#it's always there
teamhangaround · 1 month
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Space steak
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doodle17 · 10 months
K I know im shadowbanned atm so no one is gonna see this but like
The other day I was just watching YouTube and shit, and me and my pal Cherri were like yo, let's get nostalgic up in this bitch
So we listened to some bendy songs. Y'know the classics, like Build our Machine, Devils swing, etc. And then can't be erased came on, which is the BEST bendy song, I will fight people with my bare hands on this. And YOUR GIRL REMEMBERS THAT SING FRONT TO BACK I WAS SCREAMING THE LYRICS I remember 9 year old me just listened to that song on repeat so many times, YouTube stopped giving me adds for it, and I'm pretty sure I added 100 mil views on it all by myself
Anyways, I then watched all those old sfm music videos and stuff and idk what the FUCK happened but I was just on a nonstop bendy binge for almost 48 hours
I remember waking up the next morning like
what the hell just happened
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chicago-geniza · 8 months
Do you think people were ever weird to Christopher Rice growing up because his mother kept putting. An extremely specific recurring theme in her books that would incline them to be weird about it. Especially since it was the 80s and 90s
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axel-ambassador · 9 months
Gweniverse :p
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I love drawing Gwen's hair, it's always so fun.
Also, band au in color! What do you guys think, like the colors or no?
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rosaguard · 6 months
thoughts: obviously SE plays up the romance angle a lot within the games first and foremost so whenever zack and aeris relationship is mentioned, it's only within the context of 'first love' and such. while i recognize that, i also wish the concept of zack being her 'first friend' was also highlighted above anything else more. if you pay attention in the OG, the fact that aeris doesn't have any friends is implied and later confirmed throughout the compilation/remake. most of her socialization comes from her mother, people who want to capture her, and other residents of the sector five slums - mostly other kids that she's older than and is more so a 'big sister' relationship than friends (kyrie, the children in the orphanage, etc.).
her only other known 'friend' is someone who was given an allowance to play with her while she and ifalna were in the labs. she while yes, aeris has feelings for zack, she also lacked friends of her own - especially her own age - and has abandonment issues ( ex. the hide and seek scene in remake ) so to meet someone, to bond with them, and they disappear, well, that hurts. a lot.
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very-uncorrect · 5 months
Every day I go on Spotify and listen to Project Mili and Erin Is The Funny One and my other silly little tunes while The Magnus Archives stares at the back of my skull with piercing eyes from the recommended page
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wejustvibing · 2 years
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I've known Charles for a long time, so you automatically have more respect for each other because, logically, you know each other a lot better. My audience knows that - max
so... you don't respect lewis and your fans know that and that's why they are so hostile when it's him. got it.
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△ do you ever think about how life would be easier if you could just be normal?
... constantly. It never truly leaves my mind.
I think this might take the first 10.
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squidaped-oyt · 8 months
Apparently the answer to my earlier 'is the giant ritual blood circle in the middle of camp just there Forever now??' question is yes. Yes it is.
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maeraevokaya · 1 year
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longsightmyth · 2 years
I am back on my lotr bullshit and for this I apologize
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magitekelite · 2 years
@asterites humoured me and let me gush about terra yesterday bless both of them tbh 🥲
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dick-helmet-magneto · 2 years
Me watching First Class, once again, thinking maybe maybe this time there won’t be a beach divorce. 
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setsailtomorrow · 2 years
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officialspec · 8 months
walkable cities also means sittable cities send tweet
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its so brave that you have such a 2012-coded url in this 2024 world
would you call a bear brave for standing in a new construction suburb or would you recognize the unfamiliar world they built around him
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