#it's my BL and I'll trash talk if I wanna
absolutebl · 2 years
Unforgotten Night - One Dumpster Fire to Rule Them All
I expect a monster of steaming trash. I expect giggles of BDSM. I expect heaping tablespoons of deep friend dumpling wrapped sugar coated tripe. 
I will be extremely disappointed if this show exceeds my expectations. 
Let’s do this thing, not with a bang but with a 
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Let’s take that flying fuck at a rolling doughnut... together! (What would a doughnut gang bang be? A slam dunk? A double dipper?) 
Episode 1 - If Your Expectations Are Low, Limbo Under Them 
In case I wasn’t plain enough at the opening, let me make this clearer than a well-hydrated golden shower. The kink rep is gonna be poor in this show. The queer rep is gonna be absent. The business CEO rep is gonna be appalling. The acting is gonna be wooden. The script is gonna be abysmal. I expect scenery chewing so bad we are all farting wood chips out the other side. Your safeword is not reading this blog and not watching this show. Got it? Okay. 
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Dom introduction (Kamol). 
Excellent. We begin with the classic black limo, the classic black on black suit, and an actual rolled carpet. Also cameras from the late 80s. Top marks from complete lack of subtly. Also, it is just me who finds Thai accented Korean incredibly odd? 
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Sub introduction (Kim). 
Gurrl! Cosmos? Martinis? Srs? I am beginning to think this is a period piece. 
Right so we got: Bathroom drama breakup. Plus the lonely slide floor sit. Thailand, we have discussed this at length: no singing & no crying. 
For this drama and this drama alone, I will make one exception. Crying is allowed if you put him in eyeliner and those are pain tears. That’s the rule. 
Def no singing. I refused to allow guitars in my BDSM. Wait no, I’d allow them, but they’d always be just out of reach and anyone caught reaching for one would be immediately gagged and trussed. 
*nods in sadist*
Awe, it's really nice to see some of the old Wabi Sabi crew like Sammy and Title show up. Hi cuties!!! The band is back together again, isn't it?
Do not take that as a hint.
Where was I? 
Right actually this a god opening sequence set up, nice plot movement, broken hearted (yet still desired & beloved by all) sub, unsatisfied dom. Clear characterizations and support cast. I’m satisfied. And now for the unforgotten night!
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50 Shades of BL let’s DO THIS THING! 
Okay so we see depicted and established consent, even if there’s no proper negotiation, considering we skipped straight to robes, Imma assume there was some ordered cleanliness and negotiation going on before the robing, and go from there. *nodes in plotonium* 
Those restraints are amusingly lose. That said I have had subs with fastening triggers and their binds were mostly for show, so *shrug*. Reminder for anyone out there interested in wax play (a personal fav of mine) you do need special candles. Finally, a light whipping. Nice tame little intro-level scene. It’s pretty good kink actually, for a BL. 
The aftercare bath scene was actually cute. 
Why is product placement in a BDSM BL SO FUNNY? 
So far this is DUMB and GREAT and I am ALL IN. This was exactly what I wanted. Did you know the B in BDSM stands for bouncy? No? Well it DOES now. 
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Kinky books corner: romances with great BDSM rep
I was asked in comments about this show for kinky books with good BDSM rep:
Alexis Hall's For Real is not only brilliant, hugely romantic, and incredibly well written, it’s age gap (younger dom, older sub). I have issues with no limits play, but given the reverse power differential in the D/s dynamic I’m okay with this one. This is also my hands down favorite Alexis Hall. 
If you’re interested in gay BDSM with a wide rep of different kinks and always done very well executed with established safewords, contracts, and protocols then the Collars & Cuffs series by K.C. Wells is probubly your best bet. Which one in the series is your favorite will depend on your kinks, I like Dom of the Ages. They can be read in any order but do feature lots of cross over characters and an overarching linear story about one dungeon in the UK. 
A personal favorite and for those of you loving Old Fashion Cupcake, there is Not Safe For Work by L.A. Witt which features an out bisexual, mature characters, and a secret office romance. It’s got great communication and all the tension is from work drama not miscommunication. 
For het, I think Natural Law by Joey Hill is pretty good. It's mixed up with a police investigation crime thriller aspect, though. I don’t read much het, so there probubly are better BDSM reps out there now. 
If you want something highly erotic and very queer and poly but mixed up with historical (follow me here), then I remember enjoying Bound to Be a Groom by Megan Mulry but I read that one a long time ago. It’s a quadruple 2 Doms, 2 subs, mixed M/m, F/f, M/f, F/m pairings (they are all with each other in various ways/kinks). 
I’ve linked to Zon because I lazy, some of these are only there, some are wide. Pay the author, don’t steal the books. Nash. 
I’m not claiming they have good kink rep but here’s: BLS with BDSM elements, and a lot of the dark BLs from Japan are very heavy into kink 
A brief list of shows featuring BDSM that I liked: Love & Leashes (Korea - Netflix), Bonding (UK - Netflix), The Secretary (USA). 
Everything kink comes with triggers attached. 
But why is this director so fascinated with faucets? Is it a metaphor? Seriously, that direct are we? OKAAAAYYYY 
Episode 2 - Kamol Repping for the U-Haul Gays
I would officially like to request doomy Thai mafia music be played every time I give a presentation to my Korean overlords, thank you very much. And also when I step out of my private plane? Sound good? 
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I’m of 2 minds over Kamol’s sunglasses. On the one hand, Yoon does look more badass in them. On the other hand, they are ALSO PATENTLY ABSURD.
(Honestly, I am seriously not joking about the presentations. Can you just imagine regression analysis, graphs, and charts only with THAT MUSIC playing the whole time? It would certainly add a bit of... oh I don’t know... je ne sais quoi?) 
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Do I think they think they are being subtle putting the Dom on his knees in this shot. Yes yes I do. Are they subtle? No, No they are not. 
We pause your regularly scheduled snark, to point out that Kim uses pom/khun with Kamol (as we might expect, this is formal and distancing) while Kamol uses chan/nai with both Kim and his bodyguards. I don’t know what this means (chan as used by a man is somewhat informal but not rude, but also not super common), but I find it intersting. (In the research I could find nai as you was usually paired with rao for the I pronoun, not chan). Nai has been pretty rare in Thai BL, but as we move out of school settings I guess we are going to get more unfamiliar pronouns. Nai is technically the slightly less formal version of khun, gendered specifically for a man of equal social standing defined as: นาย • (naai) Cognate with Lao ນາຍ (nāi) a you pronoun “used to address a male friend.” The bodyguards seem to be using the archaic (semi frozen) from of nai back to Kamol (used to adress or refer to a superior male). 
moving on... 
Nothing much happened. We spent too much time with Kim’s ex. The director made Kim cry again (stop it, Thailand). Kim tried to kick out the mafia. The slightly sus stalker character is back with fruit, and the work ladies are all a flutter. 
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Why does this whole show feel like kiddies playing dress up?
We got a bite-size sample of side dishes: age gap + class gap AKA housekeeper’s baby boi meets sexy head bodyguard. ME LIKEY. 
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It’s a bit slow, but ya know what? I’m still not mad about it. 
Carry on.  
Episode 3 - If you’re confused as to whether I like this show, imagine how I feel. 
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Our leads continue to have a basic (and very gay) misunderstanding:
Gay Party The First - Kinky One Night Stand to Get Over My Ex
Gay Party The Second - MINE FOREVER
Been there. Run from that. 
Nothing happened in this episode except the stalker/Dom still wants the sub and the sub still wants his ex. But hey, I remain engaged. That’s something I suppose. Now move aside UN, I got Triage to catch up on! 
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Also, so far, def not enough BDSM. I am disappointed, but then I expected that. 
Episode 4 - The Background Music is Okay, I guess? 
Recent discussions over the craptastic nature of Thai BL credit sequence tunes has made me appreciate this one aspect of this show, if nothing else. The music is fine. 
Look, it’s crystal clear, while Yoon can (attempt) to be in every Thai BL he can’t play every role. CEO mafia Dom does not suit him - I keep wanting to pich his cute little cheeks and ask, “What so serious?"  
What is it with Kamol climbing on beds with his shoes on? First of all: SHOES inside the bedroom at all? Ugh disgusting. Then on the bed? Yech. 
Also, can we talk about how impractically dumb this wee mirror is? 
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"I have a tiny mirror but have you seen the size of my... tattoo?” 
The dinner table “you should speak in a nicer tone” conversation was actually pretty funny. Kamol is a fun character when others are mocking him like I want to. 
I adore the “assistant” and his baby boy ( @heretherebedork​ you are with me, right?) Please make them happen. I know this isn’t Japan (who loves an age gap), but isn’t this MEANT to be a kinky drama? There are more than a thousand ways to be kinky, you know? 
Give Assistant Daddy his baby boy, okay? 
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Look at the little face. He wants P’Daddy so bad. 
Oh wait.
Is that?
Do I feel... 
Expectations happening?
Bad expectations! No BL for you. 
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I can’t believe I have to explain this. But D’Kamol, Kim wants you to TAKE form him SO he can get angry about it SO you push him around and punish him. I cannot believe I have to explain your business to you like this. Your sub is being a brat that means one thing and one thing only: he’s asking for it. Sheesh. Is this BDSM 101? For goodness sake. 
Ah, now that is the annoyed frustration I was expecting from this show. 
Carry on dumpster fire, do. 
And it will burn-baby-burn, for it looks like next week we continue with the Unnecessary Femme Fetalle! Thailand - the only nation where more UFFs are spotted in one year than UFOs in a decade. 
Oh, I am on a roll tonight.
Next week....
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See you then!
Should we be calling this show Forgotten Kink rather than Unforgotten Night? 
Episode 5 - The First Rule of Body-guarding, Don’t Get in the Middle of a Bitch Fight 
Poor Lop stuck in the middle of an A1 class bitch fight.
I do like that Kamol is direct and open about romantic communication, it’s a very Dom thing to do, at least it should be.
The tiger was dumb. Don’t keep tigers as pets you moron.
So I guess they’re boyfriends now?
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Episode 6 - Sucker for Side Dishes Manifests  
There is a terrible party, and a terrible fight sequence, and some terrible dialogue. 
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About what I expected, actually. 
This is a crappy dumb show.
We got the tiniest of scraps of a side dish, but they are so unbelievably cute together. They have both mine and, of course, @heretherebedork​ ’s hearts. 
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Sometimes I think I should rename this blog 
“sucker for side dishes and second lead syndrome.” 
Or is that just a poem I’m writing about myself?
In case you’re keeping track:
Faucets not turned off - 2
Shoes on bed - 6 (3x) 
I’d say “make it stop” but can’t stop the dumpster fire! 
Episode 7 - They’re Separated, What a Relief 
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I do love it when Thailand tries on domesticity for size. 
I have no idea why they insist on leaving that one for Taiwan and Vietnam 90% of the time, tiny gay families are THE BEST. And you know Thailand can handle it.
Ah, now I’m getting all misty eyed over My Ride... 
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I was going to say that the promise of this show is being squandered, and then I realized that it had no promise.
Look, the safety precautions and sending Kim away makes absolutely no sense in any universe even a Thai mafia one. 
OMG! It’s the house again! 
You know, that house. That one house that all the gay boys live in. The only house that exists in all of Thailand. 
That House.
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Look here Thailand. I demand that either:
Someone dies and artistically bleeds all over these floating stairs in a lovely splash of red or
Someone falls off these stairs or (better) is pushed at some point
If you insist on option 2 I will, under sufferance, accept that it be a pratfall crash into the seme. 
It’s only fair, you keep taunting us with these stair. USE THEM as all the gods of BL intended, for murder or comedy.
Those are your only option.  
Honestly, I really kind of liked this episode. The fact that the lead couple is apart for most of it was all to the better. I don’t know what that says about this show (nothing good) but there it is.
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Meanwhile, that secondary couple hug was too much. Age gap gets me every time.
The tentative nature of it and the way P’Daddy really wants to hug back but can’t. These two have more chemistry in one glance than the leads do in chains.  
And NOW A kidnaping. How exciting. 
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Episode 8 - WAIT, no kidnapping? how disappointing 
Is it just me, or did the fight scene improve this time around? That’s nice. 
Still no blood on the floating stairs, but you can’t have everything. Especially not in a Thai BL. 
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I like the fact that they highlighted the flawed reasoning and the weird plot point from the last episode (sending Kim away from the safety of a fortress and a  million bodyguards “for his own good”.) 
But there still wasn’t a good explanation for Kamol’s decision. 
Shrimp trope! 
Thai Language Corner:
At one point I reminded you all that gin กิน (the Thai verb) for “eat” is a double entendre, well here it is being a single entendre. 
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Ooh, and an arse slap! 
A rare and remarkably unusual trope. I shall treasure these moment’s between us, Unforgotten Night, for the rare gems in the cess pit that they are. 
I got to say, a true Dom would make that slap sting a hell of a lot more. The point would be to be remembered for the entire day, every time your sub sat down. 
I’m stuck teaching this BL its kinky business,
Me to Unforgotten Night: 
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Apparently next week we have Jake from Enhyphen* in the role of Kamol’s ex-mafia-boytoy.
* just a little joke don’t coem after me engines
Episode 9 - I keep yawning, is it the gummy or this show? 
Honestly I don’t have very much to say about this episode. I guess they are cute boyfriends? But do we want cute boyfriends from our mafia daddy? I ask you?
Rise up BL fandom, because NO WE DO NOT. 
Eh, don’t bother to rise up. Have a gummy to gnaw on instead. It’s not like Kamol’s gonna gnaw on anything soft and sweet. Even when it’s showering RIGHT THERE.
Speaking of which: obligatory gratuitous shower scene. Everyone say: Thank you Thailand! 
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And some hair drying in a WAFFLE ROBE! Haven’t seen one of those in a while. Hello my old friend.
The side dishes just just got crumby again. 
Very soft crumbs. 
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Meanwhile, plot.
Wait... was there plot? 
Enter Danil former fuck-buddy also the boss/adopted dad’s younger brother. Well done there, Kamol, stepbrothers trope! Sort of. Look he’s as half-arsed about his tropes as he is about his kinks. 
I do like that Kim & Kamol had an adult mature communicating conversation about the situation. That’s unexpected.
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Okay, I made myself a boozy affogato of chocolate vanilla peanut butter ice cream with creme de cacao and chambord on top (DON’T JUDGE). 
The handhold thing in the plane was very cute, I like those little Dommy insights. But the whole vacation house thing was weird. A forced found family dynamic or something? 
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WHY IS EVERYONE SUDDENLY WEARING NAVY? It’s like the mafia does Ralph Lauren. 
WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THIS SHOW? What’s its purpose in life? What is it trying to do? How am I supposed to feel about it? What the point of anything anymore? What’s the point of life? What’s... ooo... 
*distracted by boozy affogato*
And now Kim has gone off sex? Why a sudden blushing maiden moment? 
OH WAIT, RIGHT.... bratty sub. 
He’s asking for it.
NOTE: This is why you should never top drunk. 
In other (not new) news Khom is a strict but gentle Daddy & Baiboon LOVES it and him so much. 
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Meanwhile rando bodyguard sex, what? Three way. Okay. Well isn’t everyone just hella gay allasudden?
My stars. 
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I am not that drunk, right? It really happened. And in the shower.
I guess everyone is getting laid but Kamol tonight? 
Also Unforgotten Night is clearly vested in going where KinnPorsche elected not to, aren’t they? (KP, to my understanding, originally had a throuple in the y-novel.) 
Well, this show is indeed total trash. I mean it takes a lot to make me feel dirty, and this random bodyguard 3 way did it. Not because I’m opposed to group sex, but because with no character development at all, it came entirely out of nowhere. 
One hopes they did too. 
Moving on to Kamol getting some. 
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Gear in the shower is one thing (shudder) but fastened to THE SHOWER HEAD? What what what?
Have I taught you nothing?
Well, no obviously not.
Hay you, tumblr kinksters, don’t fucking fasten your sub to a shower head, you unmitigated morons. It’s one thing to be a monster and quite another to be stupid about it. 
*grumbles about safety precautions and slippery surfaces*  
Where was I?
Bodyguards doing actual bodyguarding? Claps hands, goodie! Dead people in pools! Fun times. 
And then these two fuckers are SO GODDMAN SOFT.
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The torture of it all. 
I lose my tiny mind over the weirdest is shit. 
And the affogato has worn off.
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Alright, ya navy clad slackers, what have we learned from this episode?
No navy.
No chaining people to shower heads.
Got it? 
Episode 11 - Plumbing 
I am three glasses of wine in the sink, so it’s time to start. And also, just let’s get this out front first, no chaining people to plumbing in this episode. No shower arbitrary threesomes. No faucets left on.
In fact, just stay out of bathrooms entirely.
You can’t be trusted. 
What I saw: 
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What I thought of: 
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Right off the plumbing and back to the, erm, plot.
Evil ex is evil in a way that is so one note and awful it’s almost as if he were written by MAME. 
OMG I can not drink enough booze to get through this episode. 
There was this time at this one industry event where there were strawberry daiquiri on tap and it think I stayed up until 4 am drinking them. 
Maybe that would do it? 
Thank the BL gods this ends next week. 
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I’m sorry I just.... could NOT resist. 
Episode 12 - Let’s Flush This Thing
Look I am boozed up for my last Thursday lush day, and we have to finish this show. Somehow. 
Kim is the biggest most immature whiney baby and honestly they just need a Daddy/boy dynamic butt cause (Imma leave that typo for good reason) who else would put up with his nonsense? 
Worst bodyguards in the world? Likely. 
First mention of gay poly marriage in BL? Unquestionably. 
Bummer these two things had to be combined? Oh yeah. 
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There is a moral to this “story” but I’m not sure what it is.
Don’t combine your BDSM-but-not-really BL pulp with plumbing issues? 
 That’s it, that’s what I got.
You should have heard the disgusted snort noise I made over the white suit handcuff. 
Look, in the end, this dumpster fire got extinguished with a garden hose and all we’re left with is leaky pipes and the smell of damp trash. 
And the only kinks were in the hose. 
Could be worse, I suppose.
Hard to imagine how, tho. 
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I, on the other hand, do have something better to do since I have a nice new little subscription to WeTV and am going to binge We Best Love for the millionth time. I recommend you do the same. 
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negrowhat · 1 month
15 Day BL Challenge 2K24
This is the last day of my challenge! I think I'm going to do a more inclusive one. I sort of excluded other QL's, GL's and women all together, which is TRASH of me to do. It wasn't really my intention, but I think I was just trying to release a more generic one to see how it was received by the community. So I will make a new, better one. Or should I just make one for GLs? IDK I'll work on a new one soon. It's here if you want to do it, but I get it if you wanna wait for the new one to come out.
Day 15: Top 5 Bestest Besties
The Boy Clique from History 3: Make Our Days Count. If you...disregard them bullying Xi Gu in the beginning...they're a great group of friends. They supported each other through everything. They apologized to Xi Gu and adopted him into their friend group when Hao Ting started dating him. They went and found yaoi novels to read so they could talk to Sun Bo Xiang properly when he started showing his interest in Lu Zhi Gang. And overall they just hyped each other up about every, single thing. I loved them.
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The Special Investigation Unit from The Sign the Series. Yai and Tharn of course, but the entire friend group. KhemThongthai and Yai had noooo problems going along with PhayaTharn's shenanigans and hijinks throughout the series. They did every thing they could to get the two together and they searched high and low with Phaya to find Tharn. They were there crying over Phaya with Tharn. They helped each other excel through training camp together. The 5 of them had a true brotherhood.
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The Squad from Together With Me. I will always love this solid group of friends. They had a family. They always banded together to protect whoever needed it. They took care of Pharm when it came to his icky relationship with the school doctor. Yiwa was KornKnock's biggest supporter. Korn wouldn't sleep until he found Yiwa after Knock's girlfriend tried to hire thugs to hurt her. And Yiwa and Fai worked hard to take down Knock's evil girlfriend. They even helped P'Phu defend his relationship with his...professor...
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Pearl and her Babes from The Gameboys Franchise. Gawd she was like their lil Fairy Bi-Mother. She worked hard to get CaiReel together and protect them from outside forces. She offered them so much sound advice and she was quick to apologize when she was wrong. She was always there for CaiReel, never judged them, and played an integral part in them meeting in real life. And they offered their advice, love, and support when she was looking for a girlfriend. And they were ALWAYS down to support whatever cause she was working to promote. Gav even did food delivery for Pearl's father.
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Saebit Boys HS Student Council from Light On Me. I still don't like ole girl on the end so this is really about Daon, Taekyung, Shinwoo, and Namgoong. Namgoong is an excellent friend through and through. He was all knowing and all seeing and he kept his friends in check and offered sound advice. I love that Daon and Shinwoo didn't let their crushes on Taekyung ruin their friendship. They both agreed to pursue Taekyung and didn't stand in each other's way. They let Taekyung decide and didn't try to persuade him by speaking badly about each other. They even traded advice. Just a healthy lil friendship group. AND I AM SO PROUD OF TAEKYUNG AND DAON FOR HOLDING OLE GIRL ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE CRAP SHE PULLED.
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bijoumikhawal · 1 year
Part of the problem with MLM fetishization discourse (mainly found onTwitter, but i see it here too), is that people see effeminacy and femininity in men itself as a fetish, and therefore can't be assed to understand actual issues we face with regard to sexuality
It's impossible to talk about fatphobia, underlying assumptions often related to white supremacist beauty standards, adultification, ageism, etc that feminine men experience because people are too busy getting in a tizzy over a guy wearing skirts in media. One of the big issues for me is hypersexualization- I was getting sexualized at a very young age for being what I am, it's a big issue historically, and a lot of media I could access when I was younger was basically just porn/erotica. And that porn/erotica was often like. Racist, it hypermasculinzed Blackness in comparison to white effeminates, and it only portrayed fem men as submissive bottoms (which isn't itself bad) whose effeminacy was humiliation, and submission was bc they're worth less than "real men"
And like, the joke is people are so focused on wether or not people writing femmes who bottom is bad (it's just a thing that happens irl) that you can't talk about anything else. It's also a form of hypersexualization. The only other thing ppl wanna discuss is "heteronormativity". Fiction where femmes are fucking isn't a bad thing with that being said, and desexualizing us is also a common homophobic thing to do, and tends to loop back to the "less than a real man" thing.
And like, "yaoi"/"BL" isn't the big driving factor in hypersexualization here. If nobody in the US knew what that was I still would've been getting hit on by men twice my age at 16 (who sometimes would loudly advertise their interest in femmes specifically, or more accurately, "femboys" and "tr*ps").
And honestly when you deal with just like- grown ass men looking at you that way, people moaning and bitching that the big concern for fetishization here is basically wether or not the character exists only deepens the shame felt from those interactions. I was made to feel uncomfortable and gross because my gender presentation was seen as sexual when I was a teenager, and all this shit does is go "yeah, it is sexual, when I look at people like you I think about sex and how the sex you have is bad". And part of my Ick with portrayals of femmes is that we're assumed as submissive bottoms because I'm not, but this is still deeply harmful to people that are because you're telling queers the way they fuck is morally wrong and you're instilling shame over it.
And like... actual fetishization for me is more often when femmes as objects of sexual desire are seen that way through a lens of "you're a faggot so you're beneath me, you should thank me when I call you slurs and do xyz, you're trash, shaving you so you have less body hair (so you look more feminine) is a punishment and symbolizes my superiority" because it's just intracommunity femmephobia/effemiphobia with a boner.
Its not that other things are non-issues but cis women clumsily writing a masc/femme dynamic is probably more likely to make me laugh than feel ashamed or disgusted, and instances of feminizing a character for bigotry reasons in fandom are less common than people complaining about effeminacy existing at all (including with femme transmasc characters, especially because usually those aren't being written by cis people). The actual things that have made me cringe with shame and disgust about cis women's view of feminine and effeminate men sexually are more difficult for me to unsnarl because I see it less often, and it's sometimes more visceral because while I was sexualized by men I was actually abused by women, but I'll be frank; those things usually aren't occurring in discussions about fandom.
When I get disgusted in fandom discussion isn't about femme characters existing at all, or top/bottom/switch- they're about people acting like writing romance/erotica about men fucking is the sacred right of cis women and any discussion about equity in publishing means you're attacking fandom when they're two different things, and that that right is more important than the fact that queer men can struggle to get published in romance- and subsequent issues with poverty. Or the insistence that to be fetishized you need to be a woman because fetishization is stored in the pussy (revealing they haven't thought about racism in the romance genre, and don't think about trans women). Its about queer men in fandom writing smut and getting harassed by women who write the exact same type of it because the way they do it is somehow bad. It's about my sexuality being seen as piece of land to fight over, that I'm not supposed to be on, not writing about men in fishnets.
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
What do we know about this show? Do we have any more details about this show?! Maybe SK is gradually coming into a new era of LGBTQI+ acceptance (at least in media)??? 🌈🌈🌈 https://www.allkpop.com/article/2022/05/south-korean-ott-platform-wavve-under-discussion-for-a-new-gay-dating-entertainment-program
I WAS JUST TALKING TO KEVIN ABOUT THIS OMG. Your link (which, allkpop is trash but I'll allow it because there's not much else about this out there):
And here's the text so you ain't even gotta click if you don't wanna.
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Oh look boys kissing! No? Identifiable boys close to each other! Definitely gay boys! Still... no?
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No seriously I stole that pic straight off of KBIZoom talking about the EXACT SAME SHOW POSSIBILITY - but they had to censor the shots in case anyone thought the models might be ... kinda GAY. I believe we see closer stuff than that on your average Memories DVD:
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BUT ANYWAY Kevin and I were discussing it - he brought it up. And I was like "uh BL (boy love) is a huge market, it'd be stupid not to make some bank on it" and he goes, "This is Korea. Boy love as a genre is acceptable here because it's fiction. A reality show with actual people willing to be out on television is going to be a hard sell for both the audience and the potential cast." So I go well what about the fact that they're even considering it then, and he goes,
"Considering, curious about, beginning market research on, all words that mean this is not something that is ready to happen here yet. Maybe in the next administration, but not now. They probably started round-table-ing this idea a year ago, but with Yoon in office? It's not happening. Give it a few years to let the idea simmer and see what the next President does." But my trash white American girl opinion is that of course it would be a great idea -- in theory, it could open some eyes. Except that the conservatives wouldn't watch it. Much like Drag Race here and in Europe, it would be a niche market for the first few years. WATCH ME JUST DIGRESS HERE I DO THAT SOMETIMES
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Kim Chi competed on and nearly won Season 8 of RuPaul's Drag Race, and is a Korean man with Korean parents. He is 34 years old and at the time he competed, his mother knew only that he was a gay makeup artist. His father and his brother didn't even know he was gay. And I'm not sure they know now. And this dude lives in Los Angeles by way of Chicago. I can't imagine what his life would be like in Seoul, or Daegu, or Busan. And while Kev agreed that yeah, okay, drag is a step farther, he also said, interestingly, that drag might have been MORE acceptable to his own Korean mother (rest her soul) than having a gay son would have been. Because he could have argued that he was into it for the theater - a bit of Japanese kabuki styling - versus "oh hey eomma I do sexy time with men, woke up gay today, bit fruity."
So the upshot is that gay fiction is one thing, but gay reality is entirely another. We're back to the "we don't talk about those things here, it isn't polite." Enjoying the romantic drama of two young (they're always young, Kevin noted, not being particularly young himself) pretty men is not the same thing as seeing Jungshin from accounting on a dating show.... for GAY PEOPLE. And Kevin pointed out that honestly, even BTS are seen as fictional characters in Korea (and likely elsewhere). The idea that they are real human men with real romantic interests and real sex drives doesn't really fly, there. Not yet, anyway. So the "boy love" aspect is fine, as long as they're young, famous, pretty, and they don't admit to TOO much.
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This is okay. ETA: and the above shot is edited, in case anyone didn’t know. See my fictional character point?
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This is okay. But if they kissed or came out, that would NOT BE OKAY. And Taekook is not real, but the Jeon Parks are about as loud as they can get what with dropping honorifics like that, so as long as they're riding the line of fiction vs reality they're still okay. Full on reality or even depicting reality, though, is still not okay - at least, not on the Seoul Broadcasting Network (SBS), who censored out the kisses in "Bohemian Rhapsody", the Freddie Mercury biopic as recently as 2021. And that caused some backlash on the internet:
But it hasn't changed a thing on the networks. YET. Maybe someday. Hope springs eternal.
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k-white · 1 year
I wanna give my 2 cents for the GMMTV 2023 trailer lineup, going in the order they where presented in the live event and with no BL/GL, Lakorn division all together baby
So let's start:
Enigma: I am sucker for cursed schools/supernatural shows, not a big horror fan tho so if the show is able to balance the horror theme I'll be able to enjoy it, as for cast I really like Prim tho with Win I still have some reserves but considering that he is playing a completely different character here I am more open to him, tho I have to add if he is actually a teacher it means he is a lot older than Fa so if there is a romance I won't like it please no teacher/student relationship
A Boss and a Babe: the title is trash, the show semes the basic office drama with the e-sports and youtuber spinn that does not speak much with me, Force and Book have good chemistry but not very exited for this one, tho I hope this is better than Enchante sorry but that show is not great
Find Yourself: I like "noona romances" where the woman is older it's nice when they show that older women can attract younger man, tho romance based lakorn usually bore me, we have Earth and Podd here wich is a plus but I will have to see the show to be able to judje it, I already had a trailer appear good to have the show be not so much
Double Savage: After Not Me series that have crime as a plot spark my interest, and tho I basically understood nothing of the conflict other than a girl was involved, I liked Ohm's and Perth's performance in it, tho Foei being part of it after SH4 let's say he is not on my faves list to say the least
Hidden Agenda: classic university set BL with a plot that seems the mix of 2gether and SIYH(hope it is better cuz this show was not it) tho it intrigues me more than the previous 2, I onestly like Joong and Dunk I think they have potential and I also really like the rest of the cast so I will toon in for this one
23.5:...THIS!!! first GMMTV GL with Milk and Love! I am so exited for this, it also looks so genuenly cute and sweet and they look adorable, tho I would have loved to have another 2 girls as a 2nd couple Gemini and Fourth are indid cute, one of the series I am most exited about
The one with the Thai name: ok onestly this look like a bore fest, also Neo as second lead sindrome?NO😭... tho I will try it cuz this who I am, I have to watch at least the first 3 episodes to make an opinion It could surprise me
Cooking Crush: another one I am EXITED for, first of all OffGun wich is a surprise for real, Neo in general BUT specifically Neo and Gun in a show together, it's a show about cooking and I really enjoy this type of stories, also happy to see Neo and Mark in a very differnt setting compared to OF and as a side couple I am genuinly exited for them and this show
Wednesday Club: ok this is messy, and I don't really understand the plot, all I get is that they are all middle children that started hanging out after 2 almost got arrested, they are supposed friends, and they have rules for theire friendship, I like it tho, I usually really like choral shows from GMMTV, some of theire best lakorns to me are the ones with a lot of protagonists, like 55:15 or P.S. I Hate You, also I really like almost all of the actors in this
Last Twilight: Ok this I'm exited for, I like stories that talk about disabilities, also it is directed by P'Aof wich we know is a verh talented director, also I like Jimmy and Sea they have a sort of confort that fit this typo of stories, I feel like I am really gonna like this differntly to Vice Versa wich disappointed me, also Mark is here!
Loneliness Society: this look estetically good but it feels kinda like your classic romance lakorn, I know it's a remake i have not watched the original one, still like the other ones I will try and watch at least the first 3 episodes when it airs
Only Friends: Ok I literally rewatched the trailer like 20, if not more, times the trailer and saying that I am obsessed is reductive, this is the highlight of 2023 for me and I trust P'Jojo to make a good show, and also all the boys already outdid themselves in just the trailer and First Khaotung and Neo are some of my favourite and this I think is the right project to show Force Book and Marks abilities
Faceless Love: I have the confirmation that straight romances don't really spark my interest😅 seriusly this seems really boring to me sorry but all the het romances does, cuz it always the same story basically, it is only spyced up in the havier dramas wich I like... same 3 episode rule
Dangerous Romance: ok I like this, it has very cool tropes like rich×poor, enemies to lovers, class conflict drama, the whole situation with the brother, the story is cool and has the right amount of angst, the acting is very good by the trailer(expected from this 2) I am still a bit pissed at both of them, Perth more considering the LBC incident, but I wanna give this show a try cuz the plot is what I am interested about, also this 2 seems to have good chemistry, also my boys Pawin an Papang and my girl View are here so it's a plus
Jungle: Oh for fuck sake why is there no english subtitles!!! and I don't speak any of the subs languages!!! Ok so they are all playboys and all know each other? Mix is a bartender and a hunter? I have no idea what the plot is only that it's a big messy one... until we get subtitles I will just go by visuals and they look amazing, also Mix and Nanon in the same show!!! also Pat my Wife!
Cherry Magic 30: we have no trailer and considering that I still have to watch the og I will refrain from expressing any opinion NEXT!
Midnight Museum: Oh this is intriguing! a victorian inspired supernatural/horror set in a cursed? museum with maybe unded creatures it is speaking to my supernatural/fantasy/heart with GUN? and Ploy and Namtam? like sign me up!
Our Skyy 2: special episodes of some of our favourite couples from BL? YES PLEASE! I am exited for AkkAye, PatPran, PhupaTian the most, depending on NLMG I will see about PondPhuwin(happy they didn't chose FUTS) the others I will watch but are less interesting to me
Beauty Newbie: Not the webtoon collaboration😅 that made me laugh not donna lie it was so unexpected, and I even know it was based on a webtoon! still this is really similar to True Beauty, also Win playing Win again... this stories based on makeup, surgery beauty that try to give a lesson on "real beauty" with only pretty actors are not my thing I will probably not watch this, wich saddens me cuz I really like Fha and this is her only project
the last one is the Bright movie but since we will probably never see it I'll skip it
thank you for those wich read all of this, remember they are just my opinions everybody is free to like and enjoy whathever they want, averybody has theire own taste
sorry for the lenghty post by and have a good day/afternoon/night depending where you are!💗💗💗
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tsumuniri · 3 years
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━━━ Atsumu Miya is a free-loader. Living inside his twin brother's home as if it was his, he would bring home girls and annoy Osamu most of the time. Y/N L/N is quite the opposite apparently because she's a virgin loser. Being the popular anonymous BL mangaka known as Yamazaki, she stays in the homey abode of her parents and watches boys from afar for references (not for admiration sadly).
Now what will happen if fate decided to tie these two idiots together and made them live across each other in one apartment?
。m.list ❯❯ prev┃next
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You nodded dejectedly and raised the Tuna Mayo Onigiri in the direction of your mouth. You bit into the delicious rice snack, humming in delight as the saucy and sweet flavors of tuna cheered you up just for a slight bit. "They said that a girl my age shouldn't be living with her parents and should finally get a guy instead of drawing an imaginary one. You know that they're old school, Mai." You said, mouth full of rice bits and tuna.
The female ran her fingers through her short bright red hair. "Well, you are 25 now, and you haven't got a boyfriend since middle school," She propped her elbow on top of the round wooden table, resting her chin on her palm. "But they should've told you beforehand, right? How are you supposed to look for a residence in a short span of time?" She asked and watched you devour the onigiri meal with such ease. Her black-colored eyes held an uncertain expression as Mai was concerned for her colleague and friend.
After hearing the unfortunate news directly from your loving parents, your mind had to process the sudden information for two solid minutes. The first person you thought of to call is your closest friend, Mai, your roommate back at art school and a mangaka in the shounen industry. Although the two genres have completely different backgrounds, you two are stuck together like peas in a pod through the grace and glory of fawning over 2d men.
Ain't that great?
"They said I could stay back for two weeks until I could find a place to move in. I still have nine days to move out. And as for the residence part..."
You rummaged through the leather bag slung over your shoulder and took out a creased brochure of a newly built apartment based in the heart of east Osaka with its breathtaking cherry blossom conifers and pious shrines. The leaflet's minimalistic design delineated the idiosyncratic architectural structure of the tall building on the front page. Anybody could tell that this jointly owned establishment may settle for tenants with stable incomes.
For someone who changed the BL archives with her plot-driven works, Y/N could provide the fees to rent a homey room on the clabber-plastered apartment complex.
Mai shifted on her seat and studied the brochure on the table with interest— crossing her legs and leaning her torso forward to get a full view of the given pamphlet. "The building does seem promising. You could even check out your works in the Manga Shops at the city." She remarked as her eyes skimmed through the brochure, taking note of the facilities and rooms for the future tenants.
"Right? I already checked the place out yesterday, and coincidentally, the studio office is close by," The H/C-haired female pushed back the tiny strands of baby hair tickling her forehead as it was annoying her smooth skin. "They even allow pets. The apartment buildings I visited mostly don't allow pets, and the others who do, they have weird-ass tenants whom I don't really wanna be neighbors with." She ended, scratching the back of her neck.
"Soooooo, that's the apartment you're planning to move in."
You nodded your head, "I prepared the papers and told my parents about it. Maybe you can help me move my things out?" You suggested to your friend as your leg overlapped with the other, biting into another piece of onigiri from the porcelain plate.
Tilting her head to the side, Mai let out a light scoff from the BL mangaka's proposition as she gestured her hand downwards. "I'm offended, Y/N! Of course, I'll help you." She expressed her whimsical disbelief through her words. "I thought we were best of friends." The young lady teased.
"After all those collab fan arts of the Akatsuki, why wouldn't we be at this point?" You joked; however, the shinobi anime reference wasn't technically a gag as you both had a history of fangirling over the smexy criminal organization— even if you both had a peculiar taste in men. "By the way, why did you choose this place? Isn't this sort of far away from your workplace?" You questioned the red-haired female, a bit curious on why she decided to meet up with you in this Onigiri Restaurant.
Mai's lips turned up into a smirk as she motioned her finger for you to move closer. "My assistants and I decided to eat here after a hard day's work. By the time we were all seated, our eyes got blessed when the restaurant's owner catered to our table!" She whispered with excitement dipped on her tongue.
"Oh boy, if you had seen him, you would've gotten the inspiration to make a character from his well-sculpted face."
You raised a brow and let out a snortle, "We went here because a hot owner caught your attention? I should've gone with you then." You played along and couldn't help but laugh at your friend's reason for dining out a distance away from her studio office.
Like middle schoolers, you both giggled as Mai continued her story of the dashing Onigiri restaurant owner with her witty play of words. You never had any interest in dating; however, you still bid no mind to your friend's fawning over pretty men who would unlikely pay attention to either of them.
"That owner you're talking about might not visit his restaurant, Mai."
"I know, silly! But I do wonder what that work of art does outside his work."
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Osamu is a very patient man. May it be through his responsibility of running an Onigiri business, or may it be just a simple waiting in line at the subway station of Tokyo, the male wouldn't lose his temper nor be frustrated over such trivial things.
But when his exhausted figure slugged inside the comforts of his home and found the living room all trashed with empty bottles of energy drinks and bags of chips, Osamu was finally at his breaking point.
"Atsumu, you mother-fucker... COME DOWNSTAIRS THIS INSTANT!" He burst out, calling out his twin brother's name as he began picking up the trashes scattered throughout his coffee table and his lawson couch. His ears caught the sound of loud footsteps thumping on the wooden-tiled floor as he could immediately tell that it was a certain someone who came down the stairs.
A bed of ruffled blonde hair popped out of the stairway as a certain setter casually jumps into the scene of the untidy crime, walking towards the other twin with open arms.
"Welcome home, Samu! Did your staff make a mistake in the newly-opened shop back at Shinjuku? You look a bit frustrated right now-"
Atsumu stopped himself once he noticed his twin brother standing over the mess he forgot to clean up. His arms dropped to the side while his chocolate eyes shifted over to Osamu's annoyed expression, "Okay. This time, I absolutely forgot to clean up." The male tried to explain himself.
The quiet one of the two shook his head in disapproval, sighing out and pinching the bridge of his nose to calm his fiery nerves. "I found this apartment, Tsumu. I think it's best for the both of us if you could finally get your own place." He stated, hearing the slight choke coming from his brother's throat.
"WHAT?! What made you think that this would be the best for the both of us, Samu?" Atsumu protested, his eyebrows furrowing together in confusion as to why his brother would suggest that sort of idea.
Osamu raised his hand and lifted three of his fingers to his twin's eye level. "First, you sometimes disrupt my sleep whenever you'd bring your flings at home," He stated and didn't bother to let the other speak their mind about the issue at hand as he continued his statement of reasons. "Second, you'd sometimes forget to do your lists of chores and often lie that you didn't do them because you were tired from training." He paused for a moment, thinking of a third reason until it clicked in the back of his mind.
"Lastly, you're a 23 professional athlete, who makes a lot of money than what I usually make, and yet, you're living with your twin brother."
Atsumu stared at Osamu as he crossed his arms, "So? You'll kick me out if I don't move out of your place?" He derided, his voice mostly holding a hint of teasing as he knew his brother wouldn't act so rashly over those reasons.
Oh, was the male so wrong.
"Yes, Tsumu. I'm kicking you out."
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