#it isn't safe for terfs I just want these bitches to see this
fandomgamersimp · 4 months
I saw this shit, I hoped Tumblr would be better- but not, so I'm gonna say this: if you're one of those "lgb drop the t", transohobic radfems etc., go fuck yourself. Oh, you expected the "we should have a discussion"? Not with me.
Not after I saw a trans genocide happening in the States (this person has a degree in genocidal studies, what do y'all have?)
After I saw my friends scared and depressed for their future, their past and their present.
After I saw one of the people first sitting with the rest of us at a nice, queer gathering at a support meeting, and a few days later her body was found in the river, bc she jumped.
Not to mention unlike you, I know Google is free. I know that trans people have been part of humanity since we exist. No matter when and where. Just like I know that all you radfems are doing is upholding toxic gender norms that do not even benefit you.
"Oh, I don't want them in my space" which space? Because I know you're not talking about just personal space. No, you mean "the entire world" space. That is not just your space.
Also I don't know what do you think you're gonna accomplish here. Trans people have always been here and will always be here. You're not gonna magically get rid of them. And you shouldn't. Because you're not the fucking main character.
Trans people have always been a part of this community. They're constantly judged, they face far more violence, they can't get one day off without having to debate their existence. They're the strongest people I've met. And they don't deserve brain-dead individuals like you not being educated enough just to spout bs their way.
If you are one of those transphobic people, you can eat a fucking rock for all I care. "Oh, you're not nice". And I'm not gonna be. Because thanks to people like you, the opinions and irrational fear you're upholding while refusing to educate yourself and move on from bigoted views, most trans people still won't live past their 30s. Because you think you're some sort of a hero or an old queer martyr saving the rest of us in the community. You're not. You're a fucking loser stuck in old understanding of gender, not realising that bigots won't spare you or clap for you. Trans people are nice, strong and proud. Me, after witnessing my friends going through fucking hell bc they dared to exist? "Nice" went out the window years ago.
Oh, also:
People who didn't get op/don't want to are trans. Pregnant trans men are men. Trans men wearing fem clothes are men. Trans women without the op are women. Trans people who do not want to take hormones are still trans. Straight guys dating trans girls are still straight. Just like a lesbian dating a trans girl is still a lesbian and gays dating trans dudes are still gay. Non-binary people exist (if not, letting my friend know they don't have to pay taxes then). Masc non-binary people exist. Fem non-binary people exist. And other facts that you refuse to accept, like a fucking toddler throwing a tantrum.
Not a single trans person has to fit your idea of gender to be valid. They are. And they don't have to care about your opinion on them.
Because if you're transphobic, you're opinion on them is worthless. Just like you.
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amateur-art-critic · 16 days
Assigned TERF by trans women (or; we should teach people about Occams Razor)
So this is a new development. I got accused of being a TERF for writing this on a post I reblogged:
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So I'm a TERF because I think TMA/TME as terms have set back trans solidarity? Because I think TMA and TME just reinvent the gender binary? That's TERF-y to you?
But there's more; OP decided to comment as well;
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Me when I'm not a TERF
Yes, that is the point of my blog. To hate TERFs. Because I was harassed by TERFs at one point.
and then her pinned is signaling how opposed to radfeminism [she is].
Radfems/gendercrits/TERFs are the same breed and I use the terms synonymously. There's nothing more to it.
bitch your header has a play on the terfs term TIM.
Yes, because I was trying to co-opt their language to piss them off. @/butchbarbieagainstterfs was the one to introduce me to the concept of using FIT, Feminist Identified Transphobe, as an alternative to TERF.
And if anything, it's a play on TIF (trans identified female), because it uses the exact same letters as FIT.
Your entire blog is predicated on transfem exclusionism
No it's fucking not? Never have I excluded transfems and trans women. I focus on transmasc and trans men's issues because they fucking apply to me.
This is the most "i like pancakes"/"so you hate waffles?" argument ever.
you ain't slick
Neither are you.
Then @/june-egbert-official decided to add onto OPs reblogs with an "analysis" of my bio, from the view of me being a TERF;
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"Shrödinger's Woman" - Shrödinger's Cat was a thought experiment of being unable to measure something without investing it [...] - in other words they want to be allowed to look at your junk.
Or, maybe, we Occams Razor this: maybe I am both a woman and not a woman. You won't know unless you ask, but everyone always assumes and argues I'm one or the other.
In other words: I'm fucking nonbinary, you dumb fuck. I'm not a woman and I am also not not a woman, because I'm also not a man. And saying I'm "Shrödinger's Woman" is a subtle nod to TERFs assuming I'm either a cis woman, a trans man (who they see as women) or a trans woman (who they see as men, but I don't) when I argue with them.
I don't think I have ever in my life seen a more bad faith argument.
Aforementioned TIF as a play on TERFs TIM shit.
Well, if you knew anything about TERF lore outside them targeting trans women and transfems, you would know that "TIF" is already a term coined by gendercrits for trans men and transmascs.
I recognize that it's probably just a spelling mistake, but I just want to clarify in case it isn't. But, if it is;
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But I digress.
Actively calling out where TERFs should go.
Or, and bare with me here, I want TERFs off of Tumblr. That's literally what I say in that sentence in my bio! Can you not read between the lines when I call TERFs an "invasive species" and how they "cause an imbalance to the tumblr ecosystem"?
Tumblr is the only social media left that I feel safe on and I don't want TERFs to poison it for me. So I would rather send them to an echo chamber of equally insane people than to other popular social media.
Just how much bad faith do you have to read my bio with to jump to this conclusion?
Calls themself a female pink and purple toed tarantula (generally considered "feminine colors, for what that's worth) [...]
...I just fucking like purple and pink. And I like spiders.
As for the "female" part, I'm literally just stating the sex I was assigned at birth. I may be female, but that doesn't mean I'm a woman.
Once again; Occams Razor.
[...] and, probably at least a little tangential, they become aggressive against males this time of year.
That's not tangential, it's just straight up wrong. Not the spider facts, but that you think that it's implying I'm aggressive towards males because I have a female spider motif. It's not symbolic of anything other than that I like spiders and that I was assigned female at birth.
To end this, I would just like to ask both @/june-egbert-official and @/0w0tsuki, in the small chance either of you are stalking my blog and reading this; Why did you think I was a TERF? Do you just see all AFABs who disagree with you as gendercrit radfems?
Or was it because I believe that transandrophobia is real you see me as a TERF? Because I can't find any other reason as to why you would call me a TERF other than the fact that I'm nonbinary transmasc and I disagree with trans women.
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oofensteinsmonster · 6 months
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First and foremost I want to address the transphobic people/right wing/terfs in the room and say this isn't for you. You are not allowed to take my story and use it to deny gender affirming care to trans folk. If anything I want it ABUNDANTLY clear that my access to both hormones and spaces to explore my identity is what rooted my self esteem and made me who I am today, even if my identity looks different than it did a year ago, and I have absolutely no regrets about the decisions I made for my body. I was informed of the process every step of the way, I did all of my research, I knew exactly what was going to happen. Kapeesh?
With that out of the way.
I will be referring to my genders in the third person when I feel it is relevant to alluding to how the situations made me feel. I do not have multiple personalities, but the following situations did cause me to disassociate from aspects of myself.
My experience with my gender has always been at odds. I grew up without a positive and consistent mother figure in a misogynistic southern state, and the male figures in my life were turbulent and terrifying. This mattered to me as someone who mirrors what they see in order to understand the behavior. My friends before I became a teenager were mostly boys because I enjoyed rough housing, games, and exploring the neighborhood. When the adults started separating my age group by sex I had a hard time relating to the girls in my age group who were already flirting with the boys and trying on make up. It wasn't that I didn't like boys (or girls for that matter), quite the opposite, and it wasn't that I didn't like make up or clothes or traditionally feminine things, it's just that I didn't have a lot of experience with that stuff and when I did try it out I was laughed at because I wasn't allowed to be feminine at that point, but because I was a girl I also wasn't allowed to be masculine.
If I played with dolls I was called a sissy, and if I built forts with the guys and wore traditionally boyish clothes I was called a gay slur by my father, or by the older neighborhood boys…and eventually by my friends as well.
There wasn't a safe place for me to retreat into as far as identity went, every outfit felt alien, and eventually I fell into being reclusive and kept to myself.
When I entered my 20s and moved to Texas I was introduced to the idea of different gender identities and it felt right.
I was able to experiment, and for the first time I had positive feedback. I could be feminine, I could be masculine, I could be both and neither. It was liberating and for most of the decade, while I had considered physical changes, like hrt, I was mostly content with where I was and who I was.
This was until my last relationship.
For the sake of the story let's call him Red. Red came into my life at a time that I desired a more assertive lover, and because I am also kinky, I needed a Dominate. This is just my prefered dynamic, I don't buy into that alpha male “all women/femmes need to be subjugated” bullshit, it's a kink that happens to coexist with my more docile and domestic nature, but I can and will still put on my own pair of boots and be a boss bitch when the situation calls for it you feel me? Great. I also want to mention that other than this situation I've had nothing but great experiences in the kink community and am not trying to blame kink on my trauma in any way, shape, or form. It is a community founded on consent, and the people that ignore that are ignoring what makes said community what it is and what it stands for.
Carrying on.
Red started off being everything I thought I needed. I mistook tolerance as acceptance and celebration because I wanted so badly for everything he fed me to be true. He was my “twin flame” *vomit* my Sir, my Master, he saw what he thought I needed and he gave it to me.
At a price….always….at a price.
Without going too much into detail, because I still have a lot of process and heal on that front, he took my feminine side …and used her well past the point of my consent. She was raped in every sense of the word. Abused. Objectified. My traits were no longer my own, they were simply a fetish. I wasn't beautiful anymore, I was “sexy”. My name that I had fashioned for myself for 10 years was discarded for one that he gave me, which in D/s is fine, except he'd only use my real one when he was upset or angry. I was no longer myself, I was what he wanted me to be, and because of that and because of never being given time or space to come back into myself I eventually completely detached from my femininity. I buried her far beneath where I thought he couldn't find her just to keep her safe.
But I still had my masculine side, who
…did not embody my rage and grief but rather helped me juggle them. He held them when I was tired of carrying them around, and when the time came he helped me stand my ground when I finally got rid of Red and his influence in my life.
It was easy for me to assume that this was my true form, and because I'd always batted around the idea of hormones, I decided to try them out. It was a low dose, because in my state of mind I understood that diving in head first was not the wisest decision ( FOR ME…you hear me terfs? F o r. m e. ) I started going by a different name, I cut my hair (note: Korean boy band hair not my best look ) I put away all my dresses ( in my car, just in case ) ( clothes don't have a gender but this was my process ) and that's what I embodied for 7 months.
And I had a wonderful experience with it! My support structure was unmatched, my household never struggled with addressing me by what I wanted to be addressed by, my friends were super supportive the whole journey, my assigned Doctor was extremely clear and concise and never once did anyone make me feel “less than”. It was part of me I needed to pay attention to and explore, even without the trauma that led me there I still think I would have ended up wanting to experiment the way that I did. My masculinity became a place to rest, he said to me “ Let me take it from here for a while. Heal. “ and I will always be thankful for that.
It wasn't until after I finished grieving the break up that I realized I might not be a man. Plus, the changes to my body weren't feeling as at home as I wanted them to. More on that later. So I stopped using the gel for a little while just to see how I felt…and I never picked it back up.
Eventually the parts of me started gravitating back together, and while they don't fit the same way they used to, they are at home within me for the first time in years.
And if I hadn't had the freedom to discover that for myself…if my access to gender affirming health care had been denied or I had been shamed, or put on some kind of fucking registry like Ken Paxton was trying to collect ( fuck that guy ) or thrown into some kind of conversation therapy, I'd still be lost. I'd be so much worse off than I am.
People who detransition make up less than 1% of trangender folks. I am the only person I know that has ever decided to stop. I am the only person I know whose decisions were swayed more-so by personal traumas rather than a sense of long standing identity. I didn't have a sense of identity. And maybe if gender roles hadn't been so strictly enforced/contradictory when I was a child, maybe if I had been celebrated in my curiosity and my fluidity I would have gotten here a lot sooner. Which isn't to say that I am in any way resentful of having gotten here a little later than most.
So if you were wondering if I regret it, the answer is no.
This next segment is to answer any potential questions about the physical changes I experienced while on Tgel, how they made me feel, and how my body detransitioned after I stopped using it.
Note that every single body is different, so what I went through is not going to look the same for someone else.
Skin: As an autistic with sensory issues, while I knew my skin was going to change…it did not change the fact that I hated how itchy everything suddenly was. Your skin becomes more rough with T, and hairy. I never really experienced acne just because my genetics are pretty good on that front, but I did get significant leg hair growth. This did not go away when I stopped taking T, which I expected. But that's ok because it's just hair and I just needed to get a more durable razor. Big whoop.
Also I did have some very hard to notice fuzz under my chin, but that kind of went away. Along with the roughness.
Voice changes: I actually love my voice now. It was a few octaves higher before T, and I feel like it's more bodied and lovely. Not masculine, more androgynous. It didn't go back to normal, and I'm perfectly happy with that.
Bottom growth (tmi warning): I don't care about sharing this information so long as you don't ask for pictures you weirdos. But I started off with a teeeeeeeeny tiny little clit even in comparison to others. So now it's just kind of an average size, and hey I have better orgasms now. Win/win.
Body temperature: before T I was cold natured, and now I'm hot natured. That hasn't changed yet, and I'm not sure if it's going to. I feel pretty neutral about it at least until I try cuddling someone with the same body heat as me in which case *I hate it*.
Periods: still haven't had mine since I stopped which… I probably need to go see what's going on about that but from what I gathered it does sometimes take the better part of a year to restart the menstrual cycle. I'm not in a hurry, though. That was one of the perks of being on T, instantly stopped my period.
Will check back in if there's any issues on that front, however I will say that I have pcos which causes unpredictable cycles to begin with so, again, my body is different.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask, I'm posting this publicly because I want more awareness about detransitioning and debunking a lot of what I feel is being weaponized against the transgender community regarding it.
I will not react or respond to bigotry or hatred, I will delete any fetishizing of my identity or my body, I want this corner of the internet to remain safe.
Wrap up:
Remember that no matter how many changes you experience in life, you are just as valid today as you were yesterday and will be tomorrow. Nobody can tell you who you are, or who you're not.
Whatever you're doing, so long as it isn't hurting anyone or yourself, you're doing it perfectly. 🥰
Be well my loves,
Theo (She/they/ and sometimes it)
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orionsangel86 · 10 months
Interesting but yet again Hob was a slave owner and that is the most popular ship. Also I think what they could do with Thessaly is either
Showing that her views were informed by others and her time and while she herself accepts trans people, she thought the Moon wouldn't and so the magic wouldn't work because that's what she was taught and then when she was proven wrong she happily accepted it.
Or she is a transphobic person after having dated Morpheus aka he dated her more than a hundred years ago, at that time she didn't have any views on trans people and now she has and Morpheus thoroughly disagrees and would not date her now that she is transphobic.
Yeah so I actually did consider both these things when I responded but I wanted to answer fairly quickly and the Hob stuff becomes a whole mess of fandom critical analysis that I didn't particularly feel like touching on...
Yes Hob was a slave owner. Yes Thessaly is a TERF. Yes the fandom does to an extent excuse Hob of his past, whereas the fandom is particularly harsh on Thessaly. There are all manner of reasons why this is, from misogyny, racism, mlm preferences among most fandoms to het ships, but also I think the show downplays Hob's involvement with the slave trade quite a lot compared to the comic. Full Disclosure: I don't ship comic!Hob and comic!Dream because comic!Hob is an asshole - he's just not likeable. Ever. Even in modern times. Where the show implies that he was only just getting involved with the slave trade in the late 1700s from a fairly distant and business oriented perspective, the comic makes it clear that Hob was proud and bragging about having been heavily involved in the start of the slave trade and had a far more direct involvement in it. Comic!Hob may carry more obvious guilt around, and his dating Gwen at the end I believe was an attempt to say "look! He's not a racist NOW" but I always found it kinda skeevy that he was dating a black woman without telling her the full extent of his past and therefore not giving her a chance to fully understand who she was involving herself with.
To at least attempt to give Hob the benefit of the doubt, the show and the comic both do attempt to make it clear that he has changed and regrets his past actions. He was a slaver, but he is not a slaver now. He did terrible things in the past but not the present. This is not excusing him for his past, but in comparison with Thessaly, Thessaly has not once at all ever shown remorse or guilt or regret for any of her actions, and is just as much of a murderous transphobic bitch in her last scene as she was in her first scene.
I also wondered about changing it up so Thessaly is unsure of the magic, and rather than outright believing in it, she could be concerned for Wanda's safety. If the moon road can only be walked by women, then Thessaly could be unsure if Wanda could join them safely, without being hurt, because the magic itself is archaic and restrictive (the same type of magic that bound Calliope to Erasmus Fry) rather than her actually believing that Wanda isn't a woman, she is unsure if the magic will accept her as a woman, and as you say, is then proved wrong to her own relief.
There are certainly plenty of ways they could explore Thessaly's role. I am very curious to see what they come up with. I just really don't want Morpheus to date an obviously transphobic Thessaly in the story. If it was a past failed relationship instead then sure, that'll work, making room for Johanna to be the one who breaks his heart triggering the Brief Lives arc (because I am still all about my Morphanna ship in canon lol) but whatever they do, they must tread carefully and make appropriate changes, because I stand by my belief that a straight adaptation of this particular character and her involvement with Morpheus in the comic would be a bad decision.
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curieklei · 1 month
hiii so english isn't my first language and i'm learning more about gender and trans stuff and if i might be trans or something (i've been told i sound agender?? but that feels wrong), and something that confuses me, so i'm asking around abt it… "woman" used to simply denote afab, right? like a body type of ppl with a biological (not surgical) vagina & estrogen puberty. like a female dog. ppl say that it reduces women to their genitals, but what about with other animals? like female cat, female horse, etc, just bc we say "oh she's a girl" or "oh i have a male dog" doesn't mean we're saying they're only their genitals in that case, right…? a bitch is just a female dog, that's why it's a misogynistic word. misogyny is based on how ppl see someone without a penis as lesser, bc they don't have the power to forcibly penetrate and feel genital pleasure for it, they can't impregnate, they're "just a hole" etc. like so much of misogyny is just body-specific. the misogyny transfems experience seems terrible but also conditional? bc if they're found out to be amab they're treated as creepy men, so they then stop experiencing misogyny, they just face usually homophobia. meanwhile bio women (and transmascs who don't transition) have no exit door to the misogyny unless they transition and pass perfectly as male or something, and historically that wasn't an option. to me man & woman have always been neutral body types until i came across trans stuff, and i think the idea of gendered brains sounds sexist af. like gender seems like bullshit, i see me being a woman as just like being a female cat, i don't have ~womanly~ vibes in my brain, i was just born female and that's the least important thing about me, but male society made it weird. why should gender continue to be a thing? what does gender actually mean, if sexism was to be eradicated? is it bad if i view my womanhood as just a body type? most cis people i've talked to view their "gender" like this, as just a body type, like any other animal. they don't "feel" like one, they just have the body and aren't dysphoric about it. they might not always like it, but they don't have dysphoria about it, so they just… are. is that transphobic? i've heard mixed thoughts about it from trans ppl & activists, i'm just curious. feel free to ignore this lol ;;
Edit: A person in the replies has informed me that those may be are terf talking points disguised as questions to avoid suspicion so take this anon with a grain of salt. I'm keeping this post just in case anon is genuinely curious or something.
From what I see, reducing the societal importance of biological sex is indeed what's slowly happening, but it's definitely not in the same stage everywhere. It takes years for a person to unlearn something they were told their whole life, it takes generations for biological sex to lose importance.
I'll go over your questions:
Why should gender continue to be a thing?
I think you meant biological sex here. It's important to keep a little bit of it for medical purposes. Also imo it's possible for a culture to give it importance without ending up with a system that makes people feel awful sometimes.
What does gender actually mean, if sexism is to be eradicated?
I guess it'll just be a trait of a person in a similar way skin color is a trait of someone's body but like, with way more dimensions. It's kinda hard to put rules around this. Maybe it's just an answer to the question "What am I?".
Is it bad I view my womanhood as just a body type?
Lol do what you want it's your womanhood, your body and your you. There's nothing bad here and you're free to decide for yourself.
Is [not feeling much gender about your body] transphobic?
Doesn't feel transphobic to me, but anyone reading this is free to give their own take on this and the rest of what you said.
Idk what else to say so thanks for the ask and have a safe self discovery journey! Feel free to dm me or send another ask if you want to talk or me to add something to this.
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chronic-irony · 1 year
Hey hey hey! Pinned post!
About myself:
I go by Ivy
I'm 19 ('04 bitches make some noise!!!)
My pronouns are she/her and he/him
I'm a transfeminine butch lesbian
I prefer masculine titles or terms used for me. You can call me a good boy, prettyboy, etc etc. I am more than okay with that <3
About this blog:
First and foremost this blog is dedicated to... well, whatever I want. I reblog a bunch of stuff on here, and some posts of mine might just be throwaway jokes or shitposts. That being said, this blog's genuine purpose is to act as a repository for my creative writing. I've always kept anything I've written lying in scattered, abandoned google docs, but this blog serves to thrust my penmanship into the light of day. I don't have a tried-and-true style or genre that I write in, so expect my posts to be varied (and a little messy lol).
The content I produce (and the posts I reblog) will be a mixed bag of SFT and NSFT, with the latter being mostly found in my reblogs. With that, I'd like to make the following unambiguously clear:
MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. Neither my content, nor my reblogs, are at all guaranteed to be safe or suitable for minors 100% of the time. For your safety, and my sanity, 18+ please.
In addition to the previous statement, the rules of engagement with my blog are as follows:
DNI: Racists, TERFS/Transphobes, Homophobes, Ableists, Transmedicalists, Conservatives, Anti-communists, Stalin Supporters (Except if you're funny/make good content; your auth daddy still isnt a proletarian hero tho), Fascists, Fascist sympathizers, etc etc etc this isn't an exhaustive list but the gist is: I'm a neurodivergent gender-nonconforming transgender lesbian communist, if any of those words are ticking alarm bells in your head, leave.
Cishet men DNI. Queer, gay and trans men can interact, just be respectful.
I will tag my posts appropriate to their content, i.e. if I reblog horny shit I'll tag it as #nsft, etc etc. Feel free to block any tags you don't wanna see! :3
My DMS are open btw, just don't be weird. I use the block button liberally.
I might open my ask box incase anyone wants to shoot me writing prompts maybe possibly? Pending on that.
If there's anything else to list I'll add it later, but I believe that is all.
Play ball, fuck hard, and be yourself <3
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kitkatisinspace · 3 years
𝗜𝗻𝗳𝗼 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗺𝗲 𝗯𝗰 𝘄𝗵𝘆 𝗻𝗼𝘁
Hello stranger! Welcome to my blog and to my pinned post, in this case. You are probably reading this because you are stalking me or considering to follow me (if you are not you should consider it y'now?), so keep reading. Also if you see this on your dashboard this works better on the "web" blog I don't know how to say it. Like, when you go to the url.com that thing. So go, what are you waiting for?
I'll put a cut because this is infinite. I don't want you to be scrolling till death if you don't want to read. I recommend reading it though. Well, if you're already a mutual you don't have to.
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𝓑𝓪𝓼𝓲𝓬 𝓭𝓪𝓽𝓪
First off, you can call me Kat! I have my name in the blog title but anyway, it could be useful.
Any pronouns. I'm agender and I don't have preferences for pronouns, so as you like, I don't really mind.
English is NOT my first language, expect a lot of mistakes. I usually check a couple of times what I post, but sometimes I'm too lazy to do it. This post is the best example (I'm not checking and I won't do it).
I get bored easily. That's it that's the point.
I don't know what else to put here, I'm a dumb bitch. What do people even put on these? I'm just improvising, sorry.
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𝓐𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓶𝔂 𝓫𝓵𝓸𝓰
Surprise! I don't know how to draw, I don't know how to write and I don't know how to communicate with people! Have I mentioned that my English sucks? No? Well, there you have, then.
I can't be on two fandoms or like two shows at the same time (in this case), so don't expect me to post about anything else that isn't JoJo's. Also, expect tons of shitpost or me just talking about things that happen to me.
Every now and then I post something interesting, but not that much. My two most popular posts are an Araki drawing of Caesar and Joseph and a comment on TikTok about Stardust Crusaders and how fucking sad it is.
I used to talk a lot about DIO. Now I don't do it much, but just wait till I rewatch Stardust Crusaders. My gallery is filled with pics and videos of DIO, just you wait.
Caejose is my current brainrot, but I don't post much about it because I suck at headcanons. I think about old Caesar in Stardust Crusaders a l o t, but I just imagine specific scenarios, so that's why I don't post them (oh shit I just had a déja-vu).
I sometimes post about my dreams, when I'm not too embarrassed of them. I once dreamed with Abbachio poledancing, another one with Bucciarati and me in a jacuzzi and the last one I had I was hiding with Caesar in some secret place, I don't remember the context. My dreams are elite I don't care what y'all say.
I love tag and ask games, so feel free to tag me. I'm bored 80% of the day. If you like you can leave a random ask, I don't mind. Actually, I like random asks. Do it.
Also, I have like "sections" of my blog, like tags. "Kat draws" where I... post my sketches???, "Kat is mad" where I just post random stuff I'm mad at, "Kat kats"... I don't know what this is about it's me in my most pure state, that's why it's called "kats". I had to invent a verb.
If you see this tag ":]" on a post (most likely to be sth about DIO), hell is going to unleash on the rest of the tags. You can check it for yourself just by searching it on my profile.
Everyone is welcomed here and I want y'all to feel safe on my blog, unless...
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𝓓𝓸 𝓷𝓸𝓽 𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽...
(I have to fix this part but it's 1 am I'll do it tomorrow ig)
If you are or support proshippers, this is not your blog, I'm sorry. I'm not comfortable with you around here.
If you are TERF/rad-fem. I don't share your ideals, sorry. I'm not comfortable with you around here either.
If you are or support pedophiles, racist, homophobic, transphobic people. Don't be an asshole please, open your eyes.
I want this to be a safe place for everyone and you are a threat to my goal.
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𝓕𝓾𝓻𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓲𝓷𝓯𝓸 𝓪𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓶𝓮
Well, you can skip this, this will be long.
I'm dumb af, you can notice in many of my posts but it's important to get this clear before starting.
I'm a minor. I don't mind adults interacting as long as they aren't weird and aren't mentioned in my do not interact. Thank you.
Sometimes I'm too friendly, but please do not misundertand my words. I'm aro and I don't want any relationship. Sorry if you're uncomfortable with how I talk, just tell me and I'll stop.
I think I'm funny but I'm not.
I don't know how to communicate with people. I don't even know how to do it in my mother language, I don't know what you are expecting from me. I'd love to talk to you if you want though, I just suck and I'll probably run out of things to tell after 2 minutes of chatting.
I vent sometimes, but just trivial things. I think I do not have any TW to put like, in the general blog. If it is one, I'll put it on the specific post.
I get obsessed over a specific series, anime or book and I stick with it for months. In that time, I can't watch any other series or anime that isn't the one that I'm obsessed with at the moment. Right now I'm on my JJBA obsession.
Also, I've just watched the anime parts. I would start reading the manga, but I'm waiting for the Stone Ocean anime release. I don't know if I could wait til then though.
My personality type is INTP in MBTI and 5w4 in Enneagram. I was True Neutral in Alignment but I did the test on January. I have to do the tests again. By the way I know this tests aren't 100% accurate but it's the unstoppable need to try to know myself that keeps me inspiring me to do them on repeat, don't mind me. Annnd because I'm too lazy to read all the personalities one by one.
I don't know if anyone wants my Discord, but here it is anyways:
I usually forget things a lot so expect a bunch of "I was going to say/complain about something but I forgot what it was".
I had more things to put on here but I forgot so this section will be constantly updated.
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𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝔀𝓱𝔂
Again, the unstoppable need to know myself. Here's my kinwheel:
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If you don't know how this works, in the centre is my main kin, then medium or highkey kins and lastly, the lowkey ones.
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Get my blood sucked by DI- Oh no I shouldn't say this publicly sorry
That's it that's the section.
Recommend books and songs thank you
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𝓣𝓻𝓪𝓭𝓮 𝓸𝓯𝓯𝓮𝓻
I think that's it by now. Thank you for doing it this far! Now, can we be mutuals? Or besties maybe? I don't have much to offer, but here is my visual representation:
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If you want to know about my JJBA opinions search the tag #jjba 30 day challenge. I left it on day 6 but I'll continue soon. I promise.
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Well, now's definitely over. I hope you see me as a cool person because that's my goal in life. Also, I'm praying for this shit to work well on my blog, this ain't Amino.
Have a nice stay! Thank you for making it this far. And remember: you're cool, you're loved and you matter. Take care of yourself please. See ya.
Kat out ;)
PS: If you read this, you have to follow me, I don't make the rules /j
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