#it’s still a parasocial relationship if you think you know a celebrity’s morals justifications etc
I’m only going to weigh in on this once because all the hate is really bumming me out and I need to air out some thoughts.
I know you have all picked up on the themes of all this new music from our Emo Forebears. I will use My Chem as an example because I think they’re the most poignant example:
Think about their musical content up till this point. It’s about suffering and feeling misunderstood and we all loved it because we felt seen. My Chem had the reputation of being the Suicidal Girl band since long before it was seen as anything other than cringe. If you didn’t live through this time; if you have never experienced the feeling of “fuck it I’m gonna live like I’ll never see 30 because I’ll be dead long before then” it may be hard to understand just how special Foundations is.
You Must Fix Your Heart
The resurfacing of these emo bands are all the grown ass adults who were once barely out of their teens, saw a bunch of fucked up shit, many of them nearly died or were very near people who did, and here we are, decades later, still just living.
At a certain point, it’s fix yourself or give up. By give up I mean die. It’s heal or die.
So here we have a bunch of now adult musicians who have been through it, fixed themselves and are now thriving. They have an opportunity to share this wisdom with all those other young people who were just like the. The now-adult fans have done their own growing and fixing. It’s a beautiful thing, really.
Now consider Panic!
Yes, the ‘09 split was the end of the “real” PATD. However, Brendon and Spencer decided they wanted to keep trying. They loved making music, who could blame them for trying to a carry on the way they saw fit?
The transition between Vices and Virtues and Too Weird to Live is very important to the point I am trying to illustrate here.
The whole band was heavy into drugs. Spencer almost died from an overdose. Brendon even said in a statement about the state of the band that he didn’t realize that his friend was so deep into his addiction because he was fine. He admitted his shortcoming and I believe this incident was a serious realization and turning point for Brendon.
The tone between VaV and TWTLTRTD is markedly different. (Don’t @me about Dallon ok? That’s a whole different can of worms and y’all get too insane about that shit. If you’re ready for the real talk you can look up the legal credit given for writing on both those records and bring me the receipts, but most of y’all are not ready for that one yet) There is a turn toward the positive here that progresses throughout the “Shambling Corpse” solo albums.
Brendon was trying to find his positive growth while still doing what he loved, because unlike many others in the genre, it wasn’t about to kill him.
Now take a step back and look at the last, oh, let’s just say, half a decade. The amount of negativity, harassment, personal privacy invasion, along with all the other shit the internet has thrown at him. As stated previously: the majority of these controversies have been proven to be false. Brendon has stated many times that he doesn’t want to be famous. He wants to be able to be himself again and live his life without being harassed (whether it’s positive or negative intention)
He needs this break. He needs to heal. It tracks that the other bands that broke earlier are back with a new outlook, they had years to figure their shit out, one way or another.
Brendon hung around and has been being ground down to nothing in the public eye for nearly two decades.
I’m glad he’s finally taking his turn.
(If you’re interested in learning more about why Brendon was “cancelled” here is an excellent master list)
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I saw your ask post about Roger being dismissive about regimes that are anti-u.s. Are you still a fan though?
Not quite what I said. I said he was dismissive of the wrong done by some regimes that are anti-us, for the sole reason that they are anti-us. Basically the 'enemies of my enemies are my friends' mindset, coupled with the easy mental strategy of automatically accusing the entity that's already been found guilty many times [the US], so that way there's only ONE (1) villain to rail against and everything is so much more simple.
Of course I'm still a fan. I don't see how Roger being mistaken on this topic, however big the mistake, negates the importance and depth of the fantastically naked lyrics & poems he's written, the beautiful simplicity of his music and the sincerity of his advocacy for the cause of the Palestinians, the indigenous people of Ecuador or for Julian Assange.
If I suddenly decided he was a bad person for being wrong about Ukraine, that would be cancelling, and a very stupid, sketchy, immature and kinda peer pressure-driven behaviour. I think people who do this not only have a serious lack of understanding in the complexity of human beings and how opinions work, but also have (or had) some kind of unhealthy, idealizing parasocial relationship w/ Roger. What I mean is, when you've attached yourself to a celebrity -whom, naturally, you don't truly know much about- in a way that fills some kind of emotional void in your psyche, placed them on a pedestal of imagined virtues, and filled in the blanks of the mystery that is their private life and true persona with opinions & traits that suit your views & ego like they're your richer, more talented, morally perfect alter ago, and this to such an extent that you end up subconsciously assuming they agree with you on everything, then of course, the feeling of betrayal when you learn they are flawed or simply that their cognition is independant from yours must be very intense.
Look at the people in the roger waters tag, going "I knew he was a asshat/shitty person/bastard, because : a lot of songs he wrote when in PF are about himself (how dare he, the effing megalomaniac) / he gives his opinion more often than I'd like him to / Gilmour says he's an asshole and because I prefer listening to Gilmour's music I'll just assume he's right / He made decisions I don't understand and because I don't like him I'll assume they were motivated by hate / I personally don't like his personality/music and have therefore decided he's a bad person", etc. (When it's not simply recourse to the idiotic, meaningless concept of westplaining ... "YoU cAn'T dIsAgrReE wItH NoN-wEsTeRn cOuNtRiEs On ThEiR oWn pOliCiEs cAuSe tHeY hAvE LeSS iNfLuEnCe sO iT's UnFaIr !!😡" ) Those are the only 'justifications' I've seen so far for cancelling Roger. Pretty pathetic tbh. Though his words are the object of discontent, they are almost never criticized directly. Negative comments on social media are always ad hominem attacks. I wonder if they even bother to read the statements tbh. These people are obviously frustrated in some weird entitled way, and incapable of constructive criticism.
My understanding of Roger's problem is that he's surrounded himself & attached himself over the years with people & news outlets that are not telling him the full truth, and in true Roger Waters fashion, he'll defend them and their views unfailingly. That's how he is, once he believes in something he goes the whole. effing. hog. He's a very 'whole' person, if that makes sense, which is both a curse and a blessing. Probably, he was galvanized by their radical anti-US stance, and either out of naivety or dishonesty -probably both-, didn't pay attention to their questionable connections. The subtlety in this issue is that, even if the portrayal of the horrors of US politics in Russian & Chinese gov-owned media turns out to be 100% correct, it absolutely doesn't mean it can't still be part of a propaganda scheme. Manipulators can and will state genuine facts in order to appear truthful & encourage adherence to their entire agenda. The thing is, no one makes the effort to engage in calm, honest debate with him and explain to him exactly why he's wrong. It's always : he's oBviOuSLy wrong and also he's a prick, end of. Even Zelenska's response was basically this. Despite the fact that Roger wants to have that debate and has asked to be corrected in previous messages. One has to give him that...
TL;DR = Roger needs to grow up & learn that even liars can sometimes tell the truth. People on the Internet need to grow up & learn that even good, sane people can be very wrong but still have positive things to contribute.
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