#itll be fun they said
wolfythewitch · 3 months
screaming crying throwing up
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Danny accidentally becomes the Ghost king, The president and the BIGGEST threat to Bruce's social status.
Pt 1 Danny becomes the Ghost king
"Fenton's were never allowed to have a "normal" life, we are either extremely successful or extremely unsuccessful, there is no in between. Maybe a spirit cursed us back in the days, but who knows, but one things for sure, all Fenton's will definitely make the news."
-Grandma Fenton from whatever generation
Danny's starting to believe that now. He used to think that it wasn't true, but now? He used to wish to have a normal life, be a good normal son with good grades an be an astronaut one day.
Instead of a normal life he turned a half ghost teen superhero. But oh well, the Fenton's were also known for their ability to go with the flow
But how in the world did the flow get him here???
In Danny's defense, he wasn't really expecting this. The only thing in his mind at the moment was keeping his town and his people safe from pariah. He just wanted to get rid of the rotten fruitloop. He was EXTREMELY SUCCESSFUL, so successful in fact that he ended up becoming Ghost king.
The fudge????
But okay, sure, he didn't wanna become king but if he also didn't want to give up the crown for others to take, what if an evil person becomes king and attacks amity again?? Fine, he'll be king, he'll figure it out. Just go with the flow.
Surprisingly, not only did he get the crown, he also got THE MONEY. as in literal gold and silver bars, coins and jewelry. Appearantly, one the kings a long long time ago, before at least two generations before pariah had an obsession with MONEY. So the king made a Permanent Royal Degree (a law that cannot be changed by any future kings) that when someone dies and becomes a ghost, 20% of the MONEY that they've acquired in their entire life. (The money turns into an equivalent of ghost currency in the realms but is still physically in the living. Kind of like how the soul is in the realms but the body is the earth. Also, the only reason money exists in the realms is for convenience and a sense of normalcy, it doesn't really have that much value unless the ghosts brings it to the living) would belong to the ghost king.
Basically, it's ghost taxes that only have to be paid once for the entire afterlife. (Or is it more of an entrance fee???)
But anyways, hes got the MONEY.
He's rich now and he thinks, "I have so much money it's disgusting"
So first things first, getting rid of some of it.
By this point, his parents know he's phantom and have changed their opinions on ghosts, instead of attacking they are now looking at ghost like they're equals and try and help them as an apology for hurting them.
They are also looking for a new project to spend time on. A new purpose
So Danny thought, why not give them the money then? Danny proposed to his mom a project to make things that can benefit both ghosts and humans.
Next thing he knows is that he's appearantly funding, building and making:
A ghost job agency
A human job agency
Ghost proof buildings (ghost can't pass through walls, it won't hurt them, just keep em out.)
Ghost proof clothes (overshadowing proof!)
A practical fashion line for ghost and humans (Bullet proof, blast proof etch. Borderline vigilante clothes that look like a civilians day to day outfit)
Homes for ghost and humans
A ghost obsession help center where they can ask humans to help with their obsession.
A school for both ghost and humans.
Liminal 101 because apparently because of the whole, pariah dark and, living in the ghosts kings haunt situation, everyone is liminal now
An entire line of technology that can be used by both ghosts and humans.
A fight arena where ghost and humans can fight for fun.
And so many other things , he can't remember
HIS NAME IS EVERYWHERE . His parents didn't even bother hiding the fact that their son somehow has enough money to fund these projects, everyone knows him now.
He ends up basically owning most of amity park.
And here he thought he wouldn't be the kind of king that expands their territory.
He was extremely UNSUCCESSFUL in that.
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ky-landfill · 2 years
could we have some wholesome dick and dami? ✨
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 1 year
(was very brave today and quasi-conquered my fear of google forms/emails used for fic fests and signed up to bang big at the @rsbigbang
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tuesdayinthedas · 3 months
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aaronwhorechner · 9 months
not me actually tearing up at alex leaving and spencer's sad little "bye, alex" as he closed the door to his apartment bc he knew yet another person was leaving him
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its-tortle · 1 year
how do people just go out??? like, alone?? i would love to get a drink tonight but i dont even know where to go and i'm way too shy and insecure to just go out and find a bar because like,, i feel like if i do that then i just sit there awkwardly for two drinks until either (a) someone chats me up in an extremely uncomfortable and potentially dangerous way or (b) i go home sad. guess ill continue to rot in my room instead??
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xkatchy · 2 years
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immamapletreekid · 2 years
when u finish a calculus quiz and all the smart people have different answers :)
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half-of-the-story · 6 hours
they should invent a type of research that's fun
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devilenium · 18 days
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what did tami do to my screensaver
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love-birds-stuff · 3 months
Crashing into my f/os arms at full speed bc I finished an important thingTM
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midnighticee · 8 months
working in the media is all fun and games until you have to attend media events as part of the job
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krenia · 9 months
whoever gave english teachers so much freedom should be crucified because why did i just spend 20 minutes listening to a man rant about ai after playing a fear mongering vid and then proceed to say "excel was always a mystery to me" BRO?? NOONE ASKED AGH
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jo-does-things · 10 months
So I'm done at this job Friday next week but before I go I'm working on uploading some old research reports to the blog and the lack of standardization in these tables is making me violently uncomfortable.
Like. Within the same research report. Written by the same guy. In the same year I have seen the SAME METRICS presented differently for almost every project I've uploaded.
The only thing different is the values and the crop names and yet....
And at first glance the tables look similar but then you look closer and you realize the factors are in a fully different order.
Or it's landscape instead of portrait
Or there's graphs randomly that are barely readable
And like. I don't even have to fix it or anything but... Why. Why is it like this.
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writingwolverina · 1 year
Just got hit by the paralyzing realization that to keep track of events in Eyes I'm gonna have to make a comprehensive town map
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