#jace x daeron
addamvelaryon · 5 months
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By royal command, the infants Jacaerys Velaryon and Daeron Targaryen shared a wet nurse until weaned. It was said that the king hoped to prevent any enmity between the two boys by raising them as milk brothers.
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ilreleonewikiart · 1 month
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“You kissed his mouth with mouths of flame: you made the hornèd god your own: You stood behind him on his throne: you called him by his secret name.” — Oscar Wilde, The Sphinx
Jace and Daeron commissionated by an anonymous on twitter
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toukacifer · 3 months
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Ideas random que se me ocurren cuando me estoy lamentando por mi deplorable existencia ajajajaja
"—Mi príncipe —la suave mano de Daeron sostiene la de Jace con delicadeza. Su tacto cálido provoca una sensación hormigueante en su estómago, está lejos de sentirse como náuseas, pero cerca de algo que ha experimentado últimamente con las atenciones del alfa.
Jace no sabe si se debe a que es un omega recién presentado. Su madre le explicó que era casi milagroso que un omega naciera en la Casa Targaryen. Aegon el Conquistador fue uno, la Reina Buena Alysanne fue la siguiente, y ahora, más una década desde su muerte, Jacaerys se ha presentado como uno. A los doce años experimentó la dolorosa transformación de su casta, pasando la prueba con "honores" de acuerdo con las evaluaciones de los maestres. El rey Viserys, extasiado por la noticia, ordenó se informara de la buena nueva. Fue como si recuperara la energía, pues se afanó en que se realizara un torneo en honor a su nieto.
Se invitó a cada señor importante, por supuesto, y con ellos vendrían sus hijos, alfas y betas dispuestos a demostrar que podían ser dignos de la mano del príncipe Jacaerys aunque nunca se hubiera hablado de un compromiso. Como estaba las cosas, Jacaerys se vio envuelto en un montón de responsabilidades, de reuniones a las que tenía que asistir con un chaperón para conocer a los alfas y betas de los Siete Reinos.
Los pocos momentos que tenía para él los pasaba con su familia, aunque la reina Alicent hubiera prohibido a sus hijos acercarse a él. Aemond obedeció al instante, como el hijo devoto que se jactaba de ser. Aegon lo hizo para evitar más castigos. Helaena ni siquiera necesitó que se pidieran, ensimismada como era prefería sus insectos que con las personas. Pero con Daeron era distinto.
Como hermanos de leche, ambos había compartido un vínculo íntimo desde bebés, por lo que a pesar de los intentos de Alicent por alejar a su hijo de Jacaerys, Daeron solía pasar su tiempo en su compañía. Jugando, leyendo, soñando con lo que el mundo les depararía.
Justo como ahora. Daeron besando la mano de Jacaerys como un galante caballero. El omega dentro de Jace se regocijó antes sus atenciones y él le dedicó una sonrisa pequeña a Daeron.
—No puedo ser tu príncipe a menos que ganes el torneo, tío —enfatizó Jacaerys deseando que Daeron nunca soltara su mano.
—Si eso es así, entonces pediré prestada una armadura y entraré a las justas como un caballero errante —respondió Daeron—. Su Majestad verá mi valor y sabrá que soy el mejor aspirante para ser tu pareja. Nos comprometerá y reinaremos juntos.
Jacaerys se rió, extasiado con sus palabras.
—Hablas como si fueramos a gobernar después del abuelo. Te recuerdo que después de él sigue mi madre.
—¡Mucho mejor! —la alegría en el rostro de Daeron siempre es algo digno de ver. A diferencia de las muecas crueles de Aegon o del desprecio en la mirada de Aemond, el rostro de Daeron se caracteriza por la sinceridad en sus gestos; si está feliz, es porque sencillamente se siente así—. ¡Después de que mi hermana sea coronada, pediremos su permiso para viajar por el mundo! Volaremos en nuestros dragones a donde queramos. Iremos a Pentos, luego a Norvos y más allá, quizás hasta Qohor hasta atravesar el Mar de los Dothrakies. Y nuestros hijos...
—Espera, espera, ¿nuestros hijos?
—¡Por supuesto, es nuestro deber proveer de herederos a la Corona! —las mejillas se le tiñen de rojo en cuanto lo dicen—. ¡Pero no creas que sólo quiero hijos por eso!
—Ah, ¿y por qué sería? —dice de manera juguetona.
La cara de Daeron se ruboriza aún más, pero no desvía la mirada. Si hay otra cosa que admirar de él, es esto: su valor.
—Porque te quiero —confiesa Daeron con el corazón palpitándole fuertemente en el pecho. Jacaerys no tiene que verse al espejo para saber que él también se ha sonrojado—. Por eso quiero que seas mi omega, y yo... yo seré tu alfa, pero sólo si me aceptas. Y-Yo sé que los omegas no pueden elegir, pero si tú... si una mujer puede ser reina, entonces... un omega puede elegir con quien quiere casarse.
Las palabras de Daeron conmueven a Jacaerys profundamente y no le cuesta mucho tomar una decisión. Sabe que su chaperona está cerca (una de las hermanas de Ser Harwin), pero también sabe que ella no dirá nada sobre lo que va a hacer (posiblemente a sus padres, pero Jace metería las manos al fuego al decir que ni Rhaenyra ni Laenor le echarían bronca por esto).
Se suelta de la mano de Daeron, para usar las suyas para tomarlo de sus mejillas. Cuando acerca sus labios a la frente de su tío deposita un pequeño beso.
—Por ahora tendrás que conformarte con esto —informa Jacaerys cuando termina. Sus mejillas están profundamente rojas—. Cuando crezcamos... cuando estemos casados, podrás besarme de verdad.
Daeron parece tan impactado con lo que acaba de suceder, que Jacaerys casi se siente mal por haberlo dejado en tal estado. Lo que no espera es ver a Daeron caer de rodillas ante él, como hace un caballero al pronunciar sus votos, y levantar su mirada purpura hacia él con determinación.
—Juro por los Dioses Antiguos y los Nuevos, por las Catorce Llamas, por todos los Dioses que adoran en el Mundo, que tendrás para siempre mi alma y mi corazón, príncipe Jacaerys. Nada ni nadie podrán impedir que esté a tu lado —y para sellar su juramento, toma de nuevo la mano de Jace para besarla—. Siempre seré tuyo".
Mi hc es que Daeron se llevaba mejor con los hijos de Rhaenyra, y por eso Alicent pidió que se lo llevaran a Oldtown :(
O sea que después de esto, Daeron y Jacaerys fueron separados y el juramento fue olvidado (o quizás no)
Y un bonus extra de Aegon, Aemond y Lucerys planeando asesinarse entre sí por ser quien se queda con Jace jajaja
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0ynes · 1 year
Jacaerys and Daeron, the milk brothers
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fragileheartbeats · 27 days
⌗ 𝘏𝘖𝘛𝘋 𝘔- 𝘈𝘜 𝘏𝘊 ⁝ 𝘚𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢 𝘤𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘩 𝘰𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 ( ♡ )
— 𝘈𝘦𝘨𝘰𝘯, 𝘈𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘥, 𝘋𝘢𝘦𝘳𝘰𝘯, 𝘑𝘢𝘤𝘦, 𝘊𝘳𝘦𝘨𝘢𝘯 <3
˚꒰🌼꒱‧ Hi there! Before you read this, you should know that English is not my first language. Hope you enjoy!
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𝓖𝓾𝓪𝓻𝓭𝓲𝓪𝓷 𝓐𝓷��𝓮𝓵
1. Protective Glances: In crowded spaces, Aegon subtly positions himself to ensure you're always within his sight, offering a sense of security without words.
2. Exclusive Sneak Peeks: Aegon shares details of his day or personal projects with you before anyone else, valuing your opinion above all.
3. Unexpected Gifts: Small, thoughtful gifts appear from Aegon, each telling a story or sharing a part of himself, from shows he loves to gadgets he swears by.
4. Deep Conversations: He engages you in long, meaningful conversations, genuinely interested in your thoughts and dreams, often losing track of time.
5. Social Media Engagement: Aegon, not one for public displays, consistently likes, comments, and shares your posts, a digital nod to his affection.
6. Impromptu Visits: Aegon makes surprise visits, often with your favorite drink in hand, turning an ordinary moment into something special.
7. Protective Escort: He insists on walking you home after a night out, a silent guardian in the bustling city, making sure you're safe and sound.
8. Handpicked Flowers: Instead of store-bought bouquets, Aegon prefers giving you flowers he's picked himself, each selection meaningful and personal.
9. Sincere Compliments: Aegon's compliments are always genuine and specific, focusing on qualities he admires about you, from your laugh to your resilience.
10. Cooking Attempts: Not one for the kitchen, Aegon nevertheless tries his hand at cooking your favorite meal, a labor of love however it turns out.
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𝓐𝓭𝓿𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮 𝓔𝔂𝓮𝓼
1. Empathetic Listener: Aemond pays close attention when you speak, his singular gaze locked on you, showing you're the only person in the room.
2. Adventure Partner: He's always suggesting new and exciting activities to try together, from skydiving to scuba diving, eager to make new memories with you.
3. Tattoo Companions: Aemond is passionate about tattoos and enjoys going with you to get matching or complementary tattoos, each one telling a story of your relationship.
4. Deep Trust: He shares secrets with you that he's never told anyone else, his eyes gaze softening, a sign of deep trust and affection.
5. Handwritten Notes: In an age of digital communication, Aemond leaves handwritten notes for you to find, each word a testament to his growing feelings.
6. Motorcycle Rides: Aemond takes you on thrilling motorcycle rides, the world a blur as you share the exhilaration of speed and freedom.
7. Protective Jacket: On chilly nights, he drapes his jacket over your shoulders, a silent but warm gesture of care.
8. Unexpected Calls: Aemond prefers calls over texts, wanting to hear your voice and share moments in real-time, however brief they may be.
9. Steadfast Presence: In moments of need, Aemond is there without question, his actions speaking louder than words ever could.
10. Adventure Planning: He's always plotting your next adventure together, each one more ambitious than the last, eager to explore the world by your side.
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𝓓𝓪𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓓𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓻
1. Spontaneous Trips: Daeron invites you on spontaneous road trips, each destination a surprise, creating a tapestry of shared adventures.
2. Early Morning Calls: He calls you early in the morning just to hear your voice, often before an early flight, making you the start of his day.
3. Gentle Teasing: Daeron teases you gently, a sparkle in his eyes, always quick to laugh and quicker to make you laugh as well.
4. Shared Hobbies: He takes an interest in your hobbies, even if it means stepping out of his comfort zone, from painting classes to cooking lessons.
5. Caring Gestures: Small acts of care, like making sure you've eaten or that you're dressed warmly, are Daeron's way of showing his affection.
6. Surprise Pickups: Daeron shows up unexpectedly to give you a ride, turning mundane commutes into opportunities for connection.
7. Night Sky Gazing: He shares his love for astronomy by inviting you to stargaze, a telescope and whispered stories enhancing the experience.
8. Photography Hobby: He has taken up photography as a hobby and loves capturing candid moments of you, creating a scrapbook filled with memories of your time together.
9. Shared Dreams: He's keen to discuss future aspirations, dreaming out loud with you and intertwining your hopes with his.
10. Genuine Interest: Daeron takes an interest in your interests, genuinely wanting to learn and participate, be it in art, music, or literature.
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𝓢𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽 𝓢𝓮𝓪𝓯𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓻
1. Coffee Companion: Jace makes it a point to learn your coffee order by heart, bringing you your favorite blend each morning, a silent testament to his attentiveness.
2. Playlist Curator: He crafts playlists filled with songs that remind him of you, each track a lyrical confession of his burgeoning feelings.
3. Texts First: No matter how busy his day, Jace sends you good morning and goodnight texts, ensuring he's the first and last person you talk to every day.
4. Meme Sharer: He sends memes and funny videos that he knows will make you laugh, hoping to be the reason behind your smile.
5. Stargazing Invites: Jace finds any excuse to share moments with you under the night sky, pointing out constellations and sharing tales of the sea, his voice soft under the moonlight.
6. Late-Night Snack Runs: Jace knows your favorite comfort food and surprises you with late-night deliveries, ensuring you have something sweet to end a hard day.
7. Sneaky Selfies: He sends you selfies from wherever he is, often with hidden messages or inside jokes only you would understand, making you feel connected no matter the distance.
8. Watch Parties: Jace organizes virtual movie nights for just the two of you, sharing screens and laughter over films that have become your shared favorites.
9. Consistent Check-ins: Throughout the day, Jace checks in, not just with texts but with voice messages too, so you can hear the smile in his voice.
10. Personalized Gifts: He's all about giving gifts that mean something to you both, like a custom keychain of a quote from your favorite book or a playlist for every mood.
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𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓲𝓬 𝓢𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽
1. Quiet Support: Cregan offers unwavering support for your dreams and ambitions, his encouragement steady and strong like the ancient trees of the North.
2. Intimate Walks: He loves taking long walks with you, through city parks or along snow-dusted trails, where conversations flow freely.
3. Shared Silences: Comfortable silences are common, where simply being in each other's presence is enough, a silent language of love.
4. Book Exchanges: Cregan shares his favorite books with you, each one holding a special meaning, inviting you into the world of his thoughts.
5. Warm Embraces: His hugs are rare but meaningful, enveloping you in warmth and safety, a silent confession of his deep affection.
6. Morning Runs: Cregan invites you on morning runs, a peaceful time to share together before the world wakes up.
7. Handcrafted Items: He enjoys woodworking and makes you items, each piece imbued with care and thoughtfulness, from bookends to picture frames.
8. Quiet Evenings: Cregan prefers quiet evenings in, cooking together and sharing stories by the fireplace, valuing intimacy and connection.
9. Nature Escapes: He plans escapes to the countryside, believing that a walk in nature is a perfect way to reconnect and share in the beauty of the world.
10. Silence Support: Cregan offers a shoulder to lean on, a rock in turbulent times, his support unwavering and given without a need for words.
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@ 𝒇𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒔 . 𝐷𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑒, 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡, 𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑠 𝑜𝑛 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑒𝑏𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑠.
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13keithxpidge13 · 1 year
Tourney day in King's Landing is...something
Aemond: if I could have the blessing of the beautiful, stunning Lord of the Tides; Prince Lucerys, then surely winning this tourney will be of little challenge.
Lucerys, blushing: oh, perhaps I could spare a blessing...
Cregan: Your blessing for this tourney, Prince Jacaerys, will allow me to defeat any foe that comes my way. If you would grant me it, I will win this tourney with no problem.
Jacaerys, giggling: Of course, my good lord...win the tourney for me.
Daeron: Granting me your blessing for this tourney would be the highest of honors, Prince Joffrey. With your word, I will win this tournament in your name.
Joffrey: You don't need my blessing to win. I didn't raise no bitch. Get out there and kick ass WITHOUT my blessing, it ain't gonna help you win.
Daeron: some motivation would be nice 💀
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prettymuchteddy · 15 days
Posts HOTD Characters would make on the Whisper App
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Alicent (the only person who uses it normally):
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emilykaldwen · 4 months
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The Maiden and the Drowning Boy
Rating: Explicit Chapters: 13/25, part 1 of 3 Ships: Aegon II Targaryen x Abrogail Strong, Jacaerys Velaryon x Helaena Targaryen Summary: As the kingdom teeters on the edge of chaos, Alicent Hightower swaps the pieces on the board: Aegon will marry Abrogail Strong, Larys’ younger sister and heir to Harrenhal. Caught in the web of intrigue and political machinations, the pair must figure out where their loyalties lie, and what they mean to one another.
READ ON AO3 Series Page on AO3 - Subscribe for ALL updates!
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen- I'll Be a Better Man Jace witnesses a mostly normal family dinner among the Greens. Aegon and Abby choose each other.
“They cheered for us!” Daeron exclaimed. “Tessarion flew across Highgarden and everyone cheered to see us. And I got to see Garmund - he’s a page for Lord Tyrell now, and they left a few days after us. We took the Mander up and I saw Lord Fossoway at Cider Hall, and then Bitterbridge and we got off at Tumbleton and Aemond! We saw Vhagar! She was flying over the Kingswood. ‘Twas brilliant! She scared half the guards with us, since the only dragon they’d ever seen was Tessarion.” The exuberance of his younger brother brought a hint of a smile across Aemond’s scowling face, and his violet gaze shifted from where he watched Jace and Baela to look down the table, leaning closer towards Abrogail who was smiling indulgently as she soaked her bread in the soup. “Did you? She quite enjoys it out there, and roosts in the cliffs. Perhaps she thought Tessarion was a screeching swan.” Helaena giggled and Daeron sputtered in indignation at the tease. Even Otto Hightower looked amused, a strange fondness in his expression while the king was content to enjoy his course, humming occasionally and giving a hint of a smile before drawing Lord Otto into conversation about the Westerlands and the Ironborn. It struck him as odd. Had he not missed Daeron? Was he not interested in the journey from one coast of their land to the other? And all the boy had seen? Daeron was talking about the small villages along the Mander, and how Ser Gwayne had explained the river villages were similar to those of the Riverlands themselves.
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targrayenbunny · 2 months
Hi. I've been into fandom for over a decade now and I have just started to feel comfortable and confident to comment on amazingly talented author and artist work but I also just started to try to write my own. It's new and scary but if anyone has any tips, tricks, advice, or even has the time to maybe beta read so stuff that would be great,
Sincerely signed a 22 years old trying to make friends on the Internet
P.S. if it wasn't obvious for the fact I said 22 years old please child don't interact
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francesminos-tt · 2 months
Pride and Prejudice au -4-
I made a cocktail from the original plot and my own take on the story. You might not even recognize it as a Pride and Prejudice au😅 Hope you enjoy it anyway!
“Captain Stark is here!” Joffrey exclaimed from his usual vantage point near the window. He had planned to go out for a walk today, but Rhaenyra wanted her boys to stay home to help her with some needlework. Honestly, Joffrey couldn’t be of much help, for he was too impatient for the precision needed for embroidery, but he decided to stay in anyway. He was glad about his choice, because he would have missed so much if he were out.
“What is he here for?” Rhaenyra lifted her head from the embroidery and turned to her oldest son, “Do you know anything, Jace?”
“No, mother.” Jacaerys replied, equally confused, a pink blush climbing up his cheeks.
“He’s in full army regalia.” Joffrey said, drawing the curtains aside to get a better look, “Oh, he’s talking to Elinda now.”
Jacaerys hissed suddenly, as he accidently punched the needle into his thumb, a few drops of blood staining the white fabric of the handkerchief he was working on. He cursed under his breath and put the injured thumb into his mouth, sucking the drops of blood clean. Jace seldom cursed, not to mention losing his composure in front of his mother. Joffrey exchanged a look with Lucerys; they both knew what it meant for an alpha to visit his alleged lover in full army regalia. Only a proposal called for such formal attire.
As much as Joffrey longed to rush down and find out the true purpose of Cregan’s visit, he remained in his seat and waited for Elinda to bring the news. He wasn’t going to let his curiosity ruin anything, especially not in his mother’s presence.
“My lady, a Captain Cregan Stark is here to visit you and Lord Jacaerys.” Elinda’s voice came after a few minutes, “He’s in the living room. Should I inform your lord husband, my lady?”
“That will be greatly appreciated, Elinda. Thank you.” Rhaenyra said as she stood up from her armchair, “We will be down shortly. Make sure Captain Stark has his tea.”
Jacaerys followed his mother and stood from his own seat. He smoothed his hair and the old pale blue dress he wore inside the house, brushing off any loose threads or dust that might be present. He didn’t really need to, though, for he had to change into something more presentable if he was to receive any formal guest.
“I am going to change. Join me downstairs, dear.” Rhaenyra said, looking as gracefully as she always had been, “Help your brother change into something nice, okay?”
“Yes, mother.” Lucerys and Joffrey replied in unison.
“What do you think he’s here for?” Joffrey asked after their mother disappeared into her private dressing room.
“I don’t know. I’d say he’s here to propose to Jace if I have to guess.” Lucerys went to rampage through the drawer to find a perfect outfit for his beloved brother, “Where is the dress with dragon scales embroidery?”
“Do not bother, Luke.” Jacaerys spoke, “I am going to make such a fuss about this. I will just wear my usual walking dress.”
“No way! You can’t accept a proposal in that shabby dress!” Lucerys insisted. He was the most meticulous about outfits among his siblings.
“Who said anything about proposal?” Jacaerys sighed, “And even if that’s true, who is to say I will accept?”
“Don’t silly, Jace.” Joffrey dragged Jacaerys to the mirror and helped him out of the worn dress, “Cregan is a good alpha. He obviously cares for you a lot. He’s not overly rich, but he has decent income and he’s the heir to the Stark Estate in the North. He will make a perfect match for you, brother.”
“I never expected to hear such things from you, Joff.” Jacaerys said, letting himself be handled by his brothers since his object clearly made no difference, “What happened to not taking income and status into consideration when choosing a mate?”
“I still stand for my view. Mutual respect and love are the most important things in choosing a mate, but it never hurts to have extra financial security.”
“Since when did you become a relationship expert?” Jacaerys asked. He didn’t mean it to be mock, but Joffrey clearly misunderstood his intentions.
“I am not an emotionless fool, you know. I can understand relationships.” Joffrey said defensively, “All right, done.”
“Joff, I didn’t mean-” Jacaerys tried to explain, but Joffrey had already walked away. Ever since they returned from the ball in the Red Keep, Joffrey had become more reserved and quieter compared to his previous wild and talkative self. He was constantly in deep thoughts, but neither Jacaerys nor Lucerys knew what their little brother was thinking about. They only knew Joffrey had disappeared for some time during the ball, but Joffrey wouldn’t tell them what had happened. He only insisted that nothing bad had happened to him, and tell Jace and Luke that they needed not worry. Joffrey’s words did nothing to assure his brothers, but Jace decided to let thing slip for now. He knew how stubborn Joffrey could be. Joffrey’s attitude just now just confirmed Jace’s suspicion. It had something to do with relationship.
“Worry about yourself first, Jace.” Lucerys shoved a petticoat into Jacaerys’s hands, “I will keep an eye on Joff. You focus on securing your alpha.”
“Luke!” Jacaerys blushed a deep red, while Lucerys just smiled and went to fetch the rest of the dress.
By the time the three brothers went downstairs, Rhaenyra was already in deep conversation with Cregan Stark. Just as Joffrey had said, Cregan was dressed handsomely in his army uniform, his thick hair combed nicely and all pushed back, exposing his angular face. He was clean shaven, his nails clean and polished, and his face literally lit up at the sight of Jacaerys.
“How do you do, Jacaerys?” Cregan smiled brightly to the omega, “It is nice meeting you. Your mother is just talking to me about your embroidery project.”
“I am doing very well, Captain.” Jacaerys curtseyed slightly, “I hope my mother isn’t bragging too much about our little project. It’s nothing serious.”
“I don’t think a hand-embroidered tapestry is just a little project, Jace.” Rhaenyra chuckled, obviously been enjoying the conversation with Captain Stark, “The good captain is very curious about your work, dear. Perhaps you can show him later.”
“It will be lovely!” Cregan exclaimed, a bit too loudly, “I mean, if it pleases you, of course.”
Lucerys chuckled, while Joffrey just rolled his eyes. Don’t get him wrong. He adored Cregan’s clumsiness around Jace, but there was just so much puppy love he could handle in one day. In Joffrey’s opinion, Jace and Cregan should kiss and seal the marriage pact already.
“What is your business here today, might I ask?” Jacaerys asked, “I didn’t seem to remember you mentioned anything in your letters.”
“Oh, uh, yeah, forgive me for visiting out of the blue.” Cregan clearly didn’t expect Jacaerys to ask the question so openly, “But the issue is urgent. I need to sort things out before leaving for Winterfell.”
“Are you leaving?” Jacaerys’s voice dropped, but he managed to keep the polite smile on his face.
“Yes. I am afraid I have to go back to the North.” Cregan continued, “I just received a letter from my sister. My lord father sadly passed away a week ago. As his heir, and new Lord of Winterfell, I need to go back to finalize the inheritance with my lawyer.”
“My deepest condolences.” Jacaerys’s smile disappeared, replaced by a small frown, “Thank you for paying us a visit, captain, but you really don’t need to. I am sure you have a lot to process.”
“My lawyer helped a lot. I am no use in legal matters, anyway.” Cregan shrugged, “However, my business here today requires my presence. I am not here just to inform you of the bad news, Jace.”
“Then what are you here for?” Jacaerys asked, a bit more impatiently than he normally would.
“As you know, I am about to inherit the estate of Winterfell. Marriage is my top priority as the new Lord. I adore you a lot, Jacaerys, and I cannot think of anyone else as my mate.” Cregan’s speech started awkward, but as he continued, he seemed to gain more and more confidence, “My affections for you grows stronger each day. I know you deserve more courting, but I need to know your heart before I leave for Wintetfell. Please, relieve me of the torture of guessing.”
Joffrey had never expected to hear such heartfelt words from Cregan, not publicly, anyway. The captain seemed to forget about the fact that they were not alone in the living room. Cregan had his eyes fixed on Jace, his face flushed, his forehead sweaty, and he looked like he was about to explode if Jace remained silent for any longer.
“I am not a ready marriage material.” Jacaerys said softly after a while, “I have grown fond of you too, Captain, but I don't want you to make a hasty decision.”
“God,” Joffrey whispered, “just say yes already. He is obviously head over toe for you.”
“Shh, quiet!” Lucerys hissed, shooting Joffrey a warning glare, “Don’t let them hear you.”
“Are you propose to my son, Captain Stark?” Rhaenyra chimed in, moving to stand next to Jacaerys, as a show of support.
“I am.” Cregan admitted, taking a step closer to Jacaerys, who had his hands clasped together tightly, as if he feared they would reveal his true feeling, “My feelings for you is genuine and true, Jacaerys. I have been courting you since the day we met. My decision to propose is not made hastily, though I admit my father’s passing does make me realize how precious time is. I love you, Jace. I will take no mate if you refuse me.”
Jacaerys blushed, his omega scent becoming stronger, like a sudden burst of wind carrying the first sign of spring. The freshness of mountain lily became so overwhelmingly sweet that even someone as slow as Joffrey could tell that Jace definitely had feelings for the captain.
“Captain,” Jacaerys spoke, his voice soft like a lover’s caress, “I mean, Cregan. I am honored by your honesty, and I must say that the affection is mutual.”
Cregan’s face literally lit up, his dark eyes shining with ecstasy. He strode towards Jacaerys and enveloped the omega’s hands with his thick, warm, and calloused palms. It was heartwarming to watch two lovers confess their feelings to each other, and have such feelings returned with equal passion. Joffrey was happy for his brother, for Jace deserved all the respect and affection he could get. He should smile, and he really wanted to, but somehow, Joffrey only found his stomach clench and his eyes burn with emotions he couldn't name.
“Let’s go, Joff,” Lucerys tugged Joffrey’s sleeves gently, “I think we have witnessed enough.”
Joffrey let himself be dragged away by Lucerys, leaving the lovebirds alone in the living room with their mother. There was no doubt that Rhaenyra would agree to the match, even though Cregan’s proposal was abrupt and completely unexpected. If Rhaenyra agreed, Daemon would agree too because he would never oppose his wife. Besides, Joffrey thought Daemon would like Cregan, since they were both from the army.
“Well, today turns out quite interesting.” Lucerys said after the two omegas walked on the small path leading to the woods, “I would never expect the captain to be so blunt.”
“At least Cregan is honest.” Joffrey replied, taking a deep inhale of the familiar natural scent, “I am happy for them. Winterfell seems to be a decent place.”
“Except it’s too far. I can’t imagine only seeing Jace once a year.”
“They can buy a house in town.” Joffrey said, kicking a small rock with the tip of his shoe, “So that Jace can stay closer to us. I am sure Cregan will make it happen.”
“What if you are to marry away?” Lucerys asked, though he didn’t sound too curious.
“What do you mean?” Joffrey frowned, his heart skipping a beat, “I am not marrying anytime soon. In fact, I don't think I will ever marry.”
“What about Sir Gwayne? You seem to have had a great time dancing with him in the ball.” Lucerys clearly didn’t buy Joffrey’s words, “I’ve never seen you dance so happily.”
“I was just being polite, and Sir Gwayne happens to be a great dancer.” Joffrey shrugged, trying to brush the topic off, “You told me to follow the social norm from time to time, so I did.”
“Then why are you acting weird since the ball?” Lucerys dropped the bomb, the true question he had been longing to ask, “Do not think I didn't notice.”
“I am not acting weird.” Joffrey insisted. He was relieved that Lucerys only asked him about Gwayne, not Daeron. He couldn't admit that Daeron’s confession had been bothering him lately. Honestly, he didn't even understand why. He had made it clear that he could not return Daeron’s affection, so why did he keep dwelling on this?
“You barely go to the market anymore. Benjicot actually asked about you the other day when I passed the tailor’s shop. You are usually the one who helps mother with her errands, so Ben was surprised to me there instead of you.” Lucerys gently linked his arms with Joffrey as they walked down the path, “What’s wrong, Joff? You know you can tell me, right?”
Joffrey wanted to tell Luke everything so bad. He was always slow when it came to deciphering people’s emotions, but Lucerys was an expert of it. Lucerys was observant, smart, and highly sensitive to the subtle signs that reflected people’s true feelings. However, the thing was, Joffrey didn't think telling Luke about Daeron would make any difference now.
“How do you deal with so many admirers, Luke?” Joffrey asked, “How do you decide which one to talk to, while they all compete for your attention?”
“I am not obliged to return any of these affections, so I always follow my heart.” Lucerys replied, knowing full well that Joffrey wasn’t really asking about him, “Why? Did anyone confess their feelings to you, Joff?”
Lucerys’s words shocked Joffrey so much that he almost stumbled by a broken twig. Shit. Now Luke must have already guessed the truth. Why was Joffrey always so easy to read?
“Is it Uncle Daeron?”
“What the-” Joffrey managed to swallow the curse in the last minute, “How do you know? Does anyone else know? Did I make a fool of myself again?”
“Relax,” Lucerys said, rubbing Joffrey’s back soothingly, “I just took a wild guess. Well, not so wild. You disappeared with Uncle Daeron during the ball for a quite a while, after all, and you have been acting weird ever since. It doesn’t take a genius to connect the dots.”
Joffrey let out a defeated sigh. Great. His biggest secret was revealed just like that.
“Yeah, Daeron says he loves me.” Joffrey admitted, blushing a little as the words rolled off his tongue. He had never talked about the incident so far, and it was the first time someone showed him affection instead of his brothers, so the word ‘love’ just felt so strange on his tongue.
“He proposed, and I said no.” Joffrey said, putting things as simple as he could, “That’s it.”
“Joffrey!” Lucerys’s eyes widened in surprise, “Why didn’t you tell us? This is serious. You should consult mother, or at least us, before you make such an important decision.”
“I am not marrying him, no matter what mother, Jace, or you say.” Joffrey claimed, “He’s too arrogant and too proud. He doesn't believe omegas can have their own thoughts, and he thinks mother would marry us off to the wealthiest candidate possible as if we are just meats.”
“Uncle Daeron doesn't seem to be such a terrible character.” Lucerys said after a while, “Granted he comes from a very religious family, but even Aemond admits his youngest brother is well respected and honorable.”
“Of course Uncle Aemond would say that.” Joffrey scoffed, “He won’t say anything bad about his own family.”
“I am not taking Aemond’s words without question, you know.” Lucerys continued, seemingly unaffected by Joffrey’s rude attitude towards to his potential mate, “I make the conclusion based on my own observations. Uncle Daeron seems to be an honorable alpha, Joff. He might have offended you, but perhaps he said those things because he cared for you.”
“You are deceived by his polite facade.” Joffrey said stubbornly, “You don't know his true nature because he did a great job of hiding.”
“Maybe.” Lucerys reached out to brush a fallen leaf from Joffrey’s dark curls, “And maybe not. Perhaps you are the one who are too blind to see his true self.”
Joffrey had no idea how true Lucerys’s words could be.
Jacaerys was officially betrothed to Captain Cregan Stark. The whole family rejoiced at the news; Lucerys and Joffrey already saw the good captain as their brother-in-law, Rhaenyra was impressed by Cregan’s honesty, little Egg and Vis liked Cregan’s story about the snowy world of the North, and even Daemon seemed satisfied with this fellow army man.
Cregan was to leave for Wintetfell tomorrow to settle the inheritance matter, so Rhaenyra took this opportunity to host a small gathering at her cottage. She invited Lord Corlys and his wife, Lady Rhaenys, who was a cousin of Daemon. The Velaryon couple had been a main patronage of the brothers, so they were exhilarated to learn the good news. Rhaenyra also wrote to inform her stepmother of the news, which Lady Alicent replied with a polite letter to congratulate Rhaenyra and Jacaerys, and also to offer her deepest apology that she could not make it to the dinner because she and her sons were to return to Dragonstone on the same day of the gathering.
“Did you know this?” Joffrey whispered, nudging Lucerys.
“No.” Lucerys replied with a pale face. He looked as surprised as Joffrey, or even more, his lips trembling slightly and his fingers tightening around his shawl.
“Uncle Aemond didn't write to you?”
“No,” Lucerys cast his eyes down, thick soft curls hiding the upper half of his face, “he hasn't written for days.”
Well, that was strange. As far as Joffrey knew, Aemond wrote to Lucerys at least once a day, sometimes twice, or even three times. Aemond even hired a servant boy to deliver his letters to Lucerys because the mail service was too slow and not good for privacy. It was strange for him to stop writing so abruptly. The decision to leave the capital was also strange, as if Lady Alicent and her family were trying to get away from them. Joffrey understood if Daeron wanted to leave, but why did Aemond agree to all this?
“Too bad my nephews can’t share the good news.” Daemon commented with his usual mocking smile. He never liked his nephews anyway.
“I wonder why they suddenly decided to return. There isn't much of a social scene on Dragonstone. Alicent should know that her sons are more likely to find a suitable match here.” Rhaenyra carefully folded the letter and put it on top of her other documents, “Is there something wrong with my father?”
“We met Viserys on our way here,” Lord Corlys spoke, “he seemed okay.”
“Strange.” Rhaenyra murmured, “I thought my stepbrothers are getting along well with my boys.”
“Are you familiar with Aemond and Daeron?” Lady Rhaenys turned to the omegas, “I’ve heard they are respectful young alphas, but I haven't officially made their acquaintances.”
“We have only met several times,” Lucerys replied, choosing not to elaborate too much on the details, “I won't say we are well acquainted. Right, Joff?”
Rhaenyra’s confusion grew because she knew how many letters Lucerys and Aemond had written to each other, but, as a wise woman, she kept her mouth shut for now.
“I suppose.” Joffrey said, shrugging. Though he thought Luke and Uncle Aemond were far better acquainted than him and Daeron, he decided not to expose Lucerys’s lie. Unlike others, he was actually relieved to learn that Daeron would be leaving, for he had no idea how to face Daeron after rejecting the alpha. Perhaps a little distance was just what Joffrey needed to forget about Daeron’s proposal all together.
Rhaenys didn't pry further, and her husband gladly took over the conversation to talk about his adventures on the sea. Lord Corlys’s story was fascinating, but Joffrey found it hard to focus on the old sailor’s story. His mind drifted, and ended up on Daeron.
The night went on as planned. The extended family shared a lovely dinner before Corlys and Daemon retreated to the library while the rest of them went to the dressing room for tea. By the time Corlys and Rhaenys left, it was already midnight. Joffrey found Lucerys sitting on his bed, wide awake, after the candles were all out.
“Why aren’t you sleeping?” Joffrey whispered, careful not to awake Jace, who had had too many cups during dinner.
“I can’t.” Lucerys sighed softly, a small crease lingering on his brow.
Joffrey threw a warm blanket at Lucerys and dragged him out. The two brothers went downstairs as quietly as they could, and settled down on the front porch. They used to sneak out to watch the stars when they were children, not yet presented, having all sorts of wild dreams about their future. There were no alphas, no marriages, and certainly no uncles.
“It’s about Uncle Aemond, isn't it?” Joffrey asked as they snuggled together under the blanket.
“I don't know why he hasn’t told me about him leaving.” Lucerys sighed softly, “He said he wouldn’t keep any secret from me.”
Well, even Joffrey could tell this promise was too hard to keep. Lucerys, the smart one, must know it as well, but the omega seemed to trust Aemond enough to buy the alpha’s words. Lucerys kept saying that he and Aemond were nothing serious, but Joffrey could tell from Luke’s sad eyes that it was not true.
“Oh, Luke.” Joffrey wrapped his arms around Lucerys, hugging his brother tight. He had forgotten about his own messed-up relations with his uncle now, focusing solely on making Luke’s sadness go away.
“I am all right, Joff.” Lucerys murmured, but Joffrey didn't believe a single word of it.
“You are shivering.” Joffrey tightened his arms, trying to warm Lucerys up, “Aemond is an ass for hiding this from you. I am going to beat him up for hurting you.”
“How? He’s already gone. You don't even know where he is now.” Lucerys chuckled, though he didn't sound happy at all, “It is okay, Joff. It’s my fault for trusting him anyway.”
“You are definitely special to him.” Joffrey said, “I can’t believe I am defending Uncle Aemond right now, but he couldn’t take his eyes off you the entire time you were together. I think he blushed when you agreed to dance with him.”
“Perhaps he is just good at pretending.”
“Uncle Aemond? No way.” Joffrey pulled the blanket tighter to prevent any warmth from leaking out, “He sucks at pretending, or he wouldn’t return other omegas’ flirting with a scoff. He must have offended a dozen of them just to be with you.”
“It means nothing now.” Lucerys rested his head on Joffrey’s shoulder and looked up at the starry sky, “He left. I don't think he will return anytime soon.”
“Maybe he has some urgent matter to attend to. Like, estate stuff. I am sure he will write to you as soon as he arrives on Dragonstone.” Joffrey followed Lucerys’s gaze, finding the brightest star in the velvety sky, “You deserve the best, Luke.”
“Thank you for your confidence in me, brother.” Lucerys murmured, the sadness lifting just a bit, “I didn't realize Aemond would have such a great impact on me. I am the one who is supposed to have the upper hand.”
“I bet Uncle Aemond is missing you sick right now.” Joffrey assured, “Besides, there is no winner or loser in a relationship.”
“You are wiser than I thought, Joff.” Lucerys chuckled, a real chuckle this time.
The two brothers fell silent, admiring the twinkling stars as they dwelled on their respective thoughts. They fell asleep eventually.
Aemond never wrote again. Two weeks had passed, and their one-eyed uncle hadn’t sent a single letter since his abrupt departure. Lucerys’s anticipation soon turned into anxiety, then disappointment, and finally acceptance. He went on his daily tasks perfectly, reading, going on walks, mending his little brothers’ clothes, etc. However, everyone could tell Lucerys’s smile was strained, and he was constantly distracted, as if his mind had been absent since he had learned the news. Even little Aegon and Viserys noticed that there was something wrong with Luke. Lucerys mixed up the sizes when making them a new pair of shoes, leaving Aegon with a pair of bright purple shoes and Viserys a deep grey one. Lucerys had never made such mistake before, so the boys immediately knew their dearest Luke wasn’t feeling well lately. Rhaenyra was worried, but she didn’t know what to do since Lucerys wouldn’t even admit that he was hurt. Jacaerys secretly asked Cregan to find out what had kept his uncle on Dragonstone, but the captain couldn’t find any clue.
Joffrey? Joffrey was furious. How could Aemond ignore Lucerys like that? How could Aemond leave without hesitation? How dare he hurt Joffrey’s brother?
“You look like you are about to kill someone.” Benjicot said, placing his elbows on the counter, “What happened?”
Joffrey wiped his hands on the apron and went to fetch the pudding he had reserved for Ben. Joffrey decided to work more shifts in the bakery because he couldn’t bare staying in the cottage. The sight of a sad Lucerys made his blood boil with anger and frustration. If he didn’t keep himself busy, he would die of fury.
“Here you are. I put an extra cake in. New recipe.” Joffrey purposely ignored Ben’s question, “Let me know how you like it.”
“Sure.” Benjicot shrugged, “Thanks, Joff, but you haven’t answered my question yet.”
“Nothing happened.” Joffrey kept his eyes down, for fear that Ben might see through his lie. He was never a good liar.
“You haven’t come to the market for a long time, and when you finally show up, you look like a carriage has just run over you.” Ben said, “I am your friend, Joff. I know when you are not feeling yourself.”
Joffrey tried to deny, but another voice chimed in, causing him to jolt in surprise.
“Are you not feeling well, Joffrey?” A soft and polite voice came as the bakery door was pushed open, the spring breeze bringing in a fresh scent of forest drizzle.
“Good afternoon, Sir Gwayne.” Joffrey took a deep inhale before lifting his head up to greet the alpha, “What can I get for you today?”
Gwayne had become a regular at the bakery Joffrey worked in. The alpha came almost every day, usually during afternoon when there weren’t many customers. He would ask for a piece of cake, or some tea sandwiches, while having a lighthearted conversation with Joffrey. Gwayne was the only one whose attitude towards Joffrey never changed. He never pried about Joffrey’s life or family, their conversation always focusing on trivial matters such as weather or the new design of hats just shipped from Essos. Honestly, Gwayne’s visit was the only time when Joffrey could relax a bit and forget about the mess in his life.
“Perhaps you should take a break. You don’t look too well.” Gwayne observed, worry clear in his voice.
“I am fine. Had too much at lunch.” Joffrey made a random excuse. He really was a lousy liar, because his stomach grumbled as soon as the words left his mouth, exposing his lie immediately. He didn’t eat lunch toady. Why would he make such a bad excuse?
Gwayne frowned slightly, but didn’t call out Joffrey’s lie.
“Can I have a box of honey cakes and two ham sandwiches, please?” Gwayne said after a while, fishing out some coins from his pocket.
Joffrey nodded and went to get Gwayne’s order. Gwayne’s order was obviously too much for one person, but who was Joffrey to care? Perhaps Gwayne had some guests to entertain today. Joffrey placed the order securely in a paper bag and handed it to the alpha.
“Thank you.” Gwayne smiled, taking the paper bag and letting his fingers brush against the back of Joffrey’s hand, “Perhaps you can accompany me on a walk?”
“I am on my shift, Sir Gwayne.” Joffrey replied, the patch of skin just touched by Gwayne prickling, causing the hair on his neck to stand.
“Indulge me, please? I can talk to your employer.” Gwayne offered his hand to Joffrey, “I can buy your time if necessary.”
Joffrey hesitated, but Benjicot seemed to think this was an excellent idea.
“Go, Joff. I don’t have to work today. I can cover your shift.” Benjicot said, flatting his palm to Gwayne, “Six pence will suffice, Sir.”
“No, Ben,” Joffrey tried to reject, but Ben dragged the omega from the counter and snatched his apron before Joffrey could stop him.
“Just go, Joff. Enjoy your walk.”
Gwayne rested his hand on Joffrey’s lower back and pushed the omega gently to the door. Joffrey had no choice but to let the alpha lead him out of the bakery and onto the bustling street of the market.
“I apologize if I am being too forceful.” Gwayne spoke as they began to walk down the street, “But you seem to be stifling in there. I want to give you some room to breathe.”
“It’s okay. My shift ends soon anyway.” Joffrey replied, moved by Gwayne’s thoughtfulness, “Actually, I should thank you for dragging me out. I can use some walking.”
“Here,” Gwayne offered the box of honey cakes to Joffrey, “have a piece. I hope you like honey cakes.”
“How about your guests?” Joffrey was confused by Gwayne’s offer. Why would the alpha share the food with him, instead of the guests Gwayne might have this afternoon?
“Guests?” Gwayne seemed equally confused, “I don't have guests today.”
“Then how are you supposed to eat all these food if you don't have guests to receive?” Joffrey pointed to the paper bag, “I am not bragging, but most people use our products on special occasions. I don’t think you like honey cakes enough to eat a dozen of them in one go.”
Gwayne chuckled at Joffrey’s words. It was adorable that the omega always had a unique sense of humor.
“Well, now I remembered. I do have an important guest to entertain this afternoon.” Gwayne smiled, leading Joffrey onto a small path to the woods, “It’s you, Joffrey. I think we can have a little picnic in this lovely weather.”
Joffrey blushed. He couldn't help but feel flattered, his omega instinct satisfied by the alpha’s care and attention. Gwayne’s scent reminded him of the gentle rain in the woods, soothing and non-invasive, enough to chase away the anxiety that had been pestering him lately.
They settled under a tree facing a small pond near the edge of the woods. Joffrey could still hear the noises from the streets, but they no longer frustrated him. All the shouting and carriage moving was reduced to faint background noise, hidden by the nature sounds of wind brushing against the leaves. Joffrey had already finished three honey cakes, his grumbling stomach no longer complaining.
“I should bring us some drinks too. Sorry. It is inconsiderate of me.” Gwayne said after noticing Joffrey swallowing saliva for the fourth time.
“It’s okay. You already treated me to those lovely cakes.” Joffrey turned his head lazily and smiled. He was leaning against the thick tree, his dress pulled up to reveal his ankle and shin. It was highly inappropriate to expose his skin like that in the presence of an alpha, but Joffrey was too sleepy care.
“I am glad I stayed behind while my sister decided to go back to her lord husband.” Gwayne said, “Or else I wouldn't be able to enjoy your company.”
Joffrey’s eyes were almost half closed, but he did manage to catch something of interest. Who did Gwayne say? His sister? Lady Alicent?
“What do you know about her leaving?” Joffrey asked, sitting straight, “I mean, your sister.”
“I don't know the details, but my sister seemed urgent to leave. Our niece, a lady from Old Town, is to visit Dragonstone on her way home from Pentos. Alicent wanted her to meet Aemond.”
“Why Aemond?” Joffrey’s heart dropped as the thought of a distressed Lucerys came back.
“To make a potential betrothal, of course.” Gwayne replied, breaking a ham sandwich in half and taking a small bite, “Don’t you know? It is Daeron who encouraged Aemond to at least make an acquaintance. He thinks Bethany Hightower will make a fine match for Aemond. Since she is familiar with finances, she can help manage the Targaryen estate.”
Joffrey’s stomach clenched and his throat went so dry that he could not make a sound. Daeron was the culprit of Aemond leaving without notice? Daeron must have known Lucerys’s engagement with Aemond, but he still decided to talk his brother into leaving? Who was this Bethany Hightower, and how could she be the future mistress of Targaryen estate? Dragonstone belonged to Joffrey’s mother!
“Joffrey? Are you all right?” Gwayne put his hand on Joffrey’s shoulder gently, “Did I say something wrong?”
“No.” Joffrey squeezed the word out through gritted teeth, “Thank you telling me the truth, Sir Gwayne. I really appreciate it.”
If Joffrey had any guilt from rejecting Daeron before, he felt none now. Daeron had just proved himself to be a hypocrite by destroying the happiness of Joffrey’s brother. Joffrey would never, ever accept an alpha like that.
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presidenthades · 6 days
HOTD Oneshot: Swords, Sheaths, and Pearls
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AO3 Link
Rating: M
Word Count: 2.1k (complete)
Daeron burst into Aegon's childhood bedroom, which had been repurposed into an unofficial study. Aegon and Aemond looked up from a map of the city that they were bickering over.
“How does one pleasure a woman?” Daeron asked urgently.
Or: Joffrida Velaryon and Daeron Targaryen decide they’re ready to have sex. They ask their older siblings for advice.
Notes: Set sometime in the nebulous future of the AHFOD-verse. No smut, just sex ed and a lot of oversharing.
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addamvelaryon · 10 months
Thinking more about Jace & Daeron…. They were supposed to be different from the rest of their family…yet they ended up following their family’s example anyways.
From the moment of their birth, efforts were made to foster a positive relationship between the two boys. All so they could grow to be as close as brothers. In their lessons, at the training yard, at feasts and tourneys, they would always have to be together, by royal command. But it’s not enough, not when the lines have already been drawn between their families. The toxic influence of the Green vs Black factions left no room for love to exist there.
“It all goes back and back,” Tyrion thought, “to our mothers and fathers and theirs before them. We are puppets dancing on the strings of those who came before us, and one day our own children will take up our strings and dance in our steads.”
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rising-hc · 7 days
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To say that the court was surprised when Rhaenyra birthed three genuinely Velaryon baby girls in the sort span of three years of her marriage to sir Laenor Velaryon was an understatement.
The first daughter was named Visenya, a girl knowledgeable in the language of the sword that granted her the nickname "Warrior Delight"
Her past time was helping her mother with charities, she was the most loved by the small folk.
She rode an green and red ill tempered dragon named Vermax and since the cradle was betrothed to her uncle Aegon.
The second daughter was named Aemma (it's said that queen Alicent foamed like a rabid animal upon hearing the princess's name), like her namesake Aemma was sweet, gentle and honored.
She loved to sail and often could be seen by the shore talking to the sailors and fishermans, her grandfather Corlys gave her the nickname "Pearl of Driftmark" and the small folk sang her praise as well.
She was the rider of Arrax an Pearly dragon with golden horns and an passive temperament, she was betrothed to her uncle the dragonless prince Aemond.
The third daughter was named Alyssa and as her great grandma and namesake Alyssa was wild and free as a bird.
She captivated her cousin Jayne Arryn who asked to take her as heir, Rhaenyra allowed, happy to secure an inheritance to her youngest baby.
The young princess was an natural talented archer, like her sisters her hands were calloused but her heart was pure and soft, Jayne gave her the nickname "Little Falcon" the small folk sang praise to their princess whom they called "Birdie"
Alyssa was the princess whom the palace staff loved most which earned her a good parcel of their love.
Her dragon was wild as her, black and golden was named Tyraxes.
She was betrothed to her uncle Daeron who was seemingly adoring of her the same way his dragon Tessarion was enamored by the princess dragon.
What none in the court knew was that the three sisters once were brothers in a universe where the dragons danced and were thirsty for revenge and would use their uncles as weapons for it.
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piinkyypriincess · 4 months
Targaryen Dynasty x Fem!Teen!OC
"Green must find her way to orange, or all is lost. The dragons will dance and die, surrounded by fire and blood.”
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Multiple Main Pairings!
Main Focus ~ Fem!OC and Targaryen Dynasty (Yandere, Obsessive, Protective)
Warnings ~ Nostalgia, Heartbreak, Anger, Alicents Person Feelings of Rhaenyra, and Denial.
Spoilers ~ Tons!!
Masterpost ~ Here.
Beta Read/Edited ~ No (No Beta Lmao)
Word Count ~ 2k Words.
Chp Summary ~ Alicent tries to eat lemon cakes on her own to quell her sadness after speaking to her father. Vhagarhā Qo, who perfers oranges, is a child unlike any other the Queen has ever met, but she reminds Alicent of all her children; as if she mourns the idea of who they were and cannot fathom who they are now.
Chp 3 ~ Sweet Orange Tart, Sour Lemon Cake, Bitter Apple Turnover
Alicent had grown to enjoy the smell of lemon cake in her youth.
Now looking down at the sweet treat displayed on top of the serving table, Alicent breathed in the sweet citrus smell and refrained from gagging.
It was too sweet, not enough lemon present; the recipe had changed. Alicent favored granny smith apple turnovers, the bitter apple pleasant to her taste buds.
What followed in the wake of lemon cake at the red keep was what she really enjoyed.
The smell of wooden fire and sweet lemon followed the air wherever Rhaenyra Targaryen walked. None knew that the Princess had a breeze of brimstone on her skin after a day of dragon riding.
Alicent knew as the Princess curled under her arm and in her lap when they were frolicking kids in the Keep.
Meeting Rhaenyra had been the downfall of Alicent's life.
The Princess had involved her deeper into politics by proxy of her company, and Alicent resented the fact the Princess betrayed her trust.
That is why they do not speak, that is why Rhaenyra left Kings Landing to live at Dragonstone with her cowardly ways.
Picking up a lemon cake, she placed it over a small glass serving plate and bit in.
The crunch of the candied lemon on top invited her with a sweet tang; the sweetness being followed by an even sweeter soft cake that had icing dribbled on top.
The lemon cake was sweet by itself naturally. Alicent realized what was off, the candied lemon was too thick with melted sugar and it was canceling the natural sourness.
“They are quite sweet aren't they, Queen Alicent?” Alicent whirls around, her plate still in hand and lemon cake shifting with the haste of Alicent's movements.
The newcomer had a sweet bell-like voice that reminded Alicent of Helaena when she was younger.
The shy kindness is all Aemond – before the incident however. Alicent clears her head of the thoughts.
The Queen's hazel-green eyes first catch the ginger-orange of the girl's hair.
The boldly colored hair is thick like a Velaryon's. The Queen can tell despite the corkscrew curls being slicked back into a neat bun at the back of the girl's head.
Curls spill outside the bun elegantly as there are autumn-colored faux flower hairpins inside of her tresses.
The next thing the Queen notices is an expensive-looking gold circlet that wraps around the child's head.
The design is simple with a small gemstone that rests in the middle of the child's forehead.
A sign of royalty.
Alicent squints her eyes at the gem, the pink teardrop shaped stone glittering in the sunlight.
“Yes, Indeed. And you might be?” Alicent places her plate down on a space the serving table has.
She clasps her hands in front of herself as she takes in the child's brightly colored gown, trying to associate her with a region.
“Princess Vhagarhā Qo, of The Sweet Lotus Vale in Jhala,” The girl bows her head and curtseys to the Queen.
Alicent curtseys back out of respect.
She swallows a bit of her pride.
Alicent Hightower studied like no other within the Keep, always staying up to read her books and retain knowledge.
Alicent shakes away a memory of a blonde that comes to her mind, and covers it up with a tilt of her head.
She'd never heard of the Summers Isles before.
Alicent licks the bottom of her lip quickly as she attempts to store away and make note of the exotic name.
It sounded traditionally Valerian, with a twist of words at the end.
The girl's accent sounded like liquid amber; smooth and sweet as the common tongue escaped her mouth.
“If it pleases you Queen Alicent; you may call me Vhae Summers,” The girl's teeth are an unnaturally blinding white, the viper notices.
Without changing the expression on her face, she scrutinizes the child under her harsh gaze.
The child seemed unnaturally pure, like soft fallen snow that hadn't been stepped on.
Her marmalade colored dress was one of fall, with different brightly colored leaves and flowers stitched into the fine fabric.
Small fake flowers, made up of a sheer material alicent didn't recognize, started from the left side of where her ribs sat to make a sleeve.
The other sleeve was the same way with the sheer fake orange flowers covering her arms but it started from behind her on her back.
The Summers Isle had an elevated taste for fashion beyond anything Alicent had seen or studied.
The child looked truly regal as she stood covered up enough for the fall breeze.
Large golden hooped earrings, thick bangles, chunky rings with colorful gemstones, a gold necklace filled with different cut gems.
Whoever the child was, she came from money beyond Oldtown or the Lannisters.
Alicent quits her staring as she notices the child fiddling with her fingers.
Alicent blinks, rubbing her hands down the sides of her gown.
“Would you like to join me by the weirwood, Princess?” Her hands ball tightly into fists, the words escape her mouth faster than she can think.
She imagined repeating those words to one with silver-white gold hair and deep lilac eyes.
The child has light brown skin, a smooth nutty color with speckles of teak that splattered across her face and hands.
Another happy reaction is pulled from her heart-shaped face, displaying the pink of her gums and joyous smile on her thick lips.
“Of course! I would love to!” The girl's gown flows against the gentle breeze of autumn as she moves to link arms with Alicent.
Alicent blinks again in surprise at the gesture.
She can see a pair of knights at their station start to move before she lifts a hand to beckon them away.
The woman of forty and three shivers at the childish affection, unused to another person initiating wholesome skinship.
Vhae's dress is a long one, the expensive cotton garment brushes the floor with a gentle sway, breathable and moveable.
Swallowing a sigh of anxiousness, Alicent decides to speak first but rethinks her words before she speaks them.
“So Queen Alicent, anything exciting going on in King's Landing this month?” The child's other hand goes to grasp Alicent's hand, free of wounded flesh and cuticles nicely manicured by a servant.
The Summer child's nails are covered in nail varnish, a lively pink, with delicate leaf detailing in multiple different colors.
Alicent thinks to ask the girl of her home country, their fashions quite different from Westeros.
At the darker girl's question, Alicent's mind drifts to the battle of succession that will be held in court soon.
“Well, there is court being held in five days' time. And of course, the ladies of the realm are planning a charity event that will take place here on the twelfth moon,” Alicent's tone is a bore as she recites over the larger events outside of her small council activities.
“Oh, court? How exactly is your court held here? In my country, court is held with the Ladies of Judgement,” Alicent's eyebrows raise as she takes in women having a station of absolute power for themselves.
Clearing her throat she responds to the question diligently, “Here court is held in the Red Keep when lords in higher power petition it so. The King will usually handle such matters but the King is feeling unwell at the moment.”
The girl hums and the pair stop in front of the carved face weirwood.
Breaking away from the Queen's hold that seemingly tightened through their walk, she lifts a hand to the face of the tree hesitantly.
Alicent sees a past memory of Rhaenyra, white long hair staring back at her as she traced the face of the sacred Weirwood.
A flock of servants break her out of her trance as they pass under the open walkway of the gardens.
They bow respectfully with straight faces and go rigid when she lifts her hand for them to stay.
Vhagarhā is circling around the thick white tree, hand tracing the thick bark of the red leafed tree.
The girl has that wide smile again that makes the Green Queen reluctantly grin.
“Fetch us a spread for a picnic,” The Queen demands. She gives the servants a small quirk of a smile as she watches the girl no older than ten and five.
Turning back to the child, she lays backwards with her entire body laying on the lush padded grass. She has no care about her delicate dress getting dirty with Earth.
It reminds her of the young Princess, she reminds her of the young Princess.
Carefree and wild, taking to life like a duck in water or a dragon to fire.
Alicent represses a grimace to give the child a small tight-lipped smile.
Alicents nails start to dig into the flesh of her palms, indenting crescent moons into soft skin.
A hand pulls her out of her thoughts, and she retracts her nails from her flesh.
The Summers Isle child is marveling at the leaves as if it was the first time she's seen them before.
Only then does Alicent notice it.
She casts a glance at the child's eyes and catches a glimpse of purple.
Vhagarhā looks up at Alicent, her irises shining a pale lilac purple, almost white as if she were blind.
Near the child's pupils, a molten orange color swirls against her slitted purple, similar to a beasts.
Alicents eyes go wide, and she squeezes the foreign girl's hand in a panic; accidentally catching her attention.
“Oh, I do hope you guys have orange tarts! They are one of my favorite pastries,” She remarks with a questioning look on her face.
Rocking forward on the tips of her heels excitedly, she averts her gaze to the plethora of servants who lay out a picnic sheet and baskets of food.
The Green Queen goes steady, fear ebbing away from her as she analyzes the child's features once more.
Copper-orange hair with strings of white diamond laced between the curls, a trait of Old Valarian blood.
A button nose, small, but ethnic like a Velaryon's.
Her skin is a shade lighter than Laenors, a red undertone to the brown skin and freckles spread out all over her face.
A oval heart shaped face, similar to a celtigar, but with more fat on her cheeks rather than sharp and hollow.
Lilac swirling eyes with hints of coral and slitted pupils similar to a – Dragon.
Alicent knew nothing of the Summers Isles – but this child was special.
Vhagarhā didn't resemble Rhaenyra, she even didn't look like any Valyrian Alicent had ever seen.
Vhagarhā Qo is positively a stunning child.
One with features she cannot match to any region but of Old Valerian blood beyond the Targaryens.
Alicent wants to rip her hand away, and walk back to her solar but – Vhagarhā gives her a smile that brightens up the Keep, despite the sun out in full effect.
Vhagarhā is not Rhaenyra or one of her brood, she's a foreign child for the Sevens sake.
Vhagarhā was unnaturally stunning, but didnt have the sharp features of a Targaryen besides her eyes.
She was soft, pure.
Even with the eyes of a Dragon hidden within her pupils, her eyes were wide and inviting.
Alicent thought that she would always resent the classic aristocratic look of a Targaryen.
The purple eyes, and majestically stunning features beyond human understanding.
She thought she hated them, but that hate melted into sorrow when she saw her children's faces.
The child's soft way of speaking reminds her of Aemond as a child – sweet and kind before he lost his eye.
Her smile reminds Alicent of Aegon's previous sunny spirit before he drowned in his cups.
Her fascination is a mirror of Helaena as she discovers a new insect; before her nightmares and flinching away.
Alicent cannot even try and sic a trait of Daeron onto the child; she hardly remembers his face before he was whisked away from her to Oldtown.
Alicent didn't know this, but she needed someone to just be around. She was lonely even in the presence of her children – regardless If she made them turn out mad.
She didn't think so though, she was just ensuring their safety.
Any thought of that white haired lier makes Alicents stomach turn sick and her heart pound ferociously.
For the first time in many years, Alicent smiles, huffing out a laugh, “Of course sweetling, we have plenty.”
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0ynes · 2 years
“Jace's uncle, Prince Daeron Targaryen, was born soon afterwards. Trying to prevent any enmity (as existed between Rhaenyra & Alicent), Viserys ordered that Jacaerys and Daeron share a wet nurse until they were weaned, hoping that them being milk brothers would make a difference.”
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wulfhalls · 29 days
ok but baela with a crossbow and her and rhaena finally interacting? at least something good will come out of s2
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TRUE! also power couple (he fucks a stark while betrothed to her) <3
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