#route of oddtaxy
newsintheshell · 1 month
Confermate altre quattro serie per aprile e già due anime estivi: A Journey Through Another World e Wistoria!
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Pensavate che l'aver svelato ufficialmente il pannello generale con il palinsesto primaverile (che ho già aggiornato peraltro) appena da un paio di giorni, potesse veramente mettere un freno alla tendenza compulsiva di Crunchyroll di dispensare annunci a più non posso? Ah, sweet summer child! Qua di seguito trovate le novità rivelate all'edizione 2024 della convention messicana La Mole 😎
🔶🔸ROOT/ROUTE OF ODDTAXI - Dal 2 aprile
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Dopo l'anime e il film, sta per arrivare in catalogo anche la serie live action tratta dallo spinoff dell'interessante pulp mystery ideato da Kazuya Konomoto!
Trama: La serie televisiva RoOT è una storia originale basata sulle vicissitudini della coppia di giovani investigatori del manga RoOT/Route of OddTaxi, pubblicato sul sito web Darupanada Big Comic Superior. La serie dipana il mistero "umano" che circonda Sato, una sfortunata e ottimista recluta che lavora per Reina.
🔶🔸SOUND! EUPHONIUM (Stagione 3) - Dal 7 aprile
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Il magistrale musical drama di Kyoto Animation (Tsurune, Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid), ispirato all'originale romanzo firmato Ayano Takeda, sta finalmente per tornare!
Le prime due stagioni dell'anime sono entrambe già su Crunchyroll, mentre il film spinoff intitolato Liz e l’Uccellino Azzurro è stato distribuito da Anime Factory, sia in streaming che in home video.
Purtroppo, rimangono ancora inediti il film Our Promise: A Brand New Day e l'OAV sull’Ensemble Contest Arc.
Trama: Eupho raggiunge finalmente l'arco narrativo del terzo anno! L'attesa stagione 3 di Sound! Euphonium inizierà in primavera. La banda de liceo Kitauji ha più di novanta musicisti. Oumae Kumiko ora è la presidentessa e fa il suo meglio per la riuscita delle ultime attività del club della sua scuola, tentando di vincere il suo a lungo agognato oro ai nazionali.
🔶🔸UNNAMED MEMORY - Dal 9 aprile
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Si aggiunge al palinsesto primaverile anche la serie animata basata sull’adventure fantasy romance novel di Kuji Furumiya, in produzione presso lo studio ENGI (Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai!, La novella alchimista apre bottega).
L'adattamento televisivo è diretto da Kazuya Miura (Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs, KanColle: See You Again on Another Quiet Blue Sea).
Trama: Nel tentativo di rompere una maledizione che affligge la sua casata, il principe Oscar inizia un viaggio che lo conduce da una potente e stupenda strega, Tinasha, e le chiede un accordo: un matrimonio. Anche se la proposta non la entusiasma, lei accetta di restare nel castello per un anno, mentre cerca di capire l'incantesimo che ha colpito il principe. Ma dietro la sua bellezza si nasconde una vita di oscuri segreti che presto verranno alla luce.
🔶🔸DATE A LIVE (Stagione 5) - Dal 10 aprile
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Confermato l'arrivo dell'attesa quinta stagione della popolare action sci-fantasy romcom tratta dalla novel di Koushi Tachibana.
Come vi avevo anticipato, sta venendo realizzata dallo studio Geek Toys (Migi & Dali, Dead Mount Death Play), sempre dietro alla regia di Jun Nakagawa (Date A Bullet, Date A Live IV). 
Vorrei potervi dire che ora è possibile fare un mega rewatch dall'inizio, ma in catalogo continuano ancora oggi a latitare le prime due stagioni della serie e i sottotitoli in italiano per tutto il resto, eccezion fatta per la quarta stagione... 🥲
Trama: Ragazze graziose con poteri catastrofici? Sembra un macello! Questi Spiriti generano terremoti spaziali. La soluzione? Sconfiggerle… o sedurle. Shido Itsuka ha il fascino singolare necessario per far innamorare di lui gli Spiriti. Ma anche se Shido vuole solo salvare l'umanità, le industrie DEM vogliono solo sfruttare i poteri degli Spiriti. Riuscirà l'amore a vincere contro tutto? O la missione di Shido avrà un epilogo disastroso?
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Come era prevedibile, è arrivato con largo anticipo l'annuncio della trasmissione in simulcast della nuova serie action fantasy firmata dall'autore di DanMachi.
Con un epico primo teaser è stato annunciato ufficialmente che il manga, firmato da , ispirerà una serie il cui debutto è fissato per luglio.
L'adattamento del manga creato da Fujino Omori, assieme a Toshi Aoi, è affidato ad Actas (Princess Principal, Girls und Panzer) e Bandai Namco Pictures (Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari, Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun).
La serie è scritta e diretta da Tatsuya Yoshihara (Black Clover, Monster Musume: Everyday Life with Monster Girls).
Trama: Uno stacanovista ragazzo chiamato Will si iscrive in un'accademia di magia perché vuole diventare un grande stregone. Sfortunatamente, c'è un dettaglio alquanto fatale per il suo piano: non ha l'abilità di usare la magia. Tra le occhiatacce dei suoi compagni di classe e dei professori, Will si sente spesso scoraggiato, ma continua per la sua strada con determinazione incrollabile Non può usare le bacchette magiche, ma è abile con la spada e con essa dovrà farsi largo in un mondo dominato dalla magia. Deve solo credere nelle sue capacità e la promessa fatta a qualcuno di molto importante per lui…
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Gli annunci si chiudono, per ora, con la serie dell'isekai fantasy slice of life comedy di Shizuru Minazuki.
A portare la storia della light novel in tv troviamo Atsushi Nigorikawa (Beast Tamer, Genie Family - Il ritorno del Mago Pancione), che sta dirigendo il progetto presso lo studio EMT Squared (Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear, Fluffy Paradise), ormai specializzato in pucciosità seriale!
Trama: Kayano Takumi viene ucciso casualmente da un dio e si reincarna. Gli vengono concesse molte abilità e si ritrova in una pericolosa foresta infestata da mostri in un altro mondo. Nel fitto della foresta, Takumi incontra una ragazzina e un ragazzino che gli ricordano i suoi due gemelli, decide così di prendersi cura di loro e li chiama Allen ed Elena. Sorpreso della facilità con cui sconfiggono i mostri con le loro abilità combattive, Takumi va in città e si registra nella gilda degli avventurieri, per poterli crescere. Iniziano così le sue tranquille avventure, mentre guarda Allen ed Elena che crescono!
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Autore: SilenziO))) Se usate Twitter, mi trovate lì! 
blogger // anime enthusiast // twitch addict // unorthodox blackster - synthwave lover // penniless gamer // INFJ-T magus
0 notes
vicholas · 8 days
Did you know there's an Odd Taxi spinoff airing right now, simulcast on Crunchyroll? It's called Root -Route of OddTaxi- and it's live action. Yano is there
Oh, I was aware of the Route of Oddtaxi manga. It's an alternate POV retelling of the anime featuring the characters as humans, drawn by the same artist as the main manga adaptation. Unfortunately it's untranslated, but I hope that changes eventually. I'd like to read it someday.
I didn't know it was being adapted to live action. I get why they chose live action but eh I'm not sure if I'm interested tbh. I also don't think I'm interested if Yano is not a cute little furry wow who wrote that.
I do wanna rewatch the anime one of these days. It's been a good while since I last watched it.
21 notes · View notes
theanimeview · 2 years
Why “Wakaba Flourishing” is a Masterful Episode
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Source: Episode 20, Revolutionary Girl Utena
By: Beata Garrett | @zhongxia246
It’s difficult to pick one episode of Revolutionary Girl Utena (1997) as my favorite because they all lend weight to the overall story and the themes. Removing one, even the silliest such as “The Cowbell of Happiness,” feels wrong. However, I can safely say that Episode 20, titled “Wakaba Flourishing” is not only one of my favorite episodes, but one that deserves to be rewatched solely by itself for what it brings to the table.
Revolutionary Girl Utena is no stranger to fleshing out its side characters and making even the most unlikeable and shallow-seeming ones complex and fascinating. “Wakaba Flourishing” is special though because Wakaba doesn’t have the same level of a relationship with one of the council members or Utena in the same way as someone like Nanami or Shiori. Wakaba is Utena’s supportive friend, nothing more than that, and that’s one of the aspects that makes Episode 20 so successful. The show understands how it’s depicted Wakaba up to this point and how the audience views her so its focus on her struggles are rooted in that very “ordinary-ness” that she conveyed.
This post is an in-depth look at how “Wakaba Flourishing” peers into the inner lives of the “ordinary” at Ohtori Academy and theories about visual symbols throughout it. If you’ve read my other post, “Why ODDTAXI’s Episode 4 is a Masterpiece” (https://theanimeview.com/2022/01/18/why-oddtaxis-episode-4-is-a-masterpiece/), this post will be similar to that one.
Without further ado, let’s get into why “Wakaba Flourishing” is a masterful episode.
[Editor’s Note: Please assume from this point forward that everything–quotes, images, and summaries–in this post, unless cited otherwise, comes directly from Episode 20 of Revolutionary Girl Utena (1997). This post also goes into spoilers for the entire series. Thank you.]
Disclaimer: This post mentions domestic violence, which may be upsetting for readers, and I highly recommend looking up warnings if you plan to watch the entire show. Please click “Keep reading” if you’re comfortable with this warning.
The episode begins with Wakaba walking to her dorm amidst a voiceover of students talking about Saionji’s recent expulsion from the academy. Near the end of this voiceover, one girl says, “I really had a thing for him for a while there, too” and his previous popularity is made evident–as well as the fact that no one truly cared for him. Amidst this are flashbacks to the duel that caused Saionji to get expelled as he fought Utena and injured Touga when the latter jumped in front of Utena to “save” her.
As the girls continue talking, the show hammers in how pathetic Saionji has become in the eyes of the students and his previous admirers. He’s no longer special to them in the same way that the rest of the student council is. Yet, despite all this, the girls reminisce on how cool he was before he was expelled and wonder where he is now. Using this voiceover at the beginning of the episode conveys just what kind of image Saionji had built for himself at the academy and a larger commentary on the lookism that allowed him to prosper for as long as he did. As the audience, we know Saionji regularly hit Anthy and that his goal was to one-up Touga by achieving something eternal.
However, Saionji’s cruelty was ignored by everyone because he was an attractive boy who was good at kendo and who served on the student council. Even Wakaba, when she and Utena witnessed Saionji hitting Anthy, dismissed his violent tendencies and blamed the victim instead. Unfortunately, Saionji’s reputation hasn’t been completely damaged by his expulsion and instead given him a new air of mystery that works in his favor.
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As Wakaba walks home, it’s interesting to note how far away she is from the academy. Unlike Utena and the other council members, she lives off-campus. Her route home takes her down stairs and inclines, symbolizing that even in terms of where she lives, she’s not as special as those who are allowed to live on-campus. It also demonstrates how distant she is from the true core of Ohtori academy and the duels and power struggles that occur there. She lives amongst other “ordinary” people who live their everyday lives away from the academy and the show takes the time to show all of this so the reveal that Saionji is now living with Wakaba is made even more shocking.
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What’s really jarring to me is not Saionji actually living outside the academy, but that he’s no longer wearing his uniform. Costume design is really interesting to look at, especially in a show where the outfits are so homogenous for the most part. Saionji’s new outfit emphasizes how he’s fallen, especially when we see his uniform on a hanger in some shots, but also humanizes him. He’s always been a teenager, but only now does he look like one for the first time.
In the shot above, you can see Saionji’s bag is still there. He hasn’t made himself at home quite yet because he still holds out hope that he’ll return to the academy and regain his place there, but Wakaba’s decision to buy matching cups for them both indicates how serious she is about him and how much she wants him to stay. It’s a recipe for disaster as these two characters are clearly at odds with how invested they are in this relationship.
The Matching Cups
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Let’s get more into the matching cups themselves and what they could possibly represent.
First of all, they’re pretty cute and represent Saionji and Wakaba respectively, as seen by the bow on the sheep cup and the green bowtie on the ram one. As I mentioned before, Wakaba buying them indicates how much she wants Saionji to stay despite her agreeing to help him return to the academy. I don’t think she recognizes this desire yet as it’s a subconscious wish until she’s threatened by him actually about to leave and return to the academy (and to Anthy).
The matching cups also indicate to me that Saionji and Wakaba are more alike than perhaps either one would like to admit, and for a reason that may be unpalatable to them both. Sheep and rams aren’t seen as animals that are threatening or special in any way but as submissive, domesticated animals. Despite Saionji seeing himself and being seen by others as special, the matching cups and his role throughout the story is far from being anything special.
At the beginning, Saionji is almost bland and comical in how evil he is and it’s made clear after the first two episodes that he isn’t as big of a threat as the other council members, especially Touga. He’s easily manipulated by those around them and pushed into leaving school. When he does leave, he still believes Touga is a true friend and has his best interests at heart.
Saionji’s naive nature and role in the anime makes the matching cups very appropriate as, in the eyes of the audience, Saionji is ordinary and gullible too. He’s a supporting character who couldn’t even cut it as one of the big villains. By getting matching cups, Wakaba is noticing that the two are similar than he wants to admit and signaling this to the audience.
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It’s made immediately clear how much Saionji is manipulating Wakaba by playing upon her pity and love for him, but Wakaba isn’t entirely a victim either and is also using him, subconscious as it may be. When Wakaba arrives at the dorm, Saionji greets her. In response, she smiles and quickly locks the door. Wakaba’s first question to him is, “Did anyone come by?” and while it may come off as concern that he’ll be discovered living with her, I read these actions based on the fear that someone will take him away and the desire to keep him to herself.
Throughout the episode, Wakaba calls Saionji her “secret” and there’s a clear pleasure that she gets out of doing so. It makes her happy to feel relied on and she thinks to herself, “he was a distant dream that I thought I could never reach. When you think about it, I never could have had him.” These thoughts are important because they show how Wakaba’s love for Saionji now is partially based on possessing something that was previously unattainable. Despite his cruelty towards others and even her when he posted her love letter for everyone to see, she still helps him out because she wants to be close to him and to be special. Unlike all those other girls at the beginning who wondered where Saionji was, Wakaba knows where he is. In her mind, she’s different from them and has begun to be separated from ordinary people.
On Saionji’s end, he apologizes to Wakaba for still staying in her room but has no intention to leave. I find it funny and sad that Wakaba ignores most of his posturing and his flattery towards her as if she’s heard this before (and probably has), but the moment he pretends he’s leaving, she practically begs him to stay.
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Unfortunately, Wakaba never gets to ask him if he’d like to begin dating as she clearly wants to when they’re interrupted by a fellow student knocking. In one of the funniest bits in the show, Saionji promptly spider crawls away and hides under the bed. When he crawls out, he pretends to be cool again. It’s a ridiculous scene but emphasizes just how in love Wakaba is with him and what he represents that she’s willing to ignore his pathetic moments.
A Special Secret
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On the surface, Wakaba seems happy, but it’s shown that she’s neglecting other things in her life like hanging out with Utena to return to Saionji at home. Ironically, Wakaba’s desire to keep Saionji with her to make her special, as if some special quality of his will rub off on her, is similar to people’s desire to possess the Rose Bride or Sword of Dios throughout Revolutionary Girl Utena. By possessing both, a duelist is supposed to have “the power to revolutionize the world” yet no one has done it yet. Even Utena doesn’t revolutionize the world by the end of the series.
Saionji doesn’t actually make Wakaba more special, but the show implies that there is some change that comes over her. Utena notices it and asks Wakaba whether something good happened to her, which she laughs off. There’s a montage of Wakaba “flourishing” and doing well in school and, most importantly of all, being the center of attention. One question I’d like to pose though is whether this would’ve happened anyway without Saionji and I truly believe it would have. Rather than it being a case of Saionji transferring some special quality to her, I believe that this is more a result of distancing herself from Utena and of showing us the results of confidence.
When Wakaba is around Utena, Wakaba fades into the background. Even in terms of character design, Utena is meant to stand out amongst everyone, including the student council and we’ve never seen Wakaba around other people without Utena. Perhaps, when not focused on the most “special” person at the academy beside her, Wakaba truly does flourish. It’s also important to note that this kind of flourishing is one that our society typically deems successful–that is, Wakaba flourishes academically and socially, but, like many other successful characters in the series, there remains a fragility beneath this exterior. It’s surface level and built on a shaky foundation.
The Myth of Being Special
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As Utena’s curiosity over Wakaba’s recent change increases, she turns to a recently growing confidante and the true antagonist of the show, Akio. By this point, Akio has successfully charmed her into believing they’re truly friends or that, at the very least, she’s found a caring and trustworthy adult to talk to about her problems. Instead of telling Utena to talk to Wakaba though and communicate in a healthy manner, Akio only isolates Utena more by perpetuating the myth of being special.
Akio even tries to sever Utena’s ability to empathize with Wakaba by telling her, “You wouldn’t understand, would you? You’re born for a special destiny […] Most people exist as one among many. But, given the chance, they can shine as they never have before.” However, he points out that this ability to shine is only temporary though. This talk with Akio reminded me of the ways in which adults burn out children by putting their worth onto their abilities and some intangible thing like being gifted. It’s true that some kids may be more advanced in areas than others, but the special treatment that’s given to them and the conditional worth placed onto them has many negative consequences. A lot of kids labeled as gifted grow older and find themselves burned out by these expectations.
Akio’s speech places Utena on a pedestal, but it also reveals his own arrogance as he clearly believes himself to be special too. When Akio fell from grace as Dios, he still sought power in any way that he could and believed himself to be above all law, including morals, because he was the prince.
Similarly, other characters in Revolutionary Girl Utena believe in this myth of being special that is cultivated at Ohtori and fixate on their relationships or being good at something. For example, Nanami believes that being Touga’s sister makes her special in ways other girls can’t compare to but remains threatened whenever her brother becomes romantically or sexually intimate with someone else. Miki is applauded for his academic intelligence and Juri for her athleticism, yet both are unable to attain happiness and yearn for someone who truly understands them beyond those traits. Being special is not fulfilling, the show seems to tell us, but is actually rather lonely.
One last note I have about this scene is the lighting. I assume the two are talking in Akio’s planetarium and while there is enough light to see them, it’s still pretty dark in there. I believe this is representative of how Akio is misguiding Utena, leading her into the dark if you will, and that despite the stars that Akio is looking at, he doesn’t have any intention of truly enlightening her.
That Leaf Hair Clip and Girls as Meat
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About halfway through the episode, Wakaba comes home one day to find Saionji making a hair clip for her. What’s especially interesting to me is the choice of color and motif for the clip. Roses are so prevalent in Utena, but they belong solely to those connected with Utena’s prince and to the duelists. Wakaba’s hair clip is not any kind of flower, but is a simple leaf in a color not quite gold. Despite this simple gift, Wakaba cries because of it and the hope that it may mean Saionji has feelings for her or is beginning to. To her, the hair clip signifies that she’s almost completed her transformation into being someone permanently special.
However, life is cruel and, as more time passes, Wakaba realizes that Saionji still cares more about Anthy (or the Rose Bride, specifically) than about her. He asks after Anthy while not even looking at Wakaba; it’s as if he can’t either be bothered to or because he’s a coward. For the first time, Wakaba consciously realizes that Saionji going back to school will mean forgetting about her. The hair clip, while nice and still meaningful as Saionji truly did it out of a moment of appreciation, doesn’t erase the fact that he’s still clearly set on Anthy.
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The setting for this realization is at a supermarket. As the Absolute Destiny podcast points out in their great episode on “Wakaba Flourishing,” Wakaba’s grip on the packaged meat she’s holding parallels the tension in that conversation with Saionji. As she presses her fingers against the plastic wrapping, almost but not quite breaking it, the tension in the other scene and their overall relationship is increased.
I also love the supermarket setting because the choice of packaged meat instead of something else brings the animal imagery in the show to mind again.
Throughout the show, girls are compared to animals and have animal counterparts. This is most evident with Nanami, who has a pretty antagonistic relationship with many animals because she doesn’t get along with Anthy, who is an animal whisperer of sorts (similar to witches or princesses having familiars and affinities for wildlife). In “The Cowbell of Happiness,” Nanami is literally turning into a cow and this comes with the realization that she’s actually been treated as livestock for most of her life by her parents and Touga. There’s more cow imagery later with even Utena and Anthy being connected to it through bell earrings and certain poses that call back to “The Cowbell of Happiness.”
In short, the idea of girls as livestock to be used and consumed by the men in their lives who are in a position to hurt them is brought up time and time again. Because of it, I read much deeper into Wakaba’s scene in the supermarket than is perhaps reasonable. I believe setting this realization in the meat aisle and having signs that even point out that the meat is on sale points to how Wakaba realizes that she herself has a limited time to win Saionji over. She is meat that will go bad soon and that is being sold.
Simultaneously, she’s also in a position of power as a consumer buying the meat. In this vein, I read it as the power she has over Saionji as she’s also keeping him like livestock in a sense. It would be easy to see the relationship as one only of Saionji using Wakaba and while I do see it as him manipulating her more, Wakaba is also possessive over him and stops having his best interests in mind. This isn’t to say that she’s the true villain of the episode, but rather to say that she’s been so conditioned to think of herself as unordinary and to value the idea of being special that she is using him subconsciously. During her confession in Nemuro Memorial Hall, Wakaba despairs that “A little longer and I would have changed myself forever.”
The show has told us how important the hair clip is to Wakaba so the loss of it is devastating. While Saionji may have the potential to change, he clearly isn’t going to this episode as he hands the hair clip over to Mikage in return for his expulsion being revoked. Mikage even calls the hair clip “a trifle” and Saionji calls it “that thing.” The words both boys use for this object that means so much to Wakaba tramples over her feelings.
Mikage clearly knows the importance of the hair clip because he uses it to push Wakaba to the edge. Through some kind of magic or collaboration with Akio, Wakaba sees Anthy wearing the hair clip. There are no words exchanged as she watches Anthy walk away, but the look on her face is one of devastating hurt and she ends up in Nemuro Memorial Hall. And, as viewers of the show know, nothing good happens in Nemuro Memorial Hall.
Another interesting word choice for Mikage and Saionji’s conversation is Mikage calling Saionji’s exile “purgatory.” The purgatory that people may be most familiar with (like me) is similar to limbo as a state neither in heaven or hell. Those who go to purgatory must undergo purification before they enter heaven as a kind of punishment. By implying that Saionji’s current state is purgatory, Mikage poses Ohtori academy as heaven and Saionji’s time with Wakaba as punishment rather than a kind girl being taken advantage of by a boy she liked.
Wakaba’s Confession
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Every confession done in Nemuro Memorial Hall is striking in its own way, but Wakaba’s is painful to me in a way no one else’s is. As she pours out her feelings, she doesn’t blame Saionji for giving the hair clip to Anthy but blames Anthy. Wakaba says, “That girl, with a face that says she alone is special, will steal everything away from me!” In contrast to Anthy as having a special visage, Wakaba denotes herself as “a face in the crowd.” This is painful because she has been a face in the crowd until this episode. The only thing that distinguished Wakaba was her relationship to Utena for viewers of Revolutionary Girl Utena and this adds a meta layer to the confession. While Wakaba’s confession avoids the core issue of the problem, which is Saionji’s treatment of her exacerbating her insecurity, it succeeds in confronting the viewer in how we view those not special enough to get screen time and how this carries into reality (think of how we idolize celebrities and popular kids in school).
When Wakaba leaves Nemuro Memorial Hall and confronts Saionji, startling him, he offers no apologies or thanks. He tells Wakaba, “I’m going back to my old world” as if she doesn’t go to the same school as him. Saionji makes it clear that he has no intention of even acknowledging her once he leaves by stating that he’ll mail Wakaba something more expensive to replace the hair clip.
Wakaba isn’t visibly surprised by any of this at all. She rejects Saionji’s offer and tells him, “I have something nicer now,” showing off her Black Rose duelist ring. During this entire conversation, Wakaba’s face is blank and her eyes are almost dead. It’s a startling departure from her typically cheerful demeanor. She then proceeds to take her sword from his chest. Again, this is part of the typical formula for duels in the Black Rose Saga, but Wakaba’s is striking in how violent it is.
In previous episodes, the Black Rose duelists aren’t as aggressive and the sword that they pull from their victims usually comes out on its own. However, the way Wakaba is animated to rush at Saionji, physically overpower him, and rip the sword from his chest is uniquely hers. It’s the only one in which I see more anger than sadness and feels very appropriate as Wakaba’s feelings for Saionji are very one-sided and as Saionji, who prides himself on his masculinity, is physically overpowered by a girl he deemed weak.
Daily Dose of Shadow Girls
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For this episode’s skit featuring the shadow girls, it’s a very short one! My reading of it was that the shadow girls are mocking the ridiculous games that go into dating and relationships in general, but specifically pointing out how girls often get the short end when in relationships with men. It’s also curious that the shadow girls divide themselves into a fox girl and a rabbit girl in a way reminiscent of how girls are either sanctified or demonized. I think this reading has more validity considering the depiction of the rabbit girl in a traditional hairstyle as if she’s presenting herself as more demure before switching to a Playboy bunny outfit. In reality, the rabbit girl is what she is either way but it’s a question of presenting oneself to be appealing enough for marriage.
In response to the conundrum, Utena tells the girls, “Why not just NOT get married?” Interestingly, this is right after the rabbit girl says that these traditions are law for them. Utena’s response is also ironic considering that she is part of this very system. The conditions for being the Rose Bride are just as arbitrary, something Utena even acknowledges at the beginning of the series, but this response demonstrates a certain carelessness to Utena’s character that we’ve seen previously and that will be important in the future.
The Duel
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The duel in this episode is my favorite in the entire anime. The finale is a close second. For Wakaba, the tables that show up during duels in the Black Rose Saga are filled with the leaf hair clip in multiple colors. To me, this represents all of the possibilities and potential Wakaba, and potentially Saionji, could’ve had if things hadn’t gone the way they did. The spread of colors is once again reminiscent of how flowers come in all colors when you take natural and dyed ones into account yet leaves are never given the same treatment. Leaves are just seen as accessories, as background characters, to the flowers so seeing them in as many colors as flowers can be read as both touching and tragic. On one hand, Wakaba’s nature as a leaf will never change, it seems to say, yet the leaf is just as worthy and as full of potential as the flower, isn’t it?
As with Wakaba pulling the sword from Saionji, her duel with Utena is vicious and one of the most aggressive in the show. It’s also one of the few times I’ve been afraid that Utena may lose as she takes on the defensive position and refuses to pull the sword from Anthy. Utena still sees Wakaba as a friend, but Wakaba views Utena as an enemy and vents her frustrations with the entire system and Saionji onto her. She scoffs at Utena’s ability to understand her, yelling “You and that girl and the student council, too! You use the special gifts you were born with and, without a second thought, trample the rest of us!” It’s a powerful sentiment because there’s a kernel of truth in there.
There’s an earlier episode in Revolutionary Girl Utena titled “For Friendship, Perhaps” and I feel that this episode would’ve fit that title in some ways. Utena never pulls her sword on Wakaba and uses Wakaba’s own sword to cut the rose on her uniform instead. There’s a pivotal moment when she grabs Wakaba’s hand, acknowledges that she can’t fully understand her but still wants her friend to be happy, and spins her around. While previous duelists have fallen to the floor, signaling they’ve lost and have now been abandoned by the Black Rose Circle, Utena holds onto Wakaba.
Friendship doesn’t fix everything, but I like to think that Wakaba understood that Utena cared for her at that moment. It’s also the second time Wakaba cries in the episode as she finally resigns herself to the understanding that Saionji never cared for her, but that Utena does. To me, it’s pivotal that she cries while looking at the castle that hovers above the dueling arena–it’s as if she realizes how unreachable the ultimate special place is.
Black Rose duelists lose their memories after a duel and it’s significant that they still carry a large portion of the problem burdening them before it afterwards. As Wakaba takes her long walk home, there’s a sense of melancholy as she’s no longer rushing towards Saionji. But there’s also some peace in it as well even if no one is there to welcome her back anymore.
Concluding Thoughts
I feel as if I’ve been writing this post for a long time, but I know there’s some things I missed. This is such a packed episode and shows how successful Revolutionary Girl Utena is at utilizing its formulas and in creating visual imagery. I don’t rewatch the entire show every other month, but this is one of my favorite episodes to put on when that itch comes. There’s no doubt in my mind that “Wakaba Flourishing” is one of the best episodes on Revolutionary Girl Utena.
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speakeasier · 1 month
okay, really random ass post just because. so i saw oddtaxi when it first released. and i guess they're releasing this live action spin off. crunchyroll dropped the trailer.
it's called route to oddtaxi, and i was like. YO, THESE SONGS ARE FUCKING GREAT. SOUNDS LIKE FIRE. and i kept trying to find them, tried reddit, twitter, many stupid ass tactics. for thirty minutes until i finally cracked for the website in japanese, LOLOLOL. i cannot believe this.
i guess neither artists/groups dropped the songs yet on youtube. but DAMN. waiting for bialystocks' 'chikagoro' and SIRUPS and SUMIN'S roller coaster. both have this distinct vibe regardless of the trailer.
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octournament · 1 year
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corporativoarcanos · 3 days
RoOT/Route of OddTaxi HD Live-Action Japonés Eps. 04 de ??
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-Descripción: La serie de televisión RoOT es una historia original basada en las luchas del joven dúo de detectives del manga RoOT/Route of OddTaxi, que actualmente se serializa en el sitio web de mangas Darupana de Big Comic Superior. La serie teje un misterio “humano” que sigue a Sato, un novato optimista con mala suerte que trabaja a las órdenes de Reina.Disfruta de nuestro contenido y entra a nuestra web como redes sociales para ver mucho mas.. El siguiente contenido a ver no es de nuestra autoría los derechos están reservados al autor de la obra y al estudio de la adaptación Episodio 01 Episodio 02 Episodio 03 Episodio 04 Episodio 05 Se estrena la próxima semana Catalogo 2024 Live Action Esperamos que les guste el contenido recuerda compartir lo y dejar tu DONACION eso nos apoyara Read the full article
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gonagaiworld · 2 months
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La serie televisiva live action RoOT/Route of Odd Taxi sarà trasmessa il 2 aprile Svelata una nuova immagine principale con Yūmi Kawai nel ruolo di Reina e Ryota Bando in quello di Satō. Info:--> https://www.gonagaiworld.com/la-serie-televisiva-live-action-root-route-of-odd-taxi-sara-trasmessa-il-2-aprile/?feed_id=433795&_unique_id=65d74d739e5e8 #Liveaction #OddTaxi #RoOT #RouteofOddTaxi
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fryv01 · 1 year
ODDTAXI Reveals New RoOT/Route of OddTaxi Project
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b3crew · 2 years
No Borders No Race: The 2021 Anisong Showcase | B3 - Boston Bastard Brigade
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The world of anime delivered us plenty of bangers in their openings and endings in 2021! King Baby Duck looks back at the best songs from the shows we loved! From CreepyPasta adventurers and toyed senpais to lovebirds and burnt-out children's show hosts, we cover it all in this year's song selection!
PLAYLIST (with series links):
Tatsuya Kitani - Seija no Koushin (opening theme to The Idaten Deities Know Only Peace)
Masaaki Endoh - Koukotsu Labyrinth (opening theme to SAKUGAN)
ASAKA - Seize The Day (opening theme to Laid-Back Camp Season 2)
fhána - Ai no Supreme! (opening theme to Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid S)
CHiCO with HoneyWorks - Minikui Ikimono (opening theme to Otherside Picnic)
Miho Okasaki, Megumi Toyoguchi, Tomoaki Maeno, Sayaka Senbongi, M・A・O, Chikahiro Kobayashi, & Asuna Tomari - Kamona Tempest! (ending theme to The Slime Diaries)
Sumire Uesaka, Mikako Komatsu, Aina Suzuki, & Shiori Izawa - Colorful Canvas (ending theme to Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro)
Tomori Kusunoki, Saori Hayami, Reina Aoyama, and Aoi Koga - Annoying! Sunsun week! (opening theme to My Senpai is Annoying)
TDR - Strangers (ending theme to The Vampire Dies in No Time)
Sora Amamiya - Mienai Kara ne!? (opening theme to Mieruko-chan)
Natsuki Hanae & Ayumi Mano - Mangetsu to Silhouette no Yoru (opening theme to The Duke of Death and His Maid)
Yoh Kamiyama - Irokousui (opening theme to Horimiya)
Kitri - Hikare inochi (ending theme to Komi Can't Communicate)
Hikaru Utada - PINK BLOOD (opening theme to To Your Eternity)
angela - Andante ni Koi o Shite! (opening theme to My Next Life as a Villainess - All Routes Lead to Doom! X)
Aoi Yuki - Gudafuwa Everyday (opening theme to I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level)
Mamoru Miyano - Dream on (ending theme to Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan)
King Gnu - BOY (opening theme to Ranking of Kings)
Suzuko Mimori - Sugarless Kiss (ending theme to ODDTAXI)
Click here to listen!
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kaleidodreams · 2 years
Top 10 Anime of 2021
1. Fruits Basket
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2. The aquatope on white sand
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3. Zombie Land Saga Revenge
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4. S8 the Infinity
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5. My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! X
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6. Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 2
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7. Laid-Back Camp Season 2
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8. oddtaxi
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9. Heaven’s Design Team
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10. Restaurant To Another World 2
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And, as a bonus, my Anime Movie of the Year is...the Sailor Moon Eternal movies, of course!
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newsintheshell · 1 year
Torna il megapost con un nuova raccolta delle ultimissime novità uscite fra ieri e oggi, fra annunci, trailer e date!
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È passato più di un mese dall'ultimo ANIME RECAP. Come avrete notato sono passato a post più snelli e minimali, che in generale mi portano via meno tempo e mi danno anche un po' più di flessibilità (e si spererebbe anche più visibilità, ma non mi pare) sui vari social.
La stagione si avvia alla conclusione, a fine marzo c'è pure l'AnimeJapan e ovviamente è il venerdì degli aggiornamenti a pioggia in Giappone! A mali estremi, estremi rimedi dunque!
Come al solito ho raccolto un po' di tutto: annunci, trailer, date, locandine. A giudicare da quello che ho visto, ci sono dei da tenere d'occhio, a mio gusto almeno. Tipo KamiKatsu che come prima prova sembra tecnicamente molto solida, Otaku Elf per le waifu, Magical Destroyers perché la cose fuori di testa m intrigano sempre, Blue Orchestra e senza dubbio il prossimo capitolo di Oddtaxi.
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Square Enix ha annunciato che il manga di Yuu Morikawa ispirerà una serie animata.
La commedia slice of life con protagonista un supercattivo alieno, è diretta da Yoshinori Odaka (Mr. Osomatsu: The Hipipo Tribe and the Glistening Fruit, BEM) e in produzione presso Shin-Ei Animation e SynergySP.
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Dopo SAVING 80,000 GOLD IN ANOTHER WORLD FOR MY RETIREMENT e DIDN’T I SAY TO MAKE MY ABILITIES AVERAGE IN MY NEXT LIFE?!, è in arrivo la serie animata di un'altra novel isekai firmaa da FUNA.
Kodansha ha annunciato che debutterà nel corso di quest'anno, ma al momento non sappiamo ancora quando di preciso.
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Nuovo progetto all'orizzonte per il franchise, il cui primo passo è lanciare un nuovo manga firmato da Takeichi Abaraya e dal creatore della serie, Kadzuya Konomoto.
Non è ancora stato svelato nulla di preciso, ma nel frattempo vi ricordo che sia la prima serie tv, che il seguente film, sono disponibili in streaming su Crunchyroll.
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L’adattamento del manga firmato Makoto Akui, che mescola scuola, musica e sentimenti, andrà in onda dal 9 aprile. Di seguito il nuovo trailer.
Prodotta presso lo studio NIPPON AIMATION (Let’s Make a Mug Too, Love All Play), la serie sta venendo diretta da Seiji Kishi (Tsuki ga Kirei, Assassination Classroom).
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Online anche un nuovo promettente trailer per la commedia tratta dal manga di Akihiko Higuchi. Il primo episodio dell'anime andrà in onda il 7 aprile.
Takefumi Anzai (Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu, Puraore! Pride of Orange) sta dirigendo la serie presso lo studio C2C (Harukana Receive, Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina),
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Ecco il primo trailer per il nuovo film del franchise, che il 4 agosto approderà nei cinema giapponesi con una nuova avventura, per la prima volta in computer grafica. Vederlo così in 3D fa davvero strano, ma è animato abbastanza bene da risultare quasi ipnotico 😆
I lavori sulla pellicola, scritta e diretta da Hitoshi One (Fireworks - Vanno visti di lato o dal basso?), sono durati ben 7 anni.
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Primo full trailer per il nuovo film targato PRODUCTION I.G (The Deer King, Haikyu!! L’asso del volley), che dal 31 marzo porterà nei cinema giapponesi la piccola apprendista strega, protagonista della serie di libri per ragazzi “Rakudai Majo” di Satoko Narita.
La pellicola è diretta da Takayuki Hamana (Arte, The Seven Deadly Sins: Cursed By Light).
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Data di debutto e nuovo promo per l'originale serie animata ispirata da Kizuna Ai e nata proprio come omaggio alla celebre V-tuber.
La serie andrà in onda dal 3 aprile ed è prodotta in collaborazione da SIGNAL.MD (Platinum End) e WIT STUDIO (Ranking of Kings). La regia e la sceneggiatura sono affidate, rispettivamente, a Kenichiro Komaya e Deko Akao (When Will Ayumu Make His Move?).
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La commedia fantasy isekai arriverà da aprile e si mostra finalmente in un primo trailer.
La serie tratta dal manga di Aoi Akashiro e Sonsho Hangetsuban, segna il debutto alla regia di Yuki Inaba ed è anche il primo lavoro in solitaria di STUDIO PALETTE. 
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L'originale serie animata a tema "cute girls doing car races" può contare sul character design di Takuya Fujima (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ViVid, Warlords of Sigrdrifa) e arriverà no prima del 2024.
A quanto pare, nel progetto sono coinvolti King Amusement Creative Sonic Blade, Yostar, Good Smile Company e Super Formula
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La trasmissione dell’originale serie animata, diretta da Hiroshi Ikehata (TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You, Kiratto Pri☆Chan), comincerà da aprile.
La strampalata squadra di maghette, ideata da Jun Inagawa, verrà portata in tv da BIBURY ANIMATION STUDIO (The Quintessential Quintuplets Movie, Azur Lane).
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L’originale serie animata, prodotta da BANDAI NAMCO PICTURES (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun, Fight League: Gear Gadget Generators), tornerà con la seconda stagione dal 7 aprile.
I primi 13 episodi sono già disponibili in streaming su Crunchyroll.
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Il fantasy drama tratto dal violento manga di Yoruhashi verrà trasmesso a partire da ottobre.
L'adattamento televisivo è in produzione presso YOKOHAMA ANIMATION LAB (The Genius Prince’s Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt), dietro alla regia di Keitaro Motonaga (She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man, Digimon Adventure tri).
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Autore: SilenziO))) Se usate Twitter, mi trovate lì! 
blogger // anime enthusiast // twitch addict // unorthodox blackster - synthwave lover // penniless gamer // INFJ-T magus
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recentanimenews · 2 years
Crunchyroll Reveals Dub Casts for Love of Kill and More Winter 2022 Anime
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  Crunchyroll previously announced big plans for its Winter 2022 dubs, including dubs in multiple languages for shows ranging from ORIENT to Love of Kill and beyond. Now we have cast lists to highlight the voices behind the English dubs that are right around the corner, so read on for an overview and launch times for each dub.
  And in case you missed it, the first two episodes of the ODDTAXI dub are available now! 
  My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! X OVA
Launch Date: February 18
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    Voiceover Director
Kirstie Simone
  Catarina Claes: Jeannie Tirado
Geordo Stuart: Griffin Burns
Alan Stuart: Bryce Papenbrook
Keith Claes: Griffin Puatu
Mary Hunt: Colleen O'Shaugnessey
Sophia Ascart: Kira Buckland
Nicol Ascart: Nicolas Roye
Maria Campbell: Melissa Fahn
Jeffrey Stuart: Adin Rudd
Ian Stuart: Daman Mills
Susanna Randall: Erin Yvette
Selena Berg: Julia McIlvaine
Sora Smith / Rufus Brode: Kylen Deporter
  In the Land of Leadale
Launch Date: February 16
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    Voiceover Director
Kirstie Simone
  Cayna: Xanthe Huynh
Skargo: Chris Niosi
Mai Mai: Veronica Taylor
Kartatz: Keith Silverstein
  Love of Kill
Launch Date: February 23
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    Voiceover Director
Kirstie Simone
  Chateau Dankworth: Erin Yvette
Ryang-ha Song: Ryan Colt Levy
Launch Date: February 23
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    Voiceover Director
Chris Cason
  Musashi: A.J. Beckles
Kojiro Kanemaki: Stephen Fu
Tsugumi Hattori: Emi Lo
  The Strongest Sage with the Weakest Crest 
Launch Date: February 19
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    Voiceover Director
David Walsh
  Matthias: Kayleigh McKee
Alma: Lizzie Freeman
Lurie: Amber Connors
  Platinum End
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    Voiceover Director
David Walsh
  Mirai Kakehashi: Alejandro Saab
Nasse: Michaela Murphy
Saki Hanakago: Laura Post
Revel: Daman Mills
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Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his comics at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox.
By: Joseph Luster
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animescreendump · 3 years
2.43: seiin high school boys volleyball team
adachi and shimamura
ahiru no sora
akudama drive
and yet the town moves
attack on titan
aura battler dunbine
bubblegum crisis
burning kabaddi
cells at work
the day i became a god
death note
dr. ramune -mysterious disease specialist-
dr. stone
fairy ranmaru
fate/stay night
fire force
fruits basket
golden kamuy
gunsmith cats
higehiro: after being rejected, i shaved and took in a high school runaway.
hunter x hunter
interviews with monster girls
kemono jihen
magia record: puella magi madoka magica side story
march comes in like a lion
miss kobayashi's dragon maid
zoku owarimonogatari
moriarty the patriot
mr. osomatsu
muhyo & roji's bureau of supernatural investigation
my next life as a villainess: all routes lead to doom!
one room
oshi no ko
otherside picnic
parasyte -the maxim-
puella magi madoka magica
re:zero -starting life in another world-
revolutionary girl utena
riding bean
the saint's magic power is omnipotent
scar on the praeter
shadows house
sing "yesterday" for me
space patrol luluco
space runaway ideon
those snow white notes
tomorrow's joe
tower of god
umamusume: pretty derby
video girl ai
vivy -fluorite eye's song-
wandering witch: the journey of elaina
warlords of sigrdrifa
wonder egg priority
world trigger
zombie land saga
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corporativoarcanos · 10 days
RoOT/Route of OddTaxi HD Live-Action Japonés Eps. 03 de ??
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-Descripción: La serie de televisión RoOT es una historia original basada en las luchas del joven dúo de detectives del manga RoOT/Route of OddTaxi, que actualmente se serializa en el sitio web de mangas Darupana de Big Comic Superior. La serie teje un misterio “humano” que sigue a Sato, un novato optimista con mala suerte que trabaja a las órdenes de Reina.Disfruta de nuestro contenido y entra a nuestra web como redes sociales para ver mucho mas.. El siguiente contenido a ver no es de nuestra autoría los derechos están reservados al autor de la obra y al estudio de la adaptación Episodio 01 Episodio 02 Episodio 03 Episodio 04 Se estrena la próxima semana Catalogo 2024 Live Action Esperamos que les guste el contenido recuerda compartir lo y dejar tu DONACION eso nos apoyara Read the full article
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corporativoarcanos · 17 days
RoOT/Route of OddTaxi HD Live-Action Japonés Eps. 02 de ??
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-Descripción: La serie de televisión RoOT es una historia original basada en las luchas del joven dúo de detectives del manga RoOT/Route of OddTaxi, que actualmente se serializa en el sitio web de mangas Darupana de Big Comic Superior. La serie teje un misterio “humano” que sigue a Sato, un novato optimista con mala suerte que trabaja a las órdenes de Reina.Disfruta de nuestro contenido y entra a nuestra web como redes sociales para ver mucho mas.. El siguiente contenido a ver no es de nuestra autoría los derechos están reservados al autor de la obra y al estudio de la adaptación Episodio 01 Episodio 02 Episodio 03 Se estrena la próxima semana Catalogo 2024 Live Action Esperamos que les guste el contenido recuerda compartir lo y dejar tu DONACION eso nos apoyara Read the full article
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corporativoarcanos · 25 days
RoOT/Route of OddTaxi HD Live-Action Japonés
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-Descripción: La serie de televisión RoOT es una historia original basada en las luchas del joven dúo de detectives del manga RoOT/Route of OddTaxi, que actualmente se serializa en el sitio web de mangas Darupana de Big Comic Superior. La serie teje un misterio “humano” que sigue a Sato, un novato optimista con mala suerte que trabaja a las órdenes de Reina.Disfruta de nuestro contenido y entra a nuestra web como redes sociales para ver mucho mas.. El siguiente contenido a ver no es de nuestra autoría los derechos están reservados al autor de la obra y al estudio de la adaptación Episodio 01 Episodio 02 Se estrena la próxima semana Catalogo 2024 Live Action Esperamos que les guste el contenido recuerda compartir lo y dejar tu DONACION eso nos apoyara Read the full article
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