#it's almost never accurate
minnepaulitan · 9 months
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So, rewatching Valeria on Nextflix (S2E4) and Valeria is very excited that her self-published book is selling well online. However, after selling 300 copies, she's only made 32 euros??? This doesn't seem right? This means that the Amazon-like platform she's using is taking at least a 90% cut of her profits, or she's charging about 0.10 euros per copy. Whaaaat?
I must be missing something.
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cl4ssyjazzy · 1 month
I used to always leave a comment on a fic if I saw anything about my interests not being accurately described, but thanks to SVSSS, now whenever I get the urge to correct someone the face of Shen Yuan pops into my head like a ghost of Christmas Past and I avoid being the insufferable "Uuuum.... actually!!" Guy.
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cybertron-after-dark · 2 months
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freebooter4ever · 3 months
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the lighting leaves a lot to be desired but the proportions of his face are getting there. note: when working on personal projects I only use the overlay to check at the end periodically. everything is eyeballed by hand cause I hate myself. also for a guy who is seen as having a big chin/jaw its actually so,so delicate
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thegreatyin · 9 months
not playing the new pokemon dlc but spoilers under the cut regardless for those that are
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making the femme bird 100% male and the little adorable ogre 100% female was an inspired choice. i'll give gamefreak that much
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meownotgood · 1 month
also while I'm on the topic of being off topic. this is my beloved durge tav moon. her wizard boyfriend sprays her with water when she tries to bite people
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kagoutiss · 2 months
zelink in your au or nah?
i would say there’s about as much zelink in my au as there is in the game, so…like it’s there but it’s also probably sad and doomed lol. link also isn’t there for the large majority of it, so a lot it comes down to how sheik remembers him while he’s sealed in the sacred realm and how she feels about their whole situation over a period of years. it’s kinda hard to say how their relationship is when one of them isn’t there for so much of it, and the other is constantly thinking and mulling over just their memories of them and what they could’ve done differently. but that’s also part of the reason they’re so interesting and heartbreaking to me. im blabbin but basically there isn’t NOT zelink, but it’s complicated and still sad and not necessarily the main focus
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seventh-fantasy · 6 months
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江湖风波恶 楼里莲花清 (the outside world of jianghu is perilous and it is pure as the lotus within this tower)
lotus tower is his body
(never beating the i'm thinking about lhl with reference to nezha 1979 allegations)
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basiltonpitch · 1 year
was tagged by rae @ice-sculptures for this picrew !!! ty !!
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me in the summer vs me in the winter!!
tagging (no pressure) @byclairs @hexagirl @wheelerstrange @thefabulousfab-3 <3
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clueisfound · 10 days
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was wanting to try something a little different, so i decided to do a doodle of logan waking from a night terror to practice some different shading techniques
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spinosauroid · 9 months
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Spino from yesterday while I was trying a new brush
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pretty-emo-dad · 1 year
Some of you only view Lucas’s character as the Good Boyfriend and it shows
#AND ITS NOT EVEN ACCURATE ACTUALLY#BECAUSE HIS ENTIRE CHARACTER ARC BETWEEN SEASON 3 AND 4 IS LEARNING HOW TO BE A BETTER LISTENER#AND NOT A CONTROL FREAK BECAUSE HE LOVES PEOPLE SO MUCH AND JUST WANTS THEM TO AUTO FEEL BETTER#BUT HE CANT JUST DO THAT HE HAS TO WAIT AND BE PATIENT AND LISTEN#lumax#byclair#applies to both of y’all#TikTok byclairs esp get on my nerves bc they are almost always anti mike ppl who just use Lucas as the good bc trope#and never delve further into his character#LIKE HE IS SO MUCH MORE THAN HIS REMATIONSHIPS#the day I start going insane about Lucas here like I do in my buddy’s dms…#nobody will know peace#Lucas has bad and good traits like every other character yet the fandom chooses to completely mischaracterize him#either by exaggerating his good traits + shoving all the bad stuff into mike#or making him out to be this homophobic asshole stubborn abuser#and he’s neither of these things#he’s complex with complex motivations#me when people don’t realize how much of a control freak Lucas is#and how much of that stems from racism trauma + UD trauma#he’s so so special my boy#stranger things#lucas sinclair#will never forgive you mfs for how often he is mischaracterized for the sake of a ship or to say that he’s the only completely good chara#NOBODY IS COMPLETELY GOOD ALL THE TIME IT COMES WITH BEING FUCKING HUMAN#like I love him. he’s my skrungums. but he still has an Arc#and arc that involves him needing to learn things about himself#and revolve as a person#my rambles
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robinsbanduniform · 10 months
i am so sick and tired of the narrative that queer people don’t get happy endings, i’m sick of queer stories in media always ending tragedy and unrequited love, and i’m sick of the belief that we shouldn’t expect to be accepted because ‘that’s just how society is’ being considered a normal thing.
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krenia · 11 months
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Canon design?? What canon design
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leqclerc · 16 days
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#idk how accurate the source is [formu1a__uno] bc ive heard conflicting opinions about them and their reliability#but either way that's just really fucking disrespectful if true?#like this isn't even xavi had to go because bono was available to be charles's engineer#you just axed a man that worked with your driver for almost 5 years and gave the job to a guy who's afaik never been a race engineer before#without consulting said driver or yknow even making him aware before/during the miami weekend#so he could have some closure and say goodbye to his long-time race engineer and trusted confidant in whatever way he saw fit#which would've like. the bare minimum decent thing to do just on like a human level???#and you're telling me with your whole chest this is an upgrade. um. pass 🙅🏻‍♀️#and if it was xavi's decision (hearing this i highly doubt it was tbh) then i dont see why he wouldn't have told charles beforehand?#this is so messy#i love how when the news was made public so many people defended & justified it#saying this was something either charles wanted himself or at least was consulted about and approved of#lmao tell me you don't know how ferrari moves without telling me#just like they praised binotto for as long as they could until it became obvious that his relationship w charles is strained#and then suddenly people started noticing that oh maybe he's not actually fit for the tp job after all...#like im sorry but if we heard that charles fought to keep xavi as his RE when binotto wanted him gone#and now fred's basically done exactly that without taking it up w charles or letting him know in advance#then uh. :)#xavi marcos#ferrari
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cagcd · 8 months
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Skills  &.   powers.
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don't reblog or steal or i will live in your walls <3
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Johnny's interest in martial arts hadn't been intended,   despite his fascination with the likes of Bruce Lee and other famous action stars while growing up,   it never occurred to him that he would ever go down the same path as them,   and reach so far beyond than the life of any Hollywood star would ever hope for.   He began with a simple course of Karate as a means of self defense,   his mother came to the decision after many instances of bullying that went unaddressed and unpunished in his school,   he needed to learn to toughen up and stand up for himself,   [  a task that should be appointed to a father that was constantly out of the picture.  ]   It was fun to the young boy he was at first,   but as he progressed from one belt to another,   his interest had grown exceptionally,   he practiced non stop and got recognised for his hard work,   eventually earning him a spot in various local tournaments then world championships,   which he had won four in his lifetime.   His achievements gained him audience with the best masters around the world and he was eager to be taught by them,   he advanced in other forms of Karate like Shorin Ryu,  Shinto Ryu,   [  that he later developed better from Darrius' teachings,   who he had gotten to meet during his training in Orderrealm later on.  ]   He mastered Jeet Kune Do and Muay Thai as well.
  It was all skill and physical abilities that had unknowingly qualified him to be a part of the mortal kombat tournaments,   which he at first agreed upon as a publicity stunt to save his failing career at the time.   It was at the end of the first tournament that something within him had sparked into a life,   a power beyond his imagination or knowledge to ever be in possession of.   Raiden himself didn't seem to be aware of it but after some research it's revealed to the star that he was a descendant from a mediterranean cult that bred warriors for combat.   That green glow is similar in essence to the likes of Shang Tsung,   Quan chi,   Nightwolf and even Shao khan,   which is presumably cultivated by souls.   The method with which this cult used to create a generation of warriors by using the souls of their fallen as enhancement for combat.   It was dormant during Johnny's life,   awakened at the defeat of Shao,   as his last remains were fading,   he had unknowingly absorbed a large amount of souls the Kahn had in possession from all the worlds he had conquered.
  It was a gradual shift from then on,   something was off but he could never put his finger on It,   only for it to emerge during the encounter with Shinnok,   the green glow that encased his body and acted like a shield,   fading as quickly as it had appeared.   He couldn't summon it by will again,   but rather it showed by itself,   more frequently the more he fought,   constantly feeding into that power until the near catastrophic end result as sudden bursts of energy from a huge quantity of souls his body was now struggling to contain.   He sought Raiden and Nightwolf's advice in order to control it,   or at least understand it,   [  for he was worried he might hurt those around him unintentionally  ],   the only solution they could come to was to send him to Orderrealm,   where he went through long and extensive training by both Hotaru and Darrius,  the conclusion was learning how to channel those powers through controlled blasts of energy,   as seen through what became his signature move afterwards the shadow kick.   He also learned to direct them through his kicks and punches,   conjuring energy blasts,   then later and with enough experience,   encasing his body with it to be used as shield upon command,   or his fists and kicks as an enhancement of strength during combat.
  Moreover,   due to this connection with souls,   his attentive nature is heightened as he can sense the others feelings to a relative degree by picking up on negative energy and thus better understand those around him.   It might be said he mastered his inner powers with age,   he's certainly more in control and attuned to its full capacity,   he can channel energy with ease and fluidity as though its second nature to him or an extension to his strength.   But he isn't exactly in full control at all times,   as explained,   he simply learned how to channel it   &.   keep those bursts of energy in check.   However,   when he's driven to an edge and is at the end of his limits,   his powers shift from green to crimson red,   which happens only when he uses his powers to its full extent,   but lack of concentration in that state can he destructive and it's highly draining to him that his body shuts down completely afterwards,   it's a last trump card he uses only at dire circumstances.
  Johnny possesses those powers in the new timeline as well,   had never been aware of them but just like the previous timeline it's a gradual process,   already triggered without his knowledge during the fight against Quan chi to stop the well of souls from creating Ermac.   Some of the souls that escaped when the stone was broken had gone through to Johnny who had been knocked unconscious at the time.   Some semblance of his powers show through speed for the most part,   when he dashes forward to evade an attack or when he puts enough force into a punch or kick,   the shadow left behind is quick for the eye to see but there's a faint green glow within it.   It's a slight shift he had noticed but took it as nothing more than a result of more extensive practice.   But its only bound to grow and emerge in full with time,   well after the first tournament and constant combat that he finds out and seeks Liu kang's aid this time around.
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