly and opened the tap to wash away the slimy fluid. When the sink was clean, Jamie bowed down and thoroughly rinsed his mouth at least ten times. Yujun stroked back his wet hair. „Are you a little better?“
„I… I don’t know.“ Jamie felt utterly helpless and deeply disturbed. He had no idea what to do with himself. Yujun didn’t inquire further, he just hugged him close. All of a sudden, Jamie’s legs gave in and he sank to the floor, pulling Yujun with him. He pressed his face against the smaller boy’s neck while his body was shaken by convulsive sobs.
„I’m here“, Yujun whispered, rubbing Jamie’s back in firm, soothing strokes. „I promise I’ll get you out of here. We’ll run away and they will never hurt you again.“
The words covered Jamie’s troubled mind like a comforting blanket. He clung to Yujun and cried until he ran out of tears. Everything would be alright, he told himself.
They would run away together.
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Archive of our own: Up all night to get Bucky
tumblr: birdnamedenza
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jamiewintons · 2 years
@maddi-sun18 I made the playlists public, so you should be able to listen to them now :)
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lvrhughes · 10 months
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whoslibby · 4 months
jamie you BETTER give me a not-angsty follow up to that 141 angst you just posted you would not believe how much it resonated (obvi /nf but like. please)
you asked so i’m delivering - also thank you for 400 followers !! - link to original post
the next few days afterwards you felt annoyance to the whole lot of them for saying it. who wouldn’t? you had been undermined by your own colleagues.
you had just gotten out of morning drills, heading to the showers as ghost catches you up. ‘you did well today,’ he tells you in his usual i’m-so-big-and-so-strong self. you may of had a little rant days prior after the situation to yourself.
‘hmm not bad for a child right?’ you say giving the same energy back that he had previously gave you.
‘look sweetheart it was only a slip of the tongue,’ he tells you trying to defend himself.
‘don’t sweetheart me, you said so own up to it,’ you replied looking up at him who only looked a tad annoyed with it.
for the next few days you only spoke to soap who found it quite reasonable to ignore them. you were one of the hardest workers on the force and they had said something like that? soap was floored with the audacity.
it wasn’t until the next debriefing that an apology was given to you, you were sat, lips sealed as they discuss before price turns to you. ‘do you have anything to say on it?’
‘i’m sorry the adults are talking,’ you say passive aggression dripping from your voice as you shrugged.
‘me and ghost are sorry okay? can you finally speak,’ this got you to grin as you stood up and walked over giving your opinion. happy you finally got your well deserved apology.
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starzm4rz · 30 days
I tell him we should have a summer wedding he takes it as a joke
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ameliora-j · 6 months
ur the only person i trust who can give me a filthy but soft smut of james potter fucking y/n in his ice hockey jersey
i’m honored 🥹
𐐪𐑂 it’s twisted tuesday! send in ur requests ᵕ̈
content: soft dom!james, cnc, hockey player!james, pr manager!girlfriend!reader, humiliation, degradation, oral (f!receiving), daddy kink, jamie talking to ur pussy, impact play, unprotected piv, creampie, THIS IS AN 18+ BLOG MDNI
“james…” you groan, trying to push him away as he has you pressed up against your desk in your office. “cut it out!” you groan as he kisses down your neck.
“oh baby” james chuckles, shaking his head. james towers over you, and his ice hockey jersey are purposefully tailored to be longer and bigger on him so that they can fit over all his gear—thus causing every single one of his jerseys to be a dress on you. this—accompanied by a pair of thigh high boots—was your signature game day look. “you’re wearing the jersey, you’re asking to be split open on my cock and you know it” he chuckles lowly, nipping at your ear.
you whine, shaking your head as you push him back once more. “stop james. i’m serious, i’m not fucking you” you huff softly.
“uh huh baby… whatever you say” he murmurs, sinking to his knees and pushing your legs apart. he pushes his jersey up over your hips and tuts his tongue, shaking his head softly. “and look at that… you don’t wanna fuck but this little cunt is nice and uncovered for me” he hums, noting that you’d foregone panties—and james knew you expected this.
“my poor girl’s gonna be so cold on that ice tonight” he pouts softly, shaking his head as he rubs a thumb over your slit.
“james!” you squeak. “i’ll be fine” you shake your head.
“hush baby, do your work. ‘m talking to my girl” he chuckles softly. your eyes widen and heat rises immediately to your face as you realize james is speaking to your pussy, not you. “‘s okay pretty princess… i’ll make sure you keep warm tonight” he whispers before leaning in and pressing a kiss to your little clit.
he hums softly, his eyes rolling a bit at the taste before he wraps his mouth around your cunt, wiggling his tongue through your sticky folds. “that’s right princess, knew you wanted daddy” he whispers to your cunt, leaning back and spitting on your pulsing hole. “‘s okay… daddy’s here. gonna clean you up baby. make it all better” he hums to your pussy before diving back in.
“j-james… james!” you moan loudly, reaching back and pushing his head closer to your needy cunt. he chuckles against you, slapping your ass.
“i knew you’d come around” he mumbles, standing and beginning to undo his pants.
“n-no… no james i’m not fucking you! i’m trying to tell you we need to go” you whine, shaking your head insistently.
“yeah princess, i hear you” he nods, running his cock through your slit a few times. “there’s my girl” he groans as he feels your wetness soaking his cock. “it’s okay, i’ll give it to you… no need to cry” he chuckles lowly as your pussy drips down onto his cock.
he groans lowly as he slowly pushes into your cunt, practically whining as he bottoms out. “oh you’re so tight” he breathes, holding your hips.
“j-james… jamie stop” you whine as he begins to fuck you. his pace is slow but intentional, his hips angled to hit your gspot head on each time he slams his cock back into you.
“oh baby, you’re begging me to stop but my princess is begging to cum” he murmurs, gently rubbing your clit as he fucks you slow and hard. “it’s okay pretty girl… if you want daddy to stop all you have to do is cum” he taunts, holding you close to him as he fucks you slowly.
you whine, shaking your head as it falls back against his shoulder. “your pussy is crying for me… squeezing around me. oh baby she wants to cum so bad” he mocks, beginning to rub your clit faster. he keeps his pace slow, but pounds your gspot mercilessly as you cry out his name along with profanities.
“daddy!” you whine as you gaze at him with wide, glossy eyes.
“oh there’s my pretty princess” he hums softly, smiling lovingly at you as he leans in and gives you a kiss. you whimper softly, meeting his thrusts as you kiss him back. “‘s my good girl. take my cock so well” he mumbles, kissing across your shoulders.
“daddy… i wanna cum” you whimper, your eyes rolling as you clench around him.
“i know baby… i know daddy’s right there” he mumbles. “why don’t you milk my cock baby?” he hums, kissing your cheek. “cum for me… squeeze daddy’s cum from that big cock” he groans lowly.
you let out a long, loud moan, your head falling back against his shoulder as you cream on james’ cock. he sucks in air through his teeth, fucking you through your orgasm as his hips begin to stutter until he paints your walls with his cum. “what do you say baby?” he mocks as he rides out his orgasm, fucking you full of his cum.
“thank you, daddy” you moan quietly, smiling lazily at him.
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luveline · 6 months
hi bae, just wondering if you could write something like roommate!marauders and reader with anxiety where everytime one of them goes out she gets really worried that’s somethings gonna happen to them and waits up for them and just feels like a burden when she calls to make sure they’re alright and just general anxiety things and them being so sweet about it
love u
love u too♡
cw death related anxiety
“Hey, Remus?” you ask tentatively. 
Your housemate lays across the sofa with his dinner half eaten on the coffee table and a book tented on his chest. He's ignoring both in favour of the television, a rerun of Family Fortunes turning the sofa cushions and his pale skin a light blue. 
He drags his blue-tinged gaze from the subtitles to your frowning. “What's wrong?” he asks. You're surprised he heard you over the sound of Sirius’ stereo echoing down the stairs. 
“Where did James say he was going?” 
“I think he said he'd be at the gym for an hour now he's not in work. Want me to call him?” 
“Why would you call him?” you ask, instead of saying yes, please, like you want to. 
“You're worrying again.” 
They know how you are. It doesn't mean they have to understand —it isn't logical to think James is hurt because he hasn't been home today yet, and none of them are required to humour you in your worry, but they always do. 
You feel sick as he takes his phone from his pocket. You've convinced yourself that James is dead, that his car curled around a bend too quickly on the drive in the rain, or that something happened at the gym, or that he never made it there at all, had a fit in the car park outside of work. Even as you think it, you know it's implausible, unlikely, just a repetitive negative anxiety worming its way into your head, but you can't make it stop. 
James doesn't answer the first time, which doesn't help, and then when he does answer the second time you're waiting for bad news. Remus smiles as he talks. “Hello? Jamie?”
James doesn't need speak phone to be heard. “Remus! I'm at the gym, what's happening?”
Remus wrinkles his nose. “What's happening? Since when do you say that?”
“What's up?” James corrects. “I'm on my way out of the gym, can you talk? You can keep me company while I drive.” 
Remus holds out the phone to you. 
“Remus?” James asks into the room. You take the phone before he can hang up, and decide to be honest, but the words get stuck like toffee between your teeth. “Hello?” 
“Hey,” you say, sending Remus a grateful look. He moves over to make room on settee for you, and his arm wraps familiarly around your shoulders as you settle in. He turns his attention back to his show. 
“Oh my god hey, angel. Remus okay?” 
“I was making him ring you, sorry. I thought… you know what I'm like. It's getting late and you aren't home, and I know I don't have the right to pester you about where you are.”
“Yeah you do,” James says, his voice louder, like his mouth is very close to the microphone. “Course you do. I'd worry too if you weren't home yet.” 
“I do this all the time, though.”
Just last week he and Sirius were out late and you'd panicked that they'd both been hurt. You stayed up until almost one in the morning waiting for them to get home from a music shop in the city, each minute after eleven like a shot of ice water in your veins. Sirius jumped when he saw you waiting in the living room, but then he'd given you a hug and rubbed at your shoulders roughly. You didn't wait up for us, did you? 
“It's worse lately, yeah?” James asks. You hum non-committal, and Remus gives you a squeeze in typical Remus fashion. You hadn't even realised he was listening, but his support makes this easier. “You're worrying about us more.”
“Yeah,” you say. “I don't know why. And it sucks because I know it's making me a lot to deal with.” 
“I would one thousand percent prefer it if you rang me then sat there worrying. That would make me feel better. And Remus and Sirius feel the same way, okay? We could all stand to ring each other a bit more anyways.” 
You rub your nose into your hand. “Sorry,” you mumble. 
“There's no need to be. I love you, ‘n I just want you to be happy. If a phone call can make that happen then why shouldn't you do it? And it's not like they're a big imposition, I like talking to you. We all do.”
James is home from the gym what could only be ten minutes later, and he leans over the back of the settee to kiss your forehead chasely. “Here we are, all safe and well.” 
“You haven't seen Sirius yet,” Remus points out.
“I can bloody well hear him. What is he listening to? Is that U2?” James shakes his head in disgust. “I can see why you were so worried I wasn't coming home. Let me go put a stop to that immediately.” 
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rdr2gifs · 2 months
Each time Arthur has helped someone without expecting payment (that I can remember) because I’ve seen some weird takes circling around about how Arthur only cares about money/doesn’t help people (yet again)
He helped a city photographer take pictures and acted as his protector because he liked him
He helped a doctor retrieve a stolen wagon full of medicine, he wasn’t even asked to do so, he did it out of his own good will
He wanted to make an old cranky man happy and proposed finding his lost trinkets for him
He helped Deborah MacGuiness find dinosaur bones out of curiosity. He didn’t receive any financial reward for it. Just a few trinkets and he was satisfied
He risked his life for Marko Dragic’s experiments (his main motivation in this mission was again, curiosity)
He rescued a boy being held hostage by the gunsmith in Rhodes
He rescued people from being trafficked and gave them a large sum of money (he could’ve kept it for himself) for a better life
He helped Mr. White and Mr. Black gain freedom and even helped them again after they got themselves into trouble
He rescued Charles Chatenay on at least 3 different occasions
He instantly hurried to retrieve Sister Calderon’s cross even though he has never met her before
In his first encounter with Marjorie and Bertram, he helps to calm Bertram down and is understanding even though Bertram gave him trouble. He even puts the bartender in his place after he speaks about Bertram in a degrading manner
He agreed to help a man get rid of nigh folk occupying his property and after he payed him with only a rat pelt, Arthur didn’t get angry and still asked him if he’d be really fine on his own after knowing he wouldn’t be able to pay
He let a homeless man hug him and listened to what he has to say
He helped to save Jamie from becoming a cult member and stopped him from taking his life
He helped a boy look for his lost dog
He saved an injured man’s life after driving him to a doctor
He helped a woman get rid of a body after she claimed she had to kill the man in self-defence
He donated to the poor and even to build a shelter for war-veterans
He taught Charlotte how to survive on her own
He tried to save a crazed village out of his own good will
He helped a war veteran retrieve his prosthetic leg and helped him hunt
He helped a man look for his lost friend in the snowy mountains
He helped Rain’s Fall retrieve sacred items important to his people
He helped to retrieve stolen medical supplies for the Wapiti tripe
He saved Captain Monroe’s life after hearing he was in danger
He helped Beau and Penelope escape from their terrible families
He has saved many hunters from getting mauled, given many ladies a ride home, saved people from dying of poisoning, helped gather herbs, helped a lost New Yorker find his way to the town, helped save many people’s lives (lady being held hostage in her own house in Lemoyne, folk getting tortured by The Murfees or Lemoyne Raiders etc.)
Let’s not forget the fact that Arthur is a provider for over 20 people. He cannot be running around and risking his life for free for everyone he meets. He needs money. Even so, he has helped all the people above for no reward and out of his own free will. When I see someone say that Arthur is only motivated by money and never helps people otherwise, I just instantly assume they stormed through the story and didn’t pay any attention. The encounters listed above make up the majority of chance encounters/side quests and in almost all of them he is helping people. 80% of these are also pre-diagnosis.
He has a hard time accepting any compliments or gratitude for his good deeds and always downplays himself. Even in the main story he is never thinking about himself and he always puts others first.
“You did not ask for anything, you only gave”
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The encounters where he does require payment pale in comparison to those in which he doesn’t, and even so they are very justified as they are often dangerous, time consuming or straight up ridiculous. It’s weird to assume Arthur only helps people for money when he doesn’t want to deliver love letters, interview dangerous people and sneak into heavily guarded properties for free.
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arkhammaid · 2 months
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fandom. formula one
pairing. charles leclerc x professional pianist fem!reader (fc: none)
about. y/n y/l/n is one of the celebreties who has gone viral during lockdown. when she publishes her first album, she raises a few eyebrows with a featured artist
content warnings. social media au, not edited/proofread
notes. this is a very self-indulgent fic... so you all better love it or else 🫵
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liked by zendaya, hanszimmer and 14'083'874 others
yourusername and 3 others we're proud to announce the album DEFINITIONS. each of the 26 original composed pieces embrace the title itself, the feeling of these words. they're defined by our language and passion, a gift from us to you.
yourusername so happy our baby is finally out, thank you adrian, charles and jamie, for this partnership. i couldn't have done this without you!
hanszimmer This is music.
charles_leclerc And it's finally here! I had so much fun working on this, thank you @/yourusername for allowing me to be part of your project🥰
jamieduffyy absolutely incredible!! stream definitions now!!!
zendaya I'm sobbing over the whole alphabeth, who would've thought... this is 🤯🤯
user holyyyyy shittttttt
haileybieber listening this on repeat and still getting shivers, this is incredible work 💗
user the butterfly effect is so real here...
⤷ user if you told me i'd follow this one tiktoker because she went viral with her piano only to become a fan of men who drive in fancy circles...
user sobbing over nepenthe on repeat
⤷ user what.
⤷ user for the love of god, please look up what the words mean... charles really thought he was slick with this one
⤷ user oh my god.
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From Viral TikToker to Record Holder, Y/n brings Classical Music back in Trend.
By Sara Ristan | Published February 24, 2024
If you know anything about music, you know the current trends. Pop and Rap is what the current generation likes, with a few outliners. From the very beginning, Y/n seemed to be one of them as well. Her first release, 'A Sailor's Wish', has been trending along with 'Solas', by her fellow artist Jamie Duffy for many weeks.
Her other composed pieces never hit the same numbers, that was until she released a full album. 'Definitions' has 26 original composed pieces, mixed with piano and full orchestra. It's an album full of masterpieces, fully deserving the high praise it has been receiving the past few days.
Every piece in the Album is named after a rare word, each one of them beginning with a letter of the Alphabet. Most of them were composed by Y/n herself, her signature moves regognizable, if you're familiar with her music. If you wish to read a full analysis of the whole album, click here.
Notable, besides the mindblowing compositions, are also the featured artists. We have Adrian Berenguer, Charles Leclerc and Jamie Duffy- each of them well known in their niche. What has raised eyebrows however, is that unlike Adrian and Jamie, Charles himself. He's an athlete, a Formula One driver in fact and very well known. While his fans knew about his releases, singles and even an album with Sofiane Pamart, no one was prepared for the partnership with Y/n.
Especially the titles of the pieces, two of them speaking about love, one is even titled as 'Leman', which means lover. Are these two trying to give us hints?
Beside that, five of the 26 pieces are currently in the charts, having already gathered millions of streams within days. Absolutely mindblowing!
click to read more
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liked by yourusername, zendaya and 3'099'738 others
charles_leclerc P1 in Driver Championship Standings, P1 in International Charts, P1 in your heart... I love you, mon amour
yourusername ugh, ugly sobbing crying rn, no one talk to me
yourusername i love you too you sap
⤷ charles_leclerc Guilty hehe
⤷ charles_leclerc Doesn't stop me from loving you, cherié
⤷ yourusername i never told you to stop
jamieduffy fucking finally
zendaya @/tomholland2013 why don't you write you love songs for me??
⤷ tomholland2013 you're the one who sings?
⤷ user lmao felt
user now we know how charles even agreed to y/n asking for a collab... he has always been down bad for her
⤷ yourusername you're so right
⤷ user OH MY GOD???
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