#isadora de la cruz
ambitionsource · 1 year
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“Riley and Isa ‘Bout To Fuck Shit Up” for Sunny ( @amarakaran ) from Meg
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sluterainspo · 10 months
tag dump.
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Left Side
Jesus vs. Tori Vega
Trina Vega vs. Yellow Guy
Scott Evil vs. Todd Jacobson
Jesse Pinkman vs. Candace Flynn
Jack Kline vs. Megamind
Sheldon Cooper vs. Sunny Baudelaire
Isadora Quagmire vs. Leafpool
Morrigan Crow vs. Filthy Rich
Bubble vs. Theodore Templeton
Dr Heinz Doofenshmirtz vs. Butters
The Cabbage Merchant vs. Meg Griffin
Starscream vs. Sam Puckett
Freddie Benson vs. Spiders
Ants vs. Tony Stark
Mabel Pines vs. Amy Pond
Mary Jane Watson vs. Nathan Byrne
Bees vs Alberto Scorfano
Finn vs. K1-B0
Wheatley vs. Bucky Barnes
Klaus Hargreeves vs. Will Graham
Viktor Hargreeves vs. Harry Dresden
Crosshair vs. Bruce Banner
Jaskier vs. Anya Jenkins
Saw Gerrera vs. Kira Yukimara
Chloe Valentine vs. Christopher Lightwood
Xion vs. Loki
Aaron Hocthner vs. Mouse Gerwitz
Sasuke vs. Marcus
Matsuda vs. Kanji Tatsumi
Hades vs. Ursala
Sam Winchester vs. Yamcha
Gamzee Makara vs. Tavros Nitram
Right Side
Bill Woodward vs. Charlotte
Jonathan Sims vs. Tim Stoker
Violet Baudelaire vs. Donald Duck
Klaus Baudelaire vs. Hunter De Vil
Skylar White vs. Peeta Mellark
Miles O'brien vs. Chloe
Alicent Hightower vs. White Out
Gwen Cooper vs. Sera
Sadness vs. Logan Sanders
Steve Harrington vs. USA
Will Byers vs. gary gergich
Papyrus vs. Hunter
Hooty vs. Nico Di Angelo
Raine Whispers vs. Sally Acorn
Shadow vs. Zuko
Ken (The Bee Movie) vs. Mike Hanlon
Mammon vs. Frodo
Boromir vs. Castiel
Juzo Sakakura vs. Tasha Yar
Klavier Gavin vs. Faramir
Ellie vs. Skoodge
Vanessa vs. Anders
Asgore Dreemurr vs. Malyen Oretsev
Sara vs. Derek Hale
Dylan Dalmatian vs Sansa Stark
Luis Cabrera vs. Chara Dreemurr
Lance McClain vs. Guillermo de la Cruz
Ian Rider vs. Ezreal Leasra
Yumena Kyusaku vs. Asriel Dreemurr
Denji vs. Rachel
Bain vs. Colin Robinson
Noel Levine vs. Sakura Haruno
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filmsbylucs · 1 year
ÉLITE (SEASON 6 - 2022) ★★★☆☆
– A falta e a presença da diversidade em Élite.
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Vamos lá! Duas temporadas em um ano não é pouca coisa, sabemos que Élite não tem uma das melhores reputações, conhecida como a série de pegação, safadeza que "só tem sexo" a sexta temporada veio para provar que todos estavam errados e eles conseguem sim apresentar um background bacana para os personagens porém ainda tem muito para melhorar. As histórias continuam no colégio 'Las Encinas' com a maioria dos personagens da temporada anterior, Ari (Carla Díaz), Mencía (Martina Cariddi) e Patrick (Manu Rios) são personagens que cresceram muito desde que entraram na série – na quarta temporada – mas ainda poderiam crescer mais se não fosse pela resolução que deram para eles.
• Os Blanco
Ari passa pelo luto de Samuel (ou melhor não passa) e acaba se embebedando diversas vezes durante a temporada para esquecer disso, também temos seu pai que está na prisão e ela tem de manejar a família já que é a mais velha e a mais próxima do pai. Acredito que por tanta coisa que estava sendo imposta a ela acabou sendo uma personagem insuportável, desrespeitosa e preconceituosa mesmo que ela esteja passando por tanto não justifica jogar em cima dos outros. E quem sofre as consequências claramente é o Nico (Ander Puig) primeiro ator e personagem trans na série, que acaba se envolvendo com Ari e escutando absurdos sobre seu gênero o que pessoalmente me incomodou em alguns momentos.
Mencía tem seu arco envolto do novo casal Sara e Raúl (Carmen Arrufat e Álex Pastrana) que vai apresentar uma problemática importante de se debater. Nesta temporada Mencía não está nos holofotes e sendo motivo de vários problemas como foi antes mas sim ajudando a solucionar um, Sara uma influencer que passa por problemas com seu parceiro e acabou de entrar no colégio (ou pelo menos é isso que dá a entender) se torna amiga de Mencía quando ela a ajuda a reconhecer seu abusador.
Patrick e Iván (André Lamoglia) um casal que deu certo na temporada anterior mas os roteiristas simplesmente quiseram destruí-los, drama e mais drama é o que podemos resumir Patriván nesta temporada. Cruz ainda é uma pauta na relação dos dois algo que já poderia estar amarrado e sem pontas soltas, ainda é um problema.
• Isadora
Isadora (Valentina Zenere) entregou um dos arcos mais interessantes da temporada, com toda sua fúria e vontade de provar que foi abusada por garotos da escola ela nos leva pela história e nos faz sentir raiva por ela. Sua mãe é apresentada como uma personagem nada simpática e péssima mãe, seu pai não está presente e espero que nos apresentem na próxima temporada. Dídac (Álvaro de Juana) é o seu novo parceiro de cena, um empregado que não estava do lado dela mas abriu os olhos e enxergou quem era a vítima de verdade, rola um enemies to lovers entre os dois confesso que estava interessado no início mas perdi totalmente ao passar dos episódios.
• Os novos personagens
Uma leva de novos personagens foram "apresentados" nesses novos episódios. Rocío (Ana Bokesa) uma mulher negra, que não ganhou nada de destaque durante a temporada e não foi apresentada para nós de forma decente foi jogada na trama como se já estivesse na roda de amigos mas nunca aparece, teve uma história com Bilal (Adam Nourou) outro personagem qual foi prometido mais destaque e o que nos entregaram não foi quase nada. Dídac personagem que teria um potencial mas não souberam usar, talvez só queriam colocar alguém para contracenar com Valentina e escolheram ele. Nico, sua história foi interessante e bem desenvolvida em relação aos outros, com sua ideia de querer fazer a cirurgia pela insegurança em relação as meninas e toda a diversidade que ele trouxe foi bem usada. Sara e Raúl não me cativaram muito, não simpatizei com ambos personagens além de trazer uma história boa para a temporada.
No fim de tudo, Élite nos dá o que queremos mas também tira da gente bem rápido, não foi uma temporada horrível mas há muito que melhorar isso conta para sua fórmula também.
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isacinnamonroll · 2 years
⁀➷ ⊰♡ ¡𝐹𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑧 𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑛̃𝑜𝑠 𝑎 𝑚𝑖 𝘩𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑜𝑠𝑜 𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑟 𝑠𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑜! ♡⊱
━━━━━━━ ∙ʚ♡ɞ∙ ━━━━━━━
゚・*✿ ⤹ ˹ 🐧💙🐧 ˼ Por fin ha llegado este día tan especial, un día donde el mundo decidió agregar una octava maravilla más en él, un día maravilloso perteneciente a la persona más perfecta y sin igual de este universo. Claramente esa persona eres tú. Isadora Mercado Cruz; mi más grande y único amor. La ilusión de poder estar a tu lado en un día tan especial es enorme, me siento tan bendecida, tan afortunada, tan dichosa de estar contigo.
No es ningún secreto que para mí verte feliz es mi más grande prioridad y tener esta oportunidad de sacarte una o miles de tus hermosas sonrisas, realmente lo es todo. Hoy quiero que seas consciente de lo mucho que vales, corazón. Si pudieras dar un vistazo al recorrido que has tenido que seguir para llegar hasta ahora podrás tener presente lo valiente, lo fuerte, perseverante y capaz que has sido. Eres admirable, un gran orgullo para mí y estoy segura que también para todas las personas que te conocen, que te aman.
Mi bombón, conocerte fue lo más maravilloso que me ha sucedido en la vida y no sabes cuánto amo y adoro pasar cada minuto con tu compañía, hablar de cosas insignificantes y sencillas hasta de los temas más importantes y relevantes relacionados a nuestras vidas o lo que sucede a nuestro alrededor. No puedo decir que tengo un momento favorito porque todos los son si son contigo, cada instante junto a ti lo atesoro, lo valoro y agradezco como no tienes una idea. No importa si no hacemos gran cosa, me encanta estar junto a ti haciendo hasta lo más pequeño.
Mi bebita hermosa, este es el segundo cumpleaños que pasamos juntas. En esta ocasión preparé una serie de regalitos que espero te gusten. Con los sentimientos a flor de piel comencé a escribir esta cartita, mientras de fondo se escuchaba esa playlist tan especial que tenemos y que me hacía recordar hermosos momentos contigo. Y junto con esto, se me escapó más de un suspiro lleno de amor, de felicidad y de dicha; sin poder contenerlo, se me escaparon bobas sonrisas, todas provocadas por un solo nombre que no deja mi mente ni un instante. ¿Qué te puedo decir del corazón? Todo el momento fue latiendo fuertemente en mi pecho, derramando esos sentimientos que no se pueden conservar en un recipiente, porque simplemente no existe alguna caja o contenedor lo suficiente capaz de recibir todo este amor que tengo por ti, el cual no tiene límite para detenerse.
Mi vida, estoy agradecida con la vida, con el cielo, con el universo porque hayas aparecido en mi vida; estoy agradecida contigo porque te quedaste junto a mí, por todo lo que has hecho por mí. El haberte conocido destruyó todos esos muros, esas barreras que por años fui construyendo a causa de tantas cicatrices hechas, por traumas que creí que tendría de por vida. Pero Isadora Mercado Cruz apareció con una devastadora sonrisa, con su bella personalidad, carisma, elegancia, perfección y todo se desmoronó en instantes. Me sentí renacida, todas esas heridas fueron reemplazadas por un jardín con las flores más hermosas nunca antes vistas.
Estoy agradecida por el amor que me das, tan único y especial como nunca antes lo había sentido. Agradecida por creer en mí, por confiar y sobre todo, por permitir que nuestro amor siga manteniéndose unido y mucho más fuerte que la primera vez, que me hace sentir como un gigante que puede con todo lo que quiera atravesarse en mi camino. No puedo evitar sentirme en un gran festejo porque pasar cada día a tu lado es un tesoro, despertar sabiendo que te tengo es una victoria, una bendición. Deseo que la vida me permita más tiempo a tu lado, anhelando cada mes, cada año para seguir celebrando juntas, demostrando que somos invencibles, que pueden venir todas las pruebas que la vida nos quiera colocar en nuestro camino, pero estamos tomadas de la mano, si confiamos en la otra, todo lo podremos superar.
Eres el amor de mi vida, mi Isa. No solo de esta vida, de muchas más. Eres el amor de mis vidas, de mis universos, y de mi existencia entera. Ni siquiera puedo decir que algo no me gusta de ti, porque simplemente todo lo amo; tus mañitas, tu lado odioso, tu hiperactividad y efusividad, esa intensidad que dices temes mostrar pero que yo recibo con el mismo amor y entusiasmo de siempre. Ya no tengo palabras siquiera para seguir expresando todo lo que siento, todo lo que te amo y todo lo que sueño contigo. Solo puedo decirte que te sigo deseando en cada 11:11, en cada estrella fugaz y orando al cielo que tu amor hacia mí nunca se apague, que siga creciendo al lado del mío, que nuestra relación siga siendo bendecida y llena de prosperidad y felicidad.
Por supuesto y como siempre te lo he dicho, vendrán malos momentos, otros peores, otros incómodos o molestos, pero en ninguno pensaré que fue un error estar contigo. Nunca. Incluso en esos momentos difíciles yo voy a seguir amándote con gran intensidad y sin ningún titubeo de mi corazón. Seguiré tomando tu mano tan fuerte que será imposible separarme de ti. ¿Que si valió todo lo que tuve que pasar durante tanto años hasta llegar a este momento? Claro que sí. Lo volvería a repetir las veces que sean necesarias si eso me permite volver a conocernos.
Mi pingüinita bella, te puedo jurar que jamás llegué a imaginar que una persona pudiera volverse mi vida entera, pero tú lo lograste. Te convertiste en todo para mí, en mi mayor razón para sonreír, siempre voy a desearte lo mejor de este universo, no solo en tu cumpleaños, si no en toda tu hermosa existencia. Te amo tanto pero tanto mi precioso amor, como no tienes una idea. Si hay una cosa que puedo pedirle a la vida es que me permita seguir caminando de la mano junto a ti, seguir disfrutando tanto de tu compañía y de este amor que cada día vamos tornado perfecto. Jamás olvides que tu representas mi verdadero amor, lo que me hace incapaz de irme de tu lado, lo que me imposibilita incluso pensar que pueda dejar de amarte. ¡Te amo sempiternamente, mi reina, mi todo, mi enorme bendición!
Festeja en grande este precioso día, disfruta de la compañía de tus seres queridos y de todos los presentes que llegues a recibir, incluyendo los míos que con tanto amor preparé para ti. Muchas felicidades, mi amor. En verdad muchas gracias por existir y llegar a mi vida para volverla totalmente perfecta. Sigamos disfrutando de este hermoso momento para las dos, llenándonos de amor y derramando toda nuestra empalagosa miel como todos los días.
Sé siempre el amor de mis vidas, mi puppy, mi pingüinita hermosa. Jamás dejes de ser esa persona tan brillante, talentosa, creativa y magnífica que eres. Te juro y prometo que voy amarte con todo lo que tengo, todo lo que soy te pertenece y siempre voy a permanecer a tu lado. Estaremos juntas en esta vida, en miles más y en todos los universos que existen.
¡Feliz cumpleaños mi maravillosa chica! Gracias por estar conmigo, gracias por tu existencia, gracias por bendecirme con tu compañía.
We’re simply meant to be.~ 🐱💙🐶
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lucasmatthews · 3 years
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“Every fairy tale reincarnation is special, but it just makes you ordinary. Adams is like any other school in Manhattan, it really is! But what makes Adams special is the undying ambition hungry students who will do anything to fulfil their happily ever after- if they were born to be heroes or antagonists- these students would do anything to fulfill their stories. And it's your class- holy shit- they will slit your throat if you're in their way. If you wanna survive the new environment, you’ll need to know who to befriend and who to avoid. Let's get started:
When you want to escape the loud chaotic stress of this school, find solace in Zay Babineaux. He’s a musician, he can play any instrument- guitar, piano, flute, drums, violin, trumpet, even banjo- and mastered all music genres. Zay is extremely talented and self aware of who he is. Zay is one the most level headed students in the sophomore class. He just goes with the flow, wandering around the school playing his music. Hopefully not to do anything else, the pipe piper story gets a bit...interesting. But all Zay Babineaux wants is to share his voice. BEFRIEND
If the big bad wolf ever tries to eat the loved ones of Red Riding Hood. Isadora De La Cruz would gut the wolf inside and out and fill its body with stones. She is known to ‘not like other girls.” She’s scary and would kill you, she lives for that. Isadora doesn't like being a damsel in distress, she can take care of herself and wants to maintain her control over things. If she is stuck in a situation, she’ll get herself out of it. Her filipino mentality is you have to suck it up, and Miss. Isadora De La Cruz has to suck it up. Isadora works for what she wants in life, for every success she has, she earned it herself. AVOID BUT COULD BEFRIEND
For every Isadora De La Cruz, there’s a Farkle Minkus. Farkle Minkus is a wallflower. In the drama of Adams, Farkle thinks of himself as a background character in the whole story, even his own. He spends his time in the library, he has read all the books more than 3 times. There's not a lot known about Farkle, he’s very reserved and closed off- distanced. I don’t know if he has any friends to socialize with, but he is always tired. Let’s just say he’s practicing his 100 year nap. There's nothing good or bad said about Farkle, he’s just in the blurry background of it all. BEFRIEND
Who isn't a background character in their story, but is the most feared: Maya Hart. Maya Hart is Adams’ main antagonist, she always wears a silver crown on her head; reminding every student she’s queen. She has her minions by her side- the step sisters- they empathize Maya Hart’s spotlight. Where can you find a talented magic user? A cunning and sneaky Villain? Or a cold hearted queen? Well she's all 3. For a 16 year old, you would think she would be nicer to her friends or have a soul. But Maya doesn't care who gets hurt or who loses, all that matters is her throne. And if that means getting rid of competition, then she won't hesitate at all. My advice is don't ask her to help you with magic. She’s the true definition of an Adams student on steroids! AVOID LIKE HELL
And unfortunately last: Lucas Friar. He’s a special case in Adams, he’s not a fairy tale reincarnation, or a magic user; he’s just ordinary, plain and simple. His authority doesn't matter at all, he’s still just human. He’s prone to angry outbursts, getting into fights, and arguing with Maya Hart about everything. Lucas doesn't care, he seems to get out of trouble every time. But the most difficult part about Lucas is this: he’s hard to understand, sometimes he’s a decent person, sometimes he’s someone’s worst nightmare. The fact of the matter is, I wouldn't waste your time with Lucas Friar- he’ll make you view him as the villain. AVOID LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT
The world you entered in, is awful, unpredictable, and dangerous. As for your destiny, it's simple: to protect our stories and world, follow what’s written. But I must warn you, somehow, high school is way worse.
So we’re screwed?
No you're fucked. May God have mercy on your soul. Welcome to your prologue, Riley Matthews.”
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everelore · 4 years
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Keep up with AMBITION @ambitionsource
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shaynetopps · 3 years
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@ambitionsource secret santa ❄ santa claus!isa for esther aka @waterstribe​ 
surprise es! hope you enjoy this festive rendition of your queen isadora de la cruz this holiday season! 
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dunsbar · 4 years
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HER VOICE GETS LOUDER AND MORE POWERFUL, and she finishes the song with tears of anger spilling from her eyes. She’s done hiding who she is, trying to mold herself to how people expect her to be. She’s not a techie, she’s not a performer – she’s Isadora freakin’ De La Cruz, and she’ll do whatever the hell she wants.
AMBITION S1E12, “The World Will Never Be The Same” (@ambitionsource)
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leoleofitz · 4 years
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Isadora ‘Smackle’ de la Cruz
“Her voice gets louder and more powerful, and she finishes the song with tears of anger spilling from her eyes. She’s done hiding who she is, trying to mould herself to how people expect her to be. She’s not a techie, she’s not a performer – she’s Isadora freakin’ De La Cruz, and she’ll do whatever the hell she wants.” (@ambitionsource)
Happy holidays @xangelicsx
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otpworthy-blog · 5 years
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Riley Matthews, Isadora De La Cruz & Maya Hart in Ambition 
(very quickly became obsessed with this fictional series and thus this was born, hope you guys dont mind @daphnegolshiri @rapunzles @ambitionsource )
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quincywillows · 2 years
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THE FLATMATES AU 📦 An AMBITION universe created by Maggie and Ellie ( @jadenigel )
Sure, a performing arts high school sounds like a wild ride... but for anyone who has been to university -- any university -- they know that college is a rollercoaster all its own. That is the magic, misery, and mischief that attending Adams University will inevitably bring, no singing, dancing, or performing hallucinations required. And as anyone who has survived a housing situation knows, nothing can make or break your life experience more than who you get stuck living with for any stretch of time... put more simply, who your roommates might be (or your FLATMATES, as the kiwis and Brits say across the pond).
The rule of thumb is true as ever for Jade Beamon and Riley Matthews, both unassuming gals who find themselves sharing space with an interesting collection of characters (and their equally colorful cast of friends). All seven residents of suite 314 have their work cut out for them, facing challenges and adventures that range from coursework to chores-work to connections platonic or romantic... that is, if they can make it through the semester first!
To my dear pal Ellie: though it wasn’t my initial plan to make a gift for you as well this SS, I am so pleased I got the chance to! You mentioned on your list at the very bottom that you were open to “AU,” and I figured what better way to meet that suggestion than by bringing back a beloved AU we created together that is just begging to be resurrected... while sharing some fun music along the way! I love you so much friend, please enjoy this sonic journey through the world of FLATMATES... and perhaps it’ll give us the inspiration to jump back in come 2022! 💖🎀
Below, meet the seven residents of suite 314 by exploring a handful of the music you might hear when passing by their room... and bop along to the full Flatmates Aesthetic here! ✨
Jade Beamon ( 314, Room 1A ) 🎶 || Jade is the everyman who takes us into the world of suite 314, and suffice to say she is just trying to keep her head above water. Getting into the competitive and creative-intensive design program at Adams University was no easy feat, and she is determined not to mess it up. Still, she doesn’t want to entirely miss out on the social scene of her new school and even her new flat... even if she doesn’t totally get the vibes of some of her new flatmates. Do we need to have friends over every single day (Dylan)? On the flip side, isn’t it kind of rude to never come out of your room (Charlie)? And where the hell even is her own roommate, Maya Hart, who never seems to be around? Then there’s Nigel, the cute acting major who lives just across the suite... but no, no, Jade can’t get distracted. Friendship is just fine. Who has time for crushes, anyway...
Riley Matthews ( 314, Room 2A ) 🎶 || For Riley, university is going to be her fresh start. She wasn’t very popular in high school -- okay, she wasn’t popular at all -- but nobody knows her here at Adams, and she’s determined to spread her wings and blossom into the social butterfly she knows she can be. If that means that she has to be the one bringing everyone together, so be it... though might be easier said than done, since her flat is a bizarre amalgamation of personalities. Trying to win over her own roommate, Isadora, might be a challenge, since they seem blunt and busy and maybe far cooler than her... and she has to avoid getting spooked and sidetracked by Isa’s good friend, LJ, who is equal parts intimidating and unbelievably attractive.
Isadora De La Cruz ( 314, Room 2B ) 🎶 || Whatever socializing suitemate bullshit Riley and Dylan keep peddling, Isa doesn’t have time for it. They’ve got things to do, films to storyboard, stages to manage, and wasting any precious time trying to “bond” as a flat just seems like a waste of time considering a third of them seem to never be around, and the rest of them are so different, Isa doesn’t see how they could come together. Bonding with Riley seems hard enough, since she’s sweet and optimistic and had to have been the most popular girl in school wherever she came from. So what if part of it is that Isa has never been very good at making friends... whatever. They don’t care. It’s fine.
Dylan Orlando ( 314, Room 3A ) 🎶 || How the hell does Dylan Orlando already have friends? Seriously, he’s barely been here six hours, and already he’s bringing around new friends (some dudes named Dave and Nate -- loud dudes, Isa and Jade care to note) while the rest of the flat is still unpacking. He seems nice enough, social and friendly and keen to talk any time. About anything. But no one can seem to figure out what he’s studying -- even himself. And what’s the point of trying to be his friend when he clearly already has plenty to spare? Surely, he’s not worried about getting left behind... although Jade better watch out, because Dylan does appear to be strangely not busy and hanging around any time her new friend from design Asher comes around to study...
Nigel Chey ( 314, Room 3B ) 🎶 || If there’s one thing Nigel might have in common with Isa, it’s that he, too, is determined to focus on academics. He got into the prestigious acting program, and that’s his dream, so he isn’t going to let anything affect his chances to get everything out of the school he can. He has to be especially careful, since he’s on scholarship, and one misstep might send everything crumbling down... that makes rooming with Dylan Orlando tricky, because it’s nearly impossible to study lines and dig into plays when all his roommate wants to do is talk. He’s nice, and everything, but how is Nigel supposed to get anything done? Guess he’ll just go seek refuge in Jade’s room... she always lets him hang in there, she’s a good study partner, and Maya is never around anyway... he’s certainly not just ending up in there with her for any other reason...
Charlie Gardner ( 314, Room 4 ) 🎶 || If you saw Charlie, no you didn’t. Some of the flatmate friends don’t even believe he exists. It was no mistake that Charlie ended up with the single room -- it was a strategic survival instinct, because it gives him the perfect place to study and the best place to hide. It’s not that he doesn’t want to make friends, especially considering college is the first place he’s planning not to hide his sexuality, but how does anyone socialize and not make a complete embarrassment of themselves? I mean, he’s an education major. What’s he supposed to talk about? Lesson plans? No one wants to casually talk about English literature. And it’s a miracle if Charlie can even speak at all half the time, let alone when everyone else in his suite seems to be perfectly sociable and talkative and have it all under control. Who needs his input anyway... and God forbid they bring friends over, or even worse, cute friends, like Nigel’s new friend Zay... no, no, it’s better to hunker down and hide. No one probably even notices he’s gone.
Maya Hart ( 314, Room 1B ) 🎶 || Everyone’s all “where the hell is Maya?” As if it’s some big crime to not be lazing around the suite all day long. Sorry, Maya’s got places to be! People to see! She’s got big dreams, and she’s not wasting her scholarship-given spot in the music program. So if you don’t see her around, well, that’s your problem. She doesn’t have time to explain -- sorry, got a spot booked in the uni recording studio! Much love, muah, see you in three weeks! Maybe!
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Characters in the bracket
here's the list, I'll post the match ups in a separate post.
Scott Evil
Alicent Hightower
Jonathan Sims
Skyler White
Gwen Cooper
Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz
Tori Vega
Peeta Mellark
Bill Woodward
Jesse Pinkman
Sheldon Cooper
The Cabbage Merchant
Steve Harrington
White Out
Morrigan Crow
Jack Kline
Tim Stoker
Yellow Guy
Nathan Byrne
Yumena Kyusaku (aka Q)
Todd Jacobson
Mike Hanlon
Isadora Quagmire
Miles O'Brien
Violet Baudelaire
Klaus Baudelaire
Sunny Baudelaire
Juzo Sakakura
Amy Pond
Klavier Gavin
Asgore Dreemurr
Bucky Barnes
Kira Yukimura
Harry Dresden
Will Graham
Logan Sanders
Chloe Valentine
Donald Duck
gary/jerry/larry/terry gergich
Malyen Oretsev
Nico Di Angelo
Sally Acorn
Sansa Stark
Christopher Lightwood
Bruce Banner
Hunter De Vil
Anya Jenkins
Filthy Rich
Dylan Dalmatian
Derek Hale
Lance McClain
Raine Whispers
Mouse Gerwitz
Aaron Hotchner
Trina Vega
Luis Cabrera
Guillermo de la Cruz
Meg Griffin
Theodore Templeton
Mary Jane Watson
Asriel Dreemur
Mabel Pines
Candace Flynn
Will Byers
Chara Dreemurr
Ezreal Leasra
Ellie Williams
Tony Stark
Tasha Yar
Alberto Scorfano
Klaus Hargreeves
Viktor Hargreeves
Saw Gerrera
Sam Puckett
Ken (The Bee Movie)
Freddie Benson
Ian Rider
Kanji Tatsumi
Colin Robinson
Sam Winchester
Gamzee Makara
Noel Levine
Tavros Nitram
Sakura Haruno
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- 12 05 2019 - 
Carta de alunos da escola Vera Cruz em apoio ao movimento contra o corte de verba destinada à educação
São Paulo, 12 de maio de 2019.
“Acreditamos que a educação sozinha não transforma a sociedade, sem ela tampouco a sociedade muda. Se a nossa opção é progressiva, se estamos a favor da vida e não da morte, da equidade e não da injustiça, do direito e não do arbítrio, da convivência com o diferente e não de sua negação, não temos outro caminho senão viver a nossa opção. Encará-la, diminuindo, assim, a distância entre o que dizemos e o que fazemos” Paulo Freire Como declarado pelo educador brasileiro, planetariamente reconhecido, Paulo Freire, a educação exerce um papel de extrema importância ao funcionamento e à existência de uma sociedade, obtendo uma relação de ação e reação no comportamento de cada cidadão. Ademais esta é um direito fundamental e social, como consta no Título II (Direitos Fundamentais), Capítulo II (Direitos Sociais), artigo 6º da Constituição Federal da República de 1988. E assim é dever do Estado não só garanti-la, mas deve-se investir em uma educação de qualidade e para todos. Entretanto, dentre os múltiplos ataques apresentados pelo governo Bolsonaro, desde o início deste ano, eis um de massiva importância para o futuro da sociedade brasileira: o corte de R$7,97 bilhões do investimento em educação, do ensino básico até o ensino superior. Nas últimas semanas, o MEC e Weintraub divulgaram o corte total de R$819 milhões nas bolsas de pesquisa de pós-graduação. Porém, a conta realizada pelo ministro Abraham Weintraub é nitidamente tendenciosa; os cortes foram realizados em cima de despesas discricionárias, pois o MEC não pode interferir em despesas obrigatórias, como as com gastos de funcionários. Assim, sobre essas despesas não obrigatórias, o corte foi, de fato, de cerca de 30%. Deste modo a universidade pública, que representa não apenas a pesquisa brasileira em todos os níveis, mas também um meio acessível que visa formar um aluno crítico e participativo, vinculando a aprendizagem a questões da realidade, está sendo derrubada, asfixiada pela mesquinharia elitista que nos rodeia historicamente no Brasil. O corte de verbas é só um início para uma problemática que se aprofunda ainda mais quando a discussão é a privatização da universidade pública como uma solução para suas contas. Tanto os cortes quanto a defesa de que a privatização são uma saída viável, excluem ainda mais os pobres e as minorias que vêm atualmente ocupando tais lugares. Essas medidas reforçam a marginalização àqueles que historicamente sempre tiveram um espaço de educação de qualidade negado. Assistimos a uma cegueira estratégica. Assim, nós, grupo de alunos do ensino médio da Escola Vera Cruz, entendemos que a qualidade do ensino não pode de forma alguma ser precarizada e, deste modo, gostaríamos de explicitar nosso  apoio à paralização  que acontecerá no dia 15 de maio de 2019 (quarta-feira). Independente de nossa situação nos parecer privilegiada, já que somos estudantes da rede de educação particular da zona Oeste de São Paulo, é importante lembrar que tal corte também nos afeta. Apesar de circularmos em um meio educativo privado, muitos de nós desejam acessar o ensino universitário público. Deste modo, a paralização representa um instrumento de posicionamento não só sobre o futuro do nosso país, mas também sobre o nosso próprio. Diante disso, convidamos todas e todos os estudantes da Escola Vera Cruz a se manifestarem  no dia 15/05.
Grêmio da Construção Coletiva
Alunos: Anita Schwenck Nejme; Daniel Moraes Santana; Veronica Bagnoli D'Amore; Vitor Park Wu Sofia Domingues Belinky Maria Fernanda Saraiva Fernando Pencak Felipe André Mirshawka Bruna Tito Renan Funtowicz Valentina Yusta Fernanda Lazaretti Marina Navale Cecco Gabriel de Held Silveira João Pedro Maroni Gustavo Ruy Fernandes Davi Terra Felipe Rottgering Bianca Marcomini Laís Bastos Laura Dick Danilo Lima Amanda  Sanches Louro Sofia Schuppli Sofia Mendonça Lucca Levin Cecato Francisco Ferraz Rafael Kovach Viktor Schmadel Bruna Carvalho Fernanda Veronezi Sofia Mendes Nina Klotzel Manoela Varella Peixoto Olívia Blay Gabriela Giardino Rafaela Dowbor Stefani Romano Flávia Vallejo Isabela Miranda Luana Kotscho Elise Boccia Fabiana Tarantino Manuela Abramo Manuela Ferraz Luiza Mendonça Natália Tito Ana Luiza Tararam Clara Smith Laura Cicerone Ana Luiza Tobara Manuela Magalhães Isabella Conti Cecília Almeida Paula Gaido Mila Mercadante Maria Eduarda Grassano Maria Pandeló Luana Nicolini Isabel Neves Laura Cruz Ana Carolina Roso Helena Pimentel Clara Paranhos Rafaela Nastari Joana Plapler Beatriz Soares Daniela Goichman Rita Barbiellini Sáfadi Catharina Caseiro Cavalieri Mariana Giannella Lina Mariana Abuhab Bialski Giulia Tonin Dora Duprat Martini Juliana Junqueira Fernanda Galvão Daniela Maciel Carolina Sertorio Helena Ditt Helena Winter Luana Baenninger Laura Mauser Mariana Brom Giulia Soares Clara kalili Clara Anselmo Godoy Corrêa Livia cristina busato Isadora Muylaert Helena Sader Pietra Porto Carolina Nigro Luiza Robin Fernanda Mendes Marina Sampaio Isabela Cosso Ana Luiza Politi Sabrina Polak Isabel Borgneth Sofia Farias Isabella Dalge Marina Franco Mansur Júlia Paliares Luiza Barros Vera Pizzo Catarina Schultz Ramos de Andrade Isabella Ekerman Kether Barata Ribeiro Levine Zoe Barata Ribeiro Levine Julia Livi Graziella Piacsek Fernanda Tito Costa Pereira Bruno Ligorio João Pedro Sartí João Alfredo Stella Nader Raquel Liberman Maria Clara Berni Fernandes Léo Ostermayer Fiuza Luca Perotti Pedro Magada Danilo Sztutman Laura Andrade Gabriel Starobinas Francisco Appy Clara Quinta Cunha Felipe Puliti Serson Gustavo Andriotti Gurman Joana Lagos Atala Frederico Levy Luara Dezordi de Oliveira Manuela Mazzucchelli Pedro Ferreira Cecília Tiné Torkomian Luana Tito Nastas Fabiana Biondi Camargo Francisco Barreto Dalla Vecchia Gabriela Pires CitIno Marina Gurman Nicholas Rigatto Noah Levin Tom Ricardo Rabinovitch Catharina Maia Gabriel Amorosino Sales Fernando Kerr Guimarães Bidetti Luana Farhat de Carvalho Felipe Cosso Gabriel Chiaratto Gabriel Lanchini Loures Bruno Ferraz Manzoli Karina Simone Fischer Isadora R. F. Cunha Antonio Losada Totaro André Thomas Monteiro Maria Clara Gonçalves Matheus Paulelli Gandolfo Antonio Levorin Antonio Mantovani Pedro Telles Lucca Reis Antonio Mendes Gandour Eduarda Siqueira Martins Daniel Viana Godinho Peria João Marques Magalhães Thales Corrêa Tavares Gabriel Machado Frossard Nina de Souza Furlan Gabriela Lobo Jeveaux
Responsáveis Legais:
Candida Rocha Schwenck; Roberto Emilio Nejme; Maria Helena Bagnoli; Carmine D'Amore Ingrid Davidovich v Paula Cruz Marta Inez Medeiros Marques
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lucasmatthews · 3 years
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Meet the ten protagonists of The Will We Ever Get A Happily Ever After concept AU:
RILEY MATTHEWS: the new student at Adams who is the reincarnation of Cinderella and possesses fairy godmother’s magic. She is trying to find her place in the ranks of Adams, while trying to fulfill her destiny.
LUCAS FRIAR: a student at Adams, who is neither a fairy tale reincarnation or a magic user. He is head of the ordinary clan (similar to the techies in @/ambitionsource)- who are ordinary fairy tale reincarnations without magical abilities or deemed “supporting cast” to protagonists (performers). 
MAYA HART: a student at Adams, who is the reincarnation of the Evil Queen- she’s Adams’ main antagonist and a talented magic user. She is ambitious in fulfilling her destiny- without any mishaps, no dancing to death in red hot iron shoes for her. She is considered to be Riley’s ‘rival.’
ISADORA DE LA CRUZ: a student at Adams who is the reincarnation of Red Riding Hood. She is also Lucas’s best friend and pseudo sister. She’s bossy and wants to maintain control over everything to get work done. Isadora hates being a damsel in distress.
FARKLE MINKUS: a student at Adams who is the reincarnation of Briar Rose (sleeping beauty). Farkle is usually in the background of the chaos in Adams, and is always tired. He spends his times in the science lab or in the library.
ZAY BABINEAUX: a student at Adams who is the reincarnation of the piped piper. He’s an inspiring musician and dancer, able to play any instrument and perform any genre of music. Zay is more of a go with the flow type of guy.
ASHER GARICA: the reincarnation of Alice from Alice in Wonderland. Dylan’s boyfriend. Because he’s the reincarnation of Alice, Asher can see things that no one- even reincarnations- can (something called looking glass).
DYLAN ORLANDO: the reincarnation of the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland. Asher’s boyfriend. He has a magical hat that can fit anything and can hear people’s narrations (sort of like an telepath). 
CHARLIE GARDENER: one of many Prince Charming reincarnations (specifically in the cinderella story). Charlie is trained to protect ‘damsels’ and serve his purpose as a prince. He is also Adams’ ‘dream prince.’
ELLIOT MATTHEWS: Riley’s older brother who isn’t a fairy tale reincarnation (like Lucas). Elliot tried to adjust to Adams, while desiring normality. He also is excellent at fix broken machines and gadgets. 
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everelore · 4 years
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Baby, baby, won't you please come rescue me? I don't really wanna stay if you're not All I know is that I need you, baby Hold me close so I can finally breathe
Breathe//James Arthur 
Keep up with Ambition by @quincywillows and @rapunzles at @ambitionsource
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