#its bc they are white supremacists
cruelsister-moved2 · 1 year
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this is the weirdest transandro.phobia strawman ive ever seen like comparing the fact that ablebodied people will say disabled people’s bodies are triggering and something people need to be protected from to women who have some form of discomfort with men due to genuine trauma they have experienced. literally NO one is out here claiming men shouldn’t be allowed to exist in public or something, it’s genuinely just an excuse to be uncharitable towards traumatised people also the classic truther rhetoric of drawing in instances of gender conforming women saying masc women r scary/white women saying black men are scary etc in order to legitimise their claim that men r oppressed or “masculinity is oppressed” while ignoring the fact it’s actually specifically how these groups are failing at cis white male masculinity that gets them in trouble. honestly treating ‘people finding you scary’ as a consequence of oppression is silly as hell when being perceived as intimidating simultaneously allows privileged men to get away with sexual assault + gets black men killed by police. again white men designed the patriarchy on purpose to be beneficial to them, being found intimidating is a feature not a bug!! the fact its designed to be able to deploy the accusation of posing a threat against marginalised people in order to victimise them (whether or not they are men, btw, since black, trans, and masc women suffer worse from this whilst simultaneously having even less power to actually make it so) does not then mean marginalised people are actually the Real Oppressors for having legitimate feelings of discomfort and hesitation around their oppressors 
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sexygaywizard · 2 years
It always gets me when people try to frame plastic surgery as being empowering or body positive. "Oh you know, I just think a different nose would suit my face better," like.. ok. Why is it always the same things that everybody thinks would look "better" though? Why doesn't anybody get rhinoplasty to make their nose bigger? Are there not people who would be more "suited" to having a larger or wider nose? Like, get real
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ancient-reverie · 6 months
does anyone else realize that white supremacy in america has also taken white people culture away from various different white cultures there used to be and made it into one conglomerate white person thing. like I can't look back into my ancestors and find any culture at all. and I can't really say that being american is much of a culture really it's just capitalism, and surviving that capitalism
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ive already expressed how bunk the culturally christian discourse is but something else occurred to me and its that the discourse not only alienates exchristians (on purpose) but also alienates poc, largely i think also on purpose. because ive seen so many false equivalence posts insinuating that backlash against culturally christian is the same as resistance to the idea of ‘white privilege’ or that being ‘culturally christian’ is the same as being white in a racist society. and so many people keeping this discourse going are white and trying to call out other white people for having another level of what theyve interpreted as unilateral all encompassing privilege, going back and forth on how privileged the cultural christians (exchristians, people raised atheist, people who have converted to other religions, jewish folks and muslims too now if they breathed the wrong too christian air or lived in the wrong country) are and equating it to being inherently racist. and you can see how this analogy doesn’t work for people of color and literally anyone marginalized in any other way. even if you think ‘culturally christian’ works as a term (it doesn’t but go off, mostly because yall stripped it of anything meaningful from conception) how can you say its equivalent to white privilege even for poc without being racist? for all this “you need to unlearn christian biases!” none of you are unlearning your racist biases.
being ‘culturally christian’ is not a person of color’s version of white privilege you myopic racist fucks. the white ‘culturally christian’ enjoyers are either trying to dodge some sort of guilt or accountability but it shows how they use intersectionality is broken and oversimplified otherwise we wouldn’t be having this discussion in the first place. its no surprise a concept made by a black woman (intersectionality) is misused by white folks. and no, i don’t care if youre white and nonchristian saying this, if you can make those kind of claims with no nuance then i get to do the same. a lot of the popular bloggers who say this are white and reblog from people known to harass poc anways...
and now for the personal anecdote as a black person: black churches didn’t get firebombed, be segregated and get defunded so they couldn’t organize against white supremacy for you to say ‘culturally christian’ is the same as being white and racist for everyone. they didn’t edit the bibles they gave enslaved people for no reason, they didn’t burn crosses in people’s yards and march streets with them in white hoods, or claim black people didn’t have souls or that integration was ‘unchristian’ or say that “only jesus could fix racism!” for you to get your white ass on tumblr and say this shit. i hope you feel genuinely uncomfortable and unsettled reading that.
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reduxskullduggerry · 1 year
massive barry (tv) spoilers below
i just finished barry and ...holy christ what an intense ending. my thoughts are still very in chorent about it and
i had been going back and forth on the show for a while because a) the few non-white characters on the show kept getting killed and b) shows with massive time skips usually fall apart. I still have my qualms with it but in the end it really killed or fucked like nearly every main character and i feel like the overarching theme was like how this one white guy really screwed everyone over and over again, perpetuating a cycle of violence with nearly endless ripple effects and got away with it (narratively, he gets murdered at the end) becoming a hero in the eyes of the public and his own son because the truth is buried through shitty cops and the death of those who have any sense of the truth. and in turn, it was another white guy whose is the first white guy's mentor who manipulates him over and over again placing him also at the center of the violence. the mentor also lives and gets away with it. and how like each of the characters who chose to enable his violence even when they didn't like it for their own gain and ends then perpetuate this cycle. those who try to end it or refuse it are then unable to shift the tide bc they are alone again this violent manipulative man.
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cicidraws · 10 months
i was the only one at the fair today locally with a mask on
and as we were leaving and someone else was coming in, a dad with his probably 5 yr old daughter, he leaned over in front of my face and coughed hard on purpose
fucking jackass i hope he gets humbled so hard, and maybe hope he falls on his face on the hot pavement.
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snekdood · 3 months
everyone who says they hate rap is required to listen to this song first
#fave#music#mood#its not all about pussy money weed#listen closely to the lyrics in rap music#rather than dismissing all rap just say you think that particular rapper sucks yaknow#but also you gotta appreciate pmw rap a bit too- that was one of the points in contrapoints' opulence video that everyone glazed over#bc god forbid she not know the internet wants buck angel to shit and die#(which btw is a really good video if you can get past your blinding rage for buck angel and listen to the rest of the 40 min video)#it why even though the majority of wiz khalifas rap is pretty uhm. shallow. to say the least-#in amber ice he has a line that goes like 'we aint even supposed to be living near this people' as in WHITE people.#its about flaunting that which you are denied by a society that oppresses you#ARE YOU GETTING IT? DO YOU GET IT YET????????????#im literally frothing over here tryna make ppl understand#which is why btw its weird when white ppl make songs like that about 'having more money than u' about themselves or make a whole song like#that. like becky you're not revolutionary at all. you're a rich white girl. oooooo so different and unique.#rap music about money is usually like 'fuck you i can do that shit too' not JUST about the flaunt bb girl#*glares at ariana grande*#ariana- YOU'RE the exact type of person rappers are pitting themselves against. flaunting your money isnt cool or different or anything#you're not revolutionary in your music at all. you're just a rich white person being open about how above everyone you think you are#thats the difference between white rappers like ariana and black rappers- white rappers rap about their money to flaunt how above everyone#they are. black rappers flaunt their money to show how above rich white people they can be#you're not proving you can do it too you're being a privileged asshole lmao#the difference between rich white rappers and old money is that rich white rappers are actually being open about how they think they're#superior than everyone#like ok becky we get you embrace being a white supremacist colonizer and no one can tell you to stop 🙄😒
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hervench · 4 months
what could be torturing taylor swift
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bombusbombus · 6 months
Mom can you come pick me up. I just went in the tags and people are fetishising redheads again
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roakkaliha · 1 year
its interesting that the full grown adults whose heads i live in head free, for whatever reason, never actually try to like... have an honest conversation with me abt it. like i get why ppl would be intimidated by something like that in todays internet culture but like. dude.
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mikiruma · 1 year
like about the reddit/twitter thing. i still think its just perception. there are probably people who dont use tumblr because they heard about those pedo rings operating in plain sight a few years ago and thought that was all the site was. i use twitter because im familiar with it and it only really sharply declined in dash quality once all the ragebaiters moved there following the porn ban (granted i also filter/block liberally). i never made a reddit account because learning a whole new ui is intimidating, and also i still have the association of rampant misogyny and racism to thank for it. but you know whats crazy. we're only getting TASTES of what the other platforms offer. every circle is going to be different. every site has their share of horrifically bad users. i know its easy to joke about users specifically being bad, but if anything we need more attention directed towards the people in charge who let shitty things happen and enforce bs policy changes nobody wants.
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panuccispizza · 1 month
I can not believe the type of fucking gender manifestos I can type up in response to overthinking one t!rfs bio. they're literally just so incorrect
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snekdood · 5 months
me, on the one hand: its weird to gatekeep people identifying with characters just bc they don't share their same race
also me, upon watching a video of someone wanting the saiyans to be in ssj form 24/7: you just want them to be blonde with blue eyes all the time bc you're mad that otherwise you can't project on to them since they're likely asian 🙄
#ig these aren't mutually exclusive stances but still#in fact if anything it bolsters my former stance bc why tf cant you just identify with them as they are#anyways ive been holding this back bc of whiney people on here but yes i kin with bruno from encanto and theres nothing you can do#to stop me.#if i relate to him in every other way ASIDE from being fuckin colombian then thats a very stupid and arbitrary line to draw im sorry and#i also dont care about your weird gatekeeping#its almost like familial abuse isnt restricted to ones race and also race is fake but anyways#fuck your weird ''white' people cant imprint on these characters' shit like. you're literally trying to stop ppl from seeing themselves#in other races. how tf do you think thats beneficial to stopping racism like AT ALL?#me when i hate when 'white' ppl put themselves in my shoes and try to empathize with me#me when i reinforce the racial binary and act like its real and not made up by white supremacists and pretend im not contributing#to white supremacists' delusion that race is real#theres literally a woman who would conventionally be recognized as white in the movie but ig gingers cant imprint on her at all or w/e#bc they dont speak spanish or something idk. is it about skin tones? bc babe give me a couple of days on the beach and ill look like bruno#dsjhfsvdhjvgfhdsvhgdf#and no i dont believe you if you try to say that the abuse he faced was somehow unique to colombian culture or something.#if anything that kinda abuse was prolly passed down from europeans who colonized the lands so i have even MORE of a reason#to feel like i can identify w it since im mostly of 'european' decent ._.#at least as far as ik.#('european' is in quotation marks bc its a place w a lot of different types of people some of which aren't recognized as white by#some white supremacists even and idk what im mixed with so)
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coyote-fawn · 5 months
#so i have been looking at ancestral practices to add to my collection#(WHITE SUPREMACISTS AND NATIONALISTS THIS POST IS NOT FOR YOU KEEP FUCKING MOVING)#bc my heritage is mostly hungarian and slavic and germanic#i have been peeking into those areas#and everything seems to be leading back to the scythians as far as a practice/cosmology that resonates#but it is so difficult to find untainted info#obvs im not talking about christianity bc it just kind of syncretized its way in#and that’s fine#tho im most comfortable with a practice that is faaaar away from christianity for personal reasons#im talking about like. people made shit up and also white nationalism#ofc because i live in the US my main focus is my region#but i like what im finding and i wish i could find MORE#would scythian practice be closed??? is it weird for me to go so far back in history????#agh this is mostly just the result of me not having anybody to talk to about this IRL so im going insane#ALSO how much of this is closed???#i know there are potentially shamanic practices in some of this and i don’t want to take what’s not mine#even if some of my ancestry is held there i didnt grow up in it and i really do not want to take what i am not welcome to#these are practices that i respect so deeply and i do not want to do them an injustice.#ALSO of course the white american lack of identity leading to people saying ‘oh im x nationality’ when their family is generations removed#there’s a lot going on there that i can’t speak to eloquently#but i know that’s something to consider as well#(my recent ancestors mostly kind of suck so building a practice based on them isnt something i will do#just as an aside to why I’m doing this specific searching so far back)#but the lack of cultural identity (or more the ‘american identity is the default so much that we dont even see it anymore’#and ‘my ancestors squashed their heritage so they could assimilate but were still extremely privileged in many areas so#how do i reclaim that and still acknowledge my struggle is lesser than others’)#so im going insane. again.)#if anybody with perspective wants to chat about this please hmu!!!! i am begging you!!!!!
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snakenpals · 1 year
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mx-paint · 1 year
As always, the 'breaking apart' of 'trans ideologies' always ends in terfs saying either 1) we're a cult, 2) we're weird perverts (derogatory), 3) we're (insert something terfs do), 4) don't actually exist, or 5) a mix of the above
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