#it's like... it has one (1) variable and I more or less track it with the url so. fhaksj. if I did any more the number of pages would Explo
copper-skulls · 2 years
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So the thing I've been working on since yesterday is finished! You can get to it here :) Fair warning: they swear at points. It's a little encounter thing for Code, actually made from edited guts of an old, old thing from 2015/2016. I'm nearly 100% sure no one following me here has seen it in action either.
Upgrades I did:
cooler background pattern
all the character text like. matches the current version of courier. I had a serious case of narrative dissonance when I was stuffing in the new sprites but still had old text in y'all.
less round corners.
flexing my flexbox with the buttons
fallback fonts!! even if they're embedded lmao
...relative links.
Past me really did all the heavy lifting with the dialogue tail and the base for the bg tbh lmao
...If anything is broken / leads to a 404, let me know. It's 31 pages I had to butcher for tungle and copy-paste by hand, so mistakes are bound to happen. (And yes, I know, I could've stuck this into a single page with javascript, but I don't find JS fun.)
ETA bcs I Forgot: This is technically a tumblr sub-page, but it won't work if you open it in the app! it has to be a browser. it like. ""works"" on mobile as well, it just scales awkward, sorry, I'm not a webdev.
if you can't read them at points, the narration should give you at least Some context, but yeah what they're saying makes sense.
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teammightypen · 1 month
Hi, friendly neighborhood math teacher here to explain how one would solve the math problem from the Last Stand. (This is for those who, like Emily, may have seen it and just shut down. It’s actually quite simple.)
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It helps to draw out a diagram. Here we have a simplified diagram with all of the information we’re given.
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But we can’t start to find when these trains collide yet. The Elmville train leaves 25 minutes before the Bastion City train. Let’s fast forward 25 minutes to see how far the Elmville train has travelled at the time that the Bastion City train leaves the station. Since it’s moving at 60mph, that’s an easy conversion to 1 mile/minute. In 25 minutes, it travels 25 miles.
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That leaves 110 miles of track between these two trains. One is traveling at 60mph and the other at 70mph, so they are closing that distance at a combined 130mph. Now that we have those two numbers, we need to decide whether our answer will be if they close this distance in 110/130 hours or 130/110 hours.
Did you know that you can manipulate labels just the same as you would variables? Check it out, here’s how we know the right fraction to use.
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We can see the label of miles on the numerator and denominator of this fraction, which means they can ‘cancel out’. Now we’re left with inverse hours on the denominator, which is the same as normal hours on the numerator.
You might also, in a less mathematical way, see that they trains will close 110 miles at 130mph, since that’s not 130 miles it will not take a full hour, and 110/130 is less than one while 130/110 is more than one.
Now some calculations to find how long 110/130ths of an hour actually is. For simplification of calculation, I used 11/13ths instead. It’s the same value.
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So 11/13ths of an hour as a decimal is .84615 hours. Multiply that by 60 to convert to minutes and you have 50.769 minutes. But we want the exact value, so multiply .769 of a minute by 60 to convert that into seconds, and you get 46 seconds. So the trains collide 50 minutes and 46 seconds after the Bastion City train leaves the station. Add the time we found to 5:30 to find that they collide at exactly 6:20:46.
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vendetta-if · 1 year
Hi! I loved the recent artbreeder portraits, but I got a question. So, if Grandpa's eyes are grey and Grandma's eyes are blue, how come Viktor may have a darker eye color (if MC has one)? I mean, MC can have a darker eye color since Yvette has rather dark eyes, but I don't immediately see how Viktor could have them, since genes responsible for this type of melanin underproduction are recessive, and genes responsible for a darker color(more melanin, more pigment) are dominant and not present in Grandpa and Grandma. I don't want to attack/shame/force you to do anything, but I thought how it would make a bit more sense to have Viktor's eyes color more or less set(same one for MC's with light colored eyes, and for darker colored ones either a set eye color or a similar, but lighter one ( dark green or hazel - light green or greenish blue). Then MC eyes can theoretically be any color, since Yvette has dark eyes, Viktor has light eyes and their genes might combine in a variety of ways. Just a suggestion, I'm really sorry if it offends you.
No worries, it doesn’t really offend me 😅 You conveyed your explanation politely.
I know it might be a little unbelievable for some readers who might really care about the realism and real-life science behind the eye colors and genetics, but at the end of the day, this is still fiction set in a world where people can have superpowers. Maybe the suspension of disbelief can be extended a little bit more to the eye colors?
Also, Viktor’s eye color is not really something that will be brought up a lot in the story. If I were to implement your suggestion, I would have to make another separate variable to track Viktor’s different eye color and to revamp the whole eye color selection section, which I think is not worth the effort for something trivial. I’d rather use that time and energy to continue on writing the next chapter.
And if it helps with your suspension of disbelief, it has been proven in real science that eye colors inheritance is not a simple Mendelian trait that a lot of people thought it was. It’s not as simply determined by a single traceable gene like Mendel’s peas, where blue is recessive and brown is dominant kind of thing that we learnt back in elementary/high school.
It has been revealed that human eye colors are polygenic trait, meaning there are multiple genes that affect the phenotype or how the genes overall will be expressed. All of these genes interact with each other differently and because of this, it’s actually possible for two light-colored eyed parents to have a darker-colored eyed kid, albeit not as common. I’m not going to go into much detail about genetics but I’ll link some of the sources down below.
Sources: [1] [2] [3]
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
So with the dropping of the latest Stone Ocean Trailer, I remembered some old theories I had of how it would all turn out. The trailer partially proved some of them, but also raised SOOOO many more questions so HERE THEY ARE >:D
Also I think this goes unsaid but I’m pretty sure this counts as spoilers so You’ve Been Warned
Currently this is my knowledge of the Future Of Stone Ocean combined with the trailer things:
Pucci gets two(?) “other” Stands that do something related to his goal of reseting the universe
Weather Report and Pucci are somehow connected, with the later definitely having yoinked the former’s memories
Pucci wants to reset the universe, something about “attaining heaven” because of his talks with Dio
Jotaro has a Very Bad Time(unsure what exactly the Bad Time entails, just that it’s a Very Bad Time)
And all my theories are based in these four points so let’s get into it :D
1) This one feels pretty obvious, but I don’t doubt that the two Stands Pucci gains will most likely have something to do with him resetting the universe. It’s possible that the arrow shard could have something to do with it in order to get the possible second transformation after the one Pucci is undergoing at the end of the second episode batch
2) Also feels fairly obvious, but Pucci has definitely stolen Weather’s memories. However, there seemed to be some kind of relation between the two of them. Pucci knew specifically who Weather was and regarded him as a threat. However, for some reason Pucci didn’t take his Stand, despite doing that with pretty much every single other Stand User in Green Dolphin. By itself, it doesn’t make any sense. Weather Report is clearly a threat and definitely knew something he shouldn’t have, and yet Pucci let him keep his Stand. Before the trailer was dropped, I had two possible theories about this
One, Pucci and Weather used to be friends/family/possibly even lovers/some other close bond that prevents Pucci from killing Weather out of emotional attachment. Maybe Pucci ended up pulling Weather into the whole “reset the universe” plan, but someway through their partnership Weather turned against him and either tried escaping or stopping Pucci. Pucci couldn’t bring himself to kill Weather, so he simply stole his memories and had him incarcerated in Green Dolphin so he could still keep an eye on him.
Or Two, Weather Report The Stand is sentient/important and the one Pucci is actually keeping an eye on. Weather Report The Human is just the vessel used to keep track of the Stand, and Pucci stole his memories so he wouldn’t question where the Stand came from. Maybe it has something to do with the universe resetting? I’m not too sure on the ‘why’ part in all honesty
And then I saw the trailer. Naturally the fact Weather has a FUCKING JOESTAR FAMLIY BIRTHMARK ON HIS SHOULDER throws a whole other variable into this situation that I didn’t account for, and he’s WAY too old to be one of Dio’s kids so that possibility is out the window. I really don’t know how that could tie into this unless Dio might’ve been doing some genetic fuckery with his bones
3) this is less about how the universe will reset and more about how I think things will go down
I think that Pucci might actually be successful with the reset, BUT not in the way he intends for it. Maybe Jolyne And Co mess with the process somehow so it still happen but slightly to the right, and this “universe reset” could possibly lead to how Parts 7, 8 and 9 take place in a different universe. Or they could pull a bit of a Part 4 and make Pucci think he succeeded when in actuality it failed and he’s stranded in the new universe.
Also, bit of a side theory on this for how Emporio ties in, since his whole Stand is about going into the “ghosts” of destroyed rooms. If the universe is destroyed and then recreated(and should Emporio survive) would he be able to travel to the old universe? I’m not quite sure about the limits of Emporio’s Stand so this one feels more of a “throw everything at the wall and see what sticks” type thing
And finally 4) Jotaro
I’m going to be completely honest here. I think Jotaro might die
I first theorized that there’d be no way in hell Jotaro was going to spend the rest of the part in a coma. That just wouldn’t make any sense. And when he is revived from his coma, there’s DEFINITELY no fucking way he’s leaving his daughter to fight Pucci without him. He burdens so much and takes so much blame, and he wouldn’t let her fight Pucci alone because he probably perceives this as His Enemy And His Fault. The second he can he’s going to be going back to Green Dolphin, or wherever Jolyne And Co are going. This part was actually proven correct by the trailer which made me happy :D
But back to the why I think he’s dying point. It would also make sense from narrative stand point. Jotaro has technically been in ever single part of Jojo’s prior to this, and it ends with Stone Ocean being the “last one” in a sense of the word. He made a brief appearance in the Part 1 opening, was in a scene at the end of Part 2, was the protagonist of Part 3, an important supporting character in Part 4, was on screen in Part 5 when he wasn’t even involved in the plot, and is back once again to be a supporting role in Part 6. As this “era” of Jojo’s ends, it only makes sense that Jotaro would too. Jotaro’s fate has been closely intertwined with that of both the Stone Masks and the Stand Arrows, and in the “new” universe that Parts 7, 8, and 9 take place in none of those would exist in the same way anymore
If I had to guess how, it would most likely be by Pucci’s hand or influence, and probably in an attempt to save Jolyne or give the group better chances at success. He’s self sacrificial like that, and as I mentioned before that he burdens a lot
But yeah! Those are my thoughts, can’t wait to see where it goes
Also, I swear to god if anyone spoils anything in the notes I can and will block you, don’t test me
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golmac · 8 months
Inform 7 Basics: fun with tables #4
(a link to a web-based IDE with the code discussed here is at the bottom of this post)
If you're just tuning in, we're recreating the functionality of a command in my game, Repeat the Ending: DIAGNOSE. It has three components. The first is a cycling bit of flavor text pulled from a table. The second is a bit of text that reflects a value assigned to the protagonist (also in a table). The third and final component is printed text that changes based on the player's score. The output looks like this:
>diagnose me My teeth hurt, but I don't think there's anything wrong with them. We just don't feel like ourselves unless something is hurting.
At the moment we are not empowered by any sort of entropic magic.
What the hell is wrong with me?
Today's post is about that third bit of text, "What the hell is wrong with me?" In the background, this specific text is printed because the score is two, which falls within the designated range for this text, 1-10. Now, in the game, this is done really badly, with massive "if... otherwise if..." statements covering possible combinations of score and player's "siphontype" (see previous posts if you need a refresher). I can't in good conscience use that code as an example. Here's a new take on the problem. First, let's do some definitions. Definitions in Inform assign adjectives to broad categories (kinds and so forth) that we can use comfortably in our code. For instance, instead of saying "if [some variable] is greater than one and [some variable] is less than five" again and again, we can say it once. Let's set up a variable that we can use to track the score, then do some definitions.
the total points is a number that varies. the total points is initially zero. definition: a number is abysmal if it is zero. [0] definition: a number is low if it is greater than zero and it is less than four. [1-3] definition: a number is average if it is greater than three and it is less than seven. [4-6] definition: a number is high if it is greater than six and it is less than ten. [7-9] definition: a number is perfect if it is ten. [10]
As you can see, a definition involves something broad (a number) that gets narrowed down with an "if" statement. These statements can't be complex. We're talking about one condition only. You might say: this is a lot of typing for something so simple. Sure, but we can avoid errors and readability issues by getting these definitions right the first time, then avoiding re-entering these conditions all over the place. We can do things like this:
to say the score assessment: if the total points is abysmal: say "This is unacceptable."; otherwise if the total points is low: say "This isn't going well."; otherwise if the total points is average: say "Things could be worse."; otherwise if the total points is high: say "This is an admirable playthrough."; otherwise if the total points is perfect: say "Outstanding! Truly remarkable."; otherwise: say "Oh, my. It seems Drew failed to account for this outcome.".
With this out of the way, we can finalize the command, and its a good deal more polished than what I came up with a year ago!
carry out diagnosing the player: say the offhanded remark; let the player's condition be the siphontype of the player; say diagstring corresponding to a siphontype of the player's condition in the table of diagnoses; say line break; say the score assessment.
Just to keep things interesting, let's randomize the score, just so that we can see all of the responses.
before diagnosing the player: now the total points is a random number from zero to ten.
That's everything for the DIAGNOSE command. Along the way, we talked about text in tables, text substitution, definitions, and even added a bit of randomness. As always, feel free to ask me anything about Inform 7, Repeat the Ending, or anything, really.
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dorianepin · 7 months
crazy to think that oscar has literally been a rookie for the past 4 years like the last time he was a returning driver to a series was with mfing r-ace. been thinking about how next year is going to become a real yardstick in measuring his growth potential which is honestly just wild because it's been so long since we've seen him actually grow season-to-season within the same team structure & competitive environment......... yes prema f3 to prema f2 is about as consistent as you can get and there are so many more variables in f1 but even so i feel like much of the discussion around him these days is strictly >"well the race pace is a measure of tyre management and track familiarity and nothing more!" but then it's also a question of quantitatively how much of the pace deficit will be annulled through accruing this experience and how much is just the gap in raw race speed beyond predictive measures... and of course when compared against (ARGUABLY) a top-3 driver on the grid i don't even expect this to be observable after simply one year but i guess what's interesting is that he's often been regarded as a "complete package" who attains success through well-rounded race management and i'm like... well that is good in that there is less mental coaching required for him but also limiting in that he's already closer to his maximum potential than someone rougher around the edges might be.
ngl it kills me how pirelli's tyres blowing up in qatar indirectly gave him the best pr ever by leveling the field off so much deg-wise lol... and then that inversely made people way more critical of his performance in austin when i think it was actually a really good weekend by rookie-dnf standards because 1) he was managing to finetune his weaknesses session-by-session despite the physical challenges of the track surfacing and sprint formatting constraints and then 2) he still held on pretty well after the oco contact in the main race.......... the one thing i'll say about op's racecraft is that imo he's been showing some really solid defense lately and he is usually in the right when it comes to racing inchidents it's just a matter of developing awareness of when it's best to engage in this stubbornness and knowing who is most prone to going bowling on the grid lol. lando is so keenly avoidant and purposeful/conservative in his overtakes (mxc red flag restart great example) but this too is something i think will come with time. (in this case specifically because i think oscar is mentally smart and shrewd enough to pick up on the same awareness)
only 3(.5) races left......... i continuously am just so ??? at the fan rating binary because i really do believe that even "bad" weekends like austin have their own personal highs and then the "good" weekends like suzuka need to be equally contextualized but i suppose that is not as fun as (waves vaguely at reddit wank). i just want [] total points and 4 p[] in championship and i will be happy <3 fun that oscar pretty much has p9 locked down at this point... wish the gap were closer to 63 but it's also already mildly embarrassing for him that he's all the way down in p8 lol this year's been rough for him huh.
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a-silent-symphony · 2 years
NIGHTWISH's FLOOR JANSEN Releases Music Video For New Solo Single 'Me Without You'
Dutch powerhouse singer Floor Jansen has released the official music video for her third solo single, "Me Without You". The track is the follow-up to "Storm", which came out in May, and "Fire", which was made available in March via ADA, the division of Warner Music Group dedicated to independent label and artist distribution.
Four months ago, Floor was asked in an interview with FaceCulture if she is planning to eventually release a full-length solo album. She said: "There are a lot more songs ready. There's not an album ready, but also because it would make no sense to have one. Due to the pandemic, there's an entire NIGHTWISH still not done and still yet to be done; as it looks like, we actually are gonna do that now. So before that, I cannot say, 'Okay, I come [out] with a solo album.' 'Cause then you also would like to do some more [solo] shows and do the right promotion and all of that, so there's no time for that — which is a luxury problem on itself. But it's fun. And that's also a big difference with this pop music thing — you can release singles. It's not an album-based world; it's completely different."
Jansen went on to call "Fire" "a statement and "the kick-off of everything. And from there I'll keep releasing singles. And the aim is to release the album in '23," she explained before clarifying that there are a lot of variables involved that could affect the timeline of the LP's arrival. "But the ambition is there. And everything is geared up to do that."
Jansen is best known as the frontwoman in the multi-million selling and internationally successful symphonic metal band NIGHTWISH. As part of the band, Jansen has landed two number one albums in Finland, and Top Five albums in Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland.
Born in the Netherlands, Jansen joined her first band, one of the world's first symphonic metal bands, AFTER FOREVER, when she was only 16 years old. The group went on to release five albums from 2000 to 2007, before they broke up in 2009.
Jansen's next band, REVAMP, released two albums in 2010 and 2013, before she joined NIGHTWISH as a full-time member. NIGHTWISH's first album with Jansen as the lead singer was 2015's "Endless Forms Most Beautiful", which landed in Top 10s around the world. This was followed by 2020's "Human. :II: Nature." , which was also an international success.
Jansen has toured extensively with the band and appeared on three of NIGHTWISH's live albums "Showtime, Storytime", "Vehicle Of Spirit" and "Decades: Live In Buenos Aires".
In 2019, Jansen participated in the popular Dutch TV show "Beste Zangers" where she scored a big hit with "Phantom Of The Opera" together with Henk Poort. She was recognized with a Dutch Popprijs award — a prestigious accolade for artists that has made important contributions to Dutch music. In the same year, her first solo tour sold out in less than 24 hours.
Jansen performed live with NIGHTWISH for the first time on October 1, 2012 at Showbox Sodo in Seattle, Washington following the abrupt departure of the band's lead singer of five years, Anette Olzon. Jansen officially joined NIGHTWISH in 2013.
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n11592907 · 7 months
Assignment 3 Iteration and Changes
There where some key changes that had to be made before we began playtesting with naive play testers. Here are the key changes that I made:
I assigned enemies point values and implemented level changes for when players reach the point value. This was eventually changed by me because of play tester feedback which wanted the level to end as soon as the player reaches the goal point value, this was not done originally because our group planned to make it so that the points a player has at the end of the game is tracked and the player can play again with the goal of earning points. This was eventually scrapped, and the level was made to end as soon as the players gets the target number of points.
After the key changes were made playtesting began.
Most of the work I’ve done on the game from this point onward has been fixing issues found by play testers. Although there are some changes that are worth mentioning.
Players found the game to be very difficult, especially with the difficulty spike from level 1 to 2. To help lower the difficulty spike I added a repair system to give players health after a certain interval of time. This would passively give players health and make combat less difficult since they don’t have to play flawlessly to survive.
Another notable change that was added to lower the difficulty of the game was giving the players power ups. The first part of this was changing some of the players code to make the movement speed and fire rate variables. This allowed for me to make other code that temporarily changed a variable when something happens (for example player collides with object). The three power ups I decided to create was one for healing, one for movement speed, and one for fire rate. These would later be refined by another member of the group and be made so that killing enemies build up a meter that allow players to trigger the power ups, the health and speed boost stayed however after the ships shooting was changed later, the fire rate power up was changed to no reload (more on this later). With this the power ups were added to the game and refined.
One system that I experimented with was the ships shooting (which play testers found to be overpowered), so I tried to implement a type of reload system. The system was based off of a game that I was playing around when I tried to implement this change, the shooting system was fundamentally similar to the what the weapon called the L-Star functions in the games Titanfall 2 and Apex Legends. The weapon would build up heat that would over time dissipate, but if you get too much heat it overheats and you can’t shoot for a set period of time. The idea of this is to create a weapon that encourages timing when you shoot and not spamming shots. I attempted to create this system in GDevelop, however never found a way to make it functional. Eventually it was replaced by a standard reload system added by another member of the team.
This was the last change I made as many of the other large notable changes were done by other members of the team. Most of the rest of this class and assignment were spent on writing and playtesting (my role as a play tester for other groups on the playtest party). Unfortunately, in these last weeks I couldn’t spend as much time on this class as I would have liked, but I did as much as I could.
Something I will talk about before ether end of this week is my experience as a play tester for another group. I had been a play tester before this for part C of assignment 3 in this class, but I was also the play tester for one of the groups during the playtesting party. Overall, the experience of playtesting was very interesting, it agave me insight to how a naïve play tester might feel. It didn’t give me complete insight since I am not completely naïve, with experience as both a game developer, and with my extensive experience in video games I would never be completely naïve, but the experience was still interesting. The experience showed me what it was like to be given a prototype and have to test it, and it taught me a lot about how a play tester feels in that situation.
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platformerprojectfm · 7 months
A very very long catch-up blog post
So I missed the day after EGX after getting sick at the event, this caused me to lose ALL of my rhythm and pretty much stop doing work as my motivation was shot too. My fault but here is my big long catch-up post to post everything I've been working on (through the hours of 12-5am every night). As of writing this it is 19/10/23 on the last day of the project, and i've been awake since 12am trying to do college work.
I can not stress enough how much I HATE doing art, it pains me so much because I'm not too much of a creative type, but we ball anyway. I've been doing ALOT of asset making (for my standards) Finishing up a tent as a "win zone", a few extra blocks to make corners look less weird and an animation for throwing a vial, which is my new form of score and ammo and a bit more.
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this looks weird, but trust me when i say it works in-game,there will be videos further on showcasing it :)
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This was my third tilemap, it's pretty simple but was necessary for a win-area, here is also my updated 2nd tilemap, now with a few extra things.
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Overall i'm pretty happy how these came out, I have the artistic skills of a 6 year old usually.
I don't really know how to explain this here, so i'm just going to send screenshots of my code with small explanations. A) Projectile go whoooosh
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A projectile movement is added so the projectile can move, it contains this code to make it be destroyed after impact or some time.
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B) Animations and projectiles.
This is the meaty part that took most of my time, i rewrote a good portion of my score system since it was stored inside of the level, when it was also ammo so it had to be stored inside of the player. I made an integer called "vials" in the player to track ammo. This meant i had to update it from casting from the level to the player in the UI, so it got the accurate number of vials to display on screen. Here is the code for the new vials ammo block, which is what you pick up to get ammo
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I wanted to make a throwable that has an animation, because I thought it was a bit weird that i'll just fly out of my character's front, so here is the code for it.
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I'm pretty proud of it to be honest, the code detects if there's any vials before playing an animation, and if there are vials then it updates the "throwing" boolean variable which is used to pause all other animations until the vial is thrown (apart from the death animation which overrides the throwing animation), this then plays the animation with a small delay to make it look like the character is throwing the vial.
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This is my updated animations code, the branch that is circled is the one that denies any animations playing if the "throwing?" boolean is yes. This was really fun to figure out overall, I think my programming experience from last year in college helped alot since I end up having the same thought process I had in that class to overcoming problems, which I think helps make more efficient outcomes.
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nicholaskqut · 8 months
Week 8: Racing Development Post
Prior Development Research Like I have done before, I continued reading and revising notes I took from Tracy Fullerton's Game Design Workshop and played games sharing similar mechanics and elements. However, I included something new by grouping and asking several associates of mine - who I did not know personally - for their thoughts on my idea and for potential ideas before prototyping. Besides their status as gamers making them applicable for playtest/evaluation, two reasons drove my idea, with both originating from Fullerton in Chapter 9. Firstly, these individuals have little personal connection to me and therefore had nothing to lose or gain by pitching ideas and sharing criticisms for current ideas being utilised. Additionally, since they were part of the market I was targeting, they gave me the opportunity to develop or create ideas that appealed to my audience better. The second reason for doing this was because Fullerton described how groups are good for creating ideas but not evaluating. My group proved Fullerton's theory as they suggested certain unique obstacles, such as the truck and oil spill, but suddenly wanted to see the coin point system go once one member did not like it.
Development The workshop tutorial for setting up the game established all the pieces and elements I needed, as Figure 1 displays, to begin setting up my prototype. I started including my features by firstly implementing the fuel bar. This bar would slowly decrease over time, in which the only way players could get it to refill is by running into petrol tanks that spawned on the road. If the bar emptied, the player would explode and lose the game. Not only did it aim to encourage players to exit the safety of the slow lanes frequently, but the spawn was orientated to favour spawns in fast lanes. I went with this decision as I found the faster lanes provided more enjoyable situations in comparison to the slower lanes.
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Figure 1
I changed some variables, such as the player's speed and the spawn time of obstacles, based on the results of self-playtesting. I found it became too difficult at its base variation and made these changes to balance the game out. My goal now was to create the spawning objects and collectibles, which proved surprisingly difficult during this development. Technical errors had been affecting the spawn positions of, oddly, one of the powerups: time slow. Time slow would slow down all traffic and obstacles but since it could not spawn correctly, I considered and was forced to remove it. This was challenging as I had to decide if I was to boost the strength of the other collectibles to ensure the player was not underpowered, which I did. The other powerups I enhanced were invincibility, fast steering and fuel saver. Their names, which are self-explanatory, were altered to last longer and be more powerful since the player now had less powerups. After creating the behaviours for each powerup and getting their various elements to function, I begin to develop the spawn and behaviours for the obstacles, as seen in Figure 2. Some obstacles I originally planned for were scrapped as neither my testers nor I beforehand fully liked how they sounded. However, ones such as the oil spill and truck were collaboratively thought of and provided interesting situation opportunities upon self-testing. I had conducted self-testing multiple times as I developed the prototype, as Fullerton explained that it allows the major gaps, flaws, constraints and issues to be identified and resolved before testing.
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Figure 2
With the powerups implemented, I worked on developing the difficulty scale. This part involved much testing and experimenting as I wanted to ensure the game was balanced consistently. Setting timers that tracked the overall playtime, certain parameters would begin to cause new objects to spawn after a certain time has been passed. While it was easy to develop this, I suddenly had to consider how the obstacles spawned. Adopting the mentality Fullerton recommended for a self-tester - analysing and observing the game while ignoring previous experiences - I noticed that certain lanes were better for certain obstacles, as Figure 3 shows. Obstacles such as the truck forced players to avoid, for a period of time, one of the slow lanes while oil spills, which was always on the second right, forced players into another lane suddenly. Not only did this set up potential opportunities, but it allowed players to learn how the game works by recognising patterns, forcing them to come up with strategies on surpassing the increasing difficulty.
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Figure 3
As the final major feature of the prototype, I began developing the coin collecting mechanic I had in my pitch. Like the time slow powerup, I had began facing unexpected and, seemingly, unsolvable errors. The coins were invisible and adding to the score before resetting it immediately. I was forced to rethink how I would approach this issue. While I wanted the players to be challenged to gain points in comparison to the original game, the increasing difficulty and obstacles had already made the game challenging. Ruining this sense of flow could throw the players off the game, so I ultimately reverted the scoring system to the original form: gaining points by passing obstacles. However, I did develop a special bonus for passing special obstacles, which added more points to the score than ordinary cars. I felt a need to include some element that made the scoring system in the game more complex and original for enjoyability purposes. To improve the learnability and aesthetics of the prototype, I added the basic sound effects, starting and losing screen for the game, as Figure 4 and Figure 4 display. The sound effects, although not important, were included as Fullerton says these minor things can make prototype testing more appealing for testers. As for the losing and starting screens, they simply instruct the player on how to play and give feedback on the player's performance, as well as providing a short break from the game rather than immediately restarting it if the player starts or loses. All of these are elements of enjoyable gameplay that Fullerton has described, as they help guide the player into learning and overcoming the game's conflicts.
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Figure 4
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Figure 5
What have I been trying to achieve in GDevelop? I have been trying to achieve the same success that I faced when I developed my last prototype. Admittedly, both the technical and conceptual elements of this prototype have not been as good as they can be. However, this is part of the design process and it has allowed me to understand not only the games and mechanics I work well with, but the mistakes that I have made as well.
What was something I learned? - I learnt that self-testing is incredibly important in the early stages of developing a prototype. When I refer to this, I do not mean simply playing the game but actually analysing it and breaking it down into parts that I additionally analyse to refine, remove or add to improve the prototype's testing capabilities. - I learnt collaborating with people, in before they test the game, can give me ideas for what my audience want and like within my game and the style it follows. This allows me to improve my game to make it more suitable and appealing to the audience's expectations and wants. - I learnt the importance of adaptability. With the repeated issues I faced technologically throughout this development, I learnt the importance of remaining generally unattached to certain ideas and mechanics, as it can be harmful to have no alternative or backup designs for development. In my next post, I will report the playtest results and share the final product for this prototype. Until then I will see you next time!
References Fullerton, T. (2018). Game Design Workshop: A Playcentric Approach to Creating Innovative Games. ProQuest Ebook. Retrieved from: https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/qut/reader.action?docID=5477698
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airadam · 10 months
Episode 170 : In My Own Lane
"Tell Nipsey I'm still running laps."
- Dave East
We're past the halfway point of 2023 and summer in the UK is...variable. Instead of trying to go seasonal in the main, I've gone with a selection which is heavy on relatively-recent releases while excavating some absolute gems from the crates. There's almost no way anyone knows all of these tracks, and as such, I'm aiming to send all of you to go and buy some of this stuff so that the artists know how much you appreciate top-quality material!
Twitter : @airadam13
Twitch : @airadam13
Events : events.airadam.com
Saigon ft. Benny The Butcher : No Witness
Big New York State action on this new single, with Saigon in combination with Buffalo's Benny The Butcher (lots of alliteration there!).  The beat is heavy goodness courtesy of the DITC legend Buckwild, and is exactly what you need for MCs like this. Benny continues his run of form on features, while Saigon kills it as the returning veteran, starting his first and last verses with a similar four bars before diving into his subjects. That last verse is a stark warning to the youngsters who are sending themselves to prison by documenting their questionable associations and/or illegal activities on social media and on records...
Judah : Sweet Jesus
Digging this one out of the stash was a real win - I think it's a perfect chaser for the Saigon track. Taken from an old favourite, "The Ghostface Beat Tape" by The Beat Tape Project, this instrumental by Washington D.C.'s Judah has Blaxploitation flick written all over it.
Serial Killers (Xzibit, B-Real, and Demrick) ft. Kurupt : Dickies & Bandanas
The "Serial Killers Vol.1" mixtape has been sitting in my collection for almost exactly ten years without me drawing from it, but that's part of the nature of the show - it's not about just playing the brand new cuts or the old classics, but digging deeper. Heavy west action from this union of MCs together with the still-underrated Kurupt. No details on who produced this, but there's no G-Funk, no smooth synths on the beat, instead using a hammering rhythm track and string stabs as the driving elements.
Khrysis and Geechi Suede : Delta9
Khrysis has continued to deliver quality material over the years since his early days when the Justus League were first breaking out, and this is no exception. That vocal sample in the beat sounds semi-uplifting, and semi-dark - though the latter might be the reflection off the heavy drums and tense keyboard lines. Geechi Suede comes through with a less abstract verse than you might expect from him, despite it being a track about actually getting high! The 2021 "The Hour Of Khrysis" album is the place to hear more - don't worry, not all the tracks are quite this short :)
Curren$y ft. Jim Jones and Tommy Wright III : Marcus Camby
Curren$y on an entire project channelling 80s Miami vibes? That's something I'm grabbing with both hands. The short "Vices" album came out earlier this month, with all production coming from  frequent collaborator Harry Fraud, and this is one of the standouts for me. Lush with just a touch of tension, the production is absolutely on-theme. On the mic, Curren$y is in his usual lane, followed by Jim Jones of Dipset who comes with a slightly more energetic delivery while still matching the downtempo vibe. I don't know Tommy Wright III, but I think he's just on the hook here - either way, one of my favourites this month and looking like a late contender for my most played tracks of 2023!
Dave East & DJ Drama ft. Buda & Grandz : Egyptian Kings
I'm only just catching up with last year's "Book of David" mixtape, but there's some absolute heat on there, including this downtempo, almost bluesy track. I may need to search out the instrumental, because Buda, Grandz, Mike Kuz, and A-Vow knocked this one out of the park, with it being the perfect backing for Dave's choppy flow. In turn, in adopting that slow he leaves space for the beat to show through the gaps - great symbiosis.
K-Def : Anybody Got Budd?
A short, dramatic instrumental from the New Jersey production legend, taken from his 2006 "Willie Boo Boo The Fool" release - which was packed with short tracks I wish were a minute or two longer each!
Boot Camp Clik : Wotcha Call Strength
One of the strongest, most talented crews in Hip-Hop come out in force on this brand new single, their first under the combined banner in over fifteen years! Of course, the much-missed Sean Price is absent, but Ruck of Heltah Skeltah, OGC, Smif-N-Wessun, Black Moon, and longtime associate Rustee Juxx all throw down heavy on Arcitype's beat. These veterans have all got better with time, despite a tough road along the way. This is what we call strength.
Teflon ft. Benny The Butcher : Hostile Takeover
He's back! You might remember this man as a soloist coming out of First Family, M.O.P's crew, but until the recently-released "2 Sides To Every Story" LP, from which this single comes, his last release was in 2006 - and that was a mixtape! You have to go back the 1997 album "My Will" for his only full album release, but it's good to see that he's put the frustrations of the old record industry behind him for this LP. I told you Benny The Butcher was on a hot streak of guest appearances, and then you have the unmistakeable sound of DJ Premier on the production with his signature scratched, multi-sampled hook. Straight boom-bap.
Meyhem Lauren : African Pompano
In a recurring theme for this month, I could happily have had this track last a fair bit longer. Meyhem is one of the foremost representatives of all that fly ish, and he kills it once again on this Madlib beat from the Madlib/Meyhem/DJ Muggs collab album "Champage For Breakfast" - very much his style! No hook at all, just some almost entirely clean space between the two verses, and the instrumental feels somehow tighter and more focused than some other Madlib beats, which is testament to his sense as a producer of what a particular MC needs. As an aside, I had to look up what pompano is, and now I want some :) Meyhem may be this generation's champ of the food references!
Semi Six : 96
Hot of the presses, this single released just a few days ago, with the man from Detroit low-key (ok, not all that low) flossing over an AntBell! beat for the summertime. Just a dope track, with one of Semi's better hooks into the bargain!
Brand Nubian : Meaning Of The 5% (Instrumental)
I've always found the production on this track from Brand Nubian's second LP "In God We Trust" to be deeply stirring, and a perfect use of the sample it's based around. No chopping, just a loop and some relatively subtle added drums, showing that it's not just having the source material, but knowing what - and what not - to do with it.
Above The Law : Flow On (Move Me No Mountain)
I think the subtitle may have been an afterthought - on the vinyl release of "Livin' Like Hustlers" at least, it appears on the label of the actual wax but not on the back of the album cover. Coming towards the end of the album, "flow" is a perfect description - the late KMG and Cold 187 go fluidly back and forth in a playeristic fashion over a smooth 187 production based on a soul cut from which the subtitle is drawn. 
Terrace Martin, Robert Glasper, 9th Wonder, and Kamasi Washington : The Mighty Tree
This is major-league jazz combination, with the Hip-Hop knowledge and sensibility that all these artists have woven into it. There are actually two versions of this cut - this one, the original, from the "Dinner Party" album, and then one with guest appearances from Rapsody and Herbie Hancock that you can find on "Dinner Party : Dessert" EP. There's so much talent, experience, and feeling between all these musicians, there's not much more I can say - just listen and appreciate it!
S. Fidelity ft. NDO : Mixed Signals
Not sure where I learned about this track, but it's channeling those Dilla-influenced neo-soul vibes beautifully! NDO from Florida is the singer with just a touch of Badu in her voice, while Berlin residents S. Fidelity and Suff Daddy lay down an undeniable groove. This was the lead signal from the 2021 "Fidelity Radio Club" album, which is one I'm going to be having a deeper listen to!
Mary J. Blige and Smif-n-Wessun : I Love You (Remix)
This is a serious 90s deep cut, with the remix of this track from Mary J's "My Life" LP keeping the same Chucky Thompson (RIP) and Puffy beat, but adding Smif-N-Wessun to the opening before they give way to Mary's classic vocals. One thing you do have to give Puffy credit for is making that blend of Hip-Hop and R&B mainstream, even if he didn't invent it! Smif-N-Wessun wouldn't be the obvious choice for most producers here, but the selection was an inspired one. Check the seven-track "My Life (Remix)" EP or the deluxe version of the album for more quality.
Pete Rock : Pete's Jazz
We're four albums deep into the "Petestrumentals" series, but here we roll all the way back to the very first, landing almost exactly in the centre for an SP-1200 masterclass. You could just as well have titled this one "Pete's Funk", but the vibraphone and sax samples do put a bit of a bow tie on proceedings!
Slum Village : This Beat
I just finished reading the excellent book "Dilla Time" this month, and it's already making me appreciate some of Jay Dee's work on additional levels, with this very early SV cut being an example - his annoyance with people coming round "all unannounced" is based on at least one real incident! The beat is pure dopeness, with the high end coming from the very start of a well-known sample (listen closely to the hook for a hint), and the drum and bass combination being pure perfection. This is the style that many have tried to imitate, but there's only one originator.
Please remember to support the artists you like! The purpose of putting the podcast out and providing the full tracklist is to try and give some light, so do use the songs on each episode as a starting point to search out more material. If you have Spotify in your country it's a great way to explore, but otherwise there's always Youtube and the like. Seeing your favourite artists live is the best way to put money in their pockets, and buy the vinyl/CDs/downloads of the stuff you like the most!
Check out this episode!
0 notes
sbknews · 10 months
Razgatlioglu makes the most of WorldSBK Free Practice
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Friday's practice sessions for the Acerbis Czech Round saw Toprak Razgatlioglu (Pata Yamaha Prometeon WorldSBK) shine at the top of the combined classification, showcasing his pace on a track where he has been successful before. The day was marked by intense competition with 15 riders covered by less than a second, making for tight battles on the circuit. The variable weather conditions, with a wet FP1 and a fully dry FP2, added an extra challenge for the riders, but they adapted swiftly to set competitive lap times.
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The Turkish rider showcased his pace and momentum at the Autodrom Most, with his closest competitor being Remy Gardner (GYTR GRT Yamaha WorldSBK Team) in second place, just 0.012 seconds adrift. Danilo Petrucci (Barni Spark Racing Team) also impressed, securing the third spot, while Michael Ruben Rinaldi (Aruba.it Racing - Ducati) and Axel Bassani (Motocorsa Racing) completed the top five. Championship leader Alvaro Bautista (Aruba.it Racing - Ducati) faced challenges, finishing in sixth place, leaving him with work to do to close the gap on his title rival, Razgatlioglu.
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WorldSBK Combined Results after FP2 1. Toprak Razgatlioglu (Pata Yamaha Prometeon WorldSBK) 1’32.367s 2. Remy Gardner (GYTR GRT Yamaha WorldSBK Team) +0.012s 3. Danilo Petrucci (Barni Spark Racing Team) +0.104s 4. Michael Ruben Rinaldi (Aruba.it Racing – Ducati) +0.193s 5. Axel Bassani (Motocorsa Racing) +0.244s 6. Alvaro Bautista (Aruba.it Racing – Ducati) +0.287s
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P1 | Toprak Razgatlioglu | Pata Yamaha Prometeon WorldSBK “First, I want to say that I’m very happy to come back to Most again as I like this track! The wet conditions weren’t so bad, I felt good with the bike and also confident. After, it was dry and I did one lap, but Scott did a very good job. In FP2, we were still working for a good setup on the bike as everyone uses the hard tyre, especially here. It doesn’t look bad, but we’re still working. In the wet, the feeling is better as I remember in FP3 two years ago, I felt good grip here immediately and today, I went fast straight away. After four years, I’m starting to feel confident! Both conditions are OK, no problem. The problem was in Turn 18 and Turn 19, as I was feeling the bike spinning a lot and the acceleration isn’t good. We’re still working to try and find a good setup. In the first two sectors, the corners are slower and I am strong, but in three and four… three isn’t bad but sector four, I’m very bad. We need to improve there because of the spinning and the acceleration, as the lap time isn’t coming. We’ll see tomorrow and I hope that we improve in the last sector. We did a good job through the rest of the lap, but the pace is going to be very important this weekend. My pace doesn’t look bad but if we improve in the final sector, it can be better than the others. I’m confident, feeling good but if we improve a little bit more, then we can feel much better but in general, right now, I’m happy for the first day.” For more info checkout our dedicated World Superbike News page World Superbike News Or visit the official World Superbike website WorldSBK.com Read the full article
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rickjsposts · 1 year
NFL Season to date subscriber plays and contest picks, A 2022 Analysis and what to expect in 2023. All Posted
New Post has been published on https://www.rickjshandicappingpicks.com/nfl-season-to-date-subscriber-plays-and-contest-picks-a-2022-analysis-and-what-to-expect-in-2023-all-posted/
NFL Season to date subscriber plays and contest picks, A 2022 Analysis and what to expect in 2023. All Posted
2022 Season Plays Wk 1      3-0 Wk 2      2-0 Wk 3      2-1 Wk 4      1-1-1 Wk 5      3-0 Wk 6      2-1 Wk 7      1-0 Wk 8       1-1 Wk 9       1-0 Wk 10    2-1 Wk 11    1-0 Wk 12    2-0 Wk 13   1-0 Wk 14    1-0 Wk 15    1-1 Wk 16    0-1
Combined Side Plays       24-7-1  77.41%
PIck 5 contest:
Wk 1       4-1 Wk 2       4-1 Wk 3       3-2 Wk 4       1-2-2 Wk 5       4-1 Wk 6       3-2 Wk 7       4-1 Wk 8       3-2 Wk 9       2-2-1 Wk 10     4-1 Wk 11     2-3 Wk  12     2-3 Wk 13      2-3 Wk 14     4-1 Wk 15      3-2 Wk 16      4-1
Combined Side Plays     49-28-3   63.63%
All spread picks contest:
Wk 1          10-6 Wk 2           10-6 Wk 3            8-8 Wk 4            6-10 Wk 5           10-6 Wk 6            8 -6 Wk 7           9-5 Wk 8           9-6 Wk 9            6-7 Wk 10         9-5 Wk 11         9-5 Wk 12         9-7 Wk 13         7-8 Wk 14        8-5 Wk 15       10-6 Wk 16       8-7
Combined  All spread picks 136-103   56.90%
Rolling along in the top 5 contest with a 4-1 week. Of course the one I lost was a play:(  
But 63.63% is a great number. 
Would I have gotten that number in the Westgate Contest?  No.  My ability to change my picks on Sunday morning is worth  about 3 to 5 wins I would not have had in the Westgate.  But I still might have  cashed this year.
The contest I am in has thousands of entrants. I sit at tied for 48th  with  two weeks left. They pay the top 10,  My score there is 50.5. 10th is 53, while 1st is 57. With  two weeks left I have a shot at the top 10 if I can keep up the 4-1 pace. In the All spread contest I sit all by myself in 4th place. at 136-103.  First is 141, Second 140 and 3rd 137.
There   are 127 entrants in this contest. Considering you pick every game against the spread 1st is  obtainable with a  solid run the last two weeks.
Now, These results are substantially better then the past years. 
I attribute that  to a change I have made in my handicapping methods on all sports.  My  models have become better then they have ever been by a long way.
In addition, I have added several more variables to my bag of tricks. They come into play quite often in the NFL.  Other sports not so much. Not only do these flag games to pick, but they also exclude games to stay away from. 
That is why     you are seeing so few picks in the other sports. 
But I assure you I am handicapping every game in every  sport, even the NHL.
There is not supposed to be a lot of picks.  But my purpose is at the end of the year to have a plus year. And each year I improve on the year before with my methods.
Since day 1 the NFL has always been the easiest for me to handicap. The volume is  crazy high, the public goes all in on these games, so no where is the public tracks more visible and reliable. 
When you go to the other sports, typically you do not have the volume to work with. Nor the high public interest.
But that does not mean you cannot find a way to profit.
For instance, next season, in MLB, we will stick to overnight sides.
The totals let us down this season , so I am going to take another look at them. But the overnight sides have been profitable since I introduced them.
With a little tweaking we  had a banner year last season producing something like +16.4 units. 
Not many  handicappers can do that in MLB. 
We found our niche:)
In college hoops I expect a winning year. Not many plays, but right now we are  + around  4.5 Units.  I will bring that up to date today
In the NBA  we are at 2-0        +2 Units. 
This reflects my  additional variables and models. A lot less plays
In the NHL we have not had a play yet.  Like baseball the day of the game plays tend to be break even at best. You have to get a jump on the money line with overnight plays in these money line games. I am working on that this season, 
I expect to roll that out soon. 
That is my breakdown as we approach year end. 
My goal for 2023 is to pick up 40+ units for the year.  Lets see how close I get:)
Wish you all a great New Year!
RickJ’s Handicapping Picks
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codesolutionstuff1 · 1 year
Angular is one of the most popular JavaScript-based frontend frameworks in the world and also very popular here on GitHub.
Click Here for More: https://www.codesolutionstuff.com/14-reasons-to-use-angular-for-web-development/
Table of Content
Simplified MVC Architecture
Two-Way Data Binding
Fast Loading
Faster Development
Using Directives
SPA-oriented features
Gives Structure to Your App
Enterprise-level Testing
Improved Flexibility
Client-Side Solution
Inbuilt CLI
Multiple Filters
The recent survey (1,141,572 of the active sites surveyed) revealed that Angular was the most widely used framework. Additionally (3,016,752 sites historically), it is also quite common
Angular is one of the most popular JavaScript-based frontend frameworks in the world and also very popular here on GitHub. It has 219 unique domains and 392,875 total followers, including over 300,000 people following only for updates to Bootstrap 4, which relies on Angular. The numbers are still going up and it’s pretty amazing to see how quickly it’s all happening
Choose Angular for your next web development project. It’s one of the most well-known frameworks, and many developers like to use it because it requires less time/effort. Angular is built with TypeScript, which makes the code easier to read and understand.
If you find yourself needing the power of Angular but with a bit of a lighter learning curve, this article is for you. In it we’ll provide insight into the benefits of using an Angular-based project and how to decide if it’s right for your next web development endeavour.
10+ Reasons To Choose Angular For Your Next Project
Here I have outlined a few of the top reasons to use Angular.  Moreover, if you need assistance with Angular development or want to optimise your current web application, it would be wise to take advantage of our expert Angular development services.
1. Simplified MVC Architecture
Angular is an easy-to-use web app that uses the MVC structure to separate the model from the view. It helps you work faster with data binding and MVVM architecture.
This may be an appropriate choice for larger, more complex projects. The MVC framework is popular, because it allows developers to code the application in stages and then test the code one part at a time.
2. Two-Way Data Binding
Angular also provides two-way data binding. This means that changes in the model will automatically affect the view and vice versa, so you don’t have to worry about keeping track of every variable by yourself.
Two-way binding is fundamental for large apps as it handles all of the variable state on its own, which saves a lot of time &amp; effort. The process of developing &amp; testing such templates also becomes easier due to this feature.
3. Fast Loading
Angular was designed with business performance in mind. It’s so fast and easy, which is why it works well for busy sites with a lot of traffic. This means you won’t have to worry about slow loading times or too many resources being taken up by advertising on your site – that’s always good for business! In addition, angular’s optimization features make it ideal for high-load websites.
4. SEO-Friendly
One of Angular’s key features is that it is SEO-friendly and therefore helps your website rank higher in search engines. As opposed to small startups, medium-sized and large corporations can take advantage of this application to grow their enterprise. Google loves Angular, so it’s no wonder they built in SEO features. This means you can improve your website’s visibility online where its needed most.
To make your website SEO and user-friendly, hire dedicated Angular developers from the top rated Angular app development company They can make sure that you always rank high in SERPS and they will take care of all the code optimization aspects too.
5. Faster Development
Angular is a powerful and fast web framework that’s easy to use, understand and helps with development speeds. The databinding &amp; simplified MVC make it great for simpler projects where rapid results are desired.
This means it’s a great choice if you’re working on a deadline or need to launch your website quickly, since Angular lets you build things more quickly.
6. Using Directives
This is the most important part of Angular. Directives are like an extension to HTML and make it easier for you to build your web pages and applications with less code.
7. SPA-oriented features
Angular is ideal for Single Page Applications. It has a lot of features that will help you build your app faster, such as routing, deep-linking and more. If you’re looking for an Angular SPA builder, then have a look at the examples below.
0 notes
codesolutionsstuff · 2 years
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Angular is one of the most popular JavaScript-based frontend frameworks in the world and also very popular here on GitHub.
Table of Content
- Simplified MVC Architecture - Two-Way Data Binding - Fast Loading - SEO-Friendly - Faster Development - Using Directives - SPA-oriented features - Gives Structure to Your App - Templates - Enterprise-level Testing - Improved Flexibility - Client-Side Solution - Inbuilt CLI - Multiple Filters The recent survey (1,141,572 of the active sites surveyed) revealed that Angular was the most widely used framework. Additionally (3,016,752 sites historically), it is also quite common Angular is one of the most popular JavaScript-based frontend frameworks in the world and also very popular here on GitHub. It has 219 unique domains and 392,875 total followers, including over 300,000 people following only for updates to Bootstrap 4, which relies on Angular. The numbers are still going up and it's pretty amazing to see how quickly it's all happening Choose Angular for your next web development project. It's one of the most well-known frameworks, and many developers like to use it because it requires less time/effort. Angular is built with TypeScript, which makes the code easier to read and understand. If you find yourself needing the power of Angular but with a bit of a lighter learning curve, this article is for you. In it we'll provide insight into the benefits of using an Angular-based project and how to decide if it's right for your next web development endeavour.
10+ Reasons To Choose Angular For Your Next Project
Here I have outlined a few of the top reasons to use Angular.  Moreover, if you need assistance with Angular development or want to optimise your current web application, it would be wise to take advantage of our expert Angular development services.
1. Simplified MVC Architecture
Angular is an easy-to-use web app that uses the MVC structure to separate the model from the view. It helps you work faster with data binding and MVVM architecture. This may be an appropriate choice for larger, more complex projects. The MVC framework is popular, because it allows developers to code the application in stages and then test the code one part at a time.
2. Two-Way Data Binding
Angular also provides two-way data binding. This means that changes in the model will automatically affect the view and vice versa, so you don't have to worry about keeping track of every variable by yourself. Two-way binding is fundamental for large apps as it handles all of the variable state on its own, which saves a lot of time & effort. The process of developing & testing such templates also becomes easier due to this feature.
3. Fast Loading
Angular was designed with business performance in mind. It's so fast and easy, which is why it works well for busy sites with a lot of traffic. This means you won't have to worry about slow loading times or too many resources being taken up by advertising on your site - that's always good for business! In addition, angular's optimization features make it ideal for high-load websites.
4. SEO-Friendly
One of Angular's key features is that it is SEO-friendly and therefore helps your website rank higher in search engines. As opposed to small startups, medium-sized and large corporations can take advantage of this application to grow their enterprise. Google loves Angular, so it's no wonder they built in SEO features. This means you can improve your website's visibility online where its needed most. To make your website SEO and user-friendly, hire dedicated Angular developers from the top rated Angular app development company They can make sure that you always rank high in SERPS and they will take care of all the code optimization aspects too.
5. Faster Development
Angular is a powerful and fast web framework that's easy to use, understand and helps with development speeds. The databinding & simplified MVC make it great for simpler projects where rapid results are desired. This means it's a great choice if you're working on a deadline or need to launch your website quickly, since Angular lets you build things more quickly.
6. Using Directives
This is the most important part of Angular. Directives are like an extension to HTML and make it easier for you to build your web pages and applications with less code.
7. SPA-oriented features
Angular is ideal for Single Page Applications. It has a lot of features that will help you build your app faster, such as routing, deep-linking and more. If you're looking for an Angular SPA builder, then have a look at the examples below.
8. Gives Structure to Your App
Angular provides the structure and organization that you need for your web app. This allows you to work on it more easily and maintain it in the future. It's a good alternative for large projects Additionally, Angular is backed by Google, which means it has a huge community of developers who are always ready to help you out. If you find yourself stuck with your project and want to find answers online, it's just as easy to find help
9. Templates
Angular has templates to help streamline your web app development. It includes pre-compformed HTML, JavaScript, & CSS which you can use to easily build your application. The Angular framework makes project management a piece of cake with the compilation ability.
10. Enterprise-level Testing
Angular is a popular choice because it has a robust testing suite which is good for high-performance applications. If you need to write unit tests or integration tests for your project, then the framework will have all the necessary features available to you. You can also use Angular with deadlines or a quick release.
11. Improved Flexibility
Angular's improved flexibility makes it a great choice for large applications. JavaScript and HTML are well-known, but Angular innovatively uses them to create single-page apps that can be updated easily without reloading the page. This is very valuable because you are ensuring that the code on the page is always up-to-date. You don't have to worry about refreshing the entire page each time you want to make a tiny change.
12. Client-Side Solution
Angular is a JavaScript framework that runs on the user's computer, and since it is client-side, this means that all the code can be written in the browser. Angular can also be run used server-side with NodeJS or Ember. This makes Angular a good choice if you're looking for more control to make your project function the way you want.
13. Inbuilt CLI
Angular also has a command-line interface that makes it easy to start creating new projects, so you don't need to go through the typical setup process. Just run `ng new` and your project will be ready in no time.
14. Multiple Filters
Angular also supports filters that provide a clean and efficient way to organize your code. Angular is often chosen for large-scale development projects because of the many benefits it offers. It has a great system for filtering data and tailoring it to what you need, which makes it perfect when you'll have to work with different views.
Know which Famous Web Apps Build Using Angular
Angular is an open-source web framework for building dynamic web applications. Some celebrities who made use of Angular are:
1. Gmail
Gmail, the popular email service from Google, is built with Angular It uses the framework to create a fast and efficient user-interface that makes it easy to manage emails." It has a simple single-page interface that supports 1.5 billion users daily
 2. Upwork
It is a marketplace for freelancers and companies to connect, with an impressive range of services. Its Angular-based design makes it easy to contact service providers, organise payments and receive feedback from projects.
3. Microsoft Xbox
Xbox is one of the most popular gaming consoles around, and it's built with Angular. This framework helps make for a better experience for gamers on their favourite platform, since the app is easy to use.
4. Forbes
Forbes is a popular business magazine that was built with the help of Angular. Not only does it make things user-friendly, but you can access content online easily and quickly.
5. Paypal
Paypal is one of the leading online payment processors that's utilised Angular to create an intuitive UI. Angular has been designed to provide a simple way for users to make payments online. I hope you will like the content and it will help you learn. 14 REASONS TO USE ANGULAR FOR WEB DEVELOPMENT If you like this content, do share it. Read the full article
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