#its cheerful abundance and its eternal summer
faeryqueenwitch · 4 years
🧚🎉Fairy Festivals🎉🧚
🎉 Fairy festivals take place at crossover points in the seasons. Equinoxes and solstices are determined by the position of the Sun, but the other four festivals are celebrated when the time feels right, so the dates given below are approximate.
🎉 There are other festivals too,such as Christmas Eve,Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day. Any human festival that touches on old traditions,from Ramadan to a Japanese Flower Festival, is a fairy feast. If you celebrate these festivals and make the effort to tune into what concerns the fairies, you will draw closer to their world. If you celebrate a special meal, remember to leave a little outside afterward for the fairies
1.  🌷 Imbolic - 🌷
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February 2 in the Northern Hemisphere/July 31 in the Southern Hemisphere
Imbolc means “in the belly,” and this is the time when life stirs in the belly of the earth. Frost sparkles and the pale light lingers each evening,bringing the message that spring is on the horizon. Imbolc is the delicate crossover point from winter’s depths into the New Year. It is a feast of lightness and brightness,but also a time of cleansing,to make way for the new. The Hag, who is Dark Goddess or Dark Fairy, gives way now to the Maiden, who is young and radiant.
Fairies love neatness and good housekeeping,so it is a good idea to have a late-winter sort-out,in preparation for fresh activity. While the fairies are busy coaxing snowdrops and crocuses out of the winter-hard earth,do something creative of your own,such as knitting,painting,or writing poetry. Ask the fairies to lend you a little of their magic by leaving them an offering,such as a piece of wool or a verse written just for them.
This feast is also called candlemas,sacred to St.Bridget,who was the successor to the pagan goddess Bride (pronounced “Breed”). Bride was the keeper of the sacred flame,which represents eternal life. She is the patroness of poetry,smithcraft,child birth, and healing, and is a very powerful fairy indeed. Invite her into your home by lighting as many candles as you like, in your windows and around your house. Ask her to bless your projects for the coming year,and pledge a special act of caring for the natural world in return,to seal your pact as the year waxes.
2. 🌼 Spring Equinox- 🌼
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March 21 in the Northern Hemisphere/September 21 in the Southern Hemisphere
The fairies are very busy at the Spring Equinox,looking after all the flowers that are newly blooming.Scandinavian fairies become active now: the Russian cellar fairy,The Domoviyr,casts off its skin and grows a lighter one for summer; and the Russian Rusalki,or river fairies are glimpsed by lakes swollen with melted snow.
A tree planting project is a very fairy-friendly activity at this time. A seasonal blitz on the garden is also called for. While you are hard at work, digging and pulling away at dead winter twigs, it is easy to go into a kind of trance. This, coupled with the spell of the natural world around you,can create the perfect state of mind to catch a glimpse of fairies.You can be sure they are near you,helping you with their energies.Plant some seeds of your choice and, as you put them in the earth, close your eyes and make a special request for fairy help. Visualize the fairies tending your seeds,giving them their love and care. Ask out loud for the fairies to help you,and sing or hum and you plant. Touch the soft soil with your bare hands and make real contact with the earth.
Place water in a pottery or glass jug (plastic or metal is best avoided) and leave it out in the noon sunshine. Ask the fairies to bless it. Imagine them dancing around it and coming up to touch it with their glimmering fingers. Use the water to give your houseplants a special spring blessing.
The Green Man is a powerful nature spirit that has been sensed by many people. He is represented in numerous churches as the Foliate Mask (a face made up of leaves),and one theory about his presence is that the masons who fabricated him had hidden sympathies with the old nature- worship. He is making his appearance now on some new park benches and monuments. However, you can make contact with the real Green Man out alone walking through the woodland. Ancient and wise,he is watching you. Catch a glimpse of him behind tree trunks or in the lacework of budding branches. Hear his footfalls behind you as you walk. He is the very breath of Nature, and his strength is bursting forth in springtime.
3. 💐 Beltane - 💐
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April 30 in the Northern Hemisphere/October 31 in the Southern Hemisphere
Of all the festivals, Beltane is the most flagrantly joyful and sensuous as Nature is bursting forth with beauty and excitement. This was the Celtic beginning of summer, and also marked an important transition for the people of Fairy, for it was the time when the Milesian Celts landed on the shores of south-west Ireland. With this, the last of the magical peoples,the Tuatha de Danann, receded from the the world of humans into the Hollow Hills and became the people of the Sidhe.
However, they and the other fairy folk have not gone very far. You will find them dancing in a bluebell wood or skipping in the sunshine,sheltered by a greening hedge. Beltane is the time when good fairies reign supreme and bad fairies retreat. Fairies are very active now and may try to steal butter,or some of the ritual fire that used to be ignited on hilltops and is still lit by modern pagans.
This is the maypole season, but instead you can always dance around a friendly tree. Link hands with friends, and you may find yourselves spontaneously re-creating the kind of things people used to to do when seeing fairies was commonplace:lingering,walking,and talking, in the open air, away from television,computers,and other modern distractions.
There are many tales of beautiful fairies marrying mortals. Such tales usually end in tragedy, for fairy and human can never truly be joined. Better to borrow some of the fairy enchantment by performing a little magic of your own! Rise early on May Day and wash your face in the dew or simply walk in it. As the rhyme says: “The fairy maid who, the first of May Goes to the fields at break of day, And walk in dew from the hawthorn tree, Will ever handsome be.”
Welsh legend tells how the hero Pwll saw the Lady Rhiannon riding past him at Beltane and, after pursuing her, he eventually won her. Rhiannon is one aspect of the Fairy Queen,riding on her white horse between the worlds. As you sit quietly outside,on a bank in the late spring dusk,listen for the sounds of her horse’s hooves,and open your eyes to the shimmer of her sea-blue cloak. When Rhiannon touches your heart, she will fill it with love and inspiration.
4. 🌹 Midsummer -  🌹
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June 22 in the Northern Hemisphere/December 22 in the Southern Hemisphere
This is one of the most magical times of the year, when fairies are very active and visible, playing pranks and even, it is said, stealing away the young and beautiful to join them in the Hollow Hills. The sun is now at the height of its strength and this is an important crossover point,such as the fairies love. For at the Midsummer Solstice the sun stands still, before beginning to recede as we move into the waning half of the year.
Flowers are colorful and luxuriant, and one radiant day seems to merge into another, as late dusk meets early dawn. At no time is the natural world more inviting. Take part in it by going on quests -long walks to sacred spots,evening camping out with the minimum of equipment,to draw close to the mystery that is all around, and to the Fair Folk in particular.
The rose is possibly the most sensuous bloom of all, and at midsummer it is often at its most gorgeous. Roses in the garden are especially likely to attract fairies. Distil water from rose petals and add it to your bath, asking the fairies to lend you some of their enchantment and to help you attract love. Brew tea from rosebuds and drink it,to increase your psychic powers.Plant a rose bush with a friend, to affirm the loving bound between you and invite the fairies into your life.
St.John’s wort is a herb known to break any negative fairy enchantment and drive away depression. Pluck some on Midsummer’s Day and carry it, to keep cheerful.
Look out for water nymphs by streams, or for undines for water elementals on the seashore- or for even the Lady of the Lake herself,rising from the luminous depths.In olden times, these beings were said to have no souls. It is closer to the truth to say that they do not have human morals. Conventions often conceal or feelings, but the beauty of the water fairies opens us to our unconscious tides; see them and let yourself be transformed.
5. 🌾Lammas- 🌾
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July 31 in the Northern Hemisphere/February 2 in the Southern Hemisphere
Lammas is “Loaf Mass,” a christian version of a much older festival known as Lughnasadh, or the “Feast of Lugh.” Lugh was a Celtic god,lord of the Tuatha de Danann, and his name means “bright one.” Lughnasadh is a major fairy festival, and many fairies become active during this period,such as the Russian Polevik, who kicks sleepy harvesters awake. It is also a time when fairies move about in preparation for winter,and processions of them may be seen as a line of twinkling lights moving between the hills in the countryside.
At Lammas, the fields are golden with corn and splashed with red poppies. It is hazy,lazy time of holidays and abundance,but there is an underlying theme of death,for the Corn Spirit must be sacrificed in order to reap the harvest. If you walk out into a field of ripe wheat, you may sense the anger of the nature spirits as what is to be taken from the earth,even thought that is a part of the natural cycle of life.Gather up some ears of wheat and tie them into a bunch with red thread,to make a charm for the coming winter to hang over your hearth. At the same time,pledge an act of caring for the earth,such as clearing a derelict site in your neighborhood or garden, or planting and tending a herb, as payment for what you-and all of us- take from it.
At home, bake your own bread, using the rising of the dough as a spell to ensure that everything prospers in your life. While you are kneading the bread dough, say to yourself “As this dough swells, so may my fortunes increase.” Ask for your own personal Brownie, or house fairy, to come and help your bread rise- and remember to leave some breadcrumbs outside afterward,for the fairies.
Some say that Lugh is lord of the waning year, and his dance- through the waving,whispering corn- is a dance of death. If so, it is a reminder that all things come in cycles,and that everything is united in love and beauty. Stand at the edge of a sun-kissed wheat field and see the shimmer and sway that betrays the presence of Lugh. Take a few moments to feel respect for the earth in your heart, and understand the meaning of the Wheel of Life.
6. 🍁 Autumn Equinox (Mabon) - 🍁
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September 21 in the Northern Hemisphere/March 21 in the Southern Hemisphere
At the Autumn Equinox, Nature stands poised between light and dark,but darkness is gaining. The veil between this world and the Otherworld is at its thinnest, and all manner of spirit visitations are more frequent now.
The hedgerows are beaded with berries,and mist lingers in the hollows. Sometimes the wind whistles in from nowhere and tosses baring branches. On other says, the mellow sun caresses the fields with slanting fingers. It is a time for reflection, but also for industry. In days gone by, preserves would be made for winter store and the help of the Good Folk would be sought by country people.
Absorb the atmosphere of the season by going blackberrying. In Celtic countries, there may be a taboo on eating blackberries, because these belong especially to fairies. However, as long as you gather them with respect and do not denude the bramble bushes, they will hardly object. Better still,leave out some of your homemade blackberry pie or wine for them,so that they will bless you. When this month ends, leave the blackberries alone and move on. Also look out for a bramble bush that forms an arch-so much the better if it faces east/west, for that mirrors the passage of the sun. Crawl through this three times on a sunny day to be healed of physical ills, especially rheumatism and skin troubles.
At this mysterious time, pay honor to Queen Mab. Her special gift is to bring dreams and visions to birth within us. She is really one of many manifestations of the Goddess, in her autumnal guise of wise-woman and Lady of Magic, and she is linked with ancient ideas of sovereignty- for the king drew his power from the land, and Mab presided.
Preferably at the Full Moon closest to the equinox,place good-quality wine in a stemmed glass or chalice,and take it into the garden or a secluded place.Raise the glass to the Moon,say, “Mab, I honor you”and pour some of the wine onto the earth. Drink a little and say, “Mab, I drink with you,” Then return home,light a bright-green candle beside your bed,gaze at the flame and say, “Mab,give me wisdom,” Place some jasmine or rose oil on your pillow,extinguish the candle-and drift into Fairyland. This is a little ritual that you can repeat during any Full Moon if you wish.
7. 🎃 Samhain - 🎃
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October 31 in the Northern Hemisphere/April 30 in the Southern Hemisphere
Samhain means “summer’s end” and is pronounced “sa-wen.” This ancient Celtic festival at the official start of the winter was later Christianized as Halloween- a time when the dead were remembered. There was always a sinister aspect to Samhain,because certain sacrifices had to be made in order to survive the coming cold weather. Animals had to be slaughtered,and some say that human sacrifice took place to propitiate the spirits. Sacrifice,however, is a corruption of nature worship,for life is hard enough as it is and all we have to do is show respect.
Barrow mounds,shrouded in mist,are particularly eerie places at Samhain. Draw close,if you dare,and sit quietly.Do you hear the strange,far-off noise of fairy music,or the sound of knocking? Maybe the mound will open for you and unearthly light will stream over the barren fields.After Samhain,the earth is given over to the powers of darkness and decay.No crops or berries may be harvested after this time,because the Phooka, a malevolent Irish Fairy,blights them. The true meaning here,of course,is that death and decay have a place in the natural order,requiring due honor and respect lest they get out of hand.
Traditionally, this is the start of the story telling season. While the wind whistles around the eaves or the mist comes down outside,gather family or friends around your hearth- preferably with a real fire burning in it. If you do not have an open hearth,substitute a collection of large,burning candles. Sit round and speak of times gone by and people who have passed over to the other side.Ask the Beloved Dead to be present, if you wish(but note that this is not a seance,and the Beloved Dead are invited,not summoned). Laugh,share funny stories,feast,and drink.
Cerridwen is the Underworld Goddess and the Fairy Hag most associated with this time. In her magic cauldron,she stirs a brew that confers inspiration and transformation. Simmer up a hearty soup of root vegetables or pumpkin, to share with friends,then light a black candle and ask Cerridwen to guide you through the darkness into the light. You will  be both safe and wise.
8.  ❄️ Yule - ❄️
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December 22 in the Northern Hemisphere/June 22 in the Southern Hemisphere
Yule is the Midwinter Solstice, when the sun again appears to stand still,as it did at midsummer,but the season is poised for the return of light. Celebrations of Christ’s birth were moved to coincide with the much more ancient solstice.
As you deck your Christmas tree,remember that the evergreen is a powerful symbol of the enduring life in Nature. Of course,is has a fairy on top of it,confirming that it is a festival of the Fair Folk,who also rejoice in the sun’s rebirth. Decorating your tree is an important magical act,for the decorations are fairy charms. Each member of the family should hang at least one special charm of their own,to enable a wish to come true.
Jack Frost is an active fairy in the cold weather,painting windows with intricate lacework. In Russia he is called Father Frost,the soul of winter,covering the trees in ice. Do not shrink from the frost fairy-go out and wonder at his works and he will reward you with hope and joy,just as in Russia Father Frost brings presents for the children on New Year’s Day.
By far the best-known and most powerful fairy at Yule is Father Christmas himself. Today we know him by his robes of red and white, but in the past he also wore green and other colors. As we have seen,red is the color both of life and death, and many fairies wear red caps. The hearty red of Father Christmas is a sign that he is an Otherworld being-very much alive,but not of this earth. He is recognized all over the world, as Kris Kringle in Germany and Pere Noel in France. In Brazil he is Papa Noel,and in China Dun Che Loa. He is the essence of Yuletide mystery,joy and renewal,and like many traditional fairies, he comes in and out via the hearth.
When all is quiet on Christmas Eve, get ready to welcome Father Christmas- light a candle and look at the stars. Pledge a gift for a friend and one for the world, and ask for a special gift to answer your heart’s desire. Write your wish on a piece of paper and “post” it up the chimney if you have an open fire. If not, burn it in the candle flame. Can you hear those sleigh bells?
(Art By: IrenHorrors On Deviantart -Link)
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hollenka99 · 3 years
An Abundance of Theseuses
Summary: Wilbur can’t move on and Thes refuses to accept that so ends up visiting his brother with each reincarnation in the hopes of remembering him so he can free him from his fate.
Warnings: Blood mention, death, mention of major injury
This is based on We’ve taken different paths but I know we’ll always end up on the same one by Alexander_Wesker. First of all, please read the fic because this one contains spoilers but also it will help this make more sense. Check out their other stuff too because they’ve written some great stuff.
THESEUS, 1752-1778 The axe comes down and with it comes the permission to be relieved of his current ordeal. There is cheering and an order for the King to be brought his head. He simply closes his eyes, exhaling as the acceptance that his fate has come for him. He thought eternal rest would arrive to offer its hand more immediately but perhaps even an omnipresent figure's horse requires time to reach him. Alternatively, it could come barrelling into his chest, arms open and ready to encompass him wholeheartedly. "Wilbur!" And there he was. Wilbur had no need to discontinue their embrace because there was only one person whose hold felt like this. He'd last laid eyes on him when he'd collapsed to the ground, eye bleeding from the fatal shot. Being apprehended had denied him the chance to even say goodbye. The King had taken great pleasure in mentioning the dishonour of leading your kin astray, that was for sure. He hadn't made his true feelings known in the presence of the royal family or their affiliates. Ha, as if he would give him that kind of satisfaction. That did not, however, mean Thes and those he'd loved as kin were absent from his private thoughts, where the King had no access. This current outcome did not soothe him. He could not see any possible reason why Thes would be foolish enough to travel here to witness a personally harrowing event. Nevertheless, he would never reject his embrace, especially not now. "Thes?" "It will be alright soon. I would say it takes a minute then you'll feel the tug too." "You're here." "I was waiting for us to go together." "Wait, you saw what transpired but a moment ago?" He subconsciously begins turning to the very scene he is referring to but Thes stops him. "Don't look, it will do you no good." His brother guides his face with a gentle hand so their gazes interlock. "And yes, did I not just establish that I was waiting for you?" As the second-born son had predicted, an intangible force does claim him. It becomes apparent to him that its desires will prove a disappointment to his brother. "I feel this pull you previously mentioned but it is sending me north, not skywards." Thes pulls back, hands now on his brother's respective arms. Now that he is able to see it, Thes' eye looks horrendous. Were they both not dead, he'd be rushing to gather supplies and calling for a medic to treat it. "No, you are confused. It will be okay, give it a second then you will realise it is directing you the same way as it is me." "Thes," He provides a melancholy smile to ease the blow. "I can assure you... it is not." "No. No, no, no, it is, it is. It has to be." He takes Thes' hands in his. "Please, go be at peace. You fought so well and I am proud of you for it. However, you deserve to rest after all the miseries that befell us." "You speak as if you don't deserve the same." "Perhaps it is not the will of-" "No, cease talking because all that seems to be coming from your mouth is nonsensical. God's will or not, it is through my will that you shall join me." "Theseus-" Thes' head drops, the top now resting against Wilbur's chest. "I've expended all my efforts to last long enough so that I could be here by your side at this very moment. So forgive me for being unable to resist it for much longer." Their eyes make acquaintance once more. "But listen to me, Wilbur, I am going to make you an oath. No matter how it can be done, no matter how long shall transpire before I see success, I will find a way for you to be freed so that you may join me." "You do not need-" "Well, have you considered I want to?!" A reprise of the previous embrace. This one is not as joyous or a source of relief. It is not a 'hello again' but rather a 'fare thee well'. "You have not committed enough wrongdoings to deserve any form of Purgatory. I promise I will somehow succeed, Wilby." Thes fades without warning and leaves the elder Soot brother to grasp air in his absence. He'd light heartedly chastise him for how improper disappearing in the middle of a discussion was if Thes was still here. Instead, Wilbur sets off with a defeated sigh. Thes spoke the truth when he claimed remaining here would do him no good. TIMOTHY, 1779-1824 The path he takes brings him back to the location of his greatest failure. It makes sense that his purgatory would be here. Over there was where he believes his tent was, the very place he dealt playing cards among those closest to him on what would be the final evening for thousands. He'd witnessed a bloody back live up to their name towards those trees. And approximately in that direction... was where his dear Thes fell while attempting to secure the survivors' right to remain surviving. Regardless of what once was, he remains where he has been positioned. Spring becomes summer, becomes autumn, becomes winter, becomes spring once more. On and on this cycle continues without deviation. It is not long before any trace of his and his men's final stand is gone from the world. The bodies were removed for fear of being unsightly and the blood spilt has been washed by rain. It is simply him and the desolation of it all. He hopes, whatever became of his Theseus, his brother is faring more happily than he is. It is during one of many autumns that a common man comes to pay the battlefield a visit. It's peculiar and unexpected but Wilbur cannot say he minds it. The fellow isn't doing anything untoward, nor does he give the impression of having any intention to act in such a way. The impression he does give, however, is one of a troubled individual. What strikes Wilbur above all else is that this is Thes, this man is somehow his brother. He can intangibly feel it. He knows this inexplicable fact to be the truth. Externally, the two bear no resemblance. The person before him is not blond, has long since seen his 20s and there is not a single trace of a curl in his receding hairline. And yet... this is Thes, through and through. There is no doubt in his mind that he is in the presence of the soul that once identified as Theseus Soot. "Thes, it's me. You've found me!" He grins, rushing to stand in front of him. What a fool he was to doubt Thes' ambitions were possible. There is no response or indication his brother's new form heard him. "Thes, do not ignore me. You know full well it is improper to act in such a manner. I- I won't have it." It's a lie, an attempt at authority when there are none to rule over. Thes' counterpart shifts his weight between his legs before proceeding with baring his thoughts. "Let me preface this by explaining I did not intend to come here. I don't know why I travelled here to be in what is essentially nothing but a field. It makes no sense to me. And yet... and yet here I am. At great personal expense, no less." "Please, simply look at me. I am right here. Whatever is troubling-" The fake Thes sighs, frustrated. It morphs into a grimace. "There is a reason I'm in a city, not just whatever compelled me to steal a horse so I could be here tonight. You must do what you have to in order to keep those dear to you in good spirits. I feel You would understand that in all Your heavenly might." "I would never be blasphemous enough to profess myself to be on par with the Lord." He says to nobody who can hear his light hearted words. "It is still my intention to find work, of course, I am nothing if not a man who does his best to be of good virtue, but in the meantime, I must risk being hung. Or perhaps they shall be merciful enough to send me to New Holland to rid of me." "Oh Thes," He attempts to offer comfort but just as the moonlight passes through him nightly, so too do his hands. "No, don't lead yourself astray out of desperation, I beg you." Thes takes a step as if he plans to leave it at that, reconsidering at the last second. Hope swells within Wilbur as he convinces himself this is finally the moment recognition comes. Surely, this all a ruse, a cruel trick from somebody who used to find such joy in winding those dearest to him up. Alas, it is not so. Instead, Thes remains oblivious and Wilbur remains an intruder to a private confessional. "If I am to go to the gallows or be transported, if it is only myself and God who can hear, then... perhaps I can be honest. I was filled with such- such satisfaction when I heard of Princess Charlotte's unfortunate passing. It was a terrible thing. Neither mother nor child survived the birth, I wouldn't wish that kind of tragedy on a soul. Such a sad thing and yet it was the royal family's misfortune that I- a part of me, at least, took great joy in that development. It's not such a crisis nowadays, I believe they have a new heir, but I dare say something from the very depths of my soul would have celebrated their downfall. Then this past January, when his majesty himself died, I felt the same sense of vindication upon learning of the news. It is maddening to experience such conflict within myself. I hope you can find it in Your benevolence to forgive me." "I cannot speak for God but I forgive you. I would have privately allowed myself to feel positive upon his passing too. It is only natural after he caused us such strife." Having said his piece, Thes makes his departure. All the while, a ghost continues to futilely endeavour to be noticed. TARQUIN, 1825-1854 Thes arrives the next time with a boy a stride behind him. It's not the first occasion he's seen this Thes but this is definitely the debut of his son for Wilbur. By now, he has made peace with the fact he is imperceptible to his brother, the same way he is to everyone else. He had originally clung to the preposterous notion Thes would personally break through that curse simply due to being Thes. If anyone was going to see his face or hear his voice for the first time since 1778, surely it would be him. No such luck. "Right here in this very field, if I am not mistaken, was a battle. Minor, didn't count for anything." You would not be saying that if you knew your true self. It was anything but inconsequential to us. "My grandfather was a boy at the time. He always claimed it was one of the factors that inspired him to choose to pledge loyalty to his king. He's very dear to me. In fact, I should have us visit him as soon as I return." Yes well, Wilbur didn't want to be so bold as to voice it but he did sense the apple didn't fall far from that tree. He appreciates younger sons must venture into specific professions for the sake of staying gentlemen. However, he would have wished for Thes' thoughts to sour at least slightly at the idea of playing a part in military conquests that serve (indirectly or not) to strengthen the image of the royal family. Perhaps there is a disgruntled young man underneath who is secretly cursing the situation his birth has placed him in. "However, it is a harsh truth that your superior officers aren't inclined to care." He cared. He cared enough that every person under his command that never returned home to their families felt like a personal loss. Those final 8000 plague him, as do the numerous others before them. "You have a job to do, as do they. It is their responsibility to see you and the rest of the men under their command through to the other side. Yours is to do the same from the ground. One day, you might be nothing more than a name among many. You may even end up the same as those who fought here, your efforts disregarded. What matters more is whether you have your fellow soldiers' backs. Be loyal to the Crown, of course, do yourself and her majesty proud, but be even more loyal to your brothers at arms. See falling in their stead as an honour, not a misfortune. Do you understand?" The boy hesitantly begins to nod. There is a glimpse of sorrow as Thes gazes out across the field, hand on his son's furthest shoulder. Please brother, remember your past. Even if it is a mere glimpse, the slightest slither, remember being Theseus, remember having a brother you thought the world of, remember your determination to help see a fairer end to suffering under an institution so much larger than yourself. Thes doesn't. Father and son soon depart with haste. Thes never comes again and Wilbur fears the worst. He's right to. TANWYN, 1855-1914 They transform the former battlefield into a cheap attraction. The disgrace of it! Have they no shame or respect for what occurred here? Around the area are some plaques detailing the conflict and replications of the cannons used. Collections of people will visit, listen to an exceedingly brief summation of the Battle of L'Manburg (not Nottingham, whatever could have- Wait, perhaps don't answer that. He knows exactly why), then go on their merry way to another destination. On this particular day, Thes is among the small crowd. He wistfully surveys the land. The fellow directing the group calls to him so that he may not be abandoned. Thes replies with a "Forgive me, got lost in my head there." then carries on with his afternoon as if nothing unusual had occurred. However, was that a... Welsh accent? What on earth is Thes doing, being Welsh? Wilbur absent-mindedly smiles to himself at the thought. If anything, he should think Thes would be better suited to being born Scottish if he was required to not be English this time. Still, he cannot be one to judge divine intentions. This is it, he thinks. Thes will visit when it is dark and therefore barren. It is in his nature, to be drawn here, to openly speak to the air as if someone is listening. Wilbur waits for his brother's newest form to reappear. He anticipates all the updates he could receive regarding Thes' current life. No matter how potentially mundane a topic could be, he will eagerly listen to it. This time when the Welshman doesn't return and Wilbur fears the worst, he is mistaken. TILL, 1915-1932 This Theseus is weary when Wilbur finally is permitted to see him. While he'd like to call this one a man, it is impossible to do so, given it is a boy that is in front of him. He was never good at estimating ages but he would reckon this one was perhaps around a decade his Thes' junior. So close to adulthood and yet not close enough. With his countenance appearing so ailed, it would seem he would never cross that threshold. If his face did not expose the morbid truth then the way he stumbles towards a cannon to rest against it or the wheezy laughter undoubtedly do. It is evident that achieving his goal of reaching this destination brings unimaginable relief. Thes weakly mutters things in German. He tells of various occurrences in his life, the family he left behind, how he miraculously managed to stowaway on an England-bound ship and further how he expects to be mistaken for a homeless beggar come daylight. As he speaks, Wilbur is reminded of similar discussions regarding trivial things he once shared with Niki. His modern languages tutor may have been insufferable but the knowledge paid off once and now here too, who knows how many years later. Wilbur attentively listens to it all, brief as it may be. Thes' current counterpart leans to the side without forewarning. It takes a moment for Wilbur to realise why on earth his brother would attempt to have his weight supported by empty air. Ah. Were the circumstances different and Thes aware of the ghost beside him, he would surely tease his brother for trying to rest his head upon Wilbur's shoulder as he often did in life. But as if stood, Wilbur was forever incorporeal and outside the realm of visibility to everyone including his own dear brother. With effort, Thes corrects himself to resume sitting with his back to a cannon. Wilbur too returns to being seated on his right, hand atop his brother's. The minutes pass. With them, so do Thes' breaths. Wilbur can do nothing but sigh forlornly and kiss his brother's forehead. "Rest well, Thes." His is the first face the spirit lays eyes on. There is shock at the sight of an executed man, confusion as if questioning whether they have made acquaintance before then a wide smile that could belong to none other than his little brother. Wilbur does not even get the chance to say hello before Thes groans. "Remind me to never die of consumption again. Absolute tedium and with no pleasant variety either." "I'm sorry." Thes shakes his head. "Think nothing of it. Though... it would appear I have an apology for you too. I couldn't make myself remember before it was too late again. I promise I am trying my best." "I know you are. I do not mind it. All I care about is having the pleasure of seeing you once more, regardless of circumstance. I admire and appreciate the efforts you so diligently pursue for my benefit. But please, I implore you to find peace. That is what I want more than some futile quest." "The years of solitude have caused a deficit in your memories also, it would seem. I would never quit you, Wilbur, never. You would do well to remind yourself of that truth." A distracted look to the skies. Thes opens his mouth to continue, to make another comment. Wilbur beats him to it. "Go. I will be fine until we see each other once more." "Very well. I will come as soon as I am able." "You always do." An exchange of smiles then Wilbur is alone with the grass once more. TONY, 1933-2003 There are children here, a boy and an older girl. He would state his confusion on where their nurse, or whatever their family's equivalent should be, was. However, they seem self-sufficient enough. What does not surprise him is why the boy has approached this place with haste. He should think this is the youngest he has ever seen an incarnation of Thes. The daisies are growing nicely and plentiful this year. Though, he supposes, they will do that just about anywhere the room can be spared. The children show them appreciation until the girl grows irritable. "Tony, come on. Pops may not be home to scold us but Ma certainly will be. I don't even know why you're so insistent on seeing this place. It's nothing but an empty field with some plaques and fake cannons." He ponders for a minute. "I like it here. That's all." "Well, you won't have time to pack Percival if we leave it too late. I cannot guarantee we'll be kept together and... and you'll need him if I am absent." "I don't see why we have to go in the first place. I wouldn't attack Nottingham if I was Mr Hitler. It's boring here and there are so many more people in London." "A city is a city." The girl huffs. "Ma says they likely won't take us far anyway. We'll most likely never even leave Nottinghamshire. I should think all they'll do is send us to some village or small town." Her impatience is blatant. She fidgets as her brother reads the words engraved onto the plaques, ardently playing look-out as if there is cause for others to journey here. This transforms into incessant tapping of her foot upon the ground. "But if we stay here forever, we shall miss the train, never mind not having a single thing in our suitcases. So come along before I make you." 'Tony' resists a moment longer than his sister has patience for. Being led away, he glances back over his shoulder. There is not a hint of recognition in his eyes, though that is to be expected. He eventually returns time and time again. As an adult, Th- Tony visits (or at least plans to) on the first dry day of each month. Wilbur witnesses as the years gradually strip him of his youth then replace it with greying hair and less firm skin. He ages further than Thes ever got the chance to. It pleases Wilbur to see it. Tony is not always alone. Sometimes there is a dog or occasional family member. One way or another, he remains a fairly steady constant for decades. Thes never manages to recall why the field is significant to him but then again, they would be fools to aspire for so much. Years later, long enough for women's fashion to develop into something shamefully immodest, a young miss approaches with a letter when the battle site is devoid of its usual visitors. She speaks of how her grandfather wished for the 'friendly presence of soldiers' to know he'd passed. The letter is short, the words of a dying old man who'd never solved the greatest mystery within his heart, but it is not any less heartfelt or grateful for the sense of comfort this place has inexplicably provided him. "Thank you. And my sincerest condolences." Wilbur whispers. Onto the next one then, he supposes... TOMMY, 2004- He sees the boy come again and again. This one bears an achingly strong resemblance to the true original. He's like the last version of Thes too, staying loyal to the promise of visiting whenever he can. Though, Wilbur reminds himself, none of these incarnations ever truly understand why they feel drawn to the former battlefield. On this particular day, the weather does not appear favourable. It will rain soon if he is not mistaken. That fact makes little difference to him but there is no doubt it will cause Thes to scarper upon the feeling of the first drops. For now though, he peruses the text he has skimmed so frequently he must have committed it to memory by now. Oh and here come the aforementioned first raindrops of this downpour. Thes startles in response to nothing Wilbur can spot. It must bother him a great deal given that he is hastily searching for the source. He sets his sights in Wilbur's direction so the dead general comes to the natural conclusion it is something behind him that has spooked Thes so. Out of curiosity and perhaps boredom, he turns towards the forest to try to discern the culprit. Honestly, he believes the best course of action is for Thes to return home, to avoid the weather potentially inflicting any ailments upon him. A shrill ringing originating from an unknown source shocks them both. Wilbur faces his brother once more and Thes resumes looking directly at him, fear and confusion evident. The realisation comes. He could see him. Thes could see him. Oh, how he's waited for this day! Congratulations, dear brother, on progressing a little further in your endeavours. Or perhaps Wilbur is fooling himself. Why would Thes, after all these long years, suddenly gain the ability to see him? His brother remembering his former self was the goal, not perceiving Wilbur in any way. He won't look a gift horse in the mouth though, that is for sure. "Thes?" He dares to hope his assumptions are not unfounded. The ringing makes a reappearance, causing Thes to redirect his attention to it. He speaks with the device to his ear, incredibly apologetic towards whoever the communicator's recipient was. He makes his departure but not without searching for Wilbur once more. Evidently, it would seem the potential for the effects of this latest development lasting were too good to be true. A small voice inside him calmingly insists this won't be the last time this Thes returns. With the downpour, he prays it is a warm home his brother is hurrying back to. Thes simply requires time to process and rationalise it, he is sure of it. Wilbur himself could use a minute to accept this encounter was not fantastical. And so he waits, as he always has, for his Theseus to return to him. He is fortunate this time that it will not take long for that to happen. Luckier still, he has a gift he can deliver with the hopes it will assist with keeping himself in Thes' thoughts, regardless of the forces determined to keep them apart. This may be the beginning of something good and he gladly anticipates what may come of it.
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travelcenter-uk · 4 years
Canary Islands: Isles of paradise…
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As the winter approaches my doorstep and the clouds turn stormy and grey, my dreams takes me to a place that’s not so far away, where the sun shines bright and cheerful with golden rays and the skies as blue as the pristine waters of the sea, these enchanting Spanish archipelago possibilities are endless as you swim among the teeming marine life, where turquoise blue and the teal green waters merge together like an artistic masterpiece. It’s an eternal summer in The Canary Islands, so it should come as no surprise that it is amongst many traveller’s bucket list, that is including mine as well! Imagine burying your toes underneath warm, golden sandy beaches, with the gentle sea breeze brushing through your hair and a slight spray of the waters of the vast ocean dampening your face, it feels like a balm to your soul, doesn’t it? This is where the Canary Islands comes into play; from climbing Spain’s tallest mountain, to sunning on pristine postcard-worthy beaches, this is why the Canary Islands should be on your travel bucket list.
The Canary Islands´ climate is considered one of the most pleasant in the world. Estimated With about 2,800 hours of sunshine annually, a subtropical climate is cooled down by the exchange of winds and the Gulf Stream.
Tenerife, the largest and most populous island of the Canary Islands, is home to the third-highest volcano on a volcanic ocean island in the world, the Mount Teide is also the highest point in Spain. Offering stunning views of the island.
The Canary Islands possesses over 500 beaches of all types, lengths and colours, offering a vast range of activities.
The Canary Islands are home to an abundant marine life, it is a popular spot for scuba diving and snorkelling. Apart from a number of fish species, the islands also host the endangered loggerhead sea turtle.
Lanzarote, is a well-known surfing destination thanks to its consistent year-round waves and Fuerteventura, is the windiest island of the archipelago, which makes it a great location for kitesurfing and windsurfing.
The Canary Islands provide great conditions for dolphin and whale spotting. Numerous species including dolphins, finback whales, pilot whales, sperm whales etc.
One of the smallest of the islands, La Palma is in its entirety a biosphere reserve. The island has particularly abundant plant life which is the most diverse in the Canary Islands.
The Canary Islands are also known for flavoursome cuisine, with dishes such as Papas arrugadas, Ropa vieja & Bienmesabe
Though each island has amazing flora, botanical gardens create a place where all of the varieties can be presented together.
Maspalomas, a tourist town in the south of the island of Gran Canaria, is known for its majestic sand dunes and the nearby nature reserve. This area is popular among nudists and LGBT tourists.
Lanzarote boasts one of the most bizarre vineyards in the world. Grapes are grown in local volcanic, ashy soil surrounded by stone walls to protect the grapes from strong winds.
If you are looking for more than just a lazing around in the sun or exploring local nature, you can also party until dawn in one of many Canarian renowned bars and nightclubs.
The Canary Islands are one of the safest holiday destinations at any time. Protected by the ocean and almost the islands are very peaceful and a safe place inhabited by friendly and hospitable people.
If you are yearning for a relaxing beach holiday or hyperactive adventure, the Canary Islands is the best place to be. If you’re looking for some great deals, just remember Travel Center is just a call, message or email away. So, get packing now!
Read More:- https://blog.travelcenter.uk/canary-islands-isles-of-paradise/
This Article, Information & Images Source (copyright) :- https://blog.travelcenter.uk
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
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50+ Fun Family-Oriented Pagan Activities for Winter
Winter is a time of inner reflection, but it’s also a time of family, feasting, and fun. Here are my favourite fun, family-oriented pagan activities for winter. Time to get out the mittens, mugs, and mistletoe! Whether you celebrate Yule, the Winter Solstice, or Christmas, these pagan activities may become traditions for your family. Keep in mind, you’ll see Christmas mentioned in this article, because many of us grew up celebrating Christmas and have blended the Winter holidays to meet our family’s needs and traditions. Just because the term Christmas is used, doesn’t make a tradition any less pagan. In fact, most of the Christmas traditions originate from older pagan traditions! Feel free to adapt each tradition and name to fit your beliefs and preferences.
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50+ Fun, Family Pagan Activities for Winter!
1. Candles in the Window
An Irish custom for centuries, placing candles in the windows guides your loved ones home in the winter months. It also invites the sun’s return. My grandmother did this every Christmas and it was a tradition I always loved.
2. Cloves in Oranges
Who doesn’t love the clove and cinnamon scents of the winter holidays? There’s a winter tradition of sticking cloves into oranges which is called pomanders. Pomanders date back to Medieval times and were used to ward off infection and bad odours. Hang cloved oranges around the house to scent your home and also draw in abundance. Cloves represent success and the oranges summon the sun’s return.
3. Bake Cookies
Whether you call them Yule or Christmas cookies is up to you, but baking cookies is a tradition for any family who loves sweets during the winter holidays. Let your kids decorate gingerbread and sugar cookies. Use cookie cutters in the shapes of stars, Santa, and his reindeer to represent the night sky, Odin, and his steed.
4. Advent Calendar
Advent Calendars are a fun way to countdown to Yule and/or Christmas. Instead of using candies for each day’s gift, replace with natural items like crystals. Advent means “coming” in Latin. Christians think of it as the coming of Jesus, while Pagans think of it as the coming of the sun.
5. Christmas Lights
The winter nights are long and dark, hence the tradition of Christmas lights. They light the way plus work sympathetic magic in inviting the sun’s return. Hang them up on the house and around the interior of your house. And don’t forget to go on a car ride around the neighbourhood to see all the beautiful light displays!
6. Cider or Mulled Wine
A cold night can always be warmed up with a hot cup of cider or mulled wine. Give the kids the hot apple cider with a stick of cinnamon and an orange slice, and let the adults partake in mulled wine with cloves, star anise, cinnamon and oranges. The Norse peoples used to refer to Yule as “Drinking Yule”, so why not let it live up to its name?
7. Women’s Christmas
The Feast of the Epiphany (January 6th) is also called Women’s Christmas in Ireland. Its tradition in County Kerry and County Cork to allow the women to have a day out on the town, while the men do the housework and cooking! Honour the women in your life, as you do the Goddess, and give them a day off for Women’s Christmas this winter. It’s also tradition on this day to take down Christmas decorations and the Christmas tree.
8. Gingerbread House
Gingerbread originated in Germany in the fifteen hundreds. If you have German ancestry, honour their memory by making a gingerbread house with your family.
9. Reindeer Food
Odin was known to ride his steed, Sleipnir, through the skies on winter nights. Sleipnir is thought to be the original “Santa’s reindeer”. Reindeer were sacred animals to Siberian shamans. Make reindeer food with the kids and leave it out for the reindeer on Christmas or Sleipnir on Yule.
10. Cookies for Odin & Santa
Whether you celebrate Yule or Christmas (or both), leave out a cookie offering for Odin on Yule and/or for Santa on Christmas Eve. The tradition of leaving cookies and milk for Santa clearly originated in leaving sweet offerings to appease the winter gods in the old days.
11. Caroling
Caroling has ancient roots that go back further than we know. “We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!” Going from door to door, singing blessings to the people inside in exchange for a cup of hot cocoa or a round of applause? Sounds like you’re bestowing good luck and abundance in exchange for offerings to me! Caroling is the newer version of traditions called mumming and wassailing.
12. Offerings to the Winter Fairies
They say there are a different set of fairies for each season. In the winter season, wouldn’t it be nice to set out offerings for the winter fairies? Frosted cookies and hot beverages would be greatly appreciated by the wee folk. This makes for a fun tradition with the whole family. Set the offerings outside on a tree trunk or somewhere in the garden. This is one of those purely pagan activities
13. Holly & Ivy
Decorate your house and hearth with holly and ivy. Holly and ivy as Christmas decorations predates Christianity. Our pagan ancestors used evergreens to decorate hearth and home for a couple reasons: to keep the “warmth” of the earth alive in their home and hearts, to ward off evil spirits in the winter, and to bring abundance in the new year. In new pagan traditions, the Holly King and Oak King battle it out on the Winter Solstice and the Oak King wins! He represents the return of the sun/earth/summer.
14. Gaze at the Winter Sky
Sometimes the sky looks so clear on a winter’s night. Spend a minute or two gazing up into the sky – notice the brilliance of the stars and the darkness of the black space between. If the moon is out – praise her for her light and glory. Wish upon the north star.
15. Wassailing
A similar/same tradition as caroling, yet wassailing in apple orchards is believed to provide a good harvest in the coming year. Wassailing is basically singing to the trees, honouring the spirits in the trees, and ensuring a plentiful bounty of apples in the coming year.
16.  Yule Herbal Sachets
Make herbal sachets full of Yule and Christmas spices to hang around the house. Cinnamon, clove, star anise, and apple serve to sweeten the air, plus bring abundance in the coming year to your home. Choose herbal sachet bags of red, green, silver, and gold.
17. Sun Bread
The Winter Solstice is the longest night of the year. But the following day brings hope with the sun’s glorious return. Bake bread in the shape of the sun to celebrate the sun’s return to the earth. Recipes and instructions can be found online. Eat and partake in the sun’s warmth and abundance for the year to come.
18. Pinecones
The pinecones have dropped. Hopefully you collected some last Fall! Now you and the family can decorate them with silver and gold spray paint and glitter OR decorate them like Christmas trees and hang them on the tree!
19. Winter Solstice Spiral
The spiral symbol represents the never-ending cycle of life, death, and rebirth and did so for our ancient Celtic ancestors. On a snowy day, go outside and create a spiral made of evergreens and stones to honour our ancestors and the great cycle of life. It also makes for gorgeous photos and a lovely offering to the winter spirits.
20. Resurrection Flower
The Resurrection flower is also known as the Rose of Jericho. It is a tumbleweed and desert plant that seems dead, until soaked in a bit of water then springs back to life! It’s used in hoodoo tradition to bring abundance if 5 coins are placed in the water along with the resurrection flower then the water is used to wash one’s front door. Keep the resurrection flower all year, then add water in the winter to represent the return of the sun and renewal of the earth.
21. Yule Altar
Clean, consecrate, and re-decorate your altar to honor the Winter sabbats, gods, and spirits. Choose evergreen garland, red and green candles, and silver candle holders to name a few.
22. Yule Log
The Yule log is steeped in ancient tradition. Choose a log and decorate it with greenery. You can even carve out holes to use as candle holders until it’s time to burn the yule log. Traditionally, it was burnt slowly over the course of the 12 days of Christmas then a piece was saved to light the next year’s yule log. That piece of the yule log was thought to ward off misfortune in the coming year.
23. Yule / Christmas Tree
The true origins of the Christmas or Yule tree are heavily debated, but I think its clear bringing an evergreen tree into one’s home is an ancient pagan thing to do. Whether to preserve the tree’s spirit through the winter or to bring life into the home, the Yule tree is a popular tradition during the winter holidays for many people, religious or not.
24. Books on Xmas Eve
In Iceland it’s called Jolabokaflod or “Christmas Book Flood.” This tradition is about giving each other books as presents on Christmas Eve and then staying up late that night to read them. Give your family books this year and read them together as the Icelanders do!
25. Yule Bock
A Northern European tradition that dates back centuries is the Yule Bock (Yule Goat). Scholars believe it is tied to ancient Germanic paganism, the Harvest, and/or the Norse god Thor. Make your own yule bock out of hay and red ribbon. If it’s small – hang it on your tree. If it’s large – place in random places around the home.
26. Christmas Wreaths
Make your own Christmas wreath out of evergreens like holly or spruce. Hang on the front door for good luck and Christmas cheer. The Christmas wreath is thought to date back to ancient times as a symbol of eternity or divinity (circular shape and evergreen).
27. Hot Cocoa
Drinking hot cocoa is a sweet tradition that all kids love…and many adults. This sweet treat has surprising pagan origins. Sources say the ancient Mayans or Aztecs invented hot cocoa as a drink for royalty.
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The ancient Mayans invented hot cocoa…make and drink it as one of the sweetest pagan activities in the winter!
28. Gifts
Without falling into the cycle of mindless consumerism, giving gifts to loved ones during the winter is a time-honoured tradition. During a season of cold, bleak days, gifts can cheer us up and bring us closer together. Choose to give gifts with meaning. Special framed photographs, experiences, etc. instead of useless objects that will end up at a thrift store or at the dump.
29. Fruit & Cinnamon Garland
Another fun seasonal craft is making your own garland out of fruits and herbs. String together dried orange or apple slices along with star anise and cinnamon as a beautiful, rustic piece to hang on the mantle or around your home. This is a simple craft the whole family can do!
30. Simmering Potpourri
Want to make your house smell like Yule? Try making a simmering pot of potpourri on the stove this year. Its as simple as adding cinnamon sticks, orange slices, star anise, and cloves to a simmering pot of water.
31. Sun Decor
Bring back the sun by decorating your altar and home with sun decor. Find sun plaques online, or make your own from felt and hot glue.
32. Oranges in Stockings
My grandmother used to add oranges to our stockings at Christmas. This tradition is said by some to be a Christian representation of the gold thrown down the chimney by St. Nicholas; however, pagans know it as a nod to the end of winter and the sun’s return (think citrus – sun).
33. New Winter Holidays
Add a different winter holiday to your winter repertoire. Depending on your culture, there may be a holiday you’ve never celebrated with pagan roots.
34. Bonfires
Not only does a bonfire keep us warm on winter nights, it also reminds us of the same element our ancestors used to survive the winter months. Without fire, we might not be here. Roast marshmallows and sing Christmas songs together this winter.
35. St. Stephen’s Day
One of those “other” winter holidays we discussed previously, St. Stephen’s Day is celebrated the day after Christmas Day. In Canada, it’s called Boxing Day. Whatever you want to call it, make your own tradition of celebrating this winter holiday in your own pagan way.
36. St. Lucia’s Day
St. Lucia’s Day is celebrated in Scandinavia and is thought to be a more modern Christian celebration of St. Lucia who was once a pagan goddess. Perhaps she had another name, perhaps not. The Grimm Brothers say St. Lucia as another representation of the ancient goddess Berchta. It was originally celebrated on the Winter Solstice, giving it a clear pagan foundation.
37. Dough Ornaments
Another craft tradition centred around the Yule tree – try making dough ornaments with your kids and family members. Stars and suns add a perfect pagan touch to the tree.
38. Ghost Stories
Traditionally, winter was thought to be the season following Samhain (Summer’s end) where spirits roamed the earth…particularly dangerous spirits. Ghost stories were once told around the fire. Bring back the ghost story tradition this winter!
39. Oak King and Holly King
If you have a family of thespians, assign roles to your family members, print out a script, and put on a play of the battle between the Oak King and the Holly King. You could even make special costumes for the event! The winter solstice is when the Oak King takes over rule of the earth, winning against the Holly King in battle.
40. Feast on Yule
What’s one thing we love to do as human beings? Eat, of course! Feasting during the winter holidays has been going on for thousands of years. Long before the church’s rise, our pagan ancestors feasted during the winter as a way to “lighten the mood”, bring the tribe together, and thank the gods for a bountiful harvest. So feast on Yule!
41. Feast on Christmas
See above. Already had a feast on Yule? Throw another feast on Christmas!
42. 12 Days of Christmas
Once upon a time, Christmas was celebrated over a span of twelve whole days! Where do you think the song comes from? Also called Christmastide, the celebration of a holiday lasting more than a few days is said to originate before the rise of the church but was adapted by the church to make conversion easier. Who doesn’t want to celebrate Christmas longer? Do something simple for each of the 12 days of Christmas starting Christmas Day and lasting until January 5th.
43. Charity
Nevermind religion, giving of your time or goods to those in need feels good during the holidays and teaches kids a wonderful morality lesson of compassion and kindness. The holidays are about community and giving.
44. Story of the Baker’s Dozen
There’s an old tale about where the baker’s dozen comes from. It involves Saint Nicholas, an old witch, and a baker in New Amsterdam (NYC). Read it to your kids by the fireside.
45. Story of La Befana
Continuing on the lesser known Christmas stories, children in the U.S. and elsewhere in the world might have never heard the story of the Christmas witch – La Befana. If you live in Italy, you will know the story. La Befana is a witch who gives presents to children on Christmas Eve. Read the story and add the tradition to your home!
46. Story of the Perchten
Does your family like scary stories? Read and tell the story of the Perchten, a horde of scary monsters that parade through the streets of Germany, Hungary, and other countries during the winter holidays, scaring off evil winter spirits. The Perchten are named after the germanic goddess Berchta – read their story here.
47. Christmas Movies
One of the best things about the Winter season is all the family-oriented Christmas movies on TV. Watch a different winter movie each weekend together. Our pagan ancestors put a huge emphasis on family. Elf, Rudolph, and The Santa Clause are just a few of my family’s favourites.
48. Cuddle
More emphasis on family, but also to keep warm, make time to cuddle up with your favorite person this winter.
49. Letters
Have the kids write letters to Santa or Odin and send them “up the chimney” (aka leave it on the fireplace/mantle) or send in the “mailbox”.
50. Mistletoe
Mistletoe is steeped in pagan history. The Druids found mistletoe to be a sacred plant because it grew on their holy tree – the oak. Mistletoe was banned from the church because of its pagan associations for many years. Hang mistletoe in the house and when two people are caught under it together – they’re supposed to kiss so goes the old custom.
51. Goddess Ritual
With Santa, the elves, and Odin getting all the attention during the winter holidays, don’t forget to include the Goddess in your holiday fun. Write and perform a ritual dedicated solely to the Mother Goddess. Perform on the Winter Solstice or on the Full Cold Moon.
52. Snow Fun
If you live in a region that gets snow in the winter, why not get outside in warm clothes and enjoy the winter landscape? Go sledding, build a snowman, have a snowball fight, and make snow angels! Bundle up and enjoy Mother Earth in her glistening, snowy glory!
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folddebt75-blog · 5 years
Here is How to Choose Birthday Bouquets In accordance to Thirty day period
Birthdays give us all the explanation to rejoice daily life and the notion of living on this Earth! For everyone, birthdays are this sort of a particular situation that it requirements to be celebrated in a grand way. It tends to make the odyssey of existence even far more exuberant and fascinating. A birthday reminds us of the time when we entered this beautiful Earth and commenced with the remarkable journey of existence. And, presents perform a significant part in creating this stunning day even more beautiful. Bouquets are the very best alternatives when it comes to gifts! It truly is really critical to contemplate and then choose which flower to gift to a man or woman who is quite substantial in your existence. Interestingly, deciding on a flower according to the start thirty day period of the person is the very best thought to go for. This is how you can select to delight your special somebody not just with a bouquet of bouquets but with a bunch of his/her delivery month flower and that will be the most enchanting present so much. I will clarify right here, which flower is linked with which month... 1. January Thirty day period Flower - 'Carnations' Carnations are considered as the beginning flower for the month of January and it really is considered to be the best choice for gifting to January born men and women when it will come to flowers. It truly is the sober but remarkable attractiveness, the bright spirit and enticingly fairly petals that tends to make them one of the excellent choices for gifting. Symbolizes: Carnations are considered as the symbol of pride, grace, glory, fascination, and the divinity of adore that hold people together with a bond. They can be gifted weather conditions in the kind of blended flower bouquet or you can gift a stunning bunch of carnations to amuse the recipient. two. February Thirty day period Birthday Flower - 'Iris' Iris flower is regarded as as February month birthday flower and this is because of the truth that the Symbolic flower of Greek Goddess, who is also deemed as the messenger of enjoy, is Iris. And, considering that the thirty day period of February is regarded as as the thirty day period of love when the most intimate day of the year, Valentine day is celebrated, Iris is the Birthday flower for February. Symbolizes: The Iris flower symbolizes hope, faith, enthusiasm, love and a cherished friendship! It is the whites and the cool blues of the deep winter season that tends to make Iris ideal bouquets for the thirty day period of February. 3. March Month Birthday Bouquets - 'Daffodil' Daffodils are regarded as the birthday flower of the thirty day period of March! Florist Scottsdale AZ and enchanting petals of the Daffodils will help us specific that it's the presence of the recipient that often tends to make the Solar shine bright and pleasant. It really is the best way of explaining to the other man or woman that how considerably his/her existence is essential to you. Symbolizes: It is considered that daffodils determine an incomparable adore and that gifting these flowers has the electricity to categorical a great deal of the inner thoughts of your heart. Practically nothing can convey that eternal enjoy and care that that vibrant and radiant bunch of daffodils can do. These bouquets are symbols of the beginning of rejuvenating daily life and so are the best issue to welcome springs. 4. April Thirty day period Birthday Bouquets - 'Gerberas' Gerbera is the birthday flower for the blooming thirty day period of April! Gerbera is thought to be the near cousins of the Sunflowers and they have desirable snowy petals which have bright charming styles in the centre. Gerbera daisies are discovered to be the most well-liked of all the daisies and they are found in different colors including yellow, orange, white, pink, purple and white. Symbolizes: It is the vivid tang of these bouquets that tends to make it a best option for illustration of purity, advantage and also cheerfulness. The appear and truly feel of Gerbera is the perfect illustration of the elegance of spring season and how it tends to make us truly feel younger permanently. 5. May possibly Month Birthday Flowers: 'Lily' Lily is the official birthday flower for the thirty day period of May and its delicacy and the calming fragrance can make it so. And, it is that sweet fragrance, fragile white bouquets that lists it amongst one of the most sought-following bouquets for the season of weddings and functions. Symbolizes: Lilies symbolizes honor and the purity of the heart and that is discussed in that enchanting language that these bouquets talk. Also, these Might thirty day period flowers are the vivid illustration of the humility and sweetness. 6. June Month Birthday Bouquets - 'Rose' Rose is the formal Birthday flower for the month of June and you must gift a bunch of some fresh lower roses to the 1 who is born in the thirty day period of June. Also, Roses are regarded as as the most well-known flower and are the most favored options when it arrives to expressing enjoy, notably to a passionate spouse. Symbolizes: Rose is the perfect testament to the pure and serene adore, enthusiasm, intensity and elegance within your coronary heart. And, the birthdays of the men and women born in the Thirty day period of June are considered to possess these perennially lovely traits and they ought to have a bunch of stunning roses on their birthdays. seven. July Month Birthday Bouquets - 'Larkspurs' Larkspurs are the official birthday flowers for the thirty day period of July! These are regarded as genuine blue flowers that are genuinely the illustration of swiftness and lightheartedness. With start off of the melting method of the snow, these flowers commence showing up but they do not develop a lot till July. Symbolizes: Blue Bouquets are the image of humor, comfort, and lightheartedness! They are believed to be the best presents for delighting a expensive one on their birthday falling in the mid-summertime-monsoon. eight. August Month Birthday Bouquets - 'Gladiola' Gladiolas are regarded as as formal birthday flowers for the mo0nth of August! If you are celebrating birthday of an individual shut to your heart in the month August than deciding on a bunch of Gladiolas to reward is an superb notion. That will definitely spread that cheerfulness in your interactions. Symbolizes: Gladioli are considered to be the representation of sincerity and toughness and are the aptest flowers for presenting to a person who is born in the thirty day period of August. nine. September Month Birthday Flowers - 'Aster' Aster is the formal flower for the thirty day period of September and is the aptest flower to gift to someone whose birthday is in the month of September. These bouquets blossom in abundance in summer season months and are located in diverse colours like orange, crimson, white, pink, purple and other shades. Symbolizes: Aster is believed to symbolize love, affection and a sensation of eternal love and gifting this flower provides in that spirit of celebration in the existence of the man or woman. ten. Oct Month Birthday Flowers: 'Marigold' Marigolds are defined as the formal flowers for the thirty day period of October and with their gorgeous beauty, vibrancy, they symbolize the magnificence of life. The vivid and spicy touch and feel of the flower is the excellent representation of the enjoyable adjust in the period. Symbolizes: These lovely and classy orchids are the symbols of brilliance, grace, and affection. It also represents creative imagination, passion, and enjoy and these bouquets specific the concept of getting a comforting hand. eleven. November Month Birthday Flowers: 'Chrysanthemum' Chrysanthemums are regarded as as formal Birthday bouquets for the month of November! Chrysanthemums are 1 of the most popular flowers right after rose and are also known as 'mum'. These are vivid lovely blooms and are very renowned in Japan in which its existence is celebrated as the "competition of happiness". Symbolizes: Chrysanthemums are the symbol of contentment and optimism and they are the excellent options for gifting to somebody who is born in the thirty day period of November. This flower will express the profoundly real sensation of your coronary heart. twelve. December Thirty day period Birthday Bouquets - 'Holly' Holly is the formal birthday flower for the thirty day period of December! Though this flower grows much more in the type of bushes, the barrier at the stop is red and vivid and are the excellent illustration of large spirit. Gifting them in a bunch to a December born is the excellent way to rejoice his/her birthday.
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badgemuseum39-blog · 5 years
Here's How to Pick Birthday Bouquets In accordance to Thirty day period
Birthdays give us all the explanation to celebrate lifestyle and the idea of residing on this Earth! For everyone, birthdays are such a special situation that it needs to be celebrated in a grand way. It can make the odyssey of daily life even much more exuberant and thrilling. A birthday reminds us of the time when we entered this stunning Earth and started out with the wonderful journey of daily life. And, items perform a significant part in producing this gorgeous day even much more beautiful. Flowers are the greatest choices when it arrives to items! It truly is really important to ponder and then decide which flower to present to a person who is fairly significant in your daily life. Curiously, selecting a flower according to the delivery month of the person is the best notion to go for. Here's how you can select to delight your special someone not just with a bouquet of flowers but with a bunch of his/her start month flower and that will be the most enchanting reward so significantly. I will clarify below, which flower is connected with which month... 1. January Thirty day period Flower - 'Carnations' Carnations are regarded as the delivery flower for the thirty day period of January and it really is considered to be the greatest selection for gifting to January born people when it will come to flowers. It really is the sober however remarkable beauty, the vibrant spirit and enticingly fairly petals that helps make them 1 of the ideal selections for gifting. Symbolizes: Carnations are regarded as as the image of pleasure, grace, glory, fascination, and the divinity of enjoy that hold people collectively with a bond. They can be gifted temperature in the sort of combined flower bouquet or you can present a stunning bunch of carnations to amuse the recipient. two. February Thirty day period Birthday Flower - 'Iris' Iris flower is considered as February thirty day period birthday flower and this is simply because of the simple fact that the Symbolic flower of Greek Goddess, who is also regarded as as the messenger of really like, is Iris. And, considering that atatürk çiçeği of February is regarded as the month of really like when the most intimate day of the calendar year, Valentine working day is celebrated, Iris is the Birthday flower for February. Symbolizes: The Iris flower symbolizes hope, faith, enthusiasm, adore and a cherished friendship! It is the whites and the cool blues of the deep winter that helps make Iris best bouquets for the month of February. 3. March Thirty day period Birthday Bouquets - 'Daffodil' Daffodils are regarded as as the birthday flower of the thirty day period of March! The fantastically brilliant and enchanting petals of the Daffodils will help us express that it really is the presence of the recipient that always makes the Sunshine shine vibrant and delightful. It truly is the best way of outlining to the other person that how a lot his/her presence is critical to you. Symbolizes: It is considered that daffodils outline an incomparable really like and that gifting these bouquets has the energy to specific a great deal of the inner thoughts of your heart. Practically nothing can categorical that everlasting enjoy and treatment that that vivid and radiant bunch of daffodils can do. These bouquets are symbols of the starting of rejuvenating life and so are the ideal point to welcome springs. 4. April Month Birthday Flowers - 'Gerberas' Gerbera is the birthday flower for the blooming thirty day period of April! Gerbera is thought to be the shut cousins of the Sunflowers and they have appealing snowy petals which have brilliant charming styles in the centre. Gerbera daisies are located to be the most popular of all the daisies and they are discovered in different colours including yellow, orange, white, pink, red and white. Symbolizes: It is the lively tang of these flowers that can make it a perfect choice for representation of purity, virtue and also cheerfulness. The appear and truly feel of Gerbera is the best illustration of the beauty of spring period and how it can make us feel younger eternally. 5. May Thirty day period Birthday Bouquets: 'Lily' Lily is the official birthday flower for the month of May possibly and its delicacy and the soothing fragrance tends to make it so. And, it is that sweet fragrance, delicate white flowers that lists it amid one of the most sought-right after bouquets for the year of weddings and get-togethers. Symbolizes: Lilies symbolizes honor and the purity of the heart and that is described in that enchanting language that these flowers communicate. Also, these May thirty day period flowers are the vivid illustration of the humility and sweetness. 6. June Thirty day period Birthday Flowers - 'Rose' Rose is the formal Birthday flower for the thirty day period of June and you must reward a bunch of some new reduce roses to the one who is born in the thirty day period of June. Also, Roses are considered as the most well-liked flower and are the most desired selections when it comes to expressing enjoy, specifically to a passionate partner. Symbolizes: Rose is the excellent testomony to the pure and serene adore, passion, intensity and elegance within your coronary heart. And, the birthdays of the individuals born in the Month of June are considered to possess these perennially stunning qualities and they deserve a bunch of lovely roses on their birthdays. seven. July Thirty day period Birthday Bouquets - 'Larkspurs' Larkspurs are the formal birthday bouquets for the month of July! These are deemed as real blue bouquets that are actually the illustration of swiftness and lightheartedness. With begin of the melting procedure of the snow, these flowers begin appearing but they do not grow considerably right up until July. Symbolizes: Blue Flowers are the image of humor, convenience, and lightheartedness! They are considered to be the best gifts for delighting a expensive a single on their birthday falling in the mid-summer-monsoon. 8. August Month Birthday Bouquets - 'Gladiola' Gladiolas are considered as formal birthday flowers for the mo0nth of August! If you are celebrating birthday of an individual shut to your heart in the thirty day period August than picking a bunch of Gladiolas to present is an superb concept. That will undoubtedly distribute that cheerfulness in your relationships. Symbolizes: Gladioli are thought to be the representation of sincerity and power and are the aptest flowers for presenting to an individual who is born in the month of August. nine. September Thirty day period Birthday Bouquets - 'Aster' Aster is the official flower for the thirty day period of September and is the aptest flower to reward to a person whose birthday is in the month of September. These bouquets blossom in abundance in summer time months and are found in different colors such as orange, red, white, pink, purple and other shades. Symbolizes: Aster is thought to symbolize love, affection and a feeling of eternal love and gifting this flower brings in that spirit of celebration in the lifestyle of the particular person. ten. October Thirty day period Birthday Bouquets: 'Marigold' Marigolds are defined as the official bouquets for the thirty day period of Oct and with their lovely elegance, vibrancy, they signify the magnificence of life. The bright and spicy touch and come to feel of the flower is the excellent representation of the pleasurable alter in the time. Symbolizes: These lovely and stylish orchids are the symbols of brilliance, grace, and affection. It also signifies creativity, enthusiasm, and really like and these bouquets specific the information of currently being a comforting hand. 11. November Thirty day period Birthday Flowers: 'Chrysanthemum' Chrysanthemums are regarded as as official Birthday flowers for the thirty day period of November! Chrysanthemums are one particular of the most common flowers soon after rose and are also identified as 'mum'. These are vivid gorgeous blooms and are really popular in Japan exactly where its presence is celebrated as the "pageant of joy". Symbolizes: Chrysanthemums are the symbol of happiness and optimism and they are the excellent alternatives for gifting to a person who is born in the thirty day period of November. This flower will specific the profoundly correct sensation of your coronary heart. twelve. December Thirty day period Birthday Bouquets - 'Holly' Holly is the official birthday flower for the month of December! Even though this flower grows much more in the form of bushes, the barrier at the end is red and bright and are the ideal illustration of large spirit. Gifting them in a bunch to a December born is the excellent way to celebrate his/her birthday.
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z3norear · 2 years
God the Father
October 4, 2000
“I am Lord of the morning and Keeper of the night. I fix the sun, the moon, and the stars in their place. I spill the rain from Heaven to nourish the earth. I press the chill against your cheek when you arise. Unnumbered are the miracles of My creation. I am the Eternal Father, Patriarch of all generations. I am Who am.”
“Thus shall you remember Me and depend upon Me – trusting all the while in My Divine Provision which falls upon all mankind as dew upon the tender grass. As the world was created by a perfect Hand, learn to look for My perfection in every present moment. The tapestry I weave for each soul is unprecedented, the opportunities of grace abundant and irreproachable. I draw you into the secret-most Chambers of My Son’s Eternal Heart.”
October 6, 2000
“I am the Eternal Father, Creator of the Universe. It is I Who command the seasons. It is I Who call life from the earth in the spring. I Who bring forth the young and succulent new life. It is I Who renew the earth, and bring the soft showers to wash away the dormant. I am in the strong wind that forces the clouds past the sun and lifts the dry leaves off of tender new plants.”
“I am in the summer, heating the air with My loving Breath so that all of nature bears fruit in due season.”
“It is I, the Eternal Father, Who in the chill autumn night paint every leaf of all My trees in a perfect pattern so that when you arise you can marvel at My handiwork.”
“I am Lord over all the harvest, the grains of the fields, the fruits and vegetables. It is I Who bear them forth – the plenty of My bounty.”
“In the winter, once again, I give earth Her rest. I chill the air and fill the sky with snowflakes, each one My Own design. A hush falls over earth and for a moment My Benevolent Heart can be felt to beat as My children await the birth of My Only Begotten Son.”
“On which season do I show My greatest favor? On all, just as My plan for each soul is individual and perfect in My Divine Will. I order all things mightily.”
February 23, 2007
I (Maureen) see a large Flame form around the tabernacle and then advance towards me. I understand that It is the Heart of God the Father. He says: “Let us give praise now to Jesus, My Son, ever present in the tabernacles of the world.”
“Realize, My child, that it is by My Hand and through My Divine Will, every grain of sand is formed, every drop of water is put in the ocean, every ray of sunlight brightens your day. I control the movement of the waves upon the shore. It is I Who regulate the formation of every cloud and their place in the sky. If I can do all of this, understand that there is no present moment in its passing that I have not created and given to you. As I give you each moment, I design the circumstances, the crosses and the graces that come with it. Knowing all of this now, see how foolish it is of mankind not to trust in Me.”
“Further, I tell you, while there is much talk about living in My Divine Will, most do not understand how to accomplish this goal. This is why the Revelation of the United Hearts has been given to the world. The Chambers of the United Hearts are a step by step journey into My Divine Will and the Flame of My Heart. You cannot jump from the ground to the top of the ladder without climbing the ladder. You cannot jump into My Divine Will by saying you are there without surrendering to the spiritual journey first. Today there is too much talk about the goal and not enough talk about how to attain it.”
“The spiritual journey through the United Hearts must become familiar to all.”
June 7, 2011
I see a great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says: “I bless you as you sleep. I affirm you as you arise. I enlighten your way with the Flame of My Eternal Love. I provide for your every need; cheer you on in times of challenge. I celebrate with you every victory great and small.”
“I do all of these things for each soul. Yet, many despair. Many curse My Divine Will. These are the ones that do not choose to know Me. These are the ones who depend on human effort and forsake the Divine; but I still reach out to them. I still offer My Provision and My Mercy. It is not I Who reject the sinner, but the sinner who rejects Me. This is because they do not understand how much I love them.”
“I am the Eternal Now. My Heart is a Fatherly Heart. What consolation I offer to those who believe this!”
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dfroza · 3 years
Today’s reading from the ancient book of Proverbs and book of Psalms
for August 16 of 2021 with Proverbs 16 and Psalm 16, accompanied by Psalm 58 for the 58th day of Astronomical Summer and Psalm 78 for day 228 of the year (now with the consummate book of 150 Psalms in its 2nd revolution this year)
[Proverbs 16]
People go about making their plans,
but the Eternal has the final word.
Even when you think you have good intentions,
He knows your real motives.
Whatever you do, do it as service to Him,
and He will guarantee your success.
The Eternal made everything for a reason.
Even wrongdoers fit in His plans; troubled times await them.
He abhors arrogant people.
Make no mistake about it! They will be punished!
The penalty of sin is removed by love and loyalty;
and by devotion to the Eternal, evil is avoided.
When people make good choices, He is pleased;
He even causes their enemies to live peacefully near them.
Better to have little and stand for what is right
than to become rich by doing what is wrong.
People do their best making plans for their lives,
but the Eternal guides each step.
The king makes a decision under divine inspiration,
but he must never render an unfair judgment.
The Eternal requires that business be conducted honestly;
He wants fairness in all your dealings.
When kings commit evil, it is despicable,
because their thrones should be built on justice.
Kings admire those who tell the truth;
they adore those who set the record straight.
A king’s rage signals that people will die,
but whoever is wise will pacify him.
If a king is smiling brightly, life will be granted;
his favor is like a cloud swelled with the first spring rain.
How much better it is to receive wisdom than the riches of gold
and to gain understanding over some silver prize!
The highway of the just bypasses evil;
those who watch where they’re going protect their lives from sin.
Pride precedes destruction;
an arrogant spirit gives way to a nasty fall.
It is better to be humble and live among the poor,
than to divide up stolen property with the proud.
Those devoted to instruction will prosper in goodness;
those who trust in the Eternal will experience His favor.
The wise at heart have a reputation for understanding;
pleasant words make the lips more persuasive.
Understanding for those who have it is a spring of life,
but it is pointless to try and instruct a fool.
From a wise heart flow careful words;
wise words make the lips more persuasive.
Pleasant words are like a honeycomb:
they drip sweet food for life and bring health to the body.
Before every person lies a road that seems to be right,
but at the end of that road death and destruction wait.
People work to stay alive,
pressed daily by their need to eat.
Good-for-nothings conjure up evil ideas;
their conversations fuel destructive fires.
Perverse people stir up contention;
gossip makes best friends into enemies.
Violent people try to recruit their neighbors,
wanting to lead them down the vile path of evil they have chosen.
Body language can expose a person’s intentions:
whoever winks the eye is planning perversity;
whoever purses his lips is intent on evil.
Gray hair is a crown of honor,
earned by living the right kind of life.
It is better to be a patient man than a mighty warrior,
better to be someone who controls his temper than someone who conquers a city.
We may try to control the roll of the dice,
but actually, the Eternal decides what they will determine.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 16 (The Voice)
[Psalm 16]
The Golden Secret
A precious song, engraved in gold, by David
A prayer of David.
Protect me, God, for the only safety I know is found in the moments I seek You.
I told You, Eternal One, “You are my Lord,
for the only good I know in this world is found in You alone.”
The beauty of faith-filled people encompasses me.
They are true, and my heart is thrilled beyond measure.
All the while the despair of many,
who abandoned Your goodness for the empty promises of false gods, increases day by day.
I refuse to pour out blood offerings,
to utter their names from my lips.
You, Eternal One, are my sustenance and my life-giving cup.
In that cup, You hold my future and my eternal riches.
My home is surrounded in beauty;
You have gifted me with abundance and a rich legacy.
I will bless the Eternal, whose wise teaching orchestrates my days
and centers my mind at night.
He is ever present with me;
at all times He goes before me.
I will not live in fear or abandon my calling
because He stands at my right hand.
This is a good life—my heart is glad, my soul is full of joy,
and my body is at rest.
Who could want for more?
You will not abandon me to experience death and the grave
or leave me to rot alone.
Instead, You direct me on the path that leads to a beautiful life.
As I walk with You, the pleasures are never-ending,
and I know true joy and contentment.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 16 (The Passion Translation / The Voice)
[Psalm 58]
For the worship leader. A prayer of David to the tune “Do Not Destroy.”
Can you, panel of judges, get anything right?
When you judge people, do you tell the truth and pursue justice?
No, your real selves have been revealed. You have wickedness in your heart,
and many people have suffered by your hands.
Evildoers are naturally offensive, wayward at birth!
They were born telling lies and willfully wandering from the truth.
Their bite is painful; their venom is like the deadly poison of a snake;
they are like a cobra that closes up its ears
To escape the voice of the charmers,
no matter how enchanting the spells may be.
O God, shatter their teeth in their mouths!
Render the young lions harmless; break out their fangs, O Eternal One.
Let them run off like the waters of a flood,
and though they aim their arrows, let them fly without their heads.
Let them melt like a snail that oozes along;
may they be like a stillborn that never catches its first breath, never sees the sun.
Before your cook pots know the furious flame of a fire of thorns—
whether green or burning—He will blow the wicked away.
Cheers will rise as the right-living watch Him settle the score,
their feet washed in the blood after the onslaught of the wicked.
And it will be heard, “Those who seek justice will be rewarded.
Indeed, there is a God who brings justice to the earth!”
The Book of Psalms, Poem 58 (The Voice)
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itsbulkgemstones · 3 years
Gemstones Define the Beauty of Jewelry – Birthstones by Month
In the January winter hiking I’ll support you by being your Healing supporter; when February will be your Disney land of Love I’ll be your best-mate to support your Love and make it grow; when March would be the end of your financial period I’ll be supporting your financial route; when in April your Wedding anniversary come I’ll be the perfect gift for your partner to express your Love & protection because all we need is someone with whom we can spend ourselves; when you will have a slush of happiness in your way in May, I’ll be there with you in every way; June and July being the Hottest but let me make you cool because a Stone can be a Gem and a Gem can be of use; when the leaves shed you don’t have to shed yourself because I’ll be your water in the August; spend yourself in September and obtain the goal in October because in November you will need a cream to remove the scratches, but I’ll still be there for you to make your life better; Ohh look here comes December Santa and New Year chills will definitely make you go bananas but all you need is a Recharge and Resolution to get go in January again, and I’ll be there for you! Says, Gemstones to the world – Birthstones by Month by Bulk Gemstones
Birthstones by Month  – Every month has, it’s days and says just like that every Month has its Loose Gemstone which makes the going of the mover smooth and gives a sight of peace to the user. Birthday’s are fantastic, right! Cakes, drinks, dates, friends, and other hoolala! A special day for millions of people round the clock and to make that well defined and Astrologically settle every Birth month has its own Gemstones which have its own properties and Healing benefits to the end-user. As soon as you are Born, you get associated with your Birth Month Gemstone. They are mostly vivid in color, size and properties and also unique depending upon their origin. The general saying of Astrology says that having a Gemstone particularly of your Birth month will make your move more smooth as well as the growth. Twelve Stones with twelve months are like partners since the first century, which in turn give their names to the person getting born in that Month.
“Birthstones by Month Chart”
“As the Birthstones by Month Curtain Rolls up “
In the tracts of Sand, there was an urban colony named as Gemstoniya aka province of Gemstones. An apartment of 12 floors was very famous for its mystical appearance as well as floors named as months. Find your Month, find your level. Pretty much mystical process right!
Look, every Home has a Gemstone here-
Hey, I am Garnet, and I was born in the 14’th Century as a dark Red Stone. Being Latin majorly I was reaped from “granatum” which means “seed” luckily my likeness gives a sight of pomegranate. Yes, I live on January Floor. Well, if you ask me about my hard strength, then it’s of 6.5-7.5 on the Mohs scale. You can count on me to bring in peace, prosperity and vigorous vitality in your life and home as faith is what we should believe in and guess what I am the “Gem of Faith”.
To Know More About me – Red Garnet
Taking a few Steps up to February Floor-
Hey, I am Amethyst. Yes, a Gorgeous blended Gemstone of purple and red color which makes me Purple Quartz. The part itself is found abundant in the Earth’s crust. Meanwhile, I just gifted myself to my partner as it was our 6’th year of marriage anniversary and planning the same, but more beautifully for our 17’th wedding anniversary.
To Know More About me – Amethyst.
Making our Way up to the March Floor-
Hey, We are Aquamarine and Blood-stone, don’t worry we won’t suck your blood, Hahahha! Fortunate people of march be pristine just like a sea because your Birthstone is like a sea; Aquamarine, a word derived from a Latin word Aqua which is often Light in tone but can range from greenish blue to blue-green. What the Stone says is – In ancient period Romans believed that I am supposed to be used as an antidote for poisoning which is a great deed being a Gemstone but guess what you can gift me to a bride as a symbol of Love and unity as well as on your 19’th Wedding Anniversary. With that, I would say that live Life make friends and if any friction arises with your enemies, I got your back!
Wooh Wooh! This Sea Stone is amazing but put your eyes on me as I am the Second Birthstone for those lucky people although I carry blood in the name, but that is just a context not to be taken literally. Just like your biceps have veins this dark-green Gemstone of iron oxide also have visible veins which makes it one of the good looking as well as Good-Quality Gemstone. Some have t-shirt as their lucky charm while some wear Blood-stone as a lucky charm and the universe is fine if you use me as everyday wear. Well, with blood, I didn’t mean to suck your blood but to Heal your blood disorder.
To Know More About us –  Blue Aquamarine | Blood-Stone
Going up is giving a great Kick, and here we are on April Floor-
If you can see, this Shiny Gemstone is rocking! Urrgh! It’s so tough to break, but people shine bright like a Diamond! Blue, Red, Pink, Green and Brown take any color this Gemstone always Shines and holds a great value in the market although April has a day of making April fool of someone. Still, it Shines by associating itself from this Gemstone. What stone has to say – Your wedding is incomplete without me & guess what as long as your bond is, I am as tough as anything in this World. Considering the luster and the polish them do you even have a doubt on it? Admired for centuries and traded since 4 BC, I became a symbol for long-lasting Love & eternal bliss and also a partner in engagement. Beauty which shines looks more sparkling when worn.
To Know More About me – Diamond
Going on our Way in May Floor-
Make way for May because Spring is its Heart and Birthdays in may go right in the Heart. Welcome the rebirth master of the month as Emerald a Precious Gemstone is believed to cede the owner with prosperity, youth, good fortune and foresight. The green color of the Gemstone will always make you go in Life, but the catch is, the deeper the color is, the higher is its value.
To Know More About me – Zambian Emerald
As the Temperature Starts to Rise with the Floor, we got Ourselves Tuned in June-
A month of vacations and the start of summer is associated with 3 birthstones – Pearl, Alexandrite & Moonstone. Being a living creature in the World, this Gemstone is also made by the living creatures as mollusk produces the Pearl. The calcium carbonate Gemstone also appears in green, blue, dyed yellow, brown, purple, pink or black, although black pearl is very rare.
A modern Gemstone is what this modern public desires as it is discovered in Russian Emerald mines and is named to honor Russian Czar Alexander. Yes, the Gemstone of chameleon-like color; Alexandrite which is described as “Emerald by day, Ruby by night” can change color in daylight from bluish-green to purple-red under beaming light. By en-kindling the mind, it also aids creativity and concentration.
As June babies are the moon and for that moon, the month has a Moonstone; a stone of milky glow just like moonlight on water. The Gemstone is relatively low in hardness on the Mohs scale (6). However, still, utmost care is needed to be taken with its Jewelry or Bracelets.
To Know More About us – Pearl, Alexandrite & Rainbow Moonstone
Siping a Juice on July Floor-
A month of peak summer where the sun shines bright orangish-yellow the month enjoys the Red as Ruby, one of the luring Gemstone is associated with the month which measures 9 on Mohs scale. However, Diamond still holds the position in hardness. Energy amplifying, Life force and vitality of blood is the bequest for the Ruby user, but it heights courage, property, and Love.
To Know More About me – Burma Ruby
And the Water is pure Like August Floor-
The month of flush and Shine as the Lime Gemstone makes a way in waters of August; Peridot, derived from the Arabic faridat aka, “Gem”. The Gemstone is as rare as its quality as it is known as “The Evening Emerald” because of its gleaming green tint. With the hardness of 6.5-7, the Gemstone is apt to cracking during cutting.
Zebra crossing is meant to make you safe on a Busy road just like that this Gemstone layered like a zebra strip in reddish color with white bands; Sardonyx a Gemstone combined with alternating layers of sard (where the Red Stone is found) and Onyx ( a greek word which means “nail or claw”). Being relatively inexpensive Gemstone sardonyx is used as a Gemstone for protection & strength but is also associated with cheerfulness, spirit and clear communication.
Spin with Spinel as the Gemstone is at times taken as Ruby or Pink Sapphire due to its similarity. The striking fact just like the Gemstone is – the most Recognized Rubies turned out to be Spinel. The Gemstone as desirable as its red color but bright pink, cobalt blue, and bright orange also follow.
To Know More About us – Sardonyx, Black Spinel & Peridot
Step up on the Richness of September Floor-
Fancy is what is month keeps with it as the Rich blue color Gemstone is its date. Generally, it can be of any color. Still, blue is fancy also Pink Sapphires drafts a fine line between Ruby and Sapphire. Being second to the Diamond, the hardness is of 9 on Mohs scale and symbolizes loyalty, integrity, sincerity, and nobility. Not only a Gemstone of high value, but Sapphire also brings focus to mind, self-discipline, and challenges higher powers.
To Know More About me – Blue Sapphire
Going up with a Beer in October Floor – Birthstones by Month
Seeing a Rainbow is a bliss to eyes for an instance just like that having a Gemstone which changes color is the richness in itself as the month is associated with -Opal Gemstone; a kaleidoscopic Gemstone which stimulates tone as well as Tourmaline; a Gemstone which have a broad spectrum of colors and known as a Stone of mixed colors. Where Opal is taken as a Gemstone for good luck and is a popular choice in the users, Tourmaline (Black Tourmaline) is used to protect against evil forces and negative energy but is also used to curb out negative thoughts and toxins.
To Know More About us – Ethiopian Opal & Multi Tourmaline
November Floor Blooms and Sun – Birthstones by Month
A Gemstone derived from the red sea but appears to be Yellow; Topaz measuring 8 on the Mohs scale and one of the hard & durable Gemstone. The cleavage of this Gemstone makes it prone to chipping or cracking.
Accompanying Topaz a Gemstone resembling the sweetness of honey and paleness of yellow; Citrine which resembles Topaz. Wear and tear, but a durable Gemstone makes an excellent choice for everyday wearable jewelry.
To Know More About us – London Blue Topaz & Citrine
Chills in every Member as it is December Floor, having old but the Finest Mined!
Nips of December gives a mist sight and just like that this zoisite of exquisite Blue-Purple Gemstone- Tanzanite is associated with the month. Being a Gemstone named after its origin country Tanzania. Founded in 1967, Tanzanite is treasured by non-December borns as well because of its deep blue color. Still, the Gemstone is not as hard as Sapphire but substitutes it. A Beautiful but dainty Gemstone of the month.
Apart from Tanzania, the month is also governed by a Persian Gemstone named as “Zircon”; sounds pretty much like dish, isn’t it? Although not be eaten, but the Gemstone is gold-colored although it is its gleaming color with blue in the account as well. Being a shivery Gemstone, its faceted frames can chip as it is one of the oldest minerals on Earth.
While Tanzania and Persia gave their old and most exceptionally mined Gemstone here again Persia gave its distinct colored Gemstone names as – Turquoise; aged since 13’th century a sensitive Gemstone which is prone to solvents like perfume, natural oils and makeup also sunlight as well. Gemstone craved by talisman is highly regarded for its eye warming color and timeless history as ancient Egyptians used the Gemstone as a mark for conferring of sovereignty, safeguard against falls to ceremonial masks.
To Know More About us – Tanzanite, Zircon & Sleeping Beauty Turquoise
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soccermomzone-blog · 4 years
Here's How to Choose Birthday Flowers According to Month
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irthdays give us all the reason to celebrate life and the idea of living on this Earth!
For everyone, birthdays are such a special occasion that it needs to be celebrated in a grand way. It makes the odyssey of life even more exuberant and exciting. A birthday reminds us of the time when we entered this beautiful Earth and started with the amazing journey of life.
And, gifts play a significant role in making this beautiful day even more beautiful. Flowers are the best choices when it comes to gifts! It's quite important to contemplate and then decide which flower to gift to a person who is quite significant in your life. Interestingly, choosing a flower according to the birth month of the person is the best idea to go for.
Here's how you can choose to delight your special someone not just with a bouquet of flowers but with a bunch of his/her birth month flower and that will be the most enchanting gift so far. I will explain here, which flower is associated with which month...
1. January Month Flower - 'Carnations'
Carnations are considered as the birth flower for the month of January and it's believed to be the best option for gifting to January born people when it comes to flowers. It's the sober yet amazing beauty, the bright spirit and enticingly pretty petals that makes them one of the perfect choices for gifting.
Carnations are considered as the symbol of pride, grace, glory, fascination, and the divinity of love that hold humans together with a bond. They can be gifted weather in the form of mixed flower bouquet or you can gift a stunning bunch of carnations to amuse the recipient.
2. February Month Birthday Flower - 'Iris'
Iris flower is considered as February month birthday flower and this is because of the fact that the Symbolic flower of Greek Goddess, who is also considered as the messenger of love, is Iris. And, since the month of February is considered as the month of love when the most romantic day of the year, Valentine day is celebrated, Iris is the Birthday flower for February.
The Iris flower symbolizes hope, faith, passion, love and a cherished friendship! It is the whites and the cool blues of the deep winter that makes Iris perfect flowers for the month of February.
3. March Month Birthday Flowers - 'Daffodil'
Daffodils are considered as the birthday flower of the month of March! The beautifully bright and enchanting petals of the Daffodils helps us express that it's the presence of the recipient that always makes the Sun shine bright and delightful. It's the perfect way of explaining to the other person that how much his/her presence is important to you.
It is believed that daffodils define an incomparable love and that gifting these flowers has the power to express a lot of the feelings of your heart. Nothing can express that eternal love and care that that bright and radiant bunch of daffodils can do. These flowers are symbols of the beginning of rejuvenating life and so are the best thing to welcome springs.
4. April Month Birthday Flowers - 'Gerberas'
Gerbera is the birthday flower for the blooming month of April! Gerbera is believed to be the close cousins of the Sunflowers and they have attractive snowy petals which have bright charming designs in the centre. Gerbera daisies are found to be the most popular of all the daisies and they are found in various colours including yellow, orange, white, pink, red and white.
It is the vibrant tang of these flowers that makes it a perfect choice for representation of purity, virtue and also cheerfulness. The look and feel of Gerbera is the perfect representation of the beauty of spring season and how it makes us feel young forever.
5. May Month Birthday Flowers: 'Lily'
Lily is the official birthday flower for the month of May and its delicacy and the soothing fragrance makes it so. And, it is that sweet fragrance, delicate white flowers that lists it among one of the most sought-after flowers for the season of weddings and parties.
Lilies symbolizes honor and the purity of the heart and that is explained in that enchanting language that these flowers speak. Also, these May month flowers are the vivid representation of the humility and sweetness.
6. June Month Birthday Flowers - 'Rose'
Rose is the official Birthday flower for the month of June and you must gift a bunch of some fresh cut roses to the one who is born in the month of June. Also, Roses are considered as the most popular flower and are the most preferred choices when it comes to expressing love, particularly to a romantic partner.
Rose is the perfect testament to the pure and serene love, passion, intensity and beauty inside your heart. And, the birthdays of the people born in the Month of June are believed to possess these perennially beautiful qualities and they deserve a bunch of gorgeous roses on their birthdays.
7. July Month Birthday Flowers - 'Larkspurs'
Larkspurs are the official birthday flowers for the month of July! These are considered as real blue flowers that are truly the representation of swiftness and lightheartedness. With start of the melting process of the snow, these flowers begin appearing but they do not grow much until July.
Blue Flowers are the symbol of humor, comfort, and lightheartedness! They are believed to be the perfect gifts for delighting a dear one on their birthday falling in the mid-summer-monsoon.
8. August Month Birthday Flowers - 'Gladiola'
Gladiolas are considered as official birthday flowers for the mo0nth of August! If you are celebrating birthday of someone close to your heart in the month August than choosing a bunch of Gladiolas to gift is an excellent idea. That will definitely spread that cheerfulness in your relationships.
Gladioli are believed to be the representation of sincerity and strength and are the aptest flowers for presenting to someone who is born in the month of August.
9. September Month Birthday Flowers - 'Aster'
Aster is the official flower for the month of September and is the aptest flower to gift to someone whose birthday is in the month of September. These flowers blossom in abundance in summer months and are found in different colours including orange, red, white, pink, purple and other shades.
Aster is believed to symbolize love, affection and a feeling of eternal love and gifting this flower brings in that spirit of celebration in the life of the person.
10. October Month Birthday Flowers: 'Marigold'
Marigolds are defined as the official flowers for the month of October and with their gorgeous beauty, vibrancy, they represent the magnificence of life. The bright and spicy touch and feel of the flower is the perfect representation of the pleasant change in the season.
These beautiful and classy orchids are the symbols of brilliance, grace, and affection. It also represents creativity, passion, and love and these flowers express the message of being a comforting hand.
11. November Month Birthday Flowers: 'Chrysanthemum'
Chrysanthemums are considered as official Birthday flowers for the month of November! Chrysanthemums are one of the most popular flowers after rose and are also known as 'mum'. These are vibrant beautiful blooms and are very famous in Japan where its presence is celebrated as the "festival of happiness".
Chrysanthemums are the symbol of happiness and optimism and they are the perfect choices for gifting to someone who is born in the month of November. This flower will express the profoundly true feeling of your heart.
12. December Month Birthday Flowers - 'Holly'
Holly is the official birthday flower for the month of December! Although this flower grows more in the form of bushes, the barrier at the end is red and bright and are the perfect representation of high spirit. Gifting them in a bunch to a December born is the ideal way to celebrate his/her birthday.
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Feysand Wedding 2.0
“Rhysand you need to calm the fuck down.” Cassian held Rhys by his shoulders to stop him from pacing. “You’re literally already married this is just a redo of the ceremony so that you can have your wonderful family and friends and court see it since you so lovingly decided to not invite anyone the first time.”
Rhys could sense the sarcastic venom in Cassian’s voice, but he was too nervous to care. “What if I stumble during my vows, or trip into her when I’m leaning in to kiss her! Oh lord what if I accidentally hit her or the priest or someone else with one of my wings?” As Rhys’ hands wove through his, now unkempt, hair in stress, Azriel walked in with a handful of muffins.
“I just checked in with the girls, Feyre’s going to be ready in about 10 minutes. I’m letting the guests into the foyer and they can head out to the balcony as soon as they give me the five minute signal.” Azriel, being observant as ever, sensed Rhys’ stress(although it was so abundant a tree a thousand miles away could’ve sensed the tension coursing through Rhys), and stretched out a muffin.
Rhys silently shook his head and resumed his pacing as Cassian reached out and plucked the muffing from Az’s outstretched hand. Eating over half the muffin in one large bite that would’ve disgusted Nesta had she been there, he gave Azriel a gesture that said, Go talk some sense into that asshat please. He won’t listen to me.
Quickly understanding, Azriel crossed over to Rhys who was sitting at the island in the kitchen. “Rhysand why are you so stressed over this?” Placing the muffins on the counter, Azriel pulled up a stool and sat next to him. “You’ve already done this, you two are mates, you two love each other, and you both have no doubt that you’ll both say ��I do.’ So why are you stressed out?”
Rhys reached for a muffin and stared down at it as he thought. “I don’t want this marriage to turn out the way it did for my mother and father. They were mates and loved each other, but it didn’t turn out right. I don’t want Feyre and me to be that.” Flashbacks of everything came to Rhys, and he picked and ate small pieces of the muffin. Of the nights Under the Mountain, when he had hated every second that he had to play the part of the abusive asshole, of Starfall and Feyre’s glowing freckles, and her dress. The dress that Rhys hadn’t seen on anyone since his mother had died. “I don’t want to mess it up, Az.”
“Cauldron boil me, you truly are an idiot Rhys.” Az turned and leaned against the counter. “You’ve seen each other die. You literally made a bargain that you would fade at the same time! There’s statistically a zero percent chance of this marriage getting screwed up. We have seven minutes until we need to get this ceremony started, I’m going to leave you here so you can get your shit together, but if you decide that it’s too much just reach out. Okay?”
Rhys nodded, feeling as if he couldn’t speak, and stood up to pour himself a glass of the amber whiskey he loved so much. Gods damn it Rhysand, Azriel and Cassian are right. You need to get your shit together. He tilted the glass up to his lips as a voice called his name from the door, stirring him from his thoughts.
“Honestly cousin, I can’t believe you’re getting a head start on the drinking without telling me.” Mor was leaning in the doorframe, her hair in voluminous curls that spilled over he exposed shoulders until meeting the partial sleeves of her red dress with a plunging neckline and a sheer and shimmery material covering the numerous cutouts along the torso. Her skirt was slitted so far up Rhys could see the very bottom edge of her panties with her leg bent and leaning up against the frame.
“Wow, Morrigan, you look stunning, but I thought I told you to cover up a bit for the very formal ceremony?” Rhys set the glass down, lips tilting up in the smirk he wore so often, but it was empty, there wasn’t the mischievous gleam that was always present in his eyes.
“Can’t you tell i did? I’m sweating in these long sleeves.” Mor stood and strode towards her cousin, moving with easy elegance, and reached for the glass he had set down moments before. “Now why are you in here? I was going to grab a quick drink before giving Az the five minute signal, but looks like you’re going to down the whole supply of the strong shit.”
“Have you ever considered that you might have a problem?” Rhys asked as Mor leaned her head back and down the entire glass with two swift gulps.
“I’m not an alcoholic, cousin, just happy. Now get your panties out of its twist and go outside on the balcony before I left everyone out there before you.” Mor spun and exited. Letting out a sigh, Rhys followed, heading out to the balcony to prepare for the city’s viewing.
Knowing he had about five minutes, Rhys quickly got to work, sending out orbs that absorbed the darkness around them, leaving a soft and ambient glow upon the balcony. Content with his work, Rhys leaned back against the railing nearly falling off, before glancing up to see Az and Cassian flying up above him.
Idiots, he thought before flying up to talk some sense into them.
“No no no no no.” Cassian quickly yelled as Rhys began flying up. “You’ll ruin your suit! Plus, the guests are going to be on the balcony at any moment, and you need to be ready!” Rhys, hearing him, hesitated between yelling at his brothers, or being ready for the ceremony before choosing the latter.
“You little shit.” He muttered as he landed just before the doors opened and the guests began pouring out.
Aside from a few friends they’d had out in the Illyrian legions, there were also a few townspeople, like Rita, Varian, as well as the restaurant owner, along with other people that Inner Circle held dear, including the high lords sans Beron, who they’d neglected to send an invitation to, and Tamlin, who had RSVPed saying no.
There were people from all different courts, and when everyone had been seated, the priest at the altar with Rhys, the music began. The music that Rhys had once sent to Feyre so long ago to keep her alive, and the doors opened once more, with Elain holding a basket, sprinkling the red rose petals along the walkway, with Nesta, followed by Mor and Amren, the four of them in dresses of similar styles to Mor’s but in drastically different colors. Before Rhys could contemplate and laugh at Varian’s reaction to Amren’s scandalous black attire, the air left his lungs as the doors opened one final time, Alis from Summer walking down, closely followed by Feyre.
Feyre glanced down at the walkway, saw the red petals, and looked up with a soft smile directed at Rhys. I’m okay. She said, slipping through his shields. They don’t hurt me anymore.
Her dress was truly spectacular. It had a halter neckline, and was a dark bluish purple, with iridescent and translucent layers of lighter blues and greens and pinks. It was an aurora borealis, and it trailed behind her, the hem of her skirt accented with intricate designs mimicking the tattoo she had received so long ago, as well as incorporating the mountains with three stars. Similar to her Starfall dress, this dress sparkled as if it was the night sky itself, and Feyre stared at Rhys with such a bright smile that tears appeared in both of their eyes.
The music trailed off as Feyre stepped up onto the altar, and the priest began speaking. But all of it was blurred, and it wasn’t until Rhys registered that he was supposed to say his vows that he could think in full sentences again. 
“A long time ago, I had lost hope in the world. I had lost hope that there would be any change for our world that we had grown to love to be salvaged. I had just accepted that Hybern had won, and that we would spend the rest of our lives in eternal pain. But then I started having dreams with flashes of imagery. Scenes of hunting, meals, laughing, and painting. And in that moment, I had a shred of hope. Those scenes communicated such a strong feeling of happiness that I couldn’t help but imagine my home, the night sky, my family, and everything that had brought me joy. 
“Finally, I met the woman behind the scenes. And it killed me every day to know that she was happy with someone who wasn’t me. But a miracle happened, and she didn’t hate me anymore. We became close, experienced so much, and found out about the mating bond, that bond of fate that held us together. And the moment she offered me that bowl of soup, I couldn’t have been happier.
“My family has always been missing something, and I’ve finally found it. And m-our family is now complete for a little while.” 
Rhys wiped the tears from his eyes and said the words he would never stop saying. “I love you, Feyre darling.” 
Feyre’s shoulders shook with laughter as she gently joked, “Gods damn it, Rhys. Why do you have to be so good at speeches?”
“It’s just one of my many talents,” he replied with that smirk, the gleam returned. 
“Mother, my vows seem like garbage compared to yours.” Feyre grinned. “All I ever wanted was to be happy. And so long ago, my vision of happiness was having enough food to go around, with plenty of time to paint and spend time with my father. Now, you have taught me that happiness is something that can be found whenever I need it. You have saved me, Rhysand, and for that I am eternally grateful.” 
They joined hands, their smiles glowing, as the priest began speaking again. 
“Do you, Feyre Arch-” 
“Yeah yeah, I do.” 
“And do you-”
“You know it.” 
“Then, by the power vested in me, I pronounce you, husband and wife, mates, and High Lady and High Lord of the Night Court. You may now-”
But Rhys had already leaned in and crushed Feyre against him, Cassian and Azriel flying overhead, sending out fireworks with their magic as the townspeople far below erupted with applause and cheers along with the audience on the balcony. 
And as Rhys and Feyre pulled away and looked into each other’s eyes, they carried the promise that they would be the Stars Eternal and Night Triumphant for a long, long time. 
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bothsandneithers · 3 years
Day 3494
Spring visited for a weekend in Colorado, and then it turned into summer without the consent of its inhabitants. The little air conditioner in the bedroom has to do more than what should be expected of it. It has to generate enough cold air for there to be a little extra, so that a fan in the doorway can then take what is left and try to disperse it through the rest of the little house. This little house.
A brief history of the year 2021, to-date: Both nothing has happened, and everything has happened.
The couch saw yet another five years of use in five months. I think I finally reached the bottom of the Netflix barrel. I read a few books. The fig tree grew two feet. In regular times, this would have occurred seemingly overnight. But, during these days, I cheered on each new leaf and each stem’s growth spurt, because there was little else to pay attention to.
Yet, in this little house, so many things happened. Sometimes, these things were just news stories that surfaced through a screen, and the actual origin was far away.
In January, an insurrection unfolded in the capital. Depending who you talk to, either the vice president was almost assassinated, or the whole ordeal was more of a low key and orderly march through a public building. The dichotomy of realities expressed in this moment was far too familiar for many of us, and fatigue forced us to place the event in the “to be processed later” tray of our unconscious minds.
Other things surfaced through the screen in the home, but they were nearby.
In February, one of the engines fell off as the airplane flew over Broomfield. Nobody was hurt, and everybody now has a better appreciation for the engines on a triple seven, because one of them landed in the yard of a medium-sized house, and it was just as tall, and maybe half as wide.
In March, there was a shooting at the beloved grocery store in Boulder (active voice just doesn’t sound right here). A shooting has never made me feel like this before. The “this” of the sentence is still largely unknown to me. I think that it has something to do with the magnitude of the violent act that reverberated through the community in a way that, probably on some primal level, was perceived as a threat to disrupt the fabric from which my own identity was formed.
A complicated fabric, Boulder is, but my heart ached, nonetheless. At its core, Boulder is rich and it lacks diversity. Yet, in my version of this town, I ate lunch for free, and received medical treatment at the people’s clinic on a sliding pay scale. My closest friends didn’t speak English in their homes. In my orbit of the town, the rich people never really bothered me. Only during this first half of 2021 did I realize that maybe this is because they are just trying to leverage their money into chasing after something that I was born into: An abundance of third spaces, and an adoration for nature.
Still, other events surfaced through the screen that would not make even the local news.
At the beginning of the pandemic, I read a headline about people being laid off from their jobs through the cruel replacement for human connection: Zoom. I shuddered at the thought of this inhumane act (I still do). Surely, we could find a way to avoid further disrupting lives during the pandemic. Surely, the composers of this questionable melody of eternal growth could pause their orchestra for a moment, at least for the duration of this particular crisis.
In April, those feelings of disbelief re-emerged as I sat on a video call, with fifteen other intelligent heads and their little artifacts of their lives behind them that I have affectionately grown to recognize as small indicators that they had worlds outside of these calls. Together, we learned the news that all of our jobs have been eliminated, and that human resources would schedule an online meeting with each of us to read us our rights.
In May, I was offered a job, south of San Francisco. It was a confusing decision to make for a number of reasons. One of the louder reasons: Did I want to leave my home?
In this little house, the antibodies from the vaccine have grown to be full defenders in my body. Protected and ready to go, I have found there is little more to do in this safe little harbor. There is little to do, but to identify the few belongings that have proved themselves to be useful enough to be transported across the country. With this move, hopefully one era – abundantly full of both nothingness and far too many things – is coming to an end, and another story is beginning.
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Bookshelf Briefs 1/25/20
Again!!, Vol. 12 | By Mitsurou Kubo | Kodansha Comics – For better or worse, Again!! has always been unpredictable. I appreciate that it didn’t always follow the expected story beats, but at the same time, the inconsistency has been frustrating. For example, Imamura’s fluctuating dedication to the Ouendan had him proclaim at one point how much he wanted his grandma to see him cheering, and had that occurred it would’ve been a heart-tugging moment. But it didn’t happen. Instead, Imamura returns from another do-over (this time, flashing to a future in which his death inspired the other characters) with an apathetic attitude that eventually prompts him to return to 2014—a future where his grandmother is dead—without apparently a single pang about it. The ending is also kind of abrupt and ambiguous. In the end, I find myself wishing this had been more predictable, ‘cos at least it would’ve been more satisfying. – Michelle Smith
Chihayafuru, Vol. 18 | By Yuki Suetsugu | Kodansha Comics (digital only) – This volume is full of choices for Chihaya. It’s time to complete another career survey, and this time she fills in a more realistic goal than becoming Queen. It’s also less ambitious, however, and thus her karuta advisor comes to see her play at the Yoshino Club Tournament to ask someone with more experience whether Chihaya really has the potential to become Queen. Happily, she’s playing with more precision and focus than ever, but her next opponent is Haruka Inokuma, a 4-time former Queen, so her chances really hinge on how she fares in that match. (I suspect Taichi vs. Arata is in the offing, as well.) Too, the school trip conflicts with the Master/Queen qualifiers, and Chihaya must choose which side of herself she wants to cultivate more. I seriously love this series and am eagerly anticipating the next volume! – Michelle Smith
Dr. STONE, Vol. 9 | By Riichiro Inagaki and Boichi | Viz Media – Perhaps being interesting was too much to ask, but Taiju and Yuzuriha are at least contributing now that they’ve been added to Senku’s team—Taiju by being a literal tank soaking up damage, and Yuzuriha by apparently taking all the statues that Tsukasa smashed and sewing them together, presumably so they can be revived. If this seems farfetched, it’s no more so than finding the hospital where Tsukasa’s terminally ill little sister was located and unstoning her, which apparently also cures her illness. That said, Tsukasa may not be the end boss, as there’s another who’s been waiting for the moment to make his debut as a Big Bad. This continues to be ridiculous but also cool. – Sean Gaffney
Hatsu*Haru, Vol. 10 | By Shizuki Fujisawa | Yen Press – Best Couple get the cover, and I continue to be more interested in them than I am Riko and Kai, who are cute and all but also somewhat predictable. The four of them go to the hot springs, mostly as Riko is too nervous to be alone with Kai, and Takaya learns that Ayumi leaves herself wide open. After a cute but slight Valentine’s chocolate chapter, the best part comes when Ayumi gets a bad cold and Takaya visits, meeting her parents and finding out she’s actually pretty rich and her family are famous film creators. Ayumi is not yet ready to reciprocate Takaya’s feelings, but she does open up to him about wanting to seek her own path. It’s great to see, and we have three volumes left after this, so I’m sure it will work out. – Sean Gaffney
ROADQUEEN: Eternal Roadtrip to Love | By Mira Ong Chua | Seven Seas – While not technically manga, ROADQUEEN will likely still appeal both stylistically and thematically to readers who enjoy Japanese comics. In particular, the volume makes an excellent addition to Seven Seas’ catalog of yuri titles. ROADQUEEN originated as a short online comic, followed up by a much longer multi-chapter sequel. Both of these stories and an additional bonus comic are collected in this volume. Leo, the prince of Princess Andromeda Academy, only has eyes for Bethany—her motorcycle. At least until Vega arrives on the scene and steals Bethany away. Vega promises she’ll give the bike back, but only after Leo proves that she can be a decent lesbian (not to mention human being). ROADQUEEN is deliberately over-the-top, Chua obviously having a lot of fun playing with tropes, but it can actually be very touching, too. With an abundance of humor and a ton of heart, ROADQUEEN is an absolute delight. – Ash Brown
Saki the Succubus Hungers Tonight, Vol. 1 | By Mikokuno Homare and studio HIP-CATs | Ghost Ship – I will admit that for a title that’s coming out via the Ghost Ship label, which means “borderline porn,” this is pretty cute. Saki is a fairly new, still virginal succubus who has been thrown out of her family home as she’s old enough to be finding men to “feed” on, but she’s honestly a bit too shy for all that. She is thus near starvation when found by Renta, an adult salaryman who is also a virgin. They clearly fall for each other pretty fast, but are also both innocent and clueless, so nothing happens… well, OK, something happens, she manages to “feed,” but the plot is still “will they ever actually do anything” and the answer is likely “no.” Still, for tease, this is relatively cute and sweet. – Sean Gaffney
Snow White with the Red Hair, Vol. 5 | By Sorata Akiduki | Viz Media – Welp, despite what I thought, the series does not end just because the main couple confessed. Indeed, most of the volume involves separating the two—not by design, but simply as Shirayuki has been invited to another country for a get together… her old country, where Prince Raj is. Indeed, after having it out with her a couple of volumes ago, Raj is seemingly turning over a new leaf, but that doesn’t mean he’s comfortable around her at all—he never expected she’d accept the invitation. Her bodyguard for this journey is Obi, and I note that this series is very good at having a bunch of guys in it who are not immediately in love with the heroine. Whether that’s true of the new villain introduced here, who knows? – Sean Gaffney
Teasing Master Takagi-san, Vol. 7 | By Soichiro Yamamoto | Yen Press – Having established that our leads will end up married with a child in the future, the series can now slowly move forward in increments, culminating in the final chapter here, where Nishikata, of his own volition, asks Takagi to the summer festival. But we’re also looking back, as we get to see how the two of them first met, and how Nishikata’s two basic qualities—a nice guy with great faces when he’s embarrassed or upset—inspire Takagi almost immediately. I’m not sure this is exactly when she falls for him, but she certainly has by the end of this book, which gives us another nice blushing reaction from her. Oh yes, and there’s still plenty of teasing. You expected something else? – Sean Gaffney
The Way of the Househusband, Vol. 2 | By Kousuke Oono | VIZ Media – This was another fun volume of The Way of the Househusband, in which Tatsu tries aerobics and yoga, intimidates a yakuza by offering him kitchen gadgets, eradicates stubborn stains in Masa’s laundry, plays volleyball with housewives, and more. I really appreciate that we saw more of Miku, his wife, this time around, and probably my favorite chapter is the final one, in which her parents drop by for a visit. Even though the fish-out-of-water setup in this series reminds me of the premise of Saint Young Men, The Way of the Househusband is not only visually superior (better art, great pacing to jokes), but has more heart, especially the bonus chapter in which we see Miku’s dad practicing for the moment when he asks Tatsu if he wants to go outside and play catch. I stop short of calling the manga sweet, but it’s wholly endearing. Highly recommended. – Michelle Smith
Yowamushi Pedal, Vol. 13 | By Wataru Watanabe | Yen Press – Yowamushi Pedal, Vol. 13 | By Wataru Watanabe | Yen Press – OK, I was probably foolish to think the race would end in this volume. We’re gonna have to wait for fourteen. But in return, we get so much shonen sports at its best. Midousuji does his best, but then crashes and burns. Instead, it’s Manami who gets the bulk of this book, where we discover that he enjoys shifting gears higher when he should be doing the opposite, just to make things even more fun. That said, he shouldn’t dismiss our hero, Onoda, who has his pedaling and his Pretty Princess song to keep him going forever. (Oh yes, and his mother shows up—apparently at rando, as he never told her about the race? This was the funniest part of the book.) Things should end next volume… well, at least this race. – Sean Gaffney
By: Ash Brown
0 notes
tipsycad147 · 4 years
Bewitching Glamour
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The timeless, eternally beautiful sorceress slowly removes her dramatic ruby choker, placing it with intention upon a table. Turning away, she walks gingerly to her bed and begins to undergo an extraordinary transformation. The vibrant rouge mane turns to snow white, the supple body changes shape, and the luminous eyes cloud as the exquisite face acquires a new texture. As she lies down with great effort, her true self is revealed: She is, in fact, a very old woman.
But we see her quite differently. Is the magic in the necklace? Perhaps. She is, after all, a very powerful witch. With ancient lineage and skills honed for decades, she is quite capable of enchanting an object through many moons. Or is it her? Does her own inner fire burn so brightly as to alter our perception?
Many cultures claim the origin of glamoury, a form of witchcraft that prompts the world to see the sorceress as she desires to be seen, with reality firmly hidden in shadow. From the old Norse, to the French, Greek, and eventually Celtic, the term has meant “illusion,” “spoken words,” and “enchantment.” It is actually a mélange of all these things, coming together to form a familiar ritual—a spell just like any other, with focus as its ignition, visualization and senses creating form, and passion amplified by cosmic waves raising energy.
One thing ancient witches could all agree upon is that the success of glamour magic depends upon the personal allure or magnetism of the witch performing it. Charisma, from the Greek word meaning “the grace of the gods,” is a mysterious quality that some seem to just naturally possess, but it can really be defined quite simply: Life force. Chi. Vitality. The more energy that is invested in your own wellness, health, and balance, the stronger all your magic will be.
Mind you, glamours aren’t actual physical changes but rather controlled or directed projections. It is a way to put forth certain traits or features that you wish to be seen as dominant, noticeable, so that they become part of the first and lasting impression. Remember that what we focus on gathers strength, so if you are always staring in your mirror obsessing about the size or shape of a feature you don’t like, that feature will become more pronounced to the outside world. By contrast, focusing on what you do like also becomes dominant. It’s up to you. What is it you want others to perceive in you? How do you want others to feel in your company? Glamour is transcendent.
More commonly, we have the practical glamour magic that comes in the form of luscious adornment. Like the sweet fairy godmother who bedecks, bejewels, and beautifies Cinderella in finery, our everyday consorts of makeup, wardrobe, and beauty potions carry considerable sorcery in the confidence-boosting department. They allow us to become a heightened version of ourselves, stepping into character, if you will. The finishing touch of adding mystical bling—our amulets and talismans—certainly can help us feel protected, empowered, and at one with our magical selves, and as such, glamours are often traditionally placed into an object of jewellery. The ritual art of dressing and preparing has a profound effect on how we approach the world around us, and neglecting it can have an equally forceful result, one in which we are dragged down into an abyss of low vibrations.
And, of course, enhancement comes in many forms. In this modern world, all kinds of actual modifications are available, from the relatively tame visits to your colourist to the more drastic measures of a dermatologist or surgeon. Whichever road you choose, it all comes down to this: What makes you feel beautiful, desirable, powerful? How the world perceives you is really in your graceful hands.
Because what, my loves, really gives the witch her magic? Her own strength. How she lives is how she casts her spells. Which brings us inward once again. A healthy, balanced witch wields a million times the firepower of one who is fatigued, filled with stress, and has barely the will to get dressed, let alone raise energy. Of course, we all go there sometimes—but the real magic lies in pulling yourself back up.
I want you to try something. Each morning, reserve five minutes for yourself. (Yes, you have five minutes—steal it from the time you might otherwise be glued to your phone.) After you’ve washed your face, sit down in front of your mirror. If you usually get ready in the bathroom, change it up: Grab a fluffy pillow and settle down in front of a floor mirror, or employ a chair in front of a mirror hanging on the wall. Get into this petite ritual from the new moon to the full moon and see what happens.
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You will need: 3-ounce bottle of organic flower water (rose, jasmine, or lavender) 3-ounce coloured glass bottle, with cap or cork 2½ ounces pumpkin seed oil ½ ounce pure vitamin E Rose quartz facial roller
A simple concoction of two oils is delivered deeply into your skin to provide a gorgeous, supple luminosity. Pumpkin seed oil, with its powers of renewing the ravages of summer, is a delightful way to greet autumn: It brilliantly lightens sunspots, increases collagen production, encourages cellular turnover, and deeply nourishes your delicate skin. Vitamin E heals damaged skin, including fine lines and wrinkles, making it one of the most effective oils to add to any potion—and it won’t stress your wallet.
Beauty Witch Secret:If you have never used a crystal facial roller before, prepare for a truly pleasurable ritual! Most rollers are made with jade, which of course has its own invaluable magic, but I particularly like the rose quartz. It has a certain energetic lightness that increases the magic here, as well as the bright, heart-opening love it brings.
Prepare the Potion Pour the pumpkin seed oil into the empty glass bottle, then carefully add the vitamin E. Swirl it gently eight times clockwise, bringing in the energy of the new moon, the stirring air of autumn, the magic of the witches’ season, and pure love.
Anoint Yourself Lightly mist your face and neck with the flower water. Pour a small amount of potion—about the size of a quarter—onto your fingertips, rubbing them together to create a warming effect. Lightly apply to your face and neck using a combination of circular and upward strokes to conjure gentle massaging motions. (Don’t forget your earlobes!) Really get into it and enjoy how it feels: Close your eyes and see everyone you meet taking notice of your radiance. This not only feels amazing and begins your day on a beautiful note, but it actually raises the energy needed to get your glamour going.
Conjure Glamour Look at your face in the mirror. Take three deep breaths and begin to chant:
Everyone see, the light in me
Keep chanting as you take the larger end of the rose quartz roller and, beginning at the base of your neck, roll it in upward strokes to your jawline. Then move upward along your face, rolling each section all the way to the top of your forehead. Use the smaller end of the quartz roller for around your eyes (be gentle!), your nose, above your top lip, and other sensitive areas.
Be Gracious When you have finished, ground the energy with three more breaths. Take a good look in the mirror and give thanks for your unique beauty, inside and out. Smile. Now there’s a gorgeous witch!
Beauty Witch Secret: Storing the rose quartz facial roller in the freezer amplifies its ability to help de-puff and firm your skin, and it feels fabulous.
You will find that a similar ritual does wonders for the entire body. You can do it as you apply your body oil or as you are getting dressed. And before the mere idea of this exhausts you, remember that there is no need for pom-poms or loud cheers. A soft, even voice states fact. Should you feel inclined to whisper sweet nothings to yourself, all the better! But if not, just approach your mirror, and your body, with certainty. To amp your wattage even higher, I’ve conjured a few more delights as magical helpers to your glamour workings. One promotes beauty and glow from the inside; the other expertly polishes your outer layer. Both are endowed with the riches of treasured autumnal offerings. Though they fare quite well by themselves, I do recommend enjoying this pair together, beneath the glow of the full moon, as a celebratory and sensual way to top off the glamoury ritual you have just aced!
Chrysanthemum An age-old witches’ flower of protection, this fall favourite is also a beauty powerhouse. It expertly smooths wrinkles and reduces puffiness while lightening discoloration and redness. Its vitamin A and antioxidant content works both internally and topically, and is found to soothe and calm fears.
Clove Fiery clove protects, brings love, increases abundance, and has been known to banish negativity. It firms, reduces redness, and keeps skin clear with a deliciously spicy scent while internally fighting off illness and increasing circulation.
Sage Velvety sage brings health and longevity, along with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. It strengthens both the immune system and the skeletal structure, and fights the visible signs of ageing when used on the skin.
Star Anise The potent compounds of star anise help reduce fine lines by repairing the skin, firming, and keeping breakouts at bay. Magically, star anise protects, purifies, and restores youth—no necklace needed.
Apple Another autumnal star, the apple is sacred to Freya and Venus, and revered for its ability to give perpetual youth to the ancient gods. Filled with love and beauty magic, apples cleanse and nourish with abundant fibre, vitamins, and minerals, and have natural alpha hydroxy acids that exfoliate both mature and acne-prone skin with aplomb.
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Facial Exfoliant and Masque Per treatment
2 tablespoons ground flaxseed meal 3 tablespoons The Fire Within elixir 3 drops clove essential oil
Adding to the beautifying sorcery of our elixir, flaxseed is a skin-loving delight. Rich in nutrients and good fats, it makes a wonderful gentle exfoliate and feeds vitamins to the skin, leaving it soft, dewy, revitalised, and entirely glowing.
In a small bowl, combine the elixir slowly with the flaxseed meal, stirring clockwise until it becomes a smooth, thin paste. Add in the clove oil, all the while keeping the vision and feel of your inner beauty radiating outward for all to see. Holding that energy, apply a layer of masque to a clean face. Massage gently in circular motions. Now apply a second layer carefully—it will be a little messy—and relax for 10 to 15 minutes. (You can even repeat your chant if you like while the potion absorbs into your skin.) To remove, first soak a washcloth in warm water. Wring it out and apply to your face, allowing the heat to soften the potion. Remove most of the masque with the cloth, then rinse well with cool water. Pat your face dry, and follow with a toning mist and serum or crème.
Now, my loves, pour the elixir into a fetching vessel and toast your unstoppable charisma! Beauty rituals and potions have a cumulative effect, just as any focused, repetitive magic will. Time spent building your confidence, tending your beauty, and harnessing your own strength is invaluable and necessary for a wise witch. And much like Melisandre’s necklace, it holds a power that the world can see. Claim it. It is yours.
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Elixir 4 servings
32 ounces pure spring water 1 cup organic or wild chrysanthemum flowers 1 tablespoon whole cloves 5 whole star anise 8 leaves sage 1 red apple, finely chopped
Begin by preparing a tea infusion. In a mortar, slightly crush the star anise pods to release the oils in the seeds. Next, fill a large glass bottle or decanter with spring water, then drop in each of the herbs and flowers, one at a time. As you do so, connect to them, feeling their magic create the essence of your potion. Cap or cork the bottle, and let it rest for several hours. Then strain the liquid into a high-speed blender, reserving three tablespoons of tea for use with the companion potion. Add the chopped apples and pulse until smooth. Add stevia or coconut nectar if you like, and set aside while you create its sexy companion.
0 notes
Online Reviews For  Creativity Analysis Entry One Sunday January 29, 2017starting Feb. 28, 2011 to April 9, 2011
Notes to Myself and open-minded blog viewers from review analysis of past online reviews I started last year August 2016: I left off page 248 on Amazon US with the Intuitive Investor by James Apollo, page 117 on Amazon Canada with Amateur College Men, and Hed Kandi World Series London review on page 139 of Amazon UK.
Cosmic Energy: How to Harness the Invisible Power Around You to Transform Your Life by Anne Jirsch Edition: Paperback Price: $15.90 52 used & new from $1.74 6 of 8 people found the following review helpful Positive Energy, February 28, 2011 Verified Purchase(What's this?)This review is from: Cosmic Energy: How to Harness the Invisible Power Around You to Transform Your Life (Paperback)"Cosmic Energy" is definitely a great book that lives up to its title. I say this because Anne Jirsch has written an inspiring book on increasing the positive energy in one's life. My favorite part of the book is where she discusses space clearing suggestions, and why becoming organized is helpful in harnessing the cosmic energy. Anne's insights on how to be a magnet to increased love energy is very interesting. I appreciate that she shares such helpful information such as how to increase your love vibration, attract positive people into your life, and how to discover your life's purpose and make your dreams come true. Anne is also passionate about sharing some inspiring success stories in her book. Also, she shares somes creative and insightful advice on manifesting wealth and abundance. This is a great book to have if you have an interest in cosmic energy, increasing positive energy, and increasing your overall vibration. The title of the book (Cosmic Energy: How to Harness the Invisible Power Around You to Transform Your Life) is a healing and helpful guide for inner and outer changes in a person's life. Comment | Permalink Lords of Mystery-Etern 7 used & new from $32.00 1 of 1 people found the following review helpful Lords of Mystery-Wonderful Voices, February 28, 2011 This review is from: Lords of Mystery-Etern (Audio CD)"Lords of Mystery"-Eternal Voices is a very unique German import compilation of very calming and mystical music. However, this cd is worth owning because of the various gems contained within this collection, and for the number of songs that you get. There are 52 songs on three cds (2 cds have 17 songs on them, and one cd has 18 songs). The following are five of some very catchy songs that resonated with my spirit that I would recommend to others as well: 1) Calling Grace by Tarjen 2) Wicked Game by Gregorian (a good quality remake of Chris Isaak's fantastic version of "Wicked Game") 3) Luci d'alba by Kylee Kate Sargant 4) I Believe by Magic Voices 5) Harry's Game by Phil Coulter The best way to tell if you are going to enjoy this "Lords of Mystery"-Eternal Voices Compilation is if you like any of the following: mystical/new age music, Enya, Enigma, Sarah Brightman, and/or Celtic music. Comment | Permalink Die Hit Giganten- Eurodance 12 used & new from $13.36 1 of 1 people found the following review helpful Strong Eurodance Hits, February 28, 2011 This review is from: Die Hit Giganten- Eurodance (Audio CD)Die Hit Giganten-Eurodance is a fun German Import collection of 41 songs on two cds. I enjoy listening to the Eurodance music genre very much, and it was great to listen to all of the 41 songs and actually enjoy them. The following is my personal top four songs out of this collection that I really enjoyed, and that I gently recommend that someone listen to first to help them decide if this compilation is worth getting for them: 1) "Another Night" by Real McCoy 2) "Feel the Heat of the Night" by Masterboy 3) ...Shut Up and Sleep with Me by Sin With Sebastian 4) "Right In the Night" by Jam & Spoon I personally was interested in getting this collection after seeing it on the Amazon Germany website, and it was easy for me to decide because Eurodance music is one of my favorite music genres. This compilation is definitely worth obtaining if you enjoy listening to Eurodance and/or dance/pop. As an added bonus, this collection also helps to increase happiness and/or serve as a maintainer of happiness for someone already in an elevated mood. Comment | Permalink Washington, D.C. (EYEWITNESS TRAVEL GUIDE) by Kem Knapp Sawyer Edition: Paperback 53 used & new from $0.01 2 of 2 people found the following review helpful A Good Quality Washington D.C. Guide, February 28, 2011 Verified Purchase(What's this?)This review is from: Washington, D.C. (EYEWITNESS TRAVEL GUIDE) (Paperback)I concur with the other reviewers that this book is definitely worth it to purchase if you plan on visiting the D.C. area. I purchased the "Washington D.C" (Eyewitness Travel Guide) because I had a strong feeling that this book would help pinpoint some of the best places to visit in the D.C. area. I have been happily living in this area since May 2010, and I was inspired to make the best out of living here when I met a loving and happy couple at a concert that I recently attended. They were helpfully giving me some ideas worth pondering for going out. The close and cheerful couple that was encouraging me helped me realize that I can easily make the most out of living here, and with my schedule I can at least visit many of the sites on weekends (I am a resourceful college student). This book contains alot of helpful information on transportation, many fun museums and other events to go to, and other accomodations that are good to know whether you are just visiting and/or you already live in the area, but you prefer to be self-reliant in discovering the exciting places to go to. The following is some of the amazing information that is contained in this book: The various museums available to visit in downtown D.C. such as the National Air and Space Museum, National Museum of Natural History, National Museum of American History, and the National Gallery of Art. Entertainment in Washington D.C. area such as: the Wolf Trap Farm Park for the Performing Arts (in Vienna, Virginia), the Shakespeare Theatre, National Symphony Orchestra, and the Library of Congress. There is information on sports and outdoor activities that are listed: The couple that I mentioned about told me about how the Verizon center has sporting events (such as the basketball games) in addition to musical concerts. The Washington D.C book on pages 204 and 205 (Eyewitness Travel Guide) also lists the RFK Stadium and the Nationals Park Stadium. For men and women just visiting there are handy guides on recommended places to stay starting on page 172-195, shopping in Washington D.C. (pages 196-199), restaurants, cafes, and bars (pages 182-195), and there is a handy metro system map and street finder index for those who plan to take public transit in the D.C. area. I admit that I have only listed a sampling of what is in this useful and informative book. If there is only one guide that you have the time to look at for the Washington D.C. area, then this is definitely the one to consider. Comments (2) | Permalink | Most recent comment: May 20, 2013 5:51 AM PDT Episode 1 DVD Price: $1.99 6 of 6 people found the following review helpful Inspiring Stories from the Self-Made Wealthy, February 23, 2011 This review is from: How'd You Get So Rich? Season 1 (Amazon Video)I really love the concept of "How'd You Get So Rich" (hosted by Joan Rivers) because it features very inspiring stories of people who amassed their wealth through self-made means. Please understand that I admit that I love watching reality shows of men and women who live a life of wealth. I started craving watching more shows like this when I was still on active duty in the navy (I enjoyed serving in the navy, but I feel lucky to be happily living as a civilian). I would frequently watch the "Fabulous Life" series that VH1 would show (one of my favorite episodes from the Fabulous Life franchise are the Billionaire Rags to Riches: Episode 199 from 08/30/2007). Joan Rivers creatively expands on the self-made concept by having the courage to approach people who came from modest backgrounds and became very wealthy. I have enthusiastically watched this episode, and some of the others offered in this series. I feel lucky to have came across "So How Did You Get So Rich" because it has inspired me, and continues to give me ideas on what I can do to fulfill my dreams. I first found out about this series in the summer of 2010, and I intend to make time to watch more of the episodes from the "How'd You Get So Rich" series. The following is some of the captivating information that this first episode contains: 1)Robert Zarco- A wealthy man who lives in Miami, Beach Florida and has a great place that has 13 bedrooms and 15 bathrooms. 2)Eric Kim- His story is also very inspiring because he was a former mall worker who paid attention to many of the wealthy customers that he was getting, and decided to do something about it. He created Monarchy Jeans, and what inspired me is that he set this into motion at age 32. Seeing his story really moved and inspired me because I got to see for myself that you can create a life of wealth regardless of your age. After watching Eric's story, an insight came on within me that proper planning and acting on your ideas at the right time are very crucial. 3)Jonah White- He is worth 50 million plus (in Joan River's words), and is the mastermind behind Billy Bob Teeth. In addition, Jonah owns an 8,000 square foot mansion in Michael, Illinois on 500 acres (approximately the size of 450 football fields as Joan says in the documentary). I was also very inspired by watching this because I grew up in Illinois (I moved away when I shipped off to navy bootcamp), and it was cool to watch someone who came from very humble means to become one of the wealthiest self-made multi-millionaires in the Midwest. Jonah and his wife live on one of the largest single family properties in Illinois. Overall, I would definitely recommend purchasing this episode if you love to be inspired in your wealth goals and/or you enjoy watching shows that feature men and women who are self-made multi-millionaires. Comment | Permalink Jared Allen, A.J. Hawk and Cortland Finnegan DVD Price: $1.99 1 of 1 people found the following review helpful NFL Edition of CMT Cribs, February 23, 2011 Verified Purchase(What's this?)This review is from: CMT Cribs Season 3 (Amazon Video)This episode of CMT Cribs was very enjoyable to watch. In addition, the fact that this episode featured a few of some of the most popular football players around gave the showing an even more exciting dimension. The following is a sampling of what is in this great episode: 1) The home of AJ Hawk, who plays for the Green Bay Packers. He lives in a great 6800 square foot place that has 4 bedrooms and 4 baths. He has a great home office, and it was cool to see him proudly showing his certificate of his college graduation from Ohio State University. I thought that it was also cool when he introduced his wife Laura about the same time that he was showing his modern theater room (Top Gun appears to be one of his favorite movies). 2) Jaren Allen, who plays for the Minnesota Vikings, and has a 4400 square foot, 4 bedrooms, and 4.5 baths place in Scottsdale, Arizona. I enjoyed seeing AJ's gameroom and pool. 3) Cortland, Finnegan, who plays for the Tennessee Titans, and lives in a grand 6700 square foot, 5 bedroom, and 3 bathroom place in Nashville, Tennessee. I would say to definitely purchase this episode if you enjoy watching any of the Mtv Crib's episodes and/or you enjoy finding out how the homes of some of the wealthy and famous look. Comment | Permalink Mega Toys DVD 3 of 3 people found the following review helpful A Beautiful Glimpse at the Luxurious Life, February 23, 2011 Verified Purchase(What's this?)This review is from: Forbes Luxe 11 Season 1 (Amazon Video)This was a wonderful Forbes Magazine sponsored episode about some of the luxurious properties of some of the world's wealthiest people. The following are some of the properties that are featured in this episode: 1) Summerwind Yacht owned by Jeff Greene 2) Windsor Luxury Residences owned by Galen and Hilary Weston 3) Rubicon Estate Winery owned by Francis Ford Coppola (the property allows tours and wine teastings). 4) Luxury Car Collection owned by Sam Nazarian 5) Private Jet by Phil Ruffin There is more featured in this episode that showcase some very captivating properties. I would say that this episode is worth purchasing for those who love to look at the Forbes magazine issues of the 400 wealthiest people and/or those who enjoy seeing some of the best properties around. Comment (1) | Permalink | Most recent comment: Jul 31, 2014 8:01 PM PDT Condé Nast Traveler Price: $19.99 1 of 2 people found the following review helpful The Well-Informed Traveler, February 23, 2011 Verified Purchase(What's this?)This review is from: Condé Nast Traveler (Magazine)Conde Nast Traveler is a very good magazine that offers alot in the way of inspiration for some travel places to consider for a personalized travel itinerary. The following are some of the strong features of the February 2011 issue of Conde Nast Traveler: 1)There is the top 80 cruise ships in the world that are featured such as the Disney Magic (ranked #1 for Mega ships), the Seven Seas Voyager (ranked #1 for Large Ships), River Beatrice (ranked #1 for River Ships), and the Seabourn Odysesy (ranked #1 for small ships). 2) The outdoors life of Scotland: there are is a beautiful picture of the River Nith. 3) There is a very unique picture of the lodging that is called the Igloo Rooms, of the Hotel Arctic (it is located in Hulissat, Greenland). This magazine is worth it to get if you love traveling and/or you want to get your creativity flowing on some of the plans that you intend to incorporate for your trips. Comment | Permalink Travel + Leisure 1 of 2 people found the following review helpful Travel and Fun, February 23, 2011 Verified Purchase(What's this?)This review is from: Travel + Leisure (Magazine)Travel+Leisure Magazine is a fantastic magazine to subscribe to if you love to travel, and are open to various ideas of the possibilities of how to travel for relaxation. This magazine covers places from around the world of some of the best travel websites and hotels to stay at when you are traveling to many places in Europe, Asia, etc. However, the one feature that I do LOVE about this magazine is how they feature a special issue just on Europe each year. I treasure these "special issues" that cover Europe because places all across Europe are featured. For example, I feel very lucky to own the special issues that cover just Europe from the issues of May 2008, April 2009, and April 2010. The following are some of the features from these special issues that cover Europe: 1)In the May 2008 Travel+Leisure special issue of Europe there is a feature about the many travel gems to see in Vienna, Austria and 10 London, England restaurants that are recommended by British Food critic Paul Levy. There is also a fascinating article on ideas to consider for outdoor walking in France. 2) In the April 2009 Travel+Leisure Europe special issue there is a great feature on 22 Affordable European Hotels (my favorite visual feature is The Hotel Franziskaner in Zurich, Switzerland). There is a catchy article feature on the many places to visit in Lourdes, France. 3)In the April 2010 Europe feature there is a feature on Book Lover's London and a captivating article about Europe's best wine bars. I also like the 25 undiscovered European villages that are featured (the picture of the Staufen im Breisgau, a medieval town close to the Rhine Valley in southern Germany). I very much look forward to the 2011 Europe Special issue that Travel+Leisure is going to create. The following are some of the exciting features of the February 2011 issue of Travel+Leisure: 1) There is the feature of 25 of some of the most romantic dream trips (the country retreat of Coworth Park in Berkshire, England stands out in a good way for me). 2)There is a colorful article titled "The Spirit of Dublin" and some of the wonderful places to check out while in Dublin, Ireland (the cafe owner pictured on page 94 seems pretty joyful and content in her life). 3)On page 40 the fashion designer, hotelier, and Apprentice Star Ivanka Trump is featured. I do feel that it was a good idea to feature her because in my humble opinion she resourcefully utilizes the wealth and opportunities that are presented to her. Overall, Travel+Leisure is a great magazine to get for travel enthusiasts who love to dream and enjoy imagining the boundless opportunities that traveling brings. Comment | Permalink No Title Available 2 of 2 people found the following review helpful Touches the Spirit, February 23, 2011 I was drawn to this magazine because my soul hungers for spiritual knowledge. I feel that there is always more to learn regardless of the level of wisdom inside that is inside a person. Fortunately, this publication helps in the expansion of learning spirit nourishing information. For example, in the February 2011 issue there is information on three ways to tap into the divine. There is a very exciting article on three simple ways to realize your dreams. One of the three steps that is mentioned that stood out the most for was the one for listening to your intuition. I say this because I personally became more aware of the importance of listening to my intuition in my own life less than three months ago. The fact that I saw this step in the article on "three simple ways to realize your dreams" was an important source of confirmation for me that I am taking the right steps for increasing joy in all areas of my life. I'm excited about the March issue that I am going to recieve because in their feature of "Coming Next Month" they list that one of the articles that are going to be featured is regarding surefire ways to enhance your sixth sense. The January 2011 issue of Spirit and Destiny is also interesting, and contains some good information such as: 1) A very informative article on spiritual self-defense and how to stay safe on the spiritual path that was very enlightening and eye-opening for me. 2)helpful tips on healing yourself in a weekend. 3)the travel feature really stood out for me the most because there were some alluring places that were mentioned for visiting such as the Inishmore near Ireland's mainland and the spiritual community of Findhorn in Scotland (I have heard of the Findhorn community previously, but I am definitely convinced to visit the Findhorn community after seeing the feature). Spirit&Destiny is known as the United Kingdom's top spiritual lifestyle magazine, which explains why I found many of the articles very helpful and nourishing on an emotional and spiritual level. However, many U.S. customers are most likely going to have to order "Spirit&Destiny online due to the fact that this magazine is based out of the United Kingdom. Obviously, I ordered this magazine from amazon.com, and I am happy that I did because the subscription arrived to me in the timeline that was estimated. I would definitely recommend "Spirit&Destiny" magazine if you are a truth seeker who is open-minded in exploring the various components of spiritual knowledge. Comment | Permalink
Public Reviews Written by You Show:   Most recent reviews  Most recent comments    Page: 231-240 | 241 | 242 | 243 | 244 | 245 | 246 | 247 | 248 | 249 | 250 | 251-260 How to Be Like Walt: Capturing the Disney Magic Every Day of Your Life by Pat Williams Edition: Paperback Price: $8.94 134 used & new from $0.62 2 of 2 people found the following review helpful "Informative and Joyful Analysis of Walt Disney", April 9, 2011 Verified Purchase(What's this?)This review is from: How to Be Like Walt: Capturing the Disney Magic Every Day of Your Life (Paperback)"How to Be Like Walt: Capturing the Disney Magic Every Day of Your Life" is a very compelling book by Pat Williams that (as others have noted) is part self-help and part biographical. I find this book to be more on the biographical side, but it is still worthwhile to read. The reader is treated to some of the very important information and wisdom that Walt Disney put to practical use on the way, and how he turned temporary setbacks into hidden blesssings. For example, on page 62 Pat mentions how Walt ended up losing the idea of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit to his former boss. From this temporary setback, it is cited how Walt picked himself back up, and eventually used the power of his creativity and imagination to create Mickey Mouse. There are lessons sprinkled throughout the book on how to tap into the ability to translate imagination and creativity to practical use just as Walt did (through his creation of the Walt Disneyland and Walt Disney World theme parks). The following are some of the lessons and information that Pat Williams writes in this interesting biography/self-help guide on Walt Disney: 1) Chapter 3 on Imagination Unlimited: This is where the lessons such as unleashing your imagination are shared, and details given on how Walt Disney was even invited to the White House to show his cartoons (this was due to the fact cited that President Franklin D. Roosevelt admired what Walt's concept of what Mickey Mouse represented. 2)Chapter 4 on Animated Leadership: Information is given on how Walt inspired the spirit of creativity and innovation in his Disney employees. 3) Chapter 11 on Living for the Next Generation: Details are given on how Walt visualized the Mickey Mouse Club, and had the midas touch in spotting creative talent. 4)Chapter 12: A Man of Singular Focus: Facts are given on the origin of the "Mary Poppins" movie that is widely know as a children's classic. The birth and origin of the "EPCOT" center is also discussed. 5) Chapter 15: Walt Lives: There is a really heart-touching story of how Walt Disney made time to fullfill a seven year old boy's wish, who was about to pass away (back in 1955). The boy's only wish was to ride Walt Disney's train. Walt Disney personally made time for this little boy, and even ordered his staff to keep what he did anonymous (which fortunately they honored his request, and kept it from the public until after his death). "How to Be Like Walt Disney" is a very heart-warming biography that gives good information on the lessons that anyone can study from Walt's life regardless of what industry they may be in. In addition, the author made sure to have a delicate balance of biographical and self-help information in this book that highlighted vital details of Walt Disney's legacy. This book is a very uplifting read to have if you wish to read biographies that are informative and inspiring. Comment | Permalink Aphrodite 117 used & new from $0.01 2 of 2 people found the following review helpful Ethereal and Uplifting Music, April 6, 2011 Verified Purchase(What's this?)This review is from: Aphrodite (Audio CD)"Aphrodite" by Kylie Minogue is a very edgy and fun compilation that has some very upbeat dancepop tracks. She shows her romantic and sensual side with songs such as "All the Lovers" and "Aphrodite". "All the Lovers" appears to be about her expressing her intense feelings for her lover, who she feels is unique in a good way. "Aphrodite" seems to be about her message to her fans and critics alike that she is back. My favorite songs by Kylie in this album are "Too Much","Cupid Boy", and "Closer". "Too Much" seems to be about her coming to terms with the intense feelings that she feels for her love interest. "Cupid Boy" is a daring musical number about how she is drawn to the light and power of the one that she craves romance from. She sings about them putting her in a joyful state of "being in heaven" with the lyrics "I'm in Heaven". "Closer" is a catchy song about her pursuing someone that she feels a strong connection with,(as evidenced when she sings that they are pulling her closer). I would have to say that "Closer" is my overall favorite song on this "Aphrodite" collection because of the combination of lyrics and music. "Everything is Beautiful" is also a very good song. "Everything is Beautiful" appears to be an uplifting musical track of seeing the beauty of many things in life (the piano musical at the end closes the song nicely). "Aphrodite" by Kylie Minogue is great to have if you enjoy dance and/or pop music. Comment | Permalink The Tao of Music: Sound Psychology - Using Music to Change Your Life by John M. Ortiz Edition: Paperback Price: $20.61 112 used & new from $0.01 5 of 5 people found the following review helpful The Beauty of Music, April 5, 2011 Verified Purchase(What's this?)This review is from: The Tao of Music: Sound Psychology - Using Music to Change Your Life (Paperback)"The Tao of Music": Sound Psychology is a very beautifully written book. In summary, this book is about the healing powers of music. Information is given on how to create your own musical playlist in regards to tailoring it towards whatever personal goals that you are working towards. The following is some of the helpful and interesting data that is covered in this unique guide on using music to transform your life: 1) Physical Music and Exercise: (starts on page 151) John mentions come compelling reasons to combine both music and exercise such as clearing our minds, and enhancing levels of concentration. 2) Improving Learning Skills: (page 207)The target emphasis is on the positive benefits of learning and music such as enhanced concentration and improved attitude. 3) Why Music can be an inspiration for goals: Information is given on how the power of music can be a catalyst in providing ideas and clarity regarding what would be exciting to achieve (on page 175). 4) Choosing One's music: (page 355)Details are given on how to customize music listings in alignment with personal preferences and goals. 5) The link between music and creativity: On Chapter 23 of page 233 the author discusses how a creative woman named Charlotte taps into her creativity to create one of a kind garments for her customers with music. In addition, Charlotte made a life-changing decision to play the harp, and the benefits that she experienced as a result of this are also discussed(such as her hand motions becoming more effortless). 6) Inner Guide (page 371): This is one of my favorite chapters because it is discussed how to combine the art of music with going within yourself for answers. I also appreciate that unique information is shared on how to use music to access your inner guide. In my humble opinion, this book is very valuable to own if you are open-minded to combining the healing power of music with spiritual and psychological techniques in joyfully changing your life. This book is also good to have if you love music, and have been aware of the positive benefits that listening to music can bring for various life circumstances. Comment | Permalink The Celtic Circle: Legendary Music from a Mystic World Price: $14.88 77 used & new from $0.01 1 of 1 people found the following review helpful "Mystic and Joyful Circle", April 3, 2011 This review is from: The Celtic Circle: Legendary Music from a Mystic World (Audio CD)"The Celtic Circle" is a very unique and uplifting cd that has a wide range of Celtic music artists. This is a two cd set that is best listened to when you are trying to increase you sense of peacefulness and calm because both cds contain many songs that are relaxing to the soul. The music does sound very mystical and healing because you are treated to such good musical tracks such as "Elysium" by Elysia and May It Be by Ryan & Rachel O'Donnel (although I also enjoy the version of "May It Be" sung by Enya as well). My personal musical tracks on this cd are: "The Mytic's Dream" by Loreena McKennitt "Runaway: by The Corrs "Circle of Joy" by Lisa Lynne "In a Lifetime" by Clannad & Bono of U2 The Celtic Circle: Legendary Music from a Mystic World is also going to be most likely enjoyed by many people who like to listen to music by Enya, Celtic Woman, New Age,the Pure Moods cd collections, and/or music with European influences. Comment | Permalink The Time Machine Tour DVD ~ Darren Hayes 12 used & new from $9.61 1 of 1 people found the following review helpful "Tour of Time Machine Fun", April 3, 2011 Verified Purchase(What's this?)This review is from: The Time Machine Tour (DVD)"The Time Machine Tour" by Darren Hayes is a very engaging and unique concert to watch. The title obviously gives away the time machine tour, and this is what makes it even more interesting to watch if you are open-minded to the potential concept of time machines. I say this because the songs that he selected go with the concept of time travel. Darren does a good job with ensuring that what he sings is in alignment with the theme. The following is the list of the music that he goes through in the concert: Introduction 1.The Future Holds a Lion's Heart 2. Who Would Have Thought 3, How to Build a Time Machine 4, Neverland 5. Insatiable 6. On the Verge of Something Wonderful 7. Listen All You People 8. The Best Thing 9. The Only One 10. Void 11. Darkness 12. Step Into the Light 13. I Like the Way 14, Words 15. Casey 16. So Beautiful 17, I Want You 18. Affirmation 19. Me, Myself,& I 20 The Great Big Disconnect (basically the closing of the concert) My favorite performances of the concert are "Insatiable", "On the Verge of Something Wonderful,""I Like the Way," "So Beautiful," and "I Want You" (this musical classic as many know is from timeframe when Darren was in Savage Garden). What I also enjoyed about the concert is how Darren puts alot of energy and passion into both his singing of the songs and the discussions that he gives before playing his music. For example, he gives a healing reminder when he implies that it is more joyful to make peace with anything in your life that you wish to have gone back in time to change instead of being concerned with what could have been done differently. Part of me already knew this, but it is always good to be reminded of such helpful insights when being entertained. I find many of his songs on his "Spin" cd to be enjoyable, and this "Time Machine Tour" dvd is an uplifting addition to my collection. The "Time Machine Tour" dvd is best enjoyed by anyone who likes pop, dance, and/or electronica music. On a side, this also reminds me (in a positive way) of the fun Adam Lambert Glam Nation Live dvd that I watched less than a week ago. I say this because Darren's music is very high-energy and creative (much like Adam's). In my humble opinion, the possibility of Adam Lambert and Darren Hayes performing at a concert together one day would be very exciting. I also must say that many who like any of Darren's songs (whether from his solo albums and/or Savage Garden) are also going to enjoy "The Time Machine Tour" dvd. Comment | Permalink Rick Steves' European Christmas DVD ~ Rick Steves Price: $7.12 18 used & new from $4.96 4 of 4 people found the following review helpful Thoroughly Detailed and Engaging, March 30, 2011 Verified Purchase(What's this?)This review is from: Rick Steves' European Christmas (DVD)"Rick Steve's European Christmas" is a very captivating dvd to watch. The following are some of the places and facts that are covered in "Rick Steve's European Christmas": London, England: Trafalgar Square and Somerset House Drobak, Norway: December 13th Holiday of Santa Lucia Oslo, Norway: Norwegian Girls Choir Paris France: Best Dressed Tree Exhibit Burgundy, France: The tradition of a winter picnic in the woods was feautured. Nurenberg,Germany: Rick provided informative details of Martin Luther's legacy in this area. Salzburg, Austria: The Christmas Carol "Silent Night" originated in Austria. Rome and Tuscany Italy: Information was featured on how this area makes the history of Christmas relatable in a modern way in Italy. Switzerland: Scenes were shown of the beautiful Alps area, and of Rick and his family joyfully mingling with some of the local families living in Switzerland. I also found the Christmas music and vocals used throughout the showing to be very beautiful. Many of the countries that were visited showed groups of people singing Christmas carols together (which I thought is a nice addition to the theme of this dvd). All of the countries that were featured in this dvd for European Christmas traditions were wonderful to watch. However, the two countries that really captured my attention the most for visiting Europe during the Christmas season are Germany and Austria. I love music, and the fact that it plays a major part of Germany's Christmas traditions was something that I found interesting (the well known Germany composers:Bach,Beethoven, and Mozart were briefly mentioned). The feature of Austria also stood out for me because my husband's grandmother is from Vienna, and I also found it fascinating that the well known song that is "Silent Night" originated here. This dvd is certainly worth obtaining if you intend to visit any part of Western Europe during the Christmas season and/or you are interested in knowing about European Christmas traditions. Comment | Permalink Femme Fatale Deluxe Price: $12.54 64 used & new from $1.97 4 of 7 people found the following review helpful Fun and Excitement Deluxe, March 30, 2011 Verified Purchase(What's this?)This review is from: Femme Fatale Deluxe (Audio CD)"Femme Fatale" Deluxe is a fantastic album by Britney Spears that contains tracks that have a high energy dance beat. I also do agree that the bonus tracks are fantastic. I thought that both her "Blackout" and "Circus" albums were good. However, in my humble opinion, Britney has gotten even better with this album. This "Femme Fatale" Deluxe edition contains songs that are of the dance/pop genre (many of these musical tracks can be played at a party, and I'm certain are going to be played at many clubs). My personal favorite musical tracks on this album are "Hold it Against Me", "Gasoline", "I Wanna Go", and "Trip to Your Heart". "Hold it Against Me" is a song about aggressively going after someone that interests you, and bluntly telling them how you feel. "I Wanna Go" is a very daring and racy dance song about wanting to follow through on some "desires" running through the mind. "Gasoline" is my overall favorite of this collection and is a fun song about a person that ignites a strong sensual attraction that they create a feeling of passionate excitement (hence the lyrics you set me on fire). In a positive way, "Gasoline" is the 2011 version of Madonna's musical gem that is titled "Burning Up". "Trip to Your Heart" is an uplifting song that shows the more romantic and sensual side of Britney. "Trip to Your Heart" appears to be about pursuing someone that you care about. The best way to tell if you are going to enjoy this selection is if you have listened to, and enjoyed any of the following songs: "Radar", "Circus", "Rock Me In", "Break the Ice", and/or "And Then We Kiss". I would also recommend this collection for those who enjoy dance and/or pop music. Comment | Permalink Britney Spears: The Singles Collection Price: $6.99 68 used & new from $0.25 1 of 2 people found the following review helpful Britney Spears: The Fun Music Collection, March 28, 2011 Verified Purchase(What's this?)This review is from: Britney Spears: The Singles Collection (Audio CD)Britney Spears: The Singles Collection is very nicely assembled collection of some of Britney's hits from the 90's and the millenium. For those who like some of Britney's songs from when she first made her debut on the music scene, the listener is treated to musical gems from her 90's heyday in the form of classics such as the memorable "You Drive Me Crazy' and "Born to Make You Happy". "Circus", "Radar", and "3" are fun dance/pop musical numbers that reflect a more mature and self-confident Britney. The one thing that I obviously like the most from this collection is that the songs were assembled from various stages in her life. For example, "Baby One More Time" is one of the first songs that she is famous (from back in the 90's), "Boys" was during the 2002 period, "Everytime" was from her 2004 period, "Piece of Me" was during the 2007 period, "Circus", "Womanizer" and "If U Seek Amy" are great songs from when she made a very good comeback in 2008 (in addition to serving as a positive example that you can always pick yourself up). For the 2009 period, the musical treat that is "3" is featured. Overall, this collection is a nice addition to obtain if you like the music of Britney Spears and/or enjoy dance/pop music. This singles compilation reminds me that I very much look forward to her new collection coming out this week. Comment | Permalink B In The Mix, The Remixes 47 used & new from $0.01 3 of 3 people found the following review helpful Excellent Britney Spears Remixes, March 28, 2011 This review is from: B In The Mix, The Remixes (Audio CD)This Britney Spears "B in the Mix, the Remixes" collection is a high-energy and fun dance collection. All of the songs that are remixed come out sounding very good to listen to. A couple of the musical tracks on this cd that stand out in a great way to me are: "And Then We Kiss" and "Early Mornin". "And Then We Kiss" is a very sensual song that is about more than just the actual kissing, and involving the whole experience of being touched and held. "Early Mornin" is a fun song about the "adventures" that someone goes on while going out, and taking chances in pursuing the person of their interest. The character of "Early Mornin" can be best characterized as self-confident and insatiable because she goes after what she wants when out dancing, and stays out all night until the morning (hence the "Early Mornin" moniker), and then does it again when it suits her. Obviously, with this quality remix collection you get the romantic side of Britney with "And Then We Kiss" and "Don't Let Me Be the Last to Know". Then you get the uninhibited side of her with "Early Mornin", "I'm a Slave 4 U" and "Breathe On Me". This compilation is best enjoyed if you like dance/pop and/or songs by Britney. Comment | Permalink Glam Nation Live Price: $14.65 45 used & new from $0.24 5 of 5 people found the following review helpful Exciting Nation, March 28, 2011 Verified Purchase(What's this?)This review is from: Glam Nation Live (Audio CD)I finished watching the dvd portion of this less than a half hour ago. Both the dvd and the cd portion are very fun and pleasing to listen to. I already own Adam's For Your Entertainment Deluxe Collection, and I bought this because I was curious to hear him live (in addition to watching his concert performance). The Glam Nation Cd is very good because it contains many of his great songs that many are going to love such as "Fever", "Music Again", "If I Had You", and "Sure Fire Winners" (all of the songs on this cd are fantastic, I was listing my personal favorites). Adam sounds great live, and it was a great experience watching his concert performance on Dvd. I say this because he really put forth his creative spirit in delivering to the audience, and I like some of the encouraging speeches that he gave before some of his songs (my favorite was his perspective on love). For the concert performance portion (the dvd) it is challenging to pinpoint the performances that I liked the most because watching his performances on all of the songs helped me to relax, and boost my happiness level. However, the concert songs (on the dvd portion) that really left an exciting memory imprint in my mind are "Sleepwalker", "Sure Fire Winners", and "Strut". I loved Adam's performance in "Sleepwalker" because it showed a sexy and passionate side of him, "Sure Fire Winners" showed a positive energy message of the sky is the limit, and "Strut" had a unique performance of some very gifted dancers wearing colorful skull masks. I also enjoyed Adam's "Strut" performance because it showed a wild and free side to him. Overall, this Glam Nation Live Cd/Dvd combo is very much worth purchasing regardless of whether you own his "For Your Entertainment" deluxe cd. I say this because my personal humble opinion is that this "Glam Nation Live" cd/dvd deluxe combo is great to purchase whether it would complement an existing For Your Entertainment collection and/or as a great introductory collection for those new to owning Adam Lambert's music. Comment | Permalink notes to myself for next 2017 entry; page 245 of Amazon US Walt Disney Amazon review of April 9, 2011, page 115 on Amazon Canada and page 138 of Amazon UK 
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dfroza · 3 years
Today’s reading from the ancient book of Proverbs and book of Psalms
for july 27 of 2021 with Proverbs 27 and Psalm 27, accompanied by Psalm 38 for the 38th day of Summer and Psalm 58 for day 208 of the year (now with the consummate book of 150 Psalms in its 2nd revolution this year)
[Proverbs 27]
[Heed Wisdom’s Warnings]
Never brag about the plans you have for tomorrow,
for you don’t have a clue what tomorrow may bring to you.
Let someone else honor you for your accomplishments,
for self-praise is never appropriate.
It’s easier to carry a heavy boulder and a ton of sand
than to be provoked by a fool and have to carry that burden!
The rage and anger of others can be overwhelming,
but it’s nothing compared to jealousy’s fire.
It’s better to be corrected openly
if it stems from hidden love.
You can trust a friend who wounds you with his honesty,
but your enemy’s pretended flattery comes from insincerity.
When your soul is full, you turn down even the sweetest honey.
But when your soul is starving,
every bitter thing becomes sweet.
Like a bird that has fallen from its nest
is the one who is dislodged from his home.
Sweet friendships refresh the soul and awaken our hearts with joy,
for good friends are like the anointing oil
that yields the fragrant incense of God’s presence.
So never give up on a friend or abandon a friend of your father—
for in the day of your brokenness
you won’t have to run to a relative for help.
A friend nearby is better than a relative far away.
My son, when you walk in wisdom,
my heart is filled with gladness,
for the way you live is proof
that I’ve not taught you in vain.
A wise, shrewd person discerns the danger ahead
and prepares himself,
but the naïve simpleton never looks ahead
and suffers the consequences.
Cosign for one you barely know and you will pay a great price!
Anyone stupid enough to guarantee the loan of another
deserves to have his property seized in payment.
Do you think you’re blessing your neighbors
when you sing at the top of your lungs early in the morning?
Don’t be fooled—
they’ll curse you for doing it!
An endless drip, drip, drip, from a leaky faucet
and the words of a cranky, nagging wife have the same effect.
Can you stop the north wind from blowing
or grasp a handful of oil?
That’s easier than to stop her from complaining.
It takes a grinding wheel to sharpen a blade,
and so one person sharpens the character of another.
Tend an orchard and you’ll have fruit to eat.
Serve the Master’s interests
and you’ll receive honor that’s sweet.
Just as no two faces are exactly alike,
so every heart is different.
Death and destruction are never filled,
and the desires of men’s hearts are insatiable.
Fire is the way to test the purity of silver and gold,
but the character of a man is tested
by giving him a measure of fame.
You can beat a fool half to death
and still never beat the foolishness out of him.
A shepherd should pay close attention to the faces of his flock
and hold close to his heart the condition of those he cares for.
A man’s strength, power, and riches will one day fade away;
not even nations endure forever.
Take care of your responsibilities
and be diligent in your business
and you will have more than enough—
an abundance of food, clothing, and plenty for your household.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 27 (The Passion Translation)
[Psalm 27]
Light, space, zest—
that’s God!
So, with him on my side I’m fearless,
afraid of no one and nothing.
When vandal hordes ride down
ready to eat me alive,
Those bullies and toughs
fall flat on their faces.
When besieged,
I’m calm as a baby.
When all hell breaks loose,
I’m collected and cool.
I’m asking God for one thing,
only one thing:
To live with him in his house
my whole life long.
I’ll contemplate his beauty;
I’ll study at his feet.
That’s the only quiet, secure place
in a noisy world,
The perfect getaway,
far from the buzz of traffic.
God holds me head and shoulders
above all who try to pull me down.
I’m headed for his place to offer anthems
that will raise the roof!
Already I’m singing God-songs;
I’m making music to God.
Listen, God, I’m calling at the top of my lungs:
“Be good to me! Answer me!”
When my heart whispered, “Seek God,”
my whole being replied,
“I’m seeking him!”
Don’t hide from me now!
You’ve always been right there for me;
don’t turn your back on me now.
Don’t throw me out, don’t abandon me;
you’ve always kept the door open.
My father and mother walked out and left me,
but God took me in.
Point me down your highway, God;
direct me along a well-lighted street;
show my enemies whose side you’re on.
Don’t throw me to the dogs,
those liars who are out to get me,
filling the air with their threats.
I’m sure now I’ll see God’s goodness
in the exuberant earth.
Stay with God!
Take heart. Don’t quit.
I’ll say it again:
Stay with God.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 27 (The Message)
[Psalm 38]
Take a deep breath, God; calm down—
don’t be so hasty with your punishing rod.
Your sharp-pointed arrows of rebuke draw blood;
my backside stings from your discipline.
I’ve lost twenty pounds in two months
because of your accusation.
My bones are brittle as dry sticks
because of my sin.
I’m swamped by my bad behavior,
collapsed under an avalanche of guilt.
The cuts in my flesh stink and grow maggots
because I’ve lived so badly.
And now I’m flat on my face
feeling sorry for myself morning to night.
All my insides are on fire,
my body is a wreck.
I’m on my last legs; I’ve had it—
my life is a vomit of groans.
Lord, my longings are sitting in plain sight,
my groans an old story to you.
My heart’s about to break;
I’m a burned-out case.
Cataracts blind me to God and good;
old friends avoid me like the plague.
My cousins never visit,
my neighbors stab me in the back.
My competitors blacken my name,
devoutly they pray for my ruin.
But I’m deaf and mute to it all,
ears shut, mouth shut.
I don’t hear a word they say,
don’t speak a word in response.
What I do, God, is wait for you,
wait for my Lord, my God—you will answer!
I wait and pray so they won’t laugh me off,
won’t smugly strut off when I stumble.
I’m on the edge of losing it—
the pain in my gut keeps burning.
I’m ready to tell my story of failure,
I’m no longer smug in my sin.
My enemies are alive and in action,
a lynch mob after my neck.
I give out good and get back evil
from God-haters who can’t stand a God-lover.
Don’t dump me, God;
my God, don’t stand me up.
Hurry and help me;
I want some wide-open space in my life!
The Book of Psalms, Poem 38 (The Message)
[Psalm 58]
For the worship leader. A prayer of David to the tune “Do Not Destroy.”
Can you, panel of judges, get anything right?
When you judge people, do you tell the truth and pursue justice?
No, your real selves have been revealed. You have wickedness in your heart,
and many people have suffered by your hands.
Evildoers are naturally offensive, wayward at birth!
They were born telling lies and willfully wandering from the truth.
Their bite is painful; their venom is like the deadly poison of a snake;
they are like a cobra that closes up its ears
To escape the voice of the charmers,
no matter how enchanting the spells may be.
O God, shatter their teeth in their mouths!
Render the young lions harmless; break out their fangs, O Eternal One.
Let them run off like the waters of a flood,
and though they aim their arrows, let them fly without their heads.
Let them melt like a snail that oozes along;
may they be like a stillborn that never catches its first breath, never sees the sun.
Before your cook pots know the furious flame of a fire of thorns—
whether green or burning—He will blow the wicked away.
Cheers will rise as the right-living watch Him settle the score,
their feet washed in the blood after the onslaught of the wicked.
And it will be heard, “Those who seek justice will be rewarded.
Indeed, there is a God who brings justice to the earth!”
The Book of Psalms, Poem 58 (The Voice)
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