#ivy tran food court detective
witchstormm · 1 year
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“It’s not that easy!” “Yeah, I know. But wouldn’t it be nice if it was?” (-BoJack s6: ep10 “Good Damage”)
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xxflutterinax · 10 months
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redpandarascal · 15 hours
every time I think about the ending of Bojack Horseman, the books Diane ends up writing… that makes me smile so big.
“Ivy Tran, Food Court Detective” and then the way Princess Carolyn supports her in that 🥹 that’s such a happy ending to the show, for me.
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fukia · 1 year
Rick and Morty vs Rick Prime Theories Predictions or whatever
Rick discovers that Rick Prime is everywhere because Prime underwent mitosis multiple times like a bad bitch.
Morty and Rick Prime get into a twerk fight where Morty silently shakes it with a blank expression a la the end of season 2 while Prime spews a lot of exposition in a mocking tone. A Summer makes it in and outdoes both of them, killing prime with her ass and declaring herself the new overarching villain of the next season or so.
Do you think Evil Morty is sippin on an other-dimensional piña colada watching this all go down because he got really bored? Prime is probably aware it’s happening, streaming Evil Morty in his mind or something and they’re both like off the clock from being a villainous character to banter and riff together about the absurd competition going on.
In the stinger, we get the first appearance of female Rick and Morty (besides Girl Morty/Mabelty or the ones in Pocket Morties), where woman Rick sings a cute lil tune while a little bit out of frame. Then young woman Morty pops in, says she has a pretty singing voice, which causes woman Rick to scream and throw something near young woman Morty in embarrassment. Assuming she’s only comfortable singing something like karaoke when drunk. That would be somethin huh?
Jokes aside, d’ya think Rick lets himself age as opposed to staying young like Prime because his guilt is still there and he wants to see himself in the mirror aging as motivation-reminder? Or maybe he‘s just disgusted looking at himself in this particular age that he wants to find some way to bring back that sense of control he feels he’d lost by not resembling Prime as much (while still keeping his face because he refuses to allow himself to heal?)
Also, I’m a total killjoy; got disappointed back in the end of season 5 when Diane was revealed to actually be his wife’s name and that was her canon appearance - imagine the image of Diane in Rick’s not-totally-made-up memory being connected to him in a totally different way? Where the paths to the truth wind in every-which way but slowly begin to converge some time later down the line? What if his wife Diane turns out to actually be Vietnamese and the author of the critically acclaimed book series, Ivy Tran, Food Court Detective? What if Rick’s original Beth was just as worryingly psycho as current show Beth if not moreso? Imagine if Rick Prime never killed Rick’s daughter and instead was raising her to carry on his nightmare legacy and eventually force Rick to fight her JUST for the evulz? What if Rick Prime not only abandoned Beth, but actively chose a different Beth? What if his dead wife isn’t even named Diane at all and that was the name of someone else who is important to him? I legit thought they were going for more twists and turns, more buildup and intrigue! Still amazing season 5 finale though, more jokes aside.
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somebodylovesyougcv · 2 years
who's your favorite bojack character?
diane by far. the reason i started to watch bojack over the summer was because of a friend i made in residential who told me that i needed to watch this show because they were so bojack and i was so diane. and after watching i was like Holy shit. This is so real.
i feel like i have a lot in common with diane- she’s a writer just like me. like the collection of personal essays she’s desperate to write about her life and damage? Same. glasses and bangs? yeah. We even grew up in the same place. The way she talks about feeling sad and miserable for so long because she didn’t know any other way to be- same. Like u said in your post, seeing her season 6 growth is so tremendous because she becomes so much happier and healthier but is still able to be successful and she writes what she wants!!!! ivy tran food court detective !!!! I love her so much and her and that entire show mean so much to me
honorable mentions- princess carolyn, sarah lynn, kelsey jannings, and of course todd (and aaron paul is the reason i started to watch breaking bad and as you’ve seen it caused a domino effect)
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noobsomeexagerjunk · 4 years
Bojack Horseman AU #3 (Alternatively, the Ruthie Mannowdog AU)
messy as always; also shoutout to @roskii you gave me the confidence to make ocs for this show and for informing me of the existence of very adorable yet incredibly toxic sea bunnies
obligatory Ruthie AU; takes place in a hypothetical 2030s Hollywoob—our girl is 12 and the star of the show
The title is an allusion to Season 5’s “The Amelia Earhart Story”, referencing pilot and writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, who has great importance to the character of this depiction of Ruthie
actually, Ruthie dresses up as the Prince during halloween
VIM is thriving and well-recommended
Princess Carolyn has replaced Turtletaub
Judah too has risen in position
Assistants have never been given this much care and consideration for a while
Todd and Maude just married this year and are as busy as ever trying to franchise their daycare
Maude has convinced Todd that whatever they have will always be authentic
They’re just winging that franchising thing
They have a big presence in Ruthie’s life but this franchising thing will lessen that as our porcupine girl gets older
Diane Nguyen has gained fame as a mystery YA writer; Ivy Tran is a household name
Next to Ivy Tran, Food Court Detective is a book series headed by a character inspired by Diane’s life as a stepmother to Sonny; this too is selling
BoJack Horseman and Mister Peanutbutter are living together, since BoJack’s release from prison in 2021—there are plans for BoJack to move out but it’s clear neither of the two wants that yet
Birthday Dad has ended as of 2026 and BoJack hasn’t acted since the 2023 film The Horny Unicorn
The Dog and Pony Show is a vlog series (with the occasional plot arcs) that BoJack and Mister made together because a drunk dog convinced a sober horse this was a good idea
It’s popular enough that they’re earning money out of it
intergenerational conflicts maybe?
Ruthie is Gen Alpha right??? she’s born in 2018 which is too late for a Gen Z
will tackle issues concerning education, technology, show business obviously, immigration and the general changing of the times
explores more moralistic ideas and philosophies—that is the tone being a slight bit more didactic
F-bomb of the season is used and inverted: every time Ruthie gains a new friend, this happens; sometimes subverted for breakthroughs and thematic instances
a more youthful, coming-of-age view of the show’s themes
more silly and whimsical
OCs everywhere
ruthie’s character in this au has bits and pieces from her mom (steadfast loyalty and determination), bojack (fear of messing up and never ever being forgiven for it) and peanutbutter (general optimism and belief in giving love)
this is why bj and pb are her favorite celebrities to spend time with--she relates to some aspects of their persons
which is a lot given the number of celebs she’s lucky enough to meet every day due to her parents’ line of work
ocs involved have character parallels to other existing canon characters
a best friend oc i made for her for instance would take on elements from diane (south east asian immigrant, writer, and feminist), herb  (gay lesbian, in love with best friend, a writer too), and charlotte (generally simple desires about her future and actively avoids drama)
another would take from todd (creative and idealistic), sarah lynn (vulgar-humored, hedonistic and is always trying to please everybody), and hollyhock (adopted by really overbearing gay parents and sporty)
actually i’ll save the rest of the ocs for another post
Some stuff about Ruthie in this AU:
the adopted daughter of Princess Carolyn and Judah Mannowdog
the show is very consistent with time so as much as i want to give her a birthdate, my interpretation of the show timeline is not good enough for me to deduce it
studying in a fairly secluded public school in LA
fell in love with the arts the moment she found Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s The Little Prince in the school library
as well as gained the dream to become a pilot like her idol author and Amelia Earhart, known to her very well as her mother’s idol
there are days where she has to be dragged in the office; this exposure has made her brutally aware of the machinations of hollywoob
a trait that comes from neither of her parents is the ability to detect bullshit right away and not ignore it—emphasis on not ignore it
what she did get from them is determination from her mother, precision from her father, and a sense of loyalty from both
of course, she knows she’s adopted—she wishes to meet her bio parents by herself when she is older
she wears a jacket made by Sadie that PC bought for her; Ruthie doesn’t know it yet—PC bought it during a brief drive through her home town
Ruthie is known to be a very charismatic and compelling individual and has used her youthfulness and childlike energy to her advantage
wants to either be a pilot or a playwright when she is older
above average grades in school
young girl with an old soul
simple needs, simple wants, simple expectations from others
hates the idea of grudges and never understands people who keep them
views life as a culmination of fleeting experiences
and love as a common obligation of the living
ridiculously long patience for a 12 year old
her quills are a metaphor to a huge part of her character
(i’m actually still trying to figure out what that part is bear with me please)
accidentally gave BoJack an anxiety attack once when she described herself as a “prickly muffin” in his presence; she never finds out why
also accidentally quilled Mr. Peanutbutter that one time he visited the Mannowdog house for her mom’s birthday
sometimes confuses her parents’ VIM office and the apartment since she spends equal time in both places
likes music from 10-20 years ago just to feel more mature
actually feels like she’s acting too childish and tries to look mature
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