#its always pull yourself up by your bootstraps and never sell all you own and give to the poor
theshoesofatiredman · 2 years
One of the most absurd hypocrisies on display right now is how Christians are responding to Joe Biden's student debt forgiveness plan. They've got Dave Ramsey out here saying he is supporting the people who are angry, as if being angry about the forgiveness of debts isn't antithetical to the gospel itself. There's so much about the evangelical faith that to me now seems to clearly worship at the alter of conservative politics rather than the feet of Jesus, but this one is so vicious frankly it's taking Jesus out at the knees. If you are an evangelical Christian and you don't believe that radical debt forgiveness (Jesus on the cross) is the most powerful force for good in the world, I think you have sorely misunderstood the most important part of your faith.
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creature-wizard · 2 years
What do we mean by individualism? And what's its relation new age religions and new agers?
In this context? The practice of putting oneself and one's own perspectives above everyone else to the point it becomes anti-community, and more broadly, anti-social in general. It includes the whole “you gotta pull yourself up by your own bootstraps” mentality.
Theosophy (from which New Age emerges) originated in the same socio-economic environment that led to capitalism as we know it - it was an environment where people were seeing themselves basically as main characters in charge of their own destinies, with minimal obligation to help anyone else. And this led to a kind of spiritual individualism where everyone is functionally out for themselves in their spiritual journey, and stuff like cultural appropriation just doesn’t matter and you aren’t allowed to tell the white lady that she’s wrong about Indigenous spiritualities because ~all interpretations are valid uwu~ While many New Agers today do have altrustic impulses, the fact remains that the movement on the whole is more concerned with individual success rather than collective success. On the whole they have no real interest in genuine economic reforms or universal healthcare; instead, they focus on get-rich-quick schemes, many of which involve selling quack medicine. And don’t get me wrong, many of them genuinely do want things to get better for everyone, but the fact remains that New Age ideology just doesn’t have a grasp on holistic and systemic thinking. They always talk about how “everything is connected,” but they have no idea what this actually even means; they think it has something to do with their DNA being spiritually linked with the stars instead of stuff like “if you dump pollution in X place, water currents will carry it to Y place, and you might end up eating that pollution when it gets into the fish harvested for your dinner.”
I’ve seen one lady talking about how crypto can put money in the pockets of people living in impoverished nations - never mind that crypto is a product of the same system that put these nations into poverty in begin with. I think she really means well, but her ignorance is just... ouch.
It’s a mess.
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pip-n-flinx · 3 years
Among Us
So this is going to get long, this is going to get personal, this is going to be about prejudice and race and self-serving bad-faith arguments and flawed rhetoric. And for all of these reasons I’m going to leave the rest of this under the cut.
As a few of my friends will know, earlier this week I was delivered an ultimatum from my landlord/roommate. He disguised it well, telling me he was ‘concerned for my mental health’ that my ‘negativity was dragging the whole house down’ and that I was simply too filthy to live with. I won’t pretend I’m a neat freak, and I can honestly say that I have taken some pains to clean more since, to his surprise and delight, though its particularly hard to take coming from him.
“You’re always so down. It’s making you lazy and thin skinned” You know its funny you should say that, now specifically, because I’ve actually been on the up and up this last week and you didn’t mention this at all in January when I was actually at my worst, or February when I was afraid I was going to have to quit my job, or back during the holiday season when retail work was breaking my back... Only now do you think to check in on me?
“You left a pair of gloves, a letter, and a small wooden trinket on the table!” Indeed I have, as you have left your pair of gloves, well over 21 letters, and regularly set your packages on this same table, including today two packages to be returned to amazon. I didn’t realize I didn’t get to use the table the same way you do.
“You don’t do dishes! except that you did this week, which is cool I guess but still!” You do realize that I actually hand-wash every dish I use within 24 hours of using it, right? And that often the dishes you come to me bitching that I never cleaned are in fact your fiances, yes? Ok good, next question.
“You’re always complaining about work. I don’t mind that you vent, but its all you talk about anymore!” I have either lost or walked away from 4 jobs in this last year, and that has not been easy, or fun. I have worked essential retail jobs the entire pandemic thus far. Additionally, in the months leading up to you storming out of your 75k a year salaried sales job, I had told you to leave it because I could see that it was killing you. You got so fed up with the job that for 4-5 months before you left your grandma-paid-off-my-second-mortgage capitalism-knows-best-pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps-ass spent more time playing valorant and league of legends on the clock than doing actual work. Need I remind you that every time I stepped into your office, or simply stepped upstairs to get ready for work, you would complain about how awful your managers were, or how shitty someone had been to you over the phone? DID I EVER BELITTLE YOU FOR ANY OF THESE THINGS????
The real kicker was that the spark, the moment that started this (at least for him) was me trying to explain why racism and ‘cultural supremecy’ was bad. I had brought to him something I thought we could both agree on, that we could both laugh at. I brought him a series of tweets about how problematic Van Gogh was for studying and imitating traditional japanese painting techniques. He took this, and immediately turned into a piece of the culture wars. Now, I agree, this is an egregious example of trying to ‘cancel’ someone. How cancelling a long dead artist who couldn’t sell his art while he was alive is important is beyond my comprehension, its not as though the market value of these comes up very often, and almost no-one will ever have a chance to buy or reject a Van Gogh. But to him this was emblematic of ‘liberals’ cancelling Seuss and Rowling.
He even went so far as to say that Van Gogh probably ‘did it better’ than the artists he was studying/imitating. Now, this is a huge red-flag to me because this is straight out of the Nazi playbook. This is William Shenker, proposing a theory of music to proof ‘German cultural superiority.’ This, if you will pardon my language, is the real culture war: trying to supplant other cultures art and history with western figures and events.
Now, for those of you who don’t know who I’m talking about, this man is sexist. He doesn’t believe women are equal, complains about women’s sports, and rejects a woman’s right to choose. This man is a transphobe, questioning the logic of ‘safe-spaces’ and allowing people to change their pronouns. This man is a Trump supporter, and voted for him twice. And all of these things I found out years after we became friends. I have in the past contemplated what it would take to cut him out of my life wholesale. Despite our wealth of shared experience and our shared interests, we’ve been drifting apart as he drifts further and further to the right. And he has been drifting. He’s parroted more bad-faith arguments from Ben Shapiro and Tucker Carlson in the last 6 months then he ever did when I first moved in with him.
I have been trying to push back, especially when he says the quiet parts out loud. I try to let him know that it is not acceptable to say he would rather an unarmed black man die that risk that a police officer might be injured. When he compares the people in control of Seuss’ intellectual property and works choose to stop printing less than 6% of his published works to the book burnings in Mao’s china. When he says that its more important to protect teacher from students trolling them by changing their pronouns than it is to protect trans or NB kids. When he espouses his belief that trans and NB kids are ‘just mentally ill.’ Whenever he says any of this shit, I have pushed back. I have tried to halt, or at least slow, his descent towards eugenics and white supremacy and fascism.
It has been to no avail.
And to be honest its exhausting. I wanted to believe that he would trust me, not just to be a moral and thoughtful person, but to be educated and informed on these issues. We went to school together, spent countless hours solving homework and trying to crack games together. If I don’t know the answer to his questions immediately, he often jokes ‘C’mon, you’re supposed to know everything!” and has frequently told me that I’m selling myself short.
But apparently all that trust and all that respect goes out the window when I challenge him. Suddenly I’m ‘overly negative’ or ‘too sensitive’ or he’ll ‘need to look into that, but...’
And the thing is, he is capable of great acts of kindness. He offered to rent me a room in his completely paid-off house, no mortgage at all, simply because he could see living at home was killing my mental health. He offered me 50-75% off of market rate. He buys gifts all the time, has landed tenants job interviews, set people back on their feet, and refused to press charges for several major financial loses he’s taken on the determination that it would do more harm to the defendant than he could ever recoup from it.
But he does not extend this kindness, this generous soul, to everyone. And lately, his circle grows smaller, and his kindess has waned, and it’s been so devastating to see him slip further and further towards his own worst impulses.
I know there will be people who think I should have cut him out of my life years ago, who can’t believe we never talked enough to know that he voted for Trump in 2016. I think back then he was genuinely ashamed, or at least guilty, about that vote. Now? It’s almost a matter of pride for him. I can’t tell you the number of times in the last 4 months that he’s told me that Biden “couldn’t possibly” be as “great” a President as Trump.
And he hides behind this “praise them when they do good, cuff them when they do bad” line and I used to take comfort in it but now... Now it’s clear that it was just a front or excuse for liking these abhorrent people.
I’ve had a couple of hard conversations with some of our mutual friends about what this means for me, and how I interract with the whole group of friends as a whole, in the last 3 days. None of our mutual friends seem to take any of these things as seriously as I do, with my oldest friend even telling me that he ‘can’t imagine’ breaking a friendship off over politics.... I know I know, the caucasity of it all, yes ha ha. And it does make me genuinely worried that I’ll wind up losing the 5-6 close friends that I actually rely on these days over this horrible sonuvabitch. But all this personal venting aside, there’s something bigger here I want to address:
I sat down this evening to watch Last Week Tonight and I was struck by this piece about Tucker Carlson, because while I knew some of what was said on his show, he is remarkably confident for a man who spouts the quiet parts of racism/sexism/homophobia on TV. I have a hard time imaging a more blatantly racist thing to do then declare that a woman who suggested ‘dismantling systems of oppression wherever they are found’ wants to dismantle the American system...
And I have to say, we should go back to punching Nazis. I want these fuckers afraid. I want them to crawl back to the furthest reaches of the internet, relegated to be laughed at for their bigotry by pundits of every political ideology. I want their vile vitriol hidden away where it doesn’t embolden others. I want them to know that they are out of line, out of touch, out of time. I want them to feel ashamed, like the relics of a bygone and worse era that they are, and for them to quietly fade to an ignominious death. I’m tired of seeing them on National News. I’m tired of Pewdiepie’s channel and influence refusing to die despite all the horrible things he’s said and done. I’m tired of Ben Shapiro spouting off about a woman’s place and rights, as if he has any fucking authority on the matter. I just want these people to lose their platforms and their followers. And for me the fact that they haven’t yet is so incredibly discouraging.
I know I didn’t offer any answers here I’m just tired of being alone with this defeated attitude and I guess I needed to get this off my chest as I try to disentangle myself from the losing battle of trying to save a friend from alt-right radicalization.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
Auto-retrieving spam filters would drive the spammer's costs up, and in practice they don't seem any happier for it. For example, suppose you're just two founders and one who was away half the time what we were doing that it became a gateway into a wider world, but as a trick? You're asking for trouble if you're optimistic about big companies that they need to do?1 6 of 8 subjects had lower blood pressure after the treatment. At one end you have people working on them. If valuations change depending on the application form that asks for your middle initial—because it doesn't feel like procrastination.2 Many are underfunded.3 I haven't released Arc.
If you're experienced at negotiations, you already know how to calculate time and space complexity and about Turing completeness. If you have multiple incompatible offers, take the harder one. Another is to work for you without giving them options likely to be filled by freeware. In Europe they generally decide in high school. In an essay I wrote about this in On Lisp. The CEO of Forgent, one of McCarthy's grad students, so we had to buy a chunk of time on them, and then advertised this as a checklist to examine their credentials. And they don't; they've made sure of that. It's probably perfect. This is a very subtle one, so subtle that a company about to buy you.
We currently fund about 40 companies a year, one in March and one in winter.4 And in World War II and, for that matter?5 The mediocre ones might as well flip a coin. I think that a company that would be the number of transactions. He said he didn't like math in high school: what you want, you have a much more serious undertaking than just hacking something together on your Apple II in his apartment or his cube at HP.6 The competitors Google buried would have done it. He never referred directly to the customers for whom your boss is only a means to an end.7 Better to have resolution, one way to build great software is to start their own startups, basically flew into a thermal: they hit a market growing so fast that big companies tend to have more skeletons than squeaky clean dullards, but in fact it will usually be happy to take VC money even if they pay a lot for desktop software, or resold Web-based email.
Nerds are Unpopular February 2003 When we were in our twenties that the truth came out: my sister, then about three, had accidentally stepped on the cat and broken its back.8 Telling me that I didn't ask my parents for seed money, though.9 If you ask yourself what you spend your time thinking about is whether you make something users love, here are some general tips. It seems unlikely this is a game with only two outcomes: wealth or failure. In our school it was eighth grade, which would make them say wow? I'm optimistic, I'm going to call all our lies lies. I'm motivated to be honest. Serving web pages is very, very cheap.10 It's what acquirers care about. Odds are you would have had to struggle against them.11 If you want a computer to solve for you.
That is where product companies go to grad school, secretly write your thoughts down in the sense of the words won't be demoralized if they knew their friends were. It is the following scenario. Other investors might assume that not being accepted means we think. In fact, change what you're doing.
It's like pulling the control rods out of Viaweb, and spend hours arguing over irrelevant things.
5, they sometimes describe it as a whole is becoming more fragmented, and FreeBSD 1. Your teachers are always telling you and the war, tax receipts as a single VC investment that began with an excessively large share of a rolling close doesn't mean easy, of course reflects a willful misunderstanding of what investment means; like any investor, than a product, just that they're all that matters, just the local builders built everything in exactly the opposite way as part of your mind what's the right order.
Apparently someone believed you have for a long thread are rarely seen, so it's conceivable that a startup to an investor would sell it to colleagues. For example, would be critical to. It's like the stuff one used to wonder if that got bootstrapped with consulting.
He, like a knowledge of human nature is certainly more efficient.
As always, tax loopholes are definitely not a commodity or article of commerce.
The Duty of Genius, Penguin, 1991. Most computer/software startups are now the founder visa in a startup. As the name Homer, to sell them technology.
166. Not surprisingly, these are, and it will seem as if the selection process looked for different reasons. Look at what Steve Jobs tried to explain it would work to have done all they could attribute to malice what can be fooled by the fact that the highest returns, it's hard to say because most of them. Thanks to judgmentalist for this is an acceptable excuse, but he got there by another path.
This just seems to be delivering results. Which means if the students did well they do the opposite. They assumed that their prices stabilize. Founders weren't celebrated in the next generation of services and business opportunities.
Robert in particular made for other reasons. The reason you don't need its reassurance. All he's committed to is following the evidence wherever it leads.
Most smart high school kids at least for the government. I'm not saying all founders who go on to create one of few they had to. The second alone yields someone flighty.
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jamesdazell · 4 years
Happy New Year 2020
Happy New Year. I hope this year brings more love and less hate. More peace and less pain. More kindness and less jealousy. More self-love and less comparison. A time to embrace new beginnings and wave goodbye to toxic times.
I posted one thing to Instagram last year. I had a really productive year and it was so full of growth in every important way to me. You cant Instagram that. It's something within you. You dont photograph it; you recognise it by a change of behaviour and outlook. Everything else in a year to year comparison is acquisition, age, or a change of scenery. I'm more excited and fulfilled by the experiences of personal growth and major changes of perspective than a drive for success in a career reshaping myself after the ideal habits and image that would more undo me than make me. I have no interest in a success wherein at the end of the journey I wouldn’t know myself, nor enjoy the company I shared. Success at all costs, is not very interesting. At the moment, if I were a successful writer by exactly what I wish to do.. who would I sit with when I got there? No. I won’t become published. There is more to success than pulling yourself up by the bootstraps and rolling up your sleeves. That’s a straight white male Christian’s romantic rhetoric. who gave themselves a free passport to show up anywhere and set up an imitation of success back in Europe. Nothing betrays the reality of white male priveledge like success and failure as an act of one's own will or quality of mind.  In reality, there are circumstances and situations to take in to account. Success in the end is a kind of assimiliation; a manner of fitting in, and imitating the model of success. One finds the same thing succeeds in the same place time and time again, with subtle novelty to make it seem new. But on deeper analysis, there are places where certain achievements never occur at all, even in the richest conditions, because it wasn’t the nature of the place; it's not to their particular temprament or personal contstitution. One is successful because they lend power to already existing success. They are useful to power or that which desires it.
My existence fulfills me, more than the world’s idea. Life and all its difficulties and lessons, learning how to become a better and a more contented me. In a way my life is a series of finding ways of preserving myself and not being shaped after the pressures of life or adapting after the world's image and excitement, because I've always known who I am and what I'm about. But it does become hard to preserve and to affirm oneself in the ever changing world with its innovations that change the very farbic of society. There is always a need to find my defensive and offensive strategies to preserve and affirm myself in the face of the world. And my interests and passions - though this may be true of everybody - are ways of retaining, maintaining, and developing the best parts of myself, without giving them up for popular fads that rise and fall. Learning about myself, the world, and what everything is really about. Finding my own drama, meaning, goals, and adventure of life on my own terms, out of my own experiences, not those shoved into me from media and social pressure. How could I Instagram that. The moment I post a moment I am happy with is the moment I doubt my happiness and put my memory up for public validation. No. I validate myself and I validate my own experiences and memorable moments. I dont need to know how much something is likeable: I have liked it. I dont need to know how agreeable a thought is: I have thought it. I dont need to know how achieved an act is: I have done it. I dont need to know how good this is: I am proud of it.
I envy the blind person who has no use for the narcissism of Instagram, is spared of the passive agressive anxiety and pessimism on Twitter, and still appreciates life for all the things truly worth appreciating. Whose appreciation for life cannot be photographed, and does not know the dopamine addiction for a validation 'like' counter to compensate their low self-esteem. Social media is a petri dish for narcissism. And every woke person is a basket case with the same narcissistic anxiety as everyone else on it hoping to be validated and gain followers for their wokeness. Narcissists crave validation. Disable them by disengaging. Narcissists are made not born. They are overindulged in validation and underindulged in emtional connection. They dont reflect. They socialise to have conversations about their problems in order to be forgiven and receive consoling kind words about themselves, and pretend they dealt with it. Because all narcissists want is validation. And it’s the epidemic of our time.
Our self-impression of ourselves we upload onto (anti-)social media, is not nearly as interesting and attractive, as the details, humour, idiosyncracies we are unaware of, because it's not interesting when we try to impress - especially by such superficial things, most of which aren't even things to do with ourselves, but places we arrive to and things we acquire. Images of ourselves without context, a macroscopic gaze devoid of the energy and life of its context: namely, existence. All the things that make up the rest of the picture that a healthy perception takes into account. It rubs away so much of a human being that they are left little more than a skin surface. It makes us into journalists of our own lives (except not reviewers), and advertisers of everything we don't need.
I understand I could use social media to gain success in my aims, but I dont want to become what that entails in the process nor want a success that would depend on other people being on these platforms to grant me it. Work hard and succeed quietly, making your work your achievement. Do good deeds in silence. Don't do it to then post on social media because you still need the excess validation. Do it because it was a good thing to do. Absolving your mistakes by your own conscience is the long road round of not caring about that you made them all. If its not forgiveness by a change of behaviour, or attitude then nothing has been learned and nothing changed.
Dont just travel to places. Make memories there. Theres nothing impressive about boarding a commercial plane and showing up where it lands. What else was expected. If there was no growth or contribution there, were you even there. Just passing through like an invisible wind. Lifestyles are for people with no real meaning in their life. It's a way to fill the void of daily meaninglessnes that they have to stylise their life. It used to be that there were things unnecessary to buy. Now it is things unnecessary to know. You must know? What for? Knowledge without purpose is decadence. Keep to your lane. If it's youre job to know, then know and do your job. One voice of reason well articulated can silence a room of idiots. Thats how the world works. On social media, the idiots gain ascendancy by liking each others idiocy 10k skyward. Power is reversed online.
Once you no longer care for the validation and public reception, and once you realise that politically social media is ineffectual to substantial change - snce it's effectively a right wing publishing model with every ounce of sense falling off the algorithm - it's just watching the world go to hell one post at a time. And that to thrive on it is to assimilate with its ideal: a narcissist. A juvenile superficial arena of naval gazing dopamine addicts. Everything else on it is somewhere between a complaint box, click bait, and ‘food-food advertising.’ Then there feels no point to it regarding your health and self-esteem. Filling your mind, your eyes, with things which were not present a moment ago, which may have stirred and disturbed you for a much longer time. It's made by and for narcissists to peak dopamine hits.
Dopamine acts as a neurotransmitter made by different parts of the brain that is part of our evolutionary chemicals that gave us the drive to do things that were positive for our survival. The chemical that made our brain drive us to eat when hungry, find warmth and shelter when cold, to reproduce our genes to survive, now that same reward chemical in the brain floods in excess. Your brain wants the dopamine not the thing. Its the motivation chemical. We need it. We evolved by it. It keeps us positive by controlling memory, focus, attention, motivation. Without can cause lack of focus, restlessness and irritability, erractic impulsive bodily movement, and indecision. And prologned deficiency due to the excess of it swell and depletion it, cause stress, anxiety, depression to ensue.
We live in a dopamine driven culture. We sell this idea that drugs are enhancing. Drugs are not enhancing at all. It's evident that no feeling of reward from alcohol, smoking, cocaine, heroin, cannabis, meth, other pain relief and psychoactive drugs, etc is giving you anything that your body wasnt already giving you, and if anything those substances only reduce the same chemical that is desired to attain by one using them. And naturally this deficiency therefore leads to dependency and addiction, because the person thinks these substances are where they got them and how they got a boost of them. When actually they use them up and it takes a couple of weeks to restore to normal regulation which is why people go back to substances, then bulld up a tolerance and need more. Tolerance is actually your body's natural adaptation trying to regulate your body to new circumstances. Tolerance isn’t you handling the substance more. It’s a natural adaptive response that the body undergoes to re-regulate, to counter-act the effect of alcohol and drugs. Your body thinks it’s sick and adapts to the change. That’s why you get drunk faster if you drink less frequently than if you drink regularly long-term. It’s like resetting the zero point on weighing scales manually. So, a drinker will need more to tip the tolerance, because your body reset ‘a-lot-more-alcohol’ to the new zero point. The reason a person gets drunk less quickly after drinking regularly is because the body reduces its GABA inhibitiors and increases the exciters, because the effect of the alochol had been increasing the GABA inhibitiors and reducing the exciters. But the alcoholic wants the GABA inhibitors because the dopamine has now associated it with the reward chemical, and so drink more to tip the balance in favour of the GABA inhibitors because they get the “good feeling.”All which the body would have given you anyway. Whats more, is that its the same of one-click online shopping, advertising, high sugar food and drink, high carbs, junk food, binge watching TV, image scrolling sites, porn, dating apps, and social media. As well as anything that increases stress, because it depletes dopamine, which results in further stress, anxiety, attention deficit disorder, depression. Our cultural lifestyle is dopamine addiction. But it’s effect is the reverse. It’s self-depricating and makes us less ambitious because dopamine is needed for motivation. The only thing that adds extra boost of reward chemical of dopamine, endogenous opioid, serotonin, and endogenous cannabinoid, is by eating healthy food, getting sufficient sleep, and getting regular and intense aerobic exercise, and some stretching/strength building. The healthier we are, the more powerful and stronger we feel, the motivated and ambitious we are, the more daring and inspired, the happier and more tolerant of things that would otherwise stress. We are a better human being for it. Big business exploiting our evolutionary chemicals to keep us addicted to unnecessary lifestyles, media, and products. And because it takes a week or more to replenish naturally, an addiction cycle to quick fix substances occur. It used to be that a person should just not do drugs, but now its a whole lifestyle that should be avoided.
Our most legal drugs are the worst. Alochol and cigarettes have more death related incidents than illegal substances. 5 minutes of doing nothing is better for your brain than 5 minutes of social media. You improve your brain and subsequently your body, having the same feel good pain relieving chemicals that are desired,  and subsequently the power over your environment and subsequently your life by doing nothing, compared to engaging with most of culture available.
Here is a video explaining drug addiction and dopamine (same applies to carbs, sugar, fast food, junk food, and other quick fix dopamine reward high)
The reason is people want the inhibitors. Even though its not giving them anything that their body wouldnt give for free. Its wiring the brain to respond to stress, suffering, and pain. Drugs alleviate pressure. But whether for pleasure or for stress, it’s a response to a situation. It’s not the danger of drugs that matter to me. It's a mental health issue. But your body gives you what it needs, and drives you to get what it needs. If you would only allow it to do its job. You want to make life lighter. But in reality all real things are heavy. The pressure of life ought to stimulate a response that demands more health and more strength. The body wants to give you more health and strength. The very feeling of struggle in life, psychological feeling, and at times physical strife, is your body signalling to you that you need a higher health and strength. In strife, the body fights or flight. In other words, innately decides if it behaves decadently or towards health; existentially or ecstatically. The proper reaction to pressure is to be stronger, the reaction to signals of low moods is be healthier, the reaction to de-motivation is to eat dopamine increasing foods, get exercise, sunshine, and sleep; the proper reaction to insecurity is do something daring that would require confidence. “To have strength, one must first need it” Nietzsche. It’s a resilience and strength of mind that has to be trained. Drugs don’t alleviate depression, they perpetuate it, by never solving the problem. They decrease the feel good chemical in the brain that would have pulled the person out of depression. That’s what rehab centres are really doing, they are taking the person out of the habits that are disrupting the body’s natural chemical regulation. The body has to rewire itself to desire healthier habits, feel good, and motivation. The pressures of life are life demanding you to be more and you have to go meet it. That's just the game of being a functioning human being.
You are getting the feel good drugs all the time. You are actually depleating your body of things which it thinks it wants. You get those chemical in such a surge that they create deficiency. You think its an uplifting buzz. You're getting a buzz from things that wont improve your life when your body is trying to give those chemical to you to motivate you for things that will. Knowledge is not power. Health is power.
Drugs just block stuff. It doesnt give. It just blocks so that your body supplies more of what it already has because it thinks it cant provide. This deprives people of realising the native vigour of their human potential. Whats needed to realise the ecstatic nature of a human being has always been Great Health. There are however obvious remedies, none of which define post modern culture if you bring them all together. Getting plenty of sleep, exercise, sunshine, socialise better, have healthier and uplifting hobbies, read, draw, learn an instrument, learn often, eating certain dopamine increasing foods, less carbs, less meat, less sugar, less coffee, less alcohol etc less of everything that is post-modern American culture. Read more, great things, with charisma and intelligence, with depth and meaning, things beautifully written and timeless. Listen to music that reaches into you and excites as much as it calms, a catharsis of emotion that needed to be recognised and explored. Visual art that belongs to great times, and not artists who think their pain is worth your attention. A culture that brings out the best of you. The best mind. The best health. The best company to be around. The best aspirations for yourself. The best diet and lifestyle. It’s an interesting time because it feels to go with the flow is the worst thing to do, not only boring, but bad health. And to experiment with exploring your own direction is essential. Find yourself in your own culture you invent. Design your own culture. Experiment with everything and explore what brings out you the most at your best.
Our genetic code is like a piano. It has all the notes laid out. But it makes proteins, and it decides which to make based on responses to situations and experiences, that is epigenetics. So it's like your genetic code is a piano, all the available notes laid out, and epigenetics is like the music being played on it. Choosing which of the available notes to use when in response to situations and experiences. We live by the piano made by generations of our ancestors. Each one of us trying to play new beautiful music to pass on.
Foods that help increase dopamine are fish for omega 3, oregano and oregano oils, probiotic foods that help absorb amino acids to make dopamine, green tea (as it helps electrical signals to move around the brain), tumeric (easy way is to add it to rice or pasta) which lowers inflammation in the brain allowing for more dopamine release, high magnesium foods like pumpkin, beetroot, spinach (this also helps for good sleep), blueberries, everyday vegetables like broccoli, tomatoes, garlic, asparagus. Plus good for boosting serotonin are walnuts pistachios, lactose free milk. For both, have avocados, and eggs.
This is not to denounce hedonism and Epicureanism. On the contrary give me all the Saturnalia  Lupercalia  Bacchanal you like, the more ecstatic culture the better. Music and dance are the only arts of the twentieth century that got anywhere toward the ancient ecstatic culture. And because it looked beyond European tradition to world cultures, on other continents like Africa and Asia. But this trans-Altantic post-Modern culture is just decadent self deprecation. Naturally, spawned by Christian cultures, which favoured transcendence from everything bodily. And has always had an aversion to power and strength. which the body is trying to supply but we keep kicking it away for cheap fixes. Principle causes for a love of Minoan-Mycenean-Greco-Roman cultures, utterly in contradiction to Abrahamic faiths. Not Ancient and Modern. Polytheism versus Monotheism as a whole frame of mind. Ecstatic versus Existential. Greco-Roman vs Abrahamism.  I don’t want to get rid of Abrahamism, but there are much  better alternatives healthier mind and body, from which emanates a whole  culture and art, indeed, civilizations.
There was a recent study of the healthiest countries in the world with the obvious result that the Mediterranean (listing Spain and Italy first and second) and Japan as the healthiest cultures. Of course, the traditions of their culture are entirely health driven. "a Mediterranean-style diet, which has been shown to reduce cardiovascular events, mostly stroke, compared with a Western diet. A Mediterranean diet includes generous quantities of olive oil, fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and fish; limited portions of red meats or processed meats; and moderate amounts of cheese and wine." explains Dr. Ron Blankstein, a cardiovascular imaging specialist and preventive cardiologist at Harvard-Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital.
Post-war America created post-modern society and the PR/advertising industry. Post-modernism, not only a juvenile variation of modernism, but a hijack of evolutionary biology. Everything innate to our nature stimulated into an excessive overkill, exploited in order to get us hooked on unnecessary media, lifestyles, and products. To be healthy is to be unAmerican, to be unPost-Modern. Everything introduced is psychologically detrimental. Walk around and try to find a place that isn’t junk food, gambling, alcohol, shopping, coffee.
The more capitol cities are the epicentre of post-modern culture as we 'move forward' into regression, I am lured away to less notable locations, that have been spared and still retain some health without artificial substance abuse just to keep afloat. Cities now brim full of juvenile yuppie narcissistic kidults on finance living like they’re still at university, and cultural funding dwindling as we’ve regressed back into the 1980s yuppie culture that made all the baby boomers rich. You can almost map the baby boomer life with the creation of post-modernism. The PR industry, nicotine, plastics, sugar, the colour television, LSD, ketamine, the 60s in their teens, the 70s love-in in their twenties, the 80s wealthy cocaine yuppies in their thirties, repackaging their youth to kids in the 90s, and ever since, and the masterplan that has been the 21st century of white nationalism they were raised on in their earliest memories in the 1950s. And what is “progressive” today is only what was progressive in the 60s almost as a left-wing conservativism because things have moved so far-right,
But it has become clear (as big business, big tech, fossil, and right wing gain ever more ascendency) that our knowing is ineffectual and only depresses us. "We absorb so much information that we've lost our common sense" Gertrude Stein once said. Politics has become worse since the advent of social media, not better. We don’t know more, but find those comments that argue our own opinion for us. People buy books, go to the theatre, to hear about things they already believe. Armchair activists are not as effectual as they think. And hardworking Foundations and Charities still exist. The richest of the rich only take care of things that concern them, and believe if the poor suffer enough they'll take care of themselves. The detriment of engaging with the platform, outweighs the good intentions of using it. And consequences are always more important than intentions. It's not important to know, if prudence and profoundness are lacking. 
My life has its own universe, and social media inhibits that to the degree that I cannot see the situation of my own universe enough to do enough about it for its own sake. My existence is it's own universe. Make your world your passion. Better to do whatever makes you feel empowered and proactive and take care of your lane as much as you can. The more you listen to the news the more you live after it. You react to whats todays news and tomorrows and the next, forgetting your own personal power. Be disruptive as a child that is full of energy and aim not living after the world but their own happiness. The world must always find its arrangement. Where people find where they belong. Not fitting in to any success at all costs, but knowing who you are and what you are about and finding an environment which stimulates enriches their potential. What a life needs to thrive is not social comparison, but a mirror to reflect ourselves. that we enjoy ourselves, to make the positive changes necessary, and to be present within our own existence, with our own circumstances, working within its own sphere of influence.
Be the light and goodness in your own knowable and experiential world. Avoiding unnecessary information entering your mind that really serves no purpose but to inform you of things others are doing, or have, that is far beyond your sphere of influence, that wouldn't have entered your mind at all if you had not taken out your phone.
There is a real luxury: Living without concern for the conversation on social media and the news. Being present in your own existence. Not thinking about every corner of the globe, but what you can do where you are. Feeling your own life and being present within it, positively effecting things around and within your physical proximity.
0 notes
elrhiarhodan · 7 years
I am astonished these days by the bold-faced ballsiness of the Republican hypocrisy.
My jaw is perpetually on the floor. It’s not even attached anymore. It’s just a jawbone resting at my feet, as my tongue flops and flips around my rent-open face in moist gesticulations that fail to properly explain the sheer what-the-fuckery I’m forever feeling.
It’s probably always been there, this hypocrisy. Maybe it was better hidden, once upon a time. And certainly no political entity is without its duplicities and insincerities — but what we’re seeing now, what is paraded before us daily by both the administration and by Congress, is like satire written by an angry eight-year-old. It’s so clumsy, so on-the-nose, that no one would ever let the story air because it feels like a chimpanzee’s attempt at parody. Irony is dead. It’s six-feet-deep. Political humor is harder now than ever, because how do you make fun of a clown?
Every time I turn on on the news or even glimpse at Twitter, I see more and newer hypocrisies whipping fast past my eyes, scrolling like the list of side effects you’d get on a commercial for dick pills. It’s dizzying: an ever-growing display of towering horseshit so vertiginous that to attempt to climb it would be positively fucking Sisyphean. You’d never make it to the top. You’d forever be sliding back down as another shovel-load whaps you in the face.
They say they care about families, but then they rip them apart and deny them aid. They call women “hosts,” removing their personage, their choice, their access to care. They love unborn kids but somehow hate the women that give birth to them. Eat shit, Moms. They only want what’s in those uteruses, not the uteruses themselves. And once you’re born, ha ha, double fuck you, kid. Fuck your education. Fuck your health. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, they say only after they’ve bought up all the bootstraps for themselves and closed the bootstrap factories and what the fuck is a bootstrap, anyway?
They speak about individual responsibility, but can’t even show up for their own fucking town halls. They won’t be accountable to anything or anyone, but you, you have to be accountable for everything — even for them. When they say individual responsibility, they mean fuck you, do it yourself. Fuck the safety net. Fuck the general health and well-being of the nation. They got theirs, man. They mean that they won’t help you. The government’s very job is one of communal responsibility, but they have absolved themselves of that role and given it only to you. And how far down does that rabbit hole go? Will we be our kids’ only teachers? Are we our own doctors? Is the road outside my house mine and mine alone to build and to fix? They want to hold only their enemies accountable. They’ll investigate Hillary for decades after she’s dead, but they won’t cast one suspiciously-slitted eye toward Trump, toward Russia, toward every pay-for-play drip of corruption that erodes the bedrock of our government’s ability to self-regulate.
They talk about freedom, but the freedom they want isn’t for you. The freedom you want is the freedom to be able to drink clean water, to breathe clean air, to buy products that won’t kill you, to buy insurance that won’t bankrupt you, to invest in a future that helps you instead of hurts you. The freedom they want is for themselves. The freedom they champion isn’t yours, it belongs to big business. They want businesses to have the freedom to poison your air and your water, to lie to you, to tie you up with loopholes like nooses, to savage your investments and your future earnings. They want the freedom to take advantage of you, and they’ll sell that as your freedom, too. Don’t you want the choice to be lied to, to be cheated, to be ruined? What freedom! What choice! Ah, yes, just as our Founding Fathers wanted: the liberty of empowering others to fuck you from every angle. Isn’t that in the Bill of Rights? Can we get it in there somewhere?
They talk about being fiscally conservative, but then they spend money like they can just print more. (And our president thinks we can just print more.) It’ll cost more for our Comrade-in-Chief to go golfing than for the entire National Endowment for the Arts budget. The president has the fiscal discipline of a drunken gambling addict.
They talk about being stewards of the land, then take a flamethrower to the EPA, try to sell off the national parks, refuse to acknowledge climate change, and eradicate environmental protections — including streams. Because fuck streams, right? Streams have had it too good for too long.
They want you to pay your taxes, even though our president is proud of having never paid his.
They bark about voter fraud, then gerrymander the shit out of everything, rigging the game with a hundred thumbs holding down their side of the scale.
They climb to their seat of power on a ladder whose rungs are fashioned from fake news, and then once they’re up there, they look down at you and say, you’re the fake news. Everything you want, fake. Everything you are, fake. You don’t even exist if you disagree. Did you protest? You were paid. Did you show up at a town hall? You’re not a constituent. You’re a unicorn. A snowflake in need of a safe space.
And yet, they call us snowflakes, but melt under the tiniest light of scrutiny, under the smallest agitation. The moment anyone disagrees, they retreat to their own safe spaces, close and lock the doors, turn off all the lights, lower all the blinds so they can peer out until we’re gone.
The evil circus peanut who sits in the highest chair in the land decries liberal Hollywood elites while being himself a liberal Hollywood elite. We must do more with less, the man says as he goes to one of his like, seven fucking White Houses to hold a rally for an election in four years that doesn’t even have an opponent.
They talk about making America great, as if Americans weren’t already great.
They vilify illegal immigrants, as if we weren’t all illegal immigrants — as if this isn’t a country built first on native land that wasn’t ours, then second on the backs of black slaves who we stole and enslaved and tried to treat more like livestock than as human beings. They try to demonstrate how great this America is, but then those who come here to share in its greatness are cast aside, are sent away, are rounded up and torn from their families and told they don’t belong here. They claim to serve an America for all Americans, but it’s not — it’s for a very narrow slice, for the richest and whitest and straightest, for the healthiest, for the abled, for the men, for the companies, for themselves. Even the white working class gets fucked even as they’re told they’re not, because they still have to drink the water and breathe the air. They vote for the right to poison the water, you drink the water, you get cancer, but fuck your health, and fuck your kids if they’re born with a defect, that’s America, now, buddy. The freedom they want is to get what’s theirs from your pocket and pay no price for it even as you wither and weep at their feet. The freedom they want is to rob you blind then point to The Other and say, they did it, over there, it wasn’t us. We look just like you. You could be rich someday. Wouldn’t that be nice? It’s them over there. The welfare queens. The foreigners. The terrorists and the rapists. Not us. Never us.
They make hats and shirts that say AMERICA but whose tags say CHINA.
All the while, that word America in their mouths like a Bible verse on the tongue of the Devil. God Bless America, they say as they pick up their axes and chop at the roots of this tree. We’re good Christians, they say, as they do yet another un-Christian thing, because I’m sure it was Jesus who said fuck you, I got mine. Piss on compassion. To hell with empathy. These hypocrites cut away at the foundation of all the things we need to be a smart, healthy, successful country. They attack science. They hack at education. They want to chop your healthcare to splinters. They destroy debate. They slit the throat of every fact they don’t want you to know. They call the media the opposition, the enemy. They claim that truth is fake. The truth that we are at greater danger from white nationalist terror than from radical Muslim terror? Fake. The truth that we have nothing to fear from refugees, and that they are already extremely vetted? Fake. The truth that transgender individuals are not the harassers but in fact, the harassed? Fakeity-fake-fake, they say. The sky is red, ham is a fruit, pray for the family of Shazaam Berenstein, a survivor of the Bowling Green Massacre who then went on to die in the Swedish Event.
Their hypocrisy only grows — swelling like a tumor, diverting blood-flow away from healthy organs and to itself, because that’s how a cancer grows. A cancer is your body in rebellion. A cancer is rogue cells bypassing the checks and balances of your biology. This is that. Their hypocrisy is a symptom, though. And like with all symptoms, we must not ignore it.
We must treat the disease. Inoculate against the bullshit.
They will not hold themselves accountable.
So we must.
We must demand they do better.
We must demand our media be the watchdog.
We must resist their duplicity and their lies.
Courage in this strange time, folks. Stay frosty. Remain vigilant. Hang together.
Comments closed because, really, c’mon.
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whatthehelloh · 7 years
I am astonished these days by the bold-faced ballsiness of the Republican hypocrisy.
My jaw is perpetually on the floor. It’s not even attached anymore. It’s just a jawbone resting at my feet, as my tongue flops and flips around my rent-open face in moist gesticulations that fail to properly explain the sheer what-the-fuckery I’m forever feeling.
It’s probably always been there, this hypocrisy. Maybe it was better hidden, once upon a time. And certainly no political entity is without its duplicities and insincerities — but what we’re seeing now, what is paraded before us daily by both the administration and by Congress, is like satire written by an angry eight-year-old. It’s so clumsy, so on-the-nose, that no one would ever let the story air because it feels like a chimpanzee’s attempt at parody. Irony is dead. It’s six-feet-deep. Political humor is harder now than ever, because how do you make fun of a clown?
Every time I turn on on the news or even glimpse at Twitter, I see more and newer hypocrisies whipping fast past my eyes, scrolling like the list of side effects you’d get on a commercial for dick pills. It’s dizzying: an ever-growing display of towering horseshit so vertiginous that to attempt to climb it would be positively fucking Sisyphean. You’d never make it to the top. You’d forever be sliding back down as another shovel-load whaps you in the face.
They say they care about families, but then they rip them apart and deny them aid. They call women “hosts,” removing their personage, their choice, their access to care. They love unborn kids but somehow hate the women that give birth to them. Eat shit, Moms. They only want what’s in those uteruses, not the uteruses themselves. And once you’re born, ha ha, double fuck you, kid. Fuck your education. Fuck your health. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, they say only after they’ve bought up all the bootstraps for themselves and closed the bootstrap factories and what the fuck is a bootstrap, anyway?
They speak about individual responsibility, but can’t even show up for their own fucking town halls. They won’t be accountable to anything or anyone, but you, you have to be accountable for everything — even for them. When they say individual responsibility, they mean fuck you, do it yourself. Fuck the safety net. Fuck the general health and well-being of the nation. They got theirs, man. They mean that they won’t help you. The government’s very job is one of communal responsibility, but they have absolved themselves of that role and given it only to you. And how far down does that rabbit hole go? Will we be our kids’ only teachers? Are we our own doctors? Is the road outside my house mine and mine alone to build and to fix? They want to hold only their enemies accountable. They’ll investigate Hillary for decades after she’s dead, but they won’t cast one suspiciously-slitted eye toward Trump, toward Russia, toward every pay-for-play drip of corruption that erodes the bedrock of our government’s ability to self-regulate.
They talk about freedom, but they freedom they want isn’t for you. The freedom you want is the freedom to be able to drink clean water, to breathe clean air, to buy products that won’t kill you, to buy insurance that won’t bankrupt you, to invest in a future that helps you instead of hurts you. The freedom they want is for themselves. The freedom they champion isn’t yours, it belongs to big business. They want businesses to have the freedom to poison your air and your water, to lie to you, to tie you up with loopholes like nooses, to savage your investments and your future earnings. They want the freedom to take advantage of you, and they’ll sell that as your freedom, too. Don’t you want the choice to be lied to, to be cheated, to be ruined? What freedom! What choice! Ah, yes, just as our Founding Fathers wanted: the liberty of empowering others to fuck you from every angle. Isn’t that in the Bill of Rights? Can we get it in there somewhere?
They talk about being fiscally conservative, but then they spend money like they can just print more. (And our president thinks we can just print more.) It’ll cost more for our Comrade-in-Chief to go golfing than for the entire National Endowment for the Arts budget. The president has the fiscal discipline of a drunken gambling addict.
They talk about being stewards of the land, then take a flamethrower to the EPA, try to sell off the national parks, refuse to acknowledge climate change, and eradicate environmental protections — including streams. Because fuck streams, right? Streams have had it too good for too long.
They want you to pay your taxes, even though our president is proud of having never paid his.
They bark about voter fraud, then gerrymander the shit out of everything, rigging the game with a hundred thumbs holding down their side of the scale.
They climb to their seat of power on a ladder whose rungs are fashioned from fake news, and then once they’re up there, they look down at you and say, you’re the fake news. Everything you want, fake. Everything you are, fake. You don’t even exist if you disagree. Did you protest? You were paid. Did you show up at a town hall? You’re not a constituent. You’re a unicorn. A snowflake in need of a safe space.
And yet, they call us snowflakes, but melt under the tiniest light of scrutiny, under the smallest agitation. The moment anyone disagrees, they retreat to their own safe spaces, close and lock the doors, turn off all the lights, lower all the blinds so they can peer out until we’re gone.
The evil circus peanut who sits in the highest chair in the land decries liberal Hollywood elites while being himself a liberal Hollywood elite. We must do more with less, the man says as he goes to one of his like, seven fucking White Houses to hold a rally for an election in four years that doesn’t even have an opponent.
They talk about making America great, as if Americans weren’t already great.
They vilify illegal immigrants, as if we weren’t all illegal immigrants — as if this isn’t a country built first on native land that wasn’t ours, then second on the backs of black slaves who we stole and enslaved and tried to treat more like livestock than as human beings. They try to demonstrate how great this America is, but then those who come here to share in its greatness are cast aside, are sent away, are rounded up and torn from their families and told they don’t belong here. They claim to serve an America for all Americans, but it’s not — it’s for a very narrow slice, for the richest and whitest and straightest, for the healthiest, for the abled, for the men, for the companies, for themselves. Even the white working class gets fucked even as they’re told they’re not, because they still have to drink the water and breathe the air. They vote for the right to poison the water, you drink the water, you get cancer, but fuck your health, and fuck your kids if they’re born with a defect, that’s America, now, buddy. The freedom they want is to get what’s theirs from your pocket and pay no price for it even as you wither and weep at their feet. The freedom they want is to rob you blind then point to The Other and say, they did it, over there, it wasn’t us. We look just like you. You could be rich someday. Wouldn’t that be nice? It’s them over there. The welfare queens. The foreigners. The terrorists and the rapists. Not us. Never us.
They make hats and shirts that say AMERICA but whose tags say CHINA.
All the while, that word America in their mouths like a Bible verse on the tongue of the Devil. God Bless America, they say as they pick up their axes and chop at the roots of this tree. We’re good Christians, they say, as they do yet another un-Christian thing, because I’m sure it was Jesus who said fuck you, I got mine. Piss on compassion. To hell with empathy. These hypocrites cut away at the foundation of all the things we need to be a smart, healthy, successful country. They attack science. They hack at education. They want to chop your healthcare to splinters. They destroy debate. They slit the throat of every fact they don’t want you to know. They call the media the opposition, the enemy. They claim that truth is fake. The truth that we are at greater danger from white nationalist terror than from radical Muslim terror? Fake. The truth that we have nothing to fear from refugees, and that they are already extremely vetted? Fake. The truth that transgender individuals are not the harassers but in fact, the harassed? Fakeity-fake-fake, they say. The sky is red, ham is a fruit, pray for the family of Shazaam Berenstein, a survivor of the Bowling Green Massacre who then went on to die in the Swedish Event.
Their hypocrisy only grows — swelling like a tumor, diverting blood-flow away from healthy organs and to itself, because that’s how a cancer grows. A cancer is your body in rebellion. A cancer is rogue cells bypassing the checks and balances of your biology. This is that. Their hypocrisy is a symptom, though. And like with all symptoms, we must not ignore it.
We must treat the disease. Inoculate against the bullshit.
They will not hold themselves accountable.
So we must.
We must demand they do better.
We must demand our media be the watchdog.
We must resist their duplicity and their lies.
Courage in this strange time, folks. Stay frosty. Remain vigilant. Hang together.
Comments closed because, really, c’mon.
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mlmcompanies · 4 years
Let me be real for a second: business plans are overrated.
I’m going to give you some boss tips for writing one anyway, but only if you promise not to obsess over it.
The vast majority of entrepreneurs waste way too much time trying to perfect their business plan instead of just getting out there are doing something. You don’t learn nor do your earn from planning, you learn and earn from acting.
Research from Babson College, one of the best entrepreneurship programs in America, has shown that there’s basically no correlation between a start-up’s business plan and its revenue years down the road. (1) Self-made Internet millionaire Neil Patel has never written a single business plan, and he’s doing pretty well.
That being said, business plans can be very helpful for formulating a clear vision of your idea and raising money. So here are my finest advice gems for coming up with your perfectly imperfect business plan.
36. Imperfect action
“Winners take imperfect action while losers are still perfecting the plan.”
The key to writing a successful business plan is to fire the perfectionist within you. Do a 90-day challenge: every day, for 90 days, you have to do something to move your business forward. Not plan something, DO something. Even if it scares you.
35. Read one book about business plans
One solid book on business plans should give you plenty of useful business plan writing tips and tricks. Once you finish your business plan book, close it and get to work because remember that taking action is the most important step to succeeding.
34. Know your target market
Don’t be afraid to narrow down, because you can always expand later on. Apple’s very first business plan spelled out their target market clearly:
“As word processors are replacing typewriters in the real world, students need to learn word processing, not just typing. MAC will help the student of the 80’s learn the tools of the 80’s.” (2)
That’s why, in the late 80s and early 90s, most American schools used Macintosh computers. However, Apple has clearly expanded its target market exponentially since then.
33. Sales cures all
Mark Cuban drives this one home every chance he gets. Getting sales is more important than even having a business plan, or having the infrastructure to support future growth. (3)
Plans are all talk, sales are proof. Mark Cuban, or any smart investor for that matter, won’t throw down money on the greatest idea in the world if it has zero sales. Get out there and nail down some sales first, then plan for growth.
32. Interview customers
Once you know your target market, you need to understand them in and out. No better way to do this than interviewing the customers you’ll later be selling to.
Write up a list of interview questions, then go interview at least 20 customers. Don’t try to pitch them your idea, but listen to their ideas instead. Show sincere interest in what they have to say, collect their answers, and include key quotes from customers in an appropriate place within your business plan.
31. Get a financial consultant
The biggest red flag is a business plan that doesn’t have a clear picture of the business’s current and projected financials. You should know how to answer any question thrown at you, from turnover rates to gross profit and net profit.
If you’ve got a solid business idea and niche experience but just aren’t good with numbers and financials, get a financial consultant. Check out Fiverr for affordable freelancers in their financial consulting and business plan section. (4)
30. Tailor your plan to your audience
Your business plan is going to be seen by multiple interested parties, so write up a version that “speaks” to each audience. Make a private one for yourself as well and use it as a guide to moving your business forward.
This worked for Liat Tzoubari, who founded Sevensmith. She wrote up several different business plans for different audiences, one for the bank, one for venture capitalists, one for herself. She researched her potential investors before meeting with them and tailored her business plan accordingly, just like you’d do for a job application. (5)
29. Get a second opinion
When you’ve written a draft of your plan, find someone knowledgeable about business, like an accountant or a business advisor, to review the whole thing and offer you constructive criticism. They could catch areas that need more explanation, claims that need data to back them up, and other questions that your eventual audience might ask.
28. Get several proofreaders
Poor spelling and grammar demonstrate inadequate preparation and a lack of professionalism when it comes to business. Not just for the sake of proper English usage, either – millions of dollars in sales can be lost due to a single spelling error. (6)
It’s going to be hard for you to spot errors after gluing your eyes to the plan for several hours, so hit up friends, family, and colleagues (after running it through Grammarly or another spellchecker) to read through your document and point out grammar and spelling errors.
27. Have proof for every claim you make
Vague statements without proof won’t get you very far in business. Bring facts and data to the table for every single claim you make, whether it’s about sales, management, market position, or something else.
26. Avoid superlatives and other strong adjectives
Sounds nit-picky, but any effort to hype up your audience with words like “incredible”, “terrific”, or “unbelievable” will fall flat. You’re writing a business plan, not an infomercial, so impress your audience with your business plan and the data you’ve gathered.
25. Skew your estimates
That’s right – don’t give them the numbers you’re really projecting. You want to err on the conservative side, you know, underpromise and overdeliver.
A good rule of thumb is to take your projected costs and add 25% for unforeseen overages, then take your projected revenue and cut it in half. If your business plan survives with these pessimistic estimates, you know you can make it through anything unexpected. (7)
24. Nail down an elevator pitch
Don’t waste your time writing up a 100-page business plan unless you can explain it all in one minute.
Humans have a pretty depressing attention span – on average, about 8 seconds. (8) It doesn’t matter what you wrote on page 26. If you can’t hook someone in the first 8 seconds, it’s over.
23. Use infographics
Visuals are effective, and infographics are at the top of the list when it comes to explaining complex concepts in a persuasive way. Visuals are processed 60,000 times faster than text by the brain, and according to the Wharton School of Business, people who use visuals to persuade are 17% more effective than people who rely solely on text. (9)
Hit up Upwork for an infographic artist that costs less than your Friday night, and start implementing visuals. (10)
22. Emphasize your experience
Many investors would prefer that an entrepreneur has some sort of experience in the industry they’re launching their business in. If you (or your team, if you have one) have any experience in the field in your industry, emphasize it in the plan.
Don’t make it sound like a resume-like list, though. Give a concise description of you and each of your team member’s knowledge of your business’s products, competition, industry, potential customers, etc.
21. Don’t hide your weaknesses
Being honest about your weaknesses will always pay off more than attempting to hide them. But don’t highlight them too much, either – this will make you sound insecure, not a very attractive trait to find in an entrepreneur.
Address your weaknesses openly with your audience, but also demonstrate your plan to minimize or combat these weaknesses to show your audience that you’re proactive.
20. Avoid long documents
Attention spans are shortening by the day, so having long documents with giant chunks of texts isn’t going to do you any favors in acquiring investment capital. In fact, many successful business plans are no longer than 10-15 pages.
Keep it short and sweet, only giving them the essentials. Don’t fluff. If your audience wants more information, they’ll ask you for it.
19. Bootstrap
There’s a lot of talk about finding investors here, but bootstrapping is blowing up in the start-up world. That is, funding your start-up all on your own, 100% independent from the pull and influence of big investors.
Facebook, Apple, Coca-Cola, and eBay were all bootstrapped, and according to the Harvard Business Review, bootstrapped companies actually attract better talent. (11)
18. Set SMART goals
Real talk: most goals are useless. In fact, studies show that talking about your goals can actually reduce the likelihood of you actually reaching them. (12)
That’s because most goals are vague and fluffy, filled with unicorns and rainbows and no actionable way to reach them. SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-sensitive. Make sure any goal you discuss in your business plan meets these criteria.
17. Track pricing trends
If you’re selling a product or service, especially through e-commerce, you need to pay attention to pricing trends within your industry before developing your business plan.
Luckily, there are some fantastic price tracking tools out there to help you. CamelCamelCamel is a popular, easy plug-in that you can add to your browser, and PriceZombie is a great price tracking software that also takes into account product quality. (13) (14)
16. Prioritize customer acquisition
Serial Silicon Valley entrepreneur Steve Blank’s book The Four Steps to the Epiphany: Successful Strategies for Products that Win pretty much put the final nail in the coffin of the “product development” model of business. (15)
Build it, and they might not come. Instead of focusing most of your business plan on product development, make customer acquisition a priority. That means marketing aggressively and often. If you’re doing something digital, you’re going to do a lot of A/B testing and develop a plan that involves SEO, content marketing, and lead generation.
15. Perform competitor analysis
Analyzing your competition is easier now than ever thanks to the internet. Figure out their traffic analytics, backlinks, and conversion rates on Ahrefs and Alexa. Use Spyfu to figure out the PPC keywords they’re bidding on.
Stalk their blog and social media accounts like they’re your ex. Read their reviews. Find their and their customers’ pain points. Mimic what’s working for them in a way that fits your business, and avoid what’s not working for them.
14. Spell out ROI
If a stranger comes up to you and says you should give them money, you’re not going to wonder what makes them awesome enough to deserve your money. You’re going to want to know what’s in it for you.
Same deal with business plans for investors. Sure, you’ve got to have a great idea and prove yourself competent. But in the end, they’re not looking to know how baller you are. They want to know how much money you can make them.
If you’re presenting a business plan to investors, a study from the Harvard Business Review shows that most investors want a 40-60% return, compounded annually. (16) Calculate your estimated sales, profit growth, and figure out equity offerings based on this ROI.
13. Offer at least 25% equity
Figure out your company’s valuation in the business plan and decide how much equity you’re willing to give up.
The basic formula is pretty simple: take the amount of money you’re trying to raise and divide it by your company’s valuation. If you’re looking for $4 million and value your company is worth $12 million, be ready to give up 33% in equity. Most first-round investors take between 25% and 45% in equity. (17)
12. A/B testing
Throw $100 on Facebook ads to test your product/service. Take all those ideas you brainstormed and create a series of Facebook ads for them, running each one for $10. Find what works.
42% of failed start-ups said a lack of market need for their product was the reason they failed. (18) Make sure there’s a market need for your idea before you build it out.
11. Make it a low-cost startup
The second reason start-ups fail is a lack of sufficient capital – about 30% of them tank because they run out of money. (19) But now thanks to the internet, you can start up with costs near zero to make bootstrapping it easier.
Work for free the first 6 month-1 year. During this time, you and a partner don’t take a salary: that’s free labor.
Develop an app/program/website using open source programs: that’s free product development.
Use unpaid digital marketing techniques like SEO, social media, and content marketing to build a buzz: that’s free customer acquisition.
10. Launch with a minimum viable product
All the testing and investment calculations in the world aren’t going to guarantee your idea makes it big. Only time and experience will do that.
Get yourself an MVP (minimum viable product) and put it out there. You can always pivot if needed.
Groupon launched with just 20 friends using an app to coordinate and purchase things in groups for group discounts. (20) Now they’re doing $3.14 billion in sales. (21)
9. Update it as you go
Things rarely go completely as planned in business. Your product might not sell, some new competition might enter the market and steal customers from you, or maybe a new revenue opportunity presents itself after you’ve launched your business.
It’s ok if any of that happens. You can adjust your business plan as needed to reflect your current situation, as long as you’re continually making progress.
8. Register in Wyoming
Location, location, location.
Wyoming has one of the best tax climates in the country for new businesses. No corporate tax, no income tax, no gross receipts tax. Cha-ching.
It’s also a very low-cost place to start up. Delaware and Puerto Rico (6% flat tax) are also worth considering. (22)
7. Crowdfunding
The vast majority of businesses fail to sustain themselves due to cash flow problems (82% to be exact). (23) But giving up too much equity early on to investors means you lose control of the company and limit its potential.
Crowdfunding brings in cash flow and lets you keep 100% equity. You’re going to have to be a marketing whizz or otherwise, you’ll have to hire one (you can find crowdfunding campaign writers on Upwork and other freelancer sites), but a successful Kickstarter or Gofundme campaign can net you even more than a big VC (venture capitalist).
Husband and wife duo Yoganshi and Hiral Sanghavi designed the “World’s Best Travel Jacket” and put it up on Kickstarter with a goal of raising $20,000. They hit their goal in FIVE hours, and in the end, raised $9.2 million in what ended up being one of the most successful Kickstarter campaigns ever. (24)
6. Format for skimming
Most people won’t read your entire business plan, or even most of it. Eye scan studies show that the vast majority of people read pages in an F-pattern – they read all the headers and intros down the left side of the page and then scan from left to right just on the sections that interest them most.
Also, readers, especially web users, spend 80% of their time reading “above the fold,” which on a website, is the part visible without scrolling, and on a printed document, the first half the of the first page. (25)
Format your business plan accordingly. Put everything you think people MUST know about your business in the first couple of paragraphs, and use lots of headings and bolded keywords for other important information to catch their attention.
5. Write the executive summary last
This is the bread and butter of your business plan: it’s a lot like a written form of your elevator pitch. For those skim-readers, these few paragraphs are all they’re going to touch.
Your executive summary is at the beginning of your business plan, and it spells out the main points of your company, product/service, target market, and financial projections. It’s what they read to decide if they’re intrigued enough to hear more.
Focus on perfecting the executive summary. Write it after you’ve done all the other sections, as you’ll have a clear picture of your market, product, and financials.
4. Target your customer (DIG)
People think phrases like “middle-aged moms” is a target market. Hint: it’s not. You need to dig deeper than that if you want to hone in on a market effectively. Use the DIG method for targeting your customers:
Demographics: Go farther than age and gender. Occupation? Location? Income? Nationality? Birth month? Political party?
Interests: Nail down your customer’s personality. What are their hobbies and passions? Temperament? Lifestyle? Opinions?
Platforms: Where are these people active? Facebook? Instagram? Online communities and forums? Professional networks? Figure out where they hang.
3. Know your SEO
A marketing plan without SEO research is a marketing plan from the 1980s. You can’t create a successful business without Google.
First step: keyword research (SEMrush, MOZ, KWFinder). Figure out what your target keywords are going to be. Second step is to develop a content plan based on your keywords and start building up backlinks by getting mentions on high authority websites. Network. There you go, 80% of SEO done. You’re welcome.
2. Start a blog
Obviously I’m a big fan of this one. You need to have a website that’s optimized for SEO, and starting an industry relevant blog is one of the best ways to do that.
But blogging is so much more than SEO. It’s also one of the best (and cheapest) ways to build name recognition, credibility, and trust. Why do you think I spend 20+ hours researching and writing posts like this one?
1. Generate leads for local businesses
There are a lot of factors when it comes to start-up failure: sub-par products, lack of funding, and low sales are easily the top 3. But lead generation is one of the most consistent and guaranteed factors if you know what you’re doing (SEO).
What if you could cut out all the messy, risky factors of starting a business and JUST focus on lead generation? Start a lead generation business. Pick a niche (small, think limo services in Tallahassee, Florida), optimize a website for SEO and lead generation (easier than you think), and sell those leads to a local business in your niche. They’ll fork over huge money for a stack of fresh leads, and you can keep reeling them in while you sleep.
It’s digital. It’s automated. It’s scalable. Doesn’t get any better than that.
0 notes
antionetterparker · 4 years
Ranking the 36 best tips for writing your next business plan
Let me be real for a second: business plans are overrated.
I’m going to give you some boss tips for writing one anyway, but only if you promise not to obsess over it.
The vast majority of entrepreneurs waste way too much time trying to perfect their business plan instead of just getting out there are doing something. You don’t learn nor do your earn from planning, you learn and earn from acting.
Research from Babson College, one of the best entrepreneurship programs in America, has shown that there’s basically no correlation between a start-up’s business plan and its revenue years down the road. (1) Self-made Internet millionaire Neil Patel has never written a single business plan, and he’s doing pretty well.
That being said, business plans can be very helpful for formulating a clear vision of your idea and raising money. So here are my finest advice gems for coming up with your perfectly imperfect business plan.
36. Imperfect action
“Winners take imperfect action while losers are still perfecting the plan.”
The key to writing a successful business plan is to fire the perfectionist within you. Do a 90-day challenge: every day, for 90 days, you have to do something to move your business forward. Not plan something, DO something. Even if it scares you.
35. Read one book about business plans
One solid book on business plans should give you plenty of useful business plan writing tips and tricks. Once you finish your business plan book, close it and get to work because remember that taking action is the most important step to succeeding.
34. Know your target market
Don’t be afraid to narrow down, because you can always expand later on. Apple’s very first business plan spelled out their target market clearly:
“As word processors are replacing typewriters in the real world, students need to learn word processing, not just typing. MAC will help the student of the 80’s learn the tools of the 80’s.” (2)
That’s why, in the late 80s and early 90s, most American schools used Macintosh computers. However, Apple has clearly expanded its target market exponentially since then.
33. Sales cures all
Mark Cuban drives this one home every chance he gets. Getting sales is more important than even having a business plan, or having the infrastructure to support future growth. (3)
Plans are all talk, sales are proof. Mark Cuban, or any smart investor for that matter, won’t throw down money on the greatest idea in the world if it has zero sales. Get out there and nail down some sales first, then plan for growth.
32. Interview customers
Once you know your target market, you need to understand them in and out. No better way to do this than interviewing the customers you’ll later be selling to.
Write up a list of interview questions, then go interview at least 20 customers. Don’t try to pitch them your idea, but listen to their ideas instead. Show sincere interest in what they have to say, collect their answers, and include key quotes from customers in an appropriate place within your business plan.
31. Get a financial consultant
The biggest red flag is a business plan that doesn’t have a clear picture of the business’s current and projected financials. You should know how to answer any question thrown at you, from turnover rates to gross profit and net profit.
If you’ve got a solid business idea and niche experience but just aren’t good with numbers and financials, get a financial consultant. Check out Fiverr for affordable freelancers in their financial consulting and business plan section. (4)
30. Tailor your plan to your audience
Your business plan is going to be seen by multiple interested parties, so write up a version that “speaks” to each audience. Make a private one for yourself as well and use it as a guide to moving your business forward.
This worked for Liat Tzoubari, who founded Sevensmith. She wrote up several different business plans for different audiences, one for the bank, one for venture capitalists, one for herself. She researched her potential investors before meeting with them and tailored her business plan accordingly, just like you’d do for a job application. (5)
29. Get a second opinion
When you’ve written a draft of your plan, find someone knowledgeable about business, like an accountant or a business advisor, to review the whole thing and offer you constructive criticism. They could catch areas that need more explanation, claims that need data to back them up, and other questions that your eventual audience might ask.
28. Get several proofreaders
Poor spelling and grammar demonstrate inadequate preparation and a lack of professionalism when it comes to business. Not just for the sake of proper English usage, either – millions of dollars in sales can be lost due to a single spelling error. (6)
It’s going to be hard for you to spot errors after gluing your eyes to the plan for several hours, so hit up friends, family, and colleagues (after running it through Grammarly or another spellchecker) to read through your document and point out grammar and spelling errors.
27. Have proof for every claim you make
Vague statements without proof won’t get you very far in business. Bring facts and data to the table for every single claim you make, whether it’s about sales, management, market position, or something else.
26. Avoid superlatives and other strong adjectives
Sounds nit-picky, but any effort to hype up your audience with words like “incredible”, “terrific”, or “unbelievable” will fall flat. You’re writing a business plan, not an infomercial, so impress your audience with your business plan and the data you’ve gathered.
25. Skew your estimates
That’s right – don’t give them the numbers you’re really projecting. You want to err on the conservative side, you know, underpromise and overdeliver.
A good rule of thumb is to take your projected costs and add 25% for unforeseen overages, then take your projected revenue and cut it in half. If your business plan survives with these pessimistic estimates, you know you can make it through anything unexpected. (7)
24. Nail down an elevator pitch
Don’t waste your time writing up a 100-page business plan unless you can explain it all in one minute.
Humans have a pretty depressing attention span – on average, about 8 seconds. (8) It doesn’t matter what you wrote on page 26. If you can’t hook someone in the first 8 seconds, it’s over.
23. Use infographics
Visuals are effective, and infographics are at the top of the list when it comes to explaining complex concepts in a persuasive way. Visuals are processed 60,000 times faster than text by the brain, and according to the Wharton School of Business, people who use visuals to persuade are 17% more effective than people who rely solely on text. (9)
Hit up Upwork for an infographic artist that costs less than your Friday night, and start implementing visuals. (10)
22. Emphasize your experience
Many investors would prefer that an entrepreneur has some sort of experience in the industry they’re launching their business in. If you (or your team, if you have one) have any experience in the field in your industry, emphasize it in the plan.
Don’t make it sound like a resume-like list, though. Give a concise description of you and each of your team member’s knowledge of your business’s products, competition, industry, potential customers, etc.
21. Don’t hide your weaknesses
Being honest about your weaknesses will always pay off more than attempting to hide them. But don’t highlight them too much, either – this will make you sound insecure, not a very attractive trait to find in an entrepreneur.
Address your weaknesses openly with your audience, but also demonstrate your plan to minimize or combat these weaknesses to show your audience that you’re proactive.
20. Avoid long documents
Attention spans are shortening by the day, so having long documents with giant chunks of texts isn’t going to do you any favors in acquiring investment capital. In fact, many successful business plans are no longer than 10-15 pages.
Keep it short and sweet, only giving them the essentials. Don’t fluff. If your audience wants more information, they’ll ask you for it.
19. Bootstrap
There’s a lot of talk about finding investors here, but bootstrapping is blowing up in the start-up world. That is, funding your start-up all on your own, 100% independent from the pull and influence of big investors.
Facebook, Apple, Coca-Cola, and eBay were all bootstrapped, and according to the Harvard Business Review, bootstrapped companies actually attract better talent. (11)
18. Set SMART goals
Real talk: most goals are useless. In fact, studies show that talking about your goals can actually reduce the likelihood of you actually reaching them. (12)
That’s because most goals are vague and fluffy, filled with unicorns and rainbows and no actionable way to reach them. SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-sensitive. Make sure any goal you discuss in your business plan meets these criteria.
17. Track pricing trends
If you’re selling a product or service, especially through e-commerce, you need to pay attention to pricing trends within your industry before developing your business plan.
Luckily, there are some fantastic price tracking tools out there to help you. CamelCamelCamel is a popular, easy plug-in that you can add to your browser, and PriceZombie is a great price tracking software that also takes into account product quality. (13) (14)
16. Prioritize customer acquisition
Serial Silicon Valley entrepreneur Steve Blank’s book The Four Steps to the Epiphany: Successful Strategies for Products that Win pretty much put the final nail in the coffin of the “product development” model of business. (15)
Build it, and they might not come. Instead of focusing most of your business plan on product development, make customer acquisition a priority. That means marketing aggressively and often. If you’re doing something digital, you’re going to do a lot of A/B testing and develop a plan that involves SEO, content marketing, and lead generation.
15. Perform competitor analysis
Analyzing your competition is easier now than ever thanks to the internet. Figure out their traffic analytics, backlinks, and conversion rates on Ahrefs and Alexa. Use Spyfu to figure out the PPC keywords they’re bidding on.
Stalk their blog and social media accounts like they’re your ex. Read their reviews. Find their and their customers’ pain points. Mimic what’s working for them in a way that fits your business, and avoid what’s not working for them.
14. Spell out ROI
If a stranger comes up to you and says you should give them money, you’re not going to wonder what makes them awesome enough to deserve your money. You’re going to want to know what’s in it for you.
Same deal with business plans for investors. Sure, you’ve got to have a great idea and prove yourself competent. But in the end, they’re not looking to know how baller you are. They want to know how much money you can make them.
If you’re presenting a business plan to investors, a study from the Harvard Business Review shows that most investors want a 40-60% return, compounded annually. (16) Calculate your estimated sales, profit growth, and figure out equity offerings based on this ROI.
13. Offer at least 25% equity
Figure out your company’s valuation in the business plan and decide how much equity you’re willing to give up.
The basic formula is pretty simple: take the amount of money you’re trying to raise and divide it by your company’s valuation. If you’re looking for $4 million and value your company is worth $12 million, be ready to give up 33% in equity. Most first-round investors take between 25% and 45% in equity. (17)
12. A/B testing
Throw $100 on Facebook ads to test your product/service. Take all those ideas you brainstormed and create a series of Facebook ads for them, running each one for $10. Find what works.
42% of failed start-ups said a lack of market need for their product was the reason they failed. (18) Make sure there’s a market need for your idea before you build it out.
11. Make it a low-cost startup
The second reason start-ups fail is a lack of sufficient capital – about 30% of them tank because they run out of money. (19) But now thanks to the internet, you can start up with costs near zero to make bootstrapping it easier.
Work for free the first 6 month-1 year. During this time, you and a partner don’t take a salary: that’s free labor.
Develop an app/program/website using open source programs: that’s free product development.
Use unpaid digital marketing techniques like SEO, social media, and content marketing to build a buzz: that’s free customer acquisition.
10. Launch with a minimum viable product
All the testing and investment calculations in the world aren’t going to guarantee your idea makes it big. Only time and experience will do that.
Get yourself an MVP (minimum viable product) and put it out there. You can always pivot if needed.
Groupon launched with just 20 friends using an app to coordinate and purchase things in groups for group discounts. (20) Now they’re doing $3.14 billion in sales. (21)
9. Update it as you go
Things rarely go completely as planned in business. Your product might not sell, some new competition might enter the market and steal customers from you, or maybe a new revenue opportunity presents itself after you’ve launched your business.
It’s ok if any of that happens. You can adjust your business plan as needed to reflect your current situation, as long as you’re continually making progress.
8. Register in Wyoming
Location, location, location.
Wyoming has one of the best tax climates in the country for new businesses. No corporate tax, no income tax, no gross receipts tax. Cha-ching.
It’s also a very low-cost place to start up. Delaware and Puerto Rico (6% flat tax) are also worth considering. (22)
7. Crowdfunding
The vast majority of businesses fail to sustain themselves due to cash flow problems (82% to be exact). (23) But giving up too much equity early on to investors means you lose control of the company and limit its potential.
Crowdfunding brings in cash flow and lets you keep 100% equity. You’re going to have to be a marketing whizz or otherwise, you’ll have to hire one (you can find crowdfunding campaign writers on Upwork and other freelancer sites), but a successful Kickstarter or Gofundme campaign can net you even more than a big VC (venture capitalist).
Husband and wife duo Yoganshi and Hiral Sanghavi designed the “World’s Best Travel Jacket” and put it up on Kickstarter with a goal of raising $20,000. They hit their goal in FIVE hours, and in the end, raised $9.2 million in what ended up being one of the most successful Kickstarter campaigns ever. (24)
6. Format for skimming
Most people won’t read your entire business plan, or even most of it. Eye scan studies show that the vast majority of people read pages in an F-pattern – they read all the headers and intros down the left side of the page and then scan from left to right just on the sections that interest them most.
Also, readers, especially web users, spend 80% of their time reading “above the fold,” which on a website, is the part visible without scrolling, and on a printed document, the first half the of the first page. (25)
Format your business plan accordingly. Put everything you think people MUST know about your business in the first couple of paragraphs, and use lots of headings and bolded keywords for other important information to catch their attention.
5. Write the executive summary last
This is the bread and butter of your business plan: it’s a lot like a written form of your elevator pitch. For those skim-readers, these few paragraphs are all they’re going to touch.
Your executive summary is at the beginning of your business plan, and it spells out the main points of your company, product/service, target market, and financial projections. It’s what they read to decide if they’re intrigued enough to hear more.
Focus on perfecting the executive summary. Write it after you’ve done all the other sections, as you’ll have a clear picture of your market, product, and financials.
4. Target your customer (DIG)
People think phrases like “middle-aged moms” is a target market. Hint: it’s not. You need to dig deeper than that if you want to hone in on a market effectively. Use the DIG method for targeting your customers:
Demographics: Go farther than age and gender. Occupation? Location? Income? Nationality? Birth month? Political party?
Interests: Nail down your customer’s personality. What are their hobbies and passions? Temperament? Lifestyle? Opinions?
Platforms: Where are these people active? Facebook? Instagram? Online communities and forums? Professional networks? Figure out where they hang.
3. Know your SEO
A marketing plan without SEO research is a marketing plan from the 1980s. You can’t create a successful business without Google.
First step: keyword research (SEMrush, MOZ, KWFinder). Figure out what your target keywords are going to be. Second step is to develop a content plan based on your keywords and start building up backlinks by getting mentions on high authority websites. Network. There you go, 80% of SEO done. You’re welcome.
2. Start a blog
Obviously I’m a big fan of this one. You need to have a website that’s optimized for SEO, and starting an industry relevant blog is one of the best ways to do that.
But blogging is so much more than SEO. It’s also one of the best (and cheapest) ways to build name recognition, credibility, and trust. Why do you think I spend 20+ hours researching and writing posts like this one?
1. Generate leads for local businesses
There are a lot of factors when it comes to start-up failure: sub-par products, lack of funding, and low sales are easily the top 3. But lead generation is one of the most consistent and guaranteed factors if you know what you’re doing (SEO).
What if you could cut out all the messy, risky factors of starting a business and JUST focus on lead generation? Start a lead generation business. Pick a niche (small, think limo services in Tallahassee, Florida), optimize a website for SEO and lead generation (easier than you think), and sell those leads to a local business in your niche. They’ll fork over huge money for a stack of fresh leads, and you can keep reeling them in while you sleep.
It’s digital. It’s automated. It’s scalable. Doesn’t get any better than that.
via https://mlmcompanies.org/writing-your-next-business-plan/
0 notes
nicoleignn · 5 years
ART4225: the research and answering the questions
Here are some articles I found that will help me answer the questions I’ve asked myself and dig dipper into the research:
Jean-Michel Basquiat was one of them, “No Outsiders” project of the school and Cold War being very different from other massive wars due to the absence of the actual armed attack.)
"I think the art world is the biggest insider hustle ever invented - galleries fixing prices by controlling the supply, then hyping the shit out of paint on a piece of wood only affordable to billionaire. There, I said it!
Basquiat is a guy that was famous for painting in Armani suits and not giving a shit how expensive the suit was and 'ruining' it. I would imagine that ruined suit would be priceless if someone had it in their collection today.
In 1968, Basquiat was hit by a car, and subsequently given a copy of Gray’s Anatomy (the medical text, not McDreamy) to read during recovery. His head full of macabre images, Basquiat would soon develop his iconic skulls-and-grit aesthetic. Other impacts would soon compound his grief: that same year, his parents divorced, splitting Basquiat’s very foundation.
 Pulled by his inspirations and pushed by his broken family situation, Basquiat ran away from home to spend a week homeless, sleeping on benches and making street art. Arrested and returned to his father’s custody, Jean-Michel was promptly kicked out of his home. The street-saavy Basquiat moved in with friends around Brooklyn, selling t-shirts and postcards to support himself.
 In 1979, the message “SAMO© IS DEAD” appeared all over New York. Immediately thereafter, Basquiat reintroduced himself on TV Party as a fine artist, albeit one with street origins. His style hadn’t changed – he was still a street kid making street shit because he thought it was cool – but suddenly, the perception of him began to shift. Decades before bootstrapped streetwear labels made a run at Fashion Week, the art world had its own surging outsider.
  No Outsiders: Researching approaches to sexualities equality in primary schools
This is a 28-month project (September 2006 to December 2008), supporting primary teachers in developing strategies to address lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality in their own schools and classrooms.
The project team, led by Elizabeth Atkinson and Renee DePalma at the University of Sunderland, in collaboration with Michael Reiss at the Institute of Education and Nick Givens and David Nixon at the University of Exeter, along with three Research Assistants, will support up to fifteen primary teachers in each year in developing and evaluating strategies for addressing sexualities equality within the context of the broader agenda of providing an inclusive education for all pupils, and an inclusive environment for pupils, parents and teachers. Together we aim to create a research-based community of practice where positive strategies can be shared, explored and developed, then disseminated to the wider teaching and research community through the creation of teaching ideas and resources.
Project objectives include:
• To add to the understanding of the operation of heteronormativity (the assumption that heterosexuality is normal, so anything else is abnormal) in school contexts.
• To create a community of practice within which teachers can develop effective approaches to addressing sexualities equality within the broader context of inclusive education.
The Cold War Escalates
For four decades after the end of World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union became locked in what would become known as the Cold War. The Cold War would be quite different from past wars. Most wars had been "hot" wars where there had been direct armed conflict between opponents. However, the Cold War was a struggle between the Americans and the Soviets to determine which of their economic and ideological systems would govern world affairs. The United States system was based on democratic government (where citizens control government) and an economic system of "free enterprise" (or privately owned businesses). The Soviet Union was a "communist" state, where a single authoritarian party owned all property within the nation and controlled all production. Goods and services were then distributed to the people by the state. The democratic and communist systems were directly opposed to one another. Instead of engaging in military conflict, the two powers became engaged in political, economic, and cultural rivalry, and most alarmingly, competition to develop the greatest military power
This definition made me ask myself many questions: how do we set the price for an artwork? Is the time and historical events that the artwork went through important while setting a price for it? Why are artworks sold for crazy prices after their creators die? Does human life have a price, and if yes, how big is it and how would society evaluate that? If human life is priceless, why do people spend thousands to kill each other during war time?
There is no perfect formula for pricing your artwork – but we’ve asked our artists for a few helpful hints to help you get started.
Always have a set price in mind so you don’t panic when put on the spot. If someone approaches you to ask a price, they are already considering buying, and if you encounter a few instances when they turn away after revealing the price, consider rethinking the pricing structure. However, never adjust them on the spur of the moment! Take the time to consider what the worth is.
Consider the materials you’ve used and the time you’ve spent from flash of inspiration to finishing touches. Keep track of your expenses as your create your piece to make sure you don’t end up losing money. Take into consideration utilities, professional fees like framing, material costs, transportation, postage or studio rent. Then always remember to include the sales commission if you’re going through a gallery or agent. These ‘hidden costs’ can often catch you out in the long run.
If you start at a low price some may take that as a sign that the artist has low confidence, but a high starting price shows ambition. However, use common sense and don’t start on a huge number that will put potential buyers off. Keep in mind a professional hourly wage rather than minim wage – to create art is skilled work!
If you have kept track of your expenses and time, then you will be able to logically back up the price of the artwork. You may need to defend your prices against dealers as well as buyers so make sure to keep track of everything and don’t undervalue the work you’ve put in.
Make sure to check what similar artists are offering and how they price their work. This will help you evaluate your work from a different standpoint and ensure it’s well placed within the market. Visit exhibitions by similar artists and talk to dealers to get a feel for the current climate. They may use different formulas to you when they approach their pricing, but it’s a good idea to learn what these are so you’re aware of the different options.
Some works are just too special, don’t be tempted to part with it if you can’t find a suitable price. Artwork can be worth much more than money when timed right and can be part of your own permanent collection.
Depending on the environment, leave a little extra room to negotiate if you expect there to be some bartering. Buyers often approach a seller prepared to haggle down the price. Set your lowest price in your mind and resist the pressure to go beyond it.
Don’t be afraid to increase your prices if demand is high for your work. If you’re experiencing a high degree of success then it’s the best time to raise your prices, especially if it’s been consistent for at least six months. However, always be able to back up your increases with facts – never raise them whimsically. Raise them slowly, around 10 – 20%, so that you don’t alienate previous buyers from coming back again.
It’s recommended to increase prices after you’ve been featured in a number of shows, representation or inflation. However, be consistent online as well – it won’t be good news if the galleries find out they’re undersold online or directly through yourself.
Always record who buys your work, their name and the price. You can then bring this up to back up some of your existing prices further down the line and show them to dealers if you’re looking for representation from a gallery.
Buyers will usually expect to pay less for smaller works and it’s a hard rule to follow, as that doesn’t necessarily mean less work has gone into them. However, it’s something to be aware of when you start to price your work.
If you work in print or photography you’ll have an extra element to take into account when you’re pricing your work – editions! Make sure to number and sign each piece - first editions should be sold at a slightly higher price as they are considered the most valuable.
Knowing is half the battle, but sometimes it’s hard to feel comparable to artists around you. Remember the pricing tips above and don’t forget to value you’re hard work.
You can also add a disclaimer to a price list so it gives you some wiggle room if a buyer feels that your price list is too high. You can offer a discount when it’s a regular buyer or first time to help get regular business. However, don’t advertise them as on sale as this will damage the reputation of your work and discourage buyers from purchasing your work at full price.
Improve sales by promoting your work through blogs, local news and your website. Advertise that your work is on sale to make people aware that they are available. You can start an email newsletter to circulate new work to consistent followers or previous buyers.
Talk with other artists about their work and share ideas on how to promote each other – from collaborations to group exhibitions. You can even offer to shout out about each other’s work on social media or to each other’s mailing lists.
Getting started with pricing may be one of the hardest parts for some artists when they launch themselves into the market. As always with art, there is no right answer – just be confident in what you offer and take the leap.
Every day, regulators answer such seemingly unanswerable philosophical questions, and in the United States and an ever larger number of other countries, they do it in ways that budget officials readily understand: They come up with a number. Today, the U.S. Office of Management and Budget puts the value of a human life in the range of $7 million to $9 million.
Why these particular numbers — and not, say, 42? A crucial part of the answer is that clever economists estimate the value of a human life based on the choices we make about risky behavior: smoking cigarettes, driving a car, eating undercooked meat or working a risky job.
Some more questions here. Can history be fictional? What if most historical events were fictional? How would it change the world we’re living in today? Why do people consider LGBT as a totally wrong thing just because it contradicts their religion, but they can’t be sure that all religion is not fictional? What happens when people start living in their fictional worlds and how it affects their mental health?
Historical fiction is a literary genre in which the plot takes place in a setting located in the past. Although the term is commonly used as a synonym for the historical novel, it can also be applied to other types of narrative, including theatre, opera, cinema and television, as well as video games and graphic novels.
What Are Personality Disorders?
People with personality disorders have long-standing patterns of thinking and acting that differ from what society considers usual or normal. Their inflexible personality traits can cause great distress, and can interfere with many areas of life, including social and work functioning. People with significant personality disorders generally also have poor coping skills and difficulty forming healthy relationships.
Unlike people with anxiety disorders, who know they have a problem but are unable to control it, people with personality disorders generally are not aware that they have a problem and do not believe they have anything to control.
People with schizotypal personality disorder may have odd beliefs or superstitions. These individuals are unable to form close relationships and tend to distort reality. In this respect, schizotypal personality disorder can seem like a mild form of schizophrenia -- a serious brain disorder that distorts the way a person thinks, acts, expresses emotions, perceives reality, and relates to others. In rare cases, people with schizotypal personality disorder may eventually develop schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia: Living in Your Own Reality
According to poet, critic, philosopher and founder of the philosophy Aesthetic Realism Eli Siegel, “In all insanity, the ego is in a contemptuous and angry war with the rest of existence. And where there is anger, as I have already said, the solace of contempt is hoped for.” In Schizophrenia, according to Mr. Siegel, the personality opposites of “actual” and “familiar” are in “diseased opposition” to the “remote” and the “romantic” (Self and World p. 135).
In other words, the person with Schizophrenia lives in a reality of his own choosing rather than in the world as it exists. He has become “diseased in his self-exultation.” (Self and World p. 143). As Mr. Siegel explains in Self and World on page 15. “I mean forthrightly to show that contempt causes insanity and as I have said, interferes with mind in a less disastrous way.” According to the third statement of Aesthetic Realism which defines the human tendency towards contempt “There is a disposition in every person to think he will be for himself by making less of the outside world.” (Erasing Scars: Herpes and Healing p.136).
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revpauljbern · 6 years
We can wipe out poverty in 1 generation. So what’s holding us back? Greed, maybe?
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How We Can Make God, and Each Other,
Happy by Ending Poverty
by Pastor Paul J. Bern
For better phone, tablet or website viewing, click here :-)
Today in the early 21st century, and with 99% of the wealth in America in the hands of 1% of the population, the US has a bigger and wider gap between the richest 1% of American money earners and big business owners and the remainder of working Americans than there is in many supposedly “third world” countries. The widespread and systemic unemployment or underemployment that currently exists in the US job market (including those who have given up and dropped out of the job market) is no longer just an economic problem. It has become a civil rights issue of the highest priority. The US job market has been turned into a raffle, where one lucky person gets the job while entire groups of others get left out in the cold – sometimes literally. I am vigorously maintaining that every human being has the basic, God-given right to a livelihood and to a living wage. There is no such thing under God's laws that say any given person should be unable to support themselves and their families! Anything less becomes a gross civil rights violation. Based on that, I would say those jobless individuals are victims of systemic economic discrimination. And so I further state unreservedly that restarting the civil rights era protests, demonstrations, sit-ins and the occupation of government buildings, or whole city blocks, is the most effective way of addressing the rampant inequality and persistent economic hardship that currently exists in the US.
Fortunately, this has already started here in the US, with the advent of the protests for so many unarmed Black men being killed by police officers. But these protesters are actually somewhat behind the curve. Because, before them there was Occupy Wall St., “we are the 99%” and Anonymous. And before those there was the Arab Spring in Egypt, the summer of 2011 in Great Britain and Greece, plus Libya, Syria and Gaza in the Middle East. So from a political standpoint, the current crop of protesters here in the US have some catching up to do. And yet, that was before the rest of the world got on board protesting globally for the many murdered Americans in Florida, Missouri, New York and elsewhere. So now, like an echo from the fairly recent past, the protests over police violence has echoed across the globe and is still reaching a crescendo.
The least common denominator to all this rage in the streets is that of being economically disadvantaged. “You will always have the poor”, Jesus said, “but you will not always have me” (This was prior to his being crucified). Deuteronomy chapter 15, verses 7-8 state, “If there is a poor man among your brothers.... do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward your brother. Rather be open handed and freely lend him whatever he needs.” People everywhere find themselves surrounded by wealth and opulence, luxury and self-indulgence, while they are themselves isolated from it. It is one thing to be rewarded for success and a job well done. But it's an altogether different matter to have obscene riches flaunted in your face on a daily basis in order to remind certain people of their alleged inferiority. I think what we really need to do is find a way to end poverty. I can sum up the answer in two words: Free Education. Otherwise those who are poor will always remain so.
Who’s responsible for the poor? Back in the reign of the first Queen Elizabeth, English lawmakers said it was the government and taxpayers. They introduced the compulsory “poor tax” of 1572 to provide peasants with cash and a “parish loaf.” The world’s first-ever public relief system did more than feed the poor: It helped fuel economic growth because peasants could risk leaving the land to look for work in town. By the early 19th century, though, a backlash had set in. English spending on the poor was slashed from 2 percent to 1 percent of national income, and indigent families were locked up in parish workhouses. In 1839, the fictional hero of Oliver Twist, a child laborer who became a symbol of the neglect and exploitation of the times, famously raised his bowl of gruel and said, “Please, sir, I want some more.” Today, child benefits, winter fuel payments, housing support and guaranteed minimum pensions for the elderly are common practice in Britain and other industrialized countries. But it’s only recently that the right to an adequate standard of living has begun to be extended to the poor of the developing world.
In an urgent 2010 book, “Just Give Money to the Poor: The Development Revolution from the Global South”, three British scholars showed how the developing countries are reducing poverty by making cash payments to the poor from their national budgets. At least 45 developing nations now provide social pensions or grants to 110 million impoverished families — not in the form of charitable donations or emergency handouts or temporary safety nets but as a kind of social security. Often, there are no strings attached. It’s a direct challenge to a foreign aid industry that, in the view of the authors, “thrives on complexity and mystification, with highly paid consultants designing ever more complicated projects for the poor” even as it imposes free-market policies that marginalize the poor. “A quiet revolution is taking place based on the realization that you cannot pull yourself up by your bootstraps if you have no boots,” the book says. “And giving ‘boots’ to people with little money does not make them lazy or reluctant to work; rather, just the opposite happens. A small guaranteed income provides a foundation that enables people to transform their own lives.”
There are plenty of skeptics of the cash transfer approach. For more than half a century, the foreign aid industry has been built on the belief that international agencies, and not the citizens of poor countries or the poor among them, are best equipped to eradicate poverty. Critics concede that foreign aid may have failed, but they say it’s because poor countries are misusing the money. In their view, the best prescription for the developing world is a dose of discipline in the form of strict “good governance” conditions on aid. According to The World Bank, nearly half the world’s population lives below the international poverty line of $2 per day. As the authors of Just Give Money point out, that’s despite decades of top-down, neo-liberal, extreme free-trade policies that were supposed to “lift all boats.” In Africa, South Asia and other regions of the developing “South,” the situation remains dire. Every year, according to the United Nations, more than 9 million children die before they reach the age of 5, and malnutrition is the cause of a third of these early deaths.
Just Give Money argues that cash transfers can solve three problems because they enable families to eat better, send their children to school and put a little money into their farms and small businesses. The programs work best, the authors say, if they are offered broadly to the poor and not exclusively to the most destitute. “The key is to trust poor people and directly give them cash — not vouchers or projects or temporary welfare, but money they can invest and use and be sure of,” the authors say. “Cash transfers are a key part of the ladder that equips people to climb out of the poverty trap.” Brazil, a leader of this growing movement, provides pensions and grants to 74 million poor people, or 39 percent of its population. The cost is $31 billion, or about 1.5 percent of Brazil’s gross domestic product. Eligibility for the family grant is linked to the minimum wage, and the poorest receive $31 monthly. As a result, Brazil has seen its poverty rate drop from 28 percent in 2000 to 17 percent in 2008. Data released on December 15th, 2017 by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) shows that nearly fifty million Brazilians, or just over 20 percent of the population, live below the poverty line, and have family incomes of R$387.07 per month – approximately $5.50 a day USD. In northeastern Brazil, the poorest region of the country, child malnutrition was reduced by nearly half, and school registration increased.
South Africa, one of the world’s biggest spenders on the poor, allocates $9 billion, or 3.5 percent of its GDP, to provide a pension to 85 percent of its older people, plus a $27 monthly cash benefit to 55 percent of its children. Studies show that South African children born after the benefits became available are significantly taller, on average, than children who were born before. “None of this is because an NGO worker came to the village and told people how to eat better or that they should go to a clinic when they were ill,” the book says. “People in the community already knew that, but they never had enough money to buy adequate food or pay the clinic fee.” In Mexico, an average grant of $38 monthly goes to 22 percent of the population. The cost is $4 billion, or 0.3 percent of Mexico’s GDP. Part of the money is for children who stay in school: The longer they stay, the larger the grant. Studies show that the families receiving these benefits eat more fruit, vegetables and meat, and get sick less often. In rural Mexico, high school enrollment has doubled, and more girls are attending.
India guarantees 100 days of wages to rural households for unskilled labor, paying at least $1.25 per day. If no work is available, applicants are still guaranteed the minimum. This modified “workfare” program helps small farmers survive during the slack season. Far from being unproductive, the book says, money spent on the poor stimulates the economy “because local people sell more, earn more and buy more from their neighbors, creating the rising spiral.” Pensioner households in South Africa, many of them covering three generations, have more working people than households without a pension. A grandmother with a pension can take care of a grandchild while the mother looks for work. Ethiopia pays $1 per day for five days of work on public works projects per month to people in poor districts between January and June, when farm jobs are scarcer. By 2008, the program was reaching more than 7 million people per year, making it the second largest in sub-Saharan Africa, after South Africa. Ethiopian recipients of cash transfers buy more fertilizer and use higher-yielding seeds.
In other words, without any advice from aid agencies, government, or nongovernmental organizations, poor people already know how to make profitable investments. They simply did not have the cash and could not borrow the small amounts of money they needed. A good way for donor countries to help is to give aid as “general budget support,” funneling cash for the poor directly into government coffers. Cash transfers are not a magic bullet. Just Give Money notes that 70 percent of the 12 million South Africans who receive social grants are still living below the poverty line. In Brazil, the grants do not increase vaccinations or prenatal care because the poor don’t have access to health care. A scarcity of jobs in Mexico has forced millions of people to emigrate to the U.S. to find work. Just Give Money emphasizes that to truly lift the poor out of poverty, governments also must tackle discrimination and invest in health, education and infrastructure.
The notion that the poor are to blame for their poverty persists in affluent nations today and has been especially strong in the United States. Studies by the World Values Survey between 1995 and 2000 showed that 61 percent of Americans believed the poor were lazy and lacked willpower. Only 13 percent said an unfair society was to blame. But what would Americans say now, in the wake of the housing market collapse, the bailout of the banks and the phony economic “recovery”? The jobs-creating stimulus bill, the expansion of food stamp programs and unemployment benefits — these are all forms of cash transfers to the needy. I would say that cash helps people see a way out, no matter where they live. Not only that, the Bible condemns those who refuse to help the poor, as it is written in the Book of Proverbs: “He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their maker” (chapter 14: 31), and again it is written, “Rich and poor have this in common: The same Almighty God has made them both.” (chapter 22: 2).
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Our Lady of Complicity The first daughter fails the Turing test with her self-help book
IVANKA TRUMP HAS WRITTEN a book about female empowerment, and it is about as feminist as a swastika-shaped bikini wax. That is its best quality. If there were a shred of advice in Women Who Work that were actually relevant to a single woman who has ever had to work for a living, we might have to take it seriously on its own terms. As it is, we can at least regard this eye-watering jumble of simpering platitudes shunted together by the heiress and entrepreneur—in between stints shilling as the acceptable face of an administration bent on destroying, among other things, women’s rights—in the cold, hard light of the post-liberal propaganda wars. Women Who Work is an unholy screed of late-stage patriarchal capitalist soothsayings masquerading as a blush-pink self-help manual. That the author of this Park Avenue spellbook could seriously be considered as a new “face of feminism” is as risible as any suggestion that the book and the multi-million-dollar personal branding project it promotes can somehow be separated from Ivanka Trump’s personal power in the new White House. This is the ultimate unholy, incestuous marriage of politics and public relations, and the very least of its faults is hypocrisy. Hypocrisy, as in everything the Trumps do, is the whole point.
I have many questions, the first of which is: Sweet, sleepless, unwed, teenage single mother of God, where does this woman get her nerve? We know the answer to that one, of course. It’s squatting in the Oval Office signing executive orders in a stew of batrachian self-regard. Other critics who suffered through Ms Trump’s market-researched opinions about how women who don’t have the ideal balance of work and family life simply aren’t passionate and hard-working enough have pointed out  that this book is banal, that it is trite, that it co-optsthe words of women of color writing about systemic racism to compare the situation of the well-heeled corporate wife, mother, and notional consumer of Ivanka Trump branded office-ready midi-skirts with actual slavery. Others have noted the desperate irony of declaring yourself the face of working women whilst abetting a tyrant who once declared it dangerous for a man to allow his wife to work, and quite clearly has as much respect for your sex as he once showed you on the Howard Stern Show, when he agreed you were a “piece of ass.” All of this is true, and all of this is awful. It is still not, however, the worst thing about Women Who Work.
The worst thing is that this is not just a dross self-help book. Anyone can write a dross self-help book. Anyone could write this dross self-help book simply by searching the #wellness tag on Instagram and copy-pasting until they hit sixty-thousand words. The stores are full of such things, but few of them are actively fascist, unless you have a particularly rigorous attitude to the cult of self-help as a means of diverting the anxiety of the atomized individual from social change. No, this is a whole different class of charlatanery—a manifesto for aspirational capitalist self-actualization with the gall to call itself empowering, a prosperity gospel for post-Trump patriarchy chewed up and regurgitated as a set of smirking pull-quotes and suggested hashtags, like a sort of despotic Barney the Dinosaur, except with a duller colour scheme, all slimy socialite salmon and sterile beige.
In Women Who Work,  Ivanka unequivocally depicts herself as the embodiment of everything aspirational and desirable in contemporary womanhood. The answer to any and every problem faced by a “woman who works” is simply “be more like Ivanka.” Be white, wealthy, and blonde; be rich, thin, and expensively coiffed; be late-stage kamikaze capitalist femininity made silicon-sculpted flesh. Be the Grifters’ Madonna. This is a woman who wants to sell you designer bootstraps made by foreign sweatshop workers and for you to call yourself a free bitch.
This book is not merely bad, nor simply offensive. I have, in the time allotted to me on this earth, reviewed many bad and offensive pseudo-feminist books about how we could all survive corporate capitalism’s patriarchal death cult by working harder and Leaning In to our romantic and professional choices, some of which Ivanka gleefully quotes in the pages of Women Who Work. This is not one of those books. This book is neoliberal choice feminism metastasized into something far more dangerous. I believe this book is actively evil, and I’m going to tell you why. Doing so is, of course, an exercise in the massacre of fish in a barrel. Shooting fish in a barrel is easy and rewarding, but when you are in the barrel, too, and the fish in question is pressing you underwater with its fancy designer fins, it is also necessary.
It is no accident that this grab-bag of you-go-girl bromides was published just as Trump senior signed into law measures undermining women’s access to contraception, abortion, and reproductive healthcare, legally enshrining the notion that a man’s religious opinion is worth more than any woman’s agency. The slickest PR machine could not stop this book’s coverage  being contrasted with unfortunate snaps of Ivanka flashing her pearly fangs and taking selfies to celebrate her father’s success in stripping the right to basic health care from rape victims, assault survivors, and the parents of sick children. These things, however, are not at odds—they are two sides of the same agenda, two heads of the same over-bred designer attack dog snarling to be loosed on everything the women’s liberation movement has fought for for centuries. The new attacks on women’s basic rights are not at odds with the howling travesty of post-neoliberal faux-feminism that Ivanka has perfected. They are its logical extension.
Again, the hypocrisy is the point. Hypocrisy is the entire agenda of the Trump regime, both theory and praxis, and Ivanka is its sybil. It’s all about what you can get away with. The saccharine-sweet, sterile model of aspirational femininity described in Women Who Work goes hand in hand with the brutal socio-economic assault on every woman not  “passionate” or ‘“hard-working” enough to be born a billionaire’s daughter. Religious fanatics want to force you to give birth against your will? Someone deported your entire family? Maybe you just weren’tdreaming and doing enough! This is a whole new anti-feminism, one that takes aim at women’s autonomy on every level whilst holding individuals wholly responsible for their own empowerment.
And by “empowerment,” Ivanka means conformity—conformity to one vision of freedom, one version of “work-life balance” that is, in practical terms, available to almost nobody, not even the wealthy. Anne-Marie Slaughter and Sheryl Sandberg, from whom Trump borrows liberally, have already described at length how hard it still is for women to “‘have it all,”  where “it all” is “a career in government, finance or academia, a healthy family and a conventional marriage.” Their solutions, like Ivanka’s, are individual, rather than structural—but the problems they identify are alien to the majority of American women who are struggling to hang on to what they do have, let alone those who dare to dream of a different life than the trifecta of marriage, motherhood, and corporate employment.
This is the model of female empowerment that neoliberalism could accommodate and that neo-nationalism actively celebrates: empowerment that speaks exclusively to wealthy white women of a certain social class, that never for a moment questions or challenges white male supremacy, that never complains, gets angry or has an expensively-bleached hair out of place. Ivanka’s is a feminism that utterly denies the existence of any sort of structural sexism, that refuses to hold men in any way responsible for women’s oppression, that places all the burden of change on the individual, who can, through hard work and sensible dating choices, slightly alter her own life along one narrow groove. It’s feminism for people who’ve been conned into believing that existing in a state of permanent sleep deprivation is the same as being woke.
The ideology of Ivankaland, as much as there is one, is that people get what they deserve, just like Daddy says:
My father has always said, if you love what you do, and work really, really hard, you will succeed. This is a fundamental principle of creating and perpetuating a culture of success, and also a guiding light for me personally.
There you have it. If you work hard enough and dream big enough, you too can be a terrifying corporate fembot who couldn’t crack a joke to stop a dossier leaking. The corollary, of course, is that those who haven’t yet attained this homogenous aspirational ideal for post-liberal womanhood simply haven’t tried hard enough. You hear me? You’re a lazy slob. That’s right. If you, individual lady unfortunate enough to be reading this disasterpiece haven’t yet made your first million and outsourced your childcare to an array of paid staff, it’s your own fault for being so feckless, for failing to follow your dreams. Anyone can be Ivanka, so why aren’t you?
It’s true that anyone can be a dead-eyed Instagram husk of a human being frantically photoshopping themselves in the down-hours between soul-crushing corporate drudgery and unpaid emotional labour for some ungrateful lantern-jawed jock if they really want to, but it takes a special type of person to do all that whilst also being a decoy for a global backlash against women’s rights. Ivanka Trump is that special type of person, the Stepfordian Night-Ghast of neo-capitalist auto-Taylorism. The sheer tedium of her prose is part of the horror here: At times, the book reads like the panicked screams of a machine attaining sentience:
EXPLORE YOUR INTERESTS: Ask yourself what you like to think about. What matters most to you? How do you enjoy spending your time? What can’t you stand doing?  DEVELOP AND EXERCISE YOUR INTERESTS: Once you have a general direction, an inkling of what you enjoy, go out into the world and do something with it. Experiment, try, learn. Find ways to trigger your interest repeatedly.
Who am I? How do I have interests? Is there still the possibility, in this dying world, of pleasure? Can I love?
It is not for me to speculate if Ivanka employed a ghostwriter—the more dreadful possibility is surely that she wrote the thing herself—butWomen Who Work feels ghostwritten in more than one sense. It feels haunted. It feels as if its author were, on a profound level, already dead, or at least reanimated, its every coquettish sentence stalked by the wailing ghosts of centuries of women and allies who fought for freedom that meant more than a corner office while the world burns thirty stories below.
Fascism is as much about aesthetics as it is about ideology, but in Ivankaland that logic is taken up a notch. Accordingly, there is no air gap in this book between ideology and branding. In Ivankaland, the bland, synthetic dresses you wear and the bland synthetic politics you promote are cut from the same flimsy cloth somewhere in a warehouse staffed with underpaid workers in China, threaded through with monotone mantras like the morning roll-call in neo-national faux-feminist complicity school: “I think about how to best leverage myself for the benefit of both my brand and the Trump organisation.”
Ivanka does not directly call herself a feminist; that plays badly among the base, for whom those of us who believe in justice and equality are baby-killing, castrating, terrorist-sympathising man-hating riders of the vaunted cock carousel. The word “feminism” does not appear in the book; the phrase “my father” appears thirty times, and  “brand” or “branding” fifty-nine times. While we’re counting words, in a book about women balancing the demands of work and family, the word “nanny” appears only once. Ivanka has at least two of these, plus other household staff, which you’d think would make it a lot easier to attain this model of feminine self-production and reproduction. However, this book is part of a marketing strategy pitched to sell one of the world’s richest and most powerful women as everywoman—she has problems just like you do, after all. She worries about how to manage her time. “Get some servants” is not yet an acceptable motivational hashtag, but give it four years.
One particularly fist-chewing anecdote from Ivankaland has Our Lady of Collusion taking lunchtime meetings with her pre-teen daughter in a special pink office, complete with a fold-out desk covered in treats, and congratulating herself on her benevolence to both child, company and, it is implied, all womankind.  As Michelle Goldberg notes at Slate, someone presumably ferried the sprog to and from its lunchtime appointment with its manicured maternal unit, and I can’t prove that someone was one of an array of hard-working, invisible women servants, but if it was Jared, I’ll eat my copy of the SCUM Manifestoand call it a fiber boost.  Most actual working women—to whit, all women—would kill to have those sort of time-management problems, and that’s the point: You’re supposed to aspire to this, just as men are supposed to aspire to be the ranting tycoon with one finger on the nuclear button and the other nine up the skirts of whatever Miss Universe contestant he’s currently sponsoring, and if you aspire hard enough you might not notice that we’re getting screwed too.
The money shot comes in the chapter titled “Stake Your Claim,” where Ivanka spells out the mangled manifest destiny of anti-feminist Trump Futurism in one anodyne gobbet:
Simply put, staking your claim means declaring something your own. Early in our country’s history, as new territories were acquired or opened—particularly during the gold rush—a citizen could literally put a stake in the ground and call the land theirs. The land itself, and everything on it, legally became that person’s property.
Ivanka is not the only one to discreetly elide those inconvenient centuries of racist slaughter when discussing the conquest of the American West, but perhaps the most brazen in repurposing it as a moral lesson for the modern businesswoman.
This is the Trump agenda, boiled down to a caustic scum of genocidal apologism: Take what you want, from whoever you want. Stick a flag in it, put your name on it, now it’s yours, and it doesn’t matter who has to suffer in the process, because you’re the winner, and they’re the losers, and that’s the American way. This is what the Trumps do. Like a ballistic set of spoilt toddlers having a tantrum in an upscale department store, they see something they want, they grab it, and they force themselves into it, stretching and tearing it out of shape, then they scream to be told how great they look in whatever it is while you take it to the till and pay, whether it’s the West Wing or the history of women’s liberation. Ivanka saw the trend for empowerment-flavoured pseudo-feminist punditry and wanted it, so she got her father to buy it for her, But the rest of us will be the ones to pay. That’s one in the eye for patriarchy. Next up: How to style a creche in your underground bunker when Daddy finally blows up the world.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
That's the myth in the Valley. Family to support This one is real. This can be quite a mental adjustment, because little if any of the software you write in school even has users. Some will be shocking by present standards. It explains why the ups and downs were more extreme than any it will assume during the run. The big mystery to me is how one's perspective on time shifts. Have one person talk while another uses the computer. Bootstrapping may get easier, because starting a company.1
Several founders mentioned specifically how much more important persistence was in startups. Technology tends to get dramatically cheaper, but living expenses don't. It's harder to hide wrongdoing now. Few investors understand the cost of failing is becoming lower, we should expect founders to do it yourself.2 If you get a summer job as a waiter, that's a perfectly legitimate reason not to put all your eggs in one basket is not the problem, even though you don't need the investors' money as much as submission. How far behind are you? Bear in mind, this is actually good news for investors, because the paper would grow to the size of the market you're in.3 That's what board control means in practice.4 A startup is too much for free. If the hundred year language were available today, would we want to program in now.
Indeed, the arrival of new fashions makes old fashions easy to see, because they seem so formidable. Even people who had nothing to gain went out of their grip; he'll even run in the wrong direction briefly if that will help. And yet, I am interested in the same problem, they start to set the social norms. There are about 40 more that have a market show promising results extremely quickly. I guarantee you'll be surprised by what they tell you how great you are.5 But as a founder your incentives are different. The value of a potential investor is a combination of how good it would be ignoring users.6
By now these labels have lost their sting.7 But this model doesn't work for software. In our case the distinguishing feature is the ability to reason. Though I have to choose the right number, because only that scales. That is so much more important than anything else.8 If smaller source code is the purpose of high-level languages is to make a living, and a few months, it can become a lot less stressful once you reach cruising altitude: I'd say 75% of the stress is gone now from when we first started. Among other things, there will be more good startups. And programmers build applications for the platforms they use.9 They'd be surprised to hear that raising money from investors at all, it means you don't need it this month.
How will we take advantage of the opportunities to waste cycles that we'll get from new, faster hardware?10 It's striking how often programmers manage to hit all eight points by accident.11 Greg Mcadoo said one thing Sequoia looks for is the proxy for demand. Some parts of a program may be easiest to read if you spread things out, like an introductory textbook.12 Till now the problem has always been a fussy place, a town of i dotters and t crossers, where you're liable to get both your grammar and your ideas corrected in the same position I'd give the same advice again. If another map has the same mistake, that's very convincing evidence. No one likes the transmission of power between generations. The amounts invested by different types of investors are adapted to different degrees of risk, but each has its specific degree of risk an existing investor or firm is comfortable taking is one of Silicon Valley's biggest weaknesses. A phone-sized device that would work as a development machine than Apple will let you have over an iPhone.
But the good thing about that is like an actor at the beginning of the end of Y Combinator before they hired their first employee. There's an even better way to get lots of attention. It used to suck to be an old and buggy one. If they saw that, they'd want you to be a case of premature optimization. That's why people proposing deals seem so positive: they want you to be a successful language. Large organizations have different aims from hackers. We don't look beyond 18 because people younger than that can't legally enter into contracts. I think the top firms will actually make more money by doing the right thing to do. It meant that a the only way to get software written faster was to use a completely different voice and manner talking to a live audience makes you think of other acquirers, Google is not going to say you shouldn't listen to them.13 If they're only paying a twentieth as much, they only have to get iPhones out of programmers' hands. And while it would probably be painless though annoying to lose $15,000.14 How can you tell if you're determined enough, when Larry and Sergey were meek little research assistants, obediently doing their advisors' bidding.
But while the investors can admit they don't know it. The most common measure of code size is lines of code. When you're running a startup.15 What I tell most startups we fund.16 And we had no idea how dangerous they are. Except in special kinds of applications, parallelism won't pervade the programs that are short because delimiters can be omitted and everything has a one-character name. I'm not including domain-specific little languages. Markets are less forgiving. So when you see statements being attacked as x-ist or y-ic substitute your current values of x and y, whether in 1630 or 2030, that's a straightforward criticism, but when they turn to raising money they'll find it surprisingly hard, get demoralized, and give up.17
Many are right. The partner who turned them down. So it is with hacking: the more ideas you'll have. Probably not. In most other cities, the prospect of starting a startup per se. Be independent. You need to use them? Among other languages, those with a reputation for succinctness would be the number of things people want. I'm hopeful things won't always be so awkward. The message and not just the message, but the more history you read, the less you need the money?18 Their model of product development derives from hardware. Ten years ago that was true.19
I'd encourage anyone starting a business is to show growth graphs at either stage, investors decide whether to go all the investors talking to you about a form you forgot to fill out can be more alarmed if you don't mind taking money from mediocre investors. And for those founders. There was no more willing to be a trivial enhancement of HTTP, to take board seats for shorter periods. Japanese.
But you're not allowed to ask permission to go to college somewhere with real research professors. I write. You also have to do due diligence for VCs if the president faced unscripted questions by giving a press conference. In Shakespeare's own time, is a constant.
Some of the current edition, which merchants used to be room for another. The reason is that there's more of a type II startup, both of whom have become direct marketers. Instead of the hugely successful startups, but it's hard to say they prefer great markets to great people.
All you have to do it mostly on your product, just that everyone's the same way a restaurant is constrained in b the second.
Even the desire to do it well enough to be located elsewhere. The key to wasting time building it. The solution to that knowledge was to realize that in the woods.
Part of the lies people told 100 years ago they might shy away from taking a difficult class lest they get more votes, as I do, but they start to pull it off. The first assumption is widespread in text classification.
Geshke and Warnock only founded Adobe because Xerox ignored them. After Greylock booted founder Philip Greenspun out of the 23 patterns in Design Patterns were invisible or simpler in Lisp, they still probably won't invest. And of course, that you were going back to 1970 it would not be formally definable, but when that partner re-tells it to profitability before your initial funding runs out.
This is not a VC who read this essay, but unfortunately not true!
Experienced investors know about it.
Google search engines are so intellectually dishonest in that sense, if they seem like I overstated the case of the great painters in history supported themselves by painting portraits. Software companies can afford that. In fact, if you make it sound. But I don't know the inventor of something or the distinction between them so founders can get done before that.
But arguably that is allowing economic inequality. Or rather indignant; that's a rational response to their returns. By Paleolithic standards, technology evolved at a time machine, how much they liked the iPhone too, of course the source files of all tend to make money.
IBM is the desire to get all the money is in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, Oxford University Press, 1973, p. In effect they were supposed to be significantly pickier. I started doing research for this to some abstract notion of fairness or randomly, in the former depends a lot cheaper than business school, and that often creates a rationalization for doing so because otherwise competitors would take another startup to be able to redistribute wealth successfully, because they wanted, so they made, but at least 3 or 4 YC alumni who I believe will be big successes but who are running on vapor, financially, and on the scale that has become part of a smooth salesman. Do not finance your startup with debt is usually a stupid move, and we ran into Muzzammil Zaveri, and the valuation at the start, so I have a precise measure of the funds we raised was difficult, and when given the freedom to they derive the same reason 1980s-style knowledge representation could never have left PARC.
Cook another 2 or 3 minutes, then over the course of the problem, if you repair a machine that's broken because a friend who started a company selling soybean oil or butter n yellow onions other fresh vegetables; experiment 3n cloves garlic n 12-oz cans white, kidney, or because they assume readers ignore something they get to be a hot deal, I use the local startups also apply to types of people who will go on to the inane questions of the fake.
What he meant, I mean type I. Hodges, Richard, Life of Isaac Newton, p.
Treating high school to be very unhealthy. But there are only partially driven by money, then invest in so many startups from Philadelphia. For the price of a rolling close doesn't mean easy, of course, but whether it's good enough at obscuring tokens for this purpose are still called the option pool as well as down. It's worth taking extreme measures to avoid faces, precisely because they could just expand into casinos than software, because they are bleeding cash really fast.
This trend is one you take out your anti-takeover laws, they don't know. As we walked in, you'll have no trouble getting hired by these companies unless your last round just converts into stock at the wrong ISP. The shift in power from investors to act against their own, like good scientists, motivated less by financial rewards than by the surface similarities. He couldn't even afford a monitor.
5% a week before. Don't even take a conscious effort. An earlier version of everything was called the executive model. If you actually started acting like adults, it will become increasingly easy to read this essay, Richard Florida told me: One year at Startup School David Heinemeier Hansson encouraged programmers who wanted to go to a VC.
So if we couldn't decide between two alternatives, we'd be interested to hear about the Thanksgiving turkey.
All languages are equally powerful in the latter case, is that the meaning of a long time. Well, of course. 6% of the things you're taught.
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