isadeisa · 9 months
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NEW POWERCHAIR CAME IN! not my favorite color but i will cope! ECSTATIC THOUGH! (Did i spell that right. Can mina confirm.)
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isabelguerra · 7 months
done working for the day. time to isablog
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mistresseast · 3 years
Akechi: If you were smart, you wouldn't trust me
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awizardandachef · 5 years
in light of the new taz season announcement (very hype!!) i do want to remind people about Bombarded, an actual play DnD podcast where real-life band Lindby plays a party of All Bards attending a prestigious Bard School. the show features a unique mechanic whereby the band improvises a song every. single. episode. and it’s just generally delightful
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isabloguk-blog · 6 years
To The Mother of Our Daughter on Mother’s Day
To the mother of our daughter on Mother’s Day. This one is to my wife. For bringing our baby into this world, and adapting to the challenge that motherhood brings. I will always love her as the mother to my daughter, no matter what. #MothersDay
Since it’s Mother’s Day, and this is in fact our first Mother’s Day as this little family, I thought I’d write a post about the most important mother in my life, and that’s my wife.
The Mother of Our Daughter
No matter what happens from here on out, Rachel and I will always be connected. I can’t say that we’ll be together forever. I know that people change and things happen. As of this writing,…
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siiks · 5 years
2018, nüüd hoopis 9
Ma olen hetkel täielik ahviplika. Tunnistan, et mulle mõneti meeldivad sellised kokkuvõtvad postitused. Iseasi, kui põnev kellelgi teisel neid lugeda on, aga...
Henry ehk isablogi pidaja esitas 10 küsimust möödunud aasta kohta. Otsustasin needsamad võtta - ja ma pole veel vastama hakanudki, aga ma tean, et osad on keerulised - ja proovida analüüsida veidi.
1. Mis ma enda jaoks sel aastal avastasin?
Võib-olla üksi olemise kunsti? Et vahel ongi okei diivanil lebotada, veini juua, telekat vahtida ja mitte midagi teha. Ma olen endiselt kohutavalt halb selles molutamise värgis, aga ma väga püüan areneda. Ma usun, et 2018. aitas mind oluliselt edasi.
2. Mis mind sel aastal enim meeldivalt üllatas?
Ma võiksin siinkohal loetleda palju asju. Et Kefalonia on ilus saar. Et uut autot on megaraske valida. Et töökoha vahetamine on paras stressiallikas jaaniiedasi.
Aga võib-olla üllataski mind just see, et ma olen õppinud kuidagi... ütlema, et fain, let’s agree to disagree. Mul on tunne, et just tööelus on see täiesti okei, aga oluline uus samm, mis astumist vajab. Tihtipeale on ju olukordasid, kus teha saaks nii või naa ja tuleb see tee leida. Aga leidmiseks tuleb arutada ja see ongi koht, kus tuleb julgeda oma arvamust välja öelda. See on okei, kui minu omaga ei nõustuta või vastupidi. Ka see tuleb meelde jätta.
3. Mis saavutuse üle sa kõige rohkem uhke oled?
Ma tegelt ei arvanud, et ma need kapteniload päriselt ära teen...
4. Aasta parim ost?
Uued teksad. 
Heh. Nali. Hundikutsikas muidugi!
5.  Mis uue harjumuse/rutiini ma endale lõin, et olla oma tegemistes efektiivsem?
Ma tegelt ei ole väga rutiini tüüp. Ma ei ole see, kes suudaks panna iga päev oma kaloreid kirja. Või igal kuul oma kõiki kulutusi. Aga ma tean selliseid inimesi.
Kalorite lugemist ma veidi aega proovisin ja oli efektiivne küll. Tegelt peaks jälle lugema hakkama. Deem need pühad ma ütlen.
Mulle hetkel seostub tegelikult hoopis kõige rohkem mu mõnes mõttes uus tööaeg ja -koht. Kuna uus töökoht asub mulle 25km asemel u 6km kaugusel, siis see annab mulle päeva lõikes aega juurde. Lisaks olen hakanud ma kl 8 ärkamise asemel sel ajal juba kodust lahkuma, nii et ka see on uus värk. Kas olen efektiivsem? Kindlasti. Samas on need asjad paratamatud, seega on see hästi keerukas küsimus. Aga vähemalt vastasin midagigigigigi.
6. Keda ma tahan sel aastal tänada?
Bono - ta vahel ikka vaatab mulle oma kutsikasilmadega otsa ja sunnib jalutama. See jalutamine pole mulle veel kordagi halvasti mõjunud, nii et tasub käia.
Isa - me võime tülitseda ja teineteist närvi ajada, aga tegelikkuses on isa see, kes mind maa peale toob; ütleb, et “pole hullu” ja annab nõu. Ma vahel hirmutan end mõtetega, et mis siis, kui teda enam pole... ja ega ma ei teagi, mis siis saab, aga täna ta on ja see on ilmselt ainus, mis loeb.
Vend Oliver - olen Oliverile kirjutanud öösel, võib-olla et natukene pisarad silmis, ja öelnud, et ma ei saa magada, kuna see mure piinab. Ja Oliver aitab. Oliver hoiab käest, kui ma tasakaaluliikuril sõitmist harjutan. Oliver ütleb, et ma olen äge (ka siis, kui ma seda ise enam üldse ei usu) ja sunnib edasi pingutama. Kui ma mõtlengi, et mis saab, kui isa pole, siis vähemalt mul on mu Oliver.
Mu tüdrukud - ma arvan, et pole mure, mida naistekas ei suudaks lahendada. Aga lisaks sellele võtame koos ägedaid asju ette ja vahel saame kokku, et mitte midagi teha. Ükskord toppisime näiteks tikke küünlasse. Ülilahe! Ma arvan, et selline naistekakamp, kes su vaimset tervist nii enamvähem paigas hoiab, on hädavajalik.
Mu lemmikmehed - mul on neid kolm! Rauno, Ott ja Klen. Esimene neist elab mulle hästi lähedal ja tuleb õhtul läbi, kui mul süüa liiga palju on või kui saun köeb või kui riiul vajab kokku panekut. Võin julgelt öelda, et me oleme teineteist ikka parajasse hädakaevu vahel lükanud, aga kuidagimoodi ronime koos julgelt edasi, viskame nalja ja oleme teineteisele 110% olemas, kui kumbki seda vajama peaks. Teine - Ott - on see sõber, kes helistab mulle kas või igavusest ummikus, et küsida kuidas läheb. Täiega äge, sest noh, tänapäeval enam väga ei helistata, nagu te teate. Otiga meeldib meile lisaks veel head toitu süüa ja teisipäevakuid pidada. Klen on mu sõber, kes on pidevalt otseses mõttes lennus, aga hirmus äge on jälle näha, kui võimalus selleks avaneb. Raunot näen ma nii umbes iga päev või üle päeva, Otti kindlasti kord nädalas, aga Kleniga võib see vahe olla nädal kuni kuu. Aga Kleniga on alati lihtsalt nii hirmus lihtne koos olla, et see on tõeliselt võluv.
Mu tööandja - nad kutsusid mind enda juurde, nähes minus midagi, mida ma võib-olla et ise (veel?) ei näegi. Õpin, näen vaeva ja loodan parimat. Ma usun, et tuleb välja kah.
Ja tegelikult on neid ju veel. Mu pere, mu sugulased. Mu kodu! Mu salajased sõbrad. Isegi mu töökaaslased. Ma olen ümbritsetud hirmus toredatest inimestest ja miks see ei peakski nii olema?
7. Mis oli negatiivseim asi, mis minuga sel aastal juhtus?
Meil juhtus eelmise aasta jaanuaris R’ga üks asi. Ma ei taha seda lahata, aga sisuliselt rääkisime me teineteisest mööda ja tegime kokkuvõttes teineteisele palju haiget. Need olid hirmsad nädalad - umbes 3-4 päeva läks mul toitu nähes süda nii pahaks, et tahtsin oksendada. Sööma ma hakkasin, aga see periood kestis julgelt 3-4 nädalat ja kurnas ära. Kõlame nagu draamakuningannad, aga arvasime, et see sõprus nüüd sinnapaika ka jääb ja see oli südantlõhestavalt kurb, aga kuidagi suutsime teineteisele otsa vaadata ja asjad ära lahendada. 
AGA see aeg tõi palju toredat ka. Me oleme tänaseks väga head sõbrad, kes peale seda jaanuarikuud on päriselt teineteisele välja öelnud, et me nii väga hoolime. See tüli võttis mul mingil hetkel kaine mõistuse peast niimoodi ära, et ma valasin selle kõik Oliverile välja, kes mind maa peale tagasi tõi. Peale seda oleme jällegi Oliveriga veel lähedasemad. Lõpp hea, kõik hea?
8. Kas minu ellu tekkis sel aastal uusi sõpru?
Jah! Sellised teistmoodi sõbrad - mu töökaaslased. Mul on nii vahva osakond, et me oleme küllalt avameelsed ja räägime ka paljudest isiklikest asjadest. See on hea, sest saad tööl jagada rõõmu või vabandada, miks sa täna selline oled. Keegi hukka ei mõista ja asi on siiski professionaalsel tasemel, aga hirmus tore. Lisaks oleme me saanud koos trennis käia ja järgmine nädal lähme koos õhtusööki sööma. Mu meelest täitsa hästi!
9. Mida ma oleksin saanud paremini teha?
Ma tahaksin, et ma vahel suudaksin rohkem oma emotsioone enda sees hoida. Tunnistan, et vahel ma ütlen enne kui mõtlen ja seda puhtalt mingi emotsiooni pealt. Ma olen pärast tegelikult ise ilmselt kõige kurvem, sest ma ei naudi sellist draamatsemist ja kurjustamist. Ma tahan olla õiglane ja enda eest seista, aga need on tihtipeale siiski erinevad asjad. 
10. Mida ma teen, et uus aasta tuleks meeldejääv?
Ma ei ole väga uusaasta lubaduste andja. See on lõpuks ju vaid kuupäev. 
AGA. Mul on siiski mõned mõtted.
Ma tahan reisida. Küpros on juba tulemas! Otsa kontserdid Riias ja mõned retked Soome.
Ma tahaksin tutvuda veel uute inimestega. Uued inimesed võivad olla väga ägedad.
Tahaksin midagi õppida. Pole aimugi, et mida. Ma ei pea silmas nt bakakraadi, vaid pigem mingit kursust - sarnaselt nagu käisime paadikoolis.
Tahaksin veel rohkem üksi olla. Oma raamatuga. Oma sarjaga. Kui vaja, siis oma veiniga. Ma ju tean, et te olete olemas ja mina teie jaoks ka, aga ilmselt on üksiolemist samuti vaja.
Ma tahaksin end proovile panna. Ma pidevalt mõtlen mingitele kriisiolukordadele ja analüüsin, kas ja kuidas peaksin käituma. Ühest küljest on tragöödiate ettekujutamine mõttetu tegevus, samas on aga kriisikommunikatsioon kui erialane valdkond mulle alati täiega põnev tundunud.
Hästi raske on seega nimetada kindlaid tegevusi. Aga mul on mingid omad suunad, kuhu poole tahaksin liikuda ja loodan selles osas parimat.
Imelist uut! Astume siis vahel üheskoos mugavustsoonist välja ja loodame imedele. Üldjuhul nad nii ka juhtuvad. :)
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The Wellness Tag With IsaBlog
Every week if you’re a regular reader you’ll know I do Wellness Wednesday where I post something about wellness (obvs), but I thought it was about time I let someone else share their wisdom with you. After all, when it comes to wellness it’s different strokes for different folks and all that. So with that in mind, I created the Wellness Tag. So once a month (maybe twice) depending on how much you…
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isablog7163-blog · 7 years
Pessoal falei no texto anterior que ia botar coisas que eu gosto, mais o foco do isablog é postar coisas de moda e meus desenhos de moda, mas lembrando eu não sou estilista e estou começando a desenvolver meus desenhos, mentira kkkk meus desenhos não são tão bons assim mais mesmo assim quero compartilhar com vcs para que vcs possam me ajudar e dar ideias de como melhorar meus desenhos sei que vai ter comentários negativos mais eu não ligo
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thegaycousin · 10 years
hello im lieutenant major sergeant captain jehan modernist and no printing is allowed on deck
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mistresseast · 3 years
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Here is my shuake temporary amnesia threadfic I posted to Twitter earlier! Presented to you in screenshots for the full cinematic experience of being spammed with gross fluff on your timeline. The complete text is under the cut in case you don’t want to or can’t wade through all of those images ❤️
The procedure was really simple. Akira’s appendix hadn’t burst or anything, it was just inflamed and the doctor decided to have it removed as a precaution. Nothing to get worked up about, Goro kept telling himself. His husband would be in and out within a day, no hospital stay required.
Akira was all jokes before the surgery, teasing Goro about putting on a nurse’s outfit to take care of him at home, and Goro just said something threatening about suppositories, which earned a cheeky laugh.
It didn’t take long, and the other thieves showed up right as Akira was getting out. He was pretty woozy as the anesthesia wore off, but Goro was just relieved everything had gone perfectly, according to the surgeon.
When Goro comes back, eyes red-rimmed but dry, the thieves are visibly struggling to hold it together. Ryuji is facing the corner, shoulders shaking. Ann and Futaba are clinging to each and Haru has her hand over her mouth. Makoto is holding her head like she has a headache.
Except when Akira is coherent again, he’s...weird. He keeps avoiding Goro’s eyes and he barely responds to the others when they speak to him. Goro tries to take his hand, and he locks up, going pale. The others just watch, looking awkward, and Goro excuses himself, suddenly feeling ill.
Akira is sitting up in bed, beaming.
“What happened?” Goro asks.
Sumi smiles innocently. “Nothing.”
Goro eyes them all with suspicion. “The neurologist will be here soon to clear him for discharge.”
“Great,” Ann squeaks.
“Somehow, I do not think--” Yusuke starts before two of the others shush him.
Well, that’s weird, but when are the thieves not weird? Goro is more interested in Akira, who’s staring at him with a crooked grin.
“Feeling better?” Goro asks, retaking his seat.
“I am now that you’re here,” Akira says, flashing him a wink.
Goro squints at him. “Are you sure? You were pretty out of it earlier. I can go get a doctor—”
“That was nothing,” Akira insists. “I was just surprised to wake up to someone so pretty waiting at my bedside.”
“Oh is that what it was.” Rolling his eyes, Goro sits forward to guide Akira back down against the pillows. “You shouldn’t be sitting up. You’ll pop your stitches.”
“Yes, sir.” Akira lies back obediently and catches Goro’s hand when he tries to pull away. “I can think of some more fun ways to pop them, anyway. Are you free later?”
Goro stares at him while Futaba lets out a hysterical giggle and Makoto mumbles something.
“You think you’re so cute,” Goro says eventually. “The doctor said to hold off on that for at least a week.”
"Oh, right." Akira hitches up his coy smile. "What's your schedule like in a week, then?"
Cheeks warm, Goro cuts his eyes to the others, who are all studiously avoiding looking at the bed. "What's gotten into you?" he scolds. Akira is never this…overt in public.
Akira's smile droops. "I...sorry, I—" He flicks a glance at the others as well, and Goro catches Ann giving an encouraging little hand wave.
"What?" Goro directs at her. "Is something wrong?"
She shakes her head quickly, eyes wide and glittering.
"Everything's fine," Akira insists. "I was just...uh, wondering if, after I'm recovered, you'd like to grab some coffee or something?"
Goro furrows his brows at him. "You realize that's a ridiculous question, right? What are you playing at?"
"But—you—" Frowning, Akira darts a look down at the ring encircling Goro's fourth finger, then over at the rest of his friends. "You guys—"
Futaba bursts out laughing and Ryuji nearly keels over from the force of his own elated wheezing. Makoto pinches the bridge of her nose.
"Sorry," Akira mumbles, releasing Goro's hand, cheeks red. "I guess they thought it'd be funny to play a trick on a sick person."
"A trick?" Goro repeats blankly.
"Of course you're already taken, someone as hot as you—" Akira scrubs a hand through his hair. "I saw your ring but they said it wasn't—you weren't—"
Realization clicks in Goro's head and he angles a glare at the others, which apparently breaks the final seal because the remaining thieves, minus Makoto, dissolve into helpless giggling.
"I'm really sorry," Akira continues, oblivious. "If I knew, I wouldn't have hit on you, but you're just so...and when I woke up and saw you being so nice to me, I thought, you know—" he grimaces. 
"Oh my god." Goro rubs his temples.
"When you left, I asked them if you were single and they said yes, but they were just taking me for a ride." Akira scowls at the others. "Not cool, guys."
Futaba snorts. She has her phone out and pointed at them but Goro can't worry about that at the moment. "Akira, how much do you remember right now?"
Akira shrugs. "Everything's pretty hazy. I figured you all had to be my friends since you don't look like family and you were all really happy when I woke up, but I can't remember the specifics. That happens with anesthesia sometimes, right?"
"Yes, it—" Goro breaks off on a sigh.
"Look, I'm really sorry again," Akira says earnestly, "—and I hope this doesn't make things awkward with us, but I just wanna say that I hope whoever you're with knows how lucky they are."
"Oh, they do," Ryuji pipes up. "They never shut up about it!"
The others all snicker and Goro wishes he was close enough to elbow Ryuji in the gut.
"Good." Akira smiles sadly, putting Goro in mind of a kitten left in the rain. "Who is it, anyway? Do I know them?"
Goro makes a strained noise in the back of his throat. "Akira, it's you."
Akira blinks. "What?"
Digging in his pocket, Goro produces a simple silver band and grabs Akira's hand. "You're the person I'm with, we're married—" he slides the ring into Akira's unresisting finger. "And your friends are all assholes."
Akira stares slack-jawed at his ring. "Wait, really?" He glances between Goro and the others. "Really?"
Goro nods with another sigh while the others struggle to compose themselves.
"Sorry," Ann says, at least looking a little contrite. "When we realized he didn't remember you, we just couldn't resist."
"We owe you," Sumi titters. "Please don't be mad! We'll make it up to you!"
"You absolutely will," Goro grumbles, already planning just how he's going to make the thieves pay for this.
"Hang on—" Akira snags Goro's hand again, eyes shining. "We're really married?"
"Yes," Goro answers patiently. "For nearly two years."
"Holy shit," Akira marvels. "How did I manage that?"
"Here we go," Futaba groans.
Goro shoots her a warning look before reaching over and smoothing Akira's fringe off his forehead. "Hopefully you'll remember that on your own soon." He doesn't really want to recount the whole operatic series of events.
Akira leans shamelessly into the touch, a dopey smile growing on his face. 
The neurologist assures them that Akira's brain is fine and that this kind of disorientation is common after general anesthesia. Nevertheless, he stays in the hospital until his memories start returning.
"Look at it this way," Ann suggests while Akira hides his face in embarrassment and Goro signs his discharge papers. "Now you both know that Akira's not just into you because you tried to kill him."
Goro still isn't pleased with the thieves, but he's starting to see the humor in the situation. "That's definitely a load off my mind. Though now I'll have to rethink our anniversary plans."
Akira whines something that sounds like "please stop"
"I did quite enjoy hearing about how hot I am, though."
Akira lowers his hands, pouting petulantly. "I tell you that all the time."
"You should remind me more often."
"Oh?" Some familiar impishness sparks in Akira's gaze. "So you like when I praise you?"
"Your memories must still be hazy because that's not a secret."
"Please don't do this," Makoto begs.
Laughing, Akira ignores her and makes grabby hands at Goro. Smirking, Goro sets his clipboard aside and leans forward, allowing Akira to pull him into a kiss.
It's just as sweet as always.
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awizardandachef · 5 years
love how Griffin clearly wrote Antonia and Rowan (and Artemis) with motivations and backstories, as evidenced by their wonderland prizes and their reactions to seeing them, but the thb was too distracted by Magnus somersaulting down the path to be as nosy as they usually are so that lore just went unappreciated
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isabloguk-blog · 6 years
Isablog #27 - Feelings of Baby Regret & Getting Sick From the Baby
Here's this weeks post where I talk about baby regret and the fact that I got ill from Isabelle
If you read this blog regularly, which if you do then a big thank you, I can’t believe you keep coming back, then you’ll know that last week Isabelle wasn’t very well. Unfortunately, that little bit of sickness managed to transfer all the way into me. Yay!
And the best part about all of it? It all started during the Superbowl! I know I did a post last weekwhere I talked about not being as…
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mistresseast · 3 years
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mistresseast · 3 years
I made this same post on Twitter like truth coming out of her well: everyone wants to talk about Black Mask's garter belts but no one wants to talk about his BDSM posture collar
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(collar found here)
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mistresseast · 3 years
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I posted this on Twitter yesterday as a sort of birthday present to myself and wanted to share here too! Please enjoy this fem!Black Mask design that I spent an embarrassing amount of time on ❤️
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mistresseast · 4 years
After Hours at Leblanc
A series of loosely connected kinky shuake one-shots set in an au without personas. After a modified version of canon events, Akira returned to Tokyo, converted the loft into a studio apartment, and started training to take over Leblanc. Goro still works as a detective and attends university part-time. Ongoing with more being added fairly regularly.
Mind the tags.
hold our faces straight
cross-dressing, maid outfit, irreverent roleplay
At first, Akira wasn’t sure whether or not Goro was joking.
When he came upstairs to find Goro examining the “thank you” present Kawakami had sent him, his first reaction was embarrassment, but at Goro’s intrigued head tilt, he shrugged.
A gift, he said. Mostly a joke, I think.
Goro hummed, rifling thoughtfully through the layers of fabric. It looks like it might be my size.
An interested heat flickered to life in Akira’s gut. Wanna try it on?
I have the day off tomorrow. Echoing heat glimmered behind Goro’s eyes. Maybe I’ll think about it.
Akira swallowed.
customer service
roleplay, table sex
Akira lets his disappointment show on his face. “You have a boyfriend?”
This time, the smile Goro sends him is sharp. “Yes. He’s a terrible meddler.”
“That sounds tough.”
“He’s been like that since I met him.”
“Have you known each other long?” Akira tries to sound casual as he resumes pouring the water.
“A few years, now. Since high school.” Goro sighs. “He’s probably waiting up for me.”
Akira purses his lips. “Well, he’ll have to wait a little longer.” He keeps his hands steady but cuts his gaze to Goro, flashing him a wink. “You’re with me right now.”
Goro blinks before a slow, wicked smile creeps across his face. “That’s true.”
all your secret corners
consensual somnophilia, body worship, filming
“I would be completely helpless like that.” Goro blinks slowly. “Vulnerable. You could do whatever you wanted to me and all I would be able to do is take it.” The corner of his mouth quirks up in a wicked smile. “Is that something you’d like?”
Akira breathes in shallowly, mouth dry. “Is that something you’d like?”
Goro’s smile sharpens.
every sigh, every heartache
phone sex, dirty talk, butt plugs
“If the thought of me, in Osaka, with a plug in my ass is a punishment to you, that’s your problem. I was just stating a fact.”
A slow, dark heat starts seeping into Akira’s gut as his mind conjures the image. It’s a sight he’s familiar with, so it doesn’t take much effort. “What’s the plan, then?” he asks, letting the heat color his voice. “Are you going to go to bed with it in?”
“Well, since you’re on the line anyway—” Akira hears soft rustling, like the movement of a body against sheets. “Why don’t you go ahead and tell me what you’d like me to do?”
something about the borderline
consensual non-consent, roleplay, rough sex, aftercare
“S—stop!” Goro jerks away from him, disgust crawling over his skin, but Joker fists his hand in his hair and pushes his face harder against the floor.
“Uh-uh—” he tuts, nosing under Goro’s jaw. “I said not to move.”
“Do you think I’m just going to lie here and let you fuck with me?” Goro snarls.
“Not exactly,” Joker hums, adjusting his weight over Goro’s hips, and Goro’s breath stutters in his lungs as he realizes that the man on top of him is hard. “I think you’re going to lie here and let me fuck you.”
singing like a siren
consensual non-consent, gunplay, riding, aftercare
“You think being desired by criminal trash like you is flattering?” Akechi laughs, high and mean, before slamming his hand against the table with a loud bang. “Don’t be conceited,” he spits.
Akira, unmoved by the violent noise, glares at Akechi silently, mind whirring.
Aim unwavering, Akechi straightens up. “I’m going to give you one chance,” he says placidly. “If you perform well, I’ll think about not blowing your brains out.”
when they are just hands
petplay, collars, rutting
“This would have come in handy, especially when we were younger. You were so disobedient back then.”
“I’m good now, I swear.” Akira noses at Goro’s cheek, skimming his fingertips up Goro’s bare sides, sending ticklish little sparks down Goro’s spine. “You tamed me years ago.”
Narrowing his eyes, Goro catches one of Akira’s seeking hands. “Not very well, apparently.” He leans back to meet Akira’s shining gaze. “A good pet wouldn’t distract me while I’m trying to work.”
Akira blinks. Then the heat in his stare shifts, melting into something low and meaningful that echoes through Goro with a slow ripple. “I’m so sorry, master—” he draws the last word out, removing his hands from Goro’s waist and folding them behind his back. “I’ll behave.”
an ache against my hungry mouth
tender sex, making out, softness
Goro pads forward, telegraphing his movements as much as he can, and, when Akira doesn’t stop him, wraps his arms around Akira’s waist from behind.
“Don’t worry about that,” Goro says into Akira’s shoulder.
Akira’s pace stutters, knife pausing right over the taut red flesh of the tomato. “Let me take care of you,” he responds softly.
Goro tightens his grip, pressing his chest to Akira’s back. “You always do.”
“Let’s eat later, Akira.” Goro noses at the nape of Akira’s neck. “I need something else right now.”
keep count
bondage, multiple orgasms, overstimulation
At the gentle brush along his shaft, Goro jerks, lifting his head like he can actually look down at Akira and Akira smiles like he can be seen. “Remember what I said?” he asks, wrapping his hand loosely around Goro’s cock. “We’re not stopping until you come dry. So we really should get started.”
a degree of fallenness
roleplay, school uniforms, riding
“Call me Akira.” Akira inches his hand a little higher. “I think we should get to know each other a little better.”
“Do you, now.” Akechi reaches back and snags Akira’s wrist. “How much better.”
Smirking, Akira sits up and brings his free hand to hover over Akechi’s hip, just barely skimming the hem of his dark blazer. “As much as you want, Akechi-san.”
“And why—” Akechi’s bangs shadow his eyes as he looks down at Akira, “—do you think I want to get to know you at all?”
Akira tips his head back, meeting Akechi’s gaze steadily. “Why else would you invite me here after hours? All alone?”
never crave the rose
crossdressing, dom/sub, roleplay, spanking
“Half of the guys in here are staring like they want to eat you alive.”
“But not you?”
Ren shrugs one shoulder. “I’m not feeling...carnivorous tonight.” His eyes flash. “Maybe I want to get eaten.”
Goro holds his stare impassively. “And you think I can help with that.”
“Yeah.” Ren leans into him. “I just thought you looked hungry.”
being alive twice
flashback, first time, frottage, loss of virginity
A silent second pulses between them, creeping down Akira’s spine. He clears his throat. “Come inside.”
Akechi’s brows pinch down. “I shouldn’t.”
“I want you to.”
“That’s why I shouldn’t.”
“Akechi—” Akira raises his hand again, the urge to grab Akechi and drag him inside twitching through his fingers, but he fights it back, clenching his fist as he scans Akechi’s rigid body language. “I...I’d really like to talk to you.”
no relief without the fever
crossdressing, safeword use, sickfic
He shouldn’t have let himself get so irritated, but, as always, Goro makes him forget himself. Anger, possessiveness, entitlement, jealousy—Akira’s worked his whole life to keep ugliness like that contained, keep it away from the people he cares about, but Goro, heedless and indelicate, drags them out into the light, over and over, putting it all on display until Akira has no choice but to confront himself—and Goro’s the only one—
Sighing, Akira presses the heels of his hands against his eyes, letting the agitated humming of his body settle, until his skin feels a little less like it’s covered with ants.
sweet stolen heart
bathroom sex, roleplay, dirty talk
“Don’t tell me you came out tonight to get fucked in a bathroom.”
Goro angles a fanged smile at the reflection of Kurusu’s glittering starlight eyes. “None of your business.”
“You got me there.” Kurusu slides his fingers a few inches deeper below Goro’s waistband, his skin scorching on the tender vee of Goro’s pelvis. “Guess we’re both here for our own reasons.”
a semblance of tameness
pet play, bondage, fisting
“Don’t be naughty. I don’t want to have to punish you, sweetheart.”
The defiant gleam in Goro’s eyes doesn’t dim, and he flicks a look down at Akira’s hand.
“What—this?” Akira brandishes the leash and crop. “Just tools of the trade. Some animals get a little unruly during this process.”
Goro bristles at the words and Akira smiles.
not quite mistakes
flashback, post break-up, reconciliation sex, tenderness
“You appear to be wasting away up here.”
“Yeah, well—” Akira drags a hand through his tangled hair, “—that’s not really any of your business anymore, is it?”
Something sharp pangs in Goro’s chest, suspiciously close to his heart. “I suppose not.”
Crossing his arms, Akira regards Goro across the distance still separating them, and somehow the few meters of squeaky wooden floorboards suddenly feel like miles. “So then why did you come?”
medical kink, sounding, orgasm delay
“Nervous?” Dr. Kurusu asks mildly, turning away to pull a small rolling cart out from under the desk.
“Perhaps a little,” Goro admits, folding his hands in front of himself. “Truth be told, I’m a bit desperate. No one else has been able to help me.” Dr. Kurusu glances back over at him and Goro catches his gaze with intention, worrying his bottom lip. “You’re my last hope, doctor.”
For a beat, Dr. Kurusu just stares back. Then his cool, professional smile widens, revealing a glint of white teeth. “Leave it to me, Akechi-san,” he purrs. “I swear on my honor as a doctor, we won’t leave here until we know exactly what’s ailing you.”
dionysian theories of self
drunk sex, softness
Drowsy eyes cut to Akira’s, and indelicate fingers locate the skin of his cheek, pinching sharply. “You’re drunk.”
“So are you,” Akira returns, a dopey grin stretching his face. “Come on,” he urges, reluctantly extracting himself from his boyfriend’s cozy, sweet-smelling bubble in order to scoot out of the booth. “Let’s go home.”
take my tomorrow
strip russian roulette, roleplay, vibrators
“You better not be resigned already,” Goro warns, pulling back on the hammer. “I’ll kill you if you give up too early.”
“Don’t worry.” Joker’s eyes dance with mirth. “I’m playing to win. I just know my own luck.” His tongue darts out to wet his bottom lip, and Goro follows the motion involuntarily. “And yours.”
Eyes narrowing, Goro slips his finger into the trigger guard. “Well, then let’s test that.”
Before Joker can fire back another irreverent remark, Goro compresses the trigger.
the next go round
marathon sex, roleplay, switching
Sly silver eyes twinkle down at Goro from beneath the shadow of Akira’s still-damp fringe. “You know, there’s no reason we have to go see this movie today,” he says, slow and full of meaning. “It’s not like it won’t be playing tomorrow.” If the seductive edge under Akira’s words wasn’t enough, the heat simmering in his gaze leaves no room for doubt in Goro’s head about what he’s getting at.
An answering flame sparks to life in Goro’s core, rushing all the way down to the tips of his toes. “That’s true,” he hums. Slithering his hands around to Akira’s front, he traipses his fingertips down Akira’s chest, straying tantalizingly close to his nipples. “And I certainly think I could use a day to just do...nothing.”
warm machines
dollification, breathplay, objectification, cockwarming
It’s honestly a miracle he was able to get his hands on this—the price for even older models is staggering, and on a barista’s salary, Akira had no hope; however, a connection from one of his many, many previous part-time jobs paid off and Akira managed to score a massive discount. It still wasn’t even remotely cheap, but, as he finally glimpses his prize through the bubble wrap, Akira decides he would have paid full price in a heartbeat.
nothing but light
roleplay, nipple clamps, playful sex
“Any particular pose you have in mind?”
“Just be yourself.”
“Oh, that’s so helpful, thank you.”
Akira smiles, taking up a spot in front of his model and lifting his camera to focus it. “I’m serious,” he says, adjusting his lens until Akechi’s unimpressed face is sharp and clear. “I want the real you. You’re beautiful no matter what you do.”
written on, rewritten
roleplay, virginity kink
"Usually my customers come to me because they want something specific.” Silver eyes glitter from beneath Kurusu’s wild fringe. “So tell me what you want.”
How is he supposed to know what he wants when he’s never done this before? Goro bites the inside of his cheek in frustration. “I called you—” he starts, as calmly as he can even as he feels blood coloring his face, “—because I was hoping to…change my status.”
Kurusu furrows his brows in momentary confusion before understanding breaks across his expression in a slow, predatory smile. “I see,” he says lazily, leaning forward to brace his elbows on his knees. “I think I can definitely help you out with that.”
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