#its 48 degrees outsid 48 DEGREES???????? HOW
stinkrascal · 1 year
i am SO cold I AM SO COLD. my FINGERS. owwwwwwwwwwwwww
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lexis3npaii · 1 year
Sweet When He Wants
minho x fem!reader
370 words
minho notices you’re cold and decides to fix it. 
fluff i guess. its just a drabble. nothing much to it. 
(if you see spelling or grammar mistakes, no you didn’t)
Lee Minho could be sweet. When he wanted to be. Like when you forget your wallet at the cafe and he offers to pay for your drink, he was sweet. Or when you needed advice on how to make your dinner taste good, he was sweet. Any other time, he was harsh. Like when you needed a mall buddy and he straight up says no, he was harsh. Or when you needed something off of a tall shelf and he places it up higher, he was harsh. 
48 degrees. 48 degrees fahrenheit and you didn’t wear a jacket. Why? Because it didn’t match with your outfit. It was 48 degrees and you, Minho, Yeji, and Jisung were waiting outside of the restaurant for Chan and Changbin to pull up the cars. Minho watched you shiver next to Jisung and Yeji. You attempted to participate in their conversation, laughing occasionally, but he could tell you were freezing, distracted by the frigid weather. When he noticed you no longer pretending to converse, focusing only on keeping yourself warm, he walks over to you, draping his parka over your shoulders. 
“Lemme guess? Couldn’t find a jacket to match your outfit?” he asks as he stuffs his hands into the pockets of his jeans. 
“I’m a fashionable person, ok?” you say, lifting your arms to slide the jacket off your shoulders. “I can’t be caught slipping Lee Minho. And I don’t need this.”
Before you can fully slither out of the coat, Minho firmly places his hands on your shoulders, holding it in place on you. 
“Yes you do fashionista.” he says, slightly massaging your shoulders. “You’re cold baby.”
You look up at him, chattering teeth. “I’m not cold.” you look forward. “And don’t call me baby.”
“You’re right.” he replies, smirk on his face, earning a confused look from you. “You’re freezing, so I’m giving you my jacket. You’re welcome, baby.” 
Before you can protest, Chan and Changbin pull up to the curb and Minho is pushing you towards Chan’s car. He opens the back seat for you to get in. 
“Looks better on you anyway.” he states, closing the door, leaving you with a face full of fire. 
Lee Minho could be sweet. When he wants to be. 
i haven’t posted in awhile, so i just wrote this for funsies. theres not much to it, i just wanted to post something. hope you enjoy. feedback is always appreciated :)
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itsscromp · 10 months
Venom x reader platonic
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Hey Hey again. The first headcanon I ever posted is officially my number one top post, The love it has received means the absolute world to me. so you guys deserve a full story. I bring forth the epic bromance between y/n and venom. enjoy :) word count:1.8k
Could your life get any worse than this? Not only were your bills racking up like folded laundry.
"I'm sorry y/n but because of budget constraints we can't keep holding staff, so I sadly am gonna have to let you go."
"What... no you can't, my rent just went up. Just put me in a different position, I don't care if it pays less, I need this job !!." You were on the verge of tears.
"I encourage you to file for unemployment payments. This decision wasn't taken lightly. You were one of our best..."
'Save it." You stormed off, packing your things and heading home, not even saying goodbye to your co-workers. Why... out of all the people they could've let go, it had to be you. Fucking great.
Heading home, you burst into tears, the amount of stress has been building up and it's reached boiling point. You couldn't hold it in any longer. After having a good cry for a while, you felt drained. Physically and mentally exhausted. You didn't want to do anything else. So the only thing you wanted to do was sleep. Walking into your bedroom and changing into your pyjama's you climbed into bed. Hoping to god it was just a dream. You tossed and turned, realising the power company cut you off cause you missed the deadline. so now your fan wasn't running, It was 85 degrees outside on a summers night.
"Fucking even more great"
You went over to your window and opened it just a smidge to let some cool air in. It worked, for now, tomorrow you'll move your butt to social services and file for unemployment until you find another job. Climbing back into bed, you didn't even bother wrapping yourself in a blanket, it'll be too warm. So you opted to just stay out of it.
As you slept though, a black goo-like being crawled its way into your window, it crawled its way over, climbing up onto your bed and then onto you, seeping through your flesh, disappearing; you only inside your body. This didn't bother you as you only just rolled over in your sleep.
The next morning you still felt drained, But you had to head down to social services and file for unemployment. getting dressed and making coffee, you suddenly felt like you hadn't eaten anything in ages, so you reached into your fridge. you realize that everything inside has gone off, no power no food.
"Oh come on..." And you also realize your kettle wasn't boiling too.
Skipping everything and throwing all your food out, you headed to social services and filed for unemployment. But the noises kept bothering you for some reason, It seemed too loud, the speaker calling out the ticket numbers. The babies crying. Some people yelling. It was almost too much.
"Ticket number A295, Please proceed to register 4"
The speaker called out and you shook what happened out of you and went over to the desk. Filing everything and were successful, they say your first payment should be received in 48 hours. So in the meantime, you have to make do with what you have. After which you headed to a food place and ordered breakfast.
"Hungry..." A voice called out, it sounded menacing. Looking around to find the voice you found nothing but just the people in line.
"Weird... You muttered to yourself, ordering your food you waited until the voice spoke up again.
"Food... sustenance... !!!!"
This was freaking you out by the minute. The waiter brought you your food and you devoured it, almost animalistic, you never acted like this before, it was just... so good. You had too stop when you saw people staring at you for how you were eating, plus also chewing loudly.
Going home, you sat there wondering what was happening, Vulnerable to loud noises. Even hungry, hell you even had an increased craving for chocolate, what the hell was going on !!!
"Y/n...." The voice called again.
"Who's there ??", Show yourself !!!"
Then the black goo appeared again, wreathing out of your body and revealing its face, it had no eyes, just white patches, and lipless and razor-sharp teeth. you were so scared you tripped on your coffee table almost falling to the floor but stopped midway, a tendril wreathed out of your back and stuck itself out on the floor before slowly rising you back to your feet.
"I got us." The creature spoke up
"What... what or who are you"
"I am venom, and you are mine"
What was this some kind of mind trick, you rubbed your eyes and looked again, no your mind wasn't playing tricks on you.
"You were that voice in my head"
"I can feel, see and hear everything you can, I can also read your thoughts."
You sat down on the couch trying to comprehend what was happening, First everything that just happened now your some host to an alien parasite.
"Parasite !!??"
"You read my thoughts, didn't you."
"I am not a parasite, you are..."
Then a bang on the door
"Where's that rent y/n !!!!"
Oh fuck your landlord, your 3 weeks overdue.
"Look I don't know how you got out but you need to go away"
"Very well..."
Venom then wreathed back inside your body as you went to the door and opened it.
"Look I'm sorry but I will have your rent in 2..." You felt a sharp pain as your landlord punched you to the floor, he reeked of wine.
"What the hell !!!"
"3 weeks y/n, you know what I do to people who are three weeks."
He was about to curb stomp you to new Year until you raised your hands and then it got covered in the goo. they looked larger and strong.
You then tossed him to the wall as you got up, the goo seeped back into your skin.
"What the hell was that !!"
This spooked your landlord way too much, he bolted for his life.
You kept trying to comprehend what happened.
"This is crazy"
'You haven't seen shit yet"
"What happened, why did my arms get covered in goo ??"
"I was protecting us, You are my host. it is my duty to protect you, we are bonded for life."
"So we're buddies ??"
"Something like that"
You felt the sting in your face from the punch and went to investigate in the mirror. but when you looked, you didn't even see your reflection, you saw venom. but it was slightly different. your saw his head but his body was large, very muscular and had veins all over.
"What the.." you gently touched your face as venom seemed to mimic the movements in the mirror. "This is weird."
"Like I said, you haven't seen shit"
Over time you continued to know venom, He is of an alien species called the symbiotes, who need an oxygen-breathing host to survive. Like you venom felt out of place and was a loser on his planet, you felt sorry for the poor thing.
"On my planet I was a loser, like you"
"Venom... I had no idea..."
His head wreathed out of your body.
"That was why I chose you as my host, you and I. We are not so different, But we together can be so much more."
There was even a point when venom decided to make breakfast for you.
"You know what always cheers me up in the morning y/n ?? sausages and brains"
You poured your orange juice just trying to enjoy the morning while venom had multiple tendrils out of your body, grabbing ingredients, chopping mushrooms and cooking the sausages. One tendril turned on the radio and started to sing along to the song.
"You say either, and I say eyether, you say neither, and I say nyther, Either. Eyether, Neither, Nyther. Let's call the whole thing off... OW OW Hot hot hot !!" He almost burnt himself as the pan caught fire and caused the smoke alarms to go off.
You moved to the table as Venom then pulled your chair towards it, he then started to massage your shoulder as he kept cooking in the background while also stretching his tendrils downstairs to get your mail.
"Cheer up old pal" He brought you your breakfast after finishing cooking it, Multiple breakfasts, eggs and toast, mixed with a milkshake and coffee and waffles
"Tada !!'
"This... looks delicious venom..." It looked barf inducing, but the fact he did this for you and the thought that counted, you started to smile.
"Ketchup ??"
"Sorry ??"
He squeezed the ketchup bottle too hard and it splattered all over your face.
But all in all, having venom changed your life for the better, it made you feel like you had a friend who could understand you and would always protect you.
You were on your way to Mrs Chen's to get Venom some chocolate and tater tots.
"Mixing it up today or the usual ??"
Hmmm what is that one with the golden filling that's delicious ??"
"That would be caramel venom"
"Then that"
But as you were looking for the caramel chocolate, Mrs Chen was getting robbed at gunpoint.
"Hurry up with the money Chen !!!" the thief demanded
"Is this it ??' venom spoke up, you told him before about bad guys and good guys when you were watching a movie, and it inspired venom to want to do the same thing. Even you as well.
As the thief continued to aim at Mrs Chen, the gun was knocked out of the thief's hand and was constrained by venoms tendril.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you"
As you walked over to the thief, Venom then wrapped around you, turning you into what you saw in the mirror. Tall large and muscular.
"You come in here again, in fact, you go anywhere in this city. Preying on innocent people, we will find you and we will eat both your arms and both your legs and then we will eat your face right off of your head. Do you understand ??"
The thief couldn't respond due to fear, he only muttered.
"Yes, so you will be this armless, legless, faceless thing won't you ??, rolling down the street. Like a turd in the wind."
"W..w..what the hell are you ??
Half of venoms face uncovered to reveal yours
"We are venom"
You smiled before venom covered your face again and then tossed the thief out the door and across the street, Mrs Chen mortified on what happened, looked at you as venom seeped back into your body.
"Oh...Umm, you see I have a parasite so... yeah, night Mrs Chen" with that you walked out
"Parasite !!, take that back immediately"
"Nah don't feel like it" you smirked
"Apologise !!!!"
"Ok ok I'm sorry buddy, I'm just teasing you"
"All is forgiven but of one thing.."
"What's that ??"
"You forgot the tater tots and chocolate"
A host to an alien, but it became the bestest friend possible, you two would achieve so much together. you knew it.
Taglist and fellow venom fan: @callofdudes
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growingingreenwood · 5 months
Hey Mama, are you doing okay????? In class today we were looking at polar vortex in North America rn and one of the places my teacher talked about was the province i think you live in (you're Canadian, right???) and he said it was like -40 Degrees Celsius there!!!!! I don't even know how to comprehend those temperatures!!!! Like, are you still alive out there???
Hello my sweet summer child! <3 You're right, I am Canadian! And im not going to lie to you, its been rough out here. And more importantly, its been CONSISENTLY COLDER THAN THE SURFACE OF MARS HERE.
My area of the province has set several temperature records in the past few days:
January 14, 2024: New record of -45.1, Old record of -41.6 set in 2020
January 13, 2024: New record of -45.3, Old record of -41.7 set in 1972
January 12, 2024: New record of -45.9, Old record of -39.4 set in 1969
This doesn't account for the Windchill factor which effectively made the temperatures closer to -55 degrees or colder. To put it into context the only way I can think to, According to Environment Canada at:
-28 to -39 degrees Celsius exposed skin can freeze in 10-30 minutes.
-40 to -47 degrees Celsius exposed skin can freeze in 5-10 minutes.
-48 to -54 degrees Celsius exposed skin can freeze in 2-5 minutes.
Literally not a single car in my family's worked, no matter what we did. This is including extended family, so like, 13 cars. Its just too damn cold for them. Hospitals were literally wrapping their ambulances with heated blankets in between calls so that the entire engine wouldn't freeze. In their heated garage.
Its about an eight day wait for any kind of towing or boosting services. From any provider.
We out here, we cant see anything through the ice fog because the air itself is frozen, but we out here.
Also, I feel like this is the perfect opportunity to give the rest of you much farther south than me tips for surviving other wandering polar vortex's in the future, because at least we're prepared up here:
YOU NEED SURVIVAL EQUPMENT IN YOUR CAR!!! I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH!!!! I'm talking heavy duty gloves, hats, socks, blankets, those heat reflective thermal blankets. If possible, have enough for at least two people but if you're a family ensure there's clothes for every member of your family. I also highly recommend that you get hand and feet warmers to put into your boots and gloves to prevent frostbite
Here is a good checklist to keep, and is very similar to what I have in my car:
On that note, dressing for seriously cold weather is no fucking joke either, okay? There's an art to it, and that art is L A Y E R S . More layers than you think you need, and then one more. If you can bend your arms or legs without struggling at least a little bit, put another sweater on, underneath your windproof thick outer layer. And another pair of socks. Never leave the house without a hat and your ears covered.
Here's a good guide, which includes the warning signs, symptoms, and suggested actions for each stage of frostbite and hypothermia. Which, in case you didn't know happen in three stages of severity similar to burns but on the opposite side of the temperature scale.
Sorry to turn this into a Winter Weather Safety PSA but I genuinely cannot stress enough how important it is to be prepared in extreme cold. And please, for the love of everything good on this earth, do not and do not let your friends or anyone else walk anywhere when they've been drinking. Do. Not.
Every year in my city at LEAST several collage kids freeze to death because "their place isn't that far" "I have a good jacket." "Ive done it before."
People have frozen to death outside bars because they fell in a snowbank and were too drunk to get out and nobody saw them, because they tried to walk home.
Anyways, stay safe (and warm) out there everyone!!!!
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
After an unsuccessful presidential bid, European Commissioner for International Partnerships Jutta Urpilainen will not run in the European Parliamentary elections in June. According to Helsingin Sanomat, she made the decision to stay out of that race before Finland's presidential campaign even started.
"I have been asked to run for office, but this time I will skip the elections," Urpilainen told the newspaper.
The mother of primary school-aged children told the paper that she wants to live daily life in the same country as her children. The family plans to move back to Finland after her term on the European Commission concludes at the end of this year.
She reflected on the recent campaign positively, saying that it was "a great experience in every way". However, she admits that trumping even second-place winner Pekka Haavisto would have meant achieving the near-impossible.
"Haavisto has practically been the number one candidate for centre-left or non-bourgeois Finland for 12 years," she said, adding that he has long been popular amongst SDP voters.
The 48-year-old says she hasn't ruled out a return to domestic politics, but that "right now it doesn't seem likely".
Sex education should start early
Meanwhile, in tabloid Iltalehti's domestic news, sex education is in the spotlight – in particular, the need to teach children about sexual diversity.
In the southern Finnish city of Hyvinkää, Grade 5 teacher Laura Lindholm points out that the 5th year textbooks educate children primarily on human reproduction and heterosexual sex.
She says it's a good introduction, but that children of that age need to learn that sexuality doesn't just exist between men and women. She says she goes to other sources, such as Yle Areena and materials from the NGO Väestöliitto (the Family Federation of Finland) to supplement the textbook.
According to Lindholm, children learn more through social media than their parents or teachers realise. Therefore, it is the teachers' job to correct misinformation. They have discretion to use outside sources, as long as they follow the curriculum.
However, sexual therapist Marja Kihlström says it's a problem when children's sex education is left up to the teacher's discretion, as there is no obligation to teach gender- or sexual diversity.
In Kihlström's view, it's good to develop a child's self-confidence and understanding by talking to them about how families and relationships are different, and how there are more than two genders. She points to recent homophobic discussions about presidential candidate Haavisto as being particularly hurtful to minorities.
"The realisation of sexual rights is linked to political will. It should be protected so that all children get the same information," Kihlström told the paper.
Bring on the (weather) chaos
Thursday will be relatively calm but Friday will bring meteorological chaos, just in time for the start of the ski holiday in southern Finland, according to rural newspaper Maaseudun Tulevaisuus.
A strong weather front will come in from the west, bringing up to 25 cm of snow to parts of the country and sleet and rain to other regions.
This is preceded by a cloudy Thursday for most of Finland, with Lapland getting some glimpses of sun. The forecast is for 1-10 degrees below zero Celsius in the west and 10-15 degrees below zero in eastern and northern Lapland.
The paper warns its readers to be particularly careful if travelling for the ski holiday. The weather is set to settle into rain and drizzle between Friday and Saturday, creating difficult conditions for those on the roads.
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jawbreakervault · 1 year
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An article by Linda Simensky on Ed, Edd n' Eddy, published in the summer 1999 edition of Take One magazine. Full issue here. Transcript under the cut.
One day in 1996, I got a fax at the Atlanta head office of the Cartoon Network where I am vice president of original animation. It was from Vancouver animator Danny Antonucci. Danny had sent me a drawing of threee goofy looking guys, with the title Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy, and the tagline: "They're friends because they have the same name." "What do you think?" he wrote. Hilarious, I remember thinking. I remembered that back in 1974, I used to hang out with two girls in my neighbourhood, Linda J. and Linda V. We didn't have much in common other than living in the same neighbourhood and having the same name. I immediately identified with the concept and series as a whole.
Well, actually there were several more steps before that last part happened but they were easy. I showed the fax to Mike Lazzo, the senior vice president of programming and production at the Cartoon Network, and he laughed. "Can we see more? Is there a bible?" he asked. The series bible came through by fax, a few pages at a time, over a period of the next few months. After an affirmative response from Betty Cohen, the president of the Caroon Network, the legal paperwork and deal making began. Not long after, a start-up meeting was held poolside at Chateau Marmont, the one moment of Hollywood glamoue we'd experience. "How soon can you have it ready?" asked the general manager and I watched Danny's eyebrows go up. Thus the Sisyphean task of producing the series began. Up to that point, the Cartoon Network had only produced shows through Hanna-Barbera in Los Angeles. Even shorts that were produced in smaller studios in other cities were produced through Hanna-Barbera. This would be the first show to be produced outside that system and the first to report directly to the Cartoon Network. The fate of our working with independant studios rested with this show. Nothing like a little pressure! In addition, every series we had done had started with a seven-minute short, but this time we were so sure we were on the right track that we jumped right in to serious production.
At that point in time, the Cartoon Network had been putting a great deal of effort into finding properties that weren't just animated sitcoms but were actually cartoons. Visually eyepopping, gag-laden, character-driven and most importantly, funny. Those were our cartoon goals. We were also trying to produce the cartoons by setting up units which would be creator-driven and self-contained. The old Warner Bros. "Termite Terrace" was our model since, as far as we were concerned, that's how the best cartoons were made. In the mid-1990s, Hanna-Barbera produced a series of 48 cartoons. The Cartoon Network went into series production on three of those shorts: Dexter's Laboratory, Cow and Chicken, and Johnny Bravo. We were in development on our next show, Powerpuff Girls, with the Dexter unit, and were starting to put several other projects into development, when we decided the Eds should have their own series.
Antonucci's earlier projects had made him a household name among animators. Lupo the Butcher, his animated short from the lates 1980s was, to some degree, the South Park of its time. I can remember a tape of Lupobeing passed around the office back in 1988, as people told each other, "You got to see this!" A few years later, in 1994, Antonucci started up his own studio, a.ka. Cartoon, in Vancouver to produce his show The Brothers Grunt for MTV. Following that, he spent the next few years doing commercials, promos, network IDs and the opening for MTV's Cartoon Sushi.
He decided to remain in Vancouver and expand his studio to accommodate series production. After working out of a small, five-person studio, a.k.a. Cartoon moved into a loft in the Gastown section of Vancouver and began hiring a full staff to work on the first 13 episodes. Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy is the story of three best friends bound by the same name, gawky social graces and an overwhelming desire to fit in. The series takes place during summer vacation, as the Eds search the cul-de-sac where they live for adventure, acceptance and money to buy candy. Ed is into monster movies and model kits. Edd is the really smart, really quiet and the unnatrually polite one. Eddy is the ringleadrer who loves being the centre of attention. The Eds are driven by their constant quest for cash, mostly for buying jawbreakers.
Their schemes -- childhood ventures -- optimistic profit margins -- and oddball twists.
The other neighbourhood kids round out the stories. Sarah is Ed's whiny younger sister. Rolf is the first-generation immigrant of unknown origin who eats strange things and has a pet goat. Jimmy prefers hanging out with Sarah and finds the Eds too rough. Kevin, the neighbourhood cynic, finds the Eds' ideas stupid. Nazz is the neighbourhood heatthrob and the mysterious Jonny 2x4 has a best friend that is a wooden board named Plank. Rounding out the cast are the neighbourhood bullies, the dreaded Kanker Sisters. The characters are loosely based on Danny's two sons, assorted friends and people he's known throughout his life.
Each half-hour episode is comprised of two, 11-minute cartoons. Typical episodes range from the Eds crashing Nazz's sprinkler party, to dealing with cycles of fads that blow through the cul-de-sac, to Sarah's newfound crush on Edd. Each cartoon is produced "the old-fashioned way" to guarantee the maximum number of laughs. Danny works with the story editor/head writer Jono Howard and a few other writers to generate the story ideas. Each writer then produces one-to-two page outlines with the beats of the story. The outline is handed to two storyboard artists who work out the actions and the gags. The storyboards remain up on the wall for the big pitch, at which point the artists pitch the storyboard to Danny and everyone else in the studio. The receptionist, the accountant and any visitors that day are all included in the pitch audience. The gags and beats that get laughs are keepers. The ones that fall flat get feedback or are reconsidered.
Season one, which premiered January 1999, is doing remarkably well in the ratings. Every now and then the Cartoon Network produces a show that has an impact on popular culture or day-to-day life. Recently, a journalist in Tallahasse, Fla., wrote a column in his local newspaper about his search for the huge jawbreakers his kids saw on Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy. In the April 19 issue of People magazine, in the crossword puzzle, the clue for #45 down was the cartoon show, Ed, ___ 'n' Eddy. Fan Web sites are starting to spring up.
The show has started to appear in other countries via international cartoon networks. A second season has already been ordered for a November 1999 broadcast date. Apparently, puberty is as international as it is unforgiving. Will the Eds ever be shown in their own backyard? Will Canadians ever get to see the "Canadian Squirt Gun" episode in season two? Probably. While Ed, Edd, 'n' Eddy will hopefully be acquired for air on one of the Canadian cable channels, for now you will have to rely on tapes from friends in the United States.
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spacefatty · 1 year
This morning I performed a sacred rite. One that has possible existed for as long as civilization and been traced back 78 to 100 thousand years. It was a burial. I buried a local neighborhood stray that apparently chose to take its last breaths in my backyard. There’s something quieting about digging a hole in the early sun beneath a maple tree and placing a limp body in the earth. His paws were cold and the fur on them was wet. Was he running in the dewy grass? He didn’t smell yet. His fur was soft, nose cold and damp, ears ghostly pale, and eyes wide. They were still slightly damp, but they did not close when I gently touched them. 
I am not sure how far he was gone; his body was soft and flexible, but his anus seemed to be hosting some new visitors. According to google, maggots take up residence as early as 24 hours after death, which is also the time rigor mortis can end. When I lifted him, I was confused, the side he was laying on felt warm, or at least warmer than the rest of him. I think this was just an illusion put on by the insulating effect of a furry body half-shielded from the 48-degree morning.
The soil was brown and damp. New and rich in places, thick and grainy after the tree roots. I got perhaps a foot or more down, all the while questioning how deep a grave even needs to be. I carried him in my bare hands over to the hole, kneeled and gently set him in. It almost seemed a shame for his lovely gray and brown stripes to be covered with mud and earth. But I remember soil is sacred and life giving. He lived and loved this land -yes even my land- so to it he should return. 
There are a lot of strays, and neighborhood cats where I live. It’s largely a community of retirees and low-income housing. Many of the elderly here (as anywhere) take the time to offer food and water to the roaming kitties. I don’t blame them, though it can get old seeing so many roving critters. There’s a soft spot in my heart for my 99-year-old neighbor directly across from me who cares for about 3 or 4 including two Garfield look-alikes. Since buying this land and moving here it’s almost felt as if I am only borrowing the land from the cats. The elderly woman who lived -and likely died- in this house wasn’t terribly active outside and so her largely undisturbed grass and trees provided new horizons for them. Once I moved in, I found eyes regularly peaking down from the branches above. Last summer I let the backyard grow wild for many months and apparently this provided prime habitat for fieldmice, and so prime playground for neighborhood cats.
I had often seen this tabby cat sneaking buy, and I shooed him and his mini-me away. Now I felt a little guilt for not allowing some love, even though his kind wreak havoc on the local mice and native birds. I suppose at least he can find his peace here now. I scooped the soft dirt up in my hands and arms and swept it over onto him. Softly, soundlessly he was covered over by living earth. Layer after layer until I returned the roughhewn square of Dicanthelium root mat I cut with my spade. It should rain soon; that will help the dirt settle and the plants recover. Perhaps he will become the ground and feed dandelions.
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stormikins · 1 year
3, 9, 25, 42, 48 and 92 from the otp asks!
From this OTP ask game!sorry for the late response this week has been hectic and my brain scattered. Thank you for the questions!
3: Who kissed who first?
This is set right before the omega-4 relay:
Her fingers slide to the back of his neck, to the sensitive skin there and he sucks in a breath at her cool fingers. “Jenn,” he breathes out because her stare is heavy and her fingers light, and she’s touching him with reverence. “What do you want?” He’ll give her anything right now.
“I want to kiss you.”
She tugs him in, and he goes willingly. Her mouth is warm with her lips dry and it’s making his head spin. He tilts his head in a hope to help with his suit, but Shepard just continues on like nothing will stop her. Excitement courses through him if this is just how she kisses.
9: Who is more inclined to be jealous or possessive?
Kal is the one to get jealous and Jenn is the one to get possessive. Two different things from my perspective. Kal has a history of broken hearts and trust, so as much as he tries, sometimes he gets jealous. Its not to a high degree, just he gets unsettled a bit and will make his presence known to Jenn, most likely via physical contact.
Jenn kinda treats her crew as hers. You don't do anything to them or else. Especially Kal. And she likes telling everyone and showing off that the pretty Quarian is hers and only hers. They're constantly touching each other when they're together so mostly, no one gets any ideas that Kal's not taken. But if someone's pushing it you bet your ass Shepard is making is abundantly clear that she's the only one Kal needs. And when Kal can keep his suit off in the future… covered in marks.
 25: How do they comfort each other when one of them is scared?
Ohhh boy. How they comfort others and themselves is they try to offer a solution to whatever problem and to reassure the other that they’re there for the other. Reassurance works the best with Kal because with Jenn at his side he can do anything and everything will be alright.
Jenn likes to isolate/hide feelings like these as to have no one use them against her. In the beginning, it took a while for Kal to realize her ticks and what she was doing and for her to let her walls down and actually show him what’s going on. Solutions and quiet proximity helps the best with Jenn.
42: Thoughts on each other’s family?
Kal's family consists of his mom and three friends. He has other friends and family friends of his parents. But doesn't actually consider them family. Jenn gets on pretty well with them. Finds kinship in them because they're all also in the military so they have these things in common to move along the conversation.
Jenn also has four people she considers family (outside of the crew). Three of them are her fellow graduates from the N7 program, and the other is the wife of one of them. It’s a bit rocky at first when Kal meets her friends (beside the wife who is very Bubbly) bc they're protective of Jenn. Though, when Kal proves he genuinely cares for Jenn they loosen up. Kal's glad she has someone looking out for her for things like this and that she seems to listen to them. I need to actually write some stuff involving these ocs so I can properly answer this question
48: What was their most memorable date?
I haven't come up with a lot of their dates but maybe the first one? It's after the omega-4 relay, and Jenn gets tickets to one of Kal's favorite artist's gallery. They have a lot of fun bc of the stress of the suicide mission is now gone and they can just be normal people at an art gallery on a date. (they have a lot of fun when they get back to the Normandy)
92: What does their room look like? (if they shared/share one)
They share the captain's cabin in 3 and it looks pretty much the same. Kal has his drawing tablet and his gear, but he doesn't really have a lot of stuff. Same thing for their room on Rannoch and the Citadel apartment. It's not really messy, both being marines and all, but over time when things settle into something permanent, more clutter and possessions appear. Lots of blankets too. It’s very cushy.
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madcontainer · 1 year
Mods Asleep, Post Words
Trying to get some Asura-related thoughts in order. This is, of course, rife with spoilers, which should be evident from the character being discussed.
Firstly: I have only ever watched Soul Eater fan-subbed, so I am not sure if the dialogue I draw my conclusions from is even close to official translations, or original intentions.
We don’t get to explore Asura very deeply in the anime, and while I am aware of certain manga plot points, I have not read it in its entirety, so this is a lot of conjecture. With that out of the way, here are some disjointed thoughts.
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I’m interested in Lord Death’s/the translator’s specific choice of words here. “Simple and cowardly,” as in the repeated strategic choice to retreat is not complex and he is made predictable because of that. Additionally, “simple,” as in lacking intelligence/perceived as mentally deficient in some way.
I’m not sure whether to interpret Lord Death saying that Asura has always been that way as a straightforward insult, or as a legitimate identification of Asura’s behaviour made into an insult.
Additionally, in the first fight with Lord Death after Asura’s resurrection, there is another line that I took note of.
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The line “you’re smarter than I thought” is said after Asura flies just outside of Lord Death’s range. I’m not sure if Lord Death insulting his intelligence is just meant to be cruel (since he does call Arachne a “pig bitch whore” at one point, in the memory that is preserved in the explosion), or if it has any bearing on how Lord Death actually perceives him.
We know that Asura initially fought alongside Lord Death (with his weapon partner Vajra, who I have not forgotten), so I doubt that he was ever incompetent, despite his constant paranoia. He is also a fragment of Lord Death and our other reference for how those fragments manifest is Death the Kid - who is definitely neurotic (to an exaggerated degree), but a competent meister and not to mention a legitimate (if unfledged) deity.
This is a side note, but during the battle in episode 48, about slightly past 7 minutes in, Death the Kid yells in concern for his father, and Asura is shown glancing over and taking note before Lord Death starts unleashing attacks again. Later, he gives Lord Death a piece of “advice” before blasting his way out of the Death Room with Vajra’s laser - that relying on all those rules would be fatal. I thought that was a neat touch.
The manga’s additional context could make that hurt all the more. Death the Kid’s clear attachment to and concern for their shared progenitor and Lord Death’s willingness to jump in front of the shot to protect him (and Azusa, while Excalibur needs no rescue) at the cost of his own ‘life’ sure is something.
Asura made a wise choice in exploiting Lord Death’s weakness, though I wonder if he felt anything about his own relationship with Lord Death while doing so. To put it flippantly, sucks to not be the favourite.
Asura is quite rigid and particular. He also disagrees with there being “rules” one has to follow. I don’t necessarily believe this is a contradiction.
I think it is interesting that Asura points out Lord Death’s more child-friendly mask and patterns of speech twice - once when he is freshly resurrected, and again during the battle in the Death Room.
Additionally, in episode 51, he says the following:
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“And then there is nothing weird nor funny.” This translation is clearly slightly “off,” but I have also seen it subtitled as “there is nothing strange or unexpected.” I have no screenshots of this, however.
To me, this reads as having a specific, rigid set of internal principles that he conducts himself by.
It seems like Asura wants things to make sense - he wants to understand them, or he has a very limited ‘window of tolerance.’ It comes up that largely arbitrary societal ‘rules’ are at odds with this, but I highly doubt they’re the entirety of the issue.
Being opposed to the humorous, child-friendly death, sugarcoating things and providing an ‘order’ to an inherently disorganized and chaotic world makes sense. This is beginning to read suspiciously like an “Asura did nothing wrong and was entirely right” post, which I wasn’t intending, but I can’t say I disagree with peeling the thin skin of reality away and exposing what lies underneath.
I have speculated a lot about Lord Death in this Asura-focused post, so enough of that.
Throughout all of this, Asura remains outwardly calm and honestly fairly polite. He doesn’t shout or yell aside from when he first resurrected, and later when he had to regrow his arm during the Death Room battle. The paranoia and violence only visibly escalate with provocation.
Asura’s retreat from the city and acceptance of Lady Arachne’s invitation don’t seem particularly cowardly to me. He sits around, catatonic in a temple, and then allows Lady Arachne to pet and fuss over him as she sees fit (not helplessly, of course). 
This instead seems like he has traded one form of containment in the dark for another. He didn’t just bounce back from his imprisonment, ready to drive the entire world to madness. It is stated in episode 25 that his Madness Wavelength is limited by distance, and initially he holes up in an abandoned location.
I don’t say this implying that Asura chose to be imprisoned again, since he clearly has significantly more freedom - even if he chooses to exercise that freedom by emulating the same position he was in previously. It even makes sense that he’d do so, crucially, on his own terms.
800 years is an incomprehensibly long time to remain locked up, and he does not strike me as keen to reintegrate into society. Lady Arachne’s madness amplifier and promised protection is a way to achieve a set of goals beneficial to him, without needing to drastically change anything about the situation he has adjusted to or re-enter the new world that he has been thrust into.
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lavenderhorns · 1 year
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I posted 9,709 times in 2022
That's 868 more posts than 2021!
17 posts created (0%)
9,692 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,933 of my posts in 2022
#furry - 526 posts
#aesthetic - 144 posts
#elden ring - 117 posts
#goncharov - 92 posts
#dark souls - 80 posts
#fave - 72 posts
#robot - 67 posts
#mtg - 59 posts
#the loft - 56 posts
#amber skies - 48 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#this girl is a robot but like half of her body is organic in nature and also shes a bard in space that uses nanobots to fight but the bard p
My Top Posts in 2022:
What is The Loft?
I’ve been meaning to collate some of the Lore™ surrounding my fursona Lavender, and their pocket dimension called The Loft. And since I just went through a whole lot of my blog and gave the insp pictures for the loft their very own tag (#the loft, and #loft lore), I figured I should do a lore dump post for it as well. It’s a long one, so I’ll put the details behind a read more. So, to start off!
The Loft is a “pocket” dimension roughly 10km in radius, located somewhere in between the countless realities of the multiverse. While large for a pocket dimension, it technically constitutes as its own plane of existence, and in that respect it’s very much on the smaller side. The Loft’s boundaries aren’t defined by walls, but rather distance from the distinct mountain that marks the center of the realm. Past the 10km point, distance starts to compress rapidly in one direction, meaning you could walk for hours off into the distance and then make the journey back in less than a minute. The boundaries of the loft are occupied by a sky, sun, and stars, and the celestial bodies do “orbit” in a way, slipping out of view underneath the loft’s landmass far past the distance boundary. The weather is unpredictable and often extreme, with frequent storms, changes in lighting, and odd celestial events.
As for how Lavender’s connected to the loft, it’s more accurate to say that Lavender *is* the Loft, the dragon existing as both a person and a place. While their physical body anchors the loft to somewhere in the multiverse, they have a constant background awareness of being the rocks that make up the mountain, the wood that makes up the trees, the clouds that make up the sky, etc. This also means they have a very high degree of control over how the landscape and space within the loft operates, with the Loft’s current look and function being a reflection of Lavender’s tastes and preferences. Within the Loft, Lavender can bend space, conjure matter out of nothing, and rearrange the landscape with fairly little effort. This dual person-place nature also means sometimes Lavender has a slightly odd perception of places, “talking” to them in a way that doesn’t always make sense to onlookers.
The Loft is anchored to somewhere in the multiverse by Lavender, and as such they can’t use it to jaunt through different dimensions. In addition, the Loft’s influence can only manifest in a very short range around Lavender, roughly 1 meter in radius. Mostly, this just means Lavender can make portals into the loft for others to hop inside. Notably though, this distance limitation applies to everything about the loft, meaning if Lavender creates an item from matter conjured in the loft, it will literally fade from existence if moved more than a few feet outside one of the portals. Lavender also has authority over “what” can enter the Loft, meaning the can effectively use their portals as forcefields as well, creating a portal but denying entry. All this considered, Lavender’s physical body is very closely connected to the Loft, and you can often see through the membranes of their wings into the Loft itself. Finally, a major restriction of the Loft is that Lavender can only exit the loft within 3 meters of where they entered, meaning they can’t use it to teleport or jump through different dimensions.
The geography inside the Loft is chaotic compared to most landscapes, with nearly a dozen biomes crammed together into the 10km radius (not unlike those elementary school diagrams that show what different landscape features are called). Still, while the geography tends to shift around, I’ll list a few important/consistent locations because I want to :3
-The Mountain- The center of the Loft, and the “anchor” to which distance is measured from. It’s a very jagged, vertical peak, stretching high up into the sky and visible from practically anywhere inside the Loft. Also has a few floating crags around the peak, held in place by gravitational anomalies.
-The Cabin- Lavender’s house, a structure resembling a log cabin that’s spread out across the entirety of the Loft, at least from the outside. Inside, the rooms are connected as you’d expect, with the kitchen just through the doorway from the lounge, the bedrooms upstairs, and so on. Despite this, the cabin is distinctly non-euclidian, as entering the lounge through the front door halfway up the mountain and then walking over to the kitchen will let you look out the window into the boreal forest. A convenient way to get around for guests, as it beats walking several kilometres and it connects all of the notable locations and biomes of the Loft.
-The Great Tree/Lavender’s Loft Cafe/Dragon’s Hoard- Lavender’s main form of income, a small cafe located in the loft and connected through a tiny hole-in-the-wall property in the real world. The Cafe is located in the branches of one of the biggest trees in the Loft, stretching up above the canopy of the southern forest. Lavender’s the only employee and they’re open 3 days a week, with the cafe known for having incredible ambience and views of the loft, as well as an owner who will kick out rude customers without a second thought. Also, Lavender’s draconic hoard sits on the second floor of the cafe, a collection of trinkets, collectibles, mtg cards, gems, and various knick-knacks they’ve collected over the years. It’s technically open for business and you can buy things from the hoard, but you’ll have to offer up something that Lavender wants for their hoard in return.
-Notable Biomes-
while the above 3 locations are most noteworthy, I also wanna do a quick overview of the rest of the places that the Loft encompasses :3
-Southern forest: A wide, sprawling tropical forest, with the massive Lilac River winding through it. The rainiest location in the loft, tied with the coast and the wetlands.
-Coast: The biggest body of water in the loft, stretching out into the southeast distance barrier. Fed by the Lilac river, and subject to occasional flash storms and tidal waves.wetlands.
-Wetlands: A large, mangrove-populated swamp on the east side of the loft. Winding and mazelike, hard to navigate, but strikingly beautiful. Has a series of docks and walkways to make boat travel feasible.
-Terraces: A set of terraced, stepped hills on the northeast side of the mountain. Lavender’s imported quite a lot of dirt from the real world here, in order to grow plants that won’t disappear when taken outside the Loft.
-Plains: The flat grasslands at the bottom of the Terraces. Great place for picnics or watching the sky. Also gently sloped for most of its length, with a few paved paths starting at the terrace making for great downhill races on skateboards or bikes.
-Boreal Forest: A much more temperate forest to the north, populated by pines and with a few lakes dotted about. The smaller Indigo River runs through here, before flowing into the Molten Straight and then the Craglands. Also home to another massive tree similar to the Southern Forest, this one houses Lavender’s library in the Cabin.
-Boreal Reaches: The coldest area in the Loft by far, the northern section of the boreal forest that sees trees grow more sparsely and give way to fields of deep snow. Lit eerily at night by the stars and aurora, and home to a hot spring on its east side. Lavender can often be seen with the reaches in their wings on hot days, keeping themself cool with the arctic air from the loft.
-Molten Straight: A barren straight of molten rock and volcanic activity, broken up by large crystal formations. Located northwest of the mountain. The Indigo River runs through, snaking around any volcanic formations and flowing in an unpredictable path to the Craglands. Tied with the desert for the hottest location in the Loft.
-Craglands: A massive vertical chasm that cuts into the western landscape, stretching a little over a kilometre deep, and stretching straight to the distance barrier. The Indigo river pours in through the Molten Straight, creating a massive waterfall in the center of the chasm. There are a few Cabin rooms built into the walls of the ravine here, each offering a spectacular view. The small, pooling creek at the bottom is frigid cold.
-Desert: An expanse of dunes and sand in the western-south area of the loft, not quite as empty as you’d think. The dunes shift rapidly, sometimes uncovering old stone formations, and an oasis sits on the far western side. The sand here seems oddly attracted back to its home, any sand tracked into the cabin or another biome will slowly crawl back towards the dunes.
And there we have it! I might add more to this at some point or make some other posts about it sometime, but PHEW that was a lot :>
16 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
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jonathan pointed out that dracula was probably the one who drove the carriage to the manor and I immediately thought of this
58 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
I love how the four lords in dark souls is like,
God of lightning
Primordial fire witch
Horrifying mass of corpses and plague
forgettable little meow meow (mentioned exactly once ever)
90 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
one thing about me is that I’m a dragon
382 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
ngl I feel like if I had a tail I would stim with it fucking constantly. like, sitting on it weirdly, tapping it on the floor, constantly playing with the end and unintentionally tying the fur into knots, it’s a weird thought to have but honestly I’m feeling about 100% certain in the accuracy of this realization rn
4,053 notes - Posted February 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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nostalgiaruinedme · 2 years
2, 12, 16, 32, 37, 58 and 59... sorry if thats a lot 😅
NEVER APOLOGIZE!!! The more the merrier, I like answering these asks! Thank you <3
2. Who did you last say “I love you” to?
My little brother! He’s sitting beside me rn watching Pokémon videos lol, and I just told him.
12. Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
Nope. Never even pulled an all nighter- though I do stay up until 5 or 6 AM an unhealthy amount, I still get at least a couple hours of sleep in.
16. How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
EXHAUSTED. I went to an amusement park with my family and a friend yesterday, and we were walking around from 10 AM to 10 PM. My legs hurt so bad… it was worth it, though. I had a lot of fun!
32. What is your favorite color?
Purple! Has been since I was little, though I like red and black too.
37. Is it easier to forgive or forget?
It’s so freaking easy to forget my memory is the worst. I literally never remember anything anyone does and it’s very inconvenient when I know I stopped talking to someone for a good reason but I can’t remember what they did .-.
58. Favorite weather?
I like when it’s either maybe 70 degrees F outside OR like 10 degrees and snowing!! In between sucks. But I also like when its warm and raining.
59. Do you like the snow?
I love the snow!!! A lot!!!!!
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sunaleisocial · 16 days
Turning up the heat on next-generation semiconductors
New Post has been published on https://sunalei.org/news/turning-up-the-heat-on-next-generation-semiconductors/
Turning up the heat on next-generation semiconductors
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The scorching surface of Venus, where temperatures can climb to 480 degrees Celsius (hot enough to melt lead), is an inhospitable place for humans and machines alike. One reason scientists have not yet been able to send a rover to the planet’s surface is because silicon-based electronics can’t operate in such extreme temperatures for an extended period of time.
For high-temperature applications like Venus exploration, researchers have recently turned to gallium nitride, a unique material that can withstand temperatures of 500 degrees or more.
The material is already used in some terrestrial electronics, like phone chargers and cell phone towers, but scientists don’t have a good grasp of how gallium nitride devices would behave at temperatures beyond 300 degrees, which is the operational limit of conventional silicon electronics.
In a new paper published in Applied Physics Letters, which is part of a multiyear research effort, a team of scientists from MIT and elsewhere sought to answer key questions about the material’s properties and performance at extremely high temperatures.  
They studied the impact of temperature on the ohmic contacts in a gallium nitride device. Ohmic contacts are key components that connect a semiconductor device with the outside world.
The researchers found that extreme temperatures didn’t cause significant degradation to the gallium nitride material or contacts. They were surprised to see that the contacts remained structurally intact even when held at 500 degrees Celsius for 48 hours.
Understanding how contacts perform at extreme temperatures is an important step toward the group’s next goal of developing high-performance transistors that could operate on the surface of Venus. Such transistors could also be used on Earth in electronics for applications like extracting geothermal energy or monitoring the inside of jet engines.
“Transistors are the heart of most modern electronics, but we didn’t want to jump straight to making a gallium nitride transistor because so much could go wrong. We first wanted to make sure the material and contacts could survive, and figure out how much they change as you increase the temperature. We’ll design our transistor from these basic material building blocks,” says John Niroula, an electrical engineering and computer science (EECS) graduate student and lead author of the paper.
His co-authors include Qingyun Xie PhD ’24; Mengyang Yuan PhD ’22; EECS graduate students Patrick K. Darmawi-Iskandar and Pradyot Yadav; Gillian K. Micale, a graduate student in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering; senior author Tomás Palacios, the Clarence J. LeBel Professor of EECS, director of the Microsystems Technology Laboratories, and a member of the Research Laboratory of Electronics; as well as collaborators Nitul S. Rajput of the Technology Innovation Institute of the United Arab Emirates; Siddharth Rajan of Ohio State University; Yuji Zhao of Rice University; and Nadim Chowdhury of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology.
Turning up the heat
While gallium nitride has recently attracted much attention, the material is still decades behind silicon when it comes to scientists’ understanding of how its properties change under different conditions. One such property is resistance, the flow of electrical current through a material.
A device’s overall resistance is inversely proportional to its size. But devices like semiconductors have contacts that connect them to other electronics. Contact resistance, which is caused by these electrical connections, remains fixed no matter the size of the device. Too much contact resistance can lead to higher power dissipation and slower operating frequencies for electronic circuits.
“Especially when you go to smaller dimensions, a device’s performance often ends up being limited by contact resistance. People have a relatively good understanding of contact resistance at room temperature, but no one has really studied what happens when you go all the way up to 500 degrees,” Niroula says.
For their study, the researchers used facilities at MIT.nano to build gallium nitride devices known as transfer length method structures, which are composed of a series of resistors. These devices enable them to measure the resistance of both the material and the contacts.
They added ohmic contacts to these devices using the two most common methods. The first involves depositing metal onto gallium nitride and heating it to 825 degrees Celsius for about 30 seconds, a process called annealing.
The second method involves removing chunks of gallium nitride and using a high-temperature technology to regrow highly doped gallium nitride in its place, a process led by Rajan and his team at Ohio State. The highly doped material contains extra electrons that can contribute to current conduction.
“The regrowth method typically leads to lower contact resistance at room temperature, but we wanted to see if these methods still work well at high temperatures,” Niroula says.
A comprehensive approach
They tested devices in two ways. Their collaborators at Rice University, led by Zhao, conducted short-term tests by placing devices on a hot chuck that reached 500 degrees Celsius and taking immediate resistance measurements.
At MIT, they conducted longer-term experiments by placing devices into a specialized furnace the group previously developed. They left devices inside for up to 72 hours to measure how resistance changes as a function of temperature and time.
Microscopy experts at MIT.nano (Aubrey N. Penn) and the Technology Innovation Institute (Nitul S. Rajput) used state-of-the-art transmission electron microscopes to see how such high temperatures affect gallium nitride and the ohmic contacts at the atomic level.
“We went in thinking the contacts or the gallium nitride material itself would degrade significantly, but we found the opposite. Contacts made with both methods seemed to be remarkably stable,” says Niroula.
While it is difficult to measure resistance at such high temperatures, their results indicate that contact resistance seems to remain constant even at temperatures of 500 degrees, for around 48 hours. And just like at room temperature, the regrowth process led to better performance.
The material did start to degrade after being in the furnace for 48 hours, but the researchers are already working to boost long-term performance. One strategy involves adding protective insulators to keep the material from being directly exposed to the high-temperature environment.
Moving forward, the researchers plan to use what they learned in these experiments to develop high-temperature gallium nitride transistors.
“In our group, we focus on innovative, device-level research to advance the frontiers of microelectronics, while adopting a systematic approach across the hierarchy, from the material level to the circuit level. Here, we have gone all the way down to the material level to understand things in depth. In other words, we have translated device-level advancements to circuit-level impact for high-temperature electronics, through design, modeling and complex fabrication. We are also immensely fortunate to have forged close partnerships with our longtime collaborators in this journey,” Xie says.
This work was funded, in part, by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Lockheed Martin Corporation, the Semiconductor Research Corporation through the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the U.S. Department of Energy, Intel Corporation, and the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology.
Fabrication and microscopy were conducted at MIT.nano, the Semiconductor Epitaxy and Analysis Laboratory at Ohio State University, the Center for Advanced Materials Characterization at the University of Oregon, and the Technology Innovation Institute of the United Arab Emirates.
0 notes
jcmarchi · 16 days
Turning up the heat on next-generation semiconductors
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/turning-up-the-heat-on-next-generation-semiconductors/
Turning up the heat on next-generation semiconductors
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The scorching surface of Venus, where temperatures can climb to 480 degrees Celsius (hot enough to melt lead), is an inhospitable place for humans and machines alike. One reason scientists have not yet been able to send a rover to the planet’s surface is because silicon-based electronics can’t operate in such extreme temperatures for an extended period of time.
For high-temperature applications like Venus exploration, researchers have recently turned to gallium nitride, a unique material that can withstand temperatures of 500 degrees or more.
The material is already used in some terrestrial electronics, like phone chargers and cell phone towers, but scientists don’t have a good grasp of how gallium nitride devices would behave at temperatures beyond 300 degrees, which is the operational limit of conventional silicon electronics.
In a new paper published in Applied Physics Letters, which is part of a multiyear research effort, a team of scientists from MIT and elsewhere sought to answer key questions about the material’s properties and performance at extremely high temperatures.  
They studied the impact of temperature on the ohmic contacts in a gallium nitride device. Ohmic contacts are key components that connect a semiconductor device with the outside world.
The researchers found that extreme temperatures didn’t cause significant degradation to the gallium nitride material or contacts. They were surprised to see that the contacts remained structurally intact even when held at 500 degrees Celsius for 48 hours.
Understanding how contacts perform at extreme temperatures is an important step toward the group’s next goal of developing high-performance transistors that could operate on the surface of Venus. Such transistors could also be used on Earth in electronics for applications like extracting geothermal energy or monitoring the inside of jet engines.
“Transistors are the heart of most modern electronics, but we didn’t want to jump straight to making a gallium nitride transistor because so much could go wrong. We first wanted to make sure the material and contacts could survive, and figure out how much they change as you increase the temperature. We’ll design our transistor from these basic material building blocks,” says John Niroula, an electrical engineering and computer science (EECS) graduate student and lead author of the paper.
His co-authors include Qingyun Xie PhD ’24; Mengyang Yuan PhD ’22; EECS graduate students Patrick K. Darmawi-Iskandar and Pradyot Yadav; Gillian K. Micale, a graduate student in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering; senior author Tomás Palacios, the Clarence J. LeBel Professor of EECS, director of the Microsystems Technology Laboratories, and a member of the Research Laboratory of Electronics; as well as collaborators Nitul S. Rajput of the Technology Innovation Institute of the United Arab Emirates; Siddharth Rajan of Ohio State University; Yuji Zhao of Rice University; and Nadim Chowdhury of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology.
Turning up the heat
While gallium nitride has recently attracted much attention, the material is still decades behind silicon when it comes to scientists’ understanding of how its properties change under different conditions. One such property is resistance, the flow of electrical current through a material.
A device’s overall resistance is inversely proportional to its size. But devices like semiconductors have contacts that connect them to other electronics. Contact resistance, which is caused by these electrical connections, remains fixed no matter the size of the device. Too much contact resistance can lead to higher power dissipation and slower operating frequencies for electronic circuits.
“Especially when you go to smaller dimensions, a device’s performance often ends up being limited by contact resistance. People have a relatively good understanding of contact resistance at room temperature, but no one has really studied what happens when you go all the way up to 500 degrees,” Niroula says.
For their study, the researchers used facilities at MIT.nano to build gallium nitride devices known as transfer length method structures, which are composed of a series of resistors. These devices enable them to measure the resistance of both the material and the contacts.
They added ohmic contacts to these devices using the two most common methods. The first involves depositing metal onto gallium nitride and heating it to 825 degrees Celsius for about 30 seconds, a process called annealing.
The second method involves removing chunks of gallium nitride and using a high-temperature technology to regrow highly doped gallium nitride in its place, a process led by Rajan and his team at Ohio State. The highly doped material contains extra electrons that can contribute to current conduction.
“The regrowth method typically leads to lower contact resistance at room temperature, but we wanted to see if these methods still work well at high temperatures,” Niroula says.
A comprehensive approach
They tested devices in two ways. Their collaborators at Rice University, led by Zhao, conducted short-term tests by placing devices on a hot chuck that reached 500 degrees Celsius and taking immediate resistance measurements.
At MIT, they conducted longer-term experiments by placing devices into a specialized furnace the group previously developed. They left devices inside for up to 72 hours to measure how resistance changes as a function of temperature and time.
Microscopy experts at MIT.nano (Aubrey N. Penn) and the Technology Innovation Institute (Nitul S. Rajput) used state-of-the-art transmission electron microscopes to see how such high temperatures affect gallium nitride and the ohmic contacts at the atomic level.
“We went in thinking the contacts or the gallium nitride material itself would degrade significantly, but we found the opposite. Contacts made with both methods seemed to be remarkably stable,” says Niroula.
While it is difficult to measure resistance at such high temperatures, their results indicate that contact resistance seems to remain constant even at temperatures of 500 degrees, for around 48 hours. And just like at room temperature, the regrowth process led to better performance.
The material did start to degrade after being in the furnace for 48 hours, but the researchers are already working to boost long-term performance. One strategy involves adding protective insulators to keep the material from being directly exposed to the high-temperature environment.
Moving forward, the researchers plan to use what they learned in these experiments to develop high-temperature gallium nitride transistors.
“In our group, we focus on innovative, device-level research to advance the frontiers of microelectronics, while adopting a systematic approach across the hierarchy, from the material level to the circuit level. Here, we have gone all the way down to the material level to understand things in depth. In other words, we have translated device-level advancements to circuit-level impact for high-temperature electronics, through design, modeling and complex fabrication. We are also immensely fortunate to have forged close partnerships with our longtime collaborators in this journey,” Xie says.
This work was funded, in part, by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Lockheed Martin Corporation, the Semiconductor Research Corporation through the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the U.S. Department of Energy, Intel Corporation, and the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology.
Fabrication and microscopy were conducted at MIT.nano, the Semiconductor Epitaxy and Analysis Laboratory at Ohio State University, the Center for Advanced Materials Characterization at the University of Oregon, and the Technology Innovation Institute of the United Arab Emirates.
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chemanalystdata · 1 month
Case study of Caustic Soda: A Deep Dive into the Technologies and Applications
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Caustic soda, also known as sodium hydroxide (NaOH), is a chemical powerhouse with a surprisingly wide range of applications. From its role in manufacturing aluminum to keeping our homes clean, caustic soda's high reactivity and strong base properties make it a vital ingredient in countless processes.
This blog post will delve into the fascinating world of caustic soda, exploring its various forms, production methods, and the key sectors that rely on its unique properties. We'll uncover how caustic soda helps make everything from soap and detergents to textiles and paper products, and even plays a crucial role in water treatment and alumina production.
Caustic Soda, or sodium hydroxide, serves as a fundamental ingredient extensively utilized across a broad spectrum of industries, either in its pure form or as a supplementary agent. It is available commercially in two primary forms: firstly, as a diluted solution, commonly referred to as lye, with concentrations typically ranging between 30-32% and 48-50%; secondly, in its solid state, presented as flakes, prills (pearls), or granules.
Caustic soda pearls, also known as sodium hydroxide pearls, beadles, or soda grains, are a type of caustic soda designed specifically for filtration applications. These odorless, spherical beads are about 0.7mm in diameter and can withstand temperatures up to 80 degrees Celsius. Their shape and size make them ideal for use in mash filters and vessels within the filtration process.
Caustic soda flakes, another form of sodium hydroxide, are created by boiling down a caustic soda solution until all the water evaporates. The remaining solid is then crushed into flakes, typically measuring between 0.8mm and 1.2mm in diameter and having a characteristic white color.
These flakes are industrial workhorses, playing a vital role in various sectors.
Textile engineering: Caustic soda flakes help treat fabrics during processing.
Soap and detergent manufacturing: They are a key ingredient in the production of many soaps and detergents.
Paper and pulp industries: Caustic soda flakes contribute to the process of creating paper products.
Alumina refineries: They are essential for extracting alumina from bauxite ore, a critical step in aluminum production.
Caustic Soda Liquid: Unlike its white counterparts, caustic soda liquid is a transparent solution, also known as caustic soda 50%, sodium hydroxide in an aqueous solution, or simply lye solution.
Manufacturing Processes
Membrane Cell Process
The membrane cell technique for producing Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) typically yields approximately 13 percent NaOH. This method employs a specialized membrane to selectively separate Chlorine and Sodium ions. The membrane allows Sodium ions to pass through while retaining Chlorine gas and the salt (brine) solution in a separate compartment. These Sodium ions then react with purified water, akin to the mercury cell method, resulting in the production of Caustic Soda (NaOH). Evaporation is utilized to attain a nominal 50 weight percent solution. The distinctive diffusion properties of the membranes and the decreased evaporation volume in this process lead to less extensive targeting of salt concentrations.
Let’s discuss this process in further detail:
Each chlorine production cell features two electrical contact points: the anode and the cathode, which are divided by an ion-exchange membrane. This membrane selectively permits the passage of sodium ions and a minimal amount of water, guiding them towards the negatively charged cathode.
At the cathode, water undergoes electrolysis, resulting in the formation of hydrogen gas, which is released as bubbles and collected. The remaining caustic solution exits the cell at approximately 30% concentration before often undergoing further concentration to reach a 50% concentration outside the cell.
On the opposite side of the membrane, chlorine gas is produced at the anode, causing the "spent" brine to be replenished with additional solid salt before undergoing purification using an ion exchanger. The chlorine gas typically contains traces of oxygen and often requires purification through liquefaction and evaporation processes.
This method boasts the lowest consumption of electric energy among the three processes, with the steam required for caustic concentration being relatively minimal (less than one tonne per tonne of caustic soda).
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Diaphragm Cell Process
The diaphragm cell method employs an asbestos separator to efficiently segregate sodium hydroxide and chlorine, which are the primary outputs of the reactions taking place within the cell. This process generates a liquid referred to as 'Cell liquor,' a diluted alkali solution containing approximately 12 to 14 percent sodium hydroxide by weight, along with a consistent quantity of salt. To attain a 50 percent sodium hydroxide solution, the resulting alkali solution undergoes evaporation to increase the concentration of NaOH. Moreover, this procedure facilitates the extraction of excess salt for recycling back into the cycle.
The sodium hydroxide produced through this technique is recognized under various designations such as Diaphragm cell-grade caustic soda, commercial grade, technical grade, and technical diaphragm. Another grade of caustic soda, known as sublime grade, can be obtained through further concentration of the 50% solution by evaporation, followed by dilution to reduce the salt content in the solution. The process of elevating the alkali concentration from diaphragm cells necessitates considerable heat for water evaporation and concentration enhancement. Despite the substantial heat requirement, diaphragm cells can prove to be more economically viable in comparison to other processes, particularly when steam costs are low, and they involve lower construction expenses.
Major Applications of Caustic Soda
Soaps & Detergents
Caustic soda finds application in the production of soaps and various detergents, many of which are utilized in household and commercial settings, including products like oven cleaners and chlorine bleach.
Caustic soda is employed in the extraction of alumina from bauxite. Alumina, in turn, serves as a key component in the manufacturing of aluminum and a diverse array of items such as foil, cans, and airplane components. Within the realm of building and construction, aluminum finds application in materials utilized for embellishing building exteriors and crafting window frames.
Paper & Pulp
In numerous paper-making procedures, wood undergoes treatment with a solution comprising sodium sulfide and sodium hydroxide. This process yields pure cellulose, which forms the foundation for producing paper sheets. Caustic soda plays a crucial role in the pulp and paper industry by facilitating the removal of impurities such as lignin, oleoresin, and waxes from the raw wood.
Water Treatment
In the procedure of water purification, the addition of caustic soda serves a multifaceted purpose. By adjusting the pH of water, caustic soda plays a pivotal role in mitigating the corrosive nature of water, thereby safeguarding the integrity of infrastructure and plumbing systems through the reduction of corrosive effects on pipes and fittings. Furthermore, this pH adjustment process aids in the precipitation and removal of toxic metals that may be dissolved in the water, contributing to the enhancement of water quality and safety standards.
Market Outlook
The global caustic soda market is poised for significant growth, driven by a substantial demand for alumina across various industries. Caustic soda, also known as sodium hydroxide, plays a pivotal role in the extraction of alumina, a prevalent oxide of aluminum, from naturally occurring mineral deposits. Its application extends across a diverse range of sectors including automotive, construction, and consumer goods like soda cans and food packaging. Alumina, derived through the utilization of caustic soda, finds extensive use in the automotive industry owing to its ability to enhance performance, fuel efficiency, and environmental friendliness without compromising safety or durability in vehicles.  Moreover, caustic soda, in its various forms such as lye and flakes, serves as a crucial ingredient in the manufacturing processes of soaps, cleaners, and detergents. Sodium hydroxide flakes exhibit exceptional properties in dissolving oils, grease, and protein-based deposits, making them indispensable in the saponification process for converting vegetable oils into soap. Additionally, they contribute to the production of anionic surfactants, vital components in numerous detergent and cleaning formulations.
Caustic Soda Main Players
Top players operating in the Global Caustic Soda market are Olin Corporation., Formosa Plastics Corporation USA, Dow Chemical, Shintech, Westlake Chemical, Kem One,Covestro AG, Oxychem, Xinjiang Zhongtai Chemical Co., Ltd., INOVYN, Grasim Industries Limited, Tosoh Corporation, Dongying Jingling Chemical, and Others.
Caustic soda plays a vital role in various sectors, such as in the Bayer's process, where it is utilized for extracting alumina from bauxite ore. In this process, a concentrated solution of caustic soda dissolves alumina to create sodium aluminate, from which alumina is subsequently separated through a reverse reaction. In the chemical industry, caustic soda serves as a crucial raw material, functioning as an intermediate, reactant, pH regulator, and aiding in acidic waste treatment. The escalating demand for caustic soda is attributed to the heightened demand for caustic soda spans various applications including chemicals, alumina, soaps & detergents, and pulp & paper products.
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govindhtech · 1 month
IBM Storage Assurance Enhances Storage Ownership
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IBM Storage
In order to maximize performance, IBM has introduced new storage capabilities that allow clients choice and control in the data Centre. To assist safeguard clients’ investments from the start, IBM Storage Assurance is a new option for IT life cycle management that gives access to IBM FlashSystem hardware and software breakthroughs. As announced today, IBM Storage Assurance supports the FlashSystem 5300, 7300, and 9500.
48% of organizations anticipate to boost IT investment in 2024, according to TechTarget Enterprise Strategy Group. IBM also sees organizations seeking ways to maximize costs without losing performance. The goal of the IBM Storage Assurance programme is to prolong the life of clients’ storage investments by streamlining the storage ownership experience. It is designed to be used in conjunction with the current consumption models for IBM Storage as a Service and IBM Storage Utility.
According to Simon Robinson, Principal Analyst at Enterprise Strategy Group, a TechTarget subsidiary, “IBM research indicates that IT organisations are looking for greater flexibility in how they acquire and sustain their storage.” “Budget certainty is combined with continuous hardware and software upgrades in IBM Storage Assurance programme. Organizations are able to concentrate on their business goals as IBM offers this extra degree of support for their storage systems.”
IBM FlashSystem
In order to help keep storage infrastructure up to date while attempting to address downtime, disruptive migrations, and recurring purchases, IBM Storage Assurance model offers a modern approach to IT lifecycle management with a subscription that offers regular hardware and software upgrades plus premium-level Expert Care support. The goal of the new programme is to reduce procurement roadblocks and conventional storage lifecycle management difficulties. Among the main advantages of the IBM FlashSystem 5300, 7300, and 9500 are the following:
Take advantage of system-wide refreshes with thorough upgrades for all drives, controllers, software, etc.
A state-of-the-art all-NVMe FlashSystem portfolio, tailored for today’s enterprises’ most performance- and data-intensive workloads, can help you plan your storage needs from the start.
Utilise IBM’s unique computational storage architecture to safeguard data, applications, and businesses with hardware-accelerated and AI-enhanced cyber threat detection.
Use a subscription to protect your storage purchases. Subscriptions come with lifetime-based hardware and software updates, as well as flat, clear-cut pricing for durations of four or eight years.
With technology built for non-disruptive migrations, get access to the newest hardware and software breakthroughs from IBM FlashSystem.
Enjoy contract flexibility by getting a trade-in credit for enhancements that are performed outside of the cycle.
Use IBM Storage Assurance to gain access to the company’s elite Expert Care support programme.
IBM Cloud Storage
“IBM is pleased to present the new IBM Storage Assurance programme to IBM clients. SLAs and a flat pricing contract are included with this programme, which provides full-system hardware refreshes and software upgrades, according to David Howard, Senior Consultant at Converge Technology Solutions. “With this new programme, IBM clients can meet their business needs and have budget certainty.” IBM is optimistic about the numerous advantages this new programme would provide to its clients.”
By offering an upgrade path to handle end-of-support, capacity ceilings, and operating system requirements, this new programme aims to assist customers in staying on the cutting edge of technological advancements in IBM FlashSystem storage.
“IBM Storage Assurance obstacles the current status quo of corporate storage with a programme that delivers customers focused assurances, computing storage with driven by AI data storage, and a comprehensive software suite designed to solve customers’ primary problems, such as a path for them to adopt future advances from IBM,” said Denis Kennelly, IBM Storage General Manager. “As organisations feel more driven to maximise financial assets, improve business agility, embrace renewable energy solutions, and preserve their information, IBM is providing with IBM intelligent, easy-to-use all-flash portfolio.”
Furthermore, IBM is introducing IBM Flash Grid technology and Policy Based High Availability upgrades to streamline storage management even more, maximise workload performance, and encourage non-disruptive operations. With the flexibility to shift workloads between FlashSystem devices, IBM Flash Grid gives customers the ability to manage storage systems as a highly available and independently expandable environment from a single control panel. Important advantages consist of:
Management made simple
Clients can combine IBM FlashSystem devices into a single scalable storage grid that is designed to support non-disruptive application data migrations, high availability, and replication.
Automation and simulation in AIOps
Workload placement on the IBM Flash Grid can be optimised for clients by leveraging AI-powered workload simulation and AIOps automation.
Moreover, IBM is introducing FlashSystem policy-based replication and high availability, which aims to offer simple, high-performing disaster recovery solutions by allowing the system to automatically deploy and manage replication between two systems at lower latency, higher throughput, and less overhead. In order to facilitate highly available storage with replication to a third system and to streamline the processes involved in setting up, maintaining, and tracking replication, IBM plans to expand on these features in the second half of 2024.
With the recently released IBM FlashCore Module 4’s cyber threat detection capabilities, IBM FlashSystem offers improved data resilience. The new IBM FlashSystem 5300, which was also revealed today, will support all of these features.
The IBM SAN Volume Controller is positioned in front of every IBM storage device, and the IBM FlashSystem enables us to access particular IBM functionalities. “It’s quick, dependable, safe, and simple to use,” stated Kai Leibkuchler, Amadeus’s Senior Manager of System & Network Engineering.
IBM FlashSystem 5300
The IBM FlashSystem 5300, along with IBM’s Storage Assurance programme, are now widely accessible. Along with the FlashSystem 7300 and 9500, IBM Storage Assurance is compatible with the recently released FlashSystem 5300.
IBM retains the right, at its sole discretion, to modify or withdraw any comments it makes about its intentions, plans, and course of action without prior notice. Any future features or functionalities that are specified for IBM products are subject to IBM’s complete discretion regarding their development, release, and timing.
Change the way you feel about owning a storage facility
With a future-ready all-flash platform designed for non-disruptive innovation, the IBM Storage Assurance programme offers purchase protection that reduces procurement barriers and does away with storage lifecycle management. IBM Storage Assurance is a subscription service that offers premium support, guaranteed quality of service, and updates for both software and hardware, all with flexible term restrictions.
Benefits of IBM Storage Assurance
Ensure fiscal stability for IT
Budget predictability ensures financial optimization. From the outset, confidently plan your storage needs. Receive reasonable and flat rates for four or eight years, paid annually, quarterly, or monthly in advance.
Constant innovation that doesn’t cause a stir
At the time of purchase and going forward, when new features become available, you will receive guaranteed access to the most recent developments in IBM FlashSystem technology, along with an extensive software array and monitoring capabilities.
Increase your operational effectiveness
Your administrative team will be able to concentrate on higher-value work if lengthy vendor negotiations, procurement processes, and storage life-cycle management duties are eliminated.
Improve your agility
Around contract hardware guarantees, complete system upgrades are guaranteed automatically. Ability to swap in or upgrade your existing system whenever it’s not in use. Guaranteed non-disruptive system-to-system migrations with AI assistance.
Boost your energy efficiency
Cut back on your electricity usage. IBM guarantees that, at the specified capacity points, IBM will not surpass the declared W/TB. You can help your green initiatives with a maximum guaranteed as low as 1.76 W/TB with certain configurations.
Don’t buy too much right away
No more capacity overloading or overprovisioning. You’ll be able to forecast your capacity utilization more precisely for more economical operations if monitoring is integrated. You can increase the number of drives in your current system by one at a time at any point.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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smarthometekkie · 5 months
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