#isekai yururi kikou
tetrix-anime · 5 months
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Light Novel "Isekai Yururi Kikou: Kosodateshinagara Boukensha Shimasu" (A Journey Through Another World: Raising Kids While Adventuring) receives anime adaptation. Teaser Visual. Premiere: 2024
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rehncohro · 1 year
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Some manga I'd love to see anime adaptations of one of these days. 
> Hitomi-chan Is Shy With Strangers 
> 365 Days To The Wedding/Are You Really Getting Married? 
> Isekai Yururi Kikou - Raising Children While Being an Adventurer
> My Girl
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newsintheshell · 1 month
Confermate altre quattro serie per aprile e già due anime estivi: A Journey Through Another World e Wistoria!
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Pensavate che l'aver svelato ufficialmente il pannello generale con il palinsesto primaverile (che ho già aggiornato peraltro) appena da un paio di giorni, potesse veramente mettere un freno alla tendenza compulsiva di Crunchyroll di dispensare annunci a più non posso? Ah, sweet summer child! Qua di seguito trovate le novità rivelate all'edizione 2024 della convention messicana La Mole 😎
🔶🔸ROOT/ROUTE OF ODDTAXI - Dal 2 aprile
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Dopo l'anime e il film, sta per arrivare in catalogo anche la serie live action tratta dallo spinoff dell'interessante pulp mystery ideato da Kazuya Konomoto!
Trama: La serie televisiva RoOT è una storia originale basata sulle vicissitudini della coppia di giovani investigatori del manga RoOT/Route of OddTaxi, pubblicato sul sito web Darupanada Big Comic Superior. La serie dipana il mistero "umano" che circonda Sato, una sfortunata e ottimista recluta che lavora per Reina.
🔶🔸SOUND! EUPHONIUM (Stagione 3) - Dal 7 aprile
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Il magistrale musical drama di Kyoto Animation (Tsurune, Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid), ispirato all'originale romanzo firmato Ayano Takeda, sta finalmente per tornare!
Le prime due stagioni dell'anime sono entrambe già su Crunchyroll, mentre il film spinoff intitolato Liz e l’Uccellino Azzurro è stato distribuito da Anime Factory, sia in streaming che in home video.
Purtroppo, rimangono ancora inediti il film Our Promise: A Brand New Day e l'OAV sull’Ensemble Contest Arc.
Trama: Eupho raggiunge finalmente l'arco narrativo del terzo anno! L'attesa stagione 3 di Sound! Euphonium inizierà in primavera. La banda de liceo Kitauji ha più di novanta musicisti. Oumae Kumiko ora è la presidentessa e fa il suo meglio per la riuscita delle ultime attività del club della sua scuola, tentando di vincere il suo a lungo agognato oro ai nazionali.
🔶🔸UNNAMED MEMORY - Dal 9 aprile
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Si aggiunge al palinsesto primaverile anche la serie animata basata sull’adventure fantasy romance novel di Kuji Furumiya, in produzione presso lo studio ENGI (Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai!, La novella alchimista apre bottega).
L'adattamento televisivo è diretto da Kazuya Miura (Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs, KanColle: See You Again on Another Quiet Blue Sea).
Trama: Nel tentativo di rompere una maledizione che affligge la sua casata, il principe Oscar inizia un viaggio che lo conduce da una potente e stupenda strega, Tinasha, e le chiede un accordo: un matrimonio. Anche se la proposta non la entusiasma, lei accetta di restare nel castello per un anno, mentre cerca di capire l'incantesimo che ha colpito il principe. Ma dietro la sua bellezza si nasconde una vita di oscuri segreti che presto verranno alla luce.
🔶🔸DATE A LIVE (Stagione 5) - Dal 10 aprile
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Confermato l'arrivo dell'attesa quinta stagione della popolare action sci-fantasy romcom tratta dalla novel di Koushi Tachibana.
Come vi avevo anticipato, sta venendo realizzata dallo studio Geek Toys (Migi & Dali, Dead Mount Death Play), sempre dietro alla regia di Jun Nakagawa (Date A Bullet, Date A Live IV). 
Vorrei potervi dire che ora è possibile fare un mega rewatch dall'inizio, ma in catalogo continuano ancora oggi a latitare le prime due stagioni della serie e i sottotitoli in italiano per tutto il resto, eccezion fatta per la quarta stagione... 🥲
Trama: Ragazze graziose con poteri catastrofici? Sembra un macello! Questi Spiriti generano terremoti spaziali. La soluzione? Sconfiggerle… o sedurle. Shido Itsuka ha il fascino singolare necessario per far innamorare di lui gli Spiriti. Ma anche se Shido vuole solo salvare l'umanità, le industrie DEM vogliono solo sfruttare i poteri degli Spiriti. Riuscirà l'amore a vincere contro tutto? O la missione di Shido avrà un epilogo disastroso?
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Come era prevedibile, è arrivato con largo anticipo l'annuncio della trasmissione in simulcast della nuova serie action fantasy firmata dall'autore di DanMachi.
Con un epico primo teaser è stato annunciato ufficialmente che il manga, firmato da , ispirerà una serie il cui debutto è fissato per luglio.
L'adattamento del manga creato da Fujino Omori, assieme a Toshi Aoi, è affidato ad Actas (Princess Principal, Girls und Panzer) e Bandai Namco Pictures (Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari, Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun).
La serie è scritta e diretta da Tatsuya Yoshihara (Black Clover, Monster Musume: Everyday Life with Monster Girls).
Trama: Uno stacanovista ragazzo chiamato Will si iscrive in un'accademia di magia perché vuole diventare un grande stregone. Sfortunatamente, c'è un dettaglio alquanto fatale per il suo piano: non ha l'abilità di usare la magia. Tra le occhiatacce dei suoi compagni di classe e dei professori, Will si sente spesso scoraggiato, ma continua per la sua strada con determinazione incrollabile Non può usare le bacchette magiche, ma è abile con la spada e con essa dovrà farsi largo in un mondo dominato dalla magia. Deve solo credere nelle sue capacità e la promessa fatta a qualcuno di molto importante per lui…
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Gli annunci si chiudono, per ora, con la serie dell'isekai fantasy slice of life comedy di Shizuru Minazuki.
A portare la storia della light novel in tv troviamo Atsushi Nigorikawa (Beast Tamer, Genie Family - Il ritorno del Mago Pancione), che sta dirigendo il progetto presso lo studio EMT Squared (Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear, Fluffy Paradise), ormai specializzato in pucciosità seriale!
Trama: Kayano Takumi viene ucciso casualmente da un dio e si reincarna. Gli vengono concesse molte abilità e si ritrova in una pericolosa foresta infestata da mostri in un altro mondo. Nel fitto della foresta, Takumi incontra una ragazzina e un ragazzino che gli ricordano i suoi due gemelli, decide così di prendersi cura di loro e li chiama Allen ed Elena. Sorpreso della facilità con cui sconfiggono i mostri con le loro abilità combattive, Takumi va in città e si registra nella gilda degli avventurieri, per poterli crescere. Iniziano così le sue tranquille avventure, mentre guarda Allen ed Elena che crescono!
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Autore: SilenziO))) Se usate Twitter, mi trovate lì! 
blogger // anime enthusiast // twitch addict // unorthodox blackster - synthwave lover // penniless gamer // INFJ-T magus
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animemakeblog · 2 months
“Isekai Yururi Kikou” The First Promo for Summer 2024
The television anime Isekai Yururi Kikou: Kosodateshinagara Boukensha Shimasu (A Journey Through Another World: Raising Kids While Adventuring) unveiled the first promotional video on its official website. The anime is slated to debut on TV Tokyo, BS TV Tokyo, and additional stations in July 2024.
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colognedecigarette · 1 year
still furious that the protag of isekai yururi kikou got aged down from his thirties to his early twennies. we couldve had a young dilf with two kids but noooooooooooo got a fucking onii-san instead.
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I'm reading raising kids in another world and we at Wald's wedding who's this nigga crying at the reception? Do I need to read the light novel??
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wotakugofrance · 5 months
C’est via l’ouverture d’un site officiel pour le projet qu’a été annoncée ce jeudi l’adaptation en anime du light novel Isekai Yururi Kikou : Kosodateshinagara Boukensha Shimasu (A Journey Through Another World : Raising Kids While Adventuring). Une affiche promotionnelle ainsi que de premières informations concernant la production de la série ont été dévoilées pour l’occasion. Isekai Yururi Kikou : l'anime qui mélange aventure et éducation d'enfants dans l'autre monde Dans Isekai Yururi Kikou, nous suivons les péripéties de Takumi Kayano, un jeune homme réincarné dans un autre monde suite à une mauvaise manipulation d’un dieu. Comme si cela ne suffisait pas, la divinité l’a fait apparaître par erreur en plein cœur d’une dangereuse forêt infestée de monstres ! Désormais doté de diverses compétences, il parvient heureusement à se frayer un chemin dans ce territoire hostile.Sur sa route, il rencontre ce qui semble être d’étranges jeunes jumeaux. Après les avoir nommés Allen et Elena, Takumi décide de les prendre sous sa protection, bien que les talents en arts martiaux de ces derniers paraissent suffisants pour éliminer la plupart des créatures de la forêt…Malgré sa surprise et sa situation inhabituelle, Takumi finit par atteindre une ville et s’inscrit alors à la guilde des aventuriers pour pouvoir gagner sa vie. C’est ainsi que commence sa grande aventure dans un nouveau monde plein de mystères, au cours de laquelle il devra non seulement surmonter de nombreuses épreuves, mais aussi veiller à la bonne croissance d’Allen et Elena ! Pour incarner les jumeaux Allen et Elena : les comédiennes et soeurs Aina Suzuki et Miharu Hanai ! C’est l’anecdote mignonne et amusante de la série : pour incarner les personnages d’Allen et d’Elena, présentés comme des jumeaux dans l’histoire, le comité de production a fait appel aux comédiennes Aina Suzuki et Miharu Hanai, deux vraies sœurs originaires de Chitose à Hokkaido.Aina Suzuki a déjà prêté sa voix à Jashin-chan dans l’anime Dropkick on My Devil! et à Yosshii dans Arrête de me chauffer Nagatoro. De son côté, Miharu Hanai a joué le rôle de Reine dans l’anime Noble New World Adventures et celui de Twin Turbo dans Umamusume: Pretty Derby. Quand sortira l'anime Isekai Yururi Kikou ? Pour le moment, la date de sortie de l’anime Isekai Yururi Kikou est programmée pour le courant de l’année 2024 au Japon. Sa période de diffusion exacte sera indiquée ultérieurement. Production et informations complémentaires Cet anime est basé sur le light novel éponyme de Shizuru Minazuki et Yamakawa, publié par l’éditeur japonais Alphapolis depuis avril 2017.Le projet est réalisé par Atsushi Nigorikawa au studio d’animation EMT Squared. Le studio Bros.Bird est nommé à l’assistance de la production. Le reste du personnel créatif n’a pas été précisé pour le moment.Sources : isekai-yururi-anime.jp, communiqué de presse Source: Animotaku
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novelvip · 2 years
『I’m terribly sorry…』 A god was suddenly prostrating in front of Kayano Takumi. He was apparently killed by mistake. Moreover, he can’t be reborn again. However, he is able to live in a different world? Then, let’s do that, please. The god made a mistake again and transferred me into a dangerous forest. Seriously, what’s going on? Besides, there are children here. I can’t leave them here, I will take care of them.
“I am terribly sorry!”
Who are you?
An unknown silver-haired youth is suddenly prostrating in front of me on the floor.
Around 20 years old...... I think he’s younger than me.
Because he’s facing the floor without flinching, I can’t see his face.
I don’t understand...... why? I think that he surely has a well-featured face.
The reason why he’s prostrating in front of me is unknown.
Because I have woken up in this unknown place just several minutes ago.
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kaleyia · 3 years
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ceratioidei · 4 years
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tetrix-anime · 2 months
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Isekai Yururi Kikou: Kosodateshinagara Boukensha Shimasu (A Journey Through Another World: Raising Kids While Adventuring) - New Key Visual and PV. Premiere: July 2024
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saiyef · 5 years
Raising Children in a Fantasy Setting
I don’t know why but I really come to like this specific niche, where, in either in an Isekai/Native Isekai, the Main Character just finds a child, adopts that child and spends the series raising the child. Series that are part of that niche are:
Isekai Yururi Kikou: Raising Children While Being An Adventurer
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Summary: After the god, Sylphyleel, accidentally killed him, Takumi Kayano is transported to another world by Syphyleel in a younger body and with OP abilities in order to make amends. While grinding in the woods, Takumi finds twin children who he names Allen and Elena. Allen and Elena are also OP and Takumi decides to raise them also becoming an adventurer with them as his party.
Thoughts: This series is just fluff. It’s just Takumi being a nice dad while twins are cute and happy, with some standard Isekai adventuring and fighting sprinkled in that has no tension due to Takumi and the twins being so OP. There’s really no emotional depth or tension beyond that. It’s just cute happy fluff.
Boukensha ni Naritai to Miyako ni Deteitta Musume ga S Rank ni Natteta
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Summary: Belgrieve is a middle-aged man who was once an adventurer but quit after losing his leg not long after he started his career. He retired to his hometown in the countryside where he more or less lived a quiet life, occasionally helping his neighbours with farm work, collecting herbs or patrolling for monsters. One fateful, he finds a baby in the woods and adopts her. Naming her Angeline, he raises her and trains her in swordsmanship until one day she decides to become an adventurer herself and leaves for the capital. Now, Belgrieve is in his 40s still living a quiet life in the village while Angie has become as S-rank adventurer but is desperate for time off so she can go home and visit her dad.
Thoughts: This is a pleasant series. It follows two plot threads, of Belgrieve living in the countryside helping his neighbours and reminiscing on his days raising Angie and of Angie working as an adventurer in the capital with her party. Belgrieve is just really nice man who just wants to help his neighbours but is somewhat self-deprecating due to his failed career as an adeventurer. Angie completely idolises and adores her father and is desperate to visit him but is constantly obstructed from doing so by the adventurers guild being short-handed and needing Angie to deal with crisis after crisis, but still doing so anyway due being raised by her father to be just as generous and selfless as he is. There seems to be a bigger plot ahead with a Demon King, but right now it’s just slice-of-life of Belgrieve and Angie living their lives.
I'm a Middle-Aged Man Who Got My Adventurer License Revoked
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Summary: Douglas Ford was once legendary adventurer to the point of being called the World’s Strongest Magician and a member of the Hero’s party. Now, as a 37 year old man, he is suffering from deteriorating health that comes with his age but his most distressing ailment is a mysterious disease that slowly, but permanently, lowers his Max HP every time he uses a magic skill. The Hero's party forces him out and the adventurer's guild revokes his license after he fails a few quests. A few months later, while Douglas wanders aimless and alone doing whatever menial job he can find, he encounters a demon...only to discover it’s a human transformed by a curse. He attempts to cure the person with a magic skill, despite the fact that such an act would kill him...except the spell was deflected and hit him instead, curing him of his “disease” which turned out to be curse. He then cures the demon, who turns out to be a young girl called Ravi. Douglas decides to take Ravi to find her a home and also find out the reason he got cursed in the first place.
Thoughts: I love this story and Douglas in particular. Douglas is a guy who wants to live for the sake of helping people and became an adventurer for that purpose. When he loses his job, he desperately tries to convince the guild to give back his license only to get rebuffed with cold indifference by the guild and laughed at by the other adventurers. When he leaves, he’s pretty much just biding his time until the day he dies and is completely and utterly alone, with no family or friends. When he starts travelling with Ravi, he struggles a lot with his decisions regarding Ravi (such as whether or not he should keep his distance with her) and makes plenty of mistakes but he always acknowledges what he did wrong and decides to become a better parent with what he learned from that mistake. He started out as someone who’s life more or less ended and struggled to decide what to do with his life afterward, finding joy in becoming a parent and living for someone else’s sake.
Maid kara Haha ni Narimashita
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Summary: When a high school girl dies in an accident, she’s reincarnated as “Lily Ruzsa,” a girl that became the friend then maid to a noble’s daughter. That same daughter married the crown prince, and thus Lily became the “Royal Maid” that helped with issues around the palace. One day, she’s unexpectedly asked to work for the powerful magician, Leonard Mariel, who has taken in Jill, a young girl with lots of magical potential, and he wants Lily to move into his household to be her mother, because unlike the other women he’s asked she doesn’t try to seduce him or marry him so he trusts Lily to focus on raising Jill over forcefully forming a romance with him like said other women. Lily agrees, moves into Leonard’s household to raise Jill alongside Leonard and his 3 contract Spirits forming close-knit family.
Thoughts: This series is heartwarming, sad and very funny. Lily is very strict and outspoken around but is also very loving. She quickly loves Jill and devotes everything to raising Jill, maintaining the household, cooking meals for everyone and so on. She’s also pained by her memories of her previous life (in particular her loved ones she left behind) filling her with sadness and regret and also resulting in her having an intense aversion to romance and getting married like her mother nags her to do, conflicting with her growing feelings toward Leonard. Leonard is a man who, while a talented mage, struggles to communicate and socially interact with other people due to his troubled upbringing, in particular constantly causing misunderstandings with others with blunt way of speaking or not speaking at all. Despite this, he is a caring man as he found out that Jill had a similar troubled upbringing and wanted to make sure she grew up happy with Lily’s help, all the while becoming more expressive and feeling thanks to Lily and Jill’s influence.
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kougeki-scans · 5 years
[RELEASE] Isekai Yururi Kikou Chapter 5
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Announcement: We didn’t release a chapter for these past few months since we found out after we released Chapter 3 that another group’s also doing it, so we were considering dropping the series. However, we decided to continue as they don’t upload on Mangadex and we don’t really want to let the project go. But… our translator got busy and no one can replace them since the others are too busy with their projects, so now we’re looking for translators… again. Please apply if you have the time for weekly/bi-weekly releases since that’s the schedule we’re going for to catch up with the raws quick!
Release 71 // [05.12.19]
We are currently looking for translators and redrawers! Please consider applying if you want to help out and have the time~
Read Online・Download
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animemakeblog · 5 months
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“Isekai Yururi Kikou” The Light Novel For Receives TV Anime in 2024
A teaser image for the television anime adaptation of Shizuru Minazuki's light novel Isekai Yururi Kikou: Kosodateshinagara Boukensha Shimasu (A Journey Through Another World: Raising Kids While Adventuring) was unveiled on the official website. The 2024 release date of the anime is set.
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ichigo-post · 3 years
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Isekai Yururi Kikou: Raising Children While Being An Adventurer
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sapphire-swan3536 · 5 years
Isekai Manga
(An overview of the genre, with a few manga recommendations sprinkled throughout)
Ok, let’s talk about isekais. 
You probably know the term by now; it’s been thrown around a bunch in the anime community, especially with the Shield Hero’s huge burst in popularity (proud to say that I followed the manga way before the anime released). 
What Does It Mean?
Simply put, “isekai” is a shortened version of the Japanese word for “another world”. Usual characteristics of isekais include the main character getting transported to a different world, whether by being summoned as “the chosen one”, or dying and being reincarnated. 
There’s been a sudden increase of interest in the genre of isekai recently, so Japan, along with China and Korea, is serializing manga/manhwa/manhua like crazy. Of course, there’s a marketing aspect involved too, which usually just makes it clear that certain aspects of the story (*cough* or all, if you’re talking about “In Another World With My Smartphone”) are specifically catered to the interests/fetishes of the masses.
That means nowadays most (Shounen) isekai stories usually include:
- Catgirls
- Harems
- OP protagonist
- Hot girl sidekick of the protagonist
- Girl who is amazed by OPness of the protagonist, but stays for his “personality”
- Romance, but not really (as in it reads like it’s written by a 4-year-old who knows exactly 3 copy-and-paste anime girl tropes)
-Used to be useless protagonist (jobless, otaku) becomes “the chosen one” and is summoned/reincarnated into a different world where he is the most powerful/smart
Honestly, some are cliche but entertaining somehow nonetheless (Shikkaku Mon no Saikyou Kenja (very, very OP and cliche), and Tenseishichatta yo (focuses more on family; better characters and plot than Saikyou))
Quick Recommendation Overview of Shounen Isekais:
(most of these are pretty unique, for isekais)
- Isekai Yakkyoku (A doctor gets reincarnated and uses his medical knowledge to help the world he reincarnates into, slowly becoming a renowned physician.)
- Tenseishichatta yo (Iya, Gomen) (Pretty textbook isekai, except the boy who reincarnates had a bad relationship with his family, and gets a great family in his second life, which is rather sweet)
- Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi (Guy basically roams around the world freely with an OP wolf-friend, an adorable slime companion, and cooking skill. Chill, laid-back manga)
- Isekai Yururi Kikou: Raising Children While Being an Adventurer (Exactly what it sounds like; MC spawns in a new world, sees children, Dad instincts kick in, and they’re traveling and hunting together. Pure, wholesome, family manga.)
- Saikyou Juzoku Tensei: Cheat Majutsushi no Slow Life (Eh, if you’re bored, it’ll do; no interesting plot to really speak of)
- Moto Sekai Ichi’i Subchara Ikusei Nikki: Hai Player, Isekai wo Kouryakuchuu! (Pretty standard isekai, but it’s entertaining, and there aren’t enough chapters to judge the plot yet since it’s relatively new. MC commits suicide and is reincarnated as one of his sub characters in a game he played before death.)
- My Status as An Assassin Obviously Exceeds The Brave’s (OP, calculating MC with the assassin title; relatively new, but has a lot of potential)
- The World’s Best Assasin, Reincarnated (Exactly what it sounds like. Cold MC, scanlation’s on the 2nd chapter, so it’s much too early to judge anything, but yunno, assassins)
- Isekai Shokudou (a seinen; very relaxing, uplifting manga about a magical cafe that opens its doors to another world every Saturday, focusing on the way food is a part of culture, life, and how it can bring great happiness)
(Not an Isekai, but if you like Isekais, you’ll probably like Solo Leveling. Legitimately the best manhwa I’ve ever read. Incredible story, amazing fight scenes, art is <3, and character development is through the roof.)
Of course, I’m not only coming after the Shounen Isekais. There are shoujo isekais as well, and just like the shounen ones, there are godly ones that leave you hanging on every word, and there are... not as good ones.
One main shoujo isekai trope that’s been really standing out recently is a trope featuring the main female protagonist being reincarnated into the world of an “otome game”, or a dating simulation for girls, but as the villain, or a mob character. Alternate tropes include being reincarnated into a novel’s world, etc.
The main focus is that the MC knows what is going to happen (often a “bad ending” for the character they’ve reincarnated to), and the story is the development of how they try to avoid their bad end. (Most feature romance) Some are a bit cheap, with their MCs being bland Mary-Sues, but others really dive into the fantasy world, often featuring a sharp, witty protagonist. I’ll recommend both though, as they are all quite enjoyable.
Shoujo Isekai Manga Recommendation Overview:
Manga with the above-mentioned trope will be marked with a !
- ! Otome Game no Hametsu Flag Shika Nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei Shite Shimatta... (The OG of the Otome Game trope: Bakarina. Although it’s the OG, it’s not the best in its trope. Still worth a read; not much re-read value though)
- ! I’m a Villainous Daughter, so I’m Going to Keep the Last Boss (Unlike Bakarina, you feel a lot more pity for this protag; nicely written MC and stoic but softy on the inside love interest (who, as the title implies) is the Demon King)
- ! The Villainess is Adored by the Crown Prince of the Neighboring Kingdom
- ! I Swear I won’t Bother You Again! (Technically not a reincarnation, as Violette, the MC, gets rewound in time by one year, and this time, swears to not make the same mistakes again)
- ! Of Course, I’ll Claim Palimony! (Smart MC; relatively new)
- ! The Banished Villainess! Living the Leisurely Life of a Nun Making Revolutionary Church Food (legit the title is the summary)
- I’m a Spider, So What? (kinda slow-pace seinen type; MC gets reincarnated into a spider, and levels up, gaining skills and experiences (starting to pick up a good plot in recent chapters, though))
- Mata, Kataomou (The tear-jerker; Wishing for her love to come back to life, the MC is transported to an alternate universe where he never died, only to find that he didn’t remember her. She rebuilds their relationship from scratch.)
- ! Fiancee’s Observation Log of the Self-Proclaimed Villainess (unique isekai, told in the POV of the fiance of the reincarnator. Reincarnator is well-meaning girl, who’s a bit dense, while our MC is a cold genius, slowly warming up to the good-willed reincarnator)
- ! Lady Rose Wants to be a Commoner
- ! The Reason Why Raeliana Ended up at the Duke’s Mansion (Intelligent MC, well-written storyline, romantic witty banter between MC and the duke; my personal favorite)
- ! Who Made Me a Princess (Focus on family; father-daughter relationship, some nice potential romance brewing in recent chapters, a clever MC)
- ! Doctor Elise (Mary-Sue MC; Basically Isekai Yakkyoku’s plot with a female MC and romance)
Manhuas in isekai don’t really match up, unfortunately, so they didn’t make it on the list, despite there being quite a few in my bookmark list.
And that’s the overview, folks! 
There’s quite a lot I skipped over, so feel free to message me, or reblog with your own recommendations! 
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